HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-11-14, Page 5T T1
Nw, I T 1-1. U , i POSTOR. 14 RO 14 .4X 14, mum 4 VakU.—In Waltcla, 01111 Oe, I VV7re qu. S IV. onal 9 50. S3 FU H ote first -610s $5 to:,q,6 second- 987 it TtER. BY 'LAW FFMAN
asS 1 271 SETS F LADIE RS 0
STEt, R; red , d gray in' elorj o qwnc r For atop selling the roa(' allowance &_ %4gh, ter'. s—Rave also been in demand t quoted to I, it 0 Property botTet!Tja)tqQ6n1d, il .91 in the First Conces- I To pick from prices. First. class.liave' iohl 1PALY ox Onses ands Morris, on take it away. "ion, in 1thq towl. Fillip a IMMoKillop. As also _$3 the At $4 ; second-iola's at third- 310,1 CHIDAL- j"McGREPOR. forstoppingul) und selling part-iji tho roat! g, a - i - A aD E IST r S aos at 42 50. rillowanee botwom, Lots 25 mi(I 28, in the EST'Pt Y CAT,,,, T L Fourth Coneession, In the s.ql(l townsbil) of BR -with i E. '2 75 a Set. - 0 T H E e6n in good supply, b From or stookers and fa hogB.' CAME into the l)r miso3 of,th' Tb TIEAS, It is i *uxiderad - expedient by the sat 4c 0 1, Cou. 7, Hu Uett, q)Out S3p . -10, two yoft r-. QL -whrte K Council of the township of MeRillop to A4 111) ffier, f m1fBIR, the other LL the original. roa:d r llc wance otwoon Lots 31) and Olds, one a red tv i d P jy Lo, Ll E STOO M_ ,!M. Ethel, ou 0 red an d white 8 The O y eqUeRt I 11 the F#st Co 3hip of'McKillop, I' '7Sj ve ety, pay eharges al 110 :;IOU, jowul
Prop such x d llowalla no b halving been LB LADIES' 'JACKETS ^T D97:NT ikoll t 11 0; 81 I
Buirr.,,Lo, Nov. 13, X dt', a OT RICH D DID 1 339 tray Ill the ublic, and -anotlier, rC&TrvF_._Re.ceipts to -day, includWry CREAP 1. rijtA Beaulbiful Good, from $1 25 up.
7- Op .110d 4 trilyetea by the in h h f sidarej )XpCdieh6 by tho.iiaid Council, Usborne, on igthetoal qupply for the week-, CAMNE -into th( of tba undersignod,Lat intparttf th6rondallowance and26, in tho Fonrth Conroessinn, in iid makir Mlf of lr. Alfred, oil reported, to arrme, were It is aIS6 eo
Ville, of of Tholmla ( t)ggijj of f 3. III head, o 183 cars, agpUst No. 15, Con., Ailc'Killop, on ol' abo the Ist of
thus r, -.9apteniber, NTOUDOW, With it $yTto faqO, 5 years townshij), Finch rond allnwauen not having been ac last O13111)1;c, mitl 6nother and all M '11 Exe`ulr, Nov, I 389 cars for the,- sauw tin Old; . Tho, OwUnr li; Freqrwsted to Provo i proport y -zto(,,,k of MILLINERY. o exceedingly. light c usecl.j ptty,obarges he Y. road having been opc n;tl u'tl trvelLd by the Pub- An Endless _,,e M 1 -Y, 0 a s oij. The r i and ft LIMA --------------- #- GLR lie In lien 810*4 8 hlftGONI biyer,4 And WHERE, 'AS d expedient b -v business to be mo:e* z the Novelties of the Seasonat ICASH %S T GR
1 Tv1.ARR1A- QF,,-- animated with a. better feeling took hold tbp, said Council of tho tow iship of MaKillop to rth at stv st- week's 'rona prices. , Had ther* S -1 -RAY STEER.' 11 DcLdjspn o of Maid. road alloivfvilce in said 310 stabliihment, Seafo 1 , , I DEI\'T'S Cheap Dry Goods f;.th6 a' . . C AXE into tb d )remiROB o aid road aljow%ri r in been a P spect 6f a 1-e-avy ran prices Lot o. 16. 10 ;aeession M ith 6 by (JIU110P, On 3r afil. plftac as above mentioned in necordim -iv T. ded- COMpriged aoutt-hol-5tho"bitober, a imi I tho'tfttuteq in sach cases illado and providbd woat(l ha e rec xud white tvo- )ro onaoted by the IN SEAFORTH
Ir.- Philip NN to, M, iss E J The Owner I,, 'o ctill, DO it ther4lit about 100( head' Trausuebions ere as Yeer Old STE NEW CLOT.HIN-G 6TORE Is uoted theheapost spot in town for N Wy Thoz ensa tuier, botix oprove propex.4 liT Charges an(! t hi -ill away. of the townsihip of the Connty:of Tbl- L
follows 808 OTIN CRO Itftt, 1-1 41t011 P- 0- ron, by the powers vested ift them by 20 huO, 90
--+.- p. 51, & lided and oonsolideted
I's 0. of Average, Vic., da c., as amo A Weight, lbs. ,,Price. E A Y H 'SE. A , .24r. JOhki Ale,-, 40 Illinois steers, 1 1593 $6 00 C.&VE into premise of a underaign d, And it is hereby en.4ated by authority of 'the der Patti Lot 18l C i Al road 1111ONY kl traiufo.rtj, oncession 14,bounAi ry line, towns 1p same, That the oylgi ance betwoon 4-37 e*%- ice Ary ! lin ' Lots 30 and 81, in the First Conaemion,. to vnship st r Of bont the 15 lh October, a B
O' HOUSE, 4 ol`oilyak4ras old, a, a I star in forolici A, of McKillop, 45,111din,9 -5 5 aild desoribed aft follows, viz.: Coin- 131, D.
'terlYangloof Dot Dum- DRY GO:ODS AN
140a 5 7.5 and a mark on A lit aide, eduEed by saddle or menciUR lit- the .9 31 d town- d that —In, The juested to pro -yo pr(p- bar Thirty, in, the COncesSion of 816 of Sonforlb. an(! vicinity that he has now his ftill tock On hand, an
Theuce north, thirty dogreos 3 1086 4 50 baokband. r is rer Wishes to inforn the people 2 ship of Eillop. ared to take orders for Clothing of all kinds, Nvhich he,virill turn ont in style.
