HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-11-28, Page 3F.UIRENcE. SEWER E. -S 1 Lr.vo been appointed Solo await inaltePro. ayirtte of Ontrit, for the Florenea Se ' Bata Loa, n•5I.Lt have a right to sell the eala eclat* eatt .itoio aaaoltated by me. In the CUflUts- thi Wowing are the only antiaaaaaaa :cuts fnr ho Florence Machine •.- Thos. Connoret P. 0 1':, and Lawrence Alm:play, Seal -oath ; [Ili a. aw, Glinten ; L. S. Willson, ( oderieli ,. La' pe 1 or persoas other than the ttbeve repro. atiug , atta takey Ware aright to sell, or ean futa, al thaF ranee Machine in the COantyt of Ru.. . 14. 6 aponefe, unit the pualie a4 hereby .• raea o lewae of tht.att. 4 = O. C. WILL*, ; eaueral Agent fOr Outealaafoorth. _ ----- S-BlIFORTH, , 290 • 1 T M B ER YARD. & "si„..sioDo-N Alb nform the publie that they have opened Lu ibtrttata talt.:Mottle near Saoarcoia8 kill, e ronU& formerly idea asi launber arkby t. '21itiirtate Lee. The$ w I keco ep nstantan ly hand a got4 assort. tent f KINDS tala LUMBER, dressed and aaaease , ;Also, LA.TaI .AND SHINGLES, all of y ale paeparea to&tell at tae lowest, peat'. pre for Caish. Bulge and ethers will fine it tp theia advantL to ]4gp.Oct oux stock, end eseertain aurops:tce peton. ere. eforeipt rehash:la-elsewhere, as weave in a offer atodiudatceraeuts to cash paretha 'PO MIME ek MACDO S:EAtORTE PLANING M -At' HI DOOR AND RIND FA LL, TORY IEE sabscriberbegs leave to thank his humorous castareera for the liberal patronage eatended to iiiat once commeneieg busiuesa in Seaforth, arta rtistla that he may be favored with a centinuemee the same. tatties eatettane to build would; do well to give Lim a cali, ea he will continue to aeep on hand a lar4 stock a au.k.indg of DRY PINE TATM , 1)0011S, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH Hefeels confident of giving sat -who may favour him with their pa :but first-classweakmen are eraplo ,ETC. sfactioa to those aonage, as none -ed. articular attention paid to Custom Planing. 21FR JOHN H. BR ADFOOT. PUMP Factory *bout 40 rods north of aaaeaeagned, having ereetled new Pump FRANCISTCW On the Lon t4re tletrability c tag but tbe best material used, first -e time work.. • men empkeL, tia,,T4 wor.-K wARRix.Txa). A call ia feapectinily solicited befax ]?urchashig elaewhere. GEORGE BOLTON, 284-6ra Fre istown. on Road, ia- now prepared t , which for lightness f ope ojnot isaureassed iri Onta manatee - tion and 0. Notlf- SEAFORTH HOTOGRAPH RdOMS. IEEE umiershaned deairee t Ita.to that he has paxehased from:Mr. PUNK PALTRIDGE his ' Phategrapaing business, which he will hereafter zee:id-dot. ! Eb OF ALL KINDS 1!alke in the latest s.nd best styles of the Art. Heal= haa lam.; experience in tho basirtess, the thabscriber has no heeitation m guaranteeing entirae satisfaction, and ti at to reeeive a con- tinuance of the liberal anti:renege bestdwed on his predacessor. Au.THE OLD itECATIVES OR HAND OFIA.RLES MOORE. Seaforth, Tray, 1$73. 292 REMOVED. RMOVED. ROBERTSON, Gabinet-maker and Undertaker, S REMOVED his ware-roaras to .TCaliNSOINS olay Main-atreet,Seaforth, anere he has on halal a saiierior sto k of Rani. tare of every deseription CALL SEE IT. UNDERTAVaNG. Heaingpurdhatted Mr. Thomas Be1s HEARSE i I am prepared, to attend fuaerals on ahe altorbeat notice„ either in town or coantry. COfains, Sizes, . Kept constantly on, bend. i I • SHROUDS' HR.0 M. ROBEAT S cABINET -.NTAKFP., ANP UND- RTAKER, JOhnsort's olai Stan • Main staeet,. Sertforth, haa, new on and a good asaortraept of S VehiMh he cen