HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-12-12, Page 8t 86 FIE 'HURON EXPOSIYOR 71 7 WS, DEC. 12, 87 11VOtt xpooitov. DISTRICT MATTERS. PU USHERS' NOTICE. The Inrost Expositor will be supplied o new sti scribers front, this date to the Firet of January, 11875, for $1 50. 1 The 11ttrott Expositor and Weekly Globe will be enpplied to new eubscribers from the First. of December, 1878, to the Firat of Janu- ary, 1875, for V W. Subscrileers to the tIttron Expositor who do not rrow reeeive the Weekly G lobe can ob- tain it irons us for e'el 25 from the First of De- cember, 1878, to the let of January, 1875. Subscriberwho now receive the Globe and Expomitor from us can herve their 6ubseriptions renewed at the old rate, viz.: V 75 per annum. Subscribers to the Expositor who wish to obtain the Canada Farmer, the best Agri- enittiral paper in Canada, can do eo for Si 10 per nnum. The Expositor end Weekly Globe The Expositor and Canada li'arrner The Expositor, alone $21. 75 :4 60 1 50 MoLEAN BROTHER' S. DYE STUFFs, GENUWE MADDER, FINE NEW CEOP MADDER, Magenta, Cochineal, Rosen- ine, Indigo,and all other Dye Stuffs of No. 1 quali- ty, Producing Rich and Brilliant Colors, at R. Luaisnee's Corner Drug Store. HORSES', HORSES. —Prepare Horses for the Fall and Winter Temperature by using Lums- den' s Incomparable eonditien Powders. Prepared only by R. Lueisneee Corner Drug Store, Seaforth. AN EXCELLENT article for cha,pped hands, roughness oe the skin, &c., is Heossos's Carbolic Glycerine jelly. LAMPS, BURNERS and Chimneys of all styles and deseriptions just arriving at HteetseN's Drug and C ocke7 Store. BEArrY & Co. have already commenc- ed receiving installinents o/ their Fall Stock. They have the p esent week reeeived Canadian, Grey, Scarlet and alley Flannels, Canadian Shirts and Drawers, M filers, and Careaditin Tweeds, Blank- ets, &c., &c. whicli have been secured, very low, and marked off very cheap. Another consignment of that ch.oece Moynne Young Hyson. Call and inspect the* stock. BEATTY & Co., thermichael's Bleak, Seaforth; DRUGS.!—Just receiVed at, J. S. Ron- Bxvrs' Drag tare, where neneebut ' the very best quality of De fituffe are kept, a large supply of enagine Duch Madder, Cochineal, Indigo, -Extract Logwood, iageuta. ze., also. Canadian a•od Bach- leor's Hair 1ye. Mrs. Alit:Ws, Haire, and Ayer's Hair Beet° atives. Wheeler's Elixir, Fellows' , Compound . yrup, and all the Patent Medicines of the day. • ALLEN'S GROCERY. -.7'1 ChriStettaS Canned Goods arrest ng in Peachea, Pears, Pine Apples,' 'Cherries, B eckberries, String Beans, Green Peas, Salmon, L bsters, Sardines, &c. Also Pickles, Sauces, .Flit. oring Extraota, Baking Powders, een- died Peels, pices„ New Fraits, Colored Icing Su - gem Bakin Molasses, Silver Drip Syrans, XXX Honey Se. ps„ eic. • These are new goods and; are offeted at kw prices. Note it. FOR TIE CHEAPEST and Best Selection of School oaks and Stationery, go to C. R. Coop- er's News and Stationery Depot, Brussels. -ALLEN'S GROCERY. — Pastry Flour, Graham 1our, Buck -Wheat Flour, Granulated Wheat, OatrneaI, Pot Barley, Cornmeal, &c. Fresh and good. POuLTA1r.—D. D. Wilson is paying Cash for Poultry. See his advertisement. PURE GRAPE WINE.—If you want a Good Wine for Christmas, the pure juice of the Grape, withoet alcohol, go to JOHN S. ROBERTS' Drug Steen, Seaforth. Cif URCH SERVICES.—Rev. M. Benson, P. E., of London District, will preach in the Methodist Episcopal Church, on Sun- day evening next, at 6:30 P. M. PUBLIC MEETING.— A public meeting for the discussion of the Incorporation question lias bean called by the Reeve for Monday evening next . . SELECT SCHoOL.—We direct the- atten-. tion of our readers tc the card , of Miss ii Ryan, which will he found el .where. As a teacher Miss Ryan has be . very successful, and we are glad to learn froth her card that the encouragement she has received is such as to induce her to re- main here for another year. ; APRON F_IR.