The Huron Expositor, 1873-11-14, Page 66. A Japanese Xe0ntioxi. We have been favo l by's correspon- dent with the followin account f a Ja- panese execution :. ` went to, see an execution at Yeddo, out of a v e curi- osity, I repented of.it, but! still 't was a most extraordinary s ctaele, nd im- pressed fine very mu h. The ulprits were eight in nurn er, one eing a woman. They were a 1 behead with a sword. The operati n was pe ,formed with wonderful dexte ity and coolness, .and not one of them, wen .the wvornan, .slowed the slightest ymptom of fear. - There was.a space of round roped off ; inside were three holes ug in the°round, with a little mound behind each on which was spread a m t for the ctituinal to kneel on. On one si le of Itheiri losure were two Japanese offs rials, in chars, to .see the thing properly conducted. , Ihad .a place directly in fro t of the mounds, at about six feet lista ce. The c3•imin- ale were placed in a ro on l one side of the inclosure, blindfol ed with pieces .of paper (they use pape' for everything there). What struck a most was the horrid coolness of the e ecuti;oer's assis- tant, a good-looking lad. of about 18 ; he went up to each poor retchin his tura, gave him a tap on the houl:er, led him up to the mound, and made hiui kneel on the mat ; he then stripped his shoel- ders made him stret h out his neck said will do' and in a flash the man's head was iu the hole in front of him, and his bleeding 1 neck ` was, as it ace. The assistant sant smile, picked were, staring me in the still with the sten& pie the head uli, threw sone water over the face to was lhl off the bio d and mud, and presented it to the apauese officials, who nodded and signed to goon with the next. The assistant then ; gave . the -oorpse a blow between, the sloulders to expel the blood,and finally; threw the carcass aside like . -a log of lwood. He then repeated the same pleasant pro- gramme with the next. I lever thought a man's head could corims off I so easily. ; it was like chopping cabbages, only ac- eompanied with a peculiar and most hor- rid sound—that of cut 'ng meat, in fact. There was a dense c wd of ,Japanese present, including m ny _ woanen, and even children, Thee people never ceased to eat, smoke and chatter the whole time, making rerharks on the per- formance, and even occaionaily laugh- ing, just as if they were at a theatre. The executioner poured water on his sword between each decapitation, as one wets a knife in order to cutIndia-rubber.'' Hints to a Youn Ball -Goer. Be very careful not t pull down your shirt -sleeves, or up you collar, or, infect, to do anything to your costume as you en- ter the ball -room. It implies nervousness 'or uneasiness with you self to do so ,- and your one great endeavor in all societies sh uld be to; appear thoroughly at your -ease, and satisfied, - without vanity or coxcombry, with- your dress and appear- ance. Do not stand idle ; but do not dance overmuch. Th: one implies a .small number • of •f rie •,cls ; the other wastes valuable time, a d prevente your .keeping that constant 1 ok-out all round you which is essential t success. Be in- troduced_ to knowable people ' quietly there is no necessity to advertise to by- standers that you did n t know them be- fore. Never talk much to a woman you have just made the acq aintanoe of, nor -eagerly. She may be allowed to sup- pose you wished• to know her, but not that her acquaintance is,, any particular acquisition to you. Above all things, 'my dear boy,, I entreat you not to stand in the doorveays, nor herd with other men on the landing. It is simply adver- tising yourself afailure.