HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-11-07, Page 2a : 5% INct. 7., 1873. THE HVI�ON ExFiOSITORN L we were outside the play -ground Walt, of Col. Zale%. His election as Pe GAI.DTILEBS. sident ruing the urOrtunate rito and TITO'S TROUBLE8. or' g- in the 4 lit, and the juni yin Ig lor usher, tol six —ab ent - 'th-leave follo conce ately 4n oys Wlckqrs, -,,.�ho was the boots ol,the- school and heard the boys. voices welling io our of the 31opublic." who slept in. i large crib in the corner, I ing down coM assion er -side, oir hearts sank ' T tf6' troubles were ,ended from that by day, ana 4 pag -r-loaf ears f roTa the' otb BY THE P. BY FRIN)FRICY, INNT. ROBTASON. t up in bed 4nd; taked who was m who had been- slee for hours as e radiant in I suga J The next Mail brouglit an -nd buttons at night, catne to TiO with the a, little at the boldness of the step, a day. (we at evc, I ing that noiso 1; but getting n *r_ letter from Presitlent ZaleZ, 'whose 0 all'sm a grefkt holida ; it as the only one hat Aoiar well aware that my first school: a - ' At Ch;ristmas, news. We hurried on, somewhat �Crestfallen, to ho Sax! sea -all ave mufRed idbs i 6nd Strang; ito' intrigues had throw yt T wl to my hat With o,li ge, effer-� I - 3ver h d It n hini There' V�ldiug fashionable academy for young t you, was not &a !of a in a hurry jto the sea -shore, and went on by long, 16W P I [y row ilojoi'icalison, and- then had placed him sunk 'neath ti- rentleme I. Family', reverses, not to men. Cent sounds youth in the agontess Ti;o's fnher Cam been a �jol� 14 bou lde Was 9 Z,'! be said apd they've lying sands, knowing that�- the ti ot strangul (n; ie 5ttledl the bill, and th6 Oe sull -ceediugly large family, prevent- ;ed a candle, Pr,cel 81 nt Master Za u say that out and tbat e were not likely to meet at the bead of government ; .and Ajr. —only d n't y P. 11 tion. an ex iverbiq 'aloncr the line I of away again, eavi,g Tito behi�Ld I ) before Price's account wassettled ill drie and came h' !�i2 thought it ver ed in y fa Aer f rom:placing me in a high ur to i � tin til he I told you'i mind—ald 0 nybody at that ho -stop us Ole a e hink y'ur I iron bedstead fun to, af r an-, bra4ds, anti much whi per- Zalez at a hotel in I lingger lati! 'ap This was a I met class, high-priced, � hiLl-iwessure semin. father is 1w-enturer, and t e ro goill o, to wo reached the King's G - why, �V with 'his molttl I full of sheet and bla tp ecl advice. I bepil to be undersi )od, -is to part New York, 1.$ a charill ary when I arrived! at-ttilt objeedionable cleft' in the cliffs, N"Vliere. I w, be had gne fi), cryi alloverhis lean pillow -case. af h r Ire had eparted, that Tito'� ft ther send you t the workus. and wish him Godspeed on holiday, two yearsum; and Ti a age which necessitated my. becoming a wa with him to 0 Wow th en, Zale,7, what's the niattoi� wa going abr Ad `-going to batilp. 'rito Tito sta ed, and finally k ed away, e At --home to my -paxents and to his his 3' with was tlic-na bigger fellow th v Titu hd a bundle all his fther. nuisane the play grout d and ourlie q io keeping r in Oh, pleai��- �it, I wa:-a-ant to go sai , very roudly-�-and that � Tfl gyears ago, whi-a 3 all my little biotliers nd si1ters. It )l 7 3 p Ly. r. In the vening be him, in which he - had p,%cked a. small We laughed over Tito's troubles at tilliv, ' ho-o-ome. to o lef t at s(hoR Ml throur1i thO -ist- play fell a all d., th, 11 icket princely b at man I anquet wbith the 1 was a8oltitely necessary that I shjuld m a holidays. W.131 bade him came to when P.,was d'eP in g(!O- great coat, his socks, one sbirt, a dr Go horrie'?i Sal the uslier, kindly gave us ; nd.1alle silloked his' a jar,r, 'e sat bag of marble—the boys Ci(,YaretteS Tog oil X0 soinehere every ody said, and fter. rincipal b r ir 9 why, you' el only j list come. Besides: awl felt very 3orry for him, and �my� last graphy, alid. wrestling with P irs II much hard study �� o advertisements in were alwaye giving hit' marbles, by way we remidoil him.' of our I . t ireat J dllfd)",� see how cros our at ler would be, af1ter glimpse of Matb�rollgh-on-the-$ea that towns," and whispered, the daily 'papers, and personal inspection of tokeii of their re,13j)lect for -him—a f w gether in the little town of Flatbor ugl o tAll the tron le he has tak. was apirve of the embakikynent, Joe, 1 Want YOU." hf ed establish- en. prnny print oil r)u by my father of hA a hundr T s r I e would—would-�'t. a �teep greeii hill, and Tito jumping. Whati is it, Tit ? half a, which haA colored yttu lofir'! ments, I found myi,self, one mornina, set- -n. It abOlit thelleoi I an( walm g a' that they and a volume of fairy ti�le that his I Was afra,id that he Nvoiild have 16,serl le's too -t i-,t,o'fo-oiid of me."