HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-12-12, Page 5- -heweve different. Under' Xeme in •peration this Yr the were keip up by the general ex- ", of th County, vhot,a .under ()sea erne each Mull ipality P up i own roads, so tliat, al. '`e!im tolls he could not at the (Jo nty was undelea y °Vie tthese eipabtiea to, • ontinue .'-P P the rbridqos for them. It I• jus re,a,sonable for hin. to ie -loun vi to keep up any of •the .,s n Lsborne, as for these I nit*Lei.. as hich ilid, have their roads " as - 1 f r this ea* to ask to hav4 bridges as road • kept up by 1,l.ie }County. at t • ink that if th • tolls were [1ff and he roads throl u Upon the nt1itie, that they w uld be al - go out i of repair. Man of lived airing these County rads at; care about doing their sta. ute o concessions aod side roads, be- • y neverused them. Bu if allowed to do their labo on which they did. use, they would 1,v, h better grace,and these rads kept in a better state of repairh. n they now are by he County. ight, however, be e eeptions to here might be innnieipalities rad have more road, thrown on th they could support, :IR iatthe McKillop. He thought, how- th t there was no danger but the ould deal generously with these lities and give them the rectu ed Ile would also say that tliere ad in, the toweship . of Tnc er- at leading from gmoriol ,Ile which wait as deserving of Coun- - at any road in the Cdunty, sea more by the peoole of rsborne filer Southern- townships than, it y Tuckersmith. He _thought it he advisable for the County to ee- ot only the bridges OR the old toll , but also the enlverts. (!allancler favored the—reportof 'ortimittee. fIe thought the grav- of the roadscould be better attend. l) the municipalities than, by the v but he thought the °aunty could -aie the bridges and culverts more lv than the mii uncpalities_ tee •, , eI eved that if the County retained. Edges and culverts that the town- -were quite able to do the balance ' r pairs necessary on the roads by te 1or. esswelVs Motion in areenden rot eport was here put to a vote !I es beingrecorded, the vote stocxl , 11 1 , , s : e efer neletent—Meserse Me aye, Nilir, Ilter, Cresewell, Scott pale} Scott .(Morris,) Ben ort, .110-Doetaicla A. Brown, FOillig, , Shannon,S'xi,e11, Detler, Men- aetle,1 ICatrick, &reps° a d 2tE 1 1 e Repert---Mesars. Callander, , eilleeele IWillson, Patton, Donig- e ie Perkins, Gibson„ Ford, Green- , nut, Ai- -strort, .Dalton, Willi*, - 1 enclitic t was declared carried rity of ,five. - This created eon- acoin etiori in the eamp, and O greatexcitement preVa,iled. •spporters ,of the report -brought ie, rest/ ution to the effect that !l'oern Gravul Road be not pur- id,1 and that ithe tolls be agan es- ated. Tir s resolution waeforlestall- apOther he, effect that the co - :e `riSe and report progress, whi h 'ed, and the committee rose,1wh n 'Vqrdert resit ed the chair. Inic :was wed byMr. Shannon, seeond d •H ya, that tlie report of the speei Si 'tee and --ehe anteadments thereto if :red back to: the cornmitt e for tee consideration. This motio was ad,„. when the Council adjourn d. for The occurrence of the sapper intee- teie at this inetcture was particularly •ili te; as it fforded heated metabers 'ce }lent opporrtnity to cool, ofv.! ArIEn st'PPER. , 1 ie Council met at 7 o'clock. Pi M ., , Narden in the chair. , • i - su, FIR ce.Ene, , , .)ViYd . y Met.. i Be5ason., seconded b esSwell, that the Council want asaist in deepening the channel 1vr Creek finne Mr. A. ' Van Eg4- ., : to EgenOndVille. Referred OD ucje Committee. , IMPORT . .; Le roll:owing report of the Finance in tte waS read and adapted- te -linance oiiuiiittee report as fol- , , 1 1 hat the lottcr &in the Deaf and ,. . de inatitute ellevill' e with a claim 9 '74 fro o lung for . ' ' i f, - ,2; o. the children riltiain notate, of MeKillop; having ale corWeefred, the Coramitte re- _ L:if 11 4 Ishd that thematter be . re erred e townshi cMcKellop. Vjth reference to lettere from P. deer oiebehalf of H. McDeeinott, for better office accomodation, r paitra to the safe, the Cominittee ntneod that the Clerk, and \Var- ih ef the Council repreeertt to Rilges of the Chancery Court the cir- stanees of the case, also that he be red what the Statute provides. -t.leseectinge communications' from lleanty Treasurer, embraeing corres- lence with. the Government on the 1-.