HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-10-03, Page 30-n z 0 • 0 m cn. r z. z rn rnr z 0 2 P 1-3 r 0 0 1873. HURON EXPOSITOR, Oft in.Ere i I feel Of st A ear hae fashion certed pain' nor a ceived ate.* bum. the se I don' Let's house. —A shirt o the sc GArnIES xe stilly n.i t; umber's ch hath bound me, ie savage bit eters buzzing round . me hap who in s : me Mysterious man - received a ibid to a large and ble party was somewhat discon on finding that he was not ac- with a sir gle person present, uble one either. Finally he per elderly gentleman of disconsol- n looking ovt'r a photographic al - Our hero made for this party of int partand said, K`I say, you and seem to k row anybody here. home." It .was the head of the Wisconsin boy puts a sheep -skin when he expects a 'licking from ool teacher, and the teacher .is at the way that boy can hold out before he hollers. —"What's the us of trying to be hon- est. !" asked a yOun man the other day of a .. `end. 'Oh, ; ou ought to try it once : see!' was e reply. to have suc- ceed e iii playing a thorough confidence game pon the potaa : • bug. He planted a . of corn in e: ch potato hill, and as the co came up first, the bugs thought it wasa corn field, and started for other scenes —A nounet fresh receive if W R -o -c - ti Zeit tin u g KK a hor` "KWVo an affected youngroan, rising in his seat. "Yes," triumphantly exclaimed the ac tor; ' Lust step up this way, Sir." The young man sat down. —A merchant who has a class in Sun- day -school asked, ;''What is solitude?" and was visibly disturbed when a miser- -able ad -e _S, any fence judge took t —0' spend a roo beds, facetious M$sachusette grocer au - s on a pla. d at the door, " a Mice of fish lickers," when he s a new lot o smoked tongues. . . young stiden wants us to tell him, r -r -e -e -s -t -e -r spells Wooster, why i -e -s -t -e -r don't spell Rooster. We e iiot engaged in get- rse! My kingdom. for elebrated tragedian. -o as well ?" inquired up, as we a p dictionarie A, horse! A h e !" cried a; dd a Jackass '4 y answered, `: K The store that don't se.11 ene in court :; Judge. "Have you mg to offer to the court before sell- s passed on you." Prisoner. K'No, I had ten dollars, but nay lawyers at." d Deacon N---, having ceasion to e night at a hotel, wa assigned. in which there,were th ee. single O of which already co teed oc- cupan s. Soon of r the light as extin- gutshe 1 a man in o e of the then beds began snore so lodly as to p event the 1 Granite monuments L deaco a from falling asleep. ie tumult ' incr ell as the night wore alc-a.y, until . Work of the best style an tie doubt that the precautions of her o wn- ers in spending $25,000 in increasing her stroll th. and addin7 to'_ier sea qualities, e immediate cau.e of her es ape m foundering . with all on board.; A illustration of the old adage, An &c.—St. Jot"n's was from happ ounce of precaution," Globe. BRUSSELS. FOUND f .LHE SUBSCRIBER ,visbe:f to call the atte of the farming conimun ty in general large and varied stock of Agricultural I ++ plemen Consisting IRON. AND .W With the latest improved GANG CULTIVATORS, L HARROWS., SO He -would beg to call ape cell brat FARMER which has given universal used, to which is now add much required in this part class: STAVE -DRUM L From $22 to $85. First-ClaOs Getting up for Spring ase, P OD PLO tion o his • • teel Mould Bo : rd, OWS, D ROLL SEASONE' All of which will be LOWEST; PRICE Or approved WM. Brussels, Feb. ls,"18' 8. S, &c. M attention. t the PLO atisfaotion wh : :ver a Thistle Po t, so Also, to som: first - D ROLL ,Also, a few Wagons arranted of v TIMB old at the very best FOR CAS SEAFORTg ,D NUR MARBLE WOR wt. mgssgiir (Late ol,,Ilatajlton,) Would