The Huron Expositor, 1874-01-16, Page 7i JAN. 1874. DS,;. �c- el in Benz, o s trj Z 1taj Isisao `F u. tarlaz Z c r H I ' Et C) z --1 r t Q Les mre- m ., ftl C M b z pr. O.', ; " !or 9 2�4 m 4 Zoe 20 a Z� S2V.IS .Q. V T1V. 03 z m toc r Z. 0 BRUSSELS FOUNDRY. NDRY. HE SUBSCRIBER wishes to call the attention ' of the farming: community in general to his large and varied stock of Agricu turn Tl p1ements,; we are is (o Bisting 'O IRON AND WOOD PLOWS, - With the latest iia roved Steel Mould Board, GAN=G PLOWS, CI ETIVATORS, LAND ROLLERS,; HARROWS, SC u±n. ERS, est. Re would beg to call special attention to the celebrated, F .,HERS' PLOW,. Which has: given universal satisfaction wherever used, to which is now added a Thistle Point, so much required in this part. Also, to some first class STAVE -DR -DI BAND 'ROLLERS, Front. $tet to 35-. Also,a few FIrst ClasS Wagons,: Getting up for Spring true, warranted of eery best SEASON4DTIMBER. All of aLch aih ba sold at the very LOWEST. PRICES FOR CASH ;Or apprbved credit. WM. R. WILSON. -Brussels, Feb. 12,18`3. 271cy FALL SHOW, 187 3.. 1 iE UNDERSIGNE.D ie just receiving the larg- est Stock of 'STAPLE AND FANDY DRY COOBS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE,.. BOOTS D'' SHOES, READYMADE CLOTH- ING, MIX,LI;`ERY; SSC., Ever brou ht into BRUSSELS, which will be full: and complete by the 2,ith Instana. `I beg to refer yotx to the *lowing prices o!' leading lines, and other Goods will be found in proportion : Heavy 36 in . th-ey Cotta t, at 12,1i cents per yard. eaforat. . lecary 36 41. Bleached Cotton, at 10 cents per yard.. Ileary Scoured l incey, at 15 cents per ya i•cL. Madder Prints ( cit colors),. at 10 cents per ycw cl. Xo41 L glister I ll,-, 33 and 36 in. Co - ton.', and .Lill sten ,;lulls Cotton fan.,, at wa yb "oil hand TEAS. Goad Young Hysoit Tea, at 874 and vQ cents per.1 Finest Moyune Tea,at Kt routs per lb., us al price, $1. Severity -five cents per ib. by t�te half chest or Caddie. Gunpowders, Congous, Japans, Pekoes, &c., equally good value. cel: of Speeial value in garpete, Hemps, Stair, T. stab estiys, two god three plc, all wools and felts. • Call and see the goods and piece, and ju ge G nrrct•1 for yourselves. Nth TROUBLE: TO SHOW CDDcS, Highest pvice paid for Grain,, and all other k' dc. Of produce., IO N LECICIE. BrasseIs, Sept. 18, 1873, JAN. 16, 1874, A man TEMPERANCE TIME. gr Hundred 'Women liiarch Through nn Okio yawn, and hold Prayer Meetings in, Saloons—Thirteen Sa- loons Surrender. W AsxlrroTort, 0., .Tan. 2, 1874. IN ashington, the County seat of Fay - •e{ te, is,a flourishing to*n of sore 3,000 inhabitants, lot i.tecl on. the Cincinnati - and Muskingutri Valley Railroad; and: about seventy •miles north-east of Cin- cinnati. For years an•, effort has been in pro- gress to banish from the place all intoxi- cating liquors, or, at least, to prevent the sale of it contrary to the laws of the State ; but only with partial success. F r some two years, ati ordinance pro- hibiting the sale ' of 'alcoholic spirits within the corporate limits kept the demon at bay ; but te new Board of Councilmen dropped this ordinance, 'since which time our, town has been at the Mercy: of the dram=seller, `and young men and old, aria even women, were to I* seen at all hours staggering through our streets and alleys, and there seemed to lie no alternative er redemption for us. But there *as'. " A GO0D TIME COMING"- which OMING"which we little dreamed .of—one that - every town can have the benefit of, and se ore to itself a life of happiness, just as ily as did this place—the plan of which was brought into existence as fol- lows : • . n Cliristtnas 1 Eve, Di. Dio Lewis, of Bo, ton, lectured before the Literary So- ciety of this place on the subject of " Our Girls," at the close of: which he offered to deliver a free lecture on temperance at Pne of -the churches; on ' the following day, and in that add ,ass he would give his hearers a plan by i which the women, of the town, THE:VALVES ALONE, could abolish the liquor traffic from their imc1st, and forever keep it -out. t the appointed hour on Christmas morning, the citizens lasserablecl en. nnasse at the Presbyterian .Church, eager to hear and see what was to be done. The meet- ing opened with. singing and prayer ; after which carne the address ; then coul- ees were appointed. An appeal to present to the liquor -seller was drawn. up, read, and' adopted, and the meeting adjourned to meet the following morning (Friday) at the sage place ; and then and there the women were to 'start out upon their' errand of mercy. 