HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-11-14, Page 2t ­I NOV.". 14, 187-3. THE RUI ON EX OSITOR ov. 14,1877 Canfesmlon4 o-A,l* tin Airvallid, BOAREDING. my the ry ? NOW? wept o4 t the garret. And hiie I Fiat theology ax d heta hysics. His Otes to me—is there anything,lin I- - GAI =1 ad as a w COLLADAY h by the obwebbed 4vindow, Mrs. Barret the. )) Vine 00 ned tire indispen able to Of co irse, in this excee f ngly water Cli- Publiah mi-aing, and for the benefit of H. as leaseathe large and "in. ant youTig inen and others w o Huffer froni,Nnuvoll moding house, on the Salt Worics oro-axds Perbaps'l am a little, too asty, a —SOP Mills that': *as—Went Wing by every bneWholdesires to make a t4orou h mate of ours, e must qxpect a cons J N 100D, he adjoiningthe RRilwaYStftti(1l1, 111141has litb dit me!" v , . i I DEBILIY, Loss o MA, jL X -it's in theirt new sprin shp and her io little too ready to liglit up at me, 9 1wagoill - study f that iniasterpiece of lib r.ature; succeosion of heavy dowipours and 61, ort, means -of self edre. WrittOn by one who ouroa asaboardb3g-house. Good tablvaudeomfo:table 8 -box, .9 how ii ut w, I ..b. - t boarding- -am som a and these ii like N40leon's sharp'shqwers. y should if al- -self after undorgoig considerable qua0keryf anA rooms, Per)3011S WIN Ing l4easan noti -e - but t" ere, e wo -ds that -half do4en childrell.." ound an(* rosy as ot(, are not I 'a sant'free of dhbxgb. Suff erers tire invited 'to address house should j,.pply, as there are, at pi-ticut a lew tbing about anyt seem to me to cariy -especial grain. of barrel of 'apples. i6ophia nddd ed and 'Work on Ca3sir, the products & many ways Irain'wban marnak es are goinglon 9 I (prepaying postage) thd author, NATHATIE VS ancies. Transiont, boarders utcOmmodtedat minds' adouted by tlleir,os tensiblO author Aro ijot the principal a4 tors sufficieiitly I MAYFAIR, box 158, Brooklyn, N. Y. 289-13 gunpow(ler iv theua,j nd the abc ve is one :3miledto.soweoiiecqminogiiplth road; less thiin hotel rates. 228 --Poor Jim Wa a pers0ri, after a, Ing o' tie sort. To Id I albng, I 1saw Johh tringer but they am, he King's: own. I Among deprEssedalready? BtAforthesing lar- I ....................... I Irl I I I0. ht, ub to our roy ludiaua, Pap( you've been tinrough long explanation, walku thoughtful like, righ al §tudent anct authors he m st ever ly inappropriate nature 11 the i3imile,,one 1 NOTICE TO PUJI)LIC. A I tendrs fl()'I t iscowl wil to hii. mental dars and put his - finger gatd, ji st s he usedto come in i ourting hold 6 most libiio ed place. might say it was heaping coals of fir on 9[uel -Y you th is or w)rse still, , Haow ?" d er bad a,by foolish —Once, w en !Beau Hicktan ii was theirlunfortunate head4. I will no .90 J. LEET, Solicitor4 Wing sftP- ys— I i pointed- A -gent for th Colonial seen i s VP11 Mill a, ing t?r human r atre, to TH' FLORENCE MACHINE y t ways I , out him. 'I saw 186hie look down,:i writes 4 co:rrepodent, really so fat as to say that evdry marria(r(,; yet oexasp, - 0 I I pri- i X t I f I - o ,' glifle-M411 to Ilik; friell I Pam f I Dgland, lin is ako Agent for bea-i 0 an seeing eel t vat Oapitalistfl of Toroiito, who loan,Tyloncy at But that is *hat J lin Stringer baek. at him as 'she' and th hildren, starving, I g#eIlm a dolla, eb,rated has aken pl ce on a wet 1day IjI I)e kept iwripe4; I iterest payable -yearly shou did to me, 4ending is head a little rib olis nd 'atOH D) with their fluttering gay me about I o b4y a' cigar, he st! Ped lip —.1 call only confine in self to my 0Wn Tory I I bayebeen appointed Sole A,,,(--7it iii the Pro. sprilig 1v al -er, and s eakiiig an absey t, aggra Op e you," expqience. We will say I havi ee Chartres moderato. AS . 'ewing )ra 32a Vince of Ontario, for tbo Flort-nee S lie 8, dis peared at he 11 O. the said A [low me, sir, to sO 213 . , dozen i weddiul 0) r NVingliam, Dec. 15, 18711. 1 vating manixor tbat- tantalized me be- road. Then I a twenty fl -e cent at a 9 ell. chine, none have a right to sell tb4, aid machine yon.1 words. -wash relye of ttiat dozen ha e I iriisters, At- Huron v the only thortl2ed sueb 'is it, V I smoothed I my. hair nd and, taking up . two one a d took tm come Off ill the ­ exccp . t those appointiA by nie. Ili the e my face and wei t dO n. The cigars, he presented the A11cCAUGRT4jY & HOL' XBSTED, 33i the following. in all I (ards You see .fohn Strihc,er and I were ell- time 'et I i ew. the - othe actu %yiJig half of the rain. Next to the fal r a oe, , nting, the t 4 gents for the ft,imor4# of s tlement b A corl aIlly p, torneys at Law, Scilicitors in Chancery and .90 the te, we'd been engaged fo a long Mary Ann, 8a,id Jobn ' gravely, dollar I had just iven hini. for the ci- the sat volatile. and )ther ccompaiii- Insolveiiev -Notaries Public and CoiveYalicerfi- u. P.whifrt ji, find Lawrence N1ni1)hy, h - Solicitor for the Bank,Seaforth. 'Agentsfor lVilliam M-eGnw, Clini on -, L. S. Willson, (j4r)deritb' on Playing telab-t trk and pethaps had got to be a little the liivyer will be be re i r1sently gars. "Beau, 11said, extrav- ments at the altar, tile scene C -the you ai -P the Canada Lifn Assurau0 Company, Any pers(in or peigmis othr tban s -1-Re Peet for too matter o' course to cach'oth6r. but I reckon we can make it adl. clear in agant. I can't af ord to smoke Itwenty- church dDor is wrthylthe most atLen- leml at 8 per cent. Farms, senting that they have a right to sell, or c.,an fur_ B.