HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-02-06, Page 1JAN. 30, 1874. lasesseessele nem stibese aid in short everything that WM lave a tendency to purify the use of onr iotive Fraehise. I shall always advoeate connection vith the mother country, and my dear - !!et wish is to see us always form part of nitedant *consolidated British Ike. nre. 1 shall at all times vindicate the most igiecoisomy in tlee admiuiatration of , aar public affairs consistent with the erogrees of our country. Finally, gentlemeu, I shall never [sledge myself to give elavieli or factious support to any Government inconsistent with yoeir interests aud prleges, but alaall always vindicate measures having & your financial eon - tendency', to improve dition and elevate the moral standing of the country- at large. -Confidently placing the matter in the heeds of the intelligent electors of North I-Turen„ I am yours, faithfully, JotEN L'EORtpe amMiS1111111h, 3119•17 TLJ TRIlik7 :FARMERS Of RUM PcxsT PATENT Wrought iron Fence. undersigned beg to direct the attention or Farmers at ritiron to the fact that they are now prepared to take orders for the above fence, whichis without doe.let the . I. BEIST IAND liOST DCRABLE Fence in Ilse. - Parties desirous a giving this fence trial. shouldleeve their orders at once,. so- that it can be prepared for erection early iu spring. The proprietors will guarantee this fence ea stand without repair; for TEN YEARS_ Thebenefits a this. fence aver an ethers axe: ) lse—Durabilitv. '2rel—Snow will see accunaulate or beeet aeminSt it. 3rd—The ,eincl or frost does uot effect it. 4th—Fire will not destroy it. - 5th— ' It is warranted to turn all kieds of stock, no mut- - ter how breachy or vicious. This Fence will be furnished at the folliewing rates Pive Wire Fence, per rod sz it CC CC 1 60 CC CC . 168 Seven ight CC 4 4 TERMS : • All stung of $25 and under cash, on completion f fence ; over, that emount three mouthscredit, an. approved note to ba furnished c.i coMpletion of fence. Vor large` orders special arrarigeMents can be made. '1 Orders taken &nit further inforruabion eivtne on. ' application to M. R. Counter, Main street,. Sea- t fG i orth Or eorge Forsyth, at the Market, Seaforth; or Rueb, Careerou,Loudesbero. FORSYTH & Co., t 32a Inventors and Patentees. VALUABLE. .FARM FOR, SALE BY AUCTION. 11„, X. P. BRINE has received instrnetions ,froru Arr. litr.CALD MeINTOSH to sell by Public Auctien et the. ; GOIVEMERCIAL HOTEL, S E A _ET 0 '1' SAIL' tDAY, PERUARY 28, 1874, That siub1cj and valuable Farm, situated. 611 the Theron Road, nd being Let I, Cori. I, Hullekt. TAKE FA.13.2fr . Contains 100 acres, 90 (.4 which are cleare , are' 82 tree from stumps ; situated 2ei miles fio4t Sea- , forth.. There is a good frazite house 26x8 , plea a farmer's house about 44x24, frune barns, ' large frame glieds, large boring csrehs.rd, good garden, sed, plenty Of water. There are 9 rooms rin the house, a well a water in the cellar that laevr fails, also e pump, close to the term hodal- ways full of water: Sale to Commence at 1 o*clock 11. M. TERarsa-S500 will be required wish on tile day of. sale ;.$1,,500 within 80 days after .ale, the bal- ance in five annual installments at 8 pee cent. interest. The Fern% is rn an excellent state of cultilation. Further particulars rune- be obtained from the proprietor, on the premises, or from the e.nction- i eer. DONALD MeINTOSIE, Proptietot. BIM1/41a, Auctioneer. 3%) THE uRoN PLA:4tIGs itAILL MESSRS. GitAY & SCQT2) EG to tuenounce that they have commenced • ImBilleSS in the shop lately occupied by Mr. Martin, and. are now prepared to fill orders 'for ' s _Mors. Blinds Vouldtregs, - And. Ein hetes a planed lumber. ' ESE , BOXES MW SETTERS, FA* GATES, MU' RACKS,: &c. A good; deck of Seasoned Lumber on Muth— ' Vuotork' toad lumber yard on Goderich letreete near Moira atreet. Sa*Ing and Custom Planing neatly done. GDAY. W.11, setaa. (leINTD,N MARBLE VV' OR Ks, 1,117B0,-.17 Nexloot west a the Commercial Biotel, 3 Oels-IMENTS.,, HEADSTONES,. • of alt kinds in American and Voreiga it designed and exeeuted iu the best style, 4.3.1.x wst reasonable prices, ------ • ttf- Various Coiorer/ iho'ble. sup- prieti WI Short Sotiff Granite Monuments and Headstone; iMported • ordi CALDER. 84. COOPER. ANDREW .CALDER, Agent. SELECT AND Mr Ste CLASS. - - ISe 1tYAN Olean let e; T dna:: (!hurch. Cla:.s and St et sae, -t, iitil Mock, ift STREET, • GEAFORTIL Piano in tlw School Room. T E 11 M u,rru .!..c tztal Music. per term fsf It weeka. -•- -.613 'owl .1fitti‘ie, per rena , , ... _ . 5 " cul tmd Ithitrumeut:ti M:....iiv, when taken to- gethir _ _ 5 sEnt:cT scio lot.. ....ig ptaio and fancy work. Englis Ifigher, tumefies, per tenn of 11 btranches, Children over it year::: ChildrOn wader It yearq - Pay4bIe in advance. • IIIEVENT.1111 It -EARL)" WINOLIC NO. 32.2. 1 atoms* HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. TymitinA7, Jan. 99, 1874. The Council Met, pursuant to adjourn- ment, arid in the absence of thesW rclen Mr. Simpson wppointed to theirs The minutes Of previous e ting il the as a * thm . were 'read and approved. 