HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-10-17, Page 81873. OCT. 173' I U RQ, N, KX P TO Rol Sim: I, o know t1i thepast, it is ,heering 1 at -they following sums, for the purposes herein succ ae that I r! e unoon -g ve chaf L d h eeae MONTREAL V flit- supporting h ich would b they je, a avily- 1Z Ily in vain. Nvith re- a,fter mentioned, vi'..i For Special school interests in treeing the animial, the eldet, a gir Iravb not been who stitational oy e gaental,t) the - tont. trustees, ., ers 5'662 deit speetto the t 3achers in t1lis vi0i'litl I rate, as per ord weiv e, Btatiol: d1 er two -youn 11011.1 We extend to Mr.. of t somb of the 1 lor township purposes. $1,200 ; gencral ear y we, come, an while we r Grigg ah t 1 re- sisters t the foot of e tree, anid, rmi. must say th-V I have $'24 - for County the po home to procure an a); with which shb happiest hour irsociety. .school rate for County, - e, of 61Y life in the' gret his deter 0ion to cl la I 1mve purposes, as per notificationfron, (Aul, DiSTRICT MATtERS." lit cal complexia il of the i i Bra,. we cut dowh the tree, ail i despatched tho Our ilieetiiigq from time to tiolle ntl inst uoti%-o ty Clerk, $2,788 -Carriod. I)Y r.% uighe I. -wish birn the lari 1, t measu re of commer- coon. lihip Vm. (.',irrick, sk cotioled. by I .S. arred tho frien( -7 nothing ever ;in. UU-NUAN cial. prosperity W. adjourn to meet BEATTY & Oo. have already comnielIc- exist( s Connoil do no il. The that th, , resbytEry df Huron. I hannony which ilivrial ic Town R411, ,in the first d i tallutonts of thfoik ne of RPM Ili tl BLACKS arightness, ilitegritY and tr Isse the weal- received auadian, G%voy, NFw r. John Tl i e Presbytery of Huron held i1a ul, alm"'48 mal L* r! iovernbar, at 10 o'clock A nqy Flotunolg, Canadian S,hirtft and bollor ]if Stcd, led ])It-, to look I ,, . mcetin t Tu X1. - fearle.t and Fa Dorsey la of nd le isi erecting arte Iii-Iton, on I es- I I - 10 I rl - —Carried. DUNCAN, p 0 is lot on Nlar- ip.raiw and Canadia 1!weeds, Milk n At! kindest i rd asol high Ir I upon you xv r, o ew bl.ac i 14 8 &C., wh h bave been somiketl very low, i n e her hb intends cArrying on' )ort setting forth est eatee a I t be poud. of such and mitrked off, vexy cheal arr gave a re] Anotlerconsigulaen6 I ket stree Mr. of that Ch %oii. 0!ih and that he declined 6 Duff 8 M's a will nice V10yune the blackarnithin b pulpit Of low -laborer lie COMIT1011 An Echo frOln Eatang hope that each a;nd all may pr6spier in I i uspect their %took. BLATTY SC 6;., Carlllidlft,0118 I — , 0 The Sea- vacant wcor(jing to instructions I Ilock, Somforth. ANNivEEts,%_RY SmmcE;, the work, 'th t the lielm of Octiction ALL All'OUT IT, The ' 'caforth I -,'x - of Pres ytery. V1% lvireleaii reporte1i 'hel its auni- thai J n be I guided ;rcisetrover the may 'lour, by such worthy posrroR is very mueh exe DYE STum, GEN,uTE F(NE forth Presbyterip i L Church ie lispeilsed. t le'Sacramen t. of tb ei I characters, th't -union illid progrbss may I)Y ersary services last Sulidi% In the Lord's t 5'uplx r at Ethel that the con- late base iliatch at that Ph E HAVE much callin8 it your silo'cess which the Gtielph club vi -as def ented) a] lit rega io be your motto, and th, W your attention to Our stock of Dry lae, Indip,and ot.1lother Dye triffs of'No.-.,l olnoill- f nioriilrg aad even ug Rev.,'Mr Inglis, of- it tberl6 is very proaj)erons undor and prosperity may. excec o ur 11 highest ttributes the result totlic, superior ty, Prodttl(Rng ich and Brit nt Colorg . t R. pre., eloquer. t alic it—th-ty enrolling them- LMSDFIX-19 Corrwr Dr4t.- Store, renlarki-11g, )pressiv sermons. while in,' the! af ternoon .fr. Thomso pl, Torout Lche two I im I I".'Y'L 0 iOdS, Clotilillgil (XentS' F ant MY of the Seaforth Caps HR_sEs, 416-RsEs.—Prepare Hones for selves a3 members iii. full communion, ting was ,I a very ti t our boys I suffered all, undisputed boots and hoes, l -d Hats 'and Oil the whole the. met, ith ev.- Mr.- GcIdsmith, pastoi- of the which liave been elected reat care' i t th- t much def -e J the Fall andViAter Temperature* by uf;11 g Liiniis- 1 aand that three If it -ers, Messrs. S&I10% sf ul one and all expee at., We -,'X310SIT011 w, hope the J to Colition Po-,% aerq. Pr(tpaxod 1 C111irchi COndtlefE c. the, ser% ice The at- McKelvie and Bowes, were ordained iii succ"s e and wiih a view to first-diss value. and club. , are hppy in t1i e by -at. Driiri Store. SLtlfurth. bellefit will be the result of sspinbliaig and its base ball novel. tendance was vel i r large, ai id t e amount due fort 11. will be foundi,eplete with all the In vile W of th r rer of a petition,of time to tl 11, the consciotisnes f rom agternoon a of their Superiority. 0111. i realized by he collections, we under- ' . 