HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-01-23, Page 5r, I AN. 23, 1874. -60m-i• . 1 i5guize.h* able and generous serVices the interests of the Reform cause, :only m but in other counties, ',- he c;nsideret. that it would be un-- alvan, air to honor Mr. Sinclair he e se of Mr. liorton. He ad - ed , M !Sinclair's ability and his riotisra to his party, and he believed t the tin-te, was coming *hen these vices ;could. be recognized, and re- rded 4iiihotit doing injustice to any son_ Me nOmination of Mr. I{orton was 'in put toi the convention, and carried . ninnonsly, qr. HOrtnn, in thanking the conven- n for ag4n nominating him as " --their ntidate, Said he did not anticipate any •a,t thiaciilty in securing his diction. .' was glad that so unseemly a epeetade two ilief+riners running against each ber in, the same constitancy ho.been aidecti rrom the commencement he d data lbis -willingness to place him - in the i Ilan& of the convention, as felt cintiAnced that when they met i • y weiala do nothing but what was .1 iorable.1 Had the conventiori•seen fit ! do othowise than nominate himi, he uld have retired without a murmur. L Iit. ,dia feel that he had a strong lin for re -nomination. He had been •-ssed into the position of their repre- - tative in the first place very much inst , his own feelings, and since he -tipied the position he felt that he had • done anytlnng to forfeit their confi- nec. Hc had in the past served them ;ttlfLiliy.f and if again elected their rep- sentatjve, as he had no doubt he wo d , he wouhi endeavor to serve them as Wally in the future. The course the nVeiltiOli had taken proved that they ere preptred to do what was fair and - st, aud he would say that it would ever his aim to eared -teat himself, so as to e,ritinare to merit their confidence and es - em. Mr. llorton then in a neat speech ferredt the various questions of pub- -.i intei which had come before Par- ent' * ce his -connection with it, and wed:inst and - conclu-sive reasons for O coupe taken by the Government in ssolvitig: Parliament. He also alluded a the smiles in the Rollie during the 4e eriElisi and to the tremendous temp- 6-itien t4 which so " a members were sub- eted thy the G vernment and its t•iends,4 Who .vcrt willing to grant al- iost Liytamg to s cure a vote. But to he crOit of many of those representa- ives who!had formerly voted with the iovernMent, they firmly -withstobd the emptat'ion, and refused all bribes., ' I 1 nzonoAtclz.A.vias. '- ; At the conclusion of Mr. florton's ad- (teas,the association was reorganized iy appointing Mr. W. R. Squier 1,"resi.- ..en,it, and Mr. McLean Secretary. ; The ';follawing gentlemen -were ap- ointed to act as chairmen of local com- aitteeS in their reapeotiye munidipali- ies, ano.to.call all meetings for organi.- ation, &c.,:- . 11altekt.4--Humplarey Snell, Geo. Watt, nd Geo„.0unningliara. i McKittcp..— Robert Govenlock, Mr. Viurchie, and James _McDowell. , a aer lat.—George Walker, James 4' Donal , and john poig, , Grey.! omas St rachan, Archibald JeDonil, and John McTaggart. : Colbolrne.—Alex. Milloy, A, m. 'Young. alai WM. Green. This !concluded the business of the ;onvention, when it was adjourned to tied againat the call of the President, he nrciceedings throughout having been :ora-Jicteda in_ the most pleasant and. hat- , 10 noniouis maimer. , : -as • ale - satrap: Huron. Reform Goia-: vention. A Referm convention assembled. at .(inrich:ori Friday last for the purpose of laminating a standard bearer for the Re - nun pi y at the ensuing election for pari Thmm .4outhH. ron, e meeting was ore iroperlar one for organization, as Mr. 'Jan:wren,' -who no one doubted, Would be ;he nominee, was already in; the field, oncl the convention would be simply :aIted -Upon to ratify his candidature. Robert Brown, Esq., President of the keforin Associotion, occupied: the chair, incl M4 Zellar, Esq., acted as Secretary. Me foliowing delegates were present: Sfeecie4* —Geo. Anderson, Jas.i Wan- esa, Alex. Mitchell, Thos. Wells:. tranimwa--Robt. Monteith, 11. Hor- icy, R. Monteith, Jr., Jas. Elder, Jai. geTagg -rt, Alex. 