HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-11-14, Page 7NOT I x tgit3 T3 cy) 1-4 a)IvI1 • IS:iff 0 r 0 c rn 3 0 z 0 1-4 Ca 0 1 r + �r Qri z tit ; USS S FQU TDRY. SUBSCRIBER wishes to call the attention • of the farming community in general -to his roe and: variedd stock of Agricultural Implements, Consisting of RON AND WOOD P ows, With the latest improved Steel Koala oath,:. GANG PLOW S,,_ UL 1 V ATORS,; t LAND ROLLERS, EA1 RQWg, SGUTF:IrER ,; &C. • i would beg to call special attention: celebrated CAR ERS' PW , to the hieh has given universal satisfa -tion — herever ed,. ;o which is naw added a Thistle Point, so eh. required in this part. Also, to some first kss rAv -•D14V M LAND ROLIIERS II. -From $22 to $35.. • A lsir, a few :'St -Class pons,: ttf s ;g for Spring use, warraSatecl. of very beat = SO1\1,EL 1IM:B R� All of which will be soul_ at the very: i L 'EBTPRICES FOR CASH. Cr approval ()relit. WM. B. WILSON. rehifiels, Feb. 12, I87a.. 71cy SA FORTH AND II UR ( N 4ARBLE WORKS. . MESSET & SO,Ng (Late of Hamilton,) Otdd tirade to 'their uun erous friend and the neral publie that they are prepared to fill all dere fed mammas, Headstones, Table, !Tops, { E Mantels, 844. r anife Monuments Imported to Order= Work,' of the best style and 'art, and ennot be rpassi €1 in this' art of Ontario.; ' 4. Call r spcetfullysolicited, , Next door to Isorter`s F rniture Store,; F IAIN SIIEET; S-EAFeat H. MESSET, �. ;�f14;4FT= i T AOTING TEETH ;v fTg0 PAIN. ' MiRTWRIGHT, L. D. S„ Surgeon Denttist • attendsErr in Seeforth, at ox's Hotel, the tesla and. We,dnesday of each r enth t in 00:0011, rthe Commercial Hotel, on the folio ing 'D aus- H au41 Fridays. The remainder! of the time at Stratford ofeee_ E )etrtitIS requiring thew teeth aretrecltrestedstae r , t e- forth and Clinton, on the first day adruc . I estiz ionials of over 500 patients wbo•,have bad sir to tis; Liti:aeted by the use of the Gas, naeY reseen at ray office office in Stratford.. `eeth inserted in the moat substantial ane 1M` Fee{ atyles. zl zn clone in gold, cE<., -13,amanner 237 R•, of he scupsssed.. ` • Nov.1, 73. T Aman with $800,00 • a Day-In- citar te. The 164e Od istiI Qencraf of the United States at Cairo, Geo. 'Butlr, is in Wash- ington, and I have deriv,d sonic fresh anti interesting it1forniati, n from hien. Said Pasha is described by Mr. Butler as air for ing clu the SU• dr aperson of culture, speakiz g Freueh with 18 ease and English a little ully educated ma at the Polytechnic School in Paris, and Pr. wearing the dress of Ulin `stian people. ge ° He is a shrewd and rich erchaut,, and .th not a soldier by propensity ; and his in- come and the luxaryof hi court exceed the tales of Haroun al R chid's splen- dor. He has an income of $110,000,Q00 per annum, or more than alf as meth as the whole aminal ex ense of the Tinted States Gov erxmen inclusive of cost of the public debt: To keep onr 50,000 or 60,000 off;cehold'rs, our array our navy, do the public builcling, &a., &c., requires $17,:000 a . oonth. And Said Pasha, who has no ore subjects than there are citizens' o New York State, has,- by Mr. Butler' careful (est]- mate. between $9,000,000 nd $10,000,- 000 10,000,- 000 a month, or above A300,000 a day. He has twenty-seVen, palaces, all the car- porate property --or 'that which with us would b controlled bycoirporations--in the country, and' no -laws whatever but what he :can think of or Will froiu day to day. He has four wives . and a vast harem, a d, being an Unwise husband, does not know all his own children ; yet he is teiliperate and prudeit, and still he is not happy. He wants to be a king ; but the domination of Turkey sits upon his dreams Iike the gobble- • on the full boy after.. Christmas - dinar r. Turkey' is put above hitt by Erne ' ea'treaty which dates back to 1840, and fr m the treaties of Europe— Whatever link you s: rice, Tenth or tenth thousaudbreaka i the chain alike. To neutralize - Turkey, the Khelise has been for a long time conciliating Eli- rope, and the power he sets most store by is Russia.. The Constills-General at Cairo are men of the first class and the reatest astuteness, being really Foreign finisters without the nacre, astle Khe- dive is only viceroy_ Mr, Butler says he could have had absolut power, under this Viceroy, over the life of any Amerr icon in Egypt. He w.a,s on such intimate terms with the Khedive that some of the complainers wrote to Mr. Fish that he was in that rich bat•barian s pay. " B:utr all," says Butler, "that h ever slid for me was to give me sten. ers, yai hts, a Croup of horse, :&c., when .I wanted to entertain my visiting friends." - As,a.n instance of Said Psha's wealth. Mr.