—We beg to remind our readers of the Apron Sale to be . held in the Town Hall, on Tuesday next, by the ladies of St. Thomas' Church. The Fair • will open at 1 P. M., and will continue open during the evening, when coffee and a plentiful supply of oysters will be pro- vided. Selections of -vocal music dur- ing the evening. Admission 'free. - COMPLIMENTARY SUPPER. —The pro- prietors of the Commercial Hotel of this , village, Messrs. Davidson & Campbell, taking advantage of the presence. of the County Councillors in the village, enter- taitied there and a noraber of the buSi- neSs men of Seaforth at a complimentary ' suPper on Thursday evening of last week. At the appointed hour, the com- pany, to the number of about sixty, as- sembled in the dining hall of the hotel.; Two long tables, lengthwise of the hall, were spread, and every available seat was soon takenup by the guests. Seat- ed at the head of the first table was Mr Archibald Bishop, M. P. P., and. War- den of Huron. Opposite him at the other end of the table,. was Mr. M. P. Hayes, Manager of the Seaforth agency Royal Canadian Bank. Mr. James H. Benson, Reeve of Seaforth, occupied the seat at the head of the second table, and opposite him sat. Mr. Robert Gibbons, Sheriff of Huron. The spread, was most creditable to the hosts, and, judging from the apparent gusto with. which the bivalves and accompaniments were made to disa,ppear, was duly appreciated hy the guests. Supper, being elided, the tables were cleared, and. Mr. BenSon took the position of chairman, and Mr. Hayes that of vice-chairman. The usual loyal and patriotic toasts having been proposed. by the ehairman, and fittingly. responded to by the company, the toast of the evening, " The County Council of: Huron," was preposecl in a neat speech by the vice-chairman. h was enthush: astically drunk by the company, and re- sponded to by the Warden and Council- lors Greenway, Leckie, Gibson, and others. "The Legielatures of oar Country" was proposed by Dr.. Coleman, and_ re- spond,ed to by Messrs. Bishop -ard Gib- bons on behalf of the Local, and Mr. 4Greenwa,y- an behalf of the Dominion Parliament. The "Village Council of Seaforth" was respondecl to by Messrs. Benson and Strong, and. by Mr. Mc- Caughey and Dr. Coleman ex -Reeves. reeThe " Sister County of Pertl," was re- sponded to by Mr. Thomas King, Reevq, of Hibbert, The "Oldest Member of the Huron Council," responded to by Mr. Charles Girvin, Reeve of West War wanosh. The "Banking and. Mercantile Institutions," responded to by Mr. Hayes and Mr. A. M. Ross, on behalf of- -the banking, and by Messrs. Thonias Kidd, H. Detlor and. J. C. Laidlaw, on behalf of the mercantile, institutions. The "Learned. Professions," responded to by Drs. Coleman and Vercoe, in be- half of the medical profession, and 4 Messrs. McOaaghey and Benson for the legal. The !"-County Officers" Was re- sponded to by Mr. A. . Ross, Co nty Treasurer. T1 el -Warden, in a very- om- plimentary 4pe eh, pro osed. the "H ‘ists of the Commer ial,"- w Loh was eia usi- astically redei ed. b,y ti e company, and 'duly ackno*li ged by Mr. John 0 mp- bell. " The rese," " The Ladies," land other toastSiw re prop • sed and. resptlind- ed to, whenit ; e compa y -about 2 o'cock broke up.. -1/./T1i music part of the ve- ning's proce d ngs was Well sustained by Messrs. W.1, . -Reid, James A. Cline, A. L. Gibsbn J. C. Lsidlaw, Thd as King and °the s. The evening, throi gh, out, was a hio t pleasa it and onjoyi.ble one, and m n were th plaudits bestow- ed upon th4 p oprietor of the (A er- cialsfor the len ertaimn nt which had af- forded so attic am useileat and plea ,ure to those who particip ted. The hoOsi- tality of the gentlem n , will, we have no doubt, bell ng helc in retnembralnce by those whO vere the r gluests on Th irs- day evening. CHRIsmiesi SHOW OF FAT STOC The annuali1). how of I', t Stock un er - the auspices 6 tbe Tu keirsmith Bra ch Agriculturalociety, as1 held IA Sea - ...forth *on Tu, lay last. On account, no doubt, of thet unfavor ble weather, 'aim]. bad. state of li e roads. the attendancel of spectators Dai 1 exhib tor e was not Iso 'large as we h. ve seen in • 1former yea s. The quality is the sto k othibited, ho v- everawas veil, good. The majority of the animals iiii own ga e evidence of go d - feeding and i arefal ttentiou. The -e were a numh r of b yer present, but the, Mews. 'age, of Sealforth, boug t most largely.; These entl men purch 8- edesixteen of 1 ' he fine.t animals shown. Mr. James Shaw, of Iuckersxnith, al o purchased sev ral ani ials. The avera e price paid we, about 41 cents per poun , live weight We believe that six cents was offe ed for the three -year -o1 d steer which t ok the first Prize, but N e have not leart ed whether the offer w s aeceptecla . 6 cow wihich took the fi at prize was rchase4 by Mr. Geor e Ewing for SiOp. The:followingis a lit Of the entrieet Rod.qick Ross, pair ' f fat sheep ; James- Scott, pair of shee James Dickson, two s eers ; 0hristoP1 r pale, one steer; Al ,xander Ramsa e one cow; George" Wright, pair of t geese ;. Apleton Elco t, pair of turkety8 and. pair of gOse ; George Sproat, o e cow; Williain Char ers, one heife ; Duncan McEwen, two pairs of sheep; Thomas Govenlock, tPree steers; Data Walker, pair lef turke s; Mt s. McLean, one steer and two h Hers ; Robert a. Carnochan, one cow. PRIZE 1ST. Best Ox or I Steer— st,..Mrs. McLea ; 2d, Thonjas Govenlck ; 3d, Tho as 1 . Goventock. Best Cow or He fer.