---030,000 to 58 nish the Florence. in thv County Of llu 'VVe were sittinc, there over the fire, Oul: own rninds without his hel?, And 'five-centeigars." "One must IiWe likea tion.. Haveyouever atchedtliegioap Ronses and Lots for .i4e- brighter i rou, are inipopiers, nivl the Imblio aie hereby Y011119 ladv wl. 0 :iad.,cayone to ed, and P pr are cer- gentleman, 'be coolly repied. i of old ladies in wondefful patterns d after the ol e se tled it in fact, that tli all I fell to WE a him about, Soph e Mills's tain roi BEN"ON ME YER, Barrister andAtto, s warned to beware of'the, O C. to the W -,h-tu corlditions on whicb I'll' take the —A model villa'go is ill course f oom- mysterious bonnet, wil.ih noses red n at Law, So-huitors in Chancery ad mother iti Pr'_-. C14 grand wedding—he white silk dr(ss, her Ian (1—.f you agree. pletion at Clapha m, 1,ondon, for clerks, the air who congregate tot s otarieRvuhlic, etc. Offlces—Sca- Gentiral Ageut for ()ntario, morning ce, Conyeyaucers, Ni xeter. A, 20,mo of Private Fli bride-cake,,ajid her bride-maid3 frosted Then. I flew into a,; passion. Ott ve artisans, I-aborers, and thers of small tht, procession It is quite a st6dy. forth anti Wro' nds to 290 Seafrth. invest at once, at Bt ight per cent. Interest, payable -_ four or an - ei ed this first seventy : bonstjs You never see a man ere. I call all Over to mch it,' d becTi Ic ng enough makin(y up y: ur Mind, means. For the. L C3 0 0 )Illy yearly. 11 way says I don't throw my Ian( at any there' wer two I hundred ppHoations. remember havillf seen i man presej t oil 11. W. C. NryFlh. vain ; 9"Ow C4 JAS. H. DESSON. rence, body',g feet. and I haven't s ed any All are built oA the most pproved saui- an occasion of t e. He was 't buste Is sor! one . I LUMBEIZ YATIZD. R. SQUIRE, Barrister, Attorney fu Chame- 'Famplar t(Y io, h, to people tha- love each oth oh tary : an, I architectarl principles. - the very ghost of W er ; favors of you, Jedstways, 8 ringer." a mai L—his face de ply V C. 0 1)) I I - cry, &c.., Goderic'li, Ont. Office—overT. 0. Inan— . cry warm, han I a. .8 FtIv, there, softly !" 3 a J Olin, O.'s A y Detlor Eniporiuiz, 31arketSquaye. all 14hat's o'Ao more account t I 8chools, a lecture hall, blitlis, nd wash- marked with lines wbi told eloquent]. - year's snoxv-4rift. 77w could be mar- uttin j 0 Don in a 1,1ouses, ply n , ericket groands,- nd of care and sorrow and althaugb evident- drop Uo.,cbman _P ut his hane MABEE M ACDO N ALD rinks]. "Augh! rie(L ill, calico' and h6mespun, with t4eir I churches, re provided Or. 1 he houses ly not more than 40, t1 ere was a liberal ier &,,,WcWoww1d, I rD an. flurry, r1ittle wom' J are coin n feel; on a rarr carpet ike this, nd love n Stringer," Pays 1, l' in a beat, dious, a d each has a garden. sprinkling of white'in is Ilair. Helwas STE B.9,,: ,I;torneyf;,,Oolicitorj;'iitChane(,rv., EG to inform. the public that they have opened Office—two doors of a Lumber Yard i ' n Scaforth, near hearsou,s a 1p 'Oil Thu, rent of a hou e of nine or ten rooms -e I w B,&-Rnl - B each other ju,st as you Te just the s me aV waft attiz (I in clothes whicl would have teen &c., BrIISHLI%, Oat.. noith PI Al I the Post 0111ce. Mill, on the ground formerly used as a Lumber Ct —TOMMY callit s(v How?" sid" n, abse tly. He years go when you' thouc&)rht was al- is from $90 to $100., This sitution is disdained by any scarecrow with an Z#oni W. D I I )ONIEL MCDONZALD Yard, by Mr. Thornas Lec. They will keep congtnirtl on hand, a good ass' persist in callinur was watchin the C:als flickei up and ways' ring up every ime,you c, t out o' '.one of the best iii. London of self-respect, and alt3getber appeired 271: Goderich. Brussels. ort- thoroughly mierable a id dejected. Ap- ment of ALL KIN D OF drPssed and die out aai and icking- up a -stray tempe yourself." Also, LATH A- anc then i e -fling on the em- "And weren't y)u, littlei Lan e he which they are prepared tosellt thelowest possi. chb now 1 proaching the church, inquired of t a-d'd Owner. bers—a fasNbn be had when. heJ,was said Jc hn, q1tiite gra-v ely. "Don twomen Aw Encentr ic L f eindles there assembli d, What was ble prices, for Cash. 0 AV. ra 4 nd others will find it to their advalit- '18sl- a wn W'S' A going on?" 'a lig. folks always Ike tbeir o over, iq PBELL, (G 'duate of McGill Univer- I the gr, thi ki v better s. in Ociob6r Ir. a cyZille, ding$ replied DR-. of age to our tock, and our prices HAY, Montreal, r ner for the County C ITowl had-, had the bead -ache ll',day, than a thing else tells the story -lember o; zhce V-,,. I dozen eager voices. rhe man tutned Hu,on. alde? Brothers' 0 Offloo , `xt IkOOT to C before pnyehasingelsewht re, in apositioli is moher V of ' a n L and I guess Fwas ather nlo e tiiidery og about Ptensseler fainilywho'laiely diie,I- at the away with an expression on, his faco: in 'Juarble Works, an 0 1 osite McCallunn's Hotel) to offer ryoot ,nts to cs ­ e but h, don't knoL any tl it I. I 0 lindveem( , b purvh 4 which contempt and sdness -Jvere Main -street, Sedfort - near t e Esil-way Station, 2IA13EE & MACDONALD. and