'Stewart, William Bawden. ' -Alt job)). Deichart, R. Brown'J. 13. Gera -g er, ,Robt. Ferguson, Robt. Me- ist M. Zellar. Sfrt Nt-rS. ilogarth, G. Eberhardt, Nfurray -Walker, John Regan, Jacob liaisti Ionia Kroft, Geo. Mawhinney, Toim ;Parsons, H. Moatz, Jahn. Lewis, Josiah Pedlar, • Patrick M -..,Phillips, Dr. Moore, John Gould, . ! OnJacbount of the storm and the state Of t1u4 rOads;the delegates frorct Coderieh townhip and Clinton were not . present. ved by Mr. Ferguson, semi:Wed by . :Buchanan, that Mr, M. Zellar be e Secretary of the Reform Association for the South Riding of the County of urea. Carried unanimously. . ; 'Moved by Jas. Elder, seconded by ThOS. Wells, that M. C. Cameronbe the nominee of the Reform party to contest this Constituency in the interest of the Libek.al party. Carried unanirnouity, ; M. Cameren who was on his Way from Godprieh sot having yet arrived, J. S. ‘..'oineaair addressed the convention, urging Opoia, those present to exert themselves to the ntnaost th secure the return of their candidate, He urged each one to work as if success depended upon his in- ividual efforts. if each one did his 4.1* there could be no doubt as to the 'result. ..Mr. Cameron, who arrived while Mr. Si4c1air was speaking, and whose. en - trace was greeted witit enthusiasm, s for. the honor done him. They knew he .sp ke briefly, thanking the convention Weak! flinch rather have retired from 1..a4blic life, but under the eircumstanees. he felt he would not be dcnnig his duty 'we're he to decline to serve tarn on the present occasion. He therefore accepted the: nomination and trusted they would _all workto ensure success, not so much. for lam as for the principles they up- held. ' . There was a large attendance at the convention and intieh enthusiasm, roani- fsated, which augers well for the success bf the Reform party when, : the day of palling Comes. , ----------"--ovia-4.--e- Missions.— The Annual Missionary Veeting of the Church Society, will be _ ield in AValton, on. Jan. 28, and at St. John's Church, Brussels, on Jan,. 29. HOUSE TO RENT. T comfortable derailing henget over the nib- seliber's store will be to let on Feb. 24; The Dim* arelarge and ingood oandition. Apply to WL 0AMMLL. JAN 23, 1874. HE HURON XI1OSTOR., OF HURON 34 Y,17TH IS MIGHTY - AND WILL i! PREVAIL." . ; Oen. r0 Huron Nomilnation -r The no as 'nation for the Centtel Riding of Huron ook place at Seafort , yester- day (Th rsday.) . Notwithstan ng the very disa reeable state of the Nailer, the atte,n 11 &nee of -electors was ve y large. The husti a gs was erected at the Market House, bt t the weather was so Wet, and the rain fell so heavily, that nothing could be • one outside but merely! nomin- ate the - andidates and annouluce the polling pl ces. After this eererci ny was got throu.- h with , those :present djo u rn- ed to the ' own Hall, where the;' candid- ate and t en movers and seebii era ad- dressed t e electors. This buikiii7g was crammed till,- and many wele unable to - obtain sea s. • - . r, - Mr. Ho on was nominated bY Mr. S. G. McCa ghey, and seconded by Mr: Alex-ande 'Wilson, of Silver Creek, near :Seaforth. Mr: C. Crabb was nominated 1Lby Mr. Joseph E Dais, of McKillop, and second- ed by Mr CaMplaell, of Goderieh. These ere the beim-fide ea ' idivtes, 1.1. an,d the following gentlemen wee nom- inated fo the purpose of affording them an opport a ity to speak: John.] McMil- lan, Hall tt; JaS. R. Benson, Seaforth ; W. -R. Sq tier, Goclerich; G. E. Jackson, Eguionclv e, S. G. McCaugheY, p. D. Wilson, r. Coleman and. Dr. CdrMpbell, of 'Scab The R turning Officer, Mr. James Thelma, unounced that the inoVers and seconclei would each be allowed for speaking, five minutes, and the candi- dates ha an hour. He called.upon Mr. Horton a the first candidate proposed. Mr. H rton saidhe did not Wend to ke up81 uchtime, as he knew the elec- tors of 0.antre Huron to. be an intelligent people, a he knew that ail Must be conversa , t with these subjects fram their rnsal o the public pints of, the day. 1872 e had received the nonliination of the Re mart Convention, and. had. been their representative I by the arty. Why he -had received r at their hands he did net t presumed that it was partly "s long residence in the Coun- ew many men of more ability elf might have been selected at , but he coulcl say that none la elected a Reform this hon know, ln owing to ty. He than hirn that tim could hav ,been found whia had. endeav- ored to ac more honestly and straight- forwardly than he had. done. With re- gard to hi conduct as •their representa- tive, he - ould say that he had faithfully supported the principles he had been sent to Parli o ent to suppork and 'Which he believed ere in a 'cordance With the views of a very lar e majority; of the o , electors o Centre-- ron. Air. Horton referred o the powers and privileges the late overnment had asked for and obtained. -ore