HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-10-17, Page 6rarin News recentl , were sue burgh' the black -f sheep brought the bi ck- aced sheep w sold for zg195. lain of short st and Up to next tient farmer recently caught 1 eons skunks in mite trap, aind t that part of the country,— bull at the -To a fair w igh tchess County, d steer weighed ttle at the Wo ir of cattle 2,6 eighecl 3,600. arlestown Ind,, Fair with a six raising, and w t the enormous c irs. The 'Tor t. remarks that len crops, now al "is alraost universe slet en Sheep Raie THE, HUM and N6 0, which too p ce essful. At Ed n- ests as fancier is $ est ranee an . gla harvest. ult as 11 vel ur- pou .At the 1,824 ponnds an a 1 A pair of fatted. nsocket, Flair Wm. Stri er of tuned for s Copia- ear-old stee of I his ighing 3,600 om ds, eature "gave out' on he character practically lly allowed eighths of a mid coloring. T e eh or 18 minutes, wh and the air is redc of butter. Ice -w churn, -when the b placed on. a larg thoroughly worke milk is extracted, certaiiied that the gain in each. chi pounds, equal to .1 re- nto Globe of the 2d of gen- be very ng in Mex nee The business of sheep raising i carried y deteriorated. N,There the re -bred erino buck shea from 18 to 3 pounds iof wool, the small- allied ineara -in-bred !Mexican sheep yield dinly frera 2i tto 3-t pounds. Th ir mutton, owever, is prone -towed the' finest cm t is coriti- nent, There are f milies he Ne Mexico who 'own as many as 500,000 of these sheep. The cost o herding is -mall, as. the Mexican herd men work f r• almost nothing, and three of these wit i a pony :ie.& will leek afte a flock of 3 00 sheep aresieted, of ?mese by their d gs. The wages and k ep of the herdemen will not amount to ore tl an twenty -11s e dollars per 1montli. Pas -age call be had for nothing, there bei g in New 14 exico an area of more than 120,000 squ re miles, nearly all of it covered with utritious grasses. No prosnsion for whet e. feed is required, as stock can range t roughout the Year ov r the eiast uninhabited plains; finding eve Eileen food an' , water. gf* When the r ilroads-now in pro ess come to cross the Territory, an inm ense ini- ing men intro -ace pure-br d buck's for the nap oveme st of the, stab Now, *Lead, owing to the shbetne a of the staple, the slovenly manner of shearing, , and the poor packing. Ali thi will be changed When adequate fac lities for transportation afford the peopl a profit- able raarket for their pi oduc s. It is zaid thet a single cross of pure blood not only doubles the yield of wool from the Nnw Mexiean sheep, but nestle improves its quality. At no distant day without -doubt, the importance of imciiir ving the breed of sheep and of usin mo t care in the preparation of wool f ,r the market *ill he better appreciated in New Mexico than it appears to be at present. Of ameelto, used for s ate set in motion, m rate of speed fdr 17 n they are stopped, rt with . the perfiunie ter is thrown in the Ater gathers, and it is ' table, settiled, and By this process the end the butter is fin - g the butter it is as- e has been. an actual en of one -and -a -half per ,cent.,, sinee it left its oily state. ! ! Gilt -Ed eel Butter In making fano butter there are three " The color must the texture firm, that nutty flavor so high a degree o Butter of the ver bring $1 a pound phia maker who r early -mown hay ; mixes in corn -me feeds often, and no roots except tures free from w ture of the milk - the cream -pot ; c urns once a before the butter!tgathers he bucket of ice -col !water into tl in working he w iks out all t texture am flavor: h impart lpleasure. in e ting it." hi hest qu ty will eives this ice !gave t ese facts he his eeda on lover or Ots fine, moistens, and and wheaten. shorts ; om at about ty-pight