HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-02-06, Page 7FEB. 6, 1874. ase alt seas Ez rrl D 0 ua z aas g 0 (INV 1 0 m S.SELS FOUNDRY. BSCI IBER wishes to call the attention farnune community in general to his •arled stack of euitural Implements Consisting of AND WOOD PLOWS, latest improved Steel Mould Boards; ANG PLOWS; AT(ORS, LAND ROLLERS, .BROWS,. SCU RS, &c. beg to call special atteation to the celebrated HERS' PLUS', given universal satisfaction wherever ch is now added a Thistle Point, so fed in this part. Also, to some first,. DRUM LAND ROLLERS, ern $22- to $35. Also, , a few t Class Wagons,. Sprung use,. warranted of very best OED i M B E R.; which will be sold at the very T PRICES FOR CASH Or approved eredit. WPI. R. WILSON. b.12, 1873. 271cy rARN-ESS SHOP. BRUSSEL& berg wish to state that they have a first-elass SHOP, IN BRUSSELS,. l keep on hand a choice Selection thing in their line, sueh as dies, Whigs, Trunks, Valises s, Gurrycornbs, Cards, ,Bells, Blankets, that as usnaliy found in 4 a first - cause Ifa.'neass Shop. HEAVY HARNESS :tin mad..., in the latest style, and material, at prices that defy con- petitioxi. 1 ' irknranshils . (4uarante€eft, tion made to order, and wa not to hart. anted •tfully aelicited before pttrcbasing Promptly Atter; lo41; te.. ate1F North Of Aiinet';: 'Totel, t, Brussels, Out. TN(`N & . DAVIDSON, rri pi ietc g.. • P • FEB. , _1874.. Tim NEED OF WARMTH . FO r FORM Airiyli 4 IN VirfrtTER.: 4 large s i nt- age Of the food supplied to cows r other animals adds=neither to out starof milk or flesh; but is burned to produc : animal heat and in winter the supply of food .must be increased, to compensat for the loss by direct radiation from the surface and through the respiratory orga s. No greater mistake, therefore, can ee made thin to house your animals" in c old, open barni. A shivering co' w ; cap give no milk, nor gam any flesh. To iced a cr�w, or any- other animal, in the . cold. open air; is about as foolish and, wasteful as to place a stove out of.doors,1 it with fuel, and expect_ to receive benefit by Warming the atmosphere 'jgeneraly: wemals need protection.and -Warmth as well as human beings.— nrnal •of Chemist ny. IT W L PAY TEE FARMER i to devote e large hare share of the winter to men- tal imp$ovement. If his business seems to demiand from fourteen o sixteen Lours' hard work during theg summler, while the meths nic labors bait ten, he hould endeavor to make good use of his pare hours now, or he will find the men iengaged in other kinds of business -will get the start of him. If you' have not already made it a 'practice, begin now to keep ,farm accounts. It matters not much what system you adopt, if you can accoffiplish the end, which- is to know just how you are getting on in the world. Take an inventory of- your farmstock and Ools and all other property. *Then enter 0.a book all your purchases and Sales, :each on its appropriate page. At the end of the year you can look back and know just how much each crop sold has cpme to, and if you have kept a separate account with each department, all the .better.—Yew Eiujla.nd Farm r. r • ► THE CANNING BnslinEss. -The number, tof can's of peaches packed, last year,-ap- ,proximated about '12,000,000,- tomatoes 18,000,000, and corn from 6,000,000 to 8,000,000. The head=quarters of 'peach - canning are in Maryland and Delaware, more than hall of the each -packing firms hailing_ from Baltimore alone. Targe quantities of oysters are also put up along the Chesapeake. Tomatoes come chiefly from New Jersey, although many are ` packed in 'Baltimore, N w York and the eastern states. The b st corn comes from Maine, where. also a e situated the 'largest - lobster establish= ments. One establishment at Nassau, Bahama Islands, has about $200,000 in- vested, and employs 600 hands in can- ning pine -apples. This season, they pur- chased 1,000,000 pine -apples and packed 1,000,000 cans. The pine -apples cost, them from eighteen to forty cents per dozen in gold, and. the canned fruit iis sold for about $4.50. --Journal of Chem- istry. SLEEP FOR FARMERS' WIVES.