HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-11-28, Page 1IINov, 21 ITHE CANADA S IliG MACHINE C tw r r D: - t"T A for the pfiqikiqe; of mll Q turing ,%owing Machine W1404 should excolla,ll others IRXcIAE AN 81t(�Irlffll %n 1InrQrt.,VX1t br&-noh of bn qR Mroj Y NOVEMBER 28 18io.' Ca F n in any raafket, and thus: take a lead f4 i&da ill INO. 3t_.
$1 50 Vear, i-vt 4d-valice. IBENJAMIN [16 AELL dMinisters iattellipted t 0 gain m6it of
the fever. As soon as the fever knew him s aud their effort a soldier of-Jortmie," aild. by the falling of a 0 ot 14. any
a 4111reoi ed -iy '1�ity by'introducing ia Poort' .%-,v was pr epide t1c, i�, n J. XE -x o aounced mic, tr 36ins 'stopped inclined to be unscrupulous in his deal- months since another soq was killed by ,
d FOR SALE (0) FARr 0KTIC1 yONTI LLY. Alliell(Ilinelit 1�� I., and Mr. -Disraeli raoved running to Shreveport, *so to a, cartain ex- ings with men, and was regular reek- his head coin. ing in cout for their uk1w el0brated w -A with a brid-ae
ou r(M.Roliftblo eruis,'Lot Xo. 16, Whene e r Mr. Disr%cfli's life that it 1 -be read that dW� six! moiths;,; in tent we were isolated, but -v c continued le "' - Z�l . they 11-M yet beer, i Xocl'o'u. contaiuin. 70 aeres, nourly iLU-- . . I ss loaferish bullying sort of man. He while riding oil an excuision train, and
. . I tan with V . Ii and other �'vords, aloved.Ts lidjectioll., He to run dwi"ll.fencuilailldinacood State Of c ,,v I impartial it will be Marshall long aftel: it appeared was - alw'
cleare ays well had plenty of now the aged father lias m,et his death in
auil although it h -t taxed hoi�r nlaifi_ vaition. - There is a, bud saw mill, with a. Giroultvr found to prosent one ol t1- failed, ;ibut- he den unced' le p 'uper there� Twice I came outiD the middle . money, and was nea& al*ays drunk. In a like Sudden illanner. e most rem k- .0 tl
ar, with.a�u abu odrivcu. bv wtit nd,�Acie of Ufa- able instructi ve, St bri -S ill the all ials sYst 11 thell, he has aeliOuncLxL it of theMightwith all the officers of the fadt he had the appearance of a . respect The following av ,0&C, ary, to its utluo-it they have Made and ter conve- nt. There isto.lso a good -bearing of ever. giAC6 nd most men-'ar history'. IO the yc ung e now ob iged road -who got scared when there an ably clad bla . ckleg. ertiseinent appear- political. I ed in . tht; Glob a (lay or 1 two ago, itlider ore that lie was -01 it Avilll -e to -the unusual number of deaths in Marshall. tis.a sthool and two eltnrl-aes qn'tho corner of the b I of invlu),ble, r, recelit- Ithe heading of "BuslDeSS1 SL -les soils whic are neve G14itceRc The to- vn has been almos tol mort, a given frora the lot. -It is lobe mile ft-nd' three- y When h w as of the il x r. Hogo, a Morris farme Cbmices r so completely ly sold to Messrs. Elliott & Jolinsto',
than aur other rammitactary in the warl ttionof the, forcibly pre wlled'as 10 llc.pr(posd� severl� mealls f in- deserted for a month. Wit a popula- im enterl)tisill,,y Man 4 quarter or tv s effington, Grey Aud cheque, n, To PRINTE i4�'%'V.
Bruce Railway. -If the abo of arra be not sold 'it' gh the med I am butchers, of Brussels. two year �id i fo t;ttirt it local paper 2nd ip-iiaing O f e x- he rev�niie, without -,Ureh. envy h" bt the from� our ! I ple. The ad-, f 000 not more than remained, P. CI�Apm,)�X, #iRbe.rollted- For fur6he, rticulas al).ply to am abtages of ii trer ca tilig tion o wether sheep, -which, �,Iien dressejd� re is 611 I th6peo- o the the � prictoroutheprowi. or to Relgrave 1�.10. pidity, p f -shbD ei tip e bulk of -,at PrQ and Si a Ifast endur mce I See. of Comnlittee, Tiverton. Ont., re was not nniuch mat rial for the weighed 12.1 pounds, exclusive of tall merioan neighbars, wh L R 1) B R 0 W ple, an. I lie- was lail x1led at� )T "haki, liold the 81a in the 'of lifoweie-never Set f)rtli But ome fever to work or.. ' We have. nly lost one ow' . _Kr. . P. clipra'all, his- frilen(Is
of his j deas them. the stam oil brakem, rineer, onb agerit, one ness at th�'ribs co . vered Omi 31 i III mu$t either be rogues r fools wh,en
which weighed 26,rl, po-unh. The tbick.- ore s rild Few y( ung
wonopc�kv ort thig bu in to, more s lig m -al e r., ii, one ent
O -R. Ilic S,
HOTEL Ff I - - ch,cks- -were after I men, Can eitter upon t e ctive busi ivards adopted and baggage man, one express me the would think- ofattel�,Iplthlg to illdu,ce
ess sseiirrer, otie and throwyll the shoul(ler 8 inches. �ON a retire Lnithc werefdulldtoi rk*ell. Inntrodicing bint -nothing tht they now can, do N) ill of the wox Ld und ''' I O: le telegraph operator, and our ivoo(T agent. tiny man to in vest his m�,ans in . news-
hatel'keeping busiuc6 offers for sale that or, I -tra, prig weli_knowl� stand, in . iV ville, nowl itacilpled en dod" his. firpt R'4-crm Bill; he! propoed —Mr. O"Pleilly,31 of A-Ingston, 'M. P. 4b Wd'oster f, om gaining that I ,eptkt condition than those which, att a One conductor a d one expre, s messenger paper enterprise in place like Tiverton, ,te loger �,friich� for South Renfrew, a her; half au acre of land �ittac i htei; the eal -lob of Disiti- was rec�pived who had it r6coverfid. Perswis and the niall. who a-g-rce to do so
di. Ill. coulltry -by y se, -'wich 4entlemen who li�as unneen , thick nd thin supporter would be the greatest foo good well,, -y other, ooi*L -%Nrl, with g on the r ad did not Seem to �e so liable -exxtitle it to hold, od stable. and i evei. ere wea and fmi reat in hitherto b all. Popu-