- Tie yourself to the veriest wallflower, gossip with the dowdiest mother, dance, with the most disappoiutecl:of maidenhood, rather than sink to this'. Sitting in corners com- prises a very !large subje' t, or, rather ar- ray of, subjects. To kn w how to sit in corners well; and prud ntly - eequires a vast experience and a s early. head ; so, until you have much e tended your ac- quainItance and your k : owled ge of hu- manity, T would reco menti you to avoid that most agreea le of the pleas- ures of ball -going. It is not for a novice at once to penetrs,te to t e inner depths of fashion's mysteries, and I shall there- fore put off my advice n thus subject until I come, in. a future letter, to the .great subject of flirt ng, rhich, of course, comprises the rt of sitting in corners.—London Society A. °lever Bank T,obbery. Two well-dressed men having all the appearance o:f .Aulet•ican speculators, en- tered the Ville Marie Iia lk, on St. Lam.-, bert's Hill, Montreal, about 10 o'clock on. Fridaymorning last, -`ust as it open- ed, and before the clerk had got ready for business, The visitors stated that they wished to open an account with the bank and rneke a depo it, and led the officials to suppose .that hey were heavy lumber dealers who ha a quantity of timber and logs up ;a ribetsry of the Ottawa which they i d sired! to , - bring down the St. Lawrence. Seeing a map of the Provinces han ng inside the counter of the office, one of _them asked to look at it. The equraition was granted,and while there, he engaged the - teller in conversation, wh turning from hiswork, proceeded to s low the stran- ger the route his unbar would have. to follow down to t e city. While he was thus occupied, tit- other visitor watched his chance, and .eeing a pile of bills , and cheques lying o theecorner of • the desk, reached his han over the rail- ing, seized it; and left t ie bank before any one noticed his in • vements. The pretended lumber dealer mmediately af- ter turned from. the ma ,. t,anked the clerk for the informatio received, and saying he would call after linncr to make the depcsit, bowed himj elf out of the bank. A. minute after the Imesenger was called to carry a pat age of $10,488 to the Merchants' Ban for deposit, .which hacl been laid out o this counter. However, it was missing, anhas not . been seen since. It conta'nedl $8,423 in bank bile, ` and $2,065 dui cheques. Search was made for ; th.- thieves, but with unsuccessful results They have certainly committed the • osti barefaced and successful robbeiry e er recorded in the annals of Montreal. a Eugene Slie in Sear rh Of infor- mation. I 1 A very Aluibiad.es, or B au Brummel, and we are told, by habit, he !would put aside_ his irreproachable ars rents.. and. kid boots, and investing himself with blouse and cap and loose ecktie, until he looked the beau ideal o ant artisan on his Sunday out, he would arter a fly to take him past the bounder es of the fash- ionable quarters, and then would stroll on foot to -a pertain, rendez ons known to• him alone.. If we were to telipve the ro- • 0 11 mantic try told, the _ • v e nture was somewha after -the- feshi • n of Tenny- son's " •rd. of Burleigh," at. least, as far as re ards the earlier saes of that ballad. ur novelist, °tin p the part of a painter of fans, a work an. pure and simple, as the " lands°: ie painter," while the '= village maiden was repre- sented by that very uu-Eng''fib little in- dividual, a Paris griee te. 1 She appears to have done duty as nod las well as sweetheart, and'is said t be he original of a charming creation in her lover's suc- ceeding volumes. There w re other oe- irasions, top, when Sue: do lied strange ttire, and wept in disgu se far away om his own quarter, As these times is costume was not eve ri t at of a res - eatable artisan ; but in ra s ed and dirty t pparel, he wended his i�waj city -ward, 'o localities where even a cleanly ma- hirre would. have attra to unpleasant ttentiou. , Into these'h rri }'esorts, the Ratcliffe `Highway mend S "cin Dials of aris, differing only f ro r i ' h