HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-09-12, Page 26 THE HUR EXPOSiTOR. SEPT. 12, 1V3 BY THE MIDNIGHT TRAIN. Th re was a tiny circular gatden, filled. to overflowing With pansies, geraniiims aad roses ; a house which looked like a magnificent pepper box, completely hid- - den fora view by masses of hop vines, honeysuckles, and. the red blossoms of - some' flower benas. The aoon sun poured its het beams over. everything, making e (lusty leaves sparkle as if some be- evolent fairy had. powdered. them with &mina dust. - . , In contrast to the ; outside heat , and lare Ruy Blasmonti satmtering along he s sided piazza in ais spotless white me suit, seemed a perfect miracle .of ess. He was a slim, handsome an, about thirty, with regular features wit a light olive coniplexion. His hair and he small black moustache he wore vied with his eyes in intense blackaess. Such eyes ! they spolse when their.own- er's eyes were silent, and expressed what: ever he intended. , , He paffed laeily at R cigar; and taking I his Stand where the shade fell dark, Ica:keel out on the sun beaten road. " Parbleau!" he Muttered. " What care I for heat ? Heat is my element. It is well—for doubtless I'll have esiough of it &eine day," And he laughed sardonia cally. "I think I'd tether enjoy a war with hia Satanic Majesty." He paused an instant. " Ab., hare • he comesa-the young farmer. What brings him at this hour ?" A young man had just rounded the corner of the nearest liouse, and was ., oosenag toward the Blesnaont garden. A stalwart, brown -faced man with a frank, open, look. He nodded slightly to Ruy Blasmont, and. said : ," Is Mise Rose at homeTV3 - " Mademoiselle Blasniont is not at home," her brother 'answered, slightly raisiag his eye -brows aad playing with his moustache, to show the large diantond ring that glitteretl'on his right hand. John Brightly hesitatbds He ,did hot believe Ruy Blasniont's assertion. He distrusted him too greatly to credit any- thinghe might say ; besides, he did not feel =elated to retrace his way through the hot fields without accomplishing the end for which heaad come. His hesitation did not last long. A petite figure, clothed in some airy fabric of pink and. white, came hastily through the French window. It was Rose Bias- mont. " Ph,, Mr. Brightly !" she exclaimed, smiling, and offering her hand. " I thoaght I heard yoar voice." " I understood from what your brother said you wete not at home." "Why, he knew ae-she began, butshe hadtoo much tact tO continue. "I meant," said Ray Blasmont, „with an insolent glance at John Brightly, " that my sister might not be at home to this-a-ahein !—gentleman." John Brightly's face flushed, but he took no other notice . of the insult, for Rose laid hand on his arm, and. whisper- ed— • . "Poor Ray isn't well. He is—what do you Americans call it ?" "Insolent," John Brightly could not help saying. " Oh,' no, no, no. Only a little Vexed --oross. Come into the parlor. It is 10 8 uch cooler there. Que vous etes bon ! • a &ma sont magnifiques !" she ex- laimea, catching sight of the large clus- rs of water -allies that Brightly carried his hand, " You forgot that I ,clon't understand ender," he said, smiling. for the first e as he followed her into the Parlor. " .A.h, oui ! What a pity ! Bat I ara o thankful to you. I must sing at Mrs. Moreland's -garden paity to-aight, and ehese are the veritable flowers. I love taost to wear." . 1 " You told me so last evening." I " And therefore you , walked. through ihe hot sun to bring them. How good brou are !" , I " It is not such a sacrifice. This is Fy dinner honr„ you know. We farmers re extremely busy just at present, so I natched sufficient time 'to pay yen a 'sit.' , , " Then you will lencle with us. Ex - use me for an instant, 'awl, I will pre- are--" , " No, I wieh to speak to you." " Strawberries and cteam ! Can yon , esist the temptation ?" she said, laugh - ng, and trying to escape. " Besides; ou never tried my sponge cake." " Rose," he said, gravely, " give rae a ew momenta I have something to say o you." Ruy Blasmont drew near the winclow, ncl arranged himself in a corefortable sition for hearing all that might be aid. Rose resumed her seat, her eyes cast ilown, and the color varying in her face. { " I have a queStion to ask you, Rose. 1Will you be my wife ?" I I Ruy whispered. through the lace cur- tain a sibilant " No." IRose heard the words, ' a,nd turned pale. To her her brother's will was law. 1 "I don't know," she faltered. " I taTanot yet tell." I The eager look on the - young farmer's tace gave way to disappointment. " I ave bees' abnipte but I thought that 1 erhaps my actions have givea you rea- on to expect that I might ask .this uestion." , Rose was silent. " you think I am too impatient. I ave waited a long time for this oppor- 1 lainity, and it may be my last chance'for Months. • Istart air New York by the ilaitdnignt train." Rose gathered up all her courage. " Yes, John, 1 promise. I will lee our wife whenever you choose." I Ray Blasmoat angrily overturned the stic chair on which he had aeen sit- in,g, and entered through the window. ' Ala Ines oasis," he said, coolly ilirtg. " I have been an involuntary I stenerto your conversation; and par- 1 on me if I interrupt it to correcta slight i •sta•ke. '' Monsieur Brightly, the young 1 dy .who has this instant promised to arry you is alreadyapledged to another the rich proprietor, Monsieur Wills." John langhtly looked inquiringly- at ose. Rose steraed astonished—and then! b r color heightened; and she cried in- iguantly : ' It is false ?" " It is true. I have promised Moll- ie . &leer Wills tthat you shall become his e within the year."