HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-11-07, Page 17-- t L OCT. Sit -1 a . ..... ----- ----------- BRO"'THER01 A CHEAP pixiiiii 171e]LEAX BILOTIVIERS, P111111blishcrx- 01�E $I- 9,0 a Yenr, In advntice- SE.A.FORTH ]�R�DAY N BER '1811 3. WU 'At Olin trial, nd"perhaps oil the fourth attempt tit r FROM MAN70BA. vIanito ba. It will be .a odseind wil ern 1.41 ay Compai for advic d f $1,260, another for $1, 000. T R. Oi en would have got off scot som . 'Odacobinald sl),congoars direct�ton, and haing' -eceived that ad- Wer's sale 20 60i and helfeirs iwere the murderer 7— C01're8PMde?1Ce the, WWI. EXP68itor. they actec )n it, averkge, -SALE. ill this r Wince. ice aTd irection, posed of fo $.5,21 76 free. of get kiiS ced overbow. A v up( �ARX FOR have already ea�ch. F ll bT011ght $1,085 an 24, reasonable terna,,, Lot N6' and w1lith uch results I Oct. 17,18 3. C40RDO -GORD N. );btimp6rted Letter from a Counpilor.' sh e I 10, town ip of Hay, contivining 75 a�,rc, d. I have lie ird it.said -by at average of $217. Twenty His wall fenced fti(I 11(tarly For the past two weeks the, -we Aher 116NV*'i g*ay-etired 'd 'n�l I believe it to Cotswold ewes brough t $1, 386 24, Ca- T() t7le Lvkt th e Ex ositor. impeat spot in town 64 of wbi ell are cl ship uthority, oted the ch Lord ale, t tie a P for mps, is well, timbered, ife, no t clear Ot hu the balt has beeA very unsettled, so much sc th# in the Cal, 00S. in brouht $572. .solle would be tru at even it would pay the n,%dian bred ewes and ra a Allow me t1l6 privilege, 1. Tbure is a go tl (hi house �jvith it became very. disagreeabll. Thp__,eve- -Wish him D L -AR, $iR baawOO but at he Clu H o 13�1 uob - G al W ns paper, of tone ce , jar, arid frame b r1i and other osts, ably t 0 in the oil si reat W stern R to reduce the —It is said, that on tbE' F riday through the colun, of Your 1111198 were, chM witl. �everal be -first R t T Jere ittift never f ling ii of wator lao y gradic i its n the Wea ngton, Grey and iug after the South election, When thanking'thewriter of -an article which those nolictillents of Attr- B ce R ay att �ii own expense ron 0 the house, Al o a good orchard 6f all SlIfficientlystrong to forin n inch of ice as expocted, ill out 41 zl�e correct returluivere. um the EX-po,',- yew ()Dly. appeared in the last issue to m()JInted to ru islied in ds of This farm is ituated oil it good 1, oil ney-06ieral Clarile kin water a our doors. n the ev aning At gtothiii Scalort'll and ali4toll eting of th lamilton Board of Ottawa, the news b ys of that city, p'er- TOR, oveir the signature of "A liti-A-10-nop- 5-e, eflarke) Ii tle "con- Trd th President� Adam Brown, ambulated the street yelling, in adai ion. is euizogy oil the Vi0ag Coull- eir Id, lclt�wi, Or! the e to the ,deptli S. 2, a Ii in loop, pts and is� withili a mile and a blf t X Gite"" 0S A of the 29th tilt, it snom, (.11 to him, th coly, for 1b but: a )011 di e to 11 at ex ed velden, my Lord, lid a gre, Village 0 &-trieh. For further llp� to of about one inch, said i, r erence tolt1lie above. remarks to their usua sor, the tor on the -premises or to Zurich 0 -wingay. NVIitma es? th , OP . . . . . . . . ' tlec,"wet pense i o the coun ry. B Lit -,v ho car oil. He �ives us credit for h iikg trans- oil the follo of M . II ving, that . iliptad, Of Only six Awf al sell on the - Tories.. The true ted the'busiliess of the 17illa�e well �. he L P��TER, GEw -reeabie is the The G' vernment ys these t �ings, nd ac weather the, more cars hall( ecl. qv�r thie road, it was aac- MILLINIEXV JL1 in., tate of the case., The Bishop of Huron -s th appeal: be quite satisfied IL all us, and says alLwe con' wonderfully 'adhesive pToperties '6` Pie you know it is ric) Gordbil 1, as no, re- hat iii ordinary winter ciected after Id �xpect from a m, A fact t FARM A 160ACRES for SALE in S EY tio iull& I alli it,% loss tcy filld wol;Als to dxess, ,oilsequeiitl he has the sympathy weathOr the trainis coul ist f 15 cars. any friend or in our favor. supporter" o. 20, in the Fourth, and dast I of. N. 61. 20, A St.'Cathari'nes paper says that on TT Nc yself on its 6asty cl nn�ay, of mail y, and, 'aif te all, h is i ot so bad he ap - rd concession, 115 iteres- ie, express in JLJ in t fao N�Tednesday of last week snow.fell on the But, whi nds the Council, I and nem rlY ftU oleitr of stumps, and in .... �ood sicy nature.