HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-10-17, Page 7Th The not ti CT. 17,1 73. The $ nk of England- " reader km s that the Ban nd was fowl led in 1694, but generally nu ersttood that the . of th''igs which m de fhe bank pos date from. as far bask as 1671. creek of the Engb h.governmenb ha Ways been tolerabl good until nude Cas , administrati n of Charles II. i almo , t destroyedb an act of gross filly. The crdit of 'the state wa oide times, batter than any other cr • and t le goldsmiths, who then _wer( only ankers, used. to give their mt to th t government o take care of. money Charles I1. efused to pay ba them and the gel: smiths -were rui Thus, the goose, I nglish credit, w had lways lilid he golden egg, kille by these foo r -Ji or wicked in tars. The state co moue . In 694 William on th throne; wa Franke, and he gr Had t not been t rat the credit of Eugli.h governrue it was so poor, mone , might have been raised. wit appet 1 to what w• then consideree many to be a desp-rate and revolu ary S to th • batik on the part of the lords, eonsi erect it a trengthening of mone ed power a the -,expense o lands interest. nit the money ha be raii ed ; the nee was so urgent the a. istoeraey we : e compelled to s fleet eir class..scru les and. interests invei, for of he : oheu e was Paterson, ,a Scotchman by West Iridian by residence. Ii Indies his fri aids said he had sionary, his enemies _ that he buccaneer. He was an ingei relent perso o;., gifted with r of perfi'u sale. The sell he had first +reposed in 169 ded, three 3. ears later, in ge' eat Montagu, to take up. lan *as si ee should bori ncl pounds was then a v would have borrowers. lists- to adv( o be umorpor ailed `°' The f theB Bank f 174 0 0 I T- 2 c '47 0 0 0 r 0 1�# 0 'tt `SCINIA 11.V SE F. RTH ELTV ORKS UNDERSIGNED, in returning mks to. the public for their Iib the past, takes s this opportunii u ha secured 'titer services: of Draughtsman said Alechan e, as; foreman Novelty Works Planing, Sa..h rind Door Es sincere ral support of stating Ir. ADAM kt�PENiERS AND FAI�ERS ud it to their advantage to calf its they € !' r thing in the Wood Lino done t3 the Ebner tree. 4Y�h,i1, DOORS, FRAXESt :MOLD G:3, uE1 anti eat lip to order. Ali.tttit drxumbet°u DOUBTF AND SING ;. 4tIR AND CAItIUOT 1LS' D T.AND FOLLEBS, Wagon Packs and Gates on JAVA - CHEESE V` - C EESE MANUFACT -ABS. lave commenced the manufact a of Cheese' '- DES andSE" s can be supplied on the sherteet•notiee n reastonsbie toms. Boxes �'aranteed to fair: faction. Awaiting orders for different JOHN N(>cElty Works.'a'eaforth. MOVED.. REMOVED M. ROBERTS 4 t abiriei-maker ami I edema ex,: 3' =MOVED his ova re.rooms t 3G SO l QED $ Main -street, Seaforth, Ire has on hand a Superior at ck: of `U' /tar(e�rof every des[�yerLLi (�tiom. CALL AD SEE- .•G. vine* purchased Mr. Thomas Dell's. HESE° prepared to attend funerals on. the shone st- e, either in town c,r conirtry. c;'o f fins, An Sues, constantly err iltuid. NOTICE HErtEBY , GIVEN that applie#ttioi NO be sde tt. the Legislative Assembly of thel Pr o ,f Ontario; at it t next sessi' ' or• an to the North Ruling of the G uittYY tYgQ> the South Riding of the sai Conn ,• ,fa 4r filer. purposes. PETER AD.