* " You. !" exclaimed Rose, with a ges- re of utter scorn. " By„what right ?" demanded Bright - 1 . "By my right as the young lady's arclian and only relatima, "I deny that any such right exists," c ied the young farmer passionately. " Take care Ruy Blasmont—take care. If you attempt to force your sister—now m pr mised wife—into a marriage with an the e I will disclose that which will 1 • place you where yoer interference -will be useless." • " Indeed," sakred Blasmont ; but hia countenance fell " Good -aye, se„" sa• id. Brightly. Be true to me., I will return. RS soon as I can. As for. u, sir," he continued, looking at Blasmo t, " 1 advise you not to try to eoerce ss Blasmont. No doubt you read t sapers. There has been a new forger (11 00 a- day " . .Amt with-anotl er oog-bye to Rose, he left the roma and lw ed clowa the gar- den patla Ru Blasmont naurin imprecat Rose sat down in thotig t. The Blasmonts b come rad Franc a .ously, and taken h far fr Moorla, Ros taught • ie ch neigh' oring .fa • i . *board ng scheols th made herself a g music 1 education and h r services We remu erated. hearted little holy, and tried to make ev happy. She regal - hero. woul woul Peopl and From Some visibl peopl ried s ?scam Ru t to his room„ mur- u an undertone. t e parlor, lost in t er and sister, had o t two years previ- mall pottage, not and. music in the nd in one or two town. She had ral favorite ; het a been' thorough, e i denaand and well w s a pretty, true - w o her duty, one around her ed her btother as a ideal. For him she til she died ; apd he ade na objection. He was her have worked probably i wondere I e e his .ast horses harapagn s p ers c ine front his sistet's e rnings, perhaps. f them, b t ot all. e had no means. of su Tort. Motarland hoped th t Ro-e woul get mar - on, if it Were o y to ge rid of that her brot er. i Blasmont ad. been c st 'an the world by the death f his pa ents when very oung. e he dis ipated his fortu e in Paris; hi si ter ha remained in he convent. ' e c ay he found him- self nnilesS. e ne ded soMebody to .suppo t him. e co dingly withdrew Rose frona th coMvent, a.na the two starte 1 fotIthe Itiaited States. Ros woalaisee'no flaw in t e ,charao- ter of er anmac ate Ruy, un il she met John ;rightly. CoMparing t e two men she ras force tie aclawwleage that her rother w s iiino perf et. That he w : selfish an sh cere. a e had dis- cdver d, but th he w 80 II terly base as to . tterapt to sell he to old r. Wills, whos offer of . • riaa,g Ruy ew that that he had loice r fused, she couid searc ly believe. d yet he 1 ad admit- ited it imself Is Hot ars aro ped from ;her ey es as she t o h of it. Sto ping to ick u ( ' the ater Mies L evhic . had fallen front • er lap, :he notreed an op n paper o the floor. • alf icily, she pi ken it up lid re d. the cads writ- ten o it : a " EAR' SIR : 'The man v ho forged your ame to a heck 9r one thousand dolla has been aced He is neighbor of yo rs—Ruy lasmo t. Th proof is certai . If you ecide to have the mat- ter hashed up, come to Ne York at once. If you d. n't c rue, I '11 have Isim arreeted without d lay. " Tao S RIC RDS, • II I " rivate etectiyes " To John Brightly, E q." Scarcely knowing wh t she as doing, Rose turned the asste i her he nd. On the back she saw *rift n in le d : " Telearapheds o Ric ards on't pro- ceed. Will star for N w Yo k by the J. B." midnight train.. Rose Blasmon and tearless. Sh this note came the . . er likes were w brought them in. handkerchief to olleeted. . that a e thouelit had falle " ;hall not 'my sake," she sa is poor already. vent this -saerific Ruy over to the every cent—yes ! book from her po down a column of is something. I parted this money A shiver ran thr the word stolen. jetiels which Ru pawn, and three savings, that pr his fete day. Ye sou) He shall n da , foe my sake. to -night by the Yorkeand on th John Brightly wi 1 pace 1 the r I OM, pale temembered . ow how ci e. Th stems if thewat- t whe John Brightly , He had pull d out his the , Baal ose rep- , as she rap 0 pape to th floor. pov rish hi pa,s ionately. " He knOm it. I 'Fill pre - 1 eve thougli I hand law. I willipay iiiirn, . Au( taking a small et, s e ran' her eye gures " Yes --there n pay John Brightly a ybro her has stolen." let h r as she spoke " I ha e ray; mcither's so ofte wanted me to hund ed. doklars, my rnised o give Ruy on I will pay 14.ra every t remai poor; even one I wil take the jewels ielnigh traia to, New morr w I vill Meet h the e hole s am. - Rose was tho leughly aroused. She il was naturally li. h-spiri ed a d proud, although those ualiti wer seldom shown in her ordi ary lif . T . e knowl- edga of her brothtr -'s bas ess • as prob- ably the aitteres experi lace t at could. have come to her She f at th hope Of becoming John •ghtly' - wife must be given up. She ar ulcl he er take to han a tarnished name - She haetily weo e.a, not to‘Mes. More- land bY whona s r ha.d b en e gaged to sing'that evenin aad e cuse herself. Then she went u 1 to her room and did nofi reappear an in th dar ess she stole to the mill!. d. statism.. ose, was as impatient as s T was - 1 11 pulsi e. The few niinutes of ' iting i th 1 : railroad office seemed as n ny hom s tO . er. With the knowledge o het bi ther s crimes Weighing on her h aat, act on se riled the only thing that c. d give er r lief. At last theraidnight ainsta, ed. ostas the la.st car left the st ion Jo n Briehtly ap- peared, running a full s eed. The to-. comotive went on he wa lef behind. He had spent all e eveni . :, in attempt- ing a letter for R I.e. So abso. bed had he been in his tas .. that a ha not no- ticed the flight o time, , nd I ence -his lateness. The next train gala b in at 4.30. The farm was at 1 st four iniles frein the station so John 13 ig,htly canals (lea that he might as well 'main where he was. He -entered the ittle office, vaich at present was oecu iad by a dimly bunting oil lamp and a sle - sy-empldaree, f. . (.1 gave hinaself up to tho ht. • II loo ed back on the years of 1( g strug din - he had passed, in the end avor to buy t iat farm upon the hill ; an 1when his ob•ect was almost attained ivheh the 1, t instal - me t of the purch Se moneY tve s to be 1 pai 1 to the ow-ne Ruy Blas ont had 1 , to . tep in, and, by a fewaftrok s of his pe , swept it' a lawa . It as vety har I. " And yet she s iall Ines • knoav it,a he thought. " I will save er from. disgrace, if it cost 'all I have." All that afterno Ruy Bias remained hi his aooria. ' He money, aad et lar e amount, tc oaly means to obt in it woulll. b ry Rose to a rial man. 0 d, Mr. Wills, the w lthy man land, was the pers .4 he had set Rose's husband. a ose had