1 THE municiren nosee num). The following letter from Mr. Thomas Gibson, M. P. P., was reed, and r fer- rest to the Finance Committee: To the Warden and Council of the C un- ty of Heron : Gni-UWE/1EN : The following nuttrs I take this opportunity to lay before you, as in all probability. they have been by Mr. Biehop. lst,--The townships of Ilddirlph and McGillivray are moving for a new trial as to their alleged claim for a Share of the railway appropriation of $2,1)00 per mile,' on the. plea that they have new evidence to bring before the commission. 2c1.—The County of Bruce is making a claim on the same allowance ari the ground that they paid . while united with us a much larger sum than the proportion $55,000 which they agreedi to, pay on leaving no, as the agreement never contemplated. any re- fund. ; They argue .that ;hey ought to las paid on account of what they really did pay, not up.on what the deed of veparation calls for. I consider it my duty, siccing you are new- in session, to ;lay these matters before -von so that you will be prepared to give Mr. Bishop and - myeelf the benefit of your assistance and instructions how to act in the premises. Venni. pea -fully, THOS. +GIBSON. A oo munieation from Mr. John F. Antlre# in reference to old bridge tim- Ler forrning-a jam on his farm, WAS read mind re erred to the Road. and Bridge eittami e. XNGINIRIeS RRPORT. , The following report ofe the County Wigineer was read andreferred to the Read and Bridge,Committee : . 1 To the Warden and Council of the Coun- ty of Huron: . Gas rant-Eri : I hive examined. the Bridge jat Bannockburn, on the gravel road, irk the totrnship of Stanley, since thc Iastj Council meeting, .and - find the butineiti by no means so good as they .stppeared to be in the fall . of the year. A new) aupertrncture WAS Roucti011ed for this bridge at the December sitting. The el abutments, however, are 'barely eauffieie t to carry it. I reetitrid., there- fore, re omniend that ROW laeiloT abut- ' went be bailt at each end, So that the anperst ucture when built may be per- fectly . fee I have ail o seen' the bridge at Eigh‘eri Mile river on the lake shore road, in Ashfield, which likewise needs rebuilding.' One of its abutmente fell to pieces in September last. . II was there- . tore obliged to set up. a temporary. bent, ei rpply -4. new floor, and make some other ht i pairs to keep the bridge pasi- atilr. The floor is therefore good; but bridge ite1f is certainly not safe was built i hen the road was first, declih1859, Itfthefour County:bridges in Wingham, one, ninety feet in length, h sol uld also be prairie, is h ver to r bents, Ana Jeer 1st spriag to keep it ' is bri lge suited the pur eigh or ten now the an the reshets those ✓ to ut tw e .requ 171Z.: betwe n the st 1 ti -bna T f a fo erl no, long ' Nod ab fors a dges, ba4e lined anone al N belt:clingstone a at Brussels, Exe railed herewith showing the price per cill ic yard for e ch piece of work. Of - fere for the pu chase of some' of the Goluity toll, houtes are here , enclosed. I has e sold two, b it the price.was so very y the others'before the which ie respectfully built. It 'tends in the light ethic re, set on had to be 1 aded with its place. e very well ears after it was beilt w comes of rise so nuich very light depended lve years. ed for the Bayfield, Hullett an oundary be awanosle T utmenth for er and Clint o quickly, igher than ridges are n; li lies ew upper following ne on. the Goderieb, een East en.ders for he bridges n are sub- , that I now 1 Cetncia All o stitimitted. ' A. B Y, °Minty Engineer. MORRIS AMC BRIDGE. teloved by Mr. Strachan„ seconded by MI Scott, that t e engineer be instruct- ed to examine th bridge (..sei the Wrox- etee grate' roa between Morris and Or , said bridge being on Ithe creek rea Alorrisbank, in order that it may be putlin a proper state of repair. Referred to Itoad and Bridge -Committee. 1 13ANIC STOCK. 4oved by Mt. Garrow, seconded by Mil Benson, that tins ,Council petition thelGovernment to take off the tax upon barilk stock in Ontario. . . , . BORA-- THIEVES. hkove.:1 by Mri Bishop,. - seceridecl by X • Hunter, reward t a . byslaw be pessed 1 offeiring a Warc '--ol*t'neaeihuiidd d reol- , . larg to.aity person or persons who shall purkeur and apprehend, or bause to. ap- preheeded, auy Pewit or persons guilty oi etettieg any horse or mere within the (.. otrate such reward to be paid. on eon - Of the thief—uarried. ' a The C smell then adjoureed. s i I FRIDAY, ;fan. 80, 1874 ric 11111111 SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1874. annual meetings this year, I cannot lay,. before on ,atthie session a full report of school work in my district. I Propose doirsg o at your ,June session. II may report, however,; that I have ;visited every °hoot twice dur'ng the year, and 'examined upon the same plan adopted g' and reported upon during the year 