The Huron Expositor, 1874-01-09, Page 1a SliXTIIL YEAR ) W11014E NO. :1 S. j itcat 6ota cf) tic TWO LOTS' FOR SA L.E. WO LO.T S for saleaJjy Mabee's,ni•elocation, convenient to town, email not be be ten. Any ue WhO wants to buy• Lot now is the time. Ap- ly to JOHN MeD0a ALD, 7 Seaforth. EARIvr FOR SALEJN_ TUCK.ER TOTH. OR SALE, ou reasorlible terma, the west half of Lot No. 4, Oen. 1 , Teckeramith, entainina • e acres, 40 of which. arti)cleared and m state of Oa ealtivation, the lit is well timbered ith beeeli and maple. The eleared la d is well eneed and in a atate oil good c.altivati• n. There small frame barn al a a frame *tab e. There 3 sere.% of fall. wheat, -which will be sold with This farm is s tecited on a a ot gravel aecal„ land is within 7 ni les of Seafottl Fox fur- ther particulars apply to the propiietor on the remises. , •17 ONA_LD latcD NALD. , • FARM FM SALE. INSTAN' EY., 10tEING Let 5, Bityfi.ellal Road, 2 from iles Bay- ," field, al mile from the gravel road, °attaining acres a goo1 land, a ',splendid briek. 1 use, good frame barna andaauperit)r orchard, wit plenty of good water. TellitS eady. Apply to 315:6 OHN ESSON, ayfield. rAitti FOR S OR, TO ENT R SALE, oh teas able ternia, Lt No. 16, Con. 3,Morri, s coca wining 70 aere., nearly all aleare.d, well fenced. and in a good stab of culti- ivation. There is a goild saw mill, witl a dreular w, driven by water, Aith an abundan e of tim- ber convenient. Theta is also a go d bearing orchard, also a good frame barn and ho tse. There ;is a sabool and two cluirches en the c- rner of the lot. It is situated_wi hin. one mile and three- quarters of a station 011 the Wellimatm , Grey and Bruce Railv.-ay. If th above farm be ot sold, it iwill be rented. For f rther particular apply to yU1E proprietor on the p eraisee, or -al Btlgrave P.O. •HOTEL ORASLALFIIEED, R°I.v14- ei2 MRS. ROBERTSON wishing to reti e from the -.L5- hotel keeping b isiness, offers f r sale that ell-loa-Own stand, in gmondville, no v oceupied y her ; half an acre a and attae-hed t the hotel; ood stables, good well and every oth r convem- ce for carrying on th hotel busines . Part of i • eputehase money wil be' required in cash; the keniaimier will be alloa d to go in e y install- imealts. Apply on the remises to 10 ..MRS. It BERTSON, E a ondville. EAFORTIT, FRT amalloolowninIP The Season of 13'rother1y d- . ness. The days of shaking hands have come, The kindest in the yell- : • The Candidates go smiliegroend With, such profuse good che r ! - The applicants'for ,civic eats, • The gents who would .be M• yor, Commissioners, and School ustee Comfront you everywhere. Each wears a gracious, genial senile ;All day -from door to door, And suck intense good will t men - You never_ knew before • FARM- FOR SALE ELNG composed of ot 1, Con. 10 of the Town- ship of Tuckersmiph, containing 100 acres of 'excellent land, upon waich there is a new fraine t• arn, 3800 feet, ams, which are eaother infori ation, ap- nd also a good orchard. For • Oaid Township, -Or to t 4e vender, WAL ER, REN- ' WIGE, Sr, _ St. George 0., Brant Co., Ont. 296 iu eray, lid ly to Mr. XAMES DA -EY, on Lot 1, on. 12, of FARM OR SALE. OT No. 5, Goncessi n 4, Ifullett; 140 mires, more or less, 80 a.cr s cleared. Plenty of water, d the north branch of, the Maitland litiver ran - 3 DS g through the 18'aer . bash; good -fences. Ap- y on the premises to the proptietor JAMES MARTtN:a 90-_ ' r addtess Constance P. 0. ..... EAM SAW KM', 41D FARM FOR SALE. High, gentlemenewith Have thrown. away t And shakeIhe "horny With, unexampled ze And though -they didn' : For you a Week ago, -They ask about your fa . With interest all agle , oft w nte kils, eir e ste' lands of toil" t. . seem to care ily w. Hath the millenium co-ne at That everything's so ? Doth 'Christ -Inas worl this Change, Or No-mination Day OW, last, wond 'rous Grip. THE .COLD (.30AST A D ITS PEOPLE. Savage Spirit -of the shantees—Pacir Method of Warfare-1;haracteilistics of the IFautees. 1 Correspondence:of the _47ew York Ti thane. ", ErAG Lot 34, Con. 7 MeKili.op„ containing 104. , acres,. all elearedaw' th good barns ca., d. stables,. Ai. -Osvo- good orchards in. I t li bearing-; two never -I a'ila a --,g springs which supp y the moill. - . so„ lot 35, tea..1„,ecantanina g 48 cm ,es of -bush. T - e property . i , aituated 6, mi -les fr, an Seaforth. Nall,. a good. 1,500 to do. befor mate IS no fabul purel to an iuittii this i you: re about t engages;" .11e, w pause in his wed-, look rt the with" open eyes' end a smile n his lips, and say : " Re i ly, it is ten hot for chaff. Are 31rou diepo ed for anyt iing to drink ? 