intimate to their unnierous friends general public that taey are prepared to orders for s. Montunents, Headstones, Table Mantels, &c. nported to a art, and ea it bec me absolutely fearful. °rue tw-o enrpassed in this part .)f On or thr e hours after mid-nieht he snorer A call respectfully so iicite tune iiisn self in bed, aaid r ve a hid- Next door to Portees -taro Store, H. ILES con t ought the third gentle an asleep . L. MESSET. the all nFit be 11. ET. Bible- Steph tiamen The S day befor the election, in the course of his pulpit ervices, Mr. Gilfillan read t te sixth that ter of Acts. , There was tench merrim nt'when. he came to the --th verse — " And they chose —A a hotel, a- short time since, a girl im uired of h gentleman. at the -table if his cup was out. "No," said he, "but my co ee is." The poor girl Cent away to pay him back in is own eon While It'l at db. er the stage lrove up, and, sever- al corm g in, the gen 'email asked : "Does the sta re dine here? ' "No, sir," replied the gir in a sarcastic tone, "but the pas- -A Vestern farmer, it is reported, re- fused t look at a simple sewing -machine recentl , as he always, "sowed wheat by hand." He is said to be related to the ic thine o his farm ; for," said he, "give -e my family toe the mark accord- ing to 1 w and Scripture." —M y_years ago a Mr. Miller, one of the ear est settlers of aneighboring town, sold a 3 oke of oxen for fifty dollars, and, and re eived. hi payment a fifty -dollar - bank -b , which he carefully folded up and de osited in. his tobacco -box for safe keepin . Mr. M. wa; accustomed to make n e of the weec at any hour of the C -i day, or Lnight even, whenever Ice felt an di inclinat on for it. The night following 09 the sale of the oxen he sought his tobac- 1-3 co -box. Finding a convenient portion, he 'put t into his mouth, and, not really 0 obtain" the full benefit he expected,- he 1/ chewed it up Most rigerously and effec- 'A strength to. the tobacco ! No strength to the tob -cco !" When, iecollecting the t111.4 transact ons of the .day and the place ,:r1 where e had deposited hii treasure, he aeltladierdr, ' Ohio ! A yoke of oxen' at' one eadine in Public. Fitz -James Opposite the IVaterloo Hong°, near the SEAFOTZTH • MARBLE- -yvoR Carlin 0 eo Oee set 04 o The The t arrow Escape of the tal destruction of this fine steam- ship, wi Wall on boar 1, when she struck on Greelli, Island Reef in theGulf of St. Lawrencie, on th.e nig t of the 22d, was her pee Ear constru tioni and superior tar in tl e Unithd. Ste es. j She was then used on the dining ables on board is the sainct'as was fur ished and marked Tea-zer Ott each piece, hen she went into the brocikade. service. After the close of the war this vesse was bought by a , New York- firm, a -td remodelled at cost of .t8O,000. Soen after, she was parchased by the Que. ec and Gulf Ports 8teaansii p Company. She was taken to ments at a cost of :::25; )00, and- her name was changed to that 0 _ 'Aliramiehi. She teccaeQioreeibge-nasthi3,e. iron dal, but when taken 1 k'as pia iced. with the best of ash ua on her iron s des, finazdy fasten- ed with iron bolts pas ing in drilled holes ii through er iron sides Her sides were number cf knees, whil the upper deck there th staterooms as doubleplauked m order 6 add to her strength and pre- vent th possibility 1 water 'passing eorrespoi dent passed up in this vessel from. Pic on to Quebec on the trip pre - `dons to hat on whic she struck upon . • tile Reef and vas bea, hed, thus saving the lives f all on board. On the way up, the stain. -th character of the vessel was a 84.bjeet of remark amo ig those familiar with naval architecture, and there is lit - MONUMENTS, HEADSTOe ES, nerican and Foreign ted in the best Style, And 'work of all kindi in Marble, desig,ned and exec and at most reasonab e Mantas' of Vari plied.- on 08 0 shoi Granite Monument CALDER 277 A and ored (art. otice. BR THE DREI CALDER', le svp- mprted ea THE OM SOOT OF LONDON Head Office, Richroon -stree Lo don. 0 Established in 1872 for th • hag money on Farm a id Tow low rate of interest, terms of repa.yment. . Loans for long or s stallnaents to snit bo Farms, building Dwe ,terms of this Soeiety for instance, $76 90 iNVESTMENT TREASUR R'S SALE OF LANDS O x. TAXES_ COUN Y OF fluROY, virtue of a warrant udder the hand of the Warden of • o Wit : . the County of Huron; and the seal of the said County bearin date the Thirtieth ay of August, A. D., 1873,,to' me directed for the `col- lectio of arrears of Taxes . ue on the undermentioned lands, these are therefore to gin notice, that unless he said taxes together with all lawful costs and charges be soo er paid, I shall, an THURSDAY, Y, - TH.E 8TH DAY OA .DBCKIITDR, A. D. 1873, At ' e hour of 1 o'clock P hI'' at the COURT HOEUSE Proce d. to sell by PUBI4I be sufficient to di Lot o Part of Lot. E 4 .. S - N E 1 E o N A.1.... S W art or 4 17.....'... N W part 21 W 36 25.. . 26... 27... 32 Lot or Part of Lot. Sub. of Lot 16, Con. 1, Usborne, 46... Sub. of Lots 17 & 18, Con, 1.Osborne, 21 Sub. of Lots 17 & 18, Con. 1, Usborne, 29 Sub. of Lots 17 & 18, Con. 1, Usborne, 30 Sub. of Lots 17 & 18, Con. 1, Osborne, 37 Sub. of Lots 17 & 18, � Con, 1, Osborne, 3$ IN THE TOWN 'OF GODERIOH, Sob. of Lets17&1S. Con. 1, Usborne. 39 Sub. of: Lots 17 & 18, Con. 1, Usborne. 42 Sub. of Lot 20, Con. 1, Usboriie, 49.... 55 - $56 49 Sub. of ,Lot 20, Con. 13 79 88 1, Usborne, 50.... 43 51 13 Sb. Lot 1, Con.1, Hay 60 16 99 formerly Frances - 63 18 57 town. 302........ 55 89 78 Sub. of Lot 25, Con. 1. 40 9 24 Stephen, formerly 35 6 89 Francestown, 359.. 'Sub. of Lot 25, Con. 1, 1 30 440 Stephen, former ly 1 30 440 • Francestown, 376.. 1 30 4 40 tSub, of Lot 25, Con, 1,. 1 28 4 06 Stephen, formerly 1 28 4 06 Francestown, 377.. .. 1-5 patented 46 -1 23 1 69 1 28 4 06 TOWNSHIP OF EAST �% A't-1� A� OSH. 1 28 4 06 S part 33 .. ' 9th . 170. patented 71 35 • 3 00 74 35 1 28 4 06 TOWNSHIP NSHIP OF WEST �;AWAI��OS f. 1 28 4 06 . N 18.. let 100 unpatented : 35 68 2 10 37 78 1 40 -9 32 E 14.. 12th; 100 patented' 28 81 1 92 30 73 1 28 4 3068" 23..:........... 13th' 100' patented 32 50 2 03 34 53 1 48 12 38" • +' 23. , 13th 100 patented 32 50 2 103 34 53 VILLAGE OF DUNGAN ON. IN WEST WA\'i'ANOSH. 2 00 33 62 52 • .. McMath's survey , 4 patented 35 1 23 1 58 2 18 40 82 VILLAGE OF ST. HELENS, Ii? WEST ��� 1V .NOSH 19 35 Sub. Lot18, Con. 11, 15 Mather'ssurrey " 4 patented. ' i5 1 23 1 88 AUCTION, the said lands, or so much thereof as may c.arge such arrears of axes and charges thereon. OWNSHIP OF ASH ,IELD. 09 ession or Pat ?deed or A nt't of Costs and . Street. .Acres. Unp tented. Taxes. Com's'n. Total. 1st E. D. 100 patented $53 94 $2 3d E. 11 100 patented 76 75 3 4th W. D. 50 p ►tented 48 70 : 2 6th W. D. 50 patented 15 39 1 h W. D 50 patented 16 94 1. 4th W. D. 158 unpatented 85 23 4 N. T. Plot. 4 patented 7 84 -1 T. Plot. 78 patented .5 54 1 OF PORT ALBERT, IN ASHFIELD. olborne W. A patented 3 10 olborneW. A patented 310 olborne W. A - II atented 3 10 .luron St. E. ? in atented 2 78 .! ron St. E. A un atented 2 78 H ron St. E. - 4 un atented 2 78 uron St. E. A unpatented 2 78 ron St. W. - - unpatented 2 78 ron St. W. A un atented` 2 78 on Road E. 41 un atented - 7'• 92, enham W. • A un atented 2. 78 llington E. atented 10 90- OWNSHIP OF COL ORNE 4th W. D. 100 Patented- 31 62 12th W. D. 63A atented 38 64 L:ke Road E. . 