HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-10-31, Page 1F7-' IIf IIII7OCT. 24, 1870, fV "TREAL K in 4-i a r Ni N """A " IU No ANIi IL VE.Aft, I u WjIl[OIX NO. 30S.f EAFORTHIFRIDAY 6TOBER 3111, 1 87 3. $1 0:,n V, car, in advakice. Iof coat of gr ewly uiai:,�ried conples OUR LONDON LETTEF. llowthe corteg,., to proceed to St. Paul's, rij -nake or refu e to mae change �ed by 'sort ey cloth. He less th�n four n i 4 ht to i 4 1 174; � ftzk V 1,� Much -Pleasti-re -is 3topped In. ther along the in t conartution that any other ban 7ore a large turban. oi -whirie muslin, S-baIJ g 011 c r we( 116 I IRS. possitily it w, 8 rg ment in favor of railwa�ysthis fact is your %ttenti(M ta . to�-k Of Disr ch4' K 10 InuttBr— route ; but -1 coald not say, having ob- would have.—John Arbuekle. which be kept Oil his he6d tliro-LLgliout U OA�.X of 150ACRES for SALE in S. L"- 'th( voag lathes 411(t Who wonil -agildti—I Service, except (uring prayer. He mended toy o 11, and east I 0 No. 20" �-gildti ' he fVew tine� I a ticket- ` r an eary seat in the speciall' com ing's, r OT No. 20., in the FouA ;P Jut in the T ession qrcIi Gleared Cand e ta, ov"'s - 1,aw thedrar. ll - sp ks 'remarkably, good English, and matrons with -hii d Cone 115 a C, Antong the , -bearers was da. early R-11 clear of stwaps, and 1,madNeer's Obtmqitiem. 8ir A,-ancis -Gr4 A,. -the President ofitlie -surprised his hearers with his acquint Had t1lia been th ft elected uith rent 1 1 oujh� of two or three �7 . Jr4e tolls on the county roads in the A7itIJ Vie'NV to; Va teof oulttvation, 3 miles from Brileafield, nce wAh- our literature. He wai a dele- monthi ago, the London Huron and Plront an Occa4ional Corresp ude,2 t. Roya'k,kca(lemy, and:the, mourners in- I Clinton. Well watered with nex-tr faAn - 0 of IV, entworth are likely to by co I perhaps, have succee' d. in 4e fouild replete- -with- .Vlt the fr M ;,O),)DO-,'j Oct. 25, 1878. cluded the leading members of the' i ; gate frcin British India to the I& New Bruce ihight, n& Two wells, alsosoft water ci4erll.-Gboa �ab-lislied at the iie�t meeting of th 1110. I 0 and is 11ONXT gettinglan additional five thousand ep-ch e, large frame barn, horse and `�old.nlali eloitient," 'Ar. essrs. Faed, G odll, Calder- York Evangelical Conference, me hotas cow. 4ta-' The is- Forty, " M i co anty council. I I .if the in the various D. i oil mi psionary tour for the benefit of from_S�aliley nd Ttickerswitli, altbough bl 8. Youngorehard. About 'as m0b, aedsx. on oil, Frith and Millais, with the lea Aee a's Will fence it. For filr,;hor pe rticulars raeli I has done the Lit lerals a rea -ser- P1 A well-to-do f(wilier linied Toll to 'doubt but the youli cr l.dies sculp Jors, and nearly all i be Associates. his village in India, which contains a we have y Ou the primPOS to J01EIN LAUT: or by lettef vice. It* is ifotoftein that hjs t P'gue 0 M L, Naughton, -Nv,-Iio lived oil the Cobour.' Christi� Ln population- of 500. of these townships -a sliffidiellily, attr M'Oefield P XL I UOeS, O., County of Huron. 308 rans away with hilli, t whelL 't In fact all of R_ AA and ASsociates, tha without the aid. ro id, about two miles east of Port Hop�, the tve to acquire husbands �were in England, paid their last tribute ­Tble taild a of Hamilton, witl fit carries him ver indeed.' 'The lway facilities, although tbo-,6 on y ar )DRESS GO 'Bath election wa4 pendifig.' Captain at th 3 side oC �& grave to the great mas. fel I into'the iiarbor at Port Hope, a fe e.�ceptipii_ of those employed by Mr. Fur- of rai IFARM FOR SALE,. congregation ni le ng -(:x'-rey rnis, Lot N ter. I noticed ion at the I its ago, whi ill. a state of intoxic, e for higher wages. the main line of the IV�elli to, SALE, on reasonable to 30, Hayterws -in the fiel:I for the Liberals, illival, 4:re oi4 stril� co4teesion. 3, townghip of Usborne, contain- "riliksbank G. Briice,may riot be. FOR and "orsyt4 -,he Tory eorge I : tion) nd was (Irowii -d. tyney7m. i order to and the veteran George IThe jo en allegre that ii inj 100 aores, 80 of which axe aleaLrea, we] I fene.ed, Mr. I repi �sented y1or, and Alma —Several of the students of A1cGi wages, they have to 1work 0 J)"OteSt alry,4[ISt the return of tr(.,�, P-,Iffck- D in�erp Augustus Sala,, Tom T�. make dood and ia a, stat6 of good cultivation. The balano ,at of that rec3atlystwice-telated' foi South Perth, Ity, Montre, 1, being out oil LOWS per; (lay 11 M. i versi som MJa es Trow is timbered with hard -wood and blaak ash—excel., doiis�r�ative Borouill, Elsewlere tb an Tade ma, - the. celebrated Dutch painter. i' U, 1 e firteen or twenty li Crape. i ih - -11th -rawn lent for rail tila-ber. There are -two, never fai. I — - - _j I i I spiree it few nights ago, became rth, the bu,, a -a has beenwithd '9 in Bath everybody, m3 §elf in clu 3 ed, gave Iy season, all ni also an gpring$'ou th� farm. and. one good well, The Preseift nt of the blistexous in their c4ilauct, nd thus ,almost idle for -walit- _T' orobartl of 6 acres, The buildings ti -rd all log. 