-- a his hndker- You. bieard Wickers a y father had ' him. The night WaLs me again in his but lie sa;t 0 given 0 tled at Mr. Pxice's Belvoix House, Flat- the work- she r', I, Thd usho. M r. Baustook was &is chi ed to ir were going to send me t 'LIS and we grew less stout- down, sigbetli w though the r)f g,)V,, 1"D horough-on-the-sea an establishment soon -upon I -it down ai 1 id tried to reason w!ith Next Tito's father did not p house a. little in th w y )f t where boys under yer� of age ilh very little effect. He pear adMr Pri6ebeganto C 11 Yes but I don't believe it.,, hearted in the darkness, and were doubt- i ernment were e he or were edicated, b 0'itded, and gener-ally Tito, but **i J I Pal goin, fal if tile s6a miht not come up quicker peace and rest Oat he bad f0und it) Entg� t:� told him that lie would soon get used! to ious when Ti o spoke of his Pei' r), to ask the mastpr now— atteli'de, to, for the- sum of ei�glit-and- pa;, but come wit], Tile." than we bargined for, and cut us off, land, leaned back in his, chair., altil have told -the chnae ihat he Was keeping the at the begin ing; of the next �quArter, 0 34 r tired I ra lighted aiiother e4?arctte. friend twenty pounds per annum. This was other boys aw �ke i that I, Joseph . im- whenthomi surainerholidayswraredver, 11 011 lor from the King's Gal) before o7a eg not a fat, hiouable price, and t was not, t the desk r could wade, throut)i the -deep sand to- ifrJial idea. fill to the Mons, from eig te, was not Crying ; a I tter came f r* -tbroad that ��pp red -"If e's ii there, looking ove in consequence, 4 fashionable school—" I at tie , o hear wrd it. But we reached the Gap in PECL&L NOTICES, $00XLwere, You mv lov that Mri. Price would be very cross if', he to -etieve our iliaster's min(l, 4i'd i holnesi)) safety, crel., �-guard hause S fig the pupils were not highly trained, and heard him d that he himself, 0 cot: tained a'., econd epistle, which I Tito what lie says. )t past the coasi soon were mover civilly examined," and the WI%S it mart , to rheumatism, would be USE (I to I -Cad ;6-nio And to himself itiltil ­Xory oil thre 8tation, aii(I t4en paused to con- -ice FUL AND v a thor master had not ih6ught of disposing .%id lip in t! e mQ, ,ning if he sat Y;l Lere, it becme worn out by con6tapt r 4er- SO 1 left my place, at th,,� imminent sider No next step. This was the pl, B ugh ;e nat you 71114 a tf-ml r ,erms. of partiag ; but a look back at the dark wh "quarters" and taking to tlx the risk.of getting six bad marks for iiiatien- knowledge of the nat Ich any longer. But Tito continued to i ,-ry, ou(e, and by being kept alolir, livi -marbles, a Poe et-kife and a peg top. 'Vito coalitry road I had to traverse, and a well) There were no extras, th6re 'was not a and to Ma,kJ' desperate attempts to su ffo- tion to �ay lessons, And went with of All the horrible govern the operations of gow niuch yon try bfill W11 resident mathematical master, and th6 (7 r. -L cou rse to Mr. nutritio, nd by Cate himsel. with i lie beddin until It was an ER alish letter, Price's desk. I shll never for- sudden remembeiance lers bouig ! carefulajiplicatii)a of prinelpa I himself -tauklit us all the French Baiistock-, p.9 appered to noi`c very t:) t all d als- stories I had heard of trave the line properties of 1wc11-selected cocoa No wondr I lo ve, by tbe 1114 im. for Tito had booti. born and brecl� fil agot the look. of. astonishmep _�m- and left the pronunciati oinfiture. on the master's face, when assassinated in lonely districts, and. ot place where Luloy isid helfn ion proporly,.p,.pailsed that be should rel urn land, and ha I seen ng: other 0'01111 ry C Xr. Epps has Provided our ta' eor- T great deal to our tastes. 'V Wrly lilf� ito put the ques children being stripped by gypsies of bles -with a delicately havoure(l bever4ge home by tNq I irst I raill in the mom Jng. an it wits a ry kind, fatl ti6n very straightfor- hope III b 3 re- wardly, and w ons kind of epi� it If you please, s. deterred in e- from returning to Bel- bills Still, took their clothes, and turned adrift to (lie of , ich in - ay 3. ino, ba�,c'k-� I am dis ith wonderful compoosu're. W ve us ii.12.-tay beavv (lO(;tW1&ra' 0. P Posed to Tito was �a I m fter that, and . at am Itle, full of iir, is it true that you cold, &Goo -D Di-T(,r:r think t at this -was, a good siahool—all iriered Corth,by w).y of apology for his turn to E ngland before the uex'u quarter -Jo ylt know filr Whattve Cl O d -fashioned school I perhas, but wh anticipa 9)1 voir House till daylight. I said that I simply with Boiling lVater or "Do 11-ot, really 1 -ere dis�rderly iburs t, that he knew b I a wa t an On an�l of his tio of are going to send me to the worklion the master worked bard in the midat of papa woul b 3 gla.1 to a e him back, ho w an6ther h 0 1 T Iis son nd his Bless ray soul !—who—who told you. would go on with Tito ; and Tito, . who. E ach packet is & jAl you. Der reasot dat I-Ve C_ I lismally in his direction also, that, Tito V had looked i his boys, crammed �o particla, r clique that his In' her had only just gone a lit le. f rie ad Simmons were sti'lt Bel- dat ish lii,� lialne- to the detriment of t1e rest, an(l, at least Jud lef b him so -much alone, voir House. 1 hoped that he wquld dome I would ratb er not say Who told me, said., 11 Thank y6n, �oe, and wis evi- OF tAV, llerp� shall 1, Dut this you know, a: —it's all about the school den-ly grateful 1 account of the procv��s fo bp- sure Of seeilW did his 6est—and'he was a.clever Man in s, b (k soon, nd that a circus woold e in Sit, t=mPally. now (live adopt. it to -m bow very g very nervos. ed by 3.4essrs. 1 James Epps & Co., -iiati. give "Gone a- ly—iVaere?" I heard Mn th� C 11cus VDear me—how vexing— We were bo I %soundEna shedu- o1qre his way.—to Its town At the t;me ; but �� Mary Jane (;I but we kept up: appearances for a while, U Cation- As a start in boy's life. pos- callae And wetil, away �vyin, an�l no Col. unfortunate ! My poor 'Tito, I should facturers of dietetic articks, at. t)lei.r.. Aon the looking -glass; usht Apnst6ck* k. 0 siblynotas AT fiLushing school, Belvoit papa sa . ys. ppear'. to keep promiaq� tG t a. like -to speak to you to -morrow momID01 We took the wrong �turning, and found 1 works iii the Euston Road, Lonilonl— ) , - " N'Vhy, heav all air, Za ez in reply� able - and M . - I seven. 