The Huron Expositor, 1873-09-19, Page 7SNP -P._ 19 _ es:he '$110 .03-RS.M11 CT> •••••••f• e•e CD 7n. CARRIAGE ORO. SEASON OHANtEDe - fri LLI M G RA SSIE ell hie Sleighs and Cutters, and is now -Thltee. waiting op 3EIES AND WAdcONS. .ttg,giele and Wagonleft over frozn t will be s(Ati. i-sOit Wanting a. subetantial Wagon or - V. -Buggy should call at once and make ar- te,, aa a. large number of orders are now nese who- wait too long will probably not :get their order ng and horse altoeingneromptly attended WILLIA.M GRASSIE, Gotlerich street, Seaforth. ROBERTSON, .alsinet-rcueker and Undertaken- PrOVED his wareerooma to; JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, Mairastreet, Seaforthe hae on hand a soperion stock of Fund. tare of every description- -CALL AD- SEE IT. UNDERTAKING.. Purnimeed 'Mr. Thomas Berg HEARSE tired to attend fonerale on the shortest her in town or conntann 0,h6fliraft,AUSizes, neatly on hand. ItOTIDS SHROUDS! L ROBERTSON, IET :NUKED AND UNDERTAKER, , Johnson's Old Std, et,. Seaftath, has now ois hand a good assertment of S, 1-71:1=t0T.371--) S : can furni;heeper than they can be got elsewhere. 25 THE SEAFORTH ER YAtD. J3EE & M A OD ON ALP-. inform the public that they have opened iber Yard in Seatorth., near Shearson'a ;le ground, formerly used as a Lumbar 41r, Thomas Lee. 41 keep constantly on hand a geed a$sorts 441-4 KINDS OF 'LUMBER, &eased and Also, L.A.TH AND SHINGLES, all ef fsh sal:prepared to sell at the lowest posh' eforCaeh. s and others will find it to their advant- epeet our etoek, ani aecertairt oarprices rchasingehiewnere, se we are in &position )oeindocerneine to rash porehasees- M ISEE & MACDONADD- bc1 of TeIegraphlr" HAMILTON/ ONT. Under the patronage of the WESTERN RAILWAYC MIL rieDreEMENTS TO- OF7ER. FOR CIRCULAR% "VM, GIVIN, Box Eta SEPT. /9 1873. LM an Who Lived on Nothing ptsir,Year.. There died iri Washington the other, ' day a man wiros.lelife has been a stranger! one, froni first til; last, than that of any ' editions personage we ever heard of.1 Been I:Helmand as he Was called, came, to manhood wiifh fine talents, 'a come].) person. aul admirable address. In. man or he was suave and gentle e iii bearin Ike WaS cone -twills and dignified ; -anel i, tohis other gifts there had. been added trifle of console ce with a touch of man- haod, he would undoubtedly have won a ad position for himself in any busine fie Might havq chosen. to .eollow, Bi t lacking this le 'yen of reauhdod, lie eho e to follow no lusiiiess at a1, and froi erat to last he ollowed none He was not vicious in ihe ordina y sense of the teem. He see ed. to ha e no love for Io'v company, bit preferred the society ofj gentlemen. He dressed faultlessly in Iiis earlir yea's, and lrv at the Meet ashionable 1ote1s in t le very best styI .• Hew he nanagec1to c- complish a11.t4is without Money, for jke I had none, is marvel. He brought to bekr upon tl e task, however, the influ- ence of the , fine gentleman which i1 -ie seemed, and 4 wholly conscienceless phi - .us of a very ;high order. He was *e- t lessly industiious, too, and worked ay and night. t the task he had set himself, whicjli was to live 'without wcrk- bag at all. i Some of thib stories told of him are in- - teresting as instances of perverted tal- ent and rarb !ingenuity. lie Started once from Cincijaliati to go to Washington. Having nc hnolley, he could not buy a ticket, but lhe got on the train ' with all the assurance of a man with a particular- ly plethoric oggilly we course, and the concliict r came into Hickman sa , the latter put. his head out of the win low, as if loolcing it some- thing outsijle. The conductor touched him and. ca4ed. out, "ticket sir." • Hick- man drew in • his head 1suddenly; as if startled, arid in doing o knocked his hat off, lettine it fall utsicle the car, which was then began declaring t caused hiin through tic ...et to Washington, which, he said, he ha, If that vi - treated or known to Here he, a gagements Ohio with Of course articles w he said, w pecuniary carried. in he positive ; and await; must run tij lost hat a The poo conductor was 'at his wit's ends: He assured the courteously angry gentleman that he had not meant to give offence; he could not back the train, but if the gentleman would bialy be pa- tient he would provide him with a new ticket at t c next station, and wouldbuy him a new hat at Columbus. Efielmaii thereupon magnanimously overlooked. the man's offence against good breeding, aal accepted, the terms offered. thereby securing the desired pas- sage to Washington without any cost ! at all. His de ees of this Sort for • getting money, Or Money's worth, without work- ing for it, were endless, and for years he managed to maintain himself thus in showy and 'expensive style. After a while, however, he becaine too generally known to succeed quite so well, and. as he grew old, he gradually sank, first into the decayed gentleman, and finally into a plain beggar and sponge. He still haunt- ed the hotels, and picked up small gratui- ties froin people who pitied him. The man's name was known throughout the country, and every sojourner in Wash- ington wanted to see him. To these he would tell storiesofthe celebrated men he had known, and. they.in return *Mild drop a pittance into his palm. Even as a beggar he never wholly forgot his good manners, and to the last there was about the ream something of the air of a gentleman.—Reetrth awl Home. pocket -book. -dressed, as ore a .new.s He was thor- a matter of - hat, When e car in which the six weeks that in b, f marriage. She had never any b regretter choice. Pot vs. Kettle. The disappearanee and public an c of a` private letter, which 'topic iu this city at present, r fa Or eappear- t9siich citlas the ous "spittoon disclosures " 144 the Oates land- Min - n one e the a note , upon Ouse in the ass by e hearty, eVo and e floor, tario Legislature. : During th w ich preceded the downfall fieid Maedonald's cabinet after istry had been left in the 'ninon or two votes, ,thus giving Mr. 1., practical control of the House, w seutby hineto M. Wood, 1 r ceiving it, got up and told th, t at he had resigned. his po/3itic Cabinet. The note was seen to s me member of the Conservati who saw Mr. Wood. tear it in throw it into the spittoou or on t and, waiting until IiI•Vhad left hize place, ent there and found it, pastqd it to - ether, and read, it to- the omitting on it " a charge sion for the overthrow of t isty between Mr. Blake thi Wood. The note was engraved and published. in the Mail, an the text for innumerable arti whole Conservative pross.. The going at a iapid rate. He berating the man of tickets, at by his rudeness he had - to lose a new hat and his fastened_ in- his - hat band. s the way gentlemen were hat road he would make it he traveling public at once. gentleman of imperative en - at Washington, was left in it a hat and without a ticket. the money value Of the lost not of much ccinsequence, h a lofty air of superiority to onsiclerations, but he never y with him in traveling, and y could not -affOrd ;to lie over remittance's. be conductor e train back and secure the , 1 ticket. House, collu- 13Min- d.Alr. n wood. formed s en the honor of 'picking up the note and. pa4g it to- - Igether wa.,s first ascribed to T. !son, who gave it to the House' M. C. Cameron relieved him rather questionable honor wit the real name, whereupon t journals gave Mr. Cameron t the action and for being to own it, and clubbed the part toon party," as he was the course the Ministerial organ gotten all about this dirty while they are giving shrill their, feelings on the Pop letter case. It looks like a of Pot vs. Kettle.