-. in the Calculatiens of - inteirest on l'atilway all 'wance in the settlement Lei :i i:ipal Loan Fund., recoMmend elle Coenty Treasurer be a-atIhorized.- )taitet,he ioolnion of }fon; E. Blake Matter, ;aid act accordingly, a,nd ii -4e. the Vanuary meetine , of the a , • 1 he CethMittee recommend that the $200 for Exeter lockup, asked Mr. Willis' motion be geanted, on nae conditions that a, similar grant i ade to Cilinton. eganling Mr. Pattenss motion for for Bayfield: Harbor, the COM- , recommend that the amount thoIgranted, but that the Clerk riza te memorialize the Do - Parliament aeking that the 00 be granted by Parliament said Harbor, ' ki.:01.MtIr Engineer's accounts to the Lint of, se 062 80 and. other accounts , A A , Ovconzonended to be paid, i lt e Cheareittee recommend that the (iMi at its incetine in January appoint a FI raittoe to act in conjuaction with igineer iii letting all icontracts. at reflecting an the Engineer they 1 simPl = suegest that the present e 1 is to very saisfactory, and that mitie - be appointed , as above , ; he Cenimittee recommend that equeet contained in Mr. Ben- z, motion for aid te deepen the chew Silver Creek be not granted.. A. L. GIBAON, Chair an. THE GRAVEL 1tOADS ACIAIN. I e fellewing aupplemeutary re rt of 1. • 1873. TH he special -0 inmittce on gravel roads • B ,brH8. i Your co OtARK. -In Hu lett, onNov: 20,. the ittee having reconsidered -. wife of Mr. D iel Clerkeof ! a daugh- : - eir report, t nd the amendment made ter. tliereto bY r• Creswell, can see no WIL11A ON.JI Seaforbh, on Nov. 21, on for eh ging the reCOMMendatiOn • the wife of i . Graham 'Williamson, ahead)" sub • *tted, but would respect, of a daughten i !- elly submit the following addition, GORDMAN.--IR 1 ozeafotth, on , Nov. 24, amely : Tha the bridges at Egmond- the wife of M .1Frederiek GOrdnian, of 'ville be consi lered County bridges and a daughter. ' be kept up at the expense of the County, RETTEYee—ID S forth, on Nov. 29, the .as they are t o bridges across the same wife of Mr. C istian Raley, of, a son. !stream. All of which is 'respectfully GORDotr.—In Killop, on Dec,. 4, the SnbraitteTHwife of Mr. 0 lin OS GREENWAY, Clhahsma11, • tor. • Of , Gordon, a; claugh, Moved in sinendraeut to the ,report by MoterGomBUY. n M Killop, ion Dec. 5, _ , Mr. Simpson, seconded by Mr. , Castle, - the wife of M Nei Montgomery, of a that this Cot ncil do not agree to pur- son. chase the No them (+ravel Road: . Lod:. --In Exet r, on °Nov:*2. , the wife The yeas aid nays were called for on of Mr. James 4ogg,I of a da gh ter. this motion. When there voted for Mr. Me.A.Nretew.---I St pben, n Nov. 30, Simpson's amendment Messrs. Simpson, the wife of M . • Mc Andrew of a son. Castle and Ford ----3. : .*GLANviLLE.—I Step en, on ec. 7, the Against the ameadment ----Alessrs.- wife of Mr. J n G1 nville, Of a y, oDec. 9, !the w Monteith, Greenway, Be Bro`wn, Gib- Mr. Donald T ylor, of a soli solfe of i. Armstrong, Benson, Cresswell , Carrick, TAYLOR.—E11 II son, McDonald, Rays, Snell, Seott, AINLEY.--111 B assel , on N iv. 25, the orris), Detlor, Willis, Gaunt, Callan- . wife of Mr. J lin A tiley, of a son. , der, Walker, Gibbons, Girvin, Leckie, TERRY.—In Brudsels, on Dec. , the wife oung, Weir, Douglas, Willson, Patton, of Mr. F. W. lerry of a so . alton, Perkins -31. , . , MeLAueiliaist. In (Jrey, on Pec. 6, the The amendment to the report was de- wife Mr. Th meg McLau Man, of a hired lost. The report and supplemen•-• daughter—sti I born. - report were then put and carried IVICTAGGART.