HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-10-24, Page 8: ,
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i' __ I . I. . , . . i I 0! OT. 24,1873,.
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! I . T H E H TJi.R0 N EXPOSITOR. - -
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i - I I Wiggins, that School Section No. 8 be I - ONTREAL HOUSE.
- i , I * ; -hese olts , d, drove it don ]load, aboutt O miles 83utli A the . Goderich. Id
I I . he took one of f . . . I I - ed as follows, viz. : Lots 19, 20, 21,
: I f Exeter, in the towns 1 of [rRO7d THE SIGNAL.] _V di v ,
. : 4 through the stioet, attached to &.Wagon, - . t 3,,on Cons. 5. 6 and.7, and Lots J9, 20,
. . ,rnrou Ou X I
I 1 ppit-or ng. -rne, t Rpam-Elcnry Y,
i . I we Uabo lie property of the -latel 4rs. ' SAL.8 OF THE At- 2 -
, 11 I . without either teins r bree-,'hi,* . d 22, oil Con. 9, to be set apart for ---
. I - I Balkwall, is shortly tc be' 8olol by auction trill, Eq., pf Baltimore, IVI ary land,. has 21 an .
.1 - k -::: _ believe, that big pu, pi a here *ere fully . I I -leavi g 34 lots
. . I for the bel1(-,Kt Of t le heirs. .;, purchased -the Ridgq property from Sir the village of Fordwich, n
. I .
. . ! , satisfie& with blie itlJormation they re- . - I I or Sectiou No. 8, aud the Clerk be all -
i . . I
f, STRICT , - I - f
- D' 'MA TERS. . ceived. I I " , . A. T. Galt, also nine acre's adjoining -
. I i 110 a, I -
i ; _ - ' *tif ,,, the Trustees in the 9%
I . - - . . I BrUsEels- i from the Widder estate. MT' Attrift, thorized. to. U -xt 11 _1W -
. . i . - . .
- i ! i PIMRSONAL.--- -IlAr. James Thomas, 0 , ", - who visited the town 1.,,.Rt inriruer and svetions interv:31cd to attend the nc i DUNCAN OL
I . 'e- 0091,11311 B usscls Agent for the Ex 01),111cit meeting at Fordwich-Carried.
I . . R. "I"
r BEI T'ry & Co' have already commen [a ? Anting Office.) -, and whobe
. . Seaforth, was diie of -the Judges at t1he iNew pap " a (I,Tob Was much pleased Nvith it letter read from George Brown, Moles- I -
. ed reea ving installments of their Fall Stock. They I ' family s lcnt the season here, elids to A I
. have tie present week ilecei'viod Oanaditin, Grey, North Perth Plowing Match h6ld in the PosIT03 K. - Gre: y- Toiwilslaip an- ,OR% A
I . . PLOWIN I I h to Mr. Gibson, ordero !d to be
" .J.M.kTM; 3 11t wort' , . . .
I D wnie, on Friday last. property as 4 suminer'eside-lic . :
. Scarlet and Fancy Flann6le, Canadian Shirts and township oi nuic matqh will, Tues- use the I e
!, Drawei s, Mifffters, and Canadian :Tweeds, Blank-- ...`1 - A plowi g &)Ield on; i filed. Applications to collect the taxes ' - DUNUAN,
, -
. . I . . t day next. ( Ct. ',?4 61L the farm of Mr. PRHSI XTATION. - Mr. George Cox, I , -
- 11 : eta, & ., &C', -which havq,beon secured very low, - GOOD Toi3A,co. -To laversi of the weed I U given in. Joseph Anderson offers to c( i
cheali. 1 Another consigumSut I . ' . rizes brother,of Mr. IV. T. 0 x, lale of the .
. t.
' .
. And moLrked off very cheap. Croo'ki Lot 4J, Oc n, 8, Grey. 0
.1 . call and there is nothin so 8_3 isfactoty as to pro- $ lect the whole at $135, or west d' 'sion. i
e I
! of that choice Moymic )r6ung IL -son, are divided into thme --plasoes, t.Wo, -for 8ignal, was, on tho evening of the 10th ,whol '
I . Inspect their stock. BrATTY & Ob.j & rmiehi ers cure a first-clqss article at low price. J for $76 ; James Hazolwood the __
. . I . .
I I .
I Block, Seafforth. i men and of e, for boys, ; . J* . inst., presented by the teachers of the for $150, or ea,st division, for $75 ;'11obt. . .
I . I I Messrs. Tuckebt & R Ili ngs manufa ot ure Wait ` derich', I
. n " 1 . BRIDOF,.--The ridge across the 1, - Wesleyan Sunday 8chool i -it Z
. i Ferguson the whole at,$125, or ,he west . . . ..
I . )USt, suchan artiole.. heir, Myrtle Nav3 "in a very ing allelol;,Oiaerable romery the whole , -
' ;
Dyr. STuFF8, GF.,%,U1_-TF, M&DDER, INE 11asbecomea f _Ivorite bralid'withamok- land in. thiE villag'e.1 i -oil I Id nsafe with a, purse contain at $70 .- Josepli Monti, - i .
i . I I i Dasion f Ili E H,LVE much pleasure in calling
I Naw V.nGp ill.kDiDEn,'Mageuta,0,3,c.hine'al,tt sen- . . - th condition, Persqi0s, 8 be ver' cau- Sum ot money, on the oci S t a re- 5 %
all tLI - . . at $125. or the east at $50:; Philip Gar
! . - ersi and more f it is now uied uper 11 endent . -r attention to our stock,6f Dry
f , - . ins, Indigo, and all other DT,o Stuffs of No. I ol, aii I tions in driving ov r t, a6 it c,,aA alrdly I tiring from the office of diner the wholeAt `-$120, or east at .g. ,r) ) ; I W Y7111rothing, (4eiits' Furnishings
- and- Briallia . re 1 -It eld for -
ty, Producing Rich , Oolois, a R M09t any othelp. 8 cheap Z-16nd good ,
. - 1 of the School, a position he h ! Goods
i . 'LuUgDEx1s Corner Drug Store. , - . * I , last until sprin&. ' L,- at spring the!06nn I I has 0.11 I , )
t I I . . and is well desorving f tbt popularity it . d afterwards came down to 8 0 for the I id Caps,
i ts .-Prepw Horses for . ty I rigineell ga t as, is o - Nfoxgd by' -fr. Gibson. 1 Boots and shoes" and. Hats al
. ; Homs, Hop F,S, I has, attaftied. 1: - - I U . 11, pinion that it over 20 years. . . east division. T 3N been s , elected with grea4-
I . 1! I - U
; I C
I I the Fall . using i . i oille little repai!rs foi TORM SIG-,N-,1LL- storm signal Is and Seconded by Mr. AVie I -it Robert I which have rare
;_ i and Winter Temperature by ms- would last; with I I 8 -A r tl i. I
. .
- . 1 don7sInoGmpcLrableConoUtioiiPo-i,derB. Prop ed I . I - three or foar yea ,a, but if it last1s ifor about to be erected at Godei ioli, to be -Ferguson be al poilited collector for the I and with a view to fir8t-class *alue...aad
- u4sDm, , Corner Drug Store, Se rth. S' NIF I 1i
J only by R. L 1. IRHCTOR LETIN .-A union meet- I
t L a it Nlaa ictic Ob- west division at; $10, and Joseph rit with a,11 the novel.
A I , r mon't will be mo' * than lv lag
. three or fou r# under the directiou of the .1 y , J o - will be.found replete
i . . * tors of the South Huron I -
. of the Direcitors of
i t - - ' servator y in Toronto. - It will a ties of the season. in, the various Depart..
I the majority Of ne ple expect. onsist of g )niery the cast at S."O. In ad!iendment, i .
I BF 1 I'll" Tuckersmith Ag icultural- Societies e on .
