HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-09-12, Page 1in tw a miL i AhL -A etanDillity of aye 61, 170% itlul or rettulted- ,ro,m 10 TWeILIKAW BUOTHER81 Pu 51 3o a -yenirg in advair ce.
1873. SEA -L ORTH FRIDAY, SEPT MB,,ER 12, N 0. 301. J 1117 It (,,,I e I J ,v
its of his a6 Ito, the After considerable discussion it wa,9 do- N it "'ripilltural labors is calle( ft, farmers s itheir aversion a S. il- Greek, n I I adhe to* stones, grasse's fru .1 `,- termined to 1eave, the further considra-
ring gi ouping -By until the next
bEALI-INGS M MMMA, Hteiii as adopted by the. =1 -' 65 - arid los, laid being'exposed to to rys the )1mvest 111000'i on of tile motioll over Me 33d (11ttrual otier railways. ti M'Rel,rible -- - igus nd beautiful phe- Cre lit Valley and
at New York Werse 1111 trket—Steeds fro ni of a- swillm 5r's sun, became dec ornpo8ed T,his. vOry our ineetin - Froin the feeling of members
9- --The KillCrdlue R61)67'ler remark: - -is ex -this
d filled. the ir i ,ith noi- nonierion may bE of the Associlijon pxessed on
FO SALE. y und
$4 -fiPte;+e rri of Inn, land putri (1, Lit most easil erstood CDES, being Lot 7, Con. 2, Town- a comp I ti I or terres- of the farmers 116reabolit have
I'lle c some exh.).Jktio is for some dis e be-- by takin Ion,ce es 'a i(lent that the, 1resolu- 100 King of the Turf.' point
Willb sw.1, of Hay, 80 acres cletued; balance .1 tile, fini; illed their harveist and. the general ex-' 0 o wit is evi
*e' low Mr. -u's factory. The fish (lied trial globe, find I ie point Aries, or, oil
h(T ', vl,, xti proposed will becArried at the , * Iver ai hard wood; w6l fenced, with board i cks in all. tt9des b A ewhere the ecliptic cuts premoll is, I We never had better crops, icers; 11 6M ffme4 ilk front- good house, bvn-t and the Greek. and cattle diardc the water ascending -iiod next m eetin and that the Vet(
Lrs is a 84"Ing used by men' d. the crops so ood that, Oil iof almc St and when you fill Ilece outbuildiD95) Ald spring; the fivrm is r, brin this point to thebori-
M. Xte the -relit atice. During the last few th College -vhll, befoT. Ion,,-,,, he- removed SSArY ar of Exeter, an vo ation, III a lightly; Sarcastic with N'tc: e eqnat) rmers themselves cantiot And S (I 11, froin Gr4vel every C I eve athe fa re"Wited, W thin, 2-k DIU ; weeks the overflowin whe yhaa been! zon and -y ou, w..)erceive tho t when this %ronto to Guelph. P. 0. 8( . 40 rqds. and would be 9 In. cat) NV0011, 8 f hool house sense. But - a horse dealer t of the ecliptic it ii 1 their hearts to giumble, you may be, from 4way- front - the Creek at d it has. point is rising 0, par -The Dominion Tolegri-aph Compal
olxur&_ titzee-parters fFm. 0rai( to u e it --in intellig t CO any. l
DIP directed least angle 8111`0 they must be uncommonly, jabun- ly I.uqo" of 1 013-Er-.T X,O,WLDS,, on the. preruli,tes.: have now completed their new Iii e to becom s pure s usual. A lit inber of below the horizo': makes the
-Line e ti NATiligham
Itwouldbetoosug tive. FkomM, dart." usequen ly, the parts f 0 s of .14r. Martili's -e, especially with the lorizon, Ido ardine, 'foil Sy o 'r, - - I cheese mal, c exemplifyin .6r de- Kine, via Clilitoll) SIgALL. FAR] d for $1 LE NEAR SEAFORTg to ke Ka§ arid from M anitoba ter Florida r this vernal equinoxi g the Utt i O to show of the eel -ptic nE Lucknow and Bervie. The same Com- ose lie and July, ' egan ot Con. 2, M( Kill, op, horse trading is regarded by I- t), , orrf to the horizon or rise pra Vity to wbich. some are bro-awit 1)y of Construction 31)rth part and al- al- poin N I'll C party have ue
Moo s I ess i FGe`on`t2LEi i il whi( , puiple xid blue spots in them, 40 ftereiti with good frame bitilk d very -ticklish bush moon at the use of iiito donts c,Tne -. bef§re the twed log am the taste ail.flvor were not in -i- at the sa ne. ti nearly. -The other line to Kincardine from livIount
bar -U, 30150; shed 2Ox42. he 'in
on s abla na-lu s eyes mitst ppearance inj red the full being. ndr the part of Re( order's Court in ,Montreal, a feW (lays to use a technicality the ecliptic f e,of Forest, via Walkerton ,and Riversdale.
