HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-09-26, Page 726,, I7x SRPT. 26, 1873- THE HURON EXPOSITO'R. 2== 4 n hitting It ace with ICAUTION I I FRA
V -AND OLD him C11&w, a! C UDS ABROAD I of old Jones, and he- no s oner- saw im. on t* f than he oftered to The -miner the othei% broke the poor f011ow's jaw. GOLD G r' L rL )4 New- little feet NY -eye astonished, and t7ri�d to dissuad otill 8am fought on, with bi� jaw h,% -ng- most to rillitiou the publi lig owil u ltN ta-th Americn PrQvinces. t flo" but nothil 1 �bloodspirt- Q obe ouos from his purp6so Pon his breast, an( r_=-= V P oil t., little faces would do but be mus have'a be it ing froin a dozen wo=u'l4s. was a ter- cinc,i whicb, ti -c gold as neniiine H0310- r t way to save it is to purchase a geniiine artiele in 0 asset. Sam I's rible coilflict but of doursp, the bear bes, tilrough the door 'with So the dily W, wiy*� 13ilN by fin, of litfl(,, Or )Ro invans, tratling (for tho la4l 4Cw souls swic. on -the motnim, of the fight, an4 &-vivoyi, k ockim, Sain, down ally, and 0 AND C3,FENERAL tionths,wily) under Lhe style of fhe "New YAL Uy cnoug� ; -oil bets ran twb te,aring, open his cheat willb uured into life.; looked baL its sharp, Havc ell' IChenuical Coipftuy, Every iartillce is ni.ulke nse -voices to oxio 01.1 'Th Man of 8ttwl,' again t i blaw's. B� this time, the people had got of "G�- them fur the 1*1111A)SX11�y ul-611 the CNV ittle Very dhe pl at public-, ind the more effectuallto they love or 86ife the E, Al oshman. Time ud gun�, an -1 returilled to the field, wb ere have the in their to
Iley into poor tile BuLii8bilian. boximled I into the ring, they fired volley a�ter Vo L E E',,S P"LOUR A ID S E D STOR higue tbi- '�VAY'S PILDS Bruin until he lay !quite stit: and (lead. The innnentie denjund for' HoTL0
Tightl' zisl) our o-wil, while 8am. came up slIoNdyi, and looke ! Fleur, Oat and Corrinical, Provisions, HhlnR, Bacot I, Fruit, Vegetflb�IeR cont-tit-utly on hand. AD 0INT111'\T' bas tempted unprincipled J.arties I 7'ew little toudrils Aanguld and feeble ; btlt,.I�t.the very fir -Am NVAJ 1)1, -'.AD TO to counterfeit these valuable Mutliciues- i
ouild our hctu�ts have 11. passI, he hit J ohn Bull TO 11.1VVENT DYSPEPSIA, TRY OUR GRAINUL4TLI)i -and th took up itis body a -ad the car- 6'lii to protect the Public and ourselves, we. OBwrwc, Rx THE E�17E 9, em. both. new 'Trat
Still the ()ld voices cass of he bear, abd buried1th ery a Circle Of a serpent Nvith' thd lett"er H in A ChOiCE'# 0t of Croc nd Glassware. in (All, citil the centre. Every box (,f -�P-,JnilJJ1 Echo and no- amount of spongi#g and bathiiqy And thas ended Bruiser Sam and his C on el�:,s :1 glizzly-bear figlit,�which wa�i 1aps the plenditl hargains ltFrnitnriii Call and,qua thcoi, oods dfflveretl free of char.ge, have this tra� tho old factis could indlice him to staild, upon his I Pei lire "relluille without iti
pri still on I and. r ag y C"ToDEMl Hallowed lare and ain that da . It was feared, thAt Safn only 7,e bear -fight ever fo ght in the 1N. It "I' + lids A. he old friL had broken tile E nglishutat)s skull b�t wor I TI-10AIAS LEE, Seaforth Out. A -ho have I emm M.A=F= We cidl your liartdeular attention to the new
&Nvay� lie got abou in a (lay or two, nd '91,0011 StylC. Of '3IULL0W.kY'S PILLS A9D Ill our affee'tion— telwards both he ki:,,nd (lisappearqd are by us now none of the old z;tN I Live i11111cer-) wqe nor have they been for months, kye- therefore is inytiinntrecivi7fg from any
t omearoundally H
ove has no decay fro the 0118. -le r pers P RE'DR GS old stonished. Sam did not caution all purchil"i Tobber's or Dealers the old style of goods.
