HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-10-10, Page 8_7' a
0 18 0
'Best 50 11). Iteg of bii ter, in sllipping or.
ig! tbeen4re day
er0l. townsbip, on Fridayj Oc b: 10, at 7 pize list, by,which 'a :set of allinai given dozen ears Indian corn, Thoinas Auder thei organs, and dUrim der, It. Leckie. 135e.Bt C011cetion of fruit
entei-tained large audiences wit4 njusic,
byTh s 01 alit was' valu
o'cIock P. Al. 3 At 0 Alex. Stewart. Be't specime , gil%I 'I
.11001 -tor. . I" ' eell $8. not less than fonr varieties, Thomas -An- i8i 8
ur 0 it Crabb's H mll G der- 0 . X11(ld, iner ed at son. Qollection of garden veget ibles, Thi I firm had also sevc al BOWing ma.:
ioli town, on' Saturday, Oct I I at 7 when it should ha, e af writing, Mary Vanst6ne. Bestsi)eeinion
ers6u, Six ro Mr. 0. C. Willson, of e'orth, igh
rr Ronday Joim A! !CMILLk,"T, ots celery, Stanley- aye ehin6, all 1 f 'v e ) - riting James t.
O'llook F, M. At Bayfidld, C y i d s of was Joesent NVith his Y',orelice I)Oys' w 0)
ft -6 Lake- -1 1 . .-Y.PitoDucii- Best 10 POL"
0- '13, at 7 o'clock P. JAMES LANDFS130ROV01-1. IWR I s, the wckrk' of whicl, was
PISTRICT MATTERSP .9t. M. At - S. 14 ;1 1 butter in rolls"Ist not klinwri, 2d John, stea, machin--
moblunt 7,18r( I s Green.
'U sd4y Oct.. -10 much 'adraired by those. who e am ined
vi6w, to bip, of lay, 6n T : x
Taylor.'Five p ands best Young.F yson
1- ..at 7 o'clock P. 'M. At L morick, on 0 ald,lr, of &-aforth,.'had a Y(JUlt 11ZADERA h.-tve lately been in -
I THE BLYiO bea, for the beA tub of butter we- hing theit. Mr. 0,
DYE 8TU-FFs1,'GE-.\u6,x Mn.DrEv, FI -IN E' SHOW.
Ftiday, Oat, 10, a! 7 o'clo'ek. P. M. At Osborn machine, which, as form -d of big day'4 threshing In th-,g
N -' V GRCV1' 3VIDDE11, IfRgerrba, Cochincal, Rosvn P(Ilock. very, handsome
not less than. 48 11)8, Jaille-s
in a, Ind ther Dy -o Stuft of,No. I quali- 04,ttitonj on 6 -at. irday, Oct, 11, at 7 -is Agricultaral. a coinplete and usefolhousehold friend, is vicinity ; it.is, perhaps, in -ore 111"e'resting
4-10.&ud,.i,l1 o The. fall fair of the v ori r the
Four pounds Young Hyson tea fc
passe(l. IVIr. Watson wa Vo now
t , Produaing Rich and- BdWliant C lors, at R. 0,60ek P. M. 8 to kilow tbit, as most far imers h.4 :
I i I : , lociety was hild at' lyth, on Wedilng-- best tub of butter, to coutaill "A lesiq not 6asily 811 out, the yield bf grain
L33XSDXN"SCoruerDnig Store. J *. with that well and favor- got threshdd
. . I . I day, 8th inst, it wa.'tbe most success- than 56 pounds, Robert Laidlaw.. Ton. als pre.§eiit
Towns ip. 1
HoRsni, HoRqo'. —Prepare Iforses for - I m a SPle
-0oderic bdid o e
; known; machine "The Howe." has, poll the whole. bee
10 as yet.been held-_poundaof cheese ol up-,vards, dairy, ist ably
tl z Fall mid W hiter Tempc=0 re by 1 isiM Lnbis-
fal -exhibit* u that tl th best liarvestfor,
The 'is the I
RrSE, F.&CTORY.—Are iioticed 1 -nder the auspices of 1 the Society. ing 0 )',any Years, both
d4 u7sI-uc.oi-til)uttbleCon,,Iitioi!Pov. (leii - Prepared CiT Gordon Young, 2d Thomas Anderson.'. The oilow as regards (.irtahty Alid. qu an tity
oi ily by It. Lt-msDF.-,-, Corner Dnig Store, Seaforth. some time ago tho t the f artne s of Goder- interest manifested pe!ople of
y -breac 'e6rgP PRIZE LIST: changes have bob -ii. ri
Home made 1, G McG owan lade, ill re4l: astat.e
h" their '1 rooc r v ,
n stablish;. Alorris andadjo town ips in — I mn e, ha ing suckled
icIII, t6w,, -sbip1ad eo e( up( inin' ;Baker's 'Bread, DavM Jenkins. Oraa- ORSES. lately. Jmoeph J-111flSoll sold hi: -)o aer,
-ave to claim 0.
-To ATivEwrisrpas.—We h, Ctol Y. . W now1barnthat loentshow, aad the succes which has d 2d. Tludall 2(1
DA ing a cheese fa mental cake, David Jenk ins I st a I a foal in 1,973, lst 11obt I f arl to 1), Glark fo ., 82,60(f, 1hidsoniii,
ance of a tabor o' 'Our ad.. 0 YO kinds, Job i Broa tL1111' b1lYi1lg the R.0y, F'arni of 125 acres,,
tie fo bear, I Society, tire re, foal, Ist J. J.
30 11. Goo. Anderson, of Aan' 6 an ex.- attended the efforts of the FRurr.—Variety of apples, four r (ifoot. Ma
vertilsiug p&tions this week- to - the oulls-
Jobligton. Horse
perleficed. and successful m1all-t1facturer, example of wliata township sliovV may fotir of dkcli, Ist John S'lierrit, 2d Ceorge Alcj,aacblan, 2d JaS. autl we b4ire just lea
oled that
s oa of ttleir favo rs. Tile vast anloitnt of Id in ar small vil- f o '44,200,
ade, even when' e
Stewart. Half dozen pears, ist Josept, co] Ip, R. Cole, 2d %VnL. McLauchlan.
e we a i has been 4clected to establini 1 and con- )c in. aer4a
Dbliged to.devoto to -reports t!, IL I,ovo, 81., 11'.18 1pu
s duct tI e factory. Several oi W mana. age, by properly dirocted efforts on the Cafter, 2(1- George Stewart. Dozen rear -old Fill',' 1st jOVe, i r., fthr 1 41,7050.
f Fairs and election news man-eigor ellt, and
co als these strong Two-) fram his c ixsili, H.
HIP 1 cturcrs were desirous of aqc6 ting the )art of it8 2)d James i aill"ston. Two-vear-old
plums. Ist- John Slierrit, lanj -)(I W. c". ofier.e'llatiges -are U- Iked of in!'
se who the way
o ffer made by the' farmers )f''Goderich irgunient in opposi iou to.,: tho ist Wm- Dale, irl Vnl". A I c
Logan. Three bunebes G,ape% 1st golckiu, of,fairms &311"Ill" bawls Tller - is noth.
p township,, but from their k io ledge of would eiitirely do am ay with local fairs. Henry Lun(ly, 2,1 Henry Lundy. Dozen r1ing, Ist 11obt. Brown, - r") n I
CO1,T SOLD.—Mr. "I'houlas Hills, of I Lalichlan. Yea illu like od crops Kild -90od Prices for
.1 have been about
e -ii --in or fl rho attendance ninA ii, 2d Henry g filly, Geo.