'The hour having arrived, the (women—from .the families of the leading citizens of the place met and formedin processsion, fifty or Sixty of them, and the march commenced ; new accessions being made to their ranks daily. Drug stores and saloons were visited each day, and NG AND PR.:LYERS hem," until the drug stores pledge,- and the saloons p. When a saloon -keeper he fact was made known of all the bells in town gather at the scene of ac- mber o ,hundred, • destruction of King. - Al- en whose husbands, sena,' had suffered most were iru are the most desirabl than the most formi Rothschilds, save at tine to intermarry, while the powerful fa If the • common the union of. blood-relati ban g brotherhood by t• is time to hopel they are in the oppos per's Weekly. Oor 1pulsory Ward Beecher' £ Allies, not less le of foes. The e intervals, con - d. are likely to y holds together. respecting the were' true, the ould be reduced imbecility ;and extreme.—H'ar- Nonwxo Rev. Samuel Sco preacher . of the Con here. He is son -in -1 Beecher. Like his law, he is somewhat He is known to be ai chivalrous, althotigh philosophic in all Among his hired sere ville had one who ha to receive visits from acquaintance. These Tient and untimely, suspicions. One nigi was in her bedroom. ported to the indi house, who went fort ing apartment: He g choice between impris or the 'county jail. mer. . Their hands��ve tial questions of the were put and answe male one, were left t reflections. The next the house. STN were held iu all signed th were broken t surrendered, by the ri.ngin people would tion to the n f several to witness th cohol. Wo or brothers • 9B selected as ,he ones to demolish, the whisky barr is, which deed •was done with axes ; NE in a more n had suffered of intemper, ting the.bar mounted th that he had lid they R WORKED HARDER. ble cause. One man, who much. from the evil. effects ce, while assisting in get- els of whisky into the street, top of one and remarkee. often been under the stuff contained in the barrel, but new he was. -on top of it, and -he intended to keep, on top. His wife broke in the head of -the barrel, and' let the whisky -flood the gutter. exa During the entire time that the women have been praying and singing in the saloons, the Christian • men of the place have been holding . A PROTRACTED PRAYER MEETING .at the church ; and that the women \ might better judge of theearnestness i• and sincerity theY feel in their behalf; they caused the bell •ef the church to be tolled at the Close of each prayer. The work that is being done here is creating quite a sensationthroughout ,this part of the State, and already the ministers and several of the leading women in the workhave received let- ters from ge by lIenry on -in -Law. . Y., Dec. 21,1.878. is the popular gational Church of Remy Ward trims father-iii- ven to sensation. ipright man and not particularly determinations. t girls Mr. `Sco- been accustomed ycnmg man of her isits became fre- ncl gave rise to this young man The fact was re- t head of: the th to the offend - „we the parti s their niiaent inedlock ey chose the for - joined, the essen-.. arriage ceremony 4, and the twain, sir dreg s and orning t11 ey 'left A Warnll ig A:ga Buri EARA., Dec. 28.,. music teacher of thi suffering from typhoic to all appearance cle Physician pronounce the remains were to for burial. At the fin lid was removed to , take a last `* look body was found in a and still warm. Me taken to restore coos out .avail, although -visible for several ho st too arty 18. A young wo an, a city, was r cently fever, and became cl. The attencling life extin n to, Hornet • ,ve, when t allow the the remai ate of persp ores were . usness, bu igns of lif s afterward • 1 f THE RUR an ville e cof- riends the ation t once with were CUTTERS 1. Huron Car (Late Melnto MAIN STREET, CUTTE'S ! age Wo ks, & Morrison) - _ SEAFORTH. TICS undersigned has on hand and is , making FIFTY CUTTERS Of First -Class material, and of the bosh finish, which he will sell cheap for cash or on, short time. Also, on hand and for sale Wood- Work of every Description, Cutters, c. Bodies, Wheels, Ccarings, , 313 1 A. J. 31 TOSS. L 0 a Z 0 z co O My m cn i Y 131 0 H 2-3 SEAFORTH CARRIAGE .'WORKS. 