HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-10-24, Page 7C.L. 24, 187PTT3 payi xej e 'Os AKRON ctmENT, the best Arnerican_VSlatLime in_11::te. FOR SALE CHEAP. " 1,-1 ri -t ILf.11_,A,„.71T.1..rt,/1/2:t _ill 1.11) 0 0 0 0 -Tt r SEAFORT WELTY WO DERsaGNEI, i returiii Its to the public for their li he nest, takes this opportun ty f stating hag:secured the serviceso4 Mr. ADAM Draughtsman and Alrehanie as; foreman • Kotelty Works Planing, S sh and Door 1:‹St• his sheer end support PENTERS AND FA MIERS / it to their advantage to ea . aithey can thing in the Wood Line done on the ehort- e. FRAMER, MOLDI. and gilt up to order. A limit ! DOBLE AND S1NGL ! ' rtS.' ND teAREOT AND LAND ROLLERS Rnets and Gates 0311 ettES MANUFACT e conoiexieect the mutaett 'rXEtS: and SE Ilia be suliplied t)ti the sh reasonaide terms. Boxes g risfaetion. Awaiting orders eduninber ef DRILLS M. MAR Novelty Work TEE 4,EAroRTE It YARD. and. RERS. • cif CheeSe ERS„ iteo node°. aranteed to or different • SefOrtb- 1:7 ACD ON ALI) orta ;he Puhfic that they have opepail naberiU Seaforth, near Shearson's the grihugl fOrnierly used as a Lord -ter Thoruas Lee - keep const Italy oil hand a good ssort-- tt. RINDS OF LUMBER, dressed and - at. Alley LATH AND SHINGLE, said __- ley are krupare1 to sell at the lowest, pe-eo, for f. ash. ire and titherg 1/4% ill find it to their advant- hepct our St Ick, and ascertain ottr pri5e9 4rc1as ugehe where, as we are ta n. posi indu Cent nts to cash, purehasers. ABEE & MACDONALD- TEGE ti‘ EN that application will be • , In Legisittive Asseiabl3-- of the Prov- :;-_::;trit., ia its -next sesin, for -an ad tO ititling of the County a rfv,- ttRiding of the said CountY7for puTo-ea,,. PETER ADAMON, County Olerk- '•-•;zzt lit; 1, 1873. 4-11 SEAFORTH [O(II)LPH ROOMS. - f (l(eiire-; to state that be ha8 frito Mr.; FRANK PALTRIDGiE his InsitteS, whieb. he Win harrafter F ALL KINDS le ti•-• atat and bt•st styles if the .Axt. v. Irit-t hale; ( Itxj-erienee in, th hitairteas, :the '-'-r NL, ilx, 1.,-.i..::ttiofl ii gularanteeing. avictitni, and trusta to receive a e•°_lit'' - •' the jib.ractecarre b stowed 01 rui."*• a.. le it ct .r1 1141 4GATIVES OK HA ykrOtLES goORK; 1 , kt.t., Sulk, 1871'4 I l• ; , I ' ; • - • • eceneea Of Peter Cart.: Bemin inensibiliy,- mail at len to her relief, and the li rs after Illinois was admitted ion as Sate' (1.82C) it was y the General Cenference into a Animal Conference, ami. Peter . controlled beir this mater Six ye leased their irasp and be hito the effect of the exhibition u ereoted , applied chhiroforin beim. son to our -common hu chew -lig t, a pi each er of more !than separate Judging from the alio-% i tweuty 7els standiu, and who had eertainly superior to the jest mo -ed from the Kentucky o the in the fact that alcohol c n ' hbor lood of Springfield Ill., was her natural affection. . nade Priding Elder The famons old -.• olio man, whii passed away hist Year at theEightyr•twc years , after a mioistry of nearly 70 o well kno rulto need special tree. iere. The thst time I saehr him All of us are familiar 38, as be etered. a church in of King Gharlee the See( e t. to hod. Divine eervice on a, self in the foliage of an c -" undayimOrn he evAlked step up t • e aislci of the chureh, my boy- sh Gad sity noted a powerful, square - built ma a weigking a.bout 200 pounds, 5 feet 10 inches:in `height, with bronzed face, a la go bed, reminding one Of the to us a tragic story .61.). fretful p reupine, for " cacift particular Revolutmts ois, an ssoci e o hair stocd anAnd." He was clad in a ton, was not oider- a prii e dressing- own ! of furniture calico, the victim. Very recently a tier figures' ofea large patte over the Ohio River and d. er extrei itis were ' 1 uprooting a magnificent as -dyed m4 seyoolse one of the farm m hisahand he carrie