I . I : ,AUTIFUT4 'VUDDU R, IN- DIGO, Coclin iaal an4 . ts, viz,: .
- . i and 611 Dye. Stuf AcciDrN.-Las Thursday ,,if , I al ru Mr. Gregg see- men I
. is, just received at 'Ercxso,W,v Mt*ray's ,Hotel 0: n. Monday, .. I a mast with a sign, I in, - w ich will Mr Wiggins moved, and , .
. 11 I
li g wa§ held at olrues were i", ( ruml y .
i Dru Store. last. The prinoipal business transacted as Dr. and Mrs. _, be hoisted when a stoiQ ina b looked on4ed, -that, John FergusQnbe appointed
. - A- NicB AsSoRTMENT Oi Eadies' ind west alons,, the Fou. - I Cqnce,.,sion of Mor- kt nio,ht the drum will ontain a ';70.
i I was the revisiog and correcting - oi the . out ha 'ay across the 'town- for. ,. 0 1 - . collectorforthe west division*f<)r,,
. Infants' Toilet Powders, Glycerine JT ., white licylit. The Science of -,s orma is and Philip Gardiner the
I nd,,o or Prize List. It was -a -rced by t1te South r si, wh la I 0 east at.$50.1:The
. . fn ship, he fr)iit 'axlo of the buggy roke,, nderstoQd tha or
; articles forToiletuseandehappe4hr .is,ailip , A I . DRESS GOODS.
I .. now 80, Well 11 t th - can be' ied, Accounts or-
t I . ,iginal motion carr ,
I . 's Drug Store Huron. Society that o plowing match I
I . at Hrpxson- . . -
. .— , i , Ill . The lJorses foretold -.with great accuracy, and al- dered tobepio-id: JalnesLnnn,$30 work
. - throwing them b t -qut
! . , . should be held this ear, oul - accolit of , ' ' ;
C . I ll.
, KI e
. - took f rictlit ,and r n a; ay. The lid(igy though the storm.. may not-, r ach the on boundary of Minto and Howick, C o,
-1 0,
CRUBT STANDS, Toast Racks, the season haviiig alr ady became so far - 6 T . r dilapi- .
. . r' Baskets, Tea, Table and' Pessert-. Spoons ,, I . I - was 80011 I eft bell nd ,' 1 i a very i point where the signal is displa cd, it is 9, a,nd — on side -line 30 and 31, Con. Black- Lustres, Black ol'olor-611 Nbourgs,
I - .
advanced. F. - !-. t iti r the Iketor rk on
and Forks, all prices. Rodgers' Ivory as high as I I dated clond ition. N. ei h almost sure to prevail in the n ighbor- '3 ' - ')-ape
- i I : . I I .
. . 16 ; 0,eorge Browning $.;A, WO Baratheas, C , Cloths,
. $18 a, doze4 Butter Knives, Bread Boards, l&c., pl,,Zr ' e - I . I
I . . , MoNF,YL-MrNresswell, Treas- nor Mrs. I-ioltnes *err_', i,.f the slig".14test' hood. The mast will -be erected iear th Cons. 16 and 17 Lot 36 ; John SPOttou Pemian &rd.1, -
; I I . .
- at Hicy'sox's. I ' - I, his and its keeper will 5 and 16, Con. Paramattas, I
.1 . I ur(,-r of the Soqth Haron -Agricultural hurt. The DoctOr followec 'Op lighthouse, receive $17, culvert on si.de-Iiiie I . 11- Wool Plaids
. CiiNA GooDs in Egg UPS, ,,Va,3e,, Society, will- be in atvend,,wc at Mur- horses, but they had raii about fi e niles teleurams troni Tormito, orde rincy the -mg crossway on game Swiss Repl), A I
, I I 0 the 0 9, and $20 covei
I I Ornaments, Plain China, Teas d Coffeeis, Mus- . -
: .
i 1: t&che Cups, &c., just opened at Eric Ks wz% Seafoirth I I - Con. 10 ; William Hubbard, -F iyured Lustrm, Il'ussell 002'(18,
I - I ray's Hot6l, Seaforth, 11 Saturday next, before they were stopped wheilth ylwere bois Ango()r lowering- of the dru in, and side-linep .
i . ; ; I
i I - and the two' I Saturdays, from taken to NVingliam wb re,the Dbetorl will attend to it.. aide -line at - ; I -
. . 4 I . planking bridge Same-$ .
. I : ' - . $10, 0
- I
. 4 I Seaforth. - This 192 o'clock un'16,' b"'inih day e evening. I A 'CIDUNT.--We regret to le h
I UoMmRchta, IiOTEL, , ta I ,,, for the found thrain the saiiii C, . . . north branch - Thoma. Wakeford, $5,
. . . ,
' I
ercial 1, av- P LoIST ANI FOUND, -One, da, last week , - 'Reeve of West Waviranosh, , ,
house is the best in Seaforth for aomm tr urpose of paying priz moneys awarded ., '
; C. irviD, culvert Con. 6 - Simon Hicks, 9,36, cover-
. elers and farmers, as its 11000muiodation is first- at the late -show. P rties who are en- as,the cond jebor of a construction krain i and1two, other parties, named Sheppard - - ,ay Coii. 6, side-line.10 and 11 ; FANCY DRESS GOODS IN CHAT
I A class"Wdlilo its prices are as 10 as the cheapest . I lug crossiv
- I liotels. The rooms Mr I titled to rec Se pri e mon(ly s w hich bad b6bu loadingties at-Bruqsels, and'Holland, met with Tohn Donelly, $4.5, gravelling side -line
el large, well furnished and ei e th . quite an iccident , . VARIETY.
.. . -ist auention is given Should make it ' a po, t to I Leet Mr. we a look -the z a v in t9kiDg a few days aguo.. They were dri ring to- 5 and 6 - Cons. 4 and 5 ' .
: I perfectly clean, while the be . - nt to u I . iitch, . I ... Mov;1 by Mr. 1 4. . ;
I delitally gether in. 6 buggy, w1jea the hor3e, from Wier, and seconded by Mr .Wiggins,
-all who patronize the house, There is large - 1, as by a oil. ot his pooket , lie acci ,
" I to CresBwell on th aho days, o, thekeys .
. - I d a4entive hostlers. -ave h a pulled ,two five-do1llar bills out I atl the
: stabling in connection, an doing they will ' and'hemselve . ame' restive, began to thot $20, be granted to the Howick vol-
. Below exe, the prices. -%vhleh, command themselves " I FRENCH MERINOES1 . DELAMS)
. I t deal. of *oable, - . .: .. same tira.6. Jh6 tilta n pa"ed through, i I
.. ; to the t1avelingpiabRa: F&riner withtwohorses, -a grea .1 I . . , kick up its heels. and finally ran into the
I I I I I I . . unteer comparty to buy a medal to - be
t per, I -_ I t utitil'be reaOied I . arly, o oftener. as the " EMPRESS CLOTH, ALL
I ? 1. bay and dianeri 35 cents; over ght,with.9ap - n; On W4 ditch ups ll tiree Shot for half.. c, r - I
. -!
. - beA and breakfast, and lvily I for raes, $1; single . ion, wl en there he first 'miss- W004 PLEPPS. i
r ; . : AMusrv,f.F,NTS. , -.Our citizen* are. to be Bluevale at, were tbrown out and severely injured. )any pleases- Carried. -Nloved by 1-1 I i
1 11 . , . comf I
. meals, 25 cents Dzv,-iDSo-.;1 & AmPRELL. I :
. iougrhb of -the switch Mr. Girvin fell on his head a,n(, was 80 .
I 'O —, I _. - . entertained next week at the Town Hall, ed his nion(y. He itf Mr. Gibson, and seconded by Mr. Weir, .
