HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-01-23, Page 3_g LEGAL Solioitor, Winghmn, has ap, t for theColonial Stead:ties,Com- o/ Eng• l ei else Agent for aaverel Cepialiats prt- ot Toronto, who loan Money at reasimabla retes. Interest etrytthle yearly s reoderatt. ratnee. 15, 1871. 1213 — eCAlte•HEX & ROLMESTED, Baia -ideas, Ate tory e at Law, Solicitors ie. Chalakety and sO1re4y, Notariea Publie and Conveyancers. licitote tor the It.C.Benk, Seaforth. Avnte fer Canoga Lite Assurance COI-Or:My, K.B.-N30,000 to lend at 8. per coat. Farms, ses kno Leta for &rho 58 ENS N & ME3:E11a Barristers and Attorneys r at TAW. Solicitors in Cbeancer,y end Ilia:five/my, eyOncers, Notaries,' Public, ete. Officee-Sea- - and Wrometer. $.13,00(1 of Private :FtnAs to /-Nest at onee, at Eight per cent. Interest, payable , iarIva ; 58 'Tee, kr'S0N it wa 0.,aravna. SQITIER, Barrister, Attorney .117). -Chance &e. Goderieh, Oat, Office -over d. Cctlor. ay. ca's'Enrporium, Market Squate. eda Swatter St MielDeetald,' *--ARRITERS,attornoas,acaioitorsin011aneery, dse., rnssels, Ont. Office-twet doete‘treatiP Post Office- -iSqUIER., DANIEL McIdONA,.LD, Goderich, Brussels. g•• .111010ELS-.. ROTEL, SEIFORTIL - Thomas bege tct state to his old friends and nd het revellieg paNie„ that he as leased tlte tet lately occupied by Mr. MURRAY, and ermerly known aa tha DOWCEY ROUSE, and pea te receive a continuance of the patronage. o liberidly bestowed upon hire derieg his many "ears in, the hotel business. Every comfort'and aratenience will be provided for travellers. The :hoitest Liquots and Cigars only kept in the Bar. careffil and relieble hostler always in attendlanoe,:• 2441 • TRO?trA.S EN0X Ptoprietox. OYIVIt ROTEL, Seaforth, Ontario. SIMON POWELL, Proprietor. The subscriber has! the °uglily renovated and newly furnished the tato e house, so that it now afford e goodaccommo- dation for the travelling pnblie. Choice 'knots rad cigar& in the bar. The table is supplied with -the delicaoies in season. Oysters in. season.. ,L. gel stabling and an attentive hostler oou nec1t1Q.., ‘-15 -GE OF WALES HOTEL, Clinton, Ont., McCETCHEON, Proprietor. First -claw. acdouenodation for travellers. The Bar is sup- plied with the very best livers aud cigaxs. Good atbbng attached. The stege leavest dna Hertel' av xyday fctr Wingham. 204-4t • I, FOSTER,r4 HOTEL, SRAVORTH. ROTAS FOSTER begs: to lefom his old. friends and the tralating public that he haw ] - opened hi- ne,w hotel, adjoining the Post Office ' - Seaford', where he haat the; very best accommode- ; r tion for manand beast.The best a liquasAtil 1 1 agars at the bar, THOMAS Faarana. BILEMICALt. B. CAMPBELL, (Graduate of McGill Culver- sity, Moutreal,) Coroner for the Caunty of , ,Hurort. Office -Next door to Caldor Brothers* ifttattde Works, and opposite McCallum'S Rotel, Male -street, Seaford', neat the Railway Stiation- / - TAMES STEWART, M. D, 0 M Gradeate ef McGill, University, Montreal, glaysiciet, Son. -genrk, de- Office• and Resideace---Brucefield. -nit. KING, Seaforth, (late of Gatronbrocda) Coroner for the County of Perth. Office-- Maiesst. Resideuca-•-Gonimareialliotel. Galls $kw DR.', office will be attended to day or 19101. 287 V.SROGE, M. D., C. it.,. Physician, Sue- a g▪ oon, ete., Coroner for the County of ECuron. Office and Residence, corner of Market. and I streets, /mit to the Planing Mill. , TERINARY SURGEON. -D. MoNAUG11%,„ begs to announce to theinhabitants af Seatorth awl surrounding eoantry that he lena beea awarded the diploma of the Ontario lieterids- aryGollege„ anaiS now prep red ta treat' diseasea / of3florses and. Cettle.aud all domestic animals. Re. has opened, an °face- n oomoletion 'with his hems- sh.oeing shop, where he 'will be found ready to aa teas. to calls. Diseases et; the feet apeeially at- tended to., Residence, offieel and shop in the rear of Fdllarau & Ryan's new store.AU kir' els of Vet- erinary Medicinee kept Constantly on heed. Charges reasonable. 