-1st,-1 George Sproat; 2d, "Robert .. Ca,rnochan ; - 3d, Mrs. McLean. 1 Best pair, of Sheep. 1st, .Tames Scott; 2d, Dinican McEwen, 3d, Duncan .Mc- Ewen. .1 1 — Best pair ef Turkey , dressed—lst,f A. Elcoat ; '2d, pavid W lker. : Best pair !of Geese, dressed—let, G-eo. Wright; 2di A. Elbo t. , CHRISTMAS BEEk. The best cow shown on.Tuesday as waa purehased by our enterprising tOwnsmen, Mr. Ge rge Ewing, whopaid fer s er the handsome suin of $100. Mr. - wing's display of Christmas meats.las limeys been credit- able to hirnaelfand th village, but judg- ing from the -efforts h is this yearput- ting forth, his display will even eclipse those of former 3 ears. We are glad- to know that Mr. Ewing a enterprise ii1 his line. Of business is du y appreciatel by the public, of which ti e large tradje he commands is amble pr of. -. . , MA.SONIC. —At the last regular meting of -Britannia Lodge, F. and 'Ai M., Seaforth, hop oi,i Mo iday evening, the -following rbrethren w re elected officers .-. ; II W. for the ensuing [ year • Brother . L. Vercoe, W. Mf;; Brat ier M. R. 6' miter, S. W. ; BrotheriA. J. McIntosh, Brother Williarn Ball ntyne, Secretary ; Brother NV. a. Reid, ' reaaurer ; Brother R. N. Brett, Chaplain; Brother John M. 'Martin, -Tykr. 1 • Ci.t &VIE FACTOR 1". M E ET1N G. —. i meet- , . . ing of the patrOns of tl e eafort1 cheese factory •k,vill be/held it the Town Hall, On Wednesday, 17th it st. The object of the meeting is to wind up the business of the past season, and lake arrangements fornext season's operC tions. 4 full at- tendami,.e of patrons at d others !interest- ed is desired by the pr prietor. i Oarronb ook. 1 , PAT ree;S' MEETING.- —1101YertOn & Mc- DougaI will hold 'a me ting at tie Cheese il Factoijy, on Dec. 22, 873, at 0 A. M., when4 full report of he year',s business will 1 1 gilen,also, parties in ending to patro are r pare Fo on T amo this Nort 1, PE last trip the villa ize the -Cheese actory text year pleated attends Any b lance due s wiLI be paid at the san e time: Eket *THE Somme—AA e 'nide stand that esday morning 1 ast, fiv persons; them Mr. Rich rd Ma mina, left ace on a prospe ting to r-- through Carolina. 01 nt soIsa.L.— On T r. and Mrs. R. the old cot ntr ove smoke sta,ltap ditto; a few windows,. broken, atol finch ; but in the p uu- try barns were unroofed •and. their' on - tents scattered t4 the four whide of heaven.; sence8 a id outbuildings I mu- merable, were overturned, trees for 'ods ;uprooted, -cattle and horses killed an in- jured and an Mune:use aniortnt of in nry 'otherwise done. rrhe passengers by the Wingham steer° bn. Thursday mor had to " u their deeves and g to work," the teal being completely Nock - ed with t .-ees ; in Solite places boards! and • rails were so fi mly driven into the earth as to defy all fforts to extricate tlliem. We do net thijik Many ,Huronites ever experienced. so 91 a wind, (atleast the "oldest: nihab tont') says so) and we know they do 't *ant to 'again. . THE M AIME FEES. —It . is the n ten - tion of t1i3 autI orities here to take a vote on this questios at the same time as the vote for,lteeve Ind Councillors is taken. Mr, eller:PAL M.- TTEns;—On. dit, we learn tha-; Mr, -lil s Andrews is in the field for the Re eve•hip, Tull: 4.A.T.LWA Y. - —Notwithstanclingi the recent statem nts• .made to the Jffect - that the Londo , 1.41uron and Bruceail- way Coinpany iadi. for a time, at I -ast, 1. given *the In pe Of building this ipoad, surveyeil are a present •engaged in this vicinity ; as if n aki•ig all! necessary pre- paratione previus Ito pUshing the 'road through. Busx s F. SS is p et* dull just at prej3ent, caused, no doub 1..; the. very bad state of the reads.. sel . [C. R. Comm, Bra -sets, geut for tb Ex- POSITOR Newspaper and Job Pjfinting Office. THE PORT PE"Iri RAI ,WAY.—C Reid- ering the short sotce, t iere was - mite a good attendan e t t14 meeting &lled by the Reeve f n? • lcmd y evemn for the purpose of he ring 1 the schei ie of the propcsed. e4tcnion of the 01 tario and ,Quebee Rai wit, . sir, John eckie was, :appointed 1uirniai. The Chair- man said. that they Seciii ,a to be h wing a great many ra lway in etings in a very short time, but vhenev r differen pro- jects were brought forward, it w s, he thought/always lesf to gve them a hear- ing, and he thongh , fro n what h had. learned h the shefme ahout to b , laid. before tb.emstba- it was she best hich had yet ft ecu preje ted, or the go this section- and Of the d of ,unty in ge He said:that only as. short time ago they