The Huron Expositor, 1873-10-10, Page 14V ated -P jtj-, Kittera the .11 be pai all Asylijul tell A tor tpbell, lyi M; Angus r -,e Lilt! t d. at 0 f'be $1 50 a Ye
0 'TH OCTOBER 10, 1873.'. REAF FRIDAY, is borse: OU TH the! L( Rt IN OALL SH, store meet, and tying h S,
-6ng. Gourlay. Two e, !a bg Ist be ir of Thos. we 11. Al. King Stj llTHE BA RELD SHOW. yard. fl.innel, Sas. Armsti P RINISKUP"S ADUR S. -cost went into the store. In abouV, Irt itio-Us. of 'Doug, Oil -la r, 3d to a F -.1 1, - I The o f the
-woolen blankets, latS IN -1 2d Pv. John McTavisli 2d Thos. G i I , union exhil), on
thre . mi I,utes he eturjjed, and to his outh
temi t lFlec- Thennualbow of thetanley 13 anch Bell. Pair-SOA3, V.*Holiman. Pair Tb os. Gourlx To: ale. Free. his'borse was gone. Upon nd Branch Agri -
GRADE, Ist astonishment of lart-, ll I' kp r i ell I tu r il 80.ciety was held Al BaY- stockings, Jas. -Clipbell. Pair mittens, be le ne C-Ldtl I a or no uiries Societies IV&$ h In wo Th sh
j)jjl1& h ifield, 6.h NN7ednesday last:- -The, d* was V. Hohman. work I s t t and dri its 0 sh xv,
,. oll. of te, 2d J§hn Wbi ar (I that a in eld it ou John Whi roll . a ilt Ili patch itli. breei -was eei untyfn the horse ivingf, irsdyand Fri(Uyl, t.
pip saut ad the tt endan ce fair, Geo. NI-conald, 2d Mrs. T. B. -S ewes; having suckled jani )a it). (V.L- A, ery ito tile,' in every respect was tile InOst s1lecess,
0 , I not so large probbl. quilt 1. t. R,obt. Bell. 2d Wrn. 1873Y 1 i Joli -n IV hitc, off a sho -t time fter Ila went ir :Lty. The weat' er
I ;,0tho ait- Fanc Pd 1.66. 1 -on generousjiytelider- Y.
Ist- JohT White, state. . Vurther thaii. this nothing coul ever -held. ill the C)u
tace of theyos lewe . t:) I - coliv t' )11 would have been had it not; been f r the P 8 Izoin f woolen yarn, James' Pair shearlilig owes, c ReEorm, at lie learni d of the missin rig, and llot- oil b6th (lays ws favoral)le, ll(l the %t lite th Two ewe la -nbl I
lomilla Cmpbell. Of stacking arii Jas. 2d. Rick. H h a
nbil of the 4 de Aors and exbibi )rs
e- ),rth oil Tu I-solay last, ell l,11(,eejd ii( t 1 1 A tion at BruCefield. In ot am. t
I I - im
lasses of as Campbell. T emau's shirt, Robert . 1 to -tilkell or wit le police m, )otli of visi
uhstanding that tl
%rd to the principles the out -door dEpartmellt w ti John Whi.te, 2d R. ch.. Hotbaiii medi ite search no trace, of it could be got. Yery
enlighten voli, Ill I (20", haying at a wing, Sinit breed. Sow; Esq., leeturer [or, tile e display I )lit t e q u,%Ij 4 y and Bell. exclusive of.ineinbers and c Ite Corin pl ty, of have the arg6, .1 C-011 'Ct' of buttons, be trance,
-pe cc e animals exhibite.(L were Mrs. F. Pair of fineboots., the Inde Of th 'I' a W hit e, 2(l ii 1 rumored that Czptaiii McClene eii of th littered ih IS L
II&I, Order ber, or as to th4e ii ppearaiii B. Sinli, b. 7.3, lst Job bitors' fees, ils 4-24. This Shows hollar to be .1 c it6r of-' the Woodstock 11inzes, lix exi White. Sow under one year, gh-, ons, 11 li: Ive at d &d the R that of 5,000 Pers hhcomm.en table. There were seferl : ellent Isl Will. Fol y, i Win. Foley. I 'air a.. Jolin d pigs coar se boo m. 'Eoley. 8p 11fillet 'Me appointed postmaster t'""bod nral eihinloct. selt. 2 i la d the She has bee] L d IC i,
forin over 111G4 of 0 rio to plibli orses and c,ttle 11 nder, visite le ancl f6male, stock in room of U oil. (Y'e,orge Alexa, Led tolpowe hwere fully equal to those exhib!1i;ed at co.oper s )*ark, at T*. & J. Arnisirongi geese, in, departments surpasse(I cv? ell lPro-fill-
91-vea favor- Call Lar6n.' Pair who Ila,, been appointed 8eliator. r heraver lic 2d T. & J. Armstrong. Hollev in jar, I st 11obt. U rort, 2d A. NV Aller similar exhibitions til - - i,:, cial or Jil the Robert 'McGlen .Lyban well deserves thebes illltcrests',Of Oil ducks, john McConnell, 2P this recogn 11, .-tgriculturl implement "there Ist il ' not John Zimmer. 'Holley in comb, , ispe & f inale tion fro lithe lea is party. 11'ZDOOR 'good (Iizp,(Ibv the dallProls policy )f the Co Messi-s. Mo ' t , e Webb. Pai-black Spanish. ovIls, ders of hi -Tli( After th, lectur (lid Inot hesitte to assume Ln in 71 ).wers-;'I, b -tily Splendid. 11h,e
a ti , uch competition, I listrong. r, e b alition, I . . ekhlbitors. and fpi-nale, Ist A. - )d A. C, —Th alteration o display' -was rc 1"411-t-ple here. Nv, libb, ogan being the prulcip Woods. Flowers:, small boqu f the gauge of th(i plirdell whid I was cast I feinale, es were all ileady and tastefull ar- every 1e,1, R.itc1li - Jones. Fail: Polands, male it I "runk to the standard' -artiol 'Artifi ii cry fine dis y -;of 611 ggies e. presentd the most att,ac-
U mber. to mitillifest .-upon the There was , l flowers, A. - G , ILc Oe ojk-.c(,, ne of t iese, I Ingle A. X. aileyl. TstA. C. Joles, 2d A. McLaqen. - PaAmjric ni gauge was ompleted at tbreyi r " ppe iIms -W lo Wem tute book elr inde- carrillIges. .-O In I Embroidery in muslin, th tive o ered buggy, War6 p-, Ton. V O'cl Of the iriburgs, arance. rilig the uiabider-. of -t hi record 111arly lack spangled or pencilleL 1k oil Saturday afternoon lat) tern, -tu -,lice m erely 1, artizailaild c v )rtby Embroidery in worsted, C. J. rAhilig -,vlii, tile tten. L
Ahk AL and f Ist A. s, 2d . on beiiig t1t.6 fi ch attr*ted -ley hve -dea Mr. William of. 8 orth, ancyknittin as. Gardiner. C o A time o(cupied ill the alterati . e, of notice. Jon . of