thevr were ve,, house,. boarded on the qlItSide,Vith Stone fouu- though their. inj nal ag q orchttrd of mar t-". This is'be'ectiuse paired, ises s opposite the SUIL arid at thb autum es will -take plaee
evil cities,, "T ki chen; youn, k big own y I the tion ai car It appeb6rs tha the w -18, Gf Wh dation Sncl cell ", no anamedGuillaurne-K, voryill -StraCtford Fall Rae solue, the oralrepi7esentationso the best judges aniville, bdng r them bea-Aug - be*ing in Libra, conse- abottL70trses,011iouthalf 01 tothe of these spots streks. equinox, the s I-6 and
lit, it is a 'corlter
0;cCide n . lot of horsefles- are. al, ways susceptible of an(': there being none to assist her In her on Tuesday and We opt-
gmpe us fr one thousand dollars ae
zeetlhxg dawn tl".e b j.d-900 rftle11d-' from lea- son foul emartatio oin the quently, the In oil. must be then near ntwo, Rides into as ig tw,. it it igilbor kindly lit td er '17. or wol(I )B VOTNY nice foi: &it old or dubious muterpretatio I and For e Aries, when, fr m what- has been stated, nee d, a ne TA b tort; I Stream, (I)r (,ould it be attribi-ftble to One remiums- lich is I et her Tis dence to attend, to her w, the cause -the explanation of A;
frorri ( would be con, vn eut for rsisiug vegetziAiles far decid- the retardatioit of ing , only res'. otherci' se? Ail arbitrationws (1, M.pnville, -01-inton is replacing its -plank side -
age luarket, as it it only about 2 miles froin Seafovth. 'to moral pbilosophers-no one; horse the diffitulty. This "amounts to a f minutes, and as the morning while tliils elig. ed upoli to -settle nes t s Lot 7, COu. 8, McRillOP " 50 1 i assaulted the neighbor, by walks with gravel o wherea hoe rertt, A,l90,'W0t hall dealer, out of tw Ity can b ing bim elf alV raAy e at Sunset, the for no reason, 1111
&bout 12 cleied; relaider vttluall b e timber T. C aig, Far- moon at s rig s ;M Jdge Toms fit bba,rd colis sted of Messrs. ', 'k Joie. to I tader;iaiid th iy wora-lob- thr Dwing her down violently cutting her ma ers eaitly re' w
iand,. iuills, from seaforth, where 'there: axe e is a in is appar- -00 ing her, to ;y in gettin Lock.hatt, all men epilipetent cause of 1e whQle phenomeno liqi i it better of a nei r hea d severely.and otherwise injuri ere sat It bl(ek-,% and f ood deman.1 forwc rington dter ex- ent. In places ilear the Arctic circle the clualization e(l ont ( yf ille bug I to such matters. i ron-brook pply to TA3 E -8TJL- bot in buy.i.pg or -ell ng. t 0 i u , .- Ult at )-asing her in aib mes :.Beechnut on the E
same time al y Itelxti(m Of CItlm rie phenomenon is ptill more striking, a aillant on'being -To thi9ditor of the Hwr n Exi)os) t Gy%orb letteraddre;sSeaforth.P.O.- 801*4 niiiing lbh Creek, facto s all(. cheees The coinpl 0
0 THE TkICKS, OF TIM RADE. g-rdater use, where the ur d terms. [1:ev colad tret I they Came tohe dolicRision, t] iat these there 'it -is of 0 I -:T s, otherm is(., )f seasolis are much o e rapid." asli ed if -the husbalid contributed *to the SIR In criticiabiqu icati It
SE IN STANLEY. or butancel two fXIAmer in r my comm -UP
