HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-11-07, Page 7H 0 0 0 az X 0 ff CO m z 0 0 w exl *ILLIAM GEASSIE pre-P*ation for the sleighing season, hag in { cons'trt ction s large nttmber of LtI I S AND CUTTERS fi [ahWell be sold, as usual, cheap for cash, or on rt `Etr� : The reputation of that establiehment: the, arability and elegance a articles turned: by the, arability su ieient guarantee that purchsffere 4r• ee ve'satisfaction,. nher of Light Single and Double RIGS, in s _f Wagons and Buggies, get on hand w:rILLIAi?f GRASST1 ,: Gelder/eh street, Seaforth. S-' A FORTH PLANING M.ILL,. RO0R AND BLIND FACTORY eiubaeriberbegs leave & thank his n erona etistomerafor the Liberal. patronage extendd'ed:ta 'Ante commene1I g business is S'eaforth, end- -t -ts that he may ha; favored -with a continuant* he- slur. "attics intending to build would do well to give k• s call,. as he will continue to keep on hand It smock of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, S3E , • f Q *SirBLINDS, MOULDINGS,• SaiINGT,rs, LATH, ETC, et els confident of giving satisf$ction to Moos f avottr lain) with theirpatrctnage, as none lass wd r•keeen. areemployed. ice attention paid to Custom Planing. ',k0aHi H. B-ROADF0OT. BOA RDLNG.. by has tereeetth.el large and e _otlioudthouse, ozK the 'Salt Works (lrou edith „ ,a thedRedway Station ,and has fittedit �P &house. Good table and comfo'tsbia ug+ t Per `ons wishing a pleasant boar bee a bt>_ldl ate ig, as there are at present a i ,Can[a ea. Transient boarders aceomrnodatedat d5 t ..it hotOlrates. 228, -CE TO THE PUBLIC. I havebeen appointed Sole Agent in the- ce of Ontario, for the, Florence Sewing „ e a e, sone .have ' right to sell the said An ce7t thaosdo appoi ted by me. In the tf the ;follow g are the only authorized d'tAt :for the Flo.,ence Machine Thos. Connor", It. r"hiffsn, and Lawrence Murphy, Seaton xilia McGaew, Clinton era S. Willson, Goderi ala } parson or persons other than the above rep ni{tug that they. leave a right to sell, or can f n` ..- _ _ :ter._ _hi . in the county of 011- PU MPS. undersigned ha.ving erected a. new PuriiP tory above 40 rods north of ' hi Leaden Road, is D.OW prepared. t re maps, whieh for lightnesa of op ealartv cannot be surpassed in Onta F.4 bu the best material used, s en e played. ALL WORK WARRANTZDI xespeetfully solicited befor par GEORGE BOLTON, mauttfigt JOHN C. liEEN' be Ernst 'life nod Early' cash of a Noted 11) metier. Min: Cable.,, Heenan, at Ginat River, tah? has since been confirmed by a 'team from James Cusickawho for a eek paet has been nureing• the gteat gilist. Although Heenan'a health hada n :very precarious for months past,. is decease was not expecteo by his in- ous symptoms appeared, about three onths ago, Drs. Carnochau ;land Will- . Parker, after carefully sounding his I up, gave e the opinion -0.at there as no considerable developinent of con - to believe -that his lung hemorrhages ere the sequehe of an I attack of `fa Which he himself had little hope of rolonging he sought the (lily, pure air wer Califo nia, seeking a! still drier mate, a sey re hemorthage' put an end John C. Heenan' was belt May 1, 7 latter yeari of his !life Was master mec.hanio at the Watervliet Arsenal. John, when only 12 years Old, went '`'po Benicia, California, . where las uncle liv- ed. At 15 y rs of age he w apprentic- la hammer dev loped him to _Siach physical perfecticfn, t at at 21 he wa4 regarded as the " best" :man on -the Pacific coast. His muscle itherto had Only been tried in casual e counters, but no, one that ever got one of his tremendous left-hand blows covet (1, 4, repetition - i it could -be He stood iee feet one in s stockings, and with ad irably proportioned shoul- ders, hips and limbs, he was a very Hercules. e was not