HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-12-12, Page 21 ON THE RIDGE. Y GIARA Y. GUER;ISEY. Tv. Ofeoirse the raysteribus change in Ezra Lit slafield could not but be the sub- ject of n rech talk in the little community. The nore °limitable thought him crazy ; 1 ut,.as in all matters of work and business, buying and stinae he showed . • 1 - w his usua industry and pod sense, this theorat as dropped for the far more in- teresting idea that scene secret crime was preying on his mind. But what was this crime? No one had been murdered, no one had been robbed, no special loss or calamity had. befallen any one on that wan October • evening since which Ezra Litchfield had become the strange, im- penetrable creature that he was. More than onetperson, devoured by • curiosity, ranSacked the Litehlield woods in vain to find some clue to the mysteryj and, natural muses fading to account for the thing. that perplexed them, the good. • people had. recourse to the supernatural. He had. been a ghost, which had told him that he was to die oh a certain day, andthat was!why he had broken off with Susy Miller. . He had met the'devil- ' open in some h . vever, said an angel -who had lay, an la nature, nd charitab e p to all w on, i.ed. help; but though t sick and the 11 i or had their wants st plied fro • E 'a, stores, he't never, if . could po sibl • elp it, crosSed a neighbo threshol. 0 all outer interes s, whether reliv,ms or political, he seem ,d to be de d • atid in the fiercest strife 1. e- tween F der4-st aud-Democrat, he ear d. to take i cithe • side. . He les a 11$ame1eis life, which .sttll further 'ncreed the mystery, but did not cha ge the -sort of doubtful dreaii which • eoplo were apt to feel in liis presence., The curse which had fallpn upon hi had not carried with it the blight o povIty, for all things prosperitd with hill. ant, he was able to buy frclin Adam a id hi fq sisters their share of the. home fa an. Mrs. , Jitc4ae1d: went often tb see Susy and Ad m, ..Who • Were prosperous aal happy ii eacll other ; but Ezra never en- tered hi broVier's house, nor did. Slsy come to her gnothenin-law's until Mrs. Litehfie d waa taken ill, and lay, as Was thought on lfer d.eath-bed. • vas.Ezra 1iting in the kitchen, f len i his hands. The door o th .room where his mot tw .or three kindly neigh o an fro, speaking to each ot vo e. • tly usy carie out of the ick er e es streaming with te t tim dly to Ezra and laid. her his Si oulder. He started at the did not change his us al tice. He' gave libera ly he 1-31- told_ inm that lie had committed the un- moved pardonable sin and was eternally lost, in hush and here lay the secret of his reluctance . prese to be presentat prayers and meetings- , room, This otion was so eminently satasfac- She_wei tory that itwas generally- adopted_ by hand 6 the superstitious ; but others; think- touch. ing, like the man in the play, that where . ou knew nothing it was natural see you to supp se the worst, leaned to the idea, Ezra of a tam cler coMmitted in the recesses of mrs. L the wo ds. • pillows r Erza walked the world under stood a co woman shut th and dimmed and obscured even • Ada hine of his mother's smile. withou fter all, sad and strange as was A hu my, there was a sort of c1istinc Hf1 So po - a cloud that 'grew deeper and darker all the time, and. shut himout from the commo friendship of men and the light of love, the sun Yet, his des tion in it land I am net surebut the waited in etr Litchfields troubled and perplexed. as for the pal er Ors ler 5,7 id she, "mother wants to It an't last much longer." ose J nd went into the next room. d was lying back on her wiqi death in her face. Allam the 1 ead of the bed.. e la re, Ezra," said. the cl ing ; d. you., Adam; go out and. kisis d his mother, and Ob yed a, al h fdl upon those without. Ausy facd n Adam's breast, and they Med aud breathless sd nce dly knew what, unlesl3 it e Bible solution- of the jiong m ur was heard for a few , and the dying woman's Noice udly, wildly,- " *Open the claor ! la sit e, open the dOor 1" fluA it wide, and. hurried in,. 11. the bed, his face hi lden the other clasped tig t in 'tigers. With a will Ithat ering death itself, the iying rom her pillow. she cried in a high, clear on Ezra is-" ongu refused its office, the death s hi er throat, and she fell iback e w rd, whether of conderrma- tal.„ Unspokeu, ineld nts' of his mother's epete the strangeness that hung ilzra. I itchfield's life. XI any were es as to what his nother say. f•Tad he told hjer of o ,horrible that the hock • er into the next worl be - 1 tell the dreadful scicret ; to. her of the diaboli al or •enger ; or had she 1 beeu. c ea him from all' suspicin of Id know even wheth r he s ecret in that 'last su reme ) t all, inclined to the idea s 1Ju clea, N,Vhatever it was, was ng of -a more dark and terrible, hau ad yet been surmised lad his wife, however, ipersis- efuse 1 to believe any ill of their T•e minister,' Rev. Mr. as the whole tenor of Ezra fe, ,both- before andi after us blight had fallen1 upon hitn, had. 