229 ; Et • G. BUM:4i LAB, • GE0N, Dentist, &c., Seaforthe • 0ntario.1 Plate work, latest, stvles, needy executed. All -stir- gical operations performed with n care and promptitude. Fees as law as can be tallied elsewhere. Office hoare from 8 A. M. to 5 P. sa. Rooms over Mr. A. G. McDougall's Store, Vairy-st 4 940 Dr- FP JT. CHURCHILL, Vetetinary Surgeon, (men- ° bar of the Ontario Veterinary College,) befP 4 to intimate that he has retuned to the practice of e- hie profession ira Seaterth,, end may at all times be consultea en the diseases! of Hoesee, Cattle, eon. er Veterinary medicines conistantly on hand. All rd1 calla promptly attended tn. Oftleo at Mensien ar House, Seaforth. ThI ' act La ink Led. n's Der rt - ad 101 "si- nte ces kin 1. a 1 ba 0.V-• tO. ri- for r. II ten- : be be ably tied' ants une- IS. - • 5 ! 10. nt 1 tr A. SHARP'S LIVERY AND/SALTS STABLES: Office --At Xlitray'a Rotel, Seaforth. Good by Horses turd fust-cIass Conveyances- fdaeays onbarul. • L1JSLIVERY STABT/TIS, SEAFORTII, Ont. Good. Horses and Comfortable Vehiclee, lways an hand. Favorable Aerangements made with CommercialTravellers. All ()rears left at Kncet's - Hoven, will be proraptly attentled to. OFFICD AND STADDEs:.-4Third door North of 'Knees Hotel,Mein Street. THOMAS BELL, Prep -deter. Samuel Brodie, V. R., TYROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, Seaforth..All orders left at theMansion Rouge with Mr. John Murray will receive immediate attention. References -Dr. Cannata and Dr. King- 411*5,2 :liftrac,a,•se- =2,a -ease 4,10 a-sae-aaae---aaaa- a.. - EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN. CCARWTRIGET; L. D. S, Sur:goer:1 Dentist - attends in Seaforth, at Knoa's Hotel, the first Tuesday and -Wednesday of eachinenth; tin Clinton, at the Commercial Rotel, au the follow g Timm - days and Fridays. Thersamainder of the tires at , his Stratford office. l Parties requiring newteeth are requested to call, if at Seaforth. and Gliaton, on the first days of at- tendanee. • Testimonials of over 500patients•wha have had their teeth extracted by the use of the Gas, may , be seen at my office office in Stratford. Teeth hreerted in the most substantial and im- proved styles. Filling done in gold, &e., in a manner which attnat be surpassed- 237- adng meat times LONDON OGIVIMERCIAL COLLEGE AND TELEGRAM INSTITUTE. VOUNG MRN, if you want a firstadass business education,_attend the London Commercial Col- lege during the coming winter. The prosperity of this institution is constantly increasing. The number of students in aetual attendance during the year ending September 1873, was larger than that of any other institution of the kind in the Dominion, a beine OVER TWO HUNDRED. our course of business instruction is the most thorough, systematic and progressive ever introduced in any business college in Canada. Specimens of Penmanship exhibited or sent by , us are genuine -neither printed not imported. Our graduates are sought for by business men; and give general satisfaction. Telegraph-gm:amts. ' have ample time for practice every day Circulate with full information sent free on ap- plication. Address GEORGE A. S AYZE, Manager. London, Oct. 1,1873. 3C8-3m-eow • BOARDING. COLLADAY has leased the larg and cora- . medians. house, on the Salt Woks Grounds, adjoining the Railway Station, a.nd ha fitted it up as a:boarding-house. Good table andi comfartable rooms. Poems wishing a pleasa4it boarding- house should_ apply, as there are at p esent a fey aavaneies. Transient boarders aoeoinmodated&t 228 tenthunhetel rates.. JAN. 23, 1874. i A wt g, on. being asked or an appro- piste nscription to a Iowa ling asylum, propos d, "Thus far -butt no farther. -A. hatter in Terre Hante, Ind., has a bundl of old. unpaid bills hung up in "his store, sbeled, "The reason why 1:. don't give c ed.it." • _Dto not run in debt o your shoe- maker ; it is unpleasant to be unable -to • say y ur sole is your own, ha,t is the alifferenee between a f a battlefield and aaroasted apple? THE EURO •••. GAIETIES; plan