tsLnd tb�ose ce for ca.rr�illgll On tho We business. P-wrt ly onnectiolis are war rriment, and long ol en of ds passed ii Lto law amid the g of Sir John, -while in ottf v, a few dys i lation of Tivet-ton, ling to Lovell's i mportat a LIXillaries t s- ccess, nd at etieral as those living constantly in�. one place. intAct 1),Y- om the purchase:uxoney gill -be itquired in cash; the a ago gave it as his opinion t tin Lennox, I Directory, 250. Ilierits will biii, pwc I)Yiu.g only, -10 - whon. the* - approval of the country. We have, had two or three 4- �1 remaiuder,*illbu '13 we,,l to Igo"In easy iinsta-11 time y 1yec Bilich more im eavy -white I Hooper will make fair run, but� the raost q W -led me,�hanies'. and the b 24A material ments. Appl� on the to ; portant thail he� r, fr6sts at id the danger is con4ldered about n: bead
3-10 MS. ROBEIt SON IRindvills I low, Dii aeli Cartwrialit. -to whose ele —On 6atarday morili I
le younget: began� as in a law- That Mr. Di 3raeli. will shortly r6burn over. I think another good rth wind, ct'on by t'e 1 of fat cattle, belonging 'ito �M I-- Joseph The have 1111A lit. to power seem% as we h6ive iilrea a ere, 'Northers," will way he is iiivorable, will be elected b ,a yer w call them h
s office, _Nvithout a shillino, in the fly f I iddall, of Park -hill, stra're(l on to the
FOR SAiE. 0. n
BLGK$10 U SlId highly1probable. Eglish.Politics are at goid majo _tY. ATIli. O'1D,i7ei1IS`s prese it i railwzly tra World. a social system i which fix it. Thisis a hard countri, to. railroad
tle time to at-talx4 and &xhibit t fairs, b Ull er., In THE Blacksmith Shop A Ii,ai�ta's Corners, on.the this moment in A unsettled, almost in, and we have a mighty hard disposition is Si tb be to suppqrt , In ck, aild the fpitr were Powerful fftelids ar'e b nost indispell- -road. 1 - struck by a ptVsing trai, - of them wharever It wgi.-,k the (Webter 111qi as -L boundary between Tuek1arsiuitll and Hibbert., NiNfackenzie's Administration. , There will -
It: is not necess 'y to With the money pnic and ever epide- a chaotic siate; at r rCon. 13, wood shop attztched; good business now Sable, at kea at to adv&6 ell t in I * t* cal 1 being inju ed so that thq�, Idiscuss the for be good in of the old (lovernment being done; plendid openn�g fo a good mechanic; y of the coujitr mic, business has been knock,td ei Iany
lid on,%, &Iia twauPr-thTee First Prizes; b i Ontario Y, to be s atighteied. indi r life, he stool,,ilolie.-.. r i Ztlo �i P dways.
L supporters besides Mr. O'Reilly who will �Pel also, house with shi roolus and an acre of for it no longe EU Ooreigmpolicy. Af- It will Seem curious to you t� think e Ilani -a. thought f ti i enter P,, ia- . ter the fate which .11 the Black Sea *ear just a� heavy clothing here trees no man vs, have�'this disposition Parliam it tion wag expressed at tll4 cr;uaelty of the
aonr against AJI comers, American or Cauad-umt, ing to ber. Te ment who as not eitl or % landed Prop- r befe as we owner, who, bistead of p�tting the poor
it is in) again meets. ise oxaddress, OHN LATTA, rietor himself or had o.... e Ora Patron! he possible to Say what inay would in Canada. I am wearing the beasts out of ain. by killing "theni out
.t two, u1i in-ths, amd $09-4 Rodgerville P. 0. 0 But, the domest�ie que ions' clothes I wore in _'klissouri last winter re at presenti no less th" fell to, their lot duxiug te, pas ha' There P forced -his i, ry into a f Com- right, bad thein drawn no aii down the Tda are so. grave he doubt ilions boasting thatli; men'liclug w a the thermometer waE -28' below five vac'alicies in the reptes'euttion of as at every. ae- was his embakmeiit� %ATI41a. still alive,
FAR, many coiistituencie6 to be y
I ould be Strage if they did not zero -6 ir blood is so thin we have got to filled up 1-'y by a team. of horses, man"gliDg and trr;. only escutcheon." ER[ In Fair in the Dominion, where a just di'sc�_ on reasonabj'e6 te the electors bef�re the i eting of, tj� e -LVR SALE -rms, Lot �70.'24,' occasionnxiety- to the governing in en of protect, mrelves with warm Aothing.
I turing the Poor beasts !�Tri� a' shockin- X con. 10 he grew old, x ; but i: as' only by the towuship of containing 75 acres, 7 England. Her c ocall Legislature ex t. The 1
h OmM i omnierce is not pros- W. E. in anni, ry it 11�116 to; be 64. of which tire i cleaxed, by his of t1lal, merits, and bo to the well! feuced anti nearly Its genius niatiner. Thov IVere to the
pering. T&. -cancer of'. Pauperism Ai. fallowing are thieon tituebeies : Count .1 -a CaQar.of stumps,11the bfdaueclisl %,all timbered with c.. - .invincible resol tiou, and by the has y I slaughter houe (a considq ble distaue gaimd,, wsa t-haobject i -in, im-ew-, �-ht of Simcoe, represeted iW T\Ir. Thomi oveiy prize of, hardwood. Thdre is a goodi cl�volling ho unflinching -nerve Wiffi );vhich lie con- not yet beell. reached by any. rem edial I Canada. lwbilesthlahve, t ir
lie bro cen legs dangl-
stone collar, and frawt! bttr7 &�d other. ont-build- world measures. Ev4 �ry year-inc �erguson; Leeds, represe�ilted byMr. 1-1. - d hanorwou.1ti-hcae, been theirg. It hacti been. the froned every difficul reasing hum- . I ing an the poor bea-sts quiveriug, witli -ings. Thuais&neverfaili�g'pvcll of water con�% I David English Nesbit, -%vho� shot a wo- $- Macdonald ; Ottawa. riqliesented
bers of the best class of mechanics I seek !Iii agony. This Inhuman wrietch should be-.