Anore foi- hi _L A- _L s grog, nd d FOUND11 '8poki�n_loiig ago, Infoimatiton eoneernhi� suh goods being > offered will be -xtecivedwi th tbankp.
Keep ilagige where lit had crane.'loor what lie \1. cairie '
E DA -UG BUSINESS heretc =e d on 11g to -be SEAT;AR, h diig been pur- -the favor of theinfqmation you can Foul play ii�ru begitini OHN it the, tears flow. Z ehaf ell b I me' I beg to intimate to ed-tek. W'hell-lit leaP.ed mit that Sam. ' I 0� give in to those counterfeits."
P of th �d vicinity that the stock is being, ow this Company that volir laws do
%lid Old WAS KiRR, WILI 1E the precise - k-ett ING I repl �nii ed with no, t Perin! t thein to copy' iDg ilp of my blit ill. order the,.uor collipletely has its blessiiig anA.that the E lig a trail IVish to inform. e I ibl th Ila .e. To rle to i other
glisbuiLty.1 was'hi' tb 111iron 9nd public ge that Lhey have leased the SCftforth Foundry
eTiarement 6f the rug Trade. to blind thot, n ic, CN coil.. for & terlu of years, a u vit., in st hat- they deem ry ietareii�wl)rLlittrc(Itomdnufteture"aUkiiidsof �
iece of deception, atill" t P
life is (Lone, Af ter old Joms got that Jawful lick from 0 it necessary, Its tjlie�y say, to -the Pills and 01d face' old friends Sam- s brawny fiS t, he gore him no peue awing achines, ointme, Castings1 Sti,itaw Cutte- utl1l 'In L forin,
NV- ill meet us "Igill— (yr Constantly on haim. until he a eed to go ifito training *id, 1*MW LABEL Tn�asures l(nig burl6d accompany ti ngiand, Pl, s; d F rming I m 'lemelits Beides 11A ove-mclitioned Chetnical Coln- o An to ie Englishilli, e-ruig. V Pui e Yrugs, Chemicals, P o w aii other F P pany," ther� is a -oa David Pyingle, Of New York, 6 lof the priz itent Medi- t re to h ght. the giatit who� by iekerjis At6iptilig to sell i
'G of ever that is lovely, Jolies had not much money, but, at 8 fire tilso.prop cd to (16 REPAIIIIN description. 4tws and Dye Ott ffs, my Medicines. Belvare of i
listigation, a inal Dam: Dunham c e The undersign nve him. likowi All tht is true, ed lid I had lona onaer-ence in th Foundry business, and are prepared to guarantee I soaToilet, Fancy find Rub�,e Goods, ll& Co. This unpik ei led Chemical Company has dared
AV, ill on for ever. over from London with! plenty of c. to Bit)' that MR ! of Illowl, in the rrive 287 E WILKIE ow � vLry large s 'Dan Id u
Th Old nd tile 1 and, as soon as t1am. 'a d, A newspaper
po" IDS ITAIR) TOOTH, NAIL ND SgAVING V�nitea Sta. es. ANII�b is the fact? ones qqit, and the new EnHishmn e- rerent o talued, J b -thout my knowled-jw or consent, and by coallusio with a party wl Sall- io Rid a limited no - .. came Sa�s regular trainer. _rD SEIVING MACHITNE. I r - 0 I SIO A_LN o t ertise
Excha e. I er
M ilsaw Sk once �vhile he was in Tri sses, all sizes; Ladies' nil GeDtlemen's power of attorn; ty of mine, an d I t a h,
A Trifling P-11 the k4ots Shoitilder Braces, Carriage Bath, and LIA i I Souti. 1merica 01 three years, to trining,, and be look -ed w I; Childrdn's. Spong 8, the Lxteub.of $AOT,000 in gold. Ike tilen road his Cf_ 1V by, Kitty child, and the at�eat clitizu to it who, got it reforre4by the eoil'rt viere on his arms g n, to ft friend Of hi,, who gave t (in your seeV' d een at'his: rEAWU3AE9 AND "APS NIVTh&t allestfirman. round. Ifehadb i 0 a I to theamomi. gold,f4r t "90h, thi' den s dumb,, b ell s, San d -'b agsv d crum.- balls at hionable Articles. Pure I 0 coil tile luai out All the Ch6we mud Fas M c'NVhv this_yoknow, Sa gave to' six weeks, when, one ftiorn?ng, lie got load Wiies and Liquors for Medicinal Pur- to trausae ion the mo- CO thisvilc t24 11 W I LL" O'k