'What are youi doing out of rselves on the edge of the cliff ag;M11. (11rie. House was particularly suit, ro fie can't �e fighting ll tflis �time, about on n .7 —At a recent tei-q)art r. Ban _1k ked,-nii more questims, 0 A ci-it - across _y a as the a ituation Was'' b elthy, 'the terms but went b ekto hu*, bed, where I- heard Ti r said in mild remonst'aned at your place, Simmons." he, �'sked, catch- We made a sho a6 field tOA first-- approaches of haA been relating his' low, an3 . I 3ter w h. 17 . it try back" for the roadway,- and lost., Nrho I the maF 61.1 known as, a bl About Ti 0 sight -of me at last. I tion are so insidious that thou -,,and -re- 4eXploits i him tual .1 14silessly, withrall the o's fat er a behvior ; but Tito ourselves completelvl� lVe went Wander- - Varlf)uls C Man ki ad to his �upils and interested in 'sleep clea t f hinj for half a 1our hil I Said he wasn't so �'ur� )1f0i01k ino' ame to take care of 'ito, Sir. main ulIconscious of its preseiic2 -until- it not head, %a 1�0 -a:, little sti 3'4nd turnip -fields in hgas brought tbein, tothverge of the )0011 The quait r t ing bout m(fadow the globe, was his pro fesaion, Price bad always af t6rWard.. �"nco I heard'him say,"'- nd til"je sl� aond Six bad marks." 0 of an 01 traveler i v.1tin efforts to get off farinerss property, 1h 0: re ttlo cbap 1 venture([ to approc%chillL, Ohris -1mas that I abould r U 7 I knew. baye them, 7_11 � n 'Criiu ashan�,ed to tall some siicty or se ty boys beneath his but when Z�mitl tioll. --dve. The immediate use of " Bi ran's care. %� w le frightened almost Pulmonic Wafers" upon the first ap'pear- look over [ the bed-elpthes and say, upon I a gain—we tal king therefore the promul,g,ation of 'my sen- and failed. er a rich man iwieed Did yo, spea; the holidays cr�l h )me. tence did not take we very I nuch to death by a white cow that bellowed therere �Mer liars id the tal)i Mr. Price was not c, air?" he -told me evormore, 6f an by sur- ce of the cough, pain at-- soreness of umb au report said tht� owino, to indiscreet in- veky sharl: to hold ray tongue, and Ti�os fathex was -still Absent, a'lid Mr. prise. Tito might have ade matters suddenly over a heir ge at ls, and Tito ijIrO,%t,,woul(1 generally preclude a —A ileaf and 41 woul. dropped I been v- iting the n his hurry, -and -we I fat - is in public: companies, he had tha' if I d Ot Mill , �he would Ive Irce recyrdeil Tito ver th auhtFully worso by getting himself into: a scrape al result ; therefore, wb en you take a unayed by some f r lost the little t4t lie had, managed to me -three a wl lithe bo 7 said his lessons to him. and itiformiarr Mr, Price that he h.,ld had to creep back �dautiously for it, but 13016, use,"Bryan's- Palmoliio Wafers," ib-1-roobsin the momilic I le sa' ith Ilim, were never able, from that night, to set thema talkin to thevwill ve before his o,wri Inarge family—twelve th I not mind, and t at I We went % a, r and lef t Tito me to leave my Place w and thus preven Cie necessity or taking ou r ,ht tl t I dii sob ol.-- asked 1 h obliged to biui-- at d I we came back ndfoundTito llere, look- bad not a look from me silenced one who eyes upon it. a, 1 -ups" sat down to dinnerfievery' was very i ai-n. We were over- thein. in more dawwrous comj�llillts. ?o ujitil thi 41ying day. h sai, afflip -ill ye their bla k 90 lool- b oh taken by the rain heavy steady down- ter the e, d, ii day of liveg, and there were four wellt to at last, wouderint, �hcblier ing somewli, t pale, and his ad quite enouty troublea 6f his own. be abtaind of alI and country 0 s my, knee for two minutes, ourto en; in the school itself— 8 pour, that washed -the last atom of cour-1 daPrice 25 centlo: Acros boys ui ider f TAr. Bautwk would have to get up ea it looking iii ore tb.%u a trifle. i Lis y. Tito went next morning to Mr. Price' 9 per bolz. -with Astronom prevented'him'ptitting anythill.g, more by and dig hi i roots dut of the garden, and Tito told confidentilly, )it in re- roolla, meeting Wickers by I lie way, w 0 age from oar hearts, h you acquinit d. whatpossi eusetheywould be to me turn, that be hd received no h tber from told him.thattlie i-Aaster aidthemissus Joe," saidito, auddenI3,] I I IF YOU A, COUGRIVITH -bury IV, ews. -wish. for a. rai� day. 111HELG31 Jh� the inorning, night sweat.,;,wad —"Old It was at this. S'ch�ol that I met Tito I after lie I I tb er 1q Ili I that he b ad lie ird i.. I.s. bad been "'at it" again, nd that Mrs. hadn't come. digged them. However, his f. 1rrognlarity of the bowel, loss f appetite, 1- assented and then, -with and as the Tarchin. qaid whell 'So do 1, geu,-ral aebilitv': bike Mt. WHE ELEIV8 CON_ Zalez--and it is �Tito's school life, and I I, di(i not ce say At d inier one day to I r. '. rice Price was sick of boys whose ftithers never ,1( t in -cublQ-roots -the.. ext P4 �m mornin I tl LOIlg) I I f0u*d out all a out thitt she thoaj �ht it skrange, %nc th,al Mr. paid. Of the par ifill 11113 0 our heads. very much bent forward, to 'POUND JMIXIII, OF PHOSPHATES AND CAL. stealing appleg from: all olil gX steangg school tro'ubles, in which I U I Tito's con _N!lr 'ric( ISAYA. Aht)stofthi),;e,,Ybiih.tvtiu�;editt-brotigh- nd -he o- unul about to attempt to interest you. 1: Sup- them befoi I he first q4arter was over