'be ni not only blameless, but meritorious, t was impossible to helieve in any crim perpetrated clurin, two hours i t -oods, especially as one ted out a,S tlie sufferer of could. they h d iteen at first, and even Ezra .1 were t himself felt a sort of melancholy pride myster in the nlikeneos of their misfortune to A lo that of any one else. minute "Use lessens marvel." And in a cried 1 little while the family ceased to wonder For (-40 and. grieve among themselves over Ezra's• Ada singular ways and unsocial habits, followe 1 byl , thoughhewent and came and sat, among Ezra sat la, them as though he were apart from. the t by one arid, home where he had once been the centre . h• heiat and he 1. - raclually lost the sort of oxPec- . Ivoman rose • seemed conga inti apprehension which had at "My son rked his manner, and ceased, as : - "my' He tancy first m it were, to watch for the boming of some • The unknown cause of terror. His mother ; aasp noticed, however, that •not a -wagon aci t , drove iip to the house, not a knock was • heard lit the door, when Ezra was with-,. tion Or acqpi i in, without a. change passina over his face as though the sound might •possibly The be to im the forernnner ot long -dreaded only d cala,mi y • he worked as diligently as round :.eaer, • ut he So contrived matters that -the coujectin he no onger, if it was possible to avoid had. m ant t it, sha 'eel his labors- with his brether ; some c hu• e and. o those occasions when they were had hu •rie I oblige( to be together, he net, er spoke, fore sh coi1 'unless forced by the necessity of the case . had he spo • Ad, m, who had. at first been greatly angelic m provoked and annoyed by ihis brother's about behavior, grew to take it as a matter of wrong 1 cours'e, and came to regard Ezra as: one Ne 0 e t.,o clisorded in mind and stricken of God ; had to d h and this feelinaa pervaded the whole, momen family and perhaps gave them the •only: that h f , conifo t possible under the circumstances. someth v.• nature Ma6ers had one on in this . strange Ada way for two years, when •Adam sought tently - out Ezra, .where he was hoeing corn, brothe and, after an attempt at a preface, which . said t failedl entirely, said abruptly, "Ezra, Litchfi Ws I there' a girl that I've liked a long time. • this mystari I've sitoken to her, add she likes me, and. I mean to be married." . it, I was persisting in a " When.?" said • Ezra, resting on his his persistence seemed. to hae. "1,1,There do you meau to live?" • he gates of mercy and Adam had not heard so. many words e 1 oi from his brother iu many months, andP , • uted vi.l. The clergymanirather ••' Ab my brother," said the clergy - eat HE HURON EXPOSITOR, died. Adam went on, and Ithe minister followed. "Ezra," said Adam, ben ing over his brother, " her Mr. You 'wanted to see hiin "Yes," said Ezra, spea ng with a strong, clear v ice and m ruler unlike -which he had se for y ars, " I did. send for him. He has' n ver thought hardly of me, 'nor have yo 1, Adam. I have seen it 'and b en grateful. .1 will tell you both my st ry no , and trust that you will sec justice done to my memory, for i nocent of anything -.worse than folly an weakness; but one's 'mind clears toward death, and I see it all DOW." The clergyman t oh his seat by the bed. Adam bent f fwa,rd with breath.- less attention to ea " That night the cows, A dean," h ly and plainly, " 'hunted for them for some time, and wet t the farther side • of wh.at is now tit ten -acre lot, where •the winter wheat s springing for my • brother to harvest ext suruner. Then, as you know, it w s thick woods ; and just ,under the gloat elni. tree which stands in the cor er of the fence, and which I would. ver suffer to be cut down, I suddenly ame upon. three men, having between th m the dead body of a • young man, blee ing from two deep • wounds in the !breast. The robbers were so' busy in plundering the dead • that for a mement they di not see me, and I mighthave soaped, but that -hor- ror held me to th spot,. mlicertain what to do. SPECIAL NOTI ES BREA.KFAST. --EPPS'S 0000 . -GRATE- FUL AND COMFORTING. -' By a thorough. knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well -selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our br,ea,kfast ta- bles with a delicately flavoured beverage • which may save us many heaVy doctors' Service Gaze*. Made simply with Boiling Water or Milk. Each packet is 1a,bel1ecl-Ja.08 BPPS & • CO, Homoeopathic Chemists, London." MAN FA.471714.E OP COCOA.