HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-11-07, Page 8Di
ttrain' 011,0*jt„,10„ Councilor?
Should the
I we believe
1 but by wh
T RI cIT M ATT E RS. Rati`Latat
cohn Cole'
Fort Erie.
nected wit
branch of
for tlqe p
entered it
and has ris
of telegrap
He is well
railroad m
general pu
who have
BEATfrY & Co. have *ea ly commene-
ed receiv ng installments of their ltall Stock. They
beve the present Week received Canadian, Grey,
Scarletad Fancy Flanndi
els., mean Shirts and
Drawers, Mufflers, and Cannan Tweeds, Blank-
ets, &c., %c., which have bcm see -tired. very low,
andmarl4ed off very cheap: Another consignment
of that hoice Moyune Yonne Hyson. Call and
inspect t eir stook. BEATTY it CO., Oarmiehaers
Blocka Sfiaforth. 1
NEW OXtP: Mention, Magen a, C,ocliineal, Rosen-
ine, Indijzo,add all other Dye: tuffs of NO. 1 quali-
ty, Prodticing Rieh and Brilliant Colors, at R.
LumsDers's Corner Drug Storo.
HORSES, HORSES. —Pi. paTe Horses for
the Fall a.nd Winter Temperature by rising Lums-
den's Int amparable Condition Powders. Prepared
only by L. Luetsiann, Corner rug Store, Seaforth.
LUBRICATING o a splendid
-article SialLubriceting Oil, mil •• 5 cents a gallon,
go toJ. $. ROBERTSDrug tore.
Dim( s.—Just receive(' at J. S. Ron --
arms' DrLg Store where nonc but the very best
quality o Dye Seriffs are kePt,a largo supply of
genuine utch Madder, COehM411, Indigo, Extract
Logwood Magenta,t.tc. als0 Canadian a d Badh-
elor's laa • bye, "ars. .:‘lle&s, Hall's, and Ayer's
Hair Botoratives. Wheeler's Elixir, Fellows'
Compound Syrup, and. all the Fatent Medicines of
CRUET STANDS, Toa..t 'Racks, Cake
Baskets,. Tea, Table and De •ei4, Spoons, Knives
and Forsj all prices. Rage s' Ivory as high as
4 $18 ado en. Butter Knives, Bread, Boards, erc.,
at MOE
Cnn4i Goonin 'Eg Cepa, Vases,
ett*nam4its, Plain China, Tea ad Coffees, Mus-
tache Oh s, &c., just opened at risen's; Seaforth.
DRE SMAKING.—The friends of Miss
Borland willbe pleased to 1eain that after a two
Year's e erience ixr Toronto', ha has -returned to
take up her residence here, and itented the house
lately o °Ivied by Mr. Pillman fer tho purpose of
carryin on her business as dressmaker.
Eg' FURS. —271 sets of Ladies'
pick from at Dene'S, feom $2 75 a set.
dies' Jackets at Dent's,' beautiful goods,
1 25 up. An endless sock of millinery
the novelties of theseason at Dent's
Dry Gopds establishment, Seaforth.
COL TRUSTEES. --, At the school
ng held on Friday last, Messrs. A..
tage and Thomas Kicld. were elected
by acianiation to ser in the room of
the t i
o trustees who re gned.
s Furst
and a
HOLIDAY. — e terday, Thurs-
day, being Thanksgivi pay, was gen-
erall observed as a i.iiday in tOwn,
and he,stores and othe places of busi-
ness were closed. Stir ces were held
in s veral of the chn ches, and were
larg ly attended by t people of the
Yin e.
A NovErmf.—A Miss IN attie Gaylord
is a vertisecl to lectur in the Town
1 Hal this evening. The subject will be
" Our Girls —What shall we do with
them ?" . The novelty of a female lectur-
er will, no doubt, draw a large attend -
ane At the close of the lecture a dis-
tribution of presents will take place.
HE ASSIZES.—The Fall Assizes for
'the County of Huron., commenced at
Go erieh, on Tuesday last, before Judge
Hu hes,' of St. Thomas: 1 The criminal
cal ndar is very light, but there is said
to oe a considerable amount of civil busi-
nes . F. Davis, Esq., (4 Sarnia, con -
due s the busiaess for the Crown.
Gib o ons was, on Saturday last, gazetted
Sh 'if of the County of, Huron. We
CAR atulate Mr. Gibbons on his appoint -
me ,t, and trust he may long liVe to en-
joy:the position to whiela his long ser-:
vices in the interests Of the County 80
justly entitle him.
AID .,FOR MEMPHIS , A subscription
was set on foot last week in aid of the
sufferers by yellow fey r in Memphis.
The amount obtained was $54, which was
transinitted to Mempli s by Mr. M. P.
Hayes, _the treasurer 1 f the fond, on
Wednesday last. The sem of $17 was
also raised. to be devoted to the relief qf
the poor of this village.
BuRLiQuE.—TheAg1es Wallace Bu
league Troupe gave ent rtainments he e
on Tuesday and Wedne. day evenings f
this week. Those whoike that kind f
amusement, and 'the most of people d ,
are unanimous in say in that it was t e
best and most amusing "show" that his
been in town for a long time. They we e
greeted by full houses each evening, a d
should they ever return, the hall -wou d
not hold the crowd which would rus] 10
see them.