brotubbriMmed whit wether-beeten. tace . ness,- fironess, fuh' pluck. His voice wa -broken-forOthe M of that day (ad 'nth as well ?)1 knew nothin of this �u • noblestora in my narraive, it wo the sensi ive ear and constantIV shocked. room, as n our chure • 77• 77,777 • • THE fiU h death cane got four quarts of walnuts spread out to be, - no longer dry up tairs, it is because there is no a• i stinct, plaoe up stairs to do it. --Danbury News. me lead ! The h ro isea les- TO THE SUFFERING. itt;. Ile has nin ereionee . • s spider is min la animal, • ; SONE5' VENTILA.TD des ot destriiy. ADJUSTABLE TR S§ AND in an Oak - , SUPPORTE age of 8 yeters, ie mention was in -1 his clistri pleasant time. With the sty . . Withont i Springs easily adjusted and will last a 11(1hiding hie), . life, being a 1 1 i It tr c, and haw - ing in the slimmer m. this way the repres italive of the PERFECT RELIEF F011 with firm, elastic Stuart family was ' presc •ved to occuPy : . story now alley, co- - - the forest, - ID the throne of his father, comes to us from the -14tseni neeted with another gian 1•of whese prostration b - •ricane reveals one of the Washing- etore 1)ut ado passed .the:Miami, ov -of oaks u etor subs ; while his low- oered by eopper • pantaloon, and s. Theppr low-crwned, qeent to the conflict of ti e elements vig beaver, -n his ited this Spot, and, Upon xas ining the ou reed sbeewdt trees, found the imbleat bf hem all, :a the etorin in his ere s master - and indoinitable husky and !hoarse thodist prenchers 1 not add bf this about taking- care . If I might pause be to say that retined tas e are Conf rence tree on 'whoe head had bee, of centuries, had release braces the remains .of peiees. . - These remains contiste f lpies deep- ly discolored with age, a 1 1 ke the dry bones of old, each -one se ar i ed from his fellow. Several .of the bho s have marks Of having been injured Whilst in life, 1 T )(. ies bY the eor- the right arm being shatter dant, hdarse, husky, na-stil, tones -one- of the forehead scarred al hears on every hand. ; miserable traves- and- two of the teeth Mi -841 ties of Ithe musie Ns hich God meant exception the. ja-Ws had thei Should difcp from the lips of those who ment of grinders. Closer s • ought tol be patteriA of the best and that in the, heart of the. most se mly things. But to return to spot twenty feet from the Peter Ca twright, wh.o was as trenchant extending ten feet Upwa in polcul ce as he was doughty in carnal hollow from which the conflicts 1 -upon occasion. His brawny ditubtedly been disgorged. tist has eat many a. foeman to bite the ghrell up it dead, which dust ; al d. his tongue, if not a two-edged queutly ` discovereti had sword, was smooth es very like a eighty years beeir embus( bludgeo .. In this fi st sermon 1 heard :What was the skeeton's from hin , to illustrat a point he favor- problem to be solved, a ed the congregation. ith the following was brought to issue a i e 1, the bones scratched, with which full comple- rch• shoeved ee, from rromid, and 4., existed (11 es had un - he tree had was subse- Upwards of 1 within it. rt, was the stion which short time old -leather 0 fl incidentl:. • • after the diteovery. An "As 11 was riding . . remarkably time agd, a man OverThis quaint - w brass but - .s if he • ight be a long the road some pocket -book was found in ook me who looked good state of pres-ervation -eacher. He (;alied- looking relic, contained a me by n me, and, at and military me if I ras ready to owing diary told hin that CaTUNVI 1ji lowly starV- my deb sweite paid, 1 I was iady far anything. - 'Very well,' _1he Mall s name, as ga be•ed from the said, he ' you old. inoramus, or hypo_ , papers, was Regl: A'andeirbcrg, a native erite y u ought to k low toemach, or be of Toncaster, -Pa., and a ptainin the too hotest, to rema h a Mthedist. 