HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-10-10, Page 2I QCT. 1 09 1871, R., VRO, EX1PQ$D'0, ------------ -- Impound Elbx1r of Ph6spbabes Of Cal, is Wheolor'g Co -wyer retar-ked to tl dorkings, James DOwb. Black Jol n M. Martin, ienetian blind", H, I told me jokets'of ruder people. Ther Hgits use for ,several la; to h is m judg, y P ands, e stories or !lot mucl 'w'.eek redovered! perfect- healt" . y wife, dud Y candid SOUTH RID* S DWI. Jame Dow' Ian is, lat Yames Robb. Stuffed birds, I StJobil Walker,,( 110 ea n. Goldegh Po at got children nao, haTO taken It, for go-ooral Tonic pur- OuTt, b1d. fO are an 'p, gled Ham. Of poqei4 to Invigorat Down, 2d James D be 2d P'ohn Walker. Barrel offine salt, not oultivathit peoplep but they are ol." The judge 'a oivn. 8 .n and strengthen the sy4tein and eye to fall U [CONTIgUED FROt-A F 'RSt FA E-1 trating the character ood, -with perma- -burgs,"Ist James Down, 2rd ames own. grond, Coleman & Goninlock, Balrel curi us " illus mote tha form tion of pure bl iuR the vital 6,ple- who tell ibenT And lau at Pro' ent ; then, "in ell, and It briergizes and* ou biief IIIOM Thpi i4on a M*s, Of -Mit e'noildLHam Lirgs, ames ])own. of Oses, Coleman & those pe, molut boneftt. able mariii0r. With suppressed- einotii & INUilli talt for packing pur i - 'Lee of husk -Silver p wi(le "open fire-pl, forces in a remark' trth, )eing Goi Linlock, Pie,3e of 5 Incy flannel, Mrs. ' them . bv the ice y J. 0. the Houdans' Su L th, 2d A. niith. AMim J. BUTT, wills5o of Seafc Will d opinion that t their log cabins. ou hear som of my candi Aggnt of, the Globe, Montreal. it It if I-sh ist J mes D)wn 2a larg(A exhibito i this -The Black, 8 Mar- Gr,'Y. ne bundr-ed dollars- somely finish -.d;kud -well M 6de tin Char esworth R V FINE Awrs.—Craylon sketch, lat S. -I :them tieao uscov Ducks, 0 Henry NNw _plows There were OnCO, W9 oung men resgiolls of all jiltvalid, i t 111hq. Con "raham am- oil Sainue Di* 'kson. P oil ago, ic *r. G C chan, s not Rouen d ilks, J. A. Mrtin. arom. home, bo ) Ejtation wa 1 12d. , H. rel at 11. Ch, r'jesworth, en had never been liway t of 1A tllq warld4ill 'r ch. -ow— ny Mon oe Hogan -were the adm. x istSamuel Or 2dD. Q6 pbell. Publi-sboa as a warning and for the belieft at"', of Geese, errand of some s,,)rt. nd olheri -who gufftir from Nii-nivolls ig Men'8 Christian Ass a e 0 wo went to town on an young nien it YO -19 Turkeys, Samuel.06 h. -. i 6Q ers, &not received mAuy flatteril 17108 rth. > L lot bou gilt MANHOOD, ate., tlpplyl g the e the divine to rry Loss or of home-mde They Conpired together tried to per-su -ttions. Mr. X. Lo %ared him- awl 1 landatory conunend, TuFLP01ENTS.—Il oden oi. pateu t arm .3 WOP Cure. Writt ell by one M I and a lialf , cents' worth of giliger-' monus of tielf Uye to them wi0iout charg Will lams had ev. eral good 1) Mbre ul, 36, entries, Ist -Mrs. Cordery, 2d two i I cousiderabloequankery*, an:l wagron, Thos. Hills. Double carr' He ked along'the stroot id increase his fame. 11, 3d Samuel- Cal7lio bread. X-1 theYaI 0 OU aS w eoill ehibtor buggy,.iWm. Gras -9111e. single carriage J. J. Campbe Hout free of charge. ufferer.- tire invited to address in b4ggies an(i cl aages. He had Oil eX- ist ie, lv assie. Athily1rs.. Robert Scott. Ptched quilt, -ling it r mouths, one of t1i0ill. (prepa-ving po.stage) the author NATHANIEL still into thei ed in reply 1. will leetir W. Grass LaWO box 163, -Brooldyll, N. )-3 ifty and my xpengesi hibitioll two well ade, -,in' d iea %v en '? L Jas. Carilochavi, II-Lidged 'the other and said B. —11 t1Y fuli8h- Iron plough, lat G. NAililliani son, 2L T Ion- lxt 'Duncan MCE ti u raised or sowetil am. I of marm. Im, ta in' man Once, when reatling ?wed we iuz -r nolzon le c a roe& Hogan, Iion 11 6.4- Vm., Wilson. its d ±n buggies a id. a Ist G. W Iliam- 3d Q T110211 I Eciectric Oil, e woul - 0 on ground work, lstT it Lang, 2d Thos. ech a sphirg ol.V shelgill DO YOU M ce sme to thl I. were creditable to his' est lourAt & 'Alogau. Hors hoe, Ils gos -is son, 2d N. y. Tatting, is not much humdr. in this tinily WOILT11 TFN TI91; IT9 WEIGHT IN GOLD. our dec astid brother - 1 There NOT, IT 18 ment. Mr Thomas Hillsi Of Gigmond- .Monroe. & Hogn. 0alog p ough, ' hou Car1ter, 3d John AN, I I .