--I Grey, on ec 6, the 'thout a division. wife of Mr. Dougald MeTa, ge, t, Of a - Rem) ON ana VILLAGES, , daughter. Moved by Mr. Hays, seconded by Me. PRRRY.—In Gre , on Dec. 8, lic wife of cDonald, and carried, that the Warden , My. Wm. Per y, of a son. nd Clerk be instructed to petition the -- ----e, uteri° Legislature to amend. that clause . -MA RIAGES. f the Assessment Act givrag towns and McKEE—Seteen. —In Mitchel ages the advantage of 40 per cent. re- 9, by Rev. MI. Mitchell, M uction over townships in the equaliza- ' McKee, of, M Killop, to i on of the assessment. 1- , 1 tine Smith, of Mitchell. The Council, on motion, adjourned un- le a oeowees---Devaa .-.—I 1 St. IV Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. 1 Dec. 1, at the New Domini SATURDAY, Dec. 6, 1873. , .by Rev. G. Ja kson, Mr. John The Council met pursuant to adjourn- ' of,„§"eaforth, o Miss Sara nt. The minutes of the - previous f4rmer1y of St Mary's. ay's meetings were readand 'after cor- MAND1GO—MIL *.--In Wroxeter, at •aeon were approved. ' the reeidence of the bricle's rother, LOCK-UP Pen BRUSSELS. on Dec. 4, by Re -v. GeDrg- Brown. ' Moved by Mr. Leckie, , seconded Mr. J. H. Ma digo, lumber: rchante y Mr. Donald Scott, and carried; that Michigan, to Miss Annie • Millen, of grant of $200 be given to the village of Wroxetere 1 Brussels to assist in establishing a lock - N ix; p . in that village. Said grant to be - ven on the same conditions as similar rants have been given to.other villages. GRAVEL ROAD BYLLAW. A by-law, repealing by-law o. 9 of 1 11872 (assuming certain roads) and as- ' ming the bridges on these roads which tie repealed y -law assumed, was read atnd P4ssed- EPORT OF en GRAVEL ROAD AlED BRIDGE 11 8 e , n Dec. ichard iss (Jhris- nr 'Hs' ° Hotel, Downs, , Devers, II ' Fal1Wheat..... Spring*Whe Barley Oats Peas Butter, N. 1, Loose. Eggs. Flour Hay.. ‘OMMITPEE. Hide *FORTH, Dec. 4... . . . ... 1 ... .. 11 . 11, 1873. 6o $1 17 10 to 1 12 to 100 5 to 040 1 0 to 055 . . ... .. • .. • ..: . .Oto 0 21 0 6 to 018 )Oto 600 0 to 19 00 )0 to 5 50 11 . . .... ...... . 0 17 5 0 >0 to 1 00 ..... 1 0 to 125 0 4 to 005 1 125 err: ... 105 hol 0 10 to 0 50 to 600 ... . .. 2 po to 300 $0 to 360 • 2 50 to 450 .... . 5 50 to 580 The followi • g report, of the gravel Lamb Skins each d and bride Committee was read : The Omani tee, having examined the arious (locum nts submitted to theme port as folio We : 1—That no action be Potatoee, (new) per h ken on the oetitiou of William tint- Oatmeal ti• brl Wovod...... ..... and other._, asking to have Grm. aha 's hogs, per 100 lb dge, near Vingham, rebuilt. 2—In Bee; erence to th Clinton bridge, on the 1 Dr"sed IE}cndon Road, referred to in the Engi- neer's report, he Committee recommend Fall Wheat that he con act be let at once, and spline Wheat that the bridg be built as soon as pos- Oats Ale. They -ould further recOmm end Barley Peas' t at it be buii1 with stone abutments, ith a small ? owe Truss euperstructuie tad thereoi. With regard, to the Eketer bridge; the Committee recoxn- 1 miend that the abutment be rebeilt neit - simmer. -With regard to the iBrussels bitidge, it is reeornmended that Ithe En- eer let the cbutract for building anew White fall :whe biiidge as soon1as convenient; and that bush.; red fall w thle abutmentsi be of stone, built in a spring wheat, $1 substantiai manner, with a small Howe $1 05 to $1 16; tr ss superstructure erected thereon, and $14 to $16; liv ofla sufficient width, but not to ,ee-ceed dressed. hogs, $5 221feet at the extreme width. With ref- '35e to 36e. erence to the Banneckburn bridge, we r ommend that a new superstructure be • , TOR re 'alit as soon as practicable. In ref Fall 'wheat,' $1.