furnish eheitper than they can be a WORKS. FSI got else here. SEAFORTH CAR IACE WINTER COMIN ! , ka I WILLIAM -GRA-SSIE ,...._ .., preparation for the sleighing season, has in construction a large num.bea of SLEIGHS AN 6 b.e Which will be sola, as us ice short time. The reputat' 08 for the durability and ele ; out by it, is auftleient gu. ;will receive satiatfaction. • A number- of Light Sin, the, way of Wagons and B at at- a7 - Gea SM D GUTTERS S I, cheala far cash, or on n of this establishment ance of ; articles turn =tee that purehasage le and Iktible RIGS, Ifl ggies, yt an hang, LM G*ASSID, erieh sate4, Seafortha ER EACH PIX a: OF T NAIr YRT WEIGHS -I 1 OF A. POUNDt a - 4111LE: TEE ' 1111;TATIaNg il •ONLY yEIGII 11 OF 4. POUND. Thus giving, you a po04 article and less_ of it fo your money. EACH GENUINE irl.G STAMPED T.— Hamilton, Sept. 11, 1873. B6AFiDING. COLLADAY lets leaaed the large and 00 (a L. medians, house, on the Salt Narorkte Grona - adjoining the Railway Station, and assor fitted it as s boarding-hotute. Good table sad coniforta mom& Pentane wishing a plesaant boar house should apply, as there are at present vacandee. Trausient boarders accoraxaositted teas than hotel. rattle. 228 305 2 , • Natr. 281 1873. GAIETIES. • 'SOLD AGAIN, l4idL lingered o t the season, -Fai into the cool r days, . Au he votaries o Fashion All bad. flown th ir different ways. Ours ad been no ht flirtation, Su1I11 as waterin -places know, But 4 earnest lov -creatiora La ing every ba rier low. I had felt my puls s beating At he warm tou h of her hand; I hadj followed in er footsteps— Dr Med. I w -as i fairy -land. • • She biad hung upo my accents, • att• h her lovely violet eyes . olist'jnrng at the w rds I whispered, Beaming with a lad. surprise. ,We Lad wandered down the sea -beach, th the moonl e -ht o'er us Straying.i. Liste ed to the ni ht wind's whisper, • W udered wha the waves were say- ing_! ,Ano. istagain we sto ar the ocea.n e the blushes �i the waves w d together ebb and flowing, ..)f the sunset re redly glowing. " Dearest," said. s e, hesitating, ! too long we both have tarried; To -morrow we nu st part forever ; F r, my darlin , I aili--inartied !" ti M • Med ?" I ea 'aimed upstarting ; arried !" m rreured'with a sigh, "Tien is this in wed a parting, r—my-1 darli g—so ara I l' s the president of SoJthern Colleg , who professed to be veri,v granamatica4 itt the use of language; an4 therefore ea ected his pupils to be lik wise. Play lig cards was strictl§ forbidden on the school premises.; but; as is always the !case;• this law was often vi&atecl by the 'Students without theil being detected. A nuniber of freshmen cofected together in one of their num- be 's room, and were enjoying a goo gatne of euchre, when a knock was hear at the door: "; Who's there ?" " Merl' our midst. Our ; •.• gently on the side of the hea manded him to fo11ov4 and in horse, obeyed, perfeet subd gentle and obedient as 4 well.t suffering his feet to be lifted impunity, acting, in .11_ reap old. stager. The gen leman - this was a means restated to and. South.. Auierica for sub( horses. The plan i a ingen. simple, and well welt!' the a those who have unmaaageabl and coin - taut y the ed, and as Ones dog ; ith ntire et like an tati that iu exico iiing wild aa lt is tention of horses. PROGRESS OFBRUSSELS. x. Brussels, or Ainlettille as it was then Called, was established in ° 1856. For several years the village consisted of a few straggling • hous4 only , a steady improvement then met in, which has since continued, growing stirortger With every year, until now the s4uiicl of the builder's hammer is heard al the year round. Never have building operaticns been so steady as.within the 11.a.st yent, and al- -though the winter is cIoing family upon us, the work of erecti ward. 