HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-01-23, Page 71411,1w-ix's Y : .... r•-', ' , i'xi - bt - : , , . . X`. e.,,7--! ti' • .-..1 1 ar 1 , Z • ,Istt a ,,,4 ! 1.--, • . w _.„0. ' }!1 '`1:. • \ , --7- hi 1,-e it til ,... ,.., ,-,-, d iir -.....• ti %...! r , e > - z 0, ii --- rrt, -• • m -D , 4. 71 5/ in - •-"( • Z ' i-3 0.: Pi 6 z ,,,, g- ,, t4. tt •0 0 - ,p.p, ',,.,- ,--3 Ki • hi i, - 1 -Hi* .1-7,•' b' X corn CZ,, -1;8 ,....r.„ -.i•-_,L4 >II 5 z itzi >, - ' 6 '. z 23, 1874. t -t r ZHM 5 rri rr c r 0 to= - z tt 2 1 s FOTIN BY. UBSTBI wishes to call the attention of the farfmxg community in genera to his rge and varied stook of Agficultural Implements, Consisting of ON ND- WOOD PLOWS 1With the leitesit improved Steel Mould Board, GANG PLOWS, ruivAtToEs, -LAND ROLLERS, 1 ItAiRGWS,! solktYLERS, 8&ei • •-• e would be !to 'call apseial" &tteatio4 the celebrated ARIVIERSPLO Mich has given universal satisfactiontwherever ed, to whir tt is now added- & Thistle Point, Be net re(' ..lured in this part. Also, to e first- TAvE-R %JIM LAND! ROL ERS, From $22 to $35. few First/Class Wagons, ;etting.up fer Spring u4e, warranted of !veil hest SEA NED TIM ER. • Of -hich win:be sold at the v _OWE- T PRICES FOR CASH Or approved credit. WM. R. WILSON. russers•Fb. 12,1878. 271cy NEW HARNESSi BRUSSELS. tevn Subscribers wish to state thatItthey have • opened out a first-clase 1 :HARNES SHOP, IN BRUSSELS, here they ill keep on hand a choic4 selection Of ev •thing in their line, sneltlas • . -xatss!„ %addles, nirbips„ Trwi.1 , Valises ! n Betusibes, -Currycombs, Cars1, Bells, Blankets, 4 .1n1. everlth ng that is usually found in a first- !! el:18s Harness Shop: f- • LHjr HEAVYHA, NESE f every 4e4riptiort made in the latest stvle,, and of the vety best material, at prices thab defy corn- _ 1 1 petition. Goo4tWorkmanship- Guar :teed. ptt every eSeription made to order, au4 Warranted net to hurt, A call if! elsewhere Reprt Shop urmbtrr • respectfully bolicited before archasing ring leromptly ..iattontled‘ to. jrmkethately -North of Annet's Hotel, Street, Brussels, Ont. DUNCAN & DAVIDSON, , • Proprietors. - tjAisT. 261 1874. ! • '•'.• TliE EXPOSITOR. r • • • ' 1.1 MillignalreS—Where W111 the Rich Men Come From? What becomes of the sons of our great inn?la question that is frequently aileked, and as frequen ly left unanewee. ed. The intellectuall powers of the father, if predorninan1, seldom descend • to the son. In aecertam Emilie, this rule *th respect to the ability to holds true acquire and retain riches. If the father possess this in a remarkable degree, the son, in nine casesout ;of ten, is it spend- , thrift Examples of this are not want- . jug, The descendants of the men ,who, two or h e (reiterations ago, rolled in opulence, hi ld clerkships or other: sub. • ordinate positiens. . Wealth, influence, and ability, in some families descend from father o•son, but these are isolated oases, and, s exceptions, only prove the 1 .truth of the rule. Since they are so sel- clout retained in one family for any great length of tune, the query, where our rich Men of 'thetare will come from, natu- m rally suggest itself. They do " Come l to tbe surface, and, 'gradually unfolding those powers which enable them to man- age vast enterprises, control millioni,, and wield a mighty influence. The result is not a freak of fortune; they are not kick- ed into good, luck. Their suceeils is merely the result of long and laborious years, a right appreciation of .,business, nd a persistent, devoted appliestibn to e details. ! Wealthy young men begin life just whertheir fathers left off, land, tin are. to -day peddlingi. fish : ' f course, end. where their fatherabegan, : tare rich me., the li e end of the horn. I Our t7L in the streets -selling oranges or papers the sidewalk, . or are engaged in some munerative employment, the wages for which are each week divided between es and the savings bank erally getting the lion's arrent expen . e latter ge are. • A case in ip int was that. of a candy - titan who okv s a little stand on the street corner a d. a marble block .at •the Sbuth )nd, r a little boot-bls.ck