Price ba�d allswered that he w indined ference -with k . Tl these- are the keep.the rain from our. faces, and to .11 out thr, Doininion attebtith,-re-at efficayin de, saw 4p wfier 11 I o with -a cwhide in his tpose that I took ireadily to Tito because al, as detailed to me by Tito, be- low it more easi y i find its way down hand, ii#dload, I d'did not c�ngratulate m to hink it rather strailge Iii self, aurl princip, , arreoting the deeline- of the Consuinptive, It be- y 1-7 Whn Abernethy, in he nived t Belvoir' House un the same '-self upon the disc overy. tbin.t lie, Tito, was sure that hey tween twelve and two. the backs of our no-eks, we, two foolish gins at the root, 4f the evil, the Stornaeb., amil per- Ifects Diges I 'ood,a day as myself, and *e both sat in a wait- Tito nd !I were firin ftionds before the be 11 tlkinz *out his p11) because It had all been arranged and Mr. Price. Miserable hearts tri4dged oil, doubtf1j tZon, 4s *il tiouofl, -nd the for. Ending hisoor blocked up wft runtiou of tbg nlw�lyl Zlood, rapidl invigorating gentle a e weie walking over cross-country to stones, told one of the labou iagroqm, op chairs much too hi,h to I 1- ' the constituti quamer h d expired, for he did a( t go thay had spbL-eii in wbispers, aad lcoked broke the news to llim in as restoring encr�gy to t1w,V7ital allow our feet touching the grcu-nd, star- thmminstsiantly.an(I tak home in the mor1iiil& but had a 'itrle very much At him. I said tha; it milit maner as he coulo, -and wiped his own London, or back 4gain to Flatborough- org,tu,Z it iii S.4eeft) (to tako Rua pel-111-iniintin -.move Whea it -bameo. thunder and lightning -its effect, j ik hile our talk with Mr. Pierce in the . an te-'� 100111 be tancy, and he itried to areE wi tl � me eyes -W ilth n liabil�, of relnp�L_ Sold by all hell, if he h- ned; the lrishmT, ing sheepishly At one anoth-er, w once or twice � surreptitously Nvith 0. dugists nt paerits were in solemn iconclave with the nd came out 'Inillre composed in bL t hopad thi t hi's papa W0,111 COIRe to" his pocket-haudkerchief. Re told !Tito alo!ig with the had Teplied. Raxhlt I -better tak, 01111il .10d 011-14 4)f all I heaven'? mast -in the drawilio, --.room. was i, iiiiad after the m e reasG ling, I s6 him soon, for be was but of po,,ket- that he was not a rich that the arrived, and Tito blirst into tears, and i Tli t- C aster's iteutl Sure therd be moi ry'vr ro nd the eye lid,�, 1 ey, -and e ivas in ned eleven years of acye':and Tito, I learned and ve wished that h6i was "in. his comfortable I lionr's way 7 ke a �( III)a h,s wardrob d. of - school was the support of imself and a Publit;bett as a iwarnin- nil for the benefit of your OIL I w -,awky, I may add, was--&-. cr iera r %ir. family, and that it N� is beyond his workb6lise, 4ucl that I was out Of trou- young men itud qthcn; N%lo iMer froM _C'n-st class in Astronmy Loss �)r ' \LumrooD, ee., the ihi son re, power to keep Tito any lon� er Is Own ble hd then the frien sm bullet -headed youth fo y a' nly Tit6, i meitus of --wlf care. Wri tten bv ont! who'cured hin- aterward, wast s thin, rabbit. ,-e I CO [ISI(te able ' But Col Zaloz D3-,B1L1ry, ge; Tito favorite a e, histliree month. never canie, an at h' dly shelter of ar Where does the the doots off, sudd low - I si6 was big ald'plamp',. with a dark skin, nel 'Vt rn. expeiise. eny self after u-nderpin- consiaerame -mr, down in our Illew at Belvoil' 1olise He was gml. tem- In titled �anvui List, Of his iebu hd conuBed with his Oldshed, with black- curly hair, a nose that young ladies, I pered, a - itiona boy, not partic la�lf 1. know now, what I did no, kn( v iii solicitor who had ad�viscd him to band coming across bur. path, we - darted into sent free of ufferers are invitet-1 to monling- `Hol& your UPI dub -6 little 8, th'a, that in one corner, 'here 1 es the sim r I believe, call by," nd tw lie Ppices, over Tito to the parish Lathorities of it,�and huddle4 t6gethqi tli auth4)r, NATHA\ 0ever At -I a less(us, gettinc, I: al.. its deta" Aunc�-_ I' )LILYFAIII, box D )3-001C1Tn,. bead like eyes, whijoh rolled a grent.de ficuffies a' titiles coliceiping them, but et w becoming very ar'XIO"! Con- Flatborough, bo *ould p�ss Tito over prayiil�, for,the- da:ylight. How the long know, si fil Last. 11 ,, Ri c' an in his Read, and sdn6what al4rmed �me tak i 11 cy )out Ti' -Nv. Vlomi; as' Ecleatric Oil, 7 th ills th t cademic fl esh i heir cernincy th w hereal tc i's h6r - to the-pariall. authoriti�s ol the district 'light passed we nover kne We went why does it -rise an the F�sil m fa, %v -TX ITS -GOLD 0 :e f t -N ri I -M. to �th , biloso h ino, I efter 'n rt OI'll on on, W lore o . z c re IC CL o s eep as Our Arms aroUll. WORT11 TEN UIPS DO Y V cause a y father had slidt me in h NVI y, and do that t%%,o.,q ers were in a 16tr; that Or conversation was disconli(C-ted and ne-xt time a�id up by Per ever- thelexbra,tc,e) during Tito's holiday was for many years. lIe told 'ito that the' eacli other's n6A �.and, thought of The .0 low 14 TENIE ince for want Of -hird parish would use �every xertion,: and. Children in the' nod. I'Ve were sear- terse. The followinv was the dialogme genius. At th end i aded to t e ecount ; nd thA b There are but few preparationB of medicine Explo&on of a Valla� C:) ...Of three mths It ol. Zalez called. We qtl 1� a .1 knew ft" Ir greater paihs, to ad -white cow, who which hitvLwiths�ood the ippartinl indginent of interval l er. k e f ed once. i more