—A far- mer's wife writes a letter to the Rural .New Yorker which she wants the " men folk" to "read. It is a plea for more sleep; Have you a - wife, she says, who goes - about in a listless, spiritless fashion, ss. though she could but just drag herself - about ? Or is she cross and fretful, and do you wonder how she came to have such a temper ? Ten to one, all she needs to make her bright and happy is rest, sleep and loving words. Hire efficient help, that the wife who has passed a restless night may take advantage of baby's morning nap and have one of her own, or, if' she choose, lie down in the afternoon and make up the `lost sleep, Hou can afford it if you will: Do yak be- grudge a hundred dollars a year for your wife's comf ort and health? Why, no breed- . nag mre wou d ever be.worked . as some men work the'r wives ! Give' women their home lights ; help titer to bear their burdens ; giv thein, a few end, loving words, every day, and you will have healthier and, happier wives, children and homes. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE BY AUCTION. MR. J. P. BRINE has received instructions from. Mr. DONALD McINTdSH to sell. by Public Auction at the COMMERCIAL HO'T`EL, SEAF-ORTH, - On SATURDAY, FEBUAIA 28, 1874, That desirable and valuable Farm, situated on the Huron Road, and being Lot 1, Con. 1, Hallett. • TIRE FARM Contains .100 acres, 90 of which aro cleared arid free from stumps; situated 21 miles from Sea -- forth. There is a good frame house 36180, also a farmer's house about 44x24, frame barns, 3 large frame sheds, large bearing orchard, good garden, and plenty of water. There are 9 rooms in the hoose, a well of water in the -cellar that never fails, also a pump close to the farm house al- ways full of water. - Sale to Commence at 1 o'clock P. M. TERMS—$500 will be required cash: on the day of sale ; $1,500 within 30 days after sale ; the bal- ance in five annual installments at 8 per cent. interest. The Faim is in an excellent state of cultivation. Further particulars may be obtained from the proprietor, on the premises, or from t -he auction- eer. DONALD McINTOSH, Proprietor. T.P. BRINE, Auctioneer. - 320 DANIEL McGREGOR; Bookbinder, Harpurhey, Seaforth, HAS jest received a large Stock of the materials used in the business, and is now fully prepar- ed to execute, on the shortest notice and in the atest syles, all orders he may be far!oured with. REGISTERS, LEDGERS & BJ.ANTi BOOKS OF ANY KIND, RuIed, Printed and made to order, on t'he shortest notice, and at prises which defy cons! petition. Ladies' Work, Boxes -cC Fa4 cy (lases Made to order. OLD ANJ) .ATEW •B ORS Bound and repaired at city p ees. All communieatiens addressed:to th . undersign- ed, will eeeii-e prompt attention. DANIEL McG11FG R,, Seaforth, (Harpurhey.-- SEAFORTH PLANING MILL. SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY Tmere uF, s bscriber begs leave to thank his numerous enst for the liberal patronage extended to him sine commencing business ia Seaforth, and trusts that he may be favored with a - ontinnance of the same. - Parties intending to build world do ell to give him a call, as he will continue -to kee; on hand a 'large stock of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBE SASHES, DOORS, BLINDS, MOUL'IINGS, SHINGLES, 'LATH, ' TO. He feels confident of givingsatisfy •tion to those who may favour him with thir patro ge, as none but fusttclass workmen are employed - -Partieularattention paid to Ca tom Planting. 201 JOHN H. BROA FOOT. . "HAVING Pnrohasc at • tie . GREAT SALE .ot RANDALI4 FARR & CO., • ON THE 18th OF D CEMBER, 1873, A quantity of" • GOODS Manufaoturediby them•and sold at a GREAT - , SACRIFICE, Owing to the removal of their manufactery to the States ,• These Gonda wiri be sold at Holiday Pries, New Year ces, Laughable 1 Not to CALL AN S. THEY WILL HE S t LD C ISED. ces, " Beat Prices, h Down Prices. `THEM. AP AS ADVER- A Happy New. Year to all. "TRUTH IS GHT PR VAI THE GENU NE EUA SEW I•F e M TRIUMPH- NT 0 AND WILL MERICAN OWE CHINE ER ALL ! MIUMS. VIENNA HE HOWE SEVIING RECEIVED j FIV At the Vie a Expo GRAND MED I 0 11IEDAL 01? For Superior Workm TERM ; MEI) OF For superior excellen a of p tract o letter "E*TBAC The Howe Machine C GEttann ten—We-h tainiug five medals Grand Medal of Progr perior work, and three superior excellence -of The above speaks fo th false claims of so chine business, the H MACHINE MEDALS tion, viz.: PROGRESS, BYT - ship, and CO-OPERATION duction. See ex- elow ]1 V NA, August 22nd. ., New York: - ave beef. successful in ob- rom " theExposition, viz.: ss, Mel of Merit fors eta Medals elf Co-operation for productit ns. Yours truly, .1 G. W. HOWE. r itself,` 'nd notwithetanding ne firms in the Sewing