W. C.- T, 3 F, 5he; 6oice displ.
selftsh, Ili this spirit tl it, f 91 In t V. Carmichael. Pair dark all herh; of the visitor was 1
izabetli ti, ings, with tile vario-as 11MIOnthegrOund two 0. thre a his work, A. . Bailey. Rugs or sliort period of twetity-nine hours. bre-ad, which ws
ath. -pumps. The displa :in the: Hohman. oi e-mole carph, I r F. Brahmas, iti, le aii& female, D Me- f rei t in N-Aolitreill for tile wes beiaild
Of the colintry, the ol e of !tile centre tables,
ir ii unicipol Org&I1lz& 9 erE 0 rail-,vay enterpri I and th arriialred o I
aI Smith. Hpme-madt, 'bred, obt. aanit 11 e OClock.. oil 8aturdaiy, 1hall was verk ood R Ls eldewhere B. , I ire of )i I D Two tratiford to 'Mantrea; which occupied the ent
GRAI.Nl SKEDS, A--NrD -whole system from'S
11, bi pecial rizes—Dressed 117'x -season, fruit was- i anaadee and -BO-11. not aie, W Kly-Nvith the Municipal IS 1 . ; bitions geiierally this rcai hav- e been' re- well - or W, T. y tions alld. espe6 'jof exceleiii; quality. There wasi also a known. EmbrDidered shirt, R. bushels - Tr ad n is llow Ili thorough -working order ail whi Ch beclod- .1rably deficieni in. the disivila of
Lj()1kLL uIL whte wint UY "I 1, e show 60(1- e w e v lat le for geuend trame. 'cc display of but er. . '14 IMPLRAIENT.S. --Lumber waao aiol of tile very ni 1'spring tter, but
NV,- A: of our il-los A( 0 this couldmot be i. -C e(I the lyros . - 0 1 fid oats 2nd Robt. E arbour. Two ui els* k grain was good bw
-NNF . . . . . . Fll heat i en axle, T. Lav a. Double buggv -nsbip of Blenheim is now, 9
`W municipalities. At the last gene'ral elec- 1 Of T1 beher or handsower 1OO u InT. P.. J. NN lipbell, 2d b ith mauistrates, no fewe at 1). Cal t. ',,NVTebb. present
Ica in the Wbitely. Sirl le buggy hitely. wheat, I
1w unusully pl a G wel ail at St W. I. with no -micertaill' ere a, O'Qdiinor. lot of butter could not be seen tb I th
1 Roots and v(,,,aet,,,b t 3' g been ppoi re- &turdav Sept',.0i iday tile e.o Iron Two bushe a white ied ail l F A
that the ie matters lea, bough Co%ter . ed btiegy, Irino,x. & Bothwell -1m.. 3utter, th htit, i 11 w intled by a -vil: oil Th I-therb voice, Two busheli black oa is. Slim
for. the retu luatch -y largely represent ed, w( I e of ex- PION , Monroe Hogan. "Wooden law, I cen commission. Ili some sections ill w; le h" h it was should be forc-,ox settled by com-, prehen- I not vei kiii: melons h a a. 2d Jas. C b 11. T us 'ls b arl ey are seven in an area of four miles. The tastdfill. WaIIII ippers ' cellent quiLlity, *hile pump- n Monroe & Hog,an. Iron hrrow, p find tlxe -alld. it is lsoi cr' Aitable to thE ex- %r al legislatial Two decoratel and lmpf p to t ) e n--, ark. Wooden ha 1 --re been I inv e iU onlas, lab 13. Ca7pbell, 2d !J art P, such lik e were fully rrow, d for th 01111IXTAil the are, eare
V, - - ) I- k cc 011 0 v MY -is, Jfts 0 'The partmen -as w .. rep prow r bushels ero n pe, Ulu the d soon, ladies' de* ro- Tippling. Coll: itr Iction of that p rtion of the Port -which had -been ext3rcised in its prepara-
Iof go (t lion 3I&Vgoveram c I it that these: ii 1 Ily dsome ! 0 thr6c of sented, and em braced %-any busbells 'rowfat peas, A. Dover lid La' -e Huron y lYiWr TU h bread, was I also )een f lly sat isfied by the " L
he Clip, of other peas, Jas. Murch. tion. dem ha wer! CV-.rTE AND o b u T e"I'k; otder of the, t ae we im reins of po aud well executed specil I ens Berlin w
h Lands the en i Iro bet- ve ni Lke Erie art -d Woodstock. Oil the seco men in w t lose f bushel beans, Ist ohn Carmichael, rl. Cla-b- Som of - the I work-, fancy knitti g,- id6ry, son, Stanley ; Robt. Bell, Tucke,-s ith. Hal QeSe
ine e ow plo Otber and perhaps wOO elve ears 11ndian ii editor of a paper in the town (f ill ate, centre of the hall the
air &d., while the display of t bre use- John Crawford, Seaforth. 2nd Geo. itlen. Tw In
D .011111s, 'P d Jas.;! amil- POT purse coli et 00, an& till needed, to mee I-NIPLE71F TS.—A E amiltou,' 2 th,.'tbe other day, lost veg bles were
Oeat;er reforms -%r , a -h,, corn, ]at G,o. H d ing inte I - INTho, ever heard Qf a a cheese, act all
11 fill, athough pet %p,% not'so, or
ly -the ueil of the no,* aed, 'is, John I taining 8240. joth f. ormy Me require, z J. ejl, ton. Bushel. Timothy se til, as uiju-' coun3jr nes, W 1-, articles, such q p Rel ry Beacom ; Or the CliPperd, but did ligence of th6 tl;, e I am mis ell I ell. 'Eight1pounds ediboXhaving so much money at one there a goo allow. f I cloth, fla nel and 11 odgson, P. Camp This linfo tuilate Sped- first cla"' the inelo 0 agaillst ath., If eilltec ts, home-made lic 11117 q-ity ilntm rag in r a
. I .11 kj m y esti in -at e S k r fore ? !