by: the tht sued betweell us,. with at) tci h onitpenced. his fi�ther the people for wy- great ler,�,zth of tiine. one of P�-ico had written o all than he could do with a g at school oil came in with -stately tred out of the rain j The popul-at a Racy that hiou ew b of abo three nxm7qtes nd a hal before kD y liat' me that Tit ' ff ther ward t�ht&�t O's I a theseis OIL, Purely a I)Tepftl-- li� also, ud silorted.and sniffed al, was, oi h d been, a colonel 8 610 - th - y place in Centr I Anterica, 1 on his mind,. and that lie as tal6ng thq lout -us, Bon the, air of a room either committed. bimself to a r OmeNi iere 0 f e y _wl 'down across the door -w -ay i atioD Of Six 0. -St Oih; th-Lt re, 6oum, surest means to ut Tito into - onie acitl -during tl wef 've g onel ])ad d. nd fi.tially, lay on hat's youri name and' tethat ie would eatl; iere th6, ated. his laat letr best ii of arb oe: his fathers hands Once ore. He had barring our ogress, and pretending to go know lhal m,,,y be frmed of lag beell itmonstrated lv� rec., rIIJ e oblicled t el boys of elvoir Hou -c by ndilia no atiswer had' beea r 0 I in-, licati; in certain �_:-xeaproportionsof mautsof Professor X,ezie of CO1.IiL ff t s -e his son in full regintepitals. I tu ed ; tl hebad written t(I a B. on e paris would treat sleep, Tito said bliat.it Might take -us o T'tc Zalez. ibish no do bt that th r pwvvr, a)i effeefs. whchcouia that he enterett the play- 1.00, re i "ito would be ever rpsult froiu he use of any one of theni, or lu producin and that unawares when We followed its example .Agricultural 6nege. To Oh, is it I�uli aw I icited -the inform �tion that I Tito very well, n �t - r 'udi oi, having his i W it iliffereutcambiwitions. Thus in the preparation I t ought tb at, it *as . very oi ld name, on' 0 of turay aiternoon, tfia t Tito no such.pe s n ivs known wit ill Us Ju_ very happy ;� but his e did iiA know that it was a .Cow ti tlusive a test as possible, instea� ion tbi; b j e t, went away the wornin 831011.8 �)eil I io, of this oil a ehexnieal talkes plaeo, forimug I their from room. containii and t iat I a,hould not like to.4a, �e it mvm:, suddenly ave cream of delight� brdke risd1ution, , a (I I herd Mr. Zlic6 own opinion , our imprE ZD -%Yhieh could not by any po-ssibilht be Lst it was a bu il of th e very maddest des tlle profesSOr gR1 -indo of' the scho-l-room with 'hls�, Olmo of civ and general political Idizieonifited., His h was, Ia coinponud only, self, , ri(A that the boys would be*vOry's'e- a NvindoN made fromai.)y other aoribinaltion or proportions to e -/oo ar till ]I- cc r. Price V cription, and one to be especially wary the �.college_ When is V 1� iry 7edi any other ingredients is hast down fro �i the Ifusioll, 1� d of the fe, t LDl. 7'alez I of the saineinig # vere I p6n it Presently in the plaS -groa�*�%' elbow ill t �iis to be, -M Y) im sill on 1&ll hill .. Ild I had Uar- has dilsappL ed. in a revolutio�'Iary vor- Oh, not this week" )) sa,id the master. of, if we set, ally value on- our lives. and eutirLl--v --diiTerent from ever before and 'chiv fter considel " i miorethan 61000 plants were ey 0 t , psu I ri ly nor th ot till I Sbiliellow, we dosed of to sleep at last, in -ale, on&which the juo�st ast0111,-,hing re- The rooi-ii- had bee -11 clsed for ii 4ves; U went with mad. Plui ge-: at tex forever. no IN twelve h 11)ilLs ��Ifchclnias, atily rate. a It con - the n ater in All itaI details, I I old bim, st ults,:nn-d a -%viaer !long Limly I quarter pass despite our fear ; and when we woke than any evrr aull, if the platip the r h y- deliberations, and lie b:s fatiietl lit. it 0 waxincg I open Ilis eyes le wider wit amuse- Col lifi A th�' boy up 11 his paiLd, lid bier ;I �owobow the that loomed before �i gain; hearing the hain of voices near us, tains no tvlcohol� or -other vol-ttile litinicts, eonse- carbonic to an jnjurious eN, at it was morninty, and rai oses nothing by Wherever arms, 1 him I all fat shibbier, an I still wondering, why his Analysi of tile air from suell . 'A -Zi frito became known la- quntly i ment ndsaid :1 a__ 41"L ssec Over his also to the boys, and we fo 0 applied you get the ben 61t aff every ilxop; where -as Ay hours, a nd that a red-faced man think a re, ith other propTations nearly till thi, alcohol 1b 'would certainly tl it face, till o e of us certainl� but-. t out [fathur iievor wrote to him, a0t up very was cuvssod during pl' nd in -hard. still, O- you. Ally V ni al. -down and a ros�j-faced girl, -with milk -pails, I lo, 1 Is( a that I r4all y did. luchiiig lid, t �Ien he wal ked, up bld 1111111" NVit a marvolous coil rideude "in getter I y seii 4s it ".jolly shame"— I ,t in that 1y, it I y 11.g Thre 'Of, tin -et the sivall quan- e sped in -ens unpri toparull a 01nina to see hini )efoy,- the iiot any ation lookiiio-down upoli us, intense tity.of oils wh'� h: the' An thfir loi�lry-: piuse %ad, just s it down tl y -ground for few minutes, of us t.akiiig int6 consider, re slo er D0 that he Nss Lioing.to sleep, and holda nr' i o's li i k at da y 1 was U, to Searculy tys and meatis of ) astonishment,. THROP LYMAN, N-Lweastle, Out., .entpats -of the roon! strac.] Cl,. �lad 1001611 g do W11 Ti ook into the wi yr. -Price, � and Awl NOR tLawks!" the airl said to pit -ithollaVeh-terest. ItstrL6 CoLsiderat o I the expense tl -it he tho appetite—al —of Wh - for the Donlinion-. 91718is of which 4.11, like, ch off iis char on. to the him %i was to w ood on� lit re i Sole Agent% wts of carbon uid .