on • State street, w , o has $600 dolben in one - of the city savings banks. Business men appreciate the' tact displaylid. by this !'y, and. he has a long list a regular stomers, bringing him a weekly in - e of $161 t $20 Another case is t at of a little iatcheneerchant, who fre- - q4ientiy Visits State street and vicinity, (I salutes you with, "Buy some par- lor matches, C p'n ?" He is a bright, stetive, intllig let little fellow, with a cheery 'voice, b4tra.ying the metropolitan cen.t, and large black eyes that always • h when he sees a chance to make a e. His history is as interesting as it is brief. He formerly lived in New York, where he was thrown upon - his oven resources, nd formed the laudable determinttioia support himself, and no , like °there, become a drone. Bor- ro slag $25 from a friend, he invested . th4 entire amount in matches, • and Idis- -po ng of his stock at a fair profit, was so n enabled to pay the debt, and begin. in bu Mess on the profits. Appreciating m ey at its proper value,: and knowing. fro.'rn intuition. what it has taken others _ years to learn'he began* right, beaked eveey dollar la.e!culd spare, arid now, al- though he has -leen in business only se shot time, has $ 00 in the bank, a ittock • of snatches worth $75, pay Ei $4 per week for! board, current expenses, and eon, stay adds to his funds in the benk. His enterprise, keen business -tact, and, foresight, when his age is considered,. are B. -I ply wonderful; and the diseernment an push already shown by this boy will . • in art answer the question, Where are th , rich men of the future coming from ? —Poston Traveller_ . ! •- .0 • sm. ; ; .. Religion in Persia. • A remarkable movement has for some time been going on in Persia, which in- dicates that even that country is not free froth a religious tumult like that which has been agitating so much of the more civilized world. Trouble of no ordinary land has longbeen existing between I the • Grand Vizier and the Moolas, but no e4planation could for a long time be at- tained. The Times of Itulia now under - es to say that all is clue to the origin o a new creed,- which seems likely to - p oduce a momentous change in the; re- ligious future of the East. This new faith, known by the name of the ." Zuz- deni,". has secretly but rapidly spread throughout the Persian kingdom. The creed supportst'eloottines vastly contrary tb the Moslem: faitlf. -The Zezdanites do riot believe in any prophet. They only Worship the Alnaighty. • There are no religious ceremonies stipulated" for .: the new religion. • The principal doctrines are praise of the Supreme Being, trath, and virtae. The new faith has spread. so lax its influence that several savans, °Menem., and even Princes have ,joined i. Now -it appears that the preeent I adre Amy or Grand Vizier, is also an ("vacate of the new religion—a "fact of Which the big Moolas and the _ priests of ''ersia appear to be cognizant. 'It need: hardly be said that these priests and Kazees are afraid of the consequenceof . he spread. of this religion, which bodes destruction to the iefolsem faith antl raetice. They now watch with eager eyes the tarn high officials may- chaose to .take. It was the Sadre Azraiwho . , • revelled upouthe Shah to visit Europe. The natural deduction fromthis was that the Vizier had, or for the matter of that have still, a great influence on the ne ....of the Shah. The priests and 1Ka- toes see that iwere this influence te be hnoweel to continue, the .Shah ma+ in time beincluced himself to embrace 1 the hew faith.. Why, then, the surest Way to avoid the difficulty was to remove the Sadre Azm---and it is known how. far , they succeeded. •ere • a. , The Pernicious System of Can- . vassing. 