reje 11 elf fin- nt had wanted o. `.The to mar- ompous f Moor- cted for ted him 1 1 °ace, and then he a plied to Ray. uy aad. promised for R se, never imagi limas tiat his sisterAwoulc dare to oppose ins hitherto all-powerfu will. ; . i; Ruy Blasmont ha found that Ros had a will of her own. • Bri htly was in the ay. Brightly, A ubt ess, kuew ore bout the for ery tl an was agreea,b1 for e forger. right y was a dan e ous erson. Brightly Would leave oor- and by the night t ain. Paraeu. ! a iat an one do with a dangerous per on ? ny Blasmont shave 1 his -white te th, 4 ndclosedhis eyes , s xf hewereafraid hat hey would tell th evil thought sho ng through them. , e was not aware hat Rose had left the h Ilse. Shortly befote midnight he stoo on the side.of a steep embankment, on the Irailroad, , about two miles from oor- land. His hands were torn and b eed- ling. He lia,d just succeeded hi ro g. a 'huge rock on the track. On either side lof the embankment was a narrow ath. ;Fifty feet below on ne side was the Hy- ! er ; on the . other sit e were rugged. ass - I es of clay and rocks Ruruaing alon the embankment until e reached ; the eld to the north of it, h crouched be een the fence and the tr s. of a willow ree, and waited the con ng of the train. • " Parbleu !" he muttereda " Iola- sieur le diable will hank me fen. the car- go I'll send. him to- ight. Baa ! th y'll die sometime all he same." ' An he shrugged his should rs. , 1 The light of t e locomotive g ows larger and larger. In anothet mo is ent the train will be on the entba,n1tmeni It passes the field at lightning- 'ke s eed. The moon is at its full. The engi leer perceives the obstr ction i bu too ate. The locomotive st •kes it, 1 ps b ck, crushing in the ne est car, a d pl ng- ing clown the emb nkment. There are shrieks and groans f OM men and wo en, and. crushing timb r. The locomo we, followed by the tra n, plunges in among the clay and rocks. At.last it ails aver on its side, and all who are alive icier from - the cars. Th re are many wo nd- ed -and many dead. but Ruy Bias ont I does not see John B ightly. He see an- other, however, an that other is his sister Rose. Witl her pale, still face upturned, she lies a ong the rocks, ear the dismantled lo ()Motive, the •ght from its reflector fo ing a halo ar und her. - Buy Blaanont kn els by her side. His face becomes rig,i.d. " A mistake, he ays coolly, takii g a revolver from the east pocket of his coat. " I've killed he wrong one. his 1 time I will be sure. ' He points the pis 1 at his Own ead and fires. The ball passes through his head and he falls ba k a corpse. * * * a - The news of the disaster tray quiekly to Moorlaud. John Brig was thefirst to reaca the spot. He erted himself nobl ,I tenderly caring 11 11 I II lied. tly ex - for the wounded, an everently remo ing the dead. Approacl ig the spot wl ere the locomotive lay, i search of more un- ifortunates, he recei ed an impressio of rorror that never left him until his dying day. He saw Rose Blasmti oht. He taggered and alnaos fell. " Rose ! My Rose !" he gasped. - " John !" she cri d, joyfully ope ing 1 er eyes, " Where m I ? Is it re lly ou, John ? Then I . 111 safe !" She was safe and unhurt. She d nly fainted. In a dark clump of cypress tr es, near the Bri htly- farm, there i a marble slab. tb a s the name—" uy Bla,smont." Mr. aid Mrs. Brig tly leave forgiven himi. The remembra ce M his terrible cri.eme• ....13 the..only clou in the simlight of thei appiness. - Transatlant o Ballooning. 1 It is nearly twe ve years since Mr. 4ohn Wise announced his intention of reining the ocean in a balloon. It was ved then an old story with him. Ile convinced If elf Of the existence f the western air curient many years 1, fefoprreo,vianitd hhaisdtlphee nrylo:ykiangpreaveetircaslinxce. eonrgtsohmaeppoenareetdo. fu ish him the metals eriment. The p mon} required has at enterprising you g ewspaper, the Ne York Graphic, wi h olitic liberality, heti, furnished the oney, and by th time these lines are ea& if all parties keep their promises essrs. Wise and Donaldson will h aim tarted, or be on the paint of starting, n their aerial voyage from New York to uropes. . I One can not but wish well to the gail- int old enthusiast kda6 : has stuck to his heory through so Marty years of weary eating and discoaragement. He is BO Modest, too, that eriticism is disarmed. When asked where he expected to land, e simply answer d, " Somewhere be - ween St Petersbu h a,nd Africa." To newspaper which oke of the " pluck '! f the thing, he t s : " I see no pluck' tn this thing—oaly little cominon senee, yoked by a long. x erience in a slosal, loddieg,. groping, rofessional way.1" iahisorda will be reme .. ered to his eno . is certainly n. t the language either f an impostor or razy visionar , and f the professor doe: come to grief these it is agreeable to k ow that, so fa as aterial resources r concerned, e wi aVe everything could desire Hi alloon will be 110 e t higa by 10 wide ill contain 400, cubic feet o gas nd will have a Man power of 4,00 iounds. It will cagy 6,000 pou da o of his voyage—viz. , t at there ea sts afi allast. Attached tol the balloon N ill b w9 boats— one of I gersoll's bes life oats, built for pie p rpOse, and a e ape anoe. With this it is hope. tha he lives of the aero auts may be save ' case the balloon fa ls into the se The principle uP n which Pr fesslor ise relies for the s fe accomplis naent a given distance, f' o .. the earth, ay la iles, a uniform ce r tit of air fl win from west to east as known an par- tially admitted b hilosophers i the last century. One o the Montg lfiers cenaonstrated it by t avelling in bal- 1 on, pursuant to , a inomicement, from Toulon to Nice, over he tops of the lps. Professor Henry and other scienti ts of 9ur own day have no denied it. But, iri .practice, it would seem either that t . : current is not eo invariable as Pro- f ssor Wise believes, or that above and elow it are _other c irrents 'flowing in o her directions, and. hat with our pres- et t appliances it is , • .. possible to keep a .alloon steady in ons current. Mr. La- ountain ascended t Watertown, in- t lading to take a,n ea tern trip ; he was xt heard of eating f ogs and haws, and ry glad to get th 1. , on Hudson Bay ater-shed. Mr. G e n went up at Lon- a n, England, for a i tie trip to Kent ; h landed at Nesse, , 500 miles - south - e st. The balloo • g business was pra- t extensively carried In during the siege o Paris. Some of I. e ablest scientific en in the world had the strongest mo - 1 I • v 11 : tives ter developing a science, if it ould , -be cicala But beyond going up in the air, waichGay.leussac had done 75 ears befon$ they accomplithed not. ing. Some pf their aalloons came down i the -Prussian camp ; some in Norway ; ome in Southern Fraece ; sonic went to sea, over tie Atlantic, and were never eard of again. Not one step was won t ward guiding the balloon. If there bad been a uniform western current, would ot it . have keen discovered ? Be all this as it may, IVQ wish P ofes- sor Wise all manner of success. W hope he May have a pleasant trip, an that he may land oneome pleasant Eu pean shor not on tliat terrible African .oast, ..--- Wher the thertnometers mark n thing ; belo ninety degrees, and where t e peo- ple take their babies cold, with v negar sauce. I sse I I I Thriae-Card Monte in Minn sota TItlere is a preacher, said. to be ocatea . at Brainerd, the villa,ge at the Mi. siappi crossing of the Northern Pacific limed, whoile name is given as Willia,ms. And there are three ormorepraetitioner of the pine of three-card. monte, names a d hab- itatioas unknown, who have la ely op- erated with considerable succes upon tra.velers on the Northern Paci e and Lake Superior and Mississippi ra, lroads. .Among their latest vietirus is the reach- er foresaid, and. how he fell in o their - sna e is thus told by the Brainerd people. Sitt ng near the preacher was a rdant- loo ng youth to whom a couple o sharp, "spOrt" appearing men were ex ibiting their skill at three-card monte. From -where he was seated he could. tellt e win- ning .card every time, and when finally the verdant youth put down $..0 on a wager that he would select the rigl t card, the good man. was fairly grieved to see the inuocent youth,. as if bhnd to w at was plain to be seen, pick up the wro g card. and loose his money. The youth eemed el bad about it too, but after watch - he dealer's motions awhile, he antied s pockets and. collected another $50, whi h straightway folloared the first into the dealet's pocket. Amazed taat the youth .eould_ not see what he saw BO plainly, and sympathizing wi h the youth's apparent grief over losin every cent of his money, the preacher r solved to racover it and restore it to i s late possessor. After a little parleyi g the preacher's watch was wagered gainst $100 of the gambler's money ; t e deal was Made, and the good man ed up the 'Marked card, but the wron one ! ,i) His good gold watch appeared in the gam ler's vest, and at the next tation wham the three, the two gambl s and the verdant youth, went from he car and -Walked down the platform the train I rolled on, chatting and la -Thing like 'old acquaintances, the minis r be- gan to suspect that the verdant youth and elle gamblers were confederat s, and. he their dupe. But even then his maze- ment , that his eyes should -have o de- ceived. him as to the identity f that marked card was the predo -anent feeling. . The sequel to this_ true story i that -when the gamblers learned that their victiaa tvae a poor preacher, th sent the Watch back to him by e press, charges prepaid,, just in time to sa e his amused but pitying neighbors fro sub- scribing fo buy him anothor. to -f ing all SPECILL NOTICES. BR AKFAST.--TEPPS'S COCOA.— FUL teD COMFORTING% —" By a th kno edge of the natural laws govern the operations of digestio nutri ion, and b a careful applica the fi e properties of well -selected Mr. pps has p ovided our breakf bles ta a deli ately flavoured be which may save us many heavy d , bills."—Civil ervice Gazette. iirsimply with oiling Water or • Each' packet is, labelled—Jamas Co. Homceopathic Chemists, Lon 14ANUFACTURn OF COCOA.—" Tv (. now give an acc unt of the process ed by, Messrs. araes Epps & Co., ufactaters of ietetic articles, a worke in the Euston Road, Loud Ca,ssell's _Household Guide. Te& .EFFICACY Of Bryan's Pu monic wafe s in curin Coughe, Colds a d all In•on hial affect ons, and cheering he af- flicte , has pas ad into a prover . In the nited Stat s, where these arvel- lous afers are known, they bear down all opposition nd eclipse, ill ri alry ; the demand for them has steadily ' creas- ed fclr the last twenty years, unt I now the sales averaae over (Jae hundred thou- sand Ibexes a yebat. Emiiient mem ers of the medical pr fession without n imber selmi that they know of no prep ation pro& cirtg sueh eneficial results a these wafelais. When taken iu season t ey ef- fect perma,nent cure. Sold by al drug- gists and denary dealers at 25 cents per ox. II IISFS SAVED. —The lives of thou- sand of horses have been saved uring the la st year, and the eredit is ue to " Daney's Condition Powders am Ara- bian Heave Remedy. This prepa ation is b ing extensively used, anal xacts from all the highest praise. Noth ng of the Ind has ever before been h If as succe sful, or given such aniversal satis- facti n. ; it cannot be equalled. la e can 1 conficently recommend it, and ould advis all who own horses to keep sup- ply o it on hand—it may be the eans of .sa mg !your horse's life. . Rem mber the n me, and. see that the signa re of gur & Co. is on each package. 1. orth- rop Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., ropri- etos f r Canada. Sold by all Me 'eine Deal s. RATR- ough hich and ion of ocoa, st ta- erage ctors' Made Milk. ees & on." will dopt- man• their n."