Ma - WE stil keeps the lead. A fresh supply just rec W. N. eived at WA ON'S, Insurance Agent, Sepforth. NOTICE O DEBTORS. ' estate of the late F. ill save expenses P8 by e and Baying the 'ARP CASH, McDOUGALL. ALL those indebted to the Veal by note or a count calling on Edward Cafh at on same. - ED�i 320 1 A. G. SEAFORTH _- AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT, Sewing Machine, and, MUSICAL INSTRUMENT E r.tx PORITTM_ 1 Our Sewing:Machine Department. I take pleasure in' stating to the public, that I sha}I at all times have a stock of all the; different is of Sewing A•Tacliines, with their varied pro- tons to merit, that the purchasers may be able to uit themselvossat one establishment, without inconvenience. The whole facd of th4 country ki ten has been, and still is, ,frequented by 'transient pe ons. My objLet i to caution the public against buying anything bait Standard Machines, an of Regular EBtablished Agents, who can al- wa a be found, and whose varrarit and guarantee caul be relied on, and if the purchaser is not suited with the kind they bink they want, they, can have th privilege of - o nging it for any other. We ha a at all times i. new rind fresh stock of the Florence and Webster Machines, as well,as all the otter standard makes, which can be paid for on verb, easy terms, riir if not satisfactory," can be changed for any Stier that may be desired. • 111iusifeal Instruments.- O. C.'WILLSON can defy the world' on Musial Instruments, both in Price 'and Quality, he cannot be surpassed. The manufacturers of Instruments which he sells have a reputation that dare not be giiestioned. He sells. for no second -cls s firms. The Mathn- i shek, and Steinway Pianos ,.'rine, Mason & Ham- lin, and Ester Or ns and 4elodeons. Agricultural 1mpiements.—ISnch as Straw Cutters, G in Crushers, Root Cutters, Sewing Machines d Horse Powers, all of the best, aletays en and. ' O. 0. WILLSON, Main -street, Seaforth. 819 THE CANADA SEWING MACHINE CO'MP'Y • HAMILTON'_ • Established for he purpose of manufacturing a Sewing Machine Iwhich should excel all others in any market, and thus take a lead for Canada in an important brattish Of business throughout the world. Their mos sanguine expectations have been realized, and their efforts appreciated by an unparalleled demand for their now celebrated " Webster" from e4erywhere they have yet been introduced, and altliough it has taxed their man- ufactory to its ntmbst limits, they have made and sold more machines in a given time, from, the start, than any other manufactory in the world. Mugh envy has beets the cpriseituence from our American neighbor, who had helped to hold the monopoly o this particular branch of business, but noth.ng that ey now; can do will prevent the " We ster " fr m 'gaining that reputation which it merits title it to hold, and those merits will bo press ed intact by employing only, the most skilled mechanics,and the best material that money will furnish. They have had but lit - i tle spare time to attend and exhibit at fairs, but wherever it was done, the " Webster " was victori ons,, and twenty-three First Prizes in; Ontario alone against all corners, American or Canadian, fell to their lot during the past two months, and have no doubt that had they exhibited at every Fair in the Dominioh, where a just discrijmination of the merits, and benefits to the public to be gained was the object in view,'t.hat_every prize of honor woi}ld have been theirs. It Chas been the object of this Company to give money's- worth, and, whilst- challenging competition, either for Fine or Heavy Work, or work o1 any kind whatever done on a Sewing Machine, the price charged for t the " Webster " is the same as thataskecl for many ivtenor second-class machines, whilst the complete set of attachments supplied are of the very latest desigu and best Workmanship, and ,for varied and complete work, with simplicity and ease of opera- tion, far beyond in ealue those geld with any of the best American machines. The demand for the ' Webster" for Greati Britain' and Ireland, Belgium, the West Tndies, an South America, as well as every part of our own Dominion, is unprecedented. It may, therefore,easily be imagined, that so pow- erful a rival would not be allowed to pass unchal- lenged, by the American manufacturer, and every means has been adopted to prevent the "Webster". from being introduced into the United