Tement �to the house. Also ng,00d Orchard of all honors doll agel. a I the - world man narned Sarah Alice opwond, at Mr. 11. 1 W. Scott; Leed' t d by of thiz Company togfV6 MGUS,T's worth, This farm is situated on i IL good e homesin distant lands. InJ such S, tepresell e kinds of fruit. tried to beat down Dim 11 O ayl gravel road, leadin- to the. �Oafortll and inton Ze;�i.,Daiid lie beat dition of sOcieti t . he trade coll� Linds. last summer, has een. found the late Mr. John Coyne � and in the prosecuted.to criteltyt. compotMon, 6 ther. for �wkets, tLiia is within -a mile and a h it of the ta- or.' F;paer being appoint a nd, whilst i alf of the down instead, it be catne his friend. guilty.0 murd III liced to be e v e n't of M —Mr. Cunningham, Mi, 'P. for Mar- ienl&Ts �pply i sumes a d ii the 20th i e( ofZurich., Forfarth�er' artionlaTs il, ; qnetue, on hi -i way home to t6r "' t h1ri Ives, al Ld populr disconten b as- han 3f Dece4er. all B ut P for lotij � nd wear F years it was all ged Yme or Rp,,%T-Y Work, or -work of An.y Iduct whateyft omiises� or to Zurich R. O. mor eniiig� form. the �Crown I or on, the pr iopeess e threat A-; . the place of Scott to
the proprict PIETER GEIGER. apparently I Ontq§t. only .1 - The Wingham Tivies ho' had an- $outh Grenville will be without repr;' 1 while walluDg alopo, the seet t Pem.-
esponsibility will rest upon th,6 (10 _SOW�iin priae, god for friendly han I extended to. him was the next t % afill'stry Whi t governs Engiand other -ch ange in its dr. Leet'l sentation. bina on Saturdsy last, wqs�rnurderodsly MaebAe, t
proPL'ietar IN�
haild 1 se e le of tha; wo -man 'vlio�' remains It Ited by a rulfi an'nans�ei Len non 6f 150ACRES forL SALE in' STANLEY A� be at llavin� retired from the edit rY swaii). ithin ass"" FARM :no mtter who its' ad -fr. tial chain —A 'count a. and the OWebster" i. he, N e, ftnia"A for many7 folowed a United States soldier. The cause -of
q th 20, ia the F ou. of. No. 20 a Disraeli h; declr: �hort distance of the ' ty -to wilitry �i last Decem- The ji� or is now conducted by Messrs. Ci
Q, tx�ld.east�j . 01 as ii+ntly- e th.m be- of Hamilton, the attack was the fact tillat Mr- ber, a -mid a blinding ba!re t Lh in the Third 115 ae s �r,leae Ste ".art & Osborne. t
fore he announc s a olicy,1" it -Nvil be naet with rather diSa.1)p9intnien onie and ne4qly all cleai� of st PS, 11 headed and alone. I ai�lybody desires P 11111gliam. as lilarristrate at;Fort -Garry, t lately w necessary for him ii, whal ma- lset of attachrxxonts aii state of LuIttva,tion, 3 rail from li�raccficld, 6,� to "oW rh a wife it to ascertal" r Patrick Gibson, who has been hile; xting exp,(- broth-
pplied are of th ery latest Ow -ivh 3ay The to her hus- from Clinton. NNVEG-1]] wat d with noverailiug terils the Pul;hc 1) I'ditiol). He saddled hislor�e andstarte I had catrsed the -arrest epartiu6nts. co: itain residena of East, Wiawanosh f ir 20 yiears band, with , vht ptire 1"111�elfishness a�id er during the Fenian. troub'ks there. -design and- best workmanship, ana for �r cistern, Good Q'ff with all the ard-of o love to see an I -an for the, formatio a of haps -I his towlitiship, died' ae-fr),me b6a Orse ,e L ea o4id springs. rf1wo wells, also 86 wate find. cow st Oil she can giv, everything that poli4. Pe and h esteemed it: tram o devoti in -A young man il,
a house, hir Spend some time i fli company of his mamed
Ypung orcha-rd. Abo it as uch cedar on she has o I is sery lie has had en mgli of unfveling I the OIL the �fth inst., in the 74ih year of
comple-,eork, with simplicity and easl of. t ice nI fald a no )le I I .
opera- Fo furzher-part. rs chosen one.. No doubt4, the time passe I Bliondin met witli. - a, tollibly Sudden
hppiness i webs with - whi(h Whig ministrie his age. the plaeb as will,feue a A. 8 4, doing i ; -v�ht a suppi rt pleasantly by and swiftly. But the hou death on 8,itlurday afternu�bii- He was
tho4e, sold- with any of the apply on the promise s to JO, LAUT, or -by letter enveloped them., elves in. the. last nidi,Wis' —It has now bn tul byon& toRincefieIrIP.0-i County f turon. 308 nd comfort e carn b to Ilim Under e Mabdonald 4t leucrth arrived whetil be� must leav, engaged wheelidg brick f6v,'the erection of their power. Unless lie. call se�t doubt that, had Sir John The dea or the regrets he bad of a.- I
inevitable iorrows misfortunes of U o d to ' itl' many fond' iall chimi' along tl best _kmericali machines. f the support of in q�hclei� working not re ould have �een beaten Ral w I ey le Side of the
aSined. lie w
gitif isp: r' FARM P01R ls,�E. life how D] 1cen1l Slip can it e jority': oil is en to his f t' th,e new lovator �at the canal, ,LDd when t sonable PrE hij ti Id t, I 4di X111 one I-Trel%nd, -BOWMI4 sA=i , on -i t as, �Lot No. 0, exet 0113 ar� S.Pn( -as a
4,W.Obs.t.er'tfe,rGrent:B--ital,n.fL,u�c � it is far Ivis part ti re- by a ma of 10 in a division oil Mr.1 �nd went 0 ret place wbet4 he had t'iOd his. horse. 110 the foot of the ebimriley a brik fell fro in-
ip ofJ Usbome Ll aje main the leader I of Her M, ty'! Op- Macken trielidnient to t4 address.