eek I just e batter - milk without the lase of the hand, a orb - wrung from cold ater, and at the second Working handles elicately, with fmgers ea cold as may b ; salts nearl an eunce nd balls. CHA CER SAL rekted of the la arm recently bY Adelaide. It a to the amputati been buried, he was cramped, n and. desired ths No attention, h request:for som persisted, asile not raised he limb was accor the hand found During the ope the patient evi . the sensation o appeared to su Shrinkage of n lar circumstance is ngston who lost an a threshia'g machine in ears that subsequently , and the limb having bmplained that his hand rSing him extreme , pain, arm to be disinterred. ever, was paid to the time, bat the boy still mild net re over.' The tion of openi g the hand that e fel relieved of more so, howe 1r, than man' others the records of e pe ence. The Ontario overnm nt hitve appoint, e office of Clerk of th ty Cro n Attorney fo the County of incoln. ! Hamilton, to t Peace and Co --Samuel T sizes, recovere Whitby towns by his wife in. from an impro in one of tne p —A faith of Mr. George R County of W the town of B ago for _the rain., being $87.47 p carefully —Mr. Gold The writer had. a qua etity measured and put up in -sack . It re- a series of lect s. When the sack were first we believe it o full. At the en 1 of three , snent to its pr res was apparently plenty of the difference re. For curiesity ome of it ment and 9 - wee measi -ed, and. it was f und two. them -selves: - quarts per bushel ha,d. fallen ae ay, which course of lectu is a loss of about seven per c nt. The histOrical aut place where the seed wan kep at we- verY teresting and unfavorable to waste. There was no heat —The Tent of wind to dry it up, and it may be tak- en as the lowest percentage of TOM Un= the Sabbeth S ada will be he der other circumstances, the lass by sav- ing six months may often reach as high on Tuesday,'I the 21st, 22d .as twenty per cent. These thipgs should. The business i, be considered by those who fele inclined S haftesbury three moot filled, the they- were room for m to hold on for a chance Of a ris Another consideration strikee People often complain that the weight or measure. No doub is too often the case; but it is in- some instances the differ .nce is as and while thei-' abou was t ion of tl 1 aid wa day nigl of Bursa resignat Xoun get short one here. sions and 141as 870, fr blic roac 170 acr erloo, a lin was udsome ✓ acre. dam b ed 8, sit out sold. SU in Smit ha res in Is ont tau Hi tor intend d eh of Re pon etween bso ernmen t this jun es, from an a rity, ea not Provinc al .0 in he cite nd 23d. f 0 all, end the las Cess vith- fou ken e bo o e di t. of t on o Ho r so poin y of tine etic in that this -Lipton, of the ninth co muck in shrinkage as in inten How Beef Suet is Ma lon•=Ern- the afternoon with inflamer -I e into though medic it wa4 of no .o'elock on Mo —The offic The experiment of makin.g h Ater from ! beef suet, 4fter a Feench invention, going the 131ind at • on in various places in this country,—in vacant, by th -California as well as connecti ut, among Mr. Archiba the reet. The process is thus described. : stand. Mr. NA alter N. A large tank is filled with she ts of fresh., occupied the osition horoughly of the Count of Peel er. :Then has received: the a .out as white as snow. It is ediately gerded as a j dicious thrown. into a vat containing ebout a foot being an actiive, ener of 'voter. The eiitire mass i i raised to good education, . an th temperature of blood. hea -(110 de- s well fitted to k greps Fahrenheit) by a coil of steam pipe —Aanose lai co an selected suet, which is clea,rised by the use of cold= -wa, it is run through a machine s' siaueage cutter, and grotmd the the rate of 1200 pounds an ho in the. water. After hal stint