— T1101118,81 Eeleetrie Oil, . WORT TEN TIMES ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD. 0 YOU . NOW ANYTHING OF IT ? IP NOT, IT I TIME YOU DrD. Thene are but few preparations of m dicine which have withstood the impartial judg exit of 1 the pe ple for any greatlength of time. One of these i. THOMAS' ELECTRIC OIL, purely a irepar- ation o six of some of the best oils that are own, each o e possessing virtues of its own. Sc entific physicians know that medicines may be fo es ed of several ingredients in certain .,xed propo ons of greater power, and producing effects whic A could never i sult from the use of any one of the , or in differe t combinations. Thus in the prep ration of this il a chemical change takes place, 1 rming a comp rind which could nob bY any possihlity be made Nom any other combination or prop rtiops of the same ingredients, or any other ing,re lients, and eniirely different from anything ever befoire made, cue whieh produces the most astonis ,, Ng ie - sults, and having a wider range of appl catilm than any medicine ever before -scovered. b cola - tains Via alcohol or other vol tile liquids, onse- quently loses nothing by evaporation. ii.pplied you get the benefit of eirery drop ; w ere ts ereTr with o her preparations nearly all the ale hol is lost in hat,way, and you get wily the small quell- tity of dile which they ma,v contain. S. N. THOMA_S, PHELPS, . Y. And ORTHROP & LYMAN, Newcastle On ., 1 Sole Ag nts for the Dominion. NoTE —Electric—Selected and Elearized Sold n Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co. na R. Lnmsd n. i he Great Female _Remedy. JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. HIS invaluable medicine ia unfailing i cure' of all those painful and dangerous di - the eases 11 to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates OM execs); and removes ail obstructions, and a speedy care may be relied on. To married ladies, it is peculiarly suited. It will in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. These Pills should not be taken by Female)] during the first three months of Pregnaty, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at Any other time they are safe. In all eases of INT OrVOUR and Spinal Affections, pains in tbe back and limbs, fatigue on slight ex- ertion, palpitaaou of the henart, hysterics, and Whites, these pills will effect -a eure when all other mane have failed ; anti although a powerful remedy, do uot contaiu iron, calomel, antimony, or an thing hurtful to the constitution. 11 directions in the pamphlet around. each package, which should be carefully preeerved. Job Moses, Now York, Sole Proprietor. $1.00 and 12e con ts for postage, enclosed to Northop & Lyrn au, Newcastle, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle, containing over 50 pills by return snail. per Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co., and R. Lumsden. 197-9 The Confesslone of an flue -allele Published as a warning and for the benefit of young men and -others who suffer from NERVOUS DEBILITY, Loss on MAN'HOOD, etc., supplying the imam of self cure. Written by one who cueed-hben- self after undergoing considera.ble quackery, and sent free of charge. Sufferers are invited to address qprepaying postage) the author, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, box 158, Brooklyn; N. Y. - 289-18 Agents wanted. $5 TO $20 per day' A41 elasses of working people, of either sex, young Or old, make more at work for us in their spare moments, Or all the time, than at anything else, Particulars free. Address G. STIN SON & Co., Pmeland,Maine. 284 TEWINTRODUCTION OF DR: WHEELER'S COMPOUND ELIXIR OF PHOSPHATES AND CALISAYA constitutes a new eia in popular inedicine, as it is seldom that a purely scientific preparation, corapounded On physiological prin- ciples, is offered to the public. Being composed only of ingredients that enter into the formation of the system, it is perfeetly eafe under all cir- cumstances, and. may be taken with benefit wher- ever there is nervous prostration and general de- bility from whatevei cause. It inmiediately meg- ronnts and sustains the vital forces, imparting vigor to all the organs of tbe body. It is especially adapted to women prostrate with family cares, and delieate children, being as agreeable to take as the 'finest liqueur. Sold by all druggists at $1. BY-LAW No. A BY-LAW to aid and assist the London, Hu - run and Brace Railway Coinpany by giving teu thousand. dollars to the said -Company by way of bonne, and to ifiSDO debentures therefor, and to autiunize the levying of a special. rate for the payment of the debentures and interest. . - Wierainas, by an adt of the fourth seseion of the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, passed in the Thirty-fourth year of the reign of Her Majes- ty, entitled "Au Act Iucorporate the London, Haron and Bruce Railway Company," and amendments thereto, and by Wee act respecting municipal institutions iu the Proyince of Ontario, power is given to any portion eF a municipality to grant a bonus to the said Company for the purpose of aiding in the construction of their said railway. And whereas, a petition signed by over fifty per- sons who are resident freeholders rated on the last assessment roll of the Township of Tucker - smith. and qualified voters under the said Munici- pal Act in that portion of the said Mmiicipality of the Township of Tuckersmith described as follows : Commencing at the easterly side of the London Road, at the south- westerly angle of the paid township, then north- erly, along said easterly side of said road to the limit between the said townehip and the Village of Clinton thence along that liinit to the southerly limit of the Huron Road, thence ha southeaster- ly direction along the said southerly limit of the Huron Road to the limit between the said town- ship and the Village of Seaforth, thence southerly along that limit to the lienit between the Firat and Second Concessions of bhe said Township from the Huron Road, thence !easterly along that limit to the limit between Leto 11 isnd 12, thence southerly along that limit td the limit between the Third and Fourth Concessions from the Hu ron Road, thence easterly along that limit to the limit between Lots 9 and 10, thence northerly along that limit to the southerly lineit of the Hu- ron Road, thence easterly along that limit to the limit between the Townships of Tuckersmith and Hibbert, and thence southerly along the hist men- tioned limit to the south-west corner of the TOWII- ship of Hibbert aforesaid, and. thence along the limit between the Townships of Tuckersmith and 