1. WINTER, COMIN( ON. WILLIAM GRASS E In preparation for the sleighing sea, on, has in construction a large numberf SLEIGHS AND CU TEES S � NEIGHBORING TOWNS, urging them to come and start the ball to rolling in those towns ; and they have consented to go,' and set the time for the meetings. M. Which will be sold, as usual, cheap fo cash, or on short time. The reputation of this a tablishment' ed ' urn for the durability. dna elegance of les t ar is out by it, is sufficient guarantee t purchasers. will receive satisfaction. A number Of Light Single and DottieRIGS, in the way of Wagons and Buggies, yet hand .WILLIAM GR &SSIE, Goderieh stree , Seaforth. Character of the Rothschilds. The four original houses remain, though they have agencies and interests in all the leading cities of Europe, Asia and Africa, as well as North and South. Am- erica. They have belted the globe with their operations, and are inthe fullest sensenniversal. .and cosmopolitan bankers. For generations they have been Barons, and the title ie hereditary in their fa- mily. Since the death of ' old Mayer Anselm, t`liey have added the distinguish- ing istiing ish-ing de and von, to their names, and are as far removed from 'democratic affiliations and sympathies as if it were a thousand instead of a hundred years since-. their ancestors counted kreutzers and old rags 'in the :Judengse of Frankfort. They have always been devoted to their' theo- logical faith, and strict in observing all the forms of the 'synagogue. They are not without siiperstition in. their creed, believing that! much of their - good. for- tune has, cone from their unswerving fidelity th Judaism. Their charities to their co i ehgl nests haaie been many and liberal. IThey have endowed schools, built h spitals and founded ahnhouses. Their ttaclinzent to their ancient form of wor.hip is i noble and commendable. They e,umot help remembering how bit- terly t lair people were persecuted fel- ages, er ages, rid. hoiv very recent it is :since they h ire been allowed to enjoy either ppolitics 1 or civil . rights.' Long after l layer Anselm had grown rich,` he and his fel ow Heb ewes were locked into the Jews' jtuarter of Frankfort. after night- fall, tar d forbidden to depart thence until the ii c -n gates v -ere thrOEw lit open in the marni it;. . Tf the great bankers have for- given the inhuman .wrongs done through center ies to their race, they are singular- ly ma rn'i.uimous. .They have .reason to feel a. ,Shylock felt to Antonio toward the f< wiling Christians who go to them for m tnev Their negative revenge can- not be without sweetness when they think that the once despised and Bunted Jeer l tas had the proudest nobles begging for 1 s;gold, and even kings soliciting his aicl. Tit has been their boast that mon- arch could. not go to war - without the, eons `=nt of the Rothschilds. Like -most boas�s, this was not strictly true ; but fu they who rnish the sinews of battle 77.7 HAVING Purchased at the G • P 0 1 Z z 0 td 0 0 13 Q n o c 0 H H TTh�u (1) 1 N 'EXPOSITOR. HARNESS HARNESS 1 • TRUNKS, BAGS, WHIPS, • COMBS, sr-fai una COLLARS, VALISES, LASHES, BRUSHES, &C AT BELFRY & MAY'S, SEAFORTH. Our HARNESS we can recommend to any one, as -we use only first-class Leather and make none but first-rate Harness. We warrant our Collars not to gall a Horse, and guarantee them to give entire satisfaction. Ehop Opposite Mansion, House, Seaforth. BELFRY & MAY. GARDENER SEWING' 'JMIddOHD MACHINE IS A STRONG EASY RUNNING MACHINE, WELL ADAPTED FOR FAMILY SEWING, AND Light Manufacturing Work. At the Fairs held throughout the Domi1ion, this Machine' as put .to some very severe tests by the BEST JUDGES THE GO UHTR Y CO ULD ,PROD UTC. A.ND BY THEM AWARDED 13 Prizes in 1871, and 26 Prizes