call"t bal"lle a hr4d usual, tho I didiit think so wonlen I cried, my more! t n, you acre of 76, as follows 4 160 i then but ell John bent his great did the (flit I wanted silks 6ome said be was niggardly a 111 You tho I Penn-- strangely blended, and in a low, In art- ax. JAMES STEIVART1 X. D., C. Al., Graduate of Any snipe about n 'th broken tone, said—, bnt SEAFORTH PLANNIXG MILL, broad shouloers over,, as if hadn't andfrbelows.more 5h a , 11 riou.s.; thp poor 'declared . be as kind never saw b1c0rill, University, Montreal, PhTsician, Sur- he rd a word. I s* and, in I act, had "T.:kanyoudi(l.nl(i,"a&id,f(!II and earing all indul- one wedding in my Iffe ; that was! my geon, etc. omee and7fie idcuce—Brucefield. ., i I P and geiier us, and forb n pat -- 11 could lie was,averse to own; "—Towa ad Coze ttry. H3 DOOR A U BLIND FACTORY som thing beitter too'ecupy' his mind, I right enoug,la. yqu WAS, too, if geut to a fault That Seaf6ith, (late 'of Carrcinbrook,) tdly jost just 6red up,i first, aald zhen the blaze ha' g em. I al ys said _ Mary improve ts or's changes of n y kind, DR- -KING, Coroner for the County of Pertli. Office— I slulk `auc lat HE subscriber be 'Alaflam, wy die d down in O 1 when we part- Ann.", tile dilapi. ed condition of the iouse in Main-st. Residence--COnamercial Hotel. calls at gs to thank his numerous SPECIAL NDTICES T 9)3 At ed that nicylit John I had had our ',Aayman 'with h%If an ye would which he lived,'and the. decayed and DR. KING'S offico wila be attended to day or i customers for th liberitl patroilage extended to before :1 could 287 1 lAm since commencing business in Seaforth, and Lr it and last quarre,,. have known bebt-.,. says I, 'hot ly. tottering fences around, most elearly night. Wtre you not 8111 His g, e % t hulk- prove(L No railroad wag ever c(-, asluruct- C000A.—GRATE- truRts th-at lie may be faverd with a continuance y FUL AND 0OV.F ORTIG By a thorc ugh L VVRCOF,, M. C. M., the saine, & heart did, not misgive me that 5g H:)w ?11 -said Jo Physician, $iir- Of I i it factory eve If up, and b e Partje , intenfling to build woTld Jo well to gie WM the viatti- r, 0 0 t), ? I knowledge of the him a ;is bo will continue to keep on hand a wl en I saw ohn's gret tdI1 figre going ing figure lifted. itse looked ed no ma r built upyn. a foot H geon, etc., Coronrfor the County of Huron. ; na ural laws w lich 7ith ou; the door, it *as:,th.e 1ast Ume he'd at me those sharp brown' 4ves that of his land, save'under protest. Owilig Office and Residence, corner of Warx-et and High awful boil, sir. govern the operations of digestion and- strects, next to tlie PlaningMiM large oc' - of all of to a (lisaFpointment in early life due to madam 14 -No Sir - E4 the latchifor many a ea,; but so it used give me a start in the old tililes. :P it 4 I nutrition, nd by a caraful applicatiop of DRY PI -NE LUMBER, —A W Ho e re Do you tJle oppos Ltion di his rolati ve8 to I* w S. is X TE T E 11 1, the fine properties of -well-selected co o, N. peated, softly. ou see, 1, held my head prooy high mean say f waA DiRistiken y6ar go riagewitli a young girl in the iinbler 4- T V. S.. begs to -announce to the inhabitants of )s the ban Isome t ill '18 Mr E s has provided our bTeakf Rig he was warmly pp, iy brown all of i tremble lks of life, to 14honi I' Seatorth and Hurround6g* country that he has -recently macle t h e fo-, and I woltidn't,s'how that DOORS, BLI__-S_DS, -MOULDT-N-GS i I a those clay bachelor. bles with a delicately 4avoured bev eterin- Dr. -Crauw1bINt I Vasa bite t up abotit it, so I paired O.ff as h6. leid. it out to me. " Little woni'll] attached, lie liveh and died ab -V 4'190 been aarded the aiplo #a of the Ontarfo r which may save us many heavy doc or8; ary College, and is now prepared to treat diseases 11h, Mrs. lumba: 's Jesse, - a iikei littIq 0man," say ilbe, "Iet's ha' done The General Qoverninc-'XIlt had essayed of Hor8eB and CiLttleaudall domesticanhuals. He SAI-N-GLES, LATH, ETC. unde prompt and., ys billg."—Civil en*c' Gazette. ade sp ice youngY fe.low enough, but -no, -more with ie all now, an let it all lid. as if it I mny,yevrs, ago to t6nipt him by a mu- Ik; ,, opened n ofnee XX donnection -with his horse- of givingsatisfactionto thoGe the young man dil-4 never wnificent Ter to sell a ]porbion of I]is lands Simply with Boiling 1 Wter or Nt i shoeing shop, where hc, 111 be found ready to at- whoomy fxroux him with their Patronage, as Zono, We don't ku, Epp S.- biseaae of the feet speciallyat- to be coniparbd with,Jdlan han a cockle. Each packet is labell4d—JADMS, 8 tend to cali bare employed. noon. I is to a b g lie. eT e 1. The 4;me that Prek' Plumber !put her for th eAablishilient of ztu arsen r said to this; bul sh anti * ' I . ently Moth' , , -opathic Ch m tendedto. Renide,ce, fficeandshopiu the renr I h well, ' ied anil tried bead i the docir. 11 Pears t Co. , Honi(L ists, Londoii. V Particularattention paid to Custom Planing- that newspaper Imother sigi prospect of intreased we.alth. th of Killoran & Uyan'.4 n1w store. All k=ds of Yet- I 'a 8 8 u r- iNITANNUFACTURB OF 01000A, "We ill erhaary dedi on hand, ()()I JOHNI H_ BRODFOOT. -him noz to ,cal.1 in Cra'A his lauds, uid. the I cines kelit constantly ri,c,hthard t11 bring: us tocrether agaiii lawye 's making a Ipng spell o I -says ance'thatthe sale of 0 count of the rocess ad pt- Charges reasonable. 