• the attention of yOing:nien who wish o
obtain a good businiass - education to t e
advertisement of the London Comme
•cial College, to be found elsewhere. - 0
ing to the death (if the late manage
Mr. Elliott, a ehanige has taken place
the naanageraent of the College, whi
now devolves up1.c Mr. George
Swayze; who has sOured the services f
a teacher of many -,,rears' experience o
take Mr. Elliott's pltkee in the education 1
department of the iglitution. This Co
lege is generally atiowledged to be o e
of the best and iro it successful in t e
-country, and we scommend it to t e
attention of any rciay intend ta,ki g
this rneans-of obt g a thorough bu. -
ness education.
HERL' •e weather for t e
past three or foul',•hys has been ve y
pleasant for 'this iori of the yeaii, at d
the snow has 1i.tiy all disappeare .
Embracing the oi.porcunity, farmers have
been diligently engaged in securing their
root crow During' thelenotty weather
of last Aek, our countetrtfriends looked.
°loamy enough, as scarcely any of them
adeseenred, their turiaipS ibr carrots, and
any had still the bulk Of their potatoes
]I1 the the ground. ,The fine Weather of ,the
resent week, however, has served ma-
erially to relieve their, anxiety, and , the
otal loss of the root cro ),I which was at
that time anticipated, has now been
MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS 1-. -judging from
. .
present indications, there as likely to be:
.e, pretty lively time in municipal affairs :
in town this year. It is stated that Mr.
Benson, the present Reeve, is again in
the fie13. for re-election. ! A requisition
has also been in cireulation, and has been
pretty largely signed, asking Mr. D. D.
Wilson to allow- himself to be pla,ced. jin
nomination for the position. Whether
or not the members of the present Coun-
cil deeire re-election, w, are itot in; a
position to say, but we notice that for
the past day or two, : en have been
busily ;employed repairing crossings and
sidewalks, and making other much ne cl-
-ed impravements, which fact looks om n-
401.113, and semis to indicate that the •ld
are again on the war pitth.
e indications pr ve correct,
4eir return e opposed,
ea. we have no yet learned.
'MAN PRomoph. Mr. al -
ugh,.. of Stratforc , has eel).
4uperintendent of the new In -
Bridge late1Y. di mplete at
,Mr. Coleleugh his been on -
the Goderieli. and Bu alo
the Grand Tru ik Rail ay
St 10 or 12 y ars, ha ng
service when mere oy,
n through th vc rious gr des
operator, sta io agent, t •ain.
&c., to his p es nt posit
flown and. lunch esteemec
as`well as by•• any' of
along this 1 ne of r;
brought into contact
d all wil
him in business relations, aa
heartily g1ad. to hear of his
• by
THE Tow ia ()1' SI3AFORV. e hear it
mootecl by some that ,it mild be acl-
visa,ble to e large the limits of Seaferth
by taking i Egrnonclvill , ud, perhaps,
a portion o arpurhey, n having the
village incor °rated intol a town. We
entirely coin ide with hi sugges ion
that is, if the Etmondvil e nd Har >w-
hey people w uM be favora le to thq ar-
iangementi Ve believe t would be
beneficial tai all concerned, and weuld
give Seaforth a name and prominence
which it nev r would. attain as a village.
Which one of our present unicipall as-
pirants will jtake this ma ter up land
agitate it A better ! q estion, upon
, which to 4pea1 to 'the e ectors could
scarcely be
rcelyb mind, and.- we are sur it
ular. Seriou ly, how ver,
we believe tiie suggestion to be a good
one, and we hope it will at nee be taken
into consid ation and disc ssion bt our
citizens gene ally.
jags the P st Season. —A though .1 only
one or two ears in existe ce, thisl club
has already become recogdzed as al for-
midable tean in the cricket circle o On-
tario. Tile fact that the m jority df the
players hate also to repre ent the base
ball club, uduces the num er of Mc tches
Ito rather al small figure. This season
theclubyed five matc es, an. only
suffered on defeat. The result f the
matches, * d the average o each p ayer,
will be fou d below. We find 1%, r. G.
Baird head the list with t e will w, se-
curing the plendld averag of 23 We
cannot ape k too highlyof m as play-
er. He ha an easy style, ith go.d de-
fence", and is a very qui run- etter.
His avera e will alone rove li im a
thoroughl good batis saf play
thorotegho t tht season m teriall con-
tributed t the very succes sul ca eer of
the club, Mr. W. Whit carri s the
honors Wi h the ball, sec ring o less
than 41 wi kets out of nine inning . He
bowls wit precision and g• od jud•ment,
and his areful and pai stakin • play
has gain�u the approbatio of al. We.
regret tha the club are to e dep wed. of
their gro nds for the com • g• season, as
they areready under, the plow. Ibut we
trust the 1)ase ball and cri•ket clubs will
unite and exert thereSelv s to rocure
another field as early as yossibl. The
followi 'g table shows the b tting b.verage
for the past season; '
G. Baird
T. Digby 1
W. Whit 6
R. Winte s 3
, _
J. Lamb 4
H. W. C. Meyer 18
H. Ferg eon. • is
R. Lati 15
H. Carne on4
W. Lain 3
Coldwell 1
Benson. 1
Rattenb ry 1
Holmest d .... 1
Lasham . 4
Dennis() 2
Currie 2
Total _
uns. , Average.