-t ith -the Iment of on,4: bolme-made blankets, was f -St-.C1sSS- AND OOT8.—JOIlli Key, liewly-made,, butter ill rolls o, 'prints, tim e. -be ly In
Fifty p I,. owever, was editor of.a Conser,,- ptimpkiAd 'being especial is k, to, pl, -y bility if the eseut Peter I r, , pecimen ne Thos. Hogorth. ounds !!factory in e Igolols
be ionore(i There were also some very nice y -erth . is not ver
le Adam 8n tith, Bel la W
emplay, -while 9 upon the,re was it fine, disp Y) 3W
-tlio, - Robt. Ga tive raper, and as 1
t, cheese, IstJohn White, 2d Y fat 1 roots
of ooiper'.s ,work, shown, by Mr. rm- V, rna. 4 i lit poun ds dairy clieesl!e, John dis;ai it from the seat of t --a asaist thell After --%%vv'l ich. they are t1he trusty ex- AND rant, (line nt Ell principles Oj f Lind - effi- I Gvernoo nd Crrhs being yery large. The! tnr
arria, the obliging P. rd to 0 77 N . I be fact of toes Nvoe also well repre
fri6lidly. poents, (It) riat, by c strong, of V, nulp ot a t his being in possession ilips nd.'pot,
y. The '10(deric owl - I sente(l,, the interestb A the C; by cient Secretary of 'the Solcid- tailley; T.. Marks, (' I . of goo(t quality. One enr d Lich money, and being so ciirele; ti sPv wise an of course.or egisla; on POTATOF may be accounted for tire side of the first lit aing TURN —B'shel of of so %-TOF AND.
iiig naaebine. department was repre- ship; P. Wot of the hall was e Robt. Gar( in; r, 2nd of t) u aii d' yfie' D F., E' T - Sented by -Mr. 0. C. Willson, of ieaf orth, —'Xy I r s. George early potmoes, ]'at
: LADI-E. igive the Still re at lr jeso Hodpon. 1 Bushel the olispl of
n i L farmer of the town oAt the conclusion, 'of the exhibition, t*h(. ark$, Mrs. I 4e rcre Mcdonld 11.1 Mrs. Robt. Barbour, 3d J ship of 'All in: O Is quality
imph of la te potatoes Ist A. M 1Ia1a+-.IB b,t was robbed i 'Whi -is regart. nd
Ilan, 2A W of $250 It). I
ch, both cong(atillte. i elf upo, fteers and cLe M. urnp -was ily hard 0 Directors of ihe S' etyano I, ftert 14orri 3on, Stanley. ity, -these 9 to 1, ma Reoommended unusually g( od. Oats awl fall -
Pro presen Delin,'3rcl, Thos. Feel. the v a e %y'last week. t, re sinifiet yo-tir adhe- the representatives of the T 1, of Clifford one,d. darly goo(L while peas
I Butte' were part.1m trattmo, wtch, too],- Robt. MeTggart, Win. the money1from, Mr. Bu c- Cy 'bell it repas The Allief took YO -a HIB ERT FALL SHOW. I wn.ut far g
U ex
Tming ey
1"ark MIX Wediaesday of r dozen;Mangel. .and barl prin
date -of et McCann a Hotel. The following MISCEL AWBOUS —Half '; pocket while be was w wheagenerally -was very fair, ltliough 1011 Halton Boly "' "Bob, ULL hited, as th, candi TVVu rtzels, at Hamilton, 2d. 11 A. NI c - 'I hit as Af at the fire in hotel bar I Thougji. n for is the The V all S 'Ow of the Hibber ranch -'O' ad n
mre h,
r the Ref ty,,and 100 to it PRIZE LIST ety was belc t the 'elian. SlIx field carrots, - Ist'.Robprb T1- e: noney was the proc safficient i, 0 1 y S'jpport ill the coDiing - elec- Agricultural So6i d A. McLellan. i Six. garden loads of grin which the frmer sold. -a- clening some. of the pecimens. ii this
ixfou, the lyrize. 17hc race much of 1 trbour, side of the hall ltls6 'was a batirel. of
list I illall not, if elected, as-you'r of Staffat, oil Tuesd ast. t3 caIrrats, Ist Rob se in tion, I tr HoR zs—AGRICULTURALm, at b+rood on the whole, was t e most t. Barbour, 2d. James th . villa(re. A person - who - was The show, u M salt, shown by Messrs. to the representativc, allow mysel f, in tile tur- mare foal, I at J olin Dunn, 2& Philip Hamilton. * Six blood beets, lat. -Thomas Burnett notichol, i coarse aiia of fine sticedssf A whie'll has been hel I 'by the leaving The hotel after
to f Org6t the- i Gourlay.2dGeo.10iller. Twelve7omons, and on Coleinhu & G oilinlock which looked well.
