HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-10-10, Page 3OcT 1873. • V 3 ft— > Ro -n 0 m 0) 0 0 00 0, • �� lF ^ • IP • r 2 co, z m m • 0 2 • 9:' rt d-4t7LIV:t11:1 1 • rrt -4 0 m • AinTins. • A Sacra lawyer remarked to the • ii caueti " It is my candid opinion, judge, that you are, ; e old fool." The judge al- . lowed his mil 1 y beamingeye to fall upon the lawyer a brief moment ; then, in a !eice husky with suppressede emotion, 5a-Itisle y candid opinion that you are fined one hundred dollars." —Years go, when . Henry. Wrard Beecher's rep tatioa was not world-wide,a. Western ung Men's Christian Asso- ciation tried a persuade the divine to go out and lectu e to them without charge, saying it woId increase his fame, He telegraphed i I reply : " I will lecture for F. A. M. --fifty and riiy expeses." e. —A clergy an once, when read' a. the burial service carne to the place ..+7.here haanuat say, "our deceased broth 'r (or sister.) -He id not knew which ; so,, turning to a earner, he asked wEiethr it was a "br..ther " or a "sister." The mourner uan cently said, " No relation 'at all, sir—o ly an acquaintance." —A clinks fished officer was lately president of a court-martial. He had sworn 9, witn ss, a raw Irish recruit, and heldouthis and for _ the Bible. Judge of his aston aliment at finding it—the hand not the book --grasped and heartily shaken. by P• , who, in the very broadest brogue, said :. " It's meself who is proud.. and plased to hould the hand of ye, sir, and may So ut Pathrick and all the saints of ould Ireland bless yer honer 1" —A fame and his wife called at a Detroit photograph gallery last week tp order some 4hotographs of the 1:. tter, and- while e e operator was g tting ready, the hu band. gave the wife a little advice as to ow she must' act: "Fasten your mind on something," he said, " or else you wil laugh and spile the job. Think about early days—how your father got in jail, an Header, and hadn't pitiecl on to that !" I wish short weight tamer to a gr your mother was an old that you'd have been if ,011 1. Jest fasten your min1 you wouldn't give me such or my mone , said a cus- cer who had an account of long standing "And I fish you would eh long wait er. an 2114 an ly highway. not give me 81 plied the groc —A Dutch met on a ion each amiled, thinidng he k Pat, on see' g his mistake, remarked.: " Faith, an thought it was you, an' you thought it was me, af its nayther of us." =-A girl ia Macoupin County, told her lov r she was h's if he could Milk three c ws while she milked two. He failed, aid at last accounts was prac- ticing on al1 ,the cows he could catch, with the ho ple of getting another trial. • —Put doxivri your umbrellas ! You'll scare this engine off the tr ck 1" screamed the engineer' of the West4rn North Car- olina road t a crowd of country people whobad atthered to seej the first train for re- ; rishman once As they met ew the ether. • Jot a newspaper was to be groups of people conversing' ebate, and the sabject mule con tion was made the question t bet of. We had no keig-windecll bun dpeeches, made up. and spok egard to the business oil very confusion and noise tha occasionally helps on the pro tion, for it i8 a process by are put down. If a man • h to say; and the ability to say not be coughed or cried dow Hou. Bingham and Snapps el'q the in the House of Commons." Ac • • • •—•• — • - • ' see . No te upted idera- eated ombe w tliout land. The brea o out er 1 