� G`C-1 €IG rich, Sept.10 S:EAF RT I OTO G.l A.PH BOO15• undersigned dt ,rias to: state that ha urcltased i'role Mr. ].'I.AN C P'ALT1.LDG ,}graphing business,. which he here act. :TURES O ALL KINI ii in the sat€tttt and best styles of the At; hili;,° had long experience in the busies . s hA trlrscrilrer lets no hesitation in coII Ilig sati-tfactittrr, and. trusts to rece}Ye ©nbig: tree of the liberal patronage bestowed tEyyExr. TEE. DL .P NEGATIVES ON D CHARLES i1`�C.E)Cl for hk 3 ai y, it 73. • • ItiposiroR. of it is tate ibe The al - the child should weig double what it did at its .Birth ; " after fiv:: onths, and rip to 1 sixteen inpnths, it sho ld increase half an ounce each day, an ' -at the end of I the sixteenth\; mont shoiilcl -Weigh double what it did ,.t the fiftl. The scales, therefore, will .Beak for the child, the reveal the i legligence the nurse, dr the �,„s i existence of .disease. In addition to squills and night lis ts, the�,ef c re; no per i nursery should be wit nit a pair o: patent dt, ' scales. ----moo nay College Societi js---Initiating 'his Oandid ' tett. class soeietie$ are Convivial is' the songs prevail and: ill inornin': ” The consists in_the uld borrow no i�nore 1 sport which the meinl ers have in initiat- Mg candidates. Mos ludicrous did tin - III , vwo was hen ' heard -of devices are sorted to, which going to war vith 1 amount in come cases linost to Torture: atly needed no iey.: But, that you May 1 t be wea:'ied.. by the , generalities, take air Example. Gill is .a the i Freshman, a six-foot a, with - herculean out ? girth of shc�uldei:s, am _always ready for Fill by ; any. exploit. He is. approach& :.by . a T os ion- g Sophomore who, asks hien to j yin the I heme. Ther was tierce oppos tion U Iipsiloii Society (or soni„ (WW1 STA k to ,E - The members .of th red. , usually' a jovial set. ieb ' circler. Bacchanalian was they ". wont go home nis- , `soul of these societi THE `ITFFERING. fNTI ATED JONES' V ADJUSTABLE SUPP� T R witi4 ut Springs, easily ad . lifotine, be pt, 305 USS AND ER, n¢ted and will last a in a FECT RELIEF F For ale atj . L c R HERNIA. MSDEN'S' mer Drug Store,_. =?� Seaiorth T TE FLO wor11 in perfecti Q mph ity of uroti 1873. Prov neo. • T MUSIC AN1t 0. 0. SIC, SEWING M AMIN_ WING MACHINES. I �I � lIlhil1E ; / 1 . I LA k FALL S�O UNDERSIGNE t Stock of Omicron € PLE AND- F, Who outlandish title comet ed of the names GROCERIES, Th liam and. a West mis been ( and powe whic aucce the g Th ment thous Nthic whie to th capit were to be patty of the solid Thi tation the of Greek letterS). -Ile promises an easy the j initiation, and tells hi what funjt BOO S AND. SHOES, to be to see the other cai &dates iuitiated. ING, MIL hat Gill, perhaps, has he' such societies and th • itching with miriosi Vil- about them. Ile ma irth tioned to keep clear of them, bit ciu-i- een) more iii•e too mnch to be resisted ; so he had signs a pledge to join the societ3. The ious night for the performance of the ritesa reat which is usually .Friclay night, ha oome der Prints (ft st col is jus NCY HA RE rd. rumors about Ever rought into BR! SSEL •1.. doings. Ha is und e mplete by the 25t Insta Heavy 36 ain.' Grey Cott me, around.. The members of the ting` heal' upper story, and' prepare ceremonies. The call 1 t society it ply that the etarern- rooth with much trepi tation as tl e house ow twelve IL dred drag, by. At the de a hour (i night, at eight per c ut., "-when churchyards yawn and graves 4-y moderate rate, and I give up their dead," foal- knight incog, Goed been very favo -able I appear at his room, bliiudfold am. pinion Fines -In order to induce I hie arms and lead him away. H is con- 1) nee, the ,subscr -tea into a coin GOvernor and of En eland." 