229 she. 13jen't you ?inoqt tired o,' waitin' erection thereon. of buildings by the now give an aci bti t it wan't to be. : - I — —A farmer gives i Ines 8 &Co., man. ed by Messrs. Ja for hlli l,, Mr. - Strind'e'r 9 United S;ates Government, woul I great- Eppp -fohn was a powerful, mauscular mall, wbich coutains . i ga4 es, at t aeir J. G. BULL, L.D.S., I , uess we v ettled t pr6tty much ly enhande the value of his larg estate I uf cturers of dietetic' articl PUMPS. aid Insect tc. see hi mi go -up -the road Dentist, &c.,fliejiforth, -waut the boys to stzy withoLi the lawyer,l." says Joli, risini ng, had no effe6t, works in the Euston Road, London, ontl ri Plate 'Work, late4 HE having erected a new Pum- bear on too hard. whei Am, my a time en I was out in the shed surroun& 'His refusa Ga I p 01' % rt -1 T .9tT es nea y exec lditio I to P O- to sell was positive, and the purchase of al Uted. su about 40 rods north of m1king, and peeping out at himthrou&h -it is tile col ing -the grindstone. gical op!erations per in C 1b e chinks,.,l thou alit hip h pose, Ihry Ann—t6 take yonl and the !'land was inade, and the arsenl 6rectel formed -wit —A elerymall -broad -s oul AWIS your throat sdre, or are y-)ulan- care! and promptitude. !Fees as low 'as can be ob- dqrs stoopedl more 'than ever, and his mead0v land toget4er at WatervIiet. tained alsewkere. Office hours'from. 8 A. X. to 5 FRANCISTOWN, put prayer to the test noyed by a constnt cbugh ? If Sol use Ldlie did.' Rnta darker hour can:I6. Apassenger P. '.N11. Roorns over A. G. McDongall'e Store,., ficwy. Let Tyndall i .figure was g1rowing! mote stalky, like. , I,) promptly " Bryan's Pulmonic Wafe,,rs)" On the London Rowd, is now prepared to manufac- 270 Such all awk' ard fellow as -John was! who crossed ro Ili- Albany on the Green- I ture which fr operation and 0n a' rcenz 8unday ief. ey will give ,,YO4 instant rel I drability cannot in Olitario. Noth- g man au& came near iushing out on afim o in balil rry-boat brought the staAling re- Th nee, BRIEF INOTXS Thev. relieve the air ptigsages'of bl gni you i t = but Cbe best material my sun -bonnet and with mly. aleeves portAha; it was in contemplation o m. in de ct Of I or mucoua, and llayinflamination, nd en employed. Tulled . up; a; id,- flin ng iny arms -right og Construct % railrod alom east I Tilt a ompelving gr behind a hyn-book, Alinnesot taw 6 th e Do dy cau b had for coul a oma8 n er- f r1om the safer reme ALL WORKWARE--UNTID. round his neck ; bu J:)bu liked to ee shops o pay $10 jinually eacli to tile bank of the liadso fiv colds, or any complaidt of' the throa Wltuox begs to sttAc to his old friends and or falks tidy, ai# I ncyar did it. city of ' ew York through Gr enbush and the iravalling public, that he has leased the A call is respectfully solicited befoi purehasilig nor Aid he caft* on a A(' suppo - of Ghe Stte. . Inebri3te Asylum hings, and, if taken in time to Alban-. Willen the survey w4s made Hotel. lately occupied by 'Ahr- MURRAY, and elsewher. He preservad an unr, Jesse Plum1bar wa s the beau o' the liasyi (led 121000 this year. will soon be proved. $old by ll d OUSR, anti GEORGE BOLTO ug- formerly known as tho JJO'WN EY it N, lage—dapper, meat, n I dainty as you for this it took in five cre of the - -i to recei e a confinuauce of the patronage 1 284-6m Franclstowu.* —P song taking fu their- co 1. supply Van Beusselaer land, which yicl l ts and coujiTry ddalers.. Price )5 hope. iv I aud, When the uug please and Ill the -n ed tile 91-9 so liberally b stowed upon -him during- his ma"T 1 rls th6aght [C hid for t winter hottill. be 'caref I that it cents per box. in the repetitious oscu com e to in 4nses -w hen. I 'CiRst6d 'em O' ownex little or no profit'.. 9ftolits were years in the hotel business. :Every comfortand y is, n t tored,awy i 4j, a wet Condition, as ISEAFORTH teenth time thee palv_ - . .. I - convenience will be proided for travellers. The Jess. And b y -and -by it was ess that it i al made by the directors of the r t tO iVe Off POi1ZOI1OLI8 a I ff- y HEART D11E choicest Liquors and Cigars only lcopt in the Bar. erml)n, -M, d offered 1 lu Persistent ref Lisl to I jell oil FBLP, A, "-O Lord, blessnd the I-vid, 91 IRAPH PWO111S. -ca., e. sparkin o' n igb ts, and sat o' 'Win- without , uccess, to effdct a parlhse A careful and reliable bo.stler alwas b3attendan co. sive o( of PALPITAT ioN , Fr ND RREM PHOTOCT-ri, ter evenin-s Over the embers, and he was THO'KiS IMX, Proprietor. t3 AMONT OF THE, RFAT CUJIBI) -BY IM- -man in the piuk neckti, - . t —A 1rcuit Con Ili illil`)O sl recently the part (f the owner conip 11' thein to so soft spoke:fi and'!