S by erty, pay charge take)AWlayay. I - he is prop MILLINERY
19 Ohio 14 50 307' 4 OMIAS FARE' calit, on we 5terly Iin: it of 'Paid Lot,* fifty - chains 1 nioreorlo:_ to -the I no on limi' . botivoen th a First' to 60 1515, i5 75 tund Socon(I Concepsi olls. Thence north, f%ty de-; 1q89 14 ES, FAY HEIP ER north -
85 T. exas I -It qlnit , H. R. greeg West )n aid Xna, One obain to thel S4F IN F EUL th 4C
-Y SrTIt- R, T &.P 'NIB. —P - (lay CAME to Lot, (on. 12 Ta nND. LA S. i.e6eipts to ast.erlv nle: of J ob Thtinoo' 6y h ys fat er,, vhI be. rr r sidence of the iktign9t,li-4,10 -_ ____ , ____ I - doKrw4 wotir, on casterly limit. of sai4 It 0 PT vo oporty, pay e: - or ]a sH, to hc road 11110WIl D CC 1 ijAcluding reparted arrivls , 5.200 head,, 80uth, thirt) I The owner is ra uc jted t . i 1A, I11101. lxolna4 making tl e total . supply for the u, e ek, )rl way. between . I ,,,.and take a ! . T inickortiniii and MaKillop. TheDee: iucardine DI He has on hand to s6. t 0 [act from wier v nice stock of Ben -vers, Preshlent Cloth, Pilotr,,- Broad Cloth, tbus. f ar, )L, 800 head, acinst 3 9001',head 809*4 JOHN S R PnEIM. dut,lit,2,r of jW Routh,six1by degree,, (amf on -north limit of road, one ' Ii niar- q.httiu to the pi by Tro-ws I crings, Doeskiin, Tweeds, Fane -y Coatings and'Vestings, and all the lat6st and mo t fashionable
for flie sa no time last we nee f beginuing, containing once as a Cutter in some of the beat city establishments in the r ut five acres of' lue Istyle of floods. Havinty bad long experi J of Ifullett. ket penc.1 low. Lambs' re maturing. ES11.RAY C AT land, be bhe an in unranteoing the most entire satisfaction. 0w ,T.T, -,-s —TE ,j F, L ET 0 _',Z - — I t, I -0- , . . itnted and Conveyed to 1 country, Mr. Thomas has no hesitation g the 1111tICTSigMI 3d. niore or les to be sold, gr, QTr.1.):ED int d the premisesiof and there is but little (lifference in U I 4, mamis, M)t lit the inidille of the party or parties *he propose for and purcham ;.,N.ov. 5, at the resid Lot 30 . .. I 11cei of the froffi sheE p. lVe qnote (_,'unada ) the same oac 8 fai irs old, di%rk h P October, tw( 'Itirthar enacted b3 1b 6 Xn-j: lainlis at $a'-. ()O s,beep, the other I year Old, red and -Ali a. The ownel is' And bO'i therefori Miss qwn qs and tako nicipal Co jCjj of A (CT%'jliop township, &e., by the!. requested to pro eo property pay. JUST OPENED 3 CASES secon(i S' FURNISHING& nicipal. Co
t --$3.75to$4.37j- ;'We!n6tethle fo Win" GEN Z3 w; aforesaid. a, I . Powers v(3 ited in them Z-ldward B. Tern leton, away. I sales A.110 amend6dand cortsoIdatedinI878. And ibis hereb3 1 1 IMB TAYLOIR I A complete stock of the Tery latest ant -L most fasbi Averaize onactiod by alith-olir) of the -rialue, That that Part 0 oriable; lines in Ge ts' Fu-rni*in,,,s.
NO. 0 thd rond &I ONvance - etween Lots and 26i in the! V. Price. ESTRAY HKI E Foll-irth cojlucs ion, in the aforesaid township ot Read ,reiQ:tt lbs. alyou' %a to L, Con. aun" CAE to Lot 66 Cana -da sheep & la nil) a 98 -85 12 - j , k It, sptbed Malmlop, aud dcF;erj.bed as follows, vi7,' COYII I ' ' 11 i:rhte'r of Mr, Axthoiy fit of' dpte or k yearliiirr:4E
An, Dodsworth, -f wner is . ry,4u a it Li to pr 3ye (-MADE 410THINGIS Cons 1-62 76 5 00 hnort'll-wasterly angle of Lot nuni '. red and'white. 0 bar Twouty-five i -n ,he Fourth Concession of th(Ii isting of 178 113 5 25 propvrty, pay a: pe sea and tt4e Once Roribb, thirty dogreeo READI towusblp,ii! f cKill P, t 95 4 00 309t,4 %k EED $04 ichigan sheep, on we4terly limit of said will be
Lot uniriber III
West, lot ing, manufactured kit the best establishments, and
DFATH.S. forty links. A good assortment of ready-made Twenty-fi-ve, tweiity-four chdins 2 ( .94 00 ST SHE Th 'C so itb fifty egreeg west, two chains eight"t sold cheap. -day Pt I T111YED. ()n If:li,-N lo,.4.-- -li i-.xU.er,i,illol), on &t 161 Ohio ibee 3 75 tit Irc iii Pot 14,: Com 81 M01' op, about links, to the easterly limit ol Lob nurilber Tweuty .on SRI r 19 re- E VE and Iwo -Ij hirty &,egrcOR Cast Oil SRI 8-, Jlita- blWlitzer, beloved, Hoo;s.--Receipts to -day! includi, tho eutl of e lteiuber laA, a Lx. Th cc north LA11B t 0 ty-six ob 11 ninety links,, to d, _'V1 William f 1,400 beaa- makit c, the S; the & vle had a himp, 0 1 h' glib side, limit, tw I 'S Conces Beavers,
ported ar. we. Thence sonth, qixty t l A Lem was a Itala, i he Opier a 07 Pilots, Lpj dy for the 'ilius f ,A 21 0110 of the f 36 total si, Any ftiformatibil he above wi be southerlylimit of one chain to the place o C
or the ats nndl ILI
26P00 heao thi nkfully recelied and Fil-iii rewiaidod. beginning, contaiving, by admenari-ment twO A choice assortment Of R %Pa. of the very latest styles. Pesidents, dTo b6 -eter, or same tin; last Week. T4e inar- t as IV -v+. Moolas. sares, twu roods an I tan perches of -will be -Ivan them.
