HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-11-14, Page 4IT
IIINov.,14. 18'"
THE'" APGSITOR.� 4. n at W assembled at tho statio Rot's- cards very carefully or they will I NL E W ADVERTISMAEl NTS. rho Last Aot Ose the ion for the Loop.1 House reQlered neces- th iven. foll' the"President MO OUGALL.—In Walton, on Oct. 429
whole *nine U it A, they have com� try by,.Mr. Scott's resignatilOn. E fforts ing ch.eers wee g ID . . )
I I h G. W. ife of Mr. Donald of
The last a A of Sir o ii They - ath- it., for� liendrie, the
111-ence(T to lilak � concessions. Oe beino ni do to bling out Aid. Fe, of t 6 the wl gor. are 3% B. R. , and ails A graoc4ful 1 -willing that MI -1b. ire
Government was by no me AIahon's term should. be orstone.1' D, ctors of the W., G. nd a daurrhter.'
Estray oattle--Richard Biel Y. Mr. Baird, Reeve of J�_incardine to � 0 In I ov. 1, the wife
C -EaG.— Morris, on I4
One. Determilied to inalKe the most of I for five years only instead of Ustr&y GowI;--James gle. . . . � ill . ni.nde. I A C M2,
Prololl y wilt Consent fur to International 0 rage. which brief respollsos we' of Mr. Franc) -leg of a son—still
tell. -th rMore i Teacher Wanted—Sectioll NO.1 4, Hullett.' th6 short tix Lie allotted t6 en' they took ession was - then, Some tinle go tile pnis authorities PMr,0,CL is Hotel, where the -ov. 1, tile
1od care - to fill, with tl n parti- the R born,
Robert� go bir," W till -him IProt ddent of .10(l to tll(.. que, STNVART.—Iri Brussels', oil N
But the Left,11, anxious to appeal to the Town Hat—Cool Burgess. in Culia, seized a Unitud 8" ates vessel, Were eutertained. �:i The ballas till ty . M zans, every of-fice that wAtS vacallu, MILL wife of of a
i . I , people. They ivill llot that the Ladies' Fur; at Dent's. I the Virginius, which ia(l on"board a -11 be finished in about two - w . lare vacmicies did not were pi�esent Assen-Wly has &iiy colistituout . I track wi - I Board—C. Crawford. number of Cuban ihis ts The Of ,'or 'thel, on;Oct. 31, the wee hotild the weaIbber proe -fy E
Thomas -St nsi created. other ap�,)oi powers. 1 rily shot, Hogs, le ntments- . . I tured iniurgents wer ablq[, iii'a the oadopenett for trffic. of Mr. Gotticib 8tuniis, Of a daugliter-
It is aliticil), ted that the compromise e ed that, 1.1 ! i �iid intelligence has 1) r eiv Tenders, NVanted—Nym_t I i made., wori those to fill; the ieutellant- 1 moo offered by the right will bo ccepted, GLAI N,,-:7, the
fter , -delay of a few (lays, the captain (.T,,) - v-, e M O r s ps of New Brunswick and perhaps with some moklificatiolis Or d- Buinmg o a Steamer o L wife of Nlr. Alfred Olanville, of son,
nd crew of the Virginins, irimbaring 53 0 Ontario. COGO'IN.s.—In Usborne, o -Nov, 8, the
dit�ioiis. Both sides Sewn t 0 -1tario, an( Judge of the Supreinc Court I)ersolis, were also exce,uted. 40V +, I C ex- FOURTHKINT LIVES' LOST. pul-4vue concili vtory � courses. .Th wife of _Nlr: Thom -As of 11 son.
XOv cot I Relative to the o4trage, t1w New York. of ia. Theso, pi)oilitmeiits
n P. y, ov. 5, wb en Mic Li—lu Exetler, oil Sov. 12, the wife not in, citement i i is is �iig Post says editoria ly Th(I Oil Wednesi of Mr.. Georve May, ol ason.
public until file mornin"
0 1 Siding, nd it is believeil, that the crisis _1V 3. Gila Was r d to steamer B. � arian, of the Canadian ii. FRIDAY, NOV!, 14j, B of -our. citizens w, f 'c I
is Over, as
ol, the (lay ii pon WIlich tl' Government - - 0 ur lnd -Nvigatioit Conipany"s line, tleat by the execution of the fo )y r "jic ppointimbf the Fiielich : MARRIAGES" nt. aeA Colliniitte( repi . 0 It' -will now rise tc thu nearly oI-,)i)ositP Osbawa ba, 9(,) The Now Govern 1pOli IAL '11111by licis, 161]. - 0 1 In an
nas noticed to e oil fire.
-lizie, on bein entrust I ed b,tok. some days previously. rliig, Cubitl her fricli�d east, she w la Thiers oil Mom ly and N_Kr. N ake �ftu need neither money not Have first intimaZioll the passon& rs and cilow hursday, IN ov 6, by PwN% T. Gold- set vematters 6v(111 worse, The Miss
.d two Ire owith the formation a IrAment, dress. The ex -President in his remarks t these -buteliefs no fear of tlic indigntion had of the disaster they lical 'pointed Lieutelmnt � x'overnor of s pf tile civiliyed world? The report I ports, nd the steamer was envelo
rreply told his --vii-si ors the al) o
vigorously to worrk, nd gath red bout I PeU In Mary Theresa both of Clint n.
a -e f
iek and, Mlvd sife.reda checl�, 1011sci the blood cold." Tic I flames in an - instant. There -1 )Ur -RMILLO�-MOORE. —III St-- James'
hill a sufficient. number of S i tabl a - n (I 'RepubliC was asdThe execution of Fry 1 lifeboats oil her, but the flaes prev(n -at. -d, on bv Rbv.
e pulsile udge. of Sc Otia H011. tell Top Church Sti I'm
representative men, to form f 6 E trong r k Paris des says it I is )rted N ,as 1'ed more than two being launched. T le�y it
vill collie home to many here, he E. Ptterson, e -L A., r. Joba� Alex-
MMacdoi , ld, -were bot�i, at the tune thatan extensi e Plot in favor of Count inty :22 popular C&net. On Frida�,, li Ist, previ , i olice in the ulliteJ States navy, hich only st cceeded in sav anderPAttillo..of istratford, to ary
nents were, mad members de Paris ha� 1) n discovere&ili that city. 011. 0 urser was 8 Beatrice younge.-Au ous to the prorokation o'f Varlimi6ait, the.11 t110, PPO'iltl probably has hastened his executi Th aved. 1 -Te says tb�eiiic V 81011 Of the Gove) so th4t thoy Nv-crc, ill -It is Said ,f, nposses le says: I, I inMoore, of tl ;� uthoritics I mt a bn ot. ` Aniowy the following appointill6lits: were: rnounce'd n of doculnel Lts by which a niLinber Of be- missing I ppointing to high - 310 We wait when Anierican citimn's s apanCarmiebael ; the ollief
ill the House well-kno -n po iticialis are c W. Finu O on Nov
Iiii(y slaughtered nd the American flag eugin�eci Vie ember 8, bIkev- Thomas
lionorall le position� S) wbicl ii the people. It is also repor ed Horl. A. illis- thata, deputation of I stowArd, William pence, of Lchi*e ; i agban, to
C,oldsinith, Mr. John Calh-
is ou� to proceed to 8,ilzs 1 -'alland, both of Ulinton.
ter of Public Works. hLd entrusted to their I-eEi)lllg. The' Monarchists The last Cuban atrocity has been the also, !the lady pssengers, N,i rs. Hannah J,'
erl o'f Justice. ,utolialit Governor of, Oi itario, Mr. burg to reqiLest 4aughter, of Brockville - 11iss �rv- Hon. A. A. Dorlon, Count de Chambord to '411 -absorbing topic of conver ation in ll and cKiN,,xrw — S UTIM RLAZ, 1). -- At the
11on. A. J.. Smith _N11iiiister. of Maine his elaiin� to the throne of es (1, ce of the bride's father, by
d would _Y lcc()In allied by a lnd, of Kingtoi), nili Mr. Hill3 en
Crf,%Wf 01"d, sit in the House, leireles in New ()'rk, a all ! rance in favoi of Count de Paris. L indigna- Wear, of Chotharn. The name's of th- e i . . r � era ont mrst of horror 4i( 11ev. Thamas Thomas
IT MTED Hon. Letellier do St. Just, ster of have voted lad he all Opportunity. oil,. Public Opinion Ul Ne+ York. will others lost are -unlin.own. I U111 \ I I The Viraiml is l vesseLbearl'bg the i cKiniley, of Kincardin-e, to, idias
Agriculture tl�,r t1lu ClirC11118tnces, being- in re- I endorse the most decided ac i,.-- VIL FURSES TATEME.-iT. Catharine Su daug litr of Mr.
ican fla Ijs been seizeil bya Span- kilt Yt nister' of iiii-f a, f;� appointmen� fro in the (�'ov- Amer ic purger, Mr. L. A. � MoPharson,. James Sutherland, of Hullett. Ron. R. J. Cartwri part of the Govokilment, an(, it is be-' TI
ceipt 6 ISol i�n ne�ltral waters, and Finance.' 6rn��ent, it is not likdly! th t his vote ish war ves lieved, that a small army o Cuban re- -gave the followinf,r Statement with !Te_ 1 COLLI. —TEMPLETO.N.—Ill KilliCardine," HO . David Laird, ' ii, ister (if -the In- number of Oullans taken from'it, and ?
JA 1ruits could, if necessary, b- raised in spect to, the catastrophe at The residence bf the �inilelani( ent one. Sumarily sllo�. -planations, and rep-
terior. woidd have )een a * very' ' I E,x that city in a 'verY short till, We left Toronto "%Vednearlay ft�.er- bride's father, Washington il. D. Christie, Secretary 6 state. th manded of,theSpnish 0 -. N�711en off Oshawa 'ary C. Templeton, Ho Had a divisi A of e Aou�o b,een taken, aration will be 4e Orders. have been recein ed t the noolln at 5 o"O"cl, to Miss Second
Hon. Isaac!Burpee, Minister 'oil rn7�ent �rl this Brooklyn navy yard to gret tl e sloops of and about 15 miles from Shore, a'fire i daur-,hter of Edward B. Templeton, qustomsi. , all' Gove f outrage: on the ae idments t e addresl I . C1ret Jq wi4 be everywhi. eu- t -e felt upon war Kearsarge nd Juniata r ady for sea broke out amidships, and the boat was RU-11BALL—DODSWORT11. —111 Go-dericb,
Hon. D. A.; McDonald,. P0841 8 er- (Ir I n I ve v6te4. w ith the Orov -' 11 - M*ipilis is t I�st free from t once. 1M eral. ilese men w( uld ba earing that Oil Wednedy, iiii, er eqnally almost ' mediately in am ass of flames. oil 0 t. 23, I�y f?ev. "Mr. Grrhain, r.