- t KNOW ANY.TIrXNG OF ITY, IF, must say McLellaild, 3(1 1 tell it ; but told by a coun 173 0 ow h; s abstantial ville, showed a handsome aad a son & Williams. Ta p Iro HarroW's, D. * David Mack, 2d Thos a's he is, Ile 1B "I'DID. c 0 alder Brothers om. Crochet* ork lst Win.; who, poor ver - takes Ige There tire but few preparations of medicine 01 to a mourner, he ask d. whe farm Olt. Messrs. C Mlartin. I Miss '11, the impartial judgment of wag 'Apie]Kay Field roller, J. M. Cents—and ho which have withstood everal tomb which F. Seegmi ar, Id D below a fiP "—five *rniug 44 bother 17 or a 18-13s T! Horse bay rake, 0. C. Wil son, Tut bhe people for any great of tilue- One Of exhi4ited a st -nip Bowden, 2d e I 'Lq1r. Georve Ellibroidery in ulusli larhs all over as he tells it, I 11 these is THOMAR'BLI-WTIM, OIZ purely a prcpar- cently sa-R, )u,,:,,h. ,I Fan- McEwen ruer seed drill, James- Lande3b(r( 11g. Is that RrO known, were deservedly admired.; To "YleMichael, 2 r patent. ra. T. I f I Eis found it quite amusi atj of six of sorne of the bust oi ryan acquaintance." Ilina mill, Ist T)Ialco m TMeTagga, t, 2d M I M a T. Mo I Own. Fors, h had eciluiell. CS - 'in wo yp ng onch olie POHctiing v irtiles of its rj-ng iished ar -was ato -1180 011e rbomson & Williani T nugli. E I -1 Here is one like unto it : Two yp offic L fence set nl Z1701111d, alid- urnip c itter, Me ichad, 3d. Land. sbo mly stiouilig thro gh phyaicianH know that medicines 2nfly be foruled' Of 41i encei silk, Ist ' hos. Ryan 2( men front 11 Iiijea -martlal He h, -tain r-,-,X8oIpropOrtiOnB of i(ler of a court of Id , new gattes.- this f 0. C. Willson. Single.rea)er, 'gll'ms n broi ' ry in city Heveralin-rudielits in Cal: -it I I Cincinnati, came to the sign, I .0- 0 7 effects Nvhich o Oulol a raw Irish recruit, 131. fa mers, all I' ' 'lick. Embroid - y in worste4 greater power, and proalluill'- aness 6-onsi erable attention fro & Willim, Singe Mower, - 'lot WITI. Lou a G W1 J a. ai I th s no of tbem, or in hand for the Bible- -fad One of thiii spells it ii ever rL from the usc of ally 1) -lowledged -utility 'ra Ist Dunc 01& his all acki orse Thoinas Ryan. Br di "r Ki ty aifteront cambinations. Thi its afid. 11sef en, -2d Thos 1` lg'Thomas Lee C -i -t, Kit, y, Kitty,11-64, Hot, is in the preparation ve, 2d Thoisoii. Williams Mforming at fmding it—V ness. The following is the. Pea harvest- Me w e, d of this oil a Chemical chmigo takes Place, 'be his astonishment Poke,, Thos. MeMelli d. Kitty !Hottel. Th r Nlichael Hot, e-lt el, I 1bility bo ok—grasped. and hearti shod% D. Mrs. T. Me' it compoull rRIZE r, G"eorge McLeod, Set llicrae Fancy knitting, ist MIX Kri d which could not bY.aUX posr nothe IAST: us' be the same y iy other combihation or proportions P d Mrs.T. McIffichael, Mrs. Thomas Bill that air III at who i. the very broa& niado from at 'k. -L%1cN7aiight. Pump, A. Co)k. or ingredizuts, -01i by Ho 898—HF.tvy DR.-amu'r. Best I - - len- ls Hottela usedto keeptavern in IlljLl- of the iame ingrOdiclutH, any Other f Lee. Two pairs of Wo bafore I -es meself *bo ispro- C nada COmpkiny a I)rlT'e o trjVe., nogh, 2d J. r bring a and ontiroh, differenh from anything ever brood mre, 18t Jaes 'McDo James -Scott, 2d Mrs. D. Ross. Tw op'lis..!' This story lidYe fils to made, one vhich produces thOmobtastonimbIng rd- ed to hould the hand of ye, si. $30 Dus a of fall wheat, -allge. of application ind PISS - ti Ist J. J. Fisher, 2d or the best 10 b nt P J. Fis i er. r T, 1,90n, 2( 'tug wilts, and havi 1" it wider I athrick. #nd. all of the stor H enry Chtwley. shels o' 1 Pirs of stockings, 1 at Miss NVi Jame McDon000,h, 3d Johut Dunn. Three ever I)cf ore discovered. Itcon- d Maly creldingy Ist Jnies Logan, 2d whea-t, lst J. J. plell, 2d Vill. Dul il MCE'well. Pair -)f Woolen mitts Sometimes th eroi Y sthnuAny medicine -*U year fiegro. taint; no alcohol or other volatile liquids, conse- of ould Ireland bless yer honor OR nothing by at, H- —A M.-Nlichael. Payne, 3d Win. Arms, onc. 'Two ush-- ist T'0 rieve, 2d Miss N ilsoll. Pair o Irishman, someti es tly 10 crotporation. lYhorever farluer alivi lis Wife all4ed, 0 '1y, the fr all u snpre ie 1 up ; pha Alex. Foilsytb, 3d.Thoma§ iew, Ward, 2( shin yoll got the bv cftt of evdiw drop Ily, lat Sohn Vaitus, 2d els Of- S.Prillg wheat, ' t, X lex. RP a s wo*-11 gloves, Ist Mat d, 2( trov toyraph gallery last W1 other 'preprat fill the alcohol ifs. I of. the lattA T Pi Three ear old fi y shi ions nearly Two 2d Win. Armstrong 3d wo IMiss I Thom. (Irents shi t, hand -made fool -% ,hile the negro often shows ith iotov-raphs Cha . Tough , of wit. - More rain more 11 lost in that and you get only the Amall 111111- ef some ohn 1cN1ilI,%n, 3d James 2 d Ro A. an deal - U LO Ist S. CariloclWan, C lochan wh.il the operator Ara$ etti yd gelding, Ist Roderieftoss 2d busbels of 'two4ro edj barey, Ist 41ex. tity of oilE; which they may contili AEWd el - it began to ra ii. 