ir• London f om their Londonp arallels i that the egraded types of hunuanit in Paris ave a larger share of the e oniae ele- r ent in their composition, ,be ci-Havant antdy found his way, tr ` .iiig to his lausiblity l and good nater co _keep him, o t of harm, and to his pile- aninent reuse' c filar force Ito extricate }hi ' should he' b come entangled in a rice4, pr, as the wizens- of Ratcliffe Hig way would t rum it, a . `f tabernacle ;fight." Here, iu s. me low t' ern, he would s fight.", hands, a d be hail- ellow-well•niet c th the scum 0 humauite , the assassin,: t forger, the ' t ief, the chi ffonnier, the se do-mairmued, a d the men icant, Mere h would assist a wretched festivities, whe bad lice ids a ould mot the misers' e ueines he partook of t!, em with son madden ng imitation o joviality. re Sue as able at last o see life as is, with ut any of the!1 cquer which d, seemed so wcarisometi the gilded sal on of fashi n. Oat of these experiences Spr ng, dou t - leas, a disg st for the Oct, shams ud snake-believ:s of the upper' c ust of : o- ciety, togeth-r with an Inters:e apprec'a- tion of the'h dden horrors: o its low st strata. --Lon tors Society. The So; nt Effect ' M. H:, B. writes to the publican tha' the "extreen= the scant etre t was reach d plft who walked . t. Fifth avec e 'blue camel's- air dress., It or a visible s am or a partic�.e brolte up th beautiful srf rfa woman. Sh was one unber and how the got into h ss 1 couldn't im ew of her, a 4. up behind fro btrusive box- le each side th:e at garment lo loon leg. Aird Valk very we Oman would be u see, CCOAO rP e. If cloth is! u ie skirts eau, what is req s built up sb. r- , 11 •1 15hion. assn uri s phase e. le p a ua 'a put o#E trinlmi of t • i.ng ley straig gine found s neck is lurk openin; eel . like lk—we d. in c ied in h must d for t iffer, a d for t he fem. jacket of a dr took a rear vi was buttoner hem. Twa in a shy viiia otherwise the bloated. paint she couldn't of fire that ev own fat." Y gin somewhe ruffs, why t mercy know big silk fen head just now. a s The c rasshoppe Ata meet' . e of the fa lbach Towns rp, County o held on the 2 inst., at the s Mr. John Di kie, a resoluti posed, and a terwards uneni, opted, to th effect that the that vicinity make an e press in some, degree, if pos i ages, or rather the propaga to n g the ensuin 'y ar as possib e, following me s cv up his fie11s Ess or sod for a 1 f s liir • hoppers dur propose, so course tie the farmer to plc lain under gr to clean up and cultivate ` may be partially cleared in h all brush, &c j, and to raise keys. Will those of other . o have been tr cabled by these suit? Try i as the cost Of meat will be small and iney tive of a gra t benefit. -we.*. • ARTIFCIAL RAINT.—A she •• e sin e a company c f gentlemen, in ested n agricultural evelopment, ne at Sto e Park, near lough, Engle 'd, i.i order to inspect Mr. I- aac Brown's no - syst of shower it •igation appli d o past His process consists in or fig wa through sinal perforations, in I -ad pi by means o a powerful f., ee-pu The lead pips are laid 16, y ds apal a twelve -hos se power enlgg��• t works force -pump; with a pressure ..� 60 or pounds per uare incl:, ora ed of 1 -or more fee , the engin • intains shower upon lot of a bot 'acre a a P a half, appl • ng ten tons of ater in teen minutes. Plot after plot 's water in rotation, 'he work' taping Lace pr; cipally in th night. et. is of P s- '4 ellingto gestion •f n was pi ously a alznersd- of o t to su 1', the ra of gra s- e=r. Th'y aving l!e- hat ha e f -w yeaas,. and th t `cinity f ek of•tur- ities that ats folldw e expe prod of ly er at 1, I 0 d a 1, -r e - •e d e • le • 1- 0- INFLUENC OF PORK.