1 Revolutemary army. ' I vas Aide -de used to be one myse f --yes, a Methodist Camp to Washington dep.- r his retreat preaeh r -until I fo Ind out the error of 4eross the Jerseys, and. . ed a time in my wa ." Ho ! lu !' said ]I. ' and. what . Arnolds head -quarters West Point. axe yoi now ?' " (1 rteVright mentioned. In 1791. he Marched i1 h tit. Clair mination to which Against the northwesteri. ians, and in m. the Wale f the above; a id captured. tc the Indian e ected his s - we d pressed by NE o ' e er, he hollow in is a i angled ne h tree that ied the haven N 1 he lieover- d the depth s no escpe. diary of the ha was soon out of oaiktrys idespairmg pyrecn Here. is one or heatd ei of the man he way 1 treed that " November 16. --Fie lays wit out io, droyeethet skunk to hie le." food When 1 sleep I lire no of lue oils wriglat was Mice preaching at a fruit. and flowing str m . , The s a'ti . meeting, w len sud d only there laugh at my mieery ! I flowing STOW. p a :strong w nd w ich frightened I freeze while 1 -starve. some cf the people e cried. out, 1! tIt's mil "r some talk, asked tcms, a number of petit_ hear the truth. passes, together with a ight was m y name. of his daily sufferings as nay will made, and ed to death. 11 the nee :le of the den his int rlocutor hac gone, but vhich I the defeat of that Gene need. Dot repeat, a id then proeeeied : ash, November the *fr Now brethren. I knew well enough year, he 'WIN wounde that th devil had. oily one of throe MINS While heillg 0°°Irt'e( to get . man out of t le Methodist 1hureh town at Upper Piqua, into thlit denomina ion, and that there cape, but found hfineel must e rascality n monhis ey matters, a savage foes. He s womanl erape, or I quote at the bottom the oak-, and despite 1 of this cieew,e. ch,anee_ ,se, judge g from and with the aid of a. 1118 loc ks, I pulled. a bow at a venture, grew beside the oak, 11 and sad ' What was that 'fuss y about woman ?, te artwrighte realm' ' he shouted in a rage; '1 that ?' A nd. you ev r hear about whip o his horse, sight. I never sale before, but tha's coou- Car camp , came u. had and. dropped tlieren. u old ed that he had mieal. ow did • of the hollow; aml tiler utting Oh, the story told, by .11 -HERNIA. For stile , R. LT; I, DEN'S Cornei 805 - FALL -SHOW DERMIGNED is just lee belt of ," ANO FANCY D THE "L. est 5 STAPLE GI BOOTS Drug Store, Seaforth 1873 iving the larg- Y COO DS, OCELIE% HAM WA ND SI OE S, READIMAD IN G MILLINERY, Eaer brot ght int( BRUSELS, and comp cte by the 251h Install I beg o refer you to the f leading 14nes, and other Goods proportim .3 Heavy 6 in. Grey Cott()) , at 2)e yard. . HeatV , 6 ?n. pleached Codon, a tkC Vhich rill lie full • CLOTH - will b prices of found in • ! I QN EXPOSITOR.. MUSIC AND 1WIN MACHINES. -r- O. C. WI ILLSON'S MUSIC', SEWING Ail A CHIA' AND GRICIIT-URAL IMPLE- i tug' V. Ell ,t pulin SE ,ACI MET EMPORIUM, TH 3 TM I STILL IN TH FRONT RANK AS T:ST:AL. SEWING MAOHINES. „ . T MOE VLORENCIE Noiseless Leek and Ri ot S tit b. FamilySewing tiehine challenges the world in perfection and range of work, strength and beaut3 of stitch, darabili of construction and 1.•,arpildiinte,, ..of motion. Call and examine. Send for circulars. Agents wanted in every town in the , 0. C. WILLSON, General Agent for the Dominion. . . . ' Also, n hand a full assortment of the following, rst-class machine' s : • • seauAl\le:ali‘th'nerpeorrotfOgreecotn.d-hand Osborne, Gardiner, Lot; man; TsVaireer, Raymond and: owe Machines for :nuii.i•kd ..•!ielilguesrolltpoeili,tbrhe,ili7inger, Appleton, \ ebsten, and Lockman of Ha Mon, Raymond of • Sewing Machines of all makesi repaired on the sh test n Aim . r.".