„ enbe to the bridge beteve,en Hay an -mg wheat; $1 Stimley, as the repairs appear not tobe$1 13 to $1 20; of a . pressing nature, the Committee 1 60c, dressed hogs' re ommend- that it be referred_ to the lb. Tolls, 24c to 27 Ja uary meeting. With ieference to "20c te 21c; butte th Rathwell bridge, it is recommended. • - th.t the Engineer's suggestion be lid- BUFFALO LTV and that it be dispensed wilth. Regarding the bridge at Turaer's Carr inilil, it is recommended that the Engi- far, 5,610 head, • or neer have it rebuilt as soon as praca cars for the same tWable. In reference to the bridge market was active on' the boundary between Grey and no sale 14ere for C HOwick, it is recommended that _pekes it I be built next summer eed that emand.ect Sheep skins each... Murrain /fides' . Salt. (retail) per bar Salt (wholesale) per CLINTON, De& 11, 1873. . . . . .. . .. 1 15 a?, 118 1 07 (al 111 086@088 . . .. 05 @ 1.10 0 512 B 53 00 (ta 6 50 22 45 Ca 50 16 ea 0 18 0 &;t• 18 00 5 (0 580 Flour 6 Butter.. , ........ .. .. ... . , Potatoes.. , ..... : ... . .. 0 Eggs 0 Hay,per ton, 15 Pork. o 5 D 1 er, Dec. 11 1873. 1 16 to $ 23, per t, $1 05, o $1 ; to $1 161; .barley, , 55c to '53c; hay, oge, $4 to $4 25; o $5 80 ; oats, new, N ro, Dec. 11 1873. to $1 26, p r bush.; to $1 ; barley, , 40c ; pe , 58c to to $6 75 butter, butter, la e rolls, b dairy. to 21c. TOCK M RKET. th span to be ide enough 'to do away n - ,i, - *..eh the small• riAge to the west of it With . 10 head. idth reference to e bridge on a creek ..—Total s near Zetland, i is recominended that the 9,800 hew is own judgment in. re - UPEALO, C. 11. for the ey ek, thus 3. 0 cars, ag nst 242 e last w ek. The There app rs- to be strias etoc • y holde . Good, 0e,t lbs., s. Sales If cattle, averaging 1,200 to meet with ready s comprised about] SHBEP AND Iota the week, thus fa 13,600ihead for th at fair pri geer use 1 iring or reb ilding said ,bridge next The marketwas miner.- God rich bridge requires a prices, being a 1q w floor and. we recommend thst it be over last week's cl at oak be used if it can the 'following_ tr liable price, and, if not, average: ed. All of which is re- No. of iitted.- Head. McDoecaro, Chairman. - 189 Canada shee r. willsen, seconded by 169 1 r. Douglass, that that clause of the re- 183 pJ3It referring to Graham's bridge be a epded so as to instruct the Engineer t make the n cessary repairs, or build a ew bridgeifequired. The motion was st on a divis on. A inotien .wus carried. amending that ortion of the report referring to Exeter idge. The mendment was to the _ef- • ect that the butments of the bridge be milt of stone, and that the bridge be ihortened. • The repor was !passed as amended, bind the COUn il adjourned. aired, and t b got at a reas t1ate1mbe u sectfully sub • ARC11133A_LD Moved by I—On the 1 th of November Mr. Ed- • ward. Arms I ong, of East ''Va-se-anosh, Ithreshed oil i 100 bushels of _ oats, being the yield of ne acre of land. I —A large grey wolf was shot a few days a,go ne a wood in the township of 'Cambray, i ear Lindsay.. The animal measured. 5 eet 7 inches in length, 2 feet 1 7 inthes in 1 eight, zond 19- inches aceoss the head fr n the ear tips. How WoUld you. like to lneet such a chap as this in. a • t i lone forest du a dark night? • A -DICTION SALES. On Satu1. day, Dec. 13, on Lot 4, Con. ll 10, Huett Farm Stock and Implements. Peter Mareh, proprietor eL-J. P. Brine, auctioneer.! . - Tuesday Dec. 23, at the Commercial Hotel, - Zi rich, the Zurich Flour and Saw Mill roperty. and Saw Mill on Lot 5, Co.. 4, Hay. William Carrick, pro- prietor ; . Bishop. auctioneer. Theirsda e Dec, 18, on Lot, 11, Con. 7. Hullett Farm Stock and Implements. George Co per, proprietor; J. P. Brine, auctioneer 1111110•111111M. DIED. MCLAUCHLAN.—Irt Grey, on Dec. 8, of congestion of the lungs, Anna Stewart, wife of Mr. Thomas. McLauchlan. • arne tiine.1 tive at y dvance o11. ng rates.. actions a a 11 pPly for against st week. terday's 11 grades We note • a fair erne ight, lbs. • Price. 