11 ties of the season in tbe -%To,rious Depart, BRANTIFUL LVARDER, INDI GO, Coclinieal I there was bod b a third more tha i in the I club can well afford to, let them eiij oy it, i Stan, e i us of the I MentS, AriZ ve I at , qual6d . "Lie, expectat Rev. Charles F cher,'of Goderich, t4olli i nd &U ­Dye Stiffs, just raceie lrtmso-W? I & so forenoon. blitweinuritpOilit t,afew-'errors that eN ,D In iree y grwl to 6owmend his ca e I ula.11agers. On Apildy Presbyt, r 0 Store. I as lield. Ilev. Mr. Brown-,. of "rox" to the favorable consider'ation o 1 appe n eport. Published by that :Prys A NICE A SORTTMMNT of Ladies'. and W Conti f e dale. paper. It sayls , the Guelph clib was re eter atiol. B In Ure, of oderich iitee 0 &nts'Toilat Ppwders, GlycCriu(I JeIly ad other !I I AsseinlAy's n the ageol. and blip- fir8t nine, -when rbselited by eight. of as forr Toilet use a -ad chped hauti%, lips, &c., were the speakers on the occatsion Mr. u DRESS GOIODS. linfirm ministers' fillid, in order tiiat. t -'s Drug Store. -Ure gave an in erestbig and I very im-- i Oct. 1 Ith, a Itueeting in: the ef )rm In- there were ill. fact only five of them en- n -ie -ally as t t HrcicsoN Iny'be dealt wit1l. as lil-,i 1V as. e a held at Bt.. Drysdalei hotel. gaged. Its ' a the iiiiipire exhibited .a I partial 'sketch of his inplosiolis of fllds %,iii dlitit of _14-ticli of the t' terest-wa 1%y T e 'thorough kno-wledge of the gv Cuum NDS, Tost Cak Manitoba, obtain -,d while'on it rief: to(i r Mr. Sinclair) of Goderich, addreE 3ed tl i ae., . If of Vile Presbytewy 0%s spe-lit over a ca Black B7ack Cobourls T le and Demqert Spoons, Kili es this is c() ketg, a,, beh ,lf - of r. Bisho rrect it proves how utterly ig- Forks, _y in that Provi A choir ci tioll Of 'Duff is ineeting in Ti as. Ro(lgoirs' 1i or. as high as -apt _11 - of refer Baratheas, C? iv, - Boards, &e., 0 III , 're,gal * pres lit and norant1he people of Se uives, Bre id ol to receivill g the I -td.ership of Mr. Ron. Mr. Melqellar was ahs aforth, re of t awe vr-t,6 of la 18 a, dozen. Bu..ter R f childre 'ti it e; I ber Church, I 01) I H x9o'-i's. Churcli, a v eti uin -- addiessed the eeting in a ver first principles of base b1h1l, s the Illn- Para-ntattaq, Pers' it ( ords C 0 in E01 ClipS, uppl3r, and the st ofthe congregation ieces ell, Of pire was certainly the most ignorant !it - Go IDS Ve9-1 hytims an enerlly, when at I -iigth it -was agreed priate mani Repl), All- V'00 Plai(18, 1-9 ee tanley, - prdsided as ch ir a The I'dividul that ever held an urn brella Oil a rnan euts, Plain Chna., Teas an I -qu est Mx. Me exii to -give thT I o re oeneolat Awx Setif orth. .1 (led-, Coils to t ahe Cups, v c.1 "'S.-Tton Wed- abbtb a ' to - tht,`,! Ivithi a meeting was Nvell base baJI ground, as far ,is tbat gme, is rening a M co ipregated 0 ee m% ongregation the short notice, and ,is only one side Of c )ilcerned_ It says,'the resulf, Nvas quite liescir"y e lie itex tbiee m'n is, the Presbl Q'w MB LCT 8 forth. This people: expected. if this sso, it is difficult to about the ontlrg? ro 'raph 6ffice to lie itex HOTLM, ef nwj ile, apTeeing to supply Mr. M-,- the question was discussed., the I; C. ne; were P, hy itse is the best n Sea -forth for onantercial trfty- -6dently satisliccl, that M -Mr. Bishop understaticl w the citizens of that FAN GOOD$ N re-sitil o' tte- e-leCtiou. Up tili beans pulpits in tiiE event of his going. CY NESS 9 ra r nd farmers as its no-coraracdatiou is ftrst- I I %vas the right -in in tile right pl -e lachan. should attempt to- eceive our A suitable 1A I wall adopted e ass, While its , p ices are its low - is the *capest i 110011. the fri( is hop had beo I - The openi L)layers by'fls(-dy r resenting the N -cry tols. The roon s are furiiisheol and 1 cou(ident, %-tiice 4aiii,-b.utl6,- riiingtbat I in CITUnC131 OPE iN; a. InEof the VARIETY 1. ) essive of tb e e bytery's regard f r ID I Op - .1 I t them, 'hurch t Drysda ittle sin alar 1t( all who patro ize the house. There is lar,a it n cour an d that lith atid Hay were not t, I rfedly cleim, a thoi best at Qodericli le I id. new Catholic e will opposite, and it is also a, li iz.. - Me Di arm,( It )se resignation -w is Owl' w stabling in con action, anil ititt intivo ; hostlers. doepted t last re r ineeting. se of a few that we should never'llave, heard aiiy- trO L Mr. 11)V1 lilteie, n e r i 'lie contractor, is 11lushIng thing about these woliderfill. Scaforth FRENCH MERINOES,1 DLAINES 1B alow the P " as - which commi thenriselves c()1ni1lg Out s as they should, they I iMr. I.fracy, oil 1) li lf of the Com- to the tm Fanners, with tm-o horses, , tall a I-) liel the oi V190r- players before'. Ho-%Vever, there -is no use EM Veling P O S1 the: poll ittee v, . ointed to 81 e congreg - w rk t1hurol, with - much PRESS CLOTA, ALL in e L Onlid it exp(ettions of the S t-- They are no-%# r -ing at the spireji which in rguincr tile naatter with our Seaforth i slugle I 0, WWII theit c I ve , re , WOOL RBPP8. kfast' ad hay for hoses,,it, tion -of Egmanolville gave port b A and bre, op of the cross 6 fi'-et contemporry MOI'DlDg were Altc6ether and,all is e _. Heissounus allyexcited 3M 3als, 25 cauts.