oscs, Horse and Cattle, i nont'it canie to, my knowledt,e.' T:ds udgment both DuAlharn P me. about something, k. r�glit had his esj�Pe P Potato Buy M pry what x, an�l made Alum, SE, N(4 M,�CHTNE �ND AGBICULTURAL -IMPLEii: will sooi� be set � akide. it c t'be suppos ann
And my and old. -Toes dowy coid T,?i sure, that I owe a cent to any, otto that 1'%'Von'jd I rom, his keepers into tho street. Stop lug Destroyer.. not iminediatel: - pay. there is n6trathwhati,verin d el atement.that MY daugters hnd to f etter. ltlwis a lqa- Severa 4 4
at the saoons and t k- Ll drii, ks, i I ever autbonlized', any person or Ders lis to use my Oh Liss Kitty v U1141 me hie did notforet it-w,%s�lshouf for tilra
1 s4oa of in Pills let piLysiciaiis, Prescriptions and Family Ariz. Ff name for the , a ILI intmerit, al was- the day he dined with. us. ilig, ndainused himself.by thouh-rossfriaLNhavTo been 1);rauiied upon me FORTH, ON I of by unprilicil))or-d Illen. this W113. 1 CarefuHy-Trep-, K _N 0 07�, I --,- G 0 W Recipes I _1
T[e (lined witll Ill, . r��Plied I would as a favar, that s1ho Id if. -come' to f
me with n call will find the Pray what has that to do m-,itli it?" every- stout-look.ing fellow he lhet. Justoniers favoring the k-nowledke of any person thai Rptirious inedi- 0 st)ck eDniplate. Parti(Jujar fttt(, ntion it, called to clues are beiDg,made a sold iki ir y name, t al; h but 4hen, YOU Finafty,'after the -ShOriff alf 'the 'T UNIC AS USUAL. " IVVhy, ii I t 1 ,
otliiiig� sir and �h, 0 of DYE STUtiF 8, till of which axe war- STILL I THE FRON 11 he bo plea slad to solid me the wrill0i LUd WICIM89 Of stock- ped,. San,. was P, ra nted genuine and at the lowes prices. ell town had been whip a- the vendor who ig sellim, the sallib hat I mav for
or We tried to it Virould lired ad'd i>ut into jaill; but here a new .1 S. RO ERTS JOHN ad-
tg for the jail Was at"a st him, 4ind. I engage to Xf-nl !ici -e ll daculty presented itsOlf, And th.eii, Nve couldn' et it off, sonlely�llliy iliformant without Mvul ,lug hit; riavtc. Should an� person have rLagdn. e.... out; iinifations
it down if the did iad nd� tried, an d, I r SEAFO11 EWING (0, 7, Altho NV- 6 ti nqt� a strong one, n, swo T MACHINES believ ' the
trie Would instantly' he lans been olveeived by buyingsinD
of these he will oblige 6ac by sentung
Poor child ! I'll it off .1�ti onceil t let him out.' On promising thal he titch Family Sewing Machine eballongesthe to the address tit foot (which hu pau'd o ait & cost'Of
IF, RZ110=4�NkliE Lock and Knot
would go s gings wkstrength id
ppa replie�t- triiiaht to h the, I'Vith tenderness is -lod NOVELTY "WORKS. beuty of stitch, durability of.constractic,n stid Rix cents #1 pc.4tage), one of the booW-, of Wtrac- vorid in pet ,cuts wanted. in every town: in tlie tion's which tire A�xed to the same. d door was opeiied, and am. kept his rapidity of Illotida. ne. Stand or eircul-ays. Ag AVith blushes Kitt liling her 4a Call.� and exami y ------- Aly Medicines can be quppl1(3&'at the lowest I nd re.' word, for.be went direotly home a (I 0h no, 1 because, You s e 0. 0. WILLSON, Gencrol Agent for the Dominion, wholef-,ale nqt Prices it qua-4titi" of not less than > 'ca.k' tired to bed' This ou�br was Eo xin- r 'iHE UNDER9IGNED, in ibturuing his sincere 89. 6d.j 22s.. 34s. O'er i1ozen boxes. An. u follo-wing first-clasi; machines: -20 worth--�viz.,
Sam dif soiethi ig Id give lit thauks to the public for ill air liberid support Also, on hand full of -ill, " �
i liaturaLdisl ositioD that every ent, for: which remittanceif like Sam's f statin- pittal W-ebster, and Lockman of 3E[amilton,'Ra-,yM'Ond of of Pills or pots of 011tm ,hy, -he wotdd Live the ring to ni. -an 'in giar, Li) Thiese Medicines are
the past, takes this opportunitY 0 Yt,rk , 'mon real d arinE must be sent in advance.