:, mnoiidville -has sold his veflr- Old bIr. Andersonas a manufacall alict tomatoes, Ist.Janies McC)'0wa` od I'Tas. Johnston. Y' -In k(;7L l in,(,, I iilleSS liokj
y oil- -vild th weathr b
-10,11 him, and 2,000,, eing , delightf al,
I' the decided a )o Wbitemaii. Dozen crab apples, I st Jas. Brewer. Pair. farm borsos, Ist Job are almo t devvL in this local -
tire colt which tool-, th e firsi prize at the )I'Fllllel'8.n I PoLl-ric
tf, , ade him the oker th6mse v , whicli, helarge cro,k ,d seei led Ito enjoy them- vBarr, 2d JoReph. Carter. D. Mcfaoclihan, 2d It. 1
r -hibitioi Alt. Alexall r m, Car I-Mings, -2d 1 ity,. : A sort of faiii runior haA ivached
ovincial Ex iy to; 2 cerbainly c% elves in a hearty an' d rational manuer. 1 8, Ist Jas.
complinicilb. W e feel OULTRY.— Pair of turkeys, 'jNfrs. -Jk T.,titin. Pair carriage bo rsc
was . f P the 'H ills Green 'colIll el,83 til at coilflict
i1ey, for,$ 150. * dious grounds
of St; .l very omrno
-id Nichol. P ie- of gee.se Richard. th, arriAge
c all b rlqv
onfident that the people I Goderich "he Society li" Da% 2d A Icx. i s about to take place bc.,tween; Mossrs.
iieh is said Ire
ve in tde a good c ioice, aild and. rai exhibition bu'Iding NO as. Keys.
LJ-D(.,F. o E o x. —,k Lodge of towiis ip ba Cole, Pair of ducks, Robert Medd. ho i",_n,,IlLst Ali's Danos 2t U BishopandUase. Wituo micappears to
Mr. L1 derson in tobethe ILLIgrest iu the, County. Tb i
they will Ud I I I - kill( U 3
mstructioxi,. under th( auspices 0 T th I Pair of fowls any 1, Joseph Fowl8. .,I C_TI-1ORor,(. , B#BT —CO V 1 nb interelitUd NN'I1Y (lon't the
at be -much
expec- showof horses was lespecia ly excellent.
il to tb eir I E St
resp(.Ct eq1l. vacron, Yearling Wfor, Jas. John-
Lodc-e Seafort' will 1, e hold in eyerY Lumber ertiBrown- Sal& gelittellien put ill all 'mpearalice in
t, I wagon John obt. Brown, 2d
tcations. Thefa(iorywill 1 ader tIj e the number of entrie b6ill argo and the Bull Cal
asonie 171all, eve Mon da y ev sto 1. f, Ist 1, x -eenTox1rn Hall (gooll acconi.
he 4, _T y ening f N Joba Brungdel!i. Market the 14ilPs (h
0 1 ani de'cide,, merit In cattle. 1 110 1 : i
A full- attelidance of. Brekhren is re- irnmediatc, mail ent of 61. .fr. , nial is o f Brunsden Ist I -and. 2d. Iron lill1w, G. t. Brown.
e 'as -al s 3 'Milch I -.a
Anderson's has fo J.. ieelne tim aliocp and. pigs then' w,_ 0 cr d; t- Williamson. Voo.d plow, Thontson & CITTLE. — L c6w, Ist Jas. adation and plenty J)f roo tl re), and
nes-ted. telli us what it is, all about tici who
tec ith -the t i ;a orth fRoa- able -display, wo-
b6eii co-lince the sto,k ot Messrs. Snell, Williams. Pair of it -on harrows Hugh jol A s Irong. T
inston. 2a Will. rill
er, .111do,thers, attracting shojild be elected ?
ings, Pott 0 i
Tni, reg w fac.Lory will L b sAuated Camfil' McQuarrie. - 'iiigle bnagy. John Bruns-' YeAr-old heifer, ist ;A. flislol), 2d A.
A HF'.kvy Loss.—We mile rret to tory. The no I . o i
Goil-6- ch town- lbeattention itaid el citing the favorable
:eamtliattliefl-iiel-teivy(h-aii tstallion. on thdthird colimssion-of d eil. CultivItor, .11. Al. no inson. FTillop, Pair two-year-oh 'steers, A.'
of visitor In i m plow ents, *as I Tuel.6rsmit h-
-or strea of wat6r. comments in-
ich, Mr. Charles _'Hason., of Tuck - allis on a newr 0, Oil RabinsOD. (Irain cradle .4t Win. Ar
Scuffter, R. M.1 Hi lop. Yearling beiferi, I 1"All-d 8OLD.—MV. John Keniiedy has
r&sed the it all the shows in t iis.district, Thomson
Smith) Imported from - Scoi laind this Mr. Anderson ba already pu X Thos. Nich Is 111 1, 2d :8. Walker. Pair veirling
st I r"
iams, of Mit 'liell were prominent 1 10 Fold his farm, Lot -No. 23, Con esbion 2
ng last and ,' and opem lons pre- Will I $ 'Ic I S- Walker, 2d J48. J Imston.
sea. on, died on 'file-- day .. , 1 DOWIEST ANUFACTU-.117N, rs-' st rs, Ist
oxbibitors. A se '( drill, * for broad-mt Tudkersmitb to hiineighbor _Nfr. . Wla.
f rom inflamma tion. to, buil(t n g.' WORK, &(.,.— en yards full clo or 'up- if ei. calf,: Ist JVM . IVTcT. eod, 2d Jas. 0
ITE ain
an implorn t which they bave G4% The-'farni 1cont i s fiiiy acres,
owing ward, Miss 0' tourkC-.. Ten ard. home- Johnston. Steer calf , i t Win. NIcLeod.
-we, who Hay. ntrodueed, lat I . . I I
lately i' I situated, witb fair buildin,
tracted considerable gs. It
1. - Johnston. wa i sold 'for 4$:43.200. Mr.
