HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-02-13, Page 7FED. 13, Ifr74+ mionem F • 13 1874- nOR0...N Ex.po.s.xtoR. 0 sic..HVH ).4.4 0 0 f -rt l---4 0 e4-1 Csa_ I --t tri 4rt -00 0 GIiauI �.Qc. giSSELS FOUNDRY.' E SUBSCRIBER wishes to call the attention; )-f the taming community in general to ard varied stock of icultural Implements, Consisting of ON AND WOOD PLOWS, ctit the latest impioved Steel Mould Board, NG PLQWS,. 01V.ATORS, LAND ROLLERS, 1 Rows,anWLERS, Sue. Rana beg to call special attention to the celebrated - &RMERS' PLOW b, has even universal satisfaction whorevIer to which is now added a Thistle Point, $o - required rn this part. .A.Iso, to some firall- NE-DRUM LAND ROLLERS) ; Praia $2.2 to $35. Also, a few irst-Class Wago DS; )gup for Spring uie, warranted of very heit A.SONED TIMBER. -Alia which will be sold at the very WEST PRICES FOR CASH Or approved credit. WM. R. WILSON. !seis, Feb. iati873. 271cy ARNESS SHOP. BRUSSELS. "Subscribers wish. to state that they have • fled out afirst-elass (NESS SHOP, IN BaUSSELS„ Kiley will keep on hand a choice sei1eetiox4 Of everything in their line, snob, as $AddleSt WhiPS, T;M:LICS, VaiiseS 'Brushes, Currycombs,. Cards, Bens, Manirets, thing that is usually found in a finat-: class Harness Shop. fT & HEAVY HARNESE dfseription made in, the latest style, and ery best material, at prices that defy corn- _ . petition. Workmanship Guaranteed. " cription rnatle to order, and warranted ; not to hart. is respectfully solieited b ca'n purchasin i*rig Pr omptly Attended to. aliately North of Anuent Hotel, Street, Brussels, Out. DUNCAN & DAVIDSON, Proprietors. i• Go14"virm Smith ckp. Catiada. tlit session of the, Trades Union emigre Jan. 14, followin held at Sheffi ld, England, on Prof. GoIdwiti Smith made th remarks in th course of a Ion address : But I must tell you that ,* Canada, Where Iprincipally reside, though I go over every year to give mylecture at Cornell University, there, are, in my opinion, quite equal advantages to the States, and in some resects -greater ad!: vantages. I was drawn to Canada by the fact that members oflmy family were residing there, a.ncl that they had found it a pleasant home ; but I have 'al o found, Canada a very happy 'and plea,Sa t coun- try to Jive in. It a,ffonas, as, I say, all the advantages of the States,' a. d some further dvantages besides. .A..t tie pres- ent moment there is a eheek -to the pros- perity- of the United States. I lieve it . to be only a temporary che4k knowing the co try and knowing the people, and seeing the amount of- wealthl and in- ' dustry there is .in these. States. I have no -doub whatever that this ci1isi, the same as several crises before it, ilI pass , away. At the present time it h s creat- ed wide -spread , distress, and thrown many of the working class out of ern.- ployme4 That crisis has not spread to Canadh. We have suffered- a goou deal from being :denied recipr city of tradewith the United States. It is denied u on account of -some misunder- standing between . this cbuntry nd the l i United. tates. It has separa d our trade fro the States, and, there i ore, we n are ot involved with the Anerican crisis. Then there is another ad, antage which Canada possesses. I am orry to say that the result of my observ tion in the Unitei States. is to convince se e that feeling against England- is ve y high and deep rooted. We, as Engi . o en, feel it de ply. ManSr of those in .a adaL have left England, like myself,: - Mout any diIu1IutizL of love for E gland, merely because other consideratio s drew them to the other side of the . lantie. They sti1 love the old country, a d they cannot lxlar to be among people • ho are always b athing hatred to it. should be, perha. s, puzzled to tell you hy it is that Ante jeans hate England so much. Probably t might be traced to a any in- fluences. There are the old q arrels, and_ there are the celebrations o those old quarr ls. Then there is the i fluence of the Iri h, and, perhaps, the a