Ex ov. C is all that is required to satisfy the public that entire satisfaction Whitneys,
-olq, gmilt ad aT Ay or artiC0 A tri I
itl e(nveyod to the pa .1 avley,, Sect-,etjry e m who ma I ropose and purchase the aftinoi: ain' street 2Mr. WnaL., B, af St oderat6 y acti%ruwitli a,. Tigt r I 'at kill ---T. R. Andersorl'a old stand, next door to Logan N ap Oloths,
Rem ember the place -to "0C per cWt. 0 ES RAY STFrER. hqn imt Usljorntj So avdvan,C6 of 15c . I . - . I 11 I - ;!, Seaforth Persiansi Sales, 2,500 lieve s: ijuderrigred ab:)ut y's CA'HE to the prpraiseH of the
terd MAS- -Seaforth., JOHN THIO 1 lbs.,: at 70 to 4.0 july last, V 4ril d bhrea-yo4r ied By Astracans, The above is a trAo copy Of ft propo. .L $WE:fk Ot 2 ov A9111:9 180 to 2, stag horha. 'hi owner is i r nested to P Pye the UliniciP4 to be take: into a siderittion by (Uses and t2ke it SATUD- Sealettes, belrivd wife af property, pay 0 P( W%IjA11 FOW of the. tow ship of MaKillop,li. lay! of CKINIBER next, 1673, aDogskins. LITTLE, L TAIt;KET.- DAN, 18tl c TELUTH WILL H FALLS DAIR[V N SS SHOP.
Huroil Boad-,Tuipkersi sai is NEW ARK —III _, l orris, on 309*4 o'clook in on,! at .qoutgomeryls Hotelk PREVAIL." No -i. 8, 1 3. Township 1411t 011, of -Mr. Pierce' OlelInal-I age(i I . , CAr r iL E. -! O'SULLIVAN, be m; trl, et is de J 0 H 6r BRUSSELS. Ils m(ledl g 11' high T t, th Township 01 f %.-MD fr )m th thonudersi- Tr aE XF B11. 8, 2 yi i irs McKill( P, NOl. 3 3N-4 GEN-UIN 1873. freights, tog( er thle condit Nv. 121, Lot 30, Coi .44 Morris, two THE- Am r-a c A, N av or- Any person 61iy- -eta.
monetar3_ affair old past, sgott, d All ert'; Edward, fourth soh of s, hitving a very u, f. od and whitol- Ithat tb ha-ve AllColars suitablefoTLadiceJack
able i-Dfluence o sles. j The vi ws of Ing such iuforl lt lan as ww lana to their recol ery Subscribers w sh to state raU;L y. c rs, x-iortth& LI ST CIF LETTERS ELIAS H (0) E THD' will be suitahl V rswardcd ajirsi.t-olass -ry men were cwi%idelrbly jabove faeto ! OI IDL LD TYLOR. 'n EMAI UNG in the Sonforth Nst Office 309*4 cq1W foronNi)7.4,1873. I those 6f buyei the f o pier ex ecting SEWING MAOHINE"HARNE SS SHOP, IN BRUSSELS, Allen, H. embe YkAY -BU L. le.Crackeu, W. H. 14 tD 141c for tine Se IAm os 4, NN in. i Where they will keep on hand a choice selection -18 t e top priec into ,b o McGinty. John cheese, tit 1M w, promises of 1 -the und Aidell, Rr te TRIUNIPHANT -OVE .ALL i t the Ixt of eto- of everything in their liej sUch as Howi6k, alk rine
ed, uyiers did not, bare to P-11 relise; Lot 19"Col 6 Black, C-0 ba Ibar, a two-yeiv 61d BU req as' tF a Whips, Trunks, Valises, pay charg 6. t 0 Barrie, 01 Firle IUMS Harness; Saddles, much- at aud tak IS,' 1879. a d to Call , prov p 008011INY ,th, L. VIENNA PREM
birisl 8a e, Farm dairies -met witli a Brushes, Currycoms, ho d0livexida aft the m4ket ftiama]. "Way. 4 Alex. Cards,
pr e this. but the delivery Was light—no much IqL@4 D 1"orter, Geo. es,_ rhe ulk of sales THE -ire A-,- 6-r y t, and little improyernent abave 300 bo.N Bells, Blankets, VELVETEEN&
je. XED d 'rTLE. everything that is usually found in a first- 1. A Pritchard, i a eet d -,III tltsleiLThinna fairly be quoted. at 13 Ti. 'gets in. inav 11; , IlIbEillop, about E4yar, Gpo D.. the QTRA 1D.frdiyJLot28 les were well say.W-T. E , SEWING MACHINE classjfarneBs Shop.
ae rs oiti HOW rthl-- road -13 re novir hardly': passable for- thr 61LUFNItS, on( tw6voll pting to 8,( offerings amou )00 'bo. es..'of all having %I bite 1 Fisher, GrqrfzO 11,ne, Mists two one yetir rod in col )rd Win. RE CEIVE D FIVE MEDALS Ae xy Iii onvin t ed liand Wq Forswth, Jaim)r Bilthoift 4ere -is little thau 1) 000 chang on t he largsst'yeaiqb)g havi ig a wbic1 I h(i Incel tin I t AL 'viz isou "ivin V in- Gallowtiv,I)ayid Smith, Thonins its, -white Arip alc i the back. T pe Black, Brown, Blue, Green, Purple, Maroon, dhaaicre f oin lst week nq o, above IU sev p0siti011, - - 10 18twiley, Wrilter he no offers u., der- Gordon, N ; At the Vienna Ex. LIGHT & HEAVY HARNESS mition, leal' to their reco )V-hite, &a., &01 refuse( to bid, bigher thTl fori al b.iiy signed owner, o,,- _ to NVID. LS 1' , Bu tter is sc e, as. hiab- ablacksindth Hilys, F, I Se re Z5 ver . In a duller niar- Ha;-,,, (T. V. CIIAND MEDAL OF ROCRESS, ofevery deseription. made in the, latest style, and 131,c e lia ne eaforth, will be suitablv I vid for hrst-class. the very beat materl 1, at prices -that defy1co!% Ioiirot, Ditvid Sharpe, Robt. Cents- b _-'a P. 1, 0
so Owne, LOC-Klu,I T- of t t Itfle;Falls at this sea )f tb("_ I ke4 ji)PU Thorpe, Lnko 'iF All,"RiT petition. year, btit-diryincit are geeri hrlsto her! fall price, - P very fephcns 0
43-T- AYED CATTLE. hip, and ih their i;ie\vs, decl will Thompson, Mary niam, naranteed. am of the glutted condition of ring e F t rorkm ship 4a au t firm n.: .3, tanley,about Laiiper, 101111 or'Superior W& Gooa 11, all G I Lot 10, CO C. h S -talofteols tuill tWD HOiferS. all one THR e cjuote hold theii- goods rather thn sell t e w. oo(j at - i AH, I IV I,--, O D, 0 OPERATION jteer nourly+ all red, the th %Vo ; ol I Ward, Lizzie present n -v rates. Me'lutosli, Win. Pw hite and rect wit] us forward in.. collsid rable f ar ellis, J'6hn F or superior extellence of prod Ile pri i L entirely- : i all forehead and 1
50 to 7.5, bnt t e .8 other nclions. See ex- Butte - COID C W)jit s wa;., red,. bnt with --S a; 01 G :)f.the heifer -ties and. Cy; tract of ]LAter bolow,: d, b , the necessi -vv ere inade from DICESON-2, -mnal beiw, r sales hball- , t iootberheifer,,va; a very light;
re ni'nrk A n the left Car with efv.l,, ornC :CO ilaint aIl %v.L it note) out -purchaser. G6,01d haY Will 3,10 to 36c. I'Ve h 6f iption made to order, and warranted 'Pe f
ot Ifror the uud do. Ling - Also' another lot O that t -h( r offered I I' " S5_7LE T SCHOOL not to hurt.
