HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-12-19, Page 5II4, Lot, both inclu. he Sxh, Seventh, r41411., and Lot 1 to 9, both in- itt the Se 4 of Fifth Cencession- 'The Tayelaw was drafted! Ana -.ingly. Moved by Mr, Mr. McCrea, !that Og be granted, ! viz.: for plank for .tut. • $2 for plank ; .J?hie r plank for bridges ;lltam on 409014 of salary ; Thos. -ft 011 account of •salary ; for work on Ratten's _ a/teiedi The Couocil theu ' ad- „ W. CLRGG,. Olor gefo dittOrf Eireeio.-The niteoicipai e t met at LolnlegbPrO, • the members present. rnZe ineeting read and bon- ved by A. Monteith, seccaicle d a,rw'ic, that motion. No..t.- of Vouncii be rescind - eyed by F. Stiver, seconded mewl, that & by-law laO pre- assed dividing the townahip total d to eleeti the, ne visionM s, for ualeipal the same as for Pare „ -Carried. The by - ad, passed. Mevecl ecouded e by A. on - ting for the no ina ve, L! - heid at lltYReLoevuedeasubdo lirinee be h we&iei shop, and, in , ease ore than the necessary taro- didates nominated, tha,t1 the e held aa follows, viz.: For -vision No. 1, in schoolhouse 1, that R Thonapson be return- etoaal division la& 2, - . 2, and that ,Yeanes. g officer ; for electoral schoolhouse No. 6.and Is be returning officer ; 0,4aI *vision No. 4, a Londese n IBrin4dext wagon shop...and in Braithwin aite b7) retate, g °l- 0 electoral division ..4o. fa in be rethening officer, and that a be prepare 4e1- same! read eu Alen seriA fellevem 64a, fp, 'pr,,; for.e ous tIe Teter No. 3, in Neijot Lqe No. 9, and that George Curt - d ond passed, atithor- Carried'. _ The by-law d 'passed. Moved by econded by Stiver, accounts be Paid, viz.: 55, for use of shop for 0, new rad scrapers, repairs, &c.-.; leo 30 een 1$3 12, 40 0,11ander land stati Stephe ikithat e north haif of Lot 8, Con. 4, ao- ien-resid statutl 'Lie Ito the qolved b StiVer, t 'Lisa' of e tPrhor C-eriera1, praying for an act '114 the in4turtfacture and sale of 't1 Tand ized tole, etneil C th, econ tector's t• rtdeta to th , for plank; W. Wey- plank, new pick and &- Scott, $I.1 26, for nery---Carried. cMov- on, seconded by J. J. Dale bo refunde t, hc havingperformed labor, and also paid. for County Treasu rer4Car - J. Warwick, seconded at petitions be sent to mous, the Senate and ova., as beverags, lie the t tlie Reeve and Clerk gn the same, in behalf • ri-ied. Moved by by J.. Warwick, that e for collectiug taeee e, 31st inst.--2 Carried. adjemrned, to meet ngkw._ ES TrawAITE, . , E ING.- -The Council met e•le. 0 et. Caanbrook, on Dec, 11, _se of passing by-law . for e tand transaction of general busi- gembers ialp, present, the Reeve 'Fbare4. By-law ..'N'O-. 4, tilcitg elec.' he held at Granbrook was repeal - L; by-law No, 5, dividing the teem - to tive ett oeal divisions and ,ap- 'a eturn officers. Read and! e . i Wnae .MeAllister made. a-pi:di- ke! 'charity ! on . behalf of john , t ,„ , an am man, iii indigent circum- ' ..sared. by Mr. Williamson, A by Mr. MeDonald, that the $20 be granted as charity to John ' in consideration of - his ' neces- , ! eixicumstaneles -- Carried. The 1 eg accounts were presented and ( to he paid. Matthew 'Dorsey, *bridge on Con. 16, $24 ; 'Wm. reatoeiing diftwood from bridges a $13150 ; Jesse Spri.ng, building ! and digeiog ditch Con. 3, op - (Jot IS, $6 so-; Archibald Bishop, ?.S ilieltrred itt, meeting the Warden a, relative t road between- Lots 35; Con. 8 and 9, $5. ; S. Sleinroon, phy and eXpeases -- arbitration ad Brnssels, :•51. 80. Council then Led.- ' ! A. Hoearea, Clerk. ' OLS. -gr. John McIntosh; who n engaged as teacher in School L. No. 4, Grey, resigns his position. Ohriettoas holidays„ at the close :11, we nnderstand, Mr. NIcIntosh charge of the Cranbrook Oublic The People of this section' have led to appr .ciate the services of [cliat;osh, tlOongh whose energy , in the: soh° 1 laas been brought a e -cient ondition. We con- te t • e people of Cranbrook upofl. secured the services of so capable •aim* 4, teac ier.--Co.t. ' ,ove, .+The house in which the _)a,rt . post office wa.s kept, having riroo ed. duri g the recent storm, t a haseen -removed to the urnerly c‘wrkEid by R. Armstrong, o wn . DEN The other day a young !Lled MePl#son, on the Second Sionot Grey,1 had an ugly wound f11pO1L hina lay an axe, Nvhich ac- alfpped „from his brother's. '.iiild otoppilg, striking him above e a A niaking a cut about an inch !I and almost as deep. CirJey. Deeer.F-A few days ago as. Mr. • Aererty, of the Fourteenth Con - of lirey, was engaged in whittling .of iwOod w th an an a..xe, the in.