HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-01-16, Page 6fr 6. 21i, Manning =North Carolina. Przialast aan. 5. 1874! Since my return from North Carolina I have been asked several,„questions by _different persons. ' By . your permission -1 will. answer as many as possible, through your valuable:paper. Before doing so I wish it to be undsrstood that I do not pretend te know all about the,' ' State of North Carolina. for I only saw a small part of it. - I will skate what I saw an.c1 heard. I intended delaying My - journey until spring, as Messrs., Lang, • -Gibson, and Moir were going, I embraced. 1 the opportunity Of haying good. company. ' I need not take space in describing the ' route from here to New •York, ,as many of your readers are better acquainted with it than I am. While in New York, we were joined by two gentlemen who were going to the same place. One was Mr. Elliot, of Guelph, who was very in teiligent and obliging, and who had bee previously there, and bought a farm and was then moving his family. We • were delayed a day at New Yolk andira preyed our time 'by seeing as ma,ny sights as time would permit. We left for Nor= folk by steamer Isaac Bell. There was a gentleman on board who was an officer on the Merrimac while she was fighting, with the Monitor during the rebellion. Be painted out to us the various places where battles had beenfoughtwhich made voyage quite pleasant. If any of your readers wish to; know the pleasure of sickness, my advice is experience it yourj- selves. Left Portsmouth (which is across the River from Norfolk) to Welclen. The country between these places has not a very attractive appearance, being flat and literally covered. with small tim- ber, At Welland, we took the Raleiali . and Gaston Railroad; here we met A. D. Williains, Who is a cultivator of cotton, and .was offering a new specimen bf the . seed of which he tEtays '40 balls would ina,ke one pound of cotton. This is More , than double the ordinary quality. He offered us etAton land at $5 per acre. We were _given to understand the neigh- borhood was not healthy. On our trip we also met Judge Watts, of the Superior Court,who claims to have cotton su- • perior to Williams, and which, if proper- ly cultivated., will yield two or three -‘, bales to the acre. From what I learn, hall a bale is the average of the ordinary kind. • Cotton and • tobac- co are the startle crops. I have been asked if cotton raising is a paying busi- ness. I think it is, if they were to use the same exertion that we do to raise roots, 'which it requires. If we were to work our land as they do, we would get - nothing. In every case in this neighbor- hood. where I saw a plow at work, it was drawn by one horse or mule. Their plows would be mere, toys for our chil- dren. One of' Mr. Verity's No. 4 would be just the thing. All the implements I • saw, with but few exceptions, were very ancient. On our way to Henderson, we passed through Ridgeway, where our old ,E friend and neighbor, Mr. McConnell, lives. I did not know that he was there until I had passed, or else I should have -gone to see him. We arrived at Hender- son on Saturday,'Dec. '13. Mr. Mccal- lum lives here; he is a Canadian and has been there for three years. He has a land. agency Office, and he is a very oblig- ing geiatleirran, thoroughly posted , in everything pertaining to North Carolina. All the Canadi, 'airs that I heard of bough their lancl and paid their money foi i • throngii him; a4a4in every case were per r fectly atisfied. We made this our stopi ping tlace until the following Wedlies day, during Which time we saw number ' of plantations for sale, containing froi4 300 to 1,000': acres each. The land lier • is Of .a dark Sandy Soil, with reddish Oa, subsoil. Corn, tobacco, cotton anc1sWee potatoes do i well. We saw . some j fal wheat and. small patches of clover w looked very*ell. Everything a fa has to sell is from a third to a halt d than it is here. • The original timber • oak, hickory, walnutr dogwood and There are hundreds of acres of the se •growth—mostly pine—some, of wide]. the advantages we have ever theni, as churches are few and far between, ex- ce Wag in towns and eitie . I saw no drinkisig, of alcoholic liquor -after I left P rtsmouth, until I came i to the North - States, and 'heard only ne individual ter an oath. j The hote accommoda- n is good, anci no liquor -are kept. I w small places with t s e sign Bar oona," wherell flu pose a • kinds, could we been had. + did. not see any public hools in country place-, the •want of hich the Canadians th re feel very uch, Towns and cities have colleges rid academie' , which ar expensive to hose who scncl consider it a. ood place for they have to canpete with s, who can be er .0 ti . I do no laborers,, a tile negro 10 a mon ol 4 lbs. • The 0 ighly of th m v labors. Good me - hanks get v ry fair wa•es. Hoping I ave answer° some of lie many ques- ons put to e since y return, I re- main, at pre ent, yours, etc. R1CHA D kANNINO. -0 le ea- • Lo g Lived -use tts pap e, of Berks rliriad for $8 or h, with board, ich consist f pork and a eck of mealer week, w ich they take o their homs.nadians speak 1 • A Massae Albert Cha, ty years ag of the cele kept her un she.died at He raised a died at the, horses for in bor of the naturally have been age mentio never swap shows him • generality o father neve single and deathwer three and t show a bett lived horses • • orses. ire nearly thir- LOAN SOCLET TEiE DOMINI.ON SAVINGS p10 INVESTMENT sq alETY; OF. LONDON, ONT. Head Office, Richraond-street, opposite City Establiehed in 1872, for th o purpose of advanc- ing Mone low: rate terms of Lendon, Ont. on Farmland Town Proper y at a very f interest, and on the me t favorable •epaymerit . Loans r long or short periods rope • stallmentir to suit,b rrowers, Parties Farms, building Dve11ings or Stores, terrns of this Society preferable to any for Wetmore() .$76 96 paid at the end year, will pay back both principle upon a lo n of l,000$in 10 years. If ti157 20 -ail' do it. Money 'can be obtained at any tin little or fll delay beyond the time n cupied in tion of t Fuor f by letter able by pureleasing ill find the ther mode, 1 eneh half fad interest paid yearly, 0, awl With cesserilyloc- the inveetigation of title xnd protrara- e mortgage. her particulars as to ter s, &c., apply • - • T. B. EIS, Secretary and Treasurer, Lo don, Ont. • or to AT4ON9OSTRONG, Esq., Valu aor at Sea - Do You 'Want THE HAMILTON PROVID purchased colt in Canada ra ed Be 'Ord breed, and. • a year or two since, when, he age of t e• •ty-one years. cblt from t is mare which age of tWe ty-two. These ny years ei•formed the la - arm, and • side from being goraus • an healthy, must ell cared f r 1 to attain the ied. • Mr. 'haffee said he ed horses i his life, whicli to be an xceptionto the farmers. He also says his owned bit five horses, one wopairs, al (l the last at his aged resp ctively twenty- • enty-four ears. Who will 'r record t an this on long- • ?I) o Shoul at. t finde ai ea that nd a perso eisone ilk ng, not tebo be bca ieit.eanhe t ey shoul aswh 'sols Work h ve but s ot the p n doubt, • to mil en say: di y to m h tit by t ✓ ry good 1t them ilk, and ✓ I know rience s g me he me, wh here is e right. er,rememl s work isf man's wor " via • • le lam no not yet at neighbors, attain such to women do it right, Man's place and I belie attend the will not do or three pe they Will t the woman cows, as all is she the heard some man is too wonder mu That ts a boys. Jus too dirty t out of it, (and. Sad. e the cow le _milk all ol Sunday be when it is my fellow- • " A I Calif() me are ar in on a two feet through and from five to s ve feet in height. Among other, curio iti tha,t Mr. McCallum showed us whii4 o driving, was a white oak tree (cho down) 24 feet in circumference it butt, the bark andsap of whicii gone. Thirty feet from the butt it feet in circumference ; 60 feet fro butt it is 15 feet in circumference.' tree is solid. He also showed us la ti a is ti TI PC. - tree, 6 feet 9 inches in circumfer net . The Planters' residences are elegant, tlie grounds for some distance being laid out beautifully, and tastefully ornarhent d with oak, chestnut and evergreens, su h as red cedar, box, holly, ivy, &e. • So e of the farms have splendid • outbuildin and can be bought for less ,thari buildings °Oat. There are several Cana- ' dians around Henderson, all of whoth with but two exceptions, expressed themsel well satisfiecl with the country in geile There is no use in any one going with means, for there, as here, it is o that makes the mare go." Their m of travelling appeared very strange; .. 