HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-09-12, Page 6• • Saved3a ' a Zoe. A Detroiter. named Andrew teadman, `who b ys cattle, deals in ides and occasio ally makes a dol-` ar by buying a d selling produce, gent out to Nan in Township a few days ago to buy a span of heavy horseswhich wer wanted by a firm, in the city. -IJ pon reaching the farmer's h.e found that the man wat working with a neighbor a mile away. To save thea distance he cut across lots, but was warned before he started to look' Out for a `savage bull.which- had the run of a len acre field. Thinking.of how he was go- ing to get that's ai f horses tor $50 less than thei v clue;. Steadman kept plodding. ` ae ons the field, which had a striof bushes two or three rods wide r inning half way aross it. There w ie a few stumps a d logs, one small ee, but nothing w ich prevented an ; one from cross it the strip. Th. Detroiter ,,was about ten rods from he bushes when he heard a distant thunder sound;" and looked around t see from which was the shower was coming. About thirty rods away h. beheld the old bovine coming for im, head down, back up and eyes lazing. Stead- man was satisfied hat h.e was the man who wanted t r be making the gravel fly, and he w°ntfor the bush - ea. He thought th bull would stop and run around th strip, and was startled when the o d fellow► dashed through them on hi; trail, uttering a deep "boom !" ever), instant. Stead- man dodged this w y and that, but the bovine tore . png after him, _ smashing bushes. a d leaping logs, and it was gettin to be a red hot • affair when the ma spied the open • end of a Verge folio as not over forty i'v rite the log .went ln orifice about twe arge enough to be ins had seen th topped at the log Usher of bark at putting his horns under it he gave it' s, roll, and Steadman spun aroiind like a dried pea in a, policeman's whistie. The log was large, but'old nd tender, and every time the bull allied back and jumped for it, be overed himself with glory .and lands of bark and wood.. Some- imes he whirled one end, and then e gave the centre a heave, and then ie knocked .a foot off the other end. teadman swore, shrieked and plead - d, his eyes full of bark and his outh Stopped up, and every aet .of 's life passed before himlike a vision. W -h -o -o -la whoop ! " bellowed the s ovine as he slammed away at the log, and every mloment Steadman expected to see the roof cave in on dim. He was in despair -when he heard the barking of dogs. and the shouts of men, aft r a" "few, minutes he fanners : suece ded in -releasing him, but it 'took a good hour to get the' kinks- out of his back and the gotten wood from his ears and eyes. *e1. Sault Ste. lV arie. The village Of Sault Ste. Marie is certain to become a place of great importance. It forms the key to the whole country lying to the north of the great lakes. It is what we may callthe County town of the district of Algoma, and therefore contains all the Government buildings,. while it receives the benefits arising from being he place of resider a of a large and in - Creasing staff of government officials and agents'. Itisthe €anadi'an terminus of the proposed. Paci" Railway junction, and which, it is• to b hoped, will be push- ed through before 1 ng. There must of necessity be built b fore long a canal on the Canadian side o the Sault.. .When- ever either of these works is undertaken the Sault village ill rise at once into. an extensive town , he abode of many hundreds of workmen. The Sault is surrounded by a t4act of farming land which cannot be su passed for fertility. The grass and Crop of grain and Vege- tables are a perfe t marvel to persons Coming from other parts of . Onteri . I have seen timothy. growing over three feet in height. A s rip of mineral land strict for a few miles 1 lob,. The`bull feet behind, and teadman, finding ve feet long, and oomy. The bo moyement and nd ripped off a rat dash. Then stood that Sault Ste. Marie is not a col lection of Indian wigwams. here are scarcely any Indians in the w o ole neigh- borhood. There are a few Tr .nch half- breeds. But li{ing here y u would not know it to be different fro a• .any com- fortable village ha the older pa to of On- tario, except for;the magnifiee ce of the sceneryand the exhiliaratin effects of the climate. Just as. in of ► er placee, there are the best and worst of society.