-- :ktruck h sthumb, cutting off a. . of it.! [0 U Xi.tit,rilliatiOn of third years' Au- atyuding the Ontario Veterinary wits ;finished on Thursday of last ' 'I cqi the I following candidates a s -eessful examination, and vti, d the 'Diploma of the Agri- , a d Artil...-1,8sociatian. : John P. alto, 'Ont.; Robert Baird, ( '.hit.: :.folni Nutt, Brussels, R lel 4: I, rd ' M e K enny, ..NI i el I i gan, 1 . anies Oharlesworth, Clinton, ft' -try ;Smith, \Vhitehurvh, ()iit..; L lioliticsf, Erin, Ont.; William ; 'ilsiallnirg, Ont.; Louis O'Leary, s ('reek, Ont. The Board of Ex- 's consisted (f Messrs. Ilagyard, ie Wilson and.Sweetapple Veteri- Urgeons, and Dr. Thort:urn, M. (te classes will recommence an .y, tlw I2.th cri January. EC. 19, 1873. Berne ‘ ENV STORE. -The new ' store erected here is a handsome and commodious.. bullding. ,•New pods are arriving; and we'understaml Mr. McDougall, of Sea - forth, will openit on IVI onday, 22d inst. Ts liis a brae° of his Seaforth store, an Will be un er the charge of Mr. . Mi °hell, who has for many years re, si4d here, and is a first class business in* and well liked. We wish him suc- 'mai. A store is very Much . wanted here. a* iaaa AUCTION S ALtS.- Tuesday, Dec, .23, at the dommercjai Hotel, rZurich, the 'Zurich Flour and Saw Mills Property, and Saw Mill on tot - 5, Con. 4, Hay.; Williams +001irick, 'pro- prietor ; A. Biahop, auctioneer. Tuesday, Dee. '30, on Lot 12, North si e Bayfield Road, Stanley, Pap:1i Stock and Implements: Robert Coleman, pro- protor ; E. Bossenberry auctioneer. ' Wednesday, Dec. 31, on Let 16, Con. I 10; Goshen Lind, Stanley, Farm Stock and IMplements. Win. Peek, Jr., propri- etor ; Wm. Harrison, auctioneer. , BIRTHS. $ D. -In Usborne, on Dec. 3, the wife f Mr. John 1Xydd, of a son.1 ' C TILLON.-T ltil McKill)p, oh Dec. 17, ti.lie wife of Mr. Patrick Caiistillon, of son.' -1 , lthss.--Iii McKillop, on Dee. 10, the • Wife of Mr. Peter Ilebs, of Male twins, !one still -born. .1 VARDLE.---In McKillop, on. Dec. 15, • !the wife of Mr. Michael McAadle, of -a !daughter. i CiONLOGUE.-----I11 CarrOnbroOk, on Dec. 11, ithe wife of Mr. William COologne, of a son. 1 •,C DWELL. -To Morris, on Dec. 13, the wife of Mr. John Cad veil, of a &ugh= Iter. )3 ' NTNETP. -In Brussels, on Dec. 9, the wife of Mr. James Bennett, 13f a son. RSYTH.-In Morris, n D4c. 12, the jrf Mr. James Duncan, of -a eon: wife of Mr. Alexande Forsyth, of a daughter. ' NCAN.-:In Grey, on I ec. 11, the wife ' MARRIA C ES. P TT -Delors -ma -In 1ocierich Town- ship, at the resiclenc of the bride's father, on Dec. 3,. by 1 ev. d. E. Staf- ford, Wesleyan eninist r, Mr. G-eorge !Pratt, • to Miss Ma ilda Dempsey, daughter of Mr. John Dempsey, all of Geiderich. Township. Sowa--JonNaroae-;On Nov. 25, by Rev. James Pritehar , Mr. William Stowe, to Mr. Isabella Johnston, both of Bluevale. 'ELLS-tteLes.---On No . 26, by Rev. James Pritchard, Mr. Charles Wells, of Goderich, to Mrs. lizabeth Helps, 1 Wavianoth. . D YaratLE-Saapefeasole -In °Seaforth, n Dec, 10, by ,Rev. r. Goldsmith, r. Robert Drysdale, f Drysdaleville, Susan, daughter of Ralph Stephen - Wu,. Esq., of Stanley. Cl.t.N_NINGRAM-STEV12s,1-8 N. -In Clinton, iet the residence of th bride's father, 4n4 Dec. 17, by Rev. . Graham, Mr. ohn Cunningham, t Clara, second • aueihter of T. Stevei son, Esq'.,- both Of. Clinton - CI.4aRK-LAWRIE. -In • roxeter, at the Aesidence of the bride' father, on Dec. 16, by Rev. Solomon nider, Mr. Roh- •Ekt Clark, to Miss ', M. ggie R. Lawrie, • lith of Wroxeter. 1 i 1 - DIED. F0'4,A,ND.-In Clinton, on:Dec. 10,1 • May Ann, wife of Mr HenrYFolland, • aged 28 years. M4COL1L-In Goderic .Township, • his grandfather's, Bo inyplice Farm, o" Dec. 11, George Ale and Malcolm, • a ed 11 years. WulsoN Bayfield, on Dec. 7, the woof• Mr. F. C. Wil on. Me ereerr.-In Elmo., on Dec, 8, Mr. • J McNaught, aged 63 years. • D ceased was father o Mr. pavid. Mc- • Nati ht, of Seaforth, d father-in-law of IMIr James Young, M. P., ,Ifor Sauth Wat rloo. ' CL .