92 28
17 17
78 13
89 18
22 '
12 4
12 4
19 84.5
3 •
Lo. R Coormt, Bruss'els, A nt foi the Ex -
',waren ewspaper and Job Printing 0 cc.]
PUB -miens' NoneE.---We haJve • had
several complaints from at r su scribers
who re eive their papers at Brussels P. O.
-Within the past three weeks, to the ef-
fect th t they have not eceiv d their
papers egula,rly. We des re to ay that
the pa er of every subscr ber. who has
not giv n orders to fke co teary, is reg-
ularly ent to Brussers Pos Office every
week, nd those who d not receive
them egularly wou1I obltge by notify-
ing us nd we will have th matter rem-
edied a once. ,
- PUBL C LIBRARY. , A eeting was
held la t Friday evening in the school
house t devise the best m alas of estab-
lishing public libratr fo the village,
when it was decided to holi peony read-
ings, anl to solicit as man' members as
possible', so that the - book could be got
about New Year's: The &lowing °fat.
cers wereappointed : N. M Livingstone,
President; D. McDonal , Secretary;
Alex. Strachan, Treasor:r. We hope
that partiesfrom the eoun ry, as well as
the village, will enroll t i eir naanes as
members. 1 .
COLLECTOR. --At a, me ting of the
Councilleld on Tuesday lazt Mr. James
Knox was appointed olla etc4. for Brus-
sels for the current y at He willnot
begin his work, however, Oil about the
1st of December. 1
Smoot, MATTERS. —Mr. Shaw, the ex-
cellent principal of the 1 ussels school,
has beenlre-engaged for th-'coming year.
The ptesent assistant teacl ers having re-
signed. their positions wit the intention
of retiring at the end of the year, the
trustees advertised for tw• others to fill
the vacancies: In reply t • these adver-
tisements. thirty-two app ications were
received. ' Miss 13roadfeot has been en-
gaged. for the second de artment, and
Miss Sheftt for the third, each at a sal-
ary of $270 per annum.
1 Wroxelie
ENTERTtINMENT. —Mr. antes Taylor,
the Englis comique, gain a performance
last Monday night, in Or wford'e Hall,
Mr. Taylor in his charat ra of " York-
shire Sam'! and " Simple imon," 'rly
convulsed the audience. e wz assist-
ed by_Miss Alexander and etera iers.
. SQUIRREL HUNT.—The sportsmen of
Wroxeter and Gerrie hide • ed in a squir-
rel hunt onthe 24th ult. r. Alexander
Crawford headed the Wre eter Nimrods,
a,nd Mr. Samuel Warnock" hose of Gorrie.
The chase resulted in victory for
Wroxeter by 130 points. Vroxeter hav-
ing 4,570, and. Gorrie 4,, points. The
day elosed with a da,neel at Crawford's
Hotel, Wroxeter.
ACCIDENT.—We regret to learn that
Mr. Veal's little dauahter Who had her
leg broken about two mo
,who had nearly recovere
ing on the floor, slippe
paring, and broke .her le
manner as before. -
iths ago, and
, while play -
an apple
in the, same
INCENDIARISM IN GREY. s above stated.. The halter was at once
Put, and. the animal released, but in his
struggle for freedom during the night,
he fractured the spinal cord of the back,
which caused partial paralysis, render-
ing him unable to use his hind legs. His
head. was also badly bruised. and. swollen.
Dr. Churchill, of Seaforth, was called.
but could do nothing for him. We have
not learned -whether or not the animal
hassince died, but from the nature of
'the injuries recovery was impossible.
[anOm THE sIONAE.)
METHODIST UNION. -011 .grInday - eve-
ning the Wesleyan Methodist Quarterly
Board in Goderich decided unanimously
in favor of union with the New Connec-
tion body, the terms of union being ap-
proved of in their entirety.
. LOSS OF A Hones. —We regret to learn.
that Mr. John Washington, of Wawa -
nosh, lost a- valuable horse worth $200
last week. In the evening the animal
was in its usual hdalth, but on going to
the stable in the morning was found
to be dead. Inflammation ofthe. bowels
was the cause of death,
A Boy Thirteen Venn Ohl !ems Fire
. o a Bane.
Mr. George Underwood, of Lot 18,
Con, 8, Grey. had, his barn and its con-
tents, consisting of wheat, eats, peas
and. hay,tot a ly destroyed by .firc, on
Tuesda after eon, about 4 P. M. The
building was t on fire- by a boy, 13
years o d; nam d William John Elliott,
who ha, been n Mr:- Underwood's em-
ploy since last pring. The. boy, whose
father s dead and whose mother is liv-
ing in ihe Stats, has made his home at
he name of Quigley, liv-
Grey. pn Tuesday af-
Ir. -Underwood and Ma
an uncl 's, by
ing on Con. 6,
ternoon last,
motheil were 8 ay from home, ancl left
only the boy, Elliott, about the place.