Parliament in connection with the construction of the Canadian Pacific ilway, Parliament ,allowed - the Gove nment to take the control of this stup nails enterprise entirely out of their iands' and from the control of the peopl , and the result of this has been mad apparent., The Governnaent iised thei powers for corrupt and dis- henorable purposes. The action. of - the House at that time was condemned by the Reform party, .as ° well. as by many rae b rs of the Conservative party. e He spoke o the manner in which the Government t had manipulated thn ese ub- , R - lic enterp izs to gain strength and sup- port to ti emselves, and stated that one contract° had stated. to him that there Was no p fit in Government cOntracts, as in ord to get them contractlors had to spend oney so lavishly to aSsist the •Governm nt. Re believed that, under the present Government. this sYstem of eorraptl4i would be done 'away with. Aithou1j he believed that thel present Governm nt would conduct ptiblic af- fairs ecei omically, he still belieVed they , should b closely watched, and their ac- tions 4ely, scrutinized by the repre- sentative of the people.. If rettirned, as ,he knei he woulcl be, he promised to exercis. 1his careful superviiion over the actions oE this -or any other Governm.ent. He revs wed the policy of the'Govern- ment, as indicated in. Mr. Mackenzie's address, 1 nd said he was glad that it was subh . as met with his hearty ap- proval. Ille closed an exe6,11ent speech by urgii4 upon his friends to exert them- selves ma t only to return him. triumph- antly, b t tO return him by such a ma- jority as would show to the world. that Centre uron had no sympathy with the corr pt conduct of the late Gov- ernment Mr. 0 abb objected to the • course of the Go ernment in - causing. a general election ' at the present time, and putting he country to . the expense and trouble of an election. He thought the Govern 'sent should have met the House, , - propounded -its policy, and then, if de-. feated, appeal to the people. He main- tained. that the present appeal -to the people was a sign of weakness on the part of the Government. Re deplored the necessity which compelled the late Government to the course of spending money to assist their friends in theelec; tions. He said they were forced to do so in self-defence, 4s the Reform party were spending nio ey lavishly. , He was 1 a strong advocate protection, and said that the leaders of the present' Govern- ment had always advocated .fre trade, and he believed they would hare a fiee _ trade policy. He dwelt at Considerable length on the benefits of protection, and maintained that if our manufacturing M- clustries were properly protected the hundreds of men who leave Canada fot the States would be able to fide1 remun- erative employment. at home. Re lauded Sir John Macdonald for his ho esty and ability, and concluded by as luring all that if he should be elected as he repre- sentative of Centre Huron it-w6uld beby the unpurchased suffrages of thel,..-eople, as he did not intend to .spend an, money except for purposes. allowed by; a,w. Each of the other candiclate lelivered excellent address and retired in._favor of their respective favotites, M4Itorton or Mr. Crabb. Owing to the1, te hour at which proceeding closed laSt evening we are unable to give anything 'like a report, even of the.speeches "o the real candidates, and are compell 'd to omit those of the others entirely. , The proceedings throughout were con:, ducted in the most orderly andpeace- able manner, and every candidate who desired to speak was allowed to do so • without interruption. e a DUNGAN. —In wife lof. Mr. - ter. ' HanT.---In. 11 oKillop, on Jan. 5, t wife of Mr. Henry Hart, of A son. MoLEon. —In Detroit; Mich., on ..1 an. 1 the wife of Duncan McLeod, M. formerly of Kippen, Ont., of a eon., CREERY.--in Usborne, on Jan. 5,11 wife of Mr. John Creery, of a YOUNG, —In l3russels, on Jan. wife of Mr. Junes Young, of • BIRTHS. Seaforth, on Jan. John Duncan, of a 16, tl e daug MARRIAGES. YOUNG—Wn,..40N.—At the resi the bride's father, on Jan. 21, Thomas Gioldsnrith, Mr. Young, toMiss... Annie Wilso daughter of 'Alexander Wilso all of Seaforth.. STuaonAN--S --- In Seafo Jan. 22, by • Mr. Alex= bara Smith, CASEMORE — oial Rotel, • Mr. James Rev.. Thomas Gel er Strachan, to M both of Brnssels. ANNAH. —At the C russels, by Rev. R. asemore, to Miss Hannah, both of Morris. 1 MCOARTeTEY-1- WOODS. —In Brn Rev. R Davey, Mr. AIexait Cartney, 13.6 Miss Mary Anu, Woo • both of Grep,T. • • DEATHS. BULL.