- Till OC'�'r' day,"while s well thought I e was, Cana,i a lev�er,'east of the Cayug, to the, depth of pears to be dissatisfied because either --ultkv tion, 3 miles from Brucef dd 61 going lip d has n a'seat at state of c town, I iiiet a friend who. stop SUR EYOR� himself or som 0 watiared with never fi 11inc, h. we Richard Ch an, f the Twelfth 114 inches. e frie. ot boom 00, -atinomnt to chat, after whi rri" ort t1ir e S, it Soso; Two d ped for West , id rep Mr y, has i —A -Mrs. Sullivan,, daughter of -Mr. the Cou; ii7 il r. as water oister velL from the, ee Cone, �f 18i 6n -of the tow ishi of Gre Board, and eirna the rge fra-me barn Imme hi ass, 1 res g 'fo horsead Ihadonly gone a few aces feet ofl isnow on tl�e Reidig Mountains. P unce ITenr Martin, of Howard, has* recover- Council to i n r said object. I agree- rown apple of the "20o y inng 0 -ohard. Abont a-, much ced tr on, when I heard a cry for assistance, ils yeargi oil These w ich, wei lied 16 ed. ',;,I 0, 000 from company, ill y that �tbere are� mountains re a)out 150 inill's Pipp A" variety, a railroad with 11 _kiiti-Alonopol feuce it. Pot fur6harpariii(Iii looking around I discovered my, fri(na iii 9 the aeto OHN Loi= or b itte). the pi call west this city. he stoinitarted on'. Io*a, for the death- of her husband who many raidpayers ill the -.village who y ounc 8. I'ill awful plight: MAY 0 He hid -got into a hole, e Was as capable of condu ffairs of the Brac ftoltl 2, 0 county of Huron. t 308 the 1 inst., anc ,it snowdittst adily for — Iltt I I shed in the 'Lon- was killed on the rcii The suit eting the a rinerly from ti er was pt nd in his endeavors to extricate Ili mp,elf e P, ven 4ys. Mr. McFe'( , Fo r of FridiTy last, by 13 Con- instituted by Mr. R. Ma:Ttl-.i,.- of B66-. village as those , who cons tute -the don- A hlert�qe OPEKEDi 3 FA ��M IFOR SALE. had lost a"boot! i I Seafoith, was out oil tha mirvey-at; the rchester, well. Council, but it is Do fault of !.the Couil� �6.1 30, We are now enjoying nitoi time ind, seeing that t] Le storm looked --A. valuable horse was stollen oil oil that they are not *placed at the head IUX, on reasonable terlus,' Lot 'it I e1qctors'of North Do own signatures, t4anking M, "ession:8,townshipt of Usbor F )co e, Contain- -,V.ether., A stiff soutl -wind for. sfv�aral over, The Coulici], have: beenplaced Glass depe�dent and upright seriou 100 acres, 80 of which are cleared,well'f h6 started for the in Saturday night last from the stable of of affairs to ge; I or -safe quar (lays h,, a brought upon us all . t qn(e'In- rriVing lie ,e der Stewart Bra-mosa, county. of in the position which the bold from and in I state Qf good cultivation. The bal4nce ters, Oil ie l3th inst., y hardwood and.black- asll-�- oel- diall all mer. - - This is lie most (Ivlig'ht- course be has taken 1 the !Ionse, stating Alexan year to year by a very large, majority of is tirnbe 0. K.' cha to,�our -shame, Wellington..: ng ilso 0:4 " every ge, lent for il tiiAber. here are two never 1 f h ful.-we, ier ny one co Id desire. E uring tfti� the electors of the 'cipalit uni y, and are; Consisting ot springs on the farin, and Ono good v, �.U, 41 an th.d da - the mercury r a 111) to about In 2ylanitoba ive don't expect winter. has bDen' clearly vro en, *16 -regret t —Duringtbe month of October, 570, until, the mi Idle, i e I next r onth eftai; if 6 pores. The builditigs are all,log. Sir Johi German, 740 English, 155 Irish, and 105 well aiware that their term of offie ex oirehu� 0 0 1 GO 0 a Id in. the evelir ig goes do 11 say, against our late. rbi � 11 I W of the trees in the orehard have been car- to 'but Y1 ou may -not for a I )) and assuring Mr. Glass tha re's t the end of the year, unless re� ha or-, Ix Macdonal( Scotch enn rants areived ai Totoato 1`1 `:r 01 pi -11 JuA 35, 3 - just -wh-vt-the (locto Mon] a. c ing fo�r aeveral 15rears mud the other I call ele ted, and do not assume, as " Antit or 30— to bpar, all of the best winter fruit. the lr er poltion. of his. Conservativ 420 of the 6ermans went to the tat' -men dered. Long may it c litillue. Monopoly "would 'make it appear, that There i & good gravel road from the farm t him in the stand he ha the remainder stayed i this conntry. friend uppor in igto. aforttl!,Clm-toi�au&L4%etcr,itfLrki7t�), PROVINCIAL - EX 111BITIOIR1. Low� Iiiel they have any hereditary right to it. I U . taken —Mr. H..S. Macdonald, M. P. P.,, for aol)!t thi k the is with n easy is auce of any of these. Th -,v i's Council would be ,doig There was no -such thing this. ear, ast span 4 the great Inter I her, I 1, schooll withill.it quarter of Th Canadian emq of last Leeds, has beer, appointed Junior Judge their duty to those who pla6ed them in' it mile.. For owing, it is said particu 4trs iPI ly to the undersi lied on theIr 11 to there b -idge a Fort Erie �'e ling no "rop week contains othe' now natio! a 11 ilway Bi Leeds. and at the. bidding oA -portrai 51 . successfully on the piers of the United Counties Gf ition. if they ises, or to Rodgerville P. 0. at this ell of -the province, consequ was 1.1 ced official pos Presidentg, tly notorious