HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-09-12, Page 3, • " Tueke d void.xtl thy . convene for interest_ etor to the cOmPlegoneittleee- toreeesid, shalt be eaeseueleree_ I1 dehentttreaby the. eeta-4'"e" 31tvered to the Ry -law ehall take e elle front and after the L878 - SEPT. I votes of th o eiectoee of %hie ernsbie. of Tttekerstaith. eon% See, leetticel reel, shell he token ore this elyek--- z. piecee, that ia to say: ah No, le at the School Reese *Sete tt, at the SethoolHOUstiet pnrhey. No. 3., a.t the School Reareette'liete No. 4, at the told School -No. 5,a the 4chosa Eeree fl see., Uth day- of Set)tember next, _Lex 'the hours of .nixte.o'clook in he o'eloe.k in the aftexneost Of ;that the following pet:gona lltlileera to take the said iea for which_ they are h eated, that la to seye No. I, Mr. Hugh. CbesneYe No, 2, Mr. David Campbell., ;No. 3, alievi—aham oe=vowriky„ 1No. 4, Mr. Aden Young. O. 5, Alr. James Murray. [CE that the above is a true Ow 0E which will be taken Into tele 'the Council of the Mentlehee et - of Tnekeramitle, atter one mettle publication hereof in the Hulielt te of which publication taut 26111 ; D. 1373, texd in the 'G'Ac-iNXIE.4- te tet which. publication% theaa .A. j). atria, and that the vototathe t poxtiOn. of the said Town and defined, will be takentet . day ot September, A. D.1 ,s of nine o'clock in them ' .4elne afternoon, at the several WM. AMA, TawnshiP Clark, ersmith, this rest, A. D.1873. f 293 mossimme.tor_seeese,„mmississismast FL1RC4.kli.C44 SelleXtOr, Vrnighame haa been ale [oat for the Colonial SeeuritiesCom- ech ha is alao- Agent tOT severaletri. a of Toronto, who loan Money at -( rates. Interest payable yearly te. .15,1871. HolatEsTED, Barrist-ers,,,Ate t Law, Solicitors in Ohencere and Otaries„ Public and Conveyancer& Ile R C.Benke, Seat -oral. Ageatefor eAseurance Company. , to lend at 8 per cent. ite for sale. — NfELER, Barristers and Atterneye diciters in Chancery and InsedvencYr :Notarieg Pubhc etc. Offietee-Sele rotor. $23,000 c Peiyate Fan& to. -et Eight per cent. Interest, payable. ' 53 sou. Vr. O. MX:YR:it. kIER, Barrister, Attorney fri Chante.- Goderich, Ont. Office -over :Thetpozitem, Market Square. al Alex- wfk-. Attonaeya,SolieitorainCliancery, [elk Ont. Office -twee doors neat& of Da.tem. hteDONALD; Brussels-. ITIEVECIVALL. , Seatorth, (late of Carrouhroaka for the. County of Perth. Office- idelece-Commereial Hotel. Calleat : office will bo attended to day or - 287 :Erer. hag removed to thahonse atk .et, near the Station, one door seta II, and opposite- MeCalinei'a Hotel, d. by Mr., Frank Meyer, where_ bewill suet- IWART, M. D.„ 0.. ld., Graduate of eiyersity, Montreal, Physician, Sere ice and Resid,ence-Bracefteld. :10E, M. D. C., M., Physician, Sure .e. Office and, Residence' corner ot igh streete, next to the Planing Mill PRELL,. V. S„ formerly of Cornell er. Rime*, t Y, and Graduate. of Qiie ,ary College. Residence - Gooktes- louse, Varna. Will be at Bracefield afternoon from 2 till 5 o'clock.' - RY SURGEON. --D. MeNAUGHT, ,4-t to 81171001.1C-6 to- the inhabitants ot surrounding- country that he belt ithe diploma of the Ontario Veterine id is now prepared to treat (Henget Cattleand all domestic anirafthi. He office, in connection with his herse. !where he wifl be foun4 ready. ta at- ,. Diseases 'of the lest specially ate esidence, oce anti shop in the relit :Ryan's new store. All kinds of Tete eines kept constantly on ban& 229, taffIT,Iee Veterinary • Surgeon, (InOTEL.; o Ontsno Vetermary Gallego,) begg at he Ims returned, to the praetiee of :u Seaforth, and may at all tin:twae. the diseases of Horses,. Cattle, She rlicittea constantly on hand. All y attended to. Office, at Menden G, BULL, 1.3).S., i. 1:41.11IGEON,Dentiet,&c.,Sertio Ontario. Plate work, lateg, - ,Sstyles, neatly exeeuted. All sure Rica operatiorts performed with „ Olttitude. Fees as law as =elm oh- _ (ere. Office hours from 8 over Mr. A. G. McDougall'a Store, nerKtaS. 