PERSONAL.—IVIr. NIT. H. lo s , ng, 2(1 2d Jas ci, I st we
made flannel I Ist, Jas. Arms Fat -ox r ste
lost bo %rins at Mir tcGva som time ago, s on by a(I- notice. Mr Gr -bsw William -son", of Pail home-ma(l blan - 2d J4s. Jo " stom Fat
SELLINci OUT. As will b Miss OR 01irk, Jak Johnston,
thi ikk o f trying b is 4 itoba,
tb, far-famed plows,
has, obtained a pair of artificial ones f ro, m- -vartiseineilt in o ler columu S, Mr .- Win. Seafoi Ilis ist Jans. JT -.oh- ,fortunes in Man,
ets, I st J110 . (tissm1an, 2d Miss JW .1 ourke. oh ston, 2d Jas.
co or heifer,
'Reeve of which have takelil prizes at the Provin-
New York, which will- in a measure, xe-, Carrick, D!_-put ay, offers, Patched c' lilt I st Will. Wilson, d Robt. Best herdaf-catitle. one male
I . Jo nston. _-M-r. J. AL L et, barrister', Win
01. Mr. Car- cial and Many otl V fairs this yea.r. Mr. 9-
1 place his. -loss. lVe u, nderstan (I tb.,Lt -he his etitire prop iY` for sal RichinonS111 L'I og cabin quilt, I 3t Geo, an five females, Robt. Brown.
msoo, of 101inton - had, on ex- ham, hws been ,,az6tted a Notary Public
where John Tho
soon leaves for British Cola ia, rick we believe, inten(Is ret Lir ling to the Snell,, 2d Jo4n 4ackson. T, 'an(y quilt, ITE EP. —Leicester raw, two, years ol'd
Lad, for file Provitnce of Ontario.
he holds a Government offi co. - -1V ezv.1,;?-a. iff where lie hibition his rotary 1jarrow, an. implement In.
Coulitry exrl nextspri John Denhaan. Coverlet, Ist 0ordoll ai4l. over, John Broadfo4,- Sh exiling
e a leadin C, which will doubttes ecome very popu- Arinstro, 2d J s Johnston
an -Molits to t 'V ilit, 2d Jas. w0o" rain, ist Jas. Si
has made,arr, 01 mpso
'k e 119- Pa K-NIC11 Mr, -TOLs in Blne; Violet,
lar with far ners when its m rits be- Rl
_M r. Jar st in a 1, t tring com- I 'ordon Young.. Ist Thos. Celdd r. 2
FoR iTopA. les Broad interc ii stockings, G Socks d John
ANI ar manufa -1, 114m lamb, i -, - 1. Slase, Drab, Light, Urediiini and. Da -k Browns,
foot, late of Morris, left with his f amily party. Whethel.,or not lie wil again be. come knou'll.1 R.1 1 ,I. Robinson, of the ('Teo. ' 444owail, tswold. ra l t- Jnruiq,.,;ons.
. C) i ist 01ordon Young, 2d B adfoot. Co 1 i tw') Years 1 13carlet., Black;, &c., at Logan t
as e , as in his glialil foqndr , also had a varietv of V-9 4
miitoba on Moilday- I -Dermane 14 resident native WinL Pair iiiittens, I st James Arnist rong, 2d ol(k or over Win. DAle. Shoarling ram, 'L%, an IL -is returned to- Iiir.v fron, the Rasd, where
for M, con e a,
Al I
aereN, Fmrwel
18"de' i
7xiver kunbing *,To!, -,_,b tilve iot- Fi,_ i
,gliaton, qnd tw-0 aull a iyalf fi-orn H;nl.
bsTgRiu to tiny pnrchri-t r,' wi 1Z will I I
low ftgnre,. Apply at tbf- f,ffieo tif j
UOUSE:& LOT" for SALE m EG51,
Sale theap, tL gool fl.-Ame D_Wl
FOB .11;*
gua li.-ilf itere of la -ail, beautifiil.
he Village
bousc is Ift"g"
the full si ,rf A the howie. Th,
-hol - Is nttachv
leg and other ont nu
_,ciste . There It. un orchard e. b
sira1le:wel plvasabt res :
yeti -r -ed bm;ine ;F Tinail, widuffil bf- suM
rp eulars apply it) the propri
F011010- aeleric'sr, of M,,o,
In. erectea thervon. Weil timbt-r4.
it-, of piiie. BeaixtififlLy Atui
L. ake, muskoka, inflill vi _w of Adilvk
avd Iro, and ton"iiftut- 'to schook;,
atapbur,CheS. RVI-dly U AILAXAble l0t
will'i3ell rear'onabl ! or tnwhange for ,
n r large villsgc- in Huron *I-
nesi tow k,
p-erfeet. Full MfOl-Inali'011"On 11111)11V 1'
806-2111 CILAIS. T. DOYLI.,% B' ,
L _,OT18 C011- 1111110t; 100 Acre
and -in good cultivation; wi-hii
i& -w xim alla grist mill; one mile
0, and school house -, nf.,xv barn V
e, 16
mer, 86-661 fralile hou., -
Z rounct, ana TWO Plo t 11
fiill Aii5Ap ts On t116 j 0 Nx fi I -e S4 p,,;rnmi nri) let ll oynl.% -T,-,hil he has bmi making ex isiiye ia all orchard; good wellh
+vI ,,+ rif In-nel hllarrp- ld : I j 1, 1, 4 r,+, u his imDlemen 8 1 Cn further P1
y I all ma 1V -.Y Uorge Q vv
6 win Citnim n -(Ys -
intends going into farillincf prEty' exten- but we. mai-et that h, pi f rom the Lil tz fouili ryi GxIt, were shown. I ()rk, I st J es H. Young, 2 1 iss Tohn Idn ds of Dry Goo,ls. A-obably w Ralin Ist
i innuxigs.
s of "the right W-11. -SI (le- A N uod sawing a,- chine, manufactured - -il tt W(A . 11 is at pre t stop-
svely. . Mr. Broadfoot 1 1 loidd *r- Carrick i Llt im. Corson. Fall y ing, Ist 1101 t. ilich- 13 oadfoot, 2d John Brp loot. v e, h4l I & Harriton, which, Ei. Suy 'B. -lite staimp to assist in Making Manitoba -Nvhat 1 term' lovincr tothe old coual mond, 2(1 Jol ii Jckson. lis ving raised I ambs in 1$71 3 Ist Thos. - -
vie Upon T I avrci4l Hotel, 111114 at the Comii
it should be,—oiie of the flute'sl alld* Most try for good, Ili . loss will 1, ie much felt is claimed. will, dut- about 20 cords ot, shirt, 'Kiss arr. Hall" flowe's3 -Nliss (ler, 2d :,Tas. Johnstm, W Thos. Cal- co, )q(l Vbo ra sufterh* from any
Rtiltedby th(
bject of con er, chionic or liugeriDg diseases. The Doctor has
w0o'd an hour, was the o
erous, Province ftr 'the Dominion. iii the town'ship where lie has for severial. wool work raised, 1 st; 11 Tl os. Cal
Mcavish. erlin dqr. Sheauling ewe
as also ancl wt- is a
able notice and. criticism, as AV, the very bi
e fthe' most enterprising sider. wp(l work s 0211der.
years been oil James Berlili 2& John Cummings: _3(11' bo since his sta in tra-
ini -se Tvry g hot -powers
ace in Hy an arranbelient foi flat, Will. Wtson. Feather flowers,
we ist Jas. Jolip8toh, 2d mts, and it is gra ifying
E for 1, he has hatl many patit t
ANxivERSARY S RVICFS AND SOIREE. and useful re'sidents. His Tbos.