One is a war map; and the other is a, warma --I ipspfloer.tunate there re no female Legis ataresses in Mississippi, where one Hug ins is candidate for Speaker of the Hous . -" The arrangements ef Nature are ulna' able," exclaimed a, young lady, dur- lag t e late high winds. "The same wind which disarranges our dress blows dust into the eyes of the would-be ob• - serv rs.". • Green Bay woman, whose hus- ban kicks her deans stair a every second nigh , says she likes to look over his old • lette $ commencing with :I" My dearest, dar lig little angel Minnie heaven alone kno -s the depth•of my love for yea." young man sent his girl; a box of • grap s, one afternoon,' lately, and. the nex day a fellow met him on the street • and aid, "Those grapes were jolly good last ight ; send. some up every Wednes- day •evening - that's my night; you kno fron exp him we abo Was of - his "B get mig Co sch alt • got A remarkably clirty man stopped in • of a • small boy sitting on a fence, eting to have some fun by chaffing He said, "How much do you h?" • The answer was : Well, t as much as you would if you were ed." A good brother in a Baptist church iami County, Indiana, while giving experiende, not long ago, said: etherin, I've been a •tryin! thianigh forty year to serve the Lord and 'ch both at onct, and I tell yer, it's ty hard slecldin !" • - A country pedagogue in Henry nty, Indiana, requested all of his lars to " write a piece," snider pen - of a thrashing. A knowing genius off the following •• „, • Lord of love Look down from above, On us poor seholara ; • We have hired a fool To teach Our school,' And. pay kiln fifty dollars. • IJ Tihough. ts fOr Sattirday Night ••••••••••...... A willful man had need to be very wise. • ' • bsroTtioilaemessile.ttYhieseyonsobs:otel heavy, remember you have not far to ns in nmake into :stumbling the power to curb yo r wants. 1 That -God gives men as stepping , and. if your cross be car y it. ' here is a paradox in pride -it makes sonie men iicliculouss but prevents others fro; becoming so. * The human heart is made for love, as • the household hearth for fire, and for tru. I: as the household lamifor light. he habit of being always employed is eat safeguard through life, as well as • essential to the culture of every virtue. man can clo without his own appro. ba on. in much society, but he must make great exertions to gain it when he livds alone. i Primarily, the undue desire to !ma:mire wealth, regardless of the means employ- ed, is the great, evil that undeites all our present troubles. . „ Nature is. a frugal mettle:a. anal never gives without measure. . When. She has work to do she qualifies men for tha ancl sends them equipped. Waiting. i for things to turn up s un - philosophical as well as •unprofitable. Thiags will turn up just as fast and as often while you are workiug as while you are wasting. •- ; Death is natural to a man, but slavery is uimatural ; 'and the moment y'ati strip a. man of his liberty, you s -trip him of his -virtues; • you. cenvert his heartinto a dark hole, into which all thejaices con- spire against you. . , I How many troubles might Mankind be spared if they would only stop tohear each other's explanations! •HoW many ailments both of body and soul might be • relieved, if explanations only came more frequently and freely. 1 •.. The most insignificant people aae-most apt to sneer at others. •They are safe from reprisals, and have no hope of rising • in their own esteem, but by lowering their neighbors, The severest critics are always those who have never atteniptecl, or who have failed, in original compo- sitions, ' Innocence is not • virtue, an& those who fancy it is make a fatal mistake. Innocence is simply the ignorance of evil, a tne knows it, appreciates if. 1..r• 'Infancy "s love in 'te innoceuce, but life, with it stern r alities, 'demands the strong, ripening v gor of manly virtues to resist evils, to protect its good, to build up character and to bless the ;world. 