Loi ill, me aber for 1prov- Grenville. A J,u.nior Judaeship is -rather Tn the trust 1111- smtf*l in ANDREW INOIR, Pr?Pr1etor the country would not be fairly repr aE ent- any person, would resig encher, Mani Thib ortrait is from nopn (in Friday last. a sm- all situ aticit'i f co r on e of the.leaders: of elligelit- rate- tford, -r i posed in them by the int d. erything in th west tiours. c ph 0 1 -.0 ggra p h e eg, Thomas W . I I He Vfajesty's loyal Opposition -tubbornly HOUSI Li for SALE in EGMONI)_V rLLE e c utly tak a at Winnip — I& errell, of Str, of the village, and'i's re Ntapt Ulohs� ih r' the ffice- I think the loi -lid, a,,4 a matter'of �coiirse, the w days ago: the Ontario Legislature. How a e and i said to. be faithful likbuess. In onreturningto ishomeafe i Sale Oboap, a good frame Dwclliuq Route accept o Persiaw, FOR V, , sitqat! ed ill ALkRQV ?,7TE mighty fallen a1V half -acre of land, bimutitull, Colim ction willi'llie portr it the follow- was mitch annoyed to find a number o' LOPOIY is not good, J�or Of, "Aliti-N1011 on ot theVillageof Eginondvalle,nearx Senforth. The icripti the appearance and I off an(' A, stracans,_ g Agriell- Ltural Exhibiiio, I was a Tan stle- - ing ads iia his applCo Uees carryina --Dr. a'J siueas man having in his house is large and Commodious, and has od 9 :P. -what b employ roull but in ex- caree, of Itiel is kiven dest his fruit. For the purpose of cellar t] xe full as. I'lle -society is 97 who issued sam conses for the arrest. of 'a competent p4son, who was transacting of the house. There �ar good ce' 9 stables and ott" wea cellent working Ord ' being under the The physi6gnomist will be attracted more e ectually f rightening the thievbs, m oat -houses attached, &1,40 Rielaud Lepinia hg had his name struck his buslness� to his. entire satisfaction,,, eftrl�g ad and cisi eru. There is'an orchard of b mnagement of skilled and enterlirlisuig by the features. I The M'O th i,� inrlica- he pro red all old foistol Which was lo, off the Peace Commission of the Province would discharge him and emploYnoter 1"Oi* This is a, desirable and pleasant residenge for it I-, rge tive of firmness ;I the eye, f rather small, ed w t 1 powder and shot, retired business man, aud wiU be sold clicaip, 11or The entri as were very and 9'v'nk by direction of the Local Government.- person, who he did not kpo-w whether- is sharp and in igeut, while the hia fired off the'pistol h chase tD the boys, lie woll s apply to the px�oprietor.i A varie y of . al. a, iner No reason is assip-med, but it is supposd he * Id give him the same atisfaction. 7 fartherpartionlar including a gre, 306-tf aad bears the stam) of thought. di'schai ,rent direction fron GE ORGE EWlN_ eaforth. c., all of w iich foreh ry it ill a diffL u ng cmseis� is or 19 a *phy�sician at- of stock, gra.11a, root 'Ili'! tbat-the iss i of fliese summ not? Or who, havin L Unfortun Ma ii �oba Energy beanis from ev4ry lineament,- that i i ,i the boys were. t spQke volumes of for crime sufficient In the eyes of the Gov- tending to critical diseases in his faixffly, I Colors, waitable for Ladies'. MUSKOKA DISTRICT. whil� the stai shows ' of of strength tely, however, boy belonging to and hek iudustrion§ f1i riners. 0 W, �n 0, to prp efnment, for his dismissal. iving entire satilsfaotign, would and g f ro OR. Lle or .-thalige; an wxcelleut Ita- and a ty. -neigh to be in a yrd in th( and employ another, ar1i I f I'll the wet, slimmer 1he; wheat and gili �:)r happened F —A new foundry is to be started. in discharge him 100 acres, im thetownship of onck, fro�.-ting 'ley we e no e but Louis Rill is a natime of - Rupert's direcd�)n of which the pistol bad beei -t of the brightest saillp). oba, next spring. i jimply' to. give employment Mus -okiL River. -Patially cle iiad, wi dN Winnipeg, Mauit the 0 r g TheTe is ar on ainsco Land. H ed, ,lid received two or three gr, bija t I -aolN think- any ing eree ted.. �reon�. 'Well ti ered an'd large 021i w1are E 4 good. isfa:th was a Fiench Canadian fir education to aut, ally sitnatedbe -haa many relatives -in the e a I, )t in his "domen. —About 5 o'clock last Friday, evening quanti of ille, no use in speaking of mots for Ma settle - who th person would, be so un -wise. Another hen * gtow of Bracebridge (three the barns and: stables belonging to liLe his mother call sal ely challenge tie world for Ithis Provi ace of Q� ebec, wl _r1he Grand Trunk Com reason given by 'I Anti -Monopoly" why Lal -e M skoka, in fall view of daily steam ar to Thomas Williams, Drummond, about schools, post bftices class -of -vegetation. T e,hve stook de- was -� ii Indian wom.en—If we mistake pany contemplate the eriiadticon, at Strat the Council should resign is to save the- q 'an sad fri,and convenient to unty of 3 I' ex- not, � daughter of the tril e of the INon- ford i large building, con� three miles from Perth, Co and chu rehes. Reai a desirable I ws not ro6t -Ation, of muniCipailityfromalliter and unprofit- ocl er partment -for Par 15 1 ii.1 or a, a. Rill -w the city venivat to the roun will sell reasonable 6r e--i:chang@ house, 'which is to i ark, wereliarned to the ground, inchiding tai able contest. I don't think it has eve -r- itle ept in variety, but I ew years Wi Oil as e of of ML Le n to many be u$ad as lodg,ing rooms for e near to, m or I N_Tge ntreal, wl e. no -in the hole harvest just gathered. 