-- irP H. Rennelsln, in B. A. P byteria%. runs through the back, which is rich in iron ore. Beyond the mineral range the land is fertile again s far back as it `bine distance bael er lands ; immed age the timber is has been eplored.` , there are fine tim- ateiy arouncl the vil- mall, the old timber aaving been all bt rned off by immense res some years ag Two townships i ' the district are free ant lands ; in t e others the land is old at twenty een. he free grant tow y all .taken up, The other -is bei l;y. A .' large nun oming in this fa inent would only in the prompt man S'with poor men, .th: oon. be settled. hole of the settler each are now begi 11 parts of the to cess, except during t ben travelling is Greatly exagge lack flies and r broad. 1They ai nnoying in the ea i the woods ; near ouble from the The Paradise of 0 • • uet. Grafton ` is the prettiest o Vermont. Villages, nestled in the great tills with innumerable brooks . around t, and the. littleSaxtan's R ver babbling t . rough the midst of it. Coquet is Graf en's speci- ality.. There i. not a pate �. of spare ground in the rage on -whist. a -set of wickets might planter, tha . does not contain one. ery yard has its Croquet ground if, it has to abolish •is potato - patch. They even play •er. � net under the eaves.of th church iutc -r the very .1 droppings of t e sancteary. Old men!! totterout• to 'p y croquet, b► bies learn it next to wank g.. One els - ray gentle- man in his evil slam shovel d away the; now last er; and dro e his cold. arches into froz n grouna th. t he might, have the pleas a of hancllin his frosty: mallet and ti l -croqueting - his oppon- ent's chilly ba into a snow drift. Our aldermanic la lord, who . ows how to' keep a hotel al who is sh riff of the',. county, ' can est an op • • nent's ball without a writ and semi it p into the: penitentiary of -the. currant- • shes for a: long term. H generally act. as master` of ceremonies at funerals, a . d they say that he once a sed this sin.ers on one of those sole ; occa ions to " take posish" on the stairs. 1 ha a not been to church yet -but Ifully expect the usher to tell m -to " pla for position up toward the pulpit some her:." Everybody in this to n i. infatuated Creams ar asked on eh a gam�eJ ocently to y surprise, ge leandin he strange et game i year becattse we di With articles praisin ►ndbueing his op pay bur compositors beau es we have to paper to write on. t� worth'"a cent not fill ou - pap a certain cundida•e onent. We have ' for setting the typ pay for pencils an Moreover, we, ca eft unless we see bre..'d and meat on the point of our pencil. "We don't belong to any man, wore Corporation or amyl, ody else. Anybo can soon find out Low -we stand on a que wri prin s per acre. , One of ships,; Korah, is near - and largely settled. .g taken up rapid. - bet of settlers are If the Govern - deal with speculators er in which it deals whole district would Y have traversed_ the part of Korah. The ening to be. openeclup. -reship are easy of ac - a short time in spring, ether uncomfortable.ated accounts of osquitoes have gone e certainly somewhat ly pert of the season Z the river there is no t The invigorating a r of summer woe did atone for the flies i they were twit as numerous. The inter is cold, but • o onewho has passed a inter in any o her part of Ontario n est be alarmed a e out thetemperature here. Mails come egularly all the year r n und,_ though, in -inter, only 'once in a out two weeks. Every comfort can be h a d in the way o houses and living. T ere are good sto es,and worsmen- e,f a 1 kinds of trades Telegraphic cora- unication will be established in a few d ys on the Ame ' can side, and a rail- road will be opene for traffic next sum- mer. Above all t 'ngs let it be under- . about the game. The t ut