1 c !IA get a VL y now, bi. t if you go up to my quarters and shoe t for my boy he give 7,ou some claret and water, Or sohle cold ea, if yon'd like that betterr • Seeing, then, that no one here Idoebts, ceasesto doubt myself '• but I fear that thosewho return to the Prah will be but a re nant of ti e gallant fellows who cros, noth I he Dec bye. peea Woe `kep mei to p l' CAPE COAST 'WrLB, Deo. 1, 1S78. ' First and most important is th, con- sideratien of the gei end , prospe ' ts of this, war upon which the British nation has embarked. It isl evident that no course reinained to EnIglandobut to 'dire altogether- from this coast upon which she has been settled fer 300 years,' r en- tirely to o•v-erthrow the power f ethe is empire pos esses try, and can place 0,000 men fo the ad perhaps double urpo e of de ence, . aggiessive plower, eca nown llow- r ter- th) Ian tee ted in on, , a oi: an - hat 10,- eral h at t of. one well lies, o the busl and •void. the (Iloom them. Should ccused of crime malefactors he nficant people thout pre ext, 11 is the is now involved uree and extent I capital., Cooniase . eShe does not ' far as is known, •-te or Meek, to penetrate beyond the ca iital, and she al- lows no -traffic or passage whatever to the tribe lying beyond j her. The Ashed .antees are fanaticallY• b ave If eitiler a, , 'put tee elye against him in a battle, is to sit upo 1 a powder barrel and flash his gun into it. AsHANTEB SOLDIER.Y. Brave as the Ashamtee is, he n ver --; AY, 'JANUARY 9, • 18 r 4. • ritish tro Ts have set themse yes There ar no great inducem LLtS theni, sue] as those which , ni- the Spaniel' adventurers. 'T ere C' world to be :wore. no ci Of as .evealth to be reached ; i .is a case of uty. It I were to, ay of these officefe wotkie. hi re- gly in a sue of 150° of heat "' 'he a great ana glorious deed • '-ivh•eh ..A.shaeetee enipire. - T. a large extent of cou figh.ting force of 1 purposes of attack, that number for the inthe field. - It is .an and has, ever since it to European, been d ing up her neighbors,. ritories -and reducin slavery. _Although less sanguinary and its neighbor, Daho atvel read. thereto. F n the premises. If Ira a ON, Constance P. 0., _ FAR.111 FM S SA,LE, a good arra, composec of North half of lot 15 -and th west half of kt 14, Oona 1, contamm i 100 acres, c eared and a ell fend -ad, and in good cultivation; b• lance -well • bered with hardwo d; a goo _house a. d new log bam; gocd bearing reharcl; two es and a half from a ood gtavel road; I0 miles om the village of Seat rth; there are two steam \mills within 34 miles -convenient, to charches, particulars apply to the iseaa or, if by •letter, to r further particalars apply post, to JOHN TICOMP- inbtini, Ont. 260 E IN IYIe OP. s hook- and stores. For p oprietor on the air inthrop P. 0. 280*4. JAMES McD NALD. cup. man th erha, Moo e first d sw :Mg the en' peoe le s just el lit -thirstyttl the Ashlan kingdom may be sail to be &men and watered by blood. B ood is elied streams upon every public occasi eVhether be a coronation, a birthday fimeral, or: the declaration of peace war: There is one grand " custom.'" nually at which it is calculated• t 10,000 slaves.' are put tb death, and probable that as many mbre are sl tered upon the monthly and other • eustOmS." What haSpenS up grand, sc.ale at the capital, takes Upon. a smaller scale else -Where. If 000 slaves are slanghtered 'at the fen rites Of a king, 1,000 -are put to cleat that of • a great tributary, 100 at tile minerachief and 10 at that of an station or position. This is so understood, that, when a great man his slaves instantly take elle-leaver • to escape. to whith they know awaits slaVes- be short, any one is seized, and. should wanting, poor and Mei are kidnapped., with or and made to suffer. Su with which_ Great Brita: M war. The nature]. fea o Ashantee south of the sie are entirely miknoe all; w, and never has, as allowed a traveler, w rArazi FOR S Lt IN GRE • • OT No.12 and. part f Lot No. 11 in the 18th - Concession of grey, consisting of 78 acres, cleared. and 'good e Itivation; 24 miles from avel Road, 12 miles frc ra Seaforth. Apply to arc, ANGUS MC LAN, <pi the premises. VALUABLE PROFIERTY FOR SALE . SALEachesp, two Stores, With good dwell- ing over-hecul, in tiv Centre of the business p t of the village of Sea orth. Tihe lot is 30 feet ntage. For further particuIt4 apply t 94 mccAuu•IEY iim,arg TED. it on their ig about cli r the climat mbar to the o means hig s, and will d otherwis tip by the dance. 