-was at a loss to ac-,ount for ii.; and dne secured the services of �mr. ADAT cluelph. tuill of h, Out. not sold in the Vnited St ate
O ! ll. -wanz ah replied papa—' Ldeed i of t iat I a has XN ab. soon afterwards, Another ebullition, or, Raymond and Iffowe'Ja es for
7\' QRAT,,Draughtsman afid Mee ianic, as foreman A 1111niber of vd�-ond-hayd Osborub, Gardiner, roelanau, Each Pot aud Box of m#1 �enwuo medicines
And pray "wha�t (lid you Lrive him B pl"in Sas� and Door passion occlirring, T4e M&n of Steel's' i.l. th�, Novelty Work I sale Or to r�-nt. bears the BTitish St the Z miss Machilit's of 11il Iniakes repaired on the shortest Dotie.e. ords Holloway's Pills' and intment, Lo- ? n train -'s tied I -Ai i� disgust,J and T. er abanda 1 -4 1 1 Only a trifle, Sir,."' ocute -ill kinds. Of] took thems, -'ait each carrying ri with our Sei
ei'ves off L, , I_=T"Ill eninedi( jig i%yachillepepartmeiit, weare prepared to ex shI CARPENTERS AND FARMERS Dindingi Hemming) ift in on."
e with him as a parting� gift from 8 1 533, Oxford Street, W. C., Co 16sS ! , - I Falmy duty, Cording', Tni TH03NIAS 1IOLLOWAT. - , I y ' & iiii f lid it to.their advantage o call, as theT can st'yle. ij� ode London, October 8, 1872. pair of blac1c eyes aildia swollen 110ST'i et al y thim, in the Wood Line done oil the shOA- A �R-GGKY DIOUNTAIN S S4m, now left to �imself, Bt nc tice. < NG TEET11 1,1VITHOUT U9*AL STRUMENTS. E XT11LACTIN > SASHE S, M jfgrujAer 8ain and the G-rizrly Bear. FELL TO DR01 NG AGAi'N, d-Canadian'maiaufacture, such as the PAIT Pianos, Orgail and odeous of the very beft American li DOORS, of i r nee', t:7' ts as Ot olct, lffiting and Weber Pimnol,; P i BillYalo, and Bell'r, ot w 11 aud inspect them. 8111111illas of th above I, strumenti; can be seer tit store. Oa 1 barrels, pitching. stones ?,lid $houlde,ring INdS, BY GEN. i -AC- ES BRIS11N. MOLD m hos6s., for liquor. I t was soon obs�ived n ;nd &nil got up to order. L liMitCd nn ber of We were campalgiiiii'g, on the Cr wing weak Ile lift d th� bar 0 ow, lie was gro DOUBLE AND SINGLE A�,RICIJLT-UR L IIA-PLERiFiNTS. and the canip had been pitce I in k fit Cris fa;�Oritc. relsmith difficulty, &nd preferred, to �1 in Any number always Onh 13(1- Otlier No. Tbisti�� Cutter Plow-thoa- fit ch ran a e COL ty little vallo.�, throu froyn a glass instead of a bung -hole Dgs, Roche
T NIP AND CARELOT DRILLS thows of,1111 ster and other ber. The hmuscles dis traw the 'uill-Lai fill -;-eani of briglit, � cold w �grew thin in flesh , ap- U .The eclebla Ctt,cr, the bel, t luade. Also pure Sty p-fiies supper had bp,(:n ea-ucn, th,e he, b cae� tile shadow of his C&M 'AND LAND ROLLERS, peared nd e a id Root CuLters of v&r out; rn.rinufae turcH. CARTAIMIaHT, L.D. Sit urgeon Dent st all vere' rea ligglited, pipes filled, y fomerl Be -If Wagon Racks mud GateG-on hanit. C Tijox's Hotel, the first 1: IJOP.SB OF ALL KINDS AND SIZES. attilmls in Seafrth, at for the Arnou the fron- Auout �number f Shoul- this time ai,-, 1 Tuesday and"NIlednef:(bly of cae4 nionth; in Clinton, d alrld desppradoes arriv.'�d at lit the Commercial Hotel, on