. a t the at Brussels being stunned that it was some hour before that the co _
- I . .. cErvED by Expr lss -yesterday, An- commencing Tuesday nigh', *by' , The only place where I tlectors be ordered to have all -
. . . wls,:bein th -renow .. . I .v rilo- he had tak ai anythling, o'nt,of his pocket. I I e is still - -- . I
I other lot of Striped Sha: e third lot re- world ned' Magi lan a,uo ent . . - .1 he returned to consciousness . moneys collected and the rolls finally re
. which- aill . 0 `Viilaham' wct im-
I oeivei I this ftal, AJ y 6eight Currants quist, Prof. Martin, assist (11 by Miss He sent his tr 0, suffering from the effect of his mishap, turned on the first (lay of February next,
t we aae selling at 201 ! S. for $1. ,'all and see goods ' ired ivepince and 4rov - I .
I , Clara Martin, in he wonderful and mediately I . , e but is gralually reco-% ering. . I and also to pay in from time to time the
I and compauxe prices 00mAN &_,-FAXIE8oZ;,8, Man- mysterious accond-sig . -, ' - : Money as collected after the Ist day of - -
chester House, M -un street., . .q. t semices. The 'back to Br ssels, wh le be was Ieasod to
. I i I h h. SUMBIER HOTFL=The town council of rIlk
- . I , the sWitc - JI: is r -1 ided to De ealber-7 Carr Mr. SIL
. i . I .. Professor has been gre(ted with crowded ' . find,his $1. lying 04 I ollar lbills 'oderich at its last meeting de c ied,' Moved by KS AND POPLINS.
-. a 'Splendid . houses recently in Bi-antford I London, conductor don't c4rry i five -d C I -1 -
I LIUBRIC-kTING On. --For- . I I submit a by-law to the pe 16 foi th- .Gibson, seconded by'Mr. Weir, th(. h 810
i in his p0ekets any more. .
. a LilbAcating Oil, only ,1 O cents a gallon, Galt Goderich, Berliti, '&c,, every one about loose , u
A ) --- V _ . with, to grant -a bonu's of $5,00C Jn aid be granted the Howick plo, gbing match '
J I artic S, ROBERTS'Drug Store. pronouncing him the M at Wonderf ul m&n N.Ew C uRcH. ' Cho building om- of the erection of a summer hotel i n town. -Carried, Council adjourned to ineet. We would draw especial. attention to this
0 t e i . . . . I
I . - .
I I g I J- - I -+—I , .. . in the world. Man3 of his feats of mibtee of 't. Job Church, Brussels, Should the by-law be passed a special ,,n the 3rd Wednesday in 'November class of Goods, as we have 9ecur-
; I I . _'
; : I ,
. I DRuGs.-:4ast received 4t J. S. Rb -8- - . legerdemain have ne er bef oro,4beeri per- have let the, contract. of igetting out the act of Parliament will be. asked for to next, in Parker's hotel in- Fordvvich. ,ed more than. usual value in
. -
I- - . r6p.TW -Drug I where none at the very best . I . - . . . .
1. i . Store, I kept, formed. All our, exch inges coptain flat- stones -for t heir new. chuiroh. to E. 4jrk- legalize the granting of the bonus, as , . GF,oRGE D_A.-,\*, Clerk. . - . I J -
, qualit,v of Dye Stuffs .9-fe, kept, large' supply of . .
I I . ligo, Extract tering notices of. this celebrated wizard. beiug I !the lowest teoder. - under the prosent act there is a doubt I _+_ , -
. genuint, Dutch Madder, Coobineal, Inc I . Patrick, hLs t . - I
! : I , . . I - i I . i . Black Silks, . - V
h a, &c., also Cabadjan. abd Bach- , , . The -stones are .all i o be quai ied: and 1 ' nz - Match.
. lo . : whether the corporation can gran L" money The Hibbert P owi . . A
ogog,: oe.nt .
i ye yer's i . . . I .
; Mrs. A,11en's, Hall's, and A .T idgep of root . ..
A Wheeler's Elixir, Follows' ROOT Caops.t--The I , I . piled. at the quarry r ady far draw"34, On for such a purpose. Coloi-ed ,S7/b,;,
- I i I . I . Hait Restoratives. crops entered'fb' compi 6tion for prem- or :before the first o Jai uary next. i . 'K.he annual matdh of the Hibbert Plow- I . P * Uns hi black ancdd.
Compound Syrup, and all the P -- ent Medicines of . PoiN r FARv HoTPL -Mr. 1. J. Wright n . ` , - 0 1
. % . . -, Ntsociation, was held on a farm ad
- ! i ; i P
I , theday I : . . lurlas offered - by the S UtT Hu,r6n Agri-, RA I'LWAY AC01D#i,,t1r,9j-T1.lr lee raill1way of Goderich intends to erect at the Poilqt
-1 : 7
- I
I . . cultural Society, comm need their labors joining the (Dentre"Ptoad, about a mile , . Jal)a z,ue Bilks.
S & ' accidents -have occu red;on the Sou$eril Farm, four miles from town, a inagnifi- ' I I .
.,I , . . I
. FuB,ma NOTICF.-MeS rSj -%V_ILSON north of Staffa, oil Thursday, Oct. 23.
. I , yesterday. - The following gentlemeni are branch uf the \V )lington, Grey ;and cent new hotel, for the accom, o
i -1 :.
TouNG, of Seaforth, have ptirchraed the stock of - - a clat"on The -weather during the forenoon was
I Iges: Johli McMill n, Hullett; Wm. Bruce -Rai . d pleasure eekers.
Liquors and. Crockery in the; stove of the 106 F. 3 a'( . ilway, 1104 of Brussed d1ince , of summer visitors ail A CHEAP LOT OF WOOL SHAWLS.
- . . I - very unpleasant, and no doubt kep many .
I ve rem, o
I . . 1 Veal. They ha ved r,heselto their own store Sproat, Tnckersmitb; ames Scott, Me- last Saturday. Tie first happen4d'a The bliflolings, which will be eteAed on . .
i 1 1 i in Scott's Bloc]%, and as they he v purchased cheap Killop. The followi ngl ersons have en- from being preselit, yet, nothwitbst=d- I . . .
. . .
i . . I I I short distance abolrb Yl the the site.oE those burnt down a IiUle over ing this drawback, the attendance of both I I
i I I ' I
I - 10 , __ I
. .
for cash they are prepared to give their customers tered for c 0-111petition : Wm`Armstrong, eo,pst uct' n train runni ng over a 0ow. -will form three . r3id es of a . itors , and plowmen. was very fair. ,
. the beneft, Vd-they will do it. . Now is the time, . i a year ago, is I
therefore, to purchase cheap Liquors and Crockery. Con. - 8, Iffullett; i Jame Dickson, Cpn. 2, Four cars Wefe thro, n own an embank- square, the main building being 230 feet v - - . .
; Tuckerainith.; Richard anning, Exefer; I . 0 The ground was in rfood condition, and
I one of ,,,, e hands were urt. th and from . t I
I by 34. 'Itwill fade thesou done wag goodi although, per- -
t h
- 11
- l I RECOVERIXG. -We are gi a d - to learn Hugh Chesney, Con. 4, Tuokeramith. * Tuesday, constr#,tioln train ran 9ver its,westerl extremity a 'wing 101) x 40 WINCEYS. -
I - . ment, but the work
I . ,
. I . i that Mr. David Sproat, of i Tuckeramith, Dr. Coleman, Seafort ;. John Elliott, .another'qul'adruped, ,in the same locality, fect will, run back- This wing x 11' con- baps, not quite equal to what it has been -
. 1 -, . some former years. - The folloWmi ' i
4 i has so far recovered fro -in Ws injurie& as Con. 5, McKillop; Wn. Phipps, Con. 8, throwing our cars! ff tfie track. dione . . - g is
. in a dininc, rooui '10 x 40 fee . The -
I . I . 1 i - Mar . 0 . the prize list : I .. I
out in bi s buggy. We Goderiell T a Aberdeen and .Ntlauchester 'Winceys, in
I I I t to be able, t,G drive . . . ownship; J quis, Con. 7, ,nian had Ibis leg .1roken, a secoud kitclien, laulidry, &o., will be c t illed I . . .