60 atented 17 70 165 La e Road W. 12 atented 4 Q0 1 30 5 30 VILLAGE OF CLI TON. A atented' 2 87 1 28 4 15 It atented 1 60 1 25 2 85 1-5 atented 1 84 1 25 3 09 5-32 atented 1.65 1 25 - 2 90 . VILLAGE 34. 7 Lon 39 Sy 1 • 7 N pa W p rt 10 348 453 460 884 Sub. 16 of Lot :Sub. 5 of Lot 4... 10.. 230 516 517 532 535 659 1150 1155 1176. 1181. Lot 5 sub. lot 4..... VILLAGE OF EXETER. Concession or Patented or A74't of Costsh Street. Acres. Unpatented. Carling and Taxes. Cones'n. Total, 57 1 25 2 82 others' survey Paiented McConnell's do. MbConnell's do. AtfeConnell's do. itleConnell's do. McConnell's do. MeConnell's do. 4 4 patented patented. patented. patented patented patented Patented 1174 1 74 74 1,74 , 1174 60 1 25 25 1 25 1 2o 1 25 .1 445- 1 25 1 23 1 23 1-5 - patented 5 14 35 1-5 patented 1-5 patented 4171 1 33 2 99 2 99 2 99 2 99 2 99 1 83 1 83 6 49 6 04 3 S pa 28 32 30 32 24. ONT. Opposite C ty Hall, vorable int ou !the most ort periods repaya refera ie to any ot aid at be end of e year, will pay back p "nciplo and upon a loan of $1,000 in 10 y ars. If pai $157 20 will do it. Mbney can be .obt ined any time, little or no delay bey na the line units cupied in the investif ation o. title and tion of the mortgage. For farther partie ars as to terms, by letter to forth. WHO WA A. STRON TS Will Loan Money at EST, either on FarpSa Parties requiring m INSURE Y A. SE le bi in - the ing find tho ch inte est d with prep tit- , Ont. at Sea - MO EY? FOR II, INTER - o him, LOW ATE 0 ney shtd apply UR FROP AND Y UR Stron IS ALS The Scottish ProN Fire and Life. The Western Insui Fire Aid Life. The Isolated Ris Terms its roasona agent doing business OFFICE—over St Store, Main. Street, S LUMBER ! VICTORIA GOVENLO Have now -got their Northern Gravel Ito forth, running at 1 furnish Lumber AGEN cial In. ce Com Insur le as o or reliab LIVE eaf I FOR ttnance itce Co area by e Comp ;Fairley's Grocery 252 BUILDIN Of every descriptio RA Stich as Maple, Rock and Elm. A stock o FENCING AN Kept co Terms as oasy as c -Lumber of any des 10 to 2e feet in lengt GOVE LOCK 111 RTY rt ompanT— nronto— pany, of any other ies. 11 UM d, six blast, a AND D WO Elm, GRA Saw Iles no id are ft be had Seaforth ription 1 MILL AM in, on the repared 'to 1 Kind TE IAL uantity sivood, Oak DR IN ITMBE han sewh re n be GR re. pplied fro S pa of W part 26. N & part 27..... 28 24. 16.- 1 W part 27. pt acre on N E 25 A. A. A. A. A. oronto St. Toronto St. Cedar St. Pine St. 4. .patented t patented 1-e. , patented 1-5 patented 1-5 pa tented 1-5 patented. 1-5 patented 1-5 . patented 1-5 patented TOWNSHIP OF GREY. 1st 25 patented 5th ' 100 unpatented 7th 100 pateuted 8th 50 . pa teuted 10th 50 unpatentecl 17th I00 unpatented 18th 100 unpatented 18th 100 u patented VILLAGE OF BR SSELS. . 10, Grey. 4 patented TOWNSHIP OF HAY. 10th 25 Patented 10th 75 patented 3rd .1.00 patented 5th 100f • patented, 6th 5Q patented 6th 50 patented 7th 10 patented lit h 10 uinpatented A_ 50 patented - A. 21 patented A. 25 patented 4 37 36 39 25 04. 14 .05 ,33 35 24 99 44 1 35 6 84 1 33 1 33 2 13 1 85 1 58 2 05 1 83 I 83 14 41 5 29 5 29 13 72, 12 77' 11 85 9 02 4 37 5 29 4 95 9 02 2 031 2 89 2 34 3 25 3 25 3 68 2 75 2 18 6 53 1 631 3 24 3 24 1 88 1 63 6 02 6 02 5.96 38 52 26 89 15 63 35-40 26 82 26 82 9 07 1 45 10 52 27 24 1 90 29 14 38 71 4 58 4 25 4 39 14 24 14 42 73 18 78 6 30 ' VI OF WROXETER, IN HO WICK . S4 3 E 13t McCon 2 18 1 33 1 33 1 58 1 58 1 23 1 68 1 38 1 33 40 89 5 91 5 58 5 72 15 82 16 00 1 96 20 46 7 68 5 92 OWNSHIP OF 3i1ORRIS. 9tb 10(1 .- nnpatented 80 49 4 -43 84 92 VILL GE OF BLYTH4 IN MORRIS. 55 1 23 1 78 . : • - , i .13p aa tt ee ini tt ee (c11 53 , 1 23 1 76 T OWNS HIP OF MeKILLOP. VILLAGE F CARR ONB ROOK, _IN MeKILLOP. 