of h'lliwy FARM FOR rig changes ( L tl je spots coul be accounted - f (;r by usi Sill. of the fi imilyeplied that, on the County Equalization, you #ssign
a. of. unexceptionable 11 spend- whitepainifor theins of tit oon, rr
a"i V R. SALEG, on icaso" a-hlo terms, Lot No., 11, pro ityl wi ide 'the drying Our p rose 'Port hery Jifficut to'. 'I g th(ugh good mechailic and able to earn
-W, Concession 4,.,; . ,65 di of a few daysllZhe, ition I never intended to oc- containittg lou aorc s, arid- wee, U- even, in a wran-grle as ats, tho wetic acid (la en it to me a Pos
vu(I in a state of ctic acid ?) of the the courte t $1.50 a day,' the 'wife bet-sy-een. begghag that the ConlAy Judg-e was nd the Ott; will rise foi many n a -
fOQ 0i which. are 6 cared, fenced t to ichich shall outwit the` erinaswop. wb oy foi-in rig with the carbon te of OX-. fulli sun set. )rt her- cupy, VIZ. good, cultivation; the badtiuco.-is well' timbereds th-rD W M. and work, had 110 Only t6 Supp(. otion Of it there L ousid Af --er the swopisefleete.d-,'slLouldFai-jLipr 't, better qulified to equalize the assess -
to ac a sel: and a 1L-ge f am of children but the
and oil a P worsted tiettlaxi, r positive AVILLEj quMatity sut Dle for a -ad. fencing -sit b -Farmer B. 'k Mr. Frrin on wal par husband as well. The horses start_ d Ced" ; th.pre is not- a f6ot of he will never rest ui itil he It sqcuret t over My stateinent was that the present case
aq Rock Elm after An expert 1 e of -Lie of the Ca7mda Ca- d r t aet 1) tion; there is good 64 -I
S ai erable I oflead a compoipid of A, e a e of lead. i
ch- A. think himself DRY6-i: Sept. 6,18773., ily ment rolls than the -Co-unty. Council."
Oqv and 0 on*tbis ijo -In a r with waste la a Small cost Some "dribber " or 1Iv1f ecent, iss oes not prove the clause i - the assess
fmme house 'of building a -y,and had cheeses s oiled this !,a -a -which allows an ag-
mala" ith ellar sizid nd stable; which -he can sell to Farmer B. as a Sound 0 nad I; citi e all order of the Govdruor in Council went act unjust, -teer kbitchemu fwktta ed; tLhio, a log barn a way, as It d, some Of his neigI bors'alsQ.
`tmbridge, formerly prom- de. the f ollowilig cities, Quebec n s jq .1 0 good boaxing-or(%ard theft horse, avoidlino, carefulyiaywrranty. Mr. It. R. 8 grieved mu icipality the right . of p
there is also it was as) -Contended that as the same Wt!re is The shrp practice -,ommou in rural i iant A the town of Brantf ord, alli 1.'Nulontreal, in the Province of Quetec; P;eat' from he County Council to the llvatored, - merel 1& it,". and.au excellent cheeses, tb us- injured were on -y ill meut
iter ruturiog r-nurting t 0 'incintiati on the l8th August. uilton, Lond.0.11 Judae; on the coutrary, that if it proves
the lLonsel f1Lruii, i he kna%. ery ere - could not d t1he worst. i,.n veuient to situated w itbi' tric, s is,_ howe I )thin a to t spots, tile foulness of the el, ied in I To ronto, Kiiigstoii, Hai in [le actment, is wise
0 na Ottawa, in Ontario; St. John :
"C' oil gla-% 0 ron (1, and is -,I-1-thiu 3 lialles es in E ome of -out 11 -On the fa in of Mr. H. Cooper I auything it is that the on, 2, miles of -will, be a -to bewitn sed city horse be the chi(f SO, all tile ees I runswick, nd HaE ax us. I mai ain. that the dif-