- Butler relates that t .e Empress of France said to hien in' Pari : : • Viceroy. I should like very much to visit your Pyramids, but I cannot ride on a camel; and I .Suppe se. I cannot go there by any road." , "c Your Majesty cap go there by either railway or highway, as yea like," said ,, the Viceroy. When she went there, at the opening of the Suez Canal, the Empress found a road mad; twelve miles long, across the. desert, lighted with gas, slhacjed all the way with transplanted- ti ees ; and half way on was a palace for her repose. with a second palace to entertain her at the. Pyramids --all especially Made for this. one journey. And, yet, mph is the kin- ship of the times, that when the Khedive . attempted to renovate Cairo by taking stones from the Pyramids, he felt th,t the rebuke of the press and voice. of Europe could. not .be withstood, and 3 he ceased to disturb these useless con in drums. He is building an iron brilige across the Nile, English work, which will cost $12.00o ;000. The Suez canal cost him $100,000.000. an fl is truly a; partial success, as it fills up as soon as neglected. and the screw fleet to pass through it is yet small. Lesseps, its executor. Mr. Butler beli ves to he one -e of the ablest man in thew rid. and never with less'thaa from half , million to a mil: -ion of money lying up cin deposit. The Viceroy is the owne of a narrow- Ttia. e railroad from Cairo to Suez, 76 miles, and from .Alexandria to Cairo, :1:30 miles. He is now-btiilclitlg up the Nile from Cairo 200 or 300 miles. He has a navy. Mut his people.are wretched sailors. He and his father . have made vast sums of money in the slave trade, and his I -eunuchs for the harem come from the Bine Nile. Sugar.; indigo, tobacco and' r servant who violentl its escap way. S ions tha high ant sequent. n are ma fortun y other cede the .eral orde t no ch' fo ni of cor •eat or pr —first o self. if • pa 801 hi 18 ti a n r ti • it before it, wit but, by the i • reasonable `.there was n Is ority of the statement t deaf by bot e, however, ebukes of t ;reason, and may be issu (1.should ev )e •al punisht •,• ptor has - th the child 1 no possibi ity embrane ,iv• re these con- t. needed on-t.needed e ' en riter for he tt many o ill- s oil the ear 1t that this • nd e same or er hence a s ter d. to the int-nt ✓ receive ny ent until he opped to 1ea- u d then v ith 17, EXPOSITOR. TAILORING lD GENTS' FURNISHINGS 'rofessor ysiologic ono hand e he belie 4+ a of grog d epipll y: More, an ion is elle The natui moves fro ing. twent es twent h. tndred ye 1 fi f growing, at is to sa e years i e years; he man w lives anywh d ed years. a century o i.., because holesome wasp and is healthy e kills him The Pro ual halve ese halve nd age. 1 th year ; 3 is during- rm ; virili uring whi fete, and elle s e t t c 11 S,b `Th There is . ew `York upied just ineers. irne with igorously rain, only ny reason Imes, lie le d from hi rack, or th ows himsel otive while it is under full headway. he engine r, who stol s to pick up the upposed b is of lacer ted passetige , of ourse finds nothing to -evard his sea ch, leve that he as ubstantiall th n a anation that can hat the ghost d rector, and is e it for the mur- vhich. he eras Y. Graphic. f e Age of 1 an. �'Farracly a •pts Flour t heory that he age of e years.: ' 1 e duration to be in slued by When • ice the bo scare unite he body gr it!is at tw• ty, • years tel in man. sliterminati, • of life is the seveia points. - h rears in gi o »ing, lives rears-th. t is to say : the ca • e is eight . y es five ti i s eight yea' orty yea s ; the hors