id FOR conta' vlrse wor d, concession 3, townghi, bulwark betl pen the a I found to his surpri�e th4t durimy his ab,. above, some 0 feet, au(1,:with strange in. to fresh I thei West Inaleg, and South America a 4, -well ing 100 acres, 80 of iiieh are dlearedi I'fenced position. In that capacity lie disch; rge w 1 h the Toronto dai *es would himself—any (one, wh ) 1slies. to.. co-, ii- Ali inip . o sence someprac Ica �d cnitiv4ion. 1rhe ing �atin an ti I hqd tlemove4 I fatality struck oa'the top'of his heatd, eyery Part Of is timbered with htuxlwood -P I y i-ead the i A it coul(W killing him. instantly.
uand in L state of go( izno blacl� iLsh-exeel- pi eliend all t, Jis nedd ( rtarit function with signal l ilitY quit w d French notation the saddle oni. his ho at� 'to 'y nd success. He hs had nolair cl 111(11e not on� folli their own sakes, ut on c- lent for timbor. Thar failing of M sra@i's, marri �, C1 e aro, wo ever iiowliere nd. —Three of the meni -e present
tb4t I, e. It w nicl- one:good ild It may, therefore, easily be imagined, sapow. �also an f of showing Nvbatheboi do,with pf: to be fou tnurned up bow� bers !of t1i
ound tha in such a case e devoti e, v quitt� Dominion Gove ment have, been
springs on the farmi count 1), the frightful examplb they are!
orchard of 6 acres. The buildings are.all log. ii'lias falloij, the shadow, whilt the er ll(fxt day, having een foun I on 18 to b6 setting e local weeklies. Idthey keep! i y an&I would not be allowed to pasb uuch&V en he a on the - ba4 k of a cow. in Prom iers in the exful Half of the trees in he -ore! iRr, ear- not all O O Side. ectioll of a 1�y reposin Provinces !'o which th e
substance h elsewhere. "lie we, ve upltrying to y ing for several 'bl 1 01) must, either gi years %nd th ot er half , just coin- good woman kindles t h e iti es I neighbor's yarcl on the oinino, farm. respectfully belong, viz.: -\fr. Mae, in
7 11 - i� i lenged, by, the American manufacturer,, i aid ayery times, ,however,'se in to be clian ar, till of e best �iutar fruit. I'll, D 9. readaur O'chaliges,—or buy a phraseJ f he will her devotii i I, it 6w Brunswiek,
0 a mail, n With �Jknamusing inciden Ontario Smh, in,N, Thereisagood ival roadJ I the�armleading in the past f months, seats 11 Lve book. gra rom pa: occurred oil th'
menuo haa� beenadopted, to Prevent theF Webstee� E-.Keter �har:kets an! with. lofty fi d lIty. - 1-1 fr. Disraeli lia 1, an -d \1r. Laird, in Priij,ce, Edward's ing to Seatorth., Climon an been lost to the XON ernment wh --A liadian capitalist, .1 rf. D. H. Street in' 'Monti-'eal'a fe-�r days ago. � A 'o There is as e, ich 11 -we Cit Island. -
is Within easy ffistauc of a h he oned sa: theb, st of wives," I sleiszh was procee�ling 4long; in which; from beiu-lutro4aced intQ the'Guitecl States., quarter fifte"ior further O�_ s_- pal lwys� been deemed secure. The leo- McKaniio�i, -is. said to have purcliased I were a num
a scilool within -a rt, I proved he ibest of hi s- ber of ladie 'Sleighs crossed the Ottawa IliverOn. ad on th particultirs al�pl_v to the und.814lig a pr��-\ bands. Till the last,il 6f her life e ple seem inclined to distrust the sp6o'ifics 25, 000 -a crw of valu able miner'al lands in the ice thls y . er earlier Plan thev, have ises, or to Rodgervill a P- 0 whch Mr. Ohidstojie has prepre(I for I Wantag, *hO occupied a back 4at, 4d a greal'
% a d* Wilkes Counties, North 3Wtf*1m NIDU'; K-Wl' V6IR2 i�oprietor Pat to his w le'those eiltions whi -h them. The Liberal party is demoraAi2ed, ofusion of beautiful �,curls. A horsb ever been known to do. before EAFORTH. 1 Carolina. pr 0, WILLSON 11 S are too often ssociaed ratler with t1le JNtsl I'l driven by a carter, came -up close b�-inc -Almost daily new axses,of small -pox
EGKONDVILX; e' nd it would probably be benefitte�l by _Th(� eytql Methodists'Ll in Chat- HosE. LOT for -S romne -of youthful int4rcoure than An at for the County.of Huron. sing throu this sleiall. and es ying �the curls can olit are, reported in Torouto,jnd iiotwitb- ham I)u , th', church pews by . auction In p ft good ra e Dwelling House with the routine of m irie4 life. gli season of rev ses. . I eapi in
Folt Ch m8liservatism in these days is suffici 11 tly Soule 3111;tan2es boiiu�us of $400i 11 tliem in his mouth, and drawing he I standi 9 the offorts of r� �dical meh to . and half acre -of land, befta tifully situateil in were paid
_VEN NK AM I NATI 0 N Th.1 progregsiv fora i ti�lig. commenced tq the matter quiet, 1) theVilla,nof Egmondille, near Scaforth. he he rose tothc I gliest ain� of his alubi- e even for Mr. Bright, alt )ILgh from. the lady's head keeli no� a, fewre slif-..