-In MeKillep, bn Dec. 17, aftet al lig and painful illness, Mr. Richard 01. ff, aged 60 years., Thp deceased was one of the pioneers of th. s section, and settled ii4 lelcKillop on. th farm where he !died ¶when this coun.ttry was a wilderness. He has now been -onfined to his room for over a year, and 411 hopes of his recovery had, for some ime, been abandoned. ;. He was a quiet unassuming, industrious man, and an e cellent_ aod kind! neighbor. EiS •aeath will be much reatetted!by a very • large -rele of friends andacq aintances. He le ves a widow and. large f1.m11y com- forta11y provided for. The fiineral took place jon Thursday last, and was very iargelji attended, L. THE MA_RKEt S 1 b 1 .* dais 0113i, s118e7ig3h. . Dur ng the twsEocklr°tIthT' l ree , . ing in jthe early pat of this lveek, busi- ness s4as brisk, a.n4 an immense amount of gran came forward, but since the sleighing has broken up, bnsiness has been cluiet. Prices remain about as last week,' c.acept for bl-trley and pork. For both df these therej has been a consider- able Aise. Butter jstil continues at the old figure, but is n t likelyto remain at this 1' ng, as forein prices have a de - chain tendency. Wood is yet , scarce and dear. Hay is in good demand, and would_ bring even a higher figure- than a 0 that tuoted. We luobe : ',' Nall W eat............ BSPalritle3411.N.V11a .. !. ........ Oats. :4 - - • - • • • • • ' - ' ' Peas ..1- Butteq, No. 1, Loose.. 20 to 0 21 1 EFlarogus; 0 16 to 0 18 0 00 to 6 00 ,i...... , , .17 00 to 19 00 ! Hides i . ..... .,... ... . ... .... 5 00 to a 50 t LarabiSid-ns each. ....., • ......... 0 50 to 1 00 • Sheep kin eaeh 1 - '. 1 00 to 1 25 Murrt4n. fades.. .,... t .......... 0 04to 0 05 Salt (tetail) per 'btu+ 1.,.. ....... i 1 25 Salt (Wholesale) per b rrei.. ; ' 1 05 Potataes, (new) per bu •hel.. .. . ... 0 40- to 0 50 Oatrogal 'V' bd..... ... ... ..... ... 0 00 to 6 00 Woodi. . 2 50.to 8 00 • Live Bogs, pa 100 lbs............. i..1 50 to 3 60 Beef.' . .. . ...: .. ..........-...... 2 50 to 4 50 • Dressea llogs..... .... ............. 5 75 to• 6 10 Ciawroia, Dec. 18, 1873. Fall heat 115 0 118 •-Oats036 es 038 1 10 0) 1 10 Sprin Wheat Barleli... . .............,.... 1 05 qz) 112 Peas. .. .. # • 0 52 Ci4• 0 55 i Flour .... ... 6 00 (c-1.1 650 Butter•..............- 22 Potat es... . 0 45 (0 50 L ' ' Eggs. . .... . .. ...... ....... :...105 1006 3 108 1080 Hay, er ton, Pork. ••••••••••51/•••• .. ll . ; . 4 50 0 612 ... . .... $1 16 to $1 18, ' 1 10 to 1.12 . 1 00 to 110 .1 35 to 037 0 53 te 055 NEW YORK pRSE Tu ARAN., Dec The local horse ade of th been marked by ai iimprovem defraud for what are known horses. , Sales offe sted 111 thi compare; in numb I'. as well a favorably with thOse of th fortnight. - One pair of fine c was sold by E. A . Fi teh for the average ligures realized spans did not excecd $1,000, from $400 to 8500 f�r single h demand for work jhorscs at Head was comp atively 111 sales wereponfined to low-pric qwing to the limited arrivals accumulation of s ck, and pretty well maintained. T marts were fairly a4c tided an actions under thp' hamther not wholly satiofaetcry to b and sellers. BUFFALO LIVE Is CA'XTLE.-ReMplitta cars reported to at -ti making the total isu thus far, 5,185 hea h, 330 cars for the Ea The market was 61 1 clerately strong last week' p •ices. „. of the stock wee' c mmon There were but a fe loads ' stock in the yard uyers ing off for a slig t ncession number of cattle shipp first hands. ' Sale prised head. - For Ohi ere pri from $3 50 to $ pe 100 p average being a ; Ill' from $6 50 -to $ $5 80 general pace , 1 iana steers $580, the avera rice bei Michigan steers ro ii $3 50 No Canadian sale orted. SHEEP AND L -ltecei including report • rivals; making the tota OCK. OFFAL°, 6 -day, i e, were ply for r 305 e time 6 $ • 118. fisu ply for • thus far, 13,800 'ead against for the same timlase week. a ket was active, ut ic last week's clos p cee. V% following Cana& es: No. of ' Aver Head.