8 S; • It is is stranger w coast, for t bigness of Humboldt • lumber en barn, and A schoone from a sin • docino,• w made a in teen feet • quently f logs are o the entire the smal have oftei with gun diameter woods, a pers that of the fo 'es it, or, as th the tree. ' the grou a height where th lar thick sequoia, These tr 'grow in a country, an! pecessar should, weight, 1 ly happe and. theri is little c • forests, and, at the astecl for ket. T ch the aally dr or 150 f d it is tree fol these red, -woods stand, and so the skip of the cutter. To ght feet in diameter is count - work for a man.—Ha res aL ut ey de he running gear of their wagons is but the box is very awkward, covdred. something like Gipsy wagons, but !not .nearly so nice. They are usually drawn by four mules, the driver riding on 'the " back of the nigh hind mule, and clriVing the front ones L with lines. It is quite a common sight to see a colored iwoMan driving to town with one ox hitched to a cart, and clrivin and. governing her ox with lines. The oxen these people drive are ,no larger than our- ordinary two-year okl. steers. I also saw an ox and a mule working side by side, but snob teams are generally owned by the poorer class. • There are just as good horses and camaget there as here. 1 Mr. McCallum ha,d two span of very good horses, a covand. an anan open carriage • at our disposal (gratis) during the time we were there. I •noticed several grist and saw mills, whioh were driven by ex- cellent water power, the overshot wheel being used. 8o far as I saw, the coun- try is well watered -by surface springs and small creeks, e bed of which is generally 1' granite. -The large Streams have a muddy appearance; I was told, -which is caused lay the overflowing of their - ibanks. The eOuntry is pot sys- tematically laid out in regard to roads, the same as ours. They do not pretencl to turnpike their Iroacls, or bridge their small streams, which . makes travelling very inconvenient. The climate of the. country, so far as I saw and heard, is all that can be desired. was told by the Canadians that their summerp are not as opprdssive is ours, as they have always a cool breeze from the sea. I inquired about sickness, but the only thing 1 heard of was chills, and that not to any extent, excepting in low section. I in- • quired of many, if life and properly were safe. They seemecl amused at ny silly question, arid answered as safe is in any part of the Union. I believe their • morals are superior to ours, considering • er ‚5 Milk? at least I have name from my is verylikelyi to but I do object ecause they don't e it is not a wo- g after the cows, lave the time to not milk. 'Cows n they have two ng with them as ne ; and I hold mon to feed the 1 admit, neither them. I have " My wife says a k," and. didn't e husband; - ay to raise dirty ow they can be hey will soon get from --experience raetiraes, such as foot, kicking the n I had on my o• fun in milking I wOuld say to er the old rhyme • our sun to sun, ' is never done." SA -1 - Incorporated A. 1871, pursuan Con. Stat. of U. C. OFFICE—McInnes Block, corner Streets, Hamilton. a Wo • d Choppers. g camps hat , a *ntereated on this 'see and feel the ods. A man in ' out: of one tree e his: house and, o acres of ground. ith shingles made ne tree' in Men - were shown.to me, d ties, trees four - have been • fre- t. down; the saw split with *edges, because ss is t d Parr en them der. A called o skillfa y.can m fall ju e logg e most e e he will e redw County go ulh to ma o ence t le atrefiell. :ed os remain le of railro in diamet une and c te a 1 is cl # d, es es 280 -52 one4y. NT AND 1 to Cain 53, g and john I CAPITAL, - - $1,0 copo DIRECTORS. Adarr Hope, President ; W. E. Sanford, , Vice - President ; D. M Tunes, A. T. Wool, Alex., Har- veY, Cliarles Gu ey, A. F. Skin Dewar, J. K. K rr, Alex Turner, john McPherson J. M. Williams, er, Plummer ohn Harvey, P. R., John Brovrn E. W. Hyman.