unipanied e expedi- QIc �011owixg Thui3s- tiersme -a who ace der -hitters f0 CHEESE MANLU FACTU HERS. SAWIN-9 MACHMES. P%% celebrated the ines, gave 8ani: stme trouble �nznbitiarilon and Rit:hstrdsou 04swinly manufactured by E astivood 84 Co.i c tion Belden,. the diiysapdrixidays. Theremailld fthe time at
As I have commenced the manufacture �f Choose The celebmt and noted of IllgO1t,,)1l. haq 'yy I)Uly 11 oNys, are the best in. use, tin(] (10 not rgquire'recom- his Stratford ohiec. , e -e i-equested to call, I cated S TT R ) AVhite C11ief of the plain% but he flually conqu 4d them. a 'I I I hunter., trapper, and gllide., as the last fellow 9'011t licked, lit, E S if at Seqforth and Clinton, on the dul-8 of at-
TS0, 17 - BOXES. and S low point,.q 11tall OtIler Cilitill"s c,)llstqnt1y kinds of on blind. THli' U y tendace. upon him for a stol-y, and, fter thinking t> claiined NVell, if ? call lick me, �lpliod on the shortest notice Testimonials of over 500 pit tientii who have hail
over his Avild border -life for som ime, It, Parties can be su J e t' 6RIZZLY BEAA and on reasonable terms. B.xxes guaranteed to YOU C_42\T'T LICK A' I ctedby tbe*)l,;c'of the(yas)
ontfttiop, i a simple, durable their teeth ext) a may a's if to select the choicest bi from his !1�-eaj, give satisfaction. Awaiting -j)rderB for different of which the ent is a correct repros is 41 111,; ware-romns; to It is easilywokk6d, and will be seen at my Office in Strfttfip-d,i
Sam swore -h Could �ick grizzly.., slijastautialand irA-
experience, he related th f ollow1ug itlt-ortlitiary hand wahing. Call and go(' Teeth iuse�tea in the mostl lot wear il- in 1, gle-haniled and lollEl,' 11 e K. AAPTIN . i proved shles. OM- STAND, I was one of the firat 111,011 M8 to alid 'diat, si;. JOHN A� huiii� ' ' can -7 e, Yberew poin6a to net Filling done ill gold, &c., in! IL niannerwhich
arrive ,it Pike's Beak. Ganip__ up from he.would figlit oil as a gizzly 1rhe followill" and -none others, have been apiL . . I t by . �f MUR- ot-be sm-passed. 26-
285 Novelty Works, Seaforbli.
.aforth, tbat h d been ca4ugi -,.s niy i its hof the above articles: L_� -ielid of na. y4ather, in the cmp,' Seaforth i, WILLIAM the Missouri, Nvith A, fl 0 U. P. toe the miners when (+odcricb; � W'51.: ALLINI,
li.,11,1:� ifr . k- of ,Furul- -athar I a. tib,' and i'Dis by tS and we.stopped -at Deliver, 0, V fo e bear W�s now nearly full- PUMPS11 TO DAIR-11 is r the them. -Th Lucknow. should say, wheve Deaver no t, po L evfld IT., growa- aud) although a grea ha-,iug elected a new Plunp itywastlien compose of' -'gno( A LY �EL cl few grog CIL. C. Ord, d harn-des�-_ Ii MILK CANS AND PAILS.
s. ane of the ihin- brutep was quite l Factory ti,bout 40 rods north, of shops and shantie etch, 4 ha ps I bewetime, auquainted 'With was not long before -some wr ca bet e en this,-bea
ell',;JIEARSE queer fellow thev called I fight ing m nd the day was set -WI-NG MACHILN f I arranged a FRANCISTOWN s-rl, IIIRS-. 1 uu the sho Bruiser _U1 rtest oad, is now r. repil,red,to mantiffte- GAR _DNER t has commenced.