1872, with much more `sa hsfactory results. The status of the sch Is its tradually rising, and the proper rganization much improved. On accoun of ill health -I was prevented .delivering the emit% of lectures required by School law, but I hope tot make up for he deficiency in this respect during thepresent year. I That every section has now the requisite i have much pleasure in reporting, 1st,— play grounds according to law. That very few play grounds are not . properly - fenced, and that Where this has 'not been' accomph hed, I have a promise that it will be done during during the present year. 3rd,—That Ashfield has built or enlarged. )6 schoolhouses; Col- -borne, 2; Goderich township, 2; Ste- phen, 3; and West Wawanosh,.2, mak- ing a total of fifteen during the year. Arrangements have beep made so that during the coming year ample ACCOMMO• dation will be provided or all the pupils in the district, and then Iwhen . such has been seeured the work of your inspector will be much more pleasant than it has been in .the past. In cnnclusion, I beg to say that I trust our 16,ehool law will be so settled daring the lpresent sitting of the Legislature as to remove many of 'visions shall t,end. to elevate the stand- ard the uric rteinties hanging) over it in the minds o the people1. and that it's pro- ard of edueation throughout the Province at large vector, —J. R. MILL!. , School' In - South Hurdn. ' MR. DEWAR'S REPO, TO the Warden and Council of the Coun- ty of uron GIRT IN : In submitting the usual annual r port, I beg to state that all the schoola re not in that state of healthy and vigorous efficiency that is desirable. Still, considering the late changes and the inexperience of a great proportion. of the teachers, matters are, perhaps, after all, as satisfactory as could well be ex- pected.' As it would. be insidious to make & Unctions, tahallbe. content to iii. state ge erally, that a portion of our school* a e conducted in a Very efficient and satisfactory Mennen . A greater eroporti n are conducted with respect- able effiienoy of various degrees, while the balance might be betterThere is, I think, too great a tendencywith young teasehers, especially, to chnnge their echooktfair those offering 1 slight increase in salarylbefore they have Utile to make themselves felt itra appreciared as teschers. This seems to me,tto use an old-at:lag " to be penny -Wise ,and -pound foolish."- A ' teacher who retsina his situation Until he can produce a really gond:sell' 1 will spare* remain wino-, .efeed, -w ilo. changing hie school from year to y ar will certainly prevent him from attaining even respectable medi- ocrity. It will, perhaps, surprise you, el, gentleme , to be informed that, between changes and new appointrnenta, there are fifty- ight teachers holding, at pres- ent, situa ions not held by them at this time last ear. ' Now, such changes are disastroue with schools, and , indeed equally sq to the teachers themselves so far as attiining eminence in their calling is concernech Generally speaking pupils are not ery far advanced, the1 fourth ta form being as a rule the highes and strange a it may seem, arithme ', and the practi .al use of the English language are the w ak points of our schools I gen- erally. here are, however, exceptions. In a nura er of schools, arithmetic es- pecially is taught very well indeed. la the matte of new schoolhouses consider - I able progr ss has been made uring , the pest year. In Turialierry aix new school- houses we e erected, including the addi- tions niad to the 13luevale and Wing- harn 8414;) lhouses. Two ,were built is Wawanose one in ullett, one in Mc- Killop. any one in rey. Preparations are now b ing made f r building quite a rrent year, and for in existing res- gret that in a num- age, attendance for as very mut di - and ,in a fe in - of parents or tome number d rink the c making i iprovemen peetable h uses. I r bus of sch ols ehe eve the seem half year minished 1 y sickness, stances by indifferenc other rea m. There is general irn- provemen in the appliances required for teaching, and more thodical manage- nient is adopted in th schools than pre- viously, all of whic have a tendency to improve. Were tr stees a little more liberal in the matter f prizes, it *mid, very much. promote the progress of pu- pils. I would just refer to one little matter before clett as it will, In all probabilikilpe"coine b fore the eyes of teachers, and that with which many of monthly reterns. observed the special gin, or if they did rth to it. —Aeneas. Dew tor. North Huron. FINANCE the Commil Ma, pursuant to, adjemin- CO lack. The 1Varden in the chair. The .ree Batistes of the pi es. musAmami; were mit reaR and approved. The by-law "for the Noi issitine of debentares for the purehese at whi tha Northern G -r ivel Roadwas read and Sge aatroved. The be -law referane to the '-the • .1 reeetal for horse thietes and .others was it6- rerld and passed. - INioved 'by Ma GI 'yin, seepnded 1); illt!tntl Ututut, that this )ounoil ,grant a200 rela to improve the houa lary between 'the ed b toskshipOfAVeat.AVilwaiaaf.,:h and Kin- the losit. as the Courty onirtice has granted that ike amount last ykat, pre viding. this ere( (oltIity grants an eettvatent. itefured pre' to he following rep minittee. was read °melee( that the , the heedless ern fill their s ny of them n otice on the ar- y paid no attention R, School Inspec- ess mi - ver 'ERORT. 