HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-02-13, Page 3EAR EAT AT FF SALE BROTH CHEAP STORE. THE ENTIRE TOCK, -OF GOODS AND• MILLINERY, aRE&Tvz REDtfara" PRICES. ONE MO 1111 1 1 PromfiStit of -11.-ANICARIC 15th, CT; tilatUARY, UM. itera taking stock by the 15th of February • 'Lavishing to sell our stook off as V AS OSSIBLE Purehasere Cu expect OOD BARGAINS nd we will not disappoint them- -•LITIVES GOODS DIFIS/ FLANNELS, AND °OLEN GOODS. Ca1 Early SeCare some of the Barga 1$6a er the Place. FRMAN BROTKRS' Chew -Casa Store &a -orbit • FEB. 13,1874. t4 Josh BilliUgs ou'" DisPePshe Dar Barker—I hav been a praktikal dispeptik for 27 years and four months, a6d- it would. hav been munnYi in mai ioc a naninek. . ket if I had been born withlt enny I hav prayed tipw-ard-of onethousand t4ines to be on the inside like an oSstiich, 0 a traveling colpotter.• I 'hav seen traveling colporters who c ild eat az much az a goose. . . 1 hav seen a goose eat till they couldn't sand up enny more, and then; set down ci eat sum, and then lay 'down and eat sim, and then, roil over and eat stun ore. I bay tried living on filtered water, aid going bare -foot for • the dyspepshy, and that didn't hit the spot. I have soked at, water -cure establish- ments until i war. so limber that I kouldn't git myself bak again inside ov mi Baldwin apparel: •• - 1 bought a Saddle -horse once, who was got up expressly to cure the dispepshy —he waz warranted to...cure the clisseaze la 90 days, or kill the horse. • - He waz warranted to: trot -harder than a trip-hammer, pull wusser on the bits, - stumble safer down hill than enny other - • hoss on the futt-stool. - • I rode the hoss until 1 waz all ov a jelly, and then sold. him bridle and all for Sixty-eight -dollars,' and got sued by the purchaser, and had to pay him 90 dollars and surcasents clammage, bekauze the hoss had the gNimshys," a disseaze I knu nothing about. The hoss and fixings kost me 450 dol- lars gold. I kontrakted for eleven koros of hick- ory wood, kross 'grained, and az phull ov wrinkles az an old cow's horn, and saw- - ed 'away 3 months on it, ancl.othe pile seemed to gro bigger every day. . I finally gave away the ,saw, ancl what wood thare waz left, to salve DA life, and sat down diskouraged; a square victim • to the everlasting clispepshee. • I hav lived at the sea side, and g. am- boled in the Saline flood,. until I was az well pickled az a number one salt makrel. I hay dwelt at Saratoga, and taken the water like a mill race, and still had the, dispepshee. ; 1 1 hav walked 2 miles before brelifast, and then ett a slice ov dri toast; and- haff the yelk ov a pullet's egg, andj felt all he time az weak az a kitten that had just come out ov a fitt. ' , 1 1 1 av laid down more than 2 thousand thn s, and rolled; over once a minni.tt all i nits long, and got up in the morning a ko se, and thare didn't nothing deem to a. me enny where in partiklar. I av red whole libarys pn the stum- mule and liver, and, when I got th4, i knu- great deal less what ;waz the at - ter o me thart when i begun. I hav drank whisk.ee with roots in it enuff to carry off enny bridge or so.v- mill dam in the country. . I hav worked on a -farm for my vittles and board, and dieted on fried pork and ii bred until i ivaz az thin az the sermon ov a 7 day baptiss preacher, • I 1 hav dun all these things and 10 thou- sand_ other things just az ridikilus,, and i hav got the old dispepshee yet, just az thik as the pimples on a four year old goose. • 1 '-. If yu git a good holt ov the dyspepshe once yu kant never looze ib entirely • it will cum around once in a' while lik'e a ghost, andi if it don't skare yu so nautCh az it did once, and make yu think yu are going to die to --MOITO*; it will _ make yu feel just az Scirry. Yures, , - JOSH 1ILLINGS. '1011 al -THE EXASPERATING1TALKER.--LThe ex- asperating talker iw he who -button- holes you or keeps you standing with hat in one hand and the other' on the door knob, the wooden person who rehearses sentimental platitudes, .the autobi, ographal talker who is continually servi ing himself up' for lareakfast,, clinner and supper, soup, fish, flesh and .dessert; the prying q . estioner who is always pecking at what 4snone. of his business. ' ata • as.