in 1872. • Its simplicity of construction, strength and riurabilityreeommend it to all Biasses. It has a complete set; of attachments, anal does all kinds of work. 1 , INSTRUCTIONS IN ALL THE 'ATTACHMENTS'FRtE OF CHARGE Gardner Sewing Machine Coi pony, Harrzilton, PETER GRASSIE, SEAFORTH, 286 Agent for the County of Huron. F � U• SEWI Gr • MACH NES PIANOS, ORGANS AN MEL4oDE08. EAT SALE of RANDAL+, FARRI & CO:, ON `THE 18th G OF DECE quantity of O •D Mannfactur0:d by them an GREA SAO BER, 1873, sold ata IFICE, Owing to the rem a vat of their m =factory to the Statesy These oods will be sold at holiday Prices•: New Yea Prides, La ghale Pri • Not to be is i Phe Best a td Cheapest in the . f rLet. The Cheap t, because they area a Best. es, Beat Prices, Cas Down Prices CALL ND SE TA -my WILL w , PL E THEM. { SOLD OH AP AS ADVER- TISED. Goods marks d in IN FIGURES. NO -TWO A Happy N Year to a A. G.T D. C. WILLSON j SEAFORT), # CODE RICH .Kia . Th Gude rich Foundry & Mariufacttt ring Co. Beg to inf ' rm the public that they are prepared to tontraet for ENGINIIIES A D BOILERS , FLOUR, GRIST, AND SAW MItLLS SAWING MACHINES, &c. On h nci—IRCIN A D WOODEN PLOWS, with steel boards , GAN PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, &e. SUG R AND POT SH. KETTLES, GRATE- BA.RS,'I WAGGdN BOXES, &c 7. NES HAFINESS SHOP. BRSSELS. a T h; Snbacrbers s ish to state that they have opened out a firs -class HARNESS STOP, IN BRUSSELS, Where they will l.cep' on hand a choice selection of everything in their line, such as Harness, Saddles Whips, Trunks, Valises Brushes, C rycombs, Cards, Sell , Blankets, And everything that s usually found in a firs class Farness Shop. LIGHT & HEAVY HARNESS STEA, COOLING,. `PARLOR ND BOX STOVES, of various kinds. SALT • PANS MADE TO.ORDER, ALSO, ! IRO AND BilAS • CASTINGS, SND • BLACKSMITH WOK. BOILERS AND ALT PANS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. TMY TO THIRTY : ORSE PO WEB TUBULAR BOILERS,generaily on hand fo sale. 7_' A11 orders address d to the Company or Secretary will receive prompt attention. nt. AHODGE, Secretar, and Treasurer. Vii.. HORtON, 'Pres 1 RUNCINIAN,. General Manager. Of every description:made in the latest, style, and of the very best material, at prices that defy com- petition, Good Workanship Guaranteed. S HAS on hand. a =felt stook of those .sup or Si- lent Sewing Ma es, "THE LORENC ,” Over 200 of which ave been sold in th County of Huron. within the past -three months. Also, on hand s. full assortment of the following first -clads Machines s f New York Singer Montreal Singer, Appleton, Webster, aid Lockman of Hamilton, Raymond of Guelph, and. Venus of Perth, Ont. A number of second-hand Osborn; Gardiner, Lockmian;1 anter, Raymond and Howe Machines for sale cheap or to rent. ` Sewing Machines of all makes repaired on the shortest notice. I THE CAI ADA ZINC' MACHINE COMP'Y 11-1.A.iviz TON_ Established for the pur a ewing Machine which inmarket, nai),et, and thus t � i rtant branch f 1� an roil o Q. w frld. ' Their most sang beau realized, and their e� O. C. WILLSON Can defy the world off. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Both in Price and 'Quality, he cannot be surpassed. The manufacturers of Instruments which he sells have a reputation that dare not be questioned. He sells for ito second-class firms. f The Methusek' and Steinway 1Pianos, Prince, Mason & Hamlin., and 'Estay Organs and Melod- eons. Special inducements on instru*ients from now to let of January. • AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ose of manufacturing should excel all others eke a lead for Canada' In usiness throughout the me expectations have orts appreciated by an nub paralleled demand fo their now celebrated "'Webster" from everyw ere they have yet been introduced, and althoug' it has taxed their man- iffaetory to its -utmost its, they have made and sicld more machines in a given time, from the tart, hen any other m a =factory in the world. Itch envy has been t c consequence from our errean neighbors, who had hoped to hold the onoroly of this partic ar branch ofbusiness, ut othing that they now can do will prevent 1 he ` Webster " from gaining that reputation