1 rt of the Finance : • The Committee eport of the Com - 1 tee epi 'ointed. t -) investigate th .th. D. ideng Regis rye Office lease, i ch it. 1 recommmded to pay Mr ier, the proprieto of the building sum of. $100 per nnuna for the.]: eg y Office; recemme d that the sal or adopte( , and tha the Clerk no ify accordingly. - AI ith re-ferenee to b, er of - ., J r. , Rosa, County Treitsu er, tive to 4he anima t of interest all ea y Goat: nment at the settlement o Munici .ffil. Loan Mind, recomm nd ' ft Melil Mials to ti e LiciAenant Gov tr in C ;mei]. fr m this Council be eared by Mr. Rose, setting forth, tu. a for al oreeetion in the., calculation be amoe it paYa- )- e to us, untkr the icipal , oan 11' 41. .act, and that he i istruete 1 to assi4 the local members to jur rs bein 'kept So long at be Com ty in urding our claim ripen Go v ern n 1 en t. . Referring to that part Ir. Roes commuaication which re- t, the . 'ommitt e recommend tl?at Local be mbers b requested to call , 1 omemsommweeeseamemememeeeme i the attention of the Goviernment to th matter, and to urge a change, so as have all jury cases tried' first. Also with reference to that! portion of th same communication, showing the cos to the Counties in providing juries far the verifies courts, recothineal that th Commil be requested to Pass reresolutio expressing an opinion that the presen expenses of supplying juries are exces sive ; and that the -present Jury law i much in need of amendinent, and that the Clerk be instructed to send to th Attorney -General a copy of the resolu. tion along with Mr. Ross' comminica tion, showing the cost for the,. pas year to this County. The Cornmitte recomeriend that the Engineer be paid sialary.of $700 per annum. The Committee recommend that the BUM of $100 to each of the Riding Societies be granted, in ac cordance with the resolution asking for the same. It is': also recommended tha the sum of $15 to each of' the township Societies be not granted.' With refer enoe to the letter of Thomas Gibson, M. P. P., stating that the townships of Bid, dulph and McGillivray aroAbout to move for eneW trial of their claim against the County, in the matter of the Municipal Loan Fund, and, also, that the County of Bruce is likely to prefer a claim for a portion of the railvray refund, recone) mend that Mr. Ross be appointed to as - mist the members in resisting anythieg like A reopening of eitheri of the eases. With reference to the co munication of n), the County Treasurer, re ating to the sale of lands for taxes in he County .ot theme after the deed of se oration of the Counties such sales being 'for taxes that accrued before the separation. The Committee recoinmend theft Mr. ROSA be authorised to bring the matter of such , :sales' before the local members of the County, and assist them in urging the Government te give all necessary legis- lation on the matter; also that Mr. Ross be instructed to defend, in case a suit is entered against the County. . A. J.,. GIBSON, 'Chairman. . GRANTS TO_AGRICULTURAL SOCIRTIRs. Moved by Mr. Perkins, seconded by Mr. Weir, that th portion of the Fi= itinee Report recommending a grant of $109 to each of the County Agricultural Societies, be •rett sanctioned. Upon a tote being taken the amendment was lost, and the teporC sustained by a ma- jority of 7. Moved further, in amendment to the report, by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Strachan, that 3100 be not granted to the Riding Agnew tarel Societies, but that the sem of $1 be granted to the several muriicipaliti to. be given to the ItIcI4E.1N $1 30 a e civil cases, and but two criminal. The to cost, therefore, to the County for provid- , ing a jury -for each ease tried was $161, o and as in every case. one of the parties is adjudged to be in the wrong, and as the Courts properly recognize the prieciple that the wrong -doer should pay the n costs, it is manifettlY unfair that the t prudent and peace -living ratepayers of the County should,be required to pay O for those litigious individuals $116, the cost of the tete', which should be' e just as legitimate a part of the costs as . she lawyers' fees. This injestice re- . ceivee a more forcible illustration when, t as in several "of the cases tried here 0 during the past year. neither of the 4 parties to the suit are residents of the County. As I see the Ontario Govern- ment have announced their intention of introducing a new juiy law during the present session, 1 think it would be well t that their attention should Ian drawn to these points, and our members requested t. to urge a change in the direction