ll to lullnilfa4uve
-bear was to lie chained to a tree �y th On the London A uld. state to Dairyineii thf4tid
f ture I ch. for ughtu,%s of operation and ?unlp., whi Is a Strqlag HeLW' se(L-in Ontario. Noth- as a, powerful inall, au� sometimes neck and Sam- was to. fight* him or oil ARH durability cauflot be Milk Cans a
a0'al I iner but W6 best material us( d, 11 dra1a1r,,_,L.gFeat, ])ut Nvas [ways good-. hour with his liaked fists. 8atn rttt-ulas %york- 13d Pails,
_Tfo, lu" employed. A31ACIUNTE) ered aid killd-hearted. The miners went iiito* training, N) ith Jin Peyt!61 I ell EASIT N I NIC' were. a, rough Set ill those (lays, and de- y f "'ANTID Of all kind -s, and c sul5 ly then),
ALL JVORK"\VAR. (YU DS I trallier, &Aid, Ion -r before. th.G lit Eb FOR 'ADE U Ds lighted in the most brutal of sports. - -lit, Peyton reiorbed that his P1 AVELL AS CHEAP AS A_NY IN aj�HE TIL the fit, d befolz purchasibg A is respe tf L111Y ';Olieit( toll fig-liting was one of t'119.ir pastimes- -,in I Tinware oi Prize- in splen, id 0ondit, swhoul as v uak
_kT am - e would as soon fight as -go a-fishilldr. 1 (3-E OR, 3-E BOLTON, 0111y. and at this Braiser 6* a�cc�lled,—ii.6 P" u" I e 2S4 F rancistown, CO LOILforsillewl, saleand Rtail. man in all the camps beilia 0 stalid with it a -re, t FAMI'v SEWING, 11 -D I -I The 4y came, ZD is f of strencth tilreiL to 0 and Eave Troug,�ili na.
4 promptly atte
up long before him. H' 'D rowd. The bets Nqre gious. Often wauld he take a SEAFOFTH col to. -Ey,
01(l Stand, wer prodi Sam. 1.111d many reall' believed he woud TMITI\
of liquor by - the chines, an whi (in hand a 000& P M -nufacturing -cot. Seaforth
barr -Work. the bear P OTOGRAP-1 ROOMS., L k.no -ing out the; buu g, lift i b and drin,'k IPdOR B sily, as iR
fro the hole, as ea f it were a e that he has D A I B L G-� E G 0 R '(D T -T Theal lie w a great, §h E undersined desires t) e9tat ould- stand on a; gory 6oatc- d fellow,—wa ti d T nirchased from. Mr. F11 t K PALTRIDGE his a. rotirthont the Doini-trion, thi-921&4bine was put ok-bind sm 'I kezrf,., 101)9i a Id w1lioah he will hereafter Be er, Harpui�et
4arnish che,vper tha-a. they can be, bo-...-, 12 inches and lift 180 pounds to a. stilke by cllal�i -12.1eet 'Xhokographing b lie Fairs Leld t, Seafofth-, 01 con tessby tht. , 25 p -ed as he c i ino;t. gvE ul-,t witli his teet.h. ffi� could rick up a 3 was as good tam A iii t receiyed stock of the mate
il i� �11ONV full limpa
eas' 'and sca Tt H h an And 1 , � M a the all bus iel bag a[ fl0ur tit hi:� mont d Fjtandilig an his hi ." y gli ig t 0 h del* U, 'A
i? -.f Tel y it rod. 01w loon ke( the s' t i ed, t hEl o On
s�j -Ap ar ilior about 'Wit so COULD PRIODUP ion, all orclert; he i0ay1bcf&vOilTc11.%vit4-
-ap � ,� .41 - i �,h RES 07F ILL K N.. astv PICTU 0 >trt aps there ylas-as alto have revei L affu i d e d 0 an L) gre he nit, . y peo s of thet�,rt ,tDo It$ a BLAN
the real,beast in Bruin as the lie V las Tal enl'n th� latest and best tyle -D F,,,\l ANYA110ED REGISTF.R;S X BOOX�
I 11-T 0- 411, wen t into the st erl-119 tle of t into the %iho (YT ANY xge work- orse, c-Mec. a� 11 Out aad the two Legg. hes�ta ion in gq, B Y 0 NT'- E ailighaxi long eperienc; in the busiucHs, the the t e' him fi' t. ers the subscriber has no 26 P�izos ill 1872�_ Print l and YnoolL to 011le" on the shortest
cane to's e The keep of t r 871! CL salc on, 0 Satisfaction, kull tru ts 0 ecolve it con p �,,r the of the Z), notice, and at price%
get it nd. down. t1 -le steps a �gan teaslilf and pokilia -lM 1-tinAL1111c of the lib6lal )atro age bestowed on his which, tle6 cullapetition. oll s best he thebear be g patro co ''d. At nother time lie .0atried a with sharp p.6les alicl irons, arid,.al hot gh i predecessor. Ithas 21C.11 cas�s
TT'2-7z Boxes & (I
WAY and,itirability recommolul'it to 1111 ellig 0
p� �qA a comMete ity oteolastruc4ion. tr its siinpli� d ojoe;_ all Idil(l'.;Of Nvokk. he took it quite coolly at first, h al ter attnchniclit�, tin Made to ordit-r.