—D-&viDqo-.,- & CATs PBF.LL.; langfor thattbe emigregatton-was e tnds from th felt tllp-v would hE e to IN COntept ith a pr a- from the grou 'file building wheil over the nticipated turn of affairs that ceeding ynxious to nintain their mj ity ini Lced, if. they ill lot only be service,ble as his ecstacy is p very 5nialL nization, oll resolved to remo e cOm INT:&W GUODS. Nfore new C-loods at nt org. at leted -w-1 ardbilable. lVe suggest I also, be an he present arrea 61 i d to. do tb -ir that lie apply a poultice to. the plac Roffman Bros'.' cheitp caslf Store. Full sc, ped defeat 2, r. f ric nds were place of wor p, but 'will correspodill,gly el ,t ted; V iely'h i workec -r neighborhood. where it pains most' and III thol mentime P ixtioulars next w. eek. tindat in he 0 P ly t le Ministe a Olmameut to th and fought hardI tit it wts. as those who evnit of their BACKED OUT. —It May be' conimend him to the Watcliful caXe of tipend, bu t that i D the Wil- tight in a forlorit ope. So, when at L. Oster L NS.. LA-RGE YikLo OF POTATLM. lot beir g able to d: so, tha i they would that some time hgo:Alr. Peter his egotistical. friend the umpiru-. "— ' SILKS AND POP .1 td of this place, pirchaml. the hotel stand Vuelph. Jlerald, Oct; 60. liam. Nitrrav, of Tuckersm.th, has this the elosu Of -the poll, t ley seenied' I ook to- he Presbyt ry for ai ess, tl haveL.goorl h ieir hil. n Hoine of Mr. R, Drys laic,l but for Sam reason e _, Ve co l(f tr e a re t zaiqed 77 pounds of pottoe,; 1roiti' Mr. IfeCtia*,, it (P py the bove, not far the y ear The Potatoes were lty may -be il ia 0 Botli. pan -ics gatli- doling to his one pound pl ated dission 3, giving a engthene statem lit Mr. Oster has.aleclinegol h( pose of commenting' -upon it, but merely i We would draw especial attention to tbis 4 the Eaily ermout varieb 7. ered ,.!-)out the eraph* Office, aud, Tf the lKission-, work, &c., within he and has forfeited to Mr.', Drys- as a pecimen o . f th e discreditable Style class ­of Goods, as -we lave seour- while the best.0 o A bi: mor prevailed lale $250 for f ling to coiiir_ to tin,iie. I 7 ed more than'usual ralue in *unds f the'Presbytery. of journlism existing among the one- D —A ul horse little dailies published it). several Horvil; D HiBi3EMR zri, Hef chaffin, ndai-girneutw,re indulged.in III ' Orcance with.the prayer of a beautif to thi,- j gi' a to Mr. Israel Iro;vell :tent. The re- t old colt belo i is the firnan, of - ekersmith, 1 ceived t nost.uuli it d i etition from Cranbrook and Ethel, i - , )111 0 towns of Ontario, of which -ime in -oper arratige- a ago from the e&c 8 of, t Staffa for a d. Luicester turns c, s$m I no pi died a few ol i r three. t fflack- 71 first, prize , 4 . . - was.resilved to send Mr. Thomson , Wifortutiate possesk or: of two o Rafcr, a stated in ineitts, pparently hvin-, been made in 3r I getting into th granary nd' eati lg too U -e Istead 6 Al. tudeiit to' labor the're for the witit AVe will not do the aple Lef Base Ball i Colicired fe"y '11 not Club the iiijusti ee of ass that publishea list. several of the towni hips for. the pr6m he so of Mr. Orra ' 11 Pt Inonths. Mr. Y)uug was appointed 0 Poplin ;, in black- an col!& If rdsults. at the various .771 O 11 of knowing th ror he was comn!lit, orwardincr of the Nodera or ad inte e -a e responsible foi-, ' ul 'i b .-i . the Sesio or thatg thqy even 0 —A union nieet- polling places. A 11 0 clock when e c'lt to ie water, wb ere ho d ank I thi;&e witli, t1p ence Jialmnew DiR1FrffTORSi kETING. adJckson n-,11 led th I ig of the Dimetars of the th I-Turon the-telegral.11 officE oseq,.the impression [Dung. -eely . , and i4ii le, course of an hour r so syllip, Slangy impV Carnocln, Elders, were associated witb fi exhibAed in the above pil,ragraph so ut- ild Tuckersmit1l, Branch was general that se was. elected by. a i im as assessors. Porer was graii ed. was dead.—Co f. In. terly at varialice Nith the high-toned 'HEAP LOT Or WOOL SHAWLS oeieties Wffl )e held at 's Ylofel, mjority of 35, ut tb.- returns fro AG y n a call at (3017 racter eaorth., on ,Iondy, - OGt. t Mr. Young to moderate i I Berne. tesy which should cha ize th 20. A full Crod erich To wnshi band.f 3tanley were not I 11110011,11non, if he.811oul, see cilse be re followers of a manly sport. AS- to the e'lt certain of the P M - I tten a accurate dno ne-f i - A. and no in CjiFEsl; FA6 oin., MIKETING.­1 1 a dance is arti alarly d(s red, next meet merits of the clubs 'there is no doubt aji 9. result. Messen E! S a -terward. came t r.! Lo q lilmorE definite figures, es to e4l'tbilish 0 M - T h from theouth A Ccmmittee, jconsMing of lie G. McDougall who propos other match will be played bet _N RIM CAROLT_ W FOR,' IGoldsni th, Ross and I y t Berne has cllled a son. or early next, I b. D. Wilson, a a cheese facto them, either this se. C,:, a ajarity to 6 6r 7, Wovenlock. of thetownship (if Grey, lef W i which reduk-eq ., er m i onary I Of I appoint d to arrange for Missi meeting of fariiien and others in Olt vi- when, if the Seaforth -club maintain their for.N t h Caro b t the reg, still, uncertain. nd ' i i 5eaforth on Nll onday last, r u illt was Meetings to lie held di ring.the winer. 