eived and uitabl re- gust 22nd.
jr1tr 1 a toll, and even, $2 has been them will be I ha i kfully rec at t York ;his 8(
half so ffile R5 is wrirded by tlic hi idersigued. The Roviro'Machind SIO'CLASS, A call is respectfully solicited before purchasimg 'et anate. ran ROIX9.11ICK ROSS, GF.NTLH-.%irN-We have been Fill ssfill e iii ob- The cold, Nvith -vizi: elsawbero. Brueefleld,P. motlaN from the Exposition, ...... Ps -uragre 908*4 P taillilig five 1: l 08 to $1 11 inds nd flurries of snow- ol ,Jerjt. for all- I 05 to 1 07' M+i SS Urand Mj daj of Progreos, to. -ation for -t n y. t ER W NTED. work, and three Of CO-opO Jackets; 0 q-0 t6 i 00 I TE K Cr hay - cellence of productions- 'YOUT-1 .......... 35 to 0 37 blino-tteir cows tnight"andff-ei Orgilinst of St. Thomas' Church. snp rior ex \.Uneivs; Hotel, ...... ornald Toach r for the junior 3bc%p immediately North Striped n...... C WANTED3 W. HONVE. Applica- ly ;w to 0 55 aud oarsefodder. Turnberry Streett Brns.leb;, Ont. f. the Blue-val: School. R for it,. 1, I otwi thataudingl 2a to 0 22 Long Shawls, tile MUSIC CLA S AND SELkdT SCHOOL' IWe. Jve dvices f rq and-' 0 tions ill be de, dved UP, to the 15th'of 'Nove uber, The above spej%l, elf, an( t 'M!E119 the7f11110 CIftilUS Of SOUle flrlllq ill 110 DUN ...... ating abroLt, Settforth. he lead. -Breakfast Shawls, it, to a 15 . _;, a a, -led N & DAVIDSON,
O ir lo idon l4orres - if by letter (p aid), to the undersig'
t of Octobei - i China business, the Aill kCIPS t IPA
(y 67 00 1-1 , I -V . i 'T N FARROW, I KRRIV.Blo k, p indeu t ees i . . Pro rietors..
I BlueyaltiP.O. 1)
4.1s 00 t 20 Oa e I E agl i sh h 07 I 81!5 fo , I I X JLN i 111[E SCAA110011 Rool fresh supply Just received at 4W 00 A r ANO :L macle me: ........ 1 2& sell 0 50 O. li'v ed. 2s, N'S clean i ii flavor, % e I i an, i 'I W. N. WATS THE DO,\1T_NL ION
1 20 T HER WANTED- .............. 0; t, Of uckl6krsmith, male his a AG p'ar term; Day School, from ingfiralic a 'anforth. Scarfs,- , a 05 and the best v all a y choe se of he octio No. 7, 'I I 308 e likey twbe de Cher h Ming a second oxAbird-cla a car- SUMS AND INVE
x F Gho STMENT 1 25: axer.' -D 3 to $5. Wool Mitts,
lt.'crbt-41) mr Jerma, and a.r i 19 CWt. tificate. D t'i ,to COMTAence on lb 6 1st Of Jaun- Scho6lhours rom 16A. AM. to 3 PANI. 09 LODON it per barrtA. fin is quoted t 70s to 72s the: 45. ry, 1874. nj US; hands in NNrool cuffs
Cul oleq,i 0 410 to 0 SOC 19T , tza rLbtj, 0 00 A) 6L W 6 s to 6Ss th cN . oftheScoroar byNov-20-: 'LP1 to eal l 6 t, I L --I . . i I ALUABLE COMMERCIAL E OF , LONDO, ONT. Wool Gail,ters,
_0 nas 78 ,in te glisb 'Ohed Hit H ROB G LLEG
0, 76 dr br -to ihe cwt geafort P. O. 400 an '307 cretary, Harpm he I Bootees, A He ond-street, Opposite City Hall, IL ad Oftlee, Itichin.
f r all SoLrts alre in (16TD an (1; L hogs, lier IOUL lbs. .4.... 4 00L to 5y t!(9 450 In IL P)IOPER t -ith I 1 Infaritees, mee s ready s4e at FOR' AVE , ELEGRAPA INS 1TUTE. nc C nirpose of adva I 24s the cW t. Established in 1872, for the 1W . I . 0 Rib orb, a 1, ing mone ntm and Town Property at a very Gloves., s to 'WAINTE or Sch 01 Seeti6ft NO- t 140s, DFOrS4 150s ana- Nor- I'WAII 1 of Hay, County of lanilor I I lly -hi y on Nov. V I laUiiig &Second-GlassProvin- the Td 1i int it fj st-class business low rate of interest, Old o
1,873. -'quotj a 100 cher, he M Want afi U the inost fayorablo osiery,
TON . — T I 11 m vvad at 1 30 8 f 0 I Cilcortih4titt. Applications receiv d until 1 08 t;dthcLondo ColumcircisIC01- terms'Of rePaYnlcnt.