%"' I i connection with our Sewing Machine Dep Amen , we are prepared- to execute all kinds "Of Fancy .'itching, obeli as Braiding, Cording, Tuckin >, Felling, Binding, Hennaing, &c., in tirt-rate style. harges inoderate. _ . - . MUSICAL INS RUMENTS. Plan s, Ogans, tul"Melodeons of the very best A uerican and Canadian manufaeture, such as the Mothus 'slier, Emerson and Weber Pianos; rp ince's, of Buffalo, and Beira, of Guelph,'Orgens. Samp es of the above hist uments can be seen at he store. Call and inspeet them. AG !CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS.- • --- cets Mass( v's No 18 Thistle C atm- Plo-the ftunie s idvorite. Any munber alwayoun hand:: -Othei. • Plows o descriptions. The elebrated Paris Straw iCutter, the best .;"%.1so, the Cummings, Rochester and othei 10 cents • eatore.. • PWERS OF A LKINDS AND SIZES- coupe 1 jri nee ii, tl , 15' 'eras per 1. . , .,,:i ;nlfa:peryarfd. No.1 1be):ifill ton.', and Lybstel ala ys on band, TEAS. Goed Young Hyson Tea, at 117islnd 50 Finest Moymie Tea,: at 871.- celts pe iice, $1. Sevnty-five eel to per - half (fluist or Caddie. Gunpowtler, Coogous, Japans, Peke ;s, &e., at equally good val.ne. Speeial, wine iln Carpet, Helltips, entrys, tt o and three ply, all woels am Call aid see the goods ,and prices for yourselves, . NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Higleat price paid for Grain, and a 'other kinds of produe.. color 33 a 1d. 36 Yids Cot ), ht 10 cents in. (1w: on yarn, cots per lb. lb.'ugual lb. by the tair, Tap - felts. , and judge • Brass JQHN LEIDI, IE. s, Sept. 18, 1878. AFOR E ORE$S COOD At W SHAWL Dee ai he la Ie r 18 . (-11. 1PSt el pity nib." so tha they rose to The entries extWe end • eleven (tare " it Still, brethren, during that period., wdyine by de- 0. my othl enemy.; the • grecs, he penned the st )iry of his life' ex - f the towers I of the .Priences, of leeidente Of t ie royale we- • reaelnng„ and wants ' ,ary war, and. of the la..1 in nnents . o his ATE life up to the. time evh tl •s of go. 1-1 sit sti devil, 1t1ie prince air ;1i kuows I'M to kee ) von from haring me. thee I was iit4r1ast, four year gone, 'bel and T 1 death prevented the us tussl . More than sufferings of theseldiet st of t, and got mee timated7 whilst the wl time, lbv the Terrace of sad chapter in a life's 1 have* 1ia.d many a once 1)13's had theb down, -,1 beet many a God, flee eiven it made ye old hide r. ttle ;"and, after this episoch , went on h his 'sermon o bin roundly, and ' ' eis • Anecdote of Jos A. correspondent of .Nl w is it that cm ethodists have, Tim e, writiug from Nt OTS of Divin ty ?" once said. a pa- giv 4'. Borne interetiug- c.. tronizi ig- theedogian of another den0113111-; ed. A itli Josepli tioliale o him_ " \ -re haee no use for km=.1 .leit. He owned said the old mere " our Divinity rito .3, on the borders o t need doctoring." -vir.h.i her he used to rept ism seems to have meis between 1820 are ne, ju-igi.ng from the :and the people itt t114 it boasts. li- riThrough tain •visitors with ren ini,p a.cedii cOur bc sy hunting excursicuis. college, eve aine a Doe th ugle I shspect his neare it • appr Hebreelr and Greek vas a little Choctaw Count (the ex -king wa • aud a smattering of backwoods (erman. Count de Surillier) al: Althouth 'homely, e-centi ice, and, it -may pe(1 for breakfast at a e he, rod. = in lopu lie speech, li some- Mohawk, kept by a tit Wiles, in hie earlier and middle 1 fe, rose The, landlord knew win 0 greap heights of eloquence. e loved an& bestirred 11 i u tee 1 f t( 1W:104i:ern-which )r. Chalmers defined tertainment. The me: to be r ClIvristialtit r in earnest t -with 'party was about -to pro ell the ?enthusiasm c f his rugget . hart, secretary brought lion and did a work of 70 yearS in its, behalf, extravagant charge, of whose letioeuce and effee s.will eot soon- twenty -fie dollats was ease aN -0.y.1 if his r ligim, Was nht char- 1 were demanded, end. a 1ctri 'e ' d by meekn.ss-- f yr, who