quarrelsome, but on the con ary was distiagnished rather for his aooc -natured jollitY which was ing:, Their teran pugilist, 4apaes Cusick, while ma tr a protessionai ,tour of the Pacific- coast', saw the younk, giant, and flattering h in to hope tor of the ring persuaded him and, go into training. He York, in 1 renown as city, The who had for a. ring enerounter he fist honors to corae East • trived in New Why, he never w year old bay. on hut by an app Said Harry Hill " He was and it good square fellow," ---.A, had not becoi ut was conte ited with his chief shotilderihitter of the Benicia Boy wa.Slth e -only man he temerity to dispute ,this . and- efforts tee match them glit were made at once. An as arranged to be fought in a. barn in th sfiburbs; but the volice in - • Morrissey' clique charged that fleenanle friends ha procurc,-id the- police inter- ruption, ai d the taunt soon brought on another m fOr $:i.S.,E00 side to be fonght anada. While the men were training, artisanship ran, se high that the police quellina the fig te mud cured his . his eeptor place for t which ma wholly in aJknowlec vrere mac such as oN)niug the refer him too m lett time betwe ia rounds and a to t outside hi s any more al to his fee vercoat. t an a 12 impose good ;un WOixt Mark Twain sa laws the firet enact : 1. That all me n'ti Laws s, when wo g they do should be fail. 2. That maiTi6d men silo considerable attclution upon 3. That it sho to sell whiskey an.d disfranchise such cases. 4. That the s ing 9f pipes uttei 5 That the wi of her own prop man that hasu't "Such tyrann "-we could never stand. ,Ou could. never endure subh degra beguile us of our imperial rivileges. Content yourselves with you, feminine trifles—your babies, your ben volent so- cieties -and. your knitting-4ln let your natural bosses do the voting. • Stand back You will ,be wanting to go to war next. We ilet you teach school as much as you want to, and. pa you half price too; but !beware we on't want you to cro*d too much.", en _frame ill be to t home at 11 bestow eir own be a hang offenee ,salcions, an hat fines tent should ellow it in- •bidClen, and. he smok- y abolished. Q Should ha e the title free souls thral- ek not to vere kept bus, mall riots that -as fought Oct. grew out of it. 14, 1858, at , Canada. Heenan was So ckers this time- actually pro- rrest, but he biloke away from • and. reached' the appointed. e fight. His !;..nferior conch - en in a large ulcer on his leg, e it necessary t have his shoe After fourteei /ed. defeat. aaainst Mo THE RO IAL NAIL ST GE. Wroxeter, and intermediate 0011 011 the furl, of the Ex - he East. It le 'es Wroxeter arrives at Sertfo' in time for Easit. Condor' able coaches ' n the road., Ry looked peter nd promptly,' THOMAS BE , Proprietor.1 ton, Brussels points, every after press Train from every morning, an the mail train go - and good horses are alwaes -kept Every attention is luggage; earef delivered. Charge J. JOHNSON & BRO their numeral' ; patronage in t hat they have re & GRIP es as their ea* e mile south off rip in the best! lour as eau bel so furnished wit business, which t wish to announce FLOURIN O the same pre P Rue Stanley, The Mill is fitte 1 t en out as good a y place. It is OPPING Which 'can be d e at any time. .,-eere are prepare to do lioth Gris ping at any tem , Ruh those wh their patronage IV rely Upon ha done promptly a -well. Flour exchange 1 for wheat on ns 800-18 en deniers foil the Saw Mi , o carried ore, MILLi mill, on the ,and ca aaLfaeture a atone foe favor us wita e their work ROTIIER . SAYINGS Head Office, Ric Established in ing money on Fa low rate of inte mond-street, opp London, Ont. 1872, for the pu est, and on the terms of repaym Louis for long or short periodic Farms, building welliugs or Sto rounds hard. terms