1 05 the 7th of acember. Dtitifs bo"comm uce on Slib, I -.r, wing about to retire f om b, si- efluvg1tioll'att, ling winterl The proaperitY Loans for 103311 oi short pekilods repayable by In- !a entire ill I ro- logo during the con, ...... .... . App y, sbatiu a lary (Is- liesq, ]low ffer for sale hi &, borrowers. ! I? rt:Ws p rell sing 0 40 1 ary'. 1874. of ncreasing. The Rbalilneutj to Fini a ....... d, in New Yor. K. the 'Fit Go if -y, of this institution is con%tailtl I d -the
........ rM tN- -fiz.: Tho of Gol during Farms, b1lildiUgj)w0jljngR orl Stores, will fin 00
0 GoI 'D. --The priec tV t lea &CtUal t tteUdanCe
ulunber ;of studell ts in Trustees, Qa the yf ftji en(jilig 'Saptomber 187 wi terms of this So. 5() is Ated at 1074'. FLOUr,[ half 0 55 th 6iety preferili4ie to any other mode,
I ............. P. 0. j 34Z .0,(, of th ND SAW LS iR larger than ()o. 6 50 undersignO t*jjOr institution the kind in the for instance, $76 90 paill at thc Ond Of 0-ach -Y, stoos. Sit.111 ta i the-Villago of Znric that of any o THOS. MEL LT pjL1iU(-'p]8 PLud Intorost Dominion, HUND;%I11). Our y0ay, %,ill pay back boi j us; t4ree t"r i -,vrm_ 1FT avge slid con 1 of busiliess ivistruction is the 31108t thOTOUgh, 11po jo f ears. Paid T 'Cochuiell 310-4 Oult v am 0 1 1wo it, io if' early,
0, 4G 45 B U. SELL] id received at 111cKt-'ON H bit, einent; Contlins tilree runi of :L:, , 14 Dre nd progressive eye' introduced in any $157 200 will (10 it. 0 I - I Rqori68 abov(3 a D tore. P nr-feet Burrj =I lisand I. Cr- College in Canada. C$1 at RUT time, and with
20 00 t I -stones, with can be: obtain f
LT MAKERS I r 11 the mitabinel I I 'bite ay,bayorid thn' timo neceasarl Y Oc- ilithip a hi tl or sent by or no del
IClass Coat ! w ted'i modiate- c4ftut bolts,, aind fill eilf,kine Spec nicils her pri tetl* nor imported. onpied in the investigation of titl Pr P r onstom and Ier Illit laill, Wit . POWL" 0 and U. a a r, 3. TENDILRB WANTED. Twly. T@ T Igo, in c unection- I Us arq geniffilu—neit :Ilo' 'a;fo,th. nt -LI1 in rongght lo' by bnshie4s man, tion of the2ort-gilge. by th Trustees Ut jL1of late coin triletion; good lia- Our grOuRteR aTO' S leleraph ssudenta For flirther particulars- MO to terms, apply boilerodl ill oodorder. will Show
RS will bd ree I IAW 30I .14 l eligiric it boi or and 14Tgv an giN a genaralsatis action. 1 - 9, ucx i Ilt r tnishel, powerh I eligine -ite fall wlibat, t)e T )I), Up to 1 O'clo ple time, for practice O'Cry (lily. by lette'r to _Z
06 ch.00 C RVANT GIRL"' &I VED. 1 ave a ever -failing on sent free, On Ap.- T. B LE a f aruighhig iind pu tiing irl of 80 I Circular saw. hose mil F; b ith full infolnia red fal I wheit, !:1 00. to on D e. i. for th w ] lVR, a water sup Q q pate tseat's in the-liGhool room. U .1 a
U 13 -rip lie t e_ (10 te family, P1 d are situate ill th centT4 of Lo)adon Ont. * Tins E immediately, in Aadxess tary and Trdd,;u, 12 Znrich, one -Wn.
,lot hTid themselves to adc(li)b the lowest or imy W lib r Ap ly at this Of Iroll's fa 19 es a Fill GEORG A, 8NNTYZE, Or to ALONZO Ib , a - 1108 listance from a eManager. forthl _2 . a t Girl; wagaslib to: _`d 33 Ort
-$I 0 -8 trition 6 n tend r. For further ptLrtitultos pply to the uu- oince; ice, ON SATURDAY, NO j__)jjajjel, 53C to' 5-1 G O&I Co Valli t distal, 308-Sin-oow per de NVILLIS'M BELL, a ounds at a. n lb rFi gne Good.tin.be Lonon, Oct. 1, 1873. IS 00 to- 19,001, ',>e4rptay, alton P. 0 0 ard tho locality, is one of the best g du dia 0 0 '9
r 7h L A
oOr is
wa11nd bt_, a t -,pa "ge
4 E r'
to 'he I r
-I'Rjl ho h
rt YT
Pay n
.i!ope )J0914
,it JjQLE M te, t638e - hiv pertaa,, R OVALM
in Ontario. iWio, that well known jkjUCWjt)N E 1Z hop, 4,, 5o to .55 OR SALE. IT W'N L AW KILL FROPERT OF -BLACKSMITH SHOP F on the o-, r ourth.,Coucesei r ilthll bon alt. Ditta's Corners, ORI JE Situate on 11 b f T M STOCK, k IMPLEMENTS -[HE SEAFORTH SHAVING AKD HAIR FARM, FAR A complete line of,
TopwXTO, EAF Cry of whi -switb and Ribl'. ch wa. Ut in op , Lira-
etv of Hai, the 20; onnilttrN saw, lions veEl inatioctions from Con. 1q, Nvood. Ciro -1 . j. p. BRINNE hat, rece to ;A . 11, I 20 hrrse M w. 0. FOWLER, t C SALOON [-jerl good btl,%iUO46 now ng of 1878 per bus ll arle$ o 'a good mcclianie; -povVer on ine and; 30 sell by Public Anc- DRIEISSIN beh done; r 1kn -er t ;Ogethor itb 25 a)ares Oolli,
i , of -ith:six r NIGH -1' -yu u ular boiler, t Lot91, Con. s, H. 1 . S,., Tuckersmith, t r,01
clw(- 1 I tion IVIJOI
11jIff N% A horae -p n a
e ' am I n- 1, I ,w 6 is a large frame d ailing 0 8e'; T -TAS been remove- 0 oat.q, 41c to IOU frait Ibrcieq (30MMOU6- 1 . - I Noven ber 27th, JLS73 'a oj l
I of land, OpposifteW. Bob- 1 lan, ;, F table, go le c, yollu"bear- j 0alt 'Whurp.4day, JL_L 'Jolin Loga jag o bear. Terlits reiWol lie. - App %- on commodious on viz.: I horse, 6 a Store. The proprietor b ax 61ingsprin 10 fee LA010 ANO
5.3c lb. ralls 28C t6 300 t lb bnildings; 118 le C, t, fi-om r valuable prol erty, ortson & CO.'s nardw CHILDRENS' FURS