'up the,seat as lost to i he Liberils. For- Governmle in the 7ear they are Ipenter4, who were Stand - I i 11�ree ow aaff ot. the traeg ill the orchard. have beau bea-r- tI.Inately, however, for Ithem, it occurred Ban of England. 11 � L. - . e trlicted the attentio' of the polhiceinei . of wor' ing oul , scaffold, �rkiDg at th. cor- ing fo4 severwilyears and the other haf j OhIe Was o linfortuirate s to strike h-, �s - —.N1 %srs. Arch- and Clayden. had a nice -story bifildin St TI - as, feAl - to, the groun( e of 5 0 leto my Lord -Grey de I-Vilton W write to L remember ce, in L)n4on, to have of 1� a f our imandiig to J)ear, all of the best wint)r fr.lu I nasl orgall ginst a poli6eman's bton. long .1 d lighly -satisfactory ii*tenie%v There is a. go�d grilvel road from. the: farr 3, leading ' 1, a Tistanc, lom -Ar. Disraeli,wftli a iew tc eliciting seen a oung ks parted in Iin n with,, locl rith r. Pope, boi 8 Violently as to ijut it ofit of jOi1A. in the leader of the Opposition a, mani- the middle iiii insecure, ing, to Seaforqh, Clinton ftud Exeter mar its, and fro bundaLt watch chvin, �Vliilister Of tet. The scaffoldi 'g b to available for electoral purposes.. and to have been greatly surprised when on the 24th is W.it.hin easy distance of Liny of these. There is for al others of the party were hustle (I Aggri, ture, it 0 olare ivay, thus, on the ccid ttawa, asehoolwit�ina quarterof amile. FC(lIftirbher. 4. to the lock -tip. in St. , on the sub ­ et of their misSion - and Mr. Disraeli was- not at all lo Lth to re- told that he w *a's a director of the Bank ]e One d the men was instantly kiled lnd. particular& a,j)ply to the uLudersignetl on Oe prem- I - I I - - -niied during the rien, ises, di' i —A prominent nl�inber of the DOMil L ce they have cq the Oder two seriously injured. or to Rodgerville F. 0. s,pond tco the in�ritation, and he, wrote of Efiglnd. -:had AupposeA that - e)q.)p . IET at: V t h Ontario, They VAB y 8ffitf+_1m ANDREW VOIR,'Froprietor- such a a dignity iqll: House of Coin in ons, � it is said, has bet their journey thro-ag .—A] Highlanilman over 100 years . of a man'ifesto, �Mell may the Spec- rectcrship of th-, bank w tator , gay that he is the Liberals' tain(d only by men of e, o grea ex- $f, 200 that the Govbrnment will be (I 3- have silice leftfor the tates, -where they pearecl at the ElgillCounty assizes I i i age AT FARM FOR SALE*, pose making a tour, prior to their re - strength and shield. Thal in him perie nee, and of a grave d, Bomber ex- f4ated this -session. the otfier day as a witness. ke gave his 0 CH DE LA.11 T 18, onthe Si-xth Concession,of -Hiffiett, 100 turn to Eli and. ' Mr. acior. But t L acres, 60 acres cleared. c'Fr�me house, with they,may put tb ir trUBt a d nbt- be ter' ;h 6, the case. D" Car gbs been appoint- evidence (in his native Gaelic) without tl 't. 'Marys,- has EMPRE��'3 CLOTH, Five 'les ery roll ax d. —R.6v. Dr. Waters, of S N besitation,.and ex -1 able river runulu through the lot. Five from confounded." , After- paying compli- rectors of el always v e tru§tee for the Llondon, Hit hibited. i a rem, arl. ,T� Ireselit � -charge, ruce -11ailway, oil t) wo and a half from Kin -bur -A. It is a. ulent to Mr. Forsvfh'a ailiti ana ac-, yourgwilenele4ed. The reason is that$ ie Board of Trustee s, beenr�leased from his 1, degreei the powers of a good memory at ba-rgain to any purchaser, as it will be RoId at a ur. viId's aery, adv ed age. figure. &ppl� at the office of complishinents, Mr. Disraeli enned the ill tine lie diri T room of Mr. -who resigued. and goes to St. Da Ch ch, St. - anc low- It John, i -i. B.' Is r. J. B. Freeijin, of London to kt the Waterloo Cdnty Assizes, n�pt totor will be the deputy BEIN SON & YER following extraordiDai y senten eS For gove .0 en the, governor. td Barristers, lsca;,th nearly five years the presen _G�orge Calvert, a market g 306-tt ministers importa� ll� that h a wkn shall be in has on his farni a patch of raspl) held At Berlin, a few Aays:ago, the great - f 01 -the Lindsay Po. -,qt, say r Jue I writing to she has have harrassed evey trad w6rried the I ull vig i e, ar d yet that he bushes which are in.' full bloom, an. 1 -T for SALt in EGM-ONDVIL Boin the drim. con. case of Peterson vs. it fll fairs this year, "t paft of the day was taken up with �LE every profession, nd issailed ena Mple experi r in ced ha'l] have had' e of which are ripe berries. e ken 66 prizes or ape a ot prop- is that the dire tors from whom the gov- � z and, ilj addition, has brotight tivia loads every class; institutio i �as I Tuck,� which excited inteuse interest, pberries' are not often Seen growing cap, n good frame Dwelling. House For' i erty in the count Occasio Ail� be elected yotkng. of vegetbleg every week to Lindsay and half ere of land, beautifully situated 11 ry. ertlor is chosen ust �Jiis season of the -year. and w1fts tried in a c,rOWde.,I couA roorn. 