1 Wheal two men meet together who love truth, and discuss any difficult point with good nature and a respect for each other's feelings, it always impartsa high degree of steadiness and certainty; to our knowledge ; or, what is marl:7.. .of equal value, and certainly of greater difficulty, .1 it convinces us of our ignorance.1 It is an excercise grossly ' abused by those who have recourse to it, and is very apt to de- - generate into aahabit of rierpetual con- tradiction'which is the most tiresome andanost disgustirg in all the catalogue of imbeciliticsal-Sydney Sanaa. : A Bridegroom's Desperation. _A_ young man who had agreed to mar- ry at _Maltoon, Ind, , on the last day of the• year narrowly escapecl disappointing his bride. How it happened, and how he nitaitimphed over seeming desperpte fate, is, thus told by the Terre Haute Earress .7. "Mounting the early train, he rea. hed Paris, but there, in an evil mo - me a he left the train to go around. the corner and get a cigar. He stayed too long, and the train went off. What was • he to do now ? The ceremony avas to take place precisely at 2 o'clockai and if he did. not get there in time there. would be a fearful row. $o in default :of any better plan, he started. off wallsing, thinking to himself how he could manage to get there on time. While engaged with these reflections, a hand -car came along, propelled by three stout section hands. Hailing the trio, he was allowed. to get aboard and take a hand ...at the Eno ase power of the open coach. He worked himself into a sweat, andfinally, when about three miles from Mattoon, the men took their casspaff the track and went to work, refusing, .either for love or money, to go further. Out of -this di- lemma the ;youth found his way by en- gaging a Male of an old farmer who lived near. There was no saddle in the stable which. he Iwould i saw to go with the beast; anditherefbre the young man was compelled to go' in bare -back. Wheii he arrivedat th house the clock had struck thiee, and the •entire party was :in consternation as he erode up to thte door, both legs , wrapped_ around that mule's body, slashing him with a club at every jump, and followed in his • career by half the boys in town." T.aapland and the Reindeer. Many have the impression tha Lap- land is daak in the winter, but tha is an error: pie country is illumin d. by northern lights every nigt.t. I anted to see the Laps and drive a rei deer. They can go fifty miles an hour f r two hours daily.- The sledges are n rrow, ne h one e ani - your t, the red of Some - u out, t task O kick he rate e were ase of -rescue ess in he first e third times; he cold er from ealthy. owned nt- and er ani- und so y bag bank. writ, school sory. Their -tinny, They ng a d four out ii a com- have an Oscillating motion, and accustomed to them will tumble all diaeetions. You will, drive wi line only; that reaches 'rota t mal's hoins and Cs tied aroun arm. A reindeer draaging times th and. not, lunfrevently perf by kicking. I was keeled and. snatched. along 200 ya of nearli a mile a minute. • Laps ah ad and Laps behi an accid pretty o four da ter you get. pitched o stops when he gets t you through the snow. y 'beast face and buck y rm th out b ds at The d, to th e bus out 70, t day n ly. ot su nt, and they cam ten. I learned t s, being tunabled day 110 times, the second 39, the fOurth 10; the next and I thought that was bu was 45° 'below, yet I did it. , The, climate is dry and We -drove to an acquaintan e wh 4,000 reindeer. I went int • his -fOnnd Men, women, dogs nd ot mals sleeping together, an I f many fleas there that I took and went out andslept in a sno All the Phrilstians read an attendance ;being comp mode Of locomotion is wear snow -shoes ten feet 1 feet wide, and go sliding a ical manner. The natives live on rein coffee. i All the money go ing the smoked meats and annnalsas bartered for coff drink continually. Their eyes bide, skin exceedingl bones high and face very posure to the cold. They and honest. I left