—H. D. Cam roil, Treasur- er ; J. brerar, Solicitor ; A. McEachern, Aciount- ant. ,A.. 3:20 F 7 1-1 A INT S MR HILL I Returns thanks to the public for their cordial support during the paat e6ht years, and asks a con- i tinnonce of the same. He will not be found adv itiSing 1 1 t . i `` L A IRG E CONSIGNMENTS," 1 1 which are never made, or fabulous quantities of goodS that ;would require all the Stores of Sea - forth to hold, or asking twice the value of an article to inake the unreilecting custowr think that by a reduction from the price they aro getting a big bargain, but Nsill, as in the past, 161low closely to the following maxims of Trade I I --I 1 Intending borrowers will consult their best in- terests by examining the advantageous terms offered by this Society, before going elsewhere. Special Features, • No Lawyer's Fees 'charged where the security consists of Farm Property, and whrin the -,Loan is not leas thani$100, or 'for a shorter period than five years. The fall amount of the Loan-hanflied over to the Borrower. All incidental expensee maybe includ- ed in repayments. 37 !say, ." he chop ut on s o enable ee- attain ; for th lis at th prefer s extrern their g 'eat height makes it t fell the carefully, lest they falling wi h such enormous reak to pie es. This constant- s in spite f every precaution, oubt that in these mills, two feet of every foot of lumber mark the direction ree to fall, • the yes a _stake into the et from the base of • actually comnaon to 11 on this stake, so o large to float in w streams, and: I blow a log apart tree four feet in ndersized in these are the wood chop- ke the largest giant t where they want drive a stake with ers d.o not stand on ges raised to such he axe to strike in its fair and regu- red :wood, like the base near ground, eep hill sides, and ely rough broken Repayments rnay be made to Is 1 due ati such period, of the y r as is most convenient te bor- The 'loan may be paid off a equitable terms , For Loan Tables and full partic H. D. CA Tress JAMES H. BENSON, Barrister, Valuator,_ Seaforth, "TRUTH IS MIGHTY PREVAIL." T1TE GiNITINE A - I ELIAS HO SEWING M A TRIUMPHANT OVE wood ar sent to line on chopper ground the tre make straigh. acourat fell a tr ecl a d Magaz 0 e w nar wh us 100 , a the do e is ee e ne. ' any time on ars apply to 1ERON, or, Hamilton. - 8.18-3.8 Buy in the best markets and. on the best terms. Buy only such articles and in sail quantities as will make quick returns. Sell such articles as can be recoinmended. Sell at the lowest possible advance. Sell at one price only. Sell for cash. And will give to customers all advantages that will arise from long experience, character and means, and thus. contribute towards making for his ---,patrons. • VIENNA PRE Ho THE WE SEWING RECEIVED FIVE At the Vienna Expositi CRM1D MEDAL OF `MEDAL OF For Superior Workman THREE MEDALS OF C " I For superior excellence of prod WELIIAN CAN I. ENLARGEMENT. N tice t Contractors. tract of letter bel "EXTRACT." , August 22nd. The Howe Ma,chine 0o1, New Yo • Gswennunn—We have been taining five r,aeclals froni the Grand Medal of Progress, Medal • perior work, and three Medals of superior excellence of production • The above pettlts for itself, am the false Claims of some firms i chine businese, the HOWE still A fresh supply jut received at D WILL ERIC AN HINE ALL! a ACHINE • A HAPPY HAW YEAR. W. HILL, Britannia House, 'adjoining the 'Post Office, Sealorth. ,STRONG AIRLEY. CITRISTM.A.S AND NEW YEAR'S GROCERIES. EDAL$ In, viz. : PROCESS, ItifT ip, and. -OPERALTION lotions. See ex- SEAL iD T NDER , addressed to the under - sig ed, nd end rsed Tender for Welland Canal' i11 b received at this office, until noon of 'Wedne day, i e 21st January next, (1874) for the constr otion. of Fourteen Locks, and Fourteen Weirs, I nun ber of Bridge abutments, and Piers, the int veiling Reaches, Raceways, &c., on the new po tion A the :Welland Canal, between Thor- old en Port alhousie. The work will -be let in section-, fiv- of which, numbered respectively, 2, 3, 5, 6 nd 7, are situated between Port Dalhousie and St Oath lines Cemetery; and three (number- ed 12, 3 an; 1.4) extend from the