*pleasant th a t even d. 111% es to: OU LOW'S COMFUUND 8Y in the blue bonnet an(] to state that' he has AL HOTEL, Senfoitli, Ontario. SIALION er fo,ruo her_; vexation- (She al- 100 dal up OF Hyl"Opl--_08- Roy 0 119 I,%0Y call upon disinterested par POWELL, Proprietor. ATe profailing the SAAY ho w s forcibly expelled. fro ' a' high r.e land. THE W& sset stale by jJohu, In6ther did.) tile neigb,?oroo ppriiise th l purchased from Mr. FRANK PALTRIDGE his se no or rf The I 11 Pon LIS It f ai r, vItlution I above house, so that it uow nffords good ILCCOM3nO- i W Il. in theprin , 8111ii F in, rii,olIT, Digby Count ,, N. S., Fcb 10, 1869. thoroughly renoyated and newly furnished the h I f us in,, sb6dy o i o the I _,_ 0 ivere rawried,.Jdss se. `)o 'L 1. iq. —Dear 3ir : 0 f Photographing which he will herem-fter eac-hoti-ler iu Pew N d tion for the travellfi)g publie. Choice liquors.z (l - -d " Aj pweser I- ed branche's was $300 er acre, which was jo red to con net. sai SIR( me, and bad a string o' pe ratitude to you, and iyuipathy for the a andigars in the bar. 'The table is su plied with YiDung wmari - -suddenk 1% r at silk bri al dress. and I felt -kind o' -8 Nreyal case's oflPyplidid rbave tlie'o'wne but perempt(Vilvi (I Iclined, afflicted,jilduces me fd send you a Ni rit- the delicacies' In -season. '. Oysters in sCR90n. I . I I down, and the yo urr . A. ure it, -9 ' . I I Large stabling and an attentie hostler in con- peated. the beatittiA, s. y i tr like whm the girls crowded round I t I ; LOM il i'tr pr6 PICT RES OF AL ed at y est, Nvith the assurapcdadtl.64, ten statement of my c se, nd the illcyland;i - These c s it is that if the compny took b up neetion. me and hoped I'd be happy. I k pecl so' a d III L 1 i 44 hind lie ffected by Taken ili the latest and best.qt yles of the -them, noiloubt. At i i using your Compoun(l.,S n't sure f it. sai d. a "Ci i r c c'El t,` ceahle t'd, Ile bad Xvour(ll *11 ver touch dollar! 0 their -too wa 5 y of HYPOTibospbites. Ili April, 1863, I inglind Ion- lited to convev all alpoi Mice in the business, the 0 was attacked wit subscriber has no hugitation in narailtecing ho believed a -C ememberi ag the days tbat came -%it- drc%ln.L PRINCV, OF WALE 8 HOTE L, Clinton, Ont., Hav ndsupply f water. aion, of th C J. McCUTCHR 01J, Proprietor. First-class the! in W ;I1 P41pit, I ter, I caut recall one h ard 'ord I ev- —Be:p1je the gre,%t fire Ohic -o ll ad The lai d. was tLien, the I oj I com- He I accommodation for tra-'ellers. The Bar is sup- I entire- stisfaction, aud trst to ve a o - wit, I sent fQr the dIctor, and he aid n and it did it e5ectivek tht 'pot)iiiig could be dione for me nd lied with the very best liquors and eigam Good 1 tinuance of the liberal ptronage besto-wed on bit be, d. from, Jess. 'Ve wereil t ne..r th rty tel tiiiing '2,965 r o o ms. p eted, &!I lidarly a ciiiarter of a untury stabliugatt,ached. The stagg "ISO predecessor. -1,102 psse(l. w- ty ; and tilough oil n lly occa- e leaves, this Rol eno 'as forty hotels wi I gli to each othe'r io quarrel't; weJust, NLaw h that'l was liable to dis;' very suddeffly ; gver dayforWing-ham. V E A Meteone SUX11i rn s, Qr1an increall ed capaeity f 2,137 siotis grezi, 1), prossed for .ready t . olley, 1) - 4 t H CATIVESON IIAND laid, apart likf two odd volunies there roo eing yery weaak a d ,tbl e to leava my ALL THE, 0: D' s not illy fire'twixt -us, iior a, tluuor rooms. ITIC 1 Promise n nto Af ter m v CHARLES INTOORE. suit of. L4 Wa Grand acifi4, h ]argest I lie waos-fa* hful. to his bed, I becauie discoLtuirlZc & Ily I t. ' FOSTEROSZOTE SEAFORTH. W1 -0 hotp1s.- is' doublb t1ae s e of I death. - T I -t us,, eitiler love or laughing, w iz the surprise of his 0 ccutbra, pby tip, ge old here. of tll e I - I e( HOMAS TER' bqgs to inform. his Fro the.. larr s o a short t1i e fter his d"ease. Seaforth, July, 181is. as J n and I had alwa, a been babbhuo, the he an Hous f the wei e 8 cian, gave me was inaue to T FOSO the y use your ( ompound,Syi tip of Hypop.los- i friends and, the travieling pilblic thathe has.! Several weelm a,go, -n -o,*rer one wa ii 1. ph e§p tid the effect , was wondelful. di nin I of a 4earth f items, rked y silk dress 81,500 .11; Ili two da;ys' I felt the enefit of it, nd ordhe has the very best acconiinod - PEM, OVEDN REMOVED. tion for man and beast. The best of liquors and Golint, of flae fall of ,In a y and l othu old hot 8 notified b , n officer -Of ohe of I Is it opened his new hotel, a oi !' g the Post' Oflice wLuizing ill Pollah I Seaforth,,wh rd, fo r I pani, I- epsie, tht ne-eii ace w,,i,( all I had of richf-.3; anol I for the urpose orkinc, thel e tensive oil del)osit o his'eredit i road aftet zaking half cigars tit the bar. THOMAs FOSTER. of %) , C I a bott I 'Weas ell e y fields of cat',in the icyhlanfl o Scot- I was first s rveyed, and "w" thp ubject f, atoil, aar cut p thefown one day to nia.kea clok from complaint. -aa (Ito this cigy I M. R0BEP-1TS0,-\TJ lit of haste, -anti I IS: 211owe I d 'ford e baby. Youi see, I coilldift give proposvd o use the la ten to . their ( rder. Thus, - for tl lOug have not been troubled vitli.a returTi of 1 vk l KY. inornnt,we saw it in, Cabinet-maker and Undertaker, P /yr 10D c e ss s, y which the fiV e of the I)E;-!t is, perio(l, was the, interest, which, 4d led to the Heart Disease. Yo, rs, very truly, -A-- Up y prid% just as high - .0 - 1.1 I " A. SHARP'S LIVE R1 AND SALE STABLES. 