'Within the la have sprung up, and said that buildiag wil whole winter. The it n goes tlapidly on - t Iv eek five•houses we have beard it go on daring the ying of the rails ef the Wellington, Gretr and Bowe Rail- way to Brussels has given a considerable stir to business, and 1 ot a feW stores of various classes have been oPened since the completion of tljic work, With as flee a piece of countr§ as is t� be found between Cape Breto'n and Vancouver ISland extending aroand it on every side, aad filled with ,aa industrious people; with a railway -in di ect communication with the great Mark sing through it; wit severing population men of enterprise, s integrity, Brussels tare prosperity, and ts of,the world pas - an active and. per. with business and jue.gment and as a firm basis of fu - can justly lay claim to prospects which f w vilage of its size in this Doininion caii boast of In the first instanoe we will proceed to visit the mills and factories located in resent viEit will be st, and s * mills of li r.. William Vho's me ?" '1 Professor F—." "Yoti to the mew flour, g ! Ha, ha, ! Professor F would- our enterprising say me !' He'd say, 'It is I, sir Vanstone. e old profes or turned his back and The Brussels flon built on the site of was burned last s twater-power, and t unsurpassed by an of the building is nt off, knot ere. —The Litch eld Sentinel says :, 1' The v ne of the 'ongregational steeple is ne, and nobo ly knows when it is go- ng to rain„ or vhere the wind is. And ttis brings to niiid a little colloquy be- tween Parso Elliot and Lawyer An- d evvs some ti4te ago. They wet° talk - g about -wh ch way the wind time. ndrews said We go bythe court- ouse vane. And we,' replied the par- son, go by the church -vane.' Well,' t.17.e lawyer, in the matter of wind est authority e and. each. g that they had him at is the I went his OWII --" James &Y." enkins,". said a schoolmas r to his pup 1, "what is an average ?" :A thing, ir," answered the schol- e .*r promptly " that hens lay eggs On." ' Why do you. say that, you laity boy" re lied the pedagogue. " Be - pause, sir," aid the youth, "1 heard. il. gentleman ay the other day as a hen Would lay, on an average, a hundred and wenty eggs year,' i —A mercli nt who has a class in Sun- ay-echool a ked, "What is solitude ?" , nd was visi tly disturbed when a miser- able bolt an svered : " The store that don't adverti .e." i : —A Ger a.n editor in Fort Wayne .i - heard some a ne say, " Consistency, thou art a jewel, ' aad: thinking it sounded well, intro(' ed it in his next effusion, for purchased g but he mad a mess of it, saying", "Oh ! Here also are t Consistency, you. are a diamond pin" . and shorte. T —A Sabb th-School teacher encourag- flat. on the . ed. her child.4en to bring eaeli a Scripture there is a singl question to "I.e propounded to the dais, and. one of co Alonzo Savage said he vvoulcl like to be apparatus is es eially neat told. why St f Stephen Was like a Thanks- appearance, a.n complete i giving raisin ? He allowed it was be rangernents, as indeed, is e cause they they'stoned him, . - , in the mill. T ere is also —It was ,P1att Evans, Of Cincinnati, press, through hich the fl who taught his friends hoW to buy ten- the packer. 