6inity, to be 1 eld on Wednesda&, Oct. present efficiency, we have no doubt they "INCEYS111 Zina. Mn Gi)vf-nloGk has:'aarch.scol politicians had to ­( bom e without know- iisideration of the fina at 2 - P. 4- Several well-known will give a g6od.account of themselves.. The CD, ricial re- 22, Iarge farm tte r Hendqrson, a ad if, if ter ing which canoiz te was successful. its delayed till cheesenikers wiill be present, who' will ce se, I with th,e Thuisday morniria telegrams arrived port of ;be conzro., atioi a w, tle f, berdeeii, and laticheste Vin ya in 6 short trial I he is le, , Illext,iii-eting.- T ie next Meeting A tc. explin the working of etory sys- Native Nuts and Fruits. ! all ada Shades oi Colors, at Low Prices. Vountr . be return for his family which Cse: ction beyond a h' tem And the "advantages and y !be held t Sleafor the 2d Tues i5rofit of I i in d ttke up islpermanentil .sideiice in -doubt. and relievqd the Suspense ielt on i of January. 1874. dairy'iing. To the the Hron. Ex,positor. ,-hat State. both Sides. Abotit 10. o'clock, Wednes- n oil DF..,,R" SiR As I was chosen o e of day niulit, a bon -hi -6 was li,-,bted oij I I 0 15 1 I i'Goderich the Judges of the South Riding Agri- A GooD S;E. SON'S WORK'. _11r. A;..G. toria Square.and for while burned mer- Teache s' L Istitute. cultural ociety, at the late allow I ROM THE SIOXAM.) crDotigall, oxie o our m ost (nterPr:lslllg ril' Dili(reat eic uiry failed to ascer- S L TAPL Ater bought, Y. Notwiblistandii' the fact thA on at. PlrR801qAL. . Ron. _Lkalcolm Cam,cron, hink it only my duty to give some ge, it GENERA inerchants airid. bu -tn whether it wJai in h0nor of Mr. Case urday morning IWIfit'the clouds looked*,fou erich on ionday., eral remarks through your widely cictl old and Shi'Pi)ed,.durin five weeks this of Ottawa, w 9 ill GO(I 9 or Mr. Bishop, 41 ' loys who collected 9 ` 0 with r asun the 6aormos almoun t of 123, Z ing divided as to Lhi, J. J -ANTiller, Inspector, seNT r, Tim wap.—In nticipatiol ' -of a lated paper. I can see lmost all th the barrels 11ands Linns T r he Iticl Sv and boy.1les be' I public k1lool. teacliers--say a -bout tw n choicest fruits' capable of being grown in. I H) Denitilni'Gr and W 8 - Reeveship of thd town, a -nw but entirely ii —and i few others : itterested in th "c'. our latitude collected at our shova, but nipatlil' is butter Nv ased ition i -is being exteusi ,ely signed, of butteri. fo; _b pol, nan- %11cy ill th White Cottons, shir 21,,0130- Tbli as pureltz IWOUS in willitinato have a good. time. requiF. where 4re our nuts ur. nut bearing trees ? and- Sheetinge. 0 - t) cause (f education, . ,tssembled in I holesale, at variotfs points in the west- rumors weie pyevalent yes- asking J. T. Ofarrow to allo v hi'llself to Vrious We have made war gainst- the forest, Exeter Schoollioupe. The object wP8 t Uie Provin( la n section, was i'terday (Thursday )., It -was asserted at be Dominated for the position. A tl t f Organize a Tr.ac erk' Institute, wibh and despoil6cl. them of ouf, beautiful wild w I ol to' t e Glaraolow erleclu, one time, on n thb i ity df a telegraTu f ro in gentleman pbasesses all the riec uisite ppe rld ! - at view to nintual ed licat,on, . id promotkon nuts. We hve killed tbp'- bird that was onitreal ma. kets. t tb"e e w i , Ile I qualificablonaliwe trust to see hirb return- Go(lerich, th, a ganization. s vs, and there is no t of education Or W, Jaying the golden egg ni - styl d t ed without opposition. rutnors gave jority of 7, then i new rossing b as', 1 formed and te Exeter Di, tric t effort i ade to make ug repent of our NRw CRO -eet, tit "heollowinc., off - 0 e darnaae s oon 0ATING been constructed --oll 'Main aft 1) _ I was Sid Bishop w,as in by 13. About 6 Teacheis' Ins BurGLA_Ry. -The store of T l essrs. sins. repair th RG o'clock tele ramsi ,C)me- both from Con- rofts & Jo4nston ws broken ii to on I ' 8 . __OV1 tween 1A r. Cc un tdr's u cl It -1 man Bro cers were elected J.''PZ., Miller, possibl 6, I would r ned. that the servx.tive and sources that Bishop c aturday ui t last and quantity of -L -ful impr(we School 'nspector, Pr,e,,.ideiit; T. BI t 1 Directdrso-f ocieties off6r a reward for I This needed nd isc, . , . I f 14. for - ! . TWEEDS, AND CERTS' FUR- ment was i bad becu electedi ay majority o Samuet V. goods abstracted. The burglars e ected. black walnut bnfternuta til-bert, nuts. NISHTING DEPART=XT 1; ,rprise of a d, Vice-Presi, lent and effected by the private eu I This we believe t . be tl e final .and cor- Halls, 8 , -try Mr. ll an entrance )y taking down clo, f the &c., -and make the exhibitor ive the few doing I erpt. Tre. gentleniOn , busiu. i ss in that rect ret neighborhood.