northern side of the Ga at W istern Railway to near Brown's Ce- ment I '1n. aps of the several localities, together With P ans a d Specifications of the works, cau be seen a this Mee, or at the resident Engineer's office, horo d, on and after Monday, the- 5th day . of .Jan ary ret, (1874) where printed forms of Tendeis can he obtained. Contractors arenotihed that raleis will net be considered, unless mede strict13 in a cordanee with the printed forms, and —in t #e cas of firms—except there are attached the at: ual s gnature and the natureof the occupa- tion a d plae of reeidence of each member of the same. For he due fulfilment of the Contract eat- isfaeto y see ity will be required on real estate, or by dep sito money, public or municipal secari- ties, pr ban stocks, to an amount of five per cent.. oa the bulk sum of the contract. Ninety per ocx t. 6 nef the progress estimates will be paidu tit te- completion of the work. To each 'renew raris be attached the actual signeturee of two so vent d responsible persons, residents of the Dole int n, willing to become sureties for the carryi g out of these- conditions, as well as the due pe forni nce of the works embraced in the contra t. lhis department does not, however, bind it elf tc aeeept the lower or any tender. •By order, B Dep' of P uccessful in ob- xposition, viz.: of Merit for sti- Co-operation for . Youre truly, G. W. HOWE. notwithetanding the SeWing Ma- eeps the lead. W. N. WATSON'S, 308 Insuranc; Agent, ,8eaforth. BLYTH SHINGLE HEADING AND PLANING F CT9RY. CURRANTS—NEW AND CLEAN. Valencia, Raisins, Layer _Raisihs, London _Layers, Black Basket -and Sultanas in Abundance, to be had in boxes half boxes and quarte7-s. LEtVION. PEEL, ORANGE PEEL, CITRON PEEL, SHELLED ALMONDS) i c . ;Icing Sugar,Flavoring Extracts in Lemon, Orange, Almond, Strawberry, Vanilla, Pepperniint, &c. t-. Subscriber having leasedi the Wrilli difor many THE years worked. by Mr. Williart Curtis, s prepar- ed to supply shingles and heain large quan- tities at the lowekt market ,pric s. Par4cu1ar at- tention paid to , CUSTOM SAWING • PLANING First-class Shingles gnaranteed Sawyers are employed, and t Pine used. The highest pricee and Timberior Heading. The subscriber is also abo Shingle Mal on Lot 30, Con. 2 (two miles from Manchester), for work on the 1st of January, Wanted, a first-elass Shingl raence work on the 1st Januai 84-18 Jo as 11011C but good e best quality of aid for good Pine t to erect a new East • Wawanosh hich will be ready 1874. t , Sawyer to cora- next. EPH CARTER. , DESS•IQATED COCOANUT JUST ARRIVED. •CANNED GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY. Oar Stock of Groceries, comprising Teas, Sugars,' Coffees, TObaccoes, &c., will be found equal in quality to any in the market. I PROVISIONS, FLOUR AN) FEED AS USUAL. N.B.—A lot of Snioked White Fish and Tront lust received from Goderich—come and try them. All Goods bo.ught from ns delivered in Town, Hargurhey or Egmont/vine free of charge. I • Give US a Call whether ypu, Buy or not. •H 0 G 1- eafor Wanted at t OGS h Packi House (-Y MR THOMAS 8- EPHENS ' wPIS much pleashre in inf nraingi his numer- ous customers that he be rocoxpinene&d the Pork Packingbusiness in hi old sand, North Main street. Having secure the pervices of a practical Sausage -maker, the ublic lean rely' on getting a first-class artiolein ether : SAUSAGES OR SUGAR- FRED HAMS. These in need of such WOuld d well to give biro a call before purchasing else'shere. All orders promptly attended to. • P. S. ----Highest price in ca h paid for CORN COBS. 310 THOMA STRONG & FAIRLEY. 