0 this floor t der geese, put he couldn't always get extra sized ho pers for wh them in the market. One mornmg he 1 the mai-stone On the -. saw a lot and inquired of the farmer how fourth story is useful' m many there were. "About a dozen," for cooling flou ., which it • le • ing and' fist mill is the old, ill which ring. It is, run by e water rivilege is in Canad ; The size x60 feet .1' and it is four stories in heieht. The entire cost of ' the mill, inelu ing mac inery, &c., was $10,000. Ev the latest and mo tion. Starting fr will go upwards, , a.king the ;machinery on ea.ch floor. in euccessi , until we reach the upper stdry of t 6 building. On the basement. oor we n tice one of Trimmer's Smut Kachines. Thi a is an excellent machine, and is. eapable of cleaning 100 bush' ls of gra 1 per hour, are two of Turbine 48 eels are 66 of water. $500 each. m achinery Mill stones ere are three Pother pair mencenient e 48 inch a superior is also oe. considered Mr. Van-. hoppers on ached; one r for grist. ins for bran be on this hird story ants' bolts, he former nd tidy in all its art ry machine large flour Lr lasses to re are three t to suppl oor of th chine. -It i fees most ef was the reply. " W -w- well," said Platt, fectually, and in the sim, lest manner "1 k-k-kedp b -b -boarding; house, atai 1 This machine i used only *ri the larges ray b-b-boatders are the clarnest e -e -eat- mills, and M t Vanstone hows cern ere You eNier e-e-eatv- PT -Pick out mendable ente Prise iripro tiring an ap n-n-mne of the t -t -toughest you've paratus of thi i descriptio There ar g -g -got. The faamer complied, and laid. four sets of el va,' tors for rrying flail aside the other three tender ones. Platt and. meal. T • ese run fron e top to th picked them up carefully, and putting bottom of th mill. Th is a vas them in his basket said, I b -b -believe amount of sha tina, beltin &c., but al I'll t -t -take these three !" Modern Pilgrmiages- 44 rything is new, and of t -approve construe - m the bAement we Its cost is $210. ere also the celebrated Le el Double inch water wheel These horse power, wit 8 feet fal The cost of the ''heels was -The mill is fitted With drivin for four runs.of stones: Th are on the ground floor. T pairs of them complete. and. will be added' ishout the co of the new yea. They stones, and are dressed i manner. The E ireka, Pack this floor. This machine one of the best use ; it c stone $180. There are two this -floor, with ' elevators a i).M, the ot ? mammoth office wil ,00r of the, ehest of me try .bolts. TREASU H UROXPO$rroR. kR'S SALE OF POP. rrms_ 7- 00U TY OF IfintoN, Y virtue of a warrant under he hand of the Warden To Wt P the County of Huron, and the Iseal of the mad Count bear ng date the Thittiet 1 d y of August, A, D., 1873, to Me directed. for the ,co Iecti n'of arrears of Taieis diie oi the undermentioned lands, these are therefor to i've notice, that miloss t e said taxes together with all' lawful costs and charge be a oner paid, I 8441, TilURSD.IY, 7111:k 1 DAY OF DEC.PLBER, A. D. 1873 ho ir of 1 o ck.P. M., at the • ' I I if OqURT Pro eed to se be 81.1ffi At th HOUSE, by PUBLIC ient to diseha -Com r Part ofl Lot. 3..,. 1 of N 1 r part or 1 4 I THE TOWN OF GODERIOH 'TION; tilt said lands, or so much thereof as ma ge such arrears of Taxes and charges thereon. W SHIP OF', ASTIFIELD. ',MOM 02', Patented or Ain't of Costs and - treet. . Acre tInpatented. Taxes. 