108 $5 75 C l 1 mbs 112 5 371 o o•99• ' 575 97 a • 117 4 871 150 o o • 105 575 143 Gt 110 580 84 • o o 110 580 156 Canad.a lam 86 6 121 170 '` 75 575 • HOGS.—Total upply for he wee, thus Car, 20,70 head, again t 22,000 head for the sam1E t me last w ek. The market was mod*a i ely active at a kc ad- vance on previo, s day's prices. Light hogs' are, not, me; nt d. Heavy hogs in goed demand. „ • GoLD.,--The.ice of Gold in New York is quoted at 10 I DURHADI Bt1LL CALVES for SALE TwO thoroughbreill Bull Calves for sale, at rea- sellable prices4 Ap ly to 314-4 11. lit:TAGGART, Clinton FOR SALE • . rPlIERE will be sold on Tuesday, • The following va Tho FLOUR and SAW of ZURICH, County of thereto belonging. Flo of Stones, complete Ca Efficient Steam Power wheat country'. Sew Circular Saw Rig, Powe • ALSO THAT SAW MIL On Lot No. 5, Con. Edger, Cross -cut, and fttl. Engine and Boiler; Land, on -which are ce good frame house and.; ed. Best Saw Mill Sit be sold without reserve to leave the country. ; Sale will take place p at the hour di 12 &doe OOMMERO VILLAGE' TEAc ER WANTED. A N Assietant Tt cher for the Wrcxeter Publi S41001. Drit S to commence on the lst o January. Address stating salary, --to J HN SANDERSON, Trustee, 314-3 Weoxeter P. • RD. ATISS RYAN b4s hereby to retneu thanks o -1-1-1- her many fe nds e4id patrons iu Seaforth a d vicinity for the npp0i so kindly accorded ivr since opening he • • •, MUSIC CLASp AN SELE• CT SCHOOL. The encourager:114ot given her has been so sats - factory that she as degicled to prolong her s ay in Seaforth, andbewill be happy to :oceive pu 'ls during the ensuj1g3ea in botb1;MUSIC and lIhe ENGLISH BR "GHES at her rooms, Kid Vs block, Main-stre . The next teem will begin 1011 MONDAY, JAN ARY th. Charges OS follows : Instrumental M sie, per term of 12 reeks $6 5 Vocal Music, pe • term. Vocal and Last aim} ent 1 Music, whea taken te gether I ,‘ELECe. spHooL. Higher branch.e ; per term of 11. peeks., $5 Children over 1' years. . • 4 Children tinder 12 years 8 314 23, 373, • 1- abl property, vize ILS in the VILLAGE uron with appurt6ances r M..11 contains three Bun om. and Merchant Gear. tlte midst of a splendid I of. good construotion, ul Engiuoand Boiler. -r VELL-KNOWN . PROPERTY Hay, Circular 9aw Rig, th i11 complete, Power. gather with 25 sores of inodious out -buildings, a large orchard; well water - in Iho County.. All mute: e proprietor is about the day above meutioned, Oon, at the AL HOTEL; THE 111 ZURICH. TERMS LIBERAL. To be made known on the the day of sale, or bY applying personally or by letter to the Proprietor or Auctioneer, Hay P. 0. TM. CARRICK, Proprietor. A. BISHOP, Auction r. 814-2 EXTEN IVE SALE OF FARM STOCK ND IMPLEMENTS. AfIl. J. P. BRINE a recoieedlitstractions from *1-"- Mr. GEORGE 00( 1 ER to dell by Publie Auc- tion on Lot No. 1,1, Co i 7, Hallett, on THURSDAY, D EMBER 18th, 1873, The following valuot 1 property, viz.: 1 }Tau horses, 7 years old; 1 p u horses, 5 years old'2 two-yenr old fillies; 1 n re and sucking Colt, by Bailey'e blood holse— n reofove in foal to Charles 211119011'8 imported hors , 18 lunch cows, in calf; 1 bull, nearly thorong b ed Durham, 3 years old; 5 heifers, two-year 1 ; 5 yearlings; 4 spring calves ; 6 good ewes a d 1 rain; 1 sow and 5 spring pigs, thoroughbred le kshire ; 1 'threshing ilia - chine; 1 grain craelie ; MUSIC'S Melf-rake reap- er; 2 lumber •wagon ; 1 truck wagon; 1 light market wagon; 1 bob sleigh; 2 long sleighs; 1 cutter, single or doubl ; 1 Het double harneas ; 1 Bet single harness ; 1 i o plow e 1 wood plow; 1 rig plow ; 1 gang plow; 1 pairs barrows; 2 turnip eultiyators 1 cookin • tove ; e box store, bed- steads, chairs, table nd a quantityof other homathold furniture. so a muaber of forks, rakes, sugar kettlesa • d other articlee too flamer- ous to mention. Ala 1a quantity of POTATOES and TURNIPS in pit, w ieh will be. sold for earth. All the shove will be 'olI without reserve, as tho proprietor has sold lis arm and is leaving the couutry. Salo to commence t 10 o'cleck A. M., sharp. Refreshments at 12 o' lo k. • TERMS.