40:TEL, SEAFORTH.- Thomas :ers to state, to his 04friends al dling public, that he has leased the occupied by Mr. MURRAY, an& 'Frt as the DOWNEY HOUSE, la hie a contiema,nce of the patrovege Oletowed upon. him during hie -hotel husinetts. Every eeinfore well be provided for travellers. The ots and Cigars only kept in the Bse „relialtieriostier always -in attendance. - 4 THOMAS KNOX, Proprietor,. DEL, Seaforth, Ontario. SIMS 14 Preprieter. The subecriber hag ealevated anenewly furnished the Fuj- that it now afferds good 84C0M1IU te travelling public. Choice hooey, '..tlee bar. The table ib 8APPlied111513` in season. Oysters in WOO. 44 and an attentive hostler in c0n- 261-11 , V WALES HOTEL, Cilinton Olt", IUTCHEON, Proprietor. Fira-elass en for -travellers. The Bar is sur -.-Tery, best liquors and eigars• C4e4 dell. The stage leevee this Hose Wineham W4-4 e LIVERN. V.'S LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. A, Murray's Hotel, Seaforth. 604 ust-clase Conveyances always on hand. VERY STABLES, SEAFOR'rg. Oa' !ses and Comfortable Vehicles', alwaYs rirahle Arrangements made -with ravellere. Alt orders left at Faleee te ere -raptly attended to.. at D S•rear.hs:---Third door Au."'"' , Main Street. THOMAS BELL, Proprietor. ..of TelegraP:blt-- 04113014,-Or4T. • leder the patronage al the VESTERN RAILWAY COI. INDCCEMENTS TO OFFOB. FOR GIRGUII,-Ag* GIYIN, Dot 60a• • - GAIETIES. TirE LATEST DECALOGUE. ve one d. only -who the exp nee of two? egos y be rronioaashaltbe at No grayen worshipped xcept the currency ; Swear not at all, for, for thy curse, Thine enemy is none the worse ; lAt church o Sunda to attend Will serve tc keep ti e world thy friend; floor thy rents hat is all From whom dvance ucnt may befall ; Thoushalt ot ki 1, but need'st not . strive Officiously t keep alive • - Do net adul ery co Advantagea arely c e of it.; Thou shalt ot steal- an empty feat ilen tis so luerativ to cheat • -let the lie wings to fly ; but tradition --competition ! Bear not fat, e witaes Have time on its can .Thou shalt ot covet Approves forms 0 --,thur .11 tglt Clou There is ar y's lifferenee between asi yearning for money nd emeeing it. -A good. way to f' u, il out if there is obnoxious g . in a ell is to I -ower your eaother-in-la by a ii0pe. -Little ussie sprjrnUed her mother's new $10 ha•t She t ought it a nint flower , arden. "1 Howls were heard in that ueig borhood for the next half- hour. -The dyie g word of a Delaware wo- man were : "Hen -3r, if you marry again, reine cupful of s gooseberries -A corre SO gain°, of battletleor. It is a businesie " Wihat shall I calf ?”-f-Chri8tiak • 14*-•• A. vv . ...v.,: .o3!aderful 01 Genius oftenI appears in places. A poor German min the Pennsylvan ly.00mpleted a he laaa construe knife. He co. menced it ago, working on it in inter for two years, but for a yea devoted all his time to it se , ping few,- eatin and slee clock :Is evidently inade in, i the c41ebrated 'trasburg cloc the German art st• had heard he had. never se n, nor had h knowledge of i1s constructie tical knoWled e of median kind. The do k is eight f four feet ' bro de As frem Gothic style of echitecture. teen sides, and s surmounte on topiof whicb is attached en cross. On the front o there are four d day of the wee