The Huron Expositor, 1873-10-03, Page 6• am Jones on the County Fair. Hong, cept.20, 1878. The ommtyy-. -Fair 's the great eventof the yea to the rur population. For a week br.fore our Co: my Fair, our little family as busy in raking and ii et- , ting thi _ • ready for the fair. The dear girls ha read and eread the premium list, an niade up th it minds that they would TRY THE " LUCK." Now, d ar reader, nose at this word " you thi : this has s gamblii g slid `lotte has ; d., if you ca tFa , you will the to is, and • "luck ', more for th intrinsic merit that tion m y possess. As 4n ,illustratia rill state one ins by one of the sup fair. `the subject nauunn :rat field see were sd nearly simil tee we e at a loss t of the ommitteeme cuts -fo the choice. the bl . e ribbon pl collection. But eno on't tum u uck." I kno teething to d -tickets, and exit ibit at a ee r ow appr ni than pr miiuns th the article in this °C h as stated tendents ter was t s. Two coll r hat the d terznine, reposed t This was'do tea 011 the' gi of this. 11 WE STEWED, A41) FUSSED, and we rkecd to get t ings ready acs of fruit -j flies brown -read, when -bread, sgongcake, jelly -cc ke and half dozen: other 1, Inds of cake, to make the largest collect on. Then had a coop 'of my newbreed of chic; ens, the Co iucopia of th Grand Cro s, and Sariworked two d ys to soft 0 and screen tit the best o ts, and rye, • d wheat ant grass ; and ._ e got up sarly Rose,] eerless, Earlyork, and th ee or fear Mete sorts of po atoes ; and "arab. Asan got up a peek f onions ane ts— not the eat, overgro the best for co o king. On uesday we took all the . ings to ' the f , and had hem entered in the grope • places. Th re was no gr t show of thi gs that day, but a great m ny wo- teen who used to bring things to .the 't•• fair were looki g: around, and , I • heart some of tem say that , ome of those things wet d get beate . The next morning I saw just whit that mea for those women carne in with old p tch-work quits- that had been in the fir Year in and year out for the last d loze* years, and t'aey had the same old hair -work, the same oldpictures and wax -work, and b hies' dresses, and lots of other old thing •, all of which they en- tereci and parader in the places ssigned the Mair of tl ese things wee pretty good in theilr clay , for the pica •es had been touched up +,y the teacher at the Seminary. I aske 1 orte lady why she did not et 11p SOME W PICTURES. • • "ow could I do it with niy three babi s and my o - it housekeei,in r to look afte ?' I just brou ht these to hep fill up the show, and. it�may be Amy ' luck' to get a )re1nI111 i1. be p.id for my trd • S.m and I we agricultntal impl -mittee came alo the is say, "It is to use to give 'i Fenn - Tri)) 011 an unwor'hy thing, if it has no coin clition." " Tell," said the 'uperin- tentent, "1 clot 't see howyou will avei dd giving a p emium. At l ast you cangive a diploic : that won't c st any- thing, and it 1, ill give the party en - cora agement, i- coulageinent, an they will show again." `` That," said t• e farmer, "is I Jut w nett WE DOY'T WA1C"'r. \Ve can well a ispense evitlt all this encourage rea merit. harrow that" -dozen years, hundred woe and there ar are of no v aloe farmers. you see your that with so it Coun- priate your nany ques- ck," I. to me f .the. e ere- ctions "tt rid one w ha e, and smiling ell, rye ; and he said he w.s real] beaten, though his was 'winnow= el the cleanest, but. far the poorest be ; but then he claimed- that :his spring yvheat to s were ninth the b : it. " thug is pretty well bal iced. the premium. on beown read, Graham ; and, if Sarah inn 10 beets, she had the blue bbon ions, to' which she was of cot' so of the cake, and' the jellies oanned fruit. I don't ]link;" Sam, "that the thing could out better if the manag= : had a -venial committee to dice for