• 4. eight, 1 272Canada sheep bs 11 37-2_ .. a 9 127 " ". •1 aday, in ,ported arrivals, 2,200 head, total supply for the w ek, thu 700 head, agains same time last dull ano slow at terday?s priOes. voo $5 10 and heavy iogs 20 eek. 0e .1 GOLD. -The price o is quoted at 112-. • 700- h The decline 1 Yorke at $5 2 Gold in ARRIVING from E gland Ea:leers and Son's Ca lery Goods f andNew Years, at Ili son s. nor& Meriden; 100 ineetieu riving, Plated Cruets, tthitb r Dishes; bectutiful goods, at Hicks a's. Th drivitag ten miles to sop, if on don't 111=10k 6, 1873. • week 1 ut in th s pleasur direction • in prices, preceding ach horses 1,700, but or carriage ad ranged rses. The he Bull's agre, and. d animals. there is no alues. are e auction the trans - re quite if th buyers A.RKET. Dec. 18. eluding 13 .561 head, the week, rs, against est week, active at he quality to prime. f medium ere hang - A large d _East in bout 1,200 es ranged utnds-the ois steers being the rom $4 to 1g' $4 50; to $4-95. ts to -day, ,230 head, ihe Week, ,800 head • The mar- eeline on 0 note the $575 • 5 50 5. 00 uding re - biking the far, 17, - • for the rket was rom yee- at $5 to to $5 30. ew York, his week, r Christmas , now ar- Ike Baskets, are worth ufr any.. MUNICIPAL THE report that ha •=a- dictate for the posi ing election is not co decide at the polls i representatives in the discharge faithfally all able office. 315,2 LE TION, 1874. 1 dec eet OR the ned to become a can- Couneilcr at the corn - Should the electors favor as one of their eil, I will endeavor to duties of that honor- WM. Mi GRAY. CUTT At MeIN,TOSII'S C TORY, ION ALE RS, RRIAG FAC- ORTH. THE undersigned will 11 WEDNESDAY, At his Carriage Work, commencing at 1 o'clock, 26 COOD NEW CUi All of whieh have been and are well made, Of g.00 somely finished. This is a rare chance fo chase a good Cutter or S positively be sold wither' TERMS. -Six months' proved notes. J. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. 1 A number of good. second be `sold at the same time. by Public A&tion on CEMBER 31, ain street, Seaford', ERS & SL ICHS, ufactured thi season, 1 material and hand - 1 ard ea wi shingi to pur- h, as the whole will "ervte O - n fern diug ap- A. F. McINFOSH. hand CI TTEitS will 316-2 •CARD OF AT R. COUNTER, Wat Sea -forth, desires to morons patrons and the ph patronage they have award mencecl business in Seafort -would also inform them th ter position to supply their satisfaction than he has ev the future to merit and reci the liberal patronage -which past. He would further he tion of his eustomors to th' Gift Distribution, which w' coltunn. HANK• hmaker ma,d Jve1er, turn thanks to his nu, lic for the generous hira Bine° he com- seven yaars ago. He t he is now i a bet Wants aid give them ✓ been. He trusts in cc n tinuan co of he has received iv. the to dirc.ct the atten- announcement of his be fouLd in another • 815 NOT1 E. - Tau, Farmer who sold t the. u Tuesday, the 91h inst.,laur gees head, neck, wings cind feet, 11 plea and make arrangements ab nt them will be exposed: ST ONG- & 315-1 Gro dersigned on , stuffed With e call at once otherwise he FAIRLEY, ers, Sealer di. WOOD s wi undersigned is now repared wood sawing, at the f llowing can be sawn any length. Terms with board, cash when the ork is if not paid within two we .ks afte done. Threemen and two teams nutehine. Satisfaction is guarant Lo 40 cords bf wood per day an be c addressed to 'Winthrop P. 1 ., or la Con 13, NIcKillop, will be p • mptly 15*4 MES)...ATLI G. o take jobs of erms. Wood $5 per day, One, or $5 50 • the work is °company the ed. From 30 t. A_ll others on Lot No. 6, ttended to. Cls Proprietor. OOAL DIRECT MINE GG, Stove, Chestnut and (irate, a so Blossburgh • and Lehigh, for Founda s, deliv red at any 13k1- tiall on the Grand Trunk R 1'. P. J RVIS, Stratford, 315*3 Agent fordie Anti)). cite Coal Association. CA Airiss RYAN begs here153 to rett rrt thanks to -LT-1- her many friends and atfons ii Seaforth and vicinity for the support qo kin.dUyI aecorded her 5 • _since opening her • MUSIC CLASS AND ELEC SCHOOL. The encouragement given h r. has een so satis- factory that she has deoid to prc long ha stay in Seaforth, and she will b ie.ppy to receive pupils during the ensuing year in oth M SIC and the ENGLISH BRANCHES t •Tor .66nas, ICicld's block, Main -Street. The, e -t term will begin on MONDAY, JANUARY ath Olinrge - as follows: Instrumental Music, per r 0112 eeks $6 Vocal Music, per term . 4 5 Vocal and Instrumental It sic, wh n. taken to- . . . .... ... . .. 8 gether. sET,Rci, 6 HCOL. English Branches, in1nd.4 plain 16Id fancy work. Higher branches, per terri4 o 11 we tks.• $5 Children over 12 years. 4 Children under 12 years 3 Parents are requested t end. 