— in England upon the q that pigs ne best flavore weight, next with grain, Potatoes furi flesh, which cooking, whi clover is yell cakes and. o flesh of an uz indigestible acorns are b ;.OF -FOOD ON T . QUALI the result; of e panne you - the lulu - ► of fo ality of pori is sta ished with mil t give meat and th a , grea to which come those aize, barley, bat : and pe ish a loose, light , tastel astes away ver' much e that of aninalfed u w and of poor fl vor. seeds produce a oose fa :pleasant taste, be ns a h and unsavorly eat, t little better.',__ CONSUMPT oar olr Foon. rule, cattle, horses and s lee three per ce t. of their live food per day —that is, ve y n own weight - very month. B a vast differ-:• ce among th m profitable re,ults of their tens food. Som will merel while others will increase lin size, or prod ce milk in mu proportion f r the food cons STOV Of all MR'S . Carmichael' Pure; good and WHITNES. m e. er. 8, p; a 70 20 a ld Y ts, a 18 st s. ss in n il- d d. a gene al will at weight of arly th.it t there is s to I• e ption of ep ali e, eight a • d grea er d. & TIN s, and in endles v WHIT Block,Main street, I AL 01, ►eap, wholesale nil cuslrom Of all kinds pro anted. 803 aptly attended to MR9. ty at iaforth. tail at Mrs. K d neatly exe- ITNEY THE. T I ACRICULT RAL \MUTUAL ASSUR- ANCE AS OCIATION OF CANADA, UR HEAD OFF OE, - LONDON, ONT. (1APITAL, (1 tJanuary,1873,) $ki0,1':1 94, with over 86,000 Policies, in force. Premiums re- ceived in 1872, 7,000—an increase of over $9,000 on the large bu iness of 1871. This old reliable Oompany—the uccesaful pioneer of cheap farm insurance in Ca ada—issuing_ now monthly nearly as many Polici s as the whole yearly issue of a majority of oth r Companies in the same lino of business in the ountry, distributing their risks in such a manner at under no apparent possible calamity or con ingency, a heavy drain could be made ou their ca ital, has decided to afford pro - lection to the o nese and occupiers of Isolated Dwellings in Citi s, Towns and Villages, at rates that will defy an,. respectable or responsible office to out under. Intending insu era will note hat this is the only Fire Mutual that has deposited with the Re- ceiver -General an' been, licenced to do business throughout the "minion. of Canada. That the assets and profit of this Company', accumulate at the members' cre it, affording a sure fund for the protection of me . hers, and keeping down the cost of insurance, ins ead of (as with stook companies) being distributed amongst shareholders. That it insures nothing more hazardous than Isolated Dwellings, Farre 'roporty, Cheese Faetories, Coun- try Churches tend School Houses, has no branch for the insurance •1 More dangerous property, and pays all damage b, lightning, including live stock in enclosed fields • f farm. That, having, besides a largo Premie Note capital, cash always on. hand, it is enable to pay all honest claims with- out any umnecessa •y delay. That in the past eleven years this office h Q distributed over "half a mil- lion of money" n satisfaction c f losses to its members. Your support of his' Company is+solioited on its own merits. It is claimed for t'hie office that it has done more to rovide cheap insurance than all the other Companies combined. It is a notorious fact that the com ting Companies have for years been copying our lens and adopting ourratee as a necessary oonditio of their existence. Give the Oil Faint Favorite the reference. Applications by taail promptly attended to. CHAS. T. DOYLE, Agent, 806-tf Dox 89, Clinton, FALL_ SHOW, 1873. THR UNDERSIGNED is just receiving the larg- est Stock of STAPLE AND ; FANCY DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HAR WARE, BOOTS AND SHAGS, READIMADE CLOTH- ING, ]S ILLINERY, &C., Ever brought into BUSSELS, which will be full and complete by th 25th Instant. I beg to refer y u to the following prices of leading lines, and ther Goods will be found in proportion : Heavy 36 in. rey Cotton, at 12t cents per yard. Heavy 36 in. Bl ached