had. had a ineetin to g t the. feel :ng of this section on the iproi et of the "-drat- ford and: ,Lake Hueou ailway, b t he was now pnly too glad i had been aken so far he Itlie cast af us. Mr. John ow - ler, of qobourg, the romoter o the road, tlthn addresed the mceti i at some le gth, shoWing the -adva, tages which iv uld aris4 froi the con true - tion of t e road, a d th desirabirty of having a built as soon a road, if: built, will be from Pert Perry to (4. and fromiPort Pen y to 'line , would strike (re Bru He rnmei r mil sever possible.. straigh derich 1-1,1 Montreal. was the person who set fir to Messrs. Leechs' mill, Gorrie, on the ight of the 20th ult. Now, sir, wis you to re- tract your statements , and. publi811 the same in the local papers, r otherwise prove your chargesi as co sifter tho re- l)ort has been often ailed to damage my character," 1M[oKill op. _ 25'2, • held j OVANGE.---L. 0, L, No. their meeting on .Frid ty, Dee. 5 when the following officers v, ere e ected for the ensuing year : Bro, James Fulton, W. M.; Bro. Wm, Armstrong, D, M.; Bro. Isl. Morrison, Cliaplain ; Bro. W. A. Adams, Seeretary ; Bro. John Cowan, Treasurer ; Tito. Charles Sage, D. 0.; Bros. D. DrAvford, H. Hamilton, Geo. Maloney. H. Wright, ;Tolm Berry, Com- mittee; Bro. Matthew lorriSon, Auditor, I . OnHacsig FAuroav :NI •KrING. —A report a the meeting of the li,atrons of the Win- throp Cheese:Factory, iheld oit. Monday last, . has been received and, will appear next week. The meetingew s largely at- tended, and. the stateMent iven the pa- trons of the .past years tram actions was very satisfa,ctory. • FARMERS' MEETING .77.--4, ii meeting of farmers -of IV1cKillop Will be held. in the Winthrop Cheese Factory on !Friday eve- ning next, and on every alternate Friday evening thereafter during the winter. Thenbject of these meetings is for the discussion of questions/ of interest and importance to farmers. These meetings should he largely attended., as, if properly conducted they,- can not but lie beneficial to those who take part in the n. Wroxeter. HEAVY STonm.-011-Thursday morn- ing we werdvisited by the hea of wind, that lia,s been experiei part of the country for many -jest storm cod in this . Tars, caus- ing much damage to propel ty. Barns were unroofed, and fences evened in every direction, but the most •erious loss the farmers .haVe sustained is in the wholesale destruction of the timber, . On many farme the tree e are nearly all blown 4 Village came in for a share of r growing hardwood ywn. Our he general havoc. The large frame buil ling occsh pied by Mr. N. Allen as a, et binet fac- tory was lifted clear off the :foundation posts and deposited with one end in the river. The structure is inucl damaged, though the machinery. is not seriously in- jured. The occurrence tis much to be regretted both on Mr. Allen's account and that of the men, nosily married men with families, who have t ecu thrown idle in the Meantime. The oof of the Presbyterian Church wasIparially blown off, and the sheds at the chirch partly destroyed., Chiimieys here and there were blow.) down; the steleeiraph wires Were dragging in the mud, and the Curl- bor, The line and. on. which. the Club had: spent con- ing rink which was in process of erection, siderable time and labor, was blown to The ,. the winds land waves. • Tuckersmith. - Clio' uCli SERVICES. —Theiie will be a tea meetin a and lecture in the Methodist , $9,000 p . The in eting ) eased by 1 gentlem ea of !-4iiscopa.11 Church, Latta's C•cgrnere, on ;Monday evening next. Tea1will beserv- iborhood whe i the foll(iwing ed at 7 olclock -P. M., after l: which Rev. was arriet unanimo isly : ' M. Bens n, P. E., of London District, B. Ger 7, sec nded by N. M. Will give ene of his very popnlar lectures. ne, that, after, hearing the ex- Mr. Bentilon .will also preach_ in the same aci,if(1% about les- s throu Blyt and. derich. • anted boinses, the Gov t grant, 0 the worth, pc on to G extent of Was add the neig reselotiO Moved b Livingstt planation construct Railway, 'Newmarl Brussel, ing is of greatest Ontario from the and. froni tario, an( fled rn gr of thank, ler and iiig brok PENNY ing of ti held on -Thur old Men. ille was very rood, --quite an impro object 'of thus • and. we hipe t the libel-, 1' en The neXt mec day ne,,c grammes Cooper's THE Si ORA did little within' a eight bar est (Luna of stand acres of ity,was had. near rpspeli the e Ont -iso and Port erry, Uxta idge; ngevillte Arthrti',! and ich Harbor, this' eet- he opin'on thatit will be j d the anent t • the w Provntce of nil. woe' ance munici 'the L( On - that t usti- nting vote was he .Ch neet- church next Sabbath, at 10.30 o'cleck, through LITE n 411 Y ENTE RT Ar'.. el. El; T . —Ai liter - et, Or, 'ary entertainment evill be ;given in the God School House M Section Nie 1, Tucker- tomith. on the evening of December 24. An address will be delivered by Inspec- tor De.war, and. readiugs and recitations aiill. be given by Messrs. Tibb, Murray. Armstreng, Morris and i'iothers.