of this So iet)- preferable to n, rat half were for instance, $7 '90 paid at the er yeer, will pay- b -ea both princi upon a loan of ei in,10 years. $157 20 will do i , ,Ins seconds fatly charges iseey's clique, e and allowing MATtell THE e EN induce Miorrissey to put himself again Within reach of that terrific left hand. While these efforte wereipending, Heen- an, with ohn Chamberli and John Mc - It was al. o during this p' riod -of inaction that the 1 About fight To ryant al teres ttle episode pc he time of his iverce from the Heenan had. b. enJ matched to' Sayers, for the!. championship ld." Chris O'Conii,or and Neil o event of 1 greater gener- vied with each ta s of its pro - ere his. backerS ring ever create Neavspape gress, ui til it •achieaed the dignity it elaimecl--an '' internatiOnal! prize fight." shire. eenan for one a id the only time app lin good. physic- itesirRS' GRA. al condi Minds had been ea her fought, 1 and a -half, in Which is very which 20 , knock -down blows, tl o the ring- and iknd handsome i:I t resulted in Sa Heenan's resources that for the next four f041-2-. ' e starred. with circus troupes, Money can ba littde or no dela) minted in the in • tion of the ruort • For further pn, by letter to - Secrete, forth. elite -habil at an beyond the tim etigation of ti ieniars as to nd Treasurer, • erty at e ver MONTRtAL HOUSE. DUNCAN at. DUNCAN. your attenti oods, Clothing, 13oots and Shoes, which have been s and with 0. view t ties of the seasou c pleasure in calling n to our stock of Dry ents' Furnishings, • d Hats and. Caps, e ted. with great earee rst-class value, and te -with all the novel - n the various Depart - DRESS GPM) Black, Lustre; s lack Colored Cobourgs, Baratheag, - ,r pe Cloths, Swiss Ben), l- Wool Plaidg, FiguredLustres, ?? ssell Cords. payable by i es purehas' s, will find t e • y other mode, of each hag - paid yearlY, Rue prepax LEYS, nutor at Sea- 'FANCY DRESS OODS IN CREA TOES, DELAINES CLOTH, ALL FRENCH. ME EMPRES WO REPPS • • • WEI TIHILE ONLY Thus giving yen EACH Hamilton, S FAL ared them on: After 441 sting two houi- ayers received e mob broke in draw. a reduction of which i7/ see years In the intervals . he opened several gamblin houses with di astrous results. , His lit el ring contest was with Tom ', li King ii December, 186 , f9r $10,000 a ed with great aide. eenan had. tra care, ai (.1. the clay before th'e contest was in th.e • eat possible coedition. That day he sent his brother Jaenes, 'who superin- tended. his training, t& London, to ar- aange onie outside' beti It is believed -that so le was gi en him , in Jain s eenan's 'ab- sence. At all events , hil on the way to the attic ground he was seized with Violen vemiting and 'hen in the ring freq e itly reached. King's face, scarcely mad mark. fie waa beaten in a little more han half an hour: a dist ste that was so i itensified in later . years. hat he could scar ely be persuaded to tal of the prize rin -ven his inti- - mate lends were forb dd. n to mention next ve years won and lost as many for- tunes In 1866 he m" riieid Miss Sarah theat es. Her influene was most hap - more repata.ble life. I coald never be waehto online- to the cci e of those with his lines were laid. Still many acts hat were'permissilble according to their code he refused to do. Several pa erships of profit *er dissolved by him on this aecount. IlAmoug his asso- ciate he was very popUlar. Their ver- dict is a more generone, honorable man • • PLUG OF TH d less of it for •C` TINE PLUG S AMPED tfIZ MILLI SILK A POPLIN class f Goo( s ed more Black S. wishes to iufo her custo4ers neral pablic that she has recrive TOCK- OF MILL complete in the in Styles. I nId MI LL Iu the To INERY, st fashionlible ng to, and execu ed in a ma ner the approval of c stomers. ALUABL