the premiums.. is, gambling only when anti, on the whole it is ver and fully as reliable as 1!ie ave ty Fair Committees." .It was amusing to se HOW coirrLA people took the premii rightfully belong to th ry some people became pointinent. Some day be corrected, or possibl ular ami sement may stl )er Waal gatherings. ierings. I thi k Sa sarcastic • on the co ittees some of then( do make sone cif Respectfully yours, . a lot of e n eves, but, 1 and, if so,th n I will able' - _ •e oat looking at the mentse and tee -Com- , and I heart one of • trio Th sho one lion p:ery, and re is a patent vn for half-, farmer in e as a gift ; othdr things that which has sprui herd to gal the ' ' and Germany, a man with the p• tent -churn -a princitilE Hess between i h that has been . use in the B anchard mark. The Cr churn so long that the patent has run has lately visite( out That mat has no chart to sell, of Sweden acct butlhopes to pa - off his patent humbug in Griew of the Da on i some unsop isticatecl cotu trymail• stopping,althoti. h fact is, gentlemen, we mu t throw Duke of Edinb rgh all of the e unworthy.. bjects." and the Czaro��'itch ister," said friend of th 'patent It seem m that in th tt •i1 man,� �.nfd vt-ho had 'a orthless tweet' Denmark an king m�-tehine, " You will ust bust abolition of the Sot his show iyoukeepon a Lina so, ackupand beo _ You nd p Vell, he Mary as f it as ton;he n the !on• led ; ¥rid and the continued ave Came appoi ted he' ice m,- e, n- ave t s rown But p aging pa. be oath fair g. go C+ fi :NTL 's• t at did not an how' ' in t airdi.. ap- ese .:`buses �+ay seta: other •op= Se e these an is a•little but tl en eer awe, ds. - JOE M ,s, S. Farmers,` as Th Farmers 'may be sham y winless the evidence gi ors to the settlement • of i Scotch parish.. One fa the niiuister's coisposii " He did not bring out trine that he should h the text." Another f follows : " I dida't li I didn't think m•1ch: was paying close atte. was reading off o', ar through the church. always on the paper, b pointinguwith his tinge na say. I heard hi read the same as you would hae react a cha ony alteration in his v together pleased with na think I could es works; that I ever hea by his works . his pre oot o' the pulpit. accent in his ,deliver ward his congreeatio tion is that if . he is here very often.' T explained what. a should be like in should be a good liTtel be tied to his book, to look frae ae en' 0' t and try to • attriet h was not the case wi minister who is the He looked up " vera hae geen a short glim It was," added the w he kept his ha d, on his place. „ He idna look up and a Dunt might, for a se and time at one end and ither end. I watche and had my eye upol This is almost equ old Scotchwoman w throw her foot- stoo . head' because he r American Paper. polo +'. 'ans. p the .logien , as en b the object - a; p •tor over. a ager bjecte to • ail of -a ser on, ;he s iritual oc- e brought f •otn jnier depose' as his disco rte. od or liim. He tion to wha he 1 wasna loo ins ie had one ancd t whether he, was on not I could very' wee]. He did I or ony body ter, wi' little or ice. 1 wasna al - s manner. I din - em• him for his : him do. - I mean hin' and readin' didn't show by any l.veliness to - My own inten- aced I winna be e witness futther +iinister's manner e p alpit. " He speaaer, and nae id should be able ' kirk to the ijther, hearers." Such III the 'unfortunate • iibj ect of inquiry. little.. He nichi se up at a 'time. Hess, " my tlocht, .the book to keep very now and then the church. He have looked . at a slither time at the shim pretty close, t� irn.'' o the traditional +('1 was minded to at the minister's rd ,h_s serrrinon.