00227,7AL. Tota st E. D. 1 patented $53 94 $.2 55 $56 4 3d. E. D. 1 patented 76 75 3 13 79 8 th W. D. 50 ' patented 48 70 2 43 51 1 th W. D. 50 patented 15 39 1 60 16 9 9 W. D. 50 patented 16 94 163 18 7 14th W. D. '158 unpatented ' 85 23 4 55 89 '-8 . T. Plot. I patented 7 84 40 9 4 . T. Plot. patented 5 54 1 35 6 9 F PORT AL ERT, IN ANHFIELD. lborne W. patented 3 10 1 30 '4 0 libboorrnnee \WV.. patented 3 10 1 30 4 0 pateuted 3 10 1 30 4 0 If ron St. E. unpatented. 2 78 11 ron St: E. unpatented 2 78 H ron St. E. unpatented. , 2 78 ron St. R unpatented 2 78 ,Bu on St. W. unpatented 2 78 n St. W. unpatented , 2 78 n Road E. unpatented ' 7 92 enham W.• unpatented. 2 78 llin on E. patented 0 90 0 SHIP 0 OLBORNE. 4th W. D. 1 patented. 1 62 2 00 2th W. D. 6 , patented 8 64 2 18 L e Road E. 6 patented I 7 70 1 65 L e Road. W. 1 patented I 4 00 1 30 VILLAGE OF 'CLINTON. , ' patented. 1 84 1 25 2 87 1 28 1 60 1 25 patented -5 patented 5- 2 patented. 1 65 1 25 ,rle patented I 1 32 1 25 of Lbi .177 4 patented 1 19 1 25 patented 5 32 1 35 OWNSHIP 0 etODERICH. lst patented 5 43 1 35 1st Il patented 5 49 1 35 TOWN OF ODERICH. 1 patented patented patented t patented . patented4 patented 44 patented' I patented; ppaatteenntteed. pPaatteenlittee I patented! I- patente4! • patente patente '1 patente fi patente If patented, 3.1 ratteenntteeidi 11-5 patented 1-5 patented ).1-5 pa tented 1-5 patented 1-5 patented. 1-5 patented -5 patented. -5 " patented patentee); patente ' part 21 ..'.... *f 36 VILLAGE 25. . • 26. ......, 27. 32. 33. 34. 35 34 35 7. 32. 4:3. •..... . . . . . . . 1 is so arranged hat'there is danger o accident. We have in The passion for ma1e1 religious • the principal use in this mil griinages ,. has reached the &arch of England. Some of its members are pro- cessary to ma, posing to set out in this way, far the ruent has bee Holy Land. It -is proposed that the pal- in Canada are griras travel third class, on land, so as thousand bush to obliterate all distinction between tich in the buildin •and. poor. The diet a.nd lbclging are also barrels of flail to be plain. The whole abst is estimated , Robert Ar , at 35 each.- Perhaps a special steainer' the building, may be chartered from Landon. and Man.ufaetti The Cathelic pilgrimages in Europe : 0 and erected t show no falling off in the number of 1 e- superintenden vetees. A Catholic paper reports that Charles Humb • • entirely -finish d but any . ........ 'Hu . t... ....... Lond Sy. 7 W part 11 N .iart 1 W part -10 8 43 4® t 730. t 731 8 Siiib. 16 of Lot 4... Stub. 15 of Lot 110 . . 1 1 rely glance urriedly a achines an pparatus 1 . Everyth that is ne e a first c s' establish procured, pd few mill as comple e as it. Te is of grain stin be store and full nehundre per day ea be made. strong, car xter, erecte nd the Go , ich Foun.dry ring Corn ahy furnished e machin; • ' under thi e of their -*right, Mr. r: The d 1 is not yet orders sent can hel working of e management lclose prox- 4 ic30 feet, and. Ve foot eir- , and driving 4 1 of Smith's sed. here. is deserving of h s enterprise cess it so well • • 1 3 0 7 16 17 18 32 35 . . . . .. 4560.• 80 59 63 150 154. 1155.. 1176.. : 1177- 1181. . 1183. 1332.. . . . .. . Lot? sub. lois 2 es3 Lot 137, sub. lots 2 & 3 Lot 5 -sub. lot 4...... Lot 52, sub. lot 4.. Lot 37, sub. 37, lot 10. P. & M's survey, 3. P.