1 Mr. Arthur Arnold, who has just been ' beaten as Liberal candidate for Parlia- , Meat at Huntingdon, is the editor of the . Echo, the enterprising half -penny even- ing paper, which has disappointed a host , of prophets by living and prospering for some years past. . , His successful rival, Sir John -Ka,rslake, was Mr.1Disraeli's Attorney -General, and is one of I the ablest men at the common law bat, iMr. Arnold. did . ot, I presiime, expect , o be ' elected.. •t, ough, or w . i 1867. It us two member it of one in voters, but 1 stroy the co ! Earl of San •1 It was thoug I and very Me - 1 tent. Sir J .1 days, would posed by a • 1 499. The i Arnold has 0 10 untingdon is' a pocket bor- before the Reform act of (I• to have..400 voters. and . The Reform act deprived mber, andadded about 500 •-d not by any .ineine 'cle- trellinginfluence which the wick had so long possessed. t the ballot might do that, ly it has elone it tosome ex- hn who, ii4 old! have walked over, was op - moray of 341 voters, to his ajority is large, but! Mr, de a creditable fight, and earn a claim to the s partyt the next electio hopele s borough. Anc himsel honor by refusing person tice o me a date a ever b Spirits to hon time it memorial, and d.o high -s irited men have ballot tends to disconrag thing, by making it more [difficult sure t e keeprnj of promises when Mr. ! morns oppon was fries who s caste) pledge nomm Arnol, mind hid.. t gagem render that abetai did, h ally. strong The t uth is, the average elector lik be visi d and eanivaseede It is a r nition of his fo4wer avid impo But t day will home when the sy will given up, only like other things in Euglaad,it will oome wit libera on.--- /is 1. Letter. .3343•41. A DITITZSOTA. TROUT POUND. trout ond started )aelow town lasts has b i me one on the attractive tutio of our city. On -visiting pond'' d.eys o, we were info by the placed 11 ail . pport of . , soul he has! to solicit, lly from the electors. The canvassing has allays !seem egrading One,. alike to the c d the c astituencel- ;- nor h en able tb understand how a man coild go abort from e beggin for support. Yet to this' one it. this -so ola, ii a letter publishe g, deecril1es the way in whic nt canvaa, ed. Sir John Kar ccompani4d about the to and retai ere'of L�rd and d by while tradesmen, ers they were, were aske themselves. for. Lord Sand e. "One old man," says , " told nac that the prooes him of ihe prose ! gang. enaselves pleaded illness o nt, but tlae majority had to aur - It wait against this sy tem re. Arnold meant to protest by ing from asking for pledges. He wever, visit each elector pe • on - Perhaps next time he will feel enough to refrain from that so. s to • • the • less done "ote rac d. t net vn gh OU8 011 our, The t of in \ his lake by 'eh, hose to. *ch's Mr. re- ome en - eggs, 100, hatche the sh rem 1,000 strea mer, a agam more. with t along, marke not u will th nee. tom ood • de - The ring the ed proprietors bat they had a dy in position for beaching 1 l',000 om which they expect to vs at least. 1rdy 15,000' out, in fort -five days—a • out itest time on r cord. It !• be red that th y procured om o 2,000 breethng trout out of the about Lake Gity the 1past um - d as soon as the moon o ens hey will endea or to add as • any This numbe of breeders, toge her e young fry whic1i will be co 8. .g enable them to supply t.4. s about here in a few years ; til the stock is amply stiff ient y attempt it.—Lake City Sciat ACRI AN ((API ove ceived i on the Co insuran, as man majorit basin such a calamit made o tection Dwellin that w' te cut n Inten, only F' °elver - throng assets a the me protecti of ins being insures Dw • try Ch • for the pays . in end° 4 4 • fielda of fa . That, having, 1b .:idee a large Premium Note os.pital cash alwayson hand,J is enabled to pay all holiest claims 'th- out any unnecessary delay. That in the past el ren years •'a office has distributed over "half a11 - lion of money" in satisfaction of losses t 4, its Meta* t.. t 4 , apport of this dompanyis solicited o its its. It le doed for this office th t it more to provide cheap insurance th• !. all r Companies co bined. It is a riot° !'oris t the con eting Companies have for ears ging our plans nd adopting ourrates as a con.diti n of their existence. T E ULTURAL MUTUAL ASS R- E ASSOCIATION OF CADAD OFFICE, LONDON, 0 T. AL, (1st January, 1878,) 080,831 94, with 86,000 Policies •in foree. Premiums re - 1872, $87,000—an increase of over ,000 arge business of 11871.. • This old re able —the successful ,pioneer of cheap