growing, a d, lives twe lad so wit• other anim Q does not • i with sick: re from eig • to one h Provident has given a life. but h does not at ood, gives l ceerits i nse seto his ermits vex tion to ' dist quipoise ; 1e, does not ellf. essor tlivid-sl life into growth t1 decline, into infant, youth, viri fancy extei ds to the twe outh to the fiftieth, bec his time th- tissues bec y from fift o =seventy - h the organ sr4 remains c t seventy- ve cld age c t r• rs 1 `- Railroa new kind `entral Rai at present e frequentl- red signal aving it O . vanish for` his co ves his ar body, by Ghost. of ghost on r ad, who is i harrassing -appears at n lantern, and togs the exp rifhout assigl Hatt. At o s or legs, det the side of under the I ,$ Oar of he ies ws his ve an ive ne ars is ty- als. efts ian ain in- as- irb lie, wo nd ity use me ve, m- m - the oc- en- ght by ess i ng her ch- the - co nd is, comp n over no host. Th e given of as foreaerl ow. u nderg ers and coessory in lled to be /ling more only .exp the affair a railway ing punish utilations the flesh. a• artan In the ole • atriotic in 11 his days itizens w nidclle age ivil and hey ,were -e eel around t enei-ally sp ected in Sp • anifested hould 1' 'paten yo >achelor, " Q inc the s time honor 'he. Roman 1L w pursue 1 the same poi owat d achelors. Tey had to '1 ectal taxes lUncler Au enacted bwhich old ba ade incap, b1 devises of :a their near -el times it w v. citizen to I3y the S o remaine 'dere exclud ilitaey. posed to p e market raking, ag rta, yet t owa.rd old ake way ith: to a Fho will n 1• 0 is oma, s considered m- reniain a bachelor artan laws th • se 1 1 achelors a ter d - row all ofii es, t pertain fe. is thl'c derision nd it e. Althoti 'h, w s usually i es - is leeling was ot achelors. �`t� by or , you," said a gr y -headed ; •lel vei have &son to when T am ole extra and s tus a law wa elors were, legacies and except from ?," cy ay s- 11 - of - acquir rag estate by ill, tives. A CHILD The Gazzett az; a village Ivrea to Aos to (rather pl cotton. are great staples of Egypt. and the people have, no &inception of the right of property. liberty or life. " How many piastres do you pay the Khedive 1" is the remark often address- ed to a donkey conductor or mule {driver. " So many." I• "Don't you hate to let him have all that part of your wages'" 1.. • " Why," says the Ervlptia.n, "he is our master. Whv shouldn't he take it if he, wants to ?"—TITa',lu trtoti caw Tribune: 04 "Getting Up." , Once you have fixed your hour of ris- ing, keep o it with the more =firmness because of for this tri tains in tl magnetic the difficulties to be overcome, ublesome couch of ours..,con.- e morning. such an amount .of tuid that it keeps us back, 1 do not say against our will, but. with -a not tmnlesing force whie.h fastens us to the pillow 1 acknctwleclge we are now A ]n the pre,, encs of otter most terrible ere- TERs : �Inrin, G per to my, and our cls that enemy, When - r;3 to 5. we would -nit it 'n the m orning it inns l Sehoolhoe rs froze 10 A. N us with ti e artful tones of a siren, and caresses u with jhe utmost tenderness. It seems o say. ' VA c=. n'hy leave me' Are M I LZ. you not w 11 off h re ? It is" so cold out of hed. T iere is ut one way to secure a victory. and that is a prompt, flecisive act, a mtli ary charge,_ a jump out of bed Route the nem~ by a viKorous sortie. and the en my is a man wh has t ARRIED OF cl'Italia s tion• the r a, -a child en years old w rats in ';he m untains. had charg - of him hav a ew moments, a d J,carried of s fr m the nei. o w nt in Sea f •he child fearfu a t ;vas so affec t :he was afraid r' house, and day concealed in ; when discove. ro • Munger. at. ad AN EAGLE sthat atD leading fr left him. alo e for agle swoop.d gild: Som s�ldier oring fort 4f Bard nd fo+and t e body o utilated. he sery y the niisfo tune tha eturn to h - ' maste ained _ for two da reviee of ti :e rocks she was nears {y dead f in- tn nt he • an lie h eel to a: ed MIS Organi MUSIC. C Kicld's Bl PIANO IN D MUSIC , cif St..Thoi SS AND S k, Main-st TILE SC OOL LASS.. A. 1\T as' Church. LE T SCHOOL, net, Waforth. - O OL soon m; bay School, frc to IP 71. In the Towns rp ours. When I Meet THE e courage to rise iat an Pelts' viz- Th 1 conceive a high of the fi runless of situate the Villa re of lour -• feet Barr mill -stones, w'th e Boxing Ears. chant bolts, and all the mac iner LUA PR OR S of Hay, Cot t to his his charac er.