'I Vax 'fruit, ls crie(l. a negro one (lay as & IT. T1f01%L%-8, PHFLPS, X. Y. ana gave tliewife a liv Ramsay, 2d Win. Stollem''n, 3d Cb4r]ea It Duncan McEw M,,dy -the, husb Y, Sam?" -;slid (I Newcastle, Ont., FU m. McLean. Two year-old fill' Tlick, 2d John 0 iisholm. Haii. What did you den, And NORTHROP & LYMAN, t Tough. . Two bushels .f E ix -rowed Louis dvice as to how she - ust act: ist P ter Mctai3h. 2d 8aintel Broad. ,I said. more rain mo *e ole Agents for the Dominion- 0 ter. ley. lst Robert Scott., 2d Henry Qhes'- wo ugh Grieve, 2 Donal(IT, his mas h said Joh or -0-ne year old"filly, sall". " Th n NOT);.—Bleotric—olectee I10 Etud Electrized. urali'd On something fo ot, V-, ri AV' y.' s y Large data lisIt, conib, Ist Jell Zinimer, 24 shuckin' cOA in do bar", oia in Seaforth byE. 11ickson &-Co.andR. laugh -and sp ile the 1st A#drew Storey,. Q,d Georgb Cheaney. noy, 3d tho.1rishmT:' He had just arrived in dse ,you will Olin, Elliott. Jar olf —how 7=r fal lat Gbas.'Tough, 2dJ eE Davidson, 3d Js., 'umining, 3d J Thi early days - Draft Uealll, I at Sa*el Crlich,, 2A Henry oney, lbs Istj ZM1 this Country and was crossing _k about Isti H. clear 11 mer, 2( r in- r 'Was an jail, and yon othk Chesuf y - 3d Daniel I Bell. , Fo l 6f- 1373, Alex. Rainsay. Com ion oats, &eing bear come- tb kk da Agents wanted. got r been.1' 111aChesney, 2d Charles On, b, 3d Robert Win'. Arnistro'lig. 1011L of. hom on a foot log. 20 H working > 1jeoldel ., ad. what youd haNl -of t)he Dominin silver I he took him to be 7hegro III t oired I V King -d A. Q. other' .vay 3 O, -ox,.y you 0 qt "" 1 er; 2 her s cling or old, make more u d Scott. Large peas t Robert tell, made wine, lit Johi all the lladll!t pitied a it P - - iug. The bear J J. Fisher. Fol Of 1873, Bire bade him good morn silver Cup, Z Lace work, Dk. Colein t work for us in their spnre moments, or Youli. guld McDou"all John Dunn 2d A), id. W and, after the mailher of 1) e a r tirue, than at anYbhill- cise. Particulars free. OIL to tha up, e ry J ohn Bull, Alexander 114m- Berlir wool work, Ist nis Gli .284 Iwish you wolilw''t glvem d 2d 1> OsZ lat IMUtthow War Th AtlrussG. STINSON o.,Portlaud,Maine. AGBicULT-Ur­kL OP. GmiER -L-PURP " 6 r k" Clsped the Irisihmn to his bosom 'Fas. S Cott. Feather flower Ort weight for my money ndrew 31LY, 3d Samuel Landes 1 .or JuLrh. Bu hel ',Nl r a. t .. Y this to be .1 Sign ( f s -E .— Brood mare,: Ist A libsoij. Irishmail, supposing. of timothy, i t6mp -to a grocer who had -an! account w'n, 3d Goo'rge Ches- P. G turn. B I LIEGAIL. andes or 1 tMJ Rill, ley, 2il Mrs. G ey 2elilot kno ist John :1 b ougli, -wish you W -01L 2d Geo. McMiChael. jH alf bushel of a- ,,v4tor carpeto ist Alc x.'Wilson, 2 1 fection, Iona the bear. in turn. P-3 standing- ey. oal I t J es.Laildjesborough, finding that the nger squeezed III - flaxseed, IstDavid. F i ison, 20 Mrs. Robeiit 14,'I Plait Of C Ila( ian stralv 2 , wiliham, has been ap- ot give me su6 long wait f minei. S ! Pi a" 3a Vill. 8 proat hafs r 101I lisciotfaly hrd he6ctiontely remo, —117LEET, Solicitor f 0 be lets, I -it a nes ThoiA, 2kl co J. Won. Dale. Gry. O be pointed Agent for .ht! Oololliul SLeurities Com- Plijol the grocer HoWrCULTURAL PROI U S r pany of England, he I,; -also Agent for several pri. -01E Three achan. In it hi 3 ­A Dutchman Three year old Ic .—Four va- -mor's rs. Q strtated-withbim. Whenitgotto be and an Iriollman J as. iom. Fai e ol ill. lat Alex. B' I death lie pulled ov ey fit a apples, 1, of each, Ist Willivinson. tter of life -in( v1itecapitalists of Ta+onto, who lon,1110n g lonely highway., Ats they N cMi lan 3d John Berry. J rietles of winter I ye don't let go Il I lb Intor6Ht payable oarly M miet on 2d Job I knife awl said: ',A, I if very reapolable rates: M F I -ii .h Samuel Landesborough, 2 George Cox, each gmiled thinxiii h e 1, ew the A T wo y -, ar 61L i0i lst -Abr'. mTay- am'u Tlj j FRIZFN AND R you," which he procee Charges moderate. i &^^. %ha liev t( 0 lge '3 ded t wingliam, Dec. 15,1871. 213 4- at aistake, `rematk in F z ol Jas. Dickson Four varieties' of fall . I , on 9 ing )-u m Arch 3d Joh it ger- do. The bear rolled into the water, 1%11( 1-4 lor, 2d A. apples, ist Hugh Gri VIE 2d Samuel i* al. d. TWO * year old filly:, I t . tewart -W`r ngef -Lvlrs. Olribgon. TW9- the Irishman, meeting a likll sooli. efte 0 -Faith, an I thoug,bt Y & HOL'AlEt STED, BalTiatcrH, At, 4es])orough. Colle; Of es, McCAUGHI it was ne an! gall, Chairters 3d ame§ Lal ig machine, T I(, nisoii & inf(jimed. -hiln that cry and on t ought MeD 2d W I I borse wii' lie had, killed A, torneys at Law, Solicitors in Challc lat: Ist Wm. Bell, 2d Geo. 0 Prate of 10 1) 1 wi ich they returned. and "Insol ney, Notaries Public and Convevillicers. One. year old geldnio, liams. 