markets. All the occult t 'eks at'd ip-ofl,Mertheim, 1,035 bshehp- Pmvince Ot New and judielo . of the fwhere there Mt
A takes at thc1bottem, c Loudou, Ilurou ttd lirlice ELMINVRV3. x - thronhoir -would be in a bad State if the the to Ish gtation of,th lients for hidi ie' ectg a tid. blemi,ibes wnthe Province Of' Nova; ScOt'a, as cii ies ferent articles that have appeared on this
tlx I, dapted r,Wier for -ing or I -7 hNshed in * tell hour sad. is wall q grain gro'%N p6 nmilk- or Cl Lrd became affected iiefly by of oats i vere t -ei so which Inspectors of the follow ug question emanating from yourself vrid
pa,sturage. I Dr further paitkuhin- ftppl - to pro- are here wel 1111de:rAood. - Bella dort' .x- `- the f ol. sti 16 of the ati xe or by Q1 a machiac manufactured by Mxwell, of fol I I I i nosphe prodnetionsre to be appoint vi-itually adm itted this, promiseo, or to Bimeefiela P. 0 aIm a the p Ca ndin others have all
prietor on th( P'aid updof a blind eye until it lit. aris. tte drinkinc, the water to sot ie exte suffered by. do h t the Couty
d- meal, wheat and Other assrtmig. as they
T,'O.H-L\- -v'DOU,GAL - a,Wd it yks conteaded that - Th D vrions railway companie have vi, floiir all ther h, -.w was on the other potashes and pearl Council made an unjust equalizatin.
(Ion luade to look sleek it i a few d .Lys. the v,%tS wer -ry ye : -ee 2 reed o tarry, pas gr 'is, bepf and pork FO R N H ULLETT. nd f a ffr sengers nd ft hit 11 ic- FARM FOR e painted eve a. for thr np irina Brussel:
Many an hcipent ring-boit.or s witt. 0 th I Provincial- Exhibition, as. es, pickled'fish and fish oil, butter, My argument in cbr P. Ito to nd froiii e. years, is aley were this spring with
LOT 1,2,. Cc o: 100acres; 5 cleared- leather and raw hides and petroleum. you also object to; and your objections
ood bu.,1i - land of tir can be So coceaed as to.de oei.ve the un - such result Why then this -%-ear bad? at Lond)u, at oile fare. esU mxdof. tha best, 46-ahty At the rest a' to Read me to be -
.s clear of 4111ups laul in -ood initited, while a n aotiatio n'fo a sole is -Arrajigemefits ire being perfeded are,of such a nature s
tore.. rate qnsffitY; '0 0 The cre,ek water w -s. not used il: the man- One llund' ed and twelity-eight of maji rity of city , ,r th&bue of the Gr d :P, heve that I was not -understood. I will pending. . The.greaT, -maj afcturb- ol this choose, but *a supplied red ldtters recently stolen from ov .6f plated or Vooleq b the regi 3te- . I 9M.11 ell press myself more'clearly. Ith or w, thout.cropa, O may a buyers re very ign ran are good w change to e narrow e,. deavor to ex
G-lasswaTe bou,ght far- li Zei to EA -'U] L CHAFALI N,, on t of vilat fro ll, spring. Of course, chemical the Toronto P6st Oflipe were found oil for t& agreed upon., pi)l- d I :early iii Octo er,. I take the assessment rolls of the town -
t P. 0. 298 points a horse, an rel ad. -'in the Nlond, I st inst., in a bush --et _he plenu test for. tie 1) )aration of 1, ,, 'I".