't12 ir children at the beginning of the tiern2.1 314 4 .HRISTMA.S OUR AND 'i:NEW YEAR'S GROCERI ANTS--NLW AND CLEAN. S. Valencia Ra8u7, Loyet Raisins, Zondon .layers, Black Basket and Sultanas in Abundance? to be had in boxes) haVboxe8 and quartei.s. LEMON PEE ,OR Icing Sugar,Fhuvoring GE PEEL, CITI xbr ets in Lemon, Orange, , ON PEEL, SHELLED ALMO DS Almond, Stra.wberry,"Vanilla, Peppermint, e. DES-SIC/7ED COCOANUT JUST ARRIVED. CANNED GOODS IN GREA' VARIETY. Our Stook of Groceries, oin.rising Teas, Sugars, C ffees, Tobaccoes, .4., will be found equal m ality to anyin the mar t. PROVI$IOl, FLOUR AND FEED AS USUAL. N.B.-A.1ot of Ira oked White Fish and, Trout juat received from Godorich-cane and try theni. Goods bought from us delivered in Town, Ilarpurhey or Egmonclville free of charge. • Give us a Gall whether - you Buy Or- not: STRON4 & FAIRLEY. T • ID 1\7' DIRECT FRO 1311ITISH AND CANADIAN MANUF.A.CTURERS ANOTHER I LARGE bONSIGNMEN Just in time for he Holidays .1 The tremendou r n now as full as ever, a d a il SP)CI In Dry Goods, Milli Carpets, &c., in the OF ' DRY GOODS his fall for onr CHEAP e OODS had tllmost cleared ns out, but we aro e moiling CHEAPER THAN EVER. • BARGAINS TER UGH TTTE HOLIDAYS -and Ladieg' Fare. The is eapeet: and 13est Tweedi, Flannels, Blankets, nty. Call and In pect at DIENT/14 Cheap D Goods and Millinery Establishment, Seaforth. . . ESTR Y STEER. (-JAME into the Pren se of the subscriber Iduring --' the aummer, a yei r Id STEER, of it lightred olor. The owner is eq ested to prove property, ay expenses and 1a,k it way: I JAMES BALL, 14-4 Con. C, Lot 18, Hoeic. • EsTO Y AME into the Pi,en Ise 12, Con. 2,„ Tnek. November last, lat r d a hree. • The owner is -eq • ay charges and take t a 14-4 I • ESTR AME into the pro sise 20, Con. 9, Morilis on er last, 2 STEERS ri in ther r,ed and white. Th I rove property, pay c 13*4 STEER. Of the. undersigned, Lot th, on or aboaa the 2811i d white STEER, rising ested to prove preperty, ay. JOHN MODELAND. TEERS. of the undersigned, Lot r about the 1st of Octo- two, one red and the ow er is reqaested to s a d take them away, • IC ARD STEWART. • ESTR 1_,ME into the Prei 5, Con. 5, McKillo 1 at, a year-old STEE i requested to prove Ike it away. 8J34 • ! S EER. of 1 e undersigned, Lot ut the middle of August d and white. Thel owner pay charges and PA. RICK WA_LSH. , , ESTRA EWE. JAME into the pre iFSCH • f the undersigned, at Harparhey, abouti the 1 et 4t September last, a ta o -year old EE 1 The ow er is requeeted to 9. p ove property, paycutrge. al take it away. ' ' I ! j. P. BRINE. - • ESTIA' HEIERS.. Lot t AME into the pre ises f th undersigned, L • 32, Con. 6, Mc -ill% , a ont Nov. 22, two 11 'IFERSirising thr‘e yea s o141, one speckled red anli white, -the other red •th lwhite belly. The ow ner is requested to prove pro city, pay charges anli take them aWay..• • .31 *4 •. , TAMES HAYS. n iME \-1 1, ow .er anti take 313 4 EST to Lot 16, Con. a dark red COW is requested to it away. A.Y i 1, abon prove ei: 0! ' - i c llop, about Nov. 5 o • 6 years old: The itoperty, pay expenses ARLES 0$'11IL. ! - C. Aug own .i. arid . 31 )*4 ESTRAY ME into the preu ' , Con. 11, Millet st last, a two y is requested to ale her away . H ises of , on or ex old prove • W1L WIER. • the indersign ab ut theanic 1E[]?BR, loft 1 roprfiy, pay charges I IAMM,cINTOSH. . ! ' d, Lot dle of The OA v t EWJ. pay . 31.44 . . to Lot 3, bout the end The owner harms and take . ST Co of l3epteu is it • I . 8,, Tuckeremith, r white yearling prove pr4pe _ ; • TONEMAN. 1 AY . 3, .L. request away. WILL . er, '1 to AIVI CAmLto the &xi led. each erty, s124,.4 - ESTRAY S Lot 18, Nbrth 33o lst of November, a ye and white; marked ear. The oivuei is ren pay expensee and take it . HUGH SMITH EER. 1 ma .y, Hay„1 about rlin STEER., Spot - vitihl it hole -Out in stedi to prove prop- twa . . 1 s Green R. 0. CA • • Nov. requ take 312* ESTRAYS in into UM premises ot 22, Salable. Line, , a two-yeai•-old red ST :s bed to proVe property,, t away. . . •! XOHN i EER. 1 o t e undersigned, p St tile, ou or aabout .,ER The oWner is paj expenses and . S. HORNER. 0A v white. pay tixeensee 312*4 . - - 0/WE li; The pens 812 • , ESTR to Lot 1, Coi •red yearling HE The owner is and tak • 1 EST • to Lot ls," lion a black and s wner is reqneste s and take it aw • Y HEIFEli . 