e- tile Grand'vrUn.k- are. moa of party coliffict, I- Mcl welr. Two- ye4r-old filly, I St S. M'e-. 80ciety. nd the hiii loss was suspected, sear, ,ly -n
or o y party. d n. Tvr)*-year-Ojjj i Thle day was pleasant i warf. Four Messrs. Belfry & -Ma of Seaforth, a -d
it burs*of cars, (ihauged to- terests of any section f f Dougall, 2 B. StioWdo spPctators. ver Ist Geo. H itmilton, 2d A -Ste foi- I m. being made it was found he h d 31
s, ::r con-, elected, I shall edea vor to repre- t Jam es A-4rinstrong, d Josep I, a ten.dnce of.visitors and Falisoll, of Exeter, iv re the ouly exhibim- As a4k gelclitic, Is hei4ds cablIpage, Ist John Carmichael, 2d sent of -the ge. The, bow of horses, espe( lly leftithe.village. He.wastracedto.Har- es -s- kao'li. of these had very I
Acm, where a considerable portion of ment yea -old coJt JO, n Thoml dis- Win. Butfier- Four heads Culiflower, ris, tors in harn
stared, a e eill Hudao. One u tAe sidin (015 -sent th its, was ve y good. in Cattle he 'of their work. on ex.- ple I Mid bSr can e. rnest ;1,.-Lppol.t son. One -year-old fill r ichate.l. Pumpkin I tjames Thcr,&- whole peo m Ist E. callowa) lay wa cry large, and thei e were -John Ca L was found on his person.'-. I e i hadso e specim its, full quoia, hibition i 0
of `.y jjessrs-' "Intyre & lVillis
rr o(I n- easures, ry iorse, hrt t a Squash, Ist Gxoderrich, staition., of 'Ill 0 2d ItobeA-Russell. Bugg ted for trial, and the mon. 0 - many really superior animals. In this -Gillespie, 2d D. cKell r. w" a. commit of boots nd shoes, the c6nfi- Carmichael. had it -very nice cape
he wz:Lyr f rorn the elevator y 01 igill; to dese John Rathwell, 2d John U ath, i cl 14 Sao' I restored to the rigbtfal awner.
their -part ter Campbell, 2d. -John ,veral well e-xeented
park 2d Joh a olass the Messrs. McLaren, of ibbert, Pe n(l. Mr. Trott ge
'kud forining the longest Aence of the octorsof tlLis Riding- dle hors ,,-Ist George iheipal exhibitoims, both of Citron, 14t, John McTavish$ '2d John The latest novelty in gents' clotbi3a <> I - ) 7ere the pi bf cooper ' -work. Mr. John
hold mi befor Span of working hors Ist Jas. ar ;1111- that to-wil. shal, ondeavo, to Reid. Tbere was, michadl. Twelve applea lit Robt. j speclillels
rades and thoroughbreds. C: is W. Md,Aullen suits." We nt,1 specim. elis of
C2 X 1 2nd Geo. M
the past the various but these com- $
the electioil, i ii. ahtie Logan, 2d James .rmstrong. ot a large sl low of sheep, MeTagga iller. ollec ion tbai clothier in the fast town of Liild-
a aild willd -%v s- d \tr. Robb
whichIshallhave thO L PURPCS9-j-;---BeA our of each, lst Robt.. Miller: door an
i jitity of has been of the Ridin iRoRs.5—GENERA ' y superio In holgs there of apples, ertisei five hundred of these -for 'ting were, re t say!adN`, %ISO x Ist Robei-t -Reic' e 8, Ist -in blind -S- There were
enlarging to an exteni -'being c us ers grilIpe veneti. port, the street opportunity brood Mare and foal, ather L, poor disp 2nd F. O., ver. 1: anc 'Ley are said to be very u eatly f-'
IlLumlier of -%vell made; in
ram Two-ye as r, T sate, iiiished viem,0 d 6 -old filly, ohn Chambers. Six 2 harbor be whi ch i s i, I. o, t - iow p ossible, i pan the JaMes Morg Agr,i- Geo, . Hamilton, 2d , p -ino, throDcred nly two or three on exhibition '1st lar mong the swells of that forest town. On going to the se
ene rtaln raspecti mAttbr& Of Ist A. Elcoat' 2d E. Callo, -ay Two- INfiller, 2d Jas. Gillespie. C011d flat
Iocat horse shoes. '0
lements were well repre pears, I -L In ost noticeable
Ist Ja Z C'G 011 e first nd
it -Wvoeff-, sent-.
in Iiuli in Ultural iml peach ye d T4 M Lteliell FOUDdry figui ed mo ,t I Six e
Our illawifac- importance. , Marlposa,, County of -Victori feature was th (Usplay of frui In this
ar-old`g6lding, I'les I reg es,'Jas! Hamilton. Ten pounds —Mr. G. W. King, Lot 17, in the qth I of the h
el a a
jemin, gent1men, iley tr-old colty departm( John Chmbers. Jar of -Con., ven Uliale to supply the 2d James llace. l mapielhoudy in this nt. but bushels., of
M -ervant -old`-fi ly. Ist 1 john 'Saddler, 9d p. j f e1w. days. ao, threshed 530 department Competition was vci-y heen.
