The Huron Expositor, 1873-10-24, Page 2aa up ior iin m, pay 01 151191anol, n e 115 aisoageliz --ior nevo.-riLl pri� ij lCar 11UL J)"U1116 UJJ "ILL& r(i d t and, at 14 illumine leird-4 hiding -place, and and none ot usere to siu their cheli oots nick, illipatient, step. At four vate Cipitalists of Tronto, who loan Mone- -d. asky i c �ornt -very majonallie rates. inte%st pyable I tires crept in and Littlo� Mrs. -TI oil felt uneasy it the with q _f at to the garden, ,is 1 1 toy knew I did not oue by olle, , I C and went �,,rly lered his horse, floor: t1ionglit Of goin� home without lier hus o'clock he or( CHATTM II-* eE circle on. the aPprove of smoki within doors.-- What a ed themse v`- 1 (14y he bi d, ,is they bived nearly a mile frolil Out, is I and Ivir ghain, Det. 15, 187 L 212 GATE BRING CLOUDS. heard it long our Uncle 8 %id W is I and relite as I I I to a- tend the P olbwed I *ill " 9 give her fulie&l of oor Mrs. Vance 11 I � - e oelle. ourl house ; at) I A 0F060( E,Y - TIOMIESTFD, Barristers, t- wo days mc re and still a afterward from 3-0 husband's lipm never fo got wh ase ger, 08 3olonel Rohd�,F ed Wilson, ai- your I He soon retaxned, and calle it r fr, At last a me 10 _ I I 0 - her ch&l. escrted!r(om �, I t lang i all a t JAIN%, nChoineell, auA telea a'I he huge d be(i for the nigh which offer all( glad h d. off tog Aher (if one 4 �an -Use he charnel-� , ike o( , or r6se, and in nie, saying) pliblie and been Secret y dispatched f or no re- in-cle paired is it not 4trangre, when Fell- U rnwl, whole ca -ml) rang tbe expression wh ilight to bring t ej, al E ,i i three are cop iely, of g veat bats, at tied ros� to go, as theyj I Llso lived sollic he C nilt n A 11 ;s Iralive ism); Mr. Thorn- f oill their by the ul:iiasual light,; wick sent Inte last ii e tidi'ligs of the Meerut Outbreak o it sounds like - all d )1li fili(I one, N. to it-iid' at 8 lmr� cent, Ji'arins, 0 d"how is lily 11LI) the bodies they coul ( ly I [IouH!s will ft.li for tl �e l0th May, lai-d the Delhi in,�ssacre on i ton and Mr. D I following, tild you f ighted cerily to &I'd fro the g1lOstIY- haOleft ber .arms were M( tl 0 11th. Pro,-identially-f sia us, � just it uess the a of their c(nivers, (low, cast by the torche on the shiny or )h, Mrs. turgoyne, she. is a( well, by her Si4le, nd the Child was this6pochthe eneralwas�attvcked with I tion. h1dwaftl -of c6urses o wsa-grown walls above all, the lo \ t ttornovI p it, as yeste-r- ', conspirators, nt looking so prettle- she Shall 9( Over gone. can't. 1.1 It , I . MV, rathcx severe. form of mlari ous fever tha day's sad eve i t, nd producing the rk savage f4ces of. the rigidly round 1 00111 anevr2s, Notfiriem t-te. OffirpR—S a r( and �how y oil the (Jay they were clasped 80 y l eol� I Obed!� the com4 1, locket, - singularly enough, '_Xr. Darrell, now nii�ieteeii rk num er,' oil which the alit see you. to--iiaori z frth 11rivate viinds tO -whielt confined him t kprad, making them look be- utiful Paris hat and'frock lier the little t1kilig. inves at tin,ee, tit Eight per cent, J)avable n, ild of the at 4tion theref tire in the lAr ght. nlooldight. rec6gilized. the ieil light flic, tle thin she dI-to be that of young 1 than men, Picture the m ii1na sent her. er lit -1 Rcs'e, as next senior officer, portrait I.Ailley i lore like' devi t her, -aii only ly 0! I colone when I lef aRic could have 111161. the post officer Captain ance, who mith his cene to yonrj�f, thInk how all its w,3 fast %sleep 'Yes, i 'No better f or -eplie(liAy lilisbaild, I tbougylit deen asl; W that ib- when he la t heard weird horror Must hAve been enhanced falley, tij�&t tiresome Alla ed the mother trying drisis. . He wasdool, del wife and clWd I . I I I I as who, with ue knew we were of tluat, but W te, much ac- of them been at Cawnpore. f enfold to (�e three men t to dinner, 1 -was bliged to body left 1111t6licille(t? acro -ac led speetabless over-. goi tig oil Dethr co.'s )�' imporiiii)), tual service, nd, ove all, thbroughly In the eagerness of their debate as to beating heart 1 tiol ttliet Frod niat'le there was not tL SL:�ratcll -011' the hantis. felice it was advisable ead, the revela Is which, giNfe it him, or v -it nderstood th native ild its -what means of d caikse the horrid creature said be was I Well, she is buiietl no-vir, poor thing, and ioroughly diE t1-asted it. , Wi ,at woj�ld 1 -to adopt, tile thT t e first named gentle- ere to col ell 8 11 ,I aild tile ;e to be goin to some relation's or fillie- i it does 'lot ig ify BAY" lig tD Ont. Ooloal-two (fine dispu, - avell - long ag11"we happene� 'had the general retained I men had wadend through tha " com- 8 r. Of course thA was little one hve Ine't ill lic, all venute of fig- s to whetberl were �o tic com-nim-id tremble tto illir R, wheit I pound gate o t i)roceediiigs to com- J forget which. t the lost I a 11 La I idl dh W D, al of a m(., rely all for bUrr kh, )ig rheii lie S r, 4afe what fol Lowell. trees which Ie(J on tothe high -,road. Be- inence