& M's survey, 9. P. as M's survey, E7 P. & M's survey, 3. Sub. 6, lots 330, 377 & Sub. 7, lots 330, 377 & 128 4 6 1 28 , 46 128 4)6 128 46 1 28 • 4 6 128 416 40 9 2 128 4 6 '148 12 38 "13,000 Swiss of the Jura visited Maria Stein, and 20,000 Catholics of Freiburg, be immediatel Geneva, Vaud, and Vallais performed the mill will b their devotions' at the shine of St. Mau, of Mr • Wna:' ride. in Rhenish Prussia. a similar pit- The saw mil grimage took place to the Shrine of Our imity to the fl Lady at 'Kevelarr, at which 20,000 of , two stories hi the faithful assisted." The Americai? ,1 cular saw, an Catholic pilgrimage is still earnestly dis- ' machinerY co cuseed. The chief obstacle in its way i I Turbine water the ("Teat expense. It is proposed t VanSto raise great money needed by dioceasii a sociations. The American pilgrims •wi no doubt go to Rome; and a writer ask if his Holiness might not be induced t allow the pilgrims to bring back Wit them some interesting relics, to be then selves Ole object of 'Zeal pilgrimages this coitutry, Uuquestionably there will be in a few years shrinein this country,, with a repute of iniracletworking •poweit and pilgrimages to themi filled. under t ss. which is ur mill, is . It has dging sa plete. 0 wheels is ,eh' so peen e.rtligaY .4 praise, and we 1 will nieet with the su I men =Post. A Flin-t for Horpe Trairteri3. A gentleman recently purchased a high-spoited. box se thati has never been. shod. On the smith attempting to shoe him be resisted all efforas, kicked against everything, and nearly crippled. himself against the anvil, when he finally was re - timed. to his stable unshed. In despair his owner -was about censigning hirn to, the plow, when a gentlerna,n'who had been a traveller and. touched Mexican soil in his tour, took a cord, put in it intothe mouth of the horse like a bit, and tied it tightly en the animal's head, passing his left ear under the spring, not pain- fully tight, but tight •enough to keep the ear "dawnd the cord in its place, This done, he atted the horse - FALL MIL AIRS. GRAY ishes to ana the goneral; public ed her FALL STOCK OF , Which is very co plot° in and handsome st les. DR Promptly attendi which will secure Op.posite COE forth. S part 9....... 28 32 N t 17 N 426 30 32 24 115 Sub. of Lot 1 in S part of W part -26 N & E part 27 XERY. 28 24 E t 26 orm her elastomers hat; she has receiv- , ILLINERY, • mast fashionable W ,t• 26.. 16 1 S W corner 12 W 4 24, W part 27. .. .. S pt Sq. acre on W corner 31. E part 25 . . SSMAKING g to, and e the approve LYS stor equted in a manner of elastomers. . alain-street, Se 804 OT1 Et. l• Tate, Council o the Carper tibia of the • I -a- Huron Will nh1eot in the TOWN. ALL, ON Tuesday, 2 d day of PE 81a 2 (\, • I Al, -4i. Al. A: • -41... Toronto' St. Toronto St. ._ Cedar St , Pine St. 78 ,,.. 78 , ...,... TOWi(SHIP.OF GREY. - Ilst 25 patentee . 4 63 15th 100 lunpatented 7 4 37 17th. 100 pateeted ' 36 39 8th .50 patented, 25 01 . Oth . :50. unpateeted. 14 05 7th 100unpaten tea -83 35 1 - 8th 100 ' unpatented 21 99 8th, 100 - unpli tented 24 99 VILLAGE OF BRUSt;ELS- . Con. 10, Grey. .1 . patented. 3 76 1 30 TOWNSHIP OF HAY.: .10th 25 . patented 9 07 • 10th ' 75 • patent el 27 21 . TOWNSHIP OF HOWIC 3rd 100 patented 38 71 5th. 100 patented 4 .58 . 6tb_ 50 patented 4 25 6th 1 50 patented - 4 39 i 7th 100 patentid II- 21 - . -11th - 100 Unpatent, d. 14 42 • llth. i, 8., patenti d 73 - A. ' 50 " patent d 18.78 . A. , 21 patented 6 30 A. 25 patent'ed 4 59 33 62 40 82 9:35 5 30 4 15 2 85 3 09 90 57 44 67 78 84 Lot or Part of Lot.' Sub. of Lot 16, Con. 1, Usborne, 46... Sub. of Lots 17 &18, Con. 1. Usborne, 21 Sub. of Lots 17 & 18, Con. 1, Usborne, 29 Sub. of Lots 17 & 18, Con. 1, Usborne, 30 Sub. of Lots 17 & 18, . Con. 1, Usborne, 37 Sub. of Lots 17 & 18, Con. 1, Usborne, 38 Sob. of Lots 17 & 18, Con. 1, Usborne, 39 Sub. of Lots 17 & 18; Con. 1, Usborne. 