Cottox•, at 10 cents per yard. Heavy Scoured Wincey, at 15 cents per yard. .Madder Prints fast] colors),, at 10 cents per yard. No. 1 Lybster i ill,033 and36 in. Co1- ton8, and Lbster Mills Cotton yarn, .always on hand, EAS. Gocd Young Hylton , ea, at 87+1 and 50 cents per lb, Finest Moyune 'T • : , at 87/ cents per lb., usual price, $1. Sev my -five cents per lb. by the half chest or Cs die. Gnnpowdere, Cong us, Japans, Pekoes, &o., at equally good v e. Special value in arpets, Hemps, Stair, Tap- estrys, two and thre ` ply, all wools and felts. Call and see the goods and prices, and judge for yourselves. NO TROUSL TO: SHOW GOODS. Higher price psi for Grain, and all other kinds of produce. JO N LECCKIE. Brussels, Sept. 114,, 187$. SEAFO"?TH NEW DRESS itODS , Att, W. HILL'S.c NEW SHAWLS„ At W. HILL'S. NEW CORSETS, - At W. H-IILL'S. NEW MI : INERY, At W. HILL'S. .NEW C OTHS, At W. HILL'S. I NEW FL WWERS, At W. HILL" 'NEW FLANNELS, At W. HILL'S. NEW SHIRTINGS, At W. ITILL'S. NEW T ES, At VP NEW COL NEW C- A NEW CU HILL'S. LA RS, At W. HILL'S. PETS, At W. TAINS, At W. ` HILL'S. A New St 4 k, - Large Stock, - Ch ice Stock, and Cheap St AtW . HILL'SJ ck, Oppositie Caamercial. i totci, ! - SEAFORTIFI. CA,Sli PAD FOR BUTTER: WILSON & YOUNG, HAVE THE BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK OF CROCK- ERY AND GLASSWARE IN TOWN, r WILSON YOUNG'S WINES AND LIQUORS ARE WORTHY GF A TRIAL. YOU Y OU WANT CHEAP FAMIL Y GROCERIES OF ANY WILSON & YOUNG A CALL. T I�II1D GIVE E ALE and PORTER of tl u best Brands, in wood and bottle, a]ways on hand. WILSON & YOUNG -,- Scott's Brick Block, Seaforth. STRONG & I1. I LEY Aro Ow receiving large additions to their .T 'ioF ch'they offer Cheap for Cash; GROCER1ES, The CASH BUYERS will nd it to their advantage to GIVE US A CALL. Fine Fla or Teas from 50 cents up, Bright S gars, 11, 10 and 9 pounds for $1, Rice, 20 . pounds for $1, itaisins,2 pounds for $1, To bacco 1 from 40 cents per pound upwards, Also a large Stock of Pickles, Sauce great variety. Spices, all kinds, Flavorings, • Extracts, &c. Salmon, Mackerel, Lobsters, Sardines, &e. Canned Goods in FLOUR AND FEED ALWAYS ALWAYS ON HAND/ AND' SOLD AT MILL PRICES. VEGETABLES RECEIVED FRESH FROM THE GARDEN EVERY DAY!'. FRUITS ALWAYS ON HAND DURING THEIR SEASON. Come one End all and give us a calls and we will guarantee to give you Groceries as good and at a low a figure as any house in town. 805 - • STRONG & FAIRLEY. Goods delivered as usual free of charge. MI=LUSIG AND SEWING MACHINES. 0. Q. WILLSON'S. MUSIC SEWING 111ACHINE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLE- MENT MPORIUM, 1 r�rl v °) i1Tr. t•.ittee �J JIhw,Wll SEAFORTH, ONT., STILL IN THE FRONT RANK AS USUAL. SEWIr ¶IRE FLORENCE Noisel s, Lock and Knot Sti world in perfection and range of wo k, strength and beant rapidity of motion. Call and exa ine. Send for circ. Province, . O. C. WILL Also, on hand a full assortment o the following first-cla New York Singer, Montreal Sin or, Appleton, Webst Guelph, and Venus of Perth, Ont. A number of second-hand Osborn , Gardiner, Lockman, sale cheap or to rent. Sewing Machines of all makes repaired on the shartestn iI �C MACHINES. h Family Serving Machine ehaltenges the of stitch, durability of Construction and rs. - Agents wanted in every town in the ON, General Agent for the Dominion. a machines , and Lockman ofrern lton, Raymond. Of "anzer, Raymond and Howe Machines for rice. In connection with our Sowl*g Machine Departauet, we are prepared to 'exeefte all kinds of Fancy Stitg, such as Braiding, Cording, Tucking, Felling, Binding, Hemming, first-raf e style. C • _ • es moderate. Pianos, Or ethusek, F Samples of PwS�CjAL IN6TR MENTS and Canadian manufacture, such as the of Buffalo, and Bell's, of Guelph, Organs. e. Call and inspect them ans, andMelodeons of the very best Lmerice sher, Emerson and