HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-12-19, Page 7ROTHERS °HEAP STORE eiepet pot townfor - GOODS AND o•PEN;D 3 CASES Consisting of sidents, hitneys, s'Iap Cloths, Persians, Astracana, SeaTettes, Dogskine. sxit&iie for Ladies' Xackets. ENS. Blue,- Green, Parpla, Maroon, Cairn 8016 White, filt, ere. Lo another let at ets, riped an Long Sh eels, Bieak ast Shawls, Sonags, Gicauds, Scarfs, Wool Mitts, Wool Cliffs, WooI Gaiters, Bootees, • 1nfanteea, Gloves, Hosiery, &s., &s.• a We will Show ATURDAY5 Nov. a 1i tit, erman Inik„ South Sea Seal, Plain • Seal, Grebe and Ermine - RE A coMple line of WRENS FURS will sell cheap fGr cash only: EJIBER THE PLACE: fep osite M. R. Counter's, Seweler. HOFFMAN BROS pEc.' 19,1873. Bontras pargoNnia CASE. - Prom the Mont -red Gazette, On Saturday afternoon, the 27th ult., the citizens of Montreal were startled. by the intelligence of a frightful poisoning case. • So far as we have been able to ascertain the fads they are as follows : On Wednesday night a man named Fla- herty brought to his dwelling in Tabb's - Yard, Hemline street, a large vessel con- taining abont half a gallon of liquid. He was attracted by its odor and. taste, and bent upon a carouse, invited a num- ber of his friends and neighbors to drink with him. The invitation was gladly accepted, and. soMe ten persons were soon. - engaged swallowing glass after glass of the' deadly liquor m full confidence of its genuineness. One of ticie party, we are pained to record, was a boy ten years of age, named" Thayer, who was supplied with a tumbler full. From all accounts, •a drunken night was spent by the m.erry associates and they separated to their various abodes ,unanxious for the mor- row. But what a morrowdawned !- The first to become ill was the boy Thayer. Early next morning he was . attacked with vomiting and burning pains. Those who had assisted him to his doom assem- bled round him. Unsuspicious of their impending fates, they did what they could to relieve his frightful agony. But while so engaged the baneful poison be- an its terrible work in their naidst. They experienced the same symptoms as the lad before them. Their fears for him - were soon converted into alarni for then - selves, and those who had gathered to . allay his writhing pains were shortly in the throes of death. A panto spreacl in the neighborhood. The cries': from the sufferers were horribleto listen' to. Crowds gathered round. the doors. For a moment the sauctity of their home- steads deterred the curious from enter- ingut diffidence could not long with - Stand the shrieks of pain and agonizing moans thee fell upon their ears. They • passed. within to a • SCENE NEVER TO BE FORGOTTEN. In a room of outrageously small pro- portions the man -Flaherty, the unwit- • ting author of the tragedy; lay with his wife, both at the gasp of death. Another room of equally smallclimen.sions con- tained, a man named. Harkey and his wife, apparently dying; while in yet an- other box—we cannot call•them rooms— was a finely -built young man, William Drennan, writhing in fearful agony. In another house in the yard, Mrs. Dunn, a comPonent of the previous evening's , party, was also groaning in pain. Medi- cal assistance was soon procured. Drs. Dugdale, Larocque and Major arriving shortly after the horrible discovery. All that professional Skill could. suggest and willing hands could execute was done to avert the fate of the dying ones. Anti- dotes Were a.draintsterecl to all, but un- fortunately without effect The boy Thayer died shortly afterwards. Har key's wife was next to succumb. *There she laatein a miserable bunk, her husband insensible to her fate owing to his own sufferings. At this time the scene was beyond description. The wretched pov- erty-stricken a,ppearanee of ° the house was sad to look upon. . Here and. there in the various kennels were men and women with death stamped on their faces. What a wringing of hands and • bemoaning of fate! A priest was offer- ing the consolations of religious faith to first one and then another. There was 3. rapid muttering of prayers from both victims and spectators. But death's grim presence, while it hushed the voices of all, kept not back the anxious crowdOne after another they, came to look upon the scene of woe. The small apart- ments were crowded.. Breathing was difficult, and. the agony of the sufferers • intensified. thereby. •--- Flaherty did not survive long after his wife, who died in the afternoon. Thus four of the sefferers died within a very few hours. The others lingered 011 in frightful. agony, and at 9 o'clock last night Mit. Dunn, was a corpse. i THE rotsoie .AT WORE ELSEWHERE. One of those who composed the party of the previous evening was so infatuated with the liquor that he filled 'a bottle with it and took it to his residence in Sydenham* - street, Quebec suburbs. Upon hearing of tliis strenuous efforts were made to prevent its coasuraption. .i. All sorte of conflicting rumors were cir- culatingA large number are said to have imbibed the poison in this neighbor- hood, last night we were informed that five had! died. This report, however, could not be substantiated on inquiry. The only reliable death we. 'could learn of in the./ Quebec Suburbs Was- that of the man above referred to, named. At- kins, . The death of a brother of the mare Harkey Was also announced, but . it is possible he was cenfounded with Atkins. The other sufferers Were in a very pre- carious Condition at our latest . visit. Harkey was very ill, and the young man Drennan was said to be dying. Mrs. Drennan, his mother, who also partook of theipoison,as the only one likely to recover. 1 •-• , • BOWi THE POISON WAS 0)3TAINED• . Quite a small history- attaches to the poison AWL On the 24th inst., a bottle contain' g about helf a gallon of vinurn colchici 1vas sent by express wagon from - Messrs. Evans Mercer & Co., to Messrs. Bourque &- Co., druggists, St Antoine .street. The latter refused - to accept it on the ground. that the order was an er-: • ror. • It was returned to the carter, who in due course reported. to I Messrs, Evans, Iercer & Co. Thus far the mat- ter is perfeetly plain. But how it came into tbd possession of Flaherty is a alight tayster . The latter himself -stated that he found the bottle in Alexander street, but thi, is an improbable story. IR is currentlY believed that it was stolen from the ,wagon by Flaherty, and the man's antecedents are such as to strength- en the suspicion. LIST OF THE DEA.D. • The following are the correct names of the de, d. : • Benjamin Thayer, aged 15.• , Mar Jane Drennan, alias Ganniag. • Willtern Flaherty. - Bets Dreiman, hitherto alluded to as the wi• e of Edward. Harkey. Mrs. Dunn, a widow, who leavesf'five. children, three of whom she adopted. •William Drennan. •, William. Harkey, who leaves a Wife and to children suffering •from the poison.! •Edward. Hawley was improving. 1 THEIVER MOT.— t I That the seven per- sons now deceased came to their deaths - by drinking and swallowing an excessive quantity of eherry wine, mixed with a poisonetts drug, Colchicum, commonly called and known as wine of Colchicum, ta,keu anct drank in total ignorance of its poison us character." Mr. Blake it uok air: 1 On Dec. 3, Ho pre ble Ed ard Blake paid a visit to his :•ld friend in Luck - now and delivered a •addiessl on the leading political ques ions 1 f the day. Mr. Blake having sig iified lis i willing- ness to -pay a visit t) this Art of the County, a deputati n co sisting of Messrs. McIntyre, Clende * 4, Law- rence, Mooney and C mpbell of Luck - now, and Mr. L. Je Br ce, of Wirigham, was appointed to eet him a GOderich. The members of th id putatio Proceed- ed in a four -in -ha ig, fu , niehed by Mr. Brace of our tc « , and saving met the Honorable gen ea a en escorted him to Lucknow. He also a tcontpanied by Mr. Sinclair, of o prich. Nbtwith- standing