gisla,- hich bores • an hing it, h will buythe death • of cars cora in. They ere lowered at once. —Mrs. Malaprop, good to thstribut ,tracts amo • who, she rerets to hear, state of Spi tual Destitu --" Wha makes a li tail ?" ask*i one °dark y of • another. " 'Case del clog is strou er clan de tail • • it de tail w a de stronge t it would wag In de dog,. WO MIA it, say " —A fast ating youn lady at a part in Tuscalobsa, a few rilights since, wa asked if she ever read.Shakespeare. "04 - course 1 have. I read that when it fits came out." BRUSSELS FOU THE SUBSCRIBER wishes to ea -8- of the farming community in arge and Varied stock of Agricultural Imple • Consisting Of hON AND WOOD With the latest improved Steel M the at cation, neral to his e PL B • GANG PLOWS, pULTIVATORS, LAND DLL HARROWS, SCUFFLER &c. would beg to call special att Von celebrated FARMERS' P Which has given universal satisfac used, to which it now added a Th much required in, this part. Also, a class STAVE -DRUM. LAND 0 ion w title som OLL ts, From $22 to $86. Also,. a ew First -Class Wa •bils Getting up for Spring u3e, warrante SEASONED TI dove 7A11 of which will be sold at t fiery WS) ard, RS, o the s erever int, so first - RS E best R. LOWEST PRICES FOR CAH Or approved credit. 1 Will. R. WI Brussels, Feb. 12, 1873. SO 2 ley COUNTY OF To bearing dat ection of ar o give noti e sooner p 'HURS,D COU RT Proceed to be su flUBOfl IPOSErOR. SURE 'SALE OF LANDS. 710 - NAN, IDOY'viirtlue of a warrant under the hand of the Warden of t : the l eunty of Huron, and the seal of the said County the Thirtieth dayo(August, A. D., 1873, to me directed for the col - ears of Taxes due o the undermentioned lands, these are therefot•e e, that unless the sa d taxes together with all lawful costs and charges 'd, I shall, en • f Y, THE. 1 821 DAY OF; DEC.E,11".BER, A. D. 1873, • Alt the ho r of 1 o'clock P. M., at the HOUSE, I -THE TOWN OF 'GODER eliby PUBIC 'TION, the said lands, or so Much thereof as may tient to 'discharge uch. arrears of 'Taxes and charges thereot TOW SHIP OF Asitn.ELD. conce,88i0 1. or Patented or .A vet of Costs and Street Acres. tin 7atented. Taxes. Corn; s'n . Total. ofLot. 1st 3d ,6th4th 4.... 9th - . .... . . 1N. .N4.t. T. 11 .Pot.or Part E 4 • 3................. INT E .. . ... . . E 4 of N S W part o N W. part 2 W )i 36 1 . . 27. 32... 33. 34 35. 34. 35. 7 32 43. „VILLAGE OF Colbo Colbo W part 11 N part 1 W part 10 348 453 • 460 W 730 W 4 731 884 14. Sub. 16 of Sub. 15 of L SEA.FORTH, AND 191 MARBLE_WO M. L. MESSET & (Late. of Hamilton,) Would intimate to their =permit; f4e general public that they are preptite orders for Monwnents, Headstones, T.b1 _ Mantels, &c. I 0 de a to d the all ops, Granite Monuments Importec to Order. ) sod ! proposes ' Work of the best style and art, aint ea ot be g Teetotalers, I surpassed in thia part of Ontario. are living in a ' A call respectfully Solicited. ' ion- ---Pltilch• Next door to Porter's Furniture Store, le dog wag his - Ma IN-SREET, lEAFOR '. L. MESSET. H. ME -••••., Brief Notes. The Ti borne ti iaLS have cost som thing more than a million dollars in all. —Roth: !Island, Ill.e clans to have the largeSt b1acksmit shop in the world.. —Ground was broken.a few days a on the fire railway l' e ever begun Persia. —East -Georgia, Ver ant, 1varied. h II lit of amusements the other ;day with a snowastorta. . -. ---Baltiinore has a newsp per called the Matrilmonial Journ 1 and teai Estate Ad.vertisEir. 