- Dia- logues recitations and music will also be given 1; the pupils of the school. A , are cort ially invited, it i.. to , be. hoped /- pleaean-, thne is anticipated, and as all there will be a large attendance. e hy of -1 alities cal Le beral-assis along the islature is County will be liberal bonus. ien tendered irman, when the READ NOS.—The second. ieet- e sen s of penny reading was (lay of laSt week is the thurch. "he atten lance and the 1 erformanc was enaent on the first The meetings - is a good one, se public 1wiU give theni ouragemerit they de erve. illg will be held. On Teurs7 , Dec. 18. Tiekets andpro- ciuk be pbtained at . R. iew depot, the day previa us. .—Theletorm of , last ve.ek o damage in the Villag e but hoifrt -distance eon* n or is vere. unroofc 1. The seat - 'redone was in bhe destri ction ne•timber. • 8.1veral inn dred 'ocals in this immediate ricin- ativn down. ,'evetal faemers- 3e every tree in their bush 1 lown down, wi lel' they had. resell fm fire- • - 'Mr. el Axle butcher; 01 been obli te the prese able to (E s • N —The ing of I4cle 4,31, 1. o. • in -Oran Uall ori Tuesd Songs,, ations and cl -order of the evening,' an very or. , its utm n. some b • reprehe mrsday morning .ausforc left for a . On account of bridge near this Wi -ght, account of . ill health has to give up Isis nisine s for it AI e hope lie. NS ill soon. be about again. firs, open neet- 4. T., was held y 4vening last: - torgies wer 0 the 1 were ren ered .d to t of very • Ili PERS efective rail vay ee/ they had to ( rive t Seaforth alicurellsetiti and ake the train theiefrom. / . thither, ST PAUL'S Onu CR SALE. The sale . on b' half,of. the ache ' Aid. Society of TPA this hurch, held tin T rarsday last, was held. in. a co • plete sUccese. e social was also . 1...-inintri given/. on Iseaday event ig, • wh eh proved_ es"ee- 31(e). . very remulierative A '-e nude stand the net min realized from both w s $180. . will b C. P. TEA. MEETING. -We ndersta,nd terians or it is the intention ef the Presb this illage to hol tea 11 Mon ay evening, tile 22d inst. SA see t men bet t On 5 and 3 thing Hi( Clint day e .resid BATH DESEC at there are vho wilfally e Sabbath Day t -Imlay last quite oung men spent t on a Solid in the centr- we trUst will not if SciHooL.--Th -_high-schoof hel ening meeting lice of Mr. A,. Jc prove 1 their time b. gi reedit. gs a,nd recita e TE , STORM. —The f rain s orm which pi;eva da3r n ght d- all T ur ATMS.— W o n any of iegl et to - keep numb ie day of the be repe memb 1 their dresses. 11111eiC eeting .of t CHER regret to held in in the I or young day,. De " Remem- • ing is t it holy." r -of boys skating village, a ted, - 0 season, coming larly de rs of the A LIB sual Fri- eirculati ast we k at the miller, 11 hnstoial and im- firing of ng number of last. T arful Md. and rMears.onCra led en Wednes- business ' clay did consider- followin icinity of Gorrie : deal In have cir Fe blown Joseph ' itably.1 The hal Vas till t. The disorderly condo who l were preseitt was • Hullett. AL.—Mr. Rob rt klollan 1, of has purchased a farm o 160 Kansas, and intends rem ving ith his family, in a short tine. I Essrise.—A,ten, meeting w 11 be e 'Wesleyan Methodist Ch irch, on the evening of .Tue, Rev. Mr. Lavelle of Seel Davey, of BrieSsele, and 0 attendance to deliver Suitable veisal ahd instrum I be furnished. , FAcTORY MwriN(1.—A 1 patrons and others inter ;,sted eburn Cheese Factory w'll be e village of Kinbutn on 8 am- eet- dey, irth, hers ad- ntal eet- 20. The objec vind up the bus d make arran ie. A full me red. Fordwieh.— t of the '1 ness of the ements fo ting is pal L.—There has been a repo that Mr. J. B. Craw rdwich, was i plicatecl ii 11Jeechs' mill, Go rie, in Oc • se who are quainted ford do not .b lieve it. ributed for it i competiti Mr. Crawfordhas sen reply to Mr. A I have been in lated a report, . Crawford, mi able cl magetin the ediate I•8 this p ace, although no a gre the lla,ge. Here fences w • past the IC ue P t in ord, the obee, with! The n jii . the Smith, m'ller, seconded by Mr. 8/ ormed tha you Love be paid for 18 tating that I, 30c per -cord, er, Fordwich, by Mr. Chesney, e Cor ('IL MEET' NV . —nit: council met on 280, lcoyember; 183, pursuant to /adjournment from -last ,I. meeting, the Reeveland all the membeis present. The minutes of last meeting Were read and. •passed. :Mewed by Mr. Cousins, seconded by Mfr. Sproat, that the following ac- emit- for gravel as certified by the sev- eral pathmasters who used the same, be passed ; also other aecounts : George .;.:,proat, for gravel, 10 Or& at 30c . per cord 53; Francis FoWler, 14 cords a .30c, '$4.20 ; James Holiston, 17 cords, ,$5.1 ; Alexander Broadfoot, 47 cods. 