8trw-cutter Ticnison & AN11- 0 olih, cTag- na er, upol Rhode C Soucil crs for the R.C.Bauk, SeafurEh. Ag;euts f igor., On,e. sland greening % J pin County, C usher, 0, girl in Macoul Ireass of the bear. James Coats, 2d John NL1(;GA liallis" (2 prizes.) I( lice or- W%rt. Plate of 10 nortl w spys; James fo, the c. the Canada Life --issura M s his if he cei as SpIlan 2d H. In some of the stories the xiegro all- year old fi Ily, Ist Thom, I Willson. Washing maelline, Mrs, G N-B.— W,000 to ILild at 13, per cenC Farms, ae of I Q oxbu ' Rua- while mh milkeol t Gen of I (I elut), : )C, 0 MICmi lan, 3d. Win. Ch rters. erl keMichael. . -Plate ry Gibson.- Plate Flemish Bedlity 'milk three 'cow se U01. Plate ts, Robert Landebe of Ijears as the "inferior being." In West- Houses and Lots for i;ale. tpi purpose team. I at J. J. `ish 2d. A. B a nisay. Six vrieti-,s plums, JO)IL11 - atch is called a turnip. 'He faille(12- aDd at last accour 1.0, ! - ern parlance a w :ry tis Spitzenbertys, obert Goven-. G'rrapes JO 11 Logn.' lilt NSON & 31EER; Barristers and Attorneys 0 Hen E op I co tieing on all. the cws, Tiplady, 3d rAire.1 10 's Thom It is joke that h ON o slang. Brat Law, Solicitors in Cbancery and Insolyoncy, okPlate of 10 B, 11C wins, Samuel Miss 1). C- with the bope:of -getting anoth r -trial' colt, yearling, H. Me Doll ald. Mare and Tritoilla, (fl( tries i4itri'dNh I heard oA conveyancers, Notaries Public, ete. Offices—Sen. Landesborough. Plate cl 10 Westfield one of the stc 'IN All U I Lt. Al white, mail met forth qmd Wroxeter. $28,000 of Private Filbas to —put wn your umibrell s 1 foal.7 Pell He "y Clifty Creek was this Seek-no-farthers, -Robt. Landesboroug11. I I 11 t, ble CAPRIAGE HORS.-F.S.—Brood $ nwa 78, T. Erro katch a 0 yearly. mare, It Aihc , (1, Rhode Island 9170CIII11f, Chain 11 ligrill(r Out in -vest at once, at Eigh t per cent. Interes Aya sea -re tbisengine off the track 1, ills. -Plate of 10 snow apples IPO(11 MrCM 53 *Nort as H Ilingapples, Adrew 8trol g. at time is it. by you r - JAB. H. BENSOX. H. W. C. XF.YEIC. the engineer of the Western. 4, , h:, cCulloeh, 2d 8V m . eo -crowd of. cou try Robeft McGulloch, 2(11 Th Cox. 8eec arld asked Wfi. Yoal, Ist Robert M Plate of 10 Giavenstefit. Ingram, Bo;tk Concord wine, f0selh. Bill r. to a g or filly e of 10 fall pippin'l Jacob' McGee. turnip ? Laws, massa," answered t1l, Ohna road Y, esney. r )ch. Two vear o14 geh in Plat Collection piSies, Win.. Ch r- - gathered to see th4 tzlr%st, at JO, Cheaney. I -TWO varieti s of wiliter ears, 5) of each, 111014311110113 darkey, 'I how did yott kno-w W R. SQUIE%Barri-stcr,kttorneyfn Mane-' who haid q1l] 8, -1 1. R -0-ut Office—over J C. cars come in-. ere in Fitzgerald, 2d Jam6s i ' (I Cl -rots, cry, Goderich, ist Samuel Carnothan, 2 x. MeMiche -TTI O. twas turnip!" Behold Bryan O Lyn I ietSquara. 69 r They W Alex. Ramsay.. I . . o*r Co.'s Emporium , Mar OI Detl One y old gelding or filly lst I o varieties of f all pej L 5 6f wich, Ist Cox. White B with a black face. iage i. Tw. In-nes,'2a'(rlThomas McMichael.. Ca.tr' Tom, oes, D. -nsh, IA. Another watch * st6ry A gawk wei t Z INI Y,,00a solEo pro* w Stvide 2 1 Callan- John Hilgill 2d Alex. Railisay. Plate ol & ffle)Dolitald, ts. Alalprop, I team, ist Matthe YVI Hc bson. Kohl Alln Hob gy horse 4 mare, 1st (if 10 Bartletts, John ill. Plate o4. bourtilur. He sat.close to the object ('f TERS,.&ttorneys, Solit4tors in Chancery, 2 to distribute tracts amoil 'who, she- 'regrets -to h -e knoi v &c., Brussels, 0 vo door$ 1101th of der & eott. 'Bugri, a Three Butter made by spinster, Mis I Jallo e BA' t ut. Office—t his devotion and. said : ;8al, d' q0 oat. Fifty the Post Office. on John Hyndmpu,. 0 Flemish Beauty, X 'Johil, Rat state of Spiritual Destitutim 11c. T 'es, liss Spr what thtir is, W. 11. SQUIER DANIE L McD ONALD, hw 1, 2d Dr pon tkk, i.1 Entire -YE varieties of Plums, 5 of a , Ist Robert r ittle arlin colt, or] - h 3d. T1 omas BeJl. I 0 butteli , Chariles- Ton I. ' '.weilty- ive illy pooket *!" "No, Pete, what is it What makes a - wag "'Sad- Goveill ck, 2d. JoIlln Th, mpson. Collec 1 271 GLZ miuh. f ist T. iomas Hills; 2d Carrie' u's butter, Mrs. hot. Beh. Twtiv' aske " 3 eacll. POU NVy,1t's my wateli an' a five dol r d. oiie -Varey u anotl Win.. Chesney, 2d tion apes,, 3 , usters of of ripe gr o ti or mare, I at 'TI D. McEwchi, bill." 'Cause de dog is stronger d dle horse ioringenair, Jahn inin iree poun( a butter, Spring foal. ­ai.)y g iter So At) -0119e8t I uld Mrs. Robt. There is another story very fum' if de tail Was d, str Robei t McMichael. Smitl I Mrs. J,5hii U 3 apes, one C I mor vArieties, Patterson e Av On. bree(.1 or class, J. J. Fisher. Shipl nd 111's. Ilialh, Herbi Geo. Cox. 