• „ How .e. DIVORCTE CAME ABOITT.—.alr. I A. pleas, ntly remarked, one Saturday, that ther was a little too much salt in the bean . Mrs. A. thought they were about rig , t, in fact, Just right Mr. A. insisted oit his view of th g tase. Mrs. A. grew r d in the face. Mr. A. ;got ex- asperated. They separated. They re- flected—rnet again, resumed domestic re- lations. • Things lovelier than ever in love's young dream. One Saturday, they had the fatal beans again. Mr. A. Pni.glied-1 How foolish, my -dear, we cted abou1t those beans I" Mrs. A. lashed sli htly. "But then, my dear, - rou know well enough, that they Were just a trifle too salt," ".You lie," says s e, and they part for good and all. THE SIAMESE TWINS. —Yielding to ur- g nt solicitation the families of the late 8 arneee Twins have allowed, the bodies o the latter to be subjected to a pot , la rtem examination: This ' is a very w e conclusion, for the result will one which medical science --not to say p blit curiosity—feels a deep interest. It will soon be revealed whether the i iv nderful ligament which ,held the br thers eo closely could have been sev- . ereid during their lives without peril to estlier of them. I • SHOES FOR THE AUSTRIAN i ARMY.— II re is a large Government Shoe manu- fac tiring establishment outside of Vien- na ' lose to where the arsenal. stands m th e isouth of the town. And; this estab- lisIgnent is a mode of its kind, fitted up with all the, newest inventions for cut - tin out cloth and leather, and. sewing by machinery. Above all, the department for shoes is carried on in such perfection that i not less than twentv-two sizes 4lltd Sheiks are isaanufacturJd: - This seems needlessly varied, but with so many race0, do different in stature and build, it is almost a necessity. You have only to 1Pok at the Ia,sts, and you See all the imaginative transitions from the broad, • at- ooted German foot to the tiny, al- most lady like Hungarian foot—dr3, wir3,I, arid with an instep so high as to be alin4st deformed. .•1 ,___Taaa,„*.... ot n. WES,TERN (aerie, by there rare power of seeing what is not to be seen, reiniiid us of the doctor who always trealed his juvenile patients for " warms," whatever might happen to be then symptoms. One day, being called to a iboy who was snffcring severely, he felt ihe pulse, and, looking at the moth- er, With a solemn shake of the head, fell dewn on the wood -pile an'd. broke is F said, "'Worms, madam; ! worms !" "NO v, Doctor," said the mother, "it isn't worms at all, I tell ye • that boy leg,, tint I want you to stop crying 'wor -s ' and set it immediately." said 'the doctor, determined not to •be put d wn, "--Worins in the wood, madam ! 4111111006. - HURON EXPOSITOR. meimmommeimeemeamor worms n the wood!" A similar diagnosis, no doubt, will always 'reveal, to those who are detettiued to find it, the pres- ence of the "jworth " of " Free Religion" 'in whaf;ever uIy Orthojox divine may write in these o1um ns.; --Christian Union. 1 Stealing a Young Woman. . A. tale of 4teruted abduction conies to us frOm Bic dul h, thefactsof which, so far AS we h ve 1een able -to discover, show that ser sOr4iofJ the youthful "bone and sinew " f t at township require " reconatnicti g," as the ,late lamented. A. Ward used to call it. _It appears that for some mont is past a young man by the name of Dit nnelly, who performed the duties of dri er On the stage between Luca,'" a d Len don' had been paying his addresses, wit a view to matrimony, to a you ng and ,_ nriglitly daughter of Mr. William Th irn • son) of the Sixth COnces- sion of J Bidauf h, . which, however, the ,.young. oman lidjnot encourage to any great extent. he Jehu, notwithstand- ing innumerabl s1ights and sly hints tat - his abseice wa in re desired than is compan. , cont n peric &call , until about three weeks i. ' me to visit Miss Thomp- o since, when he heard it mooted th object o his de ,otions was shortly ter the nuptini