—In D troit, Mich„ on • • i Isabella, se ond. daughter of Bull, aged years and 6 days. BULL.-- in Detroit, Mich., on Hannah, tlird danghter of M Bull, aged f -years. --Moaa.—At Wroxeter, on, Jan. wife of Mr.! John More, aged 2 °BARTERS —In Seaforth, on J 011. 15, t son. .; once if y Re udre v elde t Es 4 hi • stssmBit: omm ar- Dave foxy . sels, er an. .T. an. r.T. 19, t yea n. Margaret. wife of Mr. Willia Ch ters, aged. 97 .years and 6 nimit s. c. 8, s. 0, THE MARKET MARKET SEAFORTH, Xan. Fal1Wheat, per bushel $1. 18 Spring Wheat, ezel;r bushel f 10 Barley, per bushel......... . . 1 10 Oats, per bushel ' 85 Peas, per bushel 0 55 Butter, No. 1, Lo se Eggs Flour Nay.. Hides. Lamb Skins each. . Sheep skins each, Murrain. Hides . 0 04 Salt (retail) per Salt (wholesale) ter barrel Potatoes(new) per 0'40 Oatmeader brl Wood, Live h 'per 100 lbs Beef. Dressed Hogs 41111/142rEmo. CAUTION. Tat' public are herebycantioned against cutting either afauding or, fallen timber, or in any way trespassing on the bash portion of Lot No. 31, Con. 2, Tueleerstaith, L. R. S. Any person found cutting timber' or in any way trespaesing on the said portion ofsaid. Lot will be prodecuted to the utmost rigor of the law. 320-4 ANN SMITH, Proprietress. • A New assortment of gelod quality Dressing and. fine Combs, Etair Brttshes, Tooth Brushes and such goods, just in, at Hicaeoet's • Drug Store. 2, 197 o $1 0 to 1 o 1 0 16 to 0 0 16 to 0 0 00 to 6 2 6 5 8 8 .. . . ..... 15 -00 to 18 10 5 00 to 5 0 0 50 to 1 60 1 00 o 125 o 0 1 1 115 o 0110 to 6C 2 50 to 800 3 50.to 860 2 50 te 450 ... . 6 00 to 640 5 6 • CLINTorg, San. Fall Wheat, per 100 lbs 1 97 Spring Wheat, pr 100 lbs1 87 Oats, per 100 lbs • 1 03 Barley, per 100 Ths............. ............ Peas, per 100 lbs Flour. Butteri Potato3 s. Eggs Hay, per ton,. Pork .. 2 40, 0 92I 6 00' 020 045; g 18 ........... 1600 6 40 N W YORK HORSE /V Tulasiaav, January 26 extreme inclemency of thel pre-vailed almost incessan ear's clay, has prevented improvement in the loc s and itwas only during th of the week . under revi ctions in the open mark racticalale. There is, bo feeling among horse Ilea, and meth the advent of er a fait degree of activity eipat d; Work , orses of prim will s I on,be wanted at fair pri all in erior stOck must be Erpeedil of. tui er the hammer, in order to furthr depreciation in value, w folio the expected large arriv the estern1 and Middle Stat have o change to report in the of th market for higher pricec there is but very little dem price rulein favor of purchaser ness t the anction marts showe vane in theilumber of horses ted, "thout any ifruprovement avera e prides realized throu agenc es. Th whic New sible trade days trans been bette erall weat 1 BUF ALO LIVESTOCK M... 1 • 1 BuTafaa, Jan. 22i CA. LE. —The market, consid rain nd sleet which impeded. ans, as moderately active at cline n last weel's closing pric quail y of the fresh receipts wer the b st. There Was a large at of bu ers frdin the neighborin Sales comprised about 1,200 he folle ing tr nsaotions indicate t rates: No. if . Averag Hea , Weight, lbs P 102 1 inois Steers, 1225 $ 26 • RR i ', i , 1261 34 •1394 72 RR1 1664 19 I A 1304 33 tate steers, 1238 84 herokee steers, 908 SIX REP AID Laaans.—The slow at a fujIl -lc decline on las price:. We note -the following No. ,f , • Averag Ha . , . ‘Weight, lb 462 hio sheep, •87 187 ,- 9 405 lllinois sheep, , • -11. 70 anad- sheep & Iambs, 10 69 i - 140 R ,.10 r 9 1.65 R R 142 136 e, R , - 9 158 RR " 10 - I -I GS. The marketwas slo - an But littl good. stock in pens o Yor ers, $5 to $5 50; heavy h gs, , to$a 1 •, 0:LD.H-The price of gold in is q oted at 11.1;-. 2, 1874 • 1 8 @ 1 @ 1 l7 • 2 (4 0 6 00 • 0 0 • o i0 @ 0 18 (0 6 0 @ ET.1 18741. , eat 'er y siijce ny pea - 1 ho closi w t t h ever a rs g leas is a qua es, 1 got scap a Is fr o m s. ndit stoc d, 0 5 se rig at ve nt ti- ty ut .d. T on nd si- an cl- stribu- in the @ t se RK T. 187 ring ;the edestri- ' lc de- s. he noti, of endance States. d. he e ruing ark w ale , : .. rice, 5 00 5 15 5 75 . 6 00 • 600 6 00 6 25 5 75 5 30 6 30 11. dull. ering. $5 75 TO THE FARi!ERS PA TENT Wrought Iron Fence, THE uudersigted beg to diven. o rt the• attention. the Farmers of Hilton to the fact that they are uow prepared to takeOrders for the above fence, which Is without doubt the BEST AND 41-0ST DURABLE. c i , , Fence in use. :. . 