'The Vmafye in, Haron d ising C introdu , e C. 01 cost the millilcipality anythin for an. Perf loss is- probably $2,000. The fire'-w'.as or -=tion on P.Pplication' why it. eet FaU ilafol m tes. He dis- drive crinductors, brakesidien, &c -1 VELVETEENS. '39, 01 iolton. Well bred stock -who were his class I I don't see -30&2xl CHAS, T. DOYLE, Box a Ili -our young prc e. election contest, and elf ill hi studies and ill obviate -the necessity of �hunt. i caused by a little son of Mr. Willianis- be carriecil oil in a spirit of batred. t present there are so ne very fine a eci- tingu shed. hinis This �hould ches under the barn. There as r mrkable for a refl otive and seri lighting mt OR SALE. wh FARM F "et gye�t credit '013 eir w i- hands all over tpwn, and strife. Supposing such to be thel mians, which reflE It is r lated that -he is no insurance. OT. I 00 I- 9, _HdL11ett; loo acres-; 56; 4leared ou t rn of mil: A. -Ailonopoly" give any enterprising owners. a tral, I is to be despatched � anq wil case, can "Anti L cultivation; -within 40!rods of of ten wandered. to th t *in side, enient to the - e loyeeis an(' — A farmer -named George Buchan, guarantee that if the Council resign he. and In Oil. e oun a 9 mi, '(Bhudon prov -conv mp Pmrle,_ Mai eft- saw i raill; one mile from. TECE 01LIPS., g of - the shot Bliie�, Greelt,_ t meditat on and dr ami. advai bagecous to the Compan livina about four miles from Elora, can nominate five men -Who will give en- school house; lm lugh. P Y. s. on, W. h x t e, b carin rap himself on'\ rs: that atio to the whole municipal- i .0 ew barn built thi� mer, 36 -56; frame house, 1.6x24;. good An h4er,v iew with _"'r- futur that wh 3 reserved 1 for him. At —9'he proidetors of the Stratfo d an( londay la,st.' It appea tire satisfa all t I orchard. goo "i For fulither particalarg a and other settlers WhIave iliresh one e, he. -,h,4 some in ention of en- hip he tried it before, bat his brother took ity and. thus save an election contest, -or ad s, � e" 'he t HurolL Railway put the township ply, to t e proprietor, personally, -dre. y 'i atisfactory. service of th -Church,-'but thegC from him and broke the stock, of their grain, was ver erin on the un i wn for a b whiell he ppears to dread 'so much. I E DWA_RWTIG11P, Howi -k do onus of $.0,000. average return, was as Follows: N at Wa evidently Dot des ined to pass it; but on the day bove named, the' de- -but wishing to be Bandon]?.�O. he This ustracted,i wouid un might here enlarge 304*4 . I road, if co - �nd 35 b hels i)eas, 55 iou-shel's bar � - ys in thie petteeful ' badow of the ceasdd loaded it with buckshot,1- Y, his d brief I leave the reaAer to -ju,dge: who ia. doub edly be a benefit to Howick, but i a re. F FOR SALE IN STANLEY.: bu e,IS jats" 70 �bushels per He ws mea for stormier lighting the powder with a match, shot the nioncopolist, —They -who! hold' office sanct ary. O. Iis... , emel�r doubtful if imy further The w ieat and bal6y were nijul ed� by hi past recco LE on, reasonable terms, Lot! I, 40 cor shows thait he He =ty i OR ,V I lb.�ath was instintanecous. obation of a F , 65 scene and I p im e f. with tl largia '4, Stanley, coatilinInd 100 �,c ed, bonn. es can be got from that townsb I e appor 11 Cone ssion it et, emseqnently the w Ithe Af- of whi are cleared, well fenced and in w s; to of W �ield�is belo: had been of unsound mind for so me time. of the ratdi�v ers, � or he Who da was e ual to t e direst heavily tax- d for rail- as it 1; the balance is -well timbered, avera ere ew IC:r-t In the P tatre , Tr.