neglected. The only gnlestio the street is, " How id come out ?" I walked ut i play my first ame, and to I soon - found half thea vill over the fence 'to see or( couldplay. Instead of a kin was a public.tditrnamen . I was only a fourthsnded game, but= it. hours to fight 't out. Ihav al four -kande contested wit for more than lagers watchin derly men lea and then to le These people terns. In th took thre seen sever games . eine; that wer the greatest excitemen ' four hour, a crowd of will the play, avid . grave e11 ving the.r business now rn how i was .Coming one lay in th night with lance winter they shovel th snowe ,. as I said. Wit n it rains the) hold unabrell s over hem. While write it is re' • g, and yet I hear th cracking of t e croque balls. How o when these, ' agers m e a Iliving livingI cai . not tell. One merchanher deliberate ly closed his store the o her day while 11 played a game lasting fur hours. Th enthusiasm extendsto neighborin towns. Two champion dr ve up in buggy since` I` began thi a icle, and de fied the Israelites of Gr fto whereupo our two best players— ►us e ass men— • the village took them • h d and whip "ped them handsomely. In he adjoinin;, gown of Townshend two rent amen awhil ago quarreled over a g me, . ncl cracked one another over the h- ad 'th mallets One of the parties to'1. s ight-croque was so mortified about t th, t he imme diately -croqueted hi .a self to distan parts. .Eclwtarcl I'cyfJ1es on. Elora Hu To cause a lough or .some adept with the p ed his skill one night 1 ing a large board with that a baby show woul the day at Bow Park, the " Hon. George Br was placed opposite th of two of our citizens, Iossess such interestin ity. Next morning similar propgrtione, s stood over the door o with a cartoon of th In the distance was sk the Pacific ' Railway through the 'western neath was written " Field." . On opposite si zie and Dufferin, the with gun in hand, Hunting -on the Paci latter answering in. t " och, Mac, sure there' on. the Pacific now. inscribed "_G. W. M —Doubtless the t* brought into view . the acters now in the mi exception of Sir John a d S some said they were • i iten presented as falling with the prospect of death by the rushing t or eke t, b t w he al paragraph ush exerci, ek by pain ouncemen be held dariri ord—signe i The boar ness sten ✓ of who ran wn ,. bus eith pieces of hhimai noth r board e ft.by6f th; Times oft'' Pac fic Seanda tche 1 a train ott f ushi ilds Don es rm: ell, e ne en no At. ig its wa and 'uncle - ' on ' Gain, ere Macke r enquirin Pat, how ?" and t Tonal styl ,, I. unting-doh he foot w s s Mulledit, Artest." d� ys' exhib' os noted cha 's e e, with t r Hugh, ainl ed to be r rom 1 the engin eing crushed ain. ;observer. e Plain Talk on a D Virginiaaper, th lays down it platform paragraphs, sense, and a large class of read iuiderst "We wa that we are sole object of dren—C. M. ( we intend to do. We are makeus at We believe sometimes in ple send us a send us nice us a nice hat hich cont ord food ieople, wl riclingly : t it disti tinting t supportdin Vebber & charge f lot after ll proud ve enders Cited to b bunch of -egetables, ar necktie, r. cult Subjeo. Rdanoke Time[i3, in the following in a heap of good for reflection tol a ich ;they ought to ctly_ understoi e Times for t: two orphan. ch BO. Therefore ✓ everything `jve for and it dm.'t. o all us eclit4r. why we re s, why some p ' °- cigars, why some while others gi e r s mething el e, We say we believe w u derstaud. 11 this. It is not necessa •y that you d ar reader, shoo d know it. "Now her 3 is how w are going to this machine Those . 0 like our cou call 'support is those ho don't can it alone. H re it is; "We char e five centfor a single co ail le 1 - Y. Y tion, and if our friends want us o and print, r they write and , stamps willdo it. " Humo of Nevada. . The Gold Hill etas says': An tris man, resident -of his city, noted for h s wit on all occasions . and also for his su ceseful attacks on the tiger, was proses ing home the other evening, and, wh n he had reached the Divide, was stopp d by some footpads with the request " hold up his hands. The robbers kne he had made a large wiruling and got .ff with it, and had preceded him for t e e purpose of waylaying him. Pat did n t scare worth 'a cert and when stoppe quietly asked the robbers whatth-y wanted. They answered, " We wa it your money !" ,Pat, quietly proceedi g to light his dudheen, said : " 0,1m r- thei•, murther ! l$ut ye fellers are a al thick te-night." 