1 —A. man. in Terre Haute, Ind., thiu4a • he has h upon aplan by -which to " har4 ness gr 'tation " in the Isinterest of peri petual m tion. 1 I 1 —The Utica _Herald is not satisfied with the tests to which Job's patience was sUbj Cted, and wants to know what would h ve been' the result if eleven lit. i tle girls 4ad called i on him, oue after another, liar the purp se of selling ihini Sunday-ichool picnic ickets. • 1 _ . —It lias cost the Basten and AlbalaY railroad. $.19,500 to employ an incomper tent brItkesman. He let a detaphed car run into a train_ so violently as t throw a lady froat her seat and. inj ur her, -andi she has reclvered the amours - named. "41 a slut for danaages. . —An now Denver has had an Enoch Arden c se but the returning husband in this ius. ance was evidently not well up in his p etical reading. He was inclined to insist upon. prior rikhts, until his suc- cessor remenstrateVwith him ci, Ice Der- ringer, whereupon he betook himself to other p4rts of the cosintry. • —A ,chool teacher - in Watertown, Mass., has been sued for assault and. bat- tery her offence being the physical chas- tisement af a pupil four years old. She should e neld. to a strict account, of coarse, sut how about the parent? We should really like to know that he, too, is to be severely punished for putting a - fgar-ye r-olcl child into school at all, —Th news from Shreveport, is very sad ne s indeed. The fever, which had shown igns of abating, has broken out afresh nd with renewed violence _ Phy- sicians ent from New Orleans pronounce it the • ost virulent type of yellow fever. In a ci , of 4,000 inhabitants, more than half of whom have fled, there has been over 40 deaths already, and twenty new ones ar added to the list every clay. A. more t rrible pestilence caul hardly be conceiv (1, and the people of jtie stricken town 1 ave the hearty sym athy (.)f the entire untry. oil. -- The T ariquility of the Comrdons. H. SET. SEAFORTH. MARBLE WOR MAIN STRE.kT, Opposite the aterloo 'House, nealj tit° 8 MONUMENTS, HEAD And work of all kinds in Anieriqai Marble, designed and executed ih and aroiaost reasonable pdees. Mantles of Various Colored iMarbl pled Oil 6%04 1V Olti C. Granite Monuments ,and Heads ones i to order. • •CALDER BRO* ER 277 ANDREW C4 ER, A • THE Dokp fib • SAVINCS AND INV SIM SOCIET11 TON and he. bes "does of Co us as here. does it coast, or five British lion," 'writes ot roar on the floor f the Howie ons. • That proces • known to "flying the eagle" s unknown When theiBritish ast roars he out at sea, or on so e barbaxous here everyroar is g far f mr hundred. slau hterec barbarialflS. Here al is quiet. The or tors, if we may cc 11 them such, drawl Jong in such er that if you shut y Vine Dundreary 1 s opinions. , But on hat slow and. quiet a House of Don' Piatt, CI DO OF LONDON,' 0 T. , Head Office, Richmond -street, Pposite London, Oa Established in 1872, for the urpose of ing money on Farm and Town T'roperty at low crate of interest, and on. e most fa terms of /*payment. a ma can in loose h busine are no which nr eyes yOU. elow letting feels, all the it may be, Cit Loans ior long or short peri -repayabl atalhaents to suit borrOwers. Parties par Farms, bighting Dwellings or tores, will ation. •reign style, sup - orted ent. NT Hall, dvauc- a very omble by in- hasing nd the terms of this Society preferabl Ito any othe ,mdde for instance, $76 90 paid -at t d end of ea h hal; year, will pay back both pr. Ciple ' and i terest r upon a loan of $1,000 in 10 ye rs. If paid yearly, $157 20 will do it. • Money can be obtained at limy time, and with little or no delay beyond the ono necessarily Oc- cupied in the inveetign.tion o title and prepara- tion of the mortgage. For further particulars as .)). terms, &c., apply by letter to Secretary and Trees rer, Loudon ,Ont. Or to ALONZO STRONEi, Be ., Valuator 'St Sea - forth. .2.0-52 MON Y? Colbor Huron1 Huronl Huron S Huron uron S Euron S London Sydenh Wellin TO • 4th 12th Lake ake R VI ...... D. 100 ..D. 100 . D. 50 . D. 50 50 • D. 158 lin lot. 11 Plot. 7d ORT ALBERT e W. e W. e W. 41 t. 3- un 2 atented $53 94 $/, 55 $56 49 atentel 76 75 g 13 79 8S atented. .4870 2 43 51 13 atented 39 1 60 16 99 atented 16 94 I 631 18 57 atented 85 23 4 55 89 '18 atented . '7 84 1 40 9 24 )atented '5 54 1 35 6 89 e IN ASHFIBLD. ,. • atented 3 10 1 30 4 40 atented 3 10 1 30 • 4 40 atented. '3 10 11 30 4 40 atented 2 78 1 28 4 06 t. 1 un atented 2 78 1 2E4 4 06 uiijatented 2 78 1, 28 4 06 r t. E. 4 unpatented. 2 78 • 1. 28 .4 06 . W, unPatented 2 78 1 28 4 06 ▪ W. nn atented 2 78 1 28 . 4 06 atented 7.92 1, 40 9 32 atented 2 78 1128 4 06 atented 10 90 1 48 12 38 ORNE. (TR 4--1 an W. n E. ' -1 . SHIP OF COL 100 patented 634 patented. . 60 patented • 12 ,' atented g OF CLIINITON. -. ,I DA ented -- i tatented 1-5 patented 5-32 patented. patented. 4 . L . t atented ot 1 7 patented SH P , OF GODERICH. 1st 4i: patented lst 11 atented N OF GODERICIL t- Patented . . i Patented . I patented' . t ,atented I patented -.I patented I , patented. i' atented 4. atented I , atented ' I atented. I atented. I atented I atented I - atented atented I atented. I atented .. , i atented I , atented 1-5 atented 1-5 atented 1-5 atented 1-5 1atented 1 1-5 atented St. 1-5 atented St. 10-5 atented. St. 1-5 patented St. 1-5 patented .. _ atented I . . • atented TSHIP OF G EY. 1st 25 atented . 5th 100, un &tented iii 7th 4. 100 lettented 8th 50 10,4.1 ted Oth 50 wave ton ted 7th 100 unpaten tea 8th 100 unpatellted 18th 100 unpateuted. AGE OF BRU 'Fe: ELS. rey. i merited NSHIP OF AY. 10th 25 atented 10th 75 atented SHIP OF HO CK.. 3rd 100 atented 5th 100 &tented. 6th ; 50 ; atented 6th. 50 , )atented 7th 100 , atented lith . 100 tin atented 1 lth 3 atented. A. 50 .atented A. 21 le atented A. 25 le atented ...... • . Sub. of TOW ot 4... )t'10.. 183 ....... ...... 230 . :...... 277 = 516 517 ' 518 . • .... . 532 535 e, . 1. .... ' N i60... .. • 580 659 663 1150 - 1154... 1155 I ...... . 1177 .1 1181: • • • • • • 1183.. 1332...... Lot 71, sub lots 2 -et 3 A Lot 137, b. lots 2 & 8 A Lot 5 sub. lot 4. .. -A Lot 52, gull. lot 4' A Lot 37 sub 37,1ot 10- P. & M's s rvey, 3. To nto P. & M's s irvey, 9. To onto P. & s rvey, El 7 edar P. & M's s rvey, 3. Sub. 6, lot 330, 377 & 378 Sub. 7, lo 3130, 377 & 378 • TOWI T. B. LEYS- WHO WANTS Al. STRONG, S Will Loan Money at a. 'LOW EST, either on Farm. or Villa Parties requiring money sh INSURE YOUR, 4!, ANI) YOUR 1 A. Strong, IS ALSO AGE The Scottish Provincial I Fire end Life. The Western Insurance Co Fire and Life. The Isolated Risk Ins Canada. Terms as reasonable as agent doing bus,iness for reli OFFICE—over Strong Store, Main Street, Seaforth. • ZS! -4„ • rae Air FORTE, 1TE OF IN'it.r1R- e Property. - t apply to , PROPERTY LIVES. : eaforth. T FOR imranCe CompaPY— -sr • oad N LA pany, „ of Toron anee Company, bo— S part 9: 28 32 N 4:17 N 426 ffered by any other ble Companies. Fairley's Gr aery 52 • EXTItACTING TE PAI (-1. CARTWRIGT, D. k-/ • attends in Seaforth; at Tuesday andWednesday of e at the Commercial Hotel, on days and Fridays. The rein his Stratford office. • Parties requiring new teet if at Sesforth and Clinton, o tndtmce. • Testimonials orover 500 patients who their teeth extracted by th use of tlie be seen at my office in Strat ord. S is being dbne. he members Teeth inaerted in the me. t substand WITHO T 30 24. .. .. 32 115 Sub.I of Lot 1 in S part of W part 26 N & E p rt 27 ea 24 E 26 W 26 16 S W corner 12 W 24 W part 27 S 2 S pt acreon N W earner 31.. E part125 . S„ surgeon. Dehtist mox's Hotel the first eh month ; i Cliton, 1 e follw- Thurs- der of th Unite at are request d to %at, tile first da p if at - axe had as 2110.y yll, Con410,, - TO TOW • VILLA 8' • • • • • ..... . _Fa irk 11)1t 2? VILL 178 179 proved styles. accommodated -wit* desks upon Filling done m gold, &., i manner to -Write - deefionetring letters. ot he surpassed. • •S 1 an N W part10 22 15 jin. hioll can- 67 - 31 62 2100 33 62 38 64 2118 40 82 17 70 1165 19 35 4 00 I30 530 2 87 128 -.4-15 -1 60 1 25 2 85 1 84 1 25 3 09 1 65 125 .2 90 132 1 25 2 57 1 19 125 244 532 1 35 6437 543 135- ! 78 549 13-5 6 84 . • 12 88 1 53 - 14 41 3 99 1 30 529 3 99 1 30 5 29 12 19 i53 , 13 72 11 27 1 50 12 77 10 37 1 48 11 85 7 32- 14Q 9 02 72 40 902 3 07 3014 37 399 . 30 - 5 29 3,65 30 4 95 7-62 40 9 02 .80 23 2 03 :64 j25 2 89 1.04 1 25 2 89 1164 1 25 2 89 1 09 25 2 34 200 . 25 3 25 2 00 25, 325 240 .1 28 368 1 50 .1 '25 2 75 95 123-2 18 5 18 13 ; 6 53 1 36 1 25 2 61 40 1 23 . 1 63 1 99 - 125 , 324 1 99 1 25 3 24 65 1 231 88 40 i3 1 63 4 69 1 33 -6 02 469 1 .33 6 02 - • I 4 63 133 • 5 96 4 37 '1 33 5.70 36 39 213 3852 25 04 1 85 26-89 14 05 1 58 15 63 .33 35 2 05- 35 40 24 99 1 83 26 82 24.99 1 83 26 82 :376 10 . 3 06 • . 9�7 1 45 10 52 27 24 ' .1190 29 14 - 38471 2118 40 89 4 58 1 33 5 91 4- 25 , 1 83 5 58 4,39 ! 1 33 5 72 14 24, 1 58 15 82 14 42 1 58 16 00 73.123 1 96- 18 78 -1 68 20 46 6 30 1 38 768 - 4 59 1 33 5-92 Lot Sub 1, Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub. Sub Sub Sub. 1, Sub. 1 Sub. Lot 1,0,on. 1, Hay , • r Parit of Lot. of Let 16, Con. Usborne, 46... of Lots 17 & 18, n. 1, 'Osborne, 21 of Lots 17 & 18, n. 1, Usbome, 29 of Lots 17 &18, n. 1, Usborne, 30 of Lo s 17& 18, n. 1, lllsborne, 37 of Lots 17 & 18, n. 1, Usborne, 38 of Lots 17 & 18, n. 1, Uleborne, 39 of Loils 17 &18, n. 1, Uborne. 42 of Lot 20, Con. Usborne, 49.... of Lot 20, Con. Usbor0e, 50.... fo to Sub St Sub SI Sub St merly 1. Frances - n, 3012- ..... of Lot 5, Con. 1. phen, i formerly ancestw, 359.. of Lot Con. 1, phen, formerly ancestewn, 376.7 of Lot 25, Con, 1, ephen, formerly ancestOwn, 377.. .... 1-5 patented 1 46 e TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSIT. part 33 9th. 170 patented 71 35 TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH. 18. ..1 lst 100 unpatented 35 68 2 10 .. 12th 100 patented 2881 1 92 23. -1. 13th 100 patented. :32 50 2 03 23. 1 . 13th 100 patented '4 50 2 03 VILLAGE OF DUNGANNON. IN WEST WAWAN9SH. MMth's survey I patented. 35 1 23 VILLAGE OF COnCeS407L or Street. Xere. Carling and others' survey1c McConnell's da, McConaell's do MCCOD nell's do. McConnell's do. McConnell's do. McConnell's do. McCormell's do. McConnell's do. McCOnnell's do. W 4 E , 52 Sub. Cou 1-5 xrrER. I 5 Patented or Ain't of Cost s cC: Unpatented;: .1faxts' Com' s'n. Total. patented. '1 57 1 patented. patented patented patented patented patented. patentet 1 74 patented. 