on wagons,. shown by John I
ervices in., 0onnec- filled: Thos. it sheV, Ist to:cuow that mauy,-who coii,,ii1ted him ona former
—The Anniversary wi-H not be e, Mrs.. DrunX1119iid. Braiding, sill., Rdnry G Ider, 3d
visit,liaye receiyed great benefit froni his txeat-
tion, with the Seafo Canada Presby-' of Morris. . Mr. Brunsdoij, of the LODde8- Lnndy. Braiding, cotton, J. H. Young. T Simp on, 2d Robt. artin. Two
borough carr, ge factory, showed a num- melat of their diseases.—Stratforjl 11erald.
held oi Sabbath Bluevale. wwrence. CoU,-ction of
Rag mat, Mrs. L, e
teriau Chumh will b %vy wagon, cs, Thos.' Calder. Two sherti-ling ewes,
next. Rev. Mr. Iilr .is, of Toronto., will I her of li t , hi es anda be, ot
0, rden flowers, Henry 1.1 Tlos. Cader. Two Nv,e 11nibs, n,
N ..,tND: SOM —The an - I
preA -n the monill-, and evi incr. On E119TING I y autial nni e sary Services.,
eh i M which in st: le, 1iniF;h and subst, RECOA fAlFNIDFi).—Brti(Iiii(r Miss Cor- -C, 4ohn Cur
mith the W. Ram of any g
-&I in co'llnection k own.
nual festiA e were ll that could be do-
appearne son. Peninaw9hip, St, nley Ifivs. in
the _Moaday evoiling following. a L , 0
of thi 3 fflIa(,e was as very flile, gs.
v Air. M. Sabbath
will, be held in the Ghurch. . Re sired. The show cf grain w dish. Striley:Ha-ys. Peaches, ts. Barr. PiGs. Boar. one year ob.1 ;ini 8 eH inconiieet on with the
hurad vening, Oet. 2. Tea all shows this y". r, TICanada Clintch, hi th,6 VILLA -0E-,
held on rr fall wheat as ht -wing Machin horp, 2d, 1 .,Ure', of-God rich, 4il. del ivef; ta address, Hal between So e, Stitt. Nett,d -work, Ist Thom" T Jaillies Gibson. -ill be hel
was served in Oratia being of r' mrkably fine quality. Roots. of pEAFO=H,1N_%
descriptive of his 'travels iti Manitoba, s, _NArs. `71icl'01- Boar under one year 01 AP
5 and 7 P. M., during which ve ry produce were lscl Mrs. Drumm6ld.. Glove I 1!st William H, 0
will doubtle s' be of Muell intere3t. ple sugaij H. TV'hiteman. Maple 2d William le . avi
whicb- I aetables and dlai M Gov` r1I ow h n SABB CTOBER 12t.h, 1873,
large Maribor of ,persons artook of Iie u and in large quan-
Sp er. l other alerdynien are e pected to I of `excelieut q molasses, John Jackson. Pigeohs, Thos. REV.` W I
v excellent repaab'j provi(led y) t4le good ali" littered in .1876, Cnrad Berdath. P. r L LIAM INGLI'S,
'be present nd delivt r addres , es. tity, for townsl i ) show. TIle- ladiest alArilig the fo ; oox xt 11
ople of Bluev&. After beth' peoplb Anderson alla E. NLIcTaNrish. S Pi , Ist WMi i tGovier, Of: Toronto -will preitch in roll
pe department 'resented the mbs meagrc, spring I I
p 0 elock, and iul the eyouing at hulf-pasi fi.'
rDed to* tlil q, W. M. church, where Machine, Joh i Martin. tove %nd fur- am Alills,
Wdjou y 0 't ILEW THO IAS GOLDS111TH will preach at
IZE A E- Ri. —We are ilested fan.y of ta.e various 6 asses of 4-1- - th y e i itertained by tho afternoon.
t To Pn T req i tell niture, earle'& Davis. Purrip, D. wbea*t*
e ' wer I ectually ei Two buhlo.
by Mr. Cresq"Nv . Ti easurer o. the South the fair, buther were several, rtiolez, as. W. Auld. Work T readwell, I lst John- Bro h0f-past 2 o'Clock in
exceltnt addresses, from. Rev. Mr. Kel- loy. Pin -cushion, , adfoot, 2d John -of estli
able r
ultural 3ociety, io say that noltice, fo thembeauty -and the tast( Parsnip , Heinry. 8 A Collection will be taken at the close'
Huron Agg'ric oGket, John Hoff - I Service in aid of the Church funds.
lam and Eev. "AIr. Sillety. scholars and skill devoted to their production, P ek. T'Wo bushels fall IvIleat, any
he will not be in a p asition to commence in d I Lundy. critter, Tholusol & Wil- 2d
of ihe Sab'.bath ' khool -,,v ore all among which -weire cases -of fcathei othu variety, 1st Robert lartin,
of the
zes, till. * tie liams. Broa,(! cast sower, Tl =son & A lexander 18te wart. Tw4u4lie1s9pring
paying pri by their- suerinten4ent, A r. Thomas "r work. Havinc
Agricultilral Sociatis of Sou-th Hur6n. flow'ers.and.% Case Of hal lvheat, Is eeuin
Farrow, M. P, on the b% ona -of the Williams. Mower, 'Thomson & Williams. t Alexander StewArt, 2d C. on-,&ondal -,,the ISth of Oetober.a S o im.
I a ti e sub. x I
-ackersinith hw had a i neing'for XIN" G. Williamson; ru th "T 'ge (_1 J when Addr ssea will be
aad T I I no. space to p' rticularize fur ier, w ; WO P' ks) -
quarter, their answers' b ighl, Iron beam. Wool Be J will be held in the church
i yj join % p6aS deli-yeredbylleN. Robert Ure, of -Goilerih, and
the purp-,ose of revii4g and correcting work Miss Lundy.
creditable to tb4.wselves and heir teacli- McLachlan, Two bushe
ther prize list- He ta es thi's C ppCirtainity
Ws: blZk oats" On Friday evening social'was Bernath. Two, bus !lev_ Mr. Ure will deliN er au AddTeisq on his trip'
HORSHS.--- Spll of frm horses, Isl
'of inforrding partie who Rave taken to. Mauitob&. The proceedings -,,rill o enlivened
-lield to couf r er o .. ie
the remil ND Vatt) 0 n :Shiek-, 2d NVilli- m Elliott. Is by uitable prizes at the last fair at Sec at he, John Wahigton, 2d Johrr Cummings HORSE., AN CATTLE at interva
good things*.' The procee Is. of the tea alf bush6l timotbyseed. John Siek.
ordon Young, John W.ebb. TejL will be served iii thi
I give duo Ttotice i a the Se Ex -
Span of carrittge h,)rses in h-arness, ame G
ald soci&l, wh ver $70 -1 Twitchell. Brood mare,'having raised SHEEP A D ' PIGS.—WIn. (lerson, DAIRY 1,.ROJ)U0Z_Twelrty7five pounds
onimence 25 cents.
:FosiTop. when he is pi epaed tc e 9 t e, i- tec6,- 2d D. 1 1). D,. WILSON,
payin -in re 'foal in J.87.3. Ist James McCallum 2 arles Proctor.
will be em t butter list Robei
ploy pd [Lill
P.. Mart 1 Plor is Ch,
izm 9
g the pr 'elding colt, salt 8 ecretary of -Committee.
brary of the SCIL001. GRiLIN Fra -TT, As -D DATRY PR DD-ff S - ott, 3d.