1 Awful thick ?" s: id one of the robbers "•what do y mean ?" " I mane," said Pat, " t at this is the fourthtime I was stbp • d since I left Virgi ny 1". One of the m.n, disgusted to thin that the others of t e profession had got in ahead of hi st1tick rat on the' neck and then kick d him, swing : " • is out of here or 'll blow the top of our head off." Pat ad " git " willingl , and arrived safely home with 8700 coin in his pocket. an of the T imae¢.. - " We charge for all ` all notices that go in cents a line for every We charge for obit ingover four lines: Tli pay for it. We charge for all c ing on or ddining to for office, an all other a personal c araticter, or vane any; particular in "We do net intend labor for antybody turle it. They h than to exp speech in th ing becaus just -and righteous one. dust here. We were ve no more et a lawye courthouse he believ ufrs'—that is nr columns sertion. ary notices in, writer, too, m 1st • innnications ells tri; as candidalte- coinunication: of 111. Se t;t 10 calculated to rest. write, print . El .we are paid' right to expec to make a or then form), their case i Now stick a ed to task t O Z 0 tt tt 0 tt rxi 31VSHad rn I 414. ANOTHER CAR LOAD MONTREAL .SrIIVN Jib PAINTS, RAW AND PALE LINSEED, OILS, 0 0 0 0 0 `S3HSINJIVA go CD CD CD CD 0 0 0 1-6 02 cal 10 POSI'roR, WATCH E JEWELRY. The Best and Ch apest Assortxnent 0 the Ries. of • sEALF0 TAG T_TAS just received largo additions his provio sly large stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, -a-I-which only want to be seen to be app °elated and admired. . Call and see, Whether ou Pwrchase or not. — SEPT. 12, 1873. tside SEAFORTH THE SEA WILLI Has sold all his Si BUGG-1E4 year, -whieh will be Any person win handsome Baggy s in, and those who bo able to get their Repairing and ho to as usual. WI ARRIAGE WORKS. ON CHANGED. ighs and Cutters, arid i ND WAGO • d Wagons left over fro ing a substantial Wag ould call at once and ma ait too long will probabl rders tilled. se shoeing promptly atte LIAM GRASSIE, now S. last or now pot ded • 1)iES1 If you to repleni h your cupboards, the un ersign- from Enceland are that Crockery and China have heone up nearly double price. We, having a large stoc of last years' imortations on hand, !will for a short ti e sell at nearly the old prices, aking Only a very small p rtion of we. dre re flow ctly old .c. Goderich street, Seafor h. FORTH SE PlIOTOG rriTTT1 undersigned desires tcy state that he -1" purchased from Mr. FRANK PALTRIDO Photographing bu ess, which he will here S. has his fter PICTURES OF ALL KIN S • Taken in the latest and best styles of the Art Having had long eiperience in the business the the subscriber has o heiitation in (parent entire satisfaction and trusts to receive a tinnanee of the lib ral patronage bedewed o predecessor. ALL THE OL NEGATIVES ON HA D. ARLES MOOR eing con - his the advance. Tea Sets that are now worth selling from $3 to $3125. Toilet Sets at $1 9 $2 50. Chinh Tea ets $2 -less than -they worth. Joseph Rodgers, & Son's Cutlery at ex prices, they having raised only 25: yer cent. stock of plated Spoom, Forks, Tea Trays, &c., E. HICIKSON & CO Se forth. CODERICH FOUNDRY. The Goderich Fo Beg to inform the STEAM ENGINES AND B SA On hand—IRON AND GANG PL SUGAR AND POTASH public that they are prepared to contract for ING MACHINES, &e. OODEN PLOWS, with steel bo W8, CULTIVATORS, STRAW -CU KETTLES, GRATE -BARS, WAGGON OX STOVES, of various kinds. S MADE TO ORDER. Aws 0, ANS REPAIRED ON SHORT NO OWER TUBULAR BOILERS generally on Company or S eoretary -will receive prompt attent CIIVLAN, General Manager. 