state with a young dashing farmer of the .vicinity. I thus frustrated was more than he ' endure, and WI h a determination t suasive f Guide failed to captivate his inter ecl by force of ' arms, if hi he arranged a • an which in his op could no help b ing successful. Ac • 1 ingly, it s alle d, he unfolded a sc of forcible abdu; tion to five'or six o conapanions, wh s reside a few miles Lucan, a cl on VI e evening of the 9 January last, p •ceeded with his ac plices to he res dence ot Mr. Thom for the +pose named. • .He dema admission in th name of the Queen serting ini reply o a question by the er, that the p. rty were - armed w search -warrant r the arrest of a h thief. Mt. Th • mpson felt incline doubt the sta, cm nt, but at le la, opened the door or t e7.n. Four of t whom he identi fed by their voices, disguised,- and t vo Opera remained side. 7 They mac e a 1 thorough seam the premises, b t iled in getti linaPse of the • ouna `woman, who doubt, was the At length - one o to the whe eabot but the father whereupon he st face which stun The gang then, went away, and ceeded to the ho Mg, with the vie what had occur far from the ho pistol shdtsi Wh i caused him to q what. He each injury, and old- e story to his neigh- bors. Whili3 dis, ussing the best method of having the int deist brought to jus- ticelfor thei uns only I 'conduct, a loud thump was heard, -followed almost im- mediately af ervv, rds by the door being burst open. Th parties gave similar reasons for heir intrusion as at Mr. Thompaon's; and stated their determi- nation to sea ch e ery ' ; ook and corner of the premi es efore leaving. They were afforded an ppo unity, but their efforts were*n t c wnedi with the wish- ed -for success T e young woman could not be found, and feeling doubtless con- siderably cha in they betook them- selves home forth night. Mr. Thomp- son was convi ced from the description of the men au th ir conversation while searching the Pre ises; that their object was to abduct h. daughter and force her, against the will of herself and pa- rents, to marry D madly) The old man have her in spite o the did° people, and had been informed some t me before this occurrence that ) e (Do nelly) would Mr. Thompson ha taken the precaution to send her' to a iend's in a different part of the townsh p, *and on the night in question she "wa safe fr m their reach at Mr. Toohey's. Mr. • hompson felt disposed to overlo lc thei • prank, and would, in all prob bility, ave clone so, I had the young me ceased rona ftirther :molesting the me bers o the family.. 1 [But on Saturday n . ht last hey repaired to the residence f i r. Wit4 Thompson, Jr.1 some eight les dist nt _ in the township of' McGi livra:y. This young man has, since the ate of t eir visit to the parental homes Self a wife, and t Met -their disappr -Mentioned, five or house with sticks of glass, and_knoc house, and before 3 t , e chimney by' s al o fired two rev large quantity Qf r by, and set fire to th islconfident that the , were the same who place, and the glar at the to en - and 'o be could o win s per - her, inion cord- heine f his' 'from th of com- pson, Tided 0 %VII- ith a orse d to, ngth hern;. were ant - h of ng a , no object of their search. th party enquired as ts o Miss Thompson, oul not info/ m him, uck ' he old. Man on the Led MI for some tinie. a th farmer thought, e shortly afterward pro - e Of a neighbor adjoin - of; telling the inmates d. :He had not gone e two or three zed ipast him, which icken his pace some - d the housewithout ead, tak n unto him - s action it appears val. On the night ix men a tacked the broke se eral panes d down portion of ooting a it. They ver shot into the leaving gathered a is from a 'fence near em. Mr. 1Thompson persons- im licated visited his ather's of light1 frclin the fire enabled -him to identify twO ofj them, whose names. he asserts are D nnelly and Corcoran. The two Tho psons 'visited London Mo clay, obtained legal persons before L. L wrason, Esq., J. P. advice and laid inforation against the The warrant was placed in the hrnds of Detective Phair, wh • left for the