78 AND POPINS., -et. 'Village 0� have�varled this state of civil A certain portio of the ( ir -ttorney of I'Velling- the Egmiondville, near Seaforth. The watfAe by ut mark aodions, and h s a good —A few day ago,a young mail na in d the -vicinity Plaint�ff is County A house i'largO and, eeran Several young ruffians, i perpetuating some jot which iskoiltrag- nni: ally and re an oUt for'a year. But' 'r- �elson Scott a 'fari'aer of the toWlis P tol county, his wife a daughter of Shet�' cellar the fuJ4 size Of the house. There are good I of Poli Hope, who took part 'in'. a is- well -ed public opinion, or Stumbling' into they are nearly0ways re-elected. When esp(lici-al attention to this, 7 stables siad other out -houses itttaahedl so a 4f Delaware, soic! a load of ivlieat on t e iff Gr&'11ge of that county) nd the De- es. mistakes which have been, lwi�s. dis- a vacancy occuri, by deat) I. or'resignation, graceful chrivari, oil the occuiou of the and cistern. There�is an orchad of beto ing. tre ass� of Goods, as, we have 8ecur - fendant a, doctor, prxetisiog in G London arket, for which he receive d . i ielpb. ant residence for a es- marrige of the Rev. Mr. Allaill Bible �Thisi&a deofrabWand -pleas ceditable and sometimes ruluous. All the board looks about among the old . Defen(lnt ws -charged ad thallusual, value in, 30. . After - obtaining the' in ' with having b retixed business mf, and will be sold c , oney iniste'r, to Miss 'W iiiiaint, - of ha&p. For he tb is th-p -and quite tablished. firms of the cc city" and fix Christian N21 'ininal intercourse. With plaintiffS WifC r i6ulars pply to -the propricto r. y call a polio seem. -wandering rouri d ut drunk, a'nd was ave been arrested all held younj mail w i Velco e, h. A .306 -t -f CTE ORGE EWING, Seatorth., proild-of it';--bilt the country I upon that, om. they think at Preston and Berlin in the sumin er of ihoe city for Some hours. He at length tijitl at the Assizes. There is for think made up its - inind to e e this will make the )est director. i themselves, �,lisappeared, nd has not since beEll 1872. The criminal acta a and b) n'O' gs. " very: little f _Tl e T iUSkdXA DISTRICT. career of plundering derii'tl avor shown; the best man, upposed- by t own 6a6icil of Ingersoll have. es Ileard of. It is a some th, were not pi 1, but tho 'e-ircmistane eems ;o be the beat man, is purcl�asod liew rotary system firto en- X I ]FR Sale or exchaiige, an qxcellent Farm of over 11 Sa'vd-'us from our f riends The dis- or ho a S gililt were so s-rong that he has been drowned, and by ot hers, th. A of defelidant' ected, and it* JdCk ani cotd. W aireE, in the townffbdi�p of -Monak, frouting -affected know now what they, ba,v ex- near' always the, posi ion )in the Silsby Manufacturi� Com- nd gine fr, .19 the'jury gave a verdict of 000 against y always a t f I �vil disposed persons h, ve robbed on Muskoka, River. Partialy cleared, w ith dwell- - Pee ro� the Tories, The Plines! asks is greatly coret d., any. N. Y. The pride. to alled no witniesses. ing'arected thereon.' Well timbered and Mrge murdered him ri(I concealed the bo p, eneca Falls Defendant_ c undred W, Y ou twenty year e h h 1&r argeliAid not stor t1 It takes a; for a di.- p id for the engine nd oil Both Plaintiff and defendant, who is at ine. Beaut illy situate between Di AS pitind abou be .quantity ifully situate I., I. election, 4 i to 'lies, a i of Bracebriqg& it d isin- Olt - u eirincr and blunderin when e. ha4 the rector, after 1 reach the' Newmn Hall, of Englnd, d the r to� 0 9 feet q)f bose, is $4,7100 Canadian-'.;curren- present a widower have i fam Lake KfiLkoka, in f all view of daly steamers to livered a very interesting. lecture (n chance, and the Daily New3 warvts' to gove�rnor's e oldest. of them cy, cli. rhq mainifacturers claim that tocetber wa of aery painfill UEAP LOT OF NVO OL 9-Tf AWLS. chaii Th t t offices the ca,se al and. fro, and convemlen Palestille" to a* large' audience in tl.e and ch Rea.11 y a de'la.ble-location. Owner; know what part 'Mr. Gla& tone's lwork who has not Vee n in, office is made depn- the r ielline Will tlirow 500 gallos pe�r natue. -A similar 6se !