1 leyve said •ate, because from all e from the middle , of Utile Of February, is ily injurious to Eero-f e felt even less than' be the case by meif -Unities of -high excite-; Of the o eers now working here some the w y for the troops, it is probable that fc • will go right throngli the xpedition. The eliniate is already tell rg upon thei Although they hav bee a here but a ronth, eight or ten hav alr a ly been doe with fever ; -and, al tho attacks • have been., a th.e slight, they weaken sys* er it liable to other, am figl in th Sti• up • bo- ar 00 th he :011 go e tout, follow fi Mine men, the women hunt up ethe st •aggfers, heap buse upon them, strike nd drive ecu sevee laianq heir the it is ugh- inor lace. BER,KSHI E BOAR. rill§ undersigned will k ep for service at •Wag- nefa Corners, town e Hay and Stanley, a thOroughbred Berkshire boar. Terms -61, pay- able at the tiree a servic , privilege of returning if necessary. 314-8 THomAs PERCY. _ BERKSHI E BOAR Th. the firs usually are, ern, and rent e'esingly sev mnor was ting was going on, and. all the women he town Wh se husbands : were r out r appearance ;the t daubs of , whitel. paint eek.s, shoulders, h. White ham kerchief end their heals. This is supposed t aliitute a gtea fetish and to pieserv ir husbands fichn harm. The evoinen O ssist .grea, ly in getting the hien t fight. W en the chiefs have Once d.- by'ethe bulk :of .the re attacks. urrent here to -day tha woman had disap He found his (loor fastened, and, on fears, he at once le )eared mysteriously. nd winelew securely reseed with terrible t the hoitse and went home.- He told ha mother of the strange adtventueel and sh a noted down a de- scriptions Of the be, the night,: precediii hiS mother was vele ed to go :to the ahout 2 in the nun itiful murderess. On g his next birthday, ill, and he was olslig- lector's for medicine ling. While there, a wOman entered. the surgery and wished to! purchaSe a butt dOctor refused. to bUt -waited. outside beautiful women e of laudanum.. The sell it, and she left, ; foi Francis. She was and. remiuded him of something cub 1. not distiectly She walked with helm, and in sh. hoe She had. be lost her' position employment and be married. He mother; and. the ieia Warlock, 1 ref made the ets with gre ul their el oths, and wi • hiin to his mother's rt, he fell in love With n thfeeturiate and had society. He gather they were " engaged to 4iresehted her to ,his .latter redognized, • in er future -daughter-in- law, the dream ee oinah who had. tried to Murder her son a end Alicia were 1 Pily for some th to drinking hard ard her hue -band his mother died, the influence o . jommg the fuller Maddened, strue house at once. ward, she came it in imitation of older thieves and. t had been reading works descriptiv Kith criMes. Such is the in:flume perniciou literature. pert .of the Wesleyan Methodist Miesion- -The >elides Wesleyan Institute, d:e- ary Society, shows the amount of collec- signed to )0, an Educational Institution, tons in aid of the Society by the one step below the Uollversities, where he gala_ $Cizr.c.5h4e;s iLliptilledeesGboo(11.0eri'coliirDenisitt,r71:66G.1o5d-; the youth of the Province may eriehl Circuit, 3192.81 ;= Clinton Circuit, .i. ered and guarded with home -like ate, while ben g prepared for enteiing pon Holinesville Circuit, $121.10 ; Seaforth a University COurSe, or edlicated for -the Circuit; $163.57 ; Mitchell . Circuit, various vocations in life, will be aliened $109.50 ; Stratford Circuit, $,233:11 ; on Jan. 14. The 'handsome residence Harmony Circuit, $191,88 ; Bayfield and. beautiful grounds of the Colema.n and suitably ,..Circuit, $123.15.; Dungannon Circuit, estate have been purchased Rae al. B. $130.34 ; Kincardine Circuit,. $232.83 ; fitted up for the College. Beraie Circuit, $141.25 ; Teeswater Mis- Rycleman will be the Principal. ' s,on, $131.20; •.Brus. soh Mission, $107.79; e —The law M respect to weights and Ti owbridg,e Slission, $141.90 ; II owick measures came into force on the let of Circuity $174.93 e Wingham Circuit, .Tanuary and. all • ' 1.1 b ' 11 ,, gi am will now e, so ( . $155 ; Luelmow Mission, $173.72. The by the 100 pounds and net by the blushel report -shows the Church and its Missions as formerly. This may be a lit% in- to be.iii a &wishing dondition. convenient at -first, but when all cone to —At a social of the Exeter Wesleyan i understand it, it will be much ram' con- ch held Christmas everniag, Mr. venient