HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-10-10, Page 6• r...n♦L Are the Planets Inhalbited Are the planets which revolve about the sun to be considered as nerving the dame ends' in the creation as ur earth . In them we co template plate the` oble s p ec- ale of ten g at bodies- reviving to - ititer with th earth round the sun, at d fferent=dist ces and in different pea- s, but preserving a certain r lation be- t een their periods and dist aces. Of t ese, . Ceres, Pales, Juno and Vesta are f r less than the earth, but pe form their volutions round the sun b precisely t e sante laws as the oth r planeta. 1+ ercury and Mars are also le s than the e rth, and Venus neat=ly equal Jupiter, aturn and the Georgium Sid. s are con- s eerablylarger. Jupiter hasour, bodies rried with him round the stn, rind, as f : r as we can judge, subsery ent to the a me' ends. as our moon. _ aturn has s yen besides &double ring of tupendous + mensious, the use of which an's limit knowledge will not per -it him to 111 ow, we only perceive that i ,must by is s light, be !Most grateful to t + e inhabi- t nts of the , planet. .The Georgium -des, in surface sixteen t• ares,and in agnitude sixty-four tines 1 rger than t I earth, hassix satellites vi ible to us, a.o d their numbers will prob.• bey be in-' c :eased with the goodness o our tele- o pes In all these .bodies,` judging from anal y, probably the same adniir able varie t es of animate and inanimate beings. e ,e hibitecl which we behold on this ear . ° e know that several of th =m revolve o o their: axis, that their times of revolu- on are net' very different from that of t o a earth, and that they are surrounded •u atmospheres. Mars and Saturn have -n arty the same variety of Sea ons as the rth. Venus has an atmo•phere and ountains, and revolves on an axis. There is no argument eainst the ants being nhabited by r gs, and cons ` luently by t e Creator's power, magni nevolenee, unless it be said `, and, therefore, must be uninhabitable ora t1 heat, and ose more distant from ld. Whatever objection` tls may be a ainst their being inhabited byrational beings of an o; i ra nzatien similar to those the earth, i can have little ;force when rged with re pest to rational beings in eueral. Bute may examine, without Bulging too rich in conj ectu}•e, whether i be not possi le that the planets may e possessed b rational being,, and con - in animals ad. vegetables, even little ifferent from those with which we are P .1 York sero'." " you walk on die y York " s" "Y wont he ?" "Yes will that dog- bar =legate." "Dat on de dog's tail bark -in Hoboken; telegraf :works."You s right, by go s -ser." " dog's ser:'' " er." " 1, r, "in aw jest it. New n' dat's ,Yesser; d s'pose 1inNew ell bark, el where o oken, I You walk +Ao , an' he le way de a.� lasso! Who Disco ereq A The Norwegian son, an adventur Norway, discover - States in 1000, an resided in -Massa years. They do o •ca ? f Erick - coast of el United -o panions or several o to allow o having of land in `collecting t to their o1 sin, and h uidredth e endence, joi►nson, e Swedish ansthey f. cts have N rwegian, ear .Fall arly 500 at Cat left be- t New - k anda Garnet •Historic ay eon aucl the vers dis- had, it Ni it wegian on his fa-. ri , and a dawn from ag .to Ire - ea s before n : merican err ble ico- s, ear the enoese. ke voy- tts and w York was six n. The ou isbed in lug finished iali had his w ich was f o rced by o e ctuntry, n c ue west ral r, and rd.. They ri dis- lec nate with Now let nd-fin their 88. had, of the enc of all lv !asp- • crowded wo an who claim that L from -th the pres with his hussetts Iidt propo Columbus to enjoy the honor been the first w ite man America, and -ac rclingly ar money to build a mouurnei countryman at