0- IJOH'j\ LATTA, -md it'never-fl, he following ise or address) J. .19TH. orchard, i up his new sbop ljmtt IaLre rolls, 23G to -DG a miles r1rom are, in foal, 9 Old: 9 cOw", in begs tn state that he ba.6 fitted' 11h1ge door. 'his properbY is situft 0 thl e
Rodgervillo P. 0. years old; 1 ii 30q -4 WED' ESIDAYi calf bull, 2 years end is d-otormiut'd to make -5 . . with every Conenience,
tu6diary, .3c to Exeter, a atietiontheL.11-andD t Calf; 1heifer,2yearq uld,ii is the beat av try. old n 2 hives Ir igon, wooden it it first-class establishAlent- HeLhas also on NO lnIM site in this part of the Conn of mber wf ); 1 inilk wn TICE axle I iron beam thistle hand a nice stock of 13. , Ag d argidurnftT bb had, as tbe Subse ibex ron, irunnx C; reinizies it thorough- 7 gang plow uLd has oi, bisip No'v' . as d de. toretire.fro . usiliess. cattLr O's I Tn'b, , pl(,,w ; I get of iron I LarTows cH QV,3 -A YD BRA IDS TrIUL, - . h eci _[G r OL B U F I 11% E ae Subscriber, _hi,le. St. C+C()j,,,0 inaho I hay rake; LADIE' WV jw_Am that will serve How-, this apply' to t reaping lnftc Real Mink, es' brpO Be ks For f er Particulars; miing miu; 1 set of Ia, NvIl It S a late Dr. 4, HaT, r if by lette ., to a,riellItural fur -b 81jr-4k rd on Lot 5, onf4esBiod Utleo; He is Also prepA rmau Mink, _r sellers pr yea,r at'I latest styles. red to take in Ge brick house, Lit eft. d, Of the Itaid at the harness; cordwoo Q Lft h, to b plow harness; 2 suts 0 I ir hold Off Gil I th Sea Seal, BlIvers. li-oweve Hay P. O. _IF --ieu wibil the 1) * OLga of return if -k-T CAREXCK. straw anti junny other articles too nanleron-, Waat& " IN lei A U r rn a i DA U V -xv l T A T A T)T 1-f AIR COXIBIXG8, Souhyr the of a ap I 0 .ft I I i - I I I -, The whole of 'he aj)OyeLpropertywill [ I $6, 45 n I ; to mention Plain SeA of,- sliperlor, ex S MCLE LLA have them etrai0tened and worked Into tr, be proprietor intemls r Grebe and taken T )y I be sold without te, And
its no fu they Ube for it.
f handrcA, barrel,4 o V., MILLI E I retiring from farming,aud Braids, Belts,, SVitches, Curls, 25 a11d spriijg exti-a a 35 85 10 0AUTIO.N. Ermine. to ; TIRE t 86 60 GILU ioned against givilig w forracil is charges reasonable. ic art, Bin-oss, Complul R u If not previously ao'd b, private bargain, the n the shortest notice as to, super ary HE pnI;I ood,; or ariety Con- JL E lizabet-b, g T'OUpej b' RAY wihes to er custo)Uers not a q re 0 Minstrel lit jVto.im , I farm will be put Up and sc ld by auction on the Gents"Wigs Inrinshed, o 5 70 fi ft pany,-aild gives a and the gener I nbN ac ICOnces- at les
at 'h
has r eiv-
a$57 Oil lily ftee Cart C )ei or entertain- P than city prlceg Ot a Quilt, ali Sho has r4tio lvft iuy b inb- _;,o ethatplease all-' -_Montr al Gazatte. above day..' Thofarin is Lot LS,'On the ThixL 8 respectfully 9 ny just cjLa se or prqvoc oil itud a her, 2 acres of A Call I +licied. ilsion, H. R'. S., Tuckersinitl "Contning 10, 0 i Sc choice bout90ftcTe;Of which fire cleared WILLIAM. ap for' cash only.
b laud, is well 807-52 Which we will sell che W. ell j FA STOCK OF MILLINERY, aild *'der goo(I cultivation,, the balance as been of fall wheat, a large arl NVInich is very There are 5 aC' us OtIOE -vF ,e t h G S complete in tl ab a timbodd
I- 0 HO 0 G S I ' I
B-rE s,—The m th S - I < in at fashio wry Orchard, 2 largo frame barns, a frame NOTICE TO 01EBTOR, ebt- beari N
ITfIrtieg Ind -;n an ionic style8l. -52 onthe premises. There is
the P TOTICE is hereb -on thiLt fill a d ban shed 50x foot ihaV1119 ot lint, mtNt being 2 excellent wells ill. be made to S ad to me, eiiher-b'N iiI a 6r book aeco led at Ul drivi
h -y rail 'alid 011 the 0 jilenty Of water, theri 5. r a - r 9.11 IS hereby given t1st t" W quaUty On, oi before, the Ist of d on agood e settle th.e AKING The farm is bituate the Legislative i rably of the Province of cleit pr - y be put to C%- j, House D I with pumps I
head. Th e, orth RESSM a is ivithin in houx's drive of either sjy gravel road. an nc.-,fty OLhorwil!'U they will .Positivel Ontario, at its next session, for an act to annex an previon manner letter t1u. itiou, prices i attending to, and eNecuted in a Clintftn or Ses,forth warke;s. A good cheese file- the South Riding -of the County., of HWOU. to the 0 for Registration Sr,.krGr.TR, SLpt. 23, 18711). E 303 ro p Of customers. T(rms will be made known I N 000d Inue to 10 whi Ny, 1 d; ewe the approval torT adjoins the farm. rth 1)(yrtion. was in C iding of tie said Could ta ch, 0 ORBEY'S stor6 Main -street, Sea- the sale, or pre,viously, on ftpplica- It Daily without SPe 0 POSibe on the day of p rpo st, r 04 'a W. DRUMMOND. I H.OLRSE F M1.508, or to tile r OR SALff-. HO_NjAS t P [ENS 307-6 ly M R. T forth. tion to thaproprietoron thepre RXMEXBER THE PL ACE: a good liv,6rkilag HORSE, suit- in g - his numer- auctioneer at eaforth, 50 on Sale Cheal [17.ivin ry. Is 8 years much pleasure inIT-Orm enoed the Sale tor commence 0 t 3-9 o'clock, sharp. ome Or F - for farill work! or, C, TAss STAGE. able -either For I OS Customers that he I a 3 recolam THE ROYAL MAIL E The are s 60 h d. nble,or single, harness. business in M3 I stand, North DAVIS' HALF -WAY HOS old, ancl'good in (10 king and un4cr cash; over 'been niaile I r10 P. MeNnught lreter,in- I?OrI1 Pao waiall hav lertherpoticlil'an-4 app 3 "street. Having SOCUrid aservices of a R c vftl Mail Stage leaves Seaforth for Wal-- TERS-All sums Of 5 ths I in on -vel Road. Q. the rqprietor Lot can ral-y on nion credit will. be give Seaforth Northern Gra