--- THE XTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Three Allred 15, Co 7th of inoln , thorou number taro. The 1 half, 0 or less, there a e 25 acres good hardwo :t-olass:ce1ar, with som nd frame kitchen ; lo :piing creek runs throu ell at the] door ; this f Brussels, 1 station on Lot 16, Gon. 8, Morri ore or less, 60 cleared an tion; f me house and barn ; bearing young orchards in the farm, a so a saw -mill driven by w propert is within, two miles .0 there is a station of the W. G. an school jnet across the road. 50 acres adjoining this 1 ed, the rest hardwood• chole must be sold with for is goin to the State d further )articulars, lip etor'onithe premises, or, if b}? 1 to the auctioneer, Bross on Stock, &c.—Burs er that amount 15 wont approved joint notes. o commence at 11 A. 1. ALFRED BR KIRKBY, ;Auctioneer. IN MORRIS, Farms, Farm Stec and Household KIRKBY has been rown to sell by Pubiio 7, Town hip of Morri otober, a argo amonn g two spall of Workin bred Frenbh Stallion Of Impleii',ents, and e, so, THREE PARS rms to be sold are, 8 n. 7, Morrrxips, oontainii 85 of which are eleare is rs i acres house failing a good miles o Railwa Also, acres, 1* Political Mo • em ur The public at enti grossed with th poli Southern • Euro e, as been -France and Spai t hat , of losing sight o mo ld:: not but possibly not les { me.nts in Northe L sever 1' diem is an asto+ish* that a e tg lat wn th U i or outTh eh era up d l h t 1 b_ all the European po for ve will just .which has sided mutt give the premium when there is the accession of the no honipetition IV -how." But he Com has- t over the t it t, kept ri�r cit, and did til 11 duty mi ee of fanners, who knew m 1 wh i k 1 git la m; as' Before that, Swedis strongly with Den ace it is just such committees that we with Germany. C a mu t Have When the Cal ittee on nificant indications Br ad. and Cake I came around, had to lac h when they decided that Graham ' Inert in these pard - br d was gence of a :reveluti ,. revolution has bee THE ONLY BROWN Il£E_i ►, view to effecting th There was a loaf of nice rye from Denmark,' and dial,), bread and a loaf of tit fez way and Swede meets with favor hi terve the tacit if no power. This re vol 'crisis of affairs, and cg chance, as a 0 )e predicts, that the tions sooner or la and In - at, flour and Indian -meal -bread—the in ,est kind of real brown. bread ; that wa• throws out, and a loaf ocommon Grah m bread had the blue r bbon. Well, 1 suppose 0-rjliam bread is brown, "at lea.t ; bat, ' wh :gin Mary glade it, she suppo ed .that she would receive for it a dliplo a,,as it w -a not down on the list for a reinitim, fought out. In th an should have been ..entered -a nong the geo�;r:iphers will b iui, cella.neoi s articles. -Of cot rse, . she ; thei changes: ; he blue ( ' we ril. aro sai F< ' surprised when slid` saw on on the Graham brume. b ead. and r, ibbon on the real brown .1 read. I y. jt, peri rents to tier that .01 sick was til' Uollllty French exner.mel a 1 fol things than that. .� � �tle 'retty soon Sarah .A n = calle • t• ion to a bit e ribbon on t Itl. ngel Waltz -1 fleets, that 1 grd wiz for stoc feeding, •'and her ince •cleat] ten clays co( king beets h snottier, those b - aIle. an( they have W 11, child,. tha is nothing ; .1 suppose suit proved that. t til Committee now nothing al) )utbeets, of a drop of clecaye ant supposed t1 e largest s -as he best. -der t Poe r mien ! no doubt they tit are good ; poi on a rabbit 1+ judees of boots and shoes, or o harness dces not appeal wl clic ardware but a c i nlnittee,. )f house- ; .repetition oh s to kee iers would nijlt have commi tecl such '• clisleeting surgeon l , though the dis..ecti e Was a ! to the eye, it n ay Commit- ! atoi�i of death i oiso circulation; if tl. is fi nt in Nor ern ie... n has been o en - 'cad + oveme is in nd .special1y in at we re in danger e quiet and gradual, signi cant, 'move- irope, C ief among g1y cl o s . friendship p bet r jli Sweden corres 'aiding; cool - t• po er• anfl Den - ranee of