- We will now give an.account of the pro 'ess adopt- ed by MesSrs. James Epps Sra00., man- ttfaettirers of dietetic articicS, at their ch the rieXt words. . works in the Euston Road, London"- eft you, to go after 1 Cas.WI's Household Glade. ' said speaking clear- ob.A eonimon cough or Old shoulcl never be trifletl with, often. when neglect- ed. it is convetted into a serions and gen- erally fatal pulnionary. diseese. The more pruCent,' aware of this, promptly use "Blyan's Pulmonic Wafers ' a. cura- . tive which has sustained its; replitation for over tWenty years -they are always ---- " Before T couldi resolve, they had seen god into their for a minute kill me and a One, how - that -the double mur- an double the risk of me. I was seized and dra circle, and they c notated. whether'they sho ld- not • bury me :with th ir victi everg represented der would more t detection. " `This fellow, still warm body. N unknown. travelle will care to make must be well kno and there would • which might cans ." His advice , forced me to ta and dreadful that breaking it -that them, •nor show a dered man lay hi rible vengeance I pledge. Leve. ef took the oath rat ier than hands ; and yet, would t hadohosen cleat] ! They help them. in b •rymg th • aud repla,ced ove wood they had. hide all traces of disappeared. • • "Who wereti dared 1 never ki " I cau say, a it was not the fe. made meholdin tongue; 1 , scribe to you the anguish the donbts, which fell u • dead seemed. to y to nui to bring his slay rs to just bones Christian .liti•ial, an those who Some vhere do for his return. laws of God anr me to keep my I would., it see .silent or - to sp weigh and balm • mind, until it a going over and • ceasing argume aide. At first -1 quiries to be m - but none ever c• he said , pushing the ith his f ot, ' is a mere „ for Ivh m no one here search • ut the other n the neighborhood, e a hue , nd cry raised o nit trou le.' prevaile I, and they e •.an oa h -so solemn ev,en ncolv I tremble in 1 ,.would never betray y One where the 'mar - adding threats of ter - 1 shou d. violate ,rny life was strong, and I leath at their God. that I forced me to poor youth, his grave the brush - removed, Ithe better to their labor; then they e murderers or the naur- ew. God is My judge, that rof their engea.nce that utI cannot de- f irresolution, in me. The rom his grave ice, to give his 1 to search out btless looked a the o her hand, the man seemed to call on ath. • Turnwhich way ed equal y 'a sin to .be ak ; and I could only ce the gillestion. in my sorbed raj( whole being, ver it in .ohie long, never - t which I Could never de- constanqy expected in - de for the missing man, me ; nor, though 1 kept watch of the ne vspapers, did. T hear of the loss of any ne to whoM the appear- ance of the into lered man: could corres- pond. Again and again did 1 resolve to speak but 1 never dould 'brine' my lips at to frame the w rds - and yet 1 felt that, while 1 was sil wilful sin, and shut upon /110 „ / "the int' incline ject speak, 'that li his heart. smote him for .what he was to t e belief that, on somb sub-: goinc to say, • • vhich'he could not or dared not "Her father will give her farm," he obr zra was a monomanific, and. went. on, without naming his bride. " 1 ,11 his lifetime been subject don't want to be Mean ;.1,n(1 ake anything • -to bon( age t some mere phantom of his from mother and the girls. If you and own in adina ion Which, if mice na,med, mother will give me eno igh of what woald e into air. With this idea would be my. share to start with, so she -Mr. B Vrited Ezra and tried in vain needn't do .eVerything, -1.-vait for the to win ftb co ifidence. rest. 1 ain't a bit afraid but what I can Ezra Wolin only return his usnal get a living.", stereot, -lied , 0 Ezra raised .his eyes and Ili:totted at his to tell. ' brother, and a sad,sense of the contrast • "Th between the happy, hoPeful, • sturdy ter, " young man tuad kis own poor, mazed, Christi burdened. self, :seemed to come upon service him, but dimly, as thou& through some see wh interposing veil, _ . . gregati "Have yob. anything to say agamat it, will no Ezra ?" asked Adam. I "'No, no '!" said Ezra, with that fu- rcohlrlea.'N'y - 1 ' tile effort to rouse himself which always Ezra seethed o p,ainful. "But Who is the sort of girl, AdAin ?:' find e Adam flushed red. cloudy "Era, I always liked her. When 1 so lon was a boy; when she. liked you, I never said a word, but afterWards-well-it's. Su+ Miller.' t . tzra grew very pale, droppeal his hoe, aaid tamed to go away. - dam held him back. , Look here, 'brother," he said, kindly enongh, "you know she couldn't have married you as things are. You've had your chance, I've taken. mine." "Yes, yes, it's all right," said Ezra, in a dreary, passionless way, " I hope yot may be happy.' But thete'were 1 tea -s in his eyes. dam's heart melted with him. -, • Ezra, I wish you vaitad trust me aini tell me the truth. I've never be- lieked any harm of you. Won't you sp ak ?" , 'nt Ezra, though he raised his eyes for a moment to Adam's face with a look ha, f wistful, half reproachful, made no an -Aver, but to say as usual, " There is. nothing to tell," And he resumed his w rk. . ' • Adam stodd beside hina• for a minute ,or two but he never raised his head, and hi' broth-er left him alone. Adam and. Susy were married. ; but ra WaS not at the wedding, and his sence was the les remarked as he went no gatherings in the neighborhood, her social or religious. Soon after, Rachel married and . went the Genesee country, taking -with her r younger sister, Hitty, who at six - en married. a young clergyman at Gen- ee., and Ezra was left alone with his 4' And furthe. abrupt ister t The isolate • from h 'ter, 8 cameho dvingl I Ezra1 i had en in m 1 old r ! the k odnootriii: • to te xvother. Ite failed. in no duty; he had n ver, since the blow first fell, changed i • the unscrupulous exaatuess with hich he had been wont to do all that h s hand. found to do; but he grew more a d more silent and reserved. .