1 uch fierce op]: ositiog, but the d was the orieha of that great which is. DON ' the greatest m ed power in the world, and. which for m, ny yeati,s the bulwark of the lish in wh the P was t merit 'with moue ceecletil, of COUr8C have rfused to. pa which, was spent M bank Was therefore upholding the exis was, through .soine ch France w, dender back Daring those s endeavoring to upon the thro- e. bank whiel supplied the go .. Had France he new king interest on resisting 'him. greatly interest on vermnent generations, a art has the Bai Englahd play d in history that it i fieult to understand that it is a pr any o her bank, ex. ept that the go. ment as granted i some privilege. immu alas. Thes are three, the first ace, the gov rinnent balance- are thelpossesgion of the Bank of En, mid. the government gia es credit to the anka Men 4re inclined t follow the example : is Nvis6r than they. They think -that if the governMent tr sts its great balance to the bank, they nay surely trust their ! sraalitones there. In he second place, the bank ha till liability. ere we are so used to when the bauk fad s are liable for only ficult to underst„nd how Englishmen baril4would have to gl his Country if its , ilure mes bers ducted along unknowii streets, 1 y-Fays Gimp receiving the larg- DRY GOO OS; DWARE, YMADE CLOTH- , which will be full t. following prices of s will be found in n, at 121s cents tton, at 10 cents tt 15 cents per rs), at 10 cents - ons, and ligbs er .11f lis Cotton yarn, T AS -ming Hyson Tet , at 874 ce, $1. Seventy-five c if ehest or Oaddii,. pets, H any 1- and winding ver stony gi•Ottlid. e wily good value. Spe int value in C d. never addressed estry , two and time y, w ones. Hai intr at here save in sepulchral me a was wars I length ascended a fligi t of stairs (4'711 • ca and see the gore and On of pr duce. Rig est price paid fo • Grain, and all other kinds • the floor, bat never allpwed to ; two sturdy knights are at his sid I firm hold of his arms.1! Next, a fastened around his bo ly and he i , 1S for yourselves. Al Guol A ILLSONS AND" A GRICULTUR AL MULE-. MENT EMPORIUM, RT STIL IN THE FRONT RANK AS USUAL. EWING MACHINES. ENVIE Noiseless Lock an I Knot Stitch Family Sewing Machine. challenges the u and range of work, itrength and beauty of stitch, durability of construction and n. Call and. extuninle. Send for eireulars. Agents wanted in every town in the O. C. WILLSON', General Agent for the Dominion. o, on hautl full assortment of tile follow ug lirst-clas3 machines , Webster, and Dickman of Etamilton, Raymond of Loakman, Waltzer, Raymond and Howe linchines for w York Sin er, Montreal Singer, Appieto h, and Voiles of Perth, Ont. sale dieap Or to rent. Se viug Machines of all makes repair d on th connection with our Sewing achine Famiy Stitching, Such 'as Braiding, Cor ing, Tu styli, Charges Moderate. Pinos, Organs aud Melodeons of th Sainples of the above Instruments ca AGRICUL shortest 110tice. epartment, wo are prepared to execute al 4ting, Felling, Binding, heinnung, &e., AL I very be • Pianos be see kinds of t American and Canadian manufacture, such as the ; Prince's, of Buffalo, aud Bell's, of Guelph, Organs. at the store. Call and inspect them. UR L IMPLEMENTS.. ssey'S No. 18 Thistle Cutter Plow tbe fa nor's favorite. Any number alws.3*s orehand. Other ' now of all descriptions. T celebrated Paris Straw Gutter, the bes made. Also, the Cummings, Rochester and other patt HORSE POWE. 6S OF ALL KINDS A.ND SIZES. SA ING MACHINES. Sawing Machines, manufactured by Eastwood & Co., ows, are the best in use, and do not require reeom- T celebrated Combination and Bit hardson -t of I gersoll. These Machines, as ON`Or body men ation. kinds of Plow Points and other stings c and 50 cents per lb. nts per lb., ueual ts per, lb. by the nips, Stair, Tap- ols and felts. - prices, and judge W NODS. orce-! up.