Wilber Pianos; Prince's, the above Instramentq can be seen at the stir AGRIOU 1 Massey's h o. 18 Thistle Cutter P 'lows of all descriptions. The celeb>lated Paris Straw Cut atterns. GRAIN C]t'SHERS and Root HORSE PO The celebr Of Ingersoll. Mendation. All kinds ted Combination and These Machines, as e LTURAL M ow—the farmer's fav er, the best made. of various mann' EitS OF ALL S WING MA iii hardson Sawing ger body loaows, ark Chstings constantly o Points and othee Of whi and ext not w them. The ft as niy PRY, MoGR1 •Lucknc THE TRIUMP h he annexed cut is a tingly serviceable c the clothes as much illowing gentlemen, ars ante for the sale of OS. O'CONNOR, ?t lW Clinton; L. 8 w. O. C. LEMENTS. 'te. Any number always on hand.. Other o, the Cmmr,ingsi Rochester and other tures. DS AND .SIZES INES. - E chines, manufactured by Eastwood & Ce., he best in use, and do not require more-- hand. I WASHING MACHINE, • correct representation, isa simple, durable ntriyrnce. It is easily !worked, and w s . ordinary hand aching. Call and : e none others, have been 'appointed to tict the above articles : ,' LAWRENCE MUR- . P. WHIZ I?EN,-Seai'orth; WILLIr WILLSON, Goder� ch WM. ALLIh7, ILLSON, Seaforth, i 1 1 -GOLD IS GOLD E TSI± WI D WOIRI.,2D CYN7MR,, And the best ey to save it is to purchase a genuine article hi TEAS, SUGARS AND GENERAL . GROCERIES, Very cheap, at LEE'S' FLO R AND SEEDSTCR�, . Z Flour; Oat and Cornmeal, Provisi ns, Hams, Bacon, Fruit, Vegetables constantly on hand. 1 TO PREVENT DI PEPSIA, TRY OUR GRANULATED WHEAT. A Choice lot of Crockery. and Glassware. argains in Fruit Jars. Call and see them. Goods delivered free of charge. - DAR POSTS and SHI1 GLIES still on hand. Splendid N. B. --C: THOMAS LEE, Seaforth, Ont. f AFOrii7I1 KERR, �; WILKIE & CLQ. `Wish to inform the people of Buroln. and public generally that they have leased the eeaforth Foundry ;for a term of years, and are now prejarfd to manufacture all kinds of , Castsgs, StraW Cutters,. Sawing Machines, P ws, and o' ler Farming Implements We are aisleprepared to do BEPA • tp NG of every description. The underigned have had long penienee in the Foun satisfaction in all their work. dTY business, and are prepared to guarnnfjeo 287 ' _ - KERR, WILKIE & CO. i 0 CD w 0 0 CD teJ ea - c -e 1d. CD 0 • O o^ a oieseeei ';c1t c O • Nov. 14, 1873. reN )---i z tj 0 OAC, EV ri- IVJWOETVH 0 m rn cr 39010 c. ° 2 .1 ALSO, THE IMPROVED TURN—TABLE LIGHTNING AND CONQUEROR. mai b a� zu No f z 3 mu20 val 1 0 r tot% p r 2 D 0, m m BRUSSELS FOUNDRY. TRE SUBSCRIBER wishes to Bail the attention of the farming community in general .to his large and varied stock of Agricultural Implements, Consisting of IRON AND Wool 'Lows, With the latest improved Steel Mould Board, GANG PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, LAND ROLLERS, HARROWS, SCUFFIL#RS, He would beg to call special attention to the celebrated Which has given universal satiSfaction wherever used, to which is now added nThistle Point, so much. required in this part. Also, to some first- class STAVE-I)RUM LAND! ROLLERS First -Class Wiagoi s, Getting:up for Spring uie, warrai6ted of very best SEASONED TIMBER. AB of which will be sold A the very LOWST PRICES FOR. CASH Or approved- credit. WM. R. WILSON. Bruisels, Feb. 12, 1873. 271cy SEAFORTH AND HURON MARBLE WORKS. (Late of Hamiltdn,) Would hatiinate to their numeroits friends and the general publie that they are prepared to fill all orders for Monumeuts, neadstones,i Table Tops, Granite Monuments Impdirted to Order. Work of the best style and aft, and camiot be su.rpassed in this part of Ontarid. Next door to Porter's Furniture Store, MAIN-SIIEET, SEAFORTH. M. L. MESSET. VESSEL EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN. (-1, CARTWRIGHT, L. D. 8„ Surgeon Dentist attends in Seaforth, at Knox's Hotel, ihe first ' Tnesday and Wednesday of eath month; in Clinton, ' atthe Commercial Hotel, on the following ,Thurs- days and Fridays. - The remainder of the itime at his Stratford office. Parties requiring lieW teeth are requested to call, if at Seaforth and Clinton; on the first days of at- Testimonfals of over 500 patients who have had their teeth extracted by the use of the Gas, may be Been at my offiee office in Stratford. Teeth inserted in the most substantial and ha - proved styles. Filling done in gold, &c., in a manner which canuot be suipassed.. 