The Huron Expositor, 1873-12-19, Page 1aIIDIM 12,487-3. 'GRAND D I STR 1001 [ON A, T R�:QOUNTERYS, ISIXTH 'vile uno I IL TNO. 315.1. vance. I t 5�O a Yeur, iit wd -SEAFORI ID�Y, DEEMBER 19, 1873. N Ow. Railw Sche m*e nat -al result of su ch, a cdurse is, -our the me etin on Monday hi lir, honesty and _11leave schocl wthopt acquiring ed to 11btili g, A resolution was passc. (1, characte, and if any wr evening amoun -- is cando gooJi moral torily''irranged without interniptio to
chii 1i I - he 114 usiness. 'iv To t 9ditor of the, Exposit(p.'. Ong or 3n4st the b 'Col. XcG Orin's Many rs n this County ,Fill regret to r M roi SALE IN STA, the knowledge the), Ong. lit to have -or instrii(ting the Couc to do the veiy action has been (lone in township ma-tt4 f riendi, i hea PAR NLEY. SIR: Last week th County of ?erth with dealers to ,imisfortune- they must continue t office, it a mot be. f his 1pEINNG Lot 5, Ba deld Road, 2 miles from Bay. carried a bonus in aid of atuoth' sc iool for a longer thin t youghito have done weeks b, (1wing his term of -ego proat oil er rai ayp 2! period. Now', time is n ll�y, �nd'if we� he ready for tl:Le' charged to but rather tc others —The exports of for Montreal imile f4r m the gravel road, gontaining to connect with rojected. -one: from lose two or three'yei mi otir ebilden's' meetin the clecta, Whoml1e had this y(aT, in -spite of ibe early closing of flel4l- il foZ ; 671- aer" Of 9-0041an: , a splondid brick hotise, good to g, or better still, for M more uns( A, wth plenty of PortDov �r -oak—an old-salleme rupulo;us - fmme'baxus and tin porior orohar Woods� good water. Terurk easy. pply -to revived, in which large amount of time, after it becoe valu,�ible, it. will to-vot-ioii,,ttlie.,tiiuiialpleckon.- l,f,)r to (leal attimes. Kellyl on the the river, amount to 12,700,6100 busliels, Mai&
JOHNI ESSON, Bayfield. 64iev( the electors are be ;who hAs had Ilittle or -The ine DAY GOODS, 7, I cost us much more than to liren as-. one- b ginning o contrary, is ala gaills ;'1.2,450, 000 in 1872. reas- A. money was"sunk"solnefiftee or -8 xteen SiStAut teacher. T ilird-�-I 'have never see thiough t1i.6 iihirking policy Of V Le no experience- in ihunicip,�I'affaifs- I, For ed shi )mets of: butter are noteworill
o. The oblig Ltious un(ter vhich Y,
FA�M W; kno-arn a section w&re the law has- bad present; the capacity -4,4( ) pk-gs. a ar NTEI) the muni.cipalities throngh'W Mas �ancil, an& that next yer, the short tIe lie ID -gainst 16,500 lut a fair' trial, where ,-ati ifactory results there ��s h �tle d 011101rus and and, of cheese still mo. marked kN.-TED to ro�-n for a term of yearat a good to pass. ca -me for its e - oubt, We will have a of a Councilor, he was too construction, wer hve not followed. Ho to seo-this Counc it no J afrad. to (10 the Work th it overbearing to be tau,--, 11- � is -'ISO 3,9`0,.300 boxes against Imt sea -s'on's go%-
iflrtan'of aboit 1U0 acres, with not less than never met Like in iy uth wil d -cat T Elt ad-, apts a, differ - Cleared. Must Ia couvoniont to markets. A mat;er discussed ds and willing .to fa'e cihakged with certain Pat R15. Instead- of : - ` -by ble.- pens' than doubtful �-rasac- 400, IThe Montreal Vitness says that
t �hia To' .60 .sehem6a of *,that infla ed era Ise obli- comes :to tl eir hall. 1. 1�1 witil m4d bui! ain— mcferred For
tions durin g that terin 01 w, 111 a no Bas Cnad�an- cheese now r Ulks above Amer- lie- will allow a tic InAlle,iL le'llve tile subjec :in the. hmds of the roil oiir ibility. Yours, &c., Par * Wart q)Oy to ;hq,uaderaitynod at KippenP.0. ations had to be wip d out wi trok 9 thak e p you readers. Ax ON-LOOKAR. notbeen ble, so far, to clear hiniself, or icau irl- -the Enlish markets, all(! �hat; $144. HUMERSTON.' of the- big I.en of Hon. Mr. Moiwat nine BSBRVER. isfactorily explain, and which. if true, Sxx�rowra, Dec. 17, 1873. our bultiter shows n impro'ved qualit�- months since. After leaving Strafford
the past ltwo weeks mee Danger to M.unic'-ilialities. — 0�0_ , I I - til WANTED TO RENT. this railway is propo �ed to run. tic Lis-'. muilicip Should totlly untit 111111k lor tne I)OSiblon —D4ring (4001) FARM within 6 miles Of SeafOrbb, one - towel, which aspires to. be the C)unty )n ositoi% 1 al Mattera -to which he is now meinb rs of the Domi on lliave UNT Ain T -kersmith preferr 03 _a- . To i he E ditor of the. 11 ur, St I OF .5 tic I ke the dent ed. Will be leased for confidence of
wtorm of yellxs, a for a, stfiltab-ld plAce a% liberal, town.of -the district some of these days, - D�,ARSIA: Accordial lie., no- To' tle B?1eCto'J-s of the. Townshjip depart d this life Hon. Oliver Blhke, rentwill bePai farm of about 100 or more' being one of the villa es Which Seel as to tice, theie i t Pill) supporters wil. to be a f No olk, Oilt.; Hon.1 .James of He is well knoN
0ENT4k be fu 1 r lcgish�tion 81a7iley upulous iaraciler of N O 0 unser . -1, -
SoTeg-1 with 80 or acres cleaxed, d"irod. For think th most darino, nd' Montr Hon. ll. teeves, of, St.