Hon. Thoulas Coffin Reociv6-Geneml. eilinelit, Ila ng t the &anle time their froin the sing orders, the torpedo I oat Admir-_ Three,boats were lowered, one of whi Ii J Rumbail, to E'llull, Second
the pestilence. I Those pres 110R. AV. Ross., Minister 6f Ailitia. �licir pockets. city have retu ned to it. Business is 1, P 8awile
mnt -to offi dauzbter of _Mr. Anthony Dods -worth,
ce In Fal Porter was launched; '11 be made drifted -away befOTe any one got int it. I! c I ys. -d athe time. with reviving, and tl e city will! soon try 0 r a( y for active operations in
Hon. T. Foiiriuer, Kimiste if Inland., ptrli line "Illis is iude a ilt n in few d. it was not blowing hai all of Clinton. I -recover from i s 'terrible !It is understood that thiesc:, vessels The other two boats --reached land in Revenue.' R'. �,Nr. Sc,)tt alvengeno.e. 'There wele other ap- Mow. This ar Hon. E. Bh,k 'and Hwi year will be on ever to be remembered n. e !)eing got ready for the purpose of u
Safety about I o'clock rsday mor DBATH-S. members of the Privy. Cou 1-withou ointments add at the at part of tile Country. The cholera c e last oment, bu in th Ing a fleet in Cuban watevs. ing. One of them was commanded by I re' and gathered in thon- 1 Oil Saturday,
departments. ost first raged the the first mate, Job Henderson, :of these which e have named the in The office, of Preside -lit of council S.1kildsf-victinis Then cme the. yellow lNov.. 8, Jane witzer, beloved wife -
The Spragues. .0harlottel IN. Y., contained 13 por-
9karing of th whole. What,evprsympathy fever And Inany housands :niare fell by Of -Mr. Willi-im. dints I' eeve
it will be seen, remains! as y6t ed. iT I sons, two of whom were passengers er be correctIv as- 1 & Co., I
rilight,have lleen felt for Sli- ollin Oil aG- Jt 'Inev Thafailure of Hoyt 8 the �rest members of thle, crew The of McKillop, 36 years nd 5
With the above list,. fa;n1p can. not ained, pro i A , prague & I ! rilothths.
ririllai t lo.ig political cert, ba )ly, how ma�iv died from of _New York, and & NV arnienter, froroll-
actory to I,op;ullt of 'hil bri b I f ie ti . pi- passengers were J. J. P. stly, be f Olind. It , aflish Vo ho'o I.i
one and t e ot i r o tI deadly e ' iCo., of Providdnce, d, which
career t o so 4seredita�ie at c' ose -will be to, and Ntla8ter ames Cl.ire, of. I DAYLY —Iii Exeter* on Tuesday' ov.
the Reform pzrty, and shoup be sati-j- - deniics. �Btuiot stimates cl� i,im that in .occurred last week-, is one of the most toba; the others were Obarles Brdlev 4V Mr. NVni. eerutiary of te-
very mteri ly lessened. if 1 iqt entirely Ai -beuth, part of the 1iniportant(leve.lopments of th tinancil.Q factory to th- There is not.& _Jempbis-at lecas one, second nite; Janies FiDneane, the phen and Usborne Agriculturl 8o -
revulsion from which the pe ple of the I chanao,d to lisglu�t, by�,.thishut dishon- population was ewried off by death. be an, two fironlen L. Lecont ciel-,Y. single name that'is not! ill everty way eu- United States are uoNv siaffffe�rrin watchm. 'overn wru;.-P.—In Ciediton, on OI orable trans�tion. A nel,v gent )f the 'Bri,'sh (4 n, am Merchiston aiiii & W. sk.3prague were the in t spread
titled to apear in such a list. - Objec- ecting A. L n wheelsm. Willi
ment has -been ii Washincrt 6ii coll Tobn Revere, - 3, beloved wife of XV111. weet,
Lai . 0 � waiters, a ni�oss ro�;n 1110 I :ing firm, and perhaps the ost illus- I,, I
tioll, has been- raised toithe Govern- evi(lence to be used in tl'e Tichb.orne 1 1 68 WYNG TO THE Irrm k 0 4 19ilAncial crisis Vern i deck baud, whoae naine I do not now it t h1pir busin, 1 S I .1 I 1tritAs in the Unite(I States. Go or
M ent by those who make es tr e in the T1 o--bly CLEN ITAN. —f n NI orris, oti Nov. 3, Pierce,
U ad nited tbtes iiE 6w very ialHenderson and myself, e Or I
kjin & Co NVilliam. offered to I ad Rhode e r to the 6'rul., at the h o-und-that it The fi Of IT. B. 011 bot was commanded the pilot, 4 infant son of -N-Ir- Pieri e Cleiiiiau aaed
to raise objections, on t il�ch of. i "- le, n �Jslalld trool.s Fren - much Jepress, d. &Eve�y br, n -Nv:hicli, as we almoni _-d last, week, is i climan, whose first name, is Nap6-
4s a coalition. This, has no or ess ample .e.a.. Many ecoulit outbreak of the reb 11i .1, and per- I 6
dustry is MOT embarrs ed circ rastancos,' on. loon, ana contained nine persons, all b�- COLLADAY.—In S n
lo, foundation. Every in�ember',with but of the fill, neil roubles o#er their all- haps (lid so—part way, a�t', I ast. e 'dward, fourth son of Am!�iig them wer� large mantifitc uring establisliwents have 1110 ii ng urship, to tbb crew. two exceptions, is a life-long Reformer- tire stoc , a -1 ti to - $600, 000 , at wou tJle Senat which e still re- the Z lailies' maid, Ann Gerraglity Tani Ceilladay, I I years, 2 inctlths.
entirely and othdro are our- I fferl! tains,.and the dau,ghter of Ohi f Justice la I -
. 1 .14 al Sal for - t irty (lys- The. and John McGowan, Th ays- usp ided, peci, i(i),ro 0 nd 12 d
These two,N[essis. two br thers are cott, t.111inr the, ho rs-of labor =& lowering i -in ented oil -by leilding fin"a wif6� ' The Dan C= S, lavrab y co, ies of the others I do not know'. 't) 6e Conserva- (I dedidetily I folk-sy did, at one time, belon, -On many en. oil, all
the we ges of _t1eir employes; iness There were fourteen persons left FATN� and free and ey in thtir (teal ngs with tives, but have lung since renounced iner who could not be got off. wy , every emplO ei that can tlie� Ste. I I I1: I _�, K I of the rail' y A despa oil fr 0,yrthag na says the -people. the elder, i arried a their allegiance to that party. The. for- nd made wise c olec'' too The :dames spread so quickly that it wia� ith has beeil.I. discharged, be dispcns�ea insurgent eet is akill nrations to I 9 pr SEAF 01-I.T11, Nov. 1878.
emaln was las elec s in In- nything. Onq me gentl and the pay o ine "wered! )pf, to 16i said. The blisiness habit, of the almost impossible to do
those ret, d" 10 leave the iarbor. The ves els h( of the sulall bots was Scorched, and onQ 1, The deliveries on the are this
'Ire (if t1le V.- Style of
epresent.iti-ire as contin- Tb�e result this isthat A, I et, out wi hout di coveryl) the Govern.. cry latet depondelit r b. iruin g I f L's ri Altbough the bulk of i of the mates got his face biinit. Amongst I week- very ligh t, and littl in provement
of ment squalron. unterp i- - 0
-)Ter U iii, C ar'
ain s, lost 7L
uously oppoazed Sir J. ,rcr�igrliment for ave bee thuir itillilense Wett1th vo those re the capt. rharles C, ber of rii�i and 1411)( bi attle. has taken 11 Ion nd is e I rs. D c, the Session' it is repyrted t lat. b, pected until sleihing fairly -ts in.
ye 111,11-10 I last, -winter thro."_n (),It Of c - T)Joyment. itebi state. ep -in '1w Michael, of Toronto the chief engineer, - - �S i I place betw.ben thp Carlists 461 R - uhli- cotton mills and pi t or I ey -have . , The road -3 are now hardly p for -
put extended their in stments William FillUcaue, f Prescott; the'' itwasstatedin theGOvoT11l Organs of things, occirring as it Aods at thlis cans, resuliing ill L great victory for the !i of I a-te years Itelvard William pence, (if Lachine,! heavy' loa(lis. Ill. grain i little,
ie C. Ithait -Nfr. Cartwright, _1ne -with V I 2 all 0 li into a thousand extr, 1100118 �-hunels. S
-i u 8 season of the -y ui, cani,scirooly, fail to be former. �Iie Re) bli are Said t formerly of Kingston ; Mrs. ibb. Opposition, alid that he wts� fio lonaer a I (10 titutiou e' )oo Their irons in the fire"' art, almost �?hange from last week; no oats at jall
_g lla suf- have lost M300 m i and the Carliss productive of 11 lie I daugliter, of Brockville Miss Ireland I I A NY. are comino in. Butter is scaree, as hi -11
,I member of the ConserVativ- e I 1�arty. Af - I - numberless. They hve, been at cmRting I -
'ilia cl, Ses. -ater a, -%v- as returniiig, home as O f �-ring ainong work Count VOU P -L vt -poweil at ugust, bq been relieved to erect a gre; 'd for fkrA-CJnSS.
ter mk-ing such stat mei�t� �as this, it as 2`1 cents beiin, ix
Ifroin Chatham her6'slle bad been see- ilotice that e nuniber or 4'echaniesil from the Mini9tr of Wr, of have opwied extensive n nufac- -now ill. bcoome. jouril�als to con le in invest d some n her brother, nd Mr. Hillyard Wear, Kids Show a consilerable fIall in price,
are reported to left vaxi`us arts. of' His uecesso will be Lieuten- i t I of Chatham, who had been travelliur,
_Nlaqkenzie for ta�iq into his P ant -General hundreds of thousands in the treasure 0 I oil account of the , glutted ' conition of
Von Ameke. 1 This i am
ES f or 11 an expedition to South I mierica, .
ffie United St t with ber. There was very little sere, ne Prussian Di t Opened,, oil the 12th the leadin' g marl�ets. We quote,wooid at Cabinet Con-soirvative� in h of p etc., etc. AA the pt ing or nything of that soA, but -whene I 9 person -NI-lid I -ofits f rom t leir ml- cam erh usen' Vice rec5i- inst; ; Herr red the- Mr. Cartwright. Ix,ifil r (I t O ilyl r. ere leaving the steamer 1 beard.'sme- 3 50 to .q. 3 75, but the price fis clitirii1y
I diind, but th labor in, arkef is: at )res- I (lent of. the 'Mini tr Molise, plant 4re �eedily If p1w ved �ili " 11�
I . 1 1 thing like moaning. Some one sftid that Scott, we havo"on.l. at, if the i ome new 4ii.d. perIY4ps distant enter- 0 nominal, being governed by tb�e �necessi-
y to my tli e so veilv mile It 1) Vera dl,de 1, nd'tracl-e Speech, which is moderatellin- tone, and to 8 they 8,;tw 'two -women 1-staildino, oil her him main ses I'Velle Colisarvative party hve A4, ly devoted to'locil, Subjects. prie, and cash surplu lover al- *111? ties of the purchaser. GoO Iiay will
) exceedingly clu ar winter lowed to el mrfass the hous hey 8 Stern. The last I sw of C, 1�1 I C 0. UP is lost to them,'it is - hi(eli! time '.that for the W"OrIzink ,lssds in the United: oicillir 11 represent, in. -ibort, the picider Allier- lie was in the �vater hold;ng oil to brink. -,,20 a ton, a -ad even $22 bas been
Monday W, s a day of great rej the should. After the �unlim ited rno Unt I -it of tte�npt.all. Acco (ling to al)I.Liik-. Hocalle(Lo-lit"Charley, Char- paid. We quote. I & ircely be pre ented. throughout Mexico, the oca-sion _y &ates call now' ph ley, Charley
i. of -which they have heaped ui)on the coelebration of the dolltion of the the fshion of the times, they 1,`,�ive 1111- to the ' second mate, and Faf1wheat.... ................... og to si n
W- S Vheat.. ) to 1 07
col! , priii#y V .................. 1 1- �Iiiificeiitly, lend their gOlIgeotts,�)rusenoe c went over to hirn ; . boy whh was him, because lie saw fit, as thiey- adto THr, Domi-SIOI, Iwas pro-; dditionl artields to file Natioifal d B,,l,v ...... ....... 0 1 eo
I near him then got hold of the bot, all I ri� whic 11 are (�f and patronaLl e to the Uranstq'l racc.-3, 3510 U 3 7
sed that the stitiltion, mo Oats ............. .... ......... L
at, we , . .,,y' last. The session was -were pulling Iiiiii in the captain ........... _! .................