Madison, Wis to have it dedicated on the on ai nivers ary•of An ericaii In in the presence of Ole Bull the greatest of n�Ovelists, t Minister, and all the Scandin can get. together '• Curious come to light of I the early discoveries, and their presen e i River, Taunton and N ewpor 11 years "before Columbus lam ed island, in the Bahamas. They hind them the old stone tow r. port, the Dighton; IWriting to skeleton in armoltl dug up a Point a few years elgo. The ill manuscript of Ieeljlid and la or tain accounts of these voyag s, pleasant Vineland,` which the r covered and peopled. Colt bu is said, a full knowledge of th discoveries before he started mous trip in the Santa M rude map of Vineland handec tional be- s Lief. Columbus nea,de a vo itnesses of land in February;11477, 15 cenee and the Spanish Ce`'urt tted out that some expedition. Thus do those e much nearer the sun tha the earth noclasts, the modern historic laurels from the brow of t e The Norwegians cd itinued to in ages to the coast of Massae ins Rhode Island, and possibly to N eh bo f m,iliar. On our eertl uses the heal lotuses the co sit is the sun mperature - eason to sup can tempera epth from th surface seems simmer and winter, 4ncl i val with its first formation. y its influen a appears. only e temperatire at its surf eat is accmr atter of the Inher transmis a variety o nd so becor i the influence Of the stzu of summer, -anis; from .its ld of winter to es place the principal c use of the if the earth ? lose that it is pure of the eart elated, on .acro earth not suffer ion ; this .heat -ways, by forni ing latent, by , harbor, down to 1447, wh I years' after Columbus, was friends of one E1t1i, who Tyre about the tine Rom his building projects and Jo adventure with the ` whale, B. C. 700; assert tat he wa King Sennacherib to uit t and sail=ed with an ex edti+ through the Straits of 0-i never was heard of afterw- `too insist that he ir:s the coverer of America," and pec the ancestors of the' Indian abelese 's 0 We .have i the friends of the; not. The specifications. ata small onstant in French probably The sun o change e, where nt of the ng a 'fur- `sappears ng vapor s+eing con- $ucted.to the adjacent bodies,' ey coming �nto contact with cold air, & , so that t►rhen the sun in winter remains only for a short time above the horiz through a den iquely, the ter than - -inter- comes hat the matt ass to ns fro Heated, as it ubstances in in, shines er medium and more ob- consumptxori of heat . is he supply. and t e, cold of - n. We may al o suppose_ r of heat does no actually the sari,: but i only ex - were, by his infl ence from which it is code pounded, for otherwis the temperatu e of them !earth at the arface or at a s:11 depth from it mus be continually 1 s creasing, and that inc ase in a few yea become Sensible ; sin e we know of .n+ way for the heat whi h assists ,vegetation, which unites with o wilds, &c., to pass off from the earth ag. i n. Besides, we . so ow that 'heat exists o a state of coinbi o ation in Ruch profusi n that it require only to be decomposed to answer ever purpose. It is not then unnecessary to have re course to a continual supply from theay we not cone ive with sun, and , l some degree of probability that in all the planets of o r system the temperature flay be sue 1 as not to be indonsistent with a creat on ofanimals and e_ getables not fiery di similar to our o . And this withou appearing to rim' the di- versity of a works of the universe, which we ce tainly are not authorized to do,, for wher ver our senses or the deduc- tions of real n can reach, we axle sure of finding endl ss variety. At the pl net Mercury, the direct bed or power -of caueing heat reater than with u . If we mean temperature of Mer- e same as of the earth, and