I I ;'11' . MEN18 OWS. !
. 1 hope to see him about a ain in a few Goderich Township; 1. L. 06pitis, Con- sboulder pp -t out of .join , and a thirof his ina wibg 70 x 20 feet, which will form I all Shades of Colors, at Low Prices.
. - .
Learty a - av , Campbell, ankle al - so 1put out 6 joint. A thi , I -
. I ' weeks, ha,leand hearf : s, before his se. 7, Goderiob. Township; D' id lrl, ac- the third side of the square, The main EXTRA. CL&SS.-Iron plows, for those . .
. . I I . . .
. vere accident. , Con.. 3, Tuckersmith. ..- I I Cident happened At It later. The full building will be three stories high and 'who had previously taken lAt prizes, 2 . . .
I I .- I I - I I I .. -_ - , : --
I ,
. i , i I . - - I i particular WO wer u!nable to ob i th ring two stories. The main (litrance entries, list Richard Horruarth 2 (I W M. 1. !
- 't
. . . 6 . oz i F _\_ . I
. . I -PRISE.-We learn that Mr. SUCCE&S OF A SFUFOR IT MARKSMALN.- 11 that au engine in the'emt,11011; i . I . .
I XNEW ENTER f arther 4 will I - through a projecting tower in the Gardiner',* 3d Jamei Harbolaril' I . .
- )e . .
11 I : . ! .11 . !
I Jag' es Hatt has rented his Store, kqown Mr. Charles Wilson, C ptain of the Sea- of the .Al piitreat Telegraph Clompany ran
. . . . . . I . ceatre, of the building. This tower will . 1110IN' PLOWS. - 4. entries, lat .Duncan
tbe " Manchester Hous a, " to a gentle- forth fYolunteer Compa y, won the sec- into acoq6truntion traid, badly sm. all -
I . as . . . I I be7O feet in beight and will be sur- Hay,2dJohnLAing .31 NYm. Delaney, GENERAL STAPLE GOODS.
I 0 . t) I- I .
I . . I
I Marl -who intends., starting a, clock mauu- ond p ize for the highes. aggregate score, - od hurt. - 'at- m ' -ailing and fl, g Pole.- 4th. .
. . I .. J ing up Sev ral cars l; nob ounted by a neat i W. White. . I 11 i
. . *350 feet of veran ah and IRox By,"i Pr,ows.-5. entries Ist i
- fac_t,bry. The ma . accideil likelybe less frequ ilt$ i
. .6hinery, we believe,.is at the Ontario Rifle Associations' Aii- tle ts will There will be . I hns, 1 Grey and
* .
" no . I the way, iud is lexpected here nual 8h9oting Match, ecently held" In after a W ile, when th'ei bovines gget et- numerous balconies. The house ivill. ac- James Barbour, 2d Richard Chambers, Hollands, Linens, Deni '
" n
- I - I ' Tofouto. When we cQ isidet that there ter acquaif ted with the] ra . it * Its I a Shirtaugs
. . *1 dalillyo- I I I . - road ,an , - Commodate 200 guests, and a number of i .3d ,, Duncali MeNlaughton, 4th Thomas White Cotton.,
. :
. .were, over 400 competitors, we,7h&N,e. 'no ways I Sheetings.
_% T I I ,ar
1 w CoOPF.R S,uoi-. -IAI,essrs. Ken- "% it- " so -N -IL.. -M, , I I
, , I persons have already inadc rem Mances; Kirkpatrick, 5th Thomas Hogg th.
' ; , 10 I ano:
I :
- hesitation .in Saying _t11 at dalptaiiii . P.UR - . John Nott, Vete, in- to secure rooms for next season. Build- ' !
l, the Seaforth ,. .-BOYS CLASS. ,&b .
i J . .
. I dall & Charleswartb of I son has every reason to his ary Surgeon, bas lei; for Toronto, to I at- ing operatioDs will 'be comme, ed at ,RON p W
, . ' . t eel proud of I
. . . ! I Mills, are erecting a - IlargI new building ability as amarksmam. The prize was a tend the Veterinary! gollege for the -%tin- once -and vigorously prosecute, . We LONYS-4 entries, lat James I I .
. I -
I - .
- near the 'mills, to be use4 as a coor,er b,%noomely finished Mf rtin-Henry rifle, ; ter and .\Jr. Scott, L student iron the were, more people , f Mr. Gardiner, 2d Win. \Iitchell, 3d John I I .
: I
I ; . shop. They intelid here4fter to- ma,na- the latest and most approv . ed a . tyle of (;()' ii wish there I Hoggarth, 4uh Archibald Hamilton. . . I
, _. I Ilege ,vhll supply 11r. Nott's place tin- Wright's energy. in Goderich, nd we *
. . 'believing they fire-ba,m. Captain' Wilion also woti at- t il 11, ' A : . -ATIN
facttire their own barrels, I' I IRO.N BEAx PLOWS. -3 entries, Ist, OUR OVERCO 0S, CLOTHS11
i I
I is ret rn. . i I trust his present undertaking wil prove ,, J. Hoggartih ; 3d, D. I I .
- .-- 'Is OW -
. . caa do ao more cheaply thailthey.can par-, the Battalion match , t Goderich, the - G,R uy BuyixG The o aml')Iy reiuunerative to him. 1.1 i , WE GENTS! FUR-
. i ! . . I M. Burns ; 2d ' . EDS, AND
- - chase from athp 1 . . 'tewart. .
. I I . i rs,.- : . Ifist prize 'farl eing the best-8hot in. the fairly ope i. Air. i olin Leckie 'has al- S . .
: . . - -_ -1 - . I - I ,
I I . . - , . - . . W06D PLOWS. --2 entries, NISHOG DEPARTNEW,
. 1. . Battalion; - the first pize in the all- ready corrimenced to buy fyrxin largol , lbt, James
I = y, . - i .
i 1 : .i Turnberry. Campbell.; 2d, Salomon Butson. . . -
i . FROPERTY SOLD. -Air. "William Ault comers' match, and- the third prize in the IL11(t his ''w 9toreli use, is -now' 1
i . n. _ ift Vul i
I I 'has sold his house and lot Situated officers' match. , . . . . I . ' I
- n'-a'ud Itigli . . I . . . I- . last. . E evators hw,ve .been plit in, WEA,THER.-The weather of t e past J-UDGES. - Will be found oil examination worthy the
I I . i on the corner of -,-St. Joh I b _ nd 1, ,
. - . ' (11 v (_1 r - -don a,V . -tref rvorable
I eet 'Ex ythin i has been T e to a ' e 10or few weeks has been ex hely fa - aftention of 'the ,closest bu
. stir" s. a short dist-ance west of tha - - - i 'I M KNV'S CLABS.-Win. Bell, Tucker yer, am will
a ls In The building h; ty of 25, 00 for fari
I I i I . . , -0: C aal L , . . 'lots Presi-
- I - The pnpurty is,pluasa,ntly and - conveni- - 1 f 1,00 Ah- - . -
; 'I i 208-ITO mau.-i forA65 - Messrs. olem & 6ouinlock's new salt bushels. aadan'tista InleDtO Most of the farmers are., - Latit,
. I I i I THE XF, v SALT BLocK.-The p Cis a ca,paci ning operations in this o ity Smith "' J OSeDh Granton ; INTilliam also our stock in Beavers, Pi y
- _R Office, to IN -1r. Pill * v il .