?ive pounds
John Richmond two -ye
btter for table use, Ist ;,q-. Mralker, !Zd
POLTICAL NEE NG.—A meeting as old, Ist James nder on,' 9-d Samu I John Hoffnimi, Peter Rob,ertsoii, John
un( Neelands. 11,DO3AL NOTICE.
Wingh Martiu-, 3d D. Scott.,;'Pive pdurld-s
held in Seaforth. by ), fr. B s4cp on Wed- I ELEC
I LoVe. T year-old filly, lat Edm
u al 2d 11. 1
Tha people of Seaforth, y ling, Ellis. One-year-ol u nesda evening. 2 11 D. Me ted butter. Ist J.
FALLe SHoN .The Tt rlll)8rr Fall Aliam J. ason witli theSeventh andEighth See -
3d J. Br6a;dfoot. on pounds i _N secoramice
as a class do not t.tke much -stool-, i
-L' tions of the Illuth Victori, Chapter %. 1: hereby
Show was held itin Wingbam on Friday, gelclini, Gregor cGowan. One-year Tavish.
a meetinds &,rp _ge and there old filIv Thos.NpM11. Foal,jatltichar PouLTP,.),. AV. R. NVilsonand D. Mc c iees e, Ist John Leckde, d . Leckie.
politics, and politic Oct. 3. The:% 6affier was oaf ho gWe uotitb, that AltCHIBALD BISHOP, one of
me made breat Iso J. N. Kn:ich -
eray thiny attend 1, &tl th'at of- Wed, Was 'I very gre, atowd of pek ple in the Cole, 2d Tll os. Sl lan. Hack horse, ii T, tiie 0andidat" for '61141 Legi-lative issembly. in
d W. R. Wi!son. 11rou, has appoill-ted W. R'-. SQUIER,
t 1, 2 nesdaylli,01A was e.Keeptlon to 'the s
village.. The 49w was poc I in every saddle or hate s, i1st Win. Morrison, 2d L A 1) 1 ES,
0 " abysaid
-D VEGETBLESL—Winter ap- _Bsq., of Groderich, hi -.4 Ogent, as T
-rule. Th lown -Hall war, filled yii he display Dr. HlAtchinson. 1 Foal,. sirec! by Dick Win- 151oullgi Mrs. 1). McTavish. F11UIT AN
particular, but speciaffi i t
own. e Turpin, Ist Richard 40-- . n five, Is b'W,. G. lings.
and consder'abe which iva dtogetheT Cole, 2d. Fimicis ples, not less th. ol feffiale beau t ton. 2d R. Brown. Fall, app es Y" nless
ineeting was addressed by A r. Bishop, unprebedent d, 0ithin the reiollection of itiver, 3d Wili. Hiles. IR. t than five,, Ist R. Browni William
Hon. -Mr. McKelav and M . Sinclair- the odest inli'jititant. Them mu THoa.oum E.—Milch cow
the Gre3 Alrtin. Two dozen iberjak! crabs,
ic. t t Willglia, aised, a fo in 1873, 1 Johi The annual. show of _0RAL NOTICE,.
Mr. D. D. W- ilson acted 'as Chirman.. - having r a fo Bratirh.
ome maguet fluence a on L E n Society was held at 13rus- Hingston. Collection o'l Alex -
Mr.. Mal,,-,ellar spok-6 for. more tb or it's resident to ttract o amny of th Cumming, 2d Tl]( was -Ross., Two ye-ar' (Ag
I ey Snell, 2( der Stewart. Bushel E r y Rose po-
hour,. and by his volubility, his close ar- fair sex as werf assembled tl are oil tha -old heifer, -1st.1 4uwaphi sels yesterday, (Thursday.) I lie hhoN ith tbeSc cnth auklEighthSec-
(re a t oes, Ist Alexander ;.irt, 2d AV. tions of the 8601 Victoria, Chapter'23, 1 hereby
gtiment and quick repartee m ell sustain- aay, but perhaps 'there is iiotbin Thomas Ross. heifer, ist HI was held oil Market Square, wh, ASE, one of the Can -
that GEORGE C_
itt Wilson. Bushel Chili pota- not!
e(I big repiltati stum-D speker. very mysteriour it aft r seein Snell, 2d John 111.'asl iington. lleife 1* temporary hill had been erected in which b
on s I a I s. ist W. R.. Wilsoll, Villiam lle- ilidates for the Assembly in. South
calf, ilst H. to display tille gr, roots, dairy pro- t0o
it was the (toy t.f the rf nell, 12d
H Snell. %in has appointed 33. T. B LLI&k'E Esq., of
d eod. toes, w4y variety, It J xeter, his agent, as requireLl by sitiAl St; tate.
Bushel pot,
Ac' -.17oke of -%v his is a great impo-vemen
CIDENT 04N THE SHO"N! A .—On GRA -DE IQ, A,,.rr lorking cts, &c.
t. wbil.e t Seforth roxeter, oxen, ist&Arch b Id Scott, 2d Robarl of lie 'shc%v Retnxiiiii- 0.111cer
Fridav af ternoon las The hall in wliich this part If. Ferguson, '2d -J. N; Knechtel.
IE dozeh 8 turnips, Alexander
Show was being held, and when the' Laidlaw. )Lileh ow,, having' had a cl f used to be held was too small the Ar- 4
Rtewart. Half dozen - vhiife tar -nips, I
cattle f, ir -was held . ,
crowd on th-6 grotvids was' bou.t the 187.3, Ist Thoi. Ady, 2d Robt. Medd, ticles could displayed o such
at Wroxet i ie 4th inst. C SALE.
er, 0 3. Saturday yNrilliam Ellitt oken B ian
greatest, ahOTSC. which hdbeen tal Twn-year-old beif , Ist Robt. Afedd, 2d good dvntage, and the crowd was l el
en The s'ale. w I a ttend6d. by Messrs. ts, W. H. _ TcCracken - !Half dozen
d: tied to, a wa& Robt. Medd.. Ye rli7g..beifer, isf Tho. ways so great tha it. -was almost inipos- c4rro
G6verdock-, W hters and o bars. Nit- Altringham car -rots W.. 1 . McCn
'broke loose -arld ran amack tb, rough th6 d all n the present of a Decree, dittatl the lat
Ady, 2 4ohn 11rihington. Heifer calf, sible to see ie ything. 0
merou sales rere, ;effectE but'prices lialf dozen blood beets, W. INIcGrack-
day of Octobor, 1873, made by the Court;of
crowd. Before the nima was captafed list Duncaii McK611ar, 2d Duncan VicAoccsion, -however, ll this w s - reme hii Broadfoot. Chancery in the. iatte e Lj'state'of loxander
were, low, ranging from S12 r Ize
'bundance. of room for ep.