Stirring it is alleWed 1. an hour's- red. at Ingers to settle, A gentleman ttle pieces Great Wette tom, whil , the fat or rather pi. n stearipe tees of Alexa gathered off and placed in ano her vat to ford, in the the building -- arid oleinet float on the wate . This is cool, and when about the co sistency of came on the it .300 lbs. horses were Ito Presses and causing hem to pressure is against the ors. Tb lough the both the girls ut—th le troughs, to another e the clear - 1, and mey be 4e-ept an indefin- it strong. AnY li tle dust or arated, and the oi flows like oney. The steari e, amount. lard. is -wrapped. in cloths (abe in each wra.pper) and. subjecte cloth and is conveyed by li tu In t is state it looks li est olive o ite period th least is ere se tli finest in to abo tallow for this purpose, co ands a hign to the c urn, when the al opera - should be 18 feet square, th deuble walls (the space between.bein filled with. A rack co - taming aboutl 0 akes Of ice is suspen ed from the ce 1 ng, so that the n. descending ee s the tem - always . low. umber of churns are arr ge along one ounds of the olein ; together inarts_of pure milk, and three - Vhitby As es sustaine ing thio r Brooklin longing a mile fro a few day of $14,870 commence eal on Eng- , in whic o trace th ible Govern and to sho ute Gove the peopl knowledge fail to be nveiation ion of Ca of Toront Thursda tober, 187 held in th 'veiling Se Schools i on of Min orae fiiend o'clock. i els, and a d about -12 11 N PURSUANCE of day of OetOber, 187 hancery in tlhe matter armor, dee he undersi rich, Lot ontainiug dismissal f we uncle - sie, who h s puty Sher 11 ition of De erth for se t may be man, With a ent officer. 11 II on Iasi Fri ay afternoon. 'der Mu erer, of North 0 con ussion thee trail passing ov r one of them, girl ah ut t n years oia,. complete], c ting h r iee two. ,The eldest girl ea aleo train, but by the pre man standing by was r part of her and, crushed. 1 ased, and ineron, an 'ed, Mesta 00 acres s sale by rine, Audi neer, at D ereial Hotel, in the Vi rday, the 26th day of 'elook in thd forenoon The Propierty is wel oad, (that'll two miles et is cover d principall About Eirty acres a There is a good barn, hard. The prop .rty may be The pure aeer at the o pay a de iosit to the en per oe t. of the pur alanee int Court, w nonth the eafter, and ompletio of the pure a c. In all °Ter respects th co For further particul pply to Si. G. McCau 1873. I Deeree,idated the , made by the Court. f the Estate of Alum maid Cameron against of 11 st with the approbation of the said Conrt at Go h 1st Concession. of t the County of Hu land, more or less, P iblie Auction, by J. vi son & Campbell's Co ctober, 1873, at elev eared, and the rema ith beech and maple e place, also, a good Or - vi well by intending par- e the' eale. ndor, or his Solicitor of se, money and to pay e ut interest, within ne eign a -contract for he ditions of sale ill of the Court of rs an conditions of s of t thie le L. Auctioneer .or be Vendor's .'o icitor. MIL CAN Would st te to Dai • to 30 3 MEN. ND PAII ITIstrEiT t she has comraen ed ture • nd Milk Ca en th annfa Of all kinds, AS CHEAP AS Stoves and Tim re MRS. -supply them N THE TRADE. a hand as USI ain-street. Seafort SAVI Head 0 Establ ing moue low rate o interest tering of repaymen Loans or long or terms of his Soeiet year, wil taay bac .1 Money n ob little or' 'o delay be by letter THE DO TN LON . DS ND INVESTMENT ndon, 'flied in 18/2, for and t 33 per cent., re a,ins in the 's is wild to the ca clle menu - and as it is much superior to cold air perature side of th duced 15 with tem 1 ss the -great r THE FLOHE CE SE MACHINE A s 1 have bee appoint& Sole Agent in the P o - chine, none hay a right -t. sell the said machhie oi except those ap ' ted by ii