turn his co, Y ored oid Frid while we
I 0 lnd entertain Poor ministers duting the
I Patronage nd the Eeparation of i should ttem, )t to claim him as one of a short one, hvmg lasted only seven I % seemed to paddle away srom us,- we 1, '210 to 022
1 Church'and State. summer months with most tinstinted -all
'ggs ............ ............. O 00 to 0 15
lost him. Some one s emselves. If 'Mr. adwilzie can -sue- (lays.' When it� -ill meet artain is liotl Y.* th gencrosit arid that lie had a
I Flour ................. 0 0o to 6 00
I W11 but it is *'Ot likel 1 T tolligece from Cuba -gives an p, T))e,ipi--igLi'esi-.-ereiiiterestecliI life -preserver, bint it is not. likely- be Hay.. .0 tj e of
c6iea in steering as clear' f� ther mis- yet delinitelyknq yi '�Iiilncial and common a g;eat ........... 00 to 20 00
In 1.1 , 1 count of an - enggellilent between . i ��ial. un- lived long, the water -was so cold. The . ........ 4 00 to 5 00
tak-es as lie has of foi� ii I � , ` 1
Coalition will: be ukther .session until the dertakings. �111 11,110de Island 1hey ran steamer had on board about-1,300barrels Lnib Skins 0 -10 o 1 20
c Sheep sh-ins each ......... I 00 to 1 20
_-,panish for, es nd f colluriin "of insur- nearly 280,000 spindle -3 and , 8 11printilir) of api)les, about 50 toils of bacon, an(t a i 0 0.1 to 0 05
Groveri-iment, he will have Va,'t,_ ittle cause iisual time. TNe- new ;Govcr-.--... 11(lor the comii�wniid of anguilo, in ......... 9 ents u ud Small quantity of other freight when she .9alt (rttail) Per 1 2 5
to f eai the frol,8ms wof the 0. IT mchineq,em )loyiljgi0,000ha �intheir then, #o doubt hvetheir p,(Iiqy proper -1 Which tlie� ins-tirgenIs - were severe ilfbe:noticed in the above list that kqk�n mills id Int works. In NIJiiue nLI was Ibi-irlied. Salt (Wholeale) per bqrrel..... 105
it defined, nd'iv 11 be Tprepared to Sub-! losin�d 20 Id Ped aild 80 I ionMr. Make 1 and Mr. Scott have betm I, it it to Parlin -the ,p�nish comnIrtlider A (40AVARDLY PILOT. PotatoeH, (nerv) per b�ishel ........ . 0 41) to 0 45
nent, tid to taild or fe-01 : I Ne.Bampsl ire.they have ext iv tim- Oatmeal;V brl ... 0 00 to 600
c,�iised ll ille prisoner'sr to be shot on the ber w -mills and ;1 othe, -Xr.' 'Henderson, the first mate" did! IV.0 .. 56 to 3 I15
takeil into t1he Cabinet -without portfolios I y it. IV11',vt th t P oli c wi 1) P, an i I 'I-,. field of battle., The 'o-�eriioell At Columbia: in South C aroli ia, t I everything in his power for the rescue of' Live hogs, per 100 lbs.... 4: 00 to 400
qyi of Puerto they
have mills and they ci�v the passengers and crew, bnt tI1 B of ........ : ................. 12)'50 t,4 450
eqUent1v withi.0"at The ling will probabI be giiveii by Minister Principe upon bearfilg of it took the n larp to great -0 id coils y e tracts of Dressed Hogs ............. 5 00 to -5,50
ton-imlid Kan rpidity with -which the flames spread.
sitioll, isi, therefore, merely all liblior- i1i their speeches hen before their con- c away from,,, the Spanish com- .1and in As aivit Texas. i6 des this, eenied him one -else remairli
y are owits of r ilroads, Ste rub' prev or any
Oats, 17LINTOW, NOV. 18, 1873.
this, the if stit.11811t khiaelectiln. "I'llewritsfoi rie' locomotive wur s, �
y one. In. d)*ncr ber,.o on the boat. It � WP -9 -under his orders: F, 1Vh 1 08 of�, I 11
8 See. I iroll found mow -
el inerem 'n bho several nd o ber like 'overlin ineinber e e S i(r eut s has be ied th otions I ejustituell 'i IlIg machine!iCollipailles, a that the first bo. s1aanclied, all all; I 1)0 014 1 05
Echoes froila Ottawa. the passenger.-, would, in ll probability Oats ........
from 13 to 15. But )IS Me srg. Blake aies relidercred vacan� by t4 accep concerns. Theiesteauisbip co pajiy has ........... .... III, e writs for the ellections of Hinisters eight steanle�ls, employs 500 nd. have been Sved b,ad it iaot been -for thd . :0 90 ('14 1 00
and , )tt o not getu salariel, the ex -S ............ ................. () .5n (,I. 0 55
oie in6mber 3 of the n peg
tilce of office by tl in Ontario ud Quebe -, went otit b it i -owns propert worth $1,000,001). Their llllluu,�all conduct of thw: pildt who was' Flotir .... .............. -6 00 50
y mi�i Y.
punse to tlie. country- is no: r�, 11 th onWednesdy. The y. will the ....... la 10r in Con- Ministry have I�e on issued, all th placed in chrge of this boa�t' The matd, tM mill property i� estimated at' $4.200,000, 45
f -iinnibers. elections t., urning officers in ,inch time as I ilto''th boat under ordered nine men i .................... 0 4?0 0
sequence of this increase O %Icc ce before the 9th of 1) nzl J -,heir print works at $1,000,000. e
, . - the pilot and told -them to s- B ........ ......... Ihice the nomination -oil F rda�y or 84- il Their -roll has reached at titues 7 J i
Had an ir crease not bean mde, th y 0 band b)" Hay, per ton ............... 00 (0, so 00
e 1cember. P. Pay , :, I
I I not urday of next week. 000 a day. Three banks are sAid to �c while lie endeavoredto fill her� With th the benefit of Ontri( country wc 11' meiii)dA, at:least. -will —Allreportsfiloni ennox gree t114 unde iatio full complement, . xiamely, twenty-five. N'OV., 13, 18'
r their control—the First ,-N nal, I 3.
I LUNDON, I( es in the with Oppost,10111 _�Jr. Carl;Wright, F-iii.4nce Minister, lvi of standing by, howeve th
the 8econd �,�atiojial, and the Globe Na- Wor private re. -tions Ilia perm- r t ofTrovidence, It. 1. Its brikes -edthe men to pull off, 311(
Cabi I not. I ajerity than tbi pilot ordei White fall whkat, per bushel, $1 14 to
e' mf $1 18 ; red, fall whe�t, $1 00, to 06;
given 'him at the fwl geueral. electio with thishe di Uil. the face of the mate, -who
emptaiily i -efused to take seat in the ON. cou-'TT. !of -Mr., k W , b � V ingtilar indeed tht fi .MS S Ott hav bile as s
barley, one of �he' lar,y Boring wheat, S"I 12 to .$I 13 which was aled: to him as Strongly rl "est and about,,111:�no,000,_ appd, l� d not until the T,�s i1iom'2' , ing been appoii#yd to the I ivy Coun It $14,000,000 of assets as lie kiie-,�
48 lbs Der 00 to $1 10 ; peas,
with tll'ee banks -lie compaily have (lei thou at Mti. Ross, of Victor4t, 000 of- liabilities, in d a,f t& th brou es I P gbt here th, how; t rem, n. T. oats (nelv)
e Onges t -Lre as -yl -6 pilot the full 1) 60 lbs. per buhal, 53c to 5 c presst glit oil, he has r i Inaa I is ositi on: as COM IN. Minister of .1 will lie t1i termined to give th
e at their set : ce, should be coal polled to mefif
ll is -did he missioner of Crol vu Lands) id,.his sea, only one of the new -1 filistry who will b d. "fheinfereiieemiisti�etliat.tll- -of the awand proceedings 1111,11e 36c to 38c; hav per ton, St8 00 Lo $119 00;
to I car itpwi him by I e slispen alread live hogs, a
p �:o to $-r) 00. in the Ontario lie g�§Iature. Itisthoughb OPposed,, nd eveu in his case discret*9'11 been instituted .-with, that object i i
colisent to join it, on colidil ic n that he the rosourcQs. of financing inustb6ve �een -er exba-asted ; �.n other ords. t iat ariii.n. was the Old ' Steamer
may be prove th 1) tt part Of vlor their The Bay. stiould not be encuilib,ared witli an office. that-2yfi% Fraser of Le6ds *ill be callea ' e � .1 I TdROXTO, Nov. 13, 187-5.
iih th6 Opposition Kingston rebu 1 credit inus't 'have beeii gyreatl flated, ilt. The Kin�ston, it will 'Had A� ljaGkeilzic not ac-m(Ito this, to.the Ontario,C4binet,`�-tlud I -Alckenzie Chr ee- li'and their as,slets-ciiiefly ii n 'i 'S
TMr. istic, 8 ul %ilable be recollected� was burned in the . t. Wheat f all, per bushel, 31 12 to $1 20;
been unble td avail depe, of LambtO4 will btcoi le 'CO Ind go
.he are the members ol g of iron it was -used in t on- 41c to 4
would 1bi etary of State, nd! 2AIr, Dorioil, shape. e6d, itis said that o .In'to the Lwrence a 1. last June, nd her wheat, sprinr, 31 09 to $1 11 barley,
E the mu. ip hull bein 81 10 5 nd Ni�x. T ; � 1'n e c to - 1 12; peas,
hiniFself ofl Blake's a3sistance Siolier Of cro tot! of Justice colliplexit It' licity of their en -
Cabinet t presei y are �n- The 58c -to 60c; buttr, lb. 'rolls, 28c to .30c , 4, vari
it The gagement suspension was ot wholly struction of the ;13. n., .1atter
-e %-bi �. This ivis a! Mr. rdee's posit bn, Proviol- aaae& in their resp �ctive (lepartnielits unexpected e ,rfice that will Like ct was t oil the la -6 and river route on I butter, large rolls. ')So to 250 butter,
C, m k+e 'ecret� nd 1 st cial 6 ry. y. f roM, 1`131112 until late iat A meet of the cretlitn of the of la-st -July. She, was a very he was not prepargil to �41ry (1a in 1, - A)u tub diary, 223c to the rst il a, night. If it doe.s� i devolve upon tb�m prtrues Nv-,is held in. Providence last edtabo-Lit $80,000. She ttlie conlitr- lro-uld uotikm)i 11 fine boat, Valu THE A 'Drl F, �-, T 0 0 14 r. ord, (if -to brin-cr orcler 01 f chnos, they'l eek, wherl'it was resolved tc give the I was insured ginsi fire to the amon
If tile do tryean pro4llre -.11 its dillin- nt of 13.