—Montreal I, k ergu- but Mr. rom the o t giving e Reform 'red:it for odest to e " spit- ader. Of ‘ have for. it le affair i t ngue to cdonald 6 version Wi nes& How Hopkins Lost tion. When Hopkins was org iis at St. Abednege's church, he gave t. co cert for the benefit of the Sunday s Imo . Hop- kins' would fib pmetircies, lac he had told Some of his brother orga i is that he had. a vox humetat stop it hi. or an. AS several of them were eomin: a ouncl to the concert, Hopkins deternt ec to pre- vent their detecting the d ep ion ; so he engaged a friend. of his w ip sa g tenor down at the negro minstrel to come up and get into the organ -case 6..d sing.. It was arranged that Hopkins • as to give a certain signal, and that the nu trel was to tune up and warble an ai , v1ile Hop- kins went throughh the m tions on the keys. When the concert tune off, the sdheme worked splendidly. Everybody au:lain:led, "Row: beautifit !" "Elegant, isn't it?" "Sounds exactly ike a Inman voice." Then'therevias ai encore, and Sod.P °uses in Nebraska. The sod_ house builder finds his materi- al ready to !his hand in: every furrow of the virgin 'prairie his plow turns up. The sods, compacted by the tramp. of buffaloes and bound together by the 'roots of tho " devil's shoe -string ' and every other vegetable production, form better bricksthan the Hebrews could have furnih sed Pl-karaoh even before he denied (them straw. Out of this prairie quarry, but nine days' labor of one man suffices to cOmplete a.sod house 15 feet square on the inside—a dwelling warmer in winter and cooler in. simmer than any frame herise. _Many such an abode nine years old is still in good re- pair. Many dwellers in. houses of this sort have suffered nothing from ;damp- ness, even when they had no floors, no ceilings, no plastering nor paper, hang- ings. But all these four additions soon garnish the original simplicity of many sod houses. The ver3eroofs of sod:houses are often made of sods supported on poles, whicli the settler can cut along the 'banks of water courses. But if he lives h.ear no stream he must buy at least fetters, and4 perhaps, boards and shingles fpr covering his house top. Sod.. roofs are warmer, lumber roofs are lesS liable to leak. Austrian Courtship Marriage a-nicing the Austrians is a purely business transaction. The par- ents select a husband for their daugh- ter, a dov'njI is agreed upon, and a simi- lar amoutit f money Must be pledged by the parents l of the bridegroom elect. Sometimes , he young lady is allovred. to see the gent ema.n selected 'for her life- partiaer befike the aeereenaent is closed, ba generall ,- she must accept the choice of her parer ts. Love may cerne after- ward, hut it is by no means a certain re - suit. rrhe fL Ilowine story is told of an 4..ustrian cc liappiness. liusband be aPd was m Brat met. EXICIMOR'S NOTICE. A Lb PARTIES indebted to the estate of th lete JOHN CRAWFORD, of the townehip o Usboine, are hereby notified to pay the same t the undersigned against the said est In, properly oertifi settlement. RO • 800 nd all parties having claim te are requested to hand bh d to, to the undersigned fo RT MONTEITH, Sr., - Executor, Thames Road, Usbonie. OT,ICE JS HERBY G EN that -application will -A- made to the Le Wetly° Assembly of the Pro ince of Ontario, at ite next session, for an ant reunite the North Riding of the County of H ron to the South .Registration purp , Goderich, Sept. iding of the said. County, for !sea. • PETER ADAMSON, • County Clerk. , 0, 1873. 801 TEND TENDERS will -1- up to the 16t be erected in the by the 16th Neve • tions to be see Seaforth. 300-2 lupin, who happened to find The lady had never seen her re she was engaged th him, trried six weeks after they was educated at Paris, at bearding- eh ool, where she ha(1 been for sevenv4rs :without Seeing her par- ents. Wiiei she. had ' nearly finished her educat on, and was preparing to tlie - Btart for hone, her mether sent her the in r •gi.qtered letter. All names of se -ten 0-c,ntlemen who had..,pro- are (3.,b ined to register lett Posed. for rnencl. with their photo- queste,I7to so,, and the aPhs• Si e duly examined thenn; arid a so u nally seine ed. the last on the. Este her mail. Present h ebancl. On- her return she tad a d learned. to love hire during a,not dle o ly. usin the o Hop er air was sung. Right in the raid - it the vox /tunic/4ex staitippecl 'sudden - hen it was heard. 