A ohn Reid. One' -year Yp ar obedie, iroe & 1-logyan, of eafurth, hoi i v..\ I 8 t 68sels Lve ail several OG- - I the yield of' all, eight- eq as regiixths quality,
IvIessi acre The disply of appl etf -a. Ma B`I S H 0 P. eenan, I 2d George Ba Span r e them in plows. - Caiiipl-01. ,;I)c(.iiii(iii,oflion-ie-ma(lehird b4rley from
thP- I was superiorto
to leave the 'h%ybDr carried eve ything befor fi'lol. This gives 661* bushels to t t the ex- s, JO' 2d J. Chambers. r-
118 'on the indoor department w t (A there not bein'.1r, P-noligh w6rking. -horses, ist Th6m, as' well al!Ld i sio%p, Ist, s an old pasture, but hibitioil. Oth r frili ts were also good em. a lod. i MR. CASE'S AD. IRESS 2d James Turner. Carriage 5eatil, Mat- d. Roots of ill kinds Jno.-Hodg- acre. The field w I 1argely represente .1ohn Carmicliaelp George was cropped three years before the barley i pears particularly. sq. Two long tables,
- I thew Stanley. 1 we Dairy roducts son. an 11
--:We regret; to, nnounce vi re., partkularly good. ill were entirely
C, w having ovmi. Mr. `Wm. Dobson from! ithecentre 0 tihe li,
tors of r4l CA' TL-E.--- Best milch (1, there btliig but 1 Miller. I' was a ,
Mctyou,gall, of (Iodenieh, 70 cc C 0, :.were thinly represelite n - taken ill), filler Q011ection, upon the t ; P L & I Z N TS -acre fiel 2d Thos djoillillcr six
o"Uty of U i Calve ki EICO, :few entries of butter. Grain wp. d in the next- lot in place all Friday night Sollthi Ud4jl- of the cl in 1873, 1st George s as good -wool, Ist took 0 1'1 ets, -ill 50 bushels: being 823) bushels to 'whole, coulol. a arcely be got togL
heifei, 19t In the md v Wells. Two -yea -old -as could le. found amywhere. Pairhoilla,i llcen for 24 rQ111 - l t Next to ille 2d Geo. Miller. Ten the acre. Cn Huron beat this ? ;l -ay sectioi he couiifry.
2d INVilliani Cama. . 011e -year- Job* Clihnibers 'dep i ail af Goderch, E S The egates a I .2d .'Snowdon. ladies' tment the display was un e -made satinet Wril. smale Iture of fruit, ill 1)ofilb of 4cullelice 'Was the
I —Some jackass, over the sign, -et' n beld o i i old heifer, Ist A. Elcoat, rds he Practiced his &Ofe8- Liberal Caw ervaive Cal v . 10 dar usually go A, and embraced many really y, ii Qnnel not twilled, .;J. if., (,Aarner, TAL D.,!' in the last issue I worl I AS the
monsly nom- Yok-e Of working oxe, Is; Alexan Messrs ;Ten yaras U1110 a ig una,ill fancy itlid rAamental rticl6s. I - ws abilud: it and compriSeol'
Itizells. , He the 18th ifist. ha . "Imeof two, Job Chambers, 2d Jas. wire, Slings off two i displaY mks 2cl D. Cameron.. Scott, of Scaforth made a 1, hoine-ii(Le, Ist of the Winoham Adr
nea n.1 leir candidate to represent Spai Creelman be , tiful f' articles. The
Oulla,tism fur. so,.lne 3 Inated m e its tl as. McIll- COJUMDS Of' rintilatical and ssemb year-old steers, Georize Spirks. Yoke of - musical instrum ants and I Hamilton Pair cay boots, J the most ling substantial wis erepresented,
.11 qui CUlltly to CO`R le Legis-lative A fine displa) I 'XcIntosh. nonqensienl. verbiage we ever saw 11.1 th ding in t) rse boots, Jas. I print-- 3, Ist TI qmas Wells, sevVing mawAiines This firm bad two tosh. 'P,,ir'cov visits to- hi pa of Outario, ( our laIte, representtive, of oti.eryea-old. steen wooden, as ll 6(' Specimens of
-trks. Sprng calves, Pvob- d Conservatives of there being nially 9.0,O(
med 2d Georad SpE handsome rgas, whichi for tl1ir beati- I Luiberwagon, pat lit arm and it dress to the al, Kj .blajakets, ,
iheld several pa- a, vilict recelitLy.-resig.- at ow, I North alotlll
Gibbon x1e, F. J. H. milton. Iron. 'pl Huron." The re- hame-inatle ert Elliot. Ftted cow oi heifer, I id , supei iority i of j a p lieww% serve(I two or have, ater mature cosicleration, deter- coroe I 'parks. ty of appearance - Lollroe Hogn, Wooden plow, Ist a; uy oll: d rag niats; lso 2d G on has it er, pee ,ble looking sheet, bIat if it ilts colitti-pailes iiiiii He If as a candidatie James Gardin -sound, attract6d general aolmirati. m ined on of 'erin- MY rs socks,!alid home-inatle, initts, uayckr of the town. 0 ars or ovex, -oe &, Hogan, 2d Thomson it should refuse %stocking 11 Syruri.p. .. 'Ourphy, of Se.!,,f th, h 'I( or
-L-Best ram, two slo Lice I or a Molii I its character, jiy Clerk -of the First Di- for your silff -ages at the eilsuing.electiO - -! Mr. Lwre a. Set hors inthe -use of it-, columns to all such of -which to tile t te
Ist Nviilia& P (ellhle, 2d Edward We! it e all oes, F. L. & J. Ha all
q machines 'on I;zt position to- ih ich- h?xs,,: Baing itnold residentin thisRtchn , asotwo excellent se%vid industry of the faiir exhibitors. There
R m lamb, WiIIII'M Penha e 0 stion. seems Ist . .: I u, The followincr is tl,e :1 I ilton. I ma,niacs-as the writer in.que . and,
kno ) exhibitio Ll v -
( l ed a s h or t tilue; 11 to maly of you I am. pe were Selver, 2d.Wilhani. Penbale. Par lil or b,%t rell ex . ecated Specimens of
PRIZE LIST 1 to: be. i dErath Sur-geon Of and I trust , lot unfavo-rc% ly. 'lliam Penbale 2d. Char. es 'Nfessrs. Birrell &Johnston, of Green- pencil], pell and ink,' and crayon draiw-
of Ili, Its. of Mrs. A. C. Jones. ; — -tiff 'd
th(-, 33d Bat- Having Ilk personal cild to serve, if re.- ewes,' Ist W, Best saddle horse, Ist S. -Irs. J. Gar- . -1 h and thr'ce or f qur cases of at e -
*id - also of I Specimei i - 7 ood Farm, t -was a
6 'illi, of bra'diti- Ist I Ont., have sold to Mr. I
my ouly Tough. Pair of we lair a, in- HoRsEsq— eat span w
turned as our representative, Gillespie .9cl Win. DevIin. g -tt present Ili camp berej ig. 1,ipecimen of ling heif er, In this heintereAs Penbae.. Pair of fat sheeK) zist Cha es I 2,1 Mrs. Hock- Thompson, of Nissouri, year.
r desire will m ote your ge horses, I at gimon ar. ipbell, 2d E pyeservetl oggs Nlr D.,
al a.1-1 Monday,. e to pro carriat-Y Duke 8879' for 1 basketioil
m -no e Tong 2d B. nowdon. crochet work, Ist Mrs. NIcLellan, 2d. Minnie Darby, by Proud b, I ver the and those this Pro vi -11 S. D. McLar6ii. Best buggy borze, lst W. eg rs
volleys a n i Mrs. -A arch. pecimen of embroidery I , hdbeenkeptsince
large breed 8440; and the Leifer calf, Duchess of Tlle e !
aIGI.S _ -last nd Nv
support all Mea -R.. penhale. R6dgsc oCkillg. Specimen of 6 - reen wood, by the sype. Mill, for . $300 1 tile
D- tremi t, but mwil uregof P Best boar, d D. McLachlill. r Ist of April ere still ',u
OvIlcral had in ver source pr)- Gei&e. Boar small bree in musl 11, 1\1 awenhis, rM fr .. ) I mare, aDR.A.UGHT. —Best brooc I rs: A. U LIl elideared bim to olin what( 1,9. Geigbei. I qai!t in patch -work, ]at bompson has sold i0i Messrs Birrefi .11 I ill] atch f tire Sow and pigs, large breed M.r. T
Ch missed teedin%. and will carelf y w, or hayiu,rgr suckled a foal iii.1873, I at Georcre 1 S ell bf j sin.ap D oherty & Menzies of )e zaa ones,
all (I To'llilson t1i e iiii ported bull Scot
cercisc, of econom, t Ing Mrs. J. NVatson. f y; d here Sow nd.pigs, swll breed.thos. We'js- 21 Mrs. J. 8addler. pecim bi-gall and.
Owhich. of *EIlt Speirin, 2d W. Stewart. Best suckl 0 or -c.,975. Scotsman was bred b- Mr- 11 laa very hndsome church
pears to 1) d) inall departments DA.TRY PRoj),LicE. Best telinet -re Speirin, 2d Wfil. Smale. ornalneutal nettiliff, . other.mlical Ho.-po r is Due— c, nuich nee h t Georg hirt home, 4% butter, 50 lbs. or over; Cb rles Toucy foal, Is J) ke, of Briccleuch, and is ilearly
Oliver 8pecime of gentleman's of \lessrs. Scott Creelman had ,
4of the Grovdrnmnt est one- er-old filly, Mrs. J. Gar- I &
nds of butteri all ed lst Win' made aild made by liand pu 'e UeDlo_ly e reenthis wid Five poll ffi 'StI, year-old re Booth blood all( clod . f Tile time i tery par 2d! aat, Mrs. Murch, 2d. eon, ail of which,
ir, t. Barbou r. Best -on a- ag, n lill
I 2(l Rob at 'e, fiTst Georg( ji the village of plant) org
til d by me m for table - use, , lst np-1 The inbabi ants -cc and ,ittrcteol C
e I gecing ts. Norris, 6'iermn raised work of go-od appearan the clectjOI L illi Herbison., Factol y cheese, 40' 2d Peter Cat I Mrs, Gco: Ball d ne gbbarhood are now en- --itor es n W m C",editon. xi 1-1 ton. Thesewing the varlous Unicipalities, JOY tte ti
visitincr 2d B ob- j bell. Best two in as - a, -year-old geldin lst Jas. I ,at ff. ) . Me ren 2d rs. F. L. Ham' rileg ea r e (IL in yGuir er, Ist Tho AN" 18, je of a daily in ail.
w1lich al)l 1 lbs. oil,- Oy 0 in, the onmeat prix
pportunity.W Malially, %)d John Bar. cjlillt
the Ridlu, .W I i1ton.0 Pair woolen socks, lst k 5 , departInclit Ava s -Kepresented by
nd thus on tctory p in- 1110 er for that clirection is now bg, list of the ert Bell: Gheese ma(te n gener- woolen All Ma tt G-F,,-7ERAL Pu.Rpo.sF,. —Best a a Saddler 2d Nim. Jones. Pair Messims. A- Calder,. 'With. the
ntoll, on 'be afforded of Your becoinilig more in it- . de tip atentraliaP1 0.1 h Ill CI . . le, James Campbell. horses, Ist IV., liver, 2d i assorted and in. ithhe ano-
with I ny views. cip l, purpose Mrs.- , Miller, 2d INlims. 0 C. wil.Lsop, w matee-ily acqu.%in-ted s.—Two -bushels nd every r Lig and evening at 6.10 I Weibster, Wj. N. `\V son -with tb-c Howe,, GE. A a. J. norlill
AN AIND e, having Ir
til 4ely-ternber YME gave t-11st John No 'is * Best brood Mal at I
-ve am, g. T w proof fa imp -0.1 Murch Pair woolen -the -Ircclinan wit), the 6ingor.
-he best colle0titill of ge- yea(l i ell or midge in 1873, ist P. O'Connor, nip mat , i is,.forwrded to its destill, on by & Your obedient servant, "ouall. Two suckled a . Staddle , Recommended.— L, GE)RGECASE, John Rathwell) )d Chas. \1 0 IcLellaii. etting Mrs. R. j , r The Crowd of Si -seers which.
rris. Suckling fdalo 1stJas. 2\lrs. C edition Etage ight
that A-fr. inter wrml; ']:'at Cilas. 2d IlTm. I 11r 314. 'bushels ---white 4 went to i thronged the hall mwlit)le (lay UPT. 2G, 1, 13. Mahaf y, M P. O'Oonnor. O.Ite-year-old ym, s, , —Two or three street. Arabs lyrize, for the rmstrong. Two bushels Hotham. of Course, tl Tough 2d Jas. A John, Stewart, lie 3\1ethodist Charch. in was imine filly, Ist Nv m Norris, 2d SPEC;AL PFTZES.—For the best fo'al of the door or t Ilse ii(l there was,
`Wbeat, I., - I or -111119 &Aex. Sparks, '2d C., vcgetableg In ;,t . jly the usual crowdill- crushillu FRM F01R SALE. spring Ywo-year-old Ist . Sininions. 2d & Colqulloun a im- E lora, On - Sunday, durin the in bai Wyl 1873 got by B000ks S.OT -of Lot 61 Con. 6, H. R. S., Ta, Two bushel X ervice, ntl Caled Out -TT1 ias '.- To ugll 9 two ri.owed w ]d gelding, Ist fire. One ladv lal
s7 cleared ud ar ted laddo, Ist Oeorge I a grinding. L,
OU also -di P. Campbell. 0 liorse.' Lord I The wllpub , -istint, Of 50 suros; s7 cleared Two bushels four rowe as I C. Touob. 1, 2d arnore ti '.id of t ze list. smith, coti, Im0.4 )St6w por the I 31
in good house, 16x`20 -, 'five 111 Jas. Olmpbel Spe,irali, 2d Jas. Mahffey. For the best f ailited, and several of IS it is,
t1l ' y Tough. Two 6shels laIrge' I-jodrts - oll,s til e -ned. coninloolatc. tors m 1 1: - -D Dic congregation vere much frihte
mile Darle 21'IMAtouGHBRE 3% r S C3
R11A1 the exhibi
q rom Se.a.forthl; tl rec cjlltvrt js Of d- n o Rath ell. foal of .1873 got by 'A 'barton bby its, Ist, 0. Tough, 2d Jo t1i edi r cc tha, bit d a Calf in - - (lit is to 1: 0 1 h 1
b6en -Gravel.. to tile propi impo, e ' cot:ch ircle, 1, The young rascals when they found that rt c aor
a HA -Y, 1b Jas. Arm- Best cow ithin ? at' it sensation 1V
Two bushels sm ll Oats, 1 ohn (-Irlen, 2d Glen. c that rize ti et , t b Egriaonolv111% wo bus -els -1873, Ist 2d -John 2 1 owbray. quite the next county show is hehl il
801*4. on. )JU in it positiozi strong, 2d H. Huds ist D. 2d churell I)N, th (,.il% scamper-
Lyea-old heifer, Es. seforth, the'.Society will I ougl. 2d Robert Two J,Lt Al n OR SALE. at John T too fleet of foot to allow rooln. Tile FARDI F large peas, 1 1 cl -One-year-old 11"cifer, Ist t surpriseot tJ -jrei). "- ed off. nd ei o *,aff 6 r d I ii o r a1 a t john i'D. If sty far ,is to 50 cleared Beil. Two bushels small P -ell 2d D. Heifer of theif ca.pture gret 111,111se T OT I Hallett; 100 acres. oril, McLay McLrii. - L ) E T) la RT1 R.\ R, Cal ir 9 I D. Thbill son, Logan oodhill; I ake L -ithirL 40 rods Twelve ears le ilisiAli. Ili:
aull, otl' culdviLtion; N". 2d 0. Tough (I tl
ill gj Tough, 3, Ist John Glen, 2d D. IMC tJas. K rr, cl-Wl'op. —A:,, jj mau nversixty years of age. wis not o1w -Whit -jid ohn Glen, 0 , 11 how docidedly tll e best
t . r W'Wmill anti grim e nule from Bandon calf c i njimed Henry P- 0. and ol hou.,e - new barn built this sum- Robt L"ali! clff I" f 1873, lst J of the To-wnllij) f o the Id it ws IT -_A.N]) 'Ivu -e 11 t1lis Lial prize Of good bealling . FRU Comivall IAI arLon wbiln 10A(lin"llv Oil ;1 wa-fli we hi to that Yaer, 36x-56; frainc house, 2d. 'NATm. Foley. 2d D. McLaen. 0. Colust Full, toes, Ist John Rowe. Ih. voN alpwhartl; goolt For farther PartiquhUs !'P Ientry, it tai(l I)N- -016se qualffied to exprQ,
It I (- -PRE it days,
TimnoUGH. U) H. A. 16witzer, BI"Al -it at
tic-tter even than thi, -
Bag late POt&tO(,S; 11i4 full back- j,on tli."Lt it
that ply to the pro prietur,'perso-aal 11 es, fil e of TICTEM st A. Cjanet, 2(
A ill.
him D ti
E DV four ad a ill the lie
B 9 - I 'ullart Ale off the ul ligil 6i'th, I oii oxandev NA o,r Can co; 304*4 Bandon tes. Apples MCI on,l;1d, Q A. RAD Best, milch cow ",it 11, Logam, Js. ted oil bis' I Iiiin -- Ireo. - . . B1, Ill i'If each var,iety) ist; C I , TO: . pears four varietic five Calf in. 18'3 Ist Alex. NIcL.'en, 2d Kirkton. bed nd sball](101. Altboug),l evere1v drf t CARD OF THANKS. B. Brownson. 7 ren. TWO- I t-ilj put into (11 Alex. McLaren, 3d lex. McL, D. H, (-,t( wart. 0,eorge teethall, Fil-ci' &C.— . I ll jiired, lit, is likely to recover, notwith- other c !of the T-1, Ritchi ., 2 10 I both HrREJ, Y .etu rn thankg to the DireotorS ji - of each variety, ist D. H - ! Alex. cLren. 2d I ber of very ail hu , I 0 Compal velir-old heifer, I sti Roy, 11itchell. Jas. Sills, Lograii. s anding his ll
as. 4, citu, a beet for Y, er. II jvm. M:)rgari- te art, &I Thos. Clouiley. c 0 1 'C") e armer of itlifti, 'gutlial Fire I isuralle Twelve - 1 One- the
1674 oi. in -,%i bich they haV6 I ideal a of w
-1-:1 for t1lom isrolypt. luaral At. a meeting of the f.