• Ho was generoua and open.bancled by I 9. " There is nothing m brother," said the minis•;, lily s mild yeti, a membeti 'of the ill Ch ireh, stay away fuontaall her .. , T C nne to us next Sabbath, and tiler -ri. the worship of the tio11. p, th voice of prayer an praise . can e this burden of yiours to lil e Christian's at the s,epula , ooke at the good. man as if a luml gratitude were trying to ress on through the thick and arkt ess in which his spul had wa dered ; but - he only said, 'Mpo.. la ." , :- seems; almost as if he feared -• that ear aty might prevail, iie went y fro n the room, leaving , he mita. find iis way home alone.1 vn„ - years went °nand., as th‘y . went, Ezr Litchfield more and more s ki d. Some of the olid neiglie 1 • • bors died, •thers Moved away; a new genera 'on sprang tap, stagei-coaches, miracl 's of progress, flew along, the Ridge Wo ds disasapeared an dt orchards flouris eni ; and Ezra, Litchfield had id. his farm was mho of the country. prospe ed a finest i'l the Wit 1 Adt well. He t troubl and onsly , ssist late y them," ceivi yes(' 801(101 1, an cc stracq as le was, woulki sho diumb1 leas ire, as thougk co the • sf math e ' of kindliness . e hiding hiins-lf from its rays. ' Th ear.. went on and mad fiftyi4 old r man than was the Bev, Mr. - at seventy-T.1:yd. To the 1t- 1 doing his work. in tte church; ie inght a sunamons from Ezra 'ha, said the Messenger, was e while Mr. B-- was at and was admitte by Adam, ring of his broth1 es illness; the house for the first time rs-; An old lady, a friend of chfield's, sat by the fire in and she rose and. ppened the next room, wheile Ezra lay bed on which his Mother had in matters had. not gone se Susy had secu loss. They had been genet,- thuir brothei; but of %vs h not only would 'tot go to ut s lowed such a dislite. to re, Ad, in's visits that --WA brothers met -unless by chance I; in such me tings Ezra, silentand abr • a sort of seei°'aiol! •n - -Ezra at id, litt loor, he ered ye, •. Li hen o &M. man iityinaly, why did you not pray • ' for direction ?" '‘c tinie and - again ; but then, you sec, I never could make, up my mind whether the iirpulse I fel urging Me to ta•11 the whol was an nsiver to my prayer, or only the dictatte of my tacvn w till • ai d I da ed- not follow it, lest I should be nt• bered amoing those Who forswear them elves." " But Ezra"said Adam, drawing a long breath, "fif you made up your mind it was right to keep still -J don't say it was, but if yo thought Sri -couldn't -you just keep stilland let it go, and be like other folks ?") " 1 could ii4t. make pp my mind that I was t. atm feared that I was m deadly in, and every day's silence was a link. a ded to my chain; but I feared to cern 't a greater sin by speak - 'pg." • Well, thfin, why flid1/'t you commit it and done,N,v.th iit,Aand not worry your 1310 out so ? (11,m, with a sort of . co in p assion at,‘ impatience ,,o f the irrettol u - tion he could not undestand. "But, Ezra, you must have suffered awfully.' " Suffered 1!" he said, With a sort of moaning °rya' "0 GoU, r hare §tiffered But, Adam, -Will yeti clear my memory when a.m g4ne ?" • " By George, yes !" said Adam, with emphasis. `' And. conic, Ezra, now the thin a is off yr tir mind, can't yon make 110T,S. T)11, CAMPBELL, (Gneeluate of McGill Univer- -1-1 fay, Montreal,) Coroner for the County of Huron. Offlae-Next door to Calder Brothers' Marble Works, and opposite McCallum's Hotel, Main -street, Seaforth, near the Itailway Station. _ TAMES STEWART, M. D., 0. M., Graduate of " McGill, University, Montreal, Physidan, Sur- geon, etc. Office and Redidence-e-Brucefield. Tilt. KING, Sea -forth; (late of Carroubrooke) Coroner for the County of Perth. Office-, Main-st. : Residence -Commercial Hotel. Calls at DR, KING'S office will be attended to day or 287 • VERCOE, M. D., C. .Alj, Physician SOT- -1-L • geon, etc., Coroner for the County of Physician, Office and Residence, corner of Market and High Rtreets, next to the Planing Mill. _ VETERINARY SURGEON. -D, MeN.AUGHT, V. S., begs to announce to the inhabitants of Seatorth end. surrounding country that be has been awarded. the diploma of the Ontario Veterin- ary College, and is now prepared to treat diseafies of Horses and Cattle and all dome/die animals. He has opened RD office in connection with his horse.: shoeing shop, -where he will be fOund ready to at- tend to Calle. Diseasee of the feet specielly at- tended to. Residence, office and shop in the rear of Killoran & Ryan's new etore, All kinds of Vet- erinary Medicine/3 kept constantly on hand. Charges reaeonalle. 