the disagr da le we • ho, their arrival was greeted •y a large coi course of people accompanied by the 'in ardine band. Lunch haviiig been p ovided at Mr. McIntyre's by the Recep jolt Com- mittee, after partaking thereo the party started for the town hall folio ed by the bind playing familia lairs. ' T e hall was literally filled to ove flowing, .bout one thousand being preset, including several ladies. Mr. Carripbeill, of Luc now, was appointed Chairman, a ad in a ew words introduced Mr. Blake, who w received with loud cheers. • he Hono able gen- tleman, in a speech •1 about iine hour, gave a general revi er, of th e, political 'situation and. entmeisited son e of the leading principles the !shonIcl ha.racter- ize the Government ef whic I he is a . member. He entere into a scathing criticism of those sup i�rtrs o the late Government who ha& benefited so large- ly by the offiCe-grab. 1 xposed the utter fallacy of the present y about enegades and traitorstand enneln • ed by ho ing th at, when they failed in k est Go % eminent, they would deal with ira as e would have dealt with the ate Goernment The 'Henorable genel an res med hie seat amidst prolonged heers. • resolu- tion, affirming the pri iples e unciated in the address, and p dging t e hearty support of the electors n the c se of op- position, was moved. Mr. .Ni cIntyre, seconded by Mr. -Arm ronge an e carried unanimously. A vo of tiaa ks was then tendered to the chairm n, after 'which three rousing aJteers w re given for Mr. Blake, three f Mr. M ckenzie, three for the Queen, one eh: er more, when the meeting dos . The If all was tastefully decorated r h motto;:, among which we noticed the uliowing "Wel- come, thy country hat need • f thee." "Justice to all—favo to none Winghant Tama. From an Occasiona qorrespo &mt. Mr. Blake is a ver large, stint -built man. Unfortunately, howev r, , Mr. Blake's health is not; a he terme I it, "as good as -it once was." The foreer part of his address at Lu ow w s much more eloquent than. th atter.• ., is high- est flight, perhaps, w when e called npon the ejectors to m te out to him and the present dovernm t the 1311 e pun- ishment whiChle desi d to be dminis- tered to Sir John whe they co miffed a similar offenbe. In • e latter part of his speech, when he e tered int, the po- litical topics of the da he was e ot near- • • ly so eloquent as whe *n the b ginning he advocated.othe mor rectitude of po- litical governtnent an is own • arty as the'better exponent of hat prim ple. It was more descriptive d fasein ting in its character, for altough the e -vere none .of the 'bursts o . oratory which marked the opening o , his spee h, yet the audience was hal - spell -bo nd„ as for example When he ciescribecl Tilley's "sticking to the ship' with a ife-pre- server under his belt, a d sketch d Cart- wright's 'political caree since Coi eclera- tion. He held out str ug hopes of the redemption of West To nto, sta • d that 119 members of the H se preSse upon viith- him to go into the Mi 4try eve out a portfolio, and uhcluded. a very able speech by referrin o the eh,: nge of political opinion in So • t Bruce within the last six years. Mr plake re, embles Sir John very much in he const • ction and rounding off of his .: ; ntenees, also 1n the repetition of a deli o whic he de- sires particular et -tent' to be rawn. His voice, however, si much tearer, more commanding and ereforci ale. A TOUCHrNG -LETTER raerehant • to the 8ecre streanee company: `Dear zr. —1 takel to let you know that I my fit ar wife, iner reil f ear/fp:My, is no more. Her policy is NO. --. that siee was a fond mother. I havc the do so that there will be n the policy. She Wtte si time,,but suffered much. 