be surrounded wilth an at - icer than that of o r earth, of transmittingsjheat-, or, fluence of the sun to extri a e of the sun is six times • suppose the .cury to be tl the planet t rnosphere de less eapabl rather the i nate heat, a + d at the same t me more readily cond cting it to keep u:: an even- ness of temp nature, may we n suppose the°planet i lercury fit for the abitation of men, and he production of vegetables .similar to ons own -? . - At the Geo rgl.um Sidus the direct m fluence of ti eun is 3G0 times lesser than at the : arth, and the sunt is -seen_ there under an angle not , much greater{ than that on o er which we behold Venus when nearest. Yet may not the mean temperature of the Georgium jSidus be 'nearly the same as that of t' earth ? May not its atmosphere mo a easily transmit the influence . of the • sun, and " may not the matter of heat be More copi- ously comb`' d and more readily .extri- cated than t th us ? Whence: changes ••, of seasons s ar to our own ihay take place. i We can ha clly suppose that the sun, a body -three hundred times larger than all: the plan ts together, was created only to pres rye the periodic motions an give lig t and heat to, the planets. M ny astron o risers have thought that its atmosphere is: only luminous and its body opaque and probably of the same ofxstitntion as the planets. Allowing, herefore, tht its_luminous atmosphere only extricat s heat .:we see no reason by the su+ itself should not be in abited.. W. MOO IEY. DRYSDALE's,. ept: 18, 1873. 0 • Ae A MODEL ILLUSTRA.TI0N`. " Sam," aid a dark- y to his ebony brother, . chsowdarne it clic tele car- ne sdat frog chum TTTT wires ?" 'Well, Cs sa , s'pose dyeaar am a dog free 'f es long." 'Webber was su h -a big og do'n b'1 ib dab!" "You fess wait unit; I's o y illustiatin:', you stupid gger. No lis yaa dog, you see, less Buts his fron feets on de Hoboken sho', And he puts his behind feets on de New Politeri I had heard, asE a every on politeness. for. which the F classes are famous. d 1 res ly to test it. - On nue of t boulevards I saw, d e day, a might be of any a Ifrom sixty to eighty, ' sitting bowed as i h dr o0 ity over a stall loaded with piles iuand oranges, her wrinkled face th color- of me -stained parchment, her es: half closed, and her whole expression -etokening stolid sad- ness and habitual suffering. I made no offer to buy, but offed my halt to her, as one instinctiv 1yy , does in ranee when addressing any w roan, told lief I was a stranger, that I desired to each such a street, naming it,and begg d that she would have the goodness + direct :me thither. 1, shall never forg :t the trans- formation that tofriskplace •h11e' I was speaking. The crouched fi ruse erected itself ; the face • awoke, its a ulid look and half its wrinkles, as it s e ed, gone, the apparent sullenness re ed by a gentle and kindly air, wh e . he voice was pitched in a; pleasant a d courteous tone. It said, -'Y Monsieur al be- so good as to cross the bouleva •d just here, then to pass on, leaving two er ss streets behind him ; at' he third cr rss street, he will please turn to the rig .o t, and then he will be so kiyd as to c escend that street until he s + all have .pa sod the ca- thedral onthe eft ; . Mons,eujr will be careful not to leve this str et until he shall have pas ed the c. thedral and another cross s ored ; then toe will turn to the left and continue unfl s e : reaches a fountain, afte which - - ' o nd so on through 'send othert rungs and windings. I th. 10 ked the go +d woman, but begged th;t she woul hate the kindness to re . eat her di • o ions, as I feared to forge } them. T i s she did, word for word, "ith the situ ost patience and bonhomie, a ompanying ' er speech, as she bad doneJefore, with 1 ttle appro- priate