—Airekbisbop ef Rhe-inea FLOUR 'MIL .1r -Large an co n'S ea 'S' should. never be box- custom nnd merchant mill; -ith nard boiler all in pod order Also A. S.A.W 'MILL of late cOnstru tes au minent surgeon in the (F vill d ubtless he Aceived by circular Raw. These mills ! hav water supply, and are situ te i Zurich, one of Har n's faSt-f isin enile reader in the liaht of a slistance from n, St tion of ' proposition, there ma. yet ew parents ancl rural ipeda: Good timber abOunds at a -horn the reatons for the abohe end the locality 4 one of th. form f rebuke may be ,ht in- SAW P seen. writes Professor Situat on Lot r,i, Chilrlr ed," so wr Popular ,S statement self evideu remain a gogues to tion of thi. Hinton. th t the passage of the ear 18 of Hay, he mac closed by thin u.embrane, especially tion in the spri improved, with pulse of t the air to then, can membrane compressin any one de the inemb the passage e uppo e mor than of th igned five means thin t,o bring the lay arid forcilt down. upon of the ear, th s driving the and. with Ilothing but it internally. What, likely to injure this sudden and forcible air in front of it ? of land, on whie commodious out- ing orchard, and the. door. Thhi p Exeterf Station is the best saw - o break or overstretch A good ba has decided, to re For further paiit.ic on Lot 5, ConceRiuo COD hes uo ERT ty of Huron. etire from bn i- ntim Mill Pio- MILLS, nriele s three run f gu 'in connection tion; good m iler, and lar e villages, a sh rt FL and B. anent (listen e, TY 20 herse-P engine and ler boiler, t r with 25 acr as a large f on the L. and B. Railway, a site in this part of the count y be d, ad the Subscrib 4, Hay or, if by letter, Ciro wer get ame splendid young ben r - g sp 'ng 10 feet fro ate hree miles fro ir 11 1 01 CD 0 0 0 CD o td c9 CLOTITI AT MPBELL'S Fall Stock Now Complet tvery Department. n 13000 Overcoats -o co WHOLESA TEA ES SE Tec Lai Li We have CC I< choice and ° TEAS, embr 0 varieties, all uth of the Post -office. E AND RETAIL ABLISHMENT, t present in Stock U_ the Lowest ,Citent with goo LU CC Lij merit ;the' co cing upwards 'of 26 0 rro of which have been ted. As we sell alt rn quality, We trust t‘ rn posed in us the public. COFFEES machinerar on the Premises. Class • and! Pea JacketS GOOD BARGAI S FOR CASH. Firs .0&" Remember ruy.Stock t Fall Surp4sses anything I have openr before. WIILLIAM CAMP ELL. . TEAS, SUGARS FRUITS AND CENERAL GROCERIES, AT PRICES MUCH- LOWER THAN HE CURRENT MARKET VALUE, Is enabled to givii the public even BETTER° BARGAINS THAN HERETOFORE. The goods are now in stock, tutd the inhabit get their share of the Going at the Chequered Stor4i1. • LA nts of Town and Country are invited to come and If you wish to yo ed Would advise. yo to do from England are th, t Crocl nearly double pricei We, years' importation .nearly the old price the advanCe. Tea selling from $3 to $ $2 50. China Tea worth. Joseph Ro prices, they having stock of plated Spo • n hand takin, ets tha • all Shades of Colors at Low Prices. 'MONTREAL HOUSE. DUNCAN DUNCAN. E HAVE much pleasUre in calling your attention to our ,stock of Dry Godds, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, and Hats and Caps, and with a view to firstela,ss value. and will be found. replete with all the novel- ties of the season in the various Depart- ments, viz : DRESS GOODS. Baratheas, Crape Cloths,! Pararnattas, Persian Cords, Swiss Repp, Wool Plaids, FiguxedLustres, _Russell Cords. -FANCY DRESS GOODS GREAT EMPRESS CLOTH, ALL WOOL REPPS. SILKS AND POPLINS. We would draw especial attention to this class of Goods, as we ladve secur- ed more than. usual vidue in :Black Bilk,s, Colored Saks, Poplins,in black an col'd. ,Tapawse Silks. A CHEAP LOT OF WOOL SHAWLS. IE r cupboards, the uhdersigni- ery and China have gon6 aving a large stock of last will for a