Germany court of the (King ay,. pa. sing ]most th Court without .the v ry time the as saying there, as d ily erected. �gnesti in at issue be- ' Swed n as to the 1d toll, Germ nir, of 1 ers, is the o ly one th St edeu.' With thew It g, a change politic . of S ellen. symp. thies ere as rk as hey al e now Fled 'v th these sig - f a clic nge of senti- tlars i• -the intelli- n in I i eland. This undertaken with a eparat on of celand its uni n with Nor- . Thi: movement wederi and will re- open s pporb of. that ion nee y hasten the there is at least a igen orrespondent S'candit avian quee- r, wil have to be t case, +istorians and kept b sy recording „ a Implements tura, strnoted by Mr. Auction, on'fLot , on TUESDAY, of Farm Stock, Horses and one Also, are cle Tho propria farms a P. O., o • Term cash, of nishing Sale 1 provide i*a nth S ts, mad r,. teal that she would see nn )re wont- i to determine holy Minute a w ill produce decidcdl medi my at- pieeeit some intere.' ing re vo great i of real medical iuip rtance. ad been g that the blood of a+ ox wh 4 s usec!. in tl dl the go-by. ",r1mY, Hat'1ug. inoculated a cab it w •ets bleed -poison, tl,e d etor tock th T 1'z7 TO COOK, i of that rabbit, Ind :o on t receitred the : lremiiun. !°fifth generation. tha had d e one - .1 ears old, A large uantity of furni- ; Lot 15, north' 100 acres, more nd well fenced; d bush, and 40 pine; good log barn; a never - the farm, also is within five W. G. and B. 0 containing 70 in good onitiva- ne of the best- ownsbip on this ter -power. This Bluevale, where R._ Church and rm, of which 25 ood frame barn. ut reserve, as the For . terms on ly to the propri- tter, to Belgrave is.P. 0. 1. $5 and under &credit on fur - Lunch will be , Proprietor. 801, J� C LAIC . AW, One door south of the Pest-offtce.• WH. LESALE AN T A ESTABLI WENT, SEAFOF? H. 1 RETAIL AES Fur Four Years Cele' rated for Fine Teas and Coj es. w cc U 0 w LL w. lam: JP 0 QC 0 0 TEAS. 1We have at, presen choice and varied - a TEAS, embracing up varieties, all of whicl carefully selected. A the Lowest Possible,. tut with good qualit erit the confidence )sed in us' by the pu Cru Re PI B, zposTToR WATCH ES a AND JEWELRY. Best and Cheapest Assortxr�.ent Outside of the Cities. WI_ 11- SEAFORTH, TAS just received large additions to his previously large stock of Watches, Cloeks and Jewelry, ]which only want to be seen to be appreciated and admired. Call and see, Whether ,you Purchase or not. . R. COUNTER'S WATCHES ARE RENOWNED FOR; TIME KEEPING. 0 in stock a ®• sortment . of co ards of 20 0 ITI have been r_ we sell at rico consis- v , we trust to F hitherto re- M 0 •Yl lit. COFFE ai = f the best growths, nTepared by achinery "on the pre d ises. m 817E :flit.: hed......... .... ned... RUITS, SPICE, 'TALES, SAUCE FAST DELI IN GREAT r.LEY, PEAS, RI 'MT, CORN FLOU AR-RAWRI SOAP, STARCI J. C. -PUBLIC 12'; c 0. , 1Oc., and 110. , IUSTAI'tD, , ANI) BREAK - CIES, V ARIETY. N Mil ViL fisc E, SAGO, BIS- TAPIOuA, T, &c. &c. AIDLAW. OTICE is hereby give have this day enter lers and Produce Conn age of Soaforth, undeqr of JAS. P. IKENDALL. Sigued,l TAS. P. MARTIN j, Be an ha' .th, he: s TICE. . hat the undersigned into Partnership as ionMerchants in the he name, style and - CO. -EN DALL, CHrinLE S W Or TII. S. 'P. KENO LL & C 0. TERMS—Strictly Cash. Aft. I. COUNTER. LA. f • you wish to replenish yo ed would advise you to do from England are that Croc nearly double price. We, years' importations on han nearly the old prices, takin the advance. Tea Sets th selling from $3 to $3. 25. 