e. In the Connty of Huron the foll t)i., g are the only authori ed 'Agents for the 1 erica u i chine : Thos. Conn s, Any person or p ons oth r than the above repre- senting that they ve a ri ht to sell, or can ftir- nigh the Florenc achine in the County of Hu- ron, are impoet , and the public are hereby warned to bews of them. t Gene Agent for Ontario, 290 Seafo h. short rrowe lling prefe paid in 1 111 1 et, opposite City Hall, he purpose of a.clv; no- wn Property at a ery n the most favor ble eriods repayable b in- s. Parties purche. ing or Stores, will fin tdhee, able to any other re, t the end of each ' alf principle and int rest yee.re. If paid ye, rly, ained at, any time, and 'th igatio • of tittle and pre ara- ecretatry nd Treasurer, London, Ont. forth 280-02 J. C. LL 1 WHO ESA TEA EST SEA Mir For 1.11 Pc IV have at choic and v 0 varieties, all CC Le. the Lowest P CC w men the co 0. CO 0 0 mac F PQ $. AND RETAIL BLISHMENT, ORTH. Fear e Te 8 nd Coffees. 11 present in stock a mg upwards of 0 0 ed. As We sell t m sE3ible Price cons" rn quality, we trust m fidence hitherto e- rn the public. 0 0 FiEriES rowths, prepared 6)). 0 0 WATCHEO AND JEVVELRY. 13.e Best and Chepest Assortment Outside of the Cities. • TTAS jast received large additions to I hie previously largo stock of 1Vatches, Clocks -6-'- which only want to be seen to be appropiated and admired. - all and see, lirlietlwr you, Purchase or not. and Jewelry, M. R. COT.JNTE WA.TCHE$ ARE RENOWNED FOR TIME KEEPING. THRMS--Strietly Cash. , LADIES, - If you wi o replenish your cupboards, the undprsign- I co ed would dvise you do so now, as the latest advices from Engl6d. are that Crockery and China have gone up td - nearly .donblie price. *-e, having a large stock df last years' imrioriations on ihand, will for a short time sell at nearly the ol4 prices, taking only a very small portion of the advanbe Tea Sets that are noW wOrth 84 we are tC) lit?, 50. hina Tea pts $2 less than , they are now worth. oseph-Rodg&s & Son's Cutlery:' at exactly old P=. - prices, tl ey' haxiug raised only 25 per cent. A fine' 1-3 stock of 14ed SpoonAv, 'Forks, Tea Trays. -&c., &c. txi HICkS9 N .CO., nery on the premises. Refined GARS FRUITS, ICES, MUSTARI PICKLES, SA CES, AND BR AK - FAST ELTCACIES, IN G a AT VARIETY. CUI , COR ',FLOUR, TAPIOCA, C. LAIDLAW. E YARb . MABEE 61 MACDON ALD Mill, on the gro dIfo erly used as a umber They will keep onsta tly on hand a goo assort- undressea. Also LIT AND SHINGLES, all of which tit are pr pared to sell at the lowest possi- ble price , for Ca:h. find it to their vent- age to inspect o r sto k, and ascertain on prices elsew ere, as we are in a osition CODERIPH FOUNDRY. STEAM E GI SUGAR COOKING IRON A before prirchasin to offer odind 160 Beg to inform the p+ic that they are prepared to contract for ES 'AND B ILERS e FLOUR, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS SA ING MACHINES, &C. ric tzl trl R N AND OODEN PLOWS; with steel boards • '11 GA3n,IG PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, &c. • 0 ND POTASH1 KETTLES, GRATE -BARS, WAGGON BOXES, &c PARL0111, AND l'I30X STOVES, of varions kinds. SALT _PArIS MADE *TO ORDER. ERS AND SALT PANS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOM . TWENTY '1,0 THIRTY -HORSE POWER TUBULAR BOILEIRS generally on hand 'for sale. ' All orders addxessed to the Company or Secretary will reeeive prompt attentiori. R. R CIMAN, General Manager. CHEAPE THAN EVER ! THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING RECENTLY PURCHASED A LARGE QUANTITY OF AT PRICES TEAS, UGARS FRUITS, AND GENERAL GROCERIES, MUCH LOWE THAN THE CURRENT MARKET "VALUE BETTER BARGAINS THAN HERETOFORE. trAt The goods are nOw in stock, and the inhab4ants of Town and Country are invited to oorae tins] get their share of