at $30 i Sowforth, or t THlon, Brnssels, Wroxet r and inte WT Surgeon, praotibal Saiumge-ma. ier, thf i rmddiate that amount -15 Ted joint notes. for ra,ging I 000 IT)'- - - I - I P ;, furnishing appro on Teweler- per 100 bt.djass axbiole ir )it or tornoon on the arrival of thd F ----
a flup. E4' 00 0, C on. 3, M -MARTINI its, vary af W. 0. 'FOWLER, Proprietu rPHIS House affords good accommodati Opposite I lbs" at G : I C 'nff II - U D HAMS. lin from th balf-waY _q n ;,&USkG9S OR INE, Anctionfeer. ir r.,
W31. getting a f a East, It leaves Wroxeter 209 JL the traveling publ*c, being situated
Ives at Seaforth in time for J. P. BR tW L)L Im-Las, ,vver orth and BruBsib. and haing good Itb a I,000 T.1, iijig and arri between Seal k. . conches 1r going EaL Miry or ThoE a in need of sue won Ire 0 "trail ;t. Comfortable Or are alWaL yard, sheds, stabling, 4ud everything neces r NOTI.ClEs Ali orders the mai OrS wo, c,,tr 10WIS tqyu t 10.1d. Of 0% Call L, before ptirchasifig 0181' 0. kept on the road. NOICE. Gigars and Lianors ago re6o, red 52& kme car EB Parties ho, about a. month I ! . . . and go( d horses a first-class country t4vern. I Lis, at pron 3, and prreels, aforth
Every &I a of thelchoicesi bijiinds Hostler always on hand qb GiTe him a CalL L Irw1av two Mau sign boards.from - the Lptly attended to, I 1 d for CORN t ution is paid to pagsengerl proinptly 0. DAVIS, runIAN UK $47 nload T Price in 6 N and after the 5th o E November the Se
and too], e -he p S.-Higheot P i luggage, &-a., carefully looked'after and 0 post office will open ab 8 O'clock A. M., and HOCCU r -front of g * Fairley s Store would oblig Strou ely re- COB 3. Charges moderate4; 307-12 gin goo, at 1*
coxvsl aver. freer, W, eg re by immediat deliverod. look P. M., 6til further notice tirluecl Ito. Undersigned and SO THOM A (14 7 i 9 L THOMAS BELL, Frop4stor. Close at 6 ole street, Seaforth, 306-tf .Vve col and IGI 310 A. STRON e 11as beOn V. 0 rf. -4 ut th er'a fa, 308 if 'nythilag in ces are I
e ' am I n- 1, I ,w 6 is a large frame d ailing 0 8e'; T -TAS been remove- 0 oat.q, 41c to IOU frait Ibrcieq (30MMOU6- 1 . - I Noven ber 27th, JLS73 'a oj l
I of land, OpposifteW. Bob- 1 lan, ;, F table, go le c, yollu"bear- j 0alt 'Whurp.4day, JL_L 'Jolin Loga jag o bear. Terlits reiWol lie. - App %- on commodious on viz.: I horse, 6 a Store. The proprietor b ax 61ingsprin 10 fee LA010 ANO
5.3c lb. ralls 28C t6 300 t lb bnildings; 118 le C, t, fi-om r valuable prol erty, ortson & CO.'s nardw CHILDRENS' FURS
0- IJOH'j\ LATTA, -md it'never-fl, he following ise or address) J. .19TH. orchard, i up his new sbop ljmtt IaLre rolls, 23G to -DG a miles r1rom are, in foal, 9 Old: 9 cOw", in begs tn state that he ba.6 fitted' 11h1ge door. 'his properbY is situft 0 thl e
Rodgervillo P. 0. years old; 1 ii 30q -4 WED' ESIDAYi calf bull, 2 years end is d-otormiut'd to make -5 . . with every Conenience,
tu6diary, .3c to Exeter, a atietiontheL.11-andD t Calf; 1heifer,2yearq uld,ii is the beat av try. old n 2 hives Ir igon, wooden it it first-class establishAlent- HeLhas also on NO lnIM site in this part of the Conn of mber wf ); 1 inilk wn TICE axle I iron beam thistle hand a nice stock of 13. , Ag d argidurnftT bb had, as tbe Subse ibex ron, irunnx C; reinizies it thorough- 7 gang plow uLd has oi, bisip No'v' . as d de. toretire.fro . usiliess. cattLr O's I Tn'b, , pl(,,w ; I get of iron I LarTows cH QV,3 -A YD BRA IDS TrIUL, - . h eci _[G r OL B U F I 11% E ae Subscriber, _hi,le. St. C+C()j,,,0 inaho I hay rake; LADIE' WV jw_Am that will serve How-, this apply' to t reaping lnftc Real Mink, es' brpO Be ks For f er Particulars; miing miu; 1 set of Ia, NvIl It S a late Dr. 4, HaT, r if by lette ., to a,riellItural fur -b 81jr-4k rd on Lot 5, onf4esBiod Utleo; He is Also prepA rmau Mink, _r sellers pr yea,r at'I latest styles. red to take in Ge brick house, Lit eft. d, Of the Itaid at the harness; cordwoo Q Lft h, to b plow harness; 2 suts 0 I ir hold Off Gil I th Sea Seal, BlIvers. li-oweve Hay P. O. _IF --ieu wibil the 1) * OLga of return if -k-T CAREXCK. straw anti junny other articles too nanleron-, Waat& " IN lei A U r rn a i DA U V -xv l T A T A T)T 1-f AIR COXIBIXG8, Souhyr the of a ap I 0 .ft I I i - I I I -, The whole of 'he aj)OyeLpropertywill [ I $6, 45 n I ; to mention Plain SeA of,- sliperlor, ex S MCLE LLA have them etrai0tened and worked Into tr, be proprietor intemls r Grebe and taken T )y I be sold without te, And
its no fu they Ube for it.