indi- cated. agric.ulthral or hort cultural aisociations within the munieiPalities he neighbor- hood in the Coalaty4 Upiael a vote being taken, the amendment was ilost and the report sustained by.a majority of & After one or tevolfurther motions for unimportant amendments were submit- ted and lost, the report wai acioptel. COUNTV TREAKIRRR'S MUTER& The following coMmunications from the County Treasurer were react and referred to the Finance ComMittee • COUNTY TREASUDERPS OPPICZ, GoDERICH, jean 27, 1874. Ta the Warden and Cloencillof the Cou ty of Huron: I • GENTLEMEN: I siibmit herewith de- tailed Istateineist of receipts! and expen- diture of the Past year, Statement of ledger balances on 31st December, state- ment of collections from nen-resident lands, May to December, 1873. Tlieactual expenditure has exceeded jail account, $499 49 ; niiscellaneous Is the estimates by 1,733.48. The ac- counts showing exce s being principally and contingencies, $279.90 ; ijury, $137.- 28 ; rOads and bridges, $296.78, and . repairs to gravel !clads, $478.01. The exoess in jail account is .actounted for by the very sniall aniount reteived fnom Government toward jail lexpenditure, for the past year, tieing qnly $304.22 which is more than e half les than any previous year. Tae Government only contribute to the, general expenses of the jail, including salaries of jailer and turnkey, fuel, &c in the same preportion as the criminal p"riso ers, or those tried before Courts of Rec rd, beaii to prieon- late Interim Session act, e der which ct 'ers confined under co mitme. tasaf Mag.- istrates, lunatics, de tors, & a, and the most of the criminal risonert are at once tried and disposed o, lessent the num- ber of days such pri oners are confined in the jail, and ther by under the 'rule, adopted by the Go ernmeet throws a large proportion of the total expenses of the jail upon the Coenty. 1 think the Government should -pay' one-half of the salaries of jail officials and feel, as these the number of prisoner§ conf ued, and I t do not vary with, er are dePe ident upon, think that a strict reading bf Cap.. 120 Con. Stat. U. C., Ni,0111(1 require the G-overnment to do so. I tleink also an,. important saving might be elcected in the expenses for juries if the t'ouncil could induce the Government, either by legis:ative enactment or by rale .of Court made by the Judges, to ilaye all jury cases tried first, when the juries might be discharged, and cities not 'requiring a . . jury tried aftcrwards.i At several of the e . Courts (luting the .patt year 'the ..jurors u were kept unnecessarily waiting fur sev- • days at great inconarenience to them- , selees and expense tolthe Ceruity, while - cases were being tried in uhich no jurors t were required. • 1 think also a largely inereas6d• jury . . , . fee front litigante in civil eases .should exec . he present fees of 50 in County' Court. and $.1 in Assize eases f were, I suppose, estalt idled when jurors were peel -but one zind mg for each ease tried, and in, inileage, but haw alun. the expense of juries • is inuela ,-reat- alt • the duty of providing and ipaying them hind that ; and 1. ti is thrown upon the 1..'oeuty,1 de fees paid that the daputatio by the litigants shm id 1 aa -somewhat they had no case he Road and,I,reht committee. ' ! e elan scHIY0 r.. t Nee-aa-reitte' emanate:. , of t _ - he f( towingl. repo -Its of School In- Mun speistors were real andireferred to 8chool be ie Co4nnittee : During the past year I have had to leorrow largely from the bank to enable me to meet the obligations of the Coun- ty, the amount under discount at the he-, ginning of December being $25,000, This was reduced by the close of the year to $17,000, and I expect to get the whole paid off before the olose of Febru- ary it the local municipalities are prompt • in paying off their County rates. At directed by you in December went to Toronto and gob thelopinion of Hon. Edward .Blake on. our claim against the Ontario Government for in- eteafsed interest on the railway allow- ances tinder the act 'of last seesion, and am happy to say that, although he does not say that we are entitled to 6 per cent. for the whole term, he is quite clear that We hate a legal right to that rate from 1853 up to 31st December, 1860, and that we are entitled -to intereet from let January, 1873 --the date the sche- dules in the act are omiiputed to—up to lsttFebruary, 1874, when they -awe made payable. Before seeing Mr. -Blake; I called upon the Provincial Treasurer to see if the Government were yet willing to allow the claim, Mr. Crooks informed me that they could not do me After I get Mr. Blake's opinion I endeavored again to see Mr. Crooks and Mr. Mewat, but could not see either, as ,they- had gone out et the city. I, however, en- closed a copy of Mr. Blake's opinion' to Mr. Crooks, expreesing the hope that as my claim had received the sanction of so eminent a legal authority, the Govern- ment would now modify their decision and grant what we were legally