the Going at the Chequered Store. JAME,5 MURPHY, Main -Street, Seaforth. NOW CROOKE OF AL T TO P E -CHANCE cleAsE Y CROCKERY! KIND AT A BARGAIN. LSON ,Have just received one of the argest and best assorted.stocks of YOUNG Ever offered in Seaforth. Presei-ve Jars. of several different varieties and of the best =aka. Call 9.,nd see, and be convinced that 1VILSON & YOUISTG'S is the place to bny'CrockerY. TEAS SUGARS AND pratsay GENERAL GROCERIES. & YO UNG are renowned for their superior ALES and LIQUORS, sold; Wholoktle and Retail. FLOUR,- ppED d PROVISIONS delivered h'ee of charge. HAMS A!1ID BACON. Just recei ed, a, lot Of 6oice Ametioan SugariCered Hams and Bacon. Call and get some,—they Scott's Brick Block, Seaforth. will soon be' pine. • 0 0 ID 0 '3 5 1-4 CD CD `SINIVd `Cld31 311HM was founded in 1694-, but tbttailiaekt tBil 1)0.0.6r1 been tolerably good until undt noad;ser sttthohaeo d administration of Charles II. i of the English government lis ons. as far back as 1.671. ostdestroyed by an act of g ,e, times, better than env other (... The eredit ef the state WI iggy hankers, used to give their le ye th.e government to take care of. . teem, and the goldsmiths Were ra vas the geese, English exedit, nea always - laid the golden eene. Jaen by these fooli di or wicked ej , 0 -The state could borrow no In 1694 Vs 1111am III., who was eohe throne, !WaS going to War' paean and he greatly needed nr flea it not been that the !credit -O money rcught have been reised veil opeal to what was then censidere K to be a desperate and revole ere; echeme. There was fierce oppol -to the bank on the part of the lords ed • intetest But the money le ised ; the need. was $o urgent ,fie,e their class scruples and interests The inventor of the sehense wee O 4.a West Indian by residence. h est Indies hie friends ftaid he bed i e missionary, his empties that lie been a buccaneer. He was an inge via ardent person, gifted with peivem of persnasion. The which he had first proposed in 'aucceedexl, three years later, in the great Montague to take up. The plan MS simply that the vent should borrow twelve , thousand pounds at eight nPer which was then ft verymoderaterate ee the borretecin. In order to * which would hae-e been very lave capitalists. to advance, the slant -were to be iecorporated into a c to be called " The Governer an was much fierce opposition, but the of the obscure adventurer soon be win the bank which supplied the -solid fee teflon whith ie now the greatest n This was the origin of that greetit , ea power iia the world, and witie for mans. years the *bulwark ef the fish government. During those in which France was endeanorinn the' Pretender back. upon the t 1 ment with money. Had Fen have refused. to pay Interest onnn . which wee anent in resisting hi hank was therefore grcatlt- 'site es upholding the existing gov-erinre was, through spine generatione England played in history that it 1 and not a state establishment It any other bank except that the go. immunities. These are three, firtt place, the government balite) in the posseseion of the Baek of Enotr goveynment, as we have seen, but !tlie government gives credit to the 1 Men are ineliued to follow the .ex of a government, and to believe is wiser than theen They think - the government tinists its great to the bank, theyemay -surely tress small ones there. in the second place, the bank ha, limited. liability. Here we are so n the idea that the stockholdere of when the hauls fails are liable for the amount of their stock, that fieult to understand how Engl. eon have recorded tine limitea as wrone A banks -vela have to e. ging a good,, while for stockhold directors in this country if its would involve the e4,ne private fe of its owners. The English have thought it rieht that the. Bank o