`*als tried laist V for park ment o nute helt will sell reaponable, or excha lots in or Mr. Disraeli is prepared I o undo. I ty-g6veraor, andp the retire f the city of,Toronto a few evenings 1190. mi iu a horiz6ntal sk-eani of from week at the Yok Assi7es,- I' nage in B uroa dist riot. Title near town 61 ix-r-ge vill tbu'ik I may say th'# the i evulsion of goverliorhe tak,-9 his place. The g'over- --A piece of ore from one of the sil !60 feet, �nd perpendicular 4 1 250 to in which $3,000 damages were ronto 0 perfect. Fu 11 information 0 -feeling in favor of-theiWiiiistry is a tting nor serves tw' years. The ��mem.bers, �nines at Thunder Bay is . n exhibition � ii stream of 200*feet. ''), 0 awarded to the Plintiff.'' The parties 306-9m 1: CHS.T.-DOYLE'BOX8 autially, a�e always the IToronto which, it is estimated, w:11 ten to this case belonged to Whitby. in. Another such manifeito s' that who retire ai KerraTonwe, Indiall Tan reach- 1�yield bout $2,000 to the ton. WINGEYS... FARN FOR* 4ALF. wou.1d do woder ard miless on the Toronto cricketr6-.and, last a tow at Honing the young ones', or I hose whol havedt n. 9, Hul-let; 100 acres; 50 - cleared backs of the waverers. -John Bright's ed "the chair:.' . Those who have held —Mr. Thomas Clark, of 1the townsh p vjonay, withiii, aA, hour, This Kerrxr- American IteMS. ver1lo o"ril,cgood cultivaion 4) -within 40 rods of r always'reinain, and, address has -apeared' . It is to the pur the office of go of Colchester, raised 360 bushels of man. onwe is thought by many to bethe equal -11; one mile froia Bandon : . Irdeen ­Ilid. 24ancliester Wiiicays,. in saw mill a . �grist rili The effects of the late financial iroubles 11, -new . -It this sum- pose so far as it tes tif es. in cl aar am a dig - besides retaining, their d irectorship, are !gel wurtzel oil 44 square rods of groun, I. of the fanious Deerfoot in pedestrianism. ea.. P., 0, and sv�ool house; 1)arn bui i t 11 e 16x24; good bearin fied terms to th @ what is, termed the a a - inningt to be f It g the work - 4, Shades of Colors, at Low Pr�c mer, -36x56., frame house,. e fact of the people's constituted int �8.ome of the roots . c u, y weigh 26 11) s. ening clas.seg have been. orgailized are beL I ; amon The es in many trades in 'NIew York He defies America to beat -it- ing class .orcluLrd; goDd well. Foi further particulars ap- tribune not having chabg , bis Iroat -Committee of the Treasury." i ctll�vlection Nvit`h�tlie Duridas Mechan- he during his retirement. He is the ame f unctioriB o ery operatives -ply to I; )e*obnally, or address, f the committee are not v City. A large nmber .�f —A rh bw i i]�D TIG ECE, it wield 3 a Bert of ad- boy in London liamed. Wrightso ILY jos" listitute. were disebarged at *wclose! of the week 804*4 - Ba,& on, P. 0. John Brivht in the 0-biniet that he,was well defined, bu recently i undertook to enliven A slugggi ohn tson, ;of the Ayr h or wa f Int of employment ox for warit of out of it. Whereat the non-Podonnists visoq p6wer. fire witli coal oil. Anexplosionfollowed, rlivorks, obtaine(Il medals of 'the --first FARIM, FOR SAIX I14; XANITOBA. take comfort. There"is oife N ery curic up pr6vision of x funds to pay theni-� Three shoe factories and the ld is now sufferingfrom the e order, t the International Industrial E - 'Nlo banker or E. R- A I SITA PLE. GOID9, IT'S.—A.Farm. RARE G A ot FO E 34,GR N 'S UGGLE.' d closed Saturday nig.. t * indefinitely. The SUFF 1B the- Bank of Englan 11 lo- .fO A WOMAN t the neck an d hibAlion just closed in- Bff. r hiS A' 3 miles from the. be a fects of severe burns abo onthe S'I bank oati. I employees iu one establishment were of-. I . - - director in any i oint stoc root c w cutter. g 96 acres, 6 chains Mr. James, the new Solicitor-Gerieng, and si;tI, city Of W, in e , - �r, utter fered. work-. at reduced vvaoes but the Nor' in the I �_ Mr. Gideon Chrysler last week the Bank'of IEnglnd. One r face. and river iii the is tryilfg to secure his director of a!ands' Linens, Denim 4 front1we On e tiful nil" El, but I The -wife of a respectable St. Catlia- men declined to work for waQes below West, D acres has,beeiL ivated, abou 40 acres a (ighting un- of tlie Rothschilds -is tr e White Cottons, Shir borough of aunton. . He i threshed 620 bushels of Delhi het, rested. at 'the us - el balance Frivi areW on�th bo' in the riiie, merchant,was r is timbered -with i��plar, th the Rotlischildh ' not mnk6rs those established b the Crispin Society This lot is ive.ry dry, being the bi it is a daring one cliteen aci�e,s, peri.,ion Bridge on Saturday, On �a Charge and Sheetin-ga. ghe t on the der his ticLet"!--and product of aof Lot I for soil., English' sense� The E41ish limit the and were conseqieptly dis6brged. beavitiful aPf-airance, an lie WomalIVISuffnIge.question Coll. 4, Avooffliouse. river, has. iL t or iompanies of smuggling, and. lodged in :Lochport N I early evt-ry tra "mty to like a brave determiukl man, The.lew - jail. rited cannot be sp passed. From its close pr term to those: bidivid�al de i,, effeefed alyIfarm is admirablv weu'ada-P 6diorgar- the MI) 'th whor —A Texas brber rho orlialne the city thi n you can dep6s1t a 8111I slim h(,rr:,%t Western: Rilway Con tulAke a be made era or leaderesses of vement Are wl now in coillple1be operation , t —A Fr 6� dia was arrested in. hi I rich Can ' bite hilob, is zaU dening, &It which busiuess a for and from whom. ybu p.