and easy in reckonMg. T e law Richard Manning -gave a brief sketch of is very strict in. this matter, •a.n im- buy_ his late trip to California, relating some poses a fine of $50 npon any person curious instances of. the peculiar charac- ing or selling in any other way than by teristics of the people, their modes of • 100 lbs., unless by measure, when the traveling, and what kind of coirveyances half bushel may be used. they -used ; one team which he saw was —The managers of the Grand Trunk composed •of three steers, blidled. and. Railway have agreed -to restore to coins with. bits in their Mouths, and a horse. mercial fravellers the privilege, recently He also showed a specimen of the cotton taken from them, of carrying, free, three flower ; he considers cotton the most hundred poun.ds of baggage consisting of profitable commodity to -raise, as it does samPles, on eiresentation Of a ticket to not lessen the strength. of the soil, as to - the baggage -men. . bacco doe' — P. McArthur, a Saugeen fai•mer, —The once notorious Francis Evans sold in Paisley last week upwards of Cornish has been elected first Mayor of : two tons of pork, which had. been raised the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba, in op- ' on his own farm. position to Mr.. W. -F. Luxton. *Mr. Cornish received the support of the Hude —Hon. John Young has been re-ap- son's -Bay Company, which elected him. peiuted to the ofitce of Flour Inspector at Montreal. This, says the Ottawa —Sir John A. Macdonald is again the Times, is a very proper proceeding on the Conservative nominee for the representa- part of the -Government. The manner in tion of the -City-of Ringstoh. His op -- which Mr. 'Young was chiselled out Of ponent has not yet been named. that office was illegal and disgraceful, , —The Ottawa municipal elections Were and his resteration was nothing more than justice to one who has, wepeearned this year contested on a _purely political in the interests of the country the honor basis, and Mr. Featherstone the Reform_ candidate for the Mayoralty was elected and the emolument which it 'confers. by 4 large majority. -Prior to the change —The tendency in money is toward of government it was scarcel3r safe for a greater ease • the best cnstomers of the r esident of the aapital City to openly Bank Of Montreal are now accommodated proclaim that he was a Reformer. at 7 per cent. - —The agitation for new Counties is as** OP- 111c1AVAINT 11110110111E1{S, Publishers. $1 50 a -Year, in advance. ey of of through the ice and was drowned. The - body was recovered about three 'hours later. • "----The following, from the anmial. re - year before. Francis arried, and lived hap - e, but finally. she took and her . feelings to -w- og= to thange. Soon ind. Alicia, while under liquor, insisted upon 1 procession. Francis, c her, and she left his ut some nights . after - Nick, and . tried. to stab him. Then he recognized in hey again, the terrible woman of his dream. , He cencludes his story by saying that he 1.10147S Alicia, is lookang for him, and will some day kill him esith the knife. The third narrative, told by Mr. pair - banks, is to the effect that, at the in- stance . of his ;wife. Who possessed. a strong feeling df curiosity, he en4aged Francis Raven via groom, and took . him with them to France, where they princi- pally resided. Francis was •unfortunate, and had one of his legs broken. • Mr. Fairbanks had to employ a French groom - named.Joseph I icoband, and he. sat .up with Raven, on the night of the 1 st of March. The t stimony of this French- man, on a seciet examination before a Judge, formg the fourth and concluding narrative. It was that he • was in • 'the city of of Metz oi the 27th of February, before Raven as murdered, and while there Met with a beautiful English wo„ o, is made man.- She agr ed te, take supper with receded by 4 flacreand him oh the fat night. They were sit - en sing a ihonoeoilous ting in ithe nex room, and the sick man h. erowd round waaing called Ricoba d. - She started, and aP- ring. and dancing, nd peered. to i•e ognize the voice. Soon ould. make the fort itie RaVen got so e Could represent it ae- i gagged him. en and -w men I ere ; inin soon after scanty attire ; bn it he found Rave at the men }year tl eir i two mortal w gracefully ;than : the anl. the other their clothes- over' Ile' ng them fall in natural en. alter the -Whole ut- by wearing a bustis as 'Upon this a chile is , and the Cloth is 1 th ra A cl ti- �iti . enasrt air om s ioul fi lds. 1 inge a • ener t 'ght I1 tear.: oft heir clothes, • ein, from the t.wn.: I have Very esingel r seems of • t great fuss, t iefS put, I The on se the wom :eir hands, eih es hole scene t eatre whic mat Both somewhat ie owned t far 'More n, draping ler andlett The worn f theiesfigur a pillow. llar perches y wrapped 'aerie g the child -bout on ohe si ome .ashio ng st ome.