'cheek in advance, or mu for the money?" - From a y Of • a etroit ife in- iy i liana a well, b it that $5.000 :n your le died to -day. can truly say fe and a good or's certificate, trouble about only a short Do you give a I wait 60 days A Remarkable "oman. T' le Edinburgh Steot an announces the death of Mrs. Jane Hamiltcn, the Coatbridge poetess, wh m it describes as one of the most re i2.rkable 'leach wo s en of the present entury. Janet Hal ilton was the da,ugh r of a w rking shotenaker, and, althoug s without .duca- ton the in.other of a I ge fainil e—she naar ied at 13 -e -and for • any yea tow- ard he close of her life s totally blind, yet ontrived, amid circ, istanccs seem - so adverse from first to la, t, not oiale to store her mind by .self-ci lture, but o produce poems a (I. various other wri imgs of no ordinary merit. bout three months ago a n mber of Mrs. Ha iilton's admirers, a ng whon were Lor Dalhousie, Lord iiloiue, Si W. Stir ing Maxwell and Sh riff Bell, p .opos- ed to raise g.100 to resent to Mrs. f[auiilton, but her deo, has re dered frui less the kind desigii except in so far 'as it has shown how ; any and arm friei de she possessed.. he lad.y N as in her 7th year. PUBLIC N TIC . R. W ANIS SEAFORD' PUM FACTO Y, TN returning thaeks to hill atrens for p st fay - ors, wonld state that he is now main exten- sive preparations for the (to • g year, and will bo prepared to furnish _Pumps, Cisterns, Cheek, Ieactory q anks,i and water sztppli s generally. His pumps are already- s well and fa e orably known that any praise of t tn. is unnecessa notes and accouuts n er due must be e. A number of over pc notes and ac placed in Court for qlleetiou if not sy paid. at on will dint 312 - year Ch time nece 809 E URO EXP,I9SI'r0R. ani NfIS tee , • HARMS TRUNKS, BAGS, ilARNESS COLLARS, VALISE S, 's WHIPS, • LASHES, COMBS, BRUSHES, &C . AT BELFRY &MAY'S SEAFORI1H. Our HARNESS we can recommend to ny one but first-rate Harness. ;We warrant oar Co 1.llars not to gall a Horse, and gua.ranthe them to .aone, as we use only first-class Leather and. make 'ye entire eatisfaction. - Shop Opposite 2fan,siom .House, Seaforth. BELFRY & MAY. GARDNER S 0 BURRILL'S .AND HIGGINS' F LIN T S SEWING' mAb PIANOS, ORCA4 A LODEO I ES s. • The B st and Cheapest in'the Ma.r1te4. The 01 ape,st, because they are the B t. 0. C. WILLSON ; HAS len Sewing Machines, • ItaglaiROM I „At! 4p.rilIREVIIIIIT 1 „ 47-'44. A PIL. ;4 Prfft,n , ‘13 n heed fall stock of those upetior Si - HE FL.OREN Egg, Over of Hnro Also' first-cla • New Webster Guelph, A nun Lookinax for sale Sewin shortest 0 of which have been sold i the County the,past three mont xi hand a fall assortment of t e fcllowing s Machines : ork Singer MAantreal Singe , pleton, and Locknla.n of Hamilton, ond of d Venus of Perth, Ont. ber of eecond-hand Osborn G rdiner, •, Wanzer, Raymond and Ho e achines heap or to rent. lYfachines of all makes rep ire& on the notice. 0. 0. WILLS N Can defy the world on MAL lt,ISTRUM NTS, asuipassed. 'eh Ihe sells que tionecl. as, Prince, and Melod- Both in Prioe and Quslity, he cannot The ma ufactarers of Instruments w have a eputation that; dare not be He sells for no second-class firms. The lifethusek and Steinway Pia Mason & Hamlin, and. Estay Organs eons. • Sped. inducements en instrumen s from to lst o January. CULTURAL, IMPL ME TS I sherti, Root Powers, all AOR Such Cutte oi the now s Straw Cutters, Grain C , Sawing Machines and Hors •est, always on head, SITING MAC INES d CLOTH BIS V/RINGERS on, ha J. R. WILLI ms. NOTICE TO FARMERS. undersigned has on kl premisee e thc rough - it will serve so own as the h h, to be paid ivilege of re ed B rkshire BOAR ti s this 1 �t Ha purhey, better ie bri3, k house, at 1 e of se .vice, with the .sary. • T e Dr. at the urn if S. McLELL D. d. 0 C. WILLSON, EAFORTH. miss BpRL NO, (From Miss Young's, Tor ntot) I . DR S'S AND 31,4_ATTL MAR_E.R. , 1 - , • , T tedoors South of the Commer ial Hotel, • 1 MAIN STREET, SEAFO TH. ! 