220 , eflicacious and. exert a In.ost beneficial io- • J. G, BULL, L.D.S., en, URGE ON , D eetiet, &c.,Seaforth, Ruence 011 all the bronchial and. pnlmon- '-' Ontario, Plate work, latest ary ergane. Sold by all draggists and. • •,t,-,oes, neatly executed. All sme country dealers. Price:25 ctS. per box, gical operationa performed with i • Caro and promptitude. Fees as. low eel can be ob- RONCEITIS. '' , Fitt:It:potter, Digby County, lc. S., Jan, 18138. MR. JAXES L FELLOWS -Mr 1: In the winter of 1866, I was afflicted With a se- vere attalk of Bronchitis, arid, although our - doctors were very attentive, and. used. all Means in their power they failed to afford me much relief. • I obtained your Couipound. Syrup of Hypophos- phites, and took it until it Made a per- manent cure. ana now in perfect health and free from Bronchitis. Re- spectfully yours--MENDALL CR.00KElt. . TNTEMPERANCE OF EVERY KIND in follow- -IL ed by exhauetion Of the vital Iforees-by ner- vous prostration mad gentral debility, with rest- lessness of bodynnd Mind, the body being inca- pable of exertion -the mind feeble, capricious, with no power of concentration, and often subject to deepondency, and an indispoSition to battle with the world. To recover permanently, abstain from the excessive use of Whiske' and Tobacco, reform irregular habits and tak Dr. -Wheeler's Compound Vizir of Phosphates Calisaya, to restore tone to the domed!, vital ter to the nerves and ninnies and energy to all th organs of the body. Sold at 81.00. thomas' Eclectric wonTil TEN TINIES ITS WEIGHT IN GOIJD. DO YOH li-NO '1Y ANYTHING OP IT? IF NOT, IT IS TIME' YOU DID- ! There are but few preparatiens of medicine whieh have withstood the impartial judgment of the people' for Any great length of time. One of these is ThoaLis' EnnoTnie One purely a prepar- ation of els of Koine of the best OHS that are blown, each OltO possessing virtues of its lown. Scientific physiehum know that medicines !Slay be foereed of several ingredieutu in certain esxkl. proportions of 1 greater pc) ver, arid produeing effuete which could never nem t from the use of any one of them, or in Ili different c ianbinations. Thus in the preparation of thie oil chemical change takee ,place, forming a corupoin d which could not by any possibility be made fro! any other combination dr proportions of the Hanle ingredieutte or any ether ingredients, and entirely different team anything ever before made, One which prodnees the most astonishing re- sults, and having a wider range of application - , than any mediciue ever before di. covered, It con- teins no alcohol or other yolati e liquid,s, conse- quently loses .nothing by evaporation. Wherever applied you get the benefit of every drop ; whereas with other preparations nearly': all the alcohol is lost in that way, and you get milt the small quan- tity of oilh which they may contain.; S. N. THOMASA PnEnes, N. Y. And 14RTHROP & LYMAN Newcastle, Ont., Sole Ageets for the Dominion. ; N OT re -4-E leo tric-Se le etc a an ti El ectri zed. ' Sold in Seaforth by E., Hickson & Co. and R. Lumsdehl. 1 The Great let -male litenve4IT. JOB MOSER' PEILIODICAtL PILLS. rinlIS inyaluable medieine is unfailing in the -I- cure of all those painful end dimgeroue diseases to whieh the female constitutien is subject. It moderate • ell excess and removeS all obstructions, and a spe tly cure may be relied on. To ma ried ladies, it is peculiarlysuited. It will in a shor , time, bring on the menthly period with regularit e - l' These 'ills should not be teken by Females during t o first three months of Pregnacy, as t ey are sure o bring on Miecarriage , but at any other time they are safe. 1 1 In all RSPB of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in he back and limbs, faitigne on slight ex- ertion, 1 alpitatiou of the heart, hysterics, and whites, these pills will effect a Clue when. all other means _aave failed ; itua although a powerful remed3,-, lo not contain iron, cal nuel, antimony, or anything, hurtful to the constitution. • Full directions in the pamphlet aroneul each package, which should be carefully preserved.. Job Abatis, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1.00 and 12A cents forpostage, enclosed tnNorthop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., general agents for the Doaninion, will ins ire a bottle, 1302.1tRilliDO OTCT 50 pills by retnru mail, I, 1.--"" Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson. & Co., and R. Lum41en. 197-9 _mom LEGAL 3 111. LEET, Solicitor, Winghann has beau ap- " • pointed _igeet for the Colonial Securities Com- po ny England, he is also Agent for several pri- vate Capitalists of Toronto, Who loan Money at very reavonable rates. Interest payable yearly Cha:tvii-gne,sthitumo,dpmeetete1.5 1871. • , 213 ea. UGHET & HOLMESTED, Barristers, At - 111t neys at Law, bohcitOrs an Chancery and • Ineolyc'rney, Notaries Public and Conyeyeneers. Soijit vs for the R. Q. Bank, eaforth. Ageuts for • the Canada Life Assurance Conapauye B.