11 COOKING, PARLOR AND SALT PA IRON AND BRASS CA BOILERS AND SALT TINENTY TO THIRTY -HORSE All orders addressed to the A. H3DGE, Secretary and CHEAPE • TriPi SUBSCRIBER HAVING REC ng MILLS TERS, &c. OXES, &c. WORK. ICE. nd for sale. resident. THAN E ER ! TEAS, UGARS, FRUITS, AND GENERAL GROCERIES, AT PRICES MUCH LOWE sla'HAN THE CURRENT MA.RKET VALUE, I nabled to give the public even BETTER BARGAINS THAN HERETOFORE. The goods are now in stock, and get their share of the • the inhabitants of Town and Country ire invited to come and Going at the Chequered Store. JAMES MURPHY, NOW CROOKE S THE CHANCE TO PURCHASE Y CROCKERY. KINDS AT A BARGAIN. WILSON & YO Have just receive Ever offered in Seaforth. Pres Gall and see, and be convinced that one of the largest and best assorted stocks of VICTORIA STEAM SAW MILL Have now got their now Steam Sa-w 4,„ the Northern Gravel Road, six miles north oi see forth, running at full blast, and are prepared to furnish LuMber Of ATI Kinds, KG .0 Jars of several different varieties‘and of the best make. & 'YOUNG'S is the place to bny Crocker. TEAS, SUGARS AND GENERAL GROCERI,ES. WILSON & YOUNG are enowned for their superior ALBS an( s ld 'Wholesale and Retail. FLOUR, FEED and PROVISIO HA just received, a lot of choice Ame will soon be all gone. S delivered free of charge. S AND BACON. can Sugar -Cured Hams and Bacon. Call and ,WILSON Sz.-yo Soott's Brick • AND BUILDING MATERIAL Of every description, embracing a. quantity ef • Such ad Maple, Rock Ehn, Birch, Basstvood, oak and Elm. A stock of FENCING AND DRAIN LUMBER . Kept constantly on hand. Terms as easy as can be had elsewhere. Lumber delivered in Seaforth, if required. Lumber of any description can be supplied from 10 to 28 feet in length. et some, --they NG, lock, Seaferth. THE -LATEST EXCITEMENT. Has just received Ana. opened out OVER $10,000 WORTH OF SPRINC AND SUMMER GOODS, CONSISTING OF DRY GOODS, (Fancy and Staple,) READYMADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND sapEs, HARDWARE, GROCERIES; &C. JOHN LECKIE, A. STRONG-, SEAFORTII, Will Loan Money at a LOW RATE OF INTER- EST, either on Farm or Village Property. Parties requiring money should apply to hire. INSTTRE YOUR PROPERTY - AND YO1JR A. Strong, Seaforth. IS ALSO AGENT FOR • The Scottish Provincial Insurance Company— Fire and. Life. The Western Insurance Cempany, Of TfAnto— Fire and Life. The Isolated Risk Insurance Corapany, of Canada. Terms as reasonable as offered bY any other agent doing business for reliable Companies. Store, Main Street, seaforth. 252 NOTICE TO THR PUBLIC. THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE A I havebeen appointed Sole Agent ill the Pro- -LI- vince of Ontario, for the Florence Sewing Ma- chine, none have a right to sell the said inachine except those appointed. by me. In the County of Huron the following are the only antb.orized Agents for the Florence Machine : Thos. Connors, U. P. Whitten, and Lawrence Murphy, Seaforth ; mcGaw, Clinton ; L. S. Willson, Goderith. Any person or persons other than the above rppre- senting that they have p, right to set, or can fur- nish the Florence Machine in the County of Hu - :roll, are impopters, and the public are hereby warned to beware of them. General Agent for Ontario, - lit% undersigned havin„,,,,r, erected a new ramp Factory about 40 rods north of On the London Road, isnow prepared to manufae. tare Pumps, which for lightness of 'operation aird durability cannot be surpassed in Ontario. Noth- ing but the best material used, first-cIass men employed. . ALT) WORK WARRAND. A call is respectfully solicited beim purchashig GEORGE BOLTON, M. ROBERT8ON, Cabinet-maker and Undertaker, JGHNSOICS 01,D STAND, Where he has on hand a superior Stock of Farr& turn nf every description. CALL ADI SEE IT. Having Purchased Mr. Thomas Ilelrs HEARSE I am prepared ito n,ttend funerals on the shortest notice, either i'u town or country. ,Coffins, All Sizes, Kept constantly on hand. M. itOBERT§ON, CABINET AVF,R AND UNDERTAKER), Johnson's Old Sta'nd, Main street, Seaforth, has :row on hand a Pod. assortment of SPITZOTTIDS 'Which he can furnish' ch.eaper than they can be got elsewhere. 