6,-MaKillo4,, about Nov. 1, 'FEB. with 11 few spots of •equested to prove,property, ib away. - 1 . .j. HN KELLY. AY STEER 7, McKil op, about Nor. hite two -ye tr-old. STEER. 1 to prove roperty, ietypx- y. 3" 11111',.8 1710/GG. , Ch .A.ME whhp Property, wit4 318*11 • • . ESTI into the iye 8, into 1, Hay, HOG. The o pay expense he will be sold fo . AY. PIG f ises of the miderizigned, about theiend of June, 'ner is reqftested to and take im away, • e'xpenses . keeping. 1\ M. WILSON. I Lot a prove other- CAME a re by i 812*4 ESTR into the he lst of November, dish color. roving property prat Any and , Lake of James black nigh • Y REIF ises of the a year person co paying e JAAIE'S Road Irest, STEEkt Goll4eher, yearling flank; he JAMES R . . ubscriber, 1 old H e:thEll have the flrgeS. • ToDb, Drysdale. ' Lot ( STEER is also a inooley GALLOCHER. about of same ° , COD. white OT \•-, fac 82-4' ESTRAY the premisea 6, Stanley, one white spa on. ('t, V Nol The elm 812. 1 - ESTRAY STEiR ME into the premises of 1-, Con. 1, Tuckersmith, on ember, a red and white oWnier is requested to ges and take it ttlt ay. • - : . ' ROBED, the on STEER, pro've 11, ill or- al re aindersignsid, Lot about the 1st of corning two. property, pay DEVERAUX. __. ER. - 1 undersigned, Lot out the 1s1 of De- STEER, with a mested to prove t away. . COWAN. 1 • „_._ premises white owner s ST of on year-old is and take WAIWER een 1, w pr 81514 . :ESTRAY AME into the 23, Cou. 5, McKillop, ber, a red and: te face.. The perty, pay expenses • OR SALE BY AUCTION. HERE will be sold by PUBLIC AUCTION on uesday, 'Dec. 23, '73 The following valuable property, viz.: Te FLOITR arid SAW MILLS in the VILLAGE o ZtJRtOH, COunty of Huron, with appurtenances ti ereto belonging. Flour Mill contains three Run o , Stones, complete Custom and Merchant Gear. E i eient SteamtPowa in the midst of it splendid ws eat country.1• Saw Mill of good construction, C rculaz: Saw Rig, Powerful Engine and Boilhr. ALSO THAT WELL-KNOWN AW MILL PROPERTY On Lot No. 6,i Con. 4, Hay, Circular Saw Rig, clger, Cross-eut and Lath Nrill complete ower - Engine and Voiler, together with 25 /IC es of and, on which lire con:tmodious out-buildi od frame house and a large orchard, well ater- . Best Saw /dill Site in the County. All must soldwithout seserve, as the proprietor' is about leave the country. Sale will take place on the day above ment oned, the hour of 12 o'clock noon, at the OMMERCIAL HOT L, VILLAGE Olr ZURIC gal a TliE. TERMS LIBERAL.-Tiz be made known e day of sale, or by api lying personally der to the Proprietor or. Auctioneer, Hay P. WM.' CARRICK, Propr . BISHOP, Auttioneer. the r by etor. 14-2 CASH PAID FOR o IT I T IR, By thi subscriber at the Egg Emporium. I.)0 NOT feed 24 hours before killing. Bleed in -A--• the neck or mouth, and leave the heads pxi. lake the feathers. Off elean,:bet do not bruise he skin or break any bones. Poultry should not be drawn. 1.." POULTRY formarket should. be well timed. D. I. WILSON, 114 Seaforth. NOTICE TO -BUILDERS. His Trustees of 'Union Sehool Section No. 1 Morris, Grey mud McKillop, will receive te ers till the . ' P.?,th DAY OF JANUARY, 1874, 'or making certain alterations and additions tIle School House: Plans and specilicasions 0 see•n at R. Pattison's, Walton The lowest r ny tender will not necessarily be accepted. A ijlress R. PATTISON, 114-4 ;Secretary -Treasurer, Walto • TEACHER WANTED. -ALE or Female.'hohling a Third -Class Cart i - cote, for Sehool Section No. 9, Grey. Dub 8 .0 c numence on. the Stb. of January, 1874. ApplV, tat ig salary expected, and send. testimonials aa xp rience, if any, to 11 4 HARrVILL SPEIRAN, Secretary, Grey P. TEACHER `WANTED 1 , ANTED, a Male or Female' Teacher, holding a second or third-class Provincial °edifice e, ifor School Section No,J 8, McKillop. Duties .6 OJT mence on lst Jrn ana ,, 1874. Application my lee i ade 16 either of the undersigned Trustees: E. BE., NEWIlt.S, ) ' • CON11.: D DIETZ, '- Trustees. P. .11cLACHLAN, ) 12 4 1 .Carionbrook P 0. - i - , MONEY .WANTED It ANTED to borrow on geed fann !ErienriLy [at 8 per cent. interestl $700 or :41,000. The 1)0- ' •ax er wishes to repay. ti.o loans in installmenta'of • 0_ per year. Parties iaving ineeey to lend pn. the above terms should uldres A. B., Seaforth IP. 0., or enquire at the ExosreI,on Office. 