i uence ' of the pro ectionists has somethi ! to do with it, the Eastern States t e feel- ing agains England is very stro g. It is, however, not so strong intheWest, . or, at anadrate does not prevail to the same extent as it does in the E st. In Canada y u do not meet With that eeling. You are.t ere among Englislume ' You are Iv-eleouted as an Englishman f om the moment of your arrival in Cana a. In the United States you have to' ve five - years befoi.e you can be naturaliz d, and until you,.are a naturalized aubj ct you are placed under certain disabi 'ties in regard ttw. the ownership of "property. British Okada is thoroughly Iris glish ; there you find yourself not only among those whc} speak English, but among those wliol are in, heart English whose words, hallits and customs are E but, on the other hand, it is not in the sense of being part of aris England. II think the cause of iglish ; ngland oeratie anada ° has-been slomewhat ill. plea,clecl by the emissaries of the Canadian Government. E -, They havelcome here and said to the suffe*g nglish laborer and. to tie suf- fering Eng 'i Sh artisan, "Go over to Ca- nada, and iron. Will there find .the exact coimterpart of England..” Again, that is only partly good. hearing -to the Eng- lish la,bore and the suffering Engiisk here are some, things in Eng - the laborer and artisan want this side of the Water. He self, if you really. have in ything that we have in Eng - u -have there :an .aris eracy eople ; horn I if you a you squire, on my neck, if you have all these bless ngs in Canada 1 vilt go the United States. Blit it is no a fact that we have all these blessings in Canada. We have there a little mock court, which I have 310 d011bt plays some einious antics in imitating the real coil ts. There have been efforts to propagat an arittocracy in 'Canada, but it has nat 1een eminently successful. Foui gentienerI have receiNlecl aristocre tic honors from the Imperial -Government, : and. three o the gentlemen who received. those 'rape 'al honors were ' involved in the Pacific Scandal; and the 'Govern- ment of Ca ada has declined to bestow any further Imperial honors, on Cana- dians. Theirt, as to the Church tines - tion, that has been distinctly settled in the sense of oar perfect r eligious equali- ty. We la ve. an educational system `such as, av e you have an Established : Church, yo l will never get here. We ' are E g1ishinet in this sense : '• We love England and. look back with fbndness to it, and desute to retain in our memory illustrious d eds recorded in its. history, and if we e er ecome a separate nation, as I believe on e day we shall, our feeling taint ds En land will, depend, -upon it, net be the least coolecl by that. InOana,da men are really upon an equality. Every- man has a fair st rt ; a laborer is honored as • he is in the lUnitecl States. The Prime Minister of 1 Canada at this moment is a 3110,11 who roe from. the ranks of - labor. We are rela.11y a conuamnity without • privilege _thoroughly democratic. A man is estee ed. for his intrinsic worth, and not rais d above the head of his fel- lows by an artificial rank. No emigrant to Canada n ed fear finding anything of the kindeni the Canaclia,n shore. Mr .. Arch has iiformed the British public much more tceurTtte1y and correctly than I can of the exact prospects of the differ- ent kinds af emigrants. I don't think I can be deeei ed in saying the farmers of Canada are ta prosperous race. The cli- mate the eta ntry is amazingly ‘ prolific, ,,e r is severe, but in the s mate in -win - um - and the growth of vegetation is extra- ordinarily rapid., and the farmer, so far, are certainl prosperous. I should not reeonamend he English rural agricultural laborers th o out upon a lot of land in Canada, as it i$ so raw, and requires so much cultiv tion, but they consider that so much soc al prestige attaches to the pe- sitiou whlcll the possession of laud gives to a man, that they desire at once to be possessed ot it; but when a laborer