Half do n onion '0
01 to $30 fo 8 r of th
-number of persons were -old steers, Ist s a
a red. f Kellar. Yoke tv o-jear died, There wa
-en. ron, late of the Township of 31.-cMop, &-a.,
steers, and ron 1,$25 to $30 f' fat cows. galf dozexil parsuips, W. JR. McCrack
Christina Young. aged. 12 y'ea s. dualiter 1, n, 2cl Tho.g. Ross. 'Beevd, the proper display of the articles, nd _1q,111111meor, and Donald Cameron -against
Jas. McGow,
of Mr. Thomas Yo Accal)ENT. Tr. Thomas acdonald, Gors coutd'see all that was t be seen Half doze ears of corn, I obert Martin.
ung, near Kippen, had Ist John Cummings, 2d John Cummings. visl Christian Caluerlffli, antl vith the approbation of
tbi place,. met COT vni Toll..t, 1, with c omfort. -In. some respects
her thighbone broken. NTr's. Andrew saddier, of F Ith a bad' WOLD ged r,, the Half dozen mangold. wurt4els, W. H. the undersigned, Alaster of the Said Court at God-
ou edoesday, McCracken. Four head ' bf cabbage, erich, Lot, o. 3-1, in the ifit Concession of the
-ace,661d. bad. the
Ross., Mill Road, nearBi outhcombe. ram. Johit Township of in the Conuty.Qf Huron,
accident a' Teiswtp Elbow was entirely successf 1, but in
oet-'. 1. NT Ile 1kobert Martin. Two, hea ls bf cauliflow- eontain!).g 100 acres of more or will
wagon. others it was bones of one of her hands b roken and hile[ alighting'frc Cummings. Ram lamb, J as. Potter Ist partially a failure. T R. III Ferguson. Puinpkin, R. H. be Wered for gale bv Public -Auction kv T. P.
he fell breakind, his leg. nd 2d. P 'r of a 6d ew.es, having 1-1 out -door department was excell nt. The e '
her shoulder injurrd, and sustained some 1%1 raise
Bribe, Ati ctionw, at Davidson Calupbeirs cow -
internal injuries. Geore H lmbs in 1873. Ist H. Snell, 2d as ferguson. Sq asb, Co'pr4cl Bernath.
-ses of all kinds wis I
show of hoi lage
yslop. (I], ial Hotel, in. the. '%tlage of Scafortbo on Sat-
nd the ninial aalf dozen
shearli g ewes, Ist n . , large toM -ad ias ru i LI -vi 'Od knockedf s exhibited weie of the atoe.0, rpe, Cowt
uTd y, the 25th day of October, 1873, at cle'ven
Iffowick, w I inst I P ter. Pair 1$ernat. Ha sin I aes, es-
ontat es, o'elck in the f oreiloob.-
into the sheep pens, r ceiving a slight in- Poteer. 'air ewe lambs, A best character., In young hors If doz6n! al t: 0
_AATr. W- .11., in Bull&r
e 1 t
ans, The Properky is well situated on f4c Hurm
re was spl-114 sh
ber 2d H.18nell. pecilly,. the Ow. ijipe, Conrad Bernath, nart be
iy in the Ghest. All. the above, we 1"has sold his farm, Con. 11, McKillop, as. 'Pot, )ad, alltut two miles west of Seaforth.
dozein Vullis, Win, It
Kays, Two
understand, as rapr( -in4p.--Aged ran Cattle wete good. There were a few lbout Eight y acres are cleared, and the remill-
could be oz cted. 500, T%if r. Blilla'd intend moving to 'Sberbrook. She ing ram, lst Job
"lly as- to a Mr.. -Morr so'n, from Zi Y ra, for LEiCTSTEn T NY
n very handsome thoroughbreds, and the Martin. Four clusters pes, JGsep der.is covered principally with beech nd inaple.
hoMa5 Brad- There is it good bani, 40x60, a small log house
Washingtoii, 2d Robt. Laidlaw. Rwa grades were -generally superior -ani- ulger. Two CitroDs.
to livet. ell. Ginger wine, -Joseph !Bulger. A other build4ugp; on the place, also, a good Gr-
—The 7 Ontlrio Dairy- -%-iE:,,T1C MANUFACTURES.1— dCIIENsF, 8 aow. I t a, -sn ll 2d H. Snell. Pir of nials. T e display of shellp and
men's Associati Do., Is
Ten yarc The property mity be viewed by intending. pur-
on held their choose sho,%v havi pigs was the best wC- have seen
I itiullett. aged ewes iigraised lambsin 1U
-Lild Friday
at Ingersol oil Thursday ist H. Sn'ell, 2d Tas Pi lich. show this season, [ii both lionle made flaniiel,,W. A14rt1n. Tell YdS. chasers at any thne before the sale.
r of a bra
drugget flannel la
Ist nd 2d of October. There 'Y as a PROPERTY C w. e e in any real- Ist JVi IN-lartin, !Thepuxmh scr at the tinic berequirea
large is farm, L61 Is 1-1. Snell, 2d Richard thes departnielits there wer it to tile Vendor, or his Solicitor,of
shearling e es, Is
-is rlispos'd of de blanket
turn -out. About 84 entries were R.-Beacona b, superior aillm In implements the 9d Robt. 1 lartin. Home m,
ambs, Richard Coli . 1Y 1;erlclo it of the ptirchase, momky and to pay the
made, nd, over $706 paid in prizes. '"re. 20. 'Con. 2, F Court, withoiit interest, within one
ullett, 'to Fat sheep Ist Ja es Potter' 2d t display was lrge!L. aild good. Messrs. ndressed, 1.. Leckie. 11oule Made
f Thorah, 0
-give below anaccotu ofthe-prizeswhichl hier,.from the fownsliip Graham Williamido li, Monroe & blauketdressed, 1stThop. i-ifeLachlan, dIn'Lth thorLfter, and. to sign a ce)ntract for. the
eo nple tio of the purchase.
0. The farm con- th
W. Martin. Couuter pafie list Mrs.
came tothe 001111tiesof Huron;and Perth.:,* tario Coonty, Q 1.3,40 nd ale wAl
IG e breed, ov r
0 ca g
In class A, f r the best six 60 GlcarE 0, and very and Thomsoj.:i 11itcliel n Ten yards fb condition%' t Of
of Seaforth, William Wilson. -of Brussels,
P -,.—B e e 4 of' 1;
1, Io ition'
qhoeses, one sists of 70 acr0 the of the Cour
hos. Me ichlan. BI -00-1 sov , & Williams, of re
Mri . Bec%dom c- es 'rort;
made from e tch week in All t and one good land. to _N h year, T ot
Danes 2d Thos. NtIcLachl' befnthL.' There
Ilaving littered N 1873. 1st Jas. PottO*2
incipal exhibitor fulled'elotli, John Sheik. "ein Of yarn' Clor_"flurther pi'trticulars and conditions. of lisle
from each of the first two weeks inSep- Caxolina. was avery lie
-were the p
api)13, to S. G.