313 WING MACHINE Is a Strong EASY RUNNING • MACHINE, WELL ADAPTED FOR SEWING, AND • I Lighl Manufacturing Work. At the Faiie held throughout the Dominion, this Machine was put to some v ye, severe teeth by the UNTRY COULD PRODUCE, EM AWARDED and 26 Prizes in 1872. BEST JUDGES THE C 4 AND BY T 13 Peres in 1871, hp implicity of constraetion strength and dnrbi1ity recommend it to all classes. It_has a complete set of attachments nd does all kinds of work. INSTRUCTIONS IN ILL THE ATIACHMENTS GIVEN kitEE OF CHARGE. ardner Sewing Machine Company, Harnilton, Ont. 28 PETER GRASSIE, SEAFOR.TII, Agent for the County of Huron. CODERICA FOUNDRY. The Goderch Foundry & Manufacturing Co. Beg to inform the public th t they are prepared to contract for - i\. SEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, FLOUR, GRIST; AND SAW MILLS , I SAWING IACHINES, &c. 0x4 hand—IRON, AND WOODEN PLOWS, with steel boards, • GANG PLOWS, 4ULTIVATORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, &c. STfGAR AND 10*ASII KM' LES; GRATE -BARS, • il i WAGGON BOXES, &c. C bKING, PARLOR AND BOX S OVES, of various kinds. SALT PANSAs.RE TO ORDER. . I ON AND BRASS CASTIN S, A.ND BLACK.SMITH WORK. BOILERS AND SALT PANS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. T NTY TO THIRTY -HORSE POWER TUBULAR BOILERS generally on hand. for sale. ea- All orders addressed to the Companyor Secretary will receive prompt attention...5=e HODGE, Secretary and Treasure . . • H. HORTON, President. ' R. RUNCIM . ' , General Manager. THE CANADA S WING MACHINE COMP , Es ablished for the purpose manufacturm a Se vling Machine which should excel all others in a., market, and thus take a lead for Canada in an portant branch of bulkiness throughout the worl Their most sanguine expectations have been ealized, and their efforts appreciated by an unpa lieled demand for their now celebrated ter" from everywhele th.ey have yet been intro ced, and although 'Allies taxed their man- ufact to its utmost limits, they have made and. it W sold ore machines in a given time, from the start, han any other ,manufactory in the world. Mac nvy has been the consequence from our Ame 9an neighbors, whp h d hoped to hold the mono oly of this particular branch of business, bat thing that they nO can do will prevent the Vebster from gaining that reputation which its merits entitle i to ' hold, and those merit will be preeerved int.ct by employing only the m t skilled mechanics and the best material that ney will furnish. ¶llhey have had but lit - I I 1 tie sp e time to attend and, exhibit at fairs, but where er it was done, the " Webster "was victori ous, d twenty-three Fi st Prizes in Ontario alone gainst all comers,- erican or Canadian, fell to heir lot during the jast two months, and have n doubt that, had they exhibited at every ' Fair in the Dominion, where a juzt discrimination of the merit's, and benefits to the public to be gained was the object in vi w, that every prize of honor wou1d have been theirs. It has been the objecti of :this Company t give money's worth, and, frhilst challenging competition, either for Fine Heavy Work, or w rk of any kind whatever: doneicn alSewieg Machine, the: mice charged 1o1 the' l.i Telister " is the same as thatasked for many infer ojr second-class machines,IWhilst the complet set f kttaeiiments supplied a.lte of the very lates t desi el and best workmas hipe and for varied an ; co pi ',to week, with Billie licity and ease of ()per ; . tio ex beyond in value those sold with any of t e ... lies Imerican inachinA. The demand for t e W bs er " for Great Britain and Ireland, Belgitu st Indies, and South America, as well its 1' art of onr owneDeminion, is unprecedented. therefore, easily be imagined, that so po erfrl alrival would not be allowed to pass unchi the eve I t 1 "Y longed); by the American saannfacturer, and eve me uslhas been adopted to prevent the "Webste to the United. Stales. fro 11 b ing introduced a d WILLSON, SEAFORT Agent for the Cbunty of Huron. 11.- miammommaimlossamam, STOVES & TINWAR Of all kinds, and in endless variety a. t MRS. WHITNEY'S, Carmichael's Block, Main street, Seaforth. • COAL OIL, Pure good and cheap, wholesale and retail at Mrs. WHITNEY'S. CUSTOM WORK Of all kinds promptly attended to and neatly exe- cuted. 