%in , I bOy's bo,k eN1er gea� it strac - vo or hree of us evell that Price ; ie klipw nothing �;of s.-hool Tito Zalez, nd d ,),ro,,vtb: iip. you -doing here ? What boys at*(.- you?" ol and sidewa; ito Id in I Seilforth bS E. R. or An iverage of 4-113 in 10 he at 'd - boot kyer down '.bills lld Jr. Price was tol) tot der-� ward kept fi�lliuy I looked at 'Tito, and he returned my i '30 Zal e somewhath t heel, act w iich ccout' 6d for ;'be a nan to show his disstisfaction out rapidly --of thy unf rtunate p�,Ipil, g,lance ; our spirits were at zero, aiid it I door aircoataitid 4 azts i 4re--do y6u 06ine from r but- p yo�l by 11 -f Miles sying'that n6 doubt to ilt,1111"( cl il I himself. Ni1r. Price as who was out of his clot b4fore eemed necessary to give in.. .thus 1�rouing that the ir in _'V -ice's school liouse %vas an Puri the 0010 e: bad een arching go.)d Pu�zle( w I t to do aWe're from M -r. Pi Of:co -I as�e&hirn where. he came J with him: or lio%v any oile, know where lie One(-' the. at I better t all bit ltel which we t1ought ini ediate- loilg he w sl to llow this to 1,14.9 ; aid he bright idea occurred to.0 o gettiDIrr Up Flatborouh, 6d should, be rld to Clet -1 fro he said London. I - 2 P 1_J Z3 J. X. LEET, has been ap- iw a -%,cry i curious boy, or else' he lyv lie 1) He (afile tO7 Lis soo after 100ked 11114-4 thoughtfully t �ho niall a subscription to pay his arrears aflaong back," said Tito. pohited Agent for the Colonial.Securities Com- fifteen pam. -to Yoniag b I-Ves llil on for eycralpn� W ,ed to show off that fternoon, ild ti very ; nd to. my e and. eVe day, nd could ii�t_s his Ourse r �ilto but the unit- -Flatborogh—wIly, that's A Ni y a0 Cilpitalist's pf Toronto, who loan 4LI impt ess me with bis!'Importalice, knowing Cotif aslo It and to the Intinite ement Willy to Muhio�11. One day 'rice ed contributions only miles from here, said the farmer's Diall. -onalile irates Interest p yery re, ayble yearly The Italiall journalS relat-0 to 6io. V I C i You, don't mean, to say that yon. sim -s t1m que ion don, to the p1d d� tress ll the Of fa, two* Obaxgw I - 'tb ree ps have been play- n truant— Dec 15, 2ra environs of Catatizaro, Clabri [iletpowries,1 he stooped dowil ,vtit to r14 I'tin , � I me ve,, much Le miany inc Z�l f -,klia"' Me ve -of '01. Z41qz, and mad it iries shillings and three peilde-� little eb. ested by a band of brigands, 1 tha ply an echo of _is d of hi me,. Ii f oils ac Vilat's your father he with hi bristly 'aV moustache.:! Iii !zs—1 leariied. kf te'r vard it was thought dvisatly to return. good gracious e. the I 4� CAUGHBY HOL' )TLD Barristers, At� eomn�and. of - youn. w"Oulat aptionti to she Ti�iolfuiid. d Tito said in ia' bankJ He scoops III Tit says thA 7o� bee vory —o(lid ret3bile I baffled at. points. subsol The; sec. But we did en it; ail 9 O'ney ia torneys �It tm, 111' chancelly and only 120 years of a,,e a Tit s fatli r bad paid I is I t1isap- ond.ddea was entirely Aiy own, and ;cou- that, if they could put his friend Joe in I Insolvency, ia conveyancers. ''gold money 01 Ibill d out and in kind., to Li as r Imons, e sf*id, 4an s is 0111- pe- might ith,line afttz�r r6d abo t nine nionths -'%"V'i t 10 Ll t sisting in suggesting to tily father, in a the riaht road for the.school, they Solicitors forthe� R_ C.13fail-, S eforth. Ageutsfor eauty, with emArkably slmkinc d L the Cliniibi Life AssIn&fMce Collipally f ttl bra if at?tho, -eyes Her ta -me i ari. Lor What's ler . thank you very much youD(, lea Ing ., -lue to his where��out A f rient ly �hd Cpers I si t . that ito drop himse nearest work -house, N. ndI's the h"etro ,your tq . . I 4�e y at 81 per cent'. Farius, 1 cr tle u." f om Abroad bad leell to his i woul : d be worth lidolve 'DO �oe, a very cc -)tili,, in, when they 1i t1lat way, as it was all He's Holilies and Lot.j for Ichief -wo was killed in :11 I sho Id li�- ed t h told hi not to, suMlen d I arburc, it was clie. nice and amiable boy.. Nihonf--,,overybody the sanic,'and bel was expected there; a i oil YEr ad AttarneYs N darmes. She ?%= leve 'this All the conVersittion Me11tiOI it, but xe� ME I, �t&,It u,(, I 1) 11 t well] d at home. Th a dea-ws- dash- piece -bf informatio; B s * bel, a ITd red n1hilent. Co . Zal z � Packing up -hi8 bo it. which gave our' lis. at Low, olititors in Qw-neery nutl lately, tried- in -v -hich We iudul, "d until MY. fiAcr, I ]I ve asked per nission, of Price ti 4 oil �Q boots, Oprobably niore d own ed to the ground, by my father a courte- toners the impression that we were from Pul,lile, etc. forthand Wroxcier. $23,000 f Privite Funds to riaolilaeilt� While aad Tito's fathei-Ja id old T'rice—we. l- to tAk o n n. d 'I for stroll �hi, ilf- t 1,6el tl.. - a ever, had depart 0. oil his ous, but decisive, reply In the neative the lunatic' five miles off. The, imp oncJ,,, at Eight per dent. In.terest, payable 10 plinislunelit warder, becomi ^11 I all(I to the olrcus� in the, vening, mipion hatever it N�as, to �t fol CUM llid Tito, who had built little oil this farmer as seat lor, and as he kuew r i - Z_3�s called'him. Old Intended e 4 I ored'of her, fa -v ling disirespe? Y--C&W.e 1:11 I to 6o with it 'I r at ini(rbt b letter, ad"Never- mind, Joe, ­and -Belvoir Houe . well, nd was going to T,18 red her es1=1 not t1al th ob d lik� 8 t te, wl ever th. e. )T, w. C. =YEN. Co anied but -was stabbe i fi�,il d in * V& �e t7len and m. hearty, C e so very sbabby f I- L idy- sked whether Miollaelmas (lay lways Flatborough on business that morilin(y 4 to its a(,ain.. loo -it Tito's father, i _y ry W R. SQXTMR, Attorney In �Chunc- by htr orders inm"ediatrely dfA anc WLIS 0reatlyl i"TI.Pressed by him at TRa ou"I%vm very conclu ive evi- In master fc We were in I )Unit *usq to fell oil the _99th'of September. a fair way toward the olid of ery &c., Go(lericb, Ont. Office—olverJr-C- _t o. w th them lea h home, wben the b ys -went 'On the 28th; in the: dlskv eveiiinor o e � 1 atisfcto 'C'o.