�&Iir L 1 Ory, Chief ul esign the trust imposiAl good. on Itivatiox ter returninc, to the Red in pountry tl ae about ten fannior r Ose ways �usticeRichardswo' dnotlet them to i: and on- a poirtion of it there is a con. h total ain he wa ed for a timiq la�e merchant's e ,a engag mas ivies says Som a lawyeir plead in Kiilcrston, at the As- and assumes that he causup�yly the va,- qaantiti3 suit0le for building nndfen6ing,�-such . crop sh -will be from 2,000to 4,000bu a and subse- Also another lot of Elm I and Cedar ; there is not al �Oot of clerk t St. Pa l, Minnes+1 if not Grit are sizes t rd, because loie had not oil a cancy -Nvitli. entire satisfaction, "Anti- as Beek of thi s hiies a0 ers from 1 000 to - 1,500 bu all a farming near waste la4d on the cleared portion - there iji;s it od 25 far quently devote I bimself,�, A-101 certai �ly very gritty, nd their policy s6 white necktie. a6coly" makes %nite a charge apinst- i with cellar size of'bildi�- and a from 500 t:) 1, 000 b 'all a 45 farn I, ct y o f NN -i inipeg. having said that he (lid not the es an stand has be -in e for 'ttiloilled; -alo, a log barn tludlt 4able; fi�j far & 11fers from -both CoDservativ --rA remarktLble ink ell: - the: Reev I � omte art lers, �roni I 00 to 300 bushel Whell the I troubles br ke out -with nolto.seekre-election. Lknbw that.. the 1 It uing orchard; thejitrrn is Grits that they don't believe either in a inte -re is "o P lompail , consequent vented and is now for ale in some places 'her ay C u or Thi instand. will pro well a,e Oid�',,Oob the,Hudson's Rioya� Commissio a -Committee to M'' Ontario�' is the Reeve intended to resign nli did t%e�( FIRLOVISTO S. e is a liever-failing eta, it, find an exciallmit, Irell con- on thel trauste of the Re4 River Valley- frequently urge somwbf the Council to- gh _nse guantities - f provisio a �are They deal with it in a, ink of a Jo thp h thin I mni e I settlEi a scandal. superior quality for every da ve=ut ouse; this f arm is si tuatdd -wi by Aat oats to t1i e Domini n of Can&4 , he was call- allow themselves to be nomiaate� d for the riped, and -e , P, miles "NAinneso much more suminay manner. A young use foi- ne lifetime, by simpl:�,.put- U s f it good gravel road, and is within rt ed from 2 . - rly Wi . i h&: Vi uch. I on 3e�t, toi �ake'his pla�e , I I . no 13;ig, m of the N'llago of BrureficId v�yero there *ill be a d in )i 1peg e y - tino, cold ater into i 'but they t Ilnpo ed River, d b Reevesbi Lon I (town an (I '0 man Df this town having uttered some re t. This little ap- 1p$ and Brace Railway, Om T 0 con' -ambition to ascend. the laddia:r 0 muni- g station f th London, it the 'hea the iiisa%euts, and he 0 7 no or at verl, low1nates, cosi ei the- dr`#ier flectiDns upoll the private cllp;raeter of pp,ratils co tains chemical product un- 0 f Beafast Shawls, and is &pted either for grain gro,%% honors, andbelieving the interests, Iii1cr pro- b6ldlyl steppe d sume the further partioulRrs apply to pro 11 p noes paid for ull m a and his remarks having reblied the rts. The composition, clPal aillier o known to or ovwarl tj 'sis President pastura er, all ing es, periloqs task. I His careia� of the village were beina boatter'attei�idd Sontagsil prietof a th premises, or to Bruceficlel 0 visiolls, gi-aiiis, &c. her &rs, she armed herbelf with a horsei -wbYich po sesses remarkable coloring As- ed. to ac- TOHN INIcDOU f thd Prov ional G ia� ment of to in their present form', dealin 300*44 e properties, lit -a cold -%Vater, CIOU4� &c., re aso br6ugf1it do the river nd and engag d in immortl combat' :is soluble i 1. I ot be revbe� sed here. It cept the nomination. I am. also aware ad give by a peculihr arrangement in th sold N reasonable For the be ie- siniboi,�,c le with the calninniator. We neecift' e interior, RM� FOR'SALE. t bli attention i or years, n ­rfs, _c Ot sea olvin n posed of Lot 1, Con. 10 . of the fit of I�Iany of yoluYleapd, rs, I shall, gi e a Occu lars of that- battle, suffice it to the waterl diss g file product can that he has been strongly uigea by hi i � own- y ere, but in Eurco all p4rticu -wool Mitts, i� B EING co s of. price 1�ist of 'a few of the staples, stch as 0111, and Riel's say that this partiOUlaT scandal was dis- only beconlie, as it were, saturte(t With friends to stand another election. What miniurr 100 acre shp of "mokersmith, coW enetrated to entirel�_ Oil inown nar�e n ay be sad to have I have written. is y WOGI Cui ent la. d, upon which -there i . ..... $3 P0 pose& of ill a man "e highly satisfactory diluting the material or doin - s a new frame -pjour per'100 lbq .............. ii r it, butwit rmost Parts of the lobe. Since reisponsibility not haviDa colisulted any barn, 38AQ f mt, &nLI also a good orchit.)cil.' F Or coat'mtfta, per 100.lbs ................. 8 00 the utt In facit we believe the verting it litor syrup. The ma t wool, to all concerned, Tnto pulp W -n Corn -1d call per 100 lbs ..................... -8 0 rporation of c are easy, and other hiformatid ! Manit ba as a regu ber of the Counail. For.my own. terms, w theAuc than satisfied; at terial acting like a soluble salt, the so- mem C . lit,,, of 0 B000tees,. SA)AXE Y, on Lot 1, on H , sugar euxed, per lb ................ . . lar Pr ince with the Dom Dion, his life young man was more I intend, if nonui nated. to �go to the ply to am 4i, part, or to the vendor WA -LTE R UE IN siagar cured,'per lb ............ . 121 all efents, it is stated that he retired to Intfon- having ttained a certain degree I s ai d T o w- n ship, Sbould ser e J1 the I , ch �,;quered one, full of peril ifi,o polls, and, it eleeted, to V Inf antees,, Co., Out. 296 has beel a r- to meditate upon of density, it will remain staple lit WICIC, Sr., St. George P. O., B Teti, as cheap -as in Ontario. the Ilitude of a cella and uncertainty. He hi been forced'! Coffee, iood.... ....................... I - , precipitate, ipality to the best of my ability; but, Gloves, 1- bors4whips n eneral, aild the, one wield andothe'licluor constitutes, an 111c, ......................... ..... . D once to tae re uge nisdefeated I will acknowledge it a6 *ARM FOR SALE. ........ .......... . . i8 more than. ed by the la y in:particular. He has ink of a oldubly superior quality, riva lug aI white crushed e been kie-ed OT NJ, 5, 06acession.4 Hullatt; 140 acres, Sugar the lilies, while his farin, on the As- is mind oil two important mat- the besP Didern ink -s. The priee of the defeat, and -not think I hal 'or lb ......... ......... mad( up h I rla Dried Apples) P I more an. once in L more (,IT �ess 80 acres clef'ii plenty �of Nvater, nopoly" th bushel ......... .......... . 19 i-nibcine has been mo o ut, as ters, nam at it is dangerous, to in ' ic inkitand is on y §1,75. 0 jach Ualthind River ran- Potatoes, per ely, th, I - 11 15 is person. - 1% ely f rom. -& of the I kp. lilresh pet- lb ........... ........... . aded by offigers in quest 0. hi 'ter of I thr4gyh the 18 acre bush ', good f ences. Fruits, Pei- (10Z ......... weddle with J ha Brown, Of 1'enelon Coun- and the uc rb bi .......... . All th ah'these vie i himselL For au,(,Yht 1 know each g t Uitnued � 8 do iss*tLid a, howeveri the private chara y on p .01111se!, -iotor, pIci ��y females, nd that Corey's oint- ty of 17ict to the propi F looring, clear Pine (Ir Ob vei4y narrow escape TU-,rEs 1-9,ARTIN, I on it e'affectio'ns 35 6� J�e has-Vtaine' his liolc ria had a ber of the Council is quite -willig to lea-va- clear pine d 086'ed ........... J .... . meni. is a splendid medicine. r addross Constance P. O. - 0 - v 1, 290 ..... . 35 60 Of the Xlt� and more th. n once his from a Da -ham bull last Saturday Week_ -lie e:ll,,ectors to, eficorilig, common pine drasse ...... elfin th hands of t .......... The ani pine d, � es ,91imes of Frid last d, d iI h ay mil had never displaye � Siding, common' rIss:e, .3,0 00 ee mentioned fo a seat in he Hamilton say whether hi term of office has ex- the k R-1 M__F; 0 —S A- L _E In the English correspondence of temper, aid Mr. Brown went int 1, - � - Pine Lumber .................. $30 00 60 $3b 0 Ires, First Con-. W�ite -%voo( I I b 20 00- to 80 00 Vamrleii3Int, At -the ltst enieral elec- says A accept tiieir decision in bi pired or not, an ATYV� f3LF, FARM, 100 ap I t DI or His Lords the spirib that b vALU Son -forth, On'the mail! joisting, Szo. . 25 00 to ion, he 1woold certainly bav been elect- th.e it is represented field whe.,e 'he was, ecomes him as a good. u(I tossed -Mi. Brown cessio, , me-Killop, near D, that &MiNus Irving, one '[of the J J, but e yie I iN Am Bmi gravel ron, t o God6rioh; 86 acros cleared and f roic Poplar lumber .................. is 00 1ded his clai& in favor of charged, I ow�-verl a citizen. Al s ul. p andii ing 6 75 -V. Four Weeks . ago iaD, diTectors, �at a meetinr� of the ome twel e feet. 'Mr. 3�rown got ul�o SEAFOIrX W e M; Show fr. t 35 Qcres ploNved, the re b hi fles, good ................ Sir Geo ge C rtie -1olders, t once if, Nov. 3i IS73- grass 0ordwoott, (osk) per cord ...... 5 00 to 6 0�, Ilway sharel aind Aucceeded itf reaching 6 =S, 1 , vtered and fenced,. with 1 ' .4 0 0 the vc Gre'- Western Rai doll - -to o n sed by the eath of the �rnhouscbo�'ra t Cordwood., poplftr .............. 0 5 cy c� .u. e Board as would 11 bull barnstable u aderpoilth;lOg I �al I th6r urge .'tion. of th ence at a Ishort distance, whe i the vivng ession inune'lliatelv illustrio a Bamnat, necessita ing auo 1 suen c oleswortri Plo Match. side, and list is the 6 re -fortuna t I oA okchard; p9ss ve price n abandonment up h ey ul n by eclainati6n llad of, the Welling- -For further par4culars - The bco , 0 a nol. tossed him, sy.