-$30,000 to lend. at 3 per aent. Farms, 63 Houses and Lots for sale. RENSON & METER, Banlaters and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Offices-Sea- fortleand Wroxeter, ?,:e2)1,000Iof Private Funds to invest at once, at Eight per et nt. Interest, payable -yearly. 53 JAS. I3ENSON. B. W. C. SIF.YER. tiV R. SQUIER, Banister, Attorney In Chanc- y Y • ery, &c.'Goderich, Ont. Office -over J. C. Dude. & Co.'e Emporium, Market Square. 269 1. , ......_ _ ......_ ..._______ • ..... •.... Squier at: incbonald, BARRIS TER$, Attorneys, Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Brussels, Ont. Offide-two.doors north of the Post Office. W. R. SQUIER, DANI6L MeDONALD, 271 Gotlerich. Brrissels. ..._ _ . _ . an eiort. and get well?" . "Adam, 1 am too tired, too worn _ out, to,wish to 1ve lonf...;er. : For years: my life has beetone agony of indecision, and. I want 1 othing and ask nothing but a grave where 1 may i•est," 0 . "And was this what yen told mother?" " Yes ; .and had her life been prolong- ed. but a minute, the terrible burden of decision would have been taken off my -ban ds. Give my Love to Susy. I felt a little hard tOward you and. her at first, •but it is ovdr, it is over. .- " 0 _Ezra, it does seem.as if .yon Might net well ! ,You've got Most half your life before you yet." • "No, Adam -; it is better ' as it is. Were the bOdy, to recover, I feel that the old disease would fallupon my Mind, and 1 should but involve m.vself in fresh t. perplexity as to whethrr I had done right even' low in breaking my conipel- led oath. , NVill you see that those bones are moved Ito the graveyard, and a stone put over them ? I 11 ave never been near the place i I could. help it, but doubtless the remains of the stranger aro . still there. W.11 you care for them ?" . "1 wilI,j I will indeed," said Adam 1, with a sob. Ezra hel with a bri 1 out his hand to his brother ht smile thatItransfigured his. face, as the c.lond whiCh had so long shadowed his mind melted away in the light of et ity. _ 1 KIC°X'S HOTEL, SI1AFORTH. - Thomas Knox begs to state tq Edo old friends and and he travelling public, Wiet he has leased_ the r . Hotel ' lately oceupied by Mr. multi:Kee and formerly known , as the 3)cWNEY HOUSE, and I hopes to receive -ea contimu lice of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon him during his -many years in the hotel businesa. Every comfort and eonvenienne NN ill Is: prilliata for travellers. • The , _ . chciTHOMAKNOX, Proprietor.i;l est Liquors and CigariOnly kept in the _Bat. A. eateful and reliable hostle • always in attendance. 2o • , • PuOYAL HOTEL, Seel() eh, Ontario. SIMON POWELL, Proprieto . The subacriber has thoroughly renovated and newly furnished the above house, so that it mail /Movie °/mod aceommo- . dation for the travelling public. Choice liquors aud eig•ars in the bar. Th4 tame is supplied with ! the delieeciee in seasonOysters in season. e Large stabling and au at entire hostler in con- 1-ipeelltiIr'NliC. 5l -1y E OF WALES lkOTEL, Clinton, Ont., 2 -I- C j VeCUTCHEON Proprietor. First-class accommodation for trave lers. The Bar is sup- plied with the very best lit eon and cigars. Good stabling a tin ed.. The s age leaves thie House every day for \\Ingham. •204-4t - FOSTER'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH. T HOMAS FOSTER begs to inform his old i friends anel the travaling public that he has t opened his new hotel, adj Ailing the Post Office, • Seaforth, where he hes the very beet accommoda- tion for man end best. The best of lignors and : cigars at die bar. 1 THOMAS FOSTER. t i . JPBRINE, !LICENSED AUCTIONT.T,ER for the Inuof of -I-' Huron. Sales 'attended in all ts f t I Country. All orderl left at TUE EXPOSITOROft108 I Will bu promptly attimded to. 198 tained eleewhere. Oftlee hours:from b A. M. to 5 P. M. Rooms over Mi. A. G. 5IeDougall'e Store, i Main-st. 270 - 'II J. CHURCHILL, Veterinary Surgeon, (mean- J- • ber of the Ontario Veterinary College,) begs to intimate that he has returned to the practice of his profession in Seaferth, and may at all times be consulted on the diseases of 'Horses, Cattle, &c. Veterinary reediehms 'constantly on hand. All calls promptly attended to. Office, at Mansion House, Seaforth. 278 TA. SHARP'S LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. • Office -At Mnriay's Hotel, Seaforth. Good Horses and first-claes. Conveyances always on hand. BEWS LIVERY STABLES, SEAFORTH, Ont. Good Horses and Comfortable Vehicles, always on hlad. Favorable Arrangements made with Comm rcial Travellers. All orders left at KNOX'S HOTEL, will be promptly attended, to. OFFICE .t.ND STABLES door North of Knox'fi Hotpl, Main Street. 