goes at once into'the possession of a lot of land. he has many hardships .to contend with, and has many things to do Whi Ob. he was not accustomed. to at home. For these reasons my belief is that the Engi Esti agricultural laborer Will do well by ‘70ing out first as an assistant at a Ca,na- an, farm, but the position would be quite different from that of the English laborer, for ha would be well treated, artiaan_ land which to leave -on says to hi Cana,cla eve land ; if y to bar the way of prograss to the if you ha,vei there the squire, to am bound to cringe all my days; have there the 'lancllord.' system ; have there -11,eparson to help the and the lan 'lord to keep his foot Well.paid, and, wop.ild pr • bably in a few years become a (Janadia himself, and would have learned h,ow o cultivate his land. As to the I artisa , the only re- mark I think- Ila-fre to i ake is this : I doubt if a highly- 'riled artisan betters his position by e :grati n, but ithe or- dinary English artisau h s a. faiia pros- pect before him in Canak Everything in that country lo ks lik hope. and ex- pectation. Its reSources are great, its 'Mineral wealth is ereat, i s ground.prod- ue is large, its water communication and power atre abundant, here is every- thing that can make a rosperous and wealthy country, „' and he emigrant, thrifty and' induarious, will share its rising prosperity. 1 har y know a man i▪ n the higher ruik of nada, who has not risen from thc rank of labor. It has been said that erai ation depends. on the man. Well, ever thing depends on the mart; evrry wa of life it de- pends upou the man. him 'whether he succeed or fail; Iput 1 d,oubt in the case of an eraigran4 to Ca i ada that more depends than in the ord. arat walks life. I think a man who as the ordin- ary complement of hinbs, ho has sound health, and who is determ ued to be in- dustrious and tem erate, is' sure to be prosperous and do; well. If, however, distress fall upon the Peoll e of this coun- try; if this wonderful pr sperity which I find in all cities eceive a check; if any laborer shOulil be rown. out of employment, or if e des e to leave the dominion Of the B .a .stoeracy and come to the realm', of eq ality, Canada will give him 0, w rm lcome and a prosperous and happy ho e. Bishop In parting withRev. the whole town sustains a . particularly his ownOcongr tit -Father Crinnan first came about 16 years ago, he ed to his charge 1 insluded the parishes of 1 Stkatfor Kinkora and Mitchel'. rin there was only arm no dwelling house Father Crinnan has idence in Stratfor Marys, and. , aotherin.. Ki the magnificent Struture erected in this tew-n.4 The ; Church in Stratford J is a town and a monnment to t builder, whose w 11-kuo 'ability has brought to a successful endin during his long' st earned. for himself n for charity and eon congratulate birril up n. his tY sports be fr for t uilt, a an. ean Crinnan, oss, but more gation. When to Stratford, salon entrust - hat are now St. Marys, In Stratford e church, and e clergyman. ming his'res- hurch in St. kora, besides hich he has new Catholic reclit to the e zeal of its n financial most arduous task . Fa her Crinnan, am(tngstus, has ;ordin ry reputation We .heartily accession of e well know bility which et with an influence tg afe also cer- an exalted progressive rend gentle - es and faces s of cora- nd evil- for- e consecrat- f April next, very church , as it were, rd Be esY• ;dignity and responsi lthat the increased r he now assumes wB earnest desire to. extend th religion and moraiity W taint that while . occupyin position in the wealthy an city -of B.amilton, the E•03.r man will not forget t endeared to hinf by panionsbJp, through , tune. Father Crinna edabout the third Su in Stratford, and in Which he has eomplet prophetic foresight. e sce 16 y ood will day the d; wi 3trat ' NOT I E. IA PPLICATION will be iade at the next See - '4 -1'• sion of the Ontario Lgithttu for an Act to -construct a railway from i Peterb ro, by way of Lindsay, Uxbridge, Newniarket,1 • rangeville, Ar- thur and Brussels to Gonerich Htirbor, with a branch from Brueeele to Seiforth uid Sarnia, to be called the Ontario and ftitaebee Goderich and .Sarnia Extension Railway, Ilipower to amalga- mate or make running ange cuts over the Whitby and Port Perry, N Ahern Hamilton and Northwestern, Orangeville and uelph, Credit Valley from Orangeville to Toron o, Wellington, Grey and Bruce, Stratford d Hur n, London and Huron, or any other railwaya in the Province of Ontario. Also to run or clnirter a-hrteof Steamers from Goderieh Harbor to navigate he waters of Lakes Huron and Superior ter any u ther navigable . Lakes or Rivers in the Province of uteri°. Also 'a branch Railway from the main hie to Fergus and Elora, in the County ofitWellin on. JO 1 N FOWLER. Cobourg, Dec. 27, 1873. ' 3174'6 VALUABL ARM* FOR SLE BY AU TON... Tt{ R. X. P. BRINE has ecelied instructions from Mr. DONALD 1cINTQSII to sell by Plablic Auction at the COMMERCIA OTEL, S E A 11 0 T On SATURDAY, FEUAR 28, 1874, i. That desirable and valuable arm, s Misted on the uron Road, and being Lot , Con. , Hulled. THE F B.111 'C ntains 100 acres, 90 of w''eh' at cleared a;nd frtie from stumps; situate 24 miles from Sea- fdath. There is a good -fra e hoe e 36x30, also a armer'shouse about 44x2 , frame barns, 3 large frtme sheds, large bearing rchard,good garden, and plenty of water. There are 9 rooms in the hause, a well of water in o cellar that never fails, also a pump close to the film house al-, w ys full bf water. e to Commence a 1 o'clock P. M. TERMS—$500 will be req. ired ea h on the day 6f 1 sale; $1,500 within 30 da's after ale ; the bal- atise in five annual install4ients. a 8 per cent. m rest. , ; he Farm is in an excellent state 4f cultivation. 'irbher particulars may be obtai ed from the proprietor, on the premises, or front, the auction - 1 DONALD MafNTOSE, proprietor. . BRINE Auctioneer. 1' 320 BURST*PEN, One night las John Logan's CAUSE—A LARGE FRESH GRO TAMES REDMOND has " Logan's old and well-kn of ,Fresh week, Old Stand. EW s T6OK OF ERIES: • opened mit in John stand a nice stock GROCE IES comprising everything whic first-rate Grocery Store. FLOUR and FEED on. ha Ile solicits a call, and wi tion. 819 shinild be found itt d. guarantee satisfac- J. l'EDMOND. TOVES & tflNWARE ess variety.at . Of all 1.-inds, ancl in e MRS. WHITNEY'S? Carraiehael's Block, Mai4 street, Seaforth. COAL IL, Pure, good and cheap, wholeiale and WHITNEY'S. • etail at Mrs. CUSTOM WORK O1 all kinds promptly atten ed to4dineatlyexe- ez4teL MRS. '1i ..iliTNEY.; 7 7 7 HAVING Parches* at the GREAT OLE of RANDALL FARR & 00.1 ON TI1E 18th 0 1G 0 Manufactured DEOEMBER,1 1873, entity of ODS y them and sold ae GREAT SACRIFICE, - Owing to the removal hf their moamfactory to the State, These Good win be eeld at Holiday Prices, New Year Pries, Laughable Prices, Not to be Beat Prices, Cash Down Prices. ALL AND 1 SEE THEM: THEY WILL RE S0L CHEAP AS ADVER- TI D. All Goods uarked in PLAIN IGURES. NO TWO PRICES. A Happy New Year to A!. G. McDOUGALL. "TRUTH IS MIG TY AND WILL . PREV 11.!' THE GENUINE AMERICAN- ELIAS HOWE SEWING MACHINE TRIUMPHANT OVER ALL! VIEANA P EMIUMS. TH 1-10VVE SEW! G MACHINE RECEIVED FI E MEDALS At the Vienna E osition, via.: GRAND MEDAL JOF PROGRESS, MEDAL 04 ITILERIT For Superior Wo krnanship, and THREE MEDALS F CO: -OPERATION For superior excellence o productions. See ex - treat of lett r below: "EXT CT." 'ENNA, August 22nd. The Howe Machine Co., N w York: GENTLEMEN—We have een Successful in ob- taining five medals from the Exposition, viz.: Grand Meclal of Progress,- edal of Merit for su- perior work, and three Medlals of Co -Operation for superior excellence of prod ctions. Yours truly, . G. W. HOWE. The above speaks for its1f, and notwithetariffing the false claims of some 4ms in the Sewing Ma- chine business, the HOW stillkeeps the lead. A fresh supply just receive at _ W. N. WATSON'S - • 308 Inaaratuie Agent, Seaforth. NOTICE TO A LL those indebted to tli -(--1- Veal by note or accoin calling on Edward Cash at same. a 880 DEBTORS: 8 813tat8 of the late r. t will save expenses by one° arid paying the WinD CASK, G. WIDOUGAIIL. SEVORTH AGR!CULTIIRAL IMPLEMENT, bewing Maclaine, Mid MUSICAL INSTRUrvIlENT 1,=) 1:1, 1 T.J M _ Our Sewing 111nekine Departutent.