gestures, i I was so ey tempted to offer her a pi te of money, But some- thing restrained me, and -I a satisfied that she did no expect it. o . I merely ok of my hat isecond turn bowed and l ale her farewell. She dian lased me as gracefully as a• yia ule dame1. the Fau- bourg St. Germain might + me visitor to her gorgeous boudoir .Atlantic onthly. .. ;An ItPro >zptu W ding. A Missouri p►er gives a tailed ac- count of how betrothe l uple were persuaded to anticipate the of ay set for their3wedding, id to have t ceremony abruptly perfor ed at- a birt day party, at which they c anced to be ; uests. It says : " Record Theis w• s also pres- ent, and as soo as he sa the young couple come in,; ith an, eye to business he suggested th ti if anybody as present Who wished to et married o e was at t eir service. he young co le at once t ok the hint. he 'young: oo .1i was wil- li g, but the mas enwas bac . ward and ould not corise t. Adam co o eluded to u e a little diplotnacy, so h: says : ' I ill' make a pr sent of a x;35 cooking ss ove to any col' le that I sic all: marry to -night.' This ropositiou s o delighted the company th . others co ntenced of fering presents. , 'F. G-. fvl uel ler said, ` I - willgive a nice in reau ;' F. (- Alders, And I a spring attress ;' t ischer, the hatter, ` Call on 'e for a roc_ .. i ig chair ;' Miller, the gunstiith, ` I'll • we a set of cushion -bottom chairs ;' Mr. ',olk, And here's an extensi table s rs. 'Anna 'Nietebock 1'11 ive a $50 'bedstead ;' Mr. Gatz, 'Put ,e down for fine look- ing -glass ;' Mrs . Mitchell, `I Here's a breakfast set ;' iss Fritz - ietebock, ` I'll give a clock # and -so th- went on until the • prese o ts in - the aggregate amounted to a+put ` $400, he young couple meanwhil. < blushing : +'d hardly knowing what oo saytor d+ Several friends of the young ladye et around her; and told her 'she would + of again have such a fa orable oppo unity to make a start in' .he world cl just as the party ,was • reakingyup, bbout 11 o'clock, Mr. Hu -•stock, who erred to be working in As am's interes' and urg- i' ON EXPOSITOR. OCT 0, 187 . i o g on the mated, oa a 'roupd to the Re order, and whispere in his ear : ' Stop leedle, dot's all ri ht --ley chinks, we of a • vedding any owl poody soon !' dam called a halt, the company stood till id hats and boniets, . while the Re- order`proceeded and sail, I pronounce ou man and wife nd may God bless ou,' and. Miss Stier n was Mrs#Groen, o the intense deligh of all present." h roh Donation. Mupifloent CJ The'British papers record the unprece- ented liberality of a Scotch iron -master, r. James Baird; of uchmeddin. Mr. aird,' it appears, on he authority of the 'lasgew :Herald, has 'ust paid over to a ody Of trustees the umhof £500,000, to e ca ed; "the .Baird Trust,'' and to be pplie for religious Purposes in connec- ion ith the established Church of Scot- t nd. We learn from the introduction o the deed of trust what have been the rinciJal objects and motives of the giver e feels dee sly inn ress,ed with the ex- ,ent to which he be ution to prevail working population tfi ithatthis 0 Teves spiritual desti- mong the poor and of Scotland. He is a is e 1 proceeds, in great ease e, front the 'ant of properly or- anized and endowed territorial work. lie considers, also, tl at there appears to e a tendency to a departure from the uth, and to an exclusion of religion in e teaching of the ` young, that the rl o eas available by law are insufficient, • that the evils ciannot properly be et, *t or. e t 0 c r s he av or the des* t the aid of are 'substantia;. duced him tol nt rust' we Me ti is Its do all that moi ctt e evils and to 1 object attained, ivete benevolence. 