—All 811R18 of $5 and under cash, orer that amount 12 mont s' credit! will be given on furnishing approved j in uotPsJ A discount of 9 per cent will be alio e for Fish ou ill credit amounts•. • • GE R 4E COOPER-, Peoprietor. J. P. BRINE, Anotio oe . . 314-1 8 CASH 0 TT . By the s Egg E bs FOR riber at the porium. .1 T)0 NOT feed 24 ho the neck or mot 'ake the feathers of kin or break any bo MVO. POULTRY fo ened. e rs th, -lett -Nz- 1 , efoee killing. Bleed in linave the heteds •on. , britelo not bruise the •Poulery should not be ma ket should be 1welI fat - WILSON, Seaforth. RUIT & FRUIT and Caa BURN, School FRIDAY EV or the purpose of he programme will 1 terms, Readings an •lentil'. There will t e honor of cutting t ibuted among the °dal to commence. 314-1 ANDY popiAL. y Soeial will be ludo tt.t KIN - oust No. 3, on NING,, DEC. 19th, raising funds for p izes, Fee. consist of Recitations, Dia - Musk, Will Tool and inetru- • lso be a friendly neatest for a ma mnioth cake, tp be dill- udience. •1 t 7 P. M. Admission 20 ets. J. TREMEER, Tea cher. a NOTICE 0 BUILDERS. HE Trustees of TJ Morris, Groy rs till the 12th DAY 0 or making certain. 6 Sehool Houee. ' seen at R. Pettis • y tender will not ess 4-4 lion School Section No. 11, McK.11op, will receive ton - JANUARY, 1874, tenet ons and additions to lens" and specifications can n's, alton. Tho lowest or neces fully be accepttal. Ad - R. PATTISON, Seere ry-Treasarer, Walton. TEA:C ER WANTED. /TALE orFemale cate, for Schoo t•eommence on the toting selary expee •xperience, if anyet 11*4 holdi g a Third -Class Certifi- Secti la No. 9,Grey. Duties 8th of January, 1874. Apply, ed, Itn I Bend testimonials and RT TILL SPEIBAN, • Secretary, Grey P. 0. TEAC ANTED, a Mal a second or t or7S-chool Section •onnuence on lat act made to eitherz CO P. 112*4 • ER or d-cla No. num the BEN eR MeL • WANTED emale Teacher, holding Provincial Certificate, , McKillop. puties- to 1874. Application may ndereigned Tr stees. * 'EWIES, ) DIETZ„1- Trustees. - CHLAN, ) 1 Carronbrook P. 0. , MONEY 'WANTED to borrow o " 8 per cent. interest, rower wishes to repay th $100 per year. • Perties the above terms should 0, or enquireat the E. ANTED geed farm security at 700 or. $1,000. Tho bor- lonns in installments of avnag money to lend on dares A. 13., Settforth P. osIron Office. • 812-8 • •CARD 0 THANKS. TO the President MI 8iretors of the &aver and -I- Toronto Metoa Fir Intnrance Company, To- ronto. Gentlemen W beg to return our thanks to your Company 1 r th very prompt and satisfac- tory settlement of au: 4laiia for lost; by fire of School House, Section FNo. 8, ;Morris, which fire occurred Nov. 27, b st,. Ilse, to your agent,- Mr. C. R. Cooper, of Britsels, for s promptness in at- tending to our m, tho gh at the erotic time looking to the into est pf tie Company.' (Signed) FlOMe S CLARK, ) TOHN IWATSON, - Trustees. 31411 E ▪ NIC 014, , STO To RENT, the et -1-• in Carmichael'. well situated for ;b end is large and cora- inotlious. For fu. titer artieulars apply to -the I proprietor. 31.4 . R. CARMICHAEL. E T ro riot 13lock, 1811103514 I RENT. ly occupied by F.Teal, Seaforth. This store is • A Sp Cann Tb WI i\T o rr id ST, RECEIVED ilVT- WILSON 84 YOUNG'S, MEAFORTII; oudid Stoel: of NEV and FRESH F UITS, such as Rclisins, Cureants, and- every deseription of d Fruit, en of which will be found g od value. GROCK E RY AND GLASSWARE. )ir Stock of CBOOKERY and SSWAR. E is thd Best and Cheapest in NES 8c LIQUORS OF ToWn. ie • . THE BEST & PUREST BRANDS Wholesale and Retail. 1 THE 38 and 40 inch White Cottons for12Ac. 27 inch 1Vincey at 20a. • 27 inch Dress Goods, 200 and 25e. 27 inch Dress Serges, all colors, at 25e. Black Lustres at 15c, 20c, 95e, 306 and 42e. Single all wool Plaid Shawls $1 90, $2 and. $3. Double al wool Plaid Shawls, $3 50, $4 so and $5 50 Ladies' all wool P.ibb'd Hose at 22e, worth. 