• ome •egul s neettniii- tether • mlles road THOROUGHBRED v RKSHIRE BOAR. ^UR. DAVID DUNGAN-bias at his prernises, in -13-1- the village of Egm niville, a thoroughbred ix Berkshixe f Boar, from D ou'e (Brudefield„) well- , anovea thoroughbred Boa a which he will keep for the iraprovement of stockaluring Um present Bona sea - Perms—$ -1, with thp privilege of returning if neeessary, payable at Oa time of service. sia , DAVI DUNCAN-, Proprietor. "JACK- OF HEARTS-," . The Superior &folk Beal:. 2 '1 - TACK. OF HEARTS w be kept for the improve- " remit of Stock during he present seasou at Mr. Thomas Thorp's farm, ot 2.5, Con. 2, Tuaker- smith, H -C.111. S., one mile and. a quarter directly south of Merton's Hotel, H. R., also, three italet east of Granton Hotel, a • ter miles west of Egmon y payable at the time of turning daring season. The subscriber will al1 same place, "CONQUEROR! Of THE WEST," The ptire Berkshire Boar[ These boars have taken. prizOS wherever shown. Terms—ail, strictly pay- able at the time of servic e. Privilege of returning dining season,. s12-8 TilOS. THORP, Prenrietor, . NiOTICE Te FAIIMEr ' a. Tilt nuderaitmed has (in his prerniacai a thoroaglit , Praire wide enough for four men t -1- bred Berkshire 13OAit that will serve sca,vs th4 ithr east, a-ncl that the troops will • gear at Ilarpurhey, betfir known as the late Di. ter no opposition. 1.11p031 their . Chttik's• brick honae, at 11 each. to be paid at th march until they arriie On, 'bike b, time of aeraice, with the privilege of return. 309 THOS. McLELLAND. ta,sk willbe arduous and.dangerous necessary. , I • . To stroc BREEDERS. . [ The3r will haVe to fight their,: Wa to satisfy the most aclven I °us Sankt, for the imprO OmOnt oi atock, a titst-cla s inies, and through whicb,_ they c a three and three-quar- ville. Terms -$14 strict - service, privilegd of re - o keep for service, at the general or a soldier ru to death, and. the cours general, when things ar a he is of an ,Ashae going defini fights in the open field e he will hold bush—as has already been proved. in skinnislewiththeBritish—with a coin the the age and tenacity unsurpassable by any w iute troops. But his tradition is neve to fight -uncovered. In this he some hat, resembles the Red Lethal). From his description of the Ashantee, it is evident that the task which England. has set her- self is by no means an easy one. In the plain, the 1,500 British soldiers could no doubt ,withstand the• onslaught of 'the whole fighting force of the Ashantees for the superior range of the Englisll rifle wonld, enable them to sweep away the AshanteeS without the latter being able to approach within range of their• own firearms ; but between Cape Coast and Cooneassie there is not an. acre of open ground. The distance to be travers- ed is 150 miles. The River Prah, which fornas the proper boundary ofethe Ashan- tee Kingdom, is about 70 miles _from Cape Coast, and• au- the, Ashantees are breaking up their carapg , within a few miles of this town, ahd are retiring slo*- 1 homeward it' is probable that the still apparent in several 'quarters, al - Brevities. though the notices asking for legislation Marshal Bazaine is still confined in'the are fewer than last year. The town ;of Palace of the Trianon. Strathroy will ask the Legislature to. re- —It is reported that Henri Rochefort move the West Middlesex Registry Of has died at the penal settlement in New flee froni Glencoe to that town, and also Caledonia. _ ---The late, Mr. Thomas Baring, left one year's sala,ry to all clerks and sa- vants in the employment of Bantle, Brothers. ' —IVIessrs. Fisk A:, Hatch, well knoWn financiers of New York, have resumed business, having settled all claims :against them in fall. isy and frantic that he to set apart the townships of Adelaide, licobaud's mistress called Oaradoc Ekfrid, Mosa, Metcalfe, the. and when he came back, town of Strathroy, and the villages of lying dead in bed with Wardsville and leliewbury as a new Coen - wads, one M the throat • ty, with StrathAy as County town. • An n the heert. His beauti- Act will be sought to carve a new Cdfin- ty, to be called the County of Howland, out of the present Comity of