%ny a f roni; door with i V 6nd, ,.f. payable on dem, ho understands it. For berms and therefore furious, and are us _ng,every e Iro Kingston, by any on c w of- ahy London' a ystem of water-w-orks fir as Loni�- Riel to whom lie �ioUlaS apply at t �'s office, or address, dilaw it� ut in 4ec— to have . bwl:,no peace natil the lat ves- further pa ha ure his defeat. Miss Rhoda can -e,,tiiiguislillig pu: bears a, resemblAnce. h6re was� a,laugh fort to. proc i silla aild fire T' Don, thschilds do 8_team-�1711 t, tige " of it. bad beell. shot,,� away. . by his tt h6, Ro jr Sprig not do this ; so they are ot banke+i" POsc-q Yhtly m eigb bol -6, who in aba. Garre , sisfer of Mrs. Professor Faw- amount you cbo se. , T 11 ' `�Jle Ni�ater is f( ced from tlje IW "I, I i&P Reg, "' Iwhon the truth came out. adel�e of it GVERG BOB Manit cet, and Mrs. Doctor Garrett- Anderson, ar by a Steam engine, 4ind froin. —Ninety-seven acres, in Con. I TWEEDS7 FU 0 ST Ey. togeth terrible f e in the English sense. The original reason rive outh as a tary&t. FARDT FOR SALE ST . er with a - - i hydrant� ov0 their wh6le property in. E asho - eity carrier of Missouri paper, of the restriction, which i 1 now generally. pe, describe�l as a splen I'd farm, The HISHMIG DEPARTMEN1.1 Lonable* term lRiss Bigrys—whose only clalm to distine- OR �SAL on rer L ately by Alexander A F 11 acres, 65 rearded as foolish and Ott of date, was th-P- city was soid I on publication day, seats hi: m self in the 0oncessiou 4, Stanley, cont er hav g 57-73 c se of a few ti so far as I can hear, rests on h —mr, attliew Hut illson has be are cleared, well fenced wiod in a state Of' 10111 all banks to Henry Bker,,fbr S5,600, b 04 ing made more obje."ctionable. Speeches oil �that it was su posed tiat nea�est saloon, and in the our' 0 0 d 0 Tud i &-tion; the balan4, is ivell timbered, ed to the Mo . nutes delivers here is a considerable thanan fher8T`tes- Woul be in op o each other; litreal ,In cre. --f Ml each subscriber his -pa- �a, worthy the iortion of it t y ?osition' apoi of Hon, John Youti.g. 'At ar- 1.1 be f o-und on- axa m tio and on a, the:Contagylous Aqt J, it -m )e � 'uses in the torship, the recent ibition of the M. on, thus Saving time and shoe 't�_ they ould co ' �te just a ho* per in -pers tlu'd fellyiug�such 0 -te - ,zlosest, buyter, ag� 4uttutitymitable for buildin III ty. I ea,tion, of tl will _aireatTaunton pnrsu inglYTT . ingon was forn, erly (le p,ricultuk- I Society, held f Por- ilo-ts. Pre�si- as. Rock Ella and C lere is Dot a' foot- of it Mr. Hutch qaetteiAg leathen.. edar ; tl of Battle busin"S compete. Thercf( Bta-vers, P �ir , ' D our stock I ortion there is a good relentless- pertinacity. Thc. lizie, waste Iftad on the� cleared P should b6 on. —It is satis1hu cd in n Ell, taae la'Prairie ell knowli. Tro-seringO, witho un- was iihought, that no u -i% I I C hip —John A. Chambers, a w Broad Cloth, $lie of building and a action: They flood th � town , temell t a1+ Of PlIslillch towns owner Of trotters, 'Was arrested in Nbew P't the loard of th Bank of England who 'i lish coninlercial jou' frame hous -, -with cellar Dg b4,;� aAd stable; I I rilal Such a at, ()Tfl Creek 0 ic-itcien, attiched; also, a i 4� ' atitiors Vest ndbiris and call o adi ' butters are comill r Ont., the- most KN ork, Saturday, oil complaint of nerylect- esk�s, Twe as,Fz --yCcy ningly devised ba, there is aliq a good bearing oreha'M t) ie farm is- aDyr r bank. This as this Can all othe d was interested Al aXN-aterproafs,j &G� sbirts, wives of he ele6tors when ir hus'bia a aL, h 01), took *ell watered., as there is a- never-ftiling stream reason, if it -evi�, .was goo( as certainly in more freely, and the' quality of th 6 ao Ies§ than 73 prize�, chiefly ing his mother, aged 85. �fs, Brace Callam, &c1c e.�coneat wen con- ae out to inform them. they are slaves' through it, and fill ll�nt." The prices in horses, grain, roots, and spec- —John G. Heenan_ the prize 1�gbter� now ceased to b,- of any wilue.. The eii- latest arrivals is exce 0 ()uge 'this farm i� situp ted within If only to upset he t4tips of this dqtest- that �&r venient to the h his farm 2 miled of a good gra.el road, and is wi�t) Ling miles tire banking reserve of London and- all quoted -in London for' our butter are ils. We undeks died oi consumption on Saturday iiiorn-;. GDOW. A thq Ivillage of Brucefield, where ther � will be a ab e hiction, I � ope� M Jail tea will . winv, v -.1 nd indeed is beld by the banks. Fine.110s. to 1188. ; goo(I 95S. to 105S. zie will realize ame $5,000 fron;l� in II EDgl ing,ifearllawli 's8tation,,ontbe &WTS,,,. CAPs. FUI I .