U I - i I found beavy arro r, ges of wor andl a firm every possible cliance to recover about $40. 000 O' .000.
istrat*on. (relitlem'- . Lit olf I. M r %ke's o Toronto, to tl4e �Foveriiorshij) i r $45 Flour—Maret dull, and seher pes-
1 good deul of irrecA la ty ild coilf asioll. --,their poi � A tensior f tb ree 0 f Oiltario,-alldl that. of Mr. Tilley to 8113g. Byers. however, hold ff except
knowle I In -in of the Briish 76 d trusteE s appoint- dge'i tegrity antl atility, and —,Mr. Nath. rs was Supply Of
al 1. exl)L position �ii -Noa-, a,I ia.8 'for the immediae. wants. ' AUCTION,
lumbia f, town yesterclay for
that with ldivo I. iture 0 inetilberq:11e. e(i'to takecharge of aff4irs di ring thae
d"Izetted. It waSil, tI Tuesiday, Nov'. 18, on Lot -24, Con. 10, Small sales of�superior extra at$6 45 il� i t Ynglani'l, there to r naill until t1lQ uie�'t- time. No doubt i now felt tiat all Ila" McKillop t1lere is little r,�oln for co�iljWllt.' -The I I , Farm Stock and- 'ken
f g of parli I , Imp
leM61,11 ly;ill on ty upon .-th C d Lties (if bilities will be'swept off, and that the
reasons f oi tali M into the i tin busily t, y- firm will again asstim Edward McNamara, proprietor J. p. at $6 25 ; and spring - extra at $55 85 to
:Nv k apl. ents A I lice. t - e its fo great- -as to saiul)le isupor at '$5 60 to
-ti -ac fr. Bia. -e, c�4ets to tbo diniter to ilecla, when it is to be ho�eZl trb o profit- Brine, uctioneer., $6
abinct., ii, the ing to d Th-ursday, Nov. 20 on Lot 25, con. $5 70 - fine soldt 85. 25.
lements. few hundred barrels of --extra were ta
s ispo e Sir John 'N"i Thurst have not y. eu buen explained; ly it we have AJ I inald Oil %Y ing by their, late leon, they -, ill pursue NEWS CdF TAE BE K. eVening. It is tl6,llgllt doubtful tbeir oper"ations -with more call ion. 13,. INIcKillop, Farm'Stoelt and Imple. I�n Irle; a L)Pears f ments. John Bowie, propri
110 doubt 1, ut that wl�o or ets N III be solil and CN -ell etor J. P., TORONTO Clkr,'�TLE -MAKK ET.
t away to inak e rt"SpectalilF must Brine, auctioneer. re-clection he will be able o i nake stis- I I i e "I Opening f the SlIthern Exten- BFri,ws.—The maret has been well
Lie- t w, a s� giA ooni. I _O Thu Rail- fiqbtory A grand built "(11 at the Russell din, I Sion of Thursday, Nov. 27' P Lot 31, Con, 3. slipplied, durnii g the past -week the re -
the W., G. and B in Or. of tac eegr as 'eln occa'ilu ve ent is not Iall oil. 1oudWy iiit, Wil, ded ' in er 1- 11 for I L. R - 8., Tuckersmith, Farm of abont' 102 ceipts by rail and on f 6ot havin been
The pen onnel of the 0.o I I Z7
birth-dAV Of t)ic Prince of The giyina vent to 11dii,ekresentation ild 1'e- ',Vay. acres, Farm-- Stock and Imp�ements. W Xbout 500 bead. The cinulity -wasTather
Chi [y cono&ns the, 1).eo]i)le. Who. members of t�k Cal presen b. crimintiolls, of ,vhich in u S,t 'Iby The fi�rst passenger train -of he South- 0. Fowler, proprietor'; J. P. Brin e, auc-r' better th4ii. previously, nd a �fair Pro-
or- orn extension of the NI"ellin ton Grey tioneer... Roocl con(lition' Prices
is, or who is iiot in the Cbind, is more . NL -1 r. (T.Iladstol�e' resp to � the toapt this time have lated with the q I porti Iq -n 11 'e. 'u, ion was in of ,a;-Sonal or colic.ern ti 111 pub.- ""file-- Hous6� of is."i . Ii t4e rup tionist Ch 'l - �l With those who Bruce Railway arrived t Kinear- remain steady, withont special 'change to
J course Of 'his Speech lie a luded to t, e have felt eba(yi-innl',�'nl�lcdist'ppoiiittuG�nt at (line, at 5 'o'clock Tuesday afternoon. BOARD.[ It is he measurei of the Govor]i Riat. We quote to $4 50 , I J 'go sufrered Board and ac ( l e( that t o- the wret -by There Were on board - Adam 'rown, one A NY person Wishing fArstl-clas second -,class. ',-3 0; n'd third-cliss, Ashc' tee war, ala l 'b' I I Ment tJaat e m ost aXiously ook�d for diflic I bi h bad commodations Nvill find them at Ur- C- 50 to $3. The following are s or the
11 . isen )ii itbe A i- .1 Government of the pioneers of this system railways; C- Onle
R-klYFORD'S Board! Housejover'%Vm. Oamp- y We beh Mui , Geiferal Superin. by� the.p r eve. per- can co�Z 0 Strated- th dosirabili y i —The Tb �?b cli,--for a Nveuk 1) A,[ W. K. r r*n ondent Of bell's Store. 1316*4 sales whiell have 1)een made ;'60 head,
T 0 lit the on- of s -vvhich entailed sudi lir miloti Sid! Of!, the G. W.' Railwy. G. D. Feruso, y averaging 1,000 at 'Q30 ne car
suriliel of tie Government me rela ions as been g ting on botl digat-yrebable co isequences. He rem the fence, com�es O this morn in r, $(I ro�, Vice-PresiLlent of the W. G. and -B. R.; HOTEL FOR 4A�E. load, veraging 1,30.0 lbs., at. -M Z or 100
I tire pproll, tion of lar,e. -M.4jority of ed that -it was no pleasu e -to him, o Ministerial. Itis ported that, gei J. Ill. Fras' 1V itson and'John A/ f -ROBlq lbs ; two lols, veraging 1.00
USONT wishing to retire from 0 lbs.
ithe peopl�., &u d, if their measures, vvhon stand iii securitT on Shore d see,oth -S* I ments haiye been nii d6 by which the on�! 1. McKenzi!e, Directors; J. H41ndrie, con- hotel kaepb3g . biisinesis, offers for sale 1,000
I that at $37 ; two car loads, averagibg
power of t1 e paper: will b W wellAuown Htaxid, in Zgm6ndylhe, now occupied I pro a storm. I trplliuro, Sea I etary -!-Ibsl at tVS ; one car -load of Oxen, av-
Pounded, !prove as, satisfadtory, the laboring in , I I .. tractor McCulloch, , by her; half annere of land atth�hed to the hotel; the. B. R..; John Kennedy Chief Eu- good 8tables, good well and eveiy other convelli- -P, no fault. to ifind and FRAff CIE. Grit ban�s:. G. nd Car load
country w hay h eraking 1,600 Ibis., at �547 ;; A good deal' (f shrew.d anagement is Editor -in -Chief. The Firee pen�., aineer, W. L.; Mr. 1�, cMillan of the ence for carrying on the hotel 1)nsiness. Part of of co . ig 900, at .5
I ws, averagil 28. Xr. Mackenzie-anod his friends may' -cal- re ired to S&M le the b ble. that h is sively resumes its seat upon'the fence G. NNT. B...; IN -1r. Siffill, of.Fai - �Tld the pnrehase itioney Will be requ#ed in cash; the I SiiFmp—Hve continued to airive free-
-eral others. n enth siasf ic welco roma R1 lowed to -go in -easy insta1l- !
culate o4 1Jqp.sWJjAg and a- 10,19 103se risen in th� French' embly. ulle Cor. Xad. sev ly, but the demand has been bl;4k) and.
inder will be
me ents. Apply on the prenjifl�m to Maiiarchists. ate cornpe.E,c's� to 0ay thlir —The Grits are D eparil)Ct for tile c e1c was ccord�d them by the 1 rge crowd sio MRS. ROBERTSON, E in seller"a favor -
,of egmondville. prices are if tie to
I P,
ps of
L e
,j y
1a 0 t, n
.9 t
I............ ..........
1.47 caC in z2
-r.9 ;J'
4c for stoch( 1
FALO LIVE, htotal s 9
far 3,1 for. Irs to be 11 a iO-t4 a prosli - cet of zZ I,'
have. -boat 100' ) f
A Ig A Illiu IOhio including reportm 'king
the total tbus far, 9,800 hea fi flie S"llie tiMe oDen,, t tlu (11, 1 I
and th ere i., but 1: trom rhep. NVe ljllti+�
and $_S�7.5 to 010. Of A FLead & 178 n-6 i Ohio orted arrival%. 1,4011 t .11 mipply ftor the ot,
M head, 'tin -ame ie moderate)y with advance of 1.5c, to 20c Ve,,
aging 180 to *254 Ibs., at,
- 1.1 -fru. The naarket is decided
f rei,,hts, togther with t
inouetaxv affairs, havilig
able infleence oil faet,ory men Were eQU
-those of buyeis. the R'
fmm 14c t�' We for,
cheese, bnt 13le Walstht
ed7 audbuycrs lid not 4
math at that- Farm datiries but thedelivery labove 300 Th6
m-av be qotei -at -were ,offerings amountiriff to.'
all wb icb, tb 000 beard Of DO e*ra.1 Va yIers refused to 14 C_ it "-e have never
Icet at Little Falls at
,%r but dairymen re
yIe i -firm in their hohl thir goods rather I
NV IrsU.
present 14,
'ales 'we
J.3c to .3f)c. We hear'
that the aahty Of b-afti
half s fili-e as is 11-ual -
The'weath(-r il� cold,
Omail V bling !their cows ��t ingh
a-041 tonr"e We bave aclyiees. of October. 4., says 1111; n
pbnaknt sells 'well. and. t��Nel ten]
ican, if &T -ii -111 . r., i,
aild are the best. v.' ne�.�
4fterilla� and are '11- y tra fin i,s quotte,ii- -f' I - fine, 66s to 6S, -he dar brinas, 7S,4 to 0. is V, ,
in Dil�ter all S -900a caadiall -Mel l; V
1,00s :to IA24s the ewi
iquoted at in andy at I 34)s t 14"'k. C�OLD_ --The priewO is quoted At 1071 14 - '8tw
UU s -,-- 3'. Drag store -
ion 1)eZ 1, fol,the furni4i
patent, sea ts -in the SGIIIAJ41 I
not bind theniBelves -to atIi
tenaer. Per iarther ptic
'11LACK931UH 81
boundax�y IS, \Voutl -hop att
btiug spkndid *PC-
i,qg to bar. ferlus Was!
ise8 jar uddrm,w-, S09-4 To.