'Collection Agrapes, ilnied, When told by a baek vo who ]I CA211PBELL, (Opiduate of McGill tniver- de dog, would)3t it, f eam. Plow I . Bros.' special prizes of i1ron V Butt, r without salt, Al x. -Wilson. id Ely )f DR of M —A fascinatiug YGUAF at z 3 clusters of - eacli, gi wn under glass, the power of mirniery—as. very mai sity, Montreal,) Coroner for the County Mrs Robt. Bell. Bu ter suffici tly Ofline-­lNext door *to CnIder Brothers' in Tuscaloosa, a for the best team of any clas,%, owned by few night John Zimmer. yellow Crab- tbenihve. Itis the Old story of t e Hilroll. M a far:: er J. J. -Fisher. salt f )r tble Ilse,. Mrs I Robert ..8 th. Yarblo Works, and oi)PoAte Irecallnin's Hotel, asked if she ever read ShakesbI14 7 bashful lover. He can not say what I e must have apples, L. Mabee.'_ te of' -red crab Main -street, Seaforth, -nellr the Ritilway Station. Ck -rL-B—D URHAINI. —COW, 1. I Hom, -made cheese, 'blin. Me all. r that Men, Ist MAlcolon. Me- es, T. Gri of. 10 peaches, wants to say, he thrusts his filicrer in I .'a course I have. Ive since last show, ca VP1 lev '* orgy e Log in q.uilt, D. Scoit. J)atch. q lilt, JAZ TENV&RT,'.M. D., C. If., Graduat4 of came out. in AL eTaggrarti 3d Qlle variety, Ge e Cox- liamilton o ld giggles. the mi(Tsi of Ii JU aacy rt,- 2d - Alalcol 'ibso r. nan r sed T, all"agent, -, lor 6 Mrs Gr. P. (I al sili&Z; irog Ris sweetheart dis I- University, Montreal, Ph sicia ar, d Co Z Wo ye d. --nursery prize, D. Me ale gart T Mrs . 0 Not M irn McTag worh, I Bri e,r .,?beE;t A-aaieties plunis obt. Govenlock. teresteffly - ishilior to help him out 1)f geon, etc. Oflice alad RosidOnce—Bruceficid.. ne year old heif F ah. N-, I el' his difficul The Tiellborn Snell.' O' aH,. .."D FLON , &.—Collection of odi B ty asks haV4 cwostl Yoil sc IiLNu, Seaforth, (lato of Carronbrook,) ty-1.11L. 6N ezl e( ­tt 1 Jeemes ets Jeemes off in a in ist H. Sliel-I 2d Malcolm MR Tar_,L,,art, 31 1 M Thomas Ilk I— D11 fail- -s Lande b ) gh. ColWtion 'a Coroutr for the conlit-N, of Perth. Office— Aste 5d M a de y Forrest, ! abl r Geor re, 6hesney. Hei alf, Ist 0, - f Phloxes, 4 variet 3; D Col 'Sa fresh burst of tittering as lie reph a, Hotel. Calls at eiai* to 6proal . ;> , I —Rock ff. Snell, 3d Geoge mtted unift, B oad- Oli! ilothin', jest deviltry. DR. RING'S office'will be attended to o1ay or Bull calf, Ist, 2d T -gest collection o - .. 'i -and'3d Nalcolm Me La of lials) Dr. e I all( the I-argest blaolmmitli. any of these stor es woven qilt, do not uppose night. 287 n. 6ix Varia lea o nzies,.Dr. Cole- foot 0 .Tagdart. Hed of Dutham. cattle, coln- Ina of' a 6 1. James Scott. J. G; Ament. Leathei Wor J). 1q uAt. Boquet are very aniusing. II tell them s curl( 817 D, C. 31., Physici ll, Sur. Was broken a few days ERCOE, —Gro pose4 of four females anil. a bull, H. I mail spo, iniell of Solving III, hill wol a geon, etc. OnIce nud Residoneu, corner of a*er illdS Of POtat0es, ties Picked up in ont'of the way pla rail -way line e Wi -oil. 0rgan, Doli-i-ty & next, to the Planing'W on the first in. McMurray, specimens of th fu ten )le Uarket and High streets —9,ow bushel of ea6 Is W Persia. . - 11 VF0 EABLFS. —TWO 11 of the pen t D upf ,UNTS. ' i M ligh. at ; till 111. people" Ix Georgia, Vermont, varied Broadf6ot, 2d Mrs. I 2d knowii. Fou beads of 1, INIAr Y SURGEON.—I). Mc- \-AVGHT, 12 eiAries, Ist James dtLy V Pi obson, 2d Allan. led of still love at V uts of oot. T cabbage, ist Alla y begs to.annotince, to the inhabita 1, Oamusemnts the other Lean, 3d Jamies Bro we JQets. lst SailluCI ob- adfot, Habson. —Robert l is Seatorth nd surrounding Country tht he. has yealf old heifer,- 6 lat, James snow -storm. albeen awarded the oliploilla of the Out rio t 8ee,-rEniller,, Six ert Bell, Tuckersinith , IV oil yu inquiresf, a- Vc jin 2 wrq. me Six bloo Broad. Laud4sborou .-,,h, 2d - E CD ­Baltzim-017p has new-spaper ic a2d rs. Win- McLe 3d J abesl I ary Collegu, and is now preptireti'to treat diseft anxious friend. yes," says -Red 1: fool 0I hoifer 1 ry o t M, '1611 Ael well, 4 (,vrvjjjP--Jolln 'toll, Cattle aud all (103nostic aniinals- He the 11- 9 manLofas, ist a, imonialJournAl-alid A,olvertlser. ye, . Id Metevii. 2d Sainkie.l. 'arnoe, Jr., 2d Jas. AGkso. S1 globe Iv sto lines Bissett., they a feller ki ider sorter courtin.. has OpLued an oftlev in Connection with his horse- ,C , h I I Ott, J. DellA 21- Will. SNN'T. lie" all' kinder so,rtor not, but rafier shoeing shop, whero -he will lic found reatIT to at.. -.nd to c —A, T C-1 Oarli, Vise, -I a Broadfoot. Ist'6&mu Diiieuses. of thateet special Hef Calf, lst tL in -e -Ln kiiider ich to wo 81x o%yede tur. N1, laill 8tollelliall, Le,.\ aren More sorter not th. hehas hit upo a'plan by #ps, Ist John! I Jailes Dick -Ban, 2d Janles I)Leks'n. T tended to. office and shop ill the roax 0 a 2d Georae Ba4. Six earlyhorn f CIA, re r pfe-lity of that ti of Killorall &I rivan's new store. 