'y the reasons which ound the magnifi- e just mentioned. le,Y can do to cor- supply the wants hich are . complained of. It is to be +ent either in aid of Ithe church organi- tion, or in supplyn on where none exi s enormous amoun zsion or an excuse not to be scatter-ec ie hope of a future ipply payment strict vt�Cork done, and in sa ble most likely either t ie efforts of others o ti follow an exampl t a new orgaluza already Nor is .o• be made an oc- wastefulness. `It 'th a free hand in harvest, .It is to y according to the h a manner as may o co-operate with to induce others o nobly set." J. C.L ' One door south IIQLESALE ND RETAIL TEA • ESTAii3 ISHMENT, SEAF'. RUTH. LAW he Post -office. For Four. Year Teas al C ated for Fine Cof`ees. - Z'1 SA S. We have at choice and var TEAS, embracis varieties, all of carefully selecte the Lowest Pos tent with good W merit the confi > posed in us by W 0 vo 00 O Of the best' g O 0 machinery on t 0 rese t• in stock a 0 ed ssortment of cn g u wards . of 20 0 m whi h have been r s `we . sell at m i +le Price consis- 0 ui lity, we trust to -n • X) nee hitherto re- m 0 EES 0 ths, prepared by premises. tai m public. • RS. Crushed.. 124o Refined... .. ..9c., 10c., and llc. FRUITS, SP C PICKLES, SAI C FAST IN GRE BARLEY, PEA CU1T, CORN F ARROW SOAP, STAR S, MUSTARD, S,. AND BREAK- LTCACIES, .VA:RIETY.. - RICE, SAGO; BIS - OUR, TAPIOCA, OOT, &c. • &q. J. C. LAIDLAW. BOi1,t D 1 N f3. •'H�j COLLADAY has 1 • l modious house, o adjoining the Railway S ss a boarding-house. G rooms. Arsons • wis house should apply, as ,t vacancies. Transient b less than hotel rates. ased the large and com- the Salt Works Grounds, ation, and has fitted it np od table and comfortable ig a pleasant* boarding - ere are at; present a few orders accommodated at 228 FOSTER'S KO L, SEAFORTH. THOMAS POSTER ' egs to inform his old opened his neiv hotel, Seaferth, where he bas tion for.manand:beast. cigars at the bar. friends and' the tra %ling public that he has joining the Post Office, he very best.accommoda- The best of liquors and THOMAS FOSTER. No IS HEREBY GI1ji+21 made to the Legislati ince of Ontario, at its n reunite the North Ri. • ron to the South Riding Registration purposs. Goderich, Sept. 10 P 187 ICE. : - that application will be e Assembly of the Prov- Tt session, for an act to g of, he County of En - of the said Count?, for TER ADAMSON, County Clerk. 801 9 THE LUMB MABEE & BEG to Worm the psi a Lumber Yard Hi S Mill, on the ground fo Yard, -by Mr. Thomas Le They will keep constdn mentof ALL KIND$ b undressed. Also, LATS which they are prepared.t ble prices, forCash. Builders and others • ' age to inspect our atobk ' eforepurchasingelseewile to offer good indu.cenieiit: 160 i, AFORTH YARD. ACDON AID c that they have opened afofth, near Shearson's erly used as a Lumber ly on hand a good assort - LUMBER, dressed and AND SHINGLES, all of sell at the lowest posei- •find it to their advant- and ascertain our prices e, as we are in a position to cash purchasers., EE & MACDONALD. as,43ae k-:a..ti.:. _ WAtCHE AND JEWELRY. The Best and Chepest Assortment Outside of he Cities. 1/.L_ ._ C OTTTTiTTER., llA>�>izT, T_T,AS' just reoeiv large additions to hie previously largo stook of watches, Clocks and Jowelxy, i" which only wan to bo seen to be appro iated and admired. Call and see, 1 hether you Purchase, or not. M. R. COUN+ER'S WATCHES ARE.RENOWNED',FOR TIME KE H;PING I. TE MS—Strictlk. Cash. ' M. R. COUNTER. LA]JIES, If you wish to replenish your cupboards, the undersign-, ed would advise you to do so now, aS the latest advices from England are that Crockery and' China have gone up nearly double price. We, having a large stock of last -ear importations on hand will for a' short time sell ,t y �� p �1 nearly the old prices,, taking only a very small portion of the advance. Tea Sets that are now worth $4y we are selling from $3 to $3 25. Toilet Sets at $1. 