short time sell at only a very small portion of are now worth 4 we arp Sets $2 less than they are noW raised ns, For 'on's Cutlery at exactly old only 25 per cent. A fine HICKSON DERIICH FouNDRY. FRUITS, SP CES, MUST.A RD, PICKLE, SAT CES, AND BRE4.K. FAST ELICACIES, ;I IN GRE 4.T VARIETY. II BARLEY, PEA , RICE, SAGO, BIS- CUIT, CORN FLOUR, TAPIOCA, 'NEW G IST MIL uTTITT,E thanking T their liberal p business, which the wish to announce th ed a pew FLOURING tronage in the the Saw have heretofore carri t they have recently corn s for Mill let - On the same premise as their eaw mill, the -Far line Stanley, one mile sonth of Irama. The Mill is fitted u in the best style, an can turn out as good Flo as San be mannfae ured any place. It is also furnished with a ston for CH PPING7 Which- cart be done t any time. ' We are prepared to do both Gristing and op - ping at any time, a d those who favor us "th their patronage mav ly upon having their ork done promptly and w 11. Flour exchanged fo whe,at on usual terms. 806-13 Beg to inform th STEAM ENGINES AND B SA public that t ey are prepared to contract for ILERS ;a LOUR, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS On hand—IRON AND OODEN PLOWS, with steel boards; GANG P OWS, CU aTIVATORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, &c. SUGAR AND POTAS KETTLES, GRATE -BARS, WAGGON BOXES, &c. COOKING, PARLOR AND OX STO 'ES, of vacious kinds. SALT PANS M DE TO ORDER. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS AND BLACKSIVIIT11. BOILERS AND. SALT PANS R PAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. TW.WNTY TO THIRTY -HORSE POWER T BULAB BOILERS generally on himd for sale. All orders addressed to th Company or ecretary will receive prompt olttention.., A. 113DGE, Secretary and reasurer. H. HORTON, President. • TO THE PUBLIC AT .4A.RGE. SPECIAL -NOTICE. Harness, Saddle andi Collar 0 SIGN OF T H CC LLI • SCOTCH COLLAR. A choiceassortment of light and heavy Harness, on hand. Repairing promptly atten4dd to,. and charges moderate. Remember the place,sign of the Scotch Collar. W. przyr,B. CLINTON WOOLEN MILLS. Tim Subscriber begs to announce that his Fee- -L tory is now in full operation, and would call atffention to the superior stock of Moths that he has on hand, which he is offering at prices that will convince all of the benefit of a local factory, feeling assured that all will realiie the saving over importation, as a proof, see the following prices : Union Tweeds, 65e to 70e. Fulled Cloth, 75e to 90e. Flannels, 55e to 70c. Union Flannels, 50e to 70c. Also, Grey, Red, and. White Stocking Yarns. My customers through the county, who were formerly supplied by my peddler, will- be waited upon in a few days by my son, whe will either take orders, or supply them at °run with the article desired. Special itates when Purchased hy the Piece. Cloth Fulling and Custom Carding sttended to. AN RARLY CALL IS SOLPaimii. THOS. R. FOSTER. GENEf3AL STA LE GOODS. and Shee nims, Grey and Shirtings ings. OUR OVERCOATIGS, CLOTHS, TWEEDS, AND GENTS' FUR- '-.NISHING DEPARTMENT Will be found on examination worthy the atcention of the closest buyer, as will also ourlstock in Beavers, PilotS, Presi- dent Moth, Broad Cloth, Trowserings, DoeskinS, tweeds, Parley Coatings, Vest- ings Waterproofs, &c. Shirts, Ties, _Scarfs, 13races, Collars, &c. HATB, OAFS & FUR GOODS. BLA*KETS AND FLANNELS. Flanniels in. all Colors of Lancashire. Saxony and Welsh Plain and Stripe Shirtings. Printed Flannels. BLANKETS—Our stock is very full and of fikst-class value—White Blankets, Brown Shanty Blankets, Blue and Brown Horse Blankets, Railroad Wrappers— Plain, Striped and Fancy • UMBRELLAS. Silk, Cotton, and. Zattilla—in all the Latest 'London Styles. Marseilles, Honeycomb and , Colored. • A full assortment of Overcoats and Pea Jackets, as well as Men's and Boys' Clothing geiaerally. Special attention paid to ordereclwork, all fits guaranteed. BOOTS AND StIOES. A.full stock of all seasonable goods in Men's Cowhide, Kip and Calf Boots, and ShoepaeAts ; Ladies' Goat, Seal, Satin, Calf, tee. Misses' and Children's, in full lines. Yours, &c., • • •