I ov)so I, ol eall. lit ell Lse DrAVoods. ix b Mrs. Th )t is-,
my cilt-It, fur i(IN in table r [1 vear-old [icifer Ist Alex. Crr ibrook. fraxa, County of Wel- roll I)y fre of ju y Dw Os. Kill,, ar . ( I . lex. Z3
it he 111velL On the 17Lh,of July last, &D -N cLimen, 3 fs. Cole. 11. w- We1reVeI 'ture * -L, o Nvats (11:11 W I in e, a Fullrto I ngton, beld few days ni und H acke.- H busliel C IOF. owilship of Car 0, the folio U; & jt6Dj;,1ir 0 Two e use, Dr. XV Oda- i ber Of tll(y rots far tab \1cl aren. roughbi Irwo squashes, Heifer ca f of 1873, Ale, resolution, amor howLot 6, Coll. 11, Rul ctt- others. was unni
Vrn. a,), I)(,' `!e at v -4
an e wo ell est collect011 pi -Lmpkins, A g, onion,% !at 'CAWLE.—All classes-. , Y 01i &. liat .3 C, '141117 10r r) ck potl%t, Cailaaa. lously passed: T wn. will ii at, when 14iie animals a, F U ND ete, , , I In Then- We 15"URSIE 0 Jos. Ivila.s. Pe oxelt, Ist John 2d Butter. call Conveniently I -void it, patronise lUg- -Bj NV6StIE 2d A. aacke. Peel< Istjohn Stew- i re Th,u (1.18-
-zeijforth, on ou ke. ficl( 1, one! year in 0 oi- wbatsoever, large l ,is lie is klain streoet, ik e Id steers, ' re was quite a beavy fall of snow Ily 111( r F0 Yoke two year o Th r r clel. with ally merchant, inechanic, or briledd ilia rlie (;..Lll 20, bill' other ouioXisy A. Hac I art, 2d NVIn. HaMilt011- P" ii Thursday of last week. play. of and The mvnev cim have.tho Fame 24 C: Tough I John., bilsin ss man whosoever' pigs -11ow `)u le iti,,,. JuJges er* turnips, 19t A. Sp, Ist A. cLaren, 2c er being ait - zl tat C. Tough, old Steers, obn --\Ici eod; an old and much who sbll encourage the levving of a tax 11111111) - r Of the byaiyplyin, to. the undersi.-I Led, proving P 101 ! d Am - - L --Dt., Twelve field.carrots) I - Fat cow or heifer, Ist 'John the ho'l aud u( IT re.o1cli resident of the Ton-liship of itpon the Township Contrary 7o, the ex- I Was 11 f)r this 30 T ekerami h. parks. Twelve mangold urtze Wni. Butter, 3d . McTavish. e3 both u J the i Glen, 2d. Wes Zorrit, me with all accident last ressed -wish of a majority of the rate al ley. welv effect of go F 'A wee - whi ill not aid in classes th 41 - dilg yours truly,. as. Armstrcing, 2d. W I F,!vv W r LEP:-- -Best fat She , - e- h caused big death. He was yer% thereof. That we wl brL -ere, i
BAd0:N AND'HAIVISII'i i r, Ougb, 2d, 1 ohn Zi n in e'r Laren. If ours
Joilt.,; peach. a ,eii, .2d A. -A\cLar*'3dA- encral ,ed in pulling down an old'huilding, emaii tinny important, po- F011, I' by the uuderf; t k i il ) e a. I U A. Brownsqn ilk rLeicester-hires., Ram) two aHuron will, L -re I llg- ra; re- r who will not pled,e bi lots, for oasis, about ten to I Of F, F r. — hile on the ix)of it give wy under v (I i i t I I o W d, I Is I - arge ( d a HAAM APPlYtO r, 2d John e. Tu- 'iZ bea Ir'A c,.Iery, A. Browiilon aears a d over, I at Rft an (I V Conli [OPO- to sheep, aft
fIrst ck, hiin I 9 to tbo- i' terest all(linflneiicegrainst Union Cond W m-rtifv ti ol he fell through (tiler coull ne orjs. A.- Dilor. Jo n a e his gard to se d oliscriminating' laws, and mor# 'Le C+E0jtGE PETTY Two IVA(il oninjej IV hite. d with such force ,is to calls, es ti of 1)0111- ilay, 2 for tl I u b6 296 'melons, Woods. lice Gou. ty ill the Provi ce. The 0. I lar lb. Ist Thos. sp c,ai'lly the oblimhans grou inf law S1 inus
Lee at the N -o' tl deatbin a few hours. e 1
(I N 14, ; f ea-tbl Dr. Ljr, ition ,it ;w,%rt. Two breedilia wes ba;vin "Ist) good. a t E. .1 ed-001le, 9 ft was perpetrated i asse(l by the Ontario Legislature to try was -FCXR SAL le. -XcLaren, —A.bold horse. tbef s- 'I plements there.'Vras a 90 Z 2 Mo r 8110
H RSE T att week. A aor railroad " rincys" nd other oppre
It cii-ons, ( , suckled am bs in 187 3,, Is A, Pair in I by the a good us e, fair att, as allowt eful farm hors
hot. Got Y. Hau'lLilton one evening lst _NKIN UED 0- F0w1`o,j! tht -oil to Toma A Haacke Laren, 3d, T r1a i sive specul,'tor an" -venturers. It years old, qoun , (LUC go work - - N 2d A. M Tho' ( r1ay 2d inan:: drove his horse and carriage up to a s d a ol 111C S ),O, [Con- Dmi or f j , Be t 110 'oil
th'. L)artiei lars al)l)ly on Lot -No- FS ewes, Ist a5., HurD [TT, shearlind X0 H' \ - th, Jjo t. Bell. Tel! ,' LAI lo r to - I yrds factOrY 0
[ 7
I 1 7;
I I L j
I I L j