RTY PROP volt SALE', nship of Hay, Co Tale: Subsceiber, being abontito -1- ness, no offers for sale his te of Paulin. tire fromhusi- ntiee Pro - site in the Villasi of in•ich. 1, FLOUR ia—Large and co odious ; 'three storiee ahoy basement ; cont • s three in of chant bolts, 1 all the machinere of a firs -class custom and rl"crehant mill, with )owerful ngine and boiler, a n good order.. Also, in wane() ion— circular sa These mills have a never- ailing water supp 3, and aro situate i the centre of Zurich., one Of Huron's 'fast -rising villages, 4 short distance from a Station of the . H. and B. R. Good tineb; , abounds at a conv Went distance, sind the loci ity is one of the bes grain cistiiets in Ontario. Also, that well know A ILL PEPP TY, Situate on 410 5, Fourth Couce sion, Toivenship of Hay, the machinery of which w Ls put ini opera- tion in the spring of 1873. i Ciro ar sawi Irons improved, ith 20 barse-power engine nil 80 of land, o , hich is a large came dwellin -house.; ing mina t?uand a never-feal ng spring 10 f et from the door. 's property is s• nate three mies from' Exeter, a ation, on the L. . and B. Railway, and has docidel to retire from businese. WILLIAM CARRWK. CHE Colore pecial attention to th as we have seeur- Japanese Silks. LOT F WOOL SHAWLS. all Shades of Colors, at Low Prioes. GEN ,FIAL TAPLE GOODS. White Co tons, Shirtings at d. Sheetings, TWEEDS, AND COTS' FUR-. TAILORING AND • CENTS' • AT FURNISHINGS NEW - HARNESS SHOP. CA PBELL'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM. Fall Stock. Now C 1,000 vercoats plete in Every Departme4t. Pea Jackets l'irst OOD BAROAINS FOR CASH. ileFRemerabIr my Stock this Fall Surpasses anything I have opened befTAre. WILLIAM OAMPBEiL. WATCH The Best and Cb. of VAS just rec ived large additions t -1-J-which ouly w nt to be seen to be app Call and see, M. R. COUNTER'S WATCH 'AND JEWELRY. apest Assortment Outside the Cities. his previously large stock of Tiratches, Oloeks and Jewelry, eeiated and admired. Whether you Purchase or not. S ARE RENOWNED FOR TIME KEVING.° ERMS—Strictly Cash. If you wish tO replen would advise you 'from England are'tha flearly double. price. ears' importations o aearly the old prices, he advance. Tea S ening from $3 to $3 '2 50. w China Tea worth. - Joseph -Rod rices, they having stoCk of plated Spo,oi attention of he closest buyer; as ill — also our stock "n „Beavers, -Pilots, Pr si- Doeskins, Twde s, Fancy Coatings, Vest- Scarfs,I Braces. °liars, &c. HATS CAP & FUR GOODS. 1 111 wanted. $5 0 $20 delLsetger/s -working people, o either sex, young or old, make more at work f r us,in their spare moments o all the time, tha at anything else. Partic'ulars free. Address G STINSON it Co. Portia ud,Maine. 284 BLANKETS Flannels in Saxony and \ BL NKETS Brom?. Shanty Hors Blanket Plain, Striped Silk Cott* Lates AND FLANNEi.S. 11 -Colors of Lancashire. elsh Plain and Stripe ted Flannels. Our StOCIK; is very full value—White Blankets, lankets, Blue and Brown nd Fancy. BRELLAS. and. Zanilla—in all the London Styles. Marseilles, Honeycomb and -Colored. Pea Jackets, paid y) orde rtment of Overcoats and s well as Men's and Boys' erally. Special attention ed work, all fits guaranteed. IBOOJIS AND SHOES. Men'a Cow full lines. k of all seasonable goods in de, Kip and Calf Boots, and Ladies' Goat, Seal, Satin, Misses' and. Children's, in Snbscribers wish to state that they have -1- °peered. out a first-class HAIRNESS SHOP, IN BRUSSELS, Wher they will keep on 'hand a choice selection of everything in their line, sue.h. as Brushes, Currycombs, Cards, Bells, Blankets, sh your cupboards, the unclerOgn- to do so now, as the latest advices Crockery and China have gone up We, having a large stoc'k of last hand, will for a short time sell at taking only a very