roelz into store, andilropped it through AIL THE OLDINECATIVES ON HAND t of ia Nti-hile growled fiercely %lid tugired the floor. N D T, C 7 T a GIFFER- - C.IVEN FREE OF CHA h'te e 4&RLES ATOOPLE. S, NT1 A. as his chalu. now ',app ared with his NSTRUICTIONNS I_,, ALL THE ATTAqH_qrt,,NTS OLD,, AND NEW BOOK, v -ith I eaforth, uly, IP73.: k 292 Bou . lid and repaired at city I)rices. abut all aver his arms, keej)e, Peyton, ud Was, receiveI ltmi) ont. I ip-
ud chep Man a in -ma Sew 8 to t e un s 0 U- ere bunche-3 by the b u Is who 1�_ lzg Ile, Compai : LA EL' sh; ulders, and broad chest, W lo, ars NOTICE.- Ga ze? t
EXIEC TOR'S ed, will receive promi,t, attoil of Imotty museles. as s on-e's fist. wished to see A.mau and a beast fight XIEL I -GRE DAN (.1111VL\71 Da -V a e rill indebted to thP- 68t&tc -Of the AFOX)
LL PJLI 1� TH,� inor into the rill Sa P .d:P A.lat ( (Harpurhey., 0
Ilwell-built and Stepp CRAWFORD, of the township Of P TEFt GRASSIE,
Agent for the Counti. of Hilron. 1attle p -01 is othino, ed topaybhe sam [RST -GLASS F INTE L 0 0 IC I -N f or strip o , - - I (Islaorne, 9re hereby uOtiff e to ants, and d aNvers. -the under4gnad, 0:,n(i ail arties having wais't being? relnarkab�y small,. his ex.cept his boots, 1) I them hi ugE ly Vit11 Ilaainst tbelsaia estate are rc quested to. hau( jUMBEE, ing. iFor� the a Ta stedstr, the undersigned for of: 187
t and feet His broad chest con ra an d H arvest
hips. broad, the legs Nvell I b,,�o corbifted hot to I 'e, �t of he beast ;Ile I dsome, but the shagay cot of I set t1clubilt. llis face Nv�,s 1,�, il y O t -BE Dd tha --ecutor, ants stood, glring at eac I I Ildr. I It ,RT G AT y V1, isky li 1, b1cred the (;i es,, , combat SAW M I ft.
CTORIA STEAM. THThar. les elm IN TELLE, ENT' ANIMA L 'Road, Usa,orne. ao$e wa's n& rec ; still, 8 00 artd,, wit he� .Situation ina wa a cood-looking - nin, en uderst Aid t S ed to u rr on kinn suit with i his'lecys wa[ked 140TI see: dressecL,up iii new bucks opleut, and, rxisi `\-LOCK & U:RAHA�
a Vied to hi'�, hilil be" DE -will be GOVE'_
V t h t application liovirards Sam, W110 I !TE R STO his lun- brow hair I-ni t
y6low friner Lis neck -he made t( the �sscnlbly of the Prov- till, ey�.,�. hoping to br mk his Aave now got their new stl�tt a Saw 'Mill, -he
combed out'in C. oiuo(,. Of Oil 417103 5, its nexession for an act to) wo s tire I iro,()f zi,tliletic fronticr�- tillisl he atc ti the boulit"' t Isxnh0 1411- re i icti Sk-1111; but falitag ffi. MCI r gat flill awl; re pri-pa.