237- __ man with c$3000me, tsfooTtelines 1,aaattent:iaCieii,ehu(aetii: said Pasha is #1.eserThol ed interesting Morel .0,aastptiirriii:olgpondioalf:irir.,etle:u:111;):,t1.ttitiii ilcrIaifsais.,1:,isisiti ,i,teit#1).11 P°d:rr'tahneli)ileteu'lhh.3'taFalllifit'rinitc1:11 United States Goren th aret:tis1:0:::fratfehe°4-yetr: I:, 6ie;e1;:sPi 11 leti:(klecti;:i, :it.] .: )::::, said Pasha, who has 000m,Staatetae:mbheoatnsvc,t, lelieiynci.Nr j0r;.{.:)!::: lie has twenty-seven p porate property—or th would be controlled. le the c,ountry, and no 1; what he cantthink of to day. He has four harem, and, being an does not know all his oi be is temperate and pri is not happy. He wen hilt the domination ‘if 1 dahboistesydarfea,bte:rii.sicltliolkrieisst4(tmh)a,esag:11- put abovelaiil:1:111-.11i, -°TfeEntuhroorPtee:tb. thousand br To neutralize Turk has been for a long time rope, and the power hi by is Russia. The 0 Cairo are men of the lir , greatest astuteness, bet Ministers without the i dive is only viceroy. he could hare had abso? this Viceroy, over the) lean in Egypt. He waS ternas with the Khedivi complainers wrote to '..' was in thett rieh bar -hal- al'," says Butler, "thal me was to give me sti entertain my visiting fr As an instance of Sai4 Mr. Butler eelates that France Said to him in 1) visit your Pyramids., li on a CrtintLi and I. sum there by auV read." railway or l:iighway, ae ,theZeicnerso4 went oeni desert, lightied with ge. way with transplant& way on was e. palace-4're Pyramids --all especiat one journey': And ve ship of the times, that i attempted to rennvate stones from: the Pyrex]; the rebuke ' of the pk Europe coulfil not be wi ceased to asturh tiles; drums. He is blaildina CONavicsritinscshistinth;711?-ai(011(e,104101:_)101:0,:el:' pa.rtial suock.s, as it fit neglected. and the seri through it i.s yet VW' execnter, Mr- Butler bt of the ablest' men in the: with less than from hal miLion of Money lyinel The Viceroy is th8 810 village railroad from CL, miles, and. from Alexan< miles. He is now builc from Cairn 200 or 300 n navy. hnt hie people are He and his father have of morey in the sleeat teunuche for,' the liarem c 0 it, osHnO.orn‘avraernn:a:r:e:a tp isa st at pr el : the people ;have no 0 right of propertyelibert, ed to a donkey conduct,. Khedive?" is the xem4 irofou lii oel ntTs,ksria. iit ebi trusi teee . A" V?" h—Y 1 rs lel: 1) Once raj have fixed I. ing, keep 4) it with fc because of thedifficulti! for this trokiblesame cm tains in the morning, sr magnetic filoid that it li do aot say itteainst our: not unpleaeing force WI ;in the preeenee of Our t my, and ee t pillow is eh we would . nit it in the us with the argil tolie caresses us witli the le ylimsieneorritswruSoaffy.belrVella'. of bed. There is but oi victory, aed that is a' Route the enemy b` -'y t' a man Avh has the con early hou every morni conceive a' high. :aea, 61 Boxing " Children's ears slit terest. Wel have seee pn:riehe'ulomels'upliy;sil7alowri- itti,:fe,..tes:eiiii iene#: lae....ref•aiiit#1:eis closed. by a thin men adapted to be %linen statement will doubtle self evident prepositite tion of this form of rel) Hinton, that the passi. gogues to whom the re then, can be more likE membrane than a sue' compressing of the air any one designed to br the membrane. he -coal lAminnarseuedgdecenteatelamfo: