HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-09-26, Page 8-
itt on (f. o oitor
BEATTY' ,& CO. have lready commenc-
ed, receiving installments of their Fall Stook, They
have the present week received Canadian Grey,
Scarlet and Fancy Flannels, Canadian ShiAs and
Draws, Mufflers, and Canadian Tweeds, Blank-
ets, &e.'&e., which have ben secured very, low, •
and ininted off very °heap. nother eonsignurnt,
of that °Wee Morino Young Hyson. Oall and
inspect their stook. BEATTY & Co., thiriniehaerS
Meek; Seaforth.
stantly arriving, flesh and o1 the best quality at
HrexaceeDrag Store.
•• A LARGE LOT of plated Butter Coolers,
Cruet Stands and Glassware bought far under
value, for sale low at HICKSON'S.
will be sent to Nevr Subseribers
until San. 1, 187,4, for 371 mints.
from this date
NOTICE. —McIntyre & Willis have now
on hand full lines of all kinds of work, from the
beat manufacturers and at the lowest prices. They
clireet special attention to their stock of Ladies'
Fine Work., phial). is Fashionable; Neat &IA, Cheap.
• • !I
New CRoP MADDER, Magenta, Coehineel,-Rosen-
iim, Indigo, and all other Dye Stuffs of No. 1 quali-
ty, Producing Rich and Brilliant Colors, at R.
LEMSDEN'S COrneirDrag Sre•
• HORSES, HORSES,— repare Horses for
the Fall and Wintei- Tempeiature by using Lums-
den's_ Incomparable conthtinn Powders. Prepared
only by R. LualsDele, Cornell Drug Store, Seaforth.
A Fust -Class Stoek of Go de at Low Figurea, to
select from, at Loe-ax & jAMUEsoN's.
at Calsepaaa.'s Clothing Emporium. Fall Stock
now complete in every deptrtraent. One Thous-
and Overcoats and Pea Jac -as, first-class, ready-
made. Good bargains for cash. Remember my
Stock this fall surpasses anything nifty° opened
Fall Shows.
The Southlauxon, at Seaforth, on Thursday and
Friday, 2rid and 3rd of Octo er.
The Hibbert, at Staffa, o Tuesday, Oct. 7.
The Elam, at Listowel, or Friday, 10th October.
The Stephen andUsborne at Exeter, on Monday
and Tuesday, 29th and 30th Septerriber,
Colborne Township, as oderiale on Wednes-
day, Oct. 1.
Turnberry, at Wingham, on Friday, Oct. 8.
Morris Branch, at Blyth, on Wednesday, Cet. 8.
South Pea-t3e, at St. Marys, on Sept.30 and Oet.l.
' Stratford, Thursday anclTriday, Oct. 2 and 3.
Mitchell, Monday and Tnerday, Sept. 29 and 30-.
Grey, at Brussele, Oet..9.
Stanley, at :Hayfield, on INiednesday, October 8.
Hay, at Zinich, on Wednerday, Oct. 1.
keeps his books in a better condition or
on a more simple and correct principle.
I dent occurred at Mr. Broadfo
1mill, in this viVlage, on Fnd
number of Carpenters were e
the new building in rear of he factory,
and were working on a scaffolding erected
about 23 feet from the ground. Among
these were Mr. David Sproat, Of Tucker -
smith and *r. Broaclffio himself.
While thus engaged, one Of l e braces of
the- scaffold on which reste he ends of
the two planks suddenly g e -way, pre-
cipitating Mr. Sproat and r Broadfoet,
who were stancing immedi t ly over the
brece, to the grpund. Mr. S roat fell on
his back, and -being a hea y man; came
to the ground with great oiice, the fall
stunning him so severely ti at he was un-
congeious foi a time, and i juring him
internally. Me. Broadfoo Wasmore for -
timate, and escaped with s rained an-
kle and a few acratches. A other man
'tilts) was stand ng on the piosite end of
the planks was thrown -ap ad `on to the
moll of the buil ing, but • a uninjured.
Mr.I Sproat 'we at once coo v yed to Mr.
Broadloot's res dence and i *eIica1. aid ()b-
eret to lea that he still
angerous (1) dition, and
re enterta'ne of his re-
ious acci-
Ve planing
y last. A
nployed on
BA.SE Bete,.—A bas ball match will
f be playecl to-morrow-a-Saturday—be-
tween the Maple lati Club, of -Guelph.,
:the champions of Cinada, and. the Stars,
of Seaforth, on the greunds of the latter.
The game will commence at half -past 12
sheep, and will be one of the most inter-
esting ever played in the County. All
lovers of the Game who twish to see good
playing should attend. 1
members of Fidelity Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., of
this village, have purchesed the cornenlot
on Main street adjoining Mr.. John- Lo-
gan's old standeand intend erecting there-
on next summer, a large and handsome
brick building, the ground fiat .of which
will be fitted for a storel and the sec-:
ond flat for a Lodge Room. We congrat-
ulate the members of Fidelity Lodge On
their purchase, and cammend their praise-
worthy enterprise.
° SOUTH HUROel. SHow.—Whe have
been requested to state that Mr. Robert
Scott, of Roeboiough, has given to. the
Directors of he Teckeremith Branch So-
ciety the sum of as a prize for the
best cage of stuffed. biecls exhibited at the
Show of the Sonth Ilneon Sopiety, to be
held at Seaforth, on Thursday and Fri-
day next. We may also -state that the
plow given. by-.11.1esers. Patterson Brothers
is an iron beam plow and not an iron
plow, as formerly mentioned by us. The
value of this iow of $20.
- eren. of T
Mr. Kyle at the new saltblock of Cole-
kGouirlock, in this 'village, met
with a painsiil accident OR ThUrSaRy
morning last. He wae-aSeisting a num-
er of ocher men to. place large bent„
viien one of, the"uv ropes: gave way -and
heavy tine
on the
1Sruisine and
A carpenter named Cam-
ckersruith, employed with
er fell upon hien; striking
boulder, and considerably
acerating the flesh. There
'r ere no bon
s broken; and the injury,.
lthough painful, was not dangerous.
PERSONAL. We notice with pleasure
hat Dr. H. L. Yercoe, of , this village,
has been app inted a Coroner for the
'aunty of Heron.
—Mr: Alex naer Broadfoot, of Tuck-
rernitla was ne of the judges of sheep
at the Centre fair held at 'Guelph, last
—We jeer
f Goderieh,
duct the Oro
ilsg Stratford,
This is a fi
Sinclair's em"
rating of the
eld at Brae
fpllowing reso
cl by Mr. Jan
, ohn Grandts
eeting, havi
. -thie day pres
he Seaforth
esirous of ithpr ssing upon the candi-
ate nominat
vish that he
S,ueh measure
e introduced
or the adv
ause in this
that _J. S. Sinclair", Esq.,
as beenaappointed to cou-
n business at tire appreach-
Berlin ancl Guelph Assizes.
-Ling recognition of Mr.
ent legal abilities.
tallied. We r
lies in a very
grave doubts
1 -
Saturday nigh last, abo
skirmish of th Donnybr
place on Main treet, in
Hotel. It see a s that for
been in existen e in our vi
ization of young men and
"Cold Water committee.
sible object of this Commi
vent or rather punish drun
peculiar mode of carrying
was to seize anir drunken
find on the street .ata
hour, 'and submit him to
by forcibly retaining him
of a pump, wh4e cold wa
on him, until he beca
drenched, and nsually pr
ed. Several esonfirmed
been subjectecilto this tr
in the past month .or t
them a perso from I
friends of this individual, it seems, werel
"Water Com -I
them being it
g, idetermined
ember of th
NESS."— On
o'clock, a
order, took
of Knox's
e there has
e, an organ-
, styled the
The 'osten-
te was to pre -
e ess. Their
oui this object
ari they might
a hower-bath
nd r the spout
✓ 4vas pumped
e thoroughly
ttyl wellesober-
offenders have
atment, with -
o,; and among
'slitown. The
to. B. Go •PER: Bru cools, Agent for tlu3 Ex-
Posetou New paper and Job meriting Office.)
FALL SHaw,—Mr. Leckie's announce-
ment in th a issue of. the EXPOSITOR is
Worthy of the attention of our readers.
Mr. Lecki is renowned for his good and
&cap goo Is, and his stock this fall is
larger and better ti an it has ever been.
(St ;ARAI'
item, cord
I ery scerc
ot for any
that they
aul in W
who did
considerably annoyed at
he had received frOm the
mittee," and a Cumber of
town on Saturday eveni
to have revenge ou any
" Committee" who might ha4en to com
in their way .# About,9 o clock, a youngl
man of the village happe red. to.approac
Knox's hotel, e.bout whi
were collected. They at
hime and accusing him of
tent membernf the "0.
mittee," threatened to
meat of him." This ha
the ears of the "Oc
friends, and to the num
dozen they hurried to
sooner did the two par
regular melee ensued.
and stones, were freely I
precations andloul lang
were not very creditabl
The battle laste,d about?
when the Iriehtiewn boy
hoist a flag of tiatce and
scene badly disorgenize
lof Dr. King, or' . Main
Iseiged for a Vine by t
wounded, and a passe
!mistaken it for ;en arm
rowdy exhibitidcs are
creditable to the, parti
we tient it may .be Ion g
will again be diigraced
eings. Many of hose o
took part in the 4ftair o
more respect fo trliemte
courage, much les par
disgraceful cond et.
—In eorinectr n wit
turbance, compl 1int wa.
the assaultAd peons, a
the offenders, be tonging
arraigned before lvIr.. Jo
an Wednesday last," t
charge. Mr. R.
ich, appeared fo the c
Mr.. J.JBensi for t
ter hearing evider ce of
• port of the char e, th
cided to coromit Ifive of the defendants
for trial at the next Co irt. of Icompetent
the treatment
lethese partie
nee eurroriaide
being a prorei,
d Water Coni
" n4,ke mince
pened to reach
er Of ten or
he rescee. N
les meet than 'a
ists,feet, stickis
sed, and the im-
age indulged in
to either party.
wenty minutes,
were forced to
retreat from the
• The surgery
Street, vval be-
e maimed and
-by might have
hospital. Such
the reverse of
coneerned, and
efore our village
y such proceed -
both sides who
ght te have had
ves than to en-
icipate in, such
1 the above dis.
made by two of
a a number of
.o Seeforth, were
in 13eattie, J.. P.,
answer to the
quier, of Goder-
mplainatts, and
fe accused. Af-
itnesseS in sup -
magistrate de-
winter to
i this very
If rem sno
with cold.