arm e in Canada—iss ' g now monthly n arly Lolieies as the ewhole yearly irons of a of other Companies in the same a of In ithe eoruatry, dietributing their ids in i annex that under no apparent possible or con.tingency,la h.eary drain coal be their capital, has decided to afford pro - o the owners and 'ocempiero of Iso ated s in Cities, Towns and Villages, at tee defy any respectable or responsible • flies dor. i ing insurers wi note : That this iv the e • e Mutual that hai deposited with the Re- • eneral and been licenced to do bnsi ess out the Dominion of Canada. Tha the d profits of this fernpauy. accumulate at bore' credit, affo ding a sure fund, fo the n of members, and keeping down the cost • nee, instead of 61:s with stook eonipa 'es) stributed amongst shareholders. Th t it nothing more iaz&rdous than Tool ted s, Farm Propert , Cheese Fae,toriea, 0 un- ches and Schooi Houses, has no br •oh swamis of mor13 dangeroue property, and damage by light ing, including live ock Your own me has do the oth fact th been co /160808a Give Appli 306 -ti the Old Farorit Pre rreasee. ations by mail promptly attended CHAS. T. DOLE, Ag Box 89, e the n. nt I ton. SEAF •WI In pre SL Which short t' for the out by will ret A. n the wa RTH • C-ARRIACI TER, aomI WOR s. WILLIA.T'1 -GR SSIE aration for thi sleighing season,' has in construction large nunfter of IIGHSAND .CUTTERS 111 be.sold, as lanai, ahem for cash, or on e. The' reputation. of this establishment durability andielegance o1 articles turned t, is sufficient !guarantee that purchasers ive satisfanticd). bekof Light h:Tie and Double RIGS, in of Wagons and Buggies, yet on hand WILMAM GI1ASSIE, • Goderich et eat, Seaforth. STOVES $c. TI WARE Of all kinds, and in endless variety it MRS WIIITNRi'. Carmichael's Bloc , Mein street, Seaford:. CC:11- OIL, Pare, god and cheap, WHITNEY'S. wholesale and retail at Mrs. CUSTOM WORK Of all kinds prbniptly attended to and neatly„exe- Gated. 308 MRS. WHIT,N3Y. SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, - SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY THE subscriber begs leave to thank his nhno erons -I- CUB iomers for thlilib‘ral patronage extended to him since commenc' g business in Seaforth, and trusts that he may b4favored with a continuance of bhe sarae. ' , . Parties intending t build world do well t •• gilt tuna call, as he willicontinue to keep on • • d a large stock of all kinds of ! DRY' P-iNE LUMBER, •• SAISIIII? 8I,, DOORS, 13LI DS, M ULDIN S, SHTNGL S, LATJjI,ETC. He feele confident hf giiing satisfaction t • those who may favour him with 4lieir phtronage, a none bat first-class w�rkmjon are eraplbyed. p Particular atte tion paid to CustoMP 201 JOHN Bi. BROADFO zing. T. SEAORTH A6NICl/LTNNA1i IMPLEMENT; , • . Se*lug Machine0 and !i1Ust0^41. INSTRUMENT MMPORITTNI.: • I ! Our Sewing Mac e llepartment.— take pleasure in !dating to the public, that I shall at allitimes have a }stook of all the different kinds of Sewing Machines, -vfith their varied pre-, tentiona to merit, that the piirchasera may be abl to suit themselves at one e ablishment, without inconvenience. The whole Iface of the country has been, and still is, frequented by transient persons. My object hi to caution the public against buying anything but Standard Machines, d of Regular Established gents, who can al- ' aye be found, and whose wa lei be relied ens and if the pn th the kind they think they I: • ant and guarantee, haser is not suited ant, they sari have tlhe privilege of changing it for any other. We &TO at Allmon a new and- freeh stock' of the °rows and We star Machines, as well as all the Deer staaidardra es, wbieh oan be paid for on ry easy term!, or if not satisfactory, can be slanged fox any her that rnay be desired. , Musical In ento.-0. C. WILLSON an defy the veer on ltuaicaa Instruments, both • in Pries and a ality, 1Le cannot be surpaesed. The manufactur a of Instruments which he sellp ye a reputatio s that dare not be questioned. e palls for no •!mond-class 4rnis. The Mathu- ek and Steinw y Piano ,P - ee, Mason & Ham. lin, and Estey 0 gang and Melodeons. Agrinaltar I leapleinento.