Grey, with Durham as the County- town, and. an- other shuffle of nearly the same town- ships is proposed in the interests of Dun- keld, which also aspires to County notation from Shake- , honors., —The wolves are very numerous this winter in the Ottawa lumbermg districts. A man named. Goodwin had a narrow escape from being devoured by a lning,ry ful cbmpamon, •who was no other than Alicia, was ne and. never afterward boatel of. Ri. °baud was tried for mur- der and acqu tted, and the river was dra,gged for tl e body of Alicia without rn • • succese; The story concludes with the round. the. figure just well-known head free. to d'angle 'speare's " Tempest." le or the other. The • " re slash stuff, • de of, awl our little hfe sleep." s in the mot elaborate I • • ear their hair • quite short; the As -c ems dress thei • some do lily up fro weird and gro , . . lo it in two sume it leave liyide thee minds of mos Is rounded with a The above s the substance of the pack while. on ins way through the it in ohe spike sti k- esque story, and We pre- 1 Woods to a shanty, He heard the howl the top of, the held, unpleasant thoughts in the of wolves on his track, and he at once spikes, spine fo tr. of those who hear it. It knew that his life depended on his get - hole of the. bead i to ting within calling distance of the shanty ing it the appeara c 11 is someevhat • shapes, gi for an eveni nil prepar e but with le reader. Mr. (_ , 0.. Ile has a flu centre' of their ways of ,doing their hair re to run along , . and th- Most aecomplishied I. becomes wea vay hair -dresser would be surpris- reading is n d to ee how much is to be Made out of•. wraer• Hac been written and read bY all unknown overtook -him, but the piercing cry he he si gbt est materials ; for; the imest author, it woNal excite but little inkiest littered for help and the howils of the avore 1 of theke 1 'dies cannot boast off a (1 for a phrenologi little fee -wife -11 'pl each division. Al a oo harrowing end sombre g's entertainment. As a ollins is hardly a success. voice, but allows himself a. raOnotonous tone, that isome. Evidently public t the :forte of this great the Dteam. Woman" before they caught up to him. He was swift runner, but the fastest time he ever made was eclipsed. on this occasion. Every hewl of the wolves as they came closer on his heels seemed faitly to lift him forward with terror. When within half a mile of the shanty the fierce brutes --Southern people are trying to raise by subscription $20,000, which remeans unpaid upon the statue of "Stonewall" '3.--ck4soune'en :Victoria has a cask of fresh sea water sent daily to London, for .her morning beth, during her resideneel th_a\ciitry. 'Brigham, Young has ordered bis missionaries in EnroPe sera over Ino -more old maids. Female saints over- 30 yeare of age he regards as improtitable converts. —A remarkable instance of discipline in the Russian army has just occurred at a fire in the Small town of Bardo.lck, esechetre. T1.1192e, houses were bullied. A en- tinel'who was on duty having been or - box was consumed, and his clothes were gotteh, remained at ins post. His wa ch - the order of St. Anne and gave just aheady on fire, when a Corporal arilved to relieve him. The Emperor, 'pen bearing of the circumstance; sent man fifty roubles, decorated him tions for him to be made a Denecb skirled officer. desirreg to have his OW11 adopted as the connMm language of diploma.cy, recently owa will be about 1,500,000. sian, a language which he •does not sent a note in German to Prince Gort- schakoff,1 who, much to the Gennan. Chancellor's annoyance, replied_ m _ —Maine's bay crop of 1873 is w d,erstand. $40,000,000. 1 -j-The number of' hogs raised this in froken in the grord in Walling A New Hampshire farmer has 18,000 bushels of pOtatoes into stare [—Prince Bismarck, Ga,lignani s ys, Ten thousand bushels of turnip prohibitd,ry law of M ssa- . . ch sett& is only executed. " by starts ength of hair suepassing eight inch ,S. 416, wolves reached the ears of some men The chess of men z nd woinen alike is panacl.a. who were, on their way to the shanty square of colored calico ofsabent six- f 1Ya. and ,trs'. John Brockie, two old from their work, and they came to his either way. The pre,Vailing color 18 i' settlers of the township of Nichol, died aid. in time to save him froin being torn blue, but SOMe em iloy pink or red, and to pieces and devoured. . a I recently, within a fortnight of ea,ch •, many f the men wear white. Tleer.y other. The had. settled "n that town- —Mr. Samuel