�s Emporium, Market quare 269 firs and ox-Teediugl flat- dence at I shoa d like to g a� dventur and iuns ry re-. I I *' I h Since h� y j�� hiiii , - r)) , No�iet or band - very ii h which teis upon Lis her and act ter d by his notic'e secxetl�.'- wished that indeed. Oklq for �tl eir airin(Y-13 or VLL�Lll, CrI so 1at,13, it this date, sults. ivity lum d r il�& merhor�,ble holida. ec ips.- m46lies .1. and filially one of imi. I Oys Iling about , We drove to the:zchool affer it br aand when the boy tro s mae hers he ould have at t me a little .less. eak - i .1 alid �he ha, elf file w pl� itively to a few hiffli -%v )riis the play rout)(1, ArIZIST]al-,,Attoi-nt�-%-,,Solicit-ol-sinChtLucerY, of the,SlirroLUldil�g C He was tall, 6i Man, with a loii,r Ina th holiday last week whic4 spot g for the bell to fast which we were not in a fair condition B r ollutry- 36kc., B A00rh noith& hou�ses, �carriz Off at. -%A6 had notske�l Ti o to w1i ad herd exchanged betN een ring them. tQ tea, Tito a iddeply came to-� to eiojoy, and I gra aee very ex I %Vltl" f ther, r. Price, his d- with a. f. wife, tb e the Post Office. it father had ask I, nd 1rs Priew one 'evevanir with me, with the bottonisl of 'llis trousers assistants, half the boy ibutions aajtt the sal -w- and wr'n Oed—so seamed nd Join Tito's; s, and Wickrs i. n. DAML :-S1rDO'_\__A-LD, gra ch he ( � e�ce 11111 and' his tl�ead-bare jarket were in the ball to -'se minous :,-)71 to her :ord -s is k n tty a face that.i1a, reminded mo of the A liol.i(l y inarkEd wth I, white � 11 in ref'renceto the formers suggesbioll hat tucked up. - R -2- I yei d ki-tob of n' eccentric waking in r Cal ndar of ramlle'etion's—bri-, , 81111- Ile thOu-"it lie ,should risk q sal of buttoned to the ebill ii�a awl fire,: ca,r ch had beloil to 'my -Orlldfa.ther shi Y, lid&ceal Ie which descr' ed to ell -very lil-e bugille, "You dreadf ul boys, Mr. Price 4-- le (�th look clot ol Tito. e 01: 11e ll.�,o words, at led 'ood 's aftervard, rendered isome 0 -bye, Joe -I'n off. "Aiat a terrible, fright,you have given Iniver n was tre� sure by' My father for old t (Gradilate of McGill U - D_ofr-0wn-eXShiP as oiaitioas' sake � well as fit. its -acyli- them, lving nict rwith jealo sy, and Ithe Sul of Clothes c rovide for DR- in Off ?.—Off whe me, and what �a deal of trouble ! The P sity, Coroner for the ConntY Of po� Tito, who ccoi pamed u in our Hash ! don't a noise but 1 Ulu*ol. <)f ne a: hell) Tt for Me, next thre- mhI county police are loctli-iny everywhere for 0ffl;q4_,1\,ex_t door �to Calder Brothers' Works, aud- opposite HOteli d look -d f6r the tall strii. can't stand the notion f workhouse— you. What I to Me fter he had -with te4tions Oat lie coul(Uscarcely Nvl it' e you go away toar,-, e came i . . a, C, 7M I Maiu�street, I-3eaforth near the I'ilwaystatioti. bear jagallst, he inipressi I I C31 kill- "Pleasu, Sir Tito was afraid of 8 ham ds With 2NI.r. Price t a being it he a I - tra I I buri!ie(l (rra�,-niustch, d nill ait tbL� cor- I'm fra'ld of 4 the YoIl nd Tito betlin li�e, toaether ge-ll(ff' thLlt TitA', - 4ther had d berminud nar of cvch-y street Nvelpassed. Cry . To-iiinrrow's:Nliffliaelmas day, and -work -house, explained, as he JAM, STEWART, -.A. D., C. -IT., Gradnateo qui-l'ireL One latl�! kl;idsun�mer ald the holidys did not know his way to Lonn, I an, Sur- d pe ; I -or I to re r* mun ficently all lit le Tito's came I I'm going to run aN�ay. -Mbntreal, Physician, t by makil he sid, with �-i syrouct foreiga accent, 0 n Reon, etc. Offiecand satisf a III A co and will h Lt to(rther. frie u d bw I bulis and adniond- round, lilto ws left at school, Ir. I Ou (1011 t alell it ?11 thoualit that I would- just put him oil ave yoirI way to flgl A -vtry List goo �. a 0 forth, ditte of Can Titc; is yomigei: thah yo ckes, tillhe ptry G I ' b t ia our Price 8 Willik look at the uncla inied one Yes. I do. his r�ad. onbro0k,) y it ill zaldil ati) rs' bou you best &tl es—TLbc ia.a new sul; of black assunleA by several degrees mi re stoni- B Rit whatt's to beco� ne of you?" Coroner for the County of Perth. Offia— to i iice-1, tbi�k I'll talk to you presently, imuions," settleilleilt no b let the bicr bo, 0s reported 31. 'is, e Once M'ore thebusy burn I sliall enlist fo a Ir. Price, vi,ieaniugly - and then he D11. 1�1 A tht I s father I ia d' brought -%i ith. him. �ies of ct. r a drummer, per- offte V'Ill'be tttended. to dRT Or boys call �it 'bounbe'—over him too n 1857. s boy, oromething. ito, and sa of sul NY ralriled to T id 'Youeed not ni:4ht. Belli "Phis little fellow bf mine., Alast fie -S cc, a _izzoll of ,last 13im- Wo i nt for I. a ai I il the g,reat catm. sea I haps, or turn fdrinei or the 81111-W -t t lo�vll ; we eut bcl-1- Tito',sti�ll 1011 the Im off it Olice, �thmu, li the schoo has -liever ibeen - away from- home bef will- i haive been afraid. � of 'Nlickaelmas-dy -S= -110419 the sei" L, a �r 9w Cos lie L. V1000R, MN. D., t'. Pbysltlall before, and so, I lQave you to,taiw- care of to th patr -.co(t-'s and had e, -with. f th, 11 By deyr story dow, over the wsh-house tiles, and so Ti ,,eon, cte., Corotex f,orthe County y to, for I bd'i iade up my Mind to risk' f H-Wron. lIP-d- of which lie hacT b, I . - sent. bunsand lmom kes ; we tit' for of the, bo s forlorn position h al folind into tb6 back' hane." another quarter 'but Your nxiety of larket and hi W Ofilce antl .PRLsid(.Ucc, corner of I believe that 11 said, " Thank 'you, drive in it hired before the horsema- its w.