1%.11 kinth, of Veb- Qv,,vi 1 -q ,,n , o T"T.11 Y. sorter. The u -ess tht' in y ea al (I steer, lat -Mrs. WEI - INIcl, i.t* obSOU 2LI John r t 2d kn VITin. McLeiin. Obe ear old Carrots, 1st Allan 1) -% the way. eriuury Mbdiciiie4 kopt c6nfib.au Iy on hand. y eat- Charges reasonble Adama(n, A. of the of the Ili Ierahl fib 310t a t e t r, lat Will. 011arterp, 2d Jam.es t Walke 0 0 P0 —The Utica I t erl J. CHTIRCHILL,'Veterinary (mom- with the tests to which 1 st Samuel Landesbar agll:l Lt I-V tobb. I 1)e mle sllo*Abc exti ts D I 0 DiEfItson. Fat steer or ON,_ 0, Ist MI g Vatt, ri - bor of the utario C Cted and WA Ulua 2d Thomas- Goveillock-, 3d Six white Bulgitul carr I 8 t G e. O. ILOOTS A Y Pi.,oi)i 1 ) hich their hiiinr te al kvho ND A - i was slibje Wqn. McLean, re dt. ,lve ears of -Indian is a fool is said 11 'to to the practice of if ele* , a. D' I M] NzIeDerinid, W. H. P er li "the a 1186 to Intimate that be has returneLl would, have been the res Fat bo ifL Tllp'M as- GovenloGk. 2d Ja ickson. T%IL his profession in Scafortb, allol may at all times be 0 rn, Ist.)ohn Thodltpo, 2d Gcoj Cox, i V tey 41 li tile law llows. i The law use( to tle girls 'h ml called uP.0n Ilim., One 41 1 at George Sprot, 2d Thonlas oven -1 cc n.4tilted an the disease-, of ;Horses, Cattle, a Three wate,r melol st Allan- 1-1 olbsoll, Trie' 4Z 104c. Fat heifer, over two Years,, George J Ohn 1C, John exempt one hillittred nd fifty Yeterinary medicines constaritly on hand. All -or thpurpose-bf B -aliother, f ,three rnusk nieloiis Iall who" had less Calls promptly attanded to, pffloo, tit '.Nlaiision Ist Thomas Gov- %d J; - - 8 -oat. -Yoke of oxell, -B. hantz. 16t, 13 rn.$. froin exocutioi ;A In 8unday-sebool. picnic ticket& bso L Mrs J than this wrta III stat"e of-extienit., 1 aiik- Bost n and A lj, n Olin Trick, 2d John, Barry. Three year old —it has cost the I i C+ enlo c k' 10. ril no"Fo. hea rauglit, rs.' M 6 Miss Kel ptcy. A man -W belis-an ei1itemy (Is Caah[Io*e 18t]). ho i`ilre, y -ving.milk, Mrs. Wtn. NifeLean It J. Q. BULL iL D S railmad $19,1500 to elolplb heffei, gi I I He let 2-d lways proposes to "lick- blin till liis "Iilxide A, :am, , 1t F. sseegi-h-iller V ck of rud onio is, (red S1111GE, 0" !4enforth, tent brakesinaa wont bold sbucTzs." A bag whiebi Jdl,IR Petty 2d Wili. Penh le, 3d John Of VIlite Or vellow Backwoods uihor. Ontario.' late work, latest CD 'car T11R. into a t i not holtl corn husks -is-, of caurse, orry ms'lst trontr S FIrloy, 2d:ltobt. - I t: . 0 I I firow a lady fro ai her 'seat S4-m le. Sheirling, rarn, lbt R. '&Iall- ! On'.( , stvies, neatly bxocuteti.- tin sur- ZP 1 :4 ana as tight a, the tti lesboroug P qk'of towatoes, At of the fillest, P. tb4 , verY71 affair. A stingy'llin is -3 ,NleCiou­ Lano. 16%glial opLrations perforiu&I with re Love, It I her, and shq has r-_C,)ve d the A H 3d J j mc ts of Celery 11all4kable, book, Doolli Wiley's -cl ree., "He squedzeq a care Und promptitnole. Fees at, law a can be ob- cl- J, ' outheornbe, lan flobsoD. Six I Thomas r bai k on'a 1) ee named in a suit or Tm. ern a e, of vegetltbles,Allau i. Ii. 0,iuroh, i the Ono s over Store, had an P h 1 3d. R. MaJUniDg.-7 Rair owney. bereill 11lie quarter tip the eagle hollers. V jell taiuctl el sewhcre.. Ofti6b hour.,; from 8.A. M. to 5 -d now D -env —A, er h s 'Robson. 'Half' 0 4 61 Eat -IV' Rose pota- C i c l jokdr, 11. .11. Room ,Nlr. A, G. AIL lilawshoots nother he "salivate ii 270 tuining huit Carling e-wes, 1st INTm. Pe0iale, -94 1H, I d : - Arden case but the rt Collection of cab- tijil,ates the'value of Ii inor as A Ali& when a is ill grreat daiigor they r., 3(1 Win ',iltoeniall. Ptdr de a Cum aic. ve.. 8 this inst e was videAdY UOt N I Hobsoll., niowd elsticit nd r qu wont save him." 1, I (10 WAS']] b lat John Cown, -21V Win. Pen- ages and ttirniPs, 111. I ill (;tf siy tive 8 auley t iin here- not know what this means unless[, it is in his poetical reai Dm it), PltoiD.Uc Fi epoundsbutter, ks tl 2 E. I V -to in h1ale, 3d John 00wall le NvIlo 11 HOTE L, Sl d sist UP( sufficient FORTH. —Thoma,; CD pCOTt5lv-OLD. —Aced aj I at T. B., bries, lst..Jiwo Me- is lways hope for peo n alltision to the Preservtiou of III at by K -N 0 to to his old friend and esaor remoustrated4u UM saltpetre. Nr Rilox be, Mr& -t Bell, 3d - obe.rt olilso of the ludicrous. If. liulnqr I a: e. often heard % 5 2d Jame" Sauthcoimbe, 3d 11. Gee, 2d Iest-. i a and thu travelifilg public, that he ) as leased the i =ger, he e betook bm") ve reapon. h. Ist, 0-d' and 6c0tt- Five' potin 1:3 butter, !1ithout yllil toni of possible d Io1)lIwi# then iier threaten, another mail tlit lie llotel lately occupied by "Mr. and -MJ WNEY HOUSE, ud -C) ove, Shearling ram, would "tan his. I'ide for Iiiiii, iid I formerly kilown as the 3)0 PV other parts of the zountrY- 11, ni lainb, Ist Jmes art Mavqry, 2d he lJ;,tek.