He says that a out 4 o'clock P. M. he
went hit° the b rn and lit 8, match and
set the hay on ire, and. that he dicl. not
think. 1e had one any harm. until it
was burning. 1 He says he was hired to
do it b ' his au it, Lavina Quigley. He
said that she le rote him a letter saying
if he did not 1) rn the Underwoods out.
he naig'at look' • ut for himself. She of-
fered him $10 if he would do it. .H e
said- shp had la en wanting him to do it
for scone tin ei ack.
Complaint 11 ving been made against
the boy, Willi m John Elliott, am" his
aunt, La,vina nigley, they were taken
before jolin Le kie, J. P., on Wednes-
day evening, I or examination. The fol-
lowing is a sus mary of the evidence iad-
duced u . 1 • #
Jas. . nderwood, being sworn, said: On
going home Monday evening, barn wag
afire; spoke • Wm. John Elliott, asking
him how the la rn took fire; he first de-
nied !Knowing anything about it, again
"said he lighted a pipe and went to the
barn spaokingl and thought the sparks
had set it �n fire ; said fire started in
east end of ban, but on being questioned
closer On the • atter he finally said he
-put a inateh i to the hay and. said. that
he had been p t up to it by.Lavina Quig-
ly; he said h had. received a letter from :
her, in. some Clothes . that Wm. Quigly :
had, brought him, saying that he was to I
destroy anything he could get his hands
on .; got the 1 tter about a week ago. f
William .T. lElliott, the accused., not .
sworn, not u derstanding the nature of '
an oath, but aid; was advised to set fire,
to barn by I, vi a Quigly last spring and!
several thnes s' ce ; said it would be a i
good job if it was all burned down ; sheI
spoke 'about
not ask me
saying if I
t going from Brume s ; did,
irectly ; got letter from her,
euld not burn the barn I
woulc be pu iShed for it ; there iwas no
narne to the letter, but think, it was from
it was!
Lovina Quiiteer ; letter was in a
among someIclo bhes that Willie
brought me know the Writdnig ;
eyis • askein
raovina, she
tiraes to burn the barn ; had a
with my aunt •
to Underwood'
I took a watc
stole it ; took
WM. R. 1Qu
Elliott's clothe
him ; !my Mot
them in t e '
clothes out
in ; did it
were in th
bag ; McGt.
to U dem
Wm. Quigley
, took me there
1 from one Mc
he watch back
Quigley left
they did not hire
gley sworn Ifni
last Saturday
er got them read
1 ag • I took ' m 1
of the bag.before pn
myself ; Elizabeth's
bag; saw no lette
ire wanted me to ta
J0(1)S ; never heard
ook me
uire ;I
gain to
nae at
: Took
eek to
; I put,
ting his
in the
any threats against the1 Under-
lore • oing evidence net b ing suf-
. for, the conviction of La.vina
y, s e Was discharged. he boy, The 1 coroner held an
•Ea J hr Elliott, was corn itted tq ledge's hotel . on Thur
his t ial for the crime •Of jury returned 'a verdict
. aa d !was sent ta Goderich death, caused byfalling
stone quarry -while in a
tion." This should be a
hotel keepers not to sell
men. when in such a sad
Anger was in.—Com.
this place and vicinity a
into a course of exciteme
ject of another railway
It is a. branch of the. Gr
ing by Listowel from S
ford. In my estimation
Grand Trunk would. be
this section of the eau
people well consider the
-and act in accordance.
000 as the bonus for Ho
P UR S Cif° 0 L A PP 0 I ZsITIVI ENTS. —The
School Board on Monday evening, ap-
pointed W. R. 'Miller, of &arbor°,
ol Inspec-
school, in.
Mr. E. S.
er of the
f Mr. Mc -
brother of J. R. Miller, Sell
ter, Principal of the Godericl
place of Mr. Cumming, and
Wilson, of Millbrook, teac
second. department in place
THE HARBOR.—The, storms of the
last week or two have caused great de-
vastation at the harbor, and what re-
mains of the old docks, to ether with
the street in its rear, is b mg rapidly
washed away. The whole ommer ha
been allowed to pass. with° it anything
being done to renew the do ks, and. the
dredged basin is filling up w th the bank
which is being rapidly deg royed. The
town authorities are-proteet ng the bank
as far as possible with brnsl and Stones,
the expense of which, up o $400, the
Government has promised o bear, and
the Grand Trunk are dri ing piles to
protect their docks and. e evatoi.. The
Government engineer has set men to
work to open np a channel or the river
ing has been
done to the
below the Ridge, but not
done to repair the damage
south pier last spring.
FATA.L ACCIDENT .—A r, ther singular
accident occurred in the li estone quarry
of Mr. Charles Hooker. It appea.rs that
a man named George A
Hooker's on Tuesday even
and on Wednesday mornii
village and got drunk. At
P. M., Hooker came.to tl
found him (George Ange
hotel, and he urged hir
After a, while Isaac Ange
•ger came to
g, 28th ult.,
went to the
[tbout 7 o'clock
L8 village and
in Parker's
to go home.