in eefore trust wl Lich is to take eff( bindl to 'pretentious mi dlemen who eNy w , IA over fifty new ship of Morris and Grey,, and from them
y ch-eese W01 dd hav- e put the vexe4l questio limits !6f the. were t I Within thelast f I nethv .1 e of Brassels, to F FOR SALE. charge enormous commiss oils. Horses ge eu pnes arx iv YED CATTLE. at rest that was not re.torted to. once retur the Postinasteri All naowgua edinMoil-treal I find theassessed-valil
on jea ,outLble terias, Lot ;No. 75, t tied Ito h;q'se be $50,000. The County Council,, on Lat colt 4, about. f airly wotl. -$'10C not.inf oquently sell aus - it would r lie get- be I r but a Sm411 per entage of 1 SA: money, ad bnassessment of
For' oncesL-,i(,)11,.Goileriah-Town %hi On This is to e r9gretted,, bec, abstracted from t
Bayfidld, IM - - - b amomit, and whou eq uireid. We ltnderst n(l equalizing,
one two vears old, snc! i for five' times th, te. rh will be r nd the red i4 color lo of Nvhiclx a re cleared an -'in_% ..have set e matter beyond di.$pu -A iers, bi t the dAfts cheques and moncy a -Morri 91 per cent. a'll
axing tailling 104 pbistictited hol-se owner vj slies d of Grey 4.3 per
I the I= of 90M cUltivLion, an wellferteed; the. an lingo a.-rge illinj er of those, i number of tit tt after' the e:rpress train goiii0 gest ye,4V-X4,11 r hal b -ere ,Xtaken. The *3 A0- cent. I therefore increase -Ube Morris
LL-abe e(I with bA.rdwaod awl a lit- to dispose ot au,au -mal for which he -has 'tere we I on the evening- of Frida- , the .d of 0 'k -uv I ies Iprese'lit to iear the chE s- tolen w 134. to, thi-ir ref-(iverv, to thenud r tie. eedar; the e re tiE0 never-falliig spring o:reeks and whidi he f ildly ly .1 , rives; in! Toro#to, all traffic. oil. part of Brussels 91 per Cent., and the -e i, to)er, bff d a round sum i ade it &it interesth ineeting to muning thr olgh the fann, and ho waste fa d; it P . ed, which S(Ille e ago, four co rk Grey part 43 per cent., which makes the
I , is 8, good 11111%ginas was near perfection, be is gen- lic,l Wil- th - line will be arid the: wo
a every r speet a choice l6t; there indepeadek of the thater A issue'- autfCbkv, rt -var tul, is i the Grld Ilailway, Dal alue - of Brumels .$81 300.
q;'thebuilftings orally -am azed a , ia dispara ging rem,irks thel track from Stratf Ord to equalize d. shed. ter, Alfred -Ricliard.- of obligilit d v
f M. -me hoasse, 1 t, I I in , . Ila] ust be correct or else one or both
lso &-good -young orchard, Qls of the commiisioi 1 nian to whoni he ectri- tiitreal- vlli N simultaneously. com Thi m
areall new; 1hore.is all Lf John urst,.were ssessmeiat
eGmelLucin—go -bear, 1 0 op soil, hole asses
g the bu iueqlqsi f finding a put ser. m nee ov w
ILAYED ID16 fide d er the whole, 1 -file., The sors made a dishonest -half frqm &I vintw of Byfield, 11 luilesi floift )re bhe Polio, ',Naaistrate in Toronto, A III -you assert that
bef( rk- is which I'do Dot believe.
'rey & e the of the Gu tl -ith ght and' horses re i vest Moo expected to be coinpleted.by
14 from Sel"for Light dru, AT e Har emiZ.zzlement. After th. on or about the 29tk ogood: gavei To, d lea(ung to each- of these supj)lied in N e w York market mainly by chargel with i , tb the townships of -orris and G
Next t the sim, the most i iteyesting s, the case was on M nday3 the 6th of October, when 0 till black aucl wel.ghing. price, _9,600. F or f uxther. particulars pP1Y -to importations from Hissomii, Konticky, )os pone -lent ular traffic will be resumed. equalized at one half their ctual value,
i L WedJs(. y ssed, arid the men dis- vtlx(-r i,,; a breetTiu,,r saw, rd r on the prema ses, Or, if" by I to -Li of .&I the celestial bodi -8; is our dislirl i, one half Utt the propiieto Indiana Illinoi,,, and ot4er' W-estern I The passenger trffic on the coDsequently, $81,300 must b
t4zv. lilw haq had pig tbtNa Balfield Post- OfucC. I 'I own S te, tile moon. It a )parently ChUgel'.at the istance of the solicitor
JOHN rn E 1. ailway just the cash v
Ying inform ittion toz the qi t s; of this dl ss arip lacec i S I 11 A )y a motion fr t to ellst of the Company-. lin of the Trunk R, S alii.e of Brussels. You -'Igo