month, another of a Minute an the day. The most unique m figures upon t almost eVary Above tie* dm galley,.extend'ng around a width of the Immediately i this semicireu wooden figure also carved st corners of the ehixae of bells door opens, nU smalt fi twelve apostleir appear, and the circular gallery,- an through anoth r door. Mr. constructor of this piece ship, proposes to exhibit it try, and then it him. a coal -region wonderful 6 ed with a co ber th t it only takes a ear to -w-eeten quart of " ponden of the New York Mai/ says ti at " kis ing a lady with an Faizabethan ruff on is about as much fun. as erabr Ging a ircular saw m full motion."" ens o Uniont• Uniontown, Va., -The feel a little old. toa ard Henry Snyder. Hie wife fel clown a well; and he rode three miles o borrow s. rope, when there was a Iaddct long e6ugh for the pur- pose against the hoot. -A subs riber ter te to the editor of a Newark aper to bale the meaning of the phrase Mors omnibus communise The editor it w, s a French sentence, • intended expla something about tilorse's 0.: bus bei g of service to the coramtmity. At th tame time, he said, -idently constructed thought he under- lie didn't, and, con - portant words were the senten e gwas e by some i iot, who stood Frelia I , when sequently, everal left out. ---The Shah of Pe ia, according to the following story, ha the true Oriental preference or fat ve men : Being shown some very adipose coivs at the Horne Farm, Win Isor, hc sked how they were fed. Being- told tht; they were brought, into this pliamp corithtion by a diet of • oil cake, hi l3 mteresl was at once excited, and he sai to his uterpreter : " Ask if oil cake is rood for wives." -"A usekeep r " writes us, askin' g hove to (he$S a lobs er. We don't know. We never ressed a lobster. If the lob- ster is ab ut 17 iyears old, maybe it would look well in a plain waist with • demi-train d skirt. of blue silk, and a inediann-si d. pani r, and. an orgaaady pelonaise, vith a pinkish mauve Ghillie, six -button d glovesland a white chip hat. 'We say UL be it would ; but perhaps!. Ilouseke per," before dressing her lob- ster, had b tter subscribe for a fashion-. able mag • e, which will tell her all about such things._e-Norri4own formal. IS uestion of With my �k. nexpeeted r living in as recent- ck, which mon jack- hree years rids of time past has reedystop. ng. This itation of 11 - •••••••.:•••.• RE4SURER SALE Pcf gz.A.2Ems,. . . OUNTY OF rIuRoN, i DY virt ' To HTIt : 1 J.J the C bearing date the'Thirtieth day of lection of arrears of Taxes due o o give nal e, that unless the e sooner paid, I shall, on -HURSDAY, THE 18_, - At the ho OURT HOUSE, I Proceed to ell by PUBLIC A , of which i . be sufheient to discharg ;but which ' • . 1 .. Tat any special Concess nor prac- ITJot or Part of Lot. Street bs of ' any i 4. . lst t high and -is of the It has Bix- by a globe, small gold- -" . the clock a1 -plates; o e shows the , another th!day of the the minutes : td fractions the other he hour of e dials are arved in a liner, having emblematic em and aroue d them of imaginable ' description. plates is a - emicircular Out half the ame-work •fi the clock. front, in t centre of r galleryeis the carved f our Saviour. There are tues on pede tals at the clock . Tw ee a. 