0 tion the onli favor h-. would accept f Shake thein' round, app'arentiy mu ferill lrge and cornn Ily ch t6
houses aoffious,and b&H a good ultra- Liberalism does not go far elilb t iplaint-q art, being made -against� Z froin its effects. I�Icre num-
cefflar the full size of the hOuse. There are good. the �ueen M�1' 3 .a cori 0 t for his his amusement- The hliured-, lady, feeli bers of cues in. private hodses atidmog for t1* school of which Mr. Briahtj vas the oil-- ;oin I)intion. at Petrolia for th6.1 stables and other ont-hoilses attached, Ms6 a well ]E[e -was, sea, (ely evel libsent . from. h,, -r ing her back -hair gotio, lool4ed aroqud.'.. -respectable familics. the foulider. Should sraeli be i exorbit, i price at which they are keep-'
PUBUG and cistern. There is au or�hard of bea-rifig trees. - d . Mr. :Di 1�s presznce is 4
St. e until th �] a � when the f A A ding the situation - of aairs,11 known t present oil
de%irablc power with majprity, ere 1 ing the lumintina fluid. il in- th t
U,u(l plc4ant residence for a placed in and behol El Walton Bay If This i. ' ted. , She kne w would, at least be a stroii�, man tI E lizabeth streets, n in the north- - d be. gold che - . I 1�ras considerably sl3ocked as well as muell
;�he proprietor a For friends -were &.be � le b,,.d at about hl the pric, furtherparticulars apply to Ithat'she was ng le retired business man, au Euz refr1iined fro!' head of the GovernnLent. twitl� r 6f the sl&i western part of the city..
(TEO 0 Stand- i that it i in Cnada.. chagrined. Thedrive gh w
RGE ll im so, in ordai -that he. mi 'it Vetiy Uttle is b6- appealed to, and- soon' persuaded th. 9 in the prejudice -and nuisrepresen ion in cl d0n, I. 1 the Petrolia oil reglons in the —It is Amored fli t tI e' G eat West.: be spare . d th pain of I 1�idding her - fal e- .9 r, '11, mug A ISTR of which he is constantly the Subject, Do w horse'to give up his prize, and the curIq ern and the Grand 'I KOIK—Uk ICT. ay.of by. d liction, while the r finers ar t I well. He al kiriew at h6i last ho ir were restored to their owner, not mubli (,a an excellent Farm of over fair observer of his eareer can dbubt t lat merely n nafacturing enougliito .supply ed large numbers of ein . 'yees, we -VO Sale or exchan., -12 100 acres, in the township of VA01101C-, fronting was a'hand ,but kep silence lest lie his so id discernment the worse of the nii-shap. his ripe ei p -i- the holne demand ; or perhaps� not that, fear There .13 'Some ground f�P this, as we on River. Partiafly cleft -red, with dw6l- should distre -her. S they parte , once , 11 his' intimate fainilirit iNith as Ame,-i an oil can ed at sucA —A maii named Adam. Herwig av jearn,-that the earnings of the Grreat
THE Examination of Caudidates for Second- y �ing erected thereon- Well timbered and 14-rp each nkious o avoid 5trikiitg a blow it himself up to the Toronto police rece fly JL� Class- Gertificates will be hold in ally stuftted�b,ftween pub 1 , irs wotld enble hin�.-i to a low r de. that it can be imp,'orted all Western(which is so la ly dependent, quantity of pine. Beautif IV 3S the other's heart. 1ha domestic .1' sttina that sixteen yeiis go lie
therisfu-Lo*nof ]�,.racebridge (three miles) Xvid rell or reat andlleinorable servic�s, to sold at 10 wer rates than Canacilail. The oil the American traffic f its businoss) . 0 of - public met] ire prol. e: � h( -Id to be ewi of ditily - Steaniers, t Martin Killian in figlit at ega,11 -IL muoskolcar,infa� Nd -ly e' his country. conseque ce is, tbatconsumers�in,Canada is losing over, -.-)20,000 La w _c nient tb schools, post offices yond. the ra of, pulliD comment ; bat Wisconsin. Donlestle diffictlIties led tq Pee week, ndth-at -and fio,ana onve i — are now beoi -et at be� the Michigan Central, tie caltion'. dw"r -churches. Really a degirikble lo, the theme of ruling to ft ng fleeced and in n age 1 marria 9 is his stirrolid I vepor i tilluation of the t stern, earn
i for park lots iu or 146tter fro Shre or the sake of filling the poc ei s of oi r el ft e
vlfflell xeas0n&bl hinge )) it f I If ^ ed, #
1� � " lede gress, . i I I —subscriptiou'list Ii; becit a ene I ridiculEi from r of pro I - ive `--e bear town OrjargG in Haron district. Title I speculmois, and will be uud; r the ne I over $100, 000 less in the pion-th of Octo- be th -K r. D I' s - The following are extracts from * et- il ,ONDAY, 15th December, at 1:30 P- m-, and application. may -at this pais?,ge in I in lklontreal and liberlll,�- Signed, for th
perfect. 'Dill inforr lation on W R."Gil bons, Sun of Skic �'ff applying to the G vernmen I ber than in th saille moilli f. 1872.