8, nephew of
his, assisted him to go Jule, where he
arrived at about 10 o'clo le P. M.. He
was might be termed. "dejaL drunk," for
Mr. Ilboker and others t ed to persuade
him to take off his clothes and go to bed,
but They all w nt to bed, and
he took some °oats and Hy dawn beside
was heard of
on Thursday,
o lying dead in
with clay and
eon him. They
did not bother looking fo • him Wednes-
day morning, for he ha I intimated to
them that he was going o Wallace. It
is supposed. that he fell o .er the embank-
ment, which ie 20 feet • igh, and death
was caused by dislocatio of the neck.
quest in Rut -
day, when the
of "accidental
into the lime -
tate of intoxica-
warning to our
their liquor to
ondition as Mr.
the stove. Nothing mor
him until about 2 1'. M.
when some boys found hi
the quarry nearly co vere
shales that had fallen in
of onatable Hall.
FA M S• an.—Mr. George Cooper has
sold his farm on the Seventh Concession
of HO lett, to Mr. Robert Adams, late of
Calif° nia„ and son of Mr. Thomas
Adam of this village. The price paid
w as 5,0 O. The farm contains 100
acres, 90 or which are cleared. It is in,
good clrcicr and for quality of soil is said
to be tone f the best in the township.
The buildings are fair but not extra,
•Mr. UoopEi• i itends Ternoving to North
Carolina a scion as lie can get his busi-
ness aairs. w und up in Canada, he hav-
ing b ugh • farm of 196 actes near -
Green bet tea in that State
ning, 1st
crop o Mr.
Conce sion
d.estro ed
now a larg
vestig of
spite pf-the
hors slated.
100 bashels
aura -lice.
of thelfire i
T ckersmith.
ED.—Early on
., the barn an
o. Lieshman, o
uckersmith, N ere totallY
fire. Mr: Lieshman h
amount of stock and not
fodder abont hi .0 place. ln
raging elements,' the neigh
bout 50 bushels
of oats. There
os about $500.
riday mote
most of the
the Twelftli
wheat an
was no in'
The origin
TEMPERA CE Lon0E.---T1 e Indepen-
dent �rder of Good Te plars have
starte1 a lo.ge at Latta's Co •ners, and 4,
is nor at flourishing condition. The/
want*f an n titution of ths kind -has
long teen f;11 in this place.
AU TION ALE..—Mr. W. 0. Fowler
will s 11 his f rui. stock by poblic auctioa
on TMirsda , Nov. 27. He *ill also offer
his farm for Sale on the same day, if not
previously e'old. Parties lesirous of
perch sing I good farm should inspect
this oIle. S a advertisement.
A EiORs RECOVERED. ---I-M r.. John
Sproa of le Fourth Concession of
Tuckersmit , informs us t at about a
year ago he lacl a young hiare Which
got one of h r, fore legs bro en between
the p stern. j int and. the hof. Not ex-
pecti g that the animal would ever be
worth anyth ng again, he had made up
his m nd. to stiooCher..He was advised
not t do so ay Mr. advised -
not Chesney,
who, lwith M . David McNaught, Vetet-
ina,ry Surgem. , of Seaforth, hound up the
brokeh limb, nd gave it sueh attention
that the bone again healed, and the leg
is no as strong as any ofl the other
Alth ugh yet a little lame she has bee
work -ng all t 1, ancl is now able to do ss
much work as any other horse on Al
Spro 's farm. It is a very rare occur-
rence for an animal meeting with such
an ac ident to be ever made] serviceab1e
again The s ccess of the experiment 1
this 1 stance s )eaks well for the skin f
the g ntleme k wader whqse direction t e
cure ivas effe t cl. f
night last, a jv
longing' to Mir.
Reeve of Tuc
other got his
.and. broke lo c s
he ha 1 been t e
to th stable
him lying on t
A HORSE. -0l1 Sunday
luable young horse, be -
David Walker, Deputy
rsmith, by soMe means or
d foot fast ii his halteta
from the manger Where
1. On Mr. Walker goilig
the morning he found
e floor With lus foot feet
The people of
e again brought
t by the pro -
or this village.
nd Trunk com-
atford to Chi-
a brancb of the
great boon to
itry. Let the
benefits derived
Phey ask $10, -
ick.— COM.
TEMPERANCE .—At th last meeting of
Prosperity Lodge, of Fo dwich, the fol-
lowing officers were inst, lled for the en-
suing term : Brother R bert Clegg, W.
C. T. ; SiSter Jane E. S ell, W. V. T.;
Bro. Thos. L. Meneare , W. 5.; Bro.
Thos. Downey, W. F. S.; Bro. Thomas
Noice, W. C.; Bro. James Sims; W. M.;
Sister Barbara Smeckert, W. D. 14.;
Sister Elizabeth Sims, -W. I. G.; Bro.