( -and Brno i Railway, But the strong- m inded,sistel -8 will never Tht their don must, of other qualitiei'46s. to 8N. We have III this, year. n. route for 4n Fran - J .- li. er -for grain growing or forgive him. He has �bld the electorg,of in Loi well adapte(I -will be 4 A the London, Huron 0 0011. 1.0 ban a- id they prefer doubt that the inspection" mo' ement --:-A cheese factory tarted at Pac ic lea- ve a �esei I'1+:e Philadelphia PreAR 11 "at f, wbridue iie-s spring pasta acr Fo furthor particulars am. ly to' pr Tau to. that it WAS the e by Mr. Richard ep I shoul have which orijinated in ihis Cou* ty 1, %1, Tro says Some priet � r oil the premisids, or to Bruceftel 'P -O- -of the party were �uqh "-docial that he Bank �f Eng an cDO.GALL. Johnston. Two linndrf�a to�,S� are truism JOHN Al failures" they were so desirous of thee t d f it. rbei� interests are aild the free (liscussioi ,of the Inittc pro- one b0ing revived the laneii table- epom- a robalklity �the iramber tht literary women ire Seldom betrati- , FAIR M FOR SALE. u �es-", av a ed quality in -will be -L� -fui,j illat tlieir features 6n especitally.- ing, politica a oce&, Br o"! Mr. ther fore id t' ithl those of the question whileb. it occsione'd, I I mised, , e�dbaiikw go�s under they chief causes of this improv bd nearli-00,0 by the bank for i RETS AD "FLANN i Z-Gecinlposed,of Lotl,Con.10of the Town-'. James. Canadian butter. time io season tommnces. thei f oebeads, are more or less-mascu- uFt go uride.� oo. BF nt&ining 100 acres of -Iiip ol Tackersmith, co 'RTS I UILDIX 'Elie far of tha locality c0tild I'lot, do 1hae, a recent writer- poi ts o it some �eT.- XCellt t laud, upon Which ther& is a pew frame THE NEW LA.AV COE' Th re -are 24 irectors �esidbs the gov- —The Strathroy' Woolen iiiers 'ut ceptiol a �good ofe ard. For, pany,�hs made a 1), -is, ainong. tbein Miss Laiulon, be=, x6O feet, ti�nd alsc� MYliat th new Mini ters '; A Sit- erno nd deo --go'verno, - This boar ing Com auI a better ilyestill� than to� put oil ju all Collars, �of The C 4 are and other inforr iation, RP -ws their farms will s -%)l )ort. as essentially ftmiiiine�, Messrs. Low i ad A viton is th tight to !be too large It. meets but liabilities amo'ullt to $1 10, 000, nd its a and Sui pers N wil the,co whose forehead w. , I mES DANEY, a who wars exceedin,gly pretty. Mrs. Wolsht ply to ti. , r, oil Lot 1, GOn. I-), Of I e erec-, once week,; arid. inoulit. soil! must it last necuml if t&xed. ffild T wns hip, or, to the vei do - i the rilat sets do I idotr WAL!E RE N- ter of ex edit ng th call tile sit but to' iot'reach halt* th, producing crops year a;f ter- _Stllto, PrInte(l O., Bya`ut Co.) Ont. 296 hort time. Pepple get Ineasy as soon lit and los by fire ar hexkilyr, 'by likewise, is pretty We - tion of the-New.La* urts is of course es e th M:cH, r., St. a miiageme ceivii1c), 11( 111 ii'll tOl' man, but Miss-Aritbony and Miss. 0 I I I problematical, but it uld seem fr in a as i ":a Session is.11rolouge eyolrd -an hour causes assigued for the failure. T14. ; yeal� wl re )tllil"g yet' FARM FOR SALE. . . . . . w 'kee.) up As fewtility. more are borb. p!ain. Mrkit 4nd Jane eryl, f4 Statement ill the B?dl i ws that in or 80. A foO loui a Be soil it has been erally wealthy far - . ter are . womeli of Ili -11 browa and KETS—Our &too . �q stockhold anke og, ,.o. 5 concession 4, Hultatt;1140 acres, ye said, would bril g on a pikinic. Anxious d. business mi iathroy Dr! Stanbury, of Bayrield, has. re- 1 tirst-clasa vlue—_WbRe BI L d. NOW v of water, our pursuit of absurd e pnonly, we lvp-r§ all �Iri about St cut of Cor�uer. ISO iss n -0 G 80 acres cleare cei-% ca l"09-rillar features,aswasa B a pr e ppoilitm, e�&nnd Bro titland ftiver run� lost what the old- pla. call etty persa. is ga;thek a out the door outside and A scrutiny of:tlle chirter has brought to tu and te nol t,h brn 1,�ihanty Blai�kets,�. ni.nm % oug ch of the Mi ood Ruccs. Al�- penny." Thejournal 6 question baliving awit the close of the alit the fact e cqXresponderiae. wick. Annie Dckjilson has Strong),, h the IS acre bw:�h ; 9 se Blankets kWlraa� WraVe nferencei It it thatif 6oiitainednoll�ilited IT- u. 4 tig by- th Fiela has a g9od- I he prPmaises to the Proprietor In treet's des would seem th t some. otter arrange- li�bility d .quently ead L w ch w "ekly lipears in the" \�Virlgbam. masculine face ; Kate 4%U �&Tlcy. Ply o: iA�Nl:bi 9-A LITIN, igns Plans for! the th h; y t a t ments; might be macle. he knowledge i ild every perso hol inor stock is liabl, Ealprs, 1here -are', a, greater nunibev of looking, tbol&by ilo means pmtt one, new Courts uncler ext on, alrd com 290 or address-ConslAtlice P. 0- icrtbe.prese, stab�.