10,000 11 . STEPHENS, street, Seaforth. oF EXTRAORDINARY • SEAFO TH MARBLE t,IORKS, HAIN STILEET. A.UN, Secretary. • 318-3 blic Works, Ottawa, Dec. 29, 1873. • • Opposite the Waterloo Hons , near ; the Station. MONUMENTS; llEAPSTONES, .; And work ef allskinds in An Marble, de4igned and execat and at mos reasonable prieel r iTAN. 16, 1874. oRs dA N3M.L .R0 rn 0 DO t:J sco BRIT SETS FOUNDItY. TE St,SCRIBER wishes to call the attention, of the farming community in general to lig large and ried stock of BARGAINS.4 Agnpultural Implements, • Consisting of 1 IRON 1 AND WOOD PLows, LO'S OF FINE TEAS IN LOTS TO SUIT PU' .RCHASERS. •BOUGHT AT' A piscouNT. SALE NOW GOING ON TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW STOCK, 4c., erican and Foreign d in the best style, Mantles f Various Cobred Marble sip plied on Short Notict. Granite 11onnnients and to order. eadstortes imported CALDER & 900PER. 277 •ANDREW' CALDER, Agent. • . VISITORS TO SEAFORT11-1-• ARE 'INVITED TO CALL AND INSP•E:CT MY'STOOK, •At Prices that will satisfy the crowds of Cash .13u.yers. J. C. LAIDLAW. '7 p DIRiCT FROM BRITISH AND C.A.NADIANf MANUFACTURERS ANOT.EMR LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF DR)' GOODS. Just in time for the Holidays. The tremendous run this fall for our CITTIAP GOODS had almost cleared us out, but we are now as full an ever, and are selling CHEAPER 'PHAN EVER. SPECIAL BARGAINS THROUGH THE HOLIDAYS In Dry Goods, Millinery end Ladies' Furs. The Cheapest and Best Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets Oarpets, &e., in the County. • Call and Inspect at VENT'S Cheap Dry Goods and Millinery Establishment, Seaforth. COME ONE, COME ALL, AND BUY YOUR HARNESS FROM J. WARD, SEAFORTH. • 'With t latest improved Steel Moi d. Board, 'CULTI He wall FA ANG PLOWS, ATORS, LAND ROLLERS, ARROWS, SC u EYLER% Sec. • beg to call special attention tothe • celebrated - PLOW,. Wbieh hes given universal satisfaction wherever used, to which is now added a Thistle Point, so much required in this part. Mao, to some first- class STAVE -DRUM LAND ROLLERS, I beg to state for the information Of farmers and. the public generally, that I have as good a stock of Harness ou hand as any in town, and I am deterrained not to be undersold by any other establish- ment in the COunty. BELLS and HORSE BLANICTITS, all kinds, constantly on hand. Also TRUNKS and General Furnishings. 813 .5.6a116,n.66.- C4-1.-NTIO 1\f= A riaR,I.A.T.J.., • J. WARD, Main -Street, Beath. FIOM $22 to $35. Ale°, a few F rst-Class Wagons, Getting p for Spring use, warranted of 'very beet SE-14SONED TIMEI. ER. of which will be sold. at the very LO EST PRICES FOR CASH Or approved credit. WIVL R. WILSON. Brass Is, Feb. - '271cy FAL SHOW, 1873 THIa.• NDERSIGNED ie just receiving, the Iarg- Stock of STAP E AND FANCY DRY GOODS, ROCERIE.S, IIA.RDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, READYMADE -CLOTH• - , ING, Nr•LLINERY.,- &a, Ever brought into 13RUSSELS, -which will be 'full and coMplete by the 25th Instant. I be to refer yon to the following prices of leading)lines, and other Goods will be .tormd bi propolion • ireavd 36 in. Grey Cotton, at 121 can per yard. Mari 36 in. Bleachtf2 rotton, at 10 oents er yard. Hear Scoured Wince'', at 35 eilits per ard. Madoter Prints (faRt C01078), at 10 cents . leer yard. - No. Llibster Mills-, 33 36 in. C tons, and Llibster Mills f .otton yarn, lways on. hand • TE Goa. Voting Hyson Tea, at 371 ant150 cents per lb. Finsep Moyune Tea, at 87: cents per lb.,usual ice, $1. Seventy-five cents per lb. by the f chest or Caddie. Gunp wders, Congous, Japans; Pekoes, &e., at • e ually good 'Value. Sp ial value in Carpets, Herrips, Stair, Tap- estrye, two and tbree ply, all wools and felts. Call and. see the goods and prices, and judge for yOnrseives. • NO TROUBLE TO SHOW CODES. • Highest price paid for Grain, and all other kinds of produce. • JOHN LECKIE. 13 eels, Sept. 18, 1878. 4 _ EP. ette, isa inhabit -o and.• Mu, about s einnati, For ye gress to 1 •cating 1 the sale • State; For hibitini --within demon uoulw which mercy men an be seen our str to be n • us. Bri which every to secure t •easily al which m lows ; 11 On Ali Boston, ciety of Girls," to deli at one o day. an his hem of the to could al midst, v. At th mot -nits; at the I and see ngOp after wl . raittees - present - up, rea.4 adjourr (Frida:v and. th upon ti having, familiel place fifty ov •tonanisi to titer: Droi esch al were h all sig, were 11 surren by the • people tion ti'• to wit eohol, or 1 select whisk wit n. A had si of int tit% t 111011n1 • tbat eon on toi top - harm' gutte Du • have' salonl have • at _ti Plitt and i' the • tollei crest this ' mini woni tem argr to r,, earn, mee C T • the'i be Afrl 1 eri( ' the sem For an An ing fur nil 10,