display of carri es and home spu Robt. Martin'. Fine shirt
M H6ry Web t r. Boar, littered in _MuViighey, Seaforth 33. It-
temiber, Ist rize, 8100, A. alcohn, of
18-13, lat bu
Sli. English, ot Brussels, ha(I Alex. Stewrt. - opecimen bead
ggies. T of tho Auctioucer'or the
-John Cum 2d He
ItheRo(kervIle fctory; 4th Prizo at Sea Cc rth-S ow' nechtel., Speciin n rochdt
Cal- Sl ecial eatly finished double car-ia,(,res, a c
Webster. pring'sow, list Tohn Cuni- two 11
. I (_=et'-Goderipli, this 6th da of Octobers
ilander & Scott, Clinton, of the Londes- rp the Editor 0 Ithe Hit? 'Pr min s-, 2d. John 'J11MMl'ng§,. Atzedboa le top buggy and all open sii igle bug- Work, NV. H. 110cGracken., Ladies'. bon- )at a
0 -ou g
gy, airof which were ore N. M; 'Livingstone..: ,ancy kmt-
bore Factor3 9th, 3310, Will. Francis, of
D -EAR SIR avill b e; tri I 'that sm e smallbreed, h9t ohn Climming ,2d,,Tobn' ditab o to his Fullrtan Factory-, 13th, $5, E. esthblishment. Mr. Brunaden, fitig irL wobl, -Mrs. Dr. Holine§. FancyO
Loudes- ilaster at Godorich.
the liber, ly - "a Brood 187-1. Ist
I of those -Who so, n. 0
iribrlt. d tol Majo o v, I ittered knitting iri cotton, W. -T.1 Hingston. HOLMI"STED, Hickson & 'o., Scaforth, of! the Bruce- litial lun
A -rici tural John Cummings, 24 Wm. Govier. Boat,, borough, had substa; her wg-
list 0 the swell the prize rtige ild. t yo si gle opell $pecimen of netting, Hingston-
fichl Fcto I Tit class F, for the four ociety's show, cld last weel , aire under littered in 1873, Rst Win. Govier. ld oil, a double cai 80515
ch displa'ed goo
best two Made ny date in Autc, -ectors n cl 8traw hat, Thos. Alcll,4clilan. Fancy
Govier. Sl ring sow, ist job buggies, all of whi
the impression _Iiat the.Dif have ailt, Ist Robt. Martin, *1 V. G.'Hing-
1 ust and two in .1 t prize, 15, (1,11mming 2d Vrni. (4ovier. workmiisbip and taste, Mr. N Tilliais, ej
tv fu kept back -the sub- H. ROCKWELL
ocie , Log cabin I
iac- 3 t quilt, Ist AV. McLeod,
W. Scott R c bertson, of the 8ef0rth r -dorth, showed two or th ee very
'RAI at, y of Se,
al prizes en by —Two bushels f, who, all d Mary Vanstope. P
tory. for tbe fmir best cheeses , I
stituted the spe,,J good am Ori-inator Of EL,.t %vonderful system of
kind, let Thps. M(Laucliln, 02d Jas. Lo- p ps, and Mr. Watson, lof Brus atch quilt, Ist
vate individual j tereby a con- . i
which had Iteeii, colored -with Mitchell's I sels, all iron harrow. I-Zobt. Broadfoot, 2d Mary Vanstone.
at, Treadw 1,
g au. Two bushels fall whe,
orroct the Educating thellorse,
anntto, 24 jirize, two. %ilver cups, sillerable surn" e o C,
It John McRae, 2fl Patrick O'Rourlic: The indoor department was, a regards 8pecimen of tatting; - Alex. Stewart. ri
nMlilleag, JAT r error into whic they li e e
Valued t 5 ncis "Piil- i quntity & -it, Specimen braiding, Mrs. 1-Jolines.- Vir And Patentee of the
F Two bushels 8 rlig wheat, Fife, Ist efibi i )ut in point of qual
inforn 'vou,. r Aitor, that I, Ber- Collipm6lion Bit)
larton. Tk( follnwiiis gentlemen cted .1 need not ly ip to the Mark. r
Robert, atch, 2(1 Fr ncis tiver. Two itY was ful grain woollen socks, home made yarn,
is Misund ovvrdrawn attach -
ii t woollen mits, home niade
6.rst Aling oi. their part, Fall w 6'at I
as eA(lm, Rome, N, Y.; and roots we're good. nath. Pal
of tlu3T)irecton (f the oliu, busbels barley, Ge)rr, 'McGowan. Two and improve -
for, as one :1
MF. Fearnin, Ram- llips, carr6ts, :aald potatoes were 'e'special- 1 yarn Thos. McLachlan. Floor mat, in 13ridles.
ih,,It the bushels oats, white, I t John Robertsot
Ridiifg-societv, on are
I i1ton. Oats, blck, I t ly good. The disply of butter and ,Uiss Stewart. Feather 'flawers. Will. :3 Patents, bearing
Tuckersirlith B ty date Dec.,
give t.ik-Directors 'd Dun, all it, ThO 151) ioll, Holmes. Ith 18W
I I Aiiiiett. ofa crish awl oy. 12th, 189 -
with the -egor M`cG d Robt. cheese was lso cred able.
of the Riding Stociety $35) ow1u, V,
The Canvass. v Berlin wool mat, rs. Holino.
11011. Pea: Rockwell
s, of6fruit, although not ery la-tr(A s
orstallding that the i, Society Peas, small, I
und __ par a le wagon, Ifunurtwill give
the vast -week meetiiig li,%ve 9 lums bein
-v u pay all th G4 irizes on a 1i t votc(I at ames Potter. Q e bushel timothy seeql, vc y good, apples and p' been hold, in 'Mr.. Bishop's. interest, at ticularly In bome-made quilts 1 John Brndsdeli. ition art
Democrat :'Waon, Ist
ppen Rod, joint inioetilig- if the Dir(ctor,
chool House, Ki 8,
ist John Robertdon, 2d Jas. Barr. i
Ithe 'Red Row, ft,—F eA variety of potatoel, cloths, flainiels, and other articles of this ohn Brlinsden 2d Thmllt s English. sv;,
t Rodcre ille at Mee 8ingle buggy, Ist oN
ting being eld before ny extra
Tuckerinith thborne at prizes were solieited or given, the list one peck bf ea cl, not -less than fo,Lr kind, and in fancy ladies' wo rk thei: ohn Brunsden, 2d
School House, were several handsome specimbns, but I Thomas English. L=d !roller, W. R. FRIDAY $AT -
varieties, 1 st Thomas 'N icholson, 2d Jot n
published- cont, s the rliole amount ITIMAY,
-T okersmith. ;
Broad -foot s $Ghool House) 'T 1.11 th es e depar tm ents g c, ne ral ly w erelbu t thi n - ! Wilson. Iron harrows, Thoulas Watson.
bertson. Nifie field carrots, Jo
voted at that eeting with the extra
at Lang's at Varila, e 1, lyrqpresented. Theladies of Brupsels and 1 roil plow, It G, Willi t(,I,er 17 and 18,
AR these pr on choo.1 Hou,4e Tuckers Wooden ploiv,,1st NV. R.
niith. izes added, s, ,not - e ent has been Cnmmings . i INTifie g 'rden Carrots, T am*ii 2d Monroe
Sweje turnip vicinity are iisually, oil opeasiorts of this hogn.