90, wort $2 50. China Tea Sets $2 less than they are now worth. - Joseph Rodgers & Son's Cutlery at exactly old prices, they having raised only 25 per ,cent. A fine stock oflated Spoons, Forks, Tea Trays.&c., &c.- p p � CALL A1\TD SEE_ HICKIS Ofd 8i CO., Seaforth. CODERIcH FOUNDRY. The Goderich lou dry Manufactu J_B��eg to inform the pub 'e that they are prepared to contract for; STEAM ENGINES AND BOIL p RS ; FLOUR, GRIST, -AND S SAWIN• ' MACHINES, &c. l On hand—IR.pN! AND WO tl DEN PLOW'S, . with steel boards • GANG- POW ; CULTIVATORS, STRAW-CITTERS, .&c,' • BOXES, &c IC. ndEfor sale. • n. l President. ng Co% W ,MILLS 'SUGAR . AND POTASH K ' COOIING, PARLOR AND BO IISALT PAN IRON AND BRASS CAST' BOILERS AND SALT P ITWENTY TO THIRTY -HORSE PO , ~ r. All orders addressed tq the Co A. HODGE, ecretary and Tre I R. RUNCI TTLES, GRATE -BARS, WAGGON STOVES, of various kinds. MADE TO ORDER. ALSO, NGS, ! AND BLACKSMIT S REPAIRED ON SHORT N B TUBULAR BOILERS generally, on pany or Secretary will receive promptatten urer. H. HORTON, AN, . General Manager. CHEAPER THAN EVE THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING 1;ECEN LY PURCHASED A LARGE QUANTITY 0 TEAS, S GARS, FRUITS, AND N: NERAL GROCERIES, AT PRICES MUCH LOWER HiT THE CURRENT 'MARKE Is end led to give the public even VALUE, BETTER BARGAINS THAN HERETOFORE. The goods are now in stock, and t get their share of the REAL Going at the Chequered Store. inhabitants of Town and Country are invited to ;come an BARC-i-AIN'S JAMES MURPHY, Main -Street, , ea ortlt. NOW THE CHANCE 0 PURCHASE CROCKERY! CROCKERY OF ALL KINDS AT A BARGAIN. Have just received on CaOCl -EERY Ever offered in Seaforth. Preserve Call and see, and be convinced that WIL TEAS, SUGARS A VVIL8041T &. YO U.\G are rent sold • FLOUR, FEED and PROVISIONS d HAM Just received, a los of Ohoice American soon be all gone. & YOU of the largest and best assorted stocks of ars of several different varieties and of the be ON & YOUNG'S is the place to buy Crockery. D GENERAL GROCERIES. Vholesale and Retail. , vered free of charge. AND BACON. ugar.Ctired Hams and Bacon. Call and get Some,—they Scott's Brick Blooki Seafortla. czo srp- tn- tTi • hLUO3VHS 'dV3HO MN'S Had bzo 0 0 tri tri CD CD 0 CD 1-4 CD esei cte CD 0 1,1 cf rn 0 et - CD • CD cb 0.4 to 0 0 0 cn 0 Ro t=e: SEAFoRTII NOVELTY WORKS. pith UNTERSIGNED, in returning his sincere thanks to the public for their liberal support during the past, takes this opportunity of stating that he has secured the services of Mx. ADAM GRAY, Dra.uglitsrarin and Aleehanie, as foreman in the Novelty Works Planing, Sail and Door Factory. CARPENTERS AND FARMERS Will find it to their advantage to elan, as they ean got any thing in the Wood Line done on the short- est notite. SASHES, DOORS, On hand and got up to order. Alimited number of DOUBLE AND SINGLE TURNIP AND CARROT DRILLS Wagon Racks and Gates on hand. TO CHEESE M.41111FACTUOERS. is bave commenced the mane:facture 1,o/ .Cheeee • BOXES and .SETTERS - Parties can be supplied on the shortest notioe and on reasonable terms. Boes guaranteed to gave satisfaction. Awaiting orders for different I JOHN M. MARTIN; Novelty Works, Seaforth. EMOVED. REMOVED M. ROBERTSON, - - Cabinet-maker and Undertaker, HAS REMOVED his ware -rooms to JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, Main -street, Seafortb, Where he has on hand a supdicfr stock Of Frani. ture of every description. C.ALL AD SEE IT. Having piirchased Mr. Thomas Bell's HEARSE I am prepared to attend funerals on the shortest notice, either in town or country. Coffins, All Sizes, ' Kept constantly on hand. SHROUDS 1 SHRO (LOS M. ROBERTSON, CABINET MATCER AND UNDERTApIR, Main street, Seafoarstsho,rthina4intoowf on hah:di a good Which he can .furngoisthelcsheewahpeerre.than 014 can be School of Telegraphy, Under the patronage.of the GREAT WETERN RAILWAY COT SEND FOR CIRCULAR. 