Geo. liazlewood, W. 0. 0.; Bro. James
Downey, WT. T.; Bro. Richardson John-
ston, W. A. 5:; Sister Margaret Sims,
W. R. 11.1- 5.; Sister Isabella Downie,
W. L. H. S. • Bro. Elon Snell, p.w.c.T!
Barton, Who hasbeen employed as saw-
yer in Milne'e saw -mill at Ethel, for the
last four or five years, went to Listowel
fair on the 8th October. On Thursday
evening, the 9th, he parted fronalis sis-
ters at Neyny station for Ethel, and was
last seen:about 7.30 P. M. passing Mr.
Alex. Henry's place, and -spoken to by a
son of Mr; Henry within half a Mile of
Ethel. He has not since been seen or
heard of. He had no clothes with him
but those he wore, did not even lock his
or pack up his every -day clothes,
and. was not supposed to have any money
of account in his possession, as he has
left the greater part of two years' wages
in the hands Of Mr. Milne. He was a
quiet, steady, sober young man, and.
there is strong suspicion of foul play.—
very happy affair came &fat the Hutchin-
son appointment near Ethel, in the
township of Grey, on Tuesday evening of
last week-. The Sabbath Shoot anniver-
sary was held in Schoolheuse No, 6,
Grey. A large number of Ohildren were
present, and --many older 'people were
also there. Many persons from Brussels
were present. Seventeen recitations and
dialogues were rendered by the children,
Mr.. Scott recited " The 'Old Brandy
Bottle,' in capital style. The Brussels
W. .M. choir enlivened the proceedings
with sacred music. Misi Charlotte
Pearson presided at the orgai in a very
able planner. The proceed last year
amounted to $33, aJi of which, with the
exception of $3, had. all hen spent in
books. The amount collected on Tees -
day, was $20.83. The total number of
verses committed to memory (hiring the
year was 17,514; gids, 11,331 ; boys,
6,183. Several happy speeches were
made The choir was presented with
the choice cake Of the day. This was re-
turned to the school, and .sold. for $2.—
I'. BRINE has received instrurtione froni
-L-v-a- Mr. W. 0. FOWLER, to nell by Public Auc-
tion, en Lot 31, Con. 341. R. S., Tuckeremith, on
On ThuredaynNovestaber !27th, ItS73,
The following valuable property, viz.: 1 horse, 6
years old; 1 mare, in foal, 9 years old: 9 cows, in
calf; 1 heifer, 2 years old, in calf; 1 bull, 2 years
old; 2 hives of bees; 1 lumber wagon, wooden
axle; 1 milk wagon, iron axle; 1 iron:beam thistle
cutterplow ; 1 setof iron hareows ; 1 gang plow ;
1 -reaping machine', St. George make ; 1 hay rake;
1 aariCultural furnace; 1 fanning mill; 1 set of b
harness; 2 Sets single hernees; cordwood,
hay, straw, and many other articles too numerous
to mehtion. The'whole of the bove property will
be sold without reserve, as the proprietor intemb;
retiring from farming, ;wallas no further use for it.
Nov. 7, 1873.
If not previously sod by private bargain, the
farm will be put up and sold by auctiao on, the
aboveklay. The farm is Lot 13, on the Third Conces-
sion, H. R. $e Turkersinith, contains 102 acres of
choic6 land. about 90 acres of which are cleared
and under good cultivation, the belence is well
timbered. There are 5 acres of fall wheet, a large
heari4„ orchard, 2 large frame barns, a frame
driving shed 50x52 on the premiss. There is
ale° plenty of water, there being 2 exeelIent wells
with pumps. The farni is bituated ou-a good
grave road. and is within an hour's drive of either
Glint4n a Seaforth inarkete. A good chtese fac-
tory adjoins the farm. Terms will be ;natio known
on th day of the sale, or previously, on applica-
tion to the proprietor on the premises, or to the
aucti neer at, Seaforth,
Sale to commence ae 12 o'clock, sharp.
TERMS—All sums of ..S5 and under cash; over
that amount 15 months' credit will be given on
furnishing approved joint notes.
W. 0.- FOWLER, Proprietor.
3. F. BRINE, Auttioneer. 209
Is noted the cheapest Spot ihi town for
p, EMAINING in the Seafortlt Post OflIce un- -j
-1-as called. for onNoe. 4,1878.
Alleu:, II. . Alecratken, W. H.
Antoss „Wm. McMillen, W. -
Ariel', Kate . ' McGinty, John
Black, Catharine - , McKay, Mies Christena
Berrie, Cherlee • s Melieinion, Mrs Annie
Cosomworth, L. - McDougall,. Agnes - -
Cambbell, Win. - - 31cLayinonto Alex.
earthen G. Nelson, Mr.
Curni nines, Geo. . Porter, Geo.
Coming, Walter Pritchard, Miss
Edger, Geo. D. - , Peetecost, R. U.
Evans, Ellen 'Ramsay. W. 3.
Fisher, G-corge ; Rae, Miss
Forsyth, Jenny ' Rutherford, Wm.
Galloway. David Smith, Thomas
Gordon, Mr. I Stanley, Water
Hays, P. 'Sellers, Mrs. Margaret
Hays, Ge J. , Sheppard, Mr.
Henrot, David - Shaspe, Robt.
Halley, John ,Thorpe, Luke •
Johnston, Abraham ;Stephens, Christopher
Leiper, John ;Thompson, Mary. ,
Lazier M. It. - . iTibb, 3. C.