'at 30c, 514.10; D. Mails., 9 cords at3-00, ' „$2.70 ; William Weeks, 2 cords at 30c, 60e I; James Dallas, 4171 cords at 30e, .814433 ; John. Lawrente, 13A cords at 300,1 $4 ; damages for gain ; destroyed, 52 .1 Francis ,Fowler, -13 cords, cords,' $4.05; ,Huleh Chesney, 69 cords lat 30c, $20.70 ; James Bell, 16 cords itt 30e, $4.80-; James Davey, 3 cord, 90c ; ;James Fan, ) sm $2 , 7 Cords at 30e, .10 ; John modo,- la1nd, 47g cords at 30e per cord, $14‘20 ; GI e rge McLeod, for ;2 itone hammers, - 51.80 ; Thomas Hill fbr lumber for sidewalk, Egmondville, - also one stone hammer and repairing scraper, $10.90 ; Williain Fowler, foi linnber, $13.31 ; James 'Kyle, for repairing culvert, $6.81; A. SProat; for nia,14ng approkhes to Sproat'8 bridge'$8' ; William Gibl5ings, for repairing Cricli's bridge , 52.50; David Weikel!, 'for repairing Broailfoot's bridge, $9 ; Andrew Ross fur repairing LaWer- anee's bridge, $7.50 --Carried. Moved by by Mr. bproat, secm (led by'Mr. Cousins, tliat the floiflinatioij of candidates for tlie offices of Reeve, cputy Reeve and Councillors be hold in School No. 8 ,village of Egmondville, on Monday, 29th December next, at 1.12 o'clock 'noon, in ;accordance with the ,11+tatute iii that case made and provided, [1.11(1 that a by-law be passed to that effect—Carried. Moved ,by Mr. Walker, seco ided. by Mr. Cou- sins, that the polling places in the sev-- eral electoral divisions in the township . of Tuckersmith be as follows, for 1874 : 'Division No. 1,- Sch ()Mouse No. 8, Eg- moinlville ; division No. 2, Sehoolhouke No. 7, Harpurhey ; division No. 3, ;:..;c1i.00lhouse No. 4, at Fowler's eheese !factory ; division Ns. 4, Schoolhouse ;No. 3, near Brucefie d ; division No. 5, )!'.i•elioolliouse No. 1, i ear INIurray's, and that the following ge itlemen be appoint- ed returning -,0 officer for each of said. polling places to take the votes ii-ninicipal electors an 1 record. the ,No. 1, Hugh Chesne ; No. 2, D. ; No. 3, William Voung ; No. 5, Jame Moved by Mr. Sproa of the same: Camp - Muir; No. 4, John Murray—Carried. , seconded by 'Mr. 1, ',Cousins, that. the a eount of Robert 'Fulton, amounting ts $4.50, be .paid—• Carried. Moved by Mr.. Walker, isec- i!onded by Mr. Sproat, that Lot No. 24, Con. 5, L. R. 8,, be taken from Sc.iool ,Section No.2 and. pl ac (1 in School Section No. 9—Carried. Moled by Mr. Walker, Walker, that the following SUMS be paid_ as charity: F. Oremus, $4; Mrs., Twist, $6 ; Mrs. Ohlborn, $5 ; Mrs. Pike, $5; Mrs. McKay, $5; Mrs. Johns, $5 ; Mrs. McNamara, $8 ; Mrs. Cuish, ; Mrs. Doeig, $5—Carried. Moved by Mr. 1;Valker, seconded by Mr. Cousin.% that. that the remuneratiim of the Deputy Reeve and Commillers : for the current year be $30 each, and. five the Reeve s',,r,40 for extra work, equalizing school assess- ments, &c, --Carried. . Moved. by Mr, Sproat, seconded by Mr. Cousins.; that the Clerk be paid $10 for his services in connection with the by-law of the Lon- don Huron and .Bruee Railway—Car- ried, By-law No. 4, appointing the place for nominating Reeve, Deputy .Reeve, and. Councillors, was read and passed. Council adjourned, to meet in. Egmondville, at Mrs. Robertson's, on Friday, the 19th December, at 2 o'clock P. M. WILLIAM Mune Clerk. -TT IS the usual eustem with dealers to -I- charge a large profit on GRAND Di STR AT 109 T M. R. CrIUNITEFrS; SEA FORTH. 5 It Bayfield.- ACCIDENTS FROM THE STORM. - During the storm Thomson's mill dam was car- ried away. The water rose 10 feet over the top of the wall of the dam, be- fore it went off.—The old. dredge was raised out of the Lake where it went last spring, and came on shore about two miles north of the river. The river is now open and from 10 to 20 feet of water inside.—Part of the roof of Hall's barn was blown down. a-- Fences and trees 'fell all round, - -Anthony. Bell's barn was completely destroyed; fit only for the stove. Anthony Says "he's not sorry; it will do for kindling -wood all winter." I hear he is only a tenant. That Makes some diffierence.—Alexan- der Marks' schooner is all right. Seaforth Salt. 