'Osborne, to the place of beginningehas been pre- sented to the Council of the said Municipality of the Township of Tuckersmith, praying the said Coun- cil to pass a By-law, granting a Bonus of $10,000 for the purpose of aiding in the construction of the said London, Huron and Bnice Railway, on the conditions -hereinafter _expressed, and it it ex- pedient to grant the same. , And whereas, for such purpose it is necessary for that part of the said Township of Tuckersmith above described to raise the said amount of ten. thousand dollars in the manner hereinafter men- tioned. And whereas, -it will require the sum of one thousend oee hundred dollars to be raised annual- ly by special rate on the whole rateable property of the said portion of the said township above de- scribed, for paying the said debt of ten thonsand dollars and interest on the debentures to be issued therefor, as hereinafter mentioned. , And whereas, the amount ot the -whole rateable property in that portion of the -Said Township of Tuckeremith above described, irrespective of any further increase of the same and also irreepectiee of any increase to be derived from the tempi:wary investment of the sinking fund, hereinafter men- tioned, or any part thereof is, according to the last revised assessment roll of the said township, being for the year of our Lord one thousend eight hundred and 'seventy-three, the sum of seven hundred and twenty-seven thousand seven hund- red and twenty dollars ; and whereas, there is no debt existiug against the said intmicipality, or that portion above described, either for principal or inateareaathereas, for paying the interest and creat- ing an equal yearly sinking fund, for paying the said. debt of ten thousand dollars, as hereinafter mentioned, it -will require an equal annual special tifrunohare5tt.dehinTfo.014o, ne mill and elevetetwentieths of a mill in fice of the Royal Canadian Bank, in the Village of mentioned. from the date thereof, which interest shall be pay- ber and the thirtieth din, of June in each year at mentioned for this By-law to take effect, at the of- tached to them coupans for the payment of inter- est at the rate and in the -manner hereinafter at and after the rate of six per cent. per annum able half yearly, on tbe thirty-first day of Decem- the said office of the Royal Canadian Bank, in See- the said Township above described for and on ac- count of which they are issued,. 8. That the said debentures shell be made pay- able within teventy years from the day hereinafter Seaforth, the said Township of Tuckersmith shall cause any aid and assist the said London, Huron and Bruce and dollars by way of bonus. number of debentures of the said Township of Tuckersmith t o be made for such sums of money as may be required for the said purpose, not less than one hundred dollars each and not exceeding in the whole the sum of ten thousand dollars, which said debentures shall be sealed with the seal of.the said Township of Tuckersmith and be signed by the Reeve and counten]igned by the Railway, by giving thereto the sum of ten thous - Treasurer thereof, and shall define the portion of Railway Company in the construction of said Council of the Towneellp of Tuckersraith that it shall and may. be lawful for that portion of the said Township of Tuckersmith above described, to the dollar in addition to all other rates, to be levied in each. year upon all the rateable property in that portion oe the said Township' of Tucker - smith above described: 2. That for the purpose aforesaid the Reeve of • 4. That the said debentures shall bear iuterest 1. Be it therefore enes.eted by the' Municipal hat for the putpose Of forming a sinking the payment ,of the said debentuzes and and shall have at- . rest thereon, at the rate aforesaid, an equal special rate of one mill and eleven twen- tieths of a mill in the dollar shall, in addition to all other rates, be raised, levied and collected in each year upon all the rateable property in that part of the said Township of Tuckersmith herein- before and above mentioned and described, during the continuance of the said debentures or until th6e y. Tarheait:atihde said debentures shall be deposited within six weeks after the passing of this By-law with James Dickson, of Goderich, Esq. Registrai Of the South Riding of the County of Huron, to be, held by him as Custodian, and to be delivered by him to the Trustees appointed under the said Act incorporating the said Compnny, so soon as the following conditions are complied with : 1. That the Railway is completed and in running order from a point in or near the city of London to the Village of Clinton within three years after the passing of this By-law. 2. That stations are erected on the line of said Railway at or neer the Tillages of Bnacefield an3d. KiThPaPtenthe Great Western Railvvay CorulianY shall have agreed to equip, work and maintain the said Railway and Stations. - 7. That if the above conditions are. i4iot Thinned and complied with, within thme years after the passing of this By-leava.then the said james Dick- son is to return the said debentures witlethe coup- on)] for interest to the Council of the Mnnicipality of • the Township of Tuckersroith, and they teen then become null and void. to Clinton; as aforeeald, shall be cancelled and de - 8. That all coupons for haterese which Axe have acerued prior to the completion of the read tached from said debenture)] by the sa d Zame8 Dickson, and delivered to the Treasurer due/mid into operation on, from and after the tenthday of Municipality. - II That this By-law shall take effect and sane October, A. D. 1878. of the eaid Township (41 Tuckeramith, above di.,,,. 3 me 10. That the votes of the electors of thilt portion cribed and defined, shall he taken on this pee at tile following places, that is to say: 1 , For Division No. 2, at the Sehool Ilonee in See For Divieion No. 1, at the School ilonee in gen. No. 8, a the Nehool ROUSOIR &C- I 1 tion No. 7, Hanel/they. tion No. 4. ; Lion No. 8. I pleiNivlissii:Iii No. 4, at the nld School House el - FFoorr i Bruceileld. . leor Divieiore No. 5, at the echool Heuee in See. igoe(18111,N1 itoeh.tewlh'efetnel7ththe (hineYnroef :fe4Piitiennletrelnodelext.inA" tmshalnocrInelietilit'glurY '711 .11'1,i ct°:trehii'e:10,11:0-weth,116g. :Pfa,e1,1170,11,"Cssha'aftl eb respective places for which they ere Itereby re. 131)IFe,coorriYDie)iiieiYvi):4iiPiol:ei:iNNt'otoe414. 