—We would iere direct rii. then illastrted his method of teadhing.- front shutters, which was insectir6ly fs-. nuts to tb_,& irectoi s for -free distribu- teried., on acepunt of building opei"'tiO118 tion mong the members- T I lie black the at .entiot-i of theproper a h6ritiesto the very important, but much nerle-,ted, UhIl, be found oil examination orthy the p a,, at (;eution of the closest 'buyer, B Issels- goingpil, an c. tben breaki jolie iof the alnut -a worn-out an U condition* subjec of compositioll. -Hegave bulli- is et-isily pro t- th d discedita, .1"I 1 -ft. panes of al o our stock in Beavers,: Pilots, Presi- ween the Post Offwe ' (C. Agent. for wie, Ex- dant evidence otbeine well able to per- large glass in the iwindow. ed from seed. I have them gro*n from- 0 of he crossing b et aper an I Job Printing Mice.) r) say The 11 as does not appear to e large. d6i3t Cloth'Broad Cloth Trowsei,gs, ro"l-rol, NOWRI, form his part of ibe programine. seed bearing in years after the Seeds and the-Commurcial Hotel. NO crossing 'No clue h been obtained .18 to the were planted. The trees re now 30 1 libeskins, Tweeds, Fancy (,Ioafmgs, Vest- d than t] is one; nd Busisms Nonck.—We have made ar- the leaft, his inethad is admirable and in town is m ,ire use r feet high and bearing bushels ot the 11198, at it shou ld be i'i b6tter repir. r,au(rements witl yur ;bt Brussels, well worthy of i rrritation.. The meeting uilty parties. W erproofs, Shirts, Ties, PUBLic SC TOOL$. —At the Sc6ok sweetc8t wits in 8 arfs, Braces, Collars, &311 It: ve the Papers of thenadjourned. Int'wafternoonsEssion the world. The hickory 'ITO R I -ated. his meth)d of' It. Cti -s 11E, I XPO , ti the 1. Blataliford illnsti tees'meetin Tvfondayeveing,' in- nut AlbaJ or shell bark is.easily ll"subscribet tol. C Ivillge of -Brus4s, dehv red at their re- teaching readin to -beginners. ` hole 9 resign, his position of Prillci of Ifullett, wfites us co:iplitling that in min pal, grown from seeds, the only d awback formed a class nd proceedil 0 and the Secro,tary instructed to -ad- being the mice in the winter. They call JATS, CAPS & FUR GOODS. the prize list' of the SouLh 'Huroti Agri- sidence§ every I Fridy. evening i mecliat.ely af ter ihe arrival of the stage. teach them as he won d' a, class of ebil- Yertise for a Iteacher to fill his place. The smell them, from a lon t distance, 'and cultural Society-lbe is oredi .0, with th i . . ail n le Ount follo-%,v e of salaries for ri,e t yer destroy them. under ground. All nuts E econol prize for dairy chee, , instead of 8lubscribers i . t ie countryho now get dren, e K -cited -no urnsidbrab ring Sc4l., sayhow this, is. iter. Mi. Mi er then gave Con 1001- intended for seed should be al the fit- their papers at ',ru"el Post Office, can -of laug quite was then a4opted tral 'S I - obtain them t r. Coqper's News a leng.illy and* interesting adldrcm on Principal, $ 00- Mr. McDonaid. We publisheft the list as it itpli6ared in $425 to han" Oil the trees until they axe ripe oks, 'and Tnibtake Depot if they clo se, (I thus a ve post- School Orgnization. After be had con- Miss Traine 8305 -Miss Dix6n $275 and fail. off of their own acco a. CS L Ution W rd Why 'NELS. the 8eeretary's bo as aill, I BLANKETS AND' F LAN Mr. McMi e. ubseri who desire to have eluded, .the . following r 01 AMiss Nory .250 Dona. h, $235 not invite ur County Coun -take has been made lacl. Should .9 8 bet eil L to rp a,, bef or(; be Dire(Acirs ;ft their n­,Xt t1l )apers so would oblige by moved by 8,1111I.El P. Seconded by. Miss -Kirkb ide, $210. Ward. 's 0018 al . interest in the eir I matter ? Our one pPear I Ij Miss Taylo meeting, and- live it maing the Mh known to Mr. Coo' T. Blalchford, Supported by J. R. I 1i fer r S5 Miss beautiful'country, planted b its Creator, per. St. Andrew 18, y irilannels in %T1 Colorslof Lancashire. ettN-, uS t1lat TISF.s.1 Leckie has his store unLaninic Joh-4 I STORP-110 I and carried usly That this Adands $20( ; St. Patrick's,, ;dss Long- I is now rendered, by:the hand of man, as 9 I 1 61IX -and W,61sh Pl and Staipe meetin [ear V itb 0 Lnch re ,ret th a tMr. ;worth, $2751; Mrs. Spence,, $2 IV Oily 11111 -tould h n ccrodi I ed with the ho-dse complete tiol is, -%v e -tin.derstand, 00 ; St. nked. ag thd deserta'of Arabia. he st .a.1ve bee' Ster- T. Curq, late PriDC,pal of 'the 1i xe David s, IN Stirtitigg. Pil]ated priz y( ready to buy gra u* NX. hiels has also er U4 _Nc.Nfahon, $275 not- call oil the de.spoi:er to repair, e mr1in g LeLie i Schooll has been compelled, on ac,.oiint cKay, S200. 1 ges ? One more remark and then I Boehler & IV dam. eaVer,:of Egnioudville, in.