1 . • Parties- desirous . f giving this fence a trial ehouldleave their orders at °nee, so that it can be prepared for ereetionearly in spring. The proprietors will guarantee this fence to stand without repair a pr TENF EARS. The benefits of thie .fence over all othorti are: lat,-:Durability. 2n44 -Snow will uot accumulate or bank against it. aid—The wind or frost does not effect it. 41h—Fire will not destroy it. 51h— I1 is warranted to tuiall ds of stock, no at- kinm ter how breachy or vi ions. This Fence will be ; urnished; at the following rates: 1, Five Wire Fence, per rod $1 50 Six s< is . gi it •1 60 Seven " 16 168 Eight " It , !I 1 75 "ce. 25 ' 75 6 25 6 40 25 50 00 tis ek's York R H 0 R WILL ADDRESS TAR BDEQTQ NTRE HUiON OF N. As Follows: TERMS,: All sums of $25 and under Cash, on completion of fence; over that areoune three months' credit, an approved note to be furnished on completion a fence. For large orders special arrangements oan be made. • • • Orders taken and further information given on application to M. Ii.• Counter, Wain street, Sea - forth ; or George Forsyth, at tho Market, Seaforth; or Hugh Cameron, Lemesholio. VORSItH & Co., 320 I InVentors and. Patentees. VA,LUAO E. FARM • Pc* SALE BY A'PcTION. ; MR. J. P. BRINhas received instructipns -15-1- from Mr. DONALD MoINTOSH to sell by Public Auction at thl COMMERCIAL HOTEL, E A IF a T H On SATURDA FEBUARY 28, 1874, I That deteirable and V lu ble Farm, situated on the Huron Road, and being Lot le'Con. 1, Hullett. THE FAICTI Contains 106 acres, 90 of whieh are cleared, and 32 free from stumperj sr listed 21 miles from Sea - forth. There is a g od frame house 26x80, also a faerrtor's house about 4x24, frame barns, 3 large frame sheds, large bMring orchard, good garden, and plenty of water.1 T ere are 9 rooms in the house, a well of water in the cellar that never fails, also a primp olpse to the farm house al- ways full of water. hjSale to Comrne11 ce at I. o'clock P. M. ; TERMS—$600 will be required cash on the day of sale; $1,500 wit 8 days after sale; the bal- ance in fiveannuai in tallments at 8 per cent. interest.' The Farm is in an ere llent 'state of cultivation. Further partienlare m y be obtained. from the proprietor, -on the pzoni see, or from the auction- eer. DON#LD MoINTOSH, Proprietor. J. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. 320 I THE ,HURON PLAHIO MILL.' .31ESSRS: GRA Y & SCOTT lotEG to announce that they have commeoced bushaeas in th shop lately occupied by Mr. Martha, and are now preparedlto fill orders for Stashes, Doors, .t3lincls, _Mouldings, And all 'kindo of plane lumber. CHEESE BO AND SETTERS, Few,' ;x's School HoUse, Tuekersmith Jan. • erd,ait 2 o'clock. Seho 11 Meuse, SeetiOn No. 5, Mc Hop, Friday, 6 au. 2,8rd, at '7 o'clock. Tem erance Hall, McKillop, Saturda Jan. 24th, t 2 o'clock. ° • ,1 - To Piet, Grey, Saturday, Jan, 241 7 o'clock, Sch.o I House, Section No. 5, Grey, oenday, Jan. 6th1 at 2 o'clock. Kinb rn; Tuesday., Jan. 271h, at o' 1 Lon esbero, Tuesday, Jan. 27th, it 0 lock. BeniUr, Wednesday, Ian. 28th, a 2 o'clock. ... FARM GAT 8, HAY RACKS, &a. a ned Lumber on band. or yard on Goderich street, A good stock of ge Factov and lum near Main street. ; Wig Sawing and at A.GRAY. ra Planing neatly done. W. H. SCOTT. SELEOT SbHOOL AND MUSIC CLASS. 1 MISS RYAN,. Organfist of St. Thomas' Church. J-3,3-. Music Class and §elect School, Kidd's Block, MAIN STREET, ,SEAFORTH. _Piano in Instrtunental Mu Vocal Music, per Vocal and Listeit gether sS,rle English Branches, ino Higher branches, per Children over 2.Year Children under 12 yea Payable in advencle e School Room - BMS: r term of 12 weeks......$5 1 Musie, when taken to - 8 W A GOOD Servant •4-3- desired. Will p gagement for once) ently arranged. IA. 820-1 • sofno01.. uding plain and. fancy work. erm of 11 weeks 4 8 NTED, Sapisfactory references liberal wages, and make en - ore years. House conveni- ly immediately. - IRS. ARMITAGE, Seaforth. c.ZEALED TENDE to MONDAY, the the hour of 12 &aloe House for School 84 ley, on the line bet* 7th Concession lof t Specifications can b No. 11, SouthBoun ed. will not °onside the lowest or any; te DO JO Hills Green P. 0., - PUB n C. WILLSON ed. sole agent f ano in the Comity,o only be purchased ized agents. Order Or myself will not men have been ap the County of Whiffen and L. Clinton; and L. 820 TICE. S will be received On and up 91h day of February, next, at noon, for building a School time No. 7, township of Stan - en Lots No. 6 and 7, in the e said 'township. Plans and seen at Donald Fraser's, Lot 17, Stanley. The undersign - themselves bound to accept der. TALD FRASER, COCHRANE, F Trustees. IES FORREST, • • , 320-2 THE G1T,NUINE AMERICAN ELIAS HOWE S MONG-MACHINE T1tI141PHANT OVER ALL' VIElif A PRE1VIIUIVIS. 