4wearing and the most dreadful language inside gan. Then it yelledi for help, and 'les dashed around_ to She rear to-as- certa n what was the natter. He found that his man had been 8 Tiding on the bello s, And that the blow objected to extra weight. and finally bean a combat with opkins' friend. And now the bel- lows blower had. the vex humane, stop d,b down on the floor inside the or an, and he wa nibbliiag at vox humana's n se, and ' rollin him against the pipes and among the machinery in a manner that ti ed general demoralization tcl the ril And the more the combat deeper: louderthe vox humaina hoWled... were sepaaated. .by the warde s, 8,nd.; the concert proceeded in .a, minOr and mela, choly key. But the next day they; dischargednopkins from St. Abe and now he wishes -the beliows-ni the "nein.. estwrel".en the i .1 Pillows , A Japanese pillow is 'not particularly soft for a weary head. It consist. merely of "a piece of wood six linches 1 high and long, and one wide, rounded at J the bottom like the rockers of a cradle.", 1 a groove in the top is a small b g fill- ed with rice chaff, deseribed as about i the ",siee of a sausage." The illow- 11 case is white paper. To preserve. one's 1' equilibrium. on such a pillow is ;an opera- I tion requiring specialSkill. , it'll:I., t THEINEW YORK TIMES. RS WANTED. ' I e received by the undersigned inst., fer a Cheese Faetoryeto illage of Berne, to be completed ber next. Plans and•Specifica- at the store 777, Main -street, A. G. MoDOUGAL THE LONDO1, HURON AND BRU RAll'IWAY COMPANY. TENDERS forbuilding• the LONDON, HURON 1- AND BRUC RAILWAY, from WilLhe recei to WINGHA d at the Office of the Compel y, In London, Ont., TIP TO SPTEMBER 2 Plans, Specifications and Forms of he seen at thelEngineer's Office. in the 5th of Sep mber, 1873. The Compa y are not bound to acme or any tender. THOMAS CHURC 1874. Tender can ndon, from t he lowest :t . ' 8 . London, On., August 26, 1878. ALICTION SAL OF Farm, F rm Stook, Implements • ARCHD. from the und , CRAWFORD 'raises, on SATURDAy, Sept. 27, 1873, did Farm in the Township of Usborne 24, in the Sixth Conoession, convenient and School, s tuated on s, good gravel r ;6 miles of th thriving village of Exete cleared, the maining 20 covered with wood. This is a rare chance and well worth hold 'tare. ISHOP has received i reigned, Executor of the to sell by Public Auction R, orettery. 299 a d Hotiseh atrial ns ate jOHN n the pre - t splen - being Lot to Ch oh ad within ; 80 acres good hard- • of notice. eaten- . achme. 1 ed, the! They,' ego's; an had spot. T TLE INDISPUTABLE. Terms, cash.. : A deposit of ten per co paid to the Auctioneer at the time of t giving security, two months' credit w' , for the rerna der. i Possessio given immediately on t tion of pure se. Directly after the Hale 14 the Len Stock, Impl ants and House Fornit TERMS TO MAI.L SUB THE DAILY TIMES, per annum, moluchng Wines end Liquors for Medical the Sunday editeen ..... • • THE DAILY Trues, per annum, excl ive of the Sunday edition. The Sunday edition, per amium sold at 12 m gale to For forth to either of A. BISH Aim Hay P. 0. nths' credit. ommence at 1 o'cloe Sharp, an be nCade Sr.,1 xeciftor. Et00-3 t. must be e sale. By be given e comple-. , the Farm e will be particulars application he undersigned. ROBERT MONTEIT P, ioneer. Sept. 1, 1873. iFIRST-CLASS I 1\./I 0 'I' "NZ: OR FALL SOWING A ED ARD .CA B6'TTER S'TO E, ORTH. H'S SEI PURE DRU • • TRF DRUG BUSINESS, heretofora carried on by Mr. JOHN SEA.TTER, haviu been pnr- chased, by me, I beg to itttimate to th inhabitants of Seaforth and vicinity that the fit ck is being replenished with Every Requirement of the Drug Trade. Pure - ‘ssemete 7, GOLD IS G And t best way to save it is' to purchaee at EAS S AIN AND GUN LEE'S FLOU Flour, Oat and Cornmeal, Provieionsi, Hams, Bacon, Fruit, • _ TO PREVENT DISPPSIA, TRY OUR G Choice lot of Crocker lendid bergaine in Fruit Jars. Cell and see them. Goo N B.