— Such as Straw Outten, Grain ()rushers, Boot Cutters. S wing Machine and Hone Powers, all of the i bee t, always o hen . c. M WILLSON, -str eb, Seafchth. 619 SWING dAN DA COMP'Y ETh xr... (Div_ • etablished e -wing Mao imany market, a an important b ben: realized, an • unparalleled! de "IWebstee ire iritrodneed, and. +(story to its n siild more mac Start, than any the fihrpose e which sho d thue itake a , • such df! busin ost sanguine their efforts of manufacturing d excel all others ead for Canada in BB throughout the expectations have appreciated. by an and for the now celebrated everywhere they have yet been lthough it has taxed their man - most Ihnita; they have made and CB in a giv n tinse, from the ther minute tory in the world. rich envy has peen the con eauence from our 1 1 , Amricanneighbors, who had hoped to hold the • 1 monopoly of tii4 partielar b anch of business, 'tut nothing ti4t they now c n ! do will prevent he "Webster "j from g i ig tliat reputation Inch its meri s entitle it o i hold, and those cribs will Ile p eserved intao employing only he most skilled mechaics, a d 1bhe best material hat money -will furnish. • Th y have had but lit - le spare time t attendand xhibit at fairs, but , • heiever h was done, the" aster " was victori us, and twenty-three Firs, P hes in Ontario alone against all comer, Am ric n or Canadian, ell to their lot Tiring the pa t Iwo months, and have no doubt Fair in the Do of the merits, gained was the bject vie , that every prize of hat, had they exhibited at every on, ihere just" diecrimination • beriefits o the public to be - • 1 I 1 18 honor would ha object of ads and, whilst c ! • Fine or Heavy done on a Sew 8 the " Webster " e been their . It has been the orapit4 to give money's worth, llenging co ipe1ition, either for ork, o wor of any kind whatever g Machine, t LO Price charged for is the ame s that asked for many RE •sti- .A. IT" UCTION ON WOOLENS. IA. Reduction of 10 Per Cent,. WILL .BE MADE ON CIJOUDS, HOODS SCA Ft FS, WOOL GAIT E R S, ; . • • MITTS, GLOVES, SHAWLS, MEN'S *CAWS, &C. • COMMENCING TO -DAY. OALL AND\ GET GOOD BARGAINS. LOGAN & JAMIESON. WATCHS, QI-POKS AND JEWELRY. M. R. COUNTER JJ.A.s cpne 01 t e Choicest and Cheapest Stock of Watches, ClOcks and jewelry to select from in the Connty. very ,Article ii TFtrranted io be as Repreented. !s Prices are lower than any other ROOM doing a, small trade can afford to offer.The Stook is the largest d best elected in this section of Site country. • A call of Inspection is all that is required: to 00111rine0 the most skeptical of the truth of these statemest ts. A Lars Ass tnent of very handsome' Sil,erTY are swh. as Cruet Stands, Calm i)9.1 B ,frc., l'h.ey are worth, looking at. • Gold Chaius in endless variety. Repairing promptly attended to. M. R. COUNTEBy Maintreet, Seaforth. COME 0 ! • COM A L L, AND BUY YOUR HARNESS FROM • WARD, SEAFORTH.. bag to state for the information of fame nd the Public generally, that I have as good a stook of Harness on hand as any in town, and 1 a4 etermined not to be undersold by any other establish - BELL$ and HORSE BLANKETS,1 all kin s, constantly on hand. Also TRUNKS and General ment in the County. • 1 -t• Furnishings. GiVa---1 MateE • JJ WARD, Main-treet, Seaforth. inferior second-class =chin s, whilst the complete set of attaehme ts supplied are Of the very latest deign and best Iwoxkmanshi, , an for varied andl - • complete work, with si pile ty and 8650 01 opera -I tion, far beyon in val e th se s•Id with an' of th aehines. The demand for t reat Brtairt and Ireland, Belgium and Soutl Am3rica, as; well sts I • own Dominion, is unprecedented. ,eadi be imagined, that so pour d not be allowed to pass unchal- erican manufacturer, and every adopted to prevent the "Wester" duced into the United States. best American • Webster for the West Indi every part of o It may, therefo erful a rival wo lenged, by the •:! 111 Z. OP means has been froM being int; 0. 