-1-' I take pleasure in et Mug to the publie, that I shall at all times hav a stock of all the different kinds of Sowing Mac • es, with. their varied pre- tentions'to merit, that .the purchasers may be able to suit themselves at one establishment, without inconvenience. The whole face of the country has been, and still ' frequented by transient persons. My object is to caution the public against buying anything but Standard Machines, and of Regular Established Agents, who can al- ways be found, and wLose warrant and guarantee can be relied on, and if the purchaser is not suited with the kind they thillik they want; they 00.31 have the privilege or changing it for any other. We have at all times a neW and fresh stock of the Florence and Webster Machines, as well as all the otherssbandard maltee, which can be paid for on very easy ternis, or if not satisfactory, can be changed for any ether ha,t may be desired. Itlusfeat IiileteliCli1e,-0. C. Wrr,ISON can'defy the werld on Musical Instruments, both, in Price and Quality, he amnia be surpassed. The manufacturers of Instruments which he sells have a reputation that, dare not be questioned. He sells for no second-class firms. The Mathu- shek and Steinwaty.Piailot ,Prince, Mason & Ram - lin, and Estey Organs and Melodeons. A.grieu I tu ral Jmptcmcu ts.— Such as Straw Cutters, Grain Crushers, Root Cutters, Sewing Machines and Horse Powers, all of the best, always on hanii. 0. C. WIL.LSOIN, Main -street Seaforth. • 319 THE CANADA SEWING MACHINE c"P' Established for the purpose of manufacturing a Sewing Machine which should excel all others in any market, and. tans 'take a lead for Canada in I an important branch of business throughout the world. Their most sanguine expectations have been realized, and their efforti appreciated by an unparalleled demand for their now celebrated "Webster" from everywhere they have yet been introduced, and although it has taxed their man- ufactory to its utmost liMits, they have made and sold more machines in a given time, from the start, than any other manufactory in the world. Muoh envy has been the consequence from our Americ-an neighbors, who monopoly o this particu but nothing that they n had hoped to hold the r branch of business, w can do will prevent the " Webster " from gi Ming that reputation which its merits 'entitle it to, hold, and those merits will be preserved li tact by employing only the most skilled meehani s, and the best material that money will furnish. They have had but lit- tle spare time to attend a d exhibit o.t fairs, but wherever it was done, the " 'Webster "was victori Gas, and twenty-three int Prizes in Ontario alone against all comers erican or Canadian, fell to their lot during th have no doubt that, had Fair in the Dominion, wh past two moat hey exhibited at e a just discriani a, and every ation of the merits, and bencti s to the public to be. gained was the object in iew, that every p ize of honor would have been t ire. It has be n the object of this Company o give money's orth, and, whilst challenging ornpetition, eith r for Fine or Heavy Work, or w rk of any kind wh tever done on a Sewing Vochine the price chug d for • • the " Webiter " is the same as that asked for many inferior second-elass machines, whilst the conaplete set of attaehments supplied are of the very ilatest design and best workmanship, and for varied and complete work, with simplicity and ease elf Opera- tion, far beyond in value those sold with any of the 1 best American machines. The demand for the Webster " for Great Britain and Ireland, Belgium, the West Indies, and Soutli .e.marica, aa well as every part of our. own Dominion, is unprecedented. It may, therefore, easily be imagined, that Fig pow- erful a, lived would not be allowed to pass unchtil- longed, by the American 'manufacturer, and every means has been adopted to prevent the "Webster" from being introduced into the United States. 