HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-10-03, Page 7Our '3 The parque e and. first er of bo es are devoted aolusively ;t the Use of deputies, andl onstitute th floor of he serves as a ba kground to the lofty s it of the Preside t of the Assembly. e•-,‘ fore him rises p, out of the place of e ancient orche tra, the tribune or pul it where France lelivers all her legislit ve speeches, whe her they be of five Ma- ntes' or two hours' length ; and the t ranee of sal le of the deputies in 'ris ax recalls th home souvenir of a oy The tribune 1 in front and below . he in the Hou.. of Representatives at -Washington. To the Anglo-Saxon in rid there is some 'Mg unpleasantly thee ri- a, , eal in this pulpit of the speaker, but i IS I weli adapted 1 to French character. If -deputies were recognized as having ej floor in their eats, many of them woeld speak at once and without having aey- - thing to say. A,s it is, a certain prepa a - tion and force of character are necesst ry to mount the , ribime and encounter, in , the most consticuous place of the Cle in- ber, the gibee .of the Opposition. .I he groans arid. 1 tighter which salute e hesitating spe ker are pitiless, and. if ne voice rises hi li enough out of the gen ral confusion to e heard, it is to thro a trials of tlus onspicaous box are sot. e - in the privnege f getting IT ' his seat to make a rema 'le pr two is lenied to he -deputy. He must menet he tribun or hold his peac;" or rather te hae not he -official ear of Ithe Chamber for he can lot hold his pealce. Some .1) the spealrers ascend the stairway wit the mien of Bratus ; and one fancies were the ite be a close i4itation. of ti e old Ro an i_ manner. This dispositio to aet ust ,, render it diilictilt someti es for the or- ator himself -.;o distinguish the sham fi om ,. there is an upukial show f austerity nil abnegatien, the greater I) rt is corded . In the tr built the sp aker's bac is direetly to he deputies dalressing them straight to the hearers, in a inerct rial people like the French, lis - for the speake to address the presidiug i facer only. to . adversaries in the third th- bus out callin the inclivid dirainishin the chances out his. m i and talks to face, in a manner not om Be- TN der axy alts the susgells f- ives a to the wilder parts drives at au extreme .of horses have th ready for her at I et, thud Relays istantly bOLD Twit WID ed the best, way ti TEAS S GARS 14 GE ERAL GROCE Ve 7 cheap, at E'S FLOU Plot beet r- 0 , Oat and A Cho Spl N. Oornmeal,-Provisions ems ce lot 'of utlid berg ins, in Fruit jars. Cal .--0EDAI POSTS and BRING SEED STORE - Bacon, F it, Vegetables constantly on TRY .0 GRANULArerD 'WHEAT. Crock and see them. Goods delivered free of charge. ES at 11 on hand HOMA LEE Seaforth,i. Ont.. 0 Z Lo crq �I1.. b., -7; 0. 0 KERR, 0 IJ ND (D• LAM C y that they hive leased the SeIrth Formeh7 all kinds Of wi;:th to inform the people ei Huron a id pub 'a general for a erm of ye rs, and are new prepar d. to anufactur. GNED, in returning his sincere public for their liberal support *es this opportunity of stating 'red the services of Mr. APAAT nan and Mechrenie, as foreman. V:orke Planing; Sash and Door ERS AN FARMERS er edvantage eo cell, as they can tie Wood tine done on the sheet-, up to order. A limited number of AND siNGT.r. p CARROT DRILLS LAND ROLLER% acks and Gates on, hand - need the manufacture of Cheese, and SETTERS, eupplied cm the shortest notice terme. Bosee guaranteed to Awaiting orders for different 11N M., MARTINI Novelty Works, Sea:forth. ED. REMOVED Li:esker and Undertaker, his ware -rooms to kV/VS -OLD- STAITI4 hand a superior stock of Pura, „tied Mr. Thomas Dell's HEARSE eettend funerals on the shortest ttewn Or country. OfikeSe An Sizes, 'pa band. ;AKER AND UNDERTAKER, Oson's Old Stand,. 'eforth, has now on hand a- gooa assortment of furnish cheaper than they can be got elsewhere. 