Tbrc-41 veat at Ham r bettl
bri Jjj4Q� Of 1.1_Q 0AVIF
abefh out any jwzt Can brd80-7-4 'Tr OTICE i., .d t.ja jae, -eitiler by I
f;ettle r .4 next, otherwiso they win peuseg IICheap; IL For-' Sa`e e ble eith r f0i old, and, good ku 4,01, fm-bler rt- g'who abO
iL rakawav t" s
tront of tr,�g under$i,gnea =ii fiaiva
W8.4 II
IIINov.,14. 18'"
THE'" APGSITOR.� 4. n at W assembled at tho statio Rot's- cards very carefully or they will I NL E W ADVERTISMAEl NTS. rho Last Aot Ose the ion for the Loop.1 House reQlered neces- th iven. foll' the"President MO OUGALL.—In Walton, on Oct. 429
whole *nine U it A, they have com� try by,.Mr. Scott's resignatilOn. E fforts ing ch.eers wee g ID . . )
I I h G. W. ife of Mr. Donald of
The last a A of Sir o ii They - ath- it., for� liendrie, the
111-ence(T to lilak � concessions. Oe beino ni do to bling out Aid. Fe, of t 6 the wl gor. are 3% B. R. , and ails A graoc4ful 1 -willing that MI -1b. ire
Government was by no me AIahon's term should. be orstone.1' D, ctors of the W., G. nd a daurrhter.'
Estray oattle--Richard Biel Y. Mr. Baird, Reeve of J�_incardine to � 0 In I ov. 1, the wife
C -EaG.— Morris, on I4
One. Determilied to inalKe the most of I for five years only instead of Ustr&y GowI;--James gle. . . . � ill . ni.nde. I A C M2,
Prololl y wilt Consent fur to International 0 rage. which brief respollsos we' of Mr. Franc) -leg of a son—still
tell. -th rMore i Teacher Wanted—Sectioll NO.1 4, Hullett.' th6 short tix Lie allotted t6 en' they took ession was - then, Some tinle go tile pnis authorities PMr,0,CL is Hotel, where the -ov. 1, tile
1od care - to fill, with tl n parti- the R born,
Robert� go bir," W till -him IProt ddent of .10(l to tll(.. que, STNVART.—Iri Brussels', oil N
But the Left,11, anxious to appeal to the Town Hat—Cool Burgess. in Culia, seized a Unitud 8" ates vessel, Were eutertained. �:i The ballas till ty . M zans, every of-fice that wAtS vacallu, MILL wife of of a
i . I , people. They ivill llot that the Ladies' Fur; at Dent's. I the Virginius, which ia(l on"board a -11 be finished in about two - w . lare vacmicies did not were pi�esent Assen-Wly has &iiy colistituout . I track wi - I Board—C. Crawford. number of Cuban ihis ts The Of ,'or 'thel, on;Oct. 31, the wee hotild the weaIbber proe -fy E
Thomas -St nsi created. other ap�,)oi powers. 1 rily shot, Hogs, le ntments- . . I tured iniurgents wer ablq[, iii'a the oadopenett for trffic. of Mr. Gotticib 8tuniis, Of a daugliter-
It is aliticil), ted that the compromise e ed that, 1.1 ! i �iid intelligence has 1) r eiv Tenders, NVanted—Nym_t I i made., wori those to fill; the ieutellant- 1 moo offered by the right will bo ccepted, GLAI N,,-:7, the
fter , -delay of a few (lays, the captain (.T,,) - v-, e M O r s ps of New Brunswick and perhaps with some moklificatiolis Or d- Buinmg o a Steamer o L wife of Nlr. Alfred Olanville, of son,
nd crew of the Virginins, irimbaring 53 0 Ontario. COGO'IN.s.—In Usborne, o -Nov, 8, the
dit�ioiis. Both sides Sewn t 0 -1tario, an( Judge of the Supreinc Court I)ersolis, were also exce,uted. 40V +, I C ex- FOURTHKINT LIVES' LOST. pul-4vue concili vtory � courses. .Th wife of _Nlr: Thom -As of 11 son.
XOv cot I Relative to the o4trage, t1w New York. of ia. Theso, pi)oilitmeiits
n P. y, ov. 5, wb en Mic Li—lu Exetler, oil Sov. 12, the wife not in, citement i i is is �iig Post says editoria ly Th(I Oil Wednesi of Mr.. Georve May, ol ason.
public until file mornin"
0 1 Siding, nd it is believeil, that the crisis _1V 3. Gila Was r d to steamer B. � arian, of the Canadian ii. FRIDAY, NOV!, 14j, B of -our. citizens w, f 'c I
is Over, as
ol, the (lay ii pon WIlich tl' Government - - 0 ur lnd -Nvigatioit Conipany"s line, tleat by the execution of the fo )y r "jic ppointimbf the Fiielich : MARRIAGES" nt. aeA Colliniitte( repi . 0 It' -will now rise tc thu nearly oI-,)i)ositP Osbawa ba, 9(,) The Now Govern 1pOli IAL '11111by licis, 161]. - 0 1 In an
nas noticed to e oil fire.
-lizie, on bein entrust I ed b,tok. some days previously. rliig, Cubitl her fricli�d east, she w la Thiers oil Mom ly and N_Kr. N ake �ftu need neither money not Have first intimaZioll the passon& rs and cilow hursday, IN ov 6, by PwN% T. Gold- set vematters 6v(111 worse, The Miss
.d two Ire owith the formation a IrAment, dress. The ex -President in his remarks t these -buteliefs no fear of tlic indigntion had of the disaster they lical 'pointed Lieutelmnt � x'overnor of s pf tile civiliyed world? The report I ports, nd the steamer was envelo
rreply told his --vii-si ors the al) o
vigorously to worrk, nd gath red bout I PeU In Mary Theresa both of Clint n.
a -e f
iek and, Mlvd sife.reda checl�, 1011sci the blood cold." Tic I flames in an - instant. There -1 )Ur -RMILLO�-MOORE. —III St-- James'
hill a sufficient. number of S i tabl a - n (I 'RepubliC was asdThe execution of Fry 1 lifeboats oil her, but the flaes prev(n -at. -d, on bv Rbv.
e pulsile udge. of Sc Otia H011. tell Top Church Sti I'm
representative men, to form f 6 E trong r k Paris des says it I is )rted N ,as 1'ed more than two being launched. T le�y it
vill collie home to many here, he E. Ptterson, e -L A., r. Joba� Alex-
MMacdoi , ld, -were bot�i, at the tune thatan extensi e Plot in favor of Count inty :22 popular C&net. On Frida�,, li Ist, previ , i olice in the ulliteJ States navy, hich only st cceeded in sav anderPAttillo..of istratford, to ary
nents were, mad members de Paris ha� 1) n discovere&ili that city. 011. 0 urser was 8 Beatrice younge.-Au ous to the prorokation o'f Varlimi6ait, the.11 t110, PPO'iltl probably has hastened his executi Th aved. 1 -Te says tb�eiiic V 81011 Of the Gove) so th4t thoy Nv-crc, ill -It is Said ,f, nposses le says: I, I inMoore, of tl ;� uthoritics I mt a bn ot. ` Aniowy the following appointill6lits: were: rnounce'd n of doculnel Lts by which a niLinber Of be- missing I ppointing to high - 310 We wait when Anierican citimn's s apanCarmiebael ; the ollief
ill the House well-kno -n po iticialis are c W. Finu O on Nov
Iiii(y slaughtered nd the American flag eugin�eci Vie ember 8, bIkev- Thomas
lionorall le position� S) wbicl ii the people. It is also repor ed Horl. A. illis- thata, deputation of I stowArd, William pence, of Lchi*e ; i agban, to
C,oldsinith, Mr. John Calh-
is ou� to proceed to 8,ilzs 1 -'alland, both of Ulinton.
ter of Public Works. hLd entrusted to their I-eEi)lllg. The' Monarchists The last Cuban atrocity has been the also, !the lady pssengers, N,i rs. Hannah J,'
erl o'f Justice. ,utolialit Governor of, Oi itario, Mr. burg to reqiLest 4aughter, of Brockville - 11iss �rv- Hon. A. A. Dorlon, Count de Chambord to '411 -absorbing topic of conver ation in ll and cKiN,,xrw — S UTIM RLAZ, 1). -- At the
11on. A. J.. Smith _N11iiiister. of Maine his elaiin� to the throne of es (1, ce of the bride's father, by
d would _Y lcc()In allied by a lnd, of Kingtoi), nili Mr. Hill3 en
Crf,%Wf 01"d, sit in the House, leireles in New ()'rk, a all ! rance in favoi of Count de Paris. L indigna- Wear, of Chotharn. The name's of th- e i . . r � era ont mrst of horror 4i( 11ev. Thamas Thomas
IT MTED Hon. Letellier do St. Just, ster of have voted lad he all Opportunity. oil,. Public Opinion Ul Ne+ York. will others lost are -unlin.own. I U111 \ I I The Viraiml is l vesseLbearl'bg the i cKiniley, of Kincardin-e, to, idias
Agriculture tl�,r t1lu ClirC11118tnces, being- in re- I endorse the most decided ac i,.-- VIL FURSES TATEME.-iT. Catharine Su daug litr of Mr.
ican fla Ijs been seizeil bya Span- kilt Yt nister' of iiii-f a, f;� appointmen� fro in the (�'ov- Amer ic purger, Mr. L. A. � MoPharson,. James Sutherland, of Hullett. Ron. R. J. Cartwri part of the Govokilment, an(, it is be-' TI
ceipt 6 ISol i�n ne�ltral waters, and Finance.' 6rn��ent, it is not likdly! th t his vote ish war ves lieved, that a small army o Cuban re- -gave the followinf,r Statement with !Te_ 1 COLLI. —TEMPLETO.N.—Ill KilliCardine," HO . David Laird, ' ii, ister (if -the In- number of Oullans taken from'it, and ?
JA 1ruits could, if necessary, b- raised in spect to, the catastrophe at The residence bf the �inilelani( ent one. Sumarily sllo�. -planations, and rep-
terior. woidd have )een a * very' ' I E,x that city in a 'verY short till, We left Toronto "%Vednearlay ft�.er- bride's father, Washington il. D. Christie, Secretary 6 state. th manded of,theSpnish 0 -. N�711en off Oshawa 'ary C. Templeton, Ho Had a divisi A of e Aou�o b,een taken, aration will be 4e Orders. have been recein ed t the noolln at 5 o"O"cl, to Miss Second
Hon. Isaac!Burpee, Minister 'oil rn7�ent �rl this Brooklyn navy yard to gret tl e sloops of and about 15 miles from Shore, a'fire i daur-,hter of Edward B. Templeton, qustomsi. , all' Gove f outrage: on the ae idments t e addresl I . C1ret Jq wi4 be everywhi. eu- t -e felt upon war Kearsarge nd Juniata r ady for sea broke out amidships, and the boat was RU-11BALL—DODSWORT11. —111 Go-dericb,
Hon. D. A.; McDonald,. P0841 8 er- (Ir I n I ve v6te4. w ith the Orov -' 11 - M*ipilis is t I�st free from t once. 1M eral. ilese men w( uld ba earing that Oil Wednedy, iiii, er eqnally almost ' mediately in am ass of flames. oil 0 t. 23, I�y f?ev. "Mr. Grrhain, r.