. I I block are 'completed, ar. d the frame of . ,emplollce I i Hawksbaw, Exeter. dent Cloth, Broad Cloth, Trowserings,
p els of grimil has bee I taken in during lie threshing. Thos who lhave nish d Boys'. OxAss. -11obt. Bell, Sr.'T'ucker-
i ently situated, ana is chda p,A tlie above i . . I I I Doeskins, tweeds, Fancy Coatings, V,est-
' I
r i . 1. figure. . - I I - - - the building is being,-,el)closed. The Past Wee , Seaf or.th *1prices having b . n threshing have foiina the yield 61, grain Smith ; James Ballanty-ne atid, Francis ings, Waterproofs, &c. Shirts, Ties,
. __ t I work is beinor pushed for ard vi orously, . ..
aic -is fall to be splendid. Gloin, Doivnie ;' David McLeax, , Tucker- Scarfs, Braces, Collars, &c. I '
. - 1. : i . ..0 . 9 ; P, I foll 0 fa an4 spring wheat. Mr. th . - .
. !, . ' I I .1 'and there is everyprosp -let of the block Leckie in orms us thlat fall whi3at is of NA*.RROWEso,iPE.-AsMr.Joh Gem- smith. . I . :
- .
. .
. - . - -Mr. John being ill full working order in -a few excellent uality, an4 weialis about, 64 mill, of Gemmill's mills, was riving . - I
: NF,w CLOTITING , S,roak.
t Thom' , late of Torou to! '. ias leaSpol, the weeks. .1 . . '. . I . . 0
I ! as ? .- , . . I . . pouiads t "t1lie measuited- bushel. Spiiing, home with his wife fronrl Wroxet w on I`
1. store lately ocetipied by .Mm. T..K. lAn- ha;t Mess a, Carter Br - . ..$ . Dev(34- HATS, CAPS & FUR GOODS.
- -,-We learn t oth. wheat is, ot qui c Ub to the mark, ,%he the 15th inst.. I he w as met on th mill . . . . . I
I dersoll'! and inteUds., 6p;n.ing a clothing ers have made arrangem(intS with Messrs. quality not beij)g so, d . I -
and gents'furnishin- store' Mr. Thomas Gray, Youn . g & Sparling._- for brine suffi- 40od ,is ill some lJast clam by a team of runaway horses, wAe' CRTiR.011 OrENING.-The new Bible I I . -
0 , I 'fii years. 1 is. a rath - risky business' at by .Mr. Hamilton, who was driving them, Christian Church at Devon was. formally . I .
. .
I Comes well r6comm dezl s a -st-clalls. cient for ,another blocl,, which th i . I (t 1`01e . I . . I
-1d . - .0 but'Nvas un . . .
. w "; kman, ' eping a- t,b,n-d erecting early ne.-N a . The quantity A grAinwit ,Iout rnehns f 241P ing . - Mr. Gemmill's buggy the heels Sabbath, spleiidid and ractical serinons -, . . . . I
. I I al asolid. intel ds ke _' t pring' ' ey in- the present high ptio e to buy a I ' able.to, hold them In pass- opened on the 12th And 13th inst On - .1 .
. 1.
. I . it is com me - __ I I I
f istockof t1le best and.i m hion-. enterprise of our nd.- t bu; -Mr. L4E ckio informs us that hel, wpre Struck, and Mrs. Gemmil wa:s were delivered to- attentive congrega:. BLANKETS AND' FLANNELS. - '
90 ey May go L n . i . . I
abl ods, he will, we feel confident t be able . , and we ttu`st zh , !on and _ 'e r pared to'ran all iri$k. and buy right thrown out, and: would probably have tions by Revs. W. Hooper, of Peter- - I
' I t -
. . -
. - -
. - liberally patronized by our citizens. prosper. *80 long -,%a S(n fort4 hasunder- 1 - , - be been seriously hurt but for the pr sen' borough, and- J. 'WhAlock of Exeter. . - . .
I . . , . lying it such on abundart an of this alopg. We trust, tl e'railway will . ce . . - .
. ply opened for traffic in alfghort time, sol that of -mind of her husbaud, who j d t On Monday, the- tea was served
; OUR PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS.-COn- valuable minerbl,, a i amy enter- . I i I 11 P Flannels iii all Colors of Lancashire.
. , 1 !from this p nt and seized his own horse, and'atillus por"el - basement of the church to the hundreds Saxony. and- WeIsN Plain anoi St i
, si4rable change. is likely to take place g gill can be ship eq !. 1 1 tripe
. , .
- prising men who alie able and willing to . 1 4 ; .
. . d rect. -. lost. - - , vented Ploy farther injury to his wife present. In the evening, a platform Shii i]ags. p , ed Flamnels 1
in- e s a, o eac . ers in c ,
in I ItIlUary, - iEivest in its mann4aU17% there i8' no f ear . - : I i : 1 , It . .rint .
I , I p . - I ! , as commenc; i .
. I , ture. ". . 1 . . . .
Se orth, school. The ptesent, prinei -J, . for its fii 1 than a slight bruise or two. meeting w ed by* singing and .
- . Mr Burc ard, retiring and Mr' Md- - . . [,FROX ANOTHER . COURESPONMENT . prayer, and eloquent speeches were de. - I -
l . Ph. _h 01 - . . 1, __ I — . . Gi e - . I : . A -J 'el
. 'I. i . . ay . i . William Grieves - MELAY ,
- I 1, the second. teaclier, having been . THRESHING. - All - CHOL-y MISTAKE. fear livered by Revs. J. Holmes, W. Lund, BLANKETS -Our stock is very full.
. - erlghgged to,t,%ke his place, la new teacher . . * I threshed on the fa I 1i of Mr. He' * heyhave a candidate for the In atic (W. I\T.,) Wm. Hooper and Wm. Ayrs. and of first-class valui -White Blauketg,
. i
I . Syrtmp ,9or,ij.-_M 1.4 Hugh Love, Sr.. of , Op ey, I The chairma ' A 3 hitlo o WTI Shanky Blankets, Blue and Brown
. I . i will be r'equired for the §qcoild division. G ey, 150 bushels wheat in 40 Min- 4sylum in Turnberry. Oil 'at rday , f n, Rev. J. IV .k, sub- Bm .
. I .
I Thdre will Iso be vac, It Hill's Green, has .a ld one. of the Cots- eme
, anoii els in the fourt I . mitted the- ollowing fina'aicial stat nt : Horse Blankets,- Railroad Wrapper&-
a. Ha also thr h d, oil the farn ' of Oruing, the 18bil inst., at a u I
wold Rams, whi6h ip . , . I '
I . ,oiniported this sea- -h t ng i Plain, Striped and Fancy. I I -
- .nd fifth departmLen ts, tlic.preseat teact . . 11 . Robert MeN 1 1 on t e la,ge .6'elock, one of A& most .respectO)le far, . Cns of buildi 4-.-.;......-..$1,200 00 ;
I 1 er, . . '
I . son frarn Scotland, toi 'Mr. Switzer,. of ,, . of . 9 .
. hav g resigned their positions. u ntity of 500 bush rain in th ;he roa 1 t ; Furniture, stove, &c ... t ........ I
, . . : I - Blanshard, County T Perth, for the sum ree I Was Seen tea,ring along t . I -a I 200 00 i -
i - i I - :1 I ..
I 11 I , - . 6 C ' ho rs. I I furious pace. his appearance w4 -s so . I - .
. -a Leicester . - I
. . *Totat_...... ..-..4. .
11 i I .E S013:00.1, ]- At -a recenit of $135. He has 4 old OUNGJ L - Council - met - at 'tlild as to frighten a young man. re rn- ....... $1,42000 1 -
I JN3 E F"Ti 1 r. ,
ram laiiib - of his o raising, to a Stock I n - 1; -
ii mmeei n(, of ,the Seaforth Public Schodl. ) ingfroma late party. His _le,and oV Old subscription IiA .......... , 878 75 .