40e. Ladies' Belt, 15c, 26e, 2501 300 and 85e- :Yur Trimmed Ladies' Jackets, new style, from $2 to $4 50. AlsikeeTur Sets at $1 25 per set. Extra, ALE ANP PORTER FOR .FAMILY U,5SE IN GLASS AN_D.,TFOO.D. ,Fine:Alsike Fur Sets from $2 50 to $5 50. GROCERIES Of every description in abundance, and cheap. Good Tea from 40 cents to $1 per pound. OUR AND -FEED away. h • on and. ,Goods delivered in TO:un Pre,e of Charge. WILSON & YOUNG. L, GO A N., t)ANI..1 E Tw eds at 80c., Tweeds ,-at,90c.; Tweeds at $1, tweeds at $1 10, Tweeds it $1 25, Tweeds at $1 35, Tweeds at $1 50, Tweeds at $1 60, Tweeds at $1 75, Tiveecls at$2. ; SU ITS MADE TO .ORDER F -k ITS WARRV-TED. A.. 0 o ID C O. 'I' Black DoeSkin. WEDDING A MADE ON T 11•••••••111r7•11......11EIMP..7.,..IMIMMUMMF, D FUNERAL SUITS IE ,thIORTiST NOTICE. LOGAk & JAMIESON, MANCHESTER HOTJSE. 18 ORSES WAI•1T D S. W. HEINEIVIIIiN HERE from the States, and is Stopping at HARP'S HOTEL, SEAFOWIII, FOr the purpose of Buying Large eavy Draught Horses, W ighing from 1,300 to 1,500 lbs. each, For which the 110.1IEST 1114REET PRICE Will bo paid. 313-2 S. W. HEINEMAN. CUTTERS! CUTTERS! CUTTERS! mon Carriage Works, (Late McIntosh; & Morrison) PUBLIO NOTICE. A report having gone abroad to the effect that I Intend selling out my Clothing Establishment, I have to state for the information. of my customers and the public generally, that there is not a parti- cle of truth in any such report. kbeg to thank the public for the very liberal patronage awarded me since commencing business in Seafortle, and I would state that I shall do my utmost to!inerit a continuance of that patronage. Finding my trade steadily increasing it is my intention to enlarge lily stock of Cloths and Genta 1‘. AIN STREET, - ot3EAFORTH. Fu.rnishings, so that I may be prepared to meet the demandi of my customers. HE undersigned has on hand and is making 01110E. to the •undersigued are and locale their accounts. 'ill be sued. DE. TERCOE. CE. TO DEBTORS. btedito the undersigned. by note ut al% requested to settle the toe -1st of January, 1874, and •• JOHN W.A.RD, Saddler, Seaforth. A LL persons hit ebted requested to call Debts Over oue yet redue 312 NOT LL parties in -L-1- or book armee same on or before save costs. 313 0 LOST; on Tnesd by David SPro ors of Tuckers Clerk, in favor Of parties are cautio tiating said order 313*4 ' k4. DER LOST. Dec. 2, 1873, an order sieined and Wm'. Chesney, as Council - tie, on Wm. Muir, To‘vnship ...iomas Downey, for $65 55. All led against purchasing or nage- as payment has been stopped. DAVID SPROAT. • FIFTY GUTTERS 0 First -Class material. and of the best finish, NV ich he will sell cheap for cash or on short time. Aso, on hand and for sale J ood- Work. of every Description*, Cutters, nodies, Wheels, Gearing, &c. 813 • A. J. MeLNTOSH. PUBLIC NOTICE. Clothing made in the latest and most fashion- able styles, and fits guaran(eed. Stores or Private Individuals can J. R. WILLIAMS have tha their Cloth made up to Order, SEAFORTH PUMP FACT RY, and every pain; taken to give SUMS.. ,N returning thanks to his patrons for ast fav- - faction. , ors, would state thin he is now ma tg exten- ve preparations fer the coming year, a d will be •eparea to funnel). lave, Cisterns, Cheese Factory Tanks, mu/ watersupge plies neralb is pumps ere already so well and avorably k awn that any pijaise of them is unneco sftry. All notes ad na ounta now -due must e settled a once. , A immix r of overdue notee an aceounts Nit -ill be placed in ourt fel: collection_ 'I' •) I ot home- aiately paid.; . 