10 NOTICE. of Seaforth, has been appoint- er the celebroted Mathuahek Pi- Mironomel this instrument can hrough him or his duly author - given to other than iny agents e filled. . The following gentle- ointed to act as my 'agents in uxon . Thos. Connors, 11 P urphy, Seaforth • C. Doherty, Willson, Goderich. 0..0. WILLSON, Seaforth. TT -TE . H9WE EVVING MACHINE RECEIVED FIVE IIIEDALS At the Vienna Expesition, : ND • MEDAL OF PROGRESS, .a DAB OF migniur • Feet Uperior Workmanship, and THREE r MEDALS OF - CO-OPERATION I , For superi�r ;.-ecellence of productems. See ex- eltrase of letter below : i' "EXTRACT." ' l VirtNxA, August 22nd. • The : owe Machine Co., New York: G N'TLEMER\Z—We have been successful in obe* ta ; 16 g five Medals from the Exposition, viz.: Grand. Medal of Progress, Medal of Merit for sti- periclr work, and time Medals of -Co-operation for supetior excellence of productions. Yours truly, i i G. W. ROWEL , Tho above Speaks for itself, and notwithetanding 5, the lso chains of tome firms in the Sewing Ma- chin/I :basin*, the HOWE still keeps th.e lead. A fish supply juet received at W. N. WATSON'S, 308 ; Insurance Agent, Seaforth. T OST, a large -1-4 months old ; Any person retur leading to his roe and any person according to law 320 G LOST. ewfoundland Dog, about nine last seen tibont the 10th inst. 'erg him or giving information very will be suitably rewarded, rboring bini will be prosecuted A. STRONG-. NOT1C TO DEBT RS. A LL those had bted to the estate of the late F. 4-3e Veal by no or aceotmt will save expenses by calling on Eau% Cash at once and 1 paying the same. • 1 e EDWARD GASH, 320 • A. G, MoDaFTGALL. NOiICE TO D TOR?. ALL notes an book acco ts past due mast be settled bef re the 1s1 Febru , 1874, else they will De met in Court for collecti u. 319-6 J HN LIDA Herds e Merchant. Insolvent Act of 1869. JaraT J11141THIEL_Sv`V, Pkuntiff, .Defendant. A Writ of Attachment has been leaned in this caus' ROBERT GIBBONS, Sheriff Co: Huron. Sheriffs Office, Goderich, Jan. 14, 1874. 819-2 NOTICE. TRE COUNCIL of the Corporation of the Coen- -3- ty of Huron, will nieet in the COURT ROOM, in the I TOWN' OF GODE.RICH Ull'ON TUESDAY, 271h JANUARY, INgT., PETER ADAMSON, 819-2 COunty, Clerk. BURST OPEN, One night last week, John Logan's Old Stand. CAIJSR—A LARGE NEW STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES. _1.S REDMOND has ..;pened out in John Logan's old and well-knoWn stand a nice stock of Fresh GROCERIES, comPrising everything which should be found in a firWrate Procery Store. FLOUR and FEED ou hand. H solicits a call, and will guarantee satisfac- tion 819 J. REDMOND. -J.-Le A M. CAMPBELL, T. S., Licentiate and Prize - man of Cornell Univereity, Mace, and Gra nate of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, has ettled permanently in Varna, where he will be foux1.d ready and willing to attend to all kinds of • dise ees, in all kinds of animals (man excepted), in eijl kinds of weather, and at all hours. Resi- den e and office two doors east of Cook's Tem- dera,nce Hall. 319 NOTICE. MPLIOSTION will be made at the next Ses- sion of the Ontario Legislature for an Act to conetruct ai railway from Peterhoro, by way of Lindsay, Uxbridge, Newmarket, Orangeville, Ar- th4 and Brussels' to Goderieh Harbor, with a branch from Brussels to Seaforth and Sarnia, to be qallcd the Ontario and Quebec, Goderieh a,nd Sariia, Extension Railway, with power to amalga- mate or make running arrangements over the W4tby and Port Perry, Northern, Hamilton and Noithwestern, Orangeville and Guelph, Credit Va ey from Orangeville to Toronto, Wellington, Grely and Bruce, Stratford and Hurn, London and M on, or any other railways in the Province of 0n1ario. Also to run or chin -termini° of Steamers fro Goderich Harbor to navigate the waters of La es Huron and Superior or any other navigable La es or Rivers in the Province of Ontario. Also, a b anch Railway from the mein line to Fergus an Elora, in the County of Wellington. .JOHN FOWLER. Co ourg, Dec. 27, 1873. ' e STORE TO RENT 91 RENT, the store lately occupied by F. Veal, inletermichael's Block, Seaforth. This store is 'well situatedfor business, and is large and com- modious. For further particulars apply to the proprietor. 