'day' a begins to : ay, a small res of the arch along : disappear Ketter, the ti' workman - i this WWI - to Gerroany with Wt Kin of Elastic? - , - A dry g ods m ia, who is we'll:flown for his pol teness, ks a fathertwho is an excellent c tizen, but not a very sraooth talker. T ey werE so busy at the store Saturday a ternooni that the ait _gentle- maa was ca led_ in tohelp. Amon r the cus- tomers wa a youne, lady who appeared to be waiting io trade with hun whose elderly appearance invited her confidence. Soon an opporti4uty offered, and leaning Oyer the counte, as an invitation for him to do the seine, - she 'whispered her crder. He, bent d se to hr. and said, "What's that" in -voice that started the per- apiration o her forehead. Again she whispered, "Oh, elastic," said he in a tone that coulki b heard on the walk, and Iookin much pleased with. his suc- cess. " Vk hat kini of elastic?" he add- ed, bendin his head closer to the burn- ing face of more she t garters, h than befor struck exp yeung lad i pose," he •.livion of th people no ' My aid w sails aroun he pers iring maiden. Once emblin ly whispered.. "For y ?" he epeated even louder , witbotit noticing the horror- . essioei Of the ;almost fainting . " Something fancy, I sup - Vent on, to say, in happy ob- storefeill of people; "young -a-day want things nice. raan utles a, shoestring,tand withcut noticing the differ- ence." Then he got down with the box, and time around. to show it, but the customer as gone. He stood around with the eliastio soine five -minutes in waiting., bit she did not return, and it is likely he hs forgotten all about the cir- cumstance now.-Panbary News. take BRTJSS LS FO NDRY. THE Si:MSC-RD: ER wishes to e = le the- attention of the farm tg community i Igeneral to his large and earied took of The De :Agricul ral Implements; Consisting of WOOD 1 PLOWS, IRON elopment Theory Prac- tically Tested While' the Scientific Associatioa at Portland, 1as been doing battle over the doctrines df Darin a farmer. in Iowa has enco tered a practical test of Dar- winism, w ich hel explains to us in the following trenchart sentences. "1 have a eery,'1 he says, " which I wish to tubnut though y ur paper to the learn. eel men of the wo id. Mr. Darwin tells us, in sub tanee, hat 'there is a constant tendency jn antra 1. life to vary the type, Z. e., to dewelo .1. see that many learned, a (1 eVen. religious men have be- come, to orae \exteut, imbuect with the sameopin on, and I have felt constrained. by my re'spect foi Our naturalists to give heed to tile dogin4. But I am a cattle - breeder, e' gaged in raising Durham , cat- • tle for th4 beef ne rket. I am naturally desirous f prese ving the 'most fit' an-• imais to !breed fr m. I have a young male in 4ay flock that is exactly seven - eighths s urham, and one-eighth native b e is as ne an animal to ap- pearance ever f tteneci upon the banks of the Tees. Bi t experienced cattle - breeders ay that it will not do to retain him as a tbreeder, in the flock. That if there be drop Of blood in his veins derived f om an inferior race, there will be a cons wit danger of reverting to the original time' ancl breeding back, to the scrub -for+ of the ancestor. , In this exi- gency' sish to appeal to the believer in the dev 1°T:tient ' the:41-y for their de vice and counsel. Is there any danger that an- al forme may, after all, revert to the co' ditions ref inferior ancestors, or Inast I riy upon a constant tendency of animal lite to con inually develop ? Re- member, this is not a, question of natural or religi us philo ophy, which men may bandy ai4out as tIey do the ball in the AN With the lates improved Steel 1‘11 GA G PLO CULTIVATORS, LAND' t• • ould Board, ROLLERS, HARROWS, SCUFFLE S, &C. o call speoial a ention to the celebrated He would beg FAR ERS' Which has - give used, to which i ranch regaited ' class , STAVE -DR rrom.. 1 First - Getting up ,for universal satis uow added a this part. Als M LAND 22 to $35. Also lass W ring n3e, warra SEASONED All of w 'eh will be sold a .LOWEST PRICES F Qr approved credi OW5 action wherever histle Point, so .to some _first - 4 3. E I 1 ofN4 8 W part o 17........ W pgt 2 a5. 126......... • 1132. 33 34. 35. , 34. . 35. 7 32. 43.... .. . . _ .... :ROLLERS, la few • Cron.S ted of very best IMBER1 ithe very P., CASH WM. R. ILSON. Brussels, Feb 12, 1878. SEAFORTH AND 271ey 3d 4thl ........ 6th \ 4.... 9tb. 14th N. T. VILLAGE OF . Colbor Colbor 7 .. W part 11 N part 1.. 'tt W part 10. . 318 463 460 . W 730 W 4 731 884 , 14 , Sub. 16 of Sub. 15 of MARBLE_W • M. L. MESSET (Late of 1Tamilto Would intimate to iheir uureerou geneeal public that they are pr orders for Monuments., Headstones, Mantels, &e. Granite •Monuments Impor Work of the best style and art surpassed in thlis part of Ontario. A call respee fully solicited. Next doo to Porter's Fuxni MAIN-SREET M. L. IJFISSETe 1 E FORT TTROli RKS. -SON, 'friends and the ared to fill all able Tops, • d to Order. end cannot be . tole . otI10.. 183 230 .. ' .... . . 277 .516 517 518 532 535 ' N 4 560... .... 580 659 663, 1150 1. ,111:11177g4765... 1181 • .• • 1183.....1332..... Lot 7 l, su1I. lots 2 & 3 Lot 137, sib. lots 2 & 3 Lot 5 sub. lot 4..... Lot 52, sub. lot 4-, Lot 37, sub 37, lot 10. P. & Ws survey, 3. To P. & M's lirvey, 9. T r P. & 's sirvey, E P. & survey, 3. Sub. 6, loth 330, 377 & 378 1 Sub. 7, lots 330, 377 &378 I • • . ....... ere Store, 3EAFORTIL. MESSET. MAR13LE - WO STR Opposite the Waterloo House, ne RKS, the Station. MONUMENTS, HEA STONES, And work of ael kinds in Ameri an and Foreign Marble, designed and exeenttel the best style, and at most reasonable prices. Mantles of pi Various Colore ed on,Short oti Marble suP.:. • - Cuorlbor Hon Huron Huron Huron Huron S •Huron London Syden Well' TOW 4th 12th Lake Lake v 0 Sub. ofIL TO e of a warrant under the unty of Huron, and the s August, A. D., 1873,, t n 1 the undermentioned an d taxes together with a1 I and of the Warden of al of the said County e directed for the col- lie these are therefore awful costs and. charges DAY OF D_E.C4' BE.R, A. D. 1873 r of 1. o'clock P. M., ati th THE TOWN OF GODERIOH, TION, the said lands, br o much thereof „as may uch arrears of Taxes I an charges thereon. SHIP OF ASHPIELD, or Patentedor Am't of Costs and Acres. Unpatent4 razes. Oont's'n. Total. • D. 100 patented 53 94 $2 55 $56 49 • D. 100 patent b 76 75 3 13 79 88 . D. 50 patent4 48 70 2 4351 13 . D. 50 patente 15 39 1 60 16 99 . D. 50 patented 16 91 1 63 18 57 . D. 158 unpatente I 85 23 4.55 89 78 Plot. / patente '.; ; 7 84 1 40 9 24 Plot. 78 patente ' 5 54. 1 35 . 6 89 ORT ALBERT, IN A 'EfFIELD. e W. 4 patened 3 10 1 30 4 40 e W. 4 patene4 3 10 1 30 4' 40 e W. ' 1 patented 3 10 1 30 4 40 t. E. 1 unpatented 2 78 1 28 4 06 •t. E. , 1 unpatente4 2 78 1 28 4 06 t. E. 1 unpatente4 2 78 1 28 4 06 t. E. 1 unpatente 2 -78 1 28 4 06 . W. 1 unpatente 2 78 1 28 4 06 . W. 1 unpatented 2 78 .1 28 4 06 ad E. 41 unpatentecl 7 92 1 40 9 32 11 W. 1 unpatented. 2. 78.. 1 28 4 06 cm, E. 4 patente 10 90. 1 48 12 38 SHIP OF COLBORN V. D. 100 patente4 31 62 2 00 33 62 . D. 631 patente 38 64 2 18 40 82 ad E. 60 .patente4t 17 70 1 65 19 35 d W. 12 patented 4 00 1 30 5 39 AGE OF CLINTON. * patente 2 87 1 28 4 15 I patente 1 60 1 25 2 85 1-5 patente 1 84 1 25 309 5-32 patente 1 1 65 1 25 2 90 * patente 1 32 1 25 2 57 I patente 1 1 19 i 1,25 . 2 44 t 177 patenttA. '5 32 1 35 6 67 SHIP OF GODERICH. ' lst Q patented 5 43 1 35 6 78 . lst 11 patented. 5 49 J. 35 6 84 WN QF GODE.RICH.- I patented 12 88 1 53 14 41 I patented. 