- into another aPa e, it I theitramping of manyl feet abet t him,. S sue, He is utterly confueed • His esco •ts. now auld is comp lied to oney se though never . NE d in shed and ripped; It runs. agai ist the vhig lf -down. go is !, thrown upon a k of " blanket," which is a large =W. SS with dif- strap handles. Thia i • held by- tcn burly like Min into the air aa if 1 and 'ceases to be fun for the, rtraent. .•H .8 With- drawn hears , grape along for avvh. daring to stop for an n of bema punched and pi I until, his frenzy, he wall and knocks him immediately seized ai Jtwitch tormentor he is led into a damp ilace whei subjected to the procq of squirti - caustic froth mouth and between and nether garments can h as wr(hncr. ging goon. , dime ors in of its lowners.' TN, English have at the Bank Of help to the mild not have eth thoucht it rirht ti f gre nany land as it i be di ed to Th. Engl was conk mieh 1750, they Bat Bank to is bank y wag deters v erve had. their fortunes been , third. „privillege of the Eat nd is, that lit is the only can iseue riotes. before it he tml)k- job t stork coin pan!' issue notes. Private ba , and. indeed did so until • but the bh.nk ceadtially if oat of the 1141. Legally, 11.01, the privile re was taken z o joint stock company, excep of England, has ever been pent ittea . hard The lights ar aie notes. The law said. tha the Gin is left in the coth was to have the right of " excInsive , with a wail of despah bank ng." 1,ngla,.ad has suffere I for tulle in human speec l' years from , misinterpretation o the -two or three times foi phra. e " exchasive banking,. When the i a light faintly' :glima In ti e the taking, of deposits caniel also 1 to the light. The doer Ivens slo to be called " banking,' and was, here- ! he is Met by the domakeeper, wh fore, supposed to be prohibited. Foal, him •ini and presents hi ft to his ne years banks were ihes entirely stip ress: I ren al the fraterni .—Lettrr . Doe§ not this show very vays Eng - auk, j s to sent - k of 44 it that ikers bout reed 844, piece of ieeris clapped way. initiated yells entrig the now loosened. Allot d send mtil it he is ito his . back of his heel: a most of the having from around weird. r, clubs th all the sc lemn calcithn ly with series of perambulations. and: cliff he is halted and Mad& to take solemn: oath never to (Ivulge an) secrets of the order; 'o penalty o his heart' cut out and 1 is limbs to his body. The mem iers stand attired in Deathshead nasks ant and fantastic costume, with w, in their hands. A co Ina rests n wide open. and flung drapery of death. A light is kindled., and removing the bandage eyes, a musket is dis fearful report; The c the hideoneilare, the moniacaippearance of hiM, together with 1 before, are too much and Gill swoons.. Bu in Prof. Wilder!s Ph are prepared for such; patient is soon rest( NE froth the iarged; c, using, a 4p1 ., human oa.ture, !they have B. been siology .cl, ss, and F contingen. y. The The bandage is agaig placed ver . his eye,, and he is, laid. int ,t1 e :coffin. Gill is no* prepared_ for the. la, t rite. and Cere- mony of initiation in the nob e. order N 8oeiety,. namely, 4A -a any. - -Th opera - is brought_ nearly ii . Contact N ith. the body, Until_the . expo- ,.al part is ,heated then, styli enly, a extingaisl Oil, and .