314 R. CARMICHAEL. AVO I D QUACKS. ikvICTIM of early indiscretion, causing nervous debility, premature decay, &c., having tried in vaitevery advertised remedy, has discovered a Ednp10 means of self -curs, which he will send. free to is fellow -sufferers. Address, J. H. REEVES, 78 Nassau! Street, New York. •6 BRUCEFIELD CHEESE FACTORY. MEETING of those interested in the Bruce- ..zi field Cheese Factory will be held at the old Sc ool House, Brucefielti, on TUESDAY, IAN. 27, 1874, at 1 o'clock P. M., to arrange for the hauling end manufacturing of the cheese for the wit season. All interested are most cordially iu- vit..d to attend. 31 -2 MoDOUGALL & BROWNLEE. ne gluon Oxpriiita * Is pntsLISBED EVERY FRIDAY M RNING LN SE AFORTH. Tzuus.—$1 50 pr year in advance, or $ end of the year. , - I A d v ertl g e s tion, 2 cents each time, per rirst insertion, per line, 8 ce CONTRACT BA One column one year ;16 half 66 (4 it at the O 'P. oee 43* Pe o LJ c, ol 0 ,. 4 ';,.. ' a-ga c.., --1...-., r)-13 g .-'1 0 . . A" • 1:0 g1P7. 0 0 ri rs La' ,-. g, F-4 W CD fu• „eed 11 Q il 0 0, ,i. Og I.-1 '''' Cr g16 0 gi ,d .. ril ra 0 ,.• c.,„ to . .., • w zo „lb g .4 _..P oiliii o a pit 2-, CI) i—s fota 14 , • ci rr • 0 P P "-' ° c+ ;1 . . 8" 2 'I* - • P 0 0 St' 0 pi N -... ' • cm OCD' }.1 W 02 tit id ta; ra• 1.---: W 1-4 O - P o-' Pi; c4-3' 31 02 e+ 4 tfzi b:er bi ares .9mzego 13OHO. 1niOa 4 SEA FORthi AND HURON MARBLE. WORKS. MESSE+ & BROTHER, (Laid of 1:romilton,) 'Would intimate to their numerous friends and the general public that they are prepared to fill all orders for Monuments, Headstones, Table Tops, Mantels, ace. Granite MonuMents Imported to Order. Work of the best style and at, and cannot be surpassed in this part of Ontario. A call respectfully solicited. Opposite Logan & Jamieson's Store, • MAIN-SREET, SRAVORTH. E 1CRSSET.• H. MESSET. CLINTON MAFBE WORKS, HURON STREET, Next door west i of the Commercial Hotel, MONUALENTS HEADSTONES And work of 14inde in American and Foreign Marble, designed and executed in the best style, and at most reasonable prices. • Mantles of Various Colored Marble sup- plied on Short Notice. Granite Monuments and Headstones imported to order. CALDER &. COOPER. 277 ANDREW °ALDER, Agent. HORSES WANTED. 0 S. W EtEINEMA.N IS WERE train NEW YORK, and will be at SHARP'S HOTEL,, SiRATORTIC UNTIL FEBRUARY 20TH,' For the purpose of Buying Large _HEA.VY DIRAUGHT HORS_E4,1: which Weighing from 1,300 to 1,500 pounds each, for TRE HIGREST MARKET PRICE • Willbe paid. S. W. HEINEMIN. 819-4 • TO TIIE'PUBLIC OF 131- RITISiti NAIELTIK AilVIER.ICA. TN CONSEQUENCE of frauds that have been -3- practiced upon you by two or three individuals (whe for a time took the name of the "New York Chemical Company") meting and selling some- thing which they.call " Holloway's Pills and Oint.; ment," and which, for a season, "were freely sold in many parts of the British Provinces as mY genuine Pills and Ointment, I have, for some time past, considered it my duty to caution the public, through the medium of the press, against buying these spurious articles. Judgments have been oh- tained againet this pankrupt Crew, -in one case by a Mr. Cassard, who, when about to levy, at the hitter end of October last, found the name of the Chemical Company had been painted out and that of Sanauel Vose substituted. Many respectable firms in the British Provinces, who obtain my medicines direct from here, have very properly suggested that I ;should, for the benefit of them- selves and. the public, insert their names in the papers, that it may be known that my medicines can be bad genuine from them. The following is a, list of the Arras alluded to; and I particularly recommend those who desire to get my medicines to apply to some of tbe Honses named: Meesrs. A's BY, Bnowzi St; Co., Halifax, N. S.; Messrs. i F risvale It Co., Halifax, N.' S. ; Messrs. T. B. menu & Soles, St. John, N. B.; Mr. T. Dts Als.iY, Charlottetown, P. E. I.; Messrs. TJANOLEY CO., Victoria, 13. C.; Messrs. Moone: & Co.. Via..- • ria, B. C.; Dr. JOHN PALLree, Chatham, N. B.; M ssrs. MUNRO & Co., Montreal; Iessrs. J. WINER & o., Hamilton, Ont.; Mr. H„ J. -Bose:, Torontb; Mr. A. cinimmi SmITA, St, John, N. 33.; Mr. Joule Dome. Godericb, Ont.; Messrs.ELLIOT & CO., Toronto; Mr. X. CHALONER, St. John, N. 33.; Messrs. -11ANI.SOTON BUoTHZus, St. John, N. B.; Mr. R. S. PUIDnv, Windsor, Out.; Mrs, ORPEN, Morden, N. 84 Mr. GRonon C. HuNT Jr., Freder- icton, N. 13.; Mr. W. II. THONsrSon, Harbor Grace, N. F.; Mr. J. M. WILEv, Fredericton, N.B.; Mestirs. W. D. YureE, Montreal. My Pills and Ointment nem. 1181 neither manufacturcd nor sold in any part of the United States.. Each Pot and Box bears the ts, subsequent in- I British G-overinnen stoaup,-with the words, Hol- loway's Pills rind Ointment, London," engraved . - ES.