TUESDAY,16th December, at A.. bf., for 1, Box S career I lay 806-2m .101 to Put L stop to this inonop, ly, by re. P t Lie G CHA T. DOYLE 39, Clinton. .101 6red with sot ie ter f rolli rl raelil bib I. oi urpose of raisiu�, f and to assis Third Class. p -fit by the 3 -oung.' Gibbons', of Godericii who is at prieelit I ro and Lepine in tbeir def6ice. I I �, I ducing �he duty on A merican il, so thal ford held their first 1) bte recepiiou at
-FAR-M FOR SALE. Mr. Disra . ie- conductor on a ra Iroad running, into a
4i's covilection with t� —The Hamilton Tbnqs of Friday Iasi
1 . they In Obtain this necessi of life
-V EI -_\7 Gt composed )f Lot 1, Con -10 of the Town- his country has Shreveport La., where the yellow 'tfcvcr the Government House, � routo,,oa on -
f literature, and politics 0 I I I says "We have S een :ii cheq Lie oa-7 zli( sip of ith, 6ontaining 100 sores o, :� I ight, a b a r ioderate rate, in pl, ice of hav lay last. Over live 1111ndred per-Lons there is a new fra-me bi�en of a vey active I d for upwards of lately raged so seve -ely real, to-ilay, signed b3 'excellent laud, apo h -i ing to Pa more than double the pric Bank of ont The Examination of Candidates for First- ' Class barn,3800 fe good orchard. For B.i-x-aud-forty ears. though he boaE ts "I think we have passed throu h all i y Nvei-e presented, an it - is said that the - at an I at -Iso I a -h it c -ocary e W. 2-NIcGiveriii, Esq., Ptwidebt, and Mr,
t whi, all be pi q1 in Z
_01017tiftateswillbe held at the same Place, formation, a r Lieutenant Governor and \Irs. terms, which. axe an iy, aud� othei in p- that he was " born i .1 Ilibrary,- there is danger as far as the yellow fever is, (on W. McCulloch, Secret.0 and Treaskirer Crawford,
on FRIDAY, 26th �Decemb at, 1:30 on Lot 1, Gen. 12, of - . I. York. ly
mencing Ply to AIX. ITIk3JE18 ..it Seems to have exhanst4d it- I shook hands with each Wile as they were, E, N& - little of the Spirit o a recluse in is cerned Wellington, Grey nd 13Fruce 1ailway, i
vindor, WALTER R at Fi hi Wo
said Township, or t) the Self 0 le So is in( - t( b rev�pprt. T fishing' this ' isoD f rnwillinx, -) P.O.,,., BrfntCo�, Out. 296 temperment, WhE re hard blo, VS th irk Karsh 11' and S Ilam favor of Wi. Rendrie, Esq..,! contractor -on, whit]' s, Like Hui !ler man, wil C Sf. ere was e Tb ere are only a fev r cases now it) Ilitr through the P "ifLd Ord:ml* of sh,akin
were to be gi e�n or t, k n,. there. w for $36,400—the mount of 4id granted 9
three deat - per fish limen. from"the lke Shore village hands with over five hundred pesons in
F� R IV iLE. His Paw -Ii elitary life place - I �by the Ontario Goveriment FQiR SA to be f olind. e- wid only two oi five or isix week sessioi L-
cto and to wi 8 resort. fot afternoon, th lion
nul..Jabt; 140' acres, ( Our trailis w� 11 commefit.lez.ru 1 ing I even fol e or of ein",
OT 1).. Con(essionii 4, 1 -eigg,li f Queen Vi (lay., 'xteusiolil One Can(UAAes W116. intend. to come up for examins- Cared. Plenty of water gan wi I every f dl I ias not been so, bad; as for th I to that part of the 8ou.them 1, 'ove) ", t ,I. -utenalit G -nor of (intario, tiva are: reflui to, notify the uudcmiglled, more or l'ss 80, aures 01 t ii, ir..... .11, lt e made, the'n w to Shre"Yeort rrow, Nov. q, the lying between Winghin,and Kiticardin thie maitIand River run' dt 0-1 Those -wl 5 eut up u y il "St tvro years. IOL Nil And the brane h of �e g of the'opinion hat young farme'r
`00. barrel effect not later than.%.FBD_ky, the 28th, of'NO kp-- elebrated sppech brought -up n medicallf, - -137 r, ued from 60 to A. NicDougall for .:sonie year4 —Throe weeks agro
ming throufli the nc,rebu�ih; goodfences. tt the do e, t I, di( le of t 11011se Of call Safely, go- in daylight, bu Dan -led TNelsolil Scott, of Pyontheoremise to ft.194epro 'etar, CO - we p im the ri per bo t f white fish and trodt, in near merchant in Seafoi-th, but
AME S.MARTIXI mons. This speech itself- was in tl At not deIam it prudent to lay b+er thCr all Dow his grain, iii Londo ofi Paisley, C. I PETEIL ADA.,NTSWN, i ly equal I I. roportion s, though some onnV of Bruce' intends estall- 0.1,1 a
or address Constance P; O-_ inflat'd sty] -which Occasionally mai ks night. Yon in tli(- north 1-1-AVe 11() them 1 . St. ti][Ie greater-prt of ;heir nets, lishincy cheese fcZory in that villag spiree and sudidenly ith a
0 Spoke of the noble wh -is b large amount of _111pne eepi(emic thiq. Iii, en. Seeretaxy Board ffo-1 S, at a terribl a I f Saugi ton, took lie t STEAM SAW xiim AND FARA FOR SALE. his later e maintainin(y
Tityrus of tle Treasri� Bench the, Shreveport had a populatioh of 7 J00 j Mr. Ill Itullins, a o X SP F 're, t that lid had been foully
ning 104 about I 0 White Fish Island. of the Qount� rulc rst u Ci �n. 7, contid the City oil the, y - of B dealt with, the river Waa. dragged for
000 ho wing to tie high, rates of fieialit tbi3 Whom we i6entioned week. or two agp days to try C. E fullbeariDg; twonever-fail- arid find 4'is b, dy, but BET pl witifgoodbarnsaxid stables, Daline of Liskear4 ed of who�]tI 3,000.lef t
N OT I I Lord John Iigsell as waving �bhe keys appearance of the f,,ver, of the 4 twe,rood or�hzrds Season all] cithe -advuce(t pri�eso O fis;j as beino, tli6 possessor ofa very old Bible', 11. lqso, lot a-5, -nd abbut 1 500 lug S,�ringskhich -upply ithe mi cessfully. A h,,fs ju,st been re -
8 acres of bush. The property of barrels t I( pro fit 1pft to the fi�'herrrf i has anoth -rhp- Hoi �se remailled 800 have died a 'L11
of St. Peter stii� er ancient curibsitv in t4
Con fit td- Celli` 9 .9, contld�,ig Seaforth, with tVgood laughed hin I am 114 at all haveredovered. Jast fancy.0110-Naft ed from the 13 -11g nall, who in
is situated 6 milai from; very spial. It is said that so' e on this I shape of knife and fork wilieg eptl?n lave I pu P the po lation sick and all. at tbel same th, Sttes penDiless. 'It he �Spent
let 1 gether, the t%v9 handled forming the csd, gra-,,el road theretot For f firther particulars apply surprised wi el account Ad I not clear expensas. Xounty(if � . e I ef qffm Couiaoil of the Corpora,tiali Of t1l a If by p gt, to TOIRN TnOIMP - 1) I I time. I suppose not -les§ than -2 oil the premises. 0 ave )euun several utl- ahsluclls III a 1) Sl L I I I I . I This stran oC piece of c ry is more than. #11 0 I Down. —The Rel)orte)- says 0,w 'to come back.