entitled to. To that communication I have re- ceived no reply. The addition which this interest, to which we are entitled, will give to the County will be about $30,000, or itbout 48c. per heed on the population of 1871. I think we should insist upon pressing this claim and, if necessary, take legal proceedings to, en- force it., Did our claim rest mere-. on this matter to a ealmmissiora Indeed. I cannot see what t+re is to refer to 'a comniiesione A conamisima could not alter the act or res lutione, nor could it interfere with the ettlement made be- tween the Counties and the; act maks the division of t e allowance depend 'upon the settlem nt. But,' in fact, (Bruce has no injua ice to complain of, for had the grant o $2,000 per mile been taken from the deb of Heron and Bruce in 1853—which is the practical _effect and intention of t e grant now being made with ieteres the united Coun- ties would then have started with a debt of $191,000 inetead $300,009, and we have a perfect right to assume that on this reduced debt Btucc wpuld. heve paid in the same p °portion . while Idie was with us as she d d on the larger sum, and we have also a ight to aseume that she.would have tak n the tame proper - tion on separation Mr. Gibson also sive that Biddelph McGillivray are applying for , a reopening of their case. If the former commi mon, as was under- stood: made a final port upon the mat- ters referred, I thin we should not con- sent to any'reopenin of it. I am, gen- tleman, your °hectic! t servant, A. M. Ross, Treasurer. .The following is. *.ss letter above' re- ferred to, coupled With the opinion of Mr. Blake : COUNTY RIASURRRIS OPYICII, Gelfein ell, Dec. 9, 1873. To Honorable EdwardBleke, Toronto: Dealt SIR' : On th part of the County cii Huron I desire to et your opinion on the following : Uri er the. Municipal Loan Fund act of 1873, Province of On- tario, and the resole ions of the House of Assembly, referredto in the third sec- tion of said act, certain mins are pates able to aarious rnunieipalitiei on account of aid given by said municipalitiea in past years. The_said resolutions. referred to provide that the said minis Ork allow- ances granted by the resolutions, are 'to be allowed as a paynient at the date of the debt therefor being contracted." This, I contend, 'mast niean that said al- lowances are to bear interest from the date when the municipality contracted the debt. But the resolutions and act are silent as to any rate of intereet. The question, then, is what rate' of interest is the nennicipality entitled , to on l tech allowances' The Govermnent ha eal- allowed them had they paid thitt into ha' re it at five per cent. per m um, compounded half -yea ly. I conten that the municipalities a e entitled. t , the same rate of interest s would have, been the Government in caeh at the date in- dicated. The rate o Interest charged by the Government on the Municipal Loan Fund debts was 81x per cent. tup to Dec. 30, 1860, and fie per cent. there- after, compounded. helf-yearly, -wig the rateallowed upon the l sinking fund has lways up to the present tiaie beetn six er cent., co-mpounde half-yearly.i This aunty has always p id up its inOerest, ncl had a balance at its credit iii the inking fund. I contend, thereforet that his allowance grantedby the resoltitions s in fact an addition I payment 4 the redit of our sinking fund, as at fdate, une 1, 1853, (the da e when thet debt was contracted,) and that we are en'titled. six per cent. per nnune fromf that ate (1 d -yearly. That no .xed hy the ,act. or e of the Getvern- eare will gtvern i that theyfi will -ent. asked ;it thet the six, per cent. heretofore allowed upon the sinking fund Was not the begat right of the mumcipalitieseend thattthey think five per cent. *pie. -(See letter A. Brough, July 22, 18I73.), The questions, therefore, upon ihich an opinion is desired are, 1. .s a p C a ly upon a technical plea based u s an unintentioual wording of the res.lu- e tions, I would not recommend its ,en- i foreement • but what we ask is based c upon the legitimate application of the j very principle on which the railwa al Y - lowances are granted. The very essence to and justification -of these grants is, that d the municipalities :iaving in past years, by the large aid giyen to these railwaSTs, taken upon themselves the whole burden of such aid necessary to procure their completion. and which by the recent 'legislation of the Province of Ontatio the country has declared should be assumed in part by the Government, it is but right that the municipalities should new be reimbursed Bitch outlay to the extent of $2,000 per mile of railway so aide ; and to make such reimborsernent equ t- able and complete, that such gr nt should be credited as a payment ma e at the date when such debt was mat d for such railway, or in other words to put us in the same elsosition now as if th t grant had. been made by the Govern -me t at the time. This, very provision therefore, the only authority the Gover ment