2 50 China Tea Sets to state to the Farmer., Produce Merchants Dealers of the Count of. Huron that they •e purchased from 1lessr SHEARSON &' CO_ Mills known as the e after carry on the same. All Kinds of Gra j As fort 4 acl the IIivhest O FLOUR exchang ',niters desiring •to ge tiug for their Wheat +LOUR DELIVERED la, e free of charge. he undersigned, havinn m nagoment of the'Mill fo pa rens may rest assured t th % same satisfactory treat as formerly. i - e c 0. i all Doses-' witli a view 1 ose 0= poison lo inal effects, th ults, and are ei'' it appears iy ch h d been ns e test. Jdi th this sa blood the twenty- ed. - This re- rillioi th part; + ject cl sub- s. to s. • th sigh it ere Was. any , to col firm•it or not, can perceit e that -knife may 1.1e clean Tet 1101,1 an invisible , sufficient td infcet e -operator should by (Ter.., a 1) under." ( tt Thursday big crowd., and, tee had eat the cape and.:t. steel the ' the jell es, a, great many people 1d•t ited just accident prick 1 to t ste of then], arid, before the Fair was. j OAT :, all of those goodies (; OL TESS..—. HAD DISAPPEARED, •the circumstanc toge her with several j urs of , • was had een:whisked off All of min s s on cakes, jellies and c • wou ,d not pay for the goods RS stol,, . 'tram the fair was over, unci he premiums, we all hat to see ad Friday the Iter after : the for ]slugNal V ug THE AWARDS �M t had the first premillin 01. the pre- ful me(1 fruit, One a youngni radioed ac of the gu blood e ski om th ther t 1 ♦.s +ol, I der un JAS: forth Mills, and will PRICE Paid. for WHEAT. hauge can rely upon any part of the iiTR- worth..Joseph Rodgers prices, they having -raise stockt!of plated Spoons, Fo 1 CALL )IES, ur cupboards, the undersign - so now, as the latest advices leery. and China have gone up. having a large stock of last 1, will for -a short time. sell at g only a very small portion of t are- now worth $4 we are: Toilet Sets at til 90, worthare 32 less than they now Son's Cutlery; at exactly old only 25 per cent. A fine Is, Tea Trays, &c., &c. E. HICKSON & CO., Seaforth. CODERIC FOUNDRY. The Goderich Foundry Manufacturing Co. Beg to inform the public that they are prepared to contract for STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS ; FLOUR, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS SAWING MACHINII, &c. On hand—IRON AND WOODEN PLOWS; with steel boards ; • GANG PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, &e. SUGAR AND POTASH KETTLES, GRATE BARS, - WAGGON BOXES, &c. COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES, of various kinds. • SALT PANS MADE TO ORDER. ALSO, IEON AND BRASS CASTINGS, AND BLACKSMITH. WORK. BOILERS AND SALT PANS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE - TWENTY TO THIRTY -HORSE POWEE TUBULAR BOILERS generally on hand for sale. All orders addressed to the Company or Secretary will receive prompt attention. 1 A. LODGE, Secretary and Treasurer. 11. HORTON, President. R. RUNCIMMAN, General Manager. • - ad the entire working the past three years, a they 'will receive out and as good 'work REFERENCE to the would beg:to thank thO' the extensive patronage ,past four Years, and tri 1 patronage will be exte ora we have pleasure in ecommead to our old p in connection with the neetion with the same, d. firm of Jas. P. Kendall hove, the 'undersigned munerous customers. accorded to them for st that the same lib ded td the new firm eing able to confident- trons. All debtS due Mill mnst be paid to debts due by us, 11 be settled by th & Co. NOTI T, HEREBY GIVEN made 'to the Legislatit, e in e of Ohtarick, at its next rerite the Nerth Riding to to the South Riding o PET ssembly of the Prov session, for an net f the Comity of Hu the said Comity, foi County Clerk.. oclorich,.gePt. 1-6,-1878. 