3 99 1 30 5 29 I patent d 3 99 1 30 5 29 I patent.d 12 19 1 53 13 72, I patent d 11 27 1 50 12 77 I patent d 10 37 1 48 11 85 i patent d 7 62 1 40 9 02 I patent d. ' 7 62 1 40 9 02 * , patent 4 3 07 1 30 4 37 I- patent d , 3 99 1 30 5 29 I patent d 3 65 1 :30. 4 95 I. t patent d 7 62 • 1 40 9 02 I patent (1 a 80 1 23 2 03 I patent 4 1 64 1 25 2 89 I patent cl 1 64 1 25 2 89 i patent 4 1 64 1 25 2 89 t patent d 1 09 1 25 2 34 i patent d 2 00 I 1 25 3 25 I patentd1 2 00 1 25 3 25 • I patent d • 2 40 1 28 3 68 A. 1-5 patent : -d 1 50 1 25 2 75 A. 1-5 • patent d 95 r1 23 2 18 A. 1-5 patent ,d 5 18 1 35 6 53 A. 1-5 patent' d 1 36 1 25 2 61 A. 1-5 , paten fed 40 1 23 1 63 to St. 1-5 paten tea ' 1 99 1 25 3 24 11-t0St. 1-5 paten ed 1 99 1 25 3 24 dar St. 1-5 patent d 65 1 23 1 88 me St. ' 1-5 paten ed 40 1 23 1 63 .. pateri d 4 69 1 33 6 02 • 4 .. • .. paten d _ 69 1 33 6 02 WNSHIP OF GREY. lst 25 patented , 4 63 1 33 -5 96 5th 100 unpaten r 4 4 37 1 33 5 70 - 7th 100 patent 4 36 39 2 13 38 52 8th 50 paterit 4 25 04 1 85 26 89 Oth 50 unpaten ted 14 05 r 1 58 15 63 7th 100 unpaten ed 33 35 2 05 35 40 18th 100 unpaten ed 24 99 1 83 26 82 1.8th 100 unpaten ed 24 99 1 83 26 82 LAGE OF BRUSSEL . 3 76 1 30 5 06 , Grey. I paten etl •WNSHIP OF HAY. 1.0th 25 paten d 9 07 1 45 10th 75 patent 4 27 24 1 90 29 14 TNSH1P OF HOWIC . 3rd 100 patented. 38 71 2 18 5th 100 patented 4 58 1 33 • 6th 50 patentled 4 25 '1 33 . 6th e 50 • patented 4 39 1 33 7th 100 patentled 14 24 1 58 111th 100 unpat?ntjed 14 42 1 58 11th 3 paten ed. 73 1 23 - A. 50 paten ed 18 78 1 68 A. 21 _paten ed 6 30 1 38 • A. 25 paten ed. 4 59 1 33 Lot 4r Part of Lot. Sub. of Lot 16, Con. • . 1,..Usborne, 46. of Lots 17 &•18, n. 1, Usborne, 21 McConnell's do. I patented of Lots 17 & 18, n. 1, Usborne, 29 McConaell's do. / patented 1 74 Sub. of Lots 17 & 18, C n. 1, Usborne, :30 MeConieell's do. I patented. 1 74 1 25 Sub of Lots 17 & 18, C n 1, Usborne, 37 McConneSub. of Lots 17 & 18, patented 1 74 1 25 . ll's do . 1 4 . C n, 1, Usborne, 38 McConnell's do. i patented •Sab of Lots 17 & 18, 0n. 1, Usborne, 39 McCoianell's do. i patented. 1-74 Sub of Lots 17 & 18, 4 C In. 1, Usborne. 42 McConnell's do. I patented 1 74 Sub of Lot 20, Con. • 1, Usborne, .49.... -McConnell'sclo. • I • patented. . 60 1 23 Sub of Lot 20, Con. . • 1, Usborne, 50.... McConnell'sdo. I patented 60 . 1 23 Sub Lott, Con. 1, Hai - foil erly Frances - t n, 302 .... 1-5 oatented 5 14 1 35 1 6 4 Sub of Lot 25, Con. l . 9 S ephen, formerly Slib of Lot 25, Con. 1, --' .... - 1-5 patented 4 71 1 33 6 04 F a.ncestown, 359 S ephen, formerly- Sub of Lot 25, Con, 1, . 1-5 patented. 46 1 2 1 69 F ancestown, 376 , S ephen, formerly s parb 33 . . .. 9th 170 .. . TOWN8HIP OF EAST -WAWANOSH. paterated71 35 3 00 74 35 . 46 .1 23 1 69 F ancestown, 377.... 1-5 patented • 1(4: I. 210 r775 W 12 30 73 E 1 B -1 2 03 e.,34 53 203 .3453 '• " ' • • 0 , S part 9 I , 28 re. 32 , • I N 1 17 N -126 30 32 • . 24 tte • 115 Sub. td Lot lin Con. S part of W part 2,6. N & E patt 27... L . 28...... .... . . 24 .1. . .. .. . E 4 26 .1. W 1 26. ... 16 1 W corn r 12 W1 . • W part 271 SWI28. pt Sq. bor2on N W cernei• 31 . . . . E part 25.. 