Hon. Thoulas Coffin Reociv6-Geneml. eilinelit, Ila ng t the &anle time their froin the sing orders, the torpedo I oat Admir-_ Three,boats were lowered, one of whi Ii J Rumbail, to E'llull, Second
the pestilence. I Those pres 110R. AV. Ross., Minister 6f Ailitia. �licir pockets. city have retu ned to it. Business is 1, P 8awile
mnt -to offi dauzbter of _Mr. Anthony Dods -worth,
ce In Fal Porter was launched; '11 be made drifted -away befOTe any one got int it. I! c I ys. -d athe time. with reviving, and tl e city will! soon try 0 r a( y for active operations in
Hon. T. Foiiriuer, Kimiste if Inland., ptrli line "Illis is iude a ilt n in few d. it was not blowing hai all of Clinton. I -recover from i s 'terrible !It is understood that thiesc:, vessels The other two boats --reached land in Revenue.' R'. �,Nr. Sc,)tt alvengeno.e. 'There wele other ap- Mow. This ar Hon. E. Bh,k 'and Hwi year will be on ever to be remembered n. e !)eing got ready for the purpose of u
Safety about I o'clock rsday mor DBATH-S. members of the Privy. Cou 1-withou ointments add at the at part of tile Country. The cholera c e last oment, bu in th Ing a fleet in Cuban watevs. ing. One of them was commanded by I re' and gathered in thon- 1 Oil Saturday,
departments. ost first raged the the first mate, Job Henderson, :of these which e have named the in The office, of Preside -lit of council S.1kildsf-victinis Then cme the. yellow lNov.. 8, Jane witzer, beloved wife -
The Spragues. .0harlottel IN. Y., contained 13 por-
9karing of th whole. What,evprsympathy fever And Inany housands :niare fell by Of -Mr. Willi-im. dints I' eeve
it will be seen, remains! as y6t ed. iT I sons, two of whom were passengers er be correctIv as- 1 & Co., I
rilight,have lleen felt for Sli- ollin Oil aG- Jt 'Inev Thafailure of Hoyt 8 the �rest members of thle, crew The of McKillop, 36 years nd 5
With the above list,. fa;n1p can. not ained, pro i A , prague & I ! rilothths.
ririllai t lo.ig political cert, ba )ly, how ma�iv died from of _New York, and & NV arnienter, froroll-
actory to I,op;ullt of 'hil bri b I f ie ti . pi- passengers were J. J. P. stly, be f Olind. It , aflish Vo ho'o I.i
one and t e ot i r o tI deadly e ' iCo., of Providdnce, d, which
career t o so 4seredita�ie at c' ose -will be to, and Ntla8ter ames Cl.ire, of. I DAYLY —Iii Exeter* on Tuesday' ov.
the Reform pzrty, and shoup be sati-j- - deniics. �Btuiot stimates cl� i,im that in .occurred last week-, is one of the most toba; the others were Obarles Brdlev 4V Mr. NVni. eerutiary of te-
very mteri ly lessened. if 1 iqt entirely Ai -beuth, part of the 1iniportant(leve.lopments of th tinancil.Q factory to th- There is not.& _Jempbis-at lecas one, second nite; Janies FiDneane, the phen and Usborne Agriculturl 8o -
revulsion from which the pe ple of the I chanao,d to lisglu�t, by�,.thishut dishon- population was ewried off by death. be an, two fironlen L. Lecont ciel-,Y. single name that'is not! ill everty way eu- United States are uoNv siaffffe�rrin watchm. 'overn wru;.-P.—In Ciediton, on OI orable trans�tion. A nel,v gent )f the 'Bri,'sh (4 n, am Merchiston aiiii & W. sk.3prague were the in t spread
titled to apear in such a list. - Objec- ecting A. L n wheelsm. Willi
ment has -been ii Washincrt 6ii coll Tobn Revere, - 3, beloved wife of XV111. weet,
Lai . 0 � waiters, a ni�oss ro�;n 1110 I :ing firm, and perhaps the ost illus- I,, I
tioll, has been- raised toithe Govern- evi(lence to be used in tl'e Tichb.orne 1 1 68 WYNG TO THE Irrm k 0 4 19ilAncial crisis Vern i deck baud, whoae naine I do not now it t h1pir busin, 1 S I .1 I 1tritAs in the Unite(I States. Go or
M ent by those who make es tr e in the T1 o--bly CLEN ITAN. —f n NI orris, oti Nov. 3, Pierce,
U ad nited tbtes iiE 6w very ialHenderson and myself, e Or I
kjin & Co NVilliam. offered to I ad Rhode e r to the 6'rul., at the h o-und-that it The fi Of IT. B. 011 bot was commanded the pilot, 4 infant son of -N-Ir- Pieri e Cleiiiiau aaed
to raise objections, on t il�ch of. i "- le, n �Jslalld trool.s Fren - much Jepress, d. &Eve�y br, n -Nv:hicli, as we almoni _-d last, week, is i climan, whose first name, is Nap6-
4s a coalition. This, has no or ess ample .e.a.. Many ecoulit outbreak of the reb 11i .1, and per- I 6
dustry is MOT embarrs ed circ rastancos,' on. loon, ana contained nine persons, all b�- COLLADAY.—In S n
lo, foundation. Every in�ember',with but of the fill, neil roubles o#er their all- haps (lid so—part way, a�t', I ast. e 'dward, fourth son of Am!�iig them wer� large mantifitc uring establisliwents have 1110 ii ng urship, to tbb crew. two exceptions, is a life-long Reformer- tire stoc , a -1 ti to - $600, 000 , at wou tJle Senat which e still re- the Z lailies' maid, Ann Gerraglity Tani Ceilladay, I I years, 2 inctlths.
entirely and othdro are our- I fferl! tains,.and the dau,ghter of Ohi f Justice la I -
. 1 .14 al Sal for - t irty (lys- The. and John McGowan, Th ays- usp ided, peci, i(i),ro 0 nd 12 d
These two,N[essis. two br thers are cott, t.111inr the, ho rs-of labor =& lowering i -in ented oil -by leilding fin"a wif6� ' The Dan C= S, lavrab y co, ies of the others I do not know'. 't) 6e Conserva- (I dedidetily I folk-sy did, at one time, belon, -On many en. oil, all
the we ges of _t1eir employes; iness There were fourteen persons left FATN� and free and ey in thtir (teal ngs with tives, but have lung since renounced iner who could not be got off. wy , every emplO ei that can tlie� Ste. I I I1: I _�, K I of the rail' y A despa oil fr 0,yrthag na says the -people. the elder, i arried a their allegiance to that party. The. for- nd made wise c olec'' too The :dames spread so quickly that it wia� ith has beeil.I. discharged, be dispcns�ea insurgent eet is akill nrations to I 9 pr SEAF 01-I.T11, Nov. 1878.
emaln was las elec s in In- nything. Onq me gentl and the pay o ine "wered! )pf, to 16i said. The blisiness habit, of the almost impossible to do
those ret, d" 10 leave the iarbor. The ves els h( of the sulall bots was Scorched, and onQ 1, The deliveries on the are this
'Ire (if t1le V.- Style of
epresent.iti-ire as contin- Tb�e result this isthat A, I et, out wi hout di coveryl) the Govern.. cry latet depondelit r b. iruin g I f L's ri Altbough the bulk of i of the mates got his face biinit. Amongst I week- very ligh t, and littl in provement
of ment squalron. unterp i- - 0
-)Ter U iii, C ar'
ain s, lost 7L
uously oppoazed Sir J. ,rcr�igrliment for ave bee thuir itillilense Wett1th vo those re the capt. rharles C, ber of rii�i and 1411)( bi attle. has taken 11 Ion nd is e I rs. D c, the Session' it is repyrted t lat. b, pected until sleihing fairly -ts in.
ye 111,11-10 I last, -winter thro."_n (),It Of c - T)Joyment. itebi state. ep -in '1w Michael, of Toronto the chief engineer, - - �S i I place betw.ben thp Carlists 461 R - uhli- cotton mills and pi t or I ey -have . , The road -3 are now hardly p for -
put extended their in stments William FillUcaue, f Prescott; the'' itwasstatedin theGOvoT11l Organs of things, occirring as it Aods at thlis cans, resuliing ill L great victory for the !i of I a-te years Itelvard William pence, (if Lachine,! heavy' loa(lis. Ill. grain i little,
ie C. Ithait -Nfr. Cartwright, _1ne -with V I 2 all 0 li into a thousand extr, 1100118 �-hunels. S
-i u 8 season of the -y ui, cani,scirooly, fail to be former. �Iie Re) bli are Said t formerly of Kingston ; Mrs. ibb. Opposition, alid that he wts� fio lonaer a I (10 titutiou e' )oo Their irons in the fire"' art, almost �?hange from last week; no oats at jall
_g lla suf- have lost M300 m i and the Carliss productive of 11 lie I daugliter, of Brockville Miss Ireland I I A NY. are comino in. Butter is scaree, as hi -11
,I member of the ConserVativ- e I 1�arty. Af - I - numberless. They hve, been at cmRting I -
'ilia cl, Ses. -ater a, -%v- as returniiig, home as O f �-ring ainong work Count VOU P -L vt -poweil at ugust, bq been relieved to erect a gre; 'd for fkrA-CJnSS.
ter mk-ing such stat mei�t� �as this, it as 2`1 cents beiin, ix
Ifroin Chatham her6'slle bad been see- ilotice that e nuniber or 4'echaniesil from the Mini9tr of Wr, of have opwied extensive n nufac- -now ill. bcoome. jouril�als to con le in invest d some n her brother, nd Mr. Hillyard Wear, Kids Show a consilerable fIall in price,
are reported to left vaxi`us arts. of' His uecesso will be Lieuten- i t I of Chatham, who had been travelliur,
_Nlaqkenzie for ta�iq into his P ant -General hundreds of thousands in the treasure 0 I oil account of the , glutted ' conition of
Von Ameke. 1 This i am
ES f or 11 an expedition to South I mierica, .
ffie United St t with ber. There was very little sere, ne Prussian Di t Opened,, oil the 12th the leadin' g marl�ets. We quote,wooid at Cabinet Con-soirvative� in h of p etc., etc. AA the pt ing or nything of that soA, but -whene I 9 person -NI-lid I -ofits f rom t leir ml- cam erh usen' Vice rec5i- inst; ; Herr red the- Mr. Cartwright. Ix,ifil r (I t O ilyl r. ere leaving the steamer 1 beard.'sme- 3 50 to .q. 3 75, but the price fis clitirii1y
I diind, but th labor in, arkef is: at )res- I (lent of. the 'Mini tr Molise, plant 4re �eedily If p1w ved �ili " 11�
I . 1 1 thing like moaning. Some one sftid that Scott, we havo"on.l. at, if the i ome new 4ii.d. perIY4ps distant enter- 0 nominal, being governed by tb�e �necessi-
y to my tli e so veilv mile It 1) Vera dl,de 1, nd'tracl-e Speech, which is moderatellin- tone, and to 8 they 8,;tw 'two -women 1-staildino, oil her him main ses I'Velle Colisarvative party hve A4, ly devoted to'locil, Subjects. prie, and cash surplu lover al- *111? ties of the purchaser. GoO Iiay will
) exceedingly clu ar winter lowed to el mrfass the hous hey 8 Stern. The last I sw of C, 1�1 I C 0. UP is lost to them,'it is - hi(eli! time '.that for the W"OrIzink ,lssds in the United: oicillir 11 represent, in. -ibort, the picider Allier- lie was in the �vater hold;ng oil to brink. -,,20 a ton, a -ad even $22 bas been
Monday W, s a day of great rej the should. After the �unlim ited rno Unt I -it of tte�npt.all. Acco (ling to al)I.Liik-. Hocalle(Lo-lit"Charley, Char- paid. We quote. I & ircely be pre ented. throughout Mexico, the oca-sion _y &ates call now' ph ley, Charley
i. of -which they have heaped ui)on the coelebration of the dolltion of the the fshion of the times, they 1,`,�ive 1111- to the ' second mate, and Faf1wheat.... ................... og to si n
W- S Vheat.. ) to 1 07
col! , priii#y V .................. 1 1- �Iiiificeiitly, lend their gOlIgeotts,�)rusenoe c went over to hirn ; . boy whh was him, because lie saw fit, as thiey- adto THr, Domi-SIOI, Iwas pro-; dditionl artields to file Natioifal d B,,l,v ...... ....... 0 1 eo
I near him then got hold of the bot, all I ri� whic 11 are (�f and patronaLl e to the Uranstq'l racc.-3, 3510 U 3 7
sed that the stitiltion, mo Oats ............. .... ......... L
at, we , . .,,y' last. The session was -were pulling Iiiiii in the captain ........... _! .................