801 a person, es, was ever heaxd of -pa ble n, who, in etfright- THE S ORTH YARD G to inform the public a I,Jumber Yard in Seal 1 on the ground formerl and said, " itly lord, e have fou cl your re e t 031 A L T KIND EtOuF d up and servant, but he is c eit two." Ah is un ressed. Also, LATH with. a ch ha f he ha said the man a good 1 drawl, but still °VT- enonigh to see his Ountenane 0143 And the ey to my with wh arpe ted on B ildesrsiforTash. gwood age to inspaect before purchasingelsewohc ex' ea or good inducements to' °DON, ALD that they have op.ene rth, near Shearson used es a Lumbe MBER, dressed an D SHINGLES, all ll at the lowest pose d it to their advert - d ascertain our pricea s we are in a position ash purchasers. & MACDONALD. CHEAPER THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING RECENTLY TEAS, SU THAN EVER ! PURCHASED A LARGE QUANTITY OF AND GENE AR8', FRUIT.S, RAL GROCERIES, AT PRICES MUCH LOWER THn_ltr THE CURRENT MARKET VALUE, Is enabled to give the public even • BETTER BARG,A14 THAN H.ERETOFOR The goods aro now in stock, and the inhabitants of get their share of the Town and Country are invited. t.o come and Main -Street, Seaforth. NOW IS HE CHANCE TO 1?URCHASE CROCKER OF ALL K1 ILSO Have ji..ist received. one o Ever offered in Sealorth. Preserve Jar Call and see, and be convinced that WILSO TEAS SUGARS AN WILSON YOUNG are re.nown " sold IF CROCKERY TDS AT A BARGAIN. & YOUNG the largest and bea asserted stocks of of several different varieties and of the best make. & YOUNG'S is the placIt to buy Crockery. GENERAL aROOERIES. d for their superior ALES and LIQUORS, olescde and Retail. FLOUR, FEED and PROVISIO:N.•;S delive ed free of charge. HAMS ND BACON. . Oar. 3, 1873, En 0 1-9 rn td 0 o 0 0 CD CD et - CD ANOTHER GAR LOAD MONTREAL iS.IVN m o min cn Ro 0 arix ano 0 Just received, a lot of choice American Su ar-Cured Hams and Bacon. Call and get somei—they will soon be all gone. WILSON & YOUNG, Scott's Briok Block, Seltiorth. NOVELTY ifORKS. VIE !UNDERSIGNED; ina4turning his Sincere -I- thanks to the public for their liberal support during the past, takes this opportunity of stating that he has secured the services of Mr. ADAM GRAY, Draughtsman and Mechanic, as foreman in the Novelty Works Plating,-- Sash and Door Factory. CARPENTERS AND FARMERS Will find it to their advantage to call, as they can get any thing in tb.e Wood Line done on the short- est notice. On hand and got np to order. A Bruited number_of DOUBLE AND ;SINGLE TURNIP AND CARROT DRILLS AND LAND RaiLERS, Wagon Racks and Gates on hand. .TO CHEESE MANUFACTURERS. As I have commenced the manviacture of Cheese BOXES and ETTERS- MA 011 Ireasonable terms. Boxes guaranteed to REMOVED. REMOVED Cabinet-makerand Undertaker, AS EMO'VED 4s ware?rooms to JOHNSON S 'OLD STAND, Wherie e has on hand a superior stock of Farni. tnre of every description. CALL AD SEE IT. egiptpharniracihased Mr. Thomas Bell'e EBAllf3E tnotaotwntet founat:niertaryls. on the shortest Kept cc nstantlye(Jnftinhagn'dAll. Sizes' M• ROBEIR,TSON,- Johnson's Old Stand, Wtien he eau furngoistheicshtla;lhpeerre.than they :can be 25 Mani School of Telegraphy) Under the'patronage of the GREAT WESTERN 'RAILWAY -COT arfECIAL INDITCEAligNTS, TO OFFER. OEND FOR CIRCULAR. A Day in the Fret:lob. Anna The parquette and. first tier of ate devoted -exclusively to the deputies, and eonstinite the floor chamber. The stage is <dosed. of the President of the Aesembls eaves as a background to the lof fore him rises up, enit':of the plate - ancient: orchestra, thti tribune or where France dlelterert all her I speeches, -whether they be of ates' or two hours' tepgth ; and tax recalls the home, souvenir oi. nearanee of some of the deputies speaking his piece at a echool exh 'The tribune is in front and lien correspondhig to that:of the el Pre„sident of the Assembly, in na the House of Representati "Washington. To the!Anglo-Saore there is something unpleasantly . well adapted to French theme ea in this pulpit obf the speaker, I deputies were reeognized as bay - floor in their seats, many of then. speak at once, and without heti tiring to say_ -nts it it,,a, certain i to mount the tribune and eneou- tion and force of