Hutchinson has sold out either year them et . the Galt Reformer, and has gone to Ot-:' Waists !and failin drapeclf gracefully the women wear rouhd their ' body very seldom, 'Cover twisted •ound , their ship in 1837. , , to their heels, r --The El ra Observer says : Railway over ow .shouldel , matters are ipot as flourishing as former- -them bonnd tight y . - - ess of the money market and sometimes, but the cause. The southern ng the shoulders. th ' Wellington Grey and , British will be able to cut a road to the o march enconn- upwan anks o the boulidary liver. Beyond that, their enough t spirit. y inces a dens - ed ene on13 a fee rbevd. e sentry for eig ty raileS through Tilit -Lea wilt keep un his itemises Lot No. 2, Con. i , wrest, y eee,ee, aetermin A LARGE BREED 1 BOAR.—The undersigned e held 1 r.:(1 Anh e flarge breed BOAtt. 'I' •rmS--75 cents for the sea- advance in s'nele me by a path son, with the ptivilega of returning if neeessary. . '") i i a B15a4 110BERT .1\lelfICHAEL, 2 inches wide hamperet ey a c 1 _ ly, the tigh ,)eing part]. extension o Bruce B.ailro laaid there Wilkie Colli n , The folioiving Wilkie Collins' rea lance and style: 1 The celebrated. kie Collins, sine, pleasan.t, hands° beard. Doubtless tend the readings of seeing one of th propria p6rsono,. The story is a r ed version. of a sk years ago, and th it has a tharacter• ten in that g etyle the Men in White " a knows how to elle antage. 1The st( font narratives, ax esting, is at the mysterious and of the mystery ar an English gentle lhis -wife ; Alici, s as a Reader, • a brief deseription of ing and. hie appear- nglish novelist, Wil - lin stature, with. a d is finished to Kine re thousands Of bus grain, many er tads of pork ar ions upon illi ns of feet of aiting s111ment, but the con Mr. liendrie, liolds the road unt I paid he trifling Sum f $229,000, w ' h the ommancl. At o e time 1 that th6 Goveiniment er mile over th ' whole il relieve the Dir ctors ; e the endorse ent of n. on their bon& to the 0 a mile ,for thedings in track, amid this beihg 1 lies idle, the: wises derive no reline; els of 1 mil- utaber actoi, 'Company cannot e l face, and. ;white Was mid erstoo half his audienCes at- nainly fdr the purpose ir favorite authorsi in, i I I -written arid tch published ugh necessarily tic and,. ,writ- aphic and .powetful author of the " Wo - d. "The Mbonetone,4 iloy to such telling ,ad- L-mr7 ford, was k ry is in two parts and kicked. by d though very inter- ding logs. ametime impleasantly nearly d ernble.. The pereons Waeleck, th:e: dream of the next Mr. Pcecy Fairbanks, ; Mrs. Fairbanks, / ford, has b Preebyteri --Last y Kent Com feet high. 7—By a though - sleigh, a A' prov- everal short, tawa, to engage in the morel lucrative lmsiness of laW reporter. Theik;former is now published by Anderson I:Bros. i—The dinner givento Mrir William: Buckingham, in Stratford; onf the 31.st: of December, was a decided succer,„ There was a very large attendance coin - posed of persons of all sh.acles of' although the notice given of the affair was so short as .to prevent hinny, es- pecially those at a distance, fr Mg. Mr. Buckingham goes, where he will be private Secte Premier, on. Mr. Mackenzi m attend - 0. Ottawa, ary to the 11 bonus of $2,poo — The total cheese ship ents froin distance w mid Stratford ',for the past season were 14, now they -Neu 902 boxesl or 1,166,029 pounde. - the Great STeste Cialder of Grey, cut, on the extent of 12,0 —(J JLL1.Lfarm of R. V. Rit'ter, Con. 13, Grey; last as well as t O m I elveel.z, 61., eornis. of hardwood in seven - refused, th roa bPeencTirt i .icaus, sesi h. a Clmton machine. , who gave e 1). Medcalf has been elected May - therefrom ncl 11 who hoped to 'use the 1 —1?. or of Toronto, and Mr. Featherstone of May - road are sill erin great losses. • . Ottawa. ! - n -.White, fanner, near Clif- - • died on ANTeclnesday, 1 y being —A 'fzirmer went to Barrie market last wee1-4 with. a load of hay. While his ne of his horses, while skide The same horse kicked /him assistantlwas making arrangements for weighing the load, the farmer, who can ath last spring. , &rat. .easily turn 160 lbs., secreted _himself iii homes McPhersbn, a the hay, ancl. came neatly bane- suceess- en nominated as 11.16derator ful in hiS gan4 but fpr the • silIevecluess General Assembly h several • s. • , . of the eV igh-mister. , ar, ;nit of 24 membe s of the whooCroy.,fromHaersep eii.ee; ty Council, 13 were :over six - s, in a letter to the inc;h1.11; .,(111aeliii'• mEaanrur --a&ct have