� of these- docu.- of the effect of he Iona ih delibertious mount of t4.e indebtedness or fogisilithatt erp�isinglvillage,a,ad nd Mrs. ,Ii towe is tb or u (7.1i t to be positive- nt h for tile �,are4 Pf t -,board up n th- , el'ic ln u a t p r ie uit hall in A fce, in the ly honiely., Alice and. ments with that in wh tl eY app( h 0- I my other� 1). FARM FOR SAL-Ei Sui* have been 00 a - -e than two duce � to d. I 0 A ten-�kmes its size.� both pldm j# featiares -�hotigli their to the same observer moi as All citement within. -wealthy stockliolders� whos -SubSol'iptiol L Da nini ares, r9t C011-. t rUABLE FAM -1, h, o a the main f three limicir -On Tuesdav,:Olven sweetliess OL(lisposhion a4l(jod. greatly to. -near Seafot -,-,rs ibe es4lt o hat the government of! (lid, Tiot exceed two'O ed (101 ing ]as lar (es;jor, McKluop, a Ago., affirins that I e It, vill be. -seen t t a 1�xrn ) Godmich; 85 acres clear d and free Y4 I their perzoAal ppearaned. Nlnf aret. grm (, I i oad t( oftbe- work the bank consists of a bo!ard who ate'not 00 Barr., qAlj lars,1 for Sums 'Lowed th6 lost under proces-of redileing thE c9st of $12, Iand over. belmoilify to r Z) P]bning Fuller had- a splendid bead, bnA hero fea- from slaraps; 3 -eres e. have liedird not bankers,anddwho are ch6sen in youth D of WoVlstock, was ckstro.yed z' r tOU L ateredand latageframe —aprocess of -bich ml .--:-An English plp r cr the w fi. I _�ves currency t) brown. bai-u,sttblet:tn(lemcllth;lo-Lartuhotiseb,)ard6dont- a litile—bg been' a u, ng Of E15,000-011 befor6 their ��bil�ties a nte t The fire tures were irregular. Ch-i-viotte. Bropte that all of th by rej with all'4,ts co n the ruinor 0 - : dar side, aud-good o�chard;: 1)ossessiol) i'L t" us. No other of a Jbifting cxe�c tive, and an advisory . 11 is had wondously beautiful J)articui�,rs. upp E � , - � - I or further Z �yes and vperfectly shaped:head 1111a (I jid Trunk nd Western Rai �,d to b�itbe work, A an. ineen- the estimate for decor ti U11 Cottdn, iland tiae mi a, ad terms easy. change has been m this boar being negotiato�l. it is lletre(C! (liar mall. wa& sel&u Sh P irl which seniority mear Stles. ad . To save d� for merilbqrs i Y2 .� Latest, Landon al t I 1 0 , Howe i's a fine IC001hy worMan_ h.p. 0. �Ii#.atloil. 1 Econornlca,l - ro- % Ut 4,�� \1, And; was SE LUDWIG kri �E R s6afoilt t, doubtliess, t the benefit of is. thi� one qu' 'a ban ;615 OOO. no a is the occuionl of, Mr. Potturl thd abo �ylry Booth nor ;Mdrion Hrland! f t;l&t tlli at least form rs in En!glabd, among whom is that ' -: Barrls.;, an e architectu present visit to A is sap th re an e w,,by b a. soll to haiidsoln6 fades, 'while IFARM FbR SALE. e to, the can, lay T A:W XILL"00 000 year Ls b incurred, that very lever writ(Lr Mt;,. AValter Bagebot,: set fh e( -,Wc 11 -.e,-,Isinrr I . — A ai, il e ( I f o k at rc 2 , � l)0:o .1 thu, ficraros ol t &I 71 ing 104. %, t 0. h ` tere . at O the money ex- editolf of the are endeavoring liave re -4 Mary Clemmer Aines m being 1,,e in Holl. 11111SC. re Lot 34, CpA jpiot.), contain pl c deftil, Biter 1; all c1wtrcd,, with good barlis ad stables, else has been to effect sot -he ch�nges in the governmeut cent sales are y - in featu�yes as her -%vmitijags padedou esAe. 81% s 111(i 1wifer, Oniniei� (7'ovar'n-meut Inv4 nned I L, , relitlemaa who-pu or E th3 bank. T�ey a i)L L.tval te ioat have to lie of insi t tli%t trai T (icqge Brown W t( rel e asho (11' - !I - � t rne I.-efore tbewar. a Ime W( c ec o in A .1 supply he1. Also, lot 35) lost, orwhat -for $7.,560, and 12 balls f or, has been el I9, 48 RG;0sof bush. 'The property 11 It tbisreckoni eE rl not'be said. bankers should lk admited to the board, 1)1: )Vi'l( (if 19. it rted for Pt_ ith a, gC d : 8to] e sold tell heii0l� fol.,-� tw L NVhal' is uceded-lis. caution rather than .1 f tel?� th L� . ulec#. Z), 11.;�kll SuCtiOD of for,$100 in. :tnt �tud 6 mies from Seaforth, w ot i fkrthing less th ii. L00,000, and, I111)l Y f or - 11)01 tal t,ion ws , 11, six cows for z5f) 1:35, acre, li as tr:od repeatedly to 1) or further liarticullirs Ioie thati* that ent2rbriize: in the pian.a.,gement of the is like- gravuriad.thereto. F much r ), , cicsild 1.1d tile reslilt It n -4 -OHN THO10- ef: 11 C robably,' very th.c. seeur;,tv of tbot estate,, nd: On If by post, to J t le bp an 260 rs, at, has been swre. this X15, banki A morchlaut-is ellb ru,an of enter-; 111t%fil tll()rl Vine Count at the cap- I O'\v I 2 ally tale to I !