char:inter are in the most conspienous.plaee of thi ber, the gibes of the Oppositio groans and langhter , which. a 1 - hesitating speaker are pitilees, an -vice rises high enotigh out of the eoufueion. to be heard., it is to disrespectful epithet, , as if it wer oat or a foul egg. , To the ti trials of this conspictious box ar ' thing approaching tomartyrdome the privilege of getting up in his deputy. He must *lint the tr hold, hie peace; or rather be bas --official ear ot the Chamber, for ix hold his peace. Some _ef the as.cend the stairway with the i Brutus ; awl one fancie.e., were toga and eandale, their harangti = be a -close imitation ii of the 1 roamer. This ilispOsition to .ator himself to distinguish:the sit the teal in what he sayt ; au there is an annsual show eif austt _abnegation, the greater part is -,e,; In the tribune t6 sptiakertil turned to the Presidiat ofttlie A, whom. he practinallteignerts. as Messieurs ; and. this f straight to the hetrers, n people like the French, c s English .and AraerIcen. leeielat the speaker to address himsell presiding offiter oi ly. and to j 4 .adversa,ries in the t '.x•il person, al diminishing the eltences of offeti sonality. in the heat of an& sion the Frenchman. soinetininf, out his. man and 'Wks tO biBX face, in a innamer not far rein& that of a lishwoman of the 11, sides, in followine ' this direct . address, he is led into extra eellfrethdes"114xwliii'l forms of England. nna America himself With the icia, that the nation is listenino- :no his word those 750 men - •E` no longer an assembly et'f individuals. rein to hie patriotie-sentiroenis . anguet the tenuity at large wit periods and some rather wild speaks to France entire, se France, ae he grotirs wanner, nanninates his thoughts to En the end to the univetse. - This however, is held in aeck, to a c gree, by the fear :of ridicule. - L. pensive orator soars too higl long, a bullet, in .ithe shape thoee sharp wordsnn which F- are each atleptsebtings lihne 11 -clown to earth -again. These in. iChamber are saved. from many denouement throngh a, keen: the ridiculous. la a word, th bona a Me/ewer, aid when he 1 is disarmed, Thus, at a -critical in electoral teleran, so-ealied, ' are devoared• with political am ready to resort te extreme in the way of attack and rep * waimn gb erre s: cloh olutioa is passed a - Article I. That:all Frenchane a -re hereby declated„ Presider Article IL Thatalone, the eh ive :officer of the: nation is, ant main, a private -citizen. This is offered as a solidi pending difficultta and, for brings hilarity aod-sequent ad perturbed. spiri* of Versaill are then in order: A man e observes that the President 0 serably holds htmself remark, that hie balance-teole is nearly -, side. Others quteklY follow, good humor ie lettered. e , The President -1 hat -a large: which he staivesito keep order dozen tip staffs an. different p . Chamber endeavier to assist cries ate little. heeded, for th hag "silence" front. time t,otim authority to act in the Bri ment and ntinetican Cow derstood that the adversary eome sort of fait play—that lowed to make his argnment; ply is to be maa, it is when - here the reply iei frequently A ,- Much of the tittea the Assen Scribner's Monthly. The Queen's Life at B The Queen's inm in the to be to live as 'simple and as possible, and to avoid ceremony. She is serupuloi attendine to• her public daring herbholiday. Great 1 pers are eontinually tinning out, end. all theee are careful' residence is in :close O01111114.1211 Her Majesttr, atd each day spects thZ.) -Queen's life is any private lady in good. eir She reads a pod deal, keep walks and driven and pays cotta,gers as well as to the e neighborhood- Her nubile show that she it no mean d and. she still exereises h sketchinte By the advice t her thne in. the inien air in weather. She is fond of 10