e South Riding ociety Henry N* 'by orderly and saved either to h, 1his year Vilson, 2d Thomson mtineetinas weto ttended kind, in the front rank,'J but & Williams. set lying the
al 'of or the' Brancl Gearge, Snell. ine. beets, Dr. Sloan., 1) 1
t 1);1 i 8 ing and
intelligent 41idiences, and, t sever ine inan$old- urtz,1s, James Logah. they seem tol have fallen: behirld. This bor-, e shoes, Thomas Wat.son'4' Ir"on beam
of the Diractors we b
ely room in eg wonderful
them there wets seare, won 2' Mon re, and
ea- J
the. In the name ,is -Anderson. Squash 't do ; i `ey must continue go sustain j)'low" Ist G. williams n i (I roe
the leave to thank. the busines 3 men of Pumpkin,! Tbo over the ho
icy i+er Iogan libmas English. enter,
ere tl e held for the good rep ijation which, in Ithe past, Top buggy, T'
buildin Edward Lundy iT ree water melons, an
d was most forth for the fiberal maiumr in which tainnIent 11ove and
f Colin Cy Man su'ldeservedly ellititle to. In 8eeder and cultivator,
ife aap er i, and which George Hood. Peck onions, Solomon they were Th6lpson & Wit -
or success of they backed p e Mai Mae 'nes and musica I instru.- liams. Pumps, J. 11. V
0 the triumphant r 0 sewing vililtia .S. pecillialy instructive. Pwfe ,s
auspicio t John Cummings. T.
ie best ever M61101). Citron
do the late i ow one of tl publiely t1riy6 ih the, treets hi f11ln0uf'
eturn by a lay. A-Tessrs. Ma -PRIz'Es- Besb do'llection of
Mr. Bishop, and augured his: good disp
heads of cabb o, hoises, oingle, (louble, anti thi*o
hold. 11'aron. I We woum pso wish to i homas Anders .. ments there
meetings 11
d in'thd Two cauliflowers, St nley Hays. Ha: f Greehrian Scott were hpaid. with 40rucstic maufactures, large majoriiy , Thefollowing Vin. Martin
ect a mList e which pp
AtIlolinesville, God. corr
are. yet to
_ply to thc proprietor, per ouii)l , . fr
City of Nvinnipeg, containing 116 ilv
. r.ontage -on -the most beautiful five,
West, 5 acres has been r.01tivated, 47,
,I -with Poplar. the bdftri
s timbered
This lot is very ary, being thm 11if
xiver, has a beautiful tippearriace,,,
Cannot ot, surpassed. Frcln jtscic. j(
,the City this f armis ad-wi-r-bly well 4
denibg, at which busine s a iortlihe 7
by anyone who understands it. F,
f.U?rt1,= aiticulars apply AIL -this otffi
_V. U:cu
BOB Win -m -P
100 ACRES, being Lot 47,1
,sbip of Hay; 60aieres cle
hurdweea; well fenced)';
fenceiu jlrout; good hou
;outbuihh-ags and nuver-ladling
,, tibin 21lues of r, -meter, and 14
Uo&dand H -ay p, o school house;
ch,4rch tinve q i rtg s z0fl'a -mile 1r,
'M r
_O DS, *)a,
Inqui& k
SAM- ,. on reasonable fermV.,
,Concession 4,StanleY. z0utWhillg
of -which are clvarea,,%wll feuceA R13-11
good cultivation; the bal:111-ce is W,
=a on a po rtion Of it thCrO Is ft;
quUntity suitable for building and I
as Roe], 1 ;lm ana ceatir; tht-re is TJ
yaste iand. oi the rieurka portion; I
frame honse wita -C d1ar 'size Of bl
kit cbeu attaclie&; --L.;o, a log bam,
thig orcharA
_tbere is Rlso u gobd bew
'Well WUUTea, 11-6 1 theM Is A UeV'er4
au excell,
througli It, urid
venieni to the house' , this farm 16 fa;
2n.Wesof a goo(I gravel "011a, an'I I"
of the vilkgeof Brucefieldlwheirki
gtat ,<)-n of the London, Ht"n And 3-3.
and is wt -11 ad-apted. eit'her for gr
puiftrage._ For furtber particulax6l
p 0 VteniiseS3 Or to )3rucv
rictor on till
composed 4'. Lot 1. -Cou- 1 ,
MyNip" 'Of Tutkerismit.h., -Oontftiuli
e,xcelltnt land"apou V1461 there i,
barn,,88\160 fcet, and also R "-00a
-telms, Nvhicil gTp easy., and uther W
ply to A;ir. JQd ES Ji1A'By, on Lul
said TownsYipi 01to the VC'UdOrt V"
'r-e0XV 11. 0., Brauv
-L-OR S &LE, Lot 1I,,Cou.'7, Tov,,W
X count-,- -of HUT -oil, -c-litAining I
whi,eh ur cloays,(i and free ftom 41
inaInd ij,; well timbered With U,
fenced ana UuUrAlftillled, 'Ina lu A-
tul.t.i-v.atiou; go6rl log house -Ind i.
barn, stable aul 8htds and, )tbur
01"OL'Arl- the flirm it;
teing, th-ne livin- ITAUP, O
the house; 1.1, ffics Ir0im Hiubul
forth anna7 froin MIA(,"; Furr9;
roads. For fivlhe'r I)artieu,"r." 41
prietor -on thie pren-iises or U) C0l1";-'
29814 W
LOT N OI 5, Concesgion 4, B14
more A)r
'Sna the north branch of the y1all
ni 'ou the IS aere buf-h I 4
P1 ng 'b1ht!1!rewis, !S to the prop]
y on JA _V E
FOR SAIX, Lot 24 16t COnt"
ci onjjning 11W 2,
1617C cleared and Wa firat- c LAI
The timber'lwi,& is IC11 hard"
'su largcz brick hi se %%A
,there i
ings; als g6 d orchard; a, r
through the farm, passi-119 11clir
!si sitim-tea on the llurou Road,
Senforthand five frow clibtl)u
ticulfirs apply to tl1e IM11
gravel road tci (jodieriCh', $J a"'&
-from stiftnips.:,J5 acres.
grass; well w-eterod anil- feiwvd
barn -,It h I .)-,Y f. L r : R
side, aua goo(U orchard; 1C '5
title good aua ttrins ea -y. Fort
apply to
272 LUMV10 'Mhyr"
STPA& SAW -,,I 1L.T_ AND F-`
I ' D'EIIN70 L it:g. Con.
acres, till
ywo gooaorehL ils in 4-111jal.jj l
Ing springs, -vIL1vh
Con. -1.i avlv- of hii
fr'"Ji st-n'
on the If by 1. -1.
lialf'of l"t 15.1ud Le V-
12, *MtKillop, coutai, iir-z I,E4 tel
vell fenc(ld,, ia1pi in 7--a-4 enh -- .-
timbered With h-irJ1-.xo1; a
and neu, 14), 1 11;n-11;
TAileq awla 'htlf fr, !i :1 -4- ;,"1 -4
froin the vilb ii of Si afo.-Tll -
seho Po"
olsaliAl "tore
Proprietor on the pr(.11.
Winthrop r,. t).
LOT' No_ l2ii anA part of LC V
Colicessiol of Grt-y, e0la
cleareil 1111a h-1 good culti'v,
Gravel Roftld..12,uliles fro -11 4
276 A- \-G.LrS : Ie-,JILLA