312-S , STORE 0: RENT. . i TRENT, the -store 1 tely !oecnpied by F. V al, , in Carmichael's Block, Setifort h. This stor , is' weti situated for busme •s, mid is large and ccm- im dious. For further particulars apply to .he ' pr. prietor. . • i I 314 11, CARMICHAEI . NO[710i. A LL persons indbteI to :tbe undersigned are Debts over one Year du will be sued. .Bear in mind a Discount of 5 per cent. requested to call and settle their accou ts. • 312 DR. VERCOE. will positively :be allowed. Reinember NOTICE TO DEBTORS. LL parties indebted to the undersigned by note -I- Or book account ire requested to settle the same on pr before the 1st Of January'1874, and sac costs. JOHN WAR]-), 3* Saddler, Seaforth. ; - ORDER LOST. IL°ST, o•n Tuesday, Dee. 2, 1873, an order shined t by David Sproat and Wm. Chesuey, as Council- I oujs of Tuckersmith, on Wm. Muir, TOwniihip erk, in favor of Tboiuias Downey, for 05 55.All rties are cautioned a Tainst purchasing or liege- Will give you value, and more than val.- Iting said order, as p yment has been stopp4d. „ ,3 3*4 DAVID SPRG!AT. Ile tor your money. GI GRAND • T. DISTRIBUTION AT • M R. COUNTER'S, • SEAFORTH. • T I the usual eustom with dealers to ch rge a large profit on H LIDAY I GOODS, Bat . R. COUNTER adoptaa differ- ent plan with his patrons.' Instead of charging a profit, he will allow a A ISCOUNT OF PER CENT. On all goods purchased from hith during the liday season, frona now to the First f January, 1874. - ow is the time to purehhse CH ISTMAS ANT? NE Y ARS PRESETS, And . R. COUNTER'S is tl). e place to get th m. The following list embraces: a few- Of the icle.s which M., R. COUNTER, now • ffers to the public foe Holiday Prese ts, at a rechiction of 5 per cent . from • rigmal.prices. And. i and g • READ IT, • there- is anything you want come t it. The e will be 0, Great Rush in, a few days,d FIR T COME TVILL BE PIRST SERVED But t male• ere are Gifts for all, old and young, d female. Li't of Articles Suitable for Gifts Gold Vatches, Silvel Watches, Gold. Eardrops, Plate' Eardrops, Gold ; rooches; Plate Brooches, Gold leas, Plate 1 Setts, Gold erns, Fano Rings, Plain Rings, Silve Rings, Gold laains, Silve Chains, Plate'[ Chains, Gold. oekets, Silve • Lockets, Gold. harms, Plated Charms, Gold Studs, Plated. Studs, Gold 1 Sleeve But - tots, Plate Sleeve But - to s. Brac lets, Scarf Pins, Thimbles,Silve , Gold'Keys, Silver Keys, Silver Fruit Knives; Pap ea Knives, Pocket Knives, 8caB isir7rsi! Hushes, Back Comb, Napkin Rings, . Card Cases, Jet Jewelry, very 1are stook, . Clock's, all kind, Meerschaum Pipes, Imitation Pipes,! Brier Pipes, Peshualivi.b.roPinips,es, Hair Pins, ,Co4rukeets,' Baskets, Card. Baskets, Toast .Racks, Butter Co.oler, Spoons,K Forks,nve Compasses, Thermometers, Canes, Violins, China Goods, Music Boxes, Concertinas, Accordeons, DOMinces, Drafts, Ch;Beae ds sss; Portmonais, Cigar Cases, Tobacco Peuchee, Tobacco Boxes, , Spectacles, froin 25 cts to $3, Goggles, Scent Bottles, Albums, Choice Mugs, Work Boxes, Ladies' Dressing Cases,. Gents' • Dressing OWriatsine,gsDesks, Brackets, Ladies' Companion, Shave Cups, . Telescopes, 13racelets, Table Bells, Stereoscopes • and Views, Opera, Glasses, Gold Pens, Pencils, &c. sw-• also this fact, the Goods are all genuine, and warranted. to be as repre.sented. M. R. COUNTER ,ch ,) M S 'AND, NEW YEAR GIFTS, COMISTING Allnima, Bibles, Testaments, Prayer Books, Fam- ily Bibles, plain and illustrated, children's Books, illustrated, Pocket Diaries, Pocket Books, Parses, Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Ladies' and Gents' Dressing Cases jewel Cases, Ink Stands, Cigar Cases, Meerschaum Fip4s, Toilet Sets, &c. • JEWELRY. Gold and Silver Rings, plain and fancy, Brooches, Ear Rings, 33racelets, Gold. Studs, Plated Studs, Gold Sleeve Buttons, Gold Pens, Gold Pencil Cases, Gold and Plated Lockets, Watches, Charms, Gold Chains, Alberts, te. GREAT BARGAINS IN JEWELRY. CLEARING SALE. HAIR ORNAMENTS, MUSICAL liVASTRUMLITTS. Violins, Cone.ertittas, Accordions, Mouth Organ, Violin Strings, finest Italian. Also TOYS for Girls and Boys, at R. LUMSDEN'S, 1315 • Seaforth; IN TH t4 MATTER OF AN ELECTURNI FOR Tilt LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY- _ OF ONTARIO, FOR T'Frg South. Riding of the County of Huron, Held October 15th, 1873. TWF. following is a detailed statement al an -I- election expenses ineinred by and on beh If a - ALROELIBA_LD 13I8H02, a candidate at thenzaid election, • inetadiiig the personal expenses of the said Archibald Bishop, and the same together with the bills and vouchers relatiiag thereto, here- to annexed., is filed in pursuance of the Statrite of the l'rovince of•Ontario, '36 Vic., Cap. 2, Se 11: L P'ayinents -made by W. R. Squier, the eleetion agent of Archibald Bishop. D. Liars, C. P., for voters* lists. „... ..... $14 49, E. E. Wade, for copying • 15 00 H. Armstrong, for telegraphing. ..... ,.... 