-woodskN1estern -r hs sy It, 2,0 entries, ­14t 1,01. d H, Love, Sr. holw4 to receive a continiiii'lee of Pie patronago —A chool teacher in. Watt t to "Cott, 3d Th mas Carter. Keg of )f tllb most hopeful sort I ain never in Avomall Call )II ; d Mr Gathcom James 6 1 1 'Mass. has be, 2d. John C mmiricys. '3d so liberally bestowed upon him duriDg hi been sued for ass 0 13 many -3 es, bay.' salt btbor, 50-po I Is, lst Thom iiy i\rith ny Class )f Rasterili coun- her hopeful boy your,jcket C e hotel t And the physirA 0 tery, her 'R bt ry at for you, my, solt IN I ohn Caminings. Pi TO as. Dick. 011ilia VCars 1 usinc.s. Every comfor of renep b eing raikol in 1 73, Is J-ohn * Mar- - Be s 3d Mrs. I 0 le without feeling the o6ntr conveniencu Nvill be provldt q, for travellers The Ii. 01 in 2d, Thoin, M tkelnent f a pupil for )(ears aWusi-, I peo- Choicest Liquors wid Cltrnr , only kept in & Bar. 1 'lot les than 50, I them nd tl e- n Sout con e. acco' Ilis, 2d James Sout to a strict they AclLrottifILUaro!iAbleho,,tic)llll%%,O- inattendance. uld be neld. .4 sho C Ichs 291 THOMAlijl .NZOX, Proprietor. 0 ols, inade a factories ed by ple hi the lio), ewes, lat John AUtionn-ing, 2d Janies POu SPE jA.L: NOT I L, luill I 3i ualander A Scott, the 411-1110 .4lis. N+ cow- course, but how about the par(Owl. P. mbs, James patrons with to know th-at' carthcom be. air ewe. IF 10YAL HOTEL, Setiforth, Ontario. 2d Hugli Devlin (1,1. Uhi hohn. Single Western III nisters dr law- should greatly like ixON ; Coo" II.A,rE. co for 'at 0 A, is to be s-verely -pu otithconibe. -ILW - - , ; tc ries, no less, than 50 yers call bo gtiierw together witli- I POWELL, PropriLtori The subcriber has- ; p ri ate f [ Ul, ArqI) a t1joroll"I Lo -m 1VO61,m) STIFI- r OTTIFR. T] obeese, thor oii'ghlv cuovatetl anil newlv furnished the oeliool at four-year-old child int re not n diurveseeilee Eve -y 1111111 knowledge of I'the natural hiNvs Opounds inade at faclories which Nvh tr PD L ul(,F TP -r -i ot, C10IMN-OLDS. I iCh bove boi'e,so tbat it now good accoill-mo- i lipplio3d, by pat (us with milk, Ilobert bring,4.011t his bud et f —The ws.from Shreveport, rani, It Apploton Elc $at'2ol Jame govera tho 4) rationi of di rdsti 11 all d dation for the, travelling liublic. Choico liquors 1) I pp sawl -new,% inated. . The fev, ecse, not less tI all 2 0 f and ci- trs iii the bar. The tablc is 4upplictl with 0 ry 1, storellous of ut itiO Searliarf rani lsi,fohn Pett), So -Ott.. Sill"le cl I . 11) r 11 aud by a carefulapplic, tion o how signs of abatincr Ams lbro heard st)ries so the deliccie 4 ill saasolli 01%.-ters ill geason. ZD 0 dg, made lairies not su plied C. T.: 1) P the fine propertie of wo;ll-sele 'etc( Large stabling and an ttintive hostler in con- d Mrs. vilell ,ith facto! -ices, Ist I -Kobt, as in the pi eacher,s' ti ii it t afresh and with renewe ilb, Ist Johil. 2d George Che's la well to] Ir bi 251-1y J GIII Milip-1 leeti: ig. fC ot -eal fast ta- nection. it sicians Be -at fiom New Orlwll V 3d Won. Peillmle. Pa-ir o -)d - Jaines , leNlichael, 3d ul tcan AV ,:A I I 7r f wed Bell, 1Vl ' I Yes with a de icticly flvoured b v erge PRI U Lm ham, James 'Tliom. do not MeM L to Inchi(l e with- ; N C E 0 i', llbTEL, Clintou, Ont., it the most Virulnt type Of Ys A, its Illaily heaw betors' James Dick -son, 2d David Wal- Ed L-eg salt but (palificablon i lie iiorth­ vust ; I Y ->roprietor. First-class 'a, "M toir, fall out sonle 0- J. McOUTCHEWN, i 11I a city of 4,000 ii'llAbitaut ker. Pir of Ist Best 100-potir MatIO accommodation. for The Bav, 0 half of whom -have fleoi. there h ys tributo to Cli -p, Johij 6hipley. VN est thd p, 3d e I I M. Cliesne'y. 2d janles Dickson, make, salt Lt t) [)Iy with Water o lilk. plied with thevery bc4t liflijors and chnivs. G6od It butter. 'Ahomas 11 Cilillilti nd-St. 1.611IS over 400 (jees alreA- Y. ild twf Gliiepney. J>air of ewe lambs, Ist wenty-li Ve. pou ols'sa led J iB I,.-; & 6tablingatttiched: The tage leavek, cithiq House itse day for W. iijighani. 204-4t Ones are aaed to tbZ list .ev Henry ]Dickson. Twel e pounds fresh butter, which isl co Bvery .1 Will. ChesiIes, `)d Samoa Dickson, 3d D. hoinwopti.thid Chemists, Lo idon." r: acob McC-ree,, 'Id Mrsi foinled by C011114 lat, n of Old taore terrible p estil people of the sufficient s t 1 '] .1 wothei,6., Ist 1). -i I w uidel-6. lille Ve will the lobert b Je e pounds titter, suffi- urs ,%L ld e now (tive "M t%e I CO Lhe proces - adopt-, I, I VIL;1 i of j1t P ulit.of Ewen, 2(1 D.