have for alloWing any interest all, and that inter st therefore, in a cord.ance with the v ry principle of r hich the act is base the municipaliti debt. It is not inabursement upon must be the same a have paid upon the mere matter of opti n with the Gover ment what interest they will allot They are compelled by the resolutions allow us the same interest which a paid. • T learn from 0.letter received fro Mr, Gibson, M. P. tt., that the Coen of Bruce are endeav the Government to Huron and Bruce t the railway allowa claim that they sho 1- a e- n ring to 'induce, ti e eadlust, betwe e division made ce, and making ti 11 f ld receive as con -- pared with Huron in proportion to ti e amount they paid while united with: u and not as the resolutions Provide, n proportion sto the amount assumed separation. The Council should .ta, •firm ground agains$ any such interf enee. The basis of division in: eases separated municipelities laid down the resolutions is the only sound on that the seperated. municipaliet - should receive of this allowa r- , compoun ehal rate of intereet being resolutions, the practi ment for the past 20 and have the force of 1 The Government s not allow the six per W.! 1st. Has the County a legel rigfit to six per cent. per anmun on the railway allowance, compounde helf-yearly,tthat rate having heretofore been ellow01 the sinking fund. 2d. If not six per c ut. fore the whole term, has the Count a right to six per cent. on said allow nces up to illec. 1860, and five per cent thereafter, .fg.com- pounded as above, tha being rate (If in- tdeerbetst? charged by Go -eminent the 3d. Is the County e titled to in 'est 'upon the railway allow Aces duritig the period from Jan. 1, 187 to Feb. 14 1187,v? The schedules publishe 1 -were baseelsiepen a calculation of interest at fivt per ishnt. up to the 1st (if Jan utry, taterfThe tenth section of the act proVides ohlr for interest being allowed after Feb. 1, 11874 upon any leilance.s rema ing in the limits of the Provincial Treazi Ter. I am, 41ear sir, yours truly, - A. M. Ro. s, Treasurer; mty of Hurdn. t MR. MAHE'S f PMON. 1 I am of opinion tha,t under the telt in question, the County h a clear right to be allowed interest at s -x. per eent. alp to Dec. :31, 1860, and per cent. dere, after. This is neces ary ordetr eaaT17 ont the resolution which provdes thatjthe stuns shall be 11(»ved as a itta.y- 'lent at the. (late of th (lela being tem- tiected. If this lie not done then lip to )ee. :11, 1660, the Comity eharge4 and yes paid interest on thi sine at .ix per cent., while it is allowed but live per cunt., making a loss ( f one. per c ent., ehich would not carry I am also of opinion a further statement', showing the nem- . ber of bridges whicbi by statutory enact- ment the County ie compelled to main- tain, also the numbe of bridges on the County boundary 1hes, and -further that the Engineer make a:proper eiaSsificatiOR of the abevementioned classes of bridges in regard to. width between abutmente and that auy additional information which the Engineer ;may deem of value or importance to the Council be furnish- ed bylehiiiPMC:itT OF SCHOOL C0111.4ITTEE. The following report of the School and Printing Committee was read adopted. Your Committee beg to recommend as follows: That the tender for printing of McLean Brother i be accepted, pro- vided the contract be entered int e with- in ten days, and with satisfactory sure- ties. The reports of Messrs. Dewar and Miller show that there is, on the whole, an improvement in the state of efficiency of the schools in their respective die- trictin JAMES IL PRNSON, Chairman. ROAD AND BRiDGE REPORT. The following repOrt of the Road and Bridge Committee Was read and ad- opted: Committee recommend that the I Engineer's suggestions with regard to the Bannookburn and other bridges, alluded to in his report, be adopted. With ref- erence to tenders for; building abutments to the Brussels, Eieter . and Clinton bridges, the Commitee recommend that he used by the contIractot of the three er the tender of Mr. Me regory be accepted, and we further r corn:mend that the timber got out for the Ben Miller bridge bridges abOTe named. "The Committee recommend that the Engineer be in- stesected to liaae the jam in the Nine Mile. river, 'on the. farm of John F. Andrews, :removed as soon as possible. The Committee also tecammend that the motion of Mr. Perkins to the effect that the Reeves of adjoining townships assist the Engineer in letting contracts be ad- opted. It is also redommended that the Reeves of the respettive municipalities in which toll .houses are situated, assist the Engineer in disteosing of said toll houses to the hest ads'cantage. The Com- mittee cannot redominend the grant to the.County bounda0 line between West Wawanoeh and Kinlosi, asked for in Mr. Gievin's motion. The motion of Mr. Strachan asking f or a grout to the Morrisbank bridge honing been consider- ed, the Committee eannot recommend 'auy action to be. taken ' in the matter, as - prevision