paid sixty per owing his legs t dangle r goods to the States, hole in the botto ' 1 of his ufa,ctureis pay fifteen r. Wiley, of New Sar um, had. I s • r goods into canada. keel under this 'jug •t long :enough, and bandoh the unequal cl. the forificatiens.” the ith 11C- iS- I ear ade are ord; / -woman ; Fra,nci Raven., the; groom ; Ricoliaucl, seri. ant ; 'Bernell, pro- prietor of a win The scenes are partly in Englan 1 an.cl• partly in ,Fran.ce. Mr. and Mrs. Fa ing one day, i with Francis ler at a small i take them back cowaielly de -es carrying -provisions anc on the -way, tell vith th the substance o yea,rs previous, calm. self-coi 'clence Peculiar to the A glo-Sa,xon. r ce, there not la sda her inn, he was aw, •who doubts for ae. instant that Sir Ga,r rnorningof the net Weisel will reach Coomassie. I by a fearful se ful woman, wi one were to hint at the possibility of de feat he wo id, be laughed. at, na,y tb. suggestion would be treated. as a Joke! and yet the expeditions Cortes an Pizarro to the capital of the Incas wer 'child's- play:. to the work which. theS THE .AL15..AIIINIUM AVA.T(JI-1. I s Are 'amine iition And yet 1 THE Latest NOve14,—Every person should have -L• one. Wears equal to g -old ; and the clifference in quality can only be detected ou the closest i scrutiny. Warrant(' I. to keep cOrrea time for two years without clean ng, or the money returned. Th0E1.8011(18 are now i4o. use throughout Great Brit- ain. Price, only -$2.1 Sent, post-paid, to any part a the Dominion, tate whether lady Or gentle- man's size xequircid. Alta), elegant Altuninium Chains. 75e postpiticl. Address, CU.VH13BAS ec THOU:WON Torout , Ont. Agents wanted every- where. gis-s 3 ,,,, rbanks, being out hunt- Somersetshire; fell i en, the groom, or host n. Be is employed tc to their --residence, ail • them a terrible stor which is, that some te -hil e staying at a certai rkened about 2 o'clock i st of Mveb., hisbirthela , sotion, and saw a beau' i - a knife in her han 1, raised ready t; stab 1 • . He •parri d the stroke as i descende , and the lin e pierced the m ttre.ss. She again str ck at him, and. rpiased the Mark. Then he aroused. the hue with his cries, but he ; 1 1 ; to the nited7Stat Mad, si-by : "W cent. city to get o and_ An erican ma per cent. to get th Now, IN e have wo hanslle'l arrangenie have c .nclucled to fight and get behii —T13.e fees of Clinton Market have been sbld for $800. William Smart is the pitchaser. I an le of his )cgs broken. —Major John Walker is Out poneet of Ir. Carling for the tation of ILondon. - Major W hitherto a . but comes fOr the says : ." I and. a strii my utmost grEinted." —A_ number of boys, meMieers of re- spectable families, have be n a,nested for shop- ting in Montreal.f They did tecl With the - Con as an op- represen- er has ervatives, utnew promising a fair trial Goveriameht. am in favor of vote gent election law, to have an incom e further e nd. -will do franchise spills." 1 - Michigan man proposes a benevol- et plan to prevent dogs from killing sheep. ;It is by xtracting their teeth. ' A Parke County, Ind., fanneit sown 000 a,cres of winter wheat. farm contains 2,500 acres of land. —A Russian Imperial Ukase req that SIX 1)1(111 out of every 1,000 inh ants shall be draftpci into the army. --A new theatr ato 1)e called " inghainr and to cover 13,042 s Dare feet', is to be built in New York cit{'. , --A Well autheOicated incident ih the Exeter (England)! election deserves rec- ord.- A_ voter -pIe4.cling that he cotell not ti leave his business to vote, because b had no_ one to mind. his shop, Sir Ed, ard Watkin volunteered to mind the shop nter But less. tone rout hts His iires bit- uck- -Op. Monday morning a man. named John Ourson., aged thirty yeats, of the township of Storrington, while skatheg acrosa Loughborough Lake,.: about one and. a half miles fi•one the village of •Babe terse!), County of Fronteiaac, bro himself, and staled behind the co while -the voter etent away to poll. Sir Edward_ wasl defeated, neverth He was the nominee of the Glad Party., , • Arizona,isa:gigtiitie, "-prairie scho ner" • --Among the guriosities at Fort uren.lwan.' obly2iOrm0Out osii. lade! capacity. It is d ' The Memplfes physicians preP se to erect a siiitablel memorial to the ra dical . , heroes who fell; in the discharge of duty during the fearful pestilence iihieh scontrged that city. -• l IA Penneylvania laborer has raised. e ten 7 children ion $1. 50 per day i .and prcached. twice a week for fifteen yqars it thailt, and for ligthing. • 1 1 e.