12',:1,51hIfirritHi:uatilih:Cachyaerslanpebyetll. For Divieloo No. 3, Mr. William 0. Fowler. For Division, No. 4, Mr. John Young. For Division No. 5, Mr. James Murray, _ TAKE NOTIICE that the aboye im a tree oopy of a proposed BY -law which will be taken into con- sideration byi the Council of the Munieipality ef the Township of Tuckersmith, after one month front the first publication hereof in the Iltuoe SIGNAL, the clete 61 which publicationi4 the 20th day of August, A. A- 1875, and in the Mellott Exe posnolt, the ciate of -which publication bi the 22ne day of August, A. D. 1873, -mad that the votes of the electors of that portion of the Reid Township, above described and defined, will be taken thereon, on the fifteenth day of Septerober, A. D4 1878, be. tween the hours of nine o'clock in the nicenbgand above named. five o'clock in thewaf;.nimouounl, eTtohwellseevweri)aclipezieneek. Dated at Teckersmith, this I ' 2let day of August, A. D. 1873. j - 298 T et; LEE'i', SolirjciEto7,1111VLin.ghain-, h-a-Itli---b,oeenenyap-a very reesonable rates... Interest paya ee • pointed Agent for the Cohmial SecuritlieesZiy- party of England, he is also Agent for s veral pH. T ate'Capitalisth of Toronto, -who loan Charges modeeate. Winghaen, Dec. 15, 1871. - 1 218 . - cell-OG.131'1Y & IIOLMESTED, Bar Isters, At- torneys ae Law, Solicitors in Chit Insolvency, Notaries Public and COD. Solicitors for the R. C. Bank, Seaforth. the Oanads. Life Assinance Company, N. 13.-80,000 to lend a,t 8 per cent. Fauna, Houses and Lc te for sale. 58 eery and eyancers. ents for paaNsole & MEX.ER, Barristers and A ttorneys -L.' at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolrency, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. °fetes—Sea- forth and Wroieter. $23,000 of Private Funds to invest at once, a,t Eight per cent. Interest, payable yearly. 58 JAS. H. BENSON. w. c. eteeen. R. SQUIBB, Barrister, Attorney fin ery, &o.,1 Goderich, Ont. Office-nover j. C. Detlor & Co.'s Emporium, Maeket Square. 269 Squ ler AL illeD•uald, ARRISTE/38, Attorneys, Solicitors in Chancery, -at ae., Brnsselfi, Ont. Office—two doore noitleof the Poet Office W. R. SQUIE , DANIEL 31cDONALD, 2n Go exich. Brussels. iTIVOCC &IL - - • 'FIR. RING, Seaforth, (late of Carrenbroole) -le" Coroner Mr the County of Perth. Office— Main-st. Resieence--Conunercial Hotel. Calls at DR. KING'S Once will bo attended tO day or . night. 1 287 DB. CAMPBELL has removed to the house en • Main-streq, nearthe Station, one deer south of Ross' Hotel and opposite McCallum's Hotel, lately oeteupied ,by Mr. Frank Meyer, where he -will be -found. as metal. - _TAVES STE ART, M. D., C. 31., Graduate of ee McGill, 'University, Montreal, Physician, Sur- geon, etc. Oftlee and Residence—Brucefield.. VE RC E, M. D., C. M.; Physician, Sur- • geon, etc. Office and Residence, eomer of Market and Prig street; next to the planing Mill, Ar. CA.MPEELL, Y. S., formerly oe Cornell University,lIthaca,N. Y. and Graduete of On- tario Veterinary College. 'Residence Cooke's Temperance House, Varna. . Will be at Rrueefield every Monday afternoon from 2 till 5 &chick.. • ATETERINARy SURGEON.—D. McNAUGIIT, V. S., begs eo announce to the inhabitants of Seaterth anil sterrounding country that he has been awarded thb diplonia of the Ontario Veterin- ary College, and Is uow prepared to treati diseases , of Horne and Ca Ale said all domestic an emelt). He has opened an o ea in connection with his horse - shoeing shop, w ere he wilt be found ready to at- tend to calls. incases of the feet speoially ten.ded to. Reei enee, office and shop in the rear of Killoran & R tan s new store. All kinds of Vet- erinary Medicines kept constantly oii. hand. Charges reesonable. CHURCIalIet, Veterinary Surgeon, (mem- ' ber of the Ontario Veterinary College,) begs to intimate that he has retitled to elle prectice of his profession iniSeaforth, and. mayeat all timesbe commited on the diseases of Horses, Cettle; &a. Veterinary ' mes constantly on band. All calls promptly ttended to. Office, at Mansion Hens; Seaforth. 1 273 J. .6. BULL, L.D.S., !nee RGE ON, Dentist, eec., Seafoith, Ontario. Plate work, latest styles, neatly executed. All sur- gical operations performed -with care and. promptitude. Fees as low as Geniis ob- tained elsewhere.; Office hours froen 8 Ae M. to 5- P. M. Rooms over Mr. A. G. McDougalle] Store, Mainest. 270. MOTELS. NOX'S 110i'EL, SEAFORTH. — Thomas -1-3'" Knox begs to state to his old friends and and the travelling public, that he has leated the Hotel lately ocetipied by Mr. MURRAY, and formerly known es the DOWNEY HOUSE, and hopes to receive continuance. of the patronage se liberally bestatved upon him during his many years in the hotel business. Every comfort and convenience will be provided for traveller)]. The choicest Liquors and Cigars only kept M the Bar. A careful and reliable hostler always in attendance. 291 THOMAS KNOX, Ploprietor. P OYAL HOT.Ele Seaforth, Ontario-. SIMON -eee POWELL, Peoprietor. The subscriber has thoroughly renovated and newly furnished the above house, so thet it now affords good accommo- dation for the trevelling public. Choice liquor)] and cigars in. the bar. The table is supplied with the delicacies in! season. Oysters in season. Large stabling ane an attentive hostler in con- nection. 251-ly pRINCE OF W LES HOTEL, Clinton; Ortt, -IL C. J. McCUTC IEON, Proprietor. First-class accommodation fot trae'ellers. The Bar it sup- plied with the vele, est liquors saa cigars. Good stabling attached_ The stage leaves this House every day for Wingeara. e.04 -4t ILI VERY.. T A. SHARP'S LIVERY AND SALE STABLES- . • Oilice--At Mueray's Hotel, Seaforth. :Good Horses and first-claSs Conveyances always on hand. BELL'S LIVERY STAI3LES, SEAFORTH, Ont. Good Horses and Comfortable Vehicles, always on hand. Favorable Arrangements made with Commercial Tra,vellere. AB orders left at leztox's HOTEL, Win be promptly attended to. OPPICE AND STABLES :---Thi'rd door North of KnoVe Hotel, Main Street. 