d s c) r il , e:, Twenty-fourth and n ee Ya u
will I ail to the r, Lovery of, th FOR SALE. -by the c -alers ii' the saigs sta l s in? om W eli110 - is said to be enormous. Every train ay that ,274,500 is. one half the cash
I rf ate Of th llsaiie wonian who lives I f ell to ten cars, two or thr 1 0 of' Seatorthbut to: make a pTop.er
st eets, , rom sev DAN.ID 11VALKER, the'To-,rn- here,,a , ret circle, nearly in erect.ing j n!,d, Hahfiaix, managed to of which are Fiinan. The improved equalization it must be 40 per -teres of xereise. of sP at' tile North Rmeefieltl P. 0. of Lot 1. Con. 10 of and afford a fiD6 field f r 4e bou five (le- h, containing. 100 the oclipti at all -nale of a
BEIN I 01 s oil Thursday fter- j. according to la;w, itbeing a village
hip of I iti - 0,
upon which, there is Ft new, frame all the ingeniiity of thwsalmen aid till 1 explill- eludeher guardi4il col (1, ion f tb e road is making it a avor- cent
excellent laa I s TI is pprent motion (I to her husband's e route for American licipality. For the ,ame reason, ST,FA,Y C Qwr a -Igo & good orchard. For te ntagolkistic, -Ahaiwdne of a I uyei% noon 8 going down to mur
-ru, 88i6O et, and I illotion.rollild, the arth, in a ed bv a re ssels arid you say
an(1- (Ither infOr"tion, 'p- The heavy Ara— a room where sh6 Obtaned possession of propose to reduce Br , about tet terms, which Tle, EMSY, ang t horses aleprimplly inthil So i a. of forgin ever it is absurd. Please explain why a rule- an orbit in,lined to that of the earth The Ply to Mr. TA ES D-kvE 5: on Lot 1, Coil IS Of %bout A ;I,000 in fbank notes which -lie l a reol, CO -W nd Ctklf-. eunsylvalLi, hio, an d; - and 9 siaf Osto- the from P 'Ittle o five -ei,,s. T I periodic d to Sea- I to prove propcayt 1)&y. expen hi , oi venclo IV] 16 e ciltting tearing and seat- CD and proper when appli
the stock-ralsng part ofNe,, York- 3tate. tillie, bor ti to of return to the s me -point destr ftd by 03 Ill de in the Dominio has just' been I is right phed to
I t out of tile Moisic Iron Company's 1 forth
arbutelit. but absurd wbelt nclering There is less chai ice for fina' with tering about thei p 14 FOR SOLLE.: Surface, or the. s ine fixed -e 'Ph -ere is much in the
F V -of. the Con ave n"s Bti( e in al. another village. the hevy drlugl ts, becausq size, ;,eight. i [)oto,oes sell for f ),e at Brewste In I S-- LE, Lot -11 Con. 7, Township of R-iffiett Str, is - 27 ays, 7 IlOurs, 4 3 minutes. D I . %tion signed Huron " with f
NYED SKEEP and good bohes. nd mu0cle, ara the - I It S:a main Shaft intended for the.stent- COM1111111M
'th the e, th in its I agree. One sugg
100 90 0 bushel. ill Manitoba. I heartily
F0(3"otU-nty Of UrOl Itbe woon- s &trried with the e Yestion the of the under. dgned, s looked t , and buyer I or 11 8acrueiiay," to replace the one some whicli
leared and free frOrn stil mps 1 the re- thing a gen -rally annual mol ioll. round the still. --- he ppar- -21r. Joseph MoritaoulUrY, Of thel8th which are c - ;D od one, Mor WE. -t and 6 L -AMS. d -with ll,trolw of t I of till Le roken. It measures 25' feet 3.1 lie makes 'appears to me'a very go
mainder is w I tirabere o04; we'll have thor ougb practic, l knowlede entmotioll of tbemoonin the celestial ConcLsajort of Howick, has 11, a cl j, it, piece cut ( :rut of ight ear; vu n h f tate of I es I e:. Iches verage. di- ; -and I hope the unty 0 oil will see I d i igh Is --ct high. How is ilcll ill fl -wbat they Want. I - Ilgtll; 13- , ii CO oun hoit. in the same ear. Any 'i r I od loft hou,,e 'and first-claSs frAlne ies considembly, from corn lyllich Stan( 12 fe - I . It ig lit to adopt'it. ad ria,tions will, lead to tha ion g East Tw6nty-fmirth streA is the great colicar face v, all eter, nd wedglas over 7 tons Mye wul 1w huit&mv rewarded'. bara, sttvlel it' d shed,; and other outbuildings A -eets its mea11 t1lt for Ilih e of Moisic Iron, nf.1 is pronolluceJ Conflict jDn the