at one i, before the rriv, I t � k, my deal going to palde Oil whowas re- fee (1] ; nd he'll be ill for three.day 3 aftE lea go. le in, are coining, to a Oil the l3th of June, rt�o acti ve Sins, (if fore they had any yrils, they wentie per re I 131 III j ori ty s a adThey as ffiese liasty creatures hvays I e i if and I beliel tin), havii-Ic " lip -to -that ti -me Shown suddenly becani`6 ware of the p roxiinity rded by the please'. tl we sliall all . ei i for few minn-te, Coo4loo, wkes, nd'finds-be is not beside crisis. r 116 11 t*A 1,. under ngled ation, m husba"nd of erotic rure on(, Of 'the lked ;Vild W14 . but if will otherwi.se, and I It - . i. fely ms � ves in' our at fine fit Of screaming there'll be a vent for his e, _eRing ride by the of trees. throuali te op(� n nto the lie of course, but aill no longer MY D (Gaduate of 'McGill TT orches A ll? oil, yall, is there i)rotect You oil his return he w�aa, white aid a voict, )H y t , S110('1 '; I , i -ourself with ity, Montreal -r for tho cluunty o� t b e river, and which 'till blaze L 1)y two torche 4-1 child detests her,. Well, if -,I( oo-COO dear brave Wi&j' 1,1,)rotect 3. ) Corone U-1=11. Next ai)or to CaMter Diotherw Oil le of 8apoys, walked about th. i o the - very Ii- i)s, and his hand shook as Fred recognized that of all (Id 8eikh Aeld by a c Doll"t Hotel form of trooper who halnee been the i a . e ily usband expected to es Iyerself to I., it will be III Fred's this 4 it does AA 1work quickly. ans of ;he- last persoi i -d use it rasl omforth, -ar the RaffiruyStatiolL I I ie held it oi it for -th Burgoyne .)) Then she kisse aly, n4.411til ll hope is past, I is father. Greneral Wilson's, life, ec with slich Wil i olliall's in -hich he very rarely in- h, In , and, taking her husband, arm, , bUt_-1 need ilot tRl ?10a that a W -easure I D., GriOnate of dulged 0�1 a ticrwi-shooting, e-weditiorl, land ilLeStill1able. ti -ell ill those tel w briskly hoineward. inotto -is N1 -leGin, ITniversiLY, Montreal, ne nd had conseqnt Itly ki�d of claim oil &l1a;decii! a"For God' take, Edward, tell i -n- rible days, sholl A )(3 i.,3 In'st save notpermit Fred tO Aboutanbour after, s Mrs. Tbol i: rred to inake yo a look like the family. why old Mor woul(l a , hat -has oeG t4l as just gettinginto bed, and 1 holior. th, The old in Se om his crouching mke one of t ie party. -it I crie (.1 an� fr ample, tliou(rh i Then he kiss�,if ihe faildly once, twice, D11. KING, lidifortil, Oate of 'd hoarsely; come into -posture, pproq1ted the gro ICO, ier for the of Pertli. Orfice- Hush, " ho sai I UPI allol The wretch profoundly to the preparing.to follow her ex thrice, and was . igolle j I "'f prussi �'in Hindostallee, sid, sselliblage, excusing his tardy oexpected to sleep much, we calig at y dressing -r, Pon I will t,,ll you. Speaking al� e re startled by a � violent knocking at Thh'i -was a boi '140 c cid will be attenilv4 to ilay or I have Jli Kon ipaily's, * the.gro d th at he ould not 9 A le, w nig4t. 287 And shuddering the -while, stzroiig inan ED EXT WFEX-J aliged more 11 tqe Velletiall doors,of iny (Iressing-rooly [TO E CO trid old soldiar as he was, lia tol'('l me sat for many yeal'.s, nd now I am not sooner. He i lien e wh II tesotind of a familiar half tllo� U, 11glisil ticul,lr saillintions 'With the othel aly VE111COE, M. D., C. M., Phyllician,19ur- ;hat ridhtg absently, with loO ened tein, not going 'to -betray 9 Mrs. Bur- -6iiiiiig th -tc., Coroner for the Coantyof Hllrun.; e circle, th r 0 ioly fellows. There is b leaders, and, ey coixi -SPECII, it NOTICES. the river -s ide, his h se h I Suddenly 'IS r Mrs. Burgoyne, fo Glod's Office and Besidence, corner of and High to -0 I �werve&-, neafly unseatin h i, 1101TOW 11i"111 at 12 O-Iclo k, 1111111161191, lilenced to III Old thair hellish plot, Al- g(�yiie, Je ill %ild had to -i 0, tI � ts, next to the Mill. -1 V ith 'A' sake let me ill T, Aell stood still and refused th advalice. most of You vill be sle 1) i Pkir beds : ldeen old r ative ofli M11 BREAKFAST. --Epp's! COCOA. X -m- tile &)or, n(I her - pr�j, (20-11F6 T, ca 11 ( wriN. By a thorough 'T Dismolinting to see M -lint, cold have your blinii,%lows to be Vul-ned, tnd long White beard Wre tho chief sp kers; 4 - l6lig hair floating oVer her houl(I er� the riatural'laws which to .11131ounce to the inliabitants Of -the most fier part si knowledge of frightened th -- Arab, a hog-hunt�- - every woman 4nd child. the othe a 0 'he1ace of the dead tot- of digestion and Seatorth aid urrowidin, countrN­ that he- has 11y, only or grunting acqui- stly B t govern the op r his ttellt oil was ttracte(l by a white -will beivassaar�d in cold blol)(1. I do len Loddiii fijec gh 6rations been awardt-d the diplopia. of the Ontario t-terin-, If doubt ese c ',illy; indulging in a t �red into1lic rooiii, and fell in a d ea t I. i iiut�rition, nd by careful pplic4tion of -y College, and is now to treat bject which ly amonor the i-eeds, close not ask you to e Inc. Oil ence, or oasioil, 0 . ni Zint oil the floor. I laid her, w� th poor 'I the fine properties of well -selected Codoa, leau, all doillestictillillials- He inshore, ana �o his horror lie discovered Die, nay, whethe; You'(foubt m or not, slight mun ir. of when ny 1 oifllorses�alllloltt . d bethe corpseof a I(r h'liglish. lot tI . iree, of you Itose Sahib oil Major thinr peci or % � Irs. Thornton's assistiluce bas - III Connection Nvith his hrse- trocious was 0 oll ' Mr. Epps has provide&our breakfast ta- �pellvcl 11D V#ict I fii(flitened �N it to YOU' ali,,ffly fientlish i sho ing ghop,whertl he will be fulid to JLt_ come at Froill tI ieir Diouysius's ear l couch, and livent for other lielp and bles with delicately A vour C. ts and Sahib,. itol, the f'ollecor a, ed bevera,,e terribly hacked with 0 ten i to Ditics . of the lo -et si)ccially at - KI b� thf- time I had in rousinty I ly heavy doctors' sidente office andshop in the reft:r witli a bull6t-wotind in tit e left side. A once to the old MQte,e_ i�agb [O.' Pearl of _Wbich bly pos 3easell singular cons- which may waveils iiiai tentit-ol tol Res I hrJ,,nglishmeii t () Or ,mtm:ndsofvet� little child, ipparentlyabout Coo-Coo's It is I I J-iV nearly I 0 'clock ; I tic propertie5, the hree sleepy sen,ants, and had erinary edicine.; hqpt constantly on hand. it -was one of them for Dr. D'Brien, Milk. r)l I I CoUld hei�tr e lry wmil (listilictly. simply with Bo ilin a W -iter am. keeping watch there, for thoul 0 acr -was clas )ed tightlyto he:- breast. I LL, Chan s reaonable. 229 L- J t ;-ho lived net door, Fred Wilson Inade Each pcket is babelled - JAMES axt fabiful to the- i ugliall, I thlit the following 'light, Ni I Mylivabandtied the horseto a. -tree, CJ - . 'or God's a, I )) I _- o'clock, -the signal foi- geiieral ltis c t111(k-10phic Cbenlists, Low oil oland -with soine little difficulty alailarred to must f other i -or I coul d ii6t save twelve CO., Ho 0 w lives. I W I Coildnet you toa Place risingshouldbegiv W T. drawlthe poor thing out of the water, nd Your Ie berof the Veteiiiiary COMP .,A ve 81 al sky -rocket is -M, ould be -the way of I I Stopped shorit, for illild Hilliloo had the process adopt- to ntimate that he lia-i r(!tllij�c(i to the of laid her*and her child oil the The -where, iii. ti 111fe -1 Is ; th, I now give all ccount of his profe�"ion in and illay itta)l tillX8 be -ourselvi , you 0. cite suspicion (Jpened his sleepy eyes wide, and was oi-- )r 3 opsulted oil the dis(q.oses of (lead bands. -T- ere rigidly close I round the and see ll es nd thell all others Jef% t likely to ex ed by Mes§rs. James Epps & CO., $3. a, is it is 11 comilloll ufacturers I ,ar he did not , yy)u call whether I niopg.the P,'itrope jently Pricking up, his ears at our con- , of dietetic ticlos, at their on-lialla. W little One atic attempt toloos- )it. WIlat I heard was. not what 0 i it. Mansion ent the4i. Remounting to go for ssst- a ISbib," po he custi'Mi at to bave3 pyro- (,-rsati( -,vorks in .the E uston R O d, L oil d o n attvil(I-1 t - Oil poken, tr . I f ( t -He nce,, at) that the poor bodies itrlit he re Fre", must not go. N 0, teclinic displays oil small .scale. - A but it was quite bad enough. flolitsehohl 011;dP.. A�_il- party of. litut ieers .-%ver . e told off whose J,,stelle, oil ree For, over twenty yezvs "Bryai for burial, lie s ldcul � percci- -ed thl the O -I 3 oung 6ching honlel very mile i's Pill- I U( d tro I er firmly s the officers' bull- ftign6d, had undressed herself, for she 1 I ".you. are too fiery, thity would lie to visit I - I their, I the, glitter ol gold chaill 1101111d the �dead -:on re-molis 1110111c Wafers "have mintained t7L like' our fi�ther, inight, I alidou me, set r e, o r liever would lltm- the cold clninly i . - 1 Om.rio., T'late wurk, Ilitest wom. all's Thinking -it llight llexe- 0 tire to theiii, and 1 reputation foi- curing coughs, colds alid sboot-ex-ery 1,iropean. man or child they i im; -ccut( till nto firouble. You iriust lingers of to touch. lier'; nd put� b� stvlvq, iivatly ex -(I. All sur - after prove a clue to lier"identiTy, being get us pulmonary dsai-affering C giicili 01). -rations perfornied with and take )f your 1 indam. A second party -wereto go the tiiic,;,on a -white sat do -NN -11 to of rare and euriolis re- stv 9 threatened with-auy of.. the symptoills of aieanaproml)titud,,. low its cinibeob- done, she L ()rally of the rY Com- youarsta-6 inight I)rugh her bir, - This went to , inoved it -with .gentle nd the ovr conie; there is no tim,- to lose ; . 3 I I b . 0 I a publioll -oning -witil etirds or I the othei, -%%,ing of the b1iii-olow -which lialf-ferful res eet with. they lnee.t ,it t v -elve ; ild Y)ii have it be fialsbilig beil: e,i Should t onbe give thi)i trial. 