25 Tht satief 287 s, Straw are also p -teemed toillo REPAIR undersigi oil have had long ergo iction 11 their work. er -Mucci in the Foi iclry businees, and aro prepareil to guarantee KE WILKIE CO O. C HI Cr the patronage of the RAILWAY Cr TO CIVS33- FOR CAROM -AR' inCites to rule in English an 1 American legislatures himself to al. name, of offensive f angry dis metimes sin to him fac ar removed. f that of .affishavoinan of the Hall, sides, in flollowing- thi direct mod. address, Ile is_ led into extravaga -which woald be curbed somewhat u the restrlction of tine Parliamen spealri g to a body et 750 men, re seating t e people, Ice often unduly e. himself th the idea that the ear o nation is listening to his words the those 750 men ; he no. longer addr an asse bly of individuals, but rein to hi_ patriotic sentiments and 1eite- e country at laree with inflated ' nd some rather wild talk ; h , o France entire, and - from is he grows warmer, he eona- s his thoughts to Europe, then ivilized world, and. possibly in is held in check, to a certaii de- gree, by the fear of ridicule. If tier ex- pansive °rater soars tao high aud toe Iong, millet, in the shape of rine of et those sh re words in which Frenclim.en a-depts, brings him floundering earth again. These men of the". are saved from Many a eerieus ent through a keen sense of speaks France, munieat -to Cie the end _ however are such down to Charnbe denoue iS disarmed. Thus; at a critical ino ent mouth shut," he to in elect ral reform, so-called, Whe 1 all eorted him to the ared with political anabitio resort to extreme measur of attack and reprisal, th are dev ready to the way have been all right. and fol- when I Swore at hm the Louder. It's m lowing resolution is passed around the Articl L That all Frenchmen are and are her by declared, Presidents of the Republi Articl II. That alone, the chief execut- ive offic r of the nation is, and. shall re- main, a rivate citizen. This is offered as a solution a the pending difficulty, and, for a tim ; it brings hilarity and sequent calm t the perturbed spirits of Versailles. elfote are then in order. A man of the Left observes that the President of. the As- sembly holds himself remarkably well :on the political tight -rope, considering that his balance -pole is nearly all oi one side. Others quickly follow, and. ge ieral good humor is restored. The _President has a large bell ith which he strives to keep order: , A alf- dozen tip staffs in different parts a the Chamber endeavor to assist him. by cry- ing "silence" from time to time, but heir cries are little heeded, far they have no authority to act. In the British Parlia- ment and" American Congress it un- derstood: that the adversary is to have some sort of fair play—that is, he is al- lowed to make his argument,' and if re- ply is to be made, it is when he is d ne ; here the reply is frequently a runnin ac- companiment in addition to what fo ows. Much of the time the Assembly is like the New York Gold -room, the v ices Scribner'e Month( y. The Qiieen's Life at Balmoral. • The Queeli's aim in the North s to be to live as simple and natural. aa possible, and. to avaid fuis ems life and. arr Bid he opi is a poor thing 0- A Sporting travels some hundreds year to. indulge in his had kept 1 is officer who s - kept holleri idly Joy ' d nly kept it' ip of miles ev that, provi ry his favorite stream 'were uadisturbe d, this enthusiastic fisherman wculd 'be 1 little conoarned if, the whole. world we be judged from the foloNving `anecdot One dav he wad eXploring the banks TIM V' world in perf rapidity of sr CA TION I I FRAUDS ABROAD!. mOst respectfully to caution the publi 1 of t e British North American Province% to be on thei . mud against purchasing iipinione Medi- wey's ills and. CO:element," by etottain individuals, of littl or no means, trading (for the lest few month only) under the style of the "New 'York Ohmic, 1 Company," Every artifice is made use of by t em for the purpose of imposing upon the public; and the more 'effeetnallyto deceive, they have t le effrontery, in their adVertisements, to issue t o following caution: .AND OI 'TMENV- has tempted unprhicipled paeties to con terfeit these valuable Medicines - "In rder to protect the Public and ourselves, we `have ' ued a new ' Trade Mark,' consisting of an Egypti ii. Cirele,of a serpent with the letter H in the cc itre. Every box of genuthe ' HOLLOWAY'S Piie.neNso ND OINTUENT' will have Wei trade mark on e are genuine without ite " W call your particular attention to the new style f 'HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTNIENT.— none o. the old. style are inanufaetured by us now, nor h ve they been for menthe. We therefore tenth) ell purchasers 'againat reciving from any Johbei or Dealers the old style of goods. : "In eirmatien conceriung any such goods being offeredovill be received with thanks. . " WO ask the favoieof ell the information •you can give heregard to those counterfeits." ,• Nowt this Company. is aware that your laws do not permit thole to copy the preeise getting up of my Medicines, but in order the more completelv to blind the publie, they have recourse' to another piece of deception, viz:, in stating that they deem it necessary, as they say, to inulte up the Pills tele pany,', there is also a David Pringle, of New York, spurio is imitations of My Mediaines, Beware of Thi, unprincipled ChemicalCompanY has dared, to say -that I owe very large sinus of money in the Unite States. What is the feet ? A newspaper agent,' btained, without my knowledge or consent, and lite coltheion with a party who held a limited powen of attorney of mine; au order to advertise - Icy M dieines in South. America for three .Years,to - the e.;.tent of $400,000 in gold. Hathen sold his i claimi to a lawyer, who, got it referred -by the court Ito a Omni of his, who gave juil, nent against me iLLsoN's said. could have made by it, heel I not taken ' to th aMount of $171,237 gold, or profit which he . : steps to repudiate thie vile transaction the mo- : win semi be see aside. It mullet be supposed, I : am sure, that I owe a cent to any one thee I would , There is no truth whatever in the statement- that , (1▪ ) 1 I eve* anthorized any person or pereons to use Inv , el AFC, TH 9. , - 160 111 111 of by u . principled men this wee.. I . . I Ionia ask, as a fayor, that should it :come to , the Ifnoeledge of any person that spurious meal- • ILL IN r.HE FRONT RANK AS USUAL. ether( are being made and sold in my name, that - he b :pleased to send me the name and address of i, the ,endor who is selling the same, that I may, for • td CD 1-3 e el SEWING MACHINES. 011,10NCE Noiseless, Lo .k and Knot dime. and range of work, strtngth and. b Won: Call and examine. Send ior 0. C. W llowing first Guebh, and. Venus Of Perth, Ont. A number of second-hand Osbor e; Gar liner, Loam In c Anodic% with our Sew' ng Mt Feeley Stile • g, such as Braidiee, Oordi Pianos, Samples MU rgans, and Melodeons n-Pisher, Emerson and f the above Instrumen 10 f the s can g, Tucking, Stiech Family Sewing Machine ehellengee the tate- of stitch, durability of Construction and. cedars. Agents -wanted eeery town in the LLSON, General Agent for pie °minion. ster, and Lockman of Ha • tonellaymend of ,14 in, Weimer, Raymond and' owe Machines for t notice. I le ent, we are prepared.to eieeate all kinds of Ding, Binding, Ilemmiugq&c., in first-rate • ery best Ame jean and Canadian runnufa4ure, such as ehe Pianos ; Prin e's, of Bafialo, and. Bell's, Ot Guelph, Organs. e seen at the store. Call and inspect theM. • URAL IMPLEMENTS. ,' Messey's No, 18 Thistle Cuteer Ploe the farmer's tavolete. Any nemberalwats on hand. Other The eel brated Paris Straw C Ater, he best mai. Also, the Cummings, Rochester and other patterns. I GRAIN CRUSHERS and Root utter- of variourem ufactureel. me datioi VEPS OF ALL] KINDS AND SIZE. oven body Ithows, re the beet in use, and d not require mom- s of Plow Points and o her CI stings constan ly on hand. THE TRIUN WASH] NG Mil TUNE, and ee' Tot -Kingly serviceal 1. • teeiteiv It is vas y worked, and will noe a. EN\ NG MA ITINE Is a Strong, UNNING 'MACHINE, EASY II eVET4r ADAPTED Iv' AND his favorite stream, aced pained by.the landlord.. ef the hilt a,ti iwhich he as stopping. The latter, .11apeening to I come' toe close just at t e moment w n his onest was throw g his fly, t Its &imp hook canglit the poor Itretch's eyelid, causing luin intense -pa The spor 