-�L Rama -will meat in, the duPar ere unk t is . . r s
m, Out- '60 hl%ile often died whose names He now sends for -fa
- tiniles 1111%tily things, b6 'ice and scarcity of i two bandred"years. old, and there ai- 0, to' advanced le, territleto think of persons dying in a Ing -ange stories'connected -with it IN M e con , I
FARM FOR SALE cKILLOP. ce ded at last. I Will 3it (10; 1wood, INlegars. (�,t M� & Scott hav, I some stj sue ALAK
11rAo country 'TOWN --HALL.., SEAFORTK hose7 only. oUtaary —It is estilliated - fhol .30 000 I! will Como; 4 -hen y.ou ill civilized -te(1500- toils of coal for me i1i , histary. rm SlkLE, a. ic (1, Farm, composed of North but the time I in three words, " Un- just iulpol by, notice iE �a4bas -1- - half of lot 15 a�,, 'the -But Ye . id, b I e( A '1110tild this —Whellanis, associate of Rev. Hol; ' ha -�ed the Pro vince, wa%� half of lot iii, Con. 1, rs went by, L isten to me. ei their G. ensive salt work. Ow. ever." But if o4 12, McKiUop, couttij ningJ0.0'6,res, 50 cleared and ppi, e known, y 1111- i of Quebec from s the
arently. e made no eadmiay. be fonfict- to meet, their expqatations, i rocks Cocks in emigration matters o
cultivation; balance well You well f aaced,'and in rtood, derstood the n un �. of the I disels, past three Aveeks t�leir: re-birn bel"D,g Taesday� -y af -e b Ir' next. se. was told th lie'w 11 t all ligh h ill pro TILI ly lel to, the' stil%sti- belmlf of the Goveirnment iii 2nd da D em timbered with hfalwood, a good frame hon ilik- w lar-ely due i -p of t1le-niall would not be mitch surprised to t ii �o the Ao"cp aa ]'I his 'reat Bilitill, ho is Dow in . Torontd
ar orchad; tw0i siad now losr barn, good . bearix mn, ') lthol try. se ed Shrevepoit. H tl I tutioll offic)alfbill'ilood, bythoisaltinnu- G ctories III the Stat half froql a good _1R, I rri 1748 a fie I, o SO n I lmile�s and a" Ithat 25 ie in rayll(l con I fa Ngra,Q01 road; 10 ruiles facture6li ' Kincardille. TI has instituted a libel suit az-:),iiist �,\TessrSea,forth ,- there are two steam yo ar taken sick wit �i yel- frora'the villa,�e of To hour af Ge, Belford a f0f the for —011 "NIo, day last, �a by 4
County nient to churches, cr S itted that! country. suliipti�l f cord - wood in th aw was voted
IIEIVCr Ge qu 1 , I I sawmills within 3.� -, ailes; conve ire Ijerfectly helple an d Is vicinity, -g,Aown to Fup-
Iart " wr ter low f, i I - ain ain defmatory rticles III th, t pap ever you ,
ly to the ths mo et when. a. sm, d the §i all quantity J I#d rem, - cert, -schools and stores., For particulars app It conk Dees n(Ir oil in the village of 'G�o
st � Ir. very often rring to hilli �t Zverbrougbt LS wbi6h w or, if by letter, to C h sha�t agalli illu undlda'ed, lready oblk,e�i number refe ,ivlf sc6e months press tile licensing- of.the iale of liquors
'bes lifin as bein h ous "a' _SGn 0 f o� our f a Cris to buy u 14 'I
-i�hes to, '1 nG
into, :BWUSS4 proprietor on the pre I N,� i - tell nd .11 1 4-1 1 f1by R -&n4 complete,by. the� 25th !,nstan wit a hill irrible head -e the 11ohile in alid shops. Fi -Awo
ig pri NViathrop P. O. D ah g le'l whi file]. 1b The mttei up bvfoi JAE IS AlcDONALD. in your limI W,Iltlll leore be "fortuii ate (Axetimstan c nIL;LV- and none ag,,iinst. The cale NIvere recorded Ods be fOul2d leading lines., a d nurses is very differe,nit
pailli e
he follow s. - The tlieatmi4 it I beg to, refer you to t Andyet!itis not e ad other but an save th against Belfor(I t it doctors I, bat Pa�- I proportion FARX FOR SALE IN,GREY. write who can be Jluite Sure thev all comil.elice for the'. 0 munitv if we cai :r —An Ottawa. poll(ema* has re general thin teson was committed 14o stand his triil
aa ordwo y large mportatichis of coal. Iby the
C46 OT No'. 12 and )art of � Lot No. 11 ini the 18th he Ii 6areful st idy receivellthe w-'r1come new� that
H H-eavy� 3& in, agey 12i '3 � . i ad a gl, dfathei with a mustar ithey car get 0 I ICotto, at L of ads to the d :)ath, 1 at tlip, next assizes. Bail in the Sul', f ry h a
ML - 78 acres dcli�e le, (leath. of all 1"Lucle in the d, (I count
Concession of Grev, consis of Mr. Disr: eli's pub r4 people a Istart, they obisidt I tha —T4 have some snia t per ya-,7-d,. 50 eleared and in - miles from perspiration to I �')I, 000 was accepted for his appearance. d jTJ , oil ell I I . co richisi on i I it he un derstlids i'Eiig 'Rond E,11 County -of Kent. The Vems, has fallen lie I ir to a, large -Teavy 36 2 a. Rleached C_i9ttom, at 10 Gravel Raf�cl,. IS fill "eq frolli Sca,forth Moil : tienitf out of dal) �;er with cilrefu I I -
276 � Who . a ma;nl- WK --k few days go Mr. Thomas Park4 -\-(4�us CNI J, AN, on the p -remises. affirs "at Mist as w(Il (10 he tt.io * of that ip ace, says The per yard. they do n A Cfet t pi- n 'dent of Botl Avell, was killfild Presbytery�---Past r Called. nd(, the r o9c,11 of beirla 1111- t)ers t 11is boas an old rest I
Tiot lie u uldn't buy a lot here, and HI-eary ScOuzed 1frincey, at 16 to -start chills keep coming on, )lack Co ra e d 0 of Hu-
VA��B-L_i_ ROPERTY FOR SXLE, English e Opp ed the re l of f ter d e moved 'into one f it th" while walking on the ti ck of the Cre;�'t A I ytei mit commences, a which-the3 80011 up all t a ineeting of tle I 4 d. as, with s, but (11 S in' com non vo link th(e-.Ico ctor s Western near that plae. It se6s th4 at 10: ceWA ]FOR che two Stor good dwell the CornzL s, but e 0 ntr, 4 its -Irt wa It: is a very satne (1, y would tl 1�&%l on b, deceased was ivlkin�r the main ron held a call was sustained f roin t4 congregatio-n. th-
art of oftforth. The lot is 30 feet at ber h rijj.t8� (f of 11 bq+ rare thin r, for pn, t- Blytb, on in(ir _b d u the c(aitre -s -he frb ot !Lwhichl lie s die.