221 • THOMAS DELL Proprietor. S. L KENNEDY, TT OUSE, SIGN and ORNAMENTAL PAINTER "I" nnit Grainer, Paperhanging also ettended to. Workelone as cheaq) as by any other good work- man in the business. All orders left with Mr. Kennedy, or for hine at the Erromon Office will be proImptlY attended to. . • ' 279-26 t 4 t." 1 • ' • - • I it 41,•••••• - EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN, fl CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S„ Surgeon Dentist Nai• attends in Seaforth, et Knox's Hotel, the first Tnesday and'Wednestlay of eeehmonth; in Clinton, at the ComraercialHotel, on the following Thurs- days and Fridays. Theremalnder of the time at his Stratford office. Parties requiring new teeth, il.rO requested to call, if itt Seaforth end Clinton, on the first days of at- tendance. Testimonials of over 500 patients who have had their teeth extracted by the use of the Gasonay be seen at my °Mee office in Stratford. Teeth inserted in the most substantial and hu - pro veil styles. Filling done in gold, &e., in cannot be surpassed. a manner which 237- $5 TO $20per day. Agents wanted. All classes of working people, of either sex, young or old, make more at work for no in their spare moments, or all the time, than at Anything else. Particulars free. Address G. STL.\S S ON & Co., Portland, Maine. 284 BOARDING. TT COLLADAY bas leesed the large and corn- modious house, on the Salt Works Grounds, adjoining the Railway Station, and has iitted it up as a boarding-house. Good table and comfoetable rooms. Persons wishing a pleaeant boarding- house ehould apply, as there are at present a few vacancies. Transient boarders aceommodated at less than hotel rates. • 228 NOTICE " TS HEREBY. GIVEN that, application will be -I- made to the Legislative Assembly of the Prov- ince of Ontario, at its next aessien, for an act to reunite the North Riding of the County of Hu- ron to the South Riding oS the said County, for Regietration purposes. • PETER ADAMSON, County Clerk. G-oderich, Sept. 10, 18713,• ' 301 SEAFORTH MARBLE WORKS, t -1 • NOTICE TS hereby given tb,at the Partnership lately sun. -11- misting between John.. Govenlock and Robert Graham!, both of the township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, Saw l‘lillere, under tb-e Arm of "Govenlock & Gridiron," 013 the twenty-fifth day of SepteSber last, disitolved by mutual 4031. - sea. All debts owing to the said pertnership are to be reeeived by the Seem flovenlock. Datea at Seaforth this 2(th day of Noveranoe A. 1). 1873. (Signed) JOHN f;OVENLOCK, 312-3 L01.,ER GRAHAM, THE • BEAFORTli .0fTK STREET. Opposite .the'Waterloo Honse, near the Station, LUMBER YARD MABEE MACDON ALD 71pItiEG to inferrn the publie that they have -L.' a Lumber Yard in ISeefeetb, near 8) I on the ground formerly u eal as a larZnelf8s 11111bal gliaelTeBer, lifhpeiltit:ii;soibltsifyiew:u3sr.1:ib:11.111ra).01:31 sic l:son1)0:itsNie,11; 11 iiiii1,.1:1L:ArStssi• i,j,NI),Ilec.II:,:f:,31111"111',*:1:171 aneroettaesl to offer good ludo 160 which they are prepared er/ sell at the. loweet possa. before purchasing elsetaiii .s.e. as Wo Or(' in It 90Siti011. cit;111- )tt cash paellas opened MONUMENTS) •HEADSTONES; And -work of all kinds in Ammitan and Foreign Marble, designed and executed in the best /style, and at most reasonable prices. Mantles of Various Colored Marble sup- plied on Short Notice. Granite Monuments and Headstones imported Co order. CALDER I3ROTHERS. 277 ANDEEW CALDER, Agent. SEAFORTH AND HURON MARBLE WORKS M. L. MESSE,T & SON, (Late of Hamilton,) Would intimate to iheir 'numerous friends and the general publie that thy are prepared to fill all orders for Flonmnents, Headstones, - Table Tops, •Mantels;&c. Granite Monuments Imported to Order. • Work of the hest style and art, and cannot be sm•passed in this part of Ontario. A call respectfully solicited. Next door to Porters Furniture Store, • MAIN-SREET, SEAFORTH. M. L. M-ESSET. H. MESSET. WHO WANTS MONEY? A. STRONG, SEAFORTH, Will Loan Money at a. LOW RATE OP INTER- EST. either on Farm or Village Property. Parties requiring meiney should apply to him. SEAFORTH 'PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY THE'subscriber begs leave to thank his numerous customers for the liberal patrontese ex-tendedto him since commencing bushiess in leaforth, and trusts that he may be favored with a continuance of the same. Pu -ties intending te build wonld do well to give him a call, as he will Continue to laep on hand a large stock of all kinds DRY PINE LUMBER, • tt4 S IX E , DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. Be feels confident of giving eatisfaction to those who may favour him with their patronege, asaane but first-class workmen are employed. s Particular attention paid to Custom Planing._ 201 JOHN II; BR.OADFOOT., INSURE YOUR PROPERTY AND YOUR LIVES. ,A. Strong, Seaforth. IS ALSO AGENT FOR The Scottish Provincial Insurance Company - Fire and -Life. "- The Western Ins4anee Company, of Toronto - Fire and Life. I The Isolated Risk Insurance Company, of Canada. Terms as eeartonal)le as offered by any other agent doing bueiness for relinble Companies. OFFICE -over Strong & Fairley's Gree.ery Store, Main Street, Seaforth. 