5 - man coolly took out the hook, reaclju. t- ed. the fly, and, as the innkeeper c n - tinned howling at the toi.) of his vol. e, your eye down in your, bill trouble yop to stop that iloise, pouple on Wooster street are very fond. of checkers, and pla qiiite frequent y. When he beats at the !game she lo her temper, and declares sh?. will not - play again. Tt vexes him to have 1 er aet so, but he controls hie irrieation,i a id SO as talks to her about t. He 'Leis her hi w wrong it is for peo )1e at their age in 1 fe her cl to' be disturbed b showg her so clear course that she bee weakness and retu nies ashamed of ns to' the game, ceremony. She is scrapielously chi gent plays. it so well hat she beats in attendine to her public duties even Then he throWs thp cheek-ers in on C during. herholiday. Great boxes pa- rection and kicks the beard another, pers are continually coming in and oing and says he will- never play with any - and, body who cheats so all-firedly, and stalk.s a 1 - out and if necess residence is in close communrcation Her MajestSe and_ each day sees its punctually discharged. In othei sPents,* Queen's life is simply,t . any private ladv in good eircumsta She reads a good deal, keep§ up a con- siderable private _correspondence, takes walks a d drives, and pays visits ta the cottager as a ell as to the gentry in the neighbor mod. Her published. drawings show that she is no mean deaughtstaan, and she still exercises her pencil in aketchin r. By the advice of her physi- cian, th Queen 'spends a great deal of her tim in the open air in all kinds of Weather She is fond of long iexcurSions all these are -carefully read, ary„ signed. The Minist it - at of ces. THE undersigned hex ug -I- Factory about 40 roc s nort FRANCIST On the London .Roael, is now p tuna Pumps, which for lightnc durability cannot be surpassed ing but til.e best material use men employed. ALL WORK WAR A call is respectfully solidte elsewhere. GEQR 284 -Gm ted a new Peenp WN *leered toriaanufec- • of cperation and Lisht At the Fith's held threughout the Dominion, this Machine was put to some very eev !re tests by the HE COUNTRY COULD PRODUCE, 11871; an Di Plizes in 1.872. • set if ittadenients, and d es all kinds of work. INSTRUCTIONS IN THE eeTTACH IENTS GIVEN FREE Ole CHARGE, PETER GRASSIE1- RCToulInt; of Huron. the Haying and Harvest of 1878 • • • CAYIT IA CHIEF JR. intee thene superior in - chines co -tine Over $300, and wi' T e pit' ens working freely, au un yen s erfaces.. re dy fel its work withintt chain! e t ee at he tOp this year. • Ye ha .e no space to eninnera oth i kinds of grass or rr Ve o r to nth as insist up COMBINE WEE, AND JOHNSTO..\ SELF -1; KING SINGLE REAcP n .s we would menti et the followieg : a Reaper and Mower costing. te2,10 will ontwealetwo Combined Me- l); nnoytlthe-tqtlemorateic-itulit.,1,c,r:g. cr:ifthriTi:‘ifet,.:17,wer or Reaper all day with ease. ever cramping, as' is always -the case with combined Maehines on anse each. is spee ally adapted to its own class of work, is always e and both ma chin s. by their tilting levers, will Cat closer than any e the further advent- Yes of these machines, but offer a trial of either in, and will agree o cut the worst lodged grass or grain, going the or Mower Or Rea ler can do, agai let him, and. I engage to remunerate hend- som ly my informant without divulging his name. SI mild any person have reaeon_ to believe that he been deceived. by buying spurious imitations 4 of t ese Medicines, he will oblige me by sending to n e address at foot (whie.h bo can do at a cost of six ante in postage), one of the books of instrue- tion which ere affixed to the feline. or NTID. BOLTON, • Medicines can be reipPlied at the lowest : : whelesele Det prices in tenantities of not less than i : of ille or pots of Ointment, ter which remittances ' : muet be sent in advance. These Medicines are i : nett sold in the United. States, = ' ach Pot and Box of iny Genuine Medicines : woOls " Holloway's Pills and Ointment, Lon- ' ' (Signed) THOMAS HOLLOWAY. I Loudon, October 3, 3.872. PURE DRUGS. HE DRUG BUSES -B -8S, heretofore carried on