—CEDAR POSTS and SHING{LES still on hand. Very cheap, at AND. • • Constantly on hand: Drugs, Chaelicals, Pate t Medi - COMB aad Dye Stuffs, Toilet, Fancy and Rubber Go , ds, COMBS, HAIR, TOOTH, NAIL SHAVING BRUSHES, Trusses, all sizes; Ladies' Oid Shoulder Bracese Carriage, Bat Children's Sponges, .11_11.1) OLD 3D• OV -ER, nuine article in GROCERIES 'SEED STORfr., egeta.bles constantly on hand. tANULATED WHEAT. and Glasswar3. dblivered free of charge. - THOVIAS EE, eaforth, Ont. EAFORT11- FOUNDRY. KERR, 'WILKIEli tyt CO. w,si). to inform the people of Euro and public generally t at they have leased the Seaforth Foundry for el.term el years, and aro now pre axed to manufacture a kinds of - Cal stings, Stra Cutters, awing Machines, :-Plows, and other FarrnLng Implements We are also prepared to do REPAIRING of every desalt Ition. T e undOsigned. have had long iliperieuce in the Fotm y businese, and are prepared to griarantee sati faction in all their work. I Gentlemen's and CRIBERS. All the Chloe and sFashionable Ar $12 1 poses Horse and Cattle Medic and Lundy's Po ato Bug Destroyer tPS, iclee. Pure 1 Pur- ee, us- Paris Green, 10 -A- - 2 ‘ TEE SEMI-WEEK,Lit TIMES. One copy, one year ........1.. ... ..$ g Two Copies, one year ... . .. Ten copies, (and one ext copy to getter up of elub,)..,..... .. .. .. .. 25 I Ti -LE .wieEKLY T ALES. CLUB RATES : . $2 One cdpy, one year // to 'One Post Office thires4. . 172 550°' Five copies, one year Ten pies, sone year , Twenty' copies ..., 1...... 22 00 Thirty copies . 1— ... 30 DO and one extra copy to e ch club. ' The SEMI-WEEKLY and -V Egliet mail ed one, year to clergymen a the, owes - club rItes. For every club of fifty, one copy of the SEMI-WEEKLY TIMES to the gette up of the ebb. • , When the names of sebsceibers re re- quired' to be written upon eaCh pa er of the club at one post officellaciclress, 10 cents or each copy adcliti nal o the : above rates. ' New names may be adde( to ch hs a any time during the year at dub r tes. t The subscription list of She W EKLY. TIMES .in DOW greater than that f any. New York Republican paper. N• effort is spared to ma,ke it a valuable'and inter- esting paper to its readers. , The inter- ests 0fthe fanner are epeci, y at ended to. A,departmeht full of pra ical a icles and the practical adaptation of s ience, , evith the reports IA the Farniers' lubs, occupies over ten, columns every week, and the Little Ilalls Dair3 .Mar set is espeei lly furnished, whilethe New York larkets for Farm: P oduc Live Stockriancl General Articles are ( f the best S. "eI. most accurate char. ctere Mar- kets fr m Chicago, Buffalo, osto i and 13 Philad lphia, are reported b teleg aph. The e prices are invariabl Be • it in drafts n New York or post ffiee , Toney Orders it possible,- and 'whe 0 nei her -.f an be procured, senc , the ieney postn asters rs wh n re-, ystei , is an e protection agams loss s by Address HE NEW YORK T MES, Times Office New Physicians;" Prescriptions an Recipe s< Carefully Prep Customenn favoring me with a call stock complete. Particular attention my stock of irYE STUFFS, all of whi rented e and at the lowest pi -ice • ' JOHN S. ROBERT Family ed. ill find the is called to hare war-. S, Seaforth. 2 KER,R, WILKIE & CO. MUSIC' A1-1) SEWI 1G- MACHINES. 0. C. WILSON'S MVSIC, SEWING MACHINE AND itt 11 ENT- EMPORIUM, BOARDING. T_T colitap;AY has leased the large and com- ""1•• modionis house, on the Salt Works Grounds, adjoining the Railway Station, and has fitted it op house. Good table and omfortable boarding - sent a few odated at 228 as a boarding seems. Per house should ons Wishing a pleasan pply, as there are at pe vacancies. Transient boarders ace() less than hotel rates. SEAFORTH NOVELTY WOR rptiE UND RSIGNED, in returning sh thanks to ijthe public for their lib° during the pat, takes this opportunity that he has ecured the services of GRAY, Draughtsman and Mechaauc, foreman in the Novelty Works Planing, Sash and Door KS. his sincere sl Fon/Port of stating Mr. ADAM AGRICULTURAL IMPLE- SEAF 'STILL IN T RTtril, ONT., IE FRONT RANK AS USUAL. SEW NG M , . IFLOILENCIE Noiseless Lock and Knot wor)il iii perfection and range of work, strength and be rapidity of motion. Call and. examine. Send