11rrIy4 u rl %CCU- zpir ed s ever But our farin 4idn't -cut 111) An cQnverietl into a the origrin 1, aniount, wo Id "I I i It -14 -;u SAR.,Lii LF-ur. X. able 171,E without a part 011*0 -Ir Office—At _Mnrray',j H AS REMOTD, his ware -rooms to -Lted to handso c sum, enL6 Hotel, Seaforth. Good Pr e, and -Je'ss,' didt pros er ; aad clensen; Ip, which, wi ew.'dry, 'bee mes a i 11111h in Horses and first-olas.4 Convoyances.ahras onhand aiad we eonf ess the tact. J-01INSONIS OLD'STAND, CTS, 811'je s,-,Licl ; and she get mnPlum be -ame': to live with us, to I.solid in, as hard ,is Oak to this ecce itric. man wl: Ile, living, nd to IF YOU HAVE COUGH W TH RAISINGS OF I I PHE LG31 in the morning night lswcabs, and look ----- Tbe ier —when we have not f ter th i b B, says A t his heirs af r his departure. ELL'S DIVERT TAXLES, SEAFORTH; On't. Sieaforth , irregularity of the bowelfi, lo Ef appetite, and B feel sorry for it. to pi yino, bi everty' now and then fr odd ett for a -prei iu ln was ni'ad at the, Good Horses anti, Comfortable Vehicles., always L ke DR. Wh he has on flnud a- superior stock of rin-T-n, NN7-,e had ;ao idea t&- nerpl. debility, take DR. HEELERIS Co'I%J on hand. Favorable Arrangeineuts made Viih I ere m- a. r i : ife)_ nd—oh, wells E XpPsiti 11s ilig it.. IT. R V I I POTIND ELIXIR OF PHOPI --kTES A). CAL- of every description. I ISAYA. A host of those who h iva iised itthrough- .—sometimes T ters e d -t ie h r'r i rn 011 el, . I 's the u o' taNinc,9 On Getting Married CominercialTravellers.. All orders left atK,,;oX's W11 se , h6_ f, 11 thn4e who HOTEL, will be promptly attended to. CALL A_VD SEE 11 that would Coul 't help Wish ncr John. trinaees F . 1, N, s a, (Y 0 ( i 04111t out the Domifflon iyill atteqt i s trreat allicney in over 4 :gll Off her 11ir, AV11 I should take pen ill Ii t per- O&FICE AND S1XAl1LE'.s:—Third door North of commtio y '%ll arre.%ting the decline of the o kjumptive. It be- K,O,,, i every niaggil we] ea ], all now etrate an ticle, on ius at the root- of the evil, -nd per- UNDERTAKING. when 9hincylim i clime -tc her H,tcl Main Street.: editorial stroi.4. shoulders e t the wheel p ('4611 221 TIMMAS BELL, PropTietor. [I hav never been Dig,estion, Assimilation o Food, aud the for- and theie re lott of I was working niy.,36 ,, f o death inorning it is five e( t- I@ ng, edmpa mithi eicylit whun Ill my Having,pnreliftse(I'Mr. Th'nuiFt Bell's RD, ARSE e gr cannot ex- in-ation of the Healthy Blood, apidly item, and. attemptea_a and n.ght ior not, inches O 011,11 Wheili she s orect. life, a n, iisequently, I iuvigorlihiu-g the COI)Stitution, and restoring energy to the Vital S. L KENNEDY, am prepared twattend funerls on the shortest bir, An I of a pected to ow much abdut it tion f it ana as Then when bab : took to 1 The &fine, -stro - thick I I notice, either in town or cuntrv. Organ'k. z It is agre6able to tnkc and permanent in OTME, 9IGN and ORI *_AEXTAL PAINTER dark 1) CO,'l3I(jICV it its offeeb, with no liabi.lity of r(la.1) Solil I izes, te ach in (,y au A B ass, as I used to ,be- 0 11 color."' ise those f illy re.%ders who H Coftins AU S* At last, 'as ext 0 . . PI find Grainer. Paperhanging al,,o attended to., irl, Eastern papesbegaz fare I was ; but wba . little I A ic a i resi(hao, in! Sau con P worth. while to devote a thougr1l g" sts at $1.00. 'Work done as cheap as by any other good work-. Kept constantly ou'liand. t t too the 1ru knew had 1711111 wild since tl en, and T hoarded in differrent places boit-bis subject, eitlier one way or th I Inanill the buxin"s, Papers I in -Chic l hIf orders left.with,_Mr. Viomas' Eclectric Oil, Kennedy, or for him mal couldn't keep the b irs straight someow; house 820 000 in-greei-ibm-ka. Wbenthe I But .11 n ill, that it is the V ryj fact at thO EXPOSIT01t Office Will an, New York mad1e I be pi-omptly attended to. SHROTJDS SHROTiDS 1 WO:PTIITF.N'TI31ESI'r).WEIG]ITIXCOLD. DOYOU The California Aettklefl aa& thegirls, 01dn'tj are about sa m plers., recen t p n I i I ,, came i pail t1ve -country he bf illy not h wing entered what is called, for the sewing mach. Iie had ridden riZht grew fe,-Oful lesb, ir thu prevati mr, scar- wi4-,Ii bitter irony, "the lipl)4 TDIE YOU DID. LL,Veterivaxy Surgeorr, (mem. to hire a m-Im 'to ,00me, aver verything- Tken Jesse fell ill o' 6ity of - c. ;r -e- sa.-N ill mi'lit be !'-wbiell should be iny recommUm Aou. but few prepart tions of m ber of tbe Ontario College,) begs f eric ', bi T. -T- CHURCH, it and y 99 t(rl i I RTSONJ Acre are edipine M. ROM which havewith,;tood the imp rtial judgment of to intimate, Withebas ret'lirued'to the practice of CABINET MAMBIL AND UDERTARER, and- with 41 the fumin, au4 disco pvople for any great len-1 h of time. One of his professibm'in Scaforth, and,31111y' at all times be I at Sacram, -the fevei ind stolea. , Ate,went ot and I stand, it were, afar off—I alulpercliet'l -siz Society rs on a aeNy I these is T_ao3Lks'BLE0r1tIC OI1L, consulted on thn discases of Horses, cattle, &-c. Joh of bis ll olier, and offered sc of it ;n biE Ildi(fbb -upon i v eminence where I ca, n v, the ' look at it. I C a prepAT- ilson's Old Stand, with all in watchRig d Mort rid the offer being ccepted, ceremony in ll As gliastly deta;4 ; II ni atiou of six of sonic of the best c ils tht tire kno Yeter'inar v medicines cons Rearing of the a: y 'and night' wn, -tntly on hand. Main street, Senforth, hits now on hand a good y 0.M - e %vedt 14) a e it (Dtlt of t hidiug,place. far removed from the supposed 4 nthrall- each one possessin"virfine of i:s own. Scientific calls promptly atu ndcd to. Office, at Mansion I aroun, town 'alid. ise som, el ow he slipped bff between us. And h .. ft . - assortment of : a pbysicianN know thoat I Icdjciu may be formed of House, Seftforth. 