ten oe one cheek 1-i rarely tur other ut (rave the , H( no doe e weakne of his peva, c n never 6 story for st ry. ation them. isitt s thad_ me - hen, Metho( dlen into deep deel manbe • of Ductors the•we 1 -Meant -hat of scn obscare Peter himself be Th C CS - ph, Bonap te. th. New ork lith an. -New York, neidents connect - rte s residenqe in lalge tract ofl ter- .. -0 e Wilderi ess, ir c urieg the . um - N30 for et ort, ei lity still:enter- ineencee ef his t • is an anec lote ouches fo • as is joerneys' • rom ein retreat, the low") as the c 1 is retinue stop - 13 Side 11111 011 the -i ty Drithmam. hs guests w ere, 1 irnielrigoad over, as a -taw cm Ohl which the eorrespondei or, al- authentic : (in 7 one (>fache to tidewater to i tort fl smit- a round .priee for ev led. the both for men and herse mitel two :f one - (mly fifty dollar: Th Dutchman ewas he we s- etrardy„ tnst„ fearless --th c in a Tian dare: - Like) seine other ' and the backwoods, with the emell later landlords, lie into ided, to graduate • al the iak :and hickery ou his garments, his aliarges by the S of his guest to 1(3 froetiet ill hie e- pay ; and, knwing. the the guest could ect A 'tine Od Eng ell .gentleman" (Mr. 1 his carriage Toi. 1IIti ite *8 The lan(1tlotil Moterrdge), with ibundant leishre for desperately: Scred, doh a few' wOrds, stadu.4 in inetaral h story, has written a and sent the hill back 1)) the secretary. • very epitertainirig book ou insects, in pne The Ceunt ghtneed at ijt, and found that ehapre r of which (as a etitic eeeerts) Undef the charge:4, aiii u iting to fifty dol- ;" eler.a.tes the eliar4ter of the spider.- lars, the following hat 11.4 ;en added, A Et ie pleaanteat any rate, to k.110 NV that clam fuss, seVentY-li •ie dollars." • His = - he hat found mit enough-atm:et the urea- f Sides shook with- laugh e • as he raid it; ell - the 11t'S ILL'S. At W. HILL'S. CORSET At MILILINER At lir HILL'S w qLOT S At 1 r HILL'S JI .140 WEI Sy At W HILL'S Lfki\INELIS, At NATI HILL'S JT SI IRTL GS, At W NEWC report that the. ye hundred and nride. The items ter puttbig-.dpwil 1 3, thing provded. he items footed and the traits of t thee.- (',r. ( %hi/ ffi Touc rng Anec etteee. - pay, he was not, the h to abate any-, • thing. While he puzz over the. bill, ote of a spider. the Comet called ii 'patiently from NE turee feelings to e direction of memor ly fellowe Mi Moggridge 1 of imthersing for 1 teitti,te1earmene of spellers and ant eleohol. H Saw that the gleti t ;r a few t,ninitc hut he that stisatiiu 1•.soon extiu )3.EVZ ib -g. on one oceas serve a large femal spider and twenty four of her young 4.) ces, that a. tured He. put th mother into aleeliol god_ saw hat, after a. nient4. she folded 1 er legs upon 1 and te as at rst. He then put b(attlt- the young (nes, who, of luatiiisted acute Ain. What ;1:1.(zitsextztstemertgl;er, mother rQus gatIRF herLyoung lot /Wm Over the vate -suienee in the and he said to lire st.01 rPhe story it... brief- " The fellow deserves his wit and impudenc ad been in he -habit hundred dollana servation h s differ- - •• bet_ - Mr. Joseph .Areh, the iils• of the London Primitive Method- 1 ry, in. French, ti a, and more, for . (live hint live addressec y streg- 1 1 ist Sabbath School laeb unday moning, th :tight and preached a semi on in the el. ening offil ... IC(1, Ith ieh NV listened to iy layge eon- ac,c)ii free fro' sill:fer- ule he eerie -hoe to pee- geegatin. He is, e, vtry forcible and. , earnest speaker. Se fa • as his oh rva- • • ae. cap- tion has gone. Ile ape n. bottle i terms of thJ advanta ks da to the class of Lai cl=re few inn- er body A SCHOOL -Bo% 's Tu17) nto the commences at eight a. course, highest altitude at 4 was his when the pain is int herself dinary degree ; eomn en dart aroun(l to, and nine, and after that 44sa -tee tuber hesom, fold lerity that must be fee n, again relapse into the sufferer. If at n ght in very pc sitieat offered hy Cane- s lie repreents:. erally s its nine acite ger. m, reach earter to toen e traor- es to subside at pears wit1 a ce- comfortne At LLARp At W lir BP E At VV CURTAIN At W "reit' ,StOC', Large Stod , Choice ;§1 At W. H Oppo ite Com CASH 14k11) 'yo ETRACT' (1; CARTWRIC Tue. at t daY HILL'S. - . GRA N CRUSHERS and Root Cutters of various aufactures. i r , • HORSE i . • AWING ACHINES. i . 