- finished his stqrchoua% nd, will be i 91 forni us th the, prize for 6ahen-ware b-aying as soon s there is.: iaiy word of of ill h alth, to resigilhis position s iticiii; will leave off. - P saw implements f(w, 11 iBLANKE is very f 0 - 'hers of this district, therefore, TS—'Or staok the teac most 111 kinds of work, except. cider was a,warded to theui, -whil 1%1r. George . the opening of Cie. railway. Hay. an'd of first-class allie—Whitefflankets, iest opportunity of ex- _lvdt prizes for tatchedquilt BUIRNED —Edbert Barr, of. lot tk tlis,-thee ki r,ets, Blue and Brown Baile rece Houst COUCIL T, i ma ng. It is well known that pre i thei re yinvathy wit] him Col"nolil inet, wO grow 'Brown Shanty B r a lce and for Gery ian rE "sod- -worl 21, Con. 9,, Gre had I Lis house burnt oni. alarge quantit of apples, that we 'can do 1, a ID . Horse Blankets, Railroad Wrapper -s—. tho call of the Re4ve, oil :1 1 in e aircums ),nce and turther, that pursuant tc nothing with, unless -we-mke them into I mornir ' 9 abo -it 4 O'C166k. Mr., C) lain, Striped in' Fancy.! reby: ex -ess t .-ieir bi Friday, Oct. 10. i All the mem ei a pros- I 4 gURONZ AN LTr w a qd )y the noise of -bile fire they reby: ex gh regard for .-I And we have fr9t the necessary im - I L 0 N D OT, D' [ RUCE.—Thc B, a %rous eg et cide, the last ti , e we -shal him as a teac .r,' and while we i 'utes 0 plements to o so with. Will not the ent, the Beeve in the chair.. 1 f New Era (this is nd arose only ii inte o rescue his chil- wo, 1, lid a.p- npe,led to give up the the previous meeting were reacl fron Yeto R, 'We un dren, w1lo were. deepil that he is cor Board of Directors offer a pre quote i. t6 -a), a, minm for lea ly destaild. that Mr. Hendrie has received story. Nothing m as saved but bed of bis Profession for a time, we earl proved. M ved: by Samuel R, Tie, 9ec- some sensible press, and try and- ,supply for buila hope that his' health will 'soon be e- onded by J. B. Guigber, that t the cofitrc, ing - die Loudon, clothes. The h3 se a a good two- follo-` the want needed? Yours tiuly, stored, and that be nuty yet Igai. lAcril ing a be 'paid, viz.: Jo Bart- nnot account lzsollq i UMBRE.I'LAS. H uron & B a, e Ral rohd nd although stolyfraine. Mr. Barr c, A. B. BRow., 7 .in, for gr e all( ce r, $23 -85 ; John as considerably b the profession by his .. alents and tact in in Bxyri)mn, Ot. 41187S his tender in -any way for -fid origiii-6 the fire. , .'No S e, rl o t. h I 3 the' company hope- o`be ins 'the ni apa ement of Be' lools. 10uigh culverts for South ve urance. I I - I - I 9 B. I er, Mr. iCurry w , talcell some hatbv sur- $2 ; Louis `Xoodcblk,balanr for clit- Stephen. llht reim4ursed by his fulfilling rbe - coilract- CARE G. Hing- ilk, Cotton-) a4d. Zaii-illla—in rlier than the a.. ecified.t,ime, 114t had ICOr-.\-C.IL Mrim.,,m—The Couneil inet Lates', somlewhat t s e, ut mad a f( iv appropriatio r,e- ting bill on I'lots 15 and,16, Coi. i I, $13; TS ston, of Worris, iring t London, ve.,17 pri r a reserviri his :Ormal rep y fir n Be% for Plank, 89 57,; Reiiry fine ox sho J nia. 2 - Daniel thereby them. to earn considei n th,- woods adjoining V oil Oct; 4,1 All the members present, e-,.-.- i . . i It Pfiel,foropanin sideroaeon' able in t e t', s ved. e believe that I i other occasion The following is co )y 9 Lots 104 h his farrm. A -week. I un'day the oi Mr. Fulton. 'Minutes of former %g I I to I and 11, Cotis. 13 nd 14, $40 'Tolin cept of Mr. Curry's reply, now present -ad was mi amoqy-theotber cattle, Mr- llendri is mc -ing aAngements to ssed frol i - . -P meeting read and confirmed. tAr_ Fried 1 the public Do-ichart, i pairing Scrapers; :)I 50 - enter upon. -Lbors immediately. We no ling a, 1 - - "' to see t6 rveyor, to survey and * ti Snof it tittil the fol getting a sit I . I I Po the Pea(hers the Ef xeter I ict Wnl. Belli 24 loads of gi avdll, 9,.'12 M unday, rl Len i was ou ,rect slidclls - , Z roac understand 0,hat he ln"teDds to e lowing nd deadoll R. & J. Ka Lfleisch,, cedr and'plialik for.. riear Con. B. C. Proutyto repair Listitate.-: The. tesolution passed in your at Wingha, A, -for the of hziy,j. m r. Las. Kerr f ,17m. Oil examination. i g.atExe er. wbich you so hindl to -ie( out -11 boundary rop-A near front. Wlil. _T T, S debentures,.' was f me4in y ads and bridges,j $56 01 Qari 1. where it iq! abundant. T1 e ound that t had been sho , eb to be Collec of ', ,70. Moved by P. S. Gn her, econo;led by Lewis tor, at a Wary I for the b s to the Lon n, Huron & let entering tile it flaak. It was quite presented to in fias received my creful 19 The Reeve- - to see if i file I fo which, I -tat London, Huron Bruce rom on, and evident that t1vt_ ninial. had li ed several" consideration, all(I fO ke this S. Rannic. that W Carrick is fliereby d Bruce 11 ail 1 Company will take Marseilles, Honeycomb and opportunity of returning you my LD instructed to have a culvert r4uilt on; from HUI 21t, have been for i vardE d to the (I tha J 11 days after rece.