and ftid. coillitl Itifflug ol the tot th. runnin MOAF-Ut 4G. mc side, oil(. tig�t hi a I OITI- i It gistratifil purp furnish t:tjo and com- However, Saill Ws fast 1100 )So$. I f Ill blow cou th- - I - elic"er, gr T
roundar pletely C'.L�r after county CIOrl. -;(Yrkq G _lumber of -AAiKin'd.s,
A LOAYV�- Own.- DEG Z_N E, RAT 301 La., fitted it TIR he stepped,'�rorn theirin the I le, . hed Itft off work ( g7 I T i -be 0.116:, to livin or alyber, m to ell -n who bet ou th� -asant b0&r AiAnc a b his strongt1l, Just as,th Fi THE' sEAT'ORTH lilinisenta few 0 ir moue ive _4e by their wits iti. thegr( es Any fe they Would.lo4c th.c* BUiLDMG mAlm—RiA.L
-it h -,$. , todated at ro 1.1ids, ec(; llo�ved betweell �0 I -YARD offer their unrivalled- ing a Waanti'� of
228 lor to see him. munites were All B E It The of a -very onliq t u L TJ all 4 the baitars poked. th beastNi�pktit s %iid drink out Of e fa barill ell(is , L _ X�iTO ELF -RAKING SENGLE n -lie'! Nf) jo R, ly,� 80 tha. when -all Game -,LIP II U C -A -Y TGA CHIE F nally, byway OF LETTERS thr bun -hol I towering rage. DOINALD I-), E A P !�D I? wa i I BEE r s in a i ty he would slioult, er , horse -o J." I I - . g thei h e of! vaV e 'Llit. Such iOr nioment in th..e Sedfort:i Po,;t WfLc' of The that they hav in c arantec theinsuperior in ev.ery ri-pt.
a- xude f dze4 1�int an tj inlorn) thell?ubli, eopenod I -t I any coilabinod d bound CL the i told ralyi lly on Thel th6 bear. recog ijiller Ya rd in S( -'t forth, near Sbearsooa'- over Ckna3bitiej I -Qu tilt foilowilig. : �Z*310 wil Nyas .,�Stil. e-ly useki Its ty, Lumber 1, ;'u twOlCombined �%, r lenth. of thQ chin. 1-0- g dcalled lid, f4l I ill, on Ole groll litl fl)rine� t
as lie w a,,, eell (Irew Th Kept court _a eth� t, ft good assort- I chiu(4- coa I or Peape,� -111 dAF with ease. tl r c of the tha*1- V1 the peta yI
8C%111 1011' colig W Jen 1111 lril I k' -e 11 AtltntP nil hand tq - V1 r ih men OF i?lg, a�. he W -tak- &lid L I I ith cobii. s esy as can be ha ei�cw iere
s e lthe all bf ThLl twIlDS t Acr, undt elft,;r lId. . -4 Ll�Tll undl w
T I I L I.., 1, I 1, I U- _'V I T.", , , N q, i 1) i - A - his P,tws, 3ra Thr -y lo' 1sef!er than any be stillplied! frrn Mr, lug his chain 1) cd to wl�',rh tliev ,Lre plLiri.rml to:;(:11 at tho lowe"L Lumber of airy
n to h( id i took fiv, iat boattoin is worth _)S fLct in lll�nogth an. it o hie Fo r ble P His bre I ll -.s , for its I.() to 1, nci it to their ad� 1--ilots of efforts: but at length t!lia our pt 1 othelf incill.. AV- Cled V, Our �jtuelc, and a.�cv_ OVENL0 IG s -s' a " ition i - , ti�t; - lint offer '&.trial of L 4ZL drawn t% -Q tire in a poi, throclilt the top -itber Y. t1 havi; w oine, the asI . " 1, -, t 1'. '-%)oil in0L I or bqth in i�,. s body i, if zt, ud flibb fjffilr6 11 le f1c. turr.011- 11 L "O. Ho n.st- V_ 0 AL.E. e skill of I i; TBD TM7 ti e Peop & _uAcDo' t -VIEW abojit t1ii8 titne all olil El d t q am4 -'Vay it i tilt, Thel)-y'(14*11- 44-�r for- the- ir
ooa t w
licken h wo offer ((� o tr A(�E at th n Of %11 liallit-d oll oiI 'D KE, F"P -o , rv;
d V6 upon P. B FUL brc CIV S OHIO COMBIM-, need" of l'ot- No, 211, Con,
L o r w ant' (�d. r fulthf r oyin aColunty, of tee it equal too tbv I)C,,t W it'�� i 0 IN LA _N T, li� lit 0 1 o.1 (),i was v el I AUCTIONEER for th . And�lguaxan 4, "tal;ley: ur t It's atti.-Lided in 0 e �O v Xitchell, ont. P. 0.
to C bcs� o tlic L;,,�,rtli bat, in �,l MI. ,4 14 - . 302*4:
to sue 11 ri'th ilig so, 1 L of th WILL b' .of 1 Office ow'll rize-f I ut- P is bef�we il -could A1l(11ders1crtatTjiE TilIPOSITOIL lees stating LCI 198 ah. i. ruto zepairs, at JOH bad (rivell till r1li" 11111 all e PUN at tended to, le envy tile b=r fc6ught him. One ill b prom cit ud tl BOX Wr IIt on,