1 The c debrated Combinati in and Richardson Sa% ing Machines, manufactuied by Eastwood & Co of Inge soll.. These Maehin at, as every body Inure s, are the best in use, and do not require recom- unalat on. ( . . All ki ds of Plow Points ad othei Castings cons intly on hand. •1 THE TRIteMPIT WASHING MACHINE, . . 01 ;whih the" annexed tkit ris a correct representation, is a simple; durable and exceedingly serviOahle contrivance. It is easily woked, and will not wear the clothes: asninch as ordinary hand washin. Call , and see them. Tim followine''gentlei as in). agents for the PHY, THOS. O'CON MeGRAW, Clinton; Lucknow. • O. • : . en, and 'none others, have been appointed to act sale of the above artiles: LAWRENCE MITI: - 01I, U. P. WHIFFEN, Seaforth ; WILLIAM L4 5. - WILLSON, Goderich ; W11.. ALLEN", WILLSON, Seafortb, *HARNESS 1. TR NKS, BAGS, WHiPS COMBS, HARNESS ! COLLARS, - VALISES, *1 LASHES, 1 BRUSH% &9 LiT 0 NOTS CD 0 `631.1. 311,LVO '11 V r1110 I r) , • T BELrf FRY & , MykY9 Si SEAFORTH. I1 • 1 Om HARNESS we cam recommend to any one, as we lige only firs-elass Lenther and make none nit tirst-rate Hrnek. We Itarrant our Co kars not - to gall a Horse, and guarantee them to • - give eh itire Ha US fac Um . ' • ' , -i SO]) Opposite Mansion 1 lov$e, 8eafb1' 1. BELFRY & MAY. COME ONE COME ALL, ! ! E . ORTH CARRIAGE WORXS. A.ND Bl3Y. YOUR -e, 4 WINTER COMING O. '9301.Eld Cr10 rn 0 ma itt rn 1:• 0 0 0 z. ✓ im o ni • 11. A It N E,S1 S WILLIAM GRASS I E FRO ?'1 - I In -1) vparation for the sleighing seaon, has in construction a large number of J. WARD SEAFORTH. 3 I beg to state for the information of farmers an Harness on hand as any in town, and I am de 'tient in the County. - - 'C-37\7-3 1\/I 28 1873. FALL STOCK LL ON HA\ 1 ll,iix,(; imp., tea most of oar Fall Goods tli eet from 3.1anufacturera, elm and willogive INS THAN'EVER., SLEIGHS AND CUTTERS d the pahlie generally, that I have as good a stock wirieh will iv a; usual, ett.!,i) eAsh, temined 7ot to be undersold by buy other establish- 1,61.1 thim The reputation of this istiiiiiishnvirt for the' dor:1MM)- and elegance of art turnya Will receive so tisfaetion. • out by it, is sufficient guarantee tliat purchasers 16/ es WAR w A number of Light Single and Double Main -Street, Seaforth. uderch street, Senforth. W IL LIAM GRASSIE, • the way of Wagons and Buggies, yet en hond 1873. --- , SEAVORTH PLANING' AIILL. SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY AT ENT'S. • GREATER BARG OTTR STORE IS PERFECT SAM OF HILL's. 1 DRESS GOODS, SHAW S, CLOTHS, FLANNELS, Cloud, Hoods an( Geherai .Dry Goods. 500 LADIES' .JACKET, iewest style, neat , and warm ; the Nicest Display of MIL INERY HILL HILL ck, Ever shown in Senforth-mind aii 300 SETS OF LADIES' FURS -we a sure and buy yol Lotsuf Cornwall Blankets, Dundas Cottons, Cm Stock- of Mn's and Boys' 0 DENT'S Cheap Dry, Goods aud Tut subscriber begs leave. tlYthank his nunierons customers for the liberal Patronage extended to him since commencing business in Seaforth, and trusts that he may be favored with a continuance of the same. Parties intending to baim would ao well to give him a call, as he will continue to keep on hand a large stock of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, $A$IIES, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDING, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. I buy your MILLINERY* DENT'S. e noted for selling tkod Furs Cheap -be r Furs at DENT'ti. He feels confident of giving sathefaction to those • who may favour him with their patronage, as none but first-class workmen are employed: • I Particular attention paid to Custom Planng. 