- After ,heuting assistance, he sees' ch leads -f •ore. the he. goes Ina ,en - :But the iloor is ond 'for at niesion ly, and J ushers eh. elV of Ei may ve now given a sketch of the ank It gland, au institutionof which nuch )e said an bo h sides. The o Mimi of enlightened ec nomists is gen rally againat it, but all admit the irriposi. yility of its abolition. It certainly has d me a, great woak in its day, and things have ohaPged for the better since the time when as Macaulay says, " it was i eces- tier t go, hat in hand, up and down Chea side anal Cornhili, attended. y the make up a sum by borrowing a hundred Polite s from that ii on-monge.r. earele-s nurses has been found. by t le in- 1 apeett r of the Society for the Protection 1 of Iaf nit Life in Paris. It is to veigh 1 theb, by. If a chi d is well forme( and i in got d health it w 11 weigh heavy . To t know what a child weighs and \\- vet it I ought to weigh, is o know if it has been 1 krope ly eared. for r not. From seven 1 the b by, says the- wise inspector, ought 1 cidaayilsycld until it II, reached five m laths, I n weight; at the end of five onths EACH pip OF 111.1, N ,y- Y WEIGHS 4-3 F A POUND, ONLY WEIGH OF A POU "D Thus 11,,iving you a poorer article and le. s of _it for UG STAIII ED rr- Haltilton, Sept. 11, 1S7 ALL MI LINE 1- R GRAY wishes to LL- and. the general pub ed hot ALL STOCK 0 Wrnie is very complete i and 4 ndsome styles. DRESS Prom tiv -attending to, -an -which will secure the app inform her astomers le that she ins receiv- JekKING executed i ore, Main -S a manner era DRESS GOODS At HILL'S. W SHAWLS At IL HILL'S. MILLINER 4t HILL'S W FL AtIt W FLA NE 'W Sill T W TI At W. HILL'S HILL S. HILL'S. HILL S. N COLLAIF! At NEW CA PA At IV Large Stock and beap Stock, HILL'S. HILL'S Opposite .Comm rcial Hotel, CASH PAII? FOR BUTTER. E TRACTING TEET at th Commercial Hotel, on days nd Fridays. The tuna' P ies requiring new teeth if at eaforth and Clinton, on Te timonials of over 500 pa their teeth extracted by the be se u at my office in Strad° Te inserted in the most prov d styles. WITHOUT „ Surgeon Dentist ox's Hotel, the first month; in Clinton, e following Thun- der of the time at re requested to call, e first days of at - jests who have hak se of tbe Gas, may d. substantial and im- Of which ho anne'x and exceet ingly se not wear the clothe The folloiving gent as my age ts for Lucknow. nstantly on hand. WASHING- _MACHINE, ent, is a correct representation, is a. simple; durable viceable contrivance. 11 is easily -worked, and. will as much as ordinary hand washing. ,Call and see lemen, and none others, have been appointed to act 0. C. WILLSON, Seaforth. HARAE BAGSx COMBS, AT BELFRY & HAINESS irZvotc'',, COLLARS, WIN LASHES, BRUSHES, &C Ouir HARNESS we can recomment to any give mtire satisfaction. - S op Opposite Mansion. nous )11e; Olt we use only first-elass Leather and make Alan not to gall a Horse, and guarantee them to COME Hat mun BELFRY & MAY. NE COME ALL AND 131.71: YOUR II AR N .E FROM WARD, SEAFO TH. eg to state for the information of farmers nd the public generally, that I have* good. a stock of ess on hand as any *in town, and I am determined not to be undersold by any other establish - in the County. 873. FALL STO 1873 0 • aaxot3 Tem_ Jo sTOXX.xg CD v'iozlo ty'si t`i( twkwi L.70. 1;-'"t 7,1-L) t$e44 'Zivrina i,T, • W t:731 0 0 A&off V r[r IV /V ZI VII 0 td 1-3 iwo 23 3 2 0 SEAFORTH CARRIAGE WORKS. WINTER COMING ON. In preparation fot the sleighing season, has in construction a large nuniber SI.;EIGHS AND CUTTERS WhiCh \rill be sold, as nsnal, cheep for cash, or on short. time, Tile reputation of this establishment for the durability end elegance of articles. turned out by it, is sufficient guarantee, that purchasers, Win receive satisIcetion. .A number of Light Single and Double. RIGS, in the way of Wagons and Buggies, yet On birnd WILLIAM GRASSIE, • SEAFORTII PLANING MILL, LK A L ON HAND SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY - p' ENT'S, 1 Goods. Led from Manufacturers, we cau and give VINO- iinported most of our Fa GREATER AR AI NS THAN EVERi OUR S' ORE IS A PERFECT JAM OF DRESS GOODS, S IA.A, LS, cLOTHS FLANNELS 500 LADIES' JACKETS, nca est sty es, neat and *arra ; the Nicest Di play of MIL INERY Ever shown Seaforth—neind and buy your MILLINERY at DENT'S. 300 SETS OF LADIES' FURS—we Itre noted. for selling Good., Furs Cheap—be Lot of Cornwall Blankets, Dundas Cottons, enact -tin Tweeds and other Gieods on hand., A Full Stock of Men's and Boys' Goods—Hatte-Caps, Mufflers, &-e, ENT'S Cheap Dry Goods And Mil inery•Establishinentis the Place. • GOLD IS GOLD .NAT. I ID OR. tk-C7TP;, And the best way to save it is to PUrchase a genuine attic). 