42 Sub. of Lot 20, Con. 1, Usborne, 49.. Sub. of Lot 20, Con - 1, Usborne, 50.... McConnelPs do. Sub. Lott, Core 1, Hay formerly Frances - town. 302.. . .. . .. Sub . Of Lot 25, Con. 1. Stephen, formerly Francestown, 359.. Sub. of Lot 25, Con. 1, Stephen, formerly Francestown, 376.. Sub. of Lot 25, Con, 1, Stephen, formerly Fra,ncestown, 377.. . 4 1-5 TOWNSHIP OF EAST VILLAGE OF EXETER. Concession or Patented or Street. Aires. brivatented. Carling and. 1 others' survey 5 McConnell's do. McConnell's McCennellts do. 7.4cConnell'sdo. McConnell's do.. • ; McConnell's do .! McConnell's do. McConnell's do. •••11; 4 - Anet of Cost & Taxes. Corn'sln. patented ' 1 57 . 1 25 i ; - patented. I 74 I 2$ patented. 1-74 1 24' • patented 1 74 I 24 , -patented 1 74 I 25 - patented 1 74 1 24 patented 1 71 1 25 patented. 1 74 1 21 patented 60 1 23 , I . patented 60 I 23 1 t Total. 2 82 20-9 2 t9 -299 2 99 2 99 9 99 2 99 1 83 183 • patented. 5 14 1 35 6 49 1-5 patented. 4 71 1-5 patented. 46 5 W part 33 N I 18 E 4 14. 23..... a . E4 .23. • ; 13th 100 patented 32 50 . VILLAGE W.DUNGANNON. IN WEST WAWANOSH. 52 McIVIath's survey 1 patented 35 1 23 1 58 VILLA( -El OF, ST. HELENS, IN WEST WAW,ANOSH. Sub. Lot 18, Con. 11, 15 Mather's surv-ey 1 Patented 65 ` 1 23" -1,, 1. 88 • A. M. ROSS, 1 Treasurer, County of 1uron. 34-13 patented 46 WAWANOSH. 9th 170 patented 71 35 TOWNSHIP OP WEST WAVs ANOSH. 1st 100 un -patented 35 68 12th 100 - patented 28 81 13th 100 patented 32 50 1 ,331 6 04 1 23 I 1 69 i I23 16 3 00 74 35 2 10 . 377-8, 192-i-307-3 2 0:3 134 -53- 2 03 '34 53 , County Treasurer's Offices 12 88 153 141 399 130 29 399 130 29 1219-1 53 1 72 11 27 150 1 77 10 37 148 1 85 7-62 140 902 762 140 902 307 130 :437 399 130 529 365 130 495 762 1-40 902 80 123 203 164 125 289 164 125 289 164 125 289 109 125 234 :200 1 25i 3 25 2-00 125 1 3 25 240 128 1 3 68 150 125 ' 2 75 1 96 123 218 518 135 653 136 125 1 261 40 1 23 . I 1 63 199 125 324 199 125 324 65 123 188 40 123 163 46-9 133 602 ;4 69 133 602 1 33 1 33 2 13 1 85 1 ••58 2 05 I 83 1 83 1 45 1 90 2 18 1 3:3 1 33 1 33 1 58 1 58 1 23 1 68 1 38 1 33 A. 11-16 patented. 2 58 1 28 B. 12 patented 2 69 8 1 28 ILLAGE OF WROXETEE, IN HOWICK. Centre St. E. , ' 1-5 patented 7 99 1 40 WICII, IN HOWICK. Park Lot 29VILLAGE OF FOR . - 6 patented 6 'VILLAGE OF HOWIOK, IN HOWICK. 14 1 38 178 .... 1-5 patented 2 19 179 . N W part 10; s.. 22 15 ..... . • • •• E 4 138 . E t139 ...... E t 140... • t 141... .... . . E t 142 McConnelrs sun"' 12S , 1-5 patented " 2 10 1 28 3 47 TOWELSIIIP OF ETULLETT. . . 4th 16 pateuted 3i 19 1 30 4 49 7th 100 patented 31 57 2 00 33 57 . 8th 100 patented 67 78 290 70 68 TOWNSHI OF MORRIS. • 9th 100 unpatented 80 49 84 92 VILLAGE OF B...,YTH,. 1N MORRIS., t patented. 5 1 23 1 76 tp)a,atteeiiiitteecd1 55g 2233, 11 7786 55 1 23 1 78 aa tt ee tt ee (di 58 , 1 23 1 76 t patented 1 80 1 25 :3 05 OF MoKILLQP. 50 patented 17 517 1 65 19 22 TBROOK, I McKILLOP. 1-5 patented 32 1 23 1 55 SEAFORTH. 1-5 patented. 6 46 1 38 1.5 patented - 6 46- 1 38 1-5 patehted 7 88 1 40 OF STANLEY. 9 patented 6 11 1 38 IELD, IN STANLEY. 1-32 patented • 31 1 23 I 54 .. patented 1 26 1 25 2 51 I patented 74 1 23 1 97 It patented 5 13 1 35 6 48 patented 5 01 1 35 6 36 B.EWS, IN STANLEY. patented. 1 37 1 25 2-62 OF STEPHEN. . 40 patented. 18 42 1 68 50 patented.- • 32 21 2 03 N TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERS 67. 123 67 12 67 12' 67 67. 11 22 - 6'P' 1 2 67 12 67 12 5 96 5 70 38 52 26 89 15 63 35 40 26 82 26 82 5. 