, I
. 10 Tuek's Hotel,. CraRl r'ok, on Oct. !16. 1 :
- i bteedernear Whitb foi the sum'of $6ff , . .1
I i . Boa ; two of the trustees, Mr. Hill an.(t I . -a all pr e in' ie condition is supposed to have bee ed -_ — I
-1 i . I I i - ) M mbei t- he Reev n ca s L . . I
: i . r 'Campbell ; . . a I at,
I . ! -and . resigned eir conned- . a . - . s oH t me: ing read i d by the presence of his daughter the Debt at opening. . . . . ......... . $541 25 UMBUBLLAS.
, I .
I i. 1 $ "i .B* e. ch 'r. Minute t I _ . I
, tio,n with the board. " Wrejgnation df " . . . I . , a- aforesaid party, whither he had pro+(34- Sabbath 7 . .......... 51 69 !
I -k meet, co, firmed. The follo vin commulill collectioni. , , . I
I tio h were read :- irom John Riddel, : ........ ... 1103 00
I - - MG. cise tha right of parental Isur- Proceeds of tea.... - . '
thes - trustees has z accepted I Cii'EF,srs FACTQRY I U TI, -I' to exer( I
new electio vie to ake plac ' iug for the establish eul of. a cheese fac- I . Silk, Cotton, * and Zaiiilla,-in all th*
. -
.;a - 11 Will 4 1 . I I St I k BT Dker, Ram il. on, ffering deb an- v illance over her.' His mental ab rr - ' .Raised bV subscription ........ - 400 *56 .
. NV_ d, th-e new trt stees lar6 lil ,ely to b ,, tory at Berne,. was id in that J village 11 . I - tjoin was further locreased'when lie ci. uid . . I - Latest Londun Styles.
I . I . ; I ' tu es forbale ; fro I rnss s council, r fi i . - - .
I )re.- have heard - I meetin r was - D I I .
we are una.ble to Say. I, on Tu*tay. last. Th, : - qu(stincribaymentor moll] Lt awarded by n)t ad her, and by hiF; ignorance bit TOW raised at opening..... . . . .
. the Aames of Mr. A_, it and Dr. Ver- - called by. Mr. -A. ( , McDougall, Of Ar'')itratcrs . : fr al ie had been driven, home in a bu gy, ; Surplus... . . . ...... . . $555 25 1
I I I . Om S reta.-y of W G. ........... . 14 00 .
I : , * 1 I I
: - 'if h 2 r eiveg the nee- , . ; I ;
co e I , Itioned in. conneezicil ,with the po1- Seafo. th, who, and B. X, regarding side ro ad f 0 Ur be- some time before,' by a very estim ble : i
- , I . ) I . .. i The Exeter choir rendered the service I i
I xemed the ' y:)ung man. The pool- mail's mina is
. couraL , . .
an win 1 essary en: ill establish . -
I sitio'lis, but whether tbes'e,gentleme wqen Uts 20 and 21. Donald ble- - . I I
y . : '11 - . I I iof' song, and won for themselves great , ! :
. i be willing to stand, we hav eno ku70 factory '.. Th , att dance was ,not . I I I
I I . Laitchlan' made i tion for a grant in , slowly recovering its proper balance, anid i
ledgy. Both gentlem en,ive well qualiffie very, lirge bUb thO E present Seemed aPP .praise. When the ,chairman a#llounced I , QT31T-,r-r S -
I ., . , , . I aid of the Grey Plowing match, Geo e I possibly 1:ie may yet recoter without Ila' I I
I i F9 _ 11 that, the debt was pr'ovided f or t1ley sung I ,
. for t,ustees, and, if nomib ted, we. do no anxious to afford eve'r e ouragement to , Brown Whole application f:)r a grant in I ii g recourse to Dr, Lardner's treatmant I " I
, . .
. - er than bbe enterprise.- The rreetina was ad- I * ltitled "Bethel I I
. . ayers could, & beit' . . I --com. . . r . an. appropriate piece, ei .
. . . .. I thinic the ratep, . I - to aid Of tha Molesworth plowing matph, i _. i 1 h M-arseillesl I A
I - to el ct them. . . . dressed by ssver l exTerienced. cheese i 'a Free," wit good effect. Times. oueycomb aud Colored-
. . I q I .
- . . . . M o ved bi, Thoma '17V'-. Lllian] Son, seconded ! I I . : I . I I- 0 I
ll . . I I mauu*facturers. The following gentle- -wick. I - . . . . i I I . i I -
. i .
; . - I . . by by L? McDorial , that this council 1 HO 1 . I I ;
. . . ; men were ippointed aw *mittee to can- I : I ; I : Tuckers'naith. i I
1i p : ; .
. g.raat the sum of $ 2 i i ; f 1
H)RsE TP-m\aN.a. - The celebratiod in ai I of th6 G rey I - COU.N-CIL.LNTEETi- ( ,.-TbeHow1ut.,k;kuu- . I . I . , -
.. a the neigliborbood and ascertain the I . _ ! i .
- . -iNG FOR N7INGIU-NI. We regret
hors a traine;rs, Messrs. R6,akwell & Hurl- vas Jowing match, and $8 lih aid of the i ci I met at Gorrie, on Oct. 15, purai ant 5 LEA.v i I
I I - 4 I i -
number of patrons whi)b can be obtain- - . : I . I _
bu gave exhibitions 61f their- skill in' Moleswotth plowinae, atcb, provided the , to ad onrnment:1 from 'last meeting, i t lehr4 that Mr. `W- -. 0- 11'owler, of Tuck- - I . I
I . ed: John Tough, _41ai Doughts, Peter - I A , I
riday a Ili : terinined upon leaving-, 7 4"%
Sea,f)rtb, 'on F Saturday last. townsl ip of 'Wallac7e grant an equal 'Si'm 1 ',NIcLeod's Inn. Me bers a ersa#tb, has de I
, r. nd'John Foster. t:, I 11 pres mt, I CLOTHIN
Dougtas, John Hunte. d I U.
. .
ppeared . : this ttownsbip and taking up Ili I I I
Mr! Rockwell a e ch day on the 'arriem - -,.The fo4o, ving %ccodlits w re t, ie Reeve in the chair, when the min ites : a residence I I .. .
I .
I I alSo Say f .
. I
a . - h We may thot t e site selected , : ' 1, 'I I I . i
. strOEt with a horses, which e , esente' d to be pai z. o - ast meeting were read and appro ed. A Wingbam. Mr.,' Fowler has purchased I I ;
I for the factory is ad[ a rably adapted for V. & T. Smith u er or . rid ges, $25 " _ - copy of a lett 6r sent by the Reev e to 'rolj,erty iii \Yingham, on which he is I : full assorti-iient bf Overcoats Ind
- - -drove without either lines or bridles, and the pu r -pose, a'splendi d s ring being on it. * I . I p , . I
. . . muier, n6 br dge-and ' H n. Mr. Mow ' - di eree ing a lArge stave factory and saw I I s
fe %vp- more cod rol. over . , 1i . 59 , Jaeot.zi ropairi I O at re 1 i
seea d to h, them , Pe.6 Jackets as well a' A
. 0 0 . ad, and the C erl. - - . 11, Nieit's and- Boys
'than most people bave-over, horses With . . 4 ser U-%.89 ; George Walls, oligging ', r .cted to iyrit* alril answer to the s,, me. . r I 01 thing gfenerally. , Special attention
I . I mill; He inteilds removing to that vil. I
I _1p , I . I I I I I 0
. Usbcrtao. I 11 . 12, : Movedby,Mr. ibson, and seconded b I gel as Soon. aa- heAispoaes of his proper- , I ani
. I ,h an, grubbing'stumps, Con., - : ,
the I Ls h ein and 'bit. - He also I - dit I 1 Pa to ordered work,,all fits guar
. .j . y , - ' '
I . gave exhibitions in a t4nt wbich'wa NEW SCHOOL If ouj& - -The trustees of' $51 14 ; - Robert '[16GEorge, ditchilaig z _ rl . "Tiggins, that' the Clerk be reqi est- in Tuc -ersnlith, which he hopes to be I- l# .