1•VILLAGE 8 1,, • Cen VILLAG Park Lot 20 VILLA 178 179 N W part 10 22 Granite Mo uments and Hea 4oneS imported to order. CALDER BRQ ;HERS. 277 ANDR.wW CALDER, Agent. • i SAVINCiHAIND°14-!INNVENSTMENT OC/ETY4 OF LONDON, Ola. — , Head Office, It ehmond-street, opposite City Hall. onden, Out. Established in 187, for p 1.A)ose of advanc- ing -money on arm and TOWII tOperty at a very low rate of i tereSt, and on th most favorable terms of repa e . Loans for leng o short periot repayable by in- stailments to Suit orrowers. P ies purchasing Farms, building Divellings or S t;tres, will find the terms of this 'ociety preferable e any other mode, for instanee, 76 " 1 paid at the nd of each half year, will pa baik. both prin a-nd interest upon a loan f $1, )1! in 10 year If paid yearly, $157 20 will tlo it. Money can be obtained at a V time, and with little or no delay blayond the f e necessarily oq- eupied in the inveStigation of ltle and prepara- tion of the mortgege. For further particulars as td terms, &c., app v B. LEYS, by letter to Secretary and Treasnrek, London, Ont. Or to ALONZO STRONG, Esq.LiValuetor at Sea - forth. 280-52 SACON AND OR SALE by the rmdersi large or all lots, for eas first-class 33 CO and Smoke S & GE 296 4 AMS. ed, at Kippen, about ten tons of HAMS. Apply t� GE PETTY, Rippen P. O. Sub. Gc Sub. 4111111•11111MMIMMOOMMINAMINIMMII VILLAGeOF EXETER. C077.4688i072. or Patented or Street. Acres. 'Unpatented: others' survey Carling and •• • patented Am't of Costs& ; Taxes. Com' s'n. Total, 1 57 1 74 1 25 • 1 25 1 23 174 125 1 25 1 25 2 82.. 2 99 2 99 2 99 2 99 2 99 2 99 2 99' 1 83 1 83 *TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH. 18 lst 100 unpatented 35 68 14. •' 12th '. 100 patented 28 81 ,. 23... 13th 100 patented 32 50 23 . 13th 100 patepted 32 50 VILLAGE OF DTJNGANNON, IN WEST WAWANOSH. - MeMath's survey - / patented. 35 1 23- 1 58 VILLAGE OF ST. HELENS', IN WEST WAWANOSH. ! . Lot18,Con. 11, 15 Mather's survey , ' i patented, 65 1 23 , 1 88 A. M. ROSS, - Treasurer, County of ioron. ' I 391-13 11 10 52 59 Su Co nty Treasurer's 0£6.6e, oderich, Sept. 1, 1871 40 89 5 91 5 58 5 72 15 82 16 00 1 96 20 46 7 68 5 92 A. 1-16 patented 2 58 1 28 3 86 B. 12 patented 2 69 1 28 3 89 F .WROXETER, IN HO WIC K re St. E. 1-5 paten ed 7 99 1 40 9 39. OF FORDWICH, IN 0 VICK: . _ 6 paten ed. 6 14 1 38 7 25 E OF HOWIOK, IN 11 W ICK: 1-5 paten ct 2 19 1 28 3 47 • . . paten ed , 2 19 1 28 3 47 T WiSH1P OF HULLE T. - • 1 4th 16 paten 3 19 1 30 4 49 I 7th 100 paten ed 31 57 2 00 33 57 15 I 8th 100 paten ed 67 78 .2 99 70 68 TOWNSHIP. OF MORRI.. S 3.. • 9th 100 unpaten ed 80 49 4 43 81 92 VILLAGE OF BLYTH, 1N M REIS. .. 1 paten ed 53 1 23 1 76 55 1 23 1 78 .... paten ed. 8 53 1 23 1 76 1 ppaatteeinitteedect 55 1 23 1, 78 - 53 1 23 1 76 • * , pate tea Bloek A. : pate ted, 1 80 1 25 3 05 WNS aIP OF l'ileKILL P. 7th 59 1 paten ed 17 57 1, 65 19 22 CA.B.RONB ROOK, ES MeKILLOP 1* -5 32 1 23 1 55 • .... VILLkcE OF SIpAF)teOaRTn H. 50 . .. Jarvis survey 1-5 pate ted 6 46 1 38 7 84 55 jars* survey 1-5. pater ted 6 46 1 38 7 84 Part Bloek Jar 'is survey 1-5 pate ted 7 88 1 40 9 28 T W.N SHIP OF STANL Y ' E4:138. E-5139.-.. E -1140. E 1 141. E 142.. e McConnell's surv'y 7 Ti -841..........- , VILLAGE 0 9. 1 ONIPARISON SOLICITED. FACTS ARE STUBBORN THINGS. EAS, SUGARS AND TOBACCOES, Cheaper than ever offered 136fore. Our stook of GROCERIES 1 -1 Are freeh and good. All we ask is one trial to convince you that our goods are genuine. FLOUR AND FEED, As usual. Stocks received daily and at Mill prices. PROVISIONS Of all kinds kept constantly on hand. A ehoiee lot of Smoked Hams and Sides for sale heap. BASKETS. w large lot of Market Baskets, Clothes Baskets, two bushel and onehushel Baskets on hand. Also, r a 14t of Chaff Baskets. As -we have been appointed agents by the manufacturers of the above, we are iu Position to offer to the trade at wholesale prices. I3o, agents for the sale of JAMES PETTY'S Centre 0,rt 13 - VILLAG W part 1 4 , Middle p rt 216..... 291 . • • 621 . ..... 636. ; . VILLAGE D. • • • • " • ••••• •• • • SMOKED HAMS AND SIDE MEAT. - Orders left with 118 ;will receive prompt attention. FRUIT JARS. A Itri,ge lot of Air -tight Glass Jars for sale cheep. 