g000l yoioug O. aharAL- the, farm is- well. inrt of the Gity fo horses. I The. ti Its gr t t hourly .Our -views appeal, to seem Very rregiilr. ew Allan stea-D-IsIlip,* Canadian, question- On %priugs, one close to the - Ille It 'engineers there being th OQ 4VID, affiw; As I ar up 1.) several lit) have examined unincorporated village
Dearby'sliard in thetr, i to say Ili- uses very
tho house nulds frol.it E-inburn, 9 from Bea, motion in arrivEd ill Montreal a few days ago, liav- it o I be its ofood asnyth* r, of the lind this point I am sort
town as F! if y-ni: ath street there ar, some " least, 27 millut s mean, ing 01, board -sevora l6ts 0 E gr 8 0 lit of surrounded by good 40 Seconds,,; its f It li h Nve
MY forthand7 fr .. : In the United States, strong- language, which no stateme particulars appl),to thepro- bat Twe nty Ina le in England or r) - eter, on .32 minu e Aries, previously, such inini:: Would warrant
Wrt:x -he 24th large stables; -fourth street ? ill Its roads. For fu , :- - 0 lce, rnge t -, 56 so th theill. were two horses, six' him, in doing. I P 0 4emstobetbecentre. Ther4r' stock., aln'ong com
lytq HaRSE' and; prietor on the )r sug or to CO tity, it moves oer all arch COOPEr.., uld me.%ii qUl arid 17 Sheep for Mr. Cochrane,- of fro 11 which o s this question more
inil fout. Arty person 298K GIATRGE — h it wo i "., It 'I- - it cttlE, 1. rt cles were obtained. uld like to discus rig tt 1, from $1 to the f ortune whi rent diameter abot four cattle equal to it appa Iton, P. tw t1int Nvill lead to his recovery require to buy Dexter or tt Goldsmith Coml. I o horses, Oil Thursday, of last week, 'Ki. Bil-- f lly -with him, but to do so w ul(I In ke.
F M FOR SALE. IbSongilla'to Mr. Beattie of Wingliam, a, . d this ooinniunication too lengthy. I'will and 70 she( wa Kmop,contain- M aj d. The street.railroadiand al anibus lik r8loy, watchmak SALE, dt 1,)S1 Con The pha es of theinooll ire p of Pickering and -Mr. erawford, of Scar' (Feu which content m yself with asking him a feiv -r -s, 70 of whicl) lliug 100 eciapanies buy -their stock wifep FOR are clea-red a the his ruet with an acci 1". kL, colluty of Nurou. good Htate of irtl'uiva,tiun, balitce well htibered clevote al their . ly interesti 9 ; they prove -the moon to boro, Ont. (gre - tly endangered the lives of both.. As questions, because I believe if there is here, having agents who i on ; frame be sphe -ical body, illumine( by the -Hanit .ba Free 1'ress says een us with hardw-00 ; lqr(fe t),story brick h Elie r wee
ra,.r.gr, - 31; 9 unction the p;
E ,-%TR"ED. od bear time to looking up avail ble, liorses. I assing flie raillway Blue- any real difference of opinion betw
00 (Jrivailtg-house -34.'c4u sun. Avh I in conj tern section of the barn 5Ox86;, "The crops ill th wes . I NAThich I it will be. on these points. He says the of th(_1 UDolersh ued lot in,, orcha,rd; -cd vatercd; 2 mile The Third Aver ue Cc i8 t1lb, larg- I val the salorting of the iron horse, , (4rey Gu or about -s norl of S' tllthe liloon is invisible ; whe moving eclipse a)aything hitherto known -ce that ar- balf IL Wile- of the. gr vel Toad. rivesting 000 to- fro' the s - towid the east t is fi ' Prov nce W an ulle efractions .'law is bj List. Doesheadvai-i
f a rot h, a, u d -Wit prollrietor on est purchaser, xpected sight.to th
DAY 11011 about 10 YO&rsz ply to the i f Out S6, 'in n y rst justify the, Council in dis-
For fur!tor pajtiqulluxs ap $1o,.000 in borSE flesh. Oer tl I. he e, that s saying a good de, %ni al the)i were gave it fright gum ent to y n1ou mool an( appei tavin- been blis- ' a now be law, which I fe I Sat' fied be
!01,1,off hind If bis adled, .1
whei; it is reni4n -red that the av is the 11re, s . 110'Wing both qbeying th, e
in es rom the t of ally 0 all(:, it to run wa, thi -k one cas
297 k4 It- crescent when, 00 deorre here is ffroa 6at least ? At 0, r a 'r.operty, crop Mr. Billi-iiley had will admit they did ii
C. w 415) to' $180), bilt t4E Omni- LL4 XANDER The veralye cat- or horse -is t I- than th a
it away. Stnt it out of the buggy. r. orth from it is h1aved. Whei mor 00, %w
W, Sul], t Mrs., Billing- Weie the County equalized as the I.