'To the Editor of the Huron Eryositor. , DEAR SIR: believe that there is r some prejudice on the part of pork pack - era against our Canadian salt, for curing meat, and, as there nothing like facts to remove unfounded prejudices, I would like you to publish the following: Last Now is the tinae t purchase July and August, a friend of mine, Who is an extensive provision merchant of (aasgow, came over here, determined to CHRiSTMAS AND NEW test for himself the qualities of our Can- adian pork :and Canadiansalt He had a quantity of bacon cured and packed YEARS PRESENTS, here with Seaforth salt, and. now writes me as fellows : "The bacon I cured at Seaforth with "Seaforth salt has turned. out splendid— "equal to any we euro this country, " and. 1 only wish I had. more for my cus- " tomers." He concludes by giving an order for a certain quantity, to be sent every two weeks or so. This is, I think, Mr. Ed.- itor, the best possible prof of the curing qualities of our salt whenlproperly used. Yours truly, As G. MCDOUGALL. SEAFORTH, Dec. 9, 1873. HOLIDAY GOODS; But M. R. C.:GUNTER adopts a differ- ent plan with his patrons. Instead of charging a profit, he will allow a A DISCOUNT OF 5 PER CENT. On all goods purcliased from him during the Holiday season, from, now to the First of January, 1874. Varna, SURPRISE ' AND PII,SE,111TATION. —Net - withstanding the rapid. di5appearance of the snow, and the very high. winds that prevailed last week,—buildings unroofed. and forests leveled to the ground, bridges and mill dams driven before the floo(1,----- all did not prevent the many friends of Mr. Cooke, of Varna, from turning. out and giving him a, very pleasant surprise, in the shape of a very affectionate ad- dress and a handsome sum of money. roat, that James ords. of gravel at Carried. Moved conded by Mr. The following is the address: To lir. an'd Airs. Cooke. — Dear Friends and Neighbors: We trustlyou will pardon us for entering your hjouse so abruptly this evening ; ever feeling in- terested. in your prosperity, andj sad when your path in life has been clo (led, as friends and ne;ighbors we have en end. your dwelling to spend a few hours in social intercourse, and before lea.v•Mg we present you -with this small gift as a toten of our esteein and friendshi* and trust it will be received in the same spirit in which it is given. Withimany wishes for your future prosperitis and But there are Gifts for 1%11, old and young, And. M. R. COUNTER'S is the place to get them. The following, list embraces a few of the articles which M. R. COUNTER now offers to the public for Holiday Presents, at a reduction of 5 per cent from original prices. READ IT, And if there is anything you want come and get it. There will be a Great Rush in days, and, few. FIRST COALE WILL BE FIRST SERVED, happiness, we will detain you no Nonger. Mr. Cooke was ao ov-ercome by such an unmistakable token of their' dness kr and friendship, that he was un ble to reply, further than to heartilythank them for such unmerited kindaseeis. Af- ter enrptyina their baskets of the Choicest provisions, and. all partaking of la good supper, the evening passed aw4y very pleasantly. I , Letter from the Market 1 Clerk. To the Editor of the Huron Eapcisitor. In last week's issue of THE EXPOSITOR there appeared a letter, signed! "Rate- payer," charging me with beink a spece- lator in the market, and. wit* offering unfair competition against those wishing to buy there. In reply I would state that there is nothing in the 4y -law de- fining the duties of Market Clerk, either expressed or understood, by which he is forbidden to be a buyer on th Market, and the person signing himse f 'Rate payer" should be better posteet before he accuses me Of overstepping My duties. I have never purchased any small articles on the Market, SO that what "Rate- payer" says regarcling my "running tip" fowls, &ce, is quite untrue, With re- gard to whatever, additional competition I may occasion, I have always under- stood, and yet believe, that the more competition there is the better, and. the more trade would be drawn to the village. Hoping this will he satisfactory to "Ratepayer," I remain, &c., GEO. FORSYTH, Market Clerk. SEAFORTH, Dec. 9, 1873. TO Tom Katt, Esq. Oh, how could you jest on so touching a theme,— So rudely distrust that young couple's sweet dream, Of love and economy blended. 