252 SEAFORTH PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS. rplIE madeisigned deaires to state that he has pnrehased from Mr, FRANK PALTRIDGE his Photographing business, which he will hereafter conduct. PICTURES OF ALL KINDS Taken in the latest and best styles of the Art. Having had long experience in the business, the the subscriber has no hes'itation in guaranteeing entire satisfaction, end trusts to receive a con- tinuance of the liberal patronege bestowed on his predecessor. ALL THE OLD NECAT1VES ON HAND CHARLES MOORE. Seafortla, July, 1873. 292 REMOVED. REMOVED. • M. _ROBERTSON, Cabinet-maker and Undertaker, 1.IAS REMOVED hie ware -rooms to JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, Main -street, Seaforth, Where he has on hand a superier stock of Furth. ture of every deseription. CALL AVD SEE IT. • UNDERTAKING. Hexing purchased Mr. Thomas' Beirs HEARSE I am prepared to attend funerals on the shortest notice, either in toWn or country - Coffins, All Sizes, Kept constantly on hand. SHROUDS I SHROUDS M. ROBERTSON, CABINET 31-ANE1t AND 'UNDERTAKER, Johnson's 0Id. Stand, Main street, Seaford!, has now on hand a good assortment of Which rhe can furnish cheaper than they can be got el eewhere. 25 SEAFORTH CARRIAGE WORKS. WINTER COMING- ON. WILLIAM GRASSIE In preparation for the sleighing, Beaton, has in constructiM la-rge number of , SLEGHS AND :CUTTERS Which will be eOld, as usual, cheep for cash, or on short time, The reputation of this establielement for the durability and elegance of articles turned out by it, is sufficient guarantee that purchasers will receive satisfaction. A number of Light Single and Double RIGS, in the way of Wagons and Buggies, yet on hand WILLIAM GRASSIE, Goderich street, Seafotth. SMOKERS. EACH PLUG OF THE M-YRTLE NAVY WEIGHS .-z-13- OF A POUND, HILE,„ THE IMITATIONS ONLY WEIGH OF A POUNte 4 Thus giving you a poorer tuticle and less of it for your money. EACH GEl%.7rINE PLUG- STAMPED cSz JL Hammon, Sept. 11, 1873. 305 LUMBER ! LUMBER 1 VICTORIA STEAM SAW MILL. GOVENLOCK & GRAHAM MYR now got their new Steam Saw Mill, Ott tbe Northern Gravel Road, six -miles north of Sea - forth, running at full blast, and are prepared to furnish Lumber of Ali Kinds, AND BUILDING MATERIA• L Of every descriptien, embracing a quantiVf HARDWOOD, Sueh as Maple, Rock Eine, Birth, Basswood, Oak and Ehn. A stock of FENCIN(;- AND DIIXIN LUMBER Kept constantly on hand. Terms aireasy as ran be had elsewhere. Lumber delivered in Seaforth, if required. 10ttuoin2:efree°tfinanleyntle„ril)timi GOVENLOCK & GRAHA.M. tan be supplied from DEC. fasse!Taeleew,.- BY CiJARLE A1 If love watac And. I wale Our lives in sad or $1 Brown fie'el -Green p,Ittae If love were: v. And 1 wen. If I were wee And love, Ile With 4011114: Delight our With kiseee 11 That gi If 1 were wii And leve If yon And 1, y'zi We'd shim,at Ere Marelt•ut With 41-itnikiil tritl ht,ttn, If you were And If you fere. ti Anty yr, We'd With And te irs of 1. And bugle-, If you ,vere ti And I w-ert If you We - And 1 aciee, We'd threw - And draw tor Till day Eke . •. And night If yon were And I wer If you were o • And 1Wer We'd hunt de Pluek out hie And teae4 hi • And fired h If you were 4: And 1Vire • What key donkey. ia - y d oa-tecake ? very eas ti•:ehy) come;at. e°311---,TLones got be now feeso ain,ul,hay ca tdeeloilitge'ollg tlf-eoriL,h13:1.1 nose elh)eepal rYtiliet • -Tf triTcts--ehe tat: -vain When it is a Jail -The young could marry any that he eenouke'itt wanai pitched hiin over regarded him as bJ -A elerortian to another mark ing is sermons, -A sehoolina am like a hone; blades, but IWear -Two pair of every newspaper one for the editor come-lsnulpheot be heary,e°billee(aillt:steirhtle an index,. fatigue tra,-veltTweon nules fn -Selves by the c ale five reilis eaeh. -Aitaald Ge from Indianapolis nose. Vviri tha 'that necesseery 4 4 Byjikzi I no I have carry .dat never fretzed hiss -The Donkey Norbary was hite to a jury once by aorkey in the sti " NiThat's that Is Mr. Parsons (wi had just had a. a gravely assured the 4 4 echo of the, BRIE • The tea kettle never gets eold. -In the email there are no few of Baptists, -It has cost ;$ • 136 lives to bore -AcGrn13aleas7 Theothe"George Lord viTNI3ewen theyY()rk2'left paidt being childless offering of the fonneandsliitigij .anobw; • wu mau-The name of behde trial whieh 18 n turns from the 1 land show' that u bvicthboerir'eparent irht. -Akthin.%ogur What • stthyinlekU10(411tgli:0111 What kind aY oyu no ugi im,aenpa n- wh • some or the best -The authori IunWrirainiim: u town lowing notiect pW tIlaed phenaies are the quakes, every on bio,:aered, and e3sn.,,to'swear w fl a penalty of ree, ith oTntoAl-deatiiht:I: reer divoreed, were aration, when t if having forgot retey, :Aer,2t0i7ilt:,;(3.111li' 0foaftor cr, tettegietastu the. rt: :A Bute, aceotpai. their visit is eel' viiserhnisiteyntind Enag: receives the. ea