60 patented. 174 1 14 ,1 25 174 1. 25 11 74 :1 25 1174' 25 1 11.. 7* :1 25 1 25 25 - 2 82 25 2 99 2 99 2 9$ • 2 99 , 2 99 2 99 2 99 1 83 1 p3 patented. 1 23 60 1 23 1 15 14 1 35 6 49 1-51 patented 4 71 el 33- 6 04 : 1-5: patented. 46 123 169 1 23 00 VILLAGE OF ST. 'HELENS., IN WEST WAWANO$H. Lot18,p'on. 11,15 Mather'ssurvey patented. 1 65 1 1 23 : A. M. !ROSS, Treasurer, County of Huron. 301-13 ty Treasurer's Office, derich Sept. 1, 1873. 1 69 14 35 37 78 30 73 84 53 343 1 58 i 88 A POSITIVEACT! ALLEN'S GROCERY, SEAFORTH A. 1-16 eatented 2 58 1 28 3 86 13, 12 e &tented: 2 69 1 28 3 89 'E 0 WROXTER, IN HOWICK. entre' St. E. 1-5 atented 7 99 1 4Q 9 39 OF FORDWICH, IN liONVICK. .. - 6 ' 1.atented 6 14 1 38 7 25 E OF HOWICK, N HO -WICK. .... 1-5 patented 2 19 1 28 8 47 - .. 1-5 .atented . 2 19 1 28 3 47 SHIP OF HU I LETT. 1 • 4th 16 ;Iatented. 3 19 1 30 4 49 7th 100 eatented. 31 57 2 00 33 57 • 8th 100 le atented 67 78 2 90 70 68 • OWNSHIP OF M • RRIS. , 84:3. 9th 100 lin • atented 80 49 4 43 84 92 STILI GE OF BLYTH, a MORRIS. • E 4 13 ... atented * 53 1 23 1 76 E 4 13 atented 55 1 23 1 78 ....... ..... .atened 53 1 23 1 76 " s E 4, 1 .... a I. 1 eatentecl 55 1 23 1 78 E 4 141..:. . ..... ..... , E 41 .a• • ...e,- • - • -' •• .... le II atented 8 53 1 '23 1 76 McCoenell's surv'y 7 ; Block A. I ie &tented 1 80 1. 25 3 05 T WNS HIP OF Mc NILLOP. S 4 1 t 7tli 50 ea -tented 17 57 1 65 19 22 VILLAGE, 1F CARRONBROO '1, IN McKILLOP. 9....... .' ...!.. 1-5 le atented 32 1 23 1 55 ILLAGE OF SEA r ORTH. 50 ' Jar is survey 1-5 1 atented 6 46 1. 38 7 84 55 Jar is survey 1.5 1 1 atented 6.46 1 38 7 84 Part lock K Jar is survey .1-5 patented 7 88 1 40 9 28 - TOWNSHIP OF ST NLEY. Centr part 13 Range A. 1 9' patented 6 11 1 38 7 49 VILLAGE OF BAYPIELD, IN STANLEY. W pa 174 .... 1-32 pate ted 31 • 1 23 . 1 54 pate ted 1 26 1 2o 2 51 Midcll part 216.... 291 '• I patented. 74 1 23 1 97 621, .... • J a- p t nted 5 13 1 35 6 48 636.. .... 1. pat rite 5 01 1 35 6 36 VILLAGE OF ST. ANDREW; I . STANLEY. D, Allan St. li pat nted 1-37 1 25 . . • • • ....... • • OWNSHIP OF ST i PHN. W 40 acres of S 4- 3 N 4 3. .......... ... th. 40 patened. 18 42 168 20 10 5th 50 patented. 32 21 2 03 31 24 . V LLAGE OF HAR URHEY, IN TO SHIP OF T1ICKERSMITH. • 11 • , Ca h's survey ' I patented_ 67 1 23 - b 90 12 C sh's survey 4 patented 67 1 23 1 90 17 C h's seu.rvy I patented. 7 1 23 1 90 9 . Wors ey's survey . I patented 67 1 23 1 90 10 Wors ey's saavey , i patclnted 67 1 23 1 90 27 . ... C lk's survey 1-5 pat nted ' 67 1 23 1 90 10 ' Lewi &Galt's do. 1-5 pat nted_ 67 1 23 1 90 19 Lewi &Galt's do: 1-5 patented 67 1 23 1 90 T WNSHIP OF T .NBERRY. 11th 100 r npatented ' 59 82 2 70 62 52 VELAG OF WINGHAM, N 11URNBERRY. . .. 20 ft. atented 5 79 i 35 7 14 VILLAGE OF BL. n.JVALE, TURNBERRY. ..... 1-5 patented ' 8 04 1 43 9 47 .... - 1-5 patented 8.04 143 947 • THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN. -... NOTIL 8 pounds Loaf Sugar for $1. 10pound8 Coffee Sugar for $L 15pounds Currants for $1. ) 12pounds Val.ltaiins for Si. ' 20 pomads Bright Rice for $1. A 6 pound can of Peaches for 50 cents. 1. a ed Peaohes, Tomatoes, Cherries, Peas, Salmon, Lobsters, Sardines, &o. • 1 TEAS That please eeryone and at all prices. 