turn his co, Y ored oid Frid while we
I 0 lnd entertain Poor ministers duting the
I Patronage nd the Eeparation of i should ttem, )t to claim him as one of a short one, hvmg lasted only seven I % seemed to paddle away srom us,- we 1, '210 to 022
1 Church'and State. summer months with most tinstinted -all
'ggs ............ ............. O 00 to 0 15
lost him. Some one s emselves. If 'Mr. adwilzie can -sue- (lays.' When it� -ill meet artain is liotl Y.* th gencrosit arid that lie had a
I Flour ................. 0 0o to 6 00
I W11 but it is *'Ot likel 1 T tolligece from Cuba -gives an p, T))e,ipi--igLi'esi-.-ereiiiterestecliI life -preserver, bint it is not. likely- be Hay.. .0 tj e of
c6iea in steering as clear' f� ther mis- yet delinitelyknq yi '�Iiilncial and common a g;eat ........... 00 to 20 00
In 1.1 , 1 count of an - enggellilent between . i ��ial. un- lived long, the water -was so cold. The . ........ 4 00 to 5 00
tak-es as lie has of foi� ii I � , ` 1
Coalition will: be ukther .session until the dertakings. �111 11,110de Island 1hey ran steamer had on board about-1,300barrels Lnib Skins 0 -10 o 1 20
c Sheep sh-ins each ......... I 00 to 1 20
_-,panish for, es nd f colluriin "of insur- nearly 280,000 spindle -3 and , 8 11printilir) of api)les, about 50 toils of bacon, an(t a i 0 0.1 to 0 05
Groveri-iment, he will have Va,'t,_ ittle cause iisual time. TNe- new ;Govcr-.--... 11(lor the comii�wniid of anguilo, in ......... 9 ents u ud Small quantity of other freight when she .9alt (rttail) Per 1 2 5
to f eai the frol,8ms wof the 0. IT mchineq,em )loyiljgi0,000ha �intheir then, #o doubt hvetheir p,(Iiqy proper -1 Which tlie� ins-tirgenIs - were severe ilfbe:noticed in the above list that kqk�n mills id Int works. In NIJiiue nLI was Ibi-irlied. Salt (Wholeale) per bqrrel..... 105
it defined, nd'iv 11 be Tprepared to Sub-! losin�d 20 Id Ped aild 80 I ionMr. Make 1 and Mr. Scott have betm I, it it to Parlin -the ,p�nish comnIrtlider A (40AVARDLY PILOT. PotatoeH, (nerv) per b�ishel ........ . 0 41) to 0 45
nent, tid to taild or fe-01 : I Ne.Bampsl ire.they have ext iv tim- Oatmeal;V brl ... 0 00 to 600
c,�iised ll ille prisoner'sr to be shot on the ber w -mills and ;1 othe, -Xr.' 'Henderson, the first mate" did! IV.0 .. 56 to 3 I15
takeil into t1he Cabinet -without portfolios I y it. IV11',vt th t P oli c wi 1) P, an i I 'I-,. field of battle., The 'o-�eriioell At Columbia: in South C aroli ia, t I everything in his power for the rescue of' Live hogs, per 100 lbs.... 4: 00 to 400
qyi of Puerto they
have mills and they ci�v the passengers and crew, bnt tI1 B of ........ : ................. 12)'50 t,4 450
eqUent1v withi.0"at The ling will probabI be giiveii by Minister Principe upon bearfilg of it took the n larp to great -0 id coils y e tracts of Dressed Hogs ............. 5 00 to -5,50
ton-imlid Kan rpidity with -which the flames spread.
sitioll, isi, therefore, merely all liblior- i1i their speeches hen before their con- c away from,,, the Spanish com- .1and in As aivit Texas. i6 des this, eenied him one -else remairli
y are owits of r ilroads, Ste rub' prev or any
Oats, 17LINTOW, NOV. 18, 1873.
this, the if stit.11811t khiaelectiln. "I'llewritsfoi rie' locomotive wur s, �
y one. In. d)*ncr ber,.o on the boat. It � WP -9 -under his orders: F, 1Vh 1 08 of�, I 11
8 See. I iroll found mow -
el inerem 'n bho several nd o ber like 'overlin ineinber e e S i(r eut s has be ied th otions I ejustituell 'i IlIg machine!iCollipailles, a that the first bo. s1aanclied, all all; I 1)0 014 1 05
Echoes froila Ottawa. the passenger.-, would, in ll probability Oats ........
from 13 to 15. But )IS Me srg. Blake aies relidercred vacan� by t4 accep concerns. Theiesteauisbip co pajiy has ........... .... III, e writs for the ellections of Hinisters eight steanle�ls, employs 500 nd. have been Sved b,ad it iaot been -for thd . :0 90 ('14 1 00
and , )tt o not getu salariel, the ex -S ............ ................. () .5n (,I. 0 55
oie in6mber 3 of the n peg
tilce of office by tl in Ontario ud Quebe -, went otit b it i -owns propert worth $1,000,001). Their llllluu,�all conduct of thw: pildt who was' Flotir .... .............. -6 00 50
y mi�i Y.
punse to tlie. country- is no: r�, 11 th onWednesdy. The y. will the ....... la 10r in Con- Ministry have I�e on issued, all th placed in chrge of this boa�t' The matd, tM mill property i� estimated at' $4.200,000, 45
f -iinnibers. elections t., urning officers in ,inch time as I ilto''th boat under ordered nine men i .................... 0 4?0 0
sequence of this increase O %Icc ce before the 9th of 1) nzl J -,heir print works at $1,000,000. e
, . - the pilot and told -them to s- B ........ ......... Ihice the nomination -oil F rda�y or 84- il Their -roll has reached at titues 7 J i
Had an ir crease not bean mde, th y 0 band b)" Hay, per ton ............... 00 (0, so 00
e 1cember. P. Pay , :, I
I I not urday of next week. 000 a day. Three banks are sAid to �c while lie endeavoredto fill her� With th the benefit of Ontri( country wc 11' meiii)dA, at:least. -will —Allreportsfiloni ennox gree t114 unde iatio full complement, . xiamely, twenty-five. N'OV., 13, 18'
r their control—the First ,-N nal, I 3.
I LUNDON, I( es in the with Oppost,10111 _�Jr. Carl;Wright, F-iii.4nce Minister, lvi of standing by, howeve th
the 8econd �,�atiojial, and the Globe Na- Wor private re. -tions Ilia perm- r t ofTrovidence, It. 1. Its brikes -edthe men to pull off, 311(
Cabi I not. I ajerity than tbi pilot ordei White fall whkat, per bushel, $1 14 to
e' mf $1 18 ; red, fall whe�t, $1 00, to 06;
given 'him at the fwl geueral. electio with thishe di Uil. the face of the mate, -who
emptaiily i -efused to take seat in the ON. cou-'TT. !of -Mr., k W , b � V ingtilar indeed tht fi .MS S Ott hav bile as s
barley, one of �he' lar,y Boring wheat, S"I 12 to .$I 13 which was aled: to him as Strongly rl "est and about,,111:�no,000,_ appd, l� d not until the T,�s i1iom'2' , ing been appoii#yd to the I ivy Coun It $14,000,000 of assets as lie kiie-,�
48 lbs Der 00 to $1 10 ; peas,
with tll'ee banks -lie compaily have (lei thou at Mti. Ross, of Victor4t, 000 of- liabilities, in d a,f t& th brou es I P gbt here th, how; t rem, n. T. oats (nelv)
e Onges t -Lre as -yl -6 pilot the full 1) 60 lbs. per buhal, 53c to 5 c presst glit oil, he has r i Inaa I is ositi on: as COM IN. Minister of .1 will lie t1i termined to give th
e at their set : ce, should be coal polled to mefif
ll is -did he missioner of Crol vu Lands) id,.his sea, only one of the new -1 filistry who will b d. "fheinfereiieemiisti�etliat.tll- -of the awand proceedings 1111,11e 36c to 38c; hav per ton, St8 00 Lo $119 00;
to I car itpwi him by I e slispen alread live hogs, a
p �:o to $-r) 00. in the Ontario lie g�§Iature. Itisthoughb OPposed,, nd eveu in his case discret*9'11 been instituted .-with, that object i i
colisent to join it, on colidil ic n that he the rosourcQs. of financing inustb6ve �een -er exba-asted ; �.n other ords. t iat ariii.n. was the Old ' Steamer
may be prove th 1) tt part Of vlor their The Bay. stiould not be encuilib,ared witli an office. that-2yfi% Fraser of Le6ds *ill be callea ' e � .1 I TdROXTO, Nov. 13, 187-5.
iih th6 Opposition Kingston rebu 1 credit inus't 'have beeii gyreatl flated, ilt. The Kin�ston, it will 'Had A� ljaGkeilzic not ac-m(Ito this, to.the Ontario,C4binet,`�-tlud I -Alckenzie Chr ee- li'and their as,slets-ciiiefly ii n 'i 'S
TMr. istic, 8 ul %ilable be recollected� was burned in the . t. Wheat f all, per bushel, 31 12 to $1 20;
been unble td avail depe, of LambtO4 will btcoi le 'CO Ind go
.he are the members ol g of iron it was -used in t on- 41c to 4
would 1bi etary of State, nd! 2AIr, Dorioil, shape. e6d, itis said that o .In'to the Lwrence a 1. last June, nd her wheat, sprinr, 31 09 to $1 11 barley,
E the mu. ip hull bein 81 10 5 nd Ni�x. T ; � 1'n e c to - 1 12; peas,
hiniFself ofl Blake's a3sistance Siolier Of cro tot! of Justice colliplexit It' licity of their en -
Cabinet t presei y are �n- The 58c -to 60c; buttr, lb. 'rolls, 28c to .30c , 4, vari
it The gagement suspension was ot wholly struction of the ;13. n., .1atter
-e %-bi �. This ivis a! Mr. rdee's posit bn, Proviol- aaae& in their resp �ctive (lepartnielits unexpected e ,rfice that will Like ct was t oil the la -6 and river route on I butter, large rolls. ')So to 250 butter,
C, m k+e 'ecret� nd 1 st cial 6 ry. y. f roM, 1`131112 until late iat A meet of the cretlitn of the of la-st -July. She, was a very he was not prepargil to �41ry (1a in 1, - A)u tub diary, 223c to the rst il a, night. If it doe.s� i devolve upon tb�m prtrues Nv-,is held in. Providence last edtabo-Lit $80,000. She ttlie conlitr- lro-uld uotikm)i 11 fine boat, Valu THE A 'Drl F, �-, T 0 0 14 r. ord, (if -to brin-cr orcler 01 f chnos, they'l eek, wherl'it was resolved tc give the I was insured ginsi fire to the amon
If tile do tryean pro4llre -.11 its dillin- nt of 13.