&wool, PICNIC.
ing the se lool in s
taught by Mr. W
nic on Fri ay • last
Shine. efreshne
I dispensed and a
songs an recitati
children. Suite's
livered b Sever
The_ weat er was
greeable, but, no
very pleasant time
, OF Fut:L.—Strange as it may
ood, at the present time, is
in Br ssels, and cannot be
price. IFarmers are so busy
on't le ve their farm work to
ad, and Iunfortunate villagers
iot tak the precaution last
ity; in a sufficient supply of sentid to that her equal was n
ecessar article to last them founc in the County of Huro
to sno are now left to Shiver weig t being discussed, Mr. M
had er weighed on the show c
The children attend- she as found to bring down t
ction No, 1, Morris, at 1,65.
. Ferguson, had a pies So 'IAL PARTY. —By the generosity of
on the farm of Mr. R. 1 ansford, Esq., who had iven his
nts in abundance were wor
number of excellent socia
ns were given by the belo
e addresses were (let on 5
1 gentlemen present? The
ether . cold and disa, with
withstanding this, bles,
was spent. and
SEPT. 26, 187&
ened the team BO that they ran
Mr. Walker was thrown from
ago in receiving a severe scalp
, and getting two ribs bro en.
QUARTIMED.—The engineers of the
on, Huron and Bruce Benin ay have
• Mr. Mountcastle's hous on the
n road, for their headquart r$.
- M
at th
. MCDONOGH'S MARE.— he size
beauty of Mr. McDorrogl 's (God -
township) mare,'exhibited 1 by him
e show at Clinton, wee a s bject of
al remark, and it was generally as
t to b0
. Her
ay, and
e scalee
jurisd.iction• (.1<loderi
nuinber -against who
made were diamis ed.
be committed we e all 1
bail for their app aranc
required. "
h. Teri of the
comp a nt was
hose or lered. to
berated on giving
at Court when
• Reform Me ting.
, non+ee of the
ill address the
at the following
ick, township of
Sept.1 25, at 2
Ore Eton, ee Thurs.
7 o' el.ock PI M. At
iday Sept.] 26, at 7
Ex ter, on! Monday,
ock P. M. At Zurich,
ednesclay, Oct. 1,
the Red School -
Friday, Oct. 3,
At Rodgerville,
•n Monday, Oct.
At .Duncan's
Tueiclay, (Jct.
t Vaina, town-
rsday, Oct. 9, at
lay, Oct. 10, at 7 -
bb's Hall, Goder-
, Od. 11, at 7
eld, on Monday,
)• M. At Lake -
y, on Tuesday,
Mr. Archibald Bisho
Reform Convene -en, I
electors of South Huro
places, viz.: At ime
Stephen. on Th rsday
o'clock T. M. A.
day, Sept. 25, t
o'cloek P.M.
Sept. 29 at 7 o'c
township of Hay, bu
at 7 o'clock P. - At
house, Tuckers th, o
at 7 o'clock P. M.
township of Us rne,
6, at 7 o'clock P. 11
VATIVE CONVENTION ON Schoolhouse, Us rne,
N.Ok; QuesenotS-----At the 7, at 7 o'cleck P M.
Conservative Convention, ship of Stanley, Th
-field; on Friday Iast, the 7 o'clock 1'. M. [At
ution was passed : " Mov- erich township, • Fri
es Halls, seconded by Mr. o'clock Pe M. s Cr
and. reeolved, that this ich town, on St u coda
fr in view the requisition o'clock P. M. A Bay
nted by the delegates from OA. .13, at 7 6' ale
rohibition Convention, is view, township f 11
Oct. 4, at 7 o'cl k P.
lantyne, o
cident wh
more seri
'thet, Mr. jBallant
another g ntleman
On whish as wit
upon whi h. they
he fent° he grou
over him. There
wagon, no erious
intends o ening in
stationer and ne
has all be u purch
almost de ly.
of Seafor
factory in
site. W
taken in
A better thine we cannot have in our
r _
midst thana stave' factory. 'By such en
institutioi a largo amount of moneyis
realized fpr timber, that is comparative y
her purpose, and in
bounds; while a greet
nd machinery is eii
this vil
ch migh
usly th
d y this Convention itS
halil advocate and support
as shall from time to time
int' the Local Legislature
cenient of the temperance
CORRECTIO_ .-:--Ilietakes occurred iii
he prize list f t re North Huron Agri-
ultural &vie y a published by us last
veck, inasm tch. as George Chesney
. haul(' have h d credit for the best native
r grade mile co* instead of H. Snell,
tnd . Mrs. Tat McMichael received
h ne
he first pr i e ft knitting, instead: of
Ire. J. Aver r. fr. .Allan Hobson also
eceived the rst prize for the best col-
lection of veg tab es instead of Mr. John,
opeland. \'C may say that the above.