a bag in a house, and the wom thirty Miles to bring it. $20, which she indignantl faot, she would accept n kissed. her. At first she w I kissed her again, and s tomed to it. A kiss w could give her that cost no in Lap and. a summer a Norwa and Sweden tw have 800 photographs of 1 ciers and waterfalls; one ^ feet d p ; I saw /2i , n drive, fiiany of them 1,0 joume from New York can be made twelve da more tourists do not g Chat//u 1VIonopoet The 13oston Transcript coins tie above word td designate that nu so erou class of writers who have given utseran e to but one us morable poem, an 1 en merates the foll wina : . . . "One Henry arey is s ppos d to be the au or of 'od Save ti e K ng,' but who reiiernberslt1e name f th young Lieutenant to w1jom is ttrib 1 ted the •' Marseillaise,'.ar I as heard hat f the in- spired rival e 's Mier who conc sived the 1 aN-Srach am Rh in r Is it on resord that Hopkinson and y ever a acle a s y other verses than '1Ilai Colu bia' , nd the 'Star apanigle Banner' tesp s ctively ? John HowardPayne did compose some , unsuccessful and now forgot -ten s ramatic , Home aa---; throw o :some pieces, but, se f r ilhurriey to fit as we now 'Sweet music 4was hi only poeti effo t. Ed. - gar A. Floe was 4mpst a mo opoe , but the ' Bells ' and ' Ai nalbel Lee wi be re- membered as lo g s the ' ave .' Da- . . -vid Everets's ' o 'd scare expect one of my aaase ' Ed. a Ever tt s Alaric ' Charles' Wolfe' 'Burial f Si • John Moore,' Joseph Ro man D ake's 'When freedom from her , zure hei hts,' and Al- bert G. Greene'a Id Gri ss es,' a e mono - poems; so are Cis ries Kin sley' 'Three .Fishers,P and thcro wond rful lines of Charles Dickens o Englan s ' are old plant '-'-so repl te .. th te s der a d' gen- uine senitiment, lan ' so free from the mor- bid fancies and lclis orted o tlinewhich mar the prose , or cs-at 1 ast the later ones -of this bri limit a thor, Mrs. Julia vlTard Hew 's ' Ba tle aymn of the Republic,' tha soul -stirring strain, • is the cacly one 6f er poe s w ch even now cai be callnd in mind. ' • r. Hall'rs New hur h. • 14 eer eat and here_ by sell - skins of their ,w ch they air i flaxen, whit ,cheek: ed f om ex - re in effluent of go d, $500, loll wed Me off red her ref sed ; in pres nt, so s ast nished; e go accus- s a14 that I hing I was d. winter, in y4is, and ndsc pes, gla- aterf 11 1,047 half hour's 0 feet. • The o Caristiana a. I wonder th re. -Du The new church edifice for John H 11, New York, no in • erectont at the corner of Fifth and. Fi ty-fifth street, "wi 1, wh pletecl, be the largest Presb teria in the tinted 'States; if not in The gnsaand alone ost $35 1,00 building, it is esti: iated, a ill 000 moi1e This i a large utl rnuch largers building thai th st occupie by this ongrega ion dered ecessary la the re • ar cess vs ieh has, attende preachi4g4 during the six • as been officiating in t present church, at the co avenue and Nineteenth s gether too small to acco crowds that flock to hear afternoen, as well as in t every Sabbath day the pe filled, 1ut camp -chairs hav in the iis1es, and still ma . obliged to go away, not I find e en standing room therefore, that Dr. Hall' p have a ong their number m wealth± and influential , citiz wisely n taking measu s s their popular pastor's influ nc • greaatian with a building hat a liitle over 1,000 has no igh, polize t4ie services of such a ma Hall. t is expected that he n ing wi11 be ready for occu ncy • vemberi.-117. ear is ner ree na him s n to ein 11 ev. Dr. ourse of avenue n coin - church h world. and the t $500,- ; but a' one now • as ren- ble suc- Hall's that he y. His f Fifth is alto - ate the In the n in g, of only are' e placed ople are able to think, le., who of our s, acted extend A con - eats but o mono - as Dr. w build - ext No- . Times. 4.