31 -13 ; ' J. IL WI LOIS. • •Remember the Store MISS BORLAiN • (From Miss Yomeg's, Toroatil,) D.R.ESS JKD illANTLE itiltas:ER Two doors South of the Conemerci4 Hotel, ILVIN STREET, SEAF.OR H. • 313 NOTICE O TO CHEESE FACTORY IATRONS. MEETING of the Patrons and others juterest- LL in the Rodgerville Cheese Factory will be old at No. 1 School House, Tuckertmith at 1 dock P. M., sharp, on SATTIIIDAY,IDECEMBER 3, 1878, when the business of the past 808.8011 will e brought forward. A full meeting of Patrons 18 requested, and an invitation is extended to any others who feel disposed, orexpect te be interested in the factory next season.—A similar meeting of Patrons and others interested in the West End Cheese Factory will be held in Fowler's School House; Tuekersmith, at the same hour, on SAT- URDAY, December 20. 81.3-2 A. MALCOLM, Proprietor. next to Logan & Jamie - JOHN 'THOMAS GENTS' WEAR. Lot of Overcoats at $7,*wortli. $9.. Lot of Pants at $1 75 worth $9 50. Lot all wool Pants at $3 and $3 75. Lot of Shirts and Drawers at $1. Lot of Fancy Silk Scarfs, new style, at 87.1e, worth $L Lot of Gents' Plain India Rubbers at 50o per pair. THESE GOODS Are all fresh in this week, and are offered at prices that will sell them to the independent buyer, the buyers who can buy -where they please. ALL GOODS SOLD .FOR CASH, And marked in PLAIN FIGURES. NO TWO -PRICES. A LOT OF CHEAP BLANKETS. . Seven pound Blankets for $4. Six pound Blankets for $3 60'. COME EARLY Before they a go. A. G. McDOTIGALL. BLYTH SHINGLE HEADING AND PLANING. FACTORY. THE Subscriber' hearing leased the Mill fo'' many years worked by Mr. William Clutha is repar- ed to supply shingles and heading in larg 1 quan- tities at the lowest inarket prices. Partienher at- tention paid to 11 CUSTOM SAWING & PLANING. il First-class Shingles guaranteed, as none but good Sawyers are employed, and the best quality of Pine used. The highest prices paid for goOd Pine and Timber for Beading. 14 1., ii • The subscrib r is also about to erect •:a new Shingle Mill on - ot, 80, eon. 2, East WaWanosh (two miles from Ianchester), which -will be ready I, for work on the ist of January, 1874. . 1Vanted, a first-class Shingle Sawyer t� com- mence work on the lst January next. 311-13 S0SEP1I CAR! ER. Merchant Tailor, Seaforth. •HOGS! HOGS! THE ALUMINIUM WATCH. THE Latest Novelty.—Every pereon sheuld have -I- One. Wears equal tee gold ; an& the difference in •quality can only beo detected on the closest scrutiny. Warranted tol, keep 6orrect time for two years without cleaning,1 or the money returned. Thousands are now in use throughout Great Brit- ain. nice, Only $2. Sent, post-paid, to any part of the Dorainion. State whether lady or gentle- man's size required. Also, elegant Aluminium Chains. 75c postpaid. Address, CHAMBERS & THORNTON, Toronto, Ont. Agents wanted every- where. 213-8 THE ROYAL MAIL STAGE. T", Royal Mail Stage leaves Seaforth for Wal- ton, Brussels, Wroxeter, and intermediate points, every afternoon on the arrival of the Ex- press Train from the East. It leaves Wroxeter every morning, and arrives at Seaforth in thne for the mail train going East. Corefortable coaches and good horses are always kept on the road. Every attention is paid to passengers, and. parcels, luggage, &e., carefully looked after and promptly delivered. Charges moderate. 30641 THOMAS BELL, Propnetor. • Wanted at the 11 Seaforth Packing lipuse 10,600 Hogs. ;1 • MR. ITHOMAS STEPHENS TAXES muela pleasure in informing his; warner- ous customers that he has recommenced the, Pork Packing business in his old stand j; North , Main street. Having secured the services of ai practical Sausage -maker, the public can:rely on, getting a first-class article in either SAUSAGES OR SUGAR -CURED HAMS. ; Those in need of such would do well to gilt him a call before purchasing elsewhere. Ali orders' promptly attended to. P. S.—Highest price in cat% paid for COEN! COBS. THOMAS STRPBINS, 310 Alain street, ego h.', NOTICE. A LL parties indebted to the undersigned are re - 'L -1- quested to call and settle up their accountn. at once. 81.2