0 the -busine' were ]I n bugging him to iirry
P the tvith t - S ,,at part )Mit. T wards W be the led(ier. The fi tient to recover track toward town, w.jid a train after some ot let, Jo j. 4, �. Y'. Hartley.
M71ts 3,1 a-n4t 36 i7li frontage. For f urt i -or particulars aply to Roert Peel to u W*Il no doult wonder very nuch of Dulwyannota to Rev.
I �Ije Tory Yo 1
D_ lesslo.gs of 2 ]NIcC A-UGIM4 Y & HOLMESTE -rlble nerl" Ryan, -%vlio I was take�i ' l)proachims behind hi l" got off tile 94 �1 ted. It � i� g. su I a t( m in track on the nt:iv- . lille, no doubt Mr. flartle�- Ilaving accepted the ,call, party he )i fr it; steamer Virginlus by the a' -Llcti4 is to Z the Sd ne-ver' f "t alai hi�% ind ahe Plce on
yt shrA was a (0anadian by � thus thinkir to be free from dangfir,
+1, i,i life as a lRa(I cal, P la I-npai de at
tans, and Lgbster Mills 66ttOn 3foo� teijy res n O [ten why I stayed here during oni t ways an hand. e but I lim e ; I I
was at Hearn we of Deceniber r; 1= L t U, I OU rl U'U L- to * t iinjz when r ac4ing trin, however, was olle because, empt Last spi, r ura his fiist. Pitt d all birth, hafing been born neAr Toronto. The appro the ill(ItIctioll Dan 5y to preach;
TEA& I ady I-ain, an(I 5or CZ12tg Per �ZND MUSIC CLASS. cal i,)f op )SM had nearly tilon h's Ste into Parli� ent a Ra 1 Ar Yount to tble mimster -
from )L;m . Peol. eJorget f a s, wber-t he worked track, and instead of . escapin g I Stipend
ft Good Young Hyson Teal. at 37A I In Wu,, then about 11 years old. of. the pon'-struction brains on the nqxv
F P we 8q ',zentsj per lb. us -4 citizle�is prop] esied Tory seco, ( d Old _e riubt the pe -O Filiest.,'Aloynne Tea, at ape V r lb. _A i ntoilld h' lie weiii to the State was iniine(li $1. Save SS yellow fever bot on accou Of , tII wet 1-h a inai Be.
hint, so that the ce 61i eithe I ! at his trafle-as a shoemaker ;ill the wsr danger, he iatdly 600 wit
half chest or Caddie. 11d. periodical returl) of the feer. IThey promiseJ, h Mr. a .1 1�orth- struck by the enine. and instantaueois- one, xspans,� o'9t- Thomas' bure is not col -,Insive. UndoAbtedly, I brokeo whenhe enlisted ia the! 0mpowders, OD llft� irrs as an ep] L em ic 'O y seem to Imaoil e it rag ears 1 of S MICre in fa- soldidr, but after- ly killed. The old ian was arrcle� for chappe
eqT�Uyjioodalue _f mu est utt( �r c,e ern ar priv.1te CLASS AND SELE. T SCHOOL, one(,- every six years , T Oil th t,- iDisraeli's eii . it was illere ii � 1861 e out age. This family recently been
V()�- of givir reater p=er tor:tbe peo- AGENTS WANTED — 'ErYNVfJ e th�y werc just Nvardq be ame Lieutenant. li be attached hands, roughnr�'s Of the 1;kiu, I Kidill's Block Main -street, Seaforth. I V, 8 ainti�ed, a e I, hall and 1861. 80 Ycu So o1i lie Cuban rebellio very un f ortimate, as is the third ,�c Cybolic Glyceixlc jell). He I break ur I it- I begaa then. to Prep re for it by cident htppening to itt nietlibers -wit4in -F ts and eys of all
PXAN� KN. W at -y party Was ri "I himselft the insurgents, atld until the LA311-i, BititN� I-
I(N. W E SC111001L presently sc e, he Tot 0 1. -
iver reaulator, and a I Ila( been -in- at RWRO'S
_VT 'der iocrtic—that is, the Liberal taking I was Ong a sbort period. About twb years ap dese'r'pt'wic, inst atr1V I :E! tile true time of: h s death -d in their unusually w6ll all summer did not fear a one of the -9oris was killed in the Avo 'ds Diu,. and Crockk tort.
TER_V per term Day Sob 001, from �_party of 1�n . service. He is describe (A the Dominion Of UsuB(da' S- Music L-;6 Iii� 1841 the down I d ate one wko y ki, t is being thc comn�ence $3 to.$5. W'a 3 at billions attac uth. School hou 0] a 10 A. M. to 3 P.'x. Soo of the Ig G _39 ]�ar = I rs fr . _00 to. Frofitp. from nent C TROY P rtreet Eat; II