scene Ir. Thompson says is daughter burned dded to Donnelly, presumed, having • d by the method her his " ladye- or foul. Itis to rties will be cap - example made of er love-sick swains similar despicable in the afternoon. he would rather see at the stake than w and the latter, it i heard. this, endeavo above stated to mali love," by fair mean • be loped the guilty tared, • and such an them as will deter ot from participating ii •eonduet. .A. Heath• e The Virginia Cit relates the following trail on the crest of east of the Lower Sir • 1860, in Company wi We came upon an sunken. spot a few "There," said the C, one of my men. He We buried him ther Said we, " Is hell ti said the brave, pointi there—he • is in P "Now," said. we, wis his notions in regard of the soul, "noW, su dig there, should we of your man, his th ribs ?" • ' Yes," ans " we should find th can he be in Palaah bones, his skull and boneS are here," said his.dream is -above wi 's Idea; . (Nev.) Entenprise "Riding alon,„,a a mountain ridge, of the Carson, in a Piute Captain, d graVe—a mere et off . the trail. ybain, " there lies was a good man. four years ago.," re yet ?" "No '!- ig npward, " he is h -ah s country." lilg to draw Out the immortality pose we were to notfind the skull gh bpnes. and his red the 'Indian, - (, e." ."Then how country ?" " His ribs and, all'his e ca,ptain, "but h Pak -ah." ' o THE RTIBLiC OF BRIT, II NORTH *RI:ERICA. ICOME 'HENCE of frauds, that have listen practiced pon you by two or three individuals (who for a te o took the name of the "New York Chemical C. pany") making an.d_sollino some- thing -which hey call "Holloway's Pills and Oint- inent," and hioh, for a season were freely sold in many pa s of the British ,Provinces as my genuine Pills and -Ointment, I have, for some time past, considt ed it, my- duty to oentien the public, through the .1. odium of the preas, against buying thee spurio : articles. .Tridgme ts have been 13ob- tainedd t ,t again. t this ankrupt Or -vr,tisa one -ease by a Mr. Claims , who, when abonito-levy, at the latter end of October last, founhe name of the Chemical Op panyhad been painted , out and that of Samuel one substituted. Many respectable limns in the British Provincess who obtain my medicines di act from here, have very properly suggested th I abould, for the benefit of them- selves and th public, insert th* names In the papers, that t inay be known that my medicines can be bad ermine from them. The following is a list of th Arms alluded bo; and I particularly recommend t oae who desire to get My medicines to apply to itobse of the /tenses named : Messrs. AvEnn, Brei Lt CO., BtlifaX,I N. ' 8.; Welters. & Co. Victoria, B. C.; Messrs. Moonz, & Co.. Tic- iT 1-1 FORgY'IR Jr O., 9.1iffiX, N. 8.; Meaers. T. B. 13.aisZn & oils, St. Jelin, N. B.; Mr. T. Dus Banner, chariettotorn, P. X. I.; Messrs. LANGLEY toria,,B. 0.; Dr. JOHN PALLEN, Ohatham, N. B.; Messrs. MUNRO & Co., IlloAttreal; Messrs. J. WilvEn & Go., :Hamilton, Ont.; Mr. H. j. lloSZ,, Toronto ; Mr. A. Cninaran SAUTE, St. john, IN. 13.; 1VIr. JOHN BOND, 00derieb.,`Ontt.; MOBSTS.ETAIoT & 0o., • Toronto; Mr. 3. CHALONER, St. John, N. B.; Messrs. IlaisinerOn? BROTILETIS, St. •Thitli, N. 13.; Mr. R. 8. PRIDDY, Windsor, Ont.; Mrs. ORPEN, Mordee, N. 8.; Mr. GEORG-1: C. HUNT, Jr., Freder- icton, N. B.; Mr. W. H. TnoransoN, Harbor Grace, N. F.; Mr. J. M. Wuxi:, Fredericton, N,13.; Messrs. W. & D. TOILE, Montreal. My Ale and Ointment are neither manufactured nor sold ill any part of the United States. Each Pot and Box bears the British, 0-overiunout stamp, with the words, "Hol- loway's Pills and Ointment, Lodon" engraved thereon. The medicines are sol4 at the lowest wholesale not prices, in quantities f riCt less than .£20 worth, viz.: 88. 6d, 22s., and 8484 per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointmen , for which re- • inittanees must be sent in advance. • THOMAM IROLLOWAY. N. B.—Chemists and other Vet dose of Iloilo - way's genuine Pills and Ointments may have their names inserted. in the local papers it they will please Apply here—• s 53:3, Oxford Street, W. C. London, Deo. 1, 1873. 