for cir Province. Factory. CARPENTERS AND FARMERS Will find it testheir advantage to eall, s they pan get any thing n the Wood Line done p • the short- est -notice. SASITFIS, bOORS, On -hand and DOUBLE AND SINGLE .1.URNIP AND CARROT AND LAND ROLLERS, Wapiti Racks and Gates on. ha TO Cli-ESE,MANUFACTJRERS„ FRA_W,S, MOLDING • . ot up to order. A limited. number of RILLS a. As I hare co York. 0. C. WI Al o, on hand. a full assortment of the following first - New York Singer, Montreal Singer, Appleton, Web. Guelph, and Venni, of Perth, Ont. A number of second-hand Osborne, Gardiner, Lockm Wanzer, Rap sale elacap or to rent. Sewing Machines of ell makes repaired on the ehorte t notice. Ire'n In commotion with our Sewing Machinep -apart lent, we are prep Fawn, Stitching, such as Braiding, Cording, Tubking, ening, Binding, style. Charges moderate. titch Family Se illy of stitch, di Wars., Agents LSON, deneral Agent for the Dominion. lass machines: ter, and Lockin n of Hamilton, Raymond "of CHINES. CAUTION 1 FRA1118 ABROAD ! T BEG moat respectfully to caution the publi ,s -A- of the British North American Provinces to be on their guard against purchasing spurious medi- cines which are being Hold sta my genuine "Hollo- way's l'ills and Onatruent," by certain individuale, of little or no runane, trading (for the last few menthe only) under the style of the "lfew York Chemitud Company," Every artifice is made use of by them for the puimee of imposing upon the public; and the more effectually to deceive, they have the effrontery, in their advertisements, to issne the following caution: - " The immense demand for ' Honnowey's Pint8 AND (iiresinsee has tempted uninincipled perties r to counterfeit these valuable Medicines. "In Order to protect the Public and ourselees, we have iesued il Deli' 'Trace Mark,' consisting Of an Egyptian Circle of a serpent witlathe letter H in . tbe centre. Every bot of genuine ' lionnowev's PILLS AND OINTMENT', DI have this trade mark:on it. Nene are, gennineiwithout it. "To 1:EALEN8 AND IODI31t11$ IN DRUGS AND MEDI- <. • O OTNZS. . "We Cell year particular attention to the new style of g ICOLLOWATIi PILLS AND OINTIYIENT1— Done of the old style are manufactured by us now, mar heve they been for mouths. We therefore ' caution all purchasers against recieing from any Jobbers or Dealers the old style of gootls. " Information coneOrniiag any such goods being offered will be receive & with thanks. tit ' "We ask the favor of oil he information. you can give in regard to thou* coIl= erfeits." . Now this Company! is a are Omit your laws do not permit them to copy the eareci•ge gelding up of my Xedicines, but in order the more completely to blind the public, they have recnurse to another piece of deception, viz., in stating that they deem it necessery, as they say, to make up the Pills and Ointinent in another form, and that they adept a NEW LABEL, tic. Besides the aboveonentioned "Chemical Com- pany," there is also &David Pringle, of New York, who by consummate trickery is attempting to sell epurious imitations of my Medicinee. Beware of him likewise. This unprincipled Chemical Company has dared to say that I owe very large sums of money in the ! United Statee. Wleett is the fact? A iaewspaper ". agent obtained, witheut my knowledge or consent, and by collusion with a party whe held a limited power of attoreey of mine, an order to advertise my Medicines in filouth America for three years, to the extent of 6400,000 in gold. He then sold his claim to a lawyer, who, got it referred by the court to a friend of his, who gave judgment against me to the amount of $171,237 gold, for profit which he said he could ha ee made by it, had I not taken steps to repadiste this vile transaction the quo- inent it oame to my knowledge. This judgment wilt soon be set aside. It cannot be supposed, I am sure, that I owe a cent to any one that I would not immediately pay. There is no truth -whatever in the statement that I ever authorized any person or persons to use my name for the sale of my