17 55 .T. j. Bell, for printing . .468 McLean Brothers, forprinting.......... _ 22 50 White & Sons, for printing.... ..... 18 75 E. Ifohnes, for 10 00 -Thomas Bell, for livery... . . . 45 50 J. P. Wilkinson, posting bills 14 00 Total. - $17p 47 , . 2. Personal itxpenses of the said. Archibald Bishop. Paid D. Wanless for Hall f or meeting at Varna.$1 00' I. Wilhiamsou, " " "Bayfield 4 00 -. Snell, " 4 00 P. Buckley, Limerick 4 00 " S. Presse, " Crediton. 4 00 W. Simpson, " lifi'lronie ieasbauvze 4 43 h 40?) X. Pickard, For board. and lodging during canvass from Sept. 16 to Oct: 15, 1878.- .... .21 00 Total $46:00 A.RCFITil A T.D BISHOP. W. R. SQU1ER, Election Agent of A. Bishop. Dated Godericht Dee. 12,1878. • 015 Dissolution of Partnership. 1\TOTICE is hereby given that the pa,rtnerShip al" heretofore existing between T. and L. Calder as ;garble Cutters, in the Village of Seafortb, iire! der the ,firra name of CALDER. BROS., has been dissolved by mutual consent. The business Will hereafter be carried. on by T. Calder and W. H. Cooper, under the firm name of CALDER & COOPER. 316-3 CALDER & COOPER. • ESTRAY CATTLE. CAME to the encloeure, on Dot. No 16, Con•.115, By, on Saturday, Dee. 18,1 STEER eoming three, white; 1 H MIFER coming three, red and white, 1 STEER coming one; black. The owpqr_-: „ is requested to prove property, pay eipensee tpial take them away. WM. MELLICK, 315:14 Zurich 2.10. • THE ALUMINIUM WATCH. THE Latest Novelty.-Everyperson should have one. Wears equal to gold; and the difference in quality can only be detected on the"cloaest scrutiny. Warranted. to keep correct thue for two years without cleaning, or the money returned. Thousands are now in use throughout Great Br -h- a*. Price, only $2. Sent, post-paid, to any part 'of the Dominion. State whether lady or gentle- man's size required. Also, elegant Aluminium Chains. 75e postpaid. Address, GRAMIIERS THORNTON, Toronto, Ont. Agents wanted every- where. 218-8 TO STOCK BREEDERS. A LARGE BREED l3OAR.-The undersigned will keep on his premises, Lot No, 2, Con. 3, Hallett, for the improvement of stock, a first-class large breed BOAR. Terms -75 cents for the sea- son, with the privilege of returning if neeessary. 81544 ROBERT MCMICHAEL, Jrz. ESTRAY STEER. , C21./m into the premises of the undersigned, tot No, 2, Con. 10, Hulled, on or about the lsti of -June last, a light yea STEER, coming three. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take it away. 31544 WM. HARRISON. TEACHER WANTED.' AN Assistant Teacher for the Wroxeter Public School. Duties -to commence on au, 1st of January. Address, stating salary, to . JOHN SANDERSON, Trnstee, Wroxeter P. " 314-3 DURHAM BULL CALVES for SA1 E TWO thoroughbred Bull Calves for saie itt rea-.. sonable prices. Apply to 314-4 M. MeTAGGART, Clinton. "TRUTH IS MIGHTY AND WILL PREVAIL." THE GENUINE AMERICAN ELIAS HOWE SEWING IVIACHINE TRIUMPHANT OVER .AT*.! VIENNA PREMIUMS. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE RECEIVED! FIVE MEDALS' At the Vienna Exposition, viz.: GRAND MEDAL OF • PROqRESS, MEDAL OF ALEILIT For Superior Workmanship, THREE MEDALS OF CO-OP ATION For superior excellence of production See tract of letter below: • "EXTRACT." VIENNA, August 22nd. The Howe 'Machine Co., New York: • GENTLBMEN-We htl.TO been successful in ob- taining tive medals from the Exposithm, viz.: Grand Medal of Progress-, Medal of Merit for sm. perior work, and three Medals of Co-operation for truly, HOWE. tan.dhig ing M.a- lead. superior excellence of productions. Your The above speaks for itself, and,notwit the false claims of some firms in the Se chine business, the 11ONVE still keeps th A fresh supply ilia received at W. N. WATSON', os Insurance Ageut, 18 81