U I - i I found beavy arro r, ges of wor andl a firm every possible cliance to recover about $40. 000 O' .000.
istrat*on. (relitlem'- . Lit olf I. M r %ke's o Toronto, to tl4e �Foveriiorshij) i r $45 Flour—Maret dull, and seher pes-
1 good deul of irrecA la ty ild coilf asioll. --,their poi � A tensior f tb ree 0 f Oiltario,-alldl that. of Mr. Tilley to 8113g. Byers. however, hold ff except
knowle I In -in of the Briish 76 d trusteE s appoint- dge'i tegrity antl atility, and —,Mr. Nath. rs was Supply Of
al 1. exl)L position �ii -Noa-, a,I ia.8 'for the immediae. wants. ' AUCTION,
lumbia f, town yesterclay for
that with ldivo I. iture 0 inetilberq:11e. e(i'to takecharge of aff4irs di ring thae
d"Izetted. It waSil, tI Tuesiday, Nov'. 18, on Lot -24, Con. 10, Small sales of�superior extra at$6 45 il� i t Ynglani'l, there to r naill until t1lQ uie�'t- time. No doubt i now felt tiat all Ila" McKillop t1lere is little r,�oln for co�iljWllt.' -The I I , Farm Stock and- 'ken
f g of parli I , Imp
leM61,11 ly;ill on ty upon .-th C d Lties (if bilities will be'swept off, and that the
reasons f oi tali M into the i tin busily t, y- firm will again asstim Edward McNamara, proprietor J. p. at $6 25 ; and spring - extra at $55 85 to
:Nv k apl. ents A I lice. t - e its fo great- -as to saiul)le isupor at '$5 60 to
-ti -ac fr. Bia. -e, c�4ets to tbo diniter to ilecla, when it is to be ho�eZl trb o profit- Brine, uctioneer., $6
abinct., ii, the ing to d Th-ursday, Nov. 20 on Lot 25, con. $5 70 - fine soldt 85. 25.
lements. few hundred barrels of --extra were ta
s ispo e Sir John 'N"i Thurst have not y. eu buen explained; ly it we have AJ I inald Oil %Y ing by their, late leon, they -, ill pursue NEWS CdF TAE BE K. eVening. It is tl6,llgllt doubtful tbeir oper"ations -with more call ion. 13,. INIcKillop, Farm'Stoelt and Imple. I�n Irle; a L)Pears f ments. John Bowie, propri
110 doubt 1, ut that wl�o or ets N III be solil and CN -ell etor J. P., TORONTO Clkr,'�TLE -MAKK ET.
t away to inak e rt"SpectalilF must Brine, auctioneer. re-clection he will be able o i nake stis- I I i e "I Opening f the SlIthern Exten- BFri,ws.—The maret has been well
Lie- t w, a s� giA ooni. I _O Thu Rail- fiqbtory A grand built "(11 at the Russell din, I Sion of Thursday, Nov. 27' P Lot 31, Con, 3. slipplied, durnii g the past -week the re -
the W., G. and B in Or. of tac eegr as 'eln occa'ilu ve ent is not Iall oil. 1oudWy iiit, Wil, ded ' in er 1- 11 for I L. R - 8., Tuckersmith, Farm of abont' 102 ceipts by rail and on f 6ot havin been
The pen onnel of the 0.o I I Z7
birth-dAV Of t)ic Prince of The giyina vent to 11dii,ekresentation ild 1'e- ',Vay. acres, Farm-- Stock and Imp�ements. W Xbout 500 bead. The cinulity -wasTather
Chi [y cono&ns the, 1).eo]i)le. Who. members of t�k Cal presen b. crimintiolls, of ,vhich in u S,t 'Iby The fi�rst passenger train -of he South- 0. Fowler, proprietor'; J. P. Brin e, auc-r' better th4ii. previously, nd a �fair Pro-
or- orn extension of the NI"ellin ton Grey tioneer... Roocl con(lition' Prices
is, or who is iiot in the Cbind, is more . NL -1 r. (T.Iladstol�e' resp to � the toapt this time have lated with the q I porti Iq -n 11 'e. 'u, ion was in of ,a;-Sonal or colic.ern ti 111 pub.- ""file-- Hous6� of is."i . Ii t4e rup tionist Ch 'l - �l With those who Bruce Railway arrived t Kinear- remain steady, withont special 'change to
J course Of 'his Speech lie a luded to t, e have felt eba(yi-innl',�'nl�lcdist'ppoiiittuG�nt at (line, at 5 'o'clock Tuesday afternoon. BOARD.[ It is he measurei of the Govor]i Riat. We quote to $4 50 , I J 'go sufrered Board and ac ( l e( that t o- the wret -by There Were on board - Adam 'rown, one A NY person Wishing fArstl-clas second -,class. ',-3 0; n'd third-cliss, Ashc' tee war, ala l 'b' I I Ment tJaat e m ost aXiously ook�d for diflic I bi h bad commodations Nvill find them at Ur- C- 50 to $3. The following are s or the
11 . isen )ii itbe A i- .1 Government of the pioneers of this system railways; C- Onle
R-klYFORD'S Board! Housejover'%Vm. Oamp- y We beh Mui , Geiferal Superin. by� the.p r eve. per- can co�Z 0 Strated- th dosirabili y i —The Tb �?b cli,--for a Nveuk 1) A,[ W. K. r r*n ondent Of bell's Store. 1316*4 sales whiell have 1)een made ;'60 head,
T 0 lit the on- of s -vvhich entailed sudi lir miloti Sid! Of!, the G. W.' Railwy. G. D. Feruso, y averaging 1,000 at 'Q30 ne car
suriliel of tie Government me rela ions as been g ting on botl digat-yrebable co isequences. He rem the fence, com�es O this morn in r, $(I ro�, Vice-PresiLlent of the W. G. and -B. R.; HOTEL FOR 4A�E. load, veraging 1,30.0 lbs., at. -M Z or 100
I tire pproll, tion of lar,e. -M.4jority of ed that -it was no pleasu e -to him, o Ministerial. Itis ported that, gei J. Ill. Fras' 1V itson and'John A/ f -ROBlq lbs ; two lols, veraging 1.00
USONT wishing to retire from 0 lbs.
ithe peopl�., &u d, if their measures, vvhon stand iii securitT on Shore d see,oth -S* I ments haiye been nii d6 by which the on�! 1. McKenzi!e, Directors; J. H41ndrie, con- hotel kaepb3g . biisinesis, offers for sale 1,000
I that at $37 ; two car loads, averagibg
power of t1 e paper: will b W wellAuown Htaxid, in Zgm6ndylhe, now occupied I pro a storm. I trplliuro, Sea I etary -!-Ibsl at tVS ; one car -load of Oxen, av-
Pounded, !prove as, satisfadtory, the laboring in , I I .. tractor McCulloch, , by her; half annere of land atth�hed to the hotel; the. B. R..; John Kennedy Chief Eu- good 8tables, good well and eveiy other convelli- -P, no fault. to ifind and FRAff CIE. Grit ban�s:. G. nd Car load
country w hay h eraking 1,600 Ibis., at �547 ;; A good deal' (f shrew.d anagement is Editor -in -Chief. The Firee pen�., aineer, W. L.; Mr. 1�, cMillan of the ence for carrying on the hotel 1)nsiness. Part of of co . ig 900, at .5
I ws, averagil 28. Xr. Mackenzie-anod his friends may' -cal- re ired to S&M le the b ble. that h is sively resumes its seat upon'the fence G. NNT. B...; IN -1r. Siffill, of.Fai - �Tld the pnrehase itioney Will be requ#ed in cash; the I SiiFmp—Hve continued to airive free-
-eral others. n enth siasf ic welco roma R1 lowed to -go in -easy insta1l- !
culate o4 1Jqp.sWJjAg and a- 10,19 103se risen in th� French' embly. ulle Cor. Xad. sev ly, but the demand has been bl;4k) and.
inder will be
me ents. Apply on the prenjifl�m to Maiiarchists. ate cornpe.E,c's� to 0ay thlir —The Grits are D eparil)Ct for tile c e1c was ccord�d them by the 1 rge crowd sio MRS. ROBERTSON, E in seller"a favor -
,of egmondville. prices are if tie to
I P,
ps of
L e
,j y
1a 0 t, n
.9 t
I............ ..........
1.47 caC in z2
-r.9 ;J'
4c for stoch( 1
FALO LIVE, htotal s 9
far 3,1 for. Irs to be 11 a iO-t4 a prosli - cet of zZ I,'
have. -boat 100' ) f
A Ig A Illiu IOhio including reportm 'king
the total tbus far, 9,800 hea fi flie S"llie tiMe oDen,, t tlu (11, 1 I
and th ere i., but 1: trom rhep. NVe ljllti+�
and $_S�7.5 to 010. Of A FLead & 178 n-6 i Ohio orted arrival%. 1,4011 t .11 mipply ftor the ot,
M head, 'tin -ame ie moderate)y with advance of 1.5c, to 20c Ve,,
aging 180 to *254 Ibs., at,
- 1.1 -fru. The naarket is decided
f rei,,hts, togther with t
inouetaxv affairs, havilig
able infleence oil faet,ory men Were eQU
-those of buyeis. the R'
fmm 14c t�' We for,
cheese, bnt 13le Walstht
ed7 audbuycrs lid not 4
math at that- Farm datiries but thedelivery labove 300 Th6
m-av be qotei -at -were ,offerings amountiriff to.'
all wb icb, tb 000 beard Of DO e*ra.1 Va yIers refused to 14 C_ it "-e have never
Icet at Little Falls at
,%r but dairymen re
yIe i -firm in their hohl thir goods rather I
NV IrsU.
present 14,
'ales 'we
J.3c to .3f)c. We hear'
that the aahty Of b-afti
half s fili-e as is 11-ual -
The'weath(-r il� cold,
Omail V bling !their cows ��t ingh
a-041 tonr"e We bave aclyiees. of October. 4., says 1111; n
pbnaknt sells 'well. and. t��Nel ten]
ican, if &T -ii -111 . r., i,
aild are the best. v.' ne�.�
4fterilla� and are '11- y tra fin i,s quotte,ii- -f' I - fine, 66s to 6S, -he dar brinas, 7S,4 to 0. is V, ,
in Dil�ter all S -900a caadiall -Mel l; V
1,00s :to IA24s the ewi
iquoted at in andy at I 34)s t 14"'k. C�OLD_ --The priewO is quoted At 1071 14 - '8tw
UU s -,-- 3'. Drag store -
ion 1)eZ 1, fol,the furni4i
patent, sea ts -in the SGIIIAJ41 I
not bind theniBelves -to atIi
tenaer. Per iarther ptic
'11LACK931UH 81
boundax�y IS, \Voutl -hop att
btiug spkndid *PC-
i,qg to bar. ferlus Was!
ise8 jar uddrm,w-, S09-4 To.
Tbrc-41 veat at Ham r bettl
bri Jjj4Q� Of 1.1_Q 0AVIF
abefh out any jwzt Can brd80-7-4 'Tr OTICE i., .d t.ja jae, -eitiler by I
f;ettle r .4 next, otherwiso they win peuseg IICheap; IL For-' Sa`e e ble eith r f0i old, and, good ku 4,01, fm-bler rt- g'who abO
iL rakawav t" s
tront of tr,�g under$i,gnea =ii fiaiva
W8.4 II