�y ainOligg the tild Tito Tito't3 sudden resolr tion took all: ind wa, to 4 certain extent excus-- strects, ne,�t to the Planiii- mill. my t003,- the am -'mal winemced- aud Col. Zalez lay back -%vaz; pitiel Very much by the najority, y the novelty of the exl�edi- abalid I shall notpunish you severely." VETERINZARY 8URGEO'N.—D. 0141ing it to be her sit ; and after bo had hands ship c D and sh Loked paper qirrarettes oi f ariously fid uglied at by- a fow th ut-,htlesi sionaroused my lo'Ve of adventure, 11taid, I felt a twittering all along 'A]�ts of wi t1i me, h, e took 11T to lip in liq X1711189. .'Irly spine, V. to announce to the inhilbit Aailleci 4.0 Nf_ Con -nier -dlcss of couseque ices, future hard- but Said not a w that .1 thoug ord agrainst his SeatortU antl'stirro)iaing conut-y that he ug : N Ould set li'taself oil ones, who thought it rare fun for boy regal him. once twice, andthen March. manifest lie ssurefl that the father ho liatruii away from. ships, f utur punishmE tit from the hand a the ailgoi),sil of the Ontario Veteyn" ed with his hed �vcry crdct out (of tb veu, to h is son by Mr. C�p f tb, fire b., fore I e cimus was oplued'; we to h ve w ary Colleg­o, aud is now prepared to VrLat diSelsea .0 went -bacL to hi stry-cook's, 311d bad 1�im. TiLo's position Was not %a envi- of Mr. Price, and the a of disobediFee And, my boy, I am very bappy t 'He - - Yrn, followed, after dieusr h d. b e, a u 0 of Horses and Cattle and all -doinestic'nuiluA18- - OL ro( 17 . - 9 i*e bott-1 m iiade, nd a one it pretty ell, and asT. r, I said : ex-1hanae4, b y rti.�, father. This ws - m. tW es of' le m Oine buns but he bore. to my pastor nd in 1 relieve you from a tyreat* suspnse this' ha� opened, an oftico, in conuettionwith hil his y only f reited. to hims ID shoeing shop, where he, -will be found reaY to at- iusi�sted that first introduction t6 Belvoir How e afid dMoild-calids, We 4ttended the per- elf -Alittle, 'ad with I'll go a little wa with you, -Tit, i morning," said �A.Ir. Price, lying his _St� e1% v wonders he noise, whikh he bad'made oly nd tend- to Discams of he feet peciallY- said she had 'the -, not ialf I -dome I)aclv Agabefore they sbut hand 0011 Tito7s curly head. Here i anasbopin the x -"r w4un. Mr. Price had taen bndl-of fol-M&LIce ir c u u d a a' S Wnded to- 11��sidenco, offloo keeper fir Hillgru ea�li, and led us Ii ito the. play -ground, upon koi �ers -alld wi th lalwh- the ialit when lie had lilis8ed �is father 'up for ille night. to-dy's P ith a ti�legraphic dea. of Killoran & Ilnln's new ato 1-inas of Vel- 11 re. hand. ler� taused the two Molt 'I or, and But how you will catch it patch frow Gentral'Americ 'Medicines kept ter at t0. olow, ns, .nd thoul,"Itt it was for fQLLI ours, I was his counsei' th6 ordeal of the great cliano was coal- Charges 9 t tn��eth�6:r at the inliki, plEted, and we -%v ro at borne before the odd—vt least I ( id --that the dark grini his comforter, and I kept up h a hopes, Yes, I knomf that - but I sbould no . t As be unfolded the paper and pointed Pill) to I)e phaced. eqnidist,� face a ei a go like you to start alolie.1" to one. item of ilitelli"eace. in the top cr- G.'BULL L.R&, night -had fa ew worU I I 0 t:) � I imp ijnnl-edxately� len on I our it 1whi6h we I)oked wh od t la'st by strange lecteiids of i various tb. hei- 'ter years 0 oke - as uttere , d,id !jot cb.% cre more fthers' and mothers' returns, a Thlik � yea, Joe ;I it's v ry kind of ner of'the rigbt-batid"column, I bent for. Deoti� Other ,do not kaowthat;�towasqLlite. home, i 1:1-w" requ I tly ; we back to tl e pastry- of abbelic I- from their children, And was ou ; but I thin k you �iad better stol). * wrd with Tito, and read in large Ontario. Plute y although he',had been lively in t1te play. f 1 let- ea. AR gur' dailtiv 1oven ll:e I I thought so also, 1but I 'weDt with ters, the tollowino, news concerning tyles, neatly m.'aut with ed 1)), , r it 0 supper, and had buns nd l- eoritinul�y ransacking story-19oks for operittiow lPerformed C mg-ro nd, and had hi Yhed a little, and a 00 P it -was,fortilwith or tug - d and wo1ak sbear Tito ; and we ucc4�ed�d in ettig from small State, that, at this late st Ln be ob- I la v -a paral el c, sea of his own. age of my care and promptitude. Fees As low as cl very fat lauxh he 1hd, too, which madii 11P to its cr a (., s ti i a v l4nt and' fi i ally - -,v e Owe da y, Mrs.'Price and her Ilord. and the school by -the way 'which my f rieDd story I need not particallarly llude to, tained elsewhete. Offie houn, from 8 A. 31. t,05 6111E laugh to'bear..#�—for when we were P rti . el 'III P '.N*I. Roolus over 31x. A. G. AlcDougairs stor o'essf ivere *al king On tiptoe throuAl dormi.. niaster bagan to have, a few wof . ds again had ingeniously sketched out. When —Great revo el't tried. by J'uilge �Cush i in dormitory si soebody begn lution in Release a Wise'dog il, JW it", t Fining himelf gettill, c "e r e r in ai �y h E lel' e )o 'r c e I 'I 0 T.t -1i 0