: . . 4 :i . .
__ I I i tV t do before New Year's. We con- 1 . .
_ ) y '4 ! I
ess, ,no, W S 18 - , el to furnish
I erect ed in.rear 'of the Couimerci-,d Hbtel, School Section: No. 10, 3th Colic ion boundaily of Gre _ _ a llace, I . i lb council at its hext 4 ble 0 1 ;
. I .13 ) I :
. (I gr I .. -
-with, his Arabian horse, "Mazeppa.". Usborne, hav6 deter i ei upon erecting W111am;Whalley, burDpiling side _r4ad 1 rieeting with a statement of the assesse , atula-te t1w people of Wiligham. upon . .1 #
f . I .
11 . ost intellige ateh Y, ! -value of each S bool Section, with[ the ; ,
Thisl horse is certainly a , - at a new brick 8ellool blq se and ,also fenc- 5, Con. ,1, $45 601; 'Tbon as G 6 Veceiving so valuable an. accession to the 'i t I ;
1, 7 lImproving, 05sway, I ,n . g s I . 4, ' 9 : mte levied for school purposes -Carfied. . "less men 0 .
I and, 11bighly-trained anim. . and the con- ing and otherwise . 5 their or. - ide road 4, Con 1 u,8- f .their village as Mr. I BOOTS AND SHOES. ,
, . ; , I )u . . i I i I -
which his master has' over him, and grounds' NoticE . d i . I I .
.. trol' . i i F owler. He is a straighttorward, hon - i
I . . a h been issued ask- Jaines I iscan, d wiling side roa 2, I loved by Mr. Gi son. aii d seconde by I 6 -
_ . . I
th6 gany feats lie can maje him perform, ing for tenders for th .00istructldll of the Co i. 17, $2 ; Richailrd Sp- rlin gl cutting ! 31 fr. Wier -3 that'the Olerk be autbokzed I .rable, enterprising' business naan, .,and f ; .
I . I I I . ; I - iA full stock of all seasonable goods 1-u
I show. to what an extent e orse can be buildincr. -This is al To 0 n he right hit, and dovering cr sswiy Con. 16, $19; ' ta write to tZ toxvpship Councils Tuckersmith will be i 'i 7 .
. . Im I . - . a a Cowhidt,, Kip and Calf Boots, a - -
- direction. The peop every L ection Jo4n McNeil, covering rossvvay , side ' 'Turnbe r ent formin '
. educa,ted. ,Mr. Rockwell also gave in. To! I 0 . I* y and I'Vallace, - an 9 uch regretted by many. . S () 'oat ' ' - ,.
4 i , , I I k I epacks ; Ladies' (4 1 Seal, 89tin
.- ir to p4ow ie mi t 'tracb _a, lumber for nion , hoot . ectiona with How.ck ' 1: SALE OF STOCK. -11r. 01 eorge M. Ches- C41f, &, - lissea,
atruations in the art, of b4 waemansbip to should elideavo ti O a - rold 5, $90; John tS , . i _ ,
. f the ple and sui . , , , bv L. , te nex 11 .1 il I I and ciiildren :sl In
a 61 table sblio, C Q n. 3, $2 so oved lc llhom_ soil's S'orner for I - ney intends having'an auction Sala of Vf-411ines. . )
ass of about 47. In , resence o ti2n, covert, I * 1 r _ - lurn . . I
clas he handIdd severalt col"i and no and we are glad to 46,w that tble finoi Ddlbson, seconded by I,: IV. cDonald,'Upat erry, and .N,Te 7, a corner for 111'a " Alce a -bred and Durham orade stock I .
. 19. ! . - .. . ; prough ?a $ I
ey: ,ere when he I township of ,Usbo ne Jiq Aot backivard in thip C u Jo' -4 I I I
. 0 licil, now ad urn, to meet agon. i nd also to th uncil of Grey alnerit 9n the,31st in -y has . .
. matter h6w vicious th I : 1 1 . . . I . at. Mr.. ChesuL some I I
commenced- with them, 1 a very short i this respect. ."" ' I ` 1 . at Pame% Hotel, Cr[anbro k,'011 Nov(*n- be di-,continu, - de of union School I Sec- I 6xcellent stock, and, parties wishing to I ' Yours, &a.,
1 . ! I .
ame entirely subdued and I A Fh,4E FAlix TO B S )LD. -We Tea,ril bet 20-('arried. ' 1! ion No. 16, o vick-Carried. - I[oved procure good animals should! attend the 7 1
timOthoy bee , . . I I i i . it
- I - . ;
I dwi,16.' On each -eviening he was here ' that that fine farm si#at , d on the Lon- I A. RU TER, Clerk, by Mr. Gregg, nd seconded by Mr. galc. l, DUNCAN11
: .11 I . V . . I . I : DUNCAN &
. . _. . - . . i . : . I I I .
. . - . !
I . . . I I I I
: . w. I . : I . I I I I
- I I I I . I
I - I : I : i ! .
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-; I - - . -
i .. 7V .1 F 41=
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.1 I - I rl_I$L4_ _
1 -4 r- - -
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I- F vrly YEA K I
_ 01 -;ON. I .
1jjW,&*,)E NO. .
im rrrrr""r;"r"U"M
flmmlw ____ --- -,--- * , -
, - 10 _14 -At ,f or %;
: I 4931 tx I t - -:)V-
, -
- - _.. ___. _.___ -_
______ I
of 3.5oACRE$ for SALL ju t
I .
00S - i
,i,()T 310, 20, in the Vourth, an4 cast ' .
_tj 50 ,the Third 0U11c4M;i'Jn,' 115 ac'i
I fjid _ :60Tly an clear tel. stumps, Ana"
jitA *r
_of calttVAtion, 3 WiJeA fr4f)M L-
0001 Wllton Well wattrtd with 114
lrw* wells, &',-;o aoft wat,c-r cL
- jvnugs-
IrAule jl,ouse, large. frazae bf Lrn, horr, ar.
*- -y,onag-orchard.,.About as rquel
P 14 --de as will fence. it. Forfurzher
4wr . pr2w11 e8to,T0HX, LAXJT,.
I 9
-Y on the . ;
: 'M53-rue,efi,ddP 0.,CO,Ittyofllurou. _.
jo . -
. , -nable terms. lo
F OR SAI:;F, onreafid
,concession 3, town5hip of ul,bomi
I jAg 100 uores,;80 of which Pxe ,cleare-1, -P
I .
- .
I Ava ins at_%te of goo& tialti-ration. T!
jitimb,ored with hardwood audblat-k 'I
.,,tf,r,Ta,i1timber. her,euretlwo ne
. -
-P*on the farin, &6a. one good wi
Anbara of 6 acres. The buildings
3 .jl of tjj triaeg in the orchard have I
. -4
jig for i;ereral Stars alid the other balf
, =,Mciug to bear4 all, of the best, W)A
.pbere 411g a good gr,ft'Vel Z4016d. from the L-1
, -
. 0, Seaforth, Cliutollavroa Exeter W
WtI. aistance, of any of thes '
is id thin BaTv fl
A 6 hoo,l witbdn a 4uAftetof fk Mile. 3
ao lgrs iipply 'to tl4e uUdersigned op
* I - to Rodgerville P. 0. .
wo, ior 7
20swim - A ZDREW N1101P. t
------- - ;
T 9,T IS, on the SixthXoncesvion of X
U wrtr,,_60 ntres cleared- Fmm,e I
n==nning throughthe lot. Five
ilaton, and two and a , half from KWU6,
1,angn to auy purchuter, as It will ' be
. low Agure. Apply at t)le office of ;
206-tf I Balrfi#en
- -
., -
__ -
110USE & LOT for SALE tu Z4GX0
. .