-.1104 • A Jewi h Story - Mr. Farjeon, the weli-ir stories, is a J ish iliesengerisees nothin anornaleus in this. sayin populart Chris mas story - land is a Jew. True, the birthdy of a IJew whom world 4efies, ut this is ri1er. , riter of he Jew - pa, tionlarly he most in Eng - on is the haistian son for 1 self-congratulation, for if there has been the deificatiim' of a Jew there has also been the bitterest persecution of the creed to whose observance he was so strict a conformist. That Mr. Farjeon has contrived. to adtpire his present po- sition indicates how sprejudice is dissi- pated by knowledge. The prejudicea perhaps, has been on both sides. It does not render a Jew to -day less Jewish' if he employs the aid'of Christmas storied to hasten the era of peace and good will on 'earth." DA NIEL 111d,GREGOR,1] Bookbinderillarpwiley 'S Seaforth, , , -JAS just received a large took of the material•0 -a4• used in the business, and is now fully prepaal ed to execute, , on the short at notice and in thel ,atest By es, all orders he ter cols the o r REGISTERS,' LEDGERS ay be favoured withi BLANK BOOKS t OF ANY Ruled, Printed and made to rder, on the ghettos notice, and at prices which defy competition. Ladies' Work Boxes] & Fancy Case Made to order. • 'OLD AND NEW BOOKS Bound and repaired at city prices. All coMmunications addre sed to the undersign, ed, will receive prompt atte tion. !DANIEL McGREGOR, ' 1 -‘Se forth, (Harpurhey. 1V1 AND NEW YEA OONSISTIN Albums, Bible, Testan3ent OF GIFTS , Prayer Books, -Fam ily Bibles, pinin and illustr ted, Children's Books illustrated, Poaket Diaries tockeb Books, Purses Writing Deskg, Work Baas, Ladies' and Gout Dressing Cetera, Jewel Cases, Ink Stands, Cigar Cases, Meerschaum Pipes, Toilet Sets, &c. OWELRY. Gold and Silver Rings, plait. and fancy, Breeches, Ear Rings, Bracelets, Gold Studs, Plated State, Gold Sleeve Buttons, God Pens, Gold Penal; Cases, Gold and Plated Loo ets, Watches, °hermit, Gold Chains, Alberts, &c. I • - GREAT -BARGAltIS1N JEWELRY, CLEARING SALE. • HAIR dRNAMENTS. .3'1 -UNCIAL IlMTRUMENTS. Violins, Concortinas, Accordians, Mouth Organs,) Violin strings, fainted Italian. Also TOYS for Girls and Boys, at L UMSDEN'S, Seaforth 315 SEAFORTH PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS. undereigned desires to state that he Thi HE purchased from Mr. FRA,Nli PALTRLDGE hi Photographing business, which he -will hereaftei • conduct. PICTURES OF ALL KINDS Talterti n the latest and best styles of the Art. Having had long experience in the business, th4 the subscriber has no hesitation in guaratiteein entire satisfatition, and trusts to receive a oon tinuance of the liberal patronage bestowed on hi predecessor. ; ALL THE OLD NEGATIVES ON HANli, cHARLES IVIOORE. • Seaforth, subs lam •• 292 1 / ; REMOVED. REMOVED M. ROBERTSON Cabinet-maker and Undertaker, HAS REMOVED hie ware -rooms to JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, Main -street, Seaforth, Where he has On hand a superior stock of Fumi • true of every description CA4L AND SEE IT. • UNDERTAKING. Hating purchased M. Thomas Bell's HEARSE I am prepared to attend funerals on the shortes notice, either in town or country. Coffins; All sizes, Kept constantly on hand. • SHRO UDS ! • SHROUDS. ! M. ROBERTSON, CABINET MATCFIR AND UNDERTAKER, Johnson's itind Stand, Main street, Seaforth, has now on hand a goo assortMent of SI-11=1,01..TD S wh".ich he can furnish cimaper than • they can b • got elsewhere. 25 1 WHO WANTS MONEYt -.-- A. STRONG, SEAFORTII, Will Loan Meney at a LOW RATE OF INTER- EST; either on Farm or Village Property. - Parties requiring nicrney should apply to him. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY • AND YOUR LIVES. A. Strong, Seaforth. IS ALSO AGENT FOR The Scottish Provincial Insurance Company - Fire and Life. The Westerul Insurance Company, of Toront Fire and Life. The ' Isolated Risk Insurance Company, Canada. Terms as teasonable as offered by any othe agent doing business f or reliable Companies. • OFFICE -over Strong & Fairley's Greeera Store, Main S4reet, Seaforth.