-- e w is chose It title good it terms ea ilelection i h . IiSt Of those WI -10 - prices at the -fiat bots Lee o4thern Exten- ver the fonce, which was so'high� tbai The following is T t6n. !Gre� and Bru y to Almost Y a _�i member I or t at constituen Y. ghe It is Dianifiast oil the f. W wing 772 DWIG M-EV',ER. SemfOrth P- 0- Il erclints cliarcre -lit e ace rizes at the Aloles orth plo A�w - . .1 Q 8 With -this e�.' ct, came,, a sion cheme. he infuriated beast could Dot get.over, took 1) I, iluch nn t that the English correspon- -ob regular merchant J els Vill y I 03 simultanleon o this ci' umstance Mr. Brown pi - match, 11eld. on Lot 64, Coi Wallace, -e - repor re FARM FOR SALE. summon� for I as appearanee befoi . the of tt VNin . n nt has mixed up t ly owe.3 6TA1v1 s i W 14IL-L AND -it the fiat boat mail, lid sw airs I h6 Kij�cardine branch his life. As it was, he was -se- on Thursday, 23rd ult.:- 104 ipeg, to answer. de Queen a enob, at -ey ad Bruce line rerely shaken, but 110 serious injuries; EINNG I at M, Con. 7 110,I), coutaining WiU yet doaNvay with bi 4 e Wellington, Qi in He dis,_ of ood barns &nd sMibles. r nsion from Lon- bull was shot Archer, "S 2d; aoreg3 0 1 L ell .sco,rVs ERS. t ! ere sustaia ovor-fail- . i � rl Is a i(I to -oposed exte ed. The Itwo good oi bards haltall. hvO n appeared yail 1111d it wa ok his wi he pi ',$4 4th, Thomas -Nic- 'th T how- as Gil son B L�ared, Wi i fo the deatit-of Tho I as Sc6t; c The ler kolan tes he: of am and li�n -ardine. ortly f ter the occurrence by or( Of- 3d, John - -is, ich �uppl� the mill. �A_lso; lot* 35; l iled ttawa;. Duri g the past don I 0 Wingh, eme h 8 p eai �n a Nihi ioperty Considerable excit departtir a for Nlr*. si2. "ll. 1,0,) tN only proves the sabject'of i ining 48 Uore of lYn,, LereaboutS ir. Browti. lattEl -F - Ivith a good city., for the ast w ek over 'a pa the ali- Mal naml; and t 6 mii4m from eafoorthl in th -fortnig-lil f i ool) ows —list, i - s Oil e ex I I , c rged- Ict Irvii'a's remarks and we re of epine, he Xpers, , I i i road- rato'. For futtlaorparticull!"'; apply at N have �llold t almost to th llaOen to —The Perth County Council on IV, ed- L lax-ime L D11 iS1110t Op- Tliomas� McLau��1111111, 10 2d, Andrew Mr. Irvi Intioll agreeing -to P, s. It by� Po4t, to JOHN THO'iti lico kas c()tt inenta,y ma'ttets, knoi in fact, that' mesday, asedTeso) A r(t on the.pren dse derers of T e Parlia i clusioll. 0 s, of McKci:e ':,7 50 - 3rd, G,.V0rge. Blown, 260 fth inr �g outhern. Extension of the Ki b 0 t. the 8 gran't �a,_Vu aw -wrralit -was also Out vVhprp a, t e pres r lic'? '�3 allues rey nd FARV i I FOR --SALE IIN McEluop. urse a lieu Bruce, 11114 is the the tratifi rd *and Port Dover 4th, Thomas I 130si ltivel. k el, buil as not to be deli-iiite wellaigton, Lu aI] iatter of co Qva, a cl ii. - 4 10?)06'td oil, cur readjrs last lrLan -who would advise the �lld 880, 000 to the rd es �$1.25. ; tratfco Nleuzi , 4j'._% i h ill t-1- . 18 yearg of �Ps, a good Far* th- foull(l. Weexpeettia nEx Lu I lou On the eat Western Tall', f) —Boys 'und * compose� No�, informat Folt SAl f of lot 114, Con�- Ill) at Ot 'rial ore entr with th e men of that line by till Gr i _t, e 8 e ds ld Lake.T-f uron Railwy. for h Is now will baVE to cc nte t the a res7t half of lc t 15 and the wakt, hal I Ou a stubble p vay compa 12, McKillq �, containing 100 acres, 50 denred and efecte`4 ottralt c a Y. —The shareholders of the Strathroy. uthentie P It Wi. Campbell, $7 2d, tive of Prox -icher, Vil L beeiv well fonaea, and in- good 0111tiviLtion; balane well heLondonAdrerti.qn-, in edminent- 'k timbered fty yootell A]aimfet­ariDg Colnipauy have Thowas milt good frame house by c wation oli. the 13i I hist. Pi to -day.?' in orsyth, ",6 6lice wei , r M -d lit to P o ---dw 0.11110P Ll Irving le the Md new log b 'good bearing orcho to t 0 ing rranged ivitb. the ci itors to sett six w armed p mil lf from it good 6 the, I LOi 1 $512�� 000, Walter Scott, -S3. G, e'man corning o: welling,ton, Grrey a d Bruce befco a Ineetil]" Of G 'eat Westorn I'ail tosli, 4th, JI'll Raij)h, -�4; 6th )te(tilliess of the Company at s and a. h, veiicl�, er on the in The indel uth, Sea Sei from the villatle of Scaforth; there are t�-U. Stearn says 'As for the Lon- I xpectilig. to tiol 2) toil being 'S110,000 sieur Ilicl hareholders SO CaWl -WaY. 1 he orioaiii�l anio sawmills Ivi �hin 3.� mil�s; C�nvenient to dharoheii I -Itiron and it is not :, wb h 6 tuw-w-h h 6holders of h ceed 9 -e, but ii g of a doll eii the sets are re, ai b thei r t P -schools and store For piti-ticulars appipto the for it was said -he wi i i t what. At a r& 0 actual lcii to or, if by ter, to test cent �meetin _Ni know asovNoirrH Yoikl;�.� 1k) Inigs be f l Unite(l Stateii ('ourts G fliel. O there will be a Irebe Alia proprietor- - all the ound. The t bnilt. sh IvintlTop 1'. 