- Pair )-d town havetheho;ntY SYin cielit stit, Inustilipe nide by; s1linster," tbrotiorli tha capi al cit'e3 Of Obio AII- Janles lips & Co', lau- t Jalues , Ott, 4,antes Dick.- I Y A. LIVERY 1N D SALE STABLES3. Is i - this ana7alld Illihoi divides the lvgrioll lie- eldie country. no widows 10 tu compet III diz I, . t, LC 0 iita6tilrors Of (lietetic articles, t their T. 0111ce—ikE1 dilrray's Hotel, Seafprtb. Good e .1, Horses Ruafirslt-classcoliv hand. twe Itheollio.t -P 0 i, Nj B > -'— - class, Miss Tho NN .131 the.Ell"ton, 11oad, Loi On on home'-madc not Ye par;s. Sowth, of this, Tlie TranquilitY 1* - 11110(.111C of the 1$73, Ist X- m. Woods. -N-1A-N13FA(-,T1TR;. - -Woven W Boa.r, littered in tile icW ul. Sow, littered, ii qnilt, all wool. i6t kiiown. Tell yards 011io lies, old Bi.k-N's ns, the great public B STABI,B.'i, 8E.ir- ORTIL Ont 2tt Robert -McM- 4 -Good Horses Itud Comfortable Vehi0es, always 8 P1 Y-ool, ist David West -with it t -d writes 1873, ls.t,Wm. Woods. 2d Wni. Woods'.' domestic cloth, remedy, have been. 11-1 Ilse Over *)O on hand. Ari nade with 1 The British holl, mnud, -kild this Old sY 'j, ordur left tit XNOX s lI)oar, Jol u Cum-, 2d Plobert e1L Ten ardsth rs hunce. ilt camiot I a -y Oommercial Ti alrs-. D.- country wher, ) e I 1 t th HOTEL, will be prompth I d to. JCV rybo(ly cz n see ye ro ).Ll knient, 2d 2% rbly I- , re, Oil trial. They have b0e ll tl.,( 40 m ings. Boar, littereJ in 1973, Ist Wlil, all wool, l8t J- OFFICH ND door North of That nearly c, t 11 ommo Nvorth. Aged ack. Pir 7o Rtketg, all woo4 Ist oke Ila C,flyin­th Stewart 2d pri'liounced,.on th6 apthority Knox's Hotel, YahiStreet. is ype of the old West, -11 I, 1,- d cEwen. coin was a t, .1 - 3t hxve pigLed iiq' 1873. John $tewatt '-'LVIGDOLtgally 2(1 D.; 34 f lofthosewl Nves and health have .221 THO]NIA41 D3!',IT.,* Proprietor. sow, Rill.! NvIle ille ly Ili S. elish and Ilse o Briti h beast, hi' keen I r yards of Jll ey Woolsey, 18L, not yer i 1; preserved, toi be a cure, harnil, e and 1-4 L* cummillbs SONV littereVin 187S, Ist Tc, desitutatsf, a, or lin Unmillinus. known,.".)d iile; Thoin. iTen yards good gtorius 0 M )-W3 S, L. REXNEDY, AVIII. Stewart, 2 d To cillillently salutary nd if gma not a little ii Lterested coast where every roar ZTALP.eU-NTER 1-4 OT fiv hundred slughtered IN S.et O oT I e —Age bo, r, Is Milh-1,11 S.et 0 Of the I 'Hoosier i col, Elliot . 1-1apvrhanging also attended to. d I taken iii s )il: will. ii1variably Cure 0171iE, SIGN and t 8atinette, Ist -Ilownp 2dt John Nle- But I have be Penhade, 2d 111 -as Thorp, 3d. F.- f sin de harness Win. Fan- iii studyin ; the I LIS COII(11hS sore throat, nd Lll Di -6 H Orat-01 rOuA1 1) k-coun- Work t1one ii.,; cheall as byany other good work- all is Tho -it is )f tIl( rness, lVin. himself—th, f farm ha' -air trial Ivill r, littered in 1873, lst son., bouble'-s I One f coil- t-4 iay Thomps ll0led t bj ith '11Y en -e try class WII0 oil. Bo, 113:111 ill the. bli !UVS6. %lI oraers lef t (716NIP-17. Acred, Fnson, boots, MCIlity). vince, the lubst skeptical. by ll. Kennedy, or for hiln a t the Exl)osiTolu Olvilice nianner that if yon Govier, 2d N the hwl luck, but ladies! boots, 'AN4cln- rest. Y iu lavl attelliled 270-26 & Nvillis. all 01 bOx. be promptl i Vm- LsfhaAepic ged in 1$7. f. 1% , 1, medicine t 2.5 cents pe- call has so 0 sow, mil rbree pieces .of Cooper's the ha Win. .3d 1holl3as Me- tyre %Vilhs -.Dixon., 2d aild 100se his opiIii-ofis. But one ed in, 1,873 Ist Win. *ork, 8amuel I Trott. Assortment of inatPiffl greelier and lower than IIIe 1 , YING SUYVELED FOR 14EVER, L ):EARS J- P. BRINE, 1-1liet Clelland. SOW litter f *from -Dys While, that sluw and Illity to 'tell Otones o 0 marble- work-, list Carder Brothers, 2d it gmitifies his v in grett 'I. i -,1r0J1l(1 have scorned to prostration ait.4 GLAcral Debility, inipoveriAied SED UCTIONE1,;11 for the County of co -bus- is being Thti Govie'r, 2d Wni. Govier. lder Brot,heq,..Sewing mehinesi 1A blunders -which lie MEN li a)I pails of the; i Uri: Brahm, 8, Ls L blood, Eruptions of t L Skin, Ithenmat, c andNun' - Huron. Saleti atteuxioi I' 'Are liot -",commodatea PO,T :t Jaes 0, 0 0. (-;. NVillson, d iv. N. W itson. AV, in- mak-C.! I have f6ulla in: coil ersatioll own, Dik*brahnids, raigie rains, willit. of a n il Colinti-Y.* All ordo-rs left tit Tux E.XVW,lTQIL Oftle %W Down, 2d James D §t peopld that y always txeiuc lassitude, I was, recommended t) take Dr. will be promptly atteuded to. 'Which to -write electioneOr"0, (I dow sasli, iohn ,L Al artin. Panel door, with the rude 2d. A, Grey lat Jornlles Down, C 0 t -V I101, e I av e e v I13 tn' E) Y, ao' ra IC L "Y 10 - gis 'e ,e