• 252 1\1" 0 '11 1.0 JUST RECEIVED AT WILSON & YOUNG'S, SlEAVOILT11, . . . . _ A Splendid Stock of NEW and F11E8111 111JITS, such as Raisins, Currants, anil every description of Canned Fruit, all of which will be found good. value, - 1 t • . I . GROCKiRY AND GLASSWARE: Their Stock of CROCKERY land GLASSWARE is the Best and. Cheapest in Town, WINES & LIQUORS OF THE BEST &. PUREST BRANDS, Wholesale and Retail. ALE ANI) PORTERTOR FAMILY USE, I.N GLASS AND WOOD. - I AGENTS WANTED. EVERYWHEBE • To sell our i\T "ccr M1-) Of the Dominion of Canada. Profits trona $200 to $300 per month. Fermat- nent employment. • - • TROY S.', CO., 0 311-6 32 King street East, Toront $5 TO $20Per''. Agents want AR elasses of workha ' people, of either sex, young or old, make more at work ler ue in their spare memento, or all ;ha time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. STINSON Co.,PortJaktul, Mabee: 284 GROCERIES Of every description in abundance and cheap. Good Tea from' 40 cents to $1 per peund. FLOUR AhD FEED' always on hand. Goods delivered in Town Pe of Charge WILSON & YoUNG. GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS. We have just received a beautiful 1 laked Cake Baskets, rnet Stands, all prices, utter Dishes, glass and plated, ea Spoons, able Spoons, •calm, Plated and Niekle, ancy Butter Ruins, oast Reeks, hina Tea Sets, 1 Vane), Tea Sets, 'Wilke Granite Tea Sets, Motto Cups and Saucers, Fancy China Mugs, Mustache Cups, Toilet Bottles, Watch Stands, 'Work Boxes, lot of new Goode, suitable for this season, among which the fol- lowing are some of them : Rodgers & Son's Gents' Toilet Cases, , Rodgers & Son's Ladies' Companions, Rod,1,•ers & Son's Bread Knives Rodgers & Son's Ivory liana/Knives, Rodgers & Son's Carvers and Forks, Rodgers- & Son's Razors and Strops, • Rodgers & Son's Knife Sharpeners and Steels. Rodgers & Son's Butcher Enlyea, Rodgers & Son's Pocket Knives, Rodgers & Son's Scissors, Albums, Curd Cases, Vases, Toys, , Combs, Brushes, Perfumery, Toilet Articles and Pomades, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Cloth Brushea, Egg Boilers; &e. RODGERS at SON'S CUTLERY, . • We import from. Sheffield direct, and can do them well. Call and see the Stock.: E. .-H1CKSON & Co. IMIMMIMI.1111!11111.1=1111 CHEAPER THAN, EVER. EEE SUBSCRIBER HAVING RECENTLY PURCHASED A LA.RGE QUANTITY OF TEAS, SUGARS, FRUITS, ) AND GENERAL GROCERIES, GREAT CLEARING SALE AT HOFFMAN • BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE THE ENTIRE STOCK DRY GOODS .4 I, AND MILLINERY AT GREATLY B.EDUCED PRICES .FOR ONE .moNT-H4 Front 13th of JANUARY TO THE 15th OF FEBRUARY, 1874. Ai we intend taking stock by the 15th of February and wishing to sell our stock off as AT PRICES MUCH LOWER THAN THE CURRENT MARKET 1FALLTE, 41 Is enabled to give the public even BETTER BARGAINS THAN HERETOFORE. • . The goods are now In- stock, and the inhabitants of Town and Country are invited to conie and et their share of the 1R, S Gbing at the Chequered Store. JAMES MURPHY; Main -Street, Seaforth. TAILORING AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS 1 OAMIDE3ELL'S 'CLOTHIN6 EMPORIUM. . AT Fall Stock Now Complete in Every Department. 1,000 Overcoats and Pea Jackets First Class—I-Readymade. GOOD BARGAINS F9R CASH. Aar Remember my Stock this Fall Surpasses anything I have pened before. WILLIAM CAMPBELL. SEAFORT,It FOUNDRY" KERR, WI,LKIE, & Co. Wish to intone the people of" Huron and public generally that they have leased the Seaford' Foundry for a term of years, and are now prepared to manufacture all kinds of 1 ; CastinOs, Straw Cutters, Sawing Machines, Plow' s3 and othei. Farming Inap-letnent. We are alse. prepered to an REPAIRING of everydescrigen. The undersigned have had long eeperience 1p. the Fout business, and ate prepared to guarantee . satisfaction in their work.. I • 287 KERR, WILIpE & CO, LOW AS POSSIBLE i rPurchase s can expect GOOD BARGAINS, And we will t disappoint them. •STEGIA DRESS L LIATES GOODS, LADIES' FLANNELS, AND WOOLEN GOODS. Call. Early Arad secure *t e of the Bargains. Bemeniber the. P tIOFFIVAtil BROT • Cheed);Callkil 8t0re Seaford/