�aivllheife 11 28t I _So_� ns�ttnce P. 0, Kinburn, Oat end 11'hl a .0.1mot gut Eighty Sheep sold for �2,90,, it�ll jLlSt ll()NV. valelit to I�Llr F, LRX FOR SAI,�.' IN NC'KIUOP- r ceut. on' the��)"- Ian(I oil eqni 000 'The wisdom, fr a�i rebitectu- prize a balikerls a mail �of caution A' e acre, p'oceedin I mercf,ailt has his ten ne- J10t of hieteen aores O oil atile rebilt of baJ ed 0 ral po int of view, of i ha(f —A Cot _w0ld raiiis b iALE, a, good Farm, f North r N c Per acts but half' es from th ells t�xe ban�lc c's total st th rail (I big' - taxation in - tho lot 14, Con. been on a p, vith. its �c omy. The good lie, n(�k sa e Zic�hlnond dald, tNvr) w hlf -)f lot 15 and the,Wckthalf Of han(b fact is - we have mor i i ey than we that,, an d can. Dot affor(t the'losses which aty of �Ottaw;�L elakingea a fe acre,�, 50, apared and bro�,'g'ht in $20,458, 1.2, Irel "Illop, contaillilig, I 100 'r yalue (if property in that 8tatc. 'balauce,­ell what to do withl f n therefore we 1 the ierchnt call sustain. It is 11201leyi (lays ag6 It know wen: fei ima iii uooa cultivit-tic enoi,gh of the best a ilulals to s�tock li 01.6- T timl� -ith hardwoo; a- good w . aste. i . t. t feikle. of the --Bret Harbe has written men want more hall any tore A '(fo bearing r orchard; two 00 cre farm ill Pus: inch. It -would --The poem,—onc IoSbis lon-aest, full of (lelicatok and! lidw 1),, bar"n;:'go thin r else, id the banker is ill far great-, Mor sburg %v eliteyed a few.- touches, nd. very t,u er nd siibtic,-- half from. -el road; 10 miles THE abo e t] village of from the lt Illoiley l I tl a k, ood grav er do nger f roin cunning and unscrupul ons! from t le V.11ago of S fc rti; there are two They lai f poor Sir Ed ay Ifilid as'l rolAable ilivestiliel �t i�.Vliiiilgs ac"10 )a and the rem&l 0 brx iis in which will 3ppear in 0 t C)f St. pul's peop is ja,,Ish alid �4,00(1 ia it is R ; conveniet to ke � ill f[trining", business. ,11 I (I � NN ('11 as il b ; t h i n- v, will Landseer in T11 e. He thus learns cailtiori.. It p for Decein'�e. �m 'fT Ial; apply to the l reformers. in E ugln SE ial schooli t�nd,ztre For particul lette ic, -r --)m� It -is not,oftell [1*ts, a an propriqtor on the pre i,;es,�or, if b an m. s c% bond,,; Stolen tl).,O Park— A nx tee4- r, to Catedrl, Oil Sattir a It was bank has not shown sufficient ieshadri, of Bon _oar n I - I -be i that the rl al -s iilte o; rich .11 lihid by safe -in 0 Nirk, all e not a on to Jiow 014 P III, Winth 01) 1'. O� pressive ceremony, 0111 ba, 3 ell 11rQIchillgaud b l occasions' perJ NULD. - a I - . kett NV!oit H(in. cautfoll, - 1 1 $- - -ill be pub- lot I s � on seven e 11"h Altb g ie areat painteP tt ten. forgot iltdii. id Tor*oftto laltefy, all(I 11, mit*1 its reserve to fall much too low.' It' his art for ames �FA-t_)wn promineat stock has been. virtually I lish T -P :T 'r eed, �herefore, of the mc e, ed ill the Janury o &uEx iIX- GR Y. it C, D nc e knew Sadly I breeder . , is n t lbo t FARM FOR Lo�'No. 11 �u the 18th SOme few yeaf�, icn,-who have the banker a in- and ws born a but unifries, near alt T III e�,u i o r 0 0. OT .12 and paxt C f i, 'of ip, owhen aboi,it 20 78 cres, e,, rrh that the hand which had bffered so)(1 tYarliam bull �dLg .isti i , � 30 ears a Of Grev con" ng [101113 stin t. Tt is ured. also that ahe ban H OES- --)I 111iles frolu 'M r. Bij-)wn has t'levoted a great deal Of Topst; Racks, Cake was convert(,' SOOTS AND S Zo C, oa caltivotio lie so much I-ey to give 1 aility, wl hs to w not lik s4otild bavle mimanent deputy-gover (I to lir'sti ii t - care -ittentioll, to stock .4reed ilng for Tei, Table and DeFsvrt Lfor Aplil a.%�Id - froill s 'kill 13 - 1121 and alory to canv,S or S1 Iligh as 76 on the preill life loul(I 145.4y through. ll admin a lice beeli htborincy Allifing to:h.-Lve ag �a som(y years SeemS I.the news of hig deatl ICaME 1poil its with with intiell succe -'a. dozen. butwr -o 'ALUABLE PROIERT�- FORISALE. the sense In: Tol uto the rey i iary ell's art from first to last ad I cen so cssen- "It' h beyon(I the custody of the scientific abi. from Sbuth- t , a t go iiien as a- missiolia ceot to re I' e 'his -profits. of it Seas( tv %vd 'lot ye _nabl,� tcr,00 iSotrr", tNVio1i39S. Th es.e ideas 11, )_ Go lull, ell lZ A of a natio l C,Aami cron missio %it Hi(- 11 it is iinpostsi )le Il 811i exptess VT Cups Vse, ith oo(I t must be rern ir I twc'stOr",w t vbuqin-Gs tially English. to describe b4t consistiiI9 the.., Wc-lliuprton Grey and ocl;t cap Is I thi embered als� pe, ed 11 a which Ci Goom, i Egg ( 11. ., .0) F0, S -"L -u He.,4 hi's famous (10,9� 14�toli_ 01 Orliam�iitg, Plain China Tens Und Cafec�--, I i., ig, over -head, in tb a Xe to of I I , I I ,it t is.180 foet T�el tha the Bnk of Enala�id is not a, Gov. _�c of Sea [orih. ' The lol an I,' er C, lslil�', U y qn liy Seaforth'. C, Part t the villil! liad been oiirx for so the sam 11 g-31molit of White un er- B�uce P%tulwal Frid &rc We I e 110 tact4, Col -,Ipf tt)veuttl pit 1� to institution m b, P1 ticulgrS fL[)P I Iron ige. For f urther c Hill to 29 'McCAU G1 M� Y &S4 HO STED. trffi was stopped Ludgate , )rours, &c., D 'GAN & N , IIIII t ICU M I 0 I I