06 10 52 29 14 Croderich, Sept. I, 1873., 40 89 5 -91 5 58 •5 72 15 82 16 00 1 96 20 46 7 68 5 92 3 86 3 89 9 3- 7 25 3 47 COME ONE COME ALL, AND BUY YOUR HA RN -ES -Si FROM J. WARD, SEAFORItill I beg to state for the information Harness on hand as any in town, ment in the County. GIV-1_71 1\fi A. TTLI.A.T_J_ of !earners and the publie generally, that I have as good a stet& of and a am determined not to be undersold by any other establish- , 286 •••• ..00 7 Block A. TOWNS HIP 541--. t.1.1.4 VILLAGE OF C: 7 A..R,.R. 9. ' .. VILLAG-E 'Jarvis sttirvey Jarvis survey Part Block K , • . Jarvis survey TO WIN SHI d Centre part 13....- • Range A. i VILLAGE OF BA 50.. 55 W part, 174... • • Middle part 21 6 . 291 621. 636 . . . • 11 V LLAGE OF ST. A Allan St. TO WN S111 . 5th W 40 acres of S • 3. N 3 . . 5th VILLAGE 0 IIARPT7RHEY, 11.. ... ... . .. Cash's survey' 12 Cash's survey Cash's,survey . Worsley's survey • Worsley's survey .•. Chalk's survey . Lewis& Galt's do, . Lewis & Gales da, TOWNSHIP - llt LLLAGE OF WIN 17 -9............. 10 27 County of 12 FORTH, ecember, next. ER AD AaISON. County Clerk. 19 26 • • • • . ..... Part 277. • • • • 124 125 0O 000, ILLAGE OF BLU, 011 • • . ;11,•• HA .1\ ESS TRUNKS, BAGS, WHIPS, COMBS, J. WARD, • Main -Street, Setaforth. HART ESS COLLARS, VALISES, LASHES. - BRUSHES,I&C AT BELFRY & MAY'S, SEAFORTH. Our HARNESS we can recommend to any one, as :we use only first-class none but first-rate Harness. We. warrant oar Collars not to gall a Horse, and. 11 give entire satisfaction. - Shop Opposite All'ar sion 11ouSe, Seafortlt. GARDIN ER Leather and make guarantee 'ahem te BELFRY, & MAY. SEWING-MACHThT E Is a Strong, EASY RUNNING MACHINE, WELL ADAPTED FOR FAMILY SEWING, AD Light Manufacturing Work. At the Fairs held throughout the Dominion, this Machine 'was put to some very severetests by the BEST JUDGES ME COUNTRY COULD PRODUCE, AND BY THEM AWARDED 13 Prizes in 1871, and 26 Prizes in 1872. Ite simplicity of construction, strength and durabilityreconunend it to all classes. It has a complete set of attaclunents, and does all kinds of work. INSTRUCTIONS IN ALL THE ATTACHMENTS GIVEN FREE OF CHARGE. I Gctrclner Sewing Machine Company, Hamilton, Ont. PETER GRASSIE: SEAFORTH, RTH, A en fo,thCounty c Huron. 286 STRONG -& F LIRI.Y Are now receiving large additions to 784 ' 7 84 028 7 49 t patented I patented t patented. I patented t patented 1-5 patented 1-5 patented 1-5 patented OF TTJRNBERRY. 100 unpatented 5982 2 7 HAM, IN TUB,NBERRY. 20 ft. unpatented 51 79 1 3 7 1 VALE, IN TURNBERRY. 1-5 patented 8- 04 I 43 9 4 1-5 patented 8 04 1 94 20 10 31 24 ITh. 1 90 1 90 1 90 .1 90 1 90 1 90 1 90' 1 90 62 52i $TOCK OF GROCEFIEr, Which they offer Cheap for Cash. The CASH 13UYE118 will find• it to their advantage to GIVE U.S A CALL. Fine Flavor Teas from q0 cents up, Bright Sugars, 11, 10 and 9 pounds for $1, Rice, 20 Pounds for $1, Raisins,.12 pounds for $1, Tobaccoes from 40 cents per pound upwards, so a large'Stock of Pickles, Sauceee, Spices, all kinds Flavorings, Extracts, ace. great variety, • Salraon, Mackerel, Lobsters, Sardines, are. Canned Goole in FLOUR AND FEED. ALWAYS ON. HAND, AND .SOLD - AT MILL PRICES. - . VEGETABLES PsECEIVEf) FRESH FROM THE :GARDEN EVERY DAY. FRUITS ALWAYS ON HAND DUREaG THEIR SEASON. Come one and. all Bind gwe us a cafl, and we will guarantee to give you Groceries as toed and at se low a fig/4ro as any house in town. Goods delivered as usual free of charge. • STRONO- & FAIBLEY. 305 _ • 7.3 1