0.0. WILLSON SEAFORTH; Agent for the bousity of Huron. Ci—ARDErdER' SE . - • "ACHINE ' IS A STRONG - EASY RUNNING -MACHINE, NV.taLL ADAPIED FOR FAMILY SEWING, AND Light Manufacturing Work,. At the Fairs held throughout the Domini0t, this Maclaine was pit to some very severe tests by the 'BEST JUDGES THE COUNTRY COULD PRODUCE BY THEM AWARDED 13 Prizes is 1871, and 26 Prizes iril1872. Its simplicity of c,onStruction, strorbh and durabilityrecommend it t� all classes. Ib has a coniailets set of ni tacb_ments, and does all kinds of work. INSTRUCTIONS IN ALTI THE ITTA.CFCMINTS GIVEN FREE tg CHARGE. Gardner Sewing Machine Conzpa2zy, Hathilton, Ont. PETER GRASSIE, SEAFORTH, 280 Agent for the County of Huron. NEM GODERICH FOUNDR The Goderich Ibundry & Manufacturing Co. Beg to infoim the public that they are prepared to contract for STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, FLOUR, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS; SAWING MACHINES, &c. On hand—IRON AND WOODEN PLOWS, with steel boards; G.A1•1114, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, 86c.i SUGAR AND POTASH KETTLES, GRATE -BARS, WAGGON BOXES, &e.i COOKING, PARLOR A D, BOX STOVES, of various kinds. • SALT PANS MADE TO ORDEO. ALSO, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, AND BLA0KS3kITH WORK.; BOILERS AND 8 LT PANS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. T WhNTY TO THLEITY-HOBSE• POWBR -TUBULAR BOILERS generally on hand for sale. ; All orders addressed to the Company or Secretary will receive prompt attention. A. HODGE, Secretary and Treasurer. H. HORTON, President. • E. IRtiaormAN, General Manager. EXTRACTING TEETH WiTIEOUT - PAIN. CCARTWRIGHT, L. I/. S„ S eon Dentist • attends in Seriferth, ab lino s Hotel, the first Tuesday and Wednesday of each math; ha Clinton, at the Commercial Hotel, on the foliofwing Thura- days and Fridays. The remainder al the time at his Stratford Office. Parties requiring new teeth are eqUested to caii. if at Seaforth and Clinton, on the first, days of at- tendance. Testimonials of OTC • 500 patio ts who heAT had their teeth extracted, y the use of tho Gas, may be seen at my office office in Stra ford. Teeth inserted in the most substantial and im- proved styles. ' • - Filling done in gold, rke, in a manner 'which annot be surpassed. 237 - PUBLIC NO ICE. J. R. WILLIA IS SEAFORTH PUMP ACTORY, TN returning thanks to his patrons for past fay - era, would state that he is now, making exten- sive preparations for the coming and will be prepared to furniah. Pu -nips, Cisterns, Cheese F dory Tcink, and water supplies gei erally. j His pumps are already BO well and favo ably n knowthat any praise of them is eeessa - „All notes and accounts now due nust be settled atonce. A nuraber of overdue notes and accounts will be placed in Conrt for collection if not intim- diately paid. 312-13 j. R. WALLMIS. CUTTERS CUTTERS! Huron Carriage Works, (Late McIntosh & Morrison) i 1 MAIN STREET; - SEAFORTH. THE undersigned has on hand and is making FIFTY. CUTTERS Of First -Class material, arid of the best finish, which he will sell cheap for cash oxi on short time. Also, on hand and for sale , - Wood -Work of every .Description01 Cutters, Bodies, Wheels, Gearin s, ek-c. 818 A. Y. MeINTOSII. HOGS! Wanted at the Seaford). Packing 10,000 Hogs. MR. THOMAS STEP ENS rriAlrF,S much pleasure in nionni4g bis numer- ous customers that he has me nnikenced the York Packing business in his old stand, North Main Street. Having ecured th services of a practical Sausage -maker, the publi can rely on getting a first -clans article in either SAUSAGES OR SUGAR-CUR3i)) AIMS. Those -in need of such would do well to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. All orders promptly attended to. P., S.