277-3 h the ill- Six t Ing powers c f niven or auburn , liai -, of evcralingrr ediontr. in,cartain ; xed proportions of I fou myself a rp ow, wit bou4;, ddollaxi'werq found to be so I . thirds of an ver bi 0 Is n( greater power, and produciii-r e Tects which c d ST__T]P-4DT_T:ED S bri,ch" we placed it lay, faxed wasted farm : n my 'hands, and moulded )t to admit-6tideiltitication. black'eyes o,, blue ; I am far oirt of the Old per da y. Agents wanted f - 1 Which he ean'furniah cheaper than they can be L -The oprietois .0f e Libirte. 'in reach of the' "lulpt se of aii3 one of them, or in -working r lumber dii&zlint, and maunder- b atiqns of " 01111 -pled . I aw-aited- approat iiever result froin the u .$5 $20AII cl' goT, 25 d a; differorit cambinations. Thus u the prep-tration people, her sex, -voung lor ola, make more bead in ss smile " whAteVer they may be, -uld. t m a bod ing #ter Jess a; w to break my 1, Paris hat establisli ro )igeon ek-pre 9 lie a -y of this oil a, chemico I -change ta ceR place, formin -a at work for uts in moment.,;, or all the headerl m=. h e' tt bet%Veen c office -of A I jouriml and reddest of (lieiiry lips hve no chrms a compquii l which cou14 not byl any possibility boe. time, than at 11:nTtllin Ise. Partle iftrs free. W IEAFUTH CARE 0flife y t else. Partle I-90AE. t, and Triano-, I carr of tl e Pro- for me whateveE My treatn t of the ae from aily pt4er e9mbintloii or proportions AddressG.STINSO&-i3o. Portland,.%la 1111d tand that Y-00 I tii kept my spiit up yd I ad- e new leni ine. 284 1 ne in_qet ionq, or auf of th h othor ingredients, verti, I half tbe ce t;@r sale at the ceeding the B- Mind POnrt Irtial. subject mhl therefone able euriosity in this -i be r6lieAl. oil as and eutirel-T different fro 0ythiug ever before cot p 'geoi house bei le, 0 ic -% hich produacH the iliost astonh,hing, re- 'i e( r 11 J.ouse for I codd! sel I it we The propti tors ha e had ng absolute y impartial l if 1 J. P. BIRINEy K mw f a O" tbrough someh.ow,'on a e 4 of applicat ON. AUCTIOTN-E 01R for the county of initted to :;examine ei r pr mis anjust a little towards th stilts, ild hilvin CR WINTE:R COMING sho*sin ae construc* on the toof of ih e -s may le side of it 11w er r ion I I I Itcon- i Huron. fttt( nded in allt,parts o or t and eyer 1morning it man istarts f r Ver- I illy own sex, I m perfectly ju.sl. ified ill f the I S064 I thought. : 1 - from the _kg, o or ot'her volatile liquids, co.qe Country, A.11 orders left at TnB ExI4611TOR Office I Wt]U, who do tsull) ose le'ame over saillec witli a certa'in nuti6ber those I doing. -, lave never been !'retain- umitiv I loses nothiiie, bv evapkation. -Wherever n 8 1 sir the 1p q will be promptly attended to. an nny affternoo, e reporter at -tad, 68 his, ccount ed" by the other side. I ha P_ never applied you get the of 0 ery drop; whercaB- WILLIAM GRASSIE posal'of aay boayof aq I wu.,%andimg the birds. T n f the pr -edings to 1bi s body, por- 1, been able to sa,tisftctorily settl 1 ill my with other 1wepartitiolLis neill. kit lea ? Wh , to, be srp,,! illl the alcohol is 11 inareb oose. to exalnlul lost in thatIvaN" 111111 yo.a. get the small quan THE* ROYAL MAIL ST -AGE. : In prepwration for the season, has ill ,Strio ger Ikige as lifi -a littk gray may- report Wno, o brouabt as ! own in `1 Ob,, my dta-r sir, tions t 41 9 ind whether go Uina In, Pri.ed IS tity of oils whic:h the), mat cmitain. yftl Mail Stage le4ves Seffforth for Wal- construction a large number of. the caxrl re successfully set ell) cy 0 [ganything fo. and a liftle ore augalax., but k e en' loose. I supposed to a, ubject for rei, r TII'!" Eo h xp, eFs* 111. ton, Bru- 'Wroxeter, anti intermediate k for that v I essen-, mournincy. eddings & Newcastle, Out., i t, if, for l and trong as ever. H e'd , u' The averhke time t ese i ("Cli-tainly, - all the Ylj' And 'LXORTHROP points, everyaf orAnon on the rrival of tlic. Our tAs (lq.gec . .!qolv, Aonts for the Dominion), pre,st; Train f-rom the E SLEIGHS AND UTTERS bit o, land it weme. and had had is gers takd for the tr nsit i six nim tes. I have'.se'16 wduld go to. prove It leave.,; Wroxeter scientific truth, - withil I every mor nin-, and arrives tit Seaforth in time for k. Always was eye it aloungoar bA the ft,mous risiall The bride has ialways been in te'irs—tlie old:in Seftforth byE. Ri ,ksou & Co. and R. ion going Hast. Comfortable conebes oal" ) forash, or On itor, groom b the mau, trai N-hichwill be '-.Old, ns 118110, eb Lums n. and 119try - wau what wasn' his," Melth-eir Plum- fi,litn er is ve coils ,cuous bride a lways looked 1 iiofound ood horses are alwivrs kept on Vic-, road. short time. The re'puUtion of this establishmellt 10 e would --h ar ber aoid. Sh -owed hira a dge for er n the straet. -able. JShe seems to b makinc, Every attention is i)aid to. anti pnret.1s, for the durribility aliA tilegance of articles turned &c. carefully loo),ea aft ; and promptly Ou by it, is Rufflci(nit ruar-intee that mehuser-s Sol, gr* 4e is v ry talf ly misei _p stonie. Ali, in bein, more, forehanded than Jess. "d b; k 'shouldem,4, and be - A- rs a the best of a, bpd. job,, and lie so' Ins to be J613 MosEs, rpRIOD GAL PILLS. Charges moderate. will receive satisfaction. 