by Mr. JOHN SEATTER, having' been pur- chased by me, I beg to intenete to the inhabitants of Seaforth and vicinity that the etock is being livery Requirement of AP Drug' Trade. , Constantly on hand: p Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Priedi-i . eines and Dye Stuffs, Toilet, Fence- and Rebber Goods, rinses, all sizes ; tifteies' and. Gentlemen's Shoulder Braees, Carriage, Bath end ! ell the Choice and Faeb ionable Articles.' Pine Wines end Liquors for Mediethed Pur- poses, Horse and Cattle Medieines, Paris Omen, and Lundy's Potato Bug Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Recipes Carefully Prepared. : Customers favoring me with a call will find the . ' , stock complete. Particular attention is called : it ;INT my stock of DYE STUFFS', all of which are war- ! ranted genuine and at the lowest prices. JOHN S. ROBERTS, tri 0 BEST MA.KE----ALIS 0 SCC. UNIX `S UI11DL M ori 0 0 0 0 ni 0 MI tt Mr lampre 3 wrif 9,1 o 0 2) sou 339 CONY "lid` . SELECT SCH6OL Orglenst of St. Thomas' Chuich. ivmsic CLASS AND ,SELECT SCHOOL, TERMS : *sic, teli per term; Day School, from SEAFORTO CARRIAGE WORKS. WI DANIEL McGREG--011.,, HAa just received a large Stock of the materiels used in the busthess, autl is now fully prepar- ed. to execute, on the shertest notice and. in the laeest styles, all orders he may be fayouvedwith. REGISTERS, LEDGERS g% BLANK BOOKS Ruled, Prthted andoirru'ildNeYltoK,IoNrrpleir, on the, shortest 'notice, and at prices which defy competition.; Made to. erder. OLD AND NEW BOOKS - Bound and.repaired at city pricere comniunications addressed to the undersign - ad; will receiee prompt attention. = SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AHD DIM FACTORY pelican. lei cons Which will /be 'short time. T ,for the dterebi iout by it, is s 4 will receive sa the way of We, R COMING ON. for the sleighing s aeon, has in old, as usual, cheap or cash, or o reputation of this :stablishmen "tv and elegance of, a -tides turn4 ight Single and Double RIGS, in a and Buggies, yet ion hand I HT TO FARMERS. MRoas TUESDAY, T"I'. subscriber begs leave to thieek his numerous : customers for the libeeal patronage extended to , 'him since eommendng bUsiness in t.iettforth, end : heists the t he may bp favored with a continuance i Puttee inteeding to build wonld do well to give ' him a cell, as be will continue to keep ou hand a SANDERSON will offer for Rah) - -RE 7th OF OCTO1BER, 1873, The Stock k well bred, some with pedigree, ankt IlEnet. BASY. SEE BILLS. tying combined in Whines Our {lip-II:NE NY TH.. JOHNSTON SEP' RAKE, of lia class. All oar work guaranteed. Adtb:4s S., Seaforth. RN PINE LUAIBER, He feels eonnaoit of givingentisfaction to those who may favour him with their petronage, none but first-class workmen are employed. ' Particular attention paid. to Custom Planing. , 201' JOHN H. BROADFOOT. • TO DA_II-iYMEN, MILK- CANS 1AND PAILS.: MRS. IFHITATE Would state to Dairymen that she has commenced to manufacture. Milk Cans, and Pails, Of all kinds, and Cen supply them. A.S CHEAP AS ANY' IN THE TRADE. Storm awl Tinteore liana as usual. COAL 01L for stile Wholesale and Retail. , Repairieg and Eave Troughing promptly attend ed to. UAW -street, Seaforth. good builditig4 and -fences, and promises to be ;a rich investme it to the purchaeer. 302 -WILLIAM SANDERSON. SPE .A14 NOTICE. CLINTQN WOOLEN MILLS, ii pith, Sub ei be • begs to Announce that his Faee -1-- tory is low i full operation, and would rail attention td the uperior etock of Clothe that he has ou hand, vheich. he i$ offering at prices that will conviinie ell lei the benetie of a local factry, if jeneilinorgtsattroureli, stbat all will realize the eaving over proof, see the Jollowing pricer!: UnionF lee Speeal Cloth, 7.5e to g0e. -"lauriele, 55c to 70c.e Union Flannels, 50e to 70c., 13hink.ets,&c., on hand. ti, and White Stocking Yarns. te As haves no son, there has 11 outside of the fa EAR eivten ;Purchased by the Piece. driler traveling for me this sea- t been any of ley goods offered tory, as yet, and I lidiewith give to ,that effect. : pALL IS SOLICITED. THOS. R. FOSTER. •