­i4 th wound, n y, instead of debentures, for the de, The sentiments X. - Con. 2, )pposite Lot, 7, also, a I bridge i -none , poiutcd. fo their custody. it bled to 1, When found -it wai and hearty thanks. ,'Stephen bonus. The following Orders trustee's PlIeSSed, COinincl f`rOl1L-co--%iiorkers ill repai ed on thei Bli d line, opj oisite Lot.: Glass have were granted, viz.:. J. Corbett, hitilber, Geor(ye S. birrell. and Sher lying in ver ntu.&I position. r. CqUSO Of E (111(3a;ion, and clotbod., in I -9. Con. 4 ---Carried.; Moved 1by Wni i been ppoin ed Directors in place of those I 4ingston off6r,, '$50 rei rrd for the don - r $23 J. statute labor on Lots 29 k I db succa bcau if u I and touching landmige Carrie. , seep-ric e y P. S. Guigher, that who lately signed. viction of the p ilty party. 30, :312 McEachern, cba-ity,.S4; have had the ef Feet c f awakening ol the- gran ofJ $50, made last yed,r and still ICLgi TRI, G. e p I I Mr. Wine, repairing. culverts, 1jL) 50 ; N-. ..kLF,;.--At l ne of gr'-dittile on my part, and have unexpen ed to, improve the South lboun- -N:rO.N Ntrw Ep_-i, —In -yest6r- ? TiiR CLI, licil resolution was Pried, himber, $14 53 - A. Leary, day's issue;@f the Clinton 11'ew Edra, 11r. of. Brussels Q caused ine to look u oil it as a distbictlon I dary line, noar the S14uble iv r, be laid E clerk.to purchas3 ,archin a f 6i- gravel, $4.' Coun A f all. assorti..1jent ;of 40V_eTcOats, and 23 cil ad- I Holmes bid farewell to his patrons, an passed, instruc ilig th o my lot ,out with! ! e Stephen grant, hniler the urne(l to meet again on -the first atur- ea Jackets, as w' ell s 'Men's and BOYS -and bonor which have falien t at once a four ton . F%irbanks weighin T xinten nc of Mr. Cariic- ' (.,ar-. 30 5 I - x supe 0. his successO, j. Edwarcl G i pub- ' %ndtbLtf0t,%113'.uii,.itioipated. Indeed, at I O'clock P. M, (.11-otbing generally. attention 1`1199, ales for the illag , The scales hav a regaird. to the ri6d. Mov d. by S. Rannie, hshes his sp, utatiory. W1 I feel quite unwo -hy of such a ni.lrl of se6o ded b (lay in -November, since een pur lased, mid re expectel C. PROUTY, (21 79aid to ordered trorle,, all Its allaranteed. 'Ar. Grigg to be.place Ady for use bY th,e first f re9pect I - all,- 11 I trust, never Eoritet I P - S - (3,11i 9 John bi . Guirtl future condict of the P c', i r, that Mr. ier., erk. 'kind] but wi be au-thoriz d .to expend $5 in i repairin ve decide O Llige t the actof 1, U look b, ck saya W 11, cll I I ii,ext week. tlie-gravel mad between Zuric nd name of the newspaper nd (lopt tht of with pleasure - ipon -the occasion, vhich. ION SALE. Carried. I doubt not will affolMa pleasing ifemin- th Clinton L1fo;dtqr instead of Yew Era, IAVroXQter- Brown on. li e *Oed by e o-ur to ri seconded I- ell NE is instructed to sell a. 31UR- see c . Y hopd for rny res Win. Car by P. ! . Qu*,-Yh F. . P. BRIN and our first issue will bear that ppella- It ation Onops.—Ilibiweather lately has be that the ammint of 4 be r U#dcd to J- HOTEL, on BOOTS [AN D HOES- 'Poi, caliv to healtb, I trast, ay be fully r ize(il ion- , Poli we belie ve in Union very favorbl, lior oilt-door operation. ,,, as I h, Col6rell, as charged a iost- him SATURDAY, THE 26th OF OCTOBER, 1.873, -time are Ive`now orne vidence that i Win and* Progre' it labor having At 2 o'clock P. Al., hail), the followin g arti A full stock of, ll sea 010ods in ni'K rs in this 0 if so, it -will be iny highest ambition t) labol e the Same.. and the far nighborho, 0 last year f i)r statute of opinion that Libera, I Conseratism is have in general got. p-etty well throug engage inthenAle ork again. During done the sal ol work this year, nder the, the 1)roperty of ',Nlrs. F. veal - 6.hair bottolne'! ts, and the more temperte and fal Iful promoter - Ten s Cowhide, !Kip and alf Boo 0 chairs, I bittir bottomed rofa, 1 whatnot, 1 centre I Shoepacks - Lallies' Goa, nte tto. The Lil with th eir f 11 threshing. The crol a- my laors as 4 tea3her, my object has suPeri f Robert E t, path- Satin) of th a graiid mo )er,%l Con- table, I eard table, 1 rocking chair, 6 caue chairs 5 furniture, 1 p and, grain Is- in, rirlicev im 0 have turned o -O very"well 0 ved by Mime,: servative party, therefore, is that which ever been topr mote e interest- an d master -0 beateads, I cook sto7d find arlor (.'alf; &c. es' and 0,hildreu?'s, geeral a g d Sam le.- Potatoes an C1 y Win. Carri a we all; %nd while' doing this - . p - e YDUth COMmitted 'O my a11 support; lyz I welf are of th Seconded ck, t t the stove, 1 cupboard, 1 lounge, I sewing machine, I full lines. rc are also very good. r )e ' of Clerk be, nd is hereby iiistrileted to an d a quantity of ot her articles too nunierous I other r-oots e charge, and, ai an humble i ena - r 40 uncertalil sound Shall em anate'froM us, to raeution. Coo -a Hu -Ni Whil e thre by to enble the Uouncil to. Same time we contend that it e little girl the profession,.q) throw in my mite to P But at the d r4ise, by rate and t x, of nd daughters of Mr.''Thomas Gibson, farme further the capse of education. jI feel iper4 arn- Y OurS, &C. is our privilege while . advocatin 0 Ir