0.W1 LS N, SEAFORTH, • HARNESS Nics, BAS, • !,Ittnii PS, COMBS, ATB Our none but give entir • ShAp LItNESS first-rate a satisfac Opposite HARNESS I LFRY & COLLARS, VALISES, LASHES, BR US H ES, &C SEAFORTH. e can. recommend to an one, as we use only first-class Leather and -make ai•ness. We wa-rrant o OnarB not to 'gall a Horse, and guarantee them to on. Mansion Rous, ST rth,. GA BELFRY & MAY. DENER S • - Agent for the county of Huron. 11-16 WING AOHINE IS A STRONG RUNNING MACHINE, W eiLL ADAPTED FOR FAMILY SEWING &ND t Manufacturing Work. At the Fa rs held throughout the Dominion, thialdlachirie was put to Bolts ery severe tests by the EST JUDGES TEE OUNTRY GO ULD PRODUQE AND BY IIIEM AWARDED 13 Prizes in 1871 and 26 Prizes in 1872. Its simplicity of construction, strength and d4rabilityrecommend it to all classes. It has a complete set of attachment, and does all kinds of work. INSTRUCTIONS IN ALL TTW A TACHMENTS GIVEN FREE OF CHARGE. Gardner Sewing Machize Company, Hamilton,i Ont. PETER' GRASSIE, SEAFORTIT, 286 1 It Agent for the County of linron. ODERITCH FOUNDRY. The Goderich Foun ry Sr. Manufacturing Co. Beg to inform the publi that they are prepared to contract for STEAM EG-INES AND BOILE S, FLOUR, -GRIST, AND SAW MILLS SAWIN MACHINES, &c. On harnd—IRON AND WOO EN PLOWS, with steel t boards, GANG PLOWSj CULTIVATORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, &c. SLrG R AND POTASH IC TTLES, GRAT 1-WBARGSO AGN BOXES, -&e. COO IXG, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES, of vatious kinds. SALT PANS MADE TO ORDER. ALSO, IRO AND BRASS CASTI GS, AND BLACKSMITH WORK. BO ERS AND SALT PANIS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. T•• TY 1 TO THIRTYLHORSE P01V3B TUBULAR BOILERS generally on hand for sale. 4.11orders addressed to the Company or Secretary will receive proraptettention. . A. H3DGE, Secretary and Treas rer. H. HORTON, President. R. RUCIlAN, General Manager. g YET VAT osevs-si zza-zrio gyvAirrwyn sea-Ooo ino-ssouo anaiiO 1sIDIS 'smoom-uv.m. STI flflX fla SIVIDOTH amv 01\licidOHD TO THE PUBLIc AT LARGE. V. • H. OLIVER, T-4rness, Saddle,and Collar MANUFACTURER, SEATORTH. s-4 • (12 EIIGN OF TBS • SCOTCH COLLAR. choice assortment of light and heavy Harness, • Wbips, Bells, Horse Clothing, do., kept constantly on hand. Repairing promptly attended to, and cli*gbs moderate. Remember the place, sign of the, Scotch Collar. W. H. OLIVER. SPECIAL NOTiCE CLINTON • WOOLEN T7 Subecriber begs to announce that his Fite- , tory is now in full operation, and would call attention to the superior stock of Cloths that he has on hand, -which he is offering at prices that will convince all of the benefit of a. local factory, feling fissured that all will realize the saving over iinortation, as)a proof, see the following prices: Union. Tweeds35o to 70c. Fulled Cloth, 75c to 80e. Tweed, 850 to $1 10. ' Flannels, 550 to 70c• . Union. Flannels, 50c to 70c. • Blnkets, lite., on hand. Also, Grey, Red, and White Stocking Yarns. • My customers through the county, who were formerly supplied by my peddler, will be waited upon in a few days by my son, w.he will. either tali?, orders, or supply them at, once with the! article desired. Special Rates when Purchased iiy the Piece. Cloth Fulling and Custom Carding attended to. AN EARLY CALL IS SOLICITED. • THOS. R. FOSTER. • !. REMOVAL THE SEAFORTH SHAVING AND ,HAIR 1 DRESSING SALOON TrAS been removed to new premises, adjoining -1--1-1 John Logan's old stand, and opposite W. Rob- ertson & Co.'s Hardware Store. The proprietor begs to state that he has fitted np_his new shop with every conveniertee and is determined tomalie • it a first-class establAment. He has also on hand a nice stock of LADIES CHIGNONS AND BRArDs Of the latest styles. Ile is also prepared to take in ' LADIES HAT: COMBINGS, 1 And have them straightened and worked into Braids, Belts, Switches, Curls, ize, Charges reasonable. Gents' Wigs furnished on the shortest notice at less than city prices. A call is respectfully solicited. 80752 . WITJTAM NEWMAN:. S. L KENNEDY, TT OUSE, SIGN and ORNAMENTALPAINTER --and Grainer. Paperhanging also attended to. Work done as cheap as by any other good work - rams in-: the business. Al! orders left with itfr. Kennedy, or for him at the ExPearrett-Offfee wzU be promptly attended to. ro.ss 11 4.4