1 ; F esh Ground Coffees. at 30 or 35 Gents Flour, Graham Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, &e. HOICE BACON AND HAMS. CASE[ FOR BUTTER' IN TUBS, !AT, • , ALLEN'S GROCERY, -SEA.FORTu., 1- 2 62 NEW -GOODST II • • • - • i.NEW NEW GOODS! • - II • PRIG AT LOGAN & JAMIESON'S. ; ilIntending plarch.asers should call andseepur Goeds, as we consider it N-0 1R9tJBT.i TO eirow them, and hat a. good stock and good yaluein the following lines: 1 . PLAflT BLACK LUSERES, 'FIGURED BLACK LUSTRE - B1A0J FRENCH MERINOS, i BLACK SATEN, BLACK PARAMATTA, 1 BLA_ON CRAPE CLOTH, BLAC SILKS AND POPLIN, 1 BLACKNELVETEENFONDESSES, !FANCY DRESS GOODS IN NEW SH DES AND STYLES. , 1 1 ' 1 ' fLAIN AND FANCY WINCEYS PLAINI AND FANCY FLANNELS. e6 Part -77: 124 125 SHAWLS..., Black Vlotlh and Velveteen. 1 ACKES—ieW styles. • Cornviall Twi FOR HOUSEI FURNISHING _ Our stook is fercomplete in ; - I• ,, tlelankets, White Counterpanes, Colored Counterpanes—Plain and d, 36 and 72 inch Shoetins, Pillow Case Cottons; Straw and eather Tickings, Table Linens, Towelings, Table Napkins,. _ Lae Curtains, &e. FOR GENTLEMENS WEAR, We have Nee ties, Collar, Socks Hats, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Undershirts and Drawers in Wool and aid Cotton, Fancy Finmiel Shirts, Fancy Cotton Shirts, White Cotton. Shirts. T We,EDS 4nd BLACK CLOTH for SUITS} Which we get up in the best styles, with. good fits guaranteed.. • BOOTS AND SHOES. Our stock corning forward and will be fully assorad in a few daya. • GROCERIES AS USUAL. • - A CALL SOLICITED. • LOGAN & J AMIESON, TO THEI PUBLIC AT LARGE. w. Harnes MAI ri H. OLIVER,. Saddle and Collar ANUFACTU.RER, 1• SleA.FORT.H. • i • o CC SEAFORTH PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS. • ' ' undersigned desires t state that he hns purchased from Mr. FRANK PALTRIDGE hit Photographing business, which he Will hereafter conduct. - PICTURES Of ALL 1 KINDS Taken in the latest and best styles of the Art. Having had long experience in the business, the ,the subscriber has no hesitation in guaranteeing entire satisfaction; and trusts to receive eon- - tinuance of the liberal patroaage bestowed on his ALL THE OLD NOATIYE (IN HAND. 1 • CH.A.OLES MORE. Settfortb, July, 1873. • 292 • SIGN (OF TH s, SCOTCH COLLAR. , choice as ortment of light and heavy Harness, Whips, 13e11s on hand. predecessor:. Horse Clothing, &c., kent constantly pairing promptly attended to, and. charges mod rate. Remember the place, sign of the Scotch coley. . H. OLIVER. DRESSMAKING. JOHNSON begs to inform her customers -13-1- that she has removed to rooms OVER HOFF- MAN BROTHERS' STORE. 302 .44iprentices Wanted. BIJIIDINd LOT FOR SALE VOR SALE CHEAF, -an eligible building lot, fac- ing on the M4cet Square, Seaforth. For ternas and Particulails apply to 801 Mrs. W3I. MALCOM. • • NOIOE TO TUB pupuo. THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE ; I 1 • AS I have been appointed S le Agent ixt, the Pro- s! vince of Ontario, the lorence Sewing Ma- chine, none have a right to ll the I said machine except those appointedhy met- In the County of iff 'Huron the following are the only authorized Agents for the Florence Machine : hos. cormors, I.T. P. Whiffen,- and Lawreneti M by, Seaforth ; ° William McGaw, Clinton ,• L. $. Willeon, Goderich, Any persOti or persons other than the above repre- senting that they have a right to sell, or can fur- nish the Florence Machine in the County of Tha - roil, are impoters, and the publics are hereby warned to beware of them. O. C. WILLSON, ' General Agent for Ontario, Seaforth. 290 5 A • •