iwhic its merits enti le it to hold, and those Imeiit wili•Im preserved intact by employing only the ost skilled mechanics, and the best material that ` oncy will furnish. They have had but lit- tle spare time to attend and exhibit at fairs, but wliercver it was done, the " Webster " was victori ous, and twenty-three First Prizes in Ontario alone against all comers, Anierioae. or Canadian,, fell to their lot during the past two months, and have no doubt that, had they exhibited at every Fair in the Dominion, where a just;diserireination Of every descriptio A call is respectf made to order, and warranted not to hurt. y solieited before purchasing Repairing romptly Attended to. Shop immediately North of Tenet's Hotel, Turnberry Street, 13rassels, Ont. 305 Proprietors. STOVES & TINWARE 1 Of all kinds, and. in endless varlet a -ARS. WHITNE COAL OIL, - TO THE PUBLIC AT LARG-E. Harness, Saddle and Collar MAIN -ST., SEAfrORTIL lie good and cheap, whidesale and refail at Mrs. CUSTOIVI WOliK Of all kinds promptly attended to ail neatly exe- cuted. 808 MRS. Such as Straw Cutters, Grain) Crashers, Root Cutters, Sawing Machines and Horse Powers, all WASHING MACHINES And CLOTH WRHS'1G RS On hand; MISS BOR DRESS AND MAN Two doors South of the Co MAIN STREET, S AND, LE MASER TNEY. NEW GRIST MILL. J. JOHNSON & BROT their liberal patronage in the the Saw bUsiness, which they have heeetofor Carried boa, FLOURING & GRIST MILL On the same premises as their saw on the Par line Stanley, One mild south of pnaa. The Millis fitted up in. the best sple, and can turn out as good. Flour as can be inannfactured any place. It is also furnished wititi a stone for 11 set cr SIGN OF THE SCOTCH COLIJAR. choiceassortment of light and. heavy Harness, Whips, Bells,Horse Clothing, &c., kept constantly on hand. Repairing promptly attended. to, and chaxges moderate. Remember the placeoeigia the Scotch Collar. W. H. OLIVER: SPECIAL NOTICE. CLINTON WOOLEN MIA TrF. Subscriber begs to announce that 'hie Poe - tory is now in full operation, and would call - attention to the superior stock of Cloths that be has cm hand, which he is offering at prices that will CM:M.1We all of the benefit of a local faetory, feeling aesured that ell will realize the saving over importation, as a proof, see the following prices : Union Tweeds, 65e to 70e. Fulled Cloth, 75c to 90c. Flannels, 55e to 70e. Union lilaimels, 50e to 70e. Alsol Grey, Red, and White Stocking Yams. My cestomers through the county, who were - formerly supplied. by my peddler, will be 'waited -upon in a few days by my son, who will tither belie orders, ,or supply them at once with the article Special Rates when Purchased -by tile Clotia Polling and ell-St0331 Carding attended. to. ' AN EA.11LY GALL 12 SOLICITED. THOS. M FOSTER. of the merits, and benefits to the pnblic to be gained:was the object in view, that eveey prize of honor would have been theirs. It has been the object of this Conapany to give Money's worth, and, whilst challenging competition, either for Fine or Heavy Work, or work of any kinclevhatever done on a Sewing Machine, the price charged. for the " Webster " is the same as that asked for many can be done at any time. ; We are preparedstp do both Giest- g and Chop - Ping` at any time', and those whet favor ale with their patronage May rely upon having their work done promptly and well. Flour exchanged for wheat -on usual terms. - J. JOHNSON & BROTHER. AGRICULTURAL' MUTUAL ASSUR- ANCE ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. HEAD OFFICE, .- LONDON, ONT. THE SEAFORTH SHAVING AND HAIR ORESSIIIC SALOON T.TAS heen removed to new premises, adjoining -Lei- John Logan's old stand, and opposite W. Rob- ertson & Co.'s Hardware Stores The propaietor begs to state that he has fitted up his new shop with every convenience, awl is determined to smile ita, first-class establishment. He has also on hand a nice stock of Of the latest styles. He is also prepared. to take in LADIES HAIR COMBINGS, And have them straightened and worked into Bra,ids, 'Belts, Switches, Curia, 436c,. -Charges reasonable. Gents' Wigs furnished on the shortest notioe at less than city prices. A call is respectfully