land should be an exception. Th munity ,vess of great help te the &sit induced, many careful mercha be directors who wenld not hare e ed to serve had_ their fortunes hem, The. third. privilege of the I . . rher edani8'issttli:tt nilis6. tBheefoll Was the only jonn ;nods comply mild issue notes. Private b mieht, and. iadeed did so until they might have issned notes up t I'll when the privilege wae taken but the bank teadualiy theta out of the field.. Legally. he Brit no joint stock company, exce :11ikcho,f, E by etsi n igr'o"na. Ea langiliasli)naterlileraestatsilolffne - e afa reQuer!terilos u.‘bsfar!ell es): :hsait(lenara;:i .3at, ht ibutoensn oei si:in irt: iri th:lielyboeTiitl: to issue notes. The law said al bank was to have the right of .. ex t.l. ieh e t ia:e lel ti°31 it eaDniagek i° t:i fagbosiailiPI elplisnri t s'Id: a': iwg not ':ste, _xaucht: etihee-etlesram-okixz 1:1 vas diecovered, people at Once b ting them up, Does not this s rigland, has eyer been pm I have now given a sketch of agninet it, but all admit the impn of its abolition. It eerndrily b e baby, says the wise inspe 48:1Te.hilie.1 of ealightersed economists is great work in its day, and thi SarY " for the Chancellor of the! lieteto go, hat in hand, lin Inid. Mayor and the aldenn 14.alse up a sum by borrowing a Pninds from this hosier and two Minds from that irou-mongere f Infant Life in Paris. It is ellettor of the Society for the .,__ good health it will weigh 11 'now what a child weighs ans e baby. If a child is well fo ought ronerly eared for or not. Fri Y8 old until it lias retiehed fit to weigh, is to know if it! Ct- 0 OT 0 0 2.4 rr "�12 `S3HS$NJ!V-A. SEAFORT NOVELTY WORKS. 'DERSIGNED, in returning his Sincere thanks to the public for their' liberal support during the past, takes this opportenity of stating that he has secured the services' of Mr. ADAM GRAY; •Draughtsman and Mechanic, as foreman in the Novelty Works Planing„.Sash and Door CARPENTERS AND FARMERS Will find it•to their advantage to call, as they can get eny thing in the Wood Lino done on the short- est notice: SAS HeIS,, DOORS, On hand and got up to order. A limited munber of DOUBLE AND SINGLE TURNIP AND CARROT DRILLS AND LAND ROLLERS, Wagon. Racks &Rd Gates on. hand. TO CHEESE MANUFACTURERS. As I have commenced the manufacture of cheeee BOXES and SETTERS, Parties Call be supplied on the shortest notice and ou reasonable terms. Boxes gnaranteed to giNie satisfaction. Awaiting orders for different sizes. JOHN M. MARTIN, 285 Novelty Works, Seaforth. REMOVED. REMOVED M. ROBERTSON, Cabinet-maker and Undertaker, HAS REMOVED his wil-re-TOOOls tO JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, Main -street, Seaforth, Where he has on hand a superior stock of Fenn. ,ture of every description. CA.LL AD SEE IT. Having purchased Mr. Thomas Bell's 14RABSE I am prepared to attend funerals on the shortest notice, either in town or country. Cofibis, All Sizes, ICept constantly on hand. NOTICE TS HEREBY GIVEN that applicaticin will be made to the Legislative Assembly of the Prov- ince of Ontario, at its next session, for an settO reunitt3 the North Riding of the County of Hu- ron to the South Riding of the said County, for PETER ADAMSON, County Clerk. Goderich, Sept. 10, 1873. 801 SEAFORTH PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS. undersigned desires to state that he has purchased from Mr. FRANK PALTRIDGE bis Photographing business, which he will hereafter conduct. PICTURES OF ALL KINDS Taken in the lilted and best styles oi the Art. Having had long experience M thebusiness, the the subscriber has no hesitation in guilisntetling entire satisfaction, and trusts to receive a eon- tinuanee of the liberal patronage bestowed on his predecessor. ALL THE OLD NECATIVES ON HAND CHARLES :MOORE.