11, Al. Itooins over Mi. A. McDoilgall',; Store, w -sc d a little 12", 0 --fiig liandle the dead. To long -walk before you. The Pass -word is tl�ey also ere to- be exter-. Doutiained Coo-Coo's ilui try g which th 1 Tlicy giealmost illimetliate relii.42 nti ! i e a In were o rush to 01,ay-roolll, to tke her usla,�l last I o ok. at if tkell ill time geliel-ally effect a , cure. it he fOlUld SUIRII double l6oket ttcb� 'KooslI_ rallo BlIM9, e at ese, my broth- initiated; N ed, contiiiii xty the portrait of a fille-Llook� er]. -"ill talu 'short-cut through the the European barracks nd married I lier Pet bafore retirilir, fol- tho Iliolt. Reinellibeli that a columoll cold or cough, y :)ost. Fol- inen's quarters, kil wilas Patcllerrie�,,, ��,N_ery. thiliff was in its place ; t Ic night I ag yo 11 I'l C I all Id ifori Ids, as I inust'i (-,turn to m att ' , )ften leads to -_\-OX's JloTJ-M,_ EAFORTH'L-ThollIlls 1.1 iii artillery 1 ii, and lit I if ,lot � 01 : ided to in time ( low in,- slowly nd cautio 8 y e"s to -,late t - Wit friends and S - r i white diully in far. corixer of the, atdistre��Sillg and 1tal discase-c two lockoof olle dark, Ilic, otlic and 1�ot to return -while th oil- Jillox b o his Id ayall sleep 1114 silorillp" - that he hw; leased the curl evidently cut froni, the head in the'shadow. � tl t ee., But, rooni, n lby � all drilm,ist$ lid le . vheu I wolpii, oi: ellild remained aliN ol the o go 11 t -I an, I tht ig, III( it Oil the a i Said old �Nf ()I L risli. I in r. stole oil I 11 11(:tel lately \11'1111AY, and a little-eltild. Owthe reverse Of :the you bear all 0 hoot . three times yol coillitry dealers. Price 25 cents er box. 7 p fovniLrly Itlo\rll a.; the I)OWNEY HOU.iE, and is saf � for you to ap- i, loud,blear vr ice, what about tIfe Nfeni- tiptoe. to the little, white raised the t I an nscripti he reevive it contimiance of the, tr nket oil, ' From .Ar- will kno,17V that 1111,�O d ie '?" ��iilos(iuitocurtiiia, 811-FFERED FOR SEVERAL YEAR8 hc..�towetl upon. him Auring his many Ever ton-ifort, and thur to Annie, .30th Mzilrch' 11 356.'� theie and niiagb � the rest IH froul Dysl)eI)siL1 resultlug in �rtl f nervous )roach,the -gre south litrai� pe. I will Sabibs (ladits) ? A re they not to kcry' which livoke the startl nd in the hotel He put th e ornainelit-a, if. it could hicut'you N o, " said - the ,Dan' with the beard will �olliyeuiviice will be for traveller.L;4 The _61i i ( - -w lots �brouglit Filed ina second from 'a JeF _ protriltion Itull Gem !-iiito his I icitket, and The ge itleineii cquieled, -111d the old Irit 's I but have:sp at least llob at fir we will lia C3 blood, Eruptions of the Skin, 131helinintic and st Liquon- only kelit iii the Bar. lie -*%,Ilo -%v . ills 1*11g-1,00ul Oil the other si of ti e boll. choice tintl Cigar, rode liciiii.e. trooper for the, mem-10% se. rit W#e Pains, wailt of Idt olud -er d do what be ain in, or tiler -was treille lssitude, I was recounitanded to take Dr. Oil, Ele,- y pale, th L, ii pared ly tke b prize an likes 'The bed had beell,l, e THO)TA. inoi le -SZ id, 011ie of the ve e a tlii,',y pre it', � i -pbatvs of Cal- ll Rose,feeling s with her, make bei Ris slave or his wif e, i� the priut of the child's soft round figure Cinipoiind E li\ -of Phos I . 3 I 4:3 I lying in its use for ev i, devil's worl, ba� bcull guillor on 80111e_ to; follo-�v him oloiw H. wherewithin the last few Then. lie co.ifuisud, very inuch like which lie plEases." There was bol of [aud there, lay the doll, her fvo -ite 1) c d - �aLh.- -11-7 Nvife, and I recovored perfect r)�_�L llonm, 'LL, Propritor. T :,iibscriber h I into . t1'ap. Alk l I-IoAVE as le i- But its little mistress was gone, children have talcen it, forgimeral Tonic Inn- , I -Iliff y -1 , 11 ( 11 and iww'y fnr) risill- suddeilly,�he aintouliced his-intaii--i rat walkinu k1lo ause , t ilia, I' imgine what tl f6clincys of lose t1i ee listellers,r t 0 0, I and that i-, 0 pronlote tho formation of pure blood, with perina- , tioll. of gollig at onef.,-to Mr. FeliAviek -the' hitsbaild and- M Thordix) fottivately wilth lier little silk tockingg antl i Poses to invigorate anti strem-then t)1e F�vstei to , -a tile ui6t iliter-, (I inphr (,i blue illorocco shoes ; ber clotes were ineut belient. It energizes anil the vital dation. foi- t lit, trayt4liu-­ Iniblit, � Choice liquors, ch. an -it or h, cit' c lifidence iii old Mor, tl I em. ht Six I -S in the liar, The tabli- is Nvith ge for tile of t - I)oor y (rood fai 1. ho: oullO creati roin f ol d of h: 8 ien there -intact, Oil chair, just as Estellia forces in ftrernarkble illawittr. ni the dvlictici(-s in set- 0-ters ill Sells . bad*left them. T. Br-.rr, child the 11101 111"Ig. alent the Alotce the Otcer forth lisil;1_11;ilt, I Large stablin- itil ttentive hostler ill Y gent of the Globet MontreaL oniplete- aPl- IN, iich -he first proce ei led to read loija the NVIiiiii interrogated, the, ayall T)On't- stay " : 0 0 0 . . itInd � ii the ttion ly lost her head, as inost native,, livoineli W IN(. Cr h Iii, mes of evelry AW, 01'1(-flll,%Ily b'I I )y e gr HOTE'L, Clioton, Oilt., 0 X!, f. I I He then I pRI'_',XE OF 'olonel B oso �, eft4liDri els and the Thorn- Aul-ailumbe. ery be tif I and pic- -w,,re sixteeii in nll� ;ore up do