201 -JOHN H. BROADFOOT. Risin Tweeds and other Goods on hand. A lull )(,d$-ilitts, Caps, Muftlera, &c. ery Establishment is the Place, • GOLD •'FI8 "NATIID And the lust way t� save it i TEAS SUGARS AND e(r7) Stock, 1, LEE'S FLOUR Very 'lour, Oat and Cornmeal, Provisions, Hams, I e tial Hotel, TO plIEVENT DYSPEPSIA, EA FORTIl A. Choice lot of Cr BCTTER. - ----. • • ,-----,--.---.- .. _,-.--"- -__,::•*'-:_____ r --- / . attends in 5 day a lel Weal e Cininerci. and Fridays his 'tratim•d. ofth Pi i•ties requna if at Sca forth ant tern mie, - T •othuonials o ! thei • teeth extra be s ,en at my nft T CtIl inserted pro ed styles. F Mug dnn1 in that boy hasu't Dot be Stu -passed NG TEE 111 WITHOUT PAIN. HT, D Surgeon Dent -o€ S GOLD BOARDING. 1 1_1 COLLADAY has leased the large and coin • mod -loaf; house, on the Salt Works Grouds, • adjoining the Railwa.y Station, and has fitted it up as a boarding-house. Good table and coMfortable rooms. Persons wishing a pleasant boarding- • holm should apply, as there are -fit present a few C.31N.IMP. 1 vacancies. Transient boarders accommodated at less than hotel rates. , 228 to purchase a gennine artiele in - • NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. GENERAL GROCERIES, cheap, at THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE ND S EED STORE! aou, Fruit, Vegtable:4 constantly on hand. 'BY 01-R GRANULATED WHEAT. ckery and GlaSsware Splendid bargains in Fruit Jars. Call and see them. Goods delivered free of charge, hand, AlAS LEE Seaforth Ont. N. Pee -CEDAR POSTS and SHINGLES still I ; TH SEAFORT eforth, atrE x's Hotl, the fnst Wish to inforin the people of Huron and publ for a term of years, and are now prepay( d to mi eteltentla 1 Hotel, on he following. Thins -1' tv of a hino; in Clinton, The rernai der of the time at c. g new teeth re requested to eall, Clinton, on the first days of at - over 500 p tient s who havehad ted' by the use of the Gas, may ce in Stratf 'n the mos substantial and im- gold, &c., i manner which eau- 257 - 11/ KERR, WI .1A8 hare been appointed Sole Agent in the Pro %Ince (if Ontario, for the Florence Sewing Ma- Hine-. none have a right to sell the all machine exeept thoae appointed by me. Io the County a nuron the following are the only autherized Agents for the Florence Machine Trici. Connors, p., \Millen, and Lawrente Murphy, Seaforth • William 1c0-aw, Clinton; L. S. Willson, Goderich: i Any person or persons other than the above rowe- 1 spitting that they live aright to sell, or can fur- , uish the Florence Machine in the County a un - ton, ate impoPters, and the public are hereby warne to beware of them. • O. C. ILLSON, General Agent for Ontario, Seaforth. FOUNDRY 290 • PUMPS. LKIE & Car • FRANCISTOWN RE undersigned having erected a 13.eW Pump Factory about 40 rods north of , e generally that they have leased. the Seaforth Foundry nufaetnre all kinds of Catings, Staw. Cu ters, Sawing Machines, Plows, and, other Farming Implements We are also pre ared to de REPAIRING of every description. The tmdersigned have had long osperienve in the Foandry business, and are prepared to guarantee satisfaction in all their work. 87 KERR, WILKIE & CO On tins London Road, is now prepared to manufac- ; tare Pumps, which for lig,htnees of operation and durability cannot be*surpassed in Ontario. Noth- ing but the blot. material used, first-elass work- men employed. ALL WORK WARRANTMD. call is respectfully solitited bolos purchasing elsewhere. GEORGE BOLON, 281-8m Franaistown. 1 • 1 . • _ •