—Highest price in cash paid for CORN C013S. THOMAS ST PINS, 310 Main st eeti Seaforth. SEAFORTH CARRIAGE ,WORKS. WINTER COMINGI ON. WILLIAM GRA SSIE GS I itouse In preparation for the sleighing s ason, has in construction a large nurab r of • SLEIGHS AND CliTTERS Which will be sold, as usual, cheap or testi, or on short time. The reputation of this establiahrnent for the durability and elegance of trtices turned out by it, is softicient guarantee that purchasers will receive satisfaction. A number of Light Single and Doluble RIGS, in the way of Wagons and Buggies, •yet on hand WILLIAM G -R SSIE, Goderich sbreit, Seaforth. BOARDING.. TTCOLIA•DAY has leased the la • modious house, on the Salt I. adjoiningthe Railway Station, and as a boarding-house. Good table a rooms. Persons wishing 14. pleer blinse should apply, as there are at vacancies, Transient boarders tie 11-18 less tkan ketelrates. ge and cont- orts Grounds, $ fitted it up d comfortable ant hoarding - present a few =iodated at 228 THE SEA -�1H LUMBER ;YARD.' INIABEE & MAODO/si AID TtEG to inform the public that they haveopened a Lumber Yard in Seafoil,th, near Shearson' ' Mill, on the ground formerly used as a Lumber Yard, by Mr. aThomas Lee. i They will ketp constantly on hand a good assort-, raent of ALL RINDS OF LOWER, dressed and undressed. .Also, LATH ANA) SHINGLES, all of which they are prepared to sell at the lowest possi- ble prices, for Cash. Builders and others will fincl it to their advant- age to inspeeb ppr stock, anda,scertain our prices before parchasi g sewhere, as IVO are in a, position to offer good in U.0 ments to eta& purchasers. .100 , MAUE MA.CDONAID. ciANT4 MARBLE WORKS, HURON _STREET, ' Next door west of the Commercial Hotel, MONUNIENTSI HEADSTONES, And work of all kinds in American and Foreign Ifarble,.designed and executed in the best style, and at most reasonable priees.! Mantles. of Various Colored ,Ma'rble sup- - plied on Short 1 otwe. Granite Monuments and Headstones imported to order. CALDER & poops% 277 ANDREIPO CALDER, Agent. SEAFORTH AND HURON MARBLE WORKS. MESSET & BROTHER, (Late of Tramiltion,) Would intimate to their numerous friends and the general public that they are Preroxed to fU all orders for Inonnmentth,-. Headstones', *Table Tops, Mantels, &a. Granite Monuments ImpOrted to Order. Work of the best style and art, and cannot be surpassed in thispart of Ontand. A callrespectfullyselicited. Opposite Logan & Jamieion's Store, win TN-SRBET, SEAFORTH. E. 'ONSET. J. MESSET. DANIEL McG.REGOR, Bookbinder, Harpurhetir, Seaforth, TTAS just received a large Sto4 of the nasterlah3 used in the business, and IS now fully prepar- ed to execute, on the shortest notice and in the atest syles, all orders he may be favoured with„ REGISTERS, LEDGERS & ELANK BOOKS Or ANY It1103,) Ruled, Printed and made to order, on the shortest notice, and at prites which defy competition. Ladies' Work Boxes (6:Fancy Cases Made to order. OLD AND NEW BOOKS' Bound a.narePaired at styprices. All comrannicatimasaddressedlo the undersign- ed, will receive prompt attention. • DANIEL MeaREGOR, Seaforth, 03(arprahey. SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND 131.110 FACTORY That, subscriber begs leave to thank his numerous customers for the,liberal patronage extended to hira since eominencing business in Seaforth, and trusts that he may be favored with a continuance of the same. Parties intending to build aVonld do well to eve him it call, as he will continue to keep on hand a lai-gestockofaiiinds of , DRY PINE LUMBER, SAS 11111? S,, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, [ATM', ETC.1. He feels confident el givinviatisfaction to that% who may favour lava with their patronage, as none but faaa class werlanen are emplOyed. Particular attention. paid tO Custom. Planang. 201 JOHN II. BROADFOOT. . J. P. fitRINE; T ICENSED AUCTIONF.LER Aor the County a Huron. Sales attonded itt ali parts of the County. All orders left at the i•IXPOSITOR Oalee *Ill be promptly attended to.