oil such occsions. She Pbubvd 'I, it wariling, nd for the belit-fit of , ' -oprietor. First-class inscrihed Sixteen looked, nd she rubbe(I her eyes and yonlig, inen and otLwm who i�iiffpr from Npiwors tons re cou, il-Ig o di er t( �liivht, and turesque it look I in t -lid moonlight, sur- twenty of pa ollation for Tb Dar is sup - 0111311 DRIJILITY, LOSS OP _)IA -, 11001), oite,, supplying the d. by tb and -with with liallies, for and, I- looked agiii, but ll her lookinf, ild ru )- ) etl willithe very lic-t., ligollicirs and Good t1ley-the I me, i--inu 3t n ot know roundc' 0 i )inef Inelols Of sell Written by one wh curedlIhn- " 1) lagorn ill front, over .tosiino- lei I into t. lingatt,iched. Tethi-, House af thlis-7, turban, bnded it'� Ul. ot put little Coo -Coo into b i 204-4t ight, 11121.11 belbod! gin. There it stood with its ent frev of .-s-tiffereri are invited to et�,ry day for �), Petbapa vov are lie replied, livIi-ich, their refle ted in . the round nli(u de-ol silence. 10 drooped slip. Tbe� ourbolde ' 1* I - 'plying postin,e) the tittithor. -NATHANIEL 'Od rs of airwhite ater dozen ll(l. sllov-v sheets (Pro mr a I box 153, Brooklyn, 29-13 I I'D 14" Ely. '41olelit lott tore theirs,; but no little golden head russed the lace- theymynot her nec, er home graceful p0iile the ai MY P -ERY -3) E with at. (11 the thou er pur- across d U th en tric 011i A. LI1 NALE. STABL 13. T. a 1117, till '17licothers1l decke(l pillow. Tliomas' Eclee a(le jests, All.the obl. womn co Sal -cly -grilined i ell it DOYOU rafoith.. Good (Jar guest,, ick at hreart, fill' es of .1 still night,' A IoN Idly ed ll(l 111, foul '21urray's Hotel, 1) ed firnii time ere recovIre'd her i KNOWAXYTHI;OFITI? 11PNOT,iTis Horses anil iirst-clftss convevionvols always ouhad. vet striving I.I. U.Serve a clieerful spot, enogh to make. of the J�assing tra- 1114L� than' e! -er like del�' Is escap z little - 'I'lloi 11 to of speech sufliciently to my i was �'XteriOr, I S lt Nkith l 11, without a( I I - There are but few prep-arations of inetheine ELL'S LIVERY STABLES, Out. -,coil([ -.Nfoi )rc. I don't think hell. Pretti Ars. -iiton fell to til B My husband. As bael. upon thatJ however, Tly () i'the )arty -NV 6re ill r%' Moo(l the'lot of with that t nine o'clock ebilo. was edr- which have withstood the iiiipartil int.1inuent of (lood Hor4es and dhvays these years, I feel i to cappreciate tl great lebgth of thile. -1 time ilow, fter ll ither iii:na- I brokei tailily iere, sleepi (lulctly - that she, the people for ��in One Of oil hand. viivorablv. :kyrangvint-ntt; i ale with MA -5' OIL, ITI-ely R, prepllr- Travellers. All ordvs lef t NoX these is THo it oils that tire known, HOTEL, Will bC littentlell to. what a ige. pid i ture or-, b r food, hall 1. art, i lit a theur. no the mark -o, 'I the hving eaten ation of.six, of sonte of the bms Nye Were (,no it was. There "Vltlrl more Pre�sently thEy, heaxd the ii;)oting Of thc a frightful s�,Lbre-ci it dowil his left check. oil the floor ,it thht hour itch ofits oNm Scientific of e O-k'FJCJ,, STAML -ti ,loor '.\-orth of 0 s MA-] rqpeated�tL'riee -,it regii r Hcr� husbald quivered all oyer, %ii(l and.thab to the best of terrible sword . than t) tat o ' Dam cle 0 inturvals. i Or IU1O'NVl(,1tlgC physichibs know th^tt niedicines may be fornied of Knox's Hotel, Street. i d would, be B I hall lieve.1- stirred WIle . - 0 221 THOMAS 11�-oprketor. UX ��&till(, 10) ingredients in liertitill tzxed proportiolv of Rose's I eart still f ile him, aii(l sworli- loud bail : (' 1% ) .1 1. .d his hall 1 (_ Nv she -ws telli i I greater power, anti producim, effects which. cotild RIfillint, Our orilbiry dZes �e fervently -%vi i iied.for g(lod revolver not %r(I pla (I oil Ili,- '0o(()� g C) - tb, (" truth I neverresnIt froill theme of1iv onil- f them, or in 4 L� , 0 I S. L. KENNEDY, o, elliori ible lien its, 'not l 101', Yrimean It(,', %ii ' (IV. 0 , as mouth, id trellitilo a wit] it. 'Her inas- t1iffervilt canihinatipim. < Thiis in the preparation C..e 111 ter it Pei -fee of this oil a (-hemical ehailg(,� takes 01SE, ORN-_-IMEN-TAL PAIN'TR thongh, or giving Ili 1, for no he hbno faiic� - for decoyed 1 iiii- 'the perfecti'ns of Ilis prize, at the sa t liber y to Cut her spose el'ItYUk-litro Ili's troth J -and kil ('A -Nxitllolit being bfe to: i -time off to d of her for fift3 i)llt even by So (loilig lie coultlilot a comptinnil which coulil not- 1�y any -lmhsibility be and Papvrhnigingalo att-ii(It- t at. iath, froillanyt-her ColollilJil t i(Iii or proportions orl, tione as elicap its by ftll'v ( girl xvlo illiL,lit"ill. Olie Ibrt 111011th JO lIiSellcWl(38 SOnle dailla re in return, r ;be 61low was noted drunk., inalw I 61r say otherwise Awltheti.she -r ingrodients, -n in the. Ml oir�krs It'fir Nrith JIT. of the sititit, ingredients, or any otlit Iorfor him t the EXPMiM offlee will of its were c -1 and tear lier scanty oray bL- left a --as too I.% iliffereut from alil-thin vL upees alla f I i 11 it 'Af te to repent, a( ar(f) and'si botths of brandy. Old Mori be( to ho�v 0 114. 