�t the surrou iding countr3 was ask( d for f Tom the Ontar -rhament in shes to and
jurther particulars ly at tho office., On Mond.%y, the 29 where he wi gain- a po T1 B. -ion to the Loillo Lur nud)4ruce inade solelyfort eir benefit. Pfcnithence rela, n Jolm, 314-4 you ill be called upon to nomi ii-, makes a bohst of hving �aid -oil molley the last m eoti4l of the Avollilig- it goes' to the Georgian Ba 0 poy 3 which ' li- in i -d 'clelarlY ate fit ons. to repivese� it le ors in yy and pro -per pers in,variolis ways, to corrupt ele ids Purchased from, duning, ton 0einty CoLuncil the f a s to jurors By, or any other bay -where it 'a, get ts to the rights of tf e q�iinicipli ties yoll 1.1 t Co-fincil. for the. year 187 Parli S an d, FAR FOR SALE. mentay and other el season',`ftoin, now to the to, whencu it is* to bl, Mg lumber i ally have granted aid, to bhe� To were i �kresqd to',1K.50,per day,- for.both ad. bein (I 'Phis -s likely to be one of the most ii OT iNo, 29, C6 i. 8,, Hibbort - 100 acres; 80 above all, we do not -wi§�h to, I an d pdtit ju * - grand with 10
alll'ux� M744 JLJ: cleared; friune, tum, 56x36; shled, 72x26; 'good qtiautity)� , seeing tb 3 'Elma In riber, tampered with. Under ti�,'ee cir6unl_ portal t elections ever hold in, stLD16. everlasting Stigma cast ul)6n. Oil.. town- d cattle�-ho se. good never sprin which was to, keep th -. Southe U I xten staii-les, I think thp h f you-, no, do for th(. double journey- We would 0ike stable a ho --f a ilin eads U each mu- INIOst ubt, are ware th-ab -a Shi by sending a man to 'repAsents Cour�j p to see the Coulity oil of h-aron take @reek runs thr-oug 00' for- ten 3 e 0 U b- instruetod t6 pro- h the -lot: land in g. d condi- sioll.-runnina t pl.y nicipality should tiort,a. splendid orel srd of one aere - 7 miles from. arge um. of money is to be obtaimd t -the County board wll�o can hardly, 'roro similal action. squired edou.t. A deputation from Listov at has ceed - to lito at th1) -oper time fro! he 6ntaio Government 'in Febri i- und Stances, couve for Segorth. Terms:-- $4,700; about 4�,000 er any circlim rse 'embers to sc e to it that our SLY —M . . 3 of Listowel, has Appl been interviewing th a Ontizu-io Glvern- urge our m cin, his down, the reinainao r in easy y ry n �xt to ])a speuf� in public� im*OT ','- three miivllte� -without, tat inte�, re not inierfered with inted emigration gent to Spot- totho subseribex at ment witb the view of getting a w or There Ir a�?Po I been
i��tfie township, (about $,16,00( name in v Ev en in open 001�,Iici n
BAILETLUPTON. land bv the Ontario- Government. this im ortant warl,-. if they are: o get are res"tV15 persons at this time, h&we'ver this s [im. clinnot be used -in paying tde. the'past usino, the illos the imeta purchase - p twicouth 1' �. Hay is' a Ili= of great nergy, Is Zin %ble
ordin;, 4xes u gi -ltbs anc tio aid, whi h it is to b, I will mucli, they hav6, 0iffere I of thp in nicipality.) Th.s repdA ng most dis istiilg� o, an e��rlier
FARM FOR. SALE OR TO RENT t, they ought to liave sombi ol their Stg-, ofthe London road, i t and forcible speaker and thoroughly re� 110 nove7.en - 3 I large vas set apart during last se i- Unfortunte ',Aorris It has Gen iFeb, I ede tl� at t '11
�r, SSIE on.,reasonable terms,; Lot No. 16, own debepures -of (late nary, but will freely coi c he pro- lit, but wisely reserv( cl tirktated and torn a The Ontario (_ overilment ed Id sioll PaRivku)e -� ions �Oi Coll., Z�, q�ontalnin- 70 acres, Dearly all asunder by f, C -e found a better person for the" S ANN D NEW ngs of the.Bord lim,eibeen tainte not hai� years, and we have had to pay tl e pip r. eleared, well fenced land in, a good state of cul�i_ 1874, seeing the 06 ( byith-, �xovernment until uch tinie positio,111. vution. . There is a igood.smy null, withtv circular of thp few.defaulting muniQipaliti s able throughout with- more or intrigue,, the r, tepayers got al fair - chance to vo5e have been elected to positions whi h er lslnj� water, with an abundance of tim- to pjy, but which w d not. Fr -to be in'Counail those entrusted with. the they *e of filling, thlou'ib. —Alilew- and novel de of ti saw, driver�by O�i tho an(f, consequently, it be ioo ves us re incpable I)er iupiivenient. is also a -good bearing 1, :) has epu -resorted to 1), a prolinne-lit 4,ncL literances f some of its leading mt a it is on the alert. Yours truly' S,rA14rJF.y. in. Last ytr, I i-n,,y intifigne and blind partizansh p, lid W spendinc, df this an a T orehitrd, also tx ood frikme barn and, honsa. There enterpkisi,na dry goods merchant of �lie ivnd two churches tu-tho corner of the doubtful i;4ietlier or. not -they into Id. to say tl two years, the London, Hi- thi�, gs have come to such a pss that we and tbroo- pay, unless under coin-pulsion-tbeir Rough on ii;e -o�ncil. a] tion decid town lof Peterboroligi. He has had situatedwithin one mi roach� in tlie rc�ate�,, 6ver + pro- �d Blruce Railwy ques d are: a by -word and a reb eheisrbs0t1()0i`eg loor on the out, is the place, tD qunxt( -,s of n station of the N,Vellingt6n, Gray and portion of indebtedfiess as arriv�d t �ectio'u. It 'as east.against tie C. th w gri TO he. o th( H-ar n oiinty. Brother elect f M' ,is, let If the above-fam be not sold, it gidq, large Clock. T e object of ibis der thd settl -en =fstlan(,yotuallk�ow tberesult. Tie w off- the �hack�es illb,rentea. For fa pply to u n usa�rlse to our dilty, tbro rther particular .1 .1 to tract the ate on of pusers-by, Of the Mlll�ieipal Skit 1" atteuddl tl e ilcorporation. t le th I have bound us, lay aside l� cree�ls-