11EAS, - SUGARS AN GENERAL G CER IES, Vdt. cheap, at E S. FLOUR 4 Flnur, Oat and Cornmeal, Provisions, Hams, 1. TO PREVENT DYSPEPSIA, Choice -lot of Cr ckery and Glassware. BY OUR GRAN,ULATED WHEAT. Splendabargains in Fruit jars. Call and se them. 'Goods delivered free Of charge. TH MAS LEE Soatorth Ont. S FORT KERR, WI WW1 to inform the people of Huron and pnbli for a terna of years, and are now prepared to ma 1 Castings, Straw Cut , Plows, and other I illre areals.o prepared to do REPAIRING of ; The undersigned have had long ettperience sattsfactiOn in all their work. vorzyDRY. KIE tic CO. generally that they have leased tbe Seaferth Foundry ufacture all kinds of ers, Sawing Machines, arming Implements very description. the Foundry business, and are prepared to guarantee THE subscriber begS leave to thank his numerous -I" customers for the liberal patronage extended to him ainee commencing buhiness in 8eaforth, and trusts that he may be favored with a continuance of the same. Parties intending to build wonld do well to give him a call, as he will continue to keep on hand a large otook of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LA.TH, !ETC. Ho feels confident of giving satiskaction to those who may favour him with their pritrionage, as none but lirst-elass workmen are eniployqd. Particular attention paid to Custom Planing. 201 JOHN II. BROADFOOT, IMPORTANT TO THE SICK. DR. McCULLOUGH, celebrated European and Ameriean Physic- -a- ian, itinerant of the Hospitals of the chief cities of England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Ger- many, the United 'States of Amerita, and the Do- minion of Canada, will And may be consUlted- at The Commercial (Late Knox's) Hotel, From Monday, Oct. 20, till Saturd4 Oct. 25, 1873, till 10 P. M., By all who are suffering from Claionic Lingering Asthma Catarrh, and. all affections -Of the Cheat, Throitt,'Heart, Nervous Debility, Scrofula, Meese, Liver Complaint, Itheumatism, Skin Diseases lpf all kinds, no matter of how long stanaing,DropSy, Chlorosi and Cancers of the worst stage, -svithon.1 the use of the knife. . And all Blood. Diseases, Salt Rheum, Dyspepsia, Epileptic Fits, or Falling Sickness, Apoplectic Fits, or Loss of Sense and Motion, Paralysis, -Neuralgia, Chorea, or ,St. Titus' Dance, Seurvy, Goitre or Thick Neck, Abscess, Tumors. :ALL DISEASES OF - THE EYE AND EAR TREATED SUCCESSFULLY. The diseases of children, from infancy to adnIt age, treated successfully. Female gomplaints of all kinds and descriptions, whether Acute or Chronic, will be treated suceess- ' N. B. ---If you are suffering from any of ihe :above diseases do not delay, but visit the Doctor at once, so thlit you may have tbe benefit of bis -care and treatment, and be restored to health -the sooner. .Seaforth, Oct. 8, 1878. 304-3 TT COLLADAY has leased the large and cOni- -1--1-• modious house, on the Salt Works Grenada, 'adjoining the Railway Station, and has fitted it: up as a boarding-house. Good table and,comfortable rooms. Persons wishing s. pleasant boarding - •house should apply, as there are at present a few vacancies. Transient boarders accommodated at lens than betel rates.