Fills and Oiutinent, al- though gross frauds have bethi prectised upon nue bylunprincipled men this wee -- I would ask, as a favor, that should it come to the knowledge of any person that sped -Mull naedi- cites are being inane and sold in my name, that he bepleased to send me the na-me and address of the vendor who is selling the sortie, that I may, for theproteation of th.e public'inetittito proceedings against him, and I engage to remunerate hand- somely my informant without divulging his name Shouldany person have reason to believe that he has been deceived by buying spurious imitations of these Medicinee, he will oblige rile by sending to the address et foot (which he Call de at a cost of six cents in postage), one of the books of instruc- tions which are affixed to the same. My Medicines can ;be supplied at the lowest wholesale net prices in quantities of not less than 20 worth—viz.e8s. 6d., 22s., 84s. per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, for which remittances must be sent in advance. These Medicines are not sold in the United States. Each Pot and Box of my Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, withe the words " Holloway's Pills and Ointment, Lon- don." I i . (Signed) THOVAS HOLLOWAY. , 533, Oxford Street, W. C., London, October 3, 1872. ing Machine challenges the rability of construction and anted in every town in the menced the manufact re of Cheese est notice aisteed to r different BOX S and SE Parties can e supplied on the shor and on rats able terms. Boxes gn give satisfaction. Awaiting orders 1 sizes, 285 end and Howe Machines for . red to execute all kinds of eraming, &c., in firsterate MUSICAL INST4'UMENTS. Pienos, Organs, and Melodeons of the very best Arne can and eanadi Metliusek, Fisher, Emerson and Weber Pianos; Princ he of Buffalo , a So. pies of the above Instruments can be seen at the tore. Callerral u main -denture, such as the d Bell's, of Guelph, Organo. spect them. AGRICULTURAL I PLEME TS. Ma sey's No. 13 Thietle Cutter, Plow—the farmer's vorite. Any nuniner always on hand._ Other Plow of all deeoriptions. Th • celebrated Paris Straw Cutter, the best made Also, the Cummings, Rochester and other patterns. GR IN CRUSHERS and Root Cutters of various ma nfaztures. 110TiSE POWERS OF ALL KINDS -AND SIZES. SAWING MA HINES. Th celebrated Combination and Richardson Sawin Machines, manufectured by Eastwood & Co., of In mreoll. These Maclaine, as every body knows, a n the best in use, and do not require recom- mend Ilion. AL nide of Plow Points and other Castings constant y on hand. THE TR -IUM )II WASHIN9- MACHINE, Of which the annexed cut a correct representation, is a simple, durable and exceedingly seniceabl contrivance. It is easily worked, and will not wear the clothes as mu h as ordinary haud washing. Call and see them. The following gentlemen, and. none others, have been appointed to act as my agents for the sale of the above artieled : LAWREN wee:GE MITRT,TAlaf- PHY, THOS. O'CONNOI , U. P. WIIIFFEN, Seaforth; McGRAW, Clinton; L. S. WILLSON,, Goderich; WM. Luoknow. HN M. MART1N, Novelty Work13, ev.forth. O. C. WILLSON, Seaforth. ARDI\ ER S 1AX V/ NG MACHINE s a Strong/ [INNING MACHINE, MILL ADAPTEb FOR LY SLWING AND anufacturing Work. At the Fairs held th oughout the Dominion, this Machine was put to some very -sever tuts by the EST JUDGES THE COUN RY COULD PRODUCE, AND BY THEM WARDED 13 Prizes in 1871, and 26 Prizes -in 1872. Its si.nplicity of construction, strength and durability re .ommend it to all classes. It has a complete set of attachments, and does all kinds of work.. INSTRUCTIONS IN ALL THE ATTACHm -TS GIVEN Fi'EE OF CHARGE. Gddmer Sewing Machine Co many, Hamilton, Ont. 268 PETER GASSIE, SEAFORTH, Agent for the County of Huron. r- Fo the Haying and Harvest of 1873 Frt- -'••• e. ‘\: -ANL •% !