aveF.0. Loan -yund u. fQAq,h d- W S the pr prietor on the premises, or to Butgra Ia. sessio I dil t kee first 110 the -cloak-, a d Second, to ibis a Tbey went An- pi dg, orp o'rl'o - : i ALFRED BROWN. faulterp a�re worth 3oking after. meqtiiig ill -the T6i vn all, .last Mond4y I e t o a - I e at' Mica or nationalities, elect lthe . 1�irst free p efung, and I o onfess I was goodsol nd e -very position in the other Scheme, perhah wilder than tl%e Ili o The (.ounoil �+th the distinct 1:11- 11 for ny HOTEL FOR SALE. gr 11 a t -wl I the proceed- Tohn Fow er the edtor Pat. ever much dis d proi
Listowel one, comin oift undek th d rsthridiug that hey were elected .to township, nd let'lls, on the first' om ay 'RTSON, wishing to retire f oluthe 't ofte public ineet- at of the Port Perry and. ake Huron Rail- r roil in I dont ofte attelic 1 0 POE to: t ',it (C I�TT. age of a Mr. Fo lei-, is td hate its t the of a bonus in January, place WIT. Thomas j11CWl
hotel keeping business, offers fox sale that tl Called by the Reeve, a, - I know they way, the Whitby G ate ays is to in es a, few. of terminus. at Goderion ; where i r, I Y, but bowNroefully they decei ed th' polls—a man who a. I Ot wen stand, in -Egmonville, now occupied Be orn amount to 11% and I'm not e head. of th( Fowl(r has more railr ads on -the brin t t� 11 de- ectop. N6 sooner hd they ta by her ILqlf an a -ore of land attached to the hotel; st�atfronl has no een very w� ell ti
be �Btigmati zed as a par zan or at,trimi4l er, d i than Lily one man is c pable of building, in avor of Settling thE public affairs of ii Counail than we he biA whom. we can tit least truStlasbe�ilig goodtables, good well, aDd every other conTenl- ii ed. (Whether: it �-Is an- exten 11 N -If 'the P11- for Holiday- g'ou the hotel business. Part of liblic ino etiigs nyway— even f he was possess, -.d. of half a . do -ten Vby r enoe for carrYin the village by p
be required in cash; the the little NV bi Cl Port Pel,4.1 Rail- gill& directo� bringing up fr �ni_ an'honest, upright ml. Trusting, Mir. ordin� try vWhei�inxlvVhitby lie is the pnrchase money wll reduction- of 5, per- cent I part that's too democrat ic foi ni�- However, ock le Tat ier way, which bad Ono locomoti�e a 119 Editor, that you will excuse ti in fa -v or of- a NNThAbk road in 08h,;'wa I remainder will be allowed -to go in, easy install- hP Lt, maj prices. mei[Lts. Apply on the premises to car vying oil the affa the Eleev6 to irs of th� in-unicif5ality call 'a special ineeting of extensive u e of your valuAle space Ind Of its rollin. stock some time6 acro, is not f I I I
mri.s. ROBERTSO N, Egm.0i0ville. 9 by publicineetinaa seems o be- greatly ve this wonderful -1. rO- giv- e this an inserti (In in y -NNIdely cir- he isl in favdr of an Oshawa road in
3-10 ,it, �iid to lia very-�lea.r.) After leaviug Port erry,* our. fav red by the present (110111iLl, for eve Bowi�auville-he is in favor of a Bow- ry
GrOSIC four live ral' ducti,)n s4britted, to the people: 1'he culated paper, I m, Sir, FARM FOR SALE. it will have to ays, little matter that comes ul being llianv�ll& road, ands -1011111 every to,wil three pf wa� done, and. the result WCAS oler-� ojected ones, and two MLO' e j�at q A I - ke between oronto &..rid g -
pose ING conmqiose of Lot 1. Con. 10 of the Town- to take the responsibi lit� e oil. thb Ia Wqb.�p of Tack mith,- containing 100 acres of - aboat ready to Start, and, like tl e Lis- "INlut-hing daunt d. 'tu- Dee. 16, 1878. If Fenelon F. a expect to get
purely thEy must call a public me �ting to assist -othei bv. t up, submitted to Stoll. ex-o(A-lent land, up n which there is new frame. t wol Railway' pasa ng througli, a 0 2 � 0 road from that source they Will bay'e, to. beam, 3&60 feet., a & also a good! orchard.. F0 Canada. it.)] thcul with the work- tl ey re, eected t W1 Led f3
the'l.- e9pl he busy season READ -IT, igricultur country. All theseihlw�ayv dttrian8g 'O ome tim e yet or