0, d1d. in Lon- Y -vie be unB hed we say i the Grea; t inay have yet to 'be built lid big f tt �y the firill of LD. matter is that he LOI 280*4 T NIES MCDO:�i _X in - - to thro i ptc. 611 th ViDg, 0 (Ion, Buirland 'Mr. 11111* r, nto I)aaikr 113111111gligi, 'are 'ica their .3 ndependent line'after all.' (M r. C I tor 0 �Itlle Great as a I liamiltou, latady Solied Dodge & Co., consple) s.iii the lumber -lou f 1-1161-erill 0 FARM FOR S IN GRE way ;0 Ot e conrse of his 6marks, xe- The Messrs. Mi'ller, 0 .9t. if En4 of the Stokes CasO. inbiliation, which brolre (11)vn lWst co 1 in -the 13th as been exami ed and. coly-i- Western in. tj I . I TOT No , 112. and part of I jot NO - I Lepine h. hethe main liaxr recently held auction- ,Wes. of ' e case summer with paper on the niaret !zaid 4 Couce,;qiou, of Grey, milsisting of a and t 78 strate to stand hi ferred to construction I e took, which wei e toler- The fani 01-1 edios 8tok-* )y Our ing'L nd. he murderer es- to amount to tell millions. galn r bi for four years toltl all interviewer �lately lie "141 Gravr�l.Romil,.12milesfroiniSefLforI ent emiscs - �l -will - "tti sf V thP Ople, for c apcg. wil imprisonin h oullr- I cult�ivatiou; 2.1 railes from mitted I fflingtoll, nd Bruce tho "Righbr (I a ome to) an W, will sell cheap for ca 50 cleared 4ud in goo( the �h. Apply -to trial tat the Fall Assizes. �Ot in] g but line of the W. successful. The followirig,jare Iias c 276 GUS NICUMI on thq PV1 tht Railway as fo', Iowa -the g'ades es realized At George sale i ( ton -Xiat and Bruce figu r Of course, Iv.; and d with the pap8rs ill tlit fair jr beeni serve uDon t]6! i the e risoi. murder of Thom I he, bha'in they have 16 4 hws and heifers were offered,� � 1cott, is s, ':resh ill id aT1 as I is la\,iii ts �feel very h,, ppy� The peol'ie' an(I alzio with papers in sliailar Ll %vier L is 1),)-und tp I line are mu -M FOR S�LE. VALU�LBLEXROPRI I.TY A -S ev,er D (I lea fou A purchasers at an averaoe 'of 11 their ,p n the as " i r -who ings t), I o 4 ewark- een rep,esented to be. U ii of thew h dwell- L( ine .are not . 1, b 0)e venged. 111cl r i) possible to -eacn Of 60 bulls offered, on'ly found --orrat er'that portio 'd ---------- FOR S_�LIiE, cheiv-1), two Stoes, wit' is found 11 _Nvould 'enforce justice— He was fraid the firill lie -in" nV r -head, in the dmtre of the', put foot Ili Winnipeg br so sure as'l fall Of sabv,r i pui c hasers, at an average of $149 each', respect lw and the!villa-c of,scafol th. The lot �is, 30 feet fepressed. If P -Vet to go into 11aliku dra8v more than from six �o cialit cars. Liptey, athougli y -ti inien i cre on :922 bead feelorqspondingly �O; i they (lid,, they o Del, I avcra,g frontage. Vor f m6ther pftrti oulars a k pst, ction of the ma 6DCP the ge . t"i did.: mwle, to avoid ich a For this clef ec t in the c0J t man tlieserved o hang, %Sb)k efiort-had been 294 E1OL9,-4STED. -11.1ch is the feeling by evvry ty-six. Cotswold. sheep I- Seven W�llingto, Grey and Bruce $3 But lie ii�iade a desperate struggle for life, result., ;1lort line. the $1,561, all average of a little diaii* i�ho hs lived e'cll 1 Compall, are 1DOt to crh it e( the services of thein""st4-1] blame. Do you ,-k br E. I tilne in this colliltly. ov 1 $-.20 each. At William, b eal -Nd all 4the gentle. r-_ FUL NIADI) EXECUTORS Ti6 �iiswer, becall Aliller, I bylliat inoliCy Could 0mPI"_oY- Pe BEAUTI B R, iour re Ir m P ws and OM' le I r., i -thifili of why next day, 37 c el -.e trial t�ernlillate as 0 ell that th and I 1).Te staffs, i t reocived ii't, rOTICE'is hcr�by given to all Wh-) coinstructed t1lE kVellingtoll, Jr sale the L mil, _A0N1cken, N � . 50, an average of ap1s it' W the estate of 'he We I'Vilhaw Receivcr-(�enL ce road -were gnIntlemen. of he f ars brought $12 & -ought Drug Storr 0 it AO a. Had the thir ill I a -44a J. Stodd.tr%I - ip of I -Tan! ount-Y f ArIli6IlI,ia_ GreyandBrt r ugh ry -, A of L qf L11c Ton. - 4 N t 405, the -wit erlDe Jelly at:d other P.., -who entei:ed the b ho $3; e ich. . Chree bul's bro 11�0n, thtit they' the sami, properly iluerml - Infants'Tollet Powders, Glye ,8 yewelar- must for%i ard draiih brandy con pursuits : gentlemen w 11 A Verdict of guilty of intlrde, confined, all lotbing I or n average of A,138, the general aver-., Oppoi M� attested to the undelsignq, on or befb c the lsu A *p] 'Of6sL4ed, f..o ka W, I would. have altieles for Toilet usaandefiapWjkft�d�, lips% lk�-11 -ew, ai i &1111 IN day of j' W r, crood he.th nd speedy 1 kn 7 $334 each. Sheep. brought :,,unity of coisel. g a new o) oill parti4. indebted ater to thi On of ral- ag making mcceede'd in PrOclirill at RiCKHON'S Drug StOye. I This 1 whatever aboint the consTr c I I I i to the sitia, estat6i must sep �le the same mi th the Ttter , ( Mpine) - I (i doubtles 5s fhe liberation of' lied to th eat Westo- 190 I pi ices, but not ex . tra. Onl; cow' Sol "dersigned at once. McBRYDE DV. up'tice iii ways. Fheylapp 306-11, Ben Wfiller P. Co. is but ci len of Bi i tih ItHOFFMAN r .......... .. . 2.