1, ILLAGE OF SEAFORTH. Part B1 AK Jar s survey 1-5 patented 7 88 ' 1 40 9 28 291 . VILLAGE 11F Si. ANDREWS, IN' STANLEY. 11 WNSHIP OF 8TENIEN. .. -VI tAGE OF HARP RIMY, IN TOWNStHIP OF TUCKERSMITIL 67 1 23 1 90 27 ' Chal 's survey 1-5 patented. 67 1 23 1 90 Part 277 VIL AGE 11F ,WINGHAM. IN TURNBERRY. 124 125 County Treasurer's Office, 1 Goderich, Sept. 1, 1873. 7 14 Treasurer? Counl, of Huron. 301-13 A POSITTVE FACT! ALLEN'S GROCERY, SEAFORTH, T H1.6 CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN. N TE. 8 pounds Loaf Sugar for $la 10 pounds Coffee Sugar for $1. 15 pounds CEIXTI111:43 for $1. 12 pounds Val: Rsisins for $1. 20 potinds Bright !Rice for $1. A 6 pound caul& Peaches for 50 cents. Canned Peaches, Tomatoes, Cherries, Peas, Sahnon, Lobsters, Sardniesi, TEAS That please everyone, and at all prices. • Fresh Ground Coffees at 30 Or 35 Cent's • Flour, Graham Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, &C. CHOICE BACQN AND HAMS. C.ASII .FOR- BUTTrER TUBS AT NEW -600DS1, NEW-GOODSI NEW 03ICES I AT LOGAN JAAIIESON;'S. Intending purchasers should call and see our Gloods, as w.e consider it NO TROUBLE TO SHOW them, and have a good stock and good value in the following linea: PLAIN BLACK L1TSERES, BLACK „I" AR A.MATTA, BLACK SILKS AND POPLIN, FIGURED BLACK. LUSTRES, BLACK SATEENI, BLACK CRA.PE CLOTH, ; FANCY 'DRESS COODS IN NEW SHADES AND.STYLES. i PLAIN AND FANCY WINCEYS, PLAIN AND .FANCY FLANNELS. - Black Cloth and Velveteen. JACKETS—new styles. FOR HOUSE FURNISHING , Our stock is very complete in 1 1 Cornwall Blankets, White Counterpanes,' Colored Cemiterpanes—Plain and Twilled, 36 ,and 72 inch Sheetings, Pillow Case Cottons, Straw and , , • Feather Tickings, Table Linens, Toweliegs, Table .Napkins,1 Fp IR GENTLEMEN'S WE411, We have Neckties, Collails, Socks, Hata, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, UpdershirtS and Drawers, in Woof and and Cotton, Fancy Flannel Shirts, Fancy Cotton Shirts, White leotten Shirts4 TWEEDS and BLACIii CLOTH for SUITS, Which we get hp in the best styles, with good fits BOOTS AND SHOES. Our stock i's coming forward and will be fullY assorted it a few days. .A" C.A.LL SOLICITED. LOGAN -it jAMIES9N. TO TilE PUBLIC AT LARGE. W. a OLIVER, Harness, Saddle and Collar MANUFACTURER, SCOTCH COLLAR. A choice assortment of light:and heavy Harneas, THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE BelbaHorse Clothing, &c., kept constantly 1n hand. Repairing promptly attended to, and . I SEA, FORTH PHOTOOTt,01-71 ROO" THF, undersignedi desirea to state that he aa purebased from Mr, FRANK PALTRIDGE Photographing buaineSs, which he will hereafter, conduct. PICTURES OF ALL KINDS Taken in the latesti and best styles of the Art. Having had long exilefience in the business, the the subscriber has no hesitation in gnaranteeing entire satisfaction, and trusts to reeeive a eon. tinuance of the liberal patronage bestewed on his ALL THE OLD NECATIVES HAND. Seaforth, July, 1873. 292; NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. harges moderate. Remember the place, sign of. he Scotch Collar. W. H. OLIVER. FOR FALL SOWING AT BUTTER STORE, SEAFORTH. vinee of Ontario, for the Florence Sewing Ma- chine, none have a right to sell the said IMO:dile except tb.ose appointed by me. In the Coanty Huron the following fire the only e.utb.oxized Agents for the Florence Machin.° : Thos. Connors, U. P. Whiffen, and Lawrence Miarphy, Seafortb; McGa-wi Clinton ; L. S. Willson, Goderich. Any pers0 or persons other than the above repre- senting that they hare aright to sell; or ean fur- nish. the Finienee Machine in the County of Ha- ron, are impoPtere, and the public lare hereby warned to beware Of them. General Agent for 'Ontario, Sealortha 290 •