e sy, and other ipf ormittion, ap- ch, if they alnuitiber of voter :could not turli Out, terms,. which are which it ill cross will have at fitm -15 Pelform. then-iselv(s, nd li Par- wait 11 from the ply t Mr. JMME Dlk'V_E Y, on Lot 1, Con. 12, of e 0 9 M doi A do, they are 6f-g)o for nytillin A man f tower of the sii(L Township, or. to the vandor, U ALTER REN- to -_0 es further south, ton] �ection 91, aiid !he ` ti-rangeill lit was crried by a Rev. y1r. Pritchar, Presbyterian ay '%V- )f Mondi night. de on his me( +,ill hament buildings in Ottawa, on' Friday
Co."Out. 296 Well, as to the 9 am, al I m- These' men, wbo so de- - MinAter of Wingharm whi ay nt with.- the Grand "'runk or the Gret ing last, a distance of 70 `eet- He Are is,, anything- you want come, I � -i rent there exp .Cting to learn ;Some- I- to Bliiova�le oil Sbbath before list, ceiv(. �1 yc a la st year, are again to pli ear was ab to do the b isiliess F �M FOR SALE. Weqtern, srel -with befql P, yon for election. IThey, as far was taken up alvbut so - serilialisly in- thoNkil. f roin the Saddle, thereby spv%in- AR y ther thkig. The-subje(t of -i icorporation jured tha . this recovery Nvs ii�ot hoped -,\,o. 5, conces4ion'4, Hnl,14tt; 1, 4� the country ch(aper tban a no ii corre . ppoildent I -says, S 11 the Sur Ins OT en, ra _ i i as Imen lise ssed iii. the' 16 10 acres, Eg nondville h, Ing t pe middle finaer of his left ban. with its fregh obl gatio'lli!, pos- ee )eat- e tvnd for. More or loss-, 80 acres @ F1 ty of water, st�r -lets for weeks, ind I certainly I cbrl�lleeof the affidr� The aimal fell upon his kii,e ahead." !Who ba( i o-wat, inothar of the and the norta brk%uch of the maitland Riyer ru-, sibly could do. ed, -when the Council, )y resolliti ) ill- of Stknley when that excellent barbol t Mrs� John M thr(��'the rider completely-6ver his hoad.. Ding trough the 18 &cre bush ; good fences. Ap- - Brussels', after h, ving act Onc rail- Otrio died- at Kinrston oil 'to c ill i public e or 4na e y the s remises to the -proprietor, ,wa , wbi�h is surely capable to I 10 the stracted the Reeve -11b], et- F t tl a,
ply on the p Byfielld was built? \Vh� threw v Fa3,r ring y Of IaBtweek Mond, in her 82d yer.
ITAMES M.&EMN, in� "to take it into casiLeration, 'that abo ��830,000 Of YO!"' 1poneyin.Ltke clao4d and allowed t e feet to escape or 3 thir ks u -business of even Brusseh it 290 oZ address Constance 1 - 0, ait �of Gode ich offer ille consequences mio,7 it ave beell *ery �onle lt , some facts, —The Town Coulic �v be a, (1-reat _R 'h iii a few, they woixid.,have�_ tat Hur-da ? ; Who has charg6 now? E ec� another. � person w1io -Will ou(T,ht',to hve in the broad ,e the.people. SAW XILL AND FARM FOR SALE. or some scheme to lay )ef ttrs , J 8�aiiley, bei up an -1 doing it it a bonus of 735,000 to 1113 senol. STEAM hotel in gailae,campicril if iny m6mory serves erect m c lous smmer rpr th�e me.- tTme a-chnge was made. , Put I I Oniniod, I found, to I slirprisa, at 11 f I es) —At Woodstock, few days' ag�, a, [\.7G Lot 8-4, Con. 7,\feRill0P, containing fO4 -ight; us in - 117
me I its then two Reeves tol
O'W less tm.cetook place pn the race-cooree
rleared, wth good barns and stables, - put in men i foo be a of the Councl see. ned. to kii men, You caunot let, worse that town. This is good )ffer and acres, K11 berry that ther no IlE -essity t1out so-
rds in fulbearing; twon.e ae 'was
Vor ut it thin any )ody else. �'u the room. 0iink aind nselves should not stand long Wi
two abb act for the] of tha Woodstock Diriving Association.
good Qrcha that Pan C, g spring uso, lot 35,, for all" morerailway8 than that �)f %1r. (W& NY -ILL BE. TE s which s4pply the miil. y They -could not.t�ffi w[ietherwe bad a. ted. Wel.-now of no tow -1 in 011- tam- and I!ot bet-tvaen the celebrated English al*
(),contitiuing4Sac-resoibuih. Thepr .wm suffici�nt 1 to do I ell who leav k to be COP o of the eel .
con- OPerty, NKc.G'iverin, which -size ndimportan ofGoder- �rjjfoot acer J.'Allison, and 'Tames
liffici f )r 1incorp&atioll, doll e -by; e, as at present. Do'not d6l� t,%Ti from Sepfortb., with a good hat the nlation al. is situated 6 miles the- business of the �'oubty, and t lich possesses uch miselfably poor i Har�js, of Woo toe -, fo. $1, &&R rE, D, po� qns icb, -,vbi as k r ow. The
road thereto, For further partioulars ft,i�ply thly could�,Iiot tell th�r the ssess- selves. They are very anxi CeIVE, yot r linton , "I -
TROMV- Grand Trunk at Seaforth and ation. "I I E amoild-V ille ouid probably be 1L, , en the ptermises. If by post, to JOMNZ el accom mod dista4ice run -was sixty five yardz, -which mant of to kqep their POSWOD. This is hot O., Kinburn, Cat. 260 would be sufficient e P. nt ii the- way af coin-
80_%�-, Conab repair tho a i6school ! was made en ds. The �,,ng-
laige. enough to ke i(i d- from [the scribblers they have oil thei-� —At the examinations of publ e Colonepa ialwaty ;i petition to keep side -walks 'umon r last, 'i lial
ano, a OP. ditional streets an behf �i tbe localt press. Do. not teachers in � Olit, held in Jul), i man won the race by- about six If eet.
I rE Giftis far al, old and young, FARM, FOR SALE IN XCEILL tin. the W, '. o 1cates, if o ile was n0h ay t A few 4ays aggo a farmer n4mied
to imrose_'upan ul,,, a 4ese men for A a good. Farm, - composed of N orth fficien I l I thL'Y c:0uld -not bl nythino, they (10, there were for, the -cliff -rent grades of cat half of lot 14, Con t in 1871, two %dl ul( Y if yo 4 N11 I a ave (Irice, who resides in the townsh1p of fen Eal SU Six � ly' be Wc :w
not) even t bather the n bt applicants, 'of
-U half of 'lot 15 and the w e E�xanlples yo certificates, ' .1
aver receiv- ed� containing 100 acres,. 50 cleared and, enough in 1874, auc for a quart f of a (O" wo es were p er-son "t. Vilicelt, sold fifteen bags of v,heat 127"McKilloj, th, _,maelv all ill f of it. got, tain put them in -the Comicil �nd 886 were . Successful ; of these 5 jim ice to. well fenced, and in good oulbivation - bitlanco well century to come. It i" not . 3 to grain inerchant of _N, -vv- Siftee -the original know nothing coin- give hein hold of the surplus f und. They first al,ss certificates, (it second chm 1eford, in hich timbored -y��jth hardood,; a good frame house the bondholders of I he Great Wei. ern to I( - never mixed bout one hundred a -ad
t s fori ad, r eA wells are erewl-fully in earnest -to get in, n6th- c6rfifi ates, and- 820 third class certifi-
&-nd ne* log arn; good bearin orchard; two nity ',va c he ba seek- to -have a thir " aline bn the top of rf f4om a.goocl grave road; 10 miles such n ignorant E et of e. They were d elfor.t cates. y miles and i-ag 1' t I lie united nd determine The applicants were divided as tw-wity pounds of d sand. The rick.
&,,h - thpr tire two'steam th6m. before they ev en get their pad in ed in r -Play -will iollows - For- first 1. mi ahty kno respect, h of al. class, 27 ; for second f_.roTn the yivage of Scaforth; ther wincr in 0 e Ow intki-o'st fai . ws-not discovered till Grice had �Jbeen
sawm o churches, It
Lay I -ASS, 1,723. schools and storesl. For'Partioulars y to the epe�ation; ev ar though th.ay w 111�1 -not. commit \0Nv is the time for action. class, 265, an( -for third al, car, for Gifts ill,,kithi� s4 miles - donvenient t app, thei and *the grain emptied'- into -1 heavy -ses, I th 3mselve I they could t A Gode-rich, after gqfting rid of it 0 g� asi It . sea ties, pei is to be hoped th when, to separate the grain and sai4 t
Proprietor oa th4 preml or, if by letter to ed so s thoy tried e examinations now in rop, P. 0 clebt, .4nder - which. it hat gro, -ogress m Ove so disa,,itous to I bow al: di ates in opposi- Wiutli pe sons spoken'of is a, polit as �nd everything' else that in' ght pi y not pr was found necessaTy to clean one hun JA -ME S McDONIALD. 1) t in ho eat) adred bushels. ttch Carpet Tacks,, 2804 long andloudly, all uld be care
tic �ii to them at t.. y election to Put Stand ir� th� way, -and 11 0 th teaching fiaternity. like it 11)ssibly it Con I oth, .atcl -e,%)' Cruet-% M FOR SALE IN PREY. tracts al M. me thaii Th s King who has been —The Mitchell Lve, pai)se a
F ave thair foot in. it. It sea -d to - thinl inO,, actiNre men. om Council h-.9 i2 auA p ' t of Lot Nol. 11 in tb l8th those.who pull the ropes t.bere it h ng Was to get A VoTB . . c)) or other. tha chief object of thenieer Reeve of the township of Hibbert for by-law probibiting the keeping of coal
ida Jes 11nal t ST ])cc. 16, 1873. n larger (111antitieS tj �r&i,ops, Gard Baakets,, wi, idea that -som a b this see fo e�Co I ian five g�llons Ooncei;sion of Gren consisting of 7 are Or
2J miles from th? new cand Severl years, ha,s signified his intenion oil, aild in good. cultivation; hi ted on 1 o the ch I Tea Setts,, ond burden -will. a themselv ,a, 8 eradveno f witlictra-wing at the expiration -of his widin forty feet of ny buildii-i
G.,�ILILtoiL(i,itan,,Aoa.froiuSea..forLh. Applyto ex pre a 0 premises. ill few pkes lacks, : cu Co, oil the saine plea, a �rooqhes, Toast E i our Reeve for 1874. ent term, Mr. : r1obert .'G diner, M 276 A-N,crus mc11ILLAN, on the re, they might, give off4lice to
I i., f, , , r thi forad was such a boon bo the - thui lose v�tes. Mr. Nathan . W od, of the that a elector Ont: - old sent Deputy Re - 0 a, and eve ill, -no do ubt,
VALUABLE PROPETY FOR SALE. thou- leither C Editor of the J-11tron E 107": the pre Butter 6,00"er� country or the Cc rity, h —who V, id 1*1 t be esteem- 0 4 - � j - ty of Elgill, recently.