25 THE SEAFORTII LUMBER YARD. 'REG to inforM the public that they have opened a Lumber Yard in Seaforth, near Shearson's Mill, on the grdund formerly used as a Lumber Yard, by 'Mr. Thonuts Lee. They will keep eonstaritly on hand a good assort- ment of ALL EUTDS OF LUMBER, dressed and undressed. Also, LATH AND SHINGLES, all of -which they are prepared to sell at the lowest post& ble prices, for Cash. Builders and iothers will find it to their avant, age' to inspect lour stock, and ascertain our prices beforeptirelaas" gelsewhere, as we ere in a politics to offer good in ucements to cash purchasers. 1873. il AllvartQuillthileeeehtirwEMI:ysisea.nwProetfiwiailr_Aiy(iwi)aei:Intelilhrty(M:Itosilllisefr,Sh,caethe.a,stra,l(yrtresE?e; SrtiSwAn41 i n61: Tyleadorns: on Aug. 30, Jean. Mc race of the late:Thou, Kessaelal tea! far:7 the s ow of life, 33estaatahael tphaeinworldd's twiteeartfy'siltriafl From the burden borne meekly: Anecdotes of Scottish Lav,:r2 iteszartFa33ealat htet,tingsr.inet'htea:haionenettlilteessycdolsmilo) sea 'fofto)rcifirreiol:Iwtilt-1,a. nallaial-Aat:u1"slIrliaiNdcarsorrserees.,r1,6_611; vas a calebrateddeinioit;:sneoelf.e haneWhe; beeelecaeuxitet:eedennr.e energies to tlA benefit oil Justiciary Court, a person wh Fee away, haul: :la no MOM. 1 1 Sohn Haga,rt, of Bantasi edHinethowenase -VLD:::thleinhtel'etwthewia:srsoe:mibsigstollnipwiecearwelletlhYt:: )1 pwn)ralaye?e:row pitiless e'en to the last ? _ Greeting thee home to thy rest. 1 Song that the siniesS oft: sing— -III crime was alleged to have been intwiottedwi°tIlnesasesm, °o°nIlligthhet pnaill 101 Crown, prepared to depose that; bad seen the „prisoner red-hani the act. Mr. Hagart perceived it' was in vain, by ordinary to in.validate the testimony of Vitne.sses. He 'had recourse 1 stratagem He caused, a new le, be inserted in. his copy of the " ', ,burgh Almanac " at that portR thei Calendar which included i date of the alleged. crime. Thel, atituted Leaf indicated that there,i no moonlight on the night whe)i had taken 1 -,lace. Vii nen the all the course.of his speech, the del . advocate, conduttink the pro ton, was quite taken a'aack, ar once consented to- anandon4 charge :against the prisoner. a dangerous experiment could; be repeated; Hu o Arnot, the historian og' gtinbur h, held the status of an ' ifore the courts. He was renj, able for his eccentric hunior ' day waited upon. by .4. lady, wild quested hiin to advis4 how she - best get rid of an admirer, importunitieb caused: he,r annoy - The lady was the reverse of fa ting, and Arnot, being indis to flatter her vanity, replied, you haat better marry the fel " Marry him !" replied the satO ed lady, " I would see him h the humorist, "and I'll bet he'll soon hang himself?' One of the most distinguish' the old Edinburas,,,,h advoca.tes ha aspect, of which, however, he happily unconscious. An ate* circumstante served to infor of the fact. i.Tahing a ride in country, he found, on reu tell -bar, that he had forgotte purse. Mentioning the c stit7eLeoopeeekr.tion tmhye ft,:oelle-,:eseapidert, hhee sp,da whether you. think I am li to him indignantly; "and cheat you." -" ril thank youf twopence," responded. the The official seemed. rather do 'would pay him wh-en he next p fiallinr.a:eilffloiaritnt_oR;stas,inanhisothpeur Be occupied a* country ho Stockbridge, then an isolated S of the city. Having been an. with thieves breaking into -hi den and grounds. he issued a hill bearing this inscription : cern arTel I dO eUs iS:e Ad LtTo 1 ItOaTk eS TuE: L. . "dee' traps of the Iar„0-est catching breakers of the eight taanclment, are every night 91, if a Lt eeri t; h t, hoant stphrei la g3lOgrunsth Barbi: 1143a3riinVdaisirt-otdefiSrasppto.tse el. person or touch of a wire ; and that piatvichnegd ill itthaen -inrindldecile,waavtitchh - to fire without mercy, If, th . Tehetiall-w-alls with slact up 1 cri 11 be u ap ro mn i nt hgBe teiuroranot a:bri:nd. ee' sal, !).kfte ha tde' hi 1 _ ite4tofilrestthcirnerswdasa sausifiiicctiiel -uaci recourse to a new met 24112fria-- He procured the li