• .1 - ‘1A 711 1 ' it;)? The Subscribers eller tb ir unrivalled ' CAY TGA CHIEF JR. MOWER, AND JO NSTON SELF -RAKING SINGLE -REAPER, And ese antee them imperier in every respect to env .Con 1:,fuineitilolhg nwaieh:ines in use. Among their chief advent ges over Conibiued Machinee e would roeniiou t lst yhey are eheaPer, betainne a. Reaper and Mower c( sting see10 V, ill outwear two combined Ma- nstiug, over 8300. tuel with not (me -vertu the enst, of repaire. • thel. They are lighter dranght -, any light team (fell v.*() k either Mower or Reaper all day with ease. The piiraam; working freely, eaul never cramping, as ii ilways the case with combined Maehines on 1:18erl le 1.1 Tshneriyactelos.. better -work, beelrese eatel is special's nitapted to Re own cyltienstshenoetfbewoloottosrkemr, itiLBani:vosarnythys redy efp: its work without cu 0,1', and Iioth, \ a other lachine. This is a, greet :Wye-ritege three 4 the top this e -car. We linxe no space -to ens/nu-rate the furthrr advent:4e( .4 or botl in all Linde of gr'iSti Or graiu. and e 111 apace- to it the weret lotlaed gram or grain,. going the same s tty it is ledgedwidth no other :dower or Reaper 4, on do. We 4iffer to such as insist npon trying combined, nimbi us oire . OHIO CO:NIBINED MA CHINE WIT I jOHNST.03.0 SELP RAKE, - And g arintee it equal to the beet of its rbIPS. All our \VOA gutimisteed. Address • THOMSON & -WILLIAMS, Mitchell, Ont. 11"--- Repairs at JOHNSON BROS., Seaforth. theso itmellinee, hilt offer a trial of either TEETHEXTRACTINGPA ., WITHOUT IN. " 0CARTWRIGHT, L. D. Se Surgeon Dentist . attends in Seaforth, at Knox's Hotel, the -first Tuesday andWednesdey of each month ; in Clinton, at the Commercial Hotel, on the following Thurs- days and Fridays. The remainder of the time at Ws Stratford. office. Parties requiring new teeth ;lee requested to call, if at Seaforth and Clinton, on the first days of at- tendance. Testimonials of over 600 patients who have had their teeth extracted by the use of the Gas, may be seen at my office in Stretford. Teeth inserted in the meet substantial and im- proved styles. Filling done in gold, &e., in a nutimerwhich can- ot be surpassed. 267 - TO DAIRYMEN. MILK CANS AND PAAS. MRS. WHITNEY Would state to Dairymen that shelas commenced to manufacture Milk Cans and Pai s, Of all kinds, and can supply then) AS CHEAP AS ANY IN THE TRADE. Stoves, and Tinware on hand as usual. LEaf,e,er ailveulNa'binonlegapte launpdtayR eattatieln. d RCe?air4int °and' ed to. t MRS. WHITNEY, Main -street. Seaforth. DANIEL McGREGOR, Bookbinder, Harpurhey, Sea -forth, HAS just received_ a large Stock Of the materials used in the business, aml is now fully prepar- ed to execute, on the „shortest notiee and in the latest/ styles, all orders he may be favoured with. REGISTERS, LEDGERS & BLANK BOOKS OP ANY HIND, • Ruled, Printed and made to order, on the shortest notice, And at prices which defy competition. Ladies' Work Boxes & Fancy Cases Made to order. OLD AND NEW BOOKS Bound and repaired at city prices. Ail communications addressed to the undersign- ed, will receive prompt attention. DANIEL McGREGOR, Seaforth, (Harpurbey. Tturn expo5itor IS PrBLISIT ED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING IN SEAFORTH, • Tenims.—$1.50 per year in advance, or $2 at the end of the year. Advertising Rater§. Firet insertion, per line, 8 cents subsequent in- sertions, 2 cents each tint e, per line. co:eat:Ace. eteaas. 0ns:col-time one year : . . . $60 00 t hem t 85 00 " " 8 menthe 20 00 Half " one year 35 00 " " half " 'hi 00 " 3 months 12 00 One-fourth one year 20 00 " " half " 12 00 8 -menthe 8 00 One-eighth one year • .... ... . . .. — .. • 12 00 ft tthall 41 8 00 t t ]non s 5 nO i One -twelfth one year 8 00 I " • " hall" 500 '‘ 3 months 3 00 Business Cards, (6 lines and under,t} year.. 4 00 Advertieernente of Strayed, Lost, Found, &c. not exceeding 10 lines---firet month, $.,1; after first month, 50 cents each month. Advertisements of FARMS and REAL ESTATE for sale not exceeding 15 linee—first month, $1 60 eaeli subsequent menth, 75 cents. Births, Marriages, Deaths—Gratis. Advertisements without speeific directions will be insert ed. till forbidnind charged accordingly. Advertisements measured by a scale of solid Nonpareil. MeLEAN I3R0THERS, •