uon a be.Mr- King's Successor. of Aylmer, Colin S -ALE, cheap., two Stores, �Yith good dwell-. the one or the other sees. MY 11 essity ouncil ik : The foll appe rs in kill6d & Pig Of ff I 'I T, f Othe C Lowing iteill -ell
the busineqS Ahe Chevalier Bayai (i _A,sdrutiny of the votes polled for ee(L T& Foingy bver-head, �n the coutre of jor it. We warnli e- people of G oderich oc theKitchell Advocate of the 12th hLO-3
40L. Knives, of the ater repeated I when dressed weighed 685 - pounds. eqf orth. The lot is. 30 foot ai �d County railway by-law has the Vill repeated. 'onipasses, wtof. age of 8 '91me, not H -was slightly undc the Perth that the same r t. f Bly th 8 ft�
fonf"age. For further- particulars apply to 1s, get to his feet. lie lie, ding ; When Suspended, the pig measured
0 held, and it has ))een ascert d v es able c- fit thisil.flace been taine
McCAUGHEY & HO STED. lit, a there is Some lugs Thrinometerai 294 LAM No doubt'tliey will feel- tnem0lel, Orp )ratic n little stir in 4in. from snout to b". Ll foot; attNvIlen 9l)pos6d to ine a500 bad Polle. a -Ins, -lies, other $50,jOOO-�- E. B,- Woo]'s yet- rM of -the dual to C] ;be pj)roaching inuni I ec- that over otes were Ga f or an )eople, lien t i alive, it stood 3 ft' 8 in. high
Oli icif W ?pose the ha IRE BOAR. low�skiuned. book , the Mull -11 Loan e. s 'ninble, oh, :Leave of Morris ving The majority, however, w.%S ( . )VCr One-. —A new -tly vioh ed i iion.' Tlie6f I
buyers'of tario if they want . SWILL registry office has recall l w ill keep for service at Wag- Fund is' one which the of removed to the States, 'P\lessrs. PiL ick- thou q
hains- Picttires,. c very 'uinble;- e wis servint its head- been created ill Pres-cott at a cost of a rhe combination having I I%ey do rould will give the people of
keb ilaiG Boxes, TTer7, C= town line Hay and S,ta,nley, ` bonds will do we'll. b study. prostrate himself and rhomas Kelly are aspiring to th o boar. T tl _e people he h eL it q11 oughbred Berksblx give such onds a- iwide berth. ed wit b axters own s Cana- -00 This 0,0
thol ivilege of retunmig which the former fill in London,�kn
ck�e"�S., Goncertillas, able a,t the time of service, pi they will --- IT the (lust, ani I lich. t] 1e grime'. f1`0111 S'tiO I tReffi-ters' Absociatio hs -COP H-ullon' some idea of the cost of these ny an Wild projects it be- � It is not expectel tha,t than 0 'Vecordeons, Ald never do any- for -0 3aauy years. . Q - . In aiding tj ir boots,'blit e� wo the will next
if ir. who lapsed, in consequence of th: pressre biffibigs, nd the amount y THOMAIS PERCY- hoo-yes the farm,6r-s of the !Douiali I of the poo- �he'eoutest -will Pe keen one, s .Ar. arl ns-, I Willnea, ing opposed, to the i brougbt to bear upon it by s e of the be conip-elled-to"' shell out, if the lid illai bear t e t �.den of taxat a "Is �c9 is a Nrety pop JDrafts,. SHIRE BOAR. have to h b -Do the electois eaforth d- Patrick Kelly -culators. Tho, e nen, it Eou`ilty is not ag#Ja reunited f or registra- B J:!',P.K in -little 'A)thing to' s'"o -%v ell -have or do " tho. P e 1 independenDe, then, adap bion t Ill te leadin', oil spo
Who -ir ire wat - do they ted for the posil 0 h, conceived th idea that tionipurposes. reful m -f fbese o ects to b am 11 4- 11 of s spre to carrvc-de.;election byal crye I � ep o. Uoun(lal UA, r-- the Associc were eonstrucijroU
DVILL--- 1110 I Vy or VJJi3 VL
TILOROUGHBRED ink Of h perations� of Wa
majority. The great wonde, is the 01 -ey and -nee Rail-
Dosi 1011 how they are hoolwinki�d._by Wing 11 ee're But-.Tortzaaolais, il - — ore which takes this coly-emptible' esis of tile the Avellingtony Gi Bi & promises, in in* ould. be found' f o lish ot conducive to the best inter has at h to b given to a',' is b- t any mail a y sanction a public qllestion? After ll, th. e ;in u d h nIR. D�KVID DNC&N an Egraoniville, a thoroughbred Pessity
the Nwage of *ere is no ii , - ?11 1111 r d New ticket
I. railways for whic eir constittie-hts is �jiotjgh to. oppose hi . His friends 'List Callach11- Oil tiad a Se t dr fl -L w- ay at Palmerston has been commenced
ITabacco. Pouches, Dixon's- (Brneefield') wel e A subser vieucy to V 1 allia is al ea , y up
bixe jBoai, from ence, to promote a counteraction- which The fr,
yes Will owever and prevent a marCl L. be
Tob,=co Boxes, eh he will. keep for Gode ch and t4e mbitiols vill o- y egraph offices are also boing erect- thoroughbred Boar hi ri - on to ,�Onsenr to do only a blind. The C uncil do their work, h P ultimately proved. the death of the com- and tel ea- I i ingiliade upon th m.)) 1,68, Speo, tile mrovement the present _s do their best to �Ciet e e, U114. si(Jewalks on as These' :from 25: of stock durinly O1Vn sweet PI asur bination. As r ult of the collitpse of ed, and will soon be completed.