317-26 • • NEW AND YEAR •GIFTS, CONSISTS:VG 017 Albums, Bibles Testaments, Praye Bookie Fam- ily Bibles, plain an& illerstrated Giuldsen's I3ooks, illuetrated, Poe et Diaries, Pocket Books, Purses, Writing Deakin Work Boxes, Ladies' and Gents Dressing Cases, 1 jewel Cases, Ink Stands, Cigar Cases, kteerschatun Pipes, Toilet Sets, &on J WELRY. Gold and Silver 4ings, plIn and fancy, Brooches, Ear Rings, Brace ets, Goa Studs, Plated &tap, • Gold Sleeve -t4ttons, Gold Pons, Gold Pollen Cases, Gold and 11ated Lookets, Watches, Marine, Gold Chains, Alb rtss&c. GREAT BAR AIRS IN JEWELRY CLE RING SALE, • 1 HAIR ORNAMENTS. _MUSICAL INSTRUiLENTS. Violins, Concertina , Accordians, Mouth Organs, Violin strings, Rine t Iberian. Also TOYS for Girls and Boys, at R. L UIVISDEN'S, 315 Seder% SWORTH PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS. TRW, undersigned d purchased from M Photographing blight -conduct. PICTURES Takeni n the latest an Having had long exp the subscriber has no entire satisfaction, an linnance of the4iberal • predeceesor. • 'sires to state that he has FRANK PALTRIDGE his as, which ho will hereafter F ALL KINDS best styles of the Art. rionce in the business, the esitation in gitaronteeing trusts to receive a coin atronagebestowed -on his ALL THE OLD NE ATIVES ON HAND CHA. 'ILES MOORE. Seaforth,IJuly, 1878. 292 REMOVED REMOVED. -4 M. ROB RTSON, Cabinot-make.na d Undertaker, HAS REMOVED his w' re-roomto JOHNSON'S • LD STAND, • Main -street, '' °worth, . Where he has on hand a s erior stook of Furni• Lure of every d seription. CALL AND SEE IT: • UNDERT Having purchased Mr. Th 1. am prepared to attend fun notice, either in town or co •Coffins, All Kept constantly ou hand. ING. ma Bell'e'REARSE rali on the shortest ut Siz a, STIROTIDS ! SII M. ROBERT CABINET MAKER AND TIN • Johnson1's Old -St Main street, Seafortli, has now ass+rtment of SIEQtT Which he can furnish cheaper t got elsewhere. ou-Ds! ON, ERTAKER, nd, n hand a good S an they can be •.25 WHO WAIITS A. STRON, SEA Will Loan Money ab is LOW RA EST. either on Farm or Village P Parties requiring money should INSURE' YOUR P AND YOUR LI A. Stron IS ALSO The Scottish Provin• . Fire and Life. The Western Insurar ' Fire and Life. The Isolated Risk Canada. Terms as reasonable as offtirec agent doing business for reliabl C OFFICE—over St-rong & Store, Main Street, Seaforth. 5 Se AGENT F tial Insure co Compain Insurance ONEY? ORTIZ E OJ' INTER- operty. • pply to him. OPERTY ES. • torth. ce Company— , of Toronto— Company, of by any other napa,nies. tley's Grneery 252 $5 TO $20 All del sse people, of either sex, young 4r at work for us in their spare oni time than at anything else., P, Address G. STINSON &I Co., Portl gents wanted. of working ld, make more nts, or all the ienlars free. d,Maine. 284 LOGAN & JAmi - • ARE STILL GIVING BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS 4' WOOLEN GOODS, DRESS N GOODS, &c. 1. . • • , . ALSO TO _HAND THIS WEEK, -SPLENDID HITE CL BEST VALUE1 E TER OFFERED. ALSO, A LOT OP BLACK AND COLORED KID At Priem that astonish Purchasers. LOGAN ivsorTliam- • obs, - • L.$VES, ; J'AMIESON. JUST RECEIVED AT WILSON & Y9UNG'S, SEAEOUTII, A Splendid Stock of NEW and FRESH FRUITS, such as Raisins, Currants, and ev ry description of Canned Fruit, all of which will be found -good value. ; GROCKERY ANO GLASSWARE, Their Stock of CROCRV.RY and. GLASSWARE is the Best and Cheapest WINES & LIQUORS OF THE BEST & PUREST Wholesale and Retail. ALEAND PORTER FOR 1:AMILY USE, IN GLASS A GROCERIES, Of every description in abundance, and cheap. Good Toa from 40 cent FLOUR AND FEED always on hand.. Goods delivered of Charge WILSON & Town. RANDS, D WOOD. to$1 per pound. ira Town' Pre.e OUNG NEW • GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS I • AND •YEAR' PRESENITS. • We have just received a beautiful Plated Cake Baskets, Cruet Stands, all prices, BTeuattserpeDoinss,hes, glass and plated, Table Spoons, Forks, Plated and Niekle, Fancy Butter Knives, Toast Racks, China Tea Sets, Fancy Tea Sets, White Granite Tea Sete, • Motto