Malcolm, Afilis H. WisSon, E. --,' --.
McIntosh, Wm. Wad, Lizzie
Mellis, John
309 1 , Si. DICKSON, P: M.
i 1 -
VOTING MEN, if you iVitl# a first-elass bitsiness
-a- educati on, attend the London Commercial Col-
lege during the Naming winter. The prosperity
of this iustitotion is constantly increasing. The
number pf students in actual attendance during
the l'ear ending September ,1873, was larger than
that of any other institutiOn of the kind' in the
Dominion, being OVER TWO HUNDISED. Our
course of business instruction is the most thorough,
systematic and progressive ever introduced in any
busilacss college in Canada.
Si ecimens of Penmanship exhibited or sent by
us re gennine--neither printed nor imported.
Onrigradnates are sought for by bueiness men,
and aim general satisfactioO. Telegraph ssudents
have ample time for practice every day.
Circulars with full inforMation sent free on ap-
plication. Address
London, Oct. 1, 18'73.
TH.15 undersigned having no accommodation at
-a- home to take is Ewes to his Imported Cots-
wold Rams, and being anxibus that'any who wish-
ed the services of the said Rams might have an
opportunity, has male arrangements with Tames
Cooper, London Road, near Kippen, and Thomas
Hays, Lot No. 29, Con. 3, McKillop, to take a Ram
each, and keep for the season to serve Feees. Terms
—84 per pair of Ewes, payable when EWes are
taken away. The above gentlemen, at their res-
pective residences, will n ttbrol to sheep coming to
the Rains, and eOlieet the fees.
For stopping up and selling the road allowance
between Lots 80 and 31 in the First Comes -
Mon, in the township of MaRillop. As also
for stopping tip and selling part of the road
allowance between Lots 25 and 26, in the
FlociKiertihiopOoncession, in the said township of
WHEREAS, it is considered expedient by the
Council of the township pf McKillop to atop up
the original road allowance between Lots 30 and
31, in the First Concession township of Melf.illop,
such road allowance not having been assumed or
traveled by the public, and another road being
opened and traveled by the public in lion thereof.
It is also considered expedient by the said Council
to stop up that part of the road allowance between
Lots 25 and 26, in the Fourth Concession, in said
township, suoh road alloviance not having been
assiirned or traveled by the public, and another
road having been opened and traveled by the pub-
lic in lien thereof.
And WHEREAS, it is considered expedient by
the said Council °Me township of McKillop to
sell and (Usenet; of said road allowance in said
place, and of said part of Reid road allowance in
said place as above mentioned in accordance with
the Statutes in such cases made and provided,
Be it therefore enacted byi the Municipal Council
of the township of McKillop, in the County of Hu-
ron, by the powers vestedin them by 29 and 80
7C3ap. 51, &e., as amended and consolidated
ini8And it is hereby ensete4 by authority of the
same, That the original road allowa-nce between
Lots 30 and 31, in the Firstl Concession, township
of McKillop. and described as follows, viz.: Com-
mencing at the south-easterly angle of Lot num-
ber Thirty. in the First CoMoession of mild town-
ship of MeKillop: Thence 'north, thirty degrees
east, on westerly limit of sllid Lot, fifty chains
more or less. to the line on I mit between the First
and Second Concessions. Ttience north. sixty de-
grealteesrin,),,esatnrie saoils
d (onle) chain to the north -
Lo Thirty-one. Thence
south. thirty degrees west oxl easterly limit of said
It, fifty chains more or less,:to the roadallowe.nce
between Tnekersraith and' McKillops Thence
south, sixty degrees east on ;Myth limit of road, one
chain to the place of beginning, containing by
admeasurement five acres of land, be the same
mdre or less, to be Sold, granted and conveyed to
the perty or parties who proPose for and purchase
the Same.
e And be it therefore further! enacted by the Mu--
niiipaI Council of McKillopowriship, &:-.e., by the
poFers vested in them -asaforesaid, And as
amended and consolidated in 873. And it is hereby
evaded by authority of the sane, That that part di
the road allowance between T ots 25 and 26, in the
Fourth Concession, in the af resaid township of
McKillop, and described as follows, viz.: Com-
mencing at the north-westerbi angle of Lot num-
ber Twenty-five in the Fourth Concession of the
township of MeRillop, thence South, thirty degrees
west, on westerly Emit of said Lot number
Twenty-five, tweniy-tour .c1 ains forty links.
Thence south, fifty degrees we t, two chains eighty
links, to the easterly limit of 1 a/lumber Twenty;
six. Thence north, thirty d grees east on said
limit, twenty-six chains ninet links, to Conces-
sion road. Thence south, six y degrees east on
southerly limit of road, one eh in to the place of
beginning, containing by ro measurement two
Devoe, two mode mail tsn perc es of land. To be
sold, granted and conveyed to tis party or parties
who may propose and parches the same.
The above is a true copy of
to be teken into 'consideration
Connell of the township of Me
DAY, 18th day of'DECEMBER
o'elock noon, at Montgome
McKillop, Nov. 3, 1873.
propbsed B. -law
by the Muni ipal
Top, on SA UR -
next. 1873, at 12
's Hotel, in said
Township Clerk.