279-26 locks, ild rolled oil the urou C(nli_ 1 niftile, on(- thd most astonishing re- bit promptly atte, Iva to. of fate which creeping ion tI10y alit to the great s(altIT door Ol callic to the! re.,icuq ; the good ol(I fello and I 0 I � lilts, JIllil hay,llgLa. wider range of ; I dr �6 wheA it lid once been. TO th( wbat . -ortilres, those above must by ported herself gencrally fter the ininior _��towly but .Urely it the morb 1Xxh, -liaAly for i ht as yet .tJ i e re cat short the would -b of wild beast is is the iston Nvit J. P. BRINEI�- as no iiii- iwU3i from old Mor, ni� ill or d no alcollol. or other liquit1s. colise- (julitly loses uothiu by evaporation. W trwdiate of iti; 'NVe fth R I had peted, I by sasing, Don't bal Oriental in ffl- i eti o7 I biliever ]LICENSED AUCTIO-NEER for the -CouUt_v of Soon 11, Id (11lit voin t the of (_�Vel�y t1rop; wWrQ'JS Huron. Silk.,; attentled ;in all parts of the )ugh (if lie ell III -the 4J e food o all ralo I %i. ifd ell di, luall, 1_0401cl P-13 by this ti lie to-moriov e Co Exiot�lTolt 01hoe with other preparations nearly �all the alcohol i-. lintrir. All orderg left tit Tul; s I I atL, ill the -er we draii,k (for iii tht-, a(hralic i' can'llilve huntlr6dis of rupees all([ as it *� nipossil)k to licu, his voice lost in that way, allil you -,(-t only tbfl sivall q IOut 6 the nan- willbelirolupti-v attended to. ay, le(,!tllejll, . J� lently Up a ff g H.qist poison is llit had re- I lit of stollE dozells.of bfftldv for the incre shooting." while he reynainod in the r6ola, he di- titv- of oils which they may contitiol. -%ve saw it in tl�e olelit stel)6, througli tl N. TIR �LILS, (-(iurse to) Ills r y, stildillo. up,- rocti-A Ills orderly to rein we her ell OL �tel.)S, niarti] Anil 'N0RTH11OP & LYMAN, URE DRUGS-. apol ler flight his slip froii, him with all oth qu, Until her ffirther Sole A--olit fortliv Dm * * (wainer 4n(l 's1idst6r tit rillir thially they foil ad e� i i a tliLy is nice 11 yelled, " for shini wb could be taken on oath a m..I(rls- anE ectyiz�d. 1116's m -ho Se us, and III tile beai (11 every luvi 'and wtau'au III lie stt �11 oublicttE like" to it—the brigdier's midaill !1� trate in tile morning. T ell th v, 801 in 8eaforth by E. Rickson kt Co.a ls of iheretofore erriti on e wm perfeat burst of scoffs all( the ohl la(ly's wrath pollved forth, E DRT they tried brak-,6�y to conceal their of T11 pur- Ihy Mr. OHN it thi and three out of the foir, and she treated Fred to f6v of the -nt and yet we k&-ew nol. where to It was pitch -4 ark witlil 01 1 Atfora Sti'UCIZ cL a tit, Lefligs, found blalik71101(leA&S tefll�Cd the offer Collt 011�, ilt epitlic is beWg h-ok for our Nv e a clear- a ligbt, groping Lbout oil tl and cleg ts for 4aich the of 'iettforth arid vicinity thot the Iv Of the a Sj�aall Circulr toile to -vbich In Iron tuously f�nnrl cried, " Here, I will clssic tongue of Hindoostil rries off HIS invithiable mediehia is inifaffin- in the rvp�ieuishctl T ling was ic reml ake a tile palill a w tta( led. T her, 44d my wife sliall ni from -III otherknownh taire of a] I thoto painflilAintl ilaiagerous diseases Erery Reqiirnnent of the, Dr as Ptikel Ome. It to which the feniale constitlition is' inbjeet. -rtnr , -r o disclosiugail bo t, io,ht inelleA weep, fish- ��e froin our reltionh as waser nd har, a line ending foi- (8ct down; let us say, Billing P ft -11 and removes all obstructions, daro*t�o tbink in the -13hently 1) Lzar 11 ll miifidtnwe, fled,- and mdstru6t' inZiameter th-aighwhicI I �c motioned cleaver K ShAvoll n who es Boiiiba�y Iit cure iniry be Telillol on. @Ur daol(I -it(-, it to 'it will i t ainstruct her in the lillop oi, tr, sh To marriedladie';, it is t -1t. in't both took ie;,� pl �Lce. 8011I 1�tlaxiwto look. The3 Constauttv on hand: I in a short tinle, bring on the mouthly lie -itb irouo,h the th. I I the -wi her —if yo are ; all(? i vciitu -e to pre- tho'se ro; nd—limitv, OuIrt--were (lifficulty inalift -.d.to deser . 11 (1, . romilarity. . r iod AN I , I ' � eL' I s - - action all(I Ibut ire glown, by ineans of the gle I a_1101)c altl iioe i diet evell. that hartlailed Intl no overpar- Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Bledl lTheNe Pills shouItl not be taken by Feniales IIquil it the during the first three moliths of Preg liley, s they -cines an, d Dye Stuffs, their y through held lihil ll�ltlll- 11(4r(t his tic -,tr indiviJul would phraiieology in. which Oic ordim.ry ffiIi iiresure to brii)g on'Miscarriage,lint tit any other ill that tur-11i, U 'time like in the roof, huge Vaulted gury sn I time thel, aresaft% I -white o' lla(leel , 11 t(l) of life nd - counue-ree, rb licte(l b3, till -c- -Lfe tertified 140ailie i) I tilr Toilet, Fancy ' 11all, -what had t last it A of anil Spimil Afflictions, arc Ills heoiu�ce, beell,- whi i dech iepains in the back and Iiinbs, on slight (.X- TOOTII� NATL _11CII 8110 1-0 last f removed, ertioll, liallAtation of he isoille ti I* islalid, or 1, )rcibly -n till other V 11, " adthe trooper "had white, these pill-; will i ffoct it enre whi othat two oil niv (o) -n, and.the one I baN kickilig 1.11(1 biting the olderly in a -woil, this se-wict clitlllid)er constructb(l, So 1, , III Y 0 means have itail iilthon-"I" ft Poerfll Trnsges,. all rizes; Ladies' alltl ;. is , . 