Cups and Saueers, Fancy China Mum Mustache Cups, Toilet Bottles, Watch Stands, Work Boxes, lot of new Goods,- suitable for this seaon, amon which the fol- lowing are some of them: 11 RODGERS ,tlfc We import from ShefILld direct, and 0an ; I Rodgers & Son's Gent”' Toilet Rodgers & Son's Ladies' Comp Rodgers & Son's Bread Knie, Rodgers & Son's Ivory Hand Rodgers & Son's Carvers and F • Rodgers & Son's Razors and /4 Rodgers & Son's Knife Sharpen Rodgers & Son's Butcher Knive Rodgers & Son's Pocket Knives Rodgers & Son's Scissors, Albums, Card Cases, Vases, Toys, Combs Biaishes, Perfumery, Toilet Articles and Ponnides, Tooth Bruslies, Nail Brushes, Cloth Brushee, Egg Boilers, &a. SON'S CUTLERY, do them well. Call and see the Stoc II1CKSO EMS, nions, • ives, rks, ops re And Steel. •1;.' Co. CHEAPER THAN •EVER. THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING RECENTLY PURCHASED A LARGE QUANTITY OF: TEAS, SUGARS, FRUITS, AT PRICES MU BETTE AND GEN RAL GROCERIES, H LOWER THAN THE CURRENT MARKET • Is enabled te give the public even BARGAINS THAN HERETOPO The goods are now n stock, and the inhibitants of get their share of the Going at the Chequered Store. Town, and Country are invited to JAMES MURPHY, ALUE, E. conie and Main -Street, S'aforth. SEAFORTH FOUNOR VITILKIE & Co. Wish to inform the peo litt of Huron and titimie generally that they have leased the Seafo for a term of years, and re now prepared tp manufacture all kinds of Castings, traw Cutters, Sawing Machines, Plows, lad other Farming Impleme ts We are also prepared t do REPAIRING of every description. The undersigned have had long eoperienee in. the Foundry business, and are prepared tO gnarantce , satisfaction in all their iork. ootangli 3 ,demoraommeseeseesmeawome” NOSNHOr N7FIVATOSY1'7,9" C1NV ONINIIHO 013 AOJdViI diO OI ; . T6 TIIE- PUBLI -AT LARGE. W. H. OLIVER, Haress, Saddle aild Collar MANUFA4TURE1, SAFORTIL m , -41 0 SIGN0F THE SC ITCH 'COLLAR. A choice a4sortment of 1iht and heavy Harness Whips, BeihnItorse Olothi g, &c., kept tonstantly on hand. *wiring pronitptly attended- to, and charges moderate. Remenliber the place sign +1 the Scotch Cellar • 1 W. -0LiVER • SPECJAL NOTICE.i CLINTON WOOLEN MILLS* T Subscriber begs to aimonnee that his Fae- -1- tory is now in fall opeation; and would call attention to the snpmior stock of Cloths that hds has on hand, -which he is offering at prices that will convince all of the benefit of a Iartoryk feeling assured that all will 'ralize the saving ove importation, eel a proof, see the following prices te 'Union Tweeds, 85c to 70e. . FtiIIed ClOth, 75e to We. Tweed, 85e to $1 10. Flannels, 5516 to 70e. Union Flannels, Co5to 70e. • Blankets, tfee., on hands .t Also,Grey, Red, and Whitte Stocking Yarns. My customers throngh the ;mity, who were formerly euppiled by my peddler, will be waite4 npon in. a few days by my son, will. will either tabei orders, or supply them at eince with the article desired. Special Rates when liarchaseda hir thPieoee • .1 - Cloth Fulling and Cuetont bathing attended to. AN EARLY CALL IS SOLICITED. . THOS. IL FOSTER. REMOVAL. THE SEAFORTH SHAVING AN HAIR; DRESSING SALOGN }.JAS been renioved to new premises, adjoining•, -kJ- John Logn's old stand, and opposite W. Rb - (arts= & Co's Hardware Stre. The proprietor 1 . begs to state that he has fitted up his new shop with every convenienee, and is deternainedto make it a first-class establishment. He has also on hand a nice stook of • LADIE' BRAIDS'i Of the latest style. He is ale* prepared‘to take in LADIES HAIR COMBINGS, And have them straightened and worked into Braids, Belts, s-witoes, u1s, - Charges reasonable. Li Foundry - Gents' Wigs furnished on the &httst notice at less than city prieee. • A call is respectfully solicited. • 807-52 WILLIAM IIEWILAN; 287 • KERR, WILKIE & Oa TT OUSE, SIGN and ORNA IKENTAL PAINTER -1-Land Grainer. Paperhenging also attended to. Work done as cheap as by any other good work- man in the business. All orders left with Islr. Kennedy, Or for him at the Exnesixon Office will be promptly attended to. . 279-26 • • 4:4