f handrcA, barrel,4 o V., MILLI E I retiring from farming,aud Braids, Belts,, SVitches, Curls, 25 a11d spriijg exti-a a 35 85 10 0AUTIO.N. Ermine. to ; TIRE t 86 60 GILU ioned against givilig w forracil is charges reasonable. ic art, Bin-oss, Complul R u If not previously ao'd b, private bargain, the n the shortest notice as to, super ary HE pnI;I ood,; or ariety Con- JL E lizabet-b, g T'OUpej b' RAY wihes to er custo)Uers not a q re 0 Minstrel lit jVto.im , I farm will be put Up and sc ld by auction on the Gents"Wigs Inrinshed, o 5 70 fi ft pany,-aild gives a and the gener I nbN ac ICOnces- at les
at 'h
has r eiv-
a$57 Oil lily ftee Cart C )ei or entertain- P than city prlceg Ot a Quilt, ali Sho has r4tio lvft iuy b inb- _;,o ethatplease all-' -_Montr al Gazatte. above day..' Thofarin is Lot LS,'On the ThixL 8 respectfully 9 ny just cjLa se or prqvoc oil itud a her, 2 acres of A Call I +licied. ilsion, H. R'. S., Tuckersinitl "Contning 10, 0 i Sc choice bout90ftcTe;Of which fire cleared WILLIAM. ap for' cash only.
b laud, is well 807-52 Which we will sell che W. ell j FA STOCK OF MILLINERY, aild *'der goo(I cultivation,, the balance as been of fall wheat, a large arl NVInich is very There are 5 aC' us OtIOE -vF ,e t h G S complete in tl ab a timbodd
I- 0 HO 0 G S I ' I
B-rE s,—The m th S - I < in at fashio wry Orchard, 2 largo frame barns, a frame NOTICE TO 01EBTOR, ebt- beari N
ITfIrtieg Ind -;n an ionic style8l. -52 onthe premises. There is
the P TOTICE is hereb -on thiLt fill a d ban shed 50x foot ihaV1119 ot lint, mtNt being 2 excellent wells ill. be made to S ad to me, eiiher-b'N iiI a 6r book aeco led at Ul drivi
h -y rail 'alid 011 the 0 jilenty Of water, theri 5. r a - r 9.11 IS hereby given t1st t" W quaUty On, oi before, the Ist of d on agood e settle th.e AKING The farm is bituate the Legislative i rably of the Province of cleit pr - y be put to C%- j, House D I with pumps I
head. Th e, orth RESSM a is ivithin in houx's drive of either sjy gravel road. an nc.-,fty OLhorwil!'U they will .Positivel Ontario, at its next session, for an act to annex an previon manner letter t1u. itiou, prices i attending to, and eNecuted in a Clintftn or Ses,forth warke;s. A good cheese file- the South Riding -of the County., of HWOU. to the 0 for Registration Sr,.krGr.TR, SLpt. 23, 18711). E 303 ro p Of customers. T(rms will be made known I N 000d Inue to 10 whi Ny, 1 d; ewe the approval torT adjoins the farm. rth 1)(yrtion. was in C iding of tie said Could ta ch, 0 ORBEY'S stor6 Main -street, Sea- the sale, or pre,viously, on ftpplica- It Daily without SPe 0 POSibe on the day of p rpo st, r 04 'a W. DRUMMOND. I H.OLRSE F M1.508, or to tile r OR SALff-. HO_NjAS t P [ENS 307-6 ly M R. T forth. tion to thaproprietoron thepre RXMEXBER THE PL ACE: a good liv,6rkilag HORSE, suit- in g - his numer- auctioneer at eaforth, 50 on Sale Cheal [17.ivin ry. Is 8 years much pleasure inIT-Orm enoed the Sale tor commence 0 t 3-9 o'clock, sharp. ome Or F - for farill work! or, C, TAss STAGE. able -either For I OS Customers that he I a 3 recolam THE ROYAL MAIL E The are s 60 h d. nble,or single, harness. business in M3 I stand, North DAVIS' HALF -WAY HOS old, ancl'good in (10 king and un4cr cash; over 'been niaile I r10 P. MeNnught lreter,in- I?OrI1 Pao waiall hav lertherpoticlil'an-4 app 3 "street. Having SOCUrid aservices of a R c vftl Mail Stage leaves Seaforth for Wal-- TERS-All sums Of 5 ths I in on -vel Road. Q. the rqprietor Lot can ral-y on nion credit will. be give Seaforth Northern Gra
at $30 i Sowforth, or t THlon, Brnssels, Wroxet r and inte WT Surgeon, praotibal Saiumge-ma. ier, thf i rmddiate that amount -15 Ted joint notes. for ra,ging I 000 IT)'- - - I - I P ;, furnishing appro on Teweler- per 100 bt.djass axbiole ir )it or tornoon on the arrival of thd F ----
a flup. E4' 00 0, C on. 3, M -MARTINI its, vary af W. 0. 'FOWLER, Proprietu rPHIS House affords good accommodati Opposite I lbs" at G : I C 'nff II - U D HAMS. lin from th balf-waY _q n ;,&USkG9S OR INE, Anctionfeer. ir r.,
W31. getting a f a East, It leaves Wroxeter 209 JL the traveling publ*c, being situated
Ives at Seaforth in time for J. P. BR tW L)L Im-Las, ,vver orth and BruBsib. and haing good Itb a I,000 T.1, iijig and arri between Seal k. . conches 1r going EaL Miry or ThoE a in need of sue won Ire 0 "trail ;t. Comfortable Or are alWaL yard, sheds, stabling, 4ud everything neces r NOTI.ClEs Ali orders the mai OrS wo, c,,tr 10WIS tqyu t 10.1d. Of 0% Call L, before ptirchasifig 0181' 0. kept on the road. NOICE. Gigars and Lianors ago re6o, red 52& kme car EB Parties ho, about a. month I ! . . . and go( d horses a first-class country t4vern. I Lis, at pron 3, and prreels, aforth
Every &I a of thelchoicesi bijiinds Hostler always on hand qb GiTe him a CalL L Irw1av two Mau sign boards.from - the Lptly attended to, I 1 d for CORN t ution is paid to pagsengerl proinptly 0. DAVIS, runIAN UK $47 nload T Price in 6 N and after the 5th o E November the Se
and too], e -he p S.-Higheot P i luggage, &-a., carefully looked'after and 0 post office will open ab 8 O'clock A. M., and HOCCU r -front of g * Fairley s Store would oblig Strou ely re- COB 3. Charges moderate4; 307-12 gin goo, at 1*
coxvsl aver. freer, W, eg re by immediat deliverod. look P. M., 6til further notice tirluecl Ito. Undersigned and SO THOM A (14 7 i 9 L THOMAS BELL, Frop4stor. Close at 6 ole street, Seaforth, 306-tf .Vve col and IGI 310 A. STRON e 11as beOn V. 0 rf. -4 ut th er'a fa, 308 if 'nythilag in ces are I