1061 lali ",ulosif:0 ill tile one gi a her ,lo ot or strugult to lie lilight, lie ('verhexr all Blith and Ca life I s 011v CA- to colivortt�iitioii 'It wMell wailt I i1i the gre. 113a ant. Take her he- wli( the scarch lmral I All through anythiii.-hoirtful to the fonstitatioij, nathe olle, Will itioli, that before he lays the house, llil grdell they wo'lit, even 0I t for l'oll -,%'Il luffl (if below. package, N�-bieli Abonhl 1), i.�arvfnlly AND s0,4PS1 6 : he w, Iveffl:v ie tho I- �), nd f�lc sohs were fre-quu-ntly filiger Oil h'. 11 allow ilic to Speak to) putting torch into -1) ick t a -Tob 'New York, $1.00and Proprietor V f -o will ing, it (lowil the but no Cot i -Coo was 124 cents forpo-Aage,(In loise(l toNorthop "t I'villan, ll tht- Choi of thing" which they a e Articles. Pur@ - At the 1,1(lv for live 111,1111tes 11, N1 - lia Pur- then let'hini take and thurc, or else. Out., enera the Domillion, it was W tl� 11-,; theit. ?11@11 w-40 had better left lou and hewit bottle, e( )-taining over .50 pill,, b 1had. lt�ded other ;.-I iii0ftL 1. I kill,her, or lie will kill him if raismil. -wouhl Ilis- 11'�te ag()"Y retrn 11111il. "Phe balf, oon. struck, th (if rLislied out of the Jl( Use, er - L=-ImItlil Is �'forth' y LL & Co., pflr;-\� JW411 (I 141 LI(Ild 's P,,r)tuto Bog J hal-red la4la, idL tll(,Il- latter uUligs, I y and g1lastly aci exti�glli�sill (1, an.ol. oile by one thol ing, "I will go to __N1r, lurgoyac ;" nd R. Lumsdell. -1-1 ell nected with le who vi�*, ell the 107-9 liilf dressed, ivery Poor .,,it for siole :;Idc a _t e-1s.of 111�6111ell out into the illgb�. as she was, the -s tlii�, litth creatur tor, do --11 the roa(l aild N7OUt1Y Pra Ali ho L thel pr soncl., lie e I L $5 TO 1$20 yed tj I ey- three inig] Lt i'lot be of of vorking Physicians' Prescriptions and FaMilY 11 f the ov-1 s before and olift through the dark lievu.- 1), people, of eithe�r oung or old, inaloo nicire 8.111 "okull of ll()otiilcr o ausill Ir,-Iie number.) "; iNjy,ancestois, servnu 0 0. -Recipe� CarefuRy. Prepared. warel alone a&-, canic to the seer Alligalow tillit., -thtiu at Particiflars frPe. favo,ring mv with it vqn Nvill find he It like r.,f the great eir peroil et alianiber to --r for mitil at work for iis in their lmr,o moilients-, or ill the lease them. Their hearts were, too fulil In the state I- desel ib Fred fol- P1ll.tiC11hll, Call d 0 the. ymntedwith te existence 0 this chain -,tovk tfor tIiiiore leisure] .111 ()f t 1wr, . and the, ac. ret, whi cl i hlide( y pacd, for tick of i-b ire wl has, unti land, tad ololiel Rose fel felt that further search -Until morning there were fe-11- dc- down frem from fathertO S )114 olice of S. ROBERT8, sai( Nf( lidly fol I ALL" MILL11N toiftio,lftl I d � a, p] o Az the L AV, ked ho nic, they I,, ll through. that lontr�' nitrit the JOHN I ovi,r my hus- in-v*o1ate. 1N o "t, lit a, I inust w, 8 i I to je ta -ell on the illorroNi wrUtched young mothet Ily ,]I I 'Sort Of foil his absejioe ilie of act ( 'L I Ck Ve you ; reii, n perfed,ly! stilL and Ll r wil, h(�),,�ky wj,,h(-i; to inforl -r i-iistowers -ell oqiel %,In 0SL _N_(_,r YOU ln,39�See _"e by that tinfo, al busi- a] hatever negs hd dettiined him, at wlii�h I saw- a r _ bich im t i Dr. SelArton. also called in, but lie, mill the geberal public thathf- has receir- -elegra y had pt)posetl 1"schenic w I Sehool of! T phy treas(sai even I m� appeal tA�. tajk, for d ail L, d h e, r look of in r oil 1he-fce 1, the, pl)l of the Othul� get could (10 nOtbilig, nor, indeed, coul aof your lives make i to. sound. If, possible-', S HAMILTON,,40NT. t1cmell - shall be told in dim I the. faculty bv e ininisteled to a Iiiiii(l stnne of OLIX uesvi, for u�tir neryes were, will release YoU o -Hight - )u, you Must , . I I FALL TOCK MILLINERY, f? I I So is poor list(Gl e's W., , then. � - � of tension tiat eve'li e0lll,se� i I itiot be alarmed i � you. shoull hav e to ro- r- IN71lichisvery coml)l(-te in the nitist:fah1lionable Und'r the� patronage of tbe- Main prwoners bill In t6e Jueall Me t ten h, About three Welock my bud), (I yHie sudden any (aie ,�tartled us. Fred 03' oseted, Itb D). O'Brien an sat down, vainly t4ad to e4t, and with out - I I closeted, RAILWAY GWY, benCREAT WESTE N plaved with. Ills knife ald fork, � and at stant he exuligil, i 31 . led the 1: glib. and (lu had so6ii returned. bering ;I for bout lialf all hour. He di(' not tell DRESSMAKING faj&�tlie. o4hers to the effect tli,,i t iiie -%N!bere he halt been, It wr'did ekto 1�, r his plate I'll ni in- totall drkness, 14PE 'Dt'CL' US TO OFFEr- itau c4ed. As parted, I tl e CIAL IN thi--v woul, not I �eobie be for c, kill AV, his face was to me slAcieili ill- Promptly attending to, and executed in a i#anner "In ,is posSille I the sic lal for the They waitedfo r -.vhat to thew which will tbv.appr0VJLl Of VuNtOlo(-rS� R. U ill portlit I)IIZ611ess (I+ tlex to the the troubled si ate of Ifis mind Opposite C01BET'S rtore, 3111ill-street, Se& to rise, leave the eqltleweli to SEND IIb aa P iIL alt f H -Ton Kompany, th natiTe nAMQ Ilexturously led. 118 61 ,I) nierely It him Some tea, l'Id begged forth. 