FoSalo Cheilp, a good frame DW -K
oRnd half avre. of land, beautituRy i
the Tillige of Egm,ondville, near SW
bouse is large sua totamodious, and t
taW the. full size of the house. Ther
st,ables snA other out -kouses attftch ,
Anacistem. Thereisimiomhara,ofbei
This is a ,dedrabli und pleassaut r id
T, Wedbtosiuessman and will besoa&e
- fartherpartleulars Uiply to the propriet
'SPB-tf . b:k0UGE, kUkM
. . .
— .
3a 1.3a,le or exchrmge, sn, txceUent fi,
100 acres, ia the township of Moue'
;on MuSkOkATLIV,er PWt)AUy,ClW4 i
ing erectea thereon. Well timher4
4u=tity i0:J pin.e. Boalltiful1v Fftuat(
I i- ,.,
fhe rising town of Braceb-Adge ithree :
Uke Muskoka, in full -view ,01 d&Uv S',
snd fro, and convenient to schWis, I
=d ohnrches. Really a desirable locAti
. jM sell reasonable,or ey--hange forW,l
-,uta towaor large village in Huron dis!
verfect- Full information .on applicatic
I r
-L OT 18, Con. 9,, Hmllett; 100 seres;
and in good'euldvation, within.
.Eav Inill v na -grist mlll; one, mile &
, -P. 0. and school house.; uew bam bug
. .. mer, 36x56; frame h9doe, .16x24; ,go!
. . avhard; good well. . r af Itifther paAj
I , - -thc Aar, pefi6wH orad&
plyto preprie - . T1
., W1*4 , , - Bxu
__ I
. ell the Ass' - i - .-Yer,'S Iniles.
I on-tho "s
- _ .
. City of Winnipeg, - I - 96 .acres,'
,6--+., n,k, " - .
. , rn rLyCr lu
*- ftnt-Sge Qn. "the =0 - -, --- - I
.. %Vest, 5 acres his bee# - I I 06w
I -
h timbered -Vith Pt)jisr,-the b. ' i
. This lot is very dry, being the highe!
_ tiver , has . be,utild 1L1)poar=ce, UM
tannotbesurpassed. VTOMA-9-610sel)r
ae City -this farm is aAm1raM7 weA adaly
. iiening') at-mb.ich bushiess A fortaue tal
I - . I by any one -who understauills It, POT
jurther partitula% applS.at this offlce,,
I . - J. S1. UCOUE
= 1 T _Innlpegl
— ___
FARX POR 8= 19' STA3
. I FOR +SALE ion ressonlVe term -S, J
L ,
, ,
. Concession 4,'.Stauley, contain1bg 11
ot which are cleared, well fenced and !I
i Zood cu-Itivation; the balance is well
i ima on a portion of it there is 0; 0
1 Alauntiky 11quitable for building ana fet
I . as Rocic. Elm and Cedar - there- is U01
vaste, laud on thii clearea vzrtion; the
fra'ate house with cellar size Of Wi.
'kitchen attached; also, -a log ba,m
there is also a good bearing or -chard; *1
'O I .
well watered, as there is 10, never -w;
- . running through it, aua an excellom-
I 'venlent to the house; this farm is Situ
2 miles of a good gravel road, sudis, wk,
of the village -of Bracefiejd vhere IhO
, station of the Lonaonl Ru"ll And BTA
and is wen adapted either for min.
vsstw age. :For further particulm "fill
- plietor on the pTemises)l .or to Bruc4e-
I - SO134-tt JOHN, X_ - CD(I
'G composed of Lot 1.'COU- 10 6,
. BE'N'
1 4 ship of Tuckei%inith,eontaiui0g
. .
excellent land, upow.which there h; 1,
. - -
. barn, 3&6 0 feci,. and also a voil 4or
. I I
... I .: -terms which -are eaj y Ana other -WO),
i I - -1
, ply to'm ,. ZAAIES Wj7 .-Y on Lot 1
, ..
I suid Township, or to the e;40r, W,13.
r WICK, sr., St. George P. 0-1 Bx=tco
. . :
; __ 1. I
. . -SAILI
I - FAHM -FOR: -
, T 'X o. ,5, Cone-ession 4, A
I . 3no,r-e,o!rier,s,blosc-.esdest ect i31v
. and the nartu btuuelh,of the . UAW '-tL'--nu'
I h-, ,a
*n - acre bus ., U -0o
I I throut'l ' 8 to t1ii proprititc
;lyg,on the reles t
, JA-)IET31
. 290 - . , a r a dd P e,s s, 0 01
. . __ __ __ - - __ _
. _uA "
. A'v-"LL -13LE FARY 'Do A` -
cossion-, V,_Hinop, ;e'ar Sworthk-
9 M -vel road to lGodei-icu -, 85 atres cle!
I from st=ps. S5 acres U*
-well wa'tereda-na pio=
Vass; fou Vdth
bai,o,stableuntlemeat'N, 1ogfaV-i1h0"c
side, and ggooa oveharld; poss sgou -
t title , ior fu- hc
I good and terms easy. r A
- apply to - L
1. 272 LUDW14 METEIL Seal
.,. .____.I-
. -RD r -
. '
I - I ]BEI X G Lot 84, Coin. T, 9-cKillop. CC f
-acres, all eleare4, wit), gona bg=
oiling. r
__ .,two good or,clialAs n *fnnb I - .
' -
Prings which 9upply the will-
ntulnLng , jcres ofbush '
, tLl` . 10C_
. 9, Contuinjng
-18 situated b U1,11 ; rrom Set'sorth, .
. Xravelroaathereto. Fbrfurtberr,art
.. 011 the promises, - I I by post, to .TiOT'.
:801q, Constance P. 41 nbuira lftt-
__ ., kf _i I - -
- . LLL - ___,.
. _ M]FARX FOR .S, '
AIX IN. xtx
- I .
TORSAUE, a gobd FaTm, gonipw
. . half of lot 15 and,, the. Nrt-at 1mll 0i
12,Mcl_ ,illop cent
I I : , . RiWwg 10 a-aks. &,,
well fiall, d ',na ii, 00a e
: X. - ,P ,I ultivationt
. ;_Umberttl wit .
, ;
: h hardwood; a gooa
aud new log barn good beariUg J
r 0
. .1miles and a half from a gootl -_Tavel r
, -IrOm the village,of Senfort,b . 'jhere t-
9 .
- . i la'Wmills within -); tailes; convenierd
i %&OOLI,ana stores'. : For partijtulutsl
I . , z
I Proprietor *n the premises, or, I
1 :4 WI-tthrop r. 0, -
I ! ,
I . - 280*4 L M,
; . ; zksms, .
. . ;
. - I ____ p
i _________ 1
i OT No. 12 and pa-vt of Lot N-0.1,
i L Il- . .
I , COUCC-;sion of Gimv, colisistall;
11 , Bocleared and in a - UltiVAtit'U. Z
I i A I
,% , ,VLO(,) - .
I ; I 1!11 7,el "ORA. 12;rnt'lles--from -s aforlk
i 7
I : L. .. ' In
- i
; A'XG J S Mc 9 I LL AN, (
I :
I : . - . - __ —,--
P"R L ;
: , ,&W_ _ `
r r ores, vi,
. - 'I 'heS,J) I tW,o St
I OVer-head, in tUe.pei=e 41
I .* r of the village,of Seafvrth. T_hf--
. *ftUtne. Por further partikiflUs *11
. '29410 Mt C A, UGHL."y L & 110
I T _ ,
. I I
- I .: ;
. l
; .
L -
. . . ; --
z - I I
i - .
I -
f -1 .
i . -
2 L i
i -
; .
. .
- ; . .
f I
- I
- I
- c
- - - I
L z
- I - I
;. __ , -1 -
_ _,:.. I - i _. li .11 1.