Consisting of
Beavers, .
Nap Cloths,
All Colors, suitable for Ladies' Jackets.
• e
Black, Brown, Blue, Green, Purple, Maroon, Crim-
son, White, &e., &c.
.Also another lot of
Striped and.
Long Shawls,
Breakfast Shawls,
Wool Mitts,
Wool Cuffs,
Wool Gaiters,
&e., &e
We will Show
A conardete line of -
Real Mink,
• German Mink,
South Sea Seal,
Plain Seal,
'Grebe ancl
Which we will sell cheap fer cash oda.
Oppoeite M. R. Countek3, Jeweler.
ti4g-X.`„I'SCN 22,k'eST.
64:31 ittro;
rCearifS'sttur-::,..;t1hr'i' TT:
hih t:
Sands of fonit. e
markets, and i ;
A.E.Til of 150 ACR,ES for
in the Tiols.1 eene.
sna neerly all cher.- In _•
from Ciinten.
springs. T'vo -
frame h,,11'e, ;Seen r
hies. Younn Oretiant,
-the place ItS
Apply on th., ,,s „fens.,
to Bruteliell P.O.,
VOR -SA.I,E„'Ion reetsetnes
hag 100 aeree, of win:Ss a
audit; a state Ise gces1 enite
es timbered eizli ber hne,
lent for .1:t1.1 i .nner.
epkinge on the ferm,-sso .;17
iarehard 6`. seeress. .e,e,
Ralf of the trees in the nee
ism for several year; arel
meriting to Inan
„There iea geo-I erevel
ing to Seefttrtit. Clionea ao
is within etts?'itietsoee. 411 to':
a sehool
particulars :11;;ely to the ens
isee, nr to ltuol.servill, P.
808tf*I111 ANDIt-e
-s:of lni
- nalf acre ef
house ie !erne an -1 tergenoeS
oellar the full size' of tile WS',
stables and other ont-hteree
- and cistern_ There is an ord
This is a 4,!sirahle an:i nisei
retired basin -ss num, and ni
furtheiparticulare apple to t
Sale or eechange. en
100 :seven ill the townski
on Muskolet River. Partiall
ing erected thee -ton. we::
quantity of eine. Beantiti
the rising town of Bracebrid
Lake Mueltolta, its fall view
and fro, end -cOnvenis nt
and churches. Really a tieei
will sell reascinableoreseha
near town or large village m
perfect. Fell inforniation
.306-2m CHAS. T. DO
LOT IS, Con. 9, Untied ;
ane in good eultivathe
saw mill and grist mill
P. O. and schPoi house; nee
mer, :361:56; freme, house,
-orchard z good well.. Pr
ply to the proerietor, person
FOR SALE, on reasonabl
Concession 4,--Sten1ey, eoi
-Of NVbieb ttre, chsered,
good -cultivation; the hala;
ana on a portion of it tl
-slnentity suitable for build
es Reek Elm -and Co.lans
waste It1.1111 031 he
frame hone with. cellar ;
kit-chen etteched; also, ar:.
there is also a gooa bee.rinS
well wateeed, to; there is!
running throngh it, and
-of the vilinee of Brace:oh:
nentaatioisn vofenthea,tieepnn
tetei*, iftivnic
pats;t;4.a7; For further pe
prietor on th;3 ple
101teEIN eFonAlprseird OlIPLCiet
ship ,of Tockersmith.-1
-excellent hind. upon es*
barn, 38%60 feet. and elan
terms, whith nig' easy, en
ply to Mr. SAMS'S DAVE
e41.3.c!TE.o, ess-ku.;shsitp. icio:torogeth.reP.
T _OT No. 5, Concessiee
ply on. the preMises to
A vaireee'VE YAWS
cession, Naar:wee.. M
gravel road to Sjoderith;'
from stumpSe 35 rieres
grass ; watered and
- side, andgoo," orchard ,
title good en a terms esoy
apply to
2,72 1.:crAv1o
BEING Lot 81, Con. I
essres, ail cleared, sq
two good oreltaras in le
Ing spring,' which eupp
Con. 9, coatnining -Nee,
is situated ( miles IA
.gravel road fhereto. FO
on the. - If iryi
SON , Cone t tenets P. 4.)..31
-poR SALFs, essod 1
]llof lest.15 end th
12, MeKsllor,eontainite.
well fen. -ed. wain essr
timbered with lenonee
and new log, bans: z's
miles and n half ferns a
fr,oni the villege of Seil
sawmills seithie 31 mile
school's and storee-
Prorietor i,11 t„Ise
WinthroP I?. IL
FA73-7r1 FOR,
T :(Yr N..12
50 ciealetti tee'l in go, el
Gravel Thera. 12 enl:Ss
276 ANGen
part of the ‘11!;: e
frontage. Fr
294 'OIL
E f'.. 1J 1_1
N-OTIet io 11 n'tes t
ele.inte eeeinet
-a, Stoddard. the .
IInron, thee they nire
attested, to Slit; ;noir- 1
day of Salm:nen
to th.e eaid tee MO
undersigned at once.