is made for lall 'inch bridges by statute. i THOMAS SI4PSON, ChairMalL _ JAIL AND COL/RT HOUSE. The following is tbie report of the Jail and Court House Conimittee : Your Committee visited the jail and inspected the warde, and findthem clean and in good order, a d ethe whole man- agement reflecting g eat credit on the jailor and his assista t. We are happy to be able to report th4t there are only six inmates in the jail at , resent, five males and one female, all tonfined. for petty offences. We recommend that the neces- sary sheeting and pillow .slips for the in- mates of the jail be procured. In refer- ring to the application of Mr. Savage, Chairman of the ToWn Committee, to have the consent of this Council to place a town clock in the Oilmen House cupola, we recommend that said Committeee have the priellege to do so, if the En - Referring to the Coutt House keeper's lio giueer be of opinion t at it .an be placed in the cupola of the a urt House with- out damage or injurt to the building. letter, we recommend that the Clerk and Engiueer furnish a ladder for the win- dows, aud also the necessary repairs to the water closets. Referring to the pre- sentment of the Grand Jury, we recom- mend that said report be carried out by the Clerk and Engine s STANDING CO BUTTER& The following list f Standing Com- mittees was read and . dopted : Equalization --Mess a. Blehop, Brown, Girvin, aimpson, Cr sswell, eilemmon, Scotts Callender, Perk us and Shannon, Finance. — Messre. Gibson, Leckie, Benson, Messer, Green vay, Garrow, Pat- ton, Snell, Hays, A mstrono, Bishop, Gaunt, Malloy, Geigh r and, Traylor. Printing and .S`chool. Meals. Benson, Callender, Shamon, Garrow, Messer; Leckie, Parsons Gau a Willis, Hunter, vell. Messrs. Gitlin, 'strong, Walker,. ay, Bays, Scott, tenter. Garrow, Girv in, unon. /wise. — Messrs. kins, Weir, Dal- nith, Ford, Mon - Parsons, Lovell, Walker, Gibson and L Rood and Bridge. Simpson, Ford,. Art Kelly,i Weir, Green% Brown, Slemmon and ialen's. —Messrs. Patton, Bishop and Sle • Jail and Court Strachan, Geigher, Pe tonaMalloy, Willis, S -eith, :Kelly, Castle, 'aylor and Snell. ls .1 in the same proportion as the debt erel.- ted for :met? TaliWay W:18 assumed. n March last, when this mea.sure was 1 : fore the House, Ihnice'sent a, deputaai down to urge this N ery matter upon t ( Government, and eing at Toronto , the time on ma- tter under this act, I IV* 1 laid their ettee befre the. Lea -entitle' t, in order t() provide the result. 1 • i It out the aet. i that. the Co nte- alfectiug the Coun y - is entitled to interest o 1 the balainei due s in esent when tin ' t it f " I 1 ' ' ' Y tom an , 1873 to t eh, 1, ltS74, , said on my showing Mr. Alowat that t c 1.1 • settlement iniale between the Cuuntice at separation was clear and explicit as - to , th e• proportiou of this debt to 1)0 as- sumed by eaelt. County, he at once s'.4d ti t tl t: a er,la le us crime- - - " fort , li,111. ma LER-s, Pane -ere the To he Wrarden , nd Ceuncil of the Coun- of it t of 1 arm : fers GENTL1, ZIEN : have the honor to cour state tha on ace mit of the lett date of the i nearer the actual c(,:it. The total- ex- pense -paid by the County frit' pro vidin . juries last year was 13,03.,28, and the amount received as 'Os frOra litigants biit $186, making a ma cost to the Coun- ty of $2337.28, and I pnd from the cords of the Courts that there were tried ; by juries during the p st yeat -eighteen f •••,- is could not go oe- ought at that tiine 1 wel'e satisfied that nd ..Mr, IN- ells, their Member, vela) was with them, and to Whom t explained the se•ttlenteut maa-at, seemed to be .ef de -same opinion'. I cannot eonceive. that the. Government will aek the 'louse to arneeid their own act an&lf lay down another basis of division; a d I think we should resist any attempt : o induce us to refet a. ea n dicated. 1. DWAIN/ BLA141•:, TOI:oNTio, Dee. 12, 173. ieeoneoeetios .dOVell 1,2; Jr.1ier, el2(...otolf.a. by :t1r. Lovell, that the. Warden and ( Peels he authorized to petithin the Leeiel: re of Ontario on behalf o this ( mnn,Zt to legalize the by-law inec rporating th vile- . lege of Wingham and the election of the ceuncii. (IOUNTV BRIDGES. • Saletriea.--MeSSre. 8 radians Monteith, Benson, Csllandea tlesser, Dal- ton, Castle and Cressw 11. The Council adjourn d until 9 o'clock atu rda v. , 8 Sem ` The Council Met pur . The only beet,' ,the reading and patetin when -the Council ;Idiot RDAV, Jan. :31. uant to adjonrn- es transucted was of two lsy-laws, reed. HORSES V ANTED. 8. W. 11E1- EMAN Move.d. by Mr. Cress vela seciinded by Mr.. Simpson, that the Engineer b4 hie • structed to prepare a 1st ixi time- for the June meeting showin the number of bridges which, under By-law 12; I 1873, were assumed by this County, ,'s,iso 819-4 • ITE'RE from NEW Y(1iK, and will be at SH- ARP'S sEAFolirn, OTE L, UNTIL FEBFW RY 20TH, th p,:rp/rus ;nying Large J11L1 1)111 r011 T Wrigbing 1,:;90 to I4J pminds each, for which THE HIGHEST _MARKET PRICE Will be pal d, *. HEINEMAN.