Trors did not occiir through any mistake
n the part of the efficient and obliging
4. ecretary, or n ti e part of our repertere
-hey were gi -en as they appeared ou the
Fudges' book bu we have been inform -
d by the part 'es concerned that the prize
ickets were j 011 the articles as above
etated. We' »ay here say that the So-
biety is fortunate i haying so efficient a
Oecretary.as Mr. ilalcomson. From our
[experience, we c n say that no other
'ecretary with whom we have had to do
e days ago, Mr. Bal Part
ge, met with an acir
have resulted. muc
n it 'did, It seem
ne, ine company with
wereliding in a wagL
out a box. The boar4l
ere sitting broke, an
d, the wheel passing
eing no load ou the
jury resulted from thie
T.—Mr. C. R. Cooper
a few days a book,
s depot. His stock
sed and is expected
CTORY. —Mr. Amen
, p rp ses starting a sta e
Brussels on an extensive scale,
he corp ration. will supply the
unders'ancl action is be'
the mat er, and a satisfacto
nt is lik ly to be carried ou
useless.' f
which th
amount. o
ploy ed. —
A Bus
the railw
to look I
r any 0
e busine
PROSPECT. —Aroll d
things are beginni,ig
s. The station build-
ing is in , .very a anced condition, and
a good sit ewalk ha been laid down
the Coun ji to an from the village.
splendid tore-hou e is in course cif erec-
tion by Ir. John Leckie, And another
by Mr. J. W. Shiel, with an intervening
site for buildin for Mr. Goldie, of
Guelph, ho boa ben privileged to etere
his grain in the sta ion until the coining
spring, hen he ill proceed to builkl.
We uncle stand Mi. Goldie bas given lin-
struction to his lo al agent, Mr. Willson,
to buy o the fur lest extent possible.
The comi g winte will be an even til
one for Brussels, to
win or lose a grai
• or reject an opport
-conameret1 centre ii
of the very sudd
named Wm. Stn.&
of Egmondville,
township of Bay,
Stoddard, en Mo
with Mr.Geer
evening of that (
in perfect _health
He was working
until Ttiesday eft
.suddenly ill, encl.
before medical._ ,
We believe that
the disease whi
IJ ay.
ay h
sy-. ef
ir Mr
at M
id cou
h cau
regret to learn
ofea,youeg man
of Mr. Stoddard,
ook place in the
sday last. Mr.
d bap employed
son, and on the
Mr. Thom.son's
H 'gshead's.
when he became.
e same evening
d be procured.
an cholera was
ed. death.. Mr.
le au dind u stri-
sudden demise
t to his parents,
tted by a large
-Stoddard was a reepecte,
ous young man, 4nd hi
will be a sad beret' vemer
and will be lnuclii regr
circle of -friends. '
Nos. 28 and. 29 on Co
of McKillop, hits rented
to Mr. B. Shoat of Sea
of four years. 'hese 'f
all cleared. , The rent is
honiae E. Hays,
his farm, Lots
L. 3-200 acres—
orth, for a term
arms' are nearly
b600- per annum.
men $50 on theeve of.his xnailriage, a
party was held. in the cooper shop
ging to the Stapleton Salt Works,
turday afternoon and evering last.
hop had 'been cleaned and decorated
evergreens, and fitted up 1,vith ta-
and a clear space left for dancing
tiler imusements. About oon the
began to assemble, wl 'cli was
who ly composed. of those who Were em-
ploy d about the works, and th ir wives
ancli hildren, numbering over t o hun-
dred which will give some id s of the
business carried on. An abund nt sup-
plyt f luxuries and substantials ad been
prov'cled, which were liberally artaken
n brass
In the evening the Chnt
was present and enlivened
ngs, which were continued
11 o'clock'.
he pro -
ill about
ScHool, MEETING .—We re ind. all
those interested in the subject • f educa-
tion and the present public Eie ool sys-
tem in the township of Stanley and sur-
rounding townships, that a meting, for
the discussion of these subjects will be
heldin the schoolhouse at. Varna, on
Sat rday of next week, Oct. 4.
F RE.—On Monday, the 15 inst.,
-.the people of this place were su rised by
the alarm that Mr. Ketchum's hotel was
on re. Owing to the time it happened,
heir g about -1 o'clock P. M., and the
rainy day, the loss was not heat y. The
roof was completely destroye but by
the time this is in print, the w ole will
be replaced. The cause is e known.
Th loss was covered by insure ce.
au ual Sabbath' Scheel Conven
held in . this place on Weclnes
10ta inst. A number ef speak
preeent and discussed several
portant questions,- In. the eve
dre ses were delivered by the 'f
ge tlemen : Rev. Wrn. Hawke,
rie, who delivered a very pleasing
to he young ;' Revs C. J. Joh
the adults ; Rev. George Brown
Mg the chair. At this meetin(
d.ecided to hold the Union picer
bush north from here about half
on 1st of July, 1874.
dunes, it we areto
market, and acc
inty of making th s a
North Huron.— b.
ion was
ay, the
rs were
of Goy -
sten, to
occupy -
it was
c in the
a mile,
AT G TELPH.— e sossoweng parties
e ii •
from Brussels and iciuity were visitors
at the Guelph Fair, 1$ eld last week: Rev.
John Fe guson an 1 wife. Mr. Rohert
Broadfoo , of Morr's, Mr. John Mee ae,
of Morri ," Mr. W a. McCrae, of G4 ey,
Mr. Ale ander F•rsyth, of Grey, Ir.
Aleeand r Stewart, of Grey, Mr.: Wil on
arid Mr. . R. Coo er, of 13russols:— b.
vale: .
PRESL-TATION.-- he members of the
Bluevale Presbyter an Church presented
their pas or, Rev. ilr. Pritchard, with. a
complim ntary add ese and a handseene
book cas , valued $30, cm 'Fridey 91 en-
ing last. -r;Phe pr s ntation was mad atj
the resi ence of Ir. Jelin Robin on.a
Mr. Frit hard is de ervedly esteeme , byt
his congregation b h hereand at W _ng -
ham, anc this ma le of the anprecia. -ion
of his se vices by li s Bluevale congr ge-
Con, wil , no doubt be dilly appreci, tsicl•
by him.
A •BA 3 OUT.—We learn that Mr. R ch-
ards on, V the 7th conceSsion of ey,
inet wit 1. an accid nt on Fridatll st,
which w11:disa1 1 im fOr some .$.t. e.
He was uttina son firewood whefie /the
axe glan ed ofethes ick and struck him -
on the fo t, inflictin a pai ful wound, •
PROM IC.—A Gr corespondent in-
forms u that Mrohn tMcLachlaij, of
Grey, h s in his po.e ession 57 stock of
oats whi h: grew frort , once single grin,
and whi h may be ,s en bylany who ay -
desire. The oats1 ere grown on Mr.
McLach an's fermi and for product ve-
tess this i.S aheacto anyOing we ijave
seen yet .
PPOINTMENT.- -We are pie
lea n that Mr. ;John Gibson, son
H. Gibson, minister of the Scotc
in Mayfield, ha e been appointed
of Ancient Languages and Hi
Al• ert College, Belleville. Mr.
gr ciliated at tire University of T
lit le over a year ago and has eh
fil d the position of Head Mast
Almente, County
Cram rook,
PERS() homas Leadbe ter
ntends shortly re •ovinge to Brus els,
here h intends ern arking in the ocr-
e') tile usniess.
BUSIN ESS. s--Busin ss - continues-. -Iy,
rotwith tending th recent Adler oan
allures, which have had a tendency to
flatten t e :money arket. The e cel-
ent eroi s this seasor have given quit an
mpetus to trade geu rally.,
L.A.ND SALE.-- he sale of Govern ent
ropertt in this vi lage took plac 'on
nestle , 2$c1 inst Pre squat. ere'
Jaime b mg recogui ed, left but a Suall
to be disp sed of by auction,
ought an +rage price of $16
Wro -! eter.'
FALL 'HOW. —As vi!1 be seen .by"the
title wh ch. -have ha 6 been issued, the
Howica Fall Show t kes place at Gorrie,
on the Lt f Oetobe the show is
one whi h !deserves encouragement, ancl
the priz s.woith con peting for, it is te
be expe ted that th re will be a good
It • -1
turn-ou -
_CHaiseee.--We Irar there are tO be
several hanges alto g the business ren
of this p ace. Mess s. Young- & Wore
intend tatting busi ess jn the gingery
line. A new stave actory is talked! of,
and also , another ' saddler's shop.: NVe
Would- observe lien hat there is a gbod.
o.pening foe a cheese box thanufactoryi in-
Wroxet as there is. considerable ideal
demand whicheat pr sent has to be 'sip -
plied from a distanc .
which b
per acre
occurre( near Cro
of Hibl ert, a sh
Q. Wall er was dr
on his arm, with
b ert.
n arly fatal accident
rty, it the townsihip
✓ time ago. As lane
✓ ng, through a g, te,
lumber wagon, he
ne Of the horses, 4nd
gate swung against
High School a
ark. He has c ntributed several:articleswise and prudent course of legislation,
to some of the leading scientific murals give the comitry still greater reason to
this continent, and thong quite congratulate itself .ireson the triumph of
mg has already brought him elf into these principles, to which, in many hard
orable notice. We have no ( oubt he contests, you have signified Yom- adhe-
I fill his new position with cr dit and 'saes
an I success. He enters upon 'his new Thouah nominated as the candidate of
nierlice of children attending school, the
Council have resolved to View said places,
viz. Messrs. Wiggins and Gregg to ex-
amine Wards 2 and 3, and Messrs. Per-
kins, Weir and Gibson. Nos. 1, 4 and 6,
and give their report to a special meeeing
of the Council to be held at Gorrie, in
Mr. Haskett's, at 12 o'clock, noon, on
the second Wednesday of October next.
Moved and seconded that Alexander
Young, pathm ster, be notified to get the
stones he place( on the road; ninth line,
all broken sriaall—Carried. Moved by tee
Mr. Weir, seconded by Mr. Gregg, that
the Council do now adjourn to meet the
third Wednesday, at Gorrie, in McLeod's
Inn, when collectors will be appointed,
all persons wishing to apply to have tiro
sureties they can give. •
A PLEASANT TIME. —A short time ago
pic-nic was hekl in behalf of the Bel -
more English Church Sabbath School, in
the bush belonging to F. W. Irwin, Esq.,
where a very pleasant time was spent,
singing, ball playing and speeches being
the order of the day. The eatables,
which were furnished by the 'miles in
their usual good style, consisted of all
the ielicaeies of the season to -which
ample justice was done by the large num-
ber present. After tea a meeting was
held a& the Orange Hall, by some of the
members for the purpose of taking into
consideraion the way e ananaeans of get-
ting up as -Sabbath School library. While
the meeting was being held, the ladies
enjoyed themselves playing at croquet
on the grounds of Dr.- Kay, after which
they all adjourned to the Halls. and. par-
took of the remainder of the good things.
More speaking and. singing, and.- the com-
pany separated, all appearing well pleas-
ed with the day's arrangements,—Com.
To the Tree and ;independent )Pec-
tori4 of ihe South .Riding of Un-
roll' :
GENTLEMEN : In announcing my accep-
tance of the position generously tender-
ed..me by the Reform Convention, held.
at Seaforth on Tuesday last, I need- not
enlighten you in regard. to the principles
of the Reform party, of which I have the
bon:at to .be a member, or as to those
measures which have commended the Re-
form avernment of Ontario to -public
favor. Called to power at a time when
the hestinterestsof Ontario were jeopars
dized by the dangerous policy of the Col
,alitionethey did not hesitate to assume
every legislative Inirden which was cast
upon them, and to manifest upon the
record. of the Statute -book their inde-
pendence of influence merely partizan and
selfish. In this spirit they have dealt,
among other things, with the* Various
railway enterprises' of the country, the
consolidation of our municipal organiza-
tions and eepectally with the MemiciPal
Loan Flied. indebtedness, which liechnul-
ed the prospects of our most ,ficnifishing
municipalities,. At the leat general elec-
tion, the country,- with c no uncertain
voice, demandedthat these matters
should be foreverfiettled by comprehen
sive and impartial legislation, and it is
- to -day theproud reflection of every lover
of good eml. honest govennuent that these
demands have been fully eatisfiedsby the
men iii whose hands the reins of power
are now placed. Otherand perhaps
greaterreformsare still ireeded, to meet
the requirements of the advancing
r4fessor ligence of the times ; ,andei am mistaken
toy in in my estimate of their integrity and
Gibson ability if the present Government of On -
tent° a ` -tan°, while acting upon. the honored
eel- then - principles of which they are the trusty ex-'
r of the ponents, do • net, by a careful regard to.
of Lan- 1
the interests of the country, and by a
sed to
of. Rev.
'1 •
ties on the 1st of October.—Sipnal. the Reforth party, and looking to it for
AYFIELD 1-10.non.—The 0ov
aineers who !recently visited 11
t also wenti to Bayfield to a
at required tb be dime for the i
nt of its harbor. We truet t
it of the engineer will be pro
good. fruits. A comparitivei
lay on thie harbor would plac
ition in wliich it would be o
vice to the d,ountry.
rnment much of illy support in the coining elec-
orb- tion, 1 truSt I shall not, if elected as your
certain representative, anew myself, in. the tur-
prove- moil of patty conflict, to forget the hi -
at this terests of any section or of any party. If
active I am elected, I shall endeavor to repre-
small sent the enlightened sentiment of the
it in a whole people, anil by art earnest support
great of all goo(ls measures," independently of
their party origin, to .deserve the confi-
dence of .the electors .of this Riding, I
1.ppenshall endeavor to holdMeetbage -before
the election, in the varieniennuncipalities
entimone—The Presbytery Of Lon the
the Riding, at which I ehalk have the
n, Church of 'Scotland, met at Kippers,
opportunity of enlarging to an extent
Tuesday, 16th inst., for the induction
t which is not now possible upon the views
P h • t tl
ofRev. I entertain respecting, matters of • local
charge of the Kippen congregation.
Rev. J. B. Myron of Lucknow, preached. importance.
from11 Cor. v.. 14, Rev. J, Siet-erightI remain aentlemen, I
,of Goderi,h, addriessed. the minister and. r Your obedient servant,
ee .W T WqLIIIS, of Stratfotd, the A. BISHOP.
people.' Rev. T. Goldsmith, of 5, aforth,
PATE>.TT Fly-Oateher ands Fly
and Rev. 7,1.lark Denby, of Bayfiel I, Can-
- Paper jnst to hand at Thee:so:Vs DingStore.
ade Presbyterian ministers, Were iresent
and took pert- in the induction s i vices.
Mr. Cameron enters ion his work under
the moet auspictaue !circumstance , with
the unanimous andhearty call of t re peo-
ple. 'During th s vactincy a comn odious
brick Manse has been completed.
. a
COO -NOEL MEErING. —The Coun il , met
on the 17th inst., pursuant to a( jOurri--:
ment frOm last meetingin the RI. tledge
House, in Fordwich. - The Reeve\ 'n the
*chair, members iall present, the irmtes
of last eeting vere read_ and ap roved.
, Accounts rendered and orderecl to- be
paid: Thos.' Bolger, $4,- removing flood -
wood at Spence's bridge, Con. 4; James
Lunn,'.. -$34, removing flood -wood at Ev-
ans' bridge; Gebrge Willis, $2.50, plank
for a culvert; Ebenezer McKay, $1.50,
covering crossway, Lot - 19, C n. 4. .
Moved . by Mr. Gibson.. seconded y Mr. '
Wiggins, that he Clerk be ord red to
senethe .survey aud plan of the devia- '
tion of the road from. Lakelet to Ulliftord,
on Con 4 16, furnished the Council by W:
G. Morrison Eq., P. L. 8., of glifford, •
as welt as the tharefer from Chat les- m In-:
grahaand Cor rad Stocks, to the Crown
Lands Departi sent, Tor onto— arried.
Moved_ by Mr. -tiltSon, seconded iy Mr.,
Gregg,that Mr Weir and Mr. 1 'iggins
be authorized o repair the sid -line 5
and 6, Con. 12—Carried. Moved. by Mr.
Gregg; seconded. by Mr. Gibson. t a at. $25
be granted toward cutting a hill est of
the bridge az Fordwich, and fillin at the
end of said bridge, provided Mr path -
master get at least 30 days grati work
for the 'same purpose—Carried. . peti-
tion presented, signed 'by 31 rate ayers,
praying the . Council to open and make
the concession road between Cons. 10 and
11,, east across Lot No. 1,, and side -line
between Lots 20 and 21, Con. B, ordered
to be filed. - Complaints.have been made
to the Council that some of the sile-lines
remain not open, to :the great -motive-
MR. WILLIAM SANDERSON will offer for sale
at his place, Lot 9, Con. 6, Howick, on
A Valuable
The Stock is well bred, some; with pedigree, and
altogether a seperior lot to those generally offered
fer sale in this Seetion. As this is a rare eppor- '
tunity Farmers would do well to attend.
, .
The Farm is one of the finest in Howicki. with
good buildings and fences, and promises to be a
rich investment to the pnrchaser.
Snbseriber begs to announce that his Fee-
-1- tors- is now in full operation, and would call
attention to the superior stock of Cloths that he
has on hand, which he is offering at mices that
will convince all of the benefit of a local factory,
feeling assured thet all i11 /realize the saving over
importation, as a proof, see the following prices :
Union Tweeds, 650 to 70e.
Fulled Cloth, 75c to 96e.
Tweed, 65c to :131.
Flannels, .55c to 70e. '
Union Floonnele, 50c to 70m
. Blankets, &c., on hand.
Also, Grey, Red, and White Stocking Yarns.
Special Rates wile* Purchased by the
As Illave no peddler traveling for me this sea-
son, there has not been _any of my goods offered
outside of the factory, as yet, and I herewith give
the public notice to tkat effect.
`artazawoo :goals ?lava
80000 8S3 Q AONVJ
► o iO of
HSV° avaH°
is 3 R±OU8
•S3 A.«
4arivilwrefflrmsgeal Q'igate
so4-eTraliaifvtf7!Lot {h,
ieor.i,)f 1)0 acrs 37
Ingoaltiiii i:n;
ram qartor. of
Apply to the proia-ktor,
,; g
1-' nd in good cuiti'aait7a;
in3il; 0110 i1li1 4(07-
w bnn
the, prornietor, poise etallv. or add
so mill andgri2ebil
/ear, 86x56; fraiue house, --06x24; goo
ply to
This lot is Very dry. being the highcs
oity of Winnipeg, tont.tininit 011 seres,
rAy0136: aliot,r1:Ag5haAReltlahEs:(147:3:eCil_tsAihIl:e::\
potr. th
zo3tdishenittet7igbty:Irit;Nschf‘avi ii)suPase 11 II; El-engp,rt
-cannot be '.toirpost4ed. 1.'r,u its elo-,e pro
by any ono -who understazols it. For
further perticruAlaRremappr13,-OiRie thsiAls o
100 ACRES, being Lot 7, Con.:
ship of Hoy; -to arra; et -eared
hardwood; weli fenced., -wit
fence in front; gooti ho'ose,
outbuildings, and never -failing spring; t
withie 2A miles of Exeter, and 14 fto
Roadand -Hay P. O. Scheel house 40.
ehurcb three-quarters of a leile frem
Inquire of ROBERT MOWLDS, mi the
• conteining 40 acres, with n goo,' fro
ber/i, 30s54i; stable and sh1.0. 9,0x4:1; b
house, boarded on the onteide, with eto
dation end celler. kitehen; yonng or
about 70 trees, ebout half of,,thein be •
grape -vines; en excellent acell; it is a
inarket. As it i2; only ahont 2 'Mies from
Also, wet. half Lot 7, Con, 3, ;
about LI ckared; •ernoiinder vainabl
Iand; .5A miles front Seeferth, where t
raisevieeras firts;anilt charrlolIslin.,r-nolkg.00dArdizetain)
GER, or by letter address Seaforth P. O.