solicited. S07-52 'WILLIAM NBWMAN. OAPITAL, (1st Tannery, 18730 $230,631 94, `with over 36,000 „Policies in force. Preiniunis re- ceived in 1872,887,000—an increase of over $9,000 on. the large business of 1871. This old reliable Company—the successful pioneer of cheap fann insurance in Canada—issuing now monthly nea,rly as /tinny Policies se the whole yearly issue of a majority of other Conapanies in the same line of business in the -country, dietributing their leeks in. such a manner that under no apparent possible -nalanaity or contingency, a. heavy drain could. be made on their ettpital, has decided to afford pro- tection to the owners and ocetipiers of Teolated . Dwellings Citiee, Towns and Villeges, at rates that will defy any respectable or responsible office nrers will note: That this is the only Fire 'Mutual that Ma tleposited with the Re- ceiver-G-eneral and. been liccueed to do business throughout the Dominion of Canada. That the assets and profits of this Company eccuttettlate at the members' eredit, affording a sure fund eor the protection of aneMbersi and keeping down the cost of insurance, ,instrelul of (ns with stack conipanies) being distiebnted amongst shareholders. That insures nothing more hazardous than Isolated Dwellings, Farm Property, Cheese Factories, Coun- try Churches_ and School Houses, Ms no branch. for the insurance of mord dungen:tie property, and pays all damage by lightning, including live stook in enclosed fields of farm. Thrt, having., besides a :large Premium Note capitol, caeh alavays hand, it is enabled to pay all honent claims with - oat anv unneceesary delay. That in ithe past eleven y ars Melee has distributed ovet "half a mil- li n of Money " in satisfaction of lossee to its inferior second-class Timelines, -whilst the complete set of attachments supplied ate of the very latest design and best workmanship, and for varied and complete work, with simplicity and oase of opera- tion, fa,r beyond in value those sold with any of the best American machines. The demand for the 1 Xrebs ter " for Great Britain and Ireland., Belgium, the West Indies, and South America, as well as every part of our own Dominion, is unprecedented. It may, therefore, easily be imaaained, that so pow- erful a rival would not be allowed to pass unchal- lenged, by the American manufa,cturer, and every 0 MARE3LE WORKS, (Late of Hairbilton,) Would. intimate to. theie numerous friends and the . general publie that they are prepared to fill all orders for Monuments, Heaelstonez, Table Tops, , Mantels, Sze. Granite Jlfonunients Inaported to Order. Work of the best style and art, atia. cannot, be surpaesed in this part of Ontario. Next door to Porter's Furniture Store, 31. L. MESSET. MESSET- SEAFOR.T11 PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AHD BLIND FACTORY ereial Hotel, ORTH. 818 means has been adopted to prevent the "Webster” from being introduced into the United States.. 0. 0. WILLSON, SEAFORTH, Agent 10F the Connty of Huron. 1148 1 merits, It is claimed for-thie office that it i Partienlarattention paid toCustom.11Aning. JOHN R. BRO,ADFOOT. THFsubscieber begs leave to thank his numerous CUSL01131:115 for the liberal patronage. extended to trusts that he may be favored with a continuance of the same. Parties intending to build avonId do well to giv bete a call, as he will eolith/us to keep on hand a large stock of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, Ile feels confident of 'dying satieftetion to those who may favour bin) will thCirpatrOtinge, noue Your t01141Ort of this Company is solitited on its but hrst-elagsworlonen are employed. as done nioi.e to provide cheap insurance than all 1 901 e other Companice combined, It it: a, votorious t that the com eting Companies have for ;seers -- eon copying our 'Orals and adopting ourrates as a eeessary zonation of their existence. ve the 01d Vann fnvorlte the Applications by mail proraptlylattended to. - CHAS. T. DOB BA9gectirint,tion. OUSD1' SIGN and ORNAMENTAL PADITER Work -done as eheap ILS bY any other godd work- man in: the business. All orders Ieft with Mr. Kennedy or foe hire- at the ExPosrron °Mee will, 27946 I be Promptly attended to. • ss- •