States. COM -E ONE, COME ALL, AND BUY YOUR - HARNESS . FROM J. WARD, SEAFOR TH. I beg to state for the iniormation of farmers and the public genera'•ly, that I have RE good a -stock '1 Harness on hand as any in town, and I am determined not to be undersold by any other establis - ment in the County. . BELLS and HORSE BLLNEETS, all kinds, constantly on hand. Also TRUNES and Gener'1 Furnishings. G VL ME A TRIAL J. WARD, 818 Main -Street, Seaforth. HARNESS ! TRUNKS, BAGS, WHIPS, COMBS, BRUSHES, &C AT BELFRY & MAY'S, SEAFOTH. HARNESS COLLARS, • VALIES, LASHES, • I Our HARNESS we can recommend to any ono, as we use only first -close Leather and mak none but first-rate Harness. We warrant our Collars not to gall a Horse, and guaa,antee them to give entire satisfaction. - 1 BELFRY, & iVIAY. Shop Opposite Mansion Iloicse,: Seaforth. GARDENER SEWING MACHIN IS A STRONG- EASY TRON -EASY RUNNING . MACHINE, WELL ADAPTED FOR FAMILY SEWING, AND Light - Manufacturing Work. At the Fairs'held throughout the Dominion, this Machine was put to some very severe tests by the BEST JUDGES THE COUNTRY COULD PROD ,UCE AND BY THEM AWARDED 13 Prizes in 1871, and 26 Prizes in, 1872. Its simplicity of construction, strength and aurabilityreeommend it to all classes. - It has a complete set of attachments, and does all kinds of work. INSTRUCTIONS IN ALL VTR ATTACHMENTS GIVEN FREE CF CHARGE. Gardner Sewing Maclai2 e Cornpany, Hamilton, Ont. 286 PETER.GRASSIE, SEAFORTH, - Agent for the County of Huron. GODERICH FOUNDRY. The Goderich Foundry & Manufacturing Co. Beg to inform the public that they are prepared to contract for `1 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS ; `;FLOUR, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS SAWING MACHINES, &c. On hand—IRON AND WOODEN PLOWS, with steel boards; • GANG PLOWS, :CULTIVATORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, &c. SUGAR AND POTASH KETTLES, GRATE -BARS, WAGGON BOXES, &c. COOKING,. PARLOR AND BOX STOVES, of varions'kinds. ;SALT PANS MADE TO ORDER. - AL$O, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS AND ilLACKSMITH WORK. BOILERS AND SALT PANS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. TWENTY TO THIRTY -HORSE POWER TUBULAR BOILERS generally on hand for sale. ass All orders addressed to the Company Qr Secretary will receive prompt attention. A. HODGE, Secretary and Treasurer. H. HORTON,'President. R. RUNCIMAN, General Manager. PUBLIC NOTICE. .TEE " SEAFORTH J. RI WILLIAMS - LUMBER YARD SEAFORTH PUMP FACTORY f IN returning thanks to his patrons for past fav- ors, would state that he is now making exten- sive preparations for the coming year, and will be prepared to furnish ; Pumps, Cisterns, Cheese Factory Tanks, - and water supplies generally. His pumps are already so well and favorably known that any praise of them is unnecessary. All notes and accounts now due must be settled at ouce. A number of overdue notes and accounts will be placed in Court for collection if not imme- diately paid. 312-18 J. R. WILLIAMS. • MABEE St MACDON ALD BEG to inform the public that they have opened a Lumber Yard in Seaforth, near Shearson's Mill, on the ground formerly used. as a Lumber Yard, by Mr. Thomas Lee. Y They will keep ;constantly on hand a good assort- ment of ALL BINDS OF LUMBER, dressed and undressed. Also, LATH AND SHINGLES, all of which they are prepared to sell at the lowest possi- ble prices, for Cash. Builders and others will find it to their advant- age to inspect our stock, and ascertain our prices before purchasingelsewhere, as we are in a position to offer good inducements to cash purchasers. 160 MABEE & MACDONALD. CIITTEPt" CUTTEne ! CLINTON - Huron Carriage Works Ti MARBLE WORKS (Late McIntosh & Morrison) MAIN STREET, - SEAFORTH. THPundersigned has on hand and is making . FIFTY CUTTERS Of First -Class material. and of the best finish, which he will sell cheap for. cash or on short time. Also, on hand and for sale Wood- Work of every Description, Cutters, Bodies, Wheels, Gearings, d:c. 313 A. J. irfcINTOSH. LONDON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE AND TELEGRAPri INSTEITUTE. YOUNG HEN, if yon want a first-cla is huslne s education, attend the London Commercial Col- lege during the coming winter. The pro.;perity of this institution is constantly increasing. The number of students in actual attendcnce during the year ending September 1873, was larger than that of any other institution of the kind in the Dominion, beteg OVR TWO HUNDRED. Our course of business in truction is the:nestthorough, systematic end progressive ever introduced in any business college in Canada. Specimens of Penmanship exhibitor; or sent by ns are genuine—neither printed nor imported, . Our graduates are sought for by business men, and give general satisfaction. - Telegraph ssudents have ample time for practice every day. Circnlars with full'information sena free on ap- plication. Address - GEORGE A: SWAYZE, Manager. London Oet. 1, 1873. 