18-291 OIYIN, Box BO& RLZANOR vithiit my husband said to ine this Doctor, wor4 for word," and ,rniveanthesteeddry,ssolVI:irTs.lah)Sinet faalw;:eills.aystsoeii;elial 3 ,t, ov, svilec:Itaiyiaci,filec,i :et fon three huialred anlsie:otry, bYa.breul.;'ikswiLl :if: ena,°1111:iltiviiriltii'llsNY;fat:Ililtillti.34:‘'le'tho:tfelioa..torieetifo.:ti the first undisturbeil night's rest ' ' ellr:;:epAYrtxhIrsisel:edinISsuiSfi;.flisilliattial: 71::::all'iesieilikou(1);11:11,1itilaiii 1 likaitgi l'etl'ite:ditrs-3,,,,-,". . what you call it, it was mightt- bear ; but let ine tell: you what sba,ymndptosamidi.firsItiltonethour,wias)efigni-ekiiwo. sjahee,a4,, ksIalaysssetn,Lah;iO4.aairtoyunsiitrlii.alnitieal, ta'tlaIntii world but a good, stiong cup of te Bridget to send it up in the at pot.' 1 saw, Doetori that he I after I said this, SO I, tUrneti. eine up at him, and suck 'a picture of .7. sdaisysguhste,I'illleelelr tSn':.itlelarlYilttati the: f‘ryomoonlatfeRintgheti•10101noirghoti a Kt'ah' aoni dbeaefesur(ki mie„alasit ttiltbrNirT am:ill b jrzirlittyls' 7,n, forge am ziek and have rw: appetite,' he shouldn't have the satisfaetiot but grunt anoT groan ; from sine y . to the other ! I have lost all 1 part of a'hijuse, and you did - pleasanter little. ho e than Joln ens ; but what have I now to eome back to t' and his, Doctor, he'n141C,e-tatell,1-1 NSII.'li;161— , ' von are more nor less than a drunkard ; the sight of (het; More culpab most of the men who stagger thro streets ; because the metority poor devils have soMe sort of z for their conduct, and you hav , you happy—everything under of the sun to Acme ynu, and will persist in: swi -'ing teas' tor, ewilicen -was th word he n ever have iit-,a have t/i mouth ; and then seys he— end " Oh yes," 80111)0 the Nictin so awfully coarse ate' unkind. had a spell, and died befdre I face, I don't -believe he would ha. a snap of his linger. I tell yeu Ellie, there iso sue a. thing .. getting hardened. world to trouble 1 nit just This remark wae more in ans- one single werol that heal aoscide caped his tips, aen1 this the Doct " Anybody wonlil think, by - he goes on,- eoutinued the irat cramps, and fainting. ts would think it Was a pleesure ae if the hearse Ives going to s door next. oh yes ! such a I enjoyable, very, inoleed." .. Doctor Ellis took no, noti last words ; the,roan's eyes sae octoileis, jadiet haishit331:111,,iielie ffacliase tuderehttlrefe tion ; and if Mrs. Stephene has so entirely taken up with her mental and physical, that hon. 1....ii'snimet:ntea‘hipttlYiehlie:Irallrsgs:e:Lyhe cl'ileiagialr,Ilasneottl 1:1 strictly professional air, " tha hiothian(g) ty:mtrokteui, ka013:1-uttv‘11,:ieetihaelaviti.: jletig I- softunizensselemese business that I )ks after itself, again while la as breath '!" ste;Bhiesnts.no;.), eezt"ttheevie2.;% " There an other troubles be,. troubles, How 3'1)00 kitith, sliiii;_ellAecsoalli:teeleli.l?I'te' 41:jetiettithil I:eh:m.1c men than my inisband in the etitlial::;.tIatsells; in Ht111-eeeatsinoillitu17. Ny\a'chee.-, there isn't a, hea.lthier your husbanor stomade Mrs Dr. Ellit steel ol his face ma and waited fmtlie.,r developn eonceabilent fo 'emotion, and i:mteliilie. ns misto ok this atteml looked piercingly into ha la' aesumeol a: slither pos she inquired in anxious ' s't"2-achyk ' de?) saglaeceeei su(13;;;IellsiYilt iotehfsiattelri II ea:, tif releigiul4t ilatoyi 1 semt la. ?.1c -et : st8htillail:11)-{:lat ehutihelsaipts \:::'" aiite.??fill4.1:gadi ilefeisi :jag:, sa:',,d'irah(nie:n.e, .:tiouesi sl n:afin to tell ' , :: PI fervloaanp sdee.s- toliiie Nei -it! )-s-tin