304 N, Box SOS. ery little of th lafter p- for�tho E. 1. C. S, I 247118T3. hat aid Ai am first Ph of F of a illin, 1 rs. P-4rtiii�,tmi. 11 Iroll f nes amn der, —old cotch. I�vly, Sir aIny a -k -anguer,of a wit. a har ed hope wa� t1w. replV. —An lriAhim -I h. I -t)le -price This the ti A ced at the f dl of in bet ft T -e y lox, C jpb forld Scotch a 8 n, happ& r,more 13 W, tie story S. ring be& a, y 1Y -;It a b 0 "Itary lull in t) dolst of a mOn �, - saying to her -the il, lord, IbV in ta iAud here the Idling began or be h, eard no m old in 11 it lives - ,w1lere. ew York ds6y he went 10,,; town t,ct atf tmvoiliig circus, arryil)g in eckied- hen. hitchd J:iis, ice and prilinu an feu sack froill unde the seat, procA feed the horses. Just before rX he tied one encl f] the String at,1 tbehen's lCg too .,hft ad wagoll, auitl---� he h th h ol.i pitk e en up the� 10�g the hen 10�g -the hen 10�g -the he'! 'Slo�g_ t e t e t e left by the h s, that, not W 1 be lost A Trman-s Wn in w An Ohio paper telates that, all eriteen years aggoj:a, yollug be in WoodUounty. book a black the, -i2inal tail. of fr ,had been a niii. 3icely, sewed oil inste.A� and soil ,certain bilver f furs not- mail ,Way f rom Gr=4 Rapith� for -111, was done as a praicticAl j6ke b oy kept the m , mpty, arew to bi,� ins pef-o bUSiJleSS *jail, j4t but his upbraided mucIl that few days -ago t1i p`m-�ipal and int �fest. . The olu o,u the f u- 1!_a� he put the among, a lot of' laink-skins, and $3. As he vrinot now fizi4l for I chaser, lie proposes -to coutrily woney to some beitievolent purpo$ ; Why a The cravin a, of ,irhildren for svi well kniwn to 11 e' one of the Jn' pqious of their jopeti-tess. It ha- ence probably to that ceaseless Iwhich especially 11, aracterizes th 6ildhood. it t, #y be that a q_ forms in their s3 A -ems the part �by fa#y -substs i6e n the bd' adults. Az it i �4dergroes oxiu burrit up, -with the III may. be the sourd'e -of the power enables them to keep in motio I moming to nigl +.1 Berides tU known that it ri -liders easier ani perfect the digestion of the- albu food upon which their)p*wt In respe"A to these offices it is, thi nearly essentrial. � to iheir well And yet h6w stroftg', for generatio been the prejuAm 'agai n 8 t s n -ogail in the face c Pets -children the luxury 7- Nbt.s-o Bad a, islands in the I sea, says the 1,46a Glo&e, Wi ha pail back Ito the Vnite& 1111 ex treasury the w' a purchase of Alaska. IN hen thf-ow of this territory i vas granted 'by-, -people smiled -.it t he bargain maat. that Americans. It 7 a asserted . abre aq Lertea mr., -s a wdliess h il ev, the -m-atter. knew better, %q 'not buy with his, eys shut. :St islands, belO I zince be the Aleutian chai 0. -have ed to the for seal 4 yearly rental' -000. tax. Of ni*,rly S::,) skin taken and sWppeil from th, -00,-000 I'Salso imposed. W to San 1, orte(I yearly no fruitful source and New York. al ennes obtained. rom these two. rocks. This terntorial,enterprisi United- States is. � therefore, 9U ces, and will pr4bably help, to the idea -180 rapi growing In tut -colonial poisessions are uSel Onts !of Vew. many national P �1 Wntriloquisri Easily IkOl icago Adra- A writer in thi� 011 - that "the vntril 11'quist's art is W, le ar as f a log. He'w._ that there is no ffiffiimlV in - a, ..-the power. In the hrst place, speak any word lor Sentence in -r-atural tonv - tbl�nopcll the, mo -i -fix the jaws fa�t, as thoug- t! hinder a, . ay one fl,om penin ity theror them Arav" f I 'back in. a ball -the same -aad til,�� soil -ria in-,-,tead of being'; 111 the mouth, be forineA Pharynx- Glv.-%t attention to holding tile jaws rilaid. Th Vvill. then be fo und to imif4te, from thetber Sidl of the door lw, closed, or iirtdt�l a, floor, Or wall, ro i mztr , e a q,)uud behinc, Partly open. the voie must not I ed f rona the'orig.l.w.1 unte or pitel. Izade inanother part of the M0111 v is clone by cl ing. the liPs ti 41ravinPr colit I er of thein0af -be car. vailds -or on Is:' L lips opeliat tbati I conler only, Part to relliftill Next bri it were- tht w, I ords nt of th- fornai-�,(j.' DO 11,61 speak the tinctly, but, exf)e�,I the breath. Plfs at each wvrol and IOU& lible. By N 0 111siOn, in the mi��Ids of your listei they her tb e Voice Wh - y and ii-earor on b beinf, opell The lips e U,8e( h 'I ell thel tO apear that thii sound At obstatle., but ftom sonte ope� Ila -ad , 1) XQ0st hopelessly ill, with heuiox kr whith for his f1imith, A Dn-TROIT B OTBLA 10,�wuch to the NX. I ho know botill much blacki Inize(I by the airera-e Mielligan