R. SALE. on reaeonable terms, Lot
- Concession 4. Stanley, containing 100 -
of which are cleared, well fenced and in tt
good cultivation ; the balanee is well
and on a portion of it there ie con
quantity Imitable Ra- /milding un.1 fen&
-8S-110Ck TAM. and Cedar; tliere
•waste land on the cleared pertion ; there
'frame hense with cellar salt of latilith
kitcbou eItscheil; also, n. leg barn uncl
there is also A good bearing Orchull: the
well waftrea, as there is ,a of.ver-failin
running through it, and Dm excellent
Venient to the hton:e ; this farm is sitoot
2 milts of 11 good grave) youtl,
of the village of 13ruceteldi where there
austaatiiosn \'?.,feitilildLaoiliteldrits, nudither foalgrBair:te
pii3ostur;i_gief. For further', partienlars app
prietor on the pronB
ises. or to ratefield
,10171:_sT MeDOIr
EING emnposed of Ilia 1. Co. 10 of th
ship of Tuolers.uith, conitiniug 100:
excellent land. upon Which there is a lie
barn, 363,60 feet, and Aliso a gooa orchar
terms, which are -easy, 161.11. other informal
ply to Mr. JAMES DAVEY, en Lot 1, Cm
said Township, or to the vendor. WALTE-
CK, St. Geoiage 1 0.. _Brant Co... Or
VOlt SALE, Lot 11, Ci4.t.„ I,' Tin%nshil. of;
3: County of Ilurtal, e.htaining 100 aer
which ale -cleared and ,free from stuenple
mainder is wc...11 timbered with hardwoo
fenced and inell.rilrained, and in e high
eal'iratien.; good lies liense aria first-tia!
barn., stable Tata t=heis and other °lathe
good \--times orchard: the farPa is well
there being tbreehun.. One ris"
the houee ; 11 iilti frtooI Ejnhnrn, 43 fr
forth and 7 fiaim e'rnifitu; surrounded
rOads.For inribeia.part:lenhirs apply to 1.
mieter on the premises 04' to {Nei:stance 1'
29814 1 GEORGE CAN_
OT No. 5, ConeessiOn 4, Hullett ;3.
ning through the 16 acrt.-Imeh ; good fent
ply on the pronibeb to the proprietor, .
11-11.1.13.Vbh Coustei
VOR SALE, RtelVirt 24F, fstRcnAcel-ssiEoi:1:':
• Tnekersmith, couteining 100 acres, St4._
ezetleared and in a lirst-Clores state of
'The timber land. is All litarliWiltld, Mid 11
there is a large brick hole& with kitchen
bank barn 70 Is 40, allti11110the:III! testier), 4"
nth rieegli;Siltn:a13.1.1:tihihtl t6tn.:( n'at:01 1:t2tile.I:(31:1711m.:C:rhiii())11:41.i:linillet;tt:le;:;.71:1. :siihrehi:lioEten.r.;:f7:0:::1.,
1 •
ax 0 a,Lotei sin id 0_ ceJoahfnii;:{Tis681::i)hox,.11;i1:01:11:;::;:a.i:Ie;143:11Elsu::::Iri- tt;tias14,iidnieueconitasuasb411
dt eed 11 a oi , en well fenced. Ti.
8 oFtrao tipOii.1)eref,neirc.:4i131.111:i,:3L,8eitToEgsriio:::),.1.1. :i.ei i r y ts
tebiltahe 11..5 1111 lazirdaVel cr4071:tett:Irlrer.::
r Dfari"theedr;pabil-Itlilc.1-en'lleiartet'al:ptils,;ets:ituline vpinroni
miles froni the village of Einhurn. awl wi
born stern
..._________—,___ -
:' -ktai ev :Tgillaj€gtii roadarj:11.1:t43:c3iIti!,;17iC i.1m):11Its1)::: -e:Ni; FA
1 ici IsillS.:;:::i, :::11',81't1:)tei:::::f1:1:ertrerSthelhise;P:rol:::: v'li
Wass; v. 1 1 '
.eiF1.%)s,A.,„;tR3er.sfildaeltrVeltisOf„,:.inorlx,.:a;ALE. ,.,.
, the re.
Sreoct tvhelexiont:lutlit.tIsretoi. 4.. 13:_,.-:r1.11,,,at.t.litt:137)ritiiNrni:
1 onstimee l>. 0. 11 inburn. (hit. •
bzfrz !laity nebi,cseal t.itl. ,lidsil ii )114,e, ,t,ii)iit,2411,, i ..(11.:ho:rtnt.ii ecei:ai It[ritziiits .: $:,,1 )groslyrsolt,: I., .1 /lir: tilintnhssi iba nil al() loi
allele to
BEie-e- Lot 34, Con. 7, -,ifeliillop, eonta
LI'D13'1G MEYER, Seafertio j
32,111telioifni,o)pts,(:15011ittiaujInintli; ,...,1v5;tathlit, 5f ., i6)10 .1.1.11it
ft:nd.711:: wAlLoLal lam- ig. Int:o.lgol;-ali'lli. . 1:14mposca ,
Yell fenced. lind. ill ,..1)0.1 oultixation; oft
.r., PARIT: FOR SAL IN keru4
415-14'r5"71.41'8.11.12I1. Iii: killgoll3oclit ::::ItLAiiitliltN::::.11:11:11
tilTel 1101/41., 12 311i.leR frfr.m. &tutor/h. al
t•011eesslon of fieey, eonsistiug os.
.„1: FARM FOR ZetTeE IN Irt,tY
ANcirS memILLAN, 4uthe,