308 MRS. WHITNEY. NEW GRIST MILL. IT3.1T,EJtohaInkiiNnSgOthNeir, &numBROTWER, yerous easterners for their liberal patronage in the the Saw Mill business, which they -have heretofore carried on, • wish to announce that they have recently complet- ed. a new 'FLOURING & GRIST MILL, On the same premises as their saw mill, on :the ;Par line Stanley, one mile south of Varna,. ; • The Mill is fitted up in the best style, and can turn out as good Flour as can be mannfactured any place. It is also furnished with se stone for CHOPPING, Which can be done at any time. I: Wo are prepared to do both Gristing end Cho- i ping at any time, and those who layer us with their patronage may rely upon having eheir work I done promptly and well. Flour exchanged for wheat on usual terms. J. .101INSON & BROTHER. 306-13 ACRIC!ILTURAL MUTUAL ASSUR- ANCE ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. IIIELEAD pnICE, - LONDON, ON'T. I CAPITAL, (let January, 18730 $230,631 04, with `e' over 86,000 Policies in force. Premiums ee- ceived in 1872, $87,000—an increase of over $9,000 on the large business of 1871. This old reliable Company—the successful pioneer of cheap. farm insurance ha Canada—issuing now monthly neaely • alegnany ;Policies as the. whole yearly issue of a majority 'of other Companies in the same line . business in the cone try, distributing their risks in such a ruanner that urader no apparent possible calsmity or contingency, a heavy drain could be. inade on their capitol, has decided to afford pre- tection to the ownere ,and occupier§ of 'sainted Dwellinge in Citiee, Towns etel i11ages, it rates that -will defy any respeetable or responsible office to cut under. • Intending insurees will note : That this is the only Fire Muta1 that Mee depoeited with the Re- ceiver -General and been licenced to do business throughout the DOMinion a Canada. That the assets and profits of this Company accumulate at the members' credit, affording a sure fund for the protection of members, and keeping down the Cost • of insurance'instead of (as with stock companies) being distributed amongst shareholders. • Thet it insures nothing more hazardous; then Isolated Dwellings, Farm Property, Cheese Factoiles, Coun- try Churches and School Houses, has no branch for the insurance of 14101"C dangerous property, and pays all damage by lidlatnifig, inchiding live Steck in enclosed fields of farm. That, having, besides a large Premium Note capital, ceskt olwaye on hand, it is enabled to pay all honest claims with- out any unnecessary delay. That in the pest eleven years this office has distributed over "half &mil- lion of money" in satisfaction of losses to its members. Your support of tine Company is solicited on its own merits. It is eTeimed for this office that it hits done more to provide cheap insurence than all the other Companies combined. It is a notorious fact that the competing Companies have for years been copying nnr plans and adopting eurrates as a • neeessary condition of their existence. • Give the OM 1'Farm ravorite the • Preference. Applications by 31kail promptly attended to. • . CHAS. T. DOYLE, Agent, 30er-1f • Box 89, Clinton. 1 NEW HARNESS SHOP. BRUSSELS. THE Subscribers wish to state that they have -1- opened out a first-class HARNESS SHOP, IN BRUSSELS, Where they will keep on hand a choice Jeleetion of everything in their line, such as; Harness, Saddles, Whips, Trinaks, Valises, Brushes, Currycombs, Cards, Bells, Blankets, And everything that is usually found Inc first- class Harness Shop. LIGHT & HEVY HARNESE, Of every description 31:1. de in the latest style, and of the very best material, at prices that defy com- petition. Good Workmanship Guaranteed. Of over' description made to order, and warranted • not to hurt. • A call is respectfully solicited before purchasing