A. G..McDOUGkLL, 001 )7u t e rateable property in the ExecutorrIq ( cause to discriminate betw en. g c and. of Howick, we (e comit Lg through the bu h quite sensible ill t *Py efforts havo been f rom all EDWARD CAF) D, Nip-& evil, and w trust we shal) to-yer -be foiind they: enOuntE ed raccooii, to whioi[i, feeble I and in, pE rfeet, yet, in re 'ewing township, i this present year'(1873,) tho J. P. BitINE, Atictioncer., 306-21) DUNCAN & U Vag-, e Al. n te K'J f L 48M th f" W ter la it hi" 0 th v at I t IN ri It e n it t, 11. lie e it ML;), d M I b inn ,.h Pie 0" t tv 34, t pp h t 811 I I FARM FOR SALE lie' ,i,Ah OT 18,,Ou i runuklg through the lot. Jqi;4 ; jj ton;anxl tw-o otivi a half r jin gaift to pni-thae-r, as it wal t low, ftga,.LA, Jkliply at tb(;, oftlee of LOT for ZAIE 1n. E19M FOR Salo- Cheo a 904 frine D'% -'k pud half ivere of land,: beautifully , hZellar f110 full `iy-tA Of 'L'e house- ThiLJ1 stables and Ot1l(-17 on-houes atL-1.-bf-1 TIA6 is a _e(I businPss:oluli, nild willb foirt t' I ' Lpl)ly- W the prril h rpar ICU arS I' Y1U&X0XA DISTRICTI i jL1e <)r ae_xt(,.l1ent n, F0100 aeres. iu t 1w t-()NniWp of Iloll 4 ng uantity f situafl Iof Bracebridgt- alixte Lake ill. it'll view J nd :tro, inla ,conveuicut to schools, snd-chur0hC-8. will sell me--,onable or,exchah"ge for pai 'me" tovn 4or lurgt.,vill'age in Huron dis! Full applicatk- CHAS. T, DOYLE. DO): FARAT rOR 'SALE. 1 LOT 18, Con. % Hullett IN acresv mul in pood within'); saw nlill'iLil-I gri mill; ne wile fxy P. 4C), And b r Xner,, Sft.56 _0 hard, goba For fprther parti ply to the propikor, persorially, or adA ZD AD TIG FARX F SALE IN XA4" CE JAN M, FOP. E ARonARth`e RirerS illilvs; City --of Winnipeg, conud-aing 96 arct' twiatugeon th,_, it, ost beautiftil river i West, 5 -acres haf been culdvated,-abo is tbnbered -with Pi)plar, tbe balante 1 This lot is vtiT lr -, being the igbo iful ap earauee, .r...1var, hft.q a bea, it 0=ut be ed,. Prom its tloep the City this fai m admirably adaOl deniiig at u hich bminess o fortune caA by any one who t ntlerstanft it For I fuxth r paiL tiulin apply this office, 803 FARM F, SALE. IN STAIM "-R on reasonable. ter", V Concession 4, 9 V.-I'wbich are tlearid, wll fenced an ,good cultivAtion'; the balance is Weill and on a of it there is-atol quuntity suitable for buildizig aa feuc as Ro ek mrin III cea.ar th ere !is not! aste Ianlon the eaed portiiin thep lr=e house witli aellar size of builL kitchen attahed, ab -o, a Jog- ham an there is also a goof. beriligomhara; th vell watered, as here is a never-faUh through 4 t, na n -extt-llent =o thL hout e; hiis fa-rin h, situit .1 2 miles of a good gn ay d% rOA anil iswitbl of 1he villagef B, -uoefield, where th&e Btation of the Lani on, Huron Ad Blv and is we)l eitlier for gwo 91 psturage., For ft; the): porticulain. pplil prietor on the Tina ises, or to Bturefielil FAR; -SALE. i E ' AN Grzoimposle4f LQtf Cn.W(if f P Bh of Tuckne i cointa 10 ex-eell eut lana, up vhie there is u 33' baril! smo feet, al aiso a _.g4o(t whie-a are e iEv, ofher Wm ply to Wr. J AMES B ANTEI, n Lot 1, t. W soil -Township -or to Uss vo-nder, WALT O., 33 mut Cal*- A I OT ',N o. 5, 43in L moreor less, -) acres4earp-L P16t-!, i anilthe nortu brai) h of the AW(hlud J ming thugh the 38 =ra Imish good To! 290 FARBA F0R SALE-! FOR8.&LLrl, Lo -1 24, 11;t 'Concessioul Tuclwrsinith, (Ontaiumg 1130 acres, are cleTed antl in a filst- =Iss state. cif, , The dinber I -and is all -lilardwood, anif there is a 1-1,17ge In tL hoiise wit)t Iritchi bank barn Iiina a a other ni te fwza ings; SNO, a good orchard sPring i through f he f rm. &ar the -is sitii ted on tht HuTon 116A tbred Seaforth n-1 flw frow Clinton. Fer -T t1culars apply to t 'P Ile < I .289 FARIVI FOR SALIE 3LL A VALU &I ;F ARS, 100 1cre zion,' T-8 ­ S' dorth, ees., ri Nk " near e road to GO% lelich -) tJ5 fteres ter, and feut4,-with .1 title goocl &ntlterris -easy. Forfwtherlf to 2712 LU 10 msyr, R. sed0j. ILL Aff D FARX Fi w0p, toli. .034 o -n-., Nei ull de a, w L good barasti twe gootl )rehn = fun bea-riug, tw ing springg whie tCon.,O cojiLtaium of bush. T1 sit 14Yed 6 ini en, frwft W! ro I there' ' For f urther liftlrtl!' If by Po6t., to JOHN _Jui _ ' I 80N, 0071sta -0 , Ribbu 4C I rn. Oat FARM 'FO3 ALF. IN ,mbX11 P11 haR of lot I6 11Q he Avest litillf d 12"Alexilb )p, eoul ai=_ g 1 0 Well antl i tulti-rdt1on; tilnberetl wk!l hirdw-OOK ,1; a aud new lo., ba -n good bearjuiv mifies -.X vi alid a bal - in A g- .6a grAvel ron from thee Seaforth; there Ar! conveirient In(! st orv For particuloars tJJ premise,ti, or, Whithrop P, c), FAILX PR SAL W OR' No. 12 An I part of Lot (ff kziren consisting 1 -LUAP VA LT; J?ROFEIRTY FOR pl, ell, 111), t-wo Stf)re.N Witt, 111- o­er_hvaI, T ilit, eel -Are, of .rth. T thpr pq -tit, 294 FARM FOR SALI oCoill. 6, H- R 'la 'goOtl bDra rter, A eteBLACRISMITTH 18HOP FOR at Latta's CO on* 13 op b ,40, With ru'Ing to bear. T ei ins, rea,onal)lt A% Ues or 806*4 61