'Twere kinder by far, had. the run of the bar, Been, as well as the wine glass, extended. Reflect for one.moment They've start- ed in life, ; He's been, gone and done it, and taken awtifee— Andhlife ef a bachelor ended. And how conld you jest at those lovers Wheof art' nmusic and. painting appealed to each heart, ' With the love of the beautiful there; And how could you jest at their saving a shilling, When without fees the Poor hostler was ;Willing, And s4t them away with a prayer. Then, degenerate Dutchman; how could you, Iask, Thus stoop to perform so ignoble a task As to scoff at so noble a pair? Jisse• nEcEivED, a magnificent assort- ment of Combs, Hair, Tooth, Nail and Clothes Brushee, *Perfumery, Toilet Soaps and Toilet Toilet Preparations generally, at Hicssoxis Drug Store. male and female. f List of Articles Suitable for Girt Gold. Watches, Silver Watches, ,Gold Eardrops, Plated Eardrops, Gold Brooches, Plated Brooches, Gold. Setts, Plated Setts, Gold Gems, Fancy Rings, Plain Rings, Silver Rings, Gold. O.? hains, Silver Chains, Plated Chains Gold Lockets, Silver Lockets, Gold Charms, Plated Charms, Geld Studs, Plated Studs, GoldSleeveButtons, Plated Sleeve But- tons. B rets Scarf Pins Silver Thimbles Gold. Keys, Silver Keys„ Silver Fruit Knives, Paper Knives, Pocket Knives, Scissors, , Hair Brushes, Back Combs, Napkin Rings, Card Cases, Jet Jewelry, very laree stock, Clock's, all kinds, Meerschaum Pipes, Imitation Pipes, Brier Pipes, Rubber Pipes, Shawl Pins, Hair Pins, Carpet Tacks, Cruets, Cake Baskets, Card. Baskets, Tea Setts, Toast Racks, Butter Cooler, Spoons,. Forks, Knives, Compasses, Thermometers, Canes, Violins, Pictures, Music Boxes, Concertinas, Aecordeons, Dominoes, Drafts, Chesss, Beads, Portmonais, Cigar Cases, , Tobacco Pouches, Tobacco Boxes, SPeotaeles, from 25 ets to $3, Gogles, Scent -Bottles, Albums, Choice Mugs, Work Boxes, Ladies' Dressing Cases, ( tents' , Dressing Cases, Dressing Desks, Ladies' Companion, Shave Cups, Telescopes, Bracelets, Table Bells, Opera Glasses, Gold Pens, Pencils, &c., &c. Bear in mind a Discount of 5 per cent. will positively be allowed. Remember also this fact, the Goods are all genuine, and warranted to be ai represented. M. R. COUNTER Will giv'e you. valne, and naore than val- ue for your money. f • UM FOR -jotriNa Lot rt, Bavf. iieltl, whe 37 aert-s 14 pait latel, frame bap% and sup - good watt. Tenet/ S15-6 . FAR TATANTED to rent V T Farm, ‘if about 60 cleared.; Mlle`, fariei with good leree part iculareapply t t 814-4 WAINITE. A"in fili'Due-}k'eAriZitV. 1:":117:127i: la:1111AIi-ent will ' r urtrehete 0ur0 rst,1a1 $_erefo_rth,. • FAR' OT No: ii, Co. el eared frame le stable and Cattle -hen Oreek runs throngh t tion, a eplemiel ore Seaforth. 1.1:ern-ree—• down. the reninintle,e- tothe subsceiber at E 81.3*4 FARal FOR R SAL„ on re Con. 3, Morris, c eleared, well fenced vation. There is a saw., driven'hy water her -convenient. T orehard, ale,' a good ie a sehool end two idte It is eituated gnarters of a station 33ruce Railway, II will be rented. For the proprietor on th 812 IkSiZ8- BOBER -1-Y-1- hotel keeping stend, by • her ; h4f au acre. good :stables, goo1 w ewe for ce...rying Ott - the pareliese money eemainder,will he al esents. Apply on t S10 MRS. FARM -nErNti - amused e " ship of Tnekere exteellent land, upon barn, 3I1 feet., and terms, which are easj ply to Mr. 'J:A.MES said Township, or to WICK, $rt, Geore FARM, OT No. 5, 'Cone. more pr less, SO a and the north blancb ning through the 18 ply on the premise 200 • STEAM SAW MILI 'WING Lot Se, Coe -lei acres, all eleared, two good °rebinds in e. ing springs -which Con. 0. containine is situated 6 melei. gravel roaa theretb. oh the preeriees. SON , Constance P. C _ _ FARM FOR A -fil011 1 -;ALE, a goo half ef lot 15 end' ' 12, Mekillop,contair well feneed, ami in g timbered with hari and new log been; miles and a half froe from the 'village of e Sawmills 'within. 3n schools and etors. proprietor on the .-. Winthrop P. 9. 280-4 FARM FO, OT No. 12 and e eonceesion of 50 cleared and in - Gravel Road, 1.2, mil 276 A_NG S VALUABLE 11 RALE, cheat ing over -head, part of the village frontage. Por frail 294 illffiSa5COVEZZAMOMIPIMEaDa. BEV UrLaerSigritli' ner's eornere, thoroughbred BerN able at tbe time of r, if nee.eesary. S14-8 BERK: THOROUGH= ;VIP. DAVID DI ."j". the village oi Berkebire known thoronghle the impieevenient son. Terins—e.:1, if iteetessmee, payrsie 818 JACK The Sr JACK OFHEAB1 v --f went of Stock SI Thomas Thorp I' smith. H. R. Se 01 smith of 3Iort0nS1 east of Granton teriyi,1123i.alebsvle.atest.of the turning during tee The subscriber - same place, CONQUE The pure Berkshi prieee wherever e 1e :aalb372r.itivagt 15tthea, e , LIST -REMAINING -1--u celled for on Alexander, John Adams. Main, Misa Ftiza Boice, Mrs. Frani Bucket, Jesepla Beeathwede, Jane Crawford, PeP, Cosford, Miss Campbell, John Clifford, John Drunamond, 1. Day, Miss Mery Darkee, James Farioee Robert Fulton, J'aines Fisher. A. S. Gilby, Mrs. Gaiety, Miss eta:. Goodman, Mrs - Graham, John Ceray, Miss Ellen Gray, Alex.