elsewhere. Repairing, Promptly Attended to. Shop iraniediately North a eemet's Hotel, Turnberry Street, Brussels, Ont.. DUNCAN & DAVIDSON, 305 Proprietors. TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. W. 114, OLIVE143 - Harness, Saddle and Collar MANUFACTURER, AIADT-ST., ASWASPORT SIGN OP THE SCOTCH COLLAR. A choice assortment of light and heavy Itarnesa, Whips, Belle, Horse Clothing, &c., kept constantly on bend. Repairing promptly attended to; and charges moderate. Remember the place, sign of the Scotch Collar. W. H. oLriTER. SPECIAL NOTICE. CLINTON WOOLEN MILLS, TIM Subscriber V s to announce that his Fac - •A.• tory is now in fuli operation, and would call attention to the superior stock of Cloths that be has on hand, which he is offering at prices that will cenvince all of the benefie of a local fattory, feeling assured that all will realize the saving over importation, as a proof, see the following pricee Union Tweeds, 65c to 70e. Fulled_ Cloth, 75c to 90. Tweed, 85c to $1 10. Flannels, 55c to 70c. Union Flremels, 500 to 70c. Blankets, &c., on hand. Also, Grey, fled, and White Stocking Yarns. '-'31?custorners t&ongh the county, who were formerly supplied by my peddler, will be waited upon in a few 4ays by my son, -who will either take orders, or supply them at once, with the article desired. Special Rates when Purchased by the Piece. Cloth Fulling and Custom Carding altended to. AN EARLY CALL IS SOLICITED. THOS. R. FOSTER. REMOVAL. THE SEAFORTH SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSINC SALOON TTAS been removed to new peemiser, adjoining Sohn Logan's old stand, and opposite W. Rob- ertson & Co.'s Hardware Store. The proprietor begs to state that he halts fitted no his m w sleep with every COATelliCilte, alld is determined to make . it a first-class establishment. He has al -.o on hand. a thee stock of LADIES CII.IGNONS A A-111) BRAIDS Of the latest styles. Heis also prepared to take he LADIES HAIR COMBINGS, And have them straightened and worked -into Braids, Belts, Switches, Curls, tic. Charges reasonable. Gents' Wigs furnished On the shortest notice at less than city prices. 'A call is respectfully solicited. 807-52 WILLIAM NEWMAN,. THE DOMINION .SAVINCS AND INVESTMENT -•• SOCIETY, OF LONDON, ONT. Head Offi•ce, Richmond -street, opposite City Hall, •London, Ont. Established in 1872, for the purpose of advanc- ing money on Farm and Town Property at a very low rate of interest, and on the most favorable terms of repayment. Loans for long or short periods repayable by in- stallments to suit borrowers. Parties purthasing Farras, building Dwellinge or Storee, will find the terms of this Society preferable to anyatherrnode, for instance, $76 90 paid at the end of each ittflf 'year; will pay back both principle and interest upon a loan of $1,000 in10 years. If paid 'yearly, $157 20 will do it. • Money can -be obtained at any time, and with little or no delay beyond the time necessarily oc- cupied in the investigation of title s.nd prepara- tion of the mortgage. • For further particulars as to terms, &e., apply by letter to • •T. B. TNYS, Secretary and Treasurer, London, Ont. Or to ALONZO STRONG-, Esq., Valustor ntSeft- forth. • 280-52 DAVIS' HALF -WAY HOUSE. Seaforth Northern Gravel Road. THIS Rouge affords good accommodation for "a- the traveling public, being situated half -way between Seaforth and Brusselsand having good yard, sheds, stabling, and everythingnecessary for a ftrsteclass country tavern. Cigars and Liquors of the choicest brands. Hostler always on hand. Give him a call. C. DAVIS, 807-12 Proprietor. FALL, MIELINERY. MRS. GRAY wishes to ,inform her ell:Owners and the general public thet she Ito recent - ed her • _FALL STOCK Of MILLINERY, Which is very complete in the most fashionable and handsome styles. DRESSMAKING Promptly attending to, and executed in a manner which will seem* the approval of Customers. Opposite GOBBETS store, Main -street, Sea - forth. 804