308-3m-eow BOARDING.. TT COLLADAY has leased the large and corn- -Ls" om-1- - modious house, on the Salt Works Grounds, adjoining the RailwayStation, and has fitted it 1 g up as a-boarding-honse. Good table and comfortable O. C. rfILLSON SEAFORTH,• rooms. Persons wishing a pleasant boarding- house should apply, as there are at present a few vacancies Transient boarders accommodated at Agent for ti.e Comity of Huron. - 11-18 t less than hotel rates. 228 HURON STREET,. Next door west of the Commercial Hotel, 1V IONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, And work of all kinds in American and Foreign Marble, designed and executed in the best style, and at most reasonable prieeti.. - Mantles of Various Colored Marble sup- plied on Short Notice. Granite Monuments and Headstones imported to order. CALDER Vii. COOP C.. 277 ANDREW CALDER, Agent. SEAFORTH AND HURON MARBLE WC S. M ESS.ET " oR'o c.r (Late of Hamilton,)' Wonld intimate to Their numerous friends: and the general public that they are -prepared to f31 all orders for - Monuments, Headstones, TabTops, Mantels, kc. Granite Afonuments Imported to Order. Work of the best style and art, and cannot be surpassed in this part of Ontario. - - A call respectfully solicited. . Opposite'Logan & Jamieson's Store, - MAIN -SKEET, SFAFORTH. E. MESSET. - - H. MESSET. , J. P. BRINE T ICENSED AUCTIONEER for' the County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. All orders left at the EXPOSITOR Office will be promptly' attended to. - NOSNHOP `,S I3H1OS taa ti O tal 8-7G-VATOSIrfirS 0 7 Z Z 0 z 0 -" 0 m m. 1-3 >. O 0LTTJ J 0) 0 c 3-3 1 '- a.H i ,10 £fI.& z 0 Rj Icic10113 >14 trl C/ TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. W. H. OLIVER, Harness, Saddle and collar 1 MANUFA4JTUREP 1k SIN= T , 4EAfrORTE.; U124 L N a TO V ' SIGN OF THE- SCOTCH COLLAR. A choide assortment of )light and heavy Hermes, Whips, Bells, Horse Clothing, &c., kept constantly on hand. Repairing pro ptly attended to, and charges moderate. RennP., bar the place,signof. the Scotch Collar. 'W. H. OLIvi1R SPECIAL CLINTON WO NOTICE. LEN MILLS. THE Subseribbr begs to annonnee that his ro- tary is now in full o eration, and would call attention to the superior tock of Cloths that tee has on band, which he is offering at prices that will convince all of the be efit of a local factory, feeling assured that all wi l realize the saving over importation, a proof, s the following prices it Union Tweeds, 65c to 70c. Fulled Cloth, 75c tett 90c. Tweed, 85c to l$1 10. Flannels, 5c to 70c. Unio Flannels, 50c telOc. Blankets, tc., on hand. Also, Grey, Red, and 'te Baoeiting Tints. My customers through the Bounty, mho gore formerly supplied by ray e8dler, till be aft upon in a few days by my: on, -"ha will either Oaks orders, ox supply them at ono* leilh the srticbe desired. Special BrAoe 19hea I basad t tl9 Cloth Walling -and Costo AU EiRLY CALL Carting ikasnded to.! IS SOLI 1T13D. THOS. R. ;)()TER. • ��pp'''r, i:'3 r r�meee to ne' ps:sire_!, aijci.:Aps 1 nts- ert_ oa & Go.'e I.Icansese.re eaav-. '.£he nssonaistO begs tes et a e wit i „ i:cs p±t'Aen. et rig [18:'. with eat eea n—trnee, &s'. i d •#fes to it a frret-ct.ss Last lie• He t_,: ('o hentivznie�art to;'_o�fyp T h i r £.may�y L1a DIL 175 Lei r L]•,I : o A .L RTS rLA i L43 OT the blast etanae.. He so ,,a y P f.Q tF s JA LITE L.1.sLi j COl ;E >, And have them etati,7li I a'' .dal, .'J re ' .- e �n _ C:%, Charges r c onisbl . Gento' Wigs ftunistma& at less than city gives. A call is respecrfully sol slice=. 307-52 W 're' :ant =raw. aaC c.nd .i.'er: e r fntb lav: C . st [3otice S. L H P and Grainer. ape. ging OUSE, SIGN end OEI tAMENT!.I• P T also at tended tel Work done as cheap as by any other good worr- man in the business. All orders left with 31x."- Kennedy, or for him at the Exr-osLToat Office wild be promptly attended to. -26 t