•thereon. The medicines are sold at the lowest wholesale net prices, in quantities ol not lees than 420 worth, viz.:. 8s. 661; 22s. and 34s. per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, for -which re - 777 HAVING Purchased. at the GREAT SALE of RANDALL FARR & ON THE 18th OF DECEMBER,. 1873, I 3 months Half 9 one year 4' halt " 3 raontho c$ne-forirth one yetn. Al IAA hall At " 3 months Gue-ei th one year 1 At 141 hall is 8 months One-tvemith one year . " " half " " 3 months Business Cards, (6 lines and an $66 00 8500 • 20 00 85 00 20 00 12 00 way's genuine Pills and Ointments mayho. 20 00 names inserted in the local papers if t 00 please apply here— mittonces must be sent in advance. N. B. --Chemists and other. vendors of Rollo - THOMAS HOLLOIVAY. 11 their eY will V. C. 17-26 8 00 Oxford Street, 12 00 London, Dec. 1,5138133'. 801) 85 ro CONCERT AND LEO •5 00 AT ZION CH1TRCII, Latta's Corners, er,) V year.. 4 00 friends of Zion. M. E. Church war (D. grand entertainment in the Church, con a lecture on Canada, by.Dr. Campbell, of and it Concert of Vocal and Instrument by Professor Crawford. and a number of I amateur singers from Seaforth. Admission, cente. Tickets for sale by Wm. More, John lehtta and ohn Wrightman, I '819-1 4 00 smith. On FRIDAY EveningEt ,J pf Straye , Lost, Found, &c., not exeeeding 10 iines—first nItonth, $1; after first Month, 50 outs cable month. Advertisements o/ FAItlilg land REAL ESTATE br sal, not exceedmg 15 lines first reonth,,;$1 50; ach subsequent month, 75 osiuts. Births, Marriages, Deaths Gratis. e Ad ertiseinents without s cello directions will ee • erted till forbid, and cl4argcdaecordulngly. Adyettisemente measuredj by a scale of solid N ouriareil. • f MO AN DROOL -RES. -1 A taantity of GOODS Manufactured by arena and sold at it GREAT SAG,R1 GE, Owing to the removal of tbeir mainifsstery to the States, These Good a -win be sold. at Holiday Prices, URE Tucker- . 24, the 4 give a 'sting of eitforth; I Music, J. P. BRINE, T ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the ." Huron. gales attended in all pa County. All orders left at the EXPOSI will be promptly attended to. otmty of s of tire on Office New -Year Prices, Laughable Prices, Not to be Beat Pricesi Cash Down Prices. GALL ANI) SEE THEN-. THEY WILL BE SOLD CHEAP AS ADVER- TISED. AilGoodsmrkedin -PLAIN FIGURES. NO TWO PRICES. A Happy New Year to all. A. G. McDOTTGALL. ESTRAY HEIFERS flAllE to Lot 21; Bayfield Road, Stanley, in November last two yearling ITAIFERS one all ; ; red, the other of a greyish color. The Owner ig• requested to prove property,pay expenses and take MICHAEL TROYER. them away. 818*4 STRAYED COW. STRAYED from the premises of the undersigned Lot No. 26, Con. 14, Hibbert, a lightish red COW, Temars old, with -white star on forehead and white under the belly. Any varty giving finch in- formation as will lead to its recovery will be suit- ably rewarded. 318'4 JOHN PAIILSH. ESTRAY PIGS. OAKE into the premises of the undersigned, Lot 8, Con. 8, Stanley, on or abont the 10th of De- ‘eember het, two PIGS, both black, one old sow and one spring pig. The -owner iS requested to prove property, pay charges toad tnke them away. 818'34 DONA.LD- AteDIARMID. PRECENTOR WANTED. \-XTANTED, a Precentor for the Presbyterian 7 Church, Clinton. Applicantawill be required to sing on trial for three Sabbaths, morning and evening. Selection mtele by vote of e.ongregation. -Apply, stating salary expeebed. to D. M. MALLOCH, 818-3 Secretgy Board Trustees, Clinton STOVE WO D FOR:SALE, 9(1 CORDS two4ee '1INJ tied to snit pu than 8 Miles from Sea vel road; will be sold c 318 Near WOOD for See quanti- chasers ; good 'wood; less rth.; not 40rods from gra- eap for cash. ROBERT 8311-17EY, . Davis' Tavern, McKillop. EST RAY CATTLE. (IAMB to the enclosure, on Lot. No 16, Con. 25,. N-1 Hay, on Saturday, Dec. 23, 1 -STEER coming three, white; 1 HEIFER coining three, red a.nd white; 1 STEER coming ene, bleak. The owner is requested to prove property, paY expenses and take them away- MELLICK, 81644 - Zurich P. 0. EST RAY STEER. GAME into thepremises of the undersigned, Lot No. 2, Con. 10, Hullett, on or about the 1st of June lastea light red STEER, coining three,. The owner isxequested to prey° properteway.chanell auld take it avg. 816*4 • WM. /7...AZBISON., 11