son. Terras-4,6.,I; -with the pimlege of.returnig *ve ILI rch, to ditor., it is' hard to (Tw �cide so, and then 1 ion i�. tue t1leir owil, streets, le; P ablie improve-. Now, Mr. E combi n esale will,,
is to Sz�3 -natio , the whol ice of wo! very shortly, make a plaoe
if nt cessary, payable at the time of service as was done ide, nd er the. writ of the above We the cents 'of P I alliteration. �eys roprietor. bear the b I . I . maiiitin he efine Ig DAVID DUNCAN, P is 'and progress d oil has'already fallen se-veral
th e,,- r theriL town- popu pie of SaTcasm. t th I I this last Summer. ;Che nor In is per gillon. tneir beloved Jar ty md their dar lictu.1ges eli'le of --- 4 man wb 0 gave his ame as Daniel
af ter payit g their ard What Patrick Celly, or whether I ic S -OF H ay. evening 0 - last e was at Black it Bo �ACK ships of I li 1L, seats at the,"Coux f week cott and said his hom.
0 Huron. 'oolish -as that deluded illdividuld —On Thursd., The superior uncil ever- c�oi�e that the peo- hs near Buffalo, leaped from the S, "hoice 1, -In Aim of Knox
a 1C N , org, Saffolk Bear. share of - tibe Buffal and LAkel h ti� this CO the ladies of the coilgregi fW and then ng for I 01%fia e ,valit, good himself, and intends to paiiii o4 the (look- at Windsor the other evening ork Boxes,. Che eopl I H ilt , ,)resented their ps- ferry
AF%TS will ge kept for the improve- to o P. Kelly; %S I Oil
-ith a us C;, well-k6pt wlks, A. B. 8impson, N� JACK OF HE will have ei u t to the bottom without a'A ef -
men. n ' ithout urdell- -e him, self. having 110 money,
ies' Dressing son at At roads, Lad or �be p'e wa' 'tde"? thu aul0gles plased on TNf r. a Ch luable and we
ds an tor.
t. of stock. durinc, thG present sea . by no 8 good, the 81 fort t
Con. 2, Tucker- the next eighteen . ar I * do- mat ter of f,, I tat. Be that it.11ly'i it i1i o say,
are me, Lot 25 *d, S*eets ante y known tl Th� farm, L - 6enerall at the huntin,g case pold watch and a Very' ii t
Iile- an( It, atiater directly 4- +I-,,- qe1vesfor at is hot D+0' I A ( ilif decent lip pre -no friends and no prospect of mploy- I ( d the 01.
0.1 V_ W�11.Ks are. VY 2 o tile andheavy go Ure 1 5 d are ill the flc�ld f r Sy I .H. r,., also three miles d dollar I 'It 1 pri 8 i L)son ment, the poor fe ow sout� of'�,Iortlon% 110tel, and wbi�h would ot add. ond ntow are 1, e )1711 )y I- (,'U�lenien 11,11,111C rs. n 11 lid -what hundreds
ea,,, C� Yours, &c., 10 e6reship, lid fearing ti. at * the ifact ca, on and three-quar- 68 M -11i pr0- panied by an 'before, 11 is not 1-1nown ei.inco 7 Th, also
oiel, and three ondville. Tevrus—$I, drict- more to th VIte en e ple w, )B.B -it for 111i 41 1�ed, the present R T RRY FA.AmER- Ire ed be overloo Ile , e, - leaves, Ham- -,,whether he had a family Or 'lot. e Tom f jl iortly of Secprivilece of re- tettion f ' ) and 11 t ov,Ni�rn rilig. Simpson Sl e very, Ir t rprise. B p e, I( made,the recipient of , �Ll able have done
1171� Dressing Dess,, -st of Egm T
10,1873. e they got it,, I I a, meeting' held —The first shipment- of �attle was
tile last five 8 bli h, v - - rge of a cliurch to -which I'
lt�urp'll 3,13ai� e Monday ahad'the inordi te il;toii'to take ch. � I vice, at the yea
T, '(11 . also keel) for sex -6 buck -t - ilot drop of o Ken t e r n H rr s n I the Toronto,
e , i e, l, :)t 1)ai lot I ilisville mal f a i to 01
same N o 4oilaeit and iniplidellcO to nic'unt tile he has been* c,�lled in Lo 0 c and 10ver-- lor t ey a -Ad Bn-ice PRailway, oil ondy The 0 UntY 0 ik an inch of ipe in- tacky. 0 QUEROR OF THE. WESTV crow e rostrum aild dictate to the free tary inwilin, last, followed by -another on
peop e. wanted Rail ast nil ea ells dk Schbols. I a nvey it. TILE ey —in the 1, mber of the
lectors of Morris who ning. is oad for the sea, t7 , of the 't mpetition, but I owing - 2
'ipe 4, -1 Upera Glas' The ureBerkahireBORr.' Th' , Huro E)o tz on, 'Ith Council help thein det,, Times we find the foll A meet- Tuesday mor Th' r
ictly pay- TO as R' -been opened, is t1oing a ild support eeve for the egnillirf ime it has
In f your t get it. Me
-z whcrever shown. Terms ; they stood "by till ho 1: So- short t at , Not �`ni:(Lch ing of the cre'ditors of - ssrs. Avm, y were I , Y I
thL tune of seice. i?xtivilee of'retni irl SIR-: e last issue 13 cc
DEAR woul 1) �opuiar to go ea r, as he.'ws %])out to leave hv ery large business in both freight and
i en and Giverin & Co , of Hamilton, as called 4 tl em- 't at the War
duri-t seaon. t?urr_;ao1 I ob 'erve ountry, nd they could not av