small portion of ts that:are now worth $4!' we are 25. Toilet Sets at $1 913;, worth ets $2 less than they are now .ers & Son's Cutlery at eixactly old .aisecl only 25 per cen . fine LI Of e of Of Tu 80 HT & HEAVY HARNESS ery ilescriptionMede in the latest ses.t le, and e very best material, at prices that defy emi- t Petition. Good Workmanship Gaaranteed. neot to hurt. call is respectfully solicited before 'purchasing where. epaireng Prompfly Attended to. hop immediately' North of Annet's Hotel, nberry Street, Brussels, Ont. TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. liatness, Saddle and Collar • - Beg to inform t public that they are prepared to contract lor STEAM ENGINES AND B ILERS ; FLOUR, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS SA VING MACHINES, &c. On hand—IRON AND WOODEN PLOWS' with Aiteel bo;ards • • GANG P OWS, CULTIVATORS STRAW -CUTTERS, &c. SUG-AR AND POTAS KETTLES, GRATE -BARS, WAGGON BOXES, &c. COOKING, P.,ARLOR AND BOX STOVES, of various kinds. SALT1 PANS MADE TO ORDER. ALSO, IRON AND BRASS C STINGS, AND BLACICSMITH WORK. BOILERS AND S:AL' PANS REP4IRED ON SHORT NOTICE. TWENTY TO THIRTY -HORS POWER TUBULAR BOILERS geuerally on han'd foil sale. All orders addressed to t e Company or Secretary will receive prompt attention, A. HODGE, Secretary an Treasurer. HOXFON, President. R. R NCIMAN, General Manager. <4 1.21 0 ee 02 0 CC Ee Lel • 0 SIGN OF THE SCOTCH COLLAR. ! A choice assortment of light and heavy Hatnees, WhipA, Bells, Horse Clothing, ite., kept constantly on hand. Repairing prbmpt13- attended to, and charges moderate. Remember the Place, sign of the Scotch Collar. W. H. OLIVER. CHEAP R THAN EY OAR ! THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING 111TENTLY PURCHASED A LARGE QUANTITY OF TEAS, SUGARS, FRUITS, A SPECIAL IWTICE. CI.INTON WOOLEN MILLS. THE. Subscriber begs to annonnce that his Fac- tory is now in full operation, and would call attention to the superior stock of Cloths that he hes on hand, which he is offering at pieces that will convince all of the benefit of a local faetory, feeling assnred that all evill realize the Bitable over importntion, as a proof, see the following prices : Fulled Cloth, 73c to 00e. ' Flannels, 55e to 700. Union Fituniels, 50e to 70e. Also, Grey, Red, end White Stocking Yarns. My customers through the county, . who were -formerly supplied by my peddler, will 'be waited *on in a few daes by my son, who will either take oeders, or supply them at once with the article Special Rates when Purchased by the Cloth Fulling and Custom Carding attended to. AN EARLY CALL IS 8.0LICITED. THOft R. FOSTER. AT PRICES MUCH LOWER THAN THE CURRENT MARIICET VALUE, BET*ER BA Is enabled to give the pitblie even GAINS THAN HERETOIFORE. The goods are now in stock, and get their share of the C One door south of the Post-oflice. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL the inhabitants of Town and Country are Invited. to come and ,11 Going at the Chequered Store. JAMES MtTR139-4 TEA ESTABLISHMENT, )14- For Four Years Celebrated for' Fine Teas and Coffees. We have at present in stock a 0 CC < choice and varied aesortment of to °TEAS, embracing upWarcls of 20 0 varieties, all of which have been E w carefully selected. Aa we sell atm the Lowest Possible Price tonsitarn tent with good quality,. we trust to CC w merit the confidente hitherto re- PI rn posed in us by the public. 0 -m 0 Of the best growths, repared by > 0 machinery on the premises. 0 FRUITS, SPICES, MUSTARD, PICKLES, SAUCES, AND BREAK- FAST DELICACIES, IN GREAT VARIETY. BARLEY, PEAS, RICE, SAGO, -BIS- CUIT, CORN FLOUR, TAPIOCA, ARROWROOT, &e. J. LAIDLAW., J. P. BRINE, T ;CENSE') AUCTIONEER /or the Obutity of c" Huron. Sales attended. In all parts of the irinbe promptly attended to. 198