221 THOMAS BELL, Proprietor. ot Telegraphy, • • HAMILTON, ONT. • Under the patronage of the GREAT WESTOIN RAILWAY COI. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO OFFER. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. 18-29/ ' WM. GIVIN, Betx 303- 12/ 1P73- OAIETIES.' ,, 'trig JeATEST Da.:CA s0G-1.71a. swwv i ry jog ape ala a:: is nel it 1 rpb e:ip el:t ail: tt:ata nikheeux, eoc. eifen:opetrp etitfmtahoiwretel tte)(cirifni lyirlitryweet• 1.11—(14;yw:sy, fill :i.e 1 1 rol:Incgisiall:lireeenv:11111:10Yrasn--°113:1:ad_:Sgealluellists:::::YamttYlthtle:hel iti3WtiStoteir:aaillieell-1 ;befall - ahaustrislevaelt not kilili, ,e171t1 needast ' astesly to keep a t., , j)0 nee adultery -commit-- • fe:ea. Ina:: agti•:orl'aureerlaYtic:em: sal::: ; ' aaeu shalt not steal—an empty feat Dear not false witness—let the lie jatee time on its awn wings to fly ; . rpT hopur oes:13 . aee si. :as ur 1 Of:0 r m se yo vi sett) f,d_ eibffl 1,71) etelt i i et i jr: :I) ;:t, w! e e n ylearnin4 rill:: fiol:folneely"agn:1' soil riling it. —A good way to find ont if there ' 'itt'llinura:°;11-that:litifl:lltritt:tlieheser'iagigGat:basroilsb(SrlilheellYanfes:P:t'rrli(ell)'(fill)Hokijileirgii:4:titt°1This ieelftris;2'1111:xeet:":11.11:tirliin.fil':- ''''' lialla- , —The dying words of a Delawa.re wo- , illacagau:polworeferxriesiingabrelij• jto.ethil:r::ti:eiciteifnOilla;11 tita:akrtea.11ToYaf, ..1: jirg°°: eilAb5aenysrliOrreteS8h'ileton.,:liiellistsiOnfg tahek(NlynnewitYhoanek ,; i glieabethan ruff, on is bout as mach . am -as embracing a circa ar saw in full : —The citizens of liniontown, -. ,:2 ,, motion." ' .feel a little cold tow.ara I Henry Snyder, - earniseelvii.naile esfelt 117norroaw awerilOpi eta,hnwedhedehniet,t):Z,orleef ...-1 vas a ladder long enough for the pur- i ' ... :sie_ei.gaasrukirspteartiihEerrhwrtoolisoaets-ke ithe meaning of tahaee .ediPlirtoasreiall°itr8wes:nal.7Fa2°eIt'nlehlZta-elinnet: I intended to explain soinething about a Morse's omnibus being of , service to the conmainity. At the same time, he said,. 1 the sentence was evidently constructed by some idat, wbo thoughnt he under- litwdsequenPrtlyel,leshet'sewrahleilinaphoerItitt 'tw' oarlids4' werre- left___Tlete. ,Sha,h of Persia, according to the following story, hese the true Oriental preference for fat wonien : Being -shown I .-! some- very adipose cows at the Heme ' Farm, Windsor, be asked how they wer fed. Being told that they were braagh into this plmnp condition by a diet oil cake, his interest was at once eXcite and he said to his interpreter : " Ask • oil_etkAe isHigmosoelfeourpewir ,Tes.wrs.'i"tes us, as g . , how to diets a lobster_ We don't knows We never dressea a lobster. If the lob - 1 ster is about 17 years A.a, maybe it would look well in a pia n waist with a demi-trained skirts of blue silk, anti a a medium-sized pallier and an organdy polonaise, with a pinkish mauve chillie, six -buttoned. glot-e,s and a white thip hat. We say maybe it •vvoula ; but perhaps "Housekeeper," before dressiug her lob- . ster, had. better subscribe for a faehion- able magazine, which wili tell her all about such thinge.—Norriatown Jorrnat. • What kinct of Elastic'? A dry goods manewho is well known for his 'Politeness, has a father who is an excellent citizen, 'but not a very smooth talker. They were so busy at the store 8aturda.y afternoon. that the old gentle - =lives called in to help. Among the cus- tomers was a young lady_who appea,red to bewailing to trade withlianwhoseelderly appea,rance invited hereonfidence. 80011 ; opportenity ,offrred, and. leaning over the aounter as an invitation for him to 1, de" tbe same, she whieperea her eraer. He bent close to her. and estias " Who,* that?" in a voice that started the per- tpiaation to her forehead.. Again she I. whispered... " Oh, elastic,," said he in a - tone that could be heatd. on the walk, and lookieg much pleased 'with his suc- cess. " Waat kind of elastic?" he add- ed, bending his heaa eloser to the burn- ing face of the perspiring maiden. Once -Mote she tremblingly whispered. " For garters, hey ?" be repeated. -even louder ; thaia before, withoat notioing the horror- struck expression of tile almost faiating yttmg lady. " Something fancy, I sup- IP°i'vase'oni pi; etlwiee:tter:fliellt°ofsapYe'ohipte P4pyyout), Peciple now -a -days want things nice, My old woman uses a sh.oe- string Jana tails around. without noticing the differ - en: e..milancTehnenle_govtadnobiny wN:iethrst.he box, ! ,and turned around. to show it, but the customer was gone. He stood around. waiting, but she did ilot tetarti, and it LS with the elastic some five minutes in likely he has foigItteeis....1 .about the air- 11"follo The Development T.heory Portland has been. doing battle oven the. While the Scientific i Aseociation tically Tested. - • wolifiel:. t: uins 1°w4' ewn:ug ntrteenrecclhaant7entticenacleses. t saublipuietryth''r)ohneghTroUr 'p'rewpbeirethe ad men of -tile world. )./.1r. Darwin agn,dinen7ybisiitaanucirae, alit;ethtuerevairsTateohen .ril'edt°, an' ci.de:t"elea°Pile) ligil on:sseienaetnhahtave came, to kome extent, inibneci th ffuelua7anain:isaihiotroinaps pmeaalvt,oatihteerbaellitev: r:lreedeal.edn;reeslisusaeyeiz,therasatfafiittitleewnielactin. liliaopitoliutmlntahthie tit!. attanaka. iraciesaiifrosuruttsohuebfrbepee:afesfinerr:ai,rlilku,.e.gtkl_lehI:Irtae 0 silata fit 311tialul 1335ed to the <login& But I eau a cattle-- aneee of the 144._t!baniceetb.(aadelliedveliflee°°13:8:11 scrub f borl3eal oaf Itohpe ao nf be sl to 00 rd, htihsis D• inulTrItmek, athnadlLote-e-exi2:IstaihY saaelti'eN tie. *le errI'VoeanfartOaleetut da, ,ignefre fo e :ea ntah e tr. oe fi,11)1 as a breeder, in the floek. That Ina_ y I rely up oueneonin t'aiesinal type' and breeding back, to t aoaditions of inferior ancestors, Tees. But expereaeed cattle t; ta'i utc:hosan se Iotiaths, iyaernar :rat eeni eed. anr ftgeu rl Dta so:t ssa t:r a g '1;c% 17b rri ne eenfeyPr,i1 'thee n:Pngelegtaen(floc 1Ilo 1 aa; i'v8nei 17aelnililigiarb3°otuhuistilhaisisl°ntsho:ePyabYgalou7,wtsilithiThboulafielnnaintma'110 -.Lea