11P, Proprietor as too late, they We have not y6t heard of 1 passengers. THOS. T110 i- it, then whBil. it -LIT Ount: Colin ol4cs of his ral aces to ger, f er J�c. oil are adhor fo edfull 4+1, OSO -who Went for itable ser or the 18th. cry 1 vith e action taken by the ineeting. The —It is stated tbat,the form of sma
Jo, wed w LIST OF! LETTERS. 'a ize Ithe Govern- ent of 1rity lo tnall. h as so well -te( to th ized to.. e ) popilt, e kno known as confluent, Oit viru-
J[Jaivio to hay the or-- rilways, popuLarity I r h( liat firm had $52,000 of the paper of the Car- pox lenttype, pp�ars to ile be in the
RE the sealort.h Post office un the Pro ahe- his place as Pat Kelly." In be increasing
eve they e at i col.pipelits so ol See- i tried to makethe eo ton Oil Company, so that after d (in lied for on-D.oc.. 2,1873. whicl rf �hdve he was righ as it is 11 Montr(
der'in Counc I I i nn - , � �, - , id. The peo- ta; �euieut I be osi on rate of 25' cmits on' city of i aal. lone the best th co, i
Alex udcr, JOn" aving ge la,T)tien al -ie C nely (Joubttul w11ol er any an J.Ar, --.r ompany, i ening last, while a Via HenroF, David e ery, Ve f.. oun- Xtrel On Sunday ev Discont of 5 per cent. Adam s� to build a 'second sGho6l-house pl�� want 0 the dollar, as aTxanged with the c
ia Tohnston, Yk- e f ouna so much like himsel , so
I;tliza A� scholars, tit for t1i em 0, or hever -"-ill. O-Idb �O-Llld Still be young umn accomparded by a, Iady, both tiv( y �e, remember mrs. Francis Kent, ames and employ a s6con. I tea;uher, re 3iinded. oil! go -a-nee and self-conceit ar� on- Mr. ,McGiverin's net 1088 as�igoi I g on th
S are in �POS W, Limpert, atin ilico po on- and the Ira
Boiei!, , of Pembroke, were driviii e lake
sea- 1 t a heavy. This firm carries on the the Groo- S a,17' all �enuMe, BUC10, osept 'Blatthows, James suppose our Coli cilor T�e peop, e w' or tied, and f or (lodging and linserup ou that Ir )f 11 2a them to Al e , town wit pair offine horses ames oil, mate C S dware business in Ontario; -,�.St Of i ne'ar ei -think at haT 4 liblic matt -ilIg sufficl- Henry the whole wisdom C il un. 1v ve it e3 y one is sick I the sales amotmting, as Ir IS re- value oonei �pn pf the essence oi duct in p �7ant d t4 be as rp�cseted. M aly ove Z d at 400 the ice, notU
Lir�rd, Frank 13. and tli-erefore, cuoht to dilly -d, .1 t4an his MLtGh.. Bu let Toronto, of the County tired of th -had in xt is more n dffih es ently strongr suddenly ave:� away. in Co �-d, �fi's el If we about three quaxters of a fmil- Macklem, Annio pinions. anL ported, to ell� John -e things to a rli�rits of in ins ters disaps
have due deferea e 'd to their c * ' Ze candi
murray, Jamee a they co-uldli't 1cosider the !ion dollaxs iiiiiially. ed that I tant the horses ayl CIA Cliffu John e to tal ce . iss tie col�p6ration las Ke y 1LS It was holi Neverteless, I beg� ave before the pe�ple. Thomas Ke The d� urrent was
Mn Ouldil!t would. have peared under the ice.
Jond, It. _rphy, D. ly do now ; they w )IV i
A. -of resaindiDg suit thein as the ' _Lily iiian w o ias-re:, hip the loss already �aeirtioned here were cLaughlin, with them oil the pt priety par )resented the to
I 3trong and t
Day, mary a ered without bringing the very s
Ross, Tohnston for the f )ROwilify bei such a 'lie litt12 fau ity ty t and to been recov
Dark s.Jame.q the - aforesaid Ord il g to be so ex, i i;he pas to his Divall credit 5 but feet of water where they own. re. So while profess SiE,
n in( )perations of the fi Stubing, August xm to Farlo Robart sons First- --4 ve never known a I li� - credit til e municipality, lid lady escap, ed, but a Smith,.V 0 of g g man a
rs. Max9aret Tea ent to th. people, they - .
ve in the un- CO -U —XiTER, Fah xcept ti (inely subser suit being broaght'%y certain partio, it The youn
i-ftmes E. enforc6 the - order e h v, Ree 'r� not n scheme, lly respecteil -',a a Fishe�, A Inspector to :in orpor if I 4 consult tile the horses and vehicle we again 1 d r ng experi ce was
wi d bark the ri n deemed :idvisable to Sh�pherd, ohn whol, it was abs omcil. He has had to olutely requirel. See
G : il n be carried uiider the ice ilby� f seen, havi g en
e did the fire pro- 1TC Mis% Miry me, Anss Ellen ,Ir Col LOMY to they can, just, as i all ays whole body of creditors. We are San Sh e e inl�muuiaipal matiters, and h —1 believe it as V by thecurrent. wey e,, and i4ore than Val- 'ab Sherrill, Caroline ond el,, ion 'Ind everN other in atter guine that tl r ivill be satisfac- le a held in high esteem as a citizell, for Stu ver-crowi4ed house, or more t ti scheine, le. matte Graha�ia, John wanless, miss JessLie- have an o t has been beforetheiii.- Of course, in James pupils tha a teaiciE4-call strult. The th Ge)N'iWamso II