1 labored under a t, lo g _h th of afteir and very lar", nd pe uliar , hat, hoping that ow_e one will i ritably It took a deal oki Ile is unfailing in the THO, IAS BELL, proprie tor. A hniaber of Lhr t Single and- Double RIGS, ill ylaw eri-og and-,. ng and th Lord whichii aeks ove-- upoll his 1, ft er. step forward 06d stop the cerdmony t TH"q invaluable mefl'c' cure of -01 those pai ful it4d dangcrous diseases 11 the 1va-v of Wvgons and Buggis, yet ion hand tion?" We P1)i!1tf_1d' -kno swhatt0sett6'it,--andI ugedto So mueh Idoes he incline his h t that the point whi re the officiatinu - clelwy- to -whi h the N111HIC 0118bitittiou is subject. It 1 DANIEL Al c G R E G 0 R I GRASSM moilnitc,sall excess and ruiuqyes all obstructions, WILLIAN. the old man le see John! stooping shouldes sometimed oiae wonders that it does not man sk's if Me.knows "aliky just fyin', g, glass to his eye -1 and a speedy cure may be reliod on. Go, Ierich,street, Seaforth- Bookbinder, Harturhy, Seaforth, ly re Cac ks in a cause ol -i-ie(lia(lies,itiHI)eclaillrlysuite(l. Itwill I and oad felt h"at wn just behind o ff. oRsieur .1 wagnae wal r imp4inmyient," &c. Thgi is one e fall Tor tion. was his on t .jane and again: Rat bold, dpe-6 lit -manner, and carrieA a huge theory I wis to advance withl &I'd t o in a 4ort time, bring on the I the alass to the- M rise, f ihe meadow t I 111outhlyperiod with AS i1ist received alaige Stock of the materials q ie has 1'eguljirit H 81MVIOKERS9 he s arce ever eAm -near the- door. 60 walking:,,,.' ick, which he from ime to the bridegroo a, and that is.,+h1t 11 used in the business i anti is now fully prepar- ti -me in a stat of fusi how it.-was—*hau These Pill" shonld not bel taken by Females ed to execut wi I one Aay-1 can't tell m sw%P ommoufly from side to side, never:paid fbr his weddiD01 Igirments ll,Q the first three mouth; e, on the sliprtest notice anti in the comment, ana the i the tettlemEnts were to be made, 'I ind n he eatells the church ;I -W SP earri sof Pregna0, as tl16y lattst styles, all Orders lie may, be faVoUred with. EACH PLV,G OF THE -to a cadatnerous vf I rtf 14 as thou MS in 'are sure to bring n mis 4ge, but at any oth, reparing to smash th head of whe 0 time they are safe. REGISTERS, LEDGERS A BL"IK BooKS took baby up stairs P'nd had a, good cry some im.a nary fee, and at sue 1 times -constant fear lost his In all cases o nI n and m C1 little f Nervous anil Spinal Affections, d been -esse's fa-- -the pass6 dth bill. Observe er OF lated quite slowly, tailoi uld be at sjmb do no fail to po nt him h I or it to t pains in the back and limbs,J fatigue on slight ex. MYRTLE 'NAVY tke w4y in ic 1 -he sneaks 'from the ertion, palpitation of the !`eart, hy ber had AM. ve Ily -nd Ruled, Printed and made to order, on the shortest lions carbon. ry vori e piece, and M, ther Plum lring471 As for th ladies, steric8, a -tkey ad m' re blons r de' Cassa ac very hired carriagg—whien h as an whites, thdsc pills -AU effect a cure when all other notice, and at prices which defy co etitlon. W MIGHS or A POUND, After the glass ha harryi-iig me al I bee,4 dav about it. genera means have failed; and 41though a powerful 1vidence are so openly. opriatelyl funereal appearande—and ": The i. ro I %ppl' remecly, do not contain iron, 4alomel, ant' Ladies' Wo? -k Boxes & Fancy Cases imony,or strailae ! ` said Moth " numl-er, laying —Kii John of S wontA, W died on glances furti See U 2 g urtful to the constitution. TIONS 14ep unpaid-ifo speci- Fall directions in the painphlet around Made to order. HILB TRV I.L11 I Tit ped i alul the big Bit se TtteM b lio , DaAe ease be, seem I Zound specipiel her 'specs do vu 0 )Ie and ay, was dou e bes a .9 in t each ONLY WEIGH I OF A POUND. [I, withou! at puttlino, on that aw a patie'lit air which 3holar 'ih. Europe. He had nbt only Wells of the ailo, 's rt—What a sickly package, which should be car(,fully preserved. OLD AND NEW BOOKS g lglass, Made 0 Tob New Tork, Solqroprietor. $1.00 and 4 one—,,Past was1wearina me to ia b translatea t oema,into Jhe Ger- hue is reflect 124 cents for postage, encloBea toNorthop &Lyman, Bound and repa red at city pnbes. Thus giving discovery. fle Od 612 his morrowfto c4unten, ou a poorer article and less of it for r ta I 0 bties C 1 bo h v t ti e : b ID h Jesg had mirr.' man, Ian age — irable agetits for the Dominion, your money. Tlhv , find ag outo Now 1 led an x4m, ance by his lq' euder tie. Gentle i-eader, NiNvcahtle Ont., general and you tranglati n it is—bu he was pr foundly or fair readerl or you s1rrwho ha­ e pass- wW insure a bottle, co),atai4ing over 50 pills by All communications a dressed to the undersign. EACH GENUINE PLUG STAMPED in t' Sop ie Mills that wa return mail. ed, will'receiveproml t q,ttention. all the sci Ce of the middle ed throlugh the ordeal, a d, cons4quent- P J3 t -I did not w, ait to hear any more. t 99' -Sold in Sesiorth b ]lot have ereated. a tP y E# Hickson & Co., and DANIEL McGREGO <SZ; :B- a,h as ezial y: in thdir holastic ly, must kno)v something about it, tell R. Lumsden. As say, I just Alit _up baby aud ges, p. 197-9 Seaforth, (HarpUrhey. The man who, first Hallinton, Sept. 11, 1-873. a briA was a new M the ehal