411 Goods bought from us delivcredi either in town, Hrupurhey or Egnionclville, free of eherge. FATRLEY. PO SITIV E FA CT ! ALLEN'S GROCERY, SEAFORTH, • THE CHVAPEST PLACE IN TOWN. NOTE: 'oweA. 9 patented • 6 11 1 38 7 49 OFI BAYFIELD, IN TANLEY. , ... 1-32 pate ted :31 1 23 1 54 ' !... • - . pate ted 1 26 1 25 2 51 .. I pate]. tecl 74 1 23 1 91 • pater ted. 5 13 1 :35 6 48 48.• pate' ted 5 01 1 35 6 36 • • • • F T. ANDREWS, n STANLEY. St 11 pater ted 1 37 1 25 2 62' ted 18 42 168 20 10 ted 32 21 1 2 03 4 24 P !OF TU01ERSMITH.- te4 67 123 190 tea e7 t 1 23 190 rted 67 123 190 tea 67 ted . 67 ted. 67 ted 67 ted 67 ted 59 82 2 70 62 52 • RNBERRY, 20 ft ted 5 79 1 35 7 14 NBERRY. nt d 804 143 947 d. 804 143 947 TOWNSHIP OF STEPH W 40 -acres of S 1 3. 1 ;; 5th., 40 pate . VILLAGE OF- *HARP 11 - Cas 12 1 . ' .. Ca 17 C 9 ... L Wm's' 10 e. . . . .. .. Woral . • 27 .. - . 1. ..... . ... Cha 12 1 ... Lewis 19 .I. Lewis T VILLAGE 26 ' Part 277...• • • VILLAGE .. . .. 125 • 3 ' 5th 50 pate HEY, IN TOWNSH 's survey 3 pate h's survey pate h's sM•vey t pate tds f3iervey pate y's su, rvey pate ks survey 1-5 pate Galt's do. 1-5 , pate Galt's& 1-5;1 pate NSHIP OF TURNBE llth '100 mi ate F :WINGHAM, T 12;) 190 123 190 123 923 900 123 190 ..... 1-5 pat •••• 1-5- pat 11 8 poen& Loaf Sugar for $1. +10 pounds Coffee Sugar for $1. '15 pounds Currants for $1. 12 pounds Val. Raisins for $1. 20 pounds Bright Rice for $1. A 6 pound ennui Peaches for 50 cents. Canned Peaches, Tomatoes, Cherries, Peas„ Salmon, Lobsters, Sardines, &c. rresh TEAS That please everyone, and at all prices. Ground Coffees at 30 • or Flour, Graham Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, esee. 35 'Cents CHOICE BACON AND HAMS. CASH FOR BUTTER IN TUBS, AT ALLEN'S GROCERY, SEAFORTH. • OOMEONE, COME ALL • AND BUY - Y.OUB. ARNES FROM J. WARP, LSEAFORTH.,, beg to state for the information of farmers .antl the publie generally, that I have as good a stock of 1 in eit in the County. H mess on hand as any in town, and I am deteemiued not to be undersold by any other establish- 0-TN.T3E74 ME A. rilitIA.T_A_ J. WARD, Main -Street,. Seaforth. _ 0 THE PUBL1C A_T LARGE. SEAFORTH PLANING lt1ILL, W. H. CiLIVEIR, arness Saddle and Collar MANUFACTURER, S'EAFORTLI. 0 CI 0 SIGN OF THE SCOTCH COLLAR. SASH DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY TBE subscriber begs leave to thank his numerous custompre for the liberal patronage extended to - him since Commencing business in Seaforth, and trusts that he may be favored with a continuance of the same. Parties intending to build -would do well to give - him a call, as he will continue to keep on hand a large stock of all kinds of • DRY PINE LUMBER, SA SHE 8, DOORS; BLINDS, MOULDINGS) SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. He feels confident of giving setiefaetion to those who may favour him with their patronage, as nene but first-class workmeu are employed., ' Particular attention paid to Custom Planing. 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. A choiceassortment Of light and heavy Harness, Whips, Bells,Horse Clothing, &c., kept constantly n hand. Repairing promptly attended to and harges moderate. Remember the place, si;en of he Scotch Collar. W. H. OLeNeteR, . FOSTER'S HOTEL, SEAPORT/1. rrHONAS FOSTER begs to infoirm his old. -I- friends and the traveling ptiblie that he has openedhis new hotel, adjoining the Post Office, Seaforth, vrhere he has the very best accommoda- tion forman and beast. The best of liquors and. cigars at the bar. THOMAS FOSTER. r