KW bug men often Ii ay as inti,ch- *8 0 D when Court try. Ip F M FOR SALE.: his shoulk r dislocated, nd
-------------- when in o sitiou i uries. directs, incorporat d Pay
140 sbous' One of tile 1,%i t white fish caught
is gibbous e I
LOT NZO.. 5, Co iccsqiou 4, 1 lit t1hel. le- r recei red serious internal Inj
cleaed. Plenty Of water, tRey find somet ling t6 si . shines -wit a -full face ; apprda hi th -lie sold 14ore or lek, 81) acres 'V-7est by 'rig in Lake Ontario, foi' some tin that both are re- 40 pet cent. less County rate than the
aitimn(i 1 iver run- -011 l 1,rmll W are happy to say of the AT , Horses are b ght from thE the east, it bec Uttlu lk m(;,One and the nortrt ar;eh d fences. Al - sun - towa es on. the market ill'i Belleville 'One day last 1111111COrporated I bay Mare COlt gh1helbacreb.tish; ,Q0 and afe.us. tally kept in1th yo-untry 'It hahred arid, las -CO erulg.. Jill u tco state bob tail. Din-, rai , e tly weet. It d 10 Pounds and one -d also recraest ro
aii(,e u vfttili they re- proprietor, gibbous, weigh 'During Barillulls circus in Loll Ion I woul
e4 oil front, fe pli- on the pre aiisle.5 to the list, I -wh ch it disp e I -S, from ats, four years rn""olvith J ltL'10 within! strikinE (I qr onlipe. iday, the streets looked. as full as course he coDsiders the proper one cover from th 3. effects- of the I j )urDey, tustre of the si and the ml iolely to proe proye-ItY, or Constftnce P- 0- the siiperio ----4A few momings ago a young. ld imes. The three for the Judge to follo-,v ; to do rt;quested du ing Provincial fair t
d1l be wbich in the ordinailry stoGkl Icair' is very d ,h is -cKoiikey, ein- hein wray, ynanied Johnny T - with the appeal or to take up the whole ,R S n wbat slialhless 6 the illumine pa] elit'ririmerits were'r-rowded, fully 40,- FARM F`0 ALE. are:b,ro lit arth'. Hi's Lot 24, 1 in u. Fine 1, orses d tow trd the e, Fraser's p1loto -&lpllic 0010 peopI6 having Visited 171110, 1 equaliza de, wov* L tume ed in Notm a tion question
palace at r u e Of the appoarl c of the 111 .0 I
Tuck 'It 0 I011 I answers
v Line, st Concession, Che op. plo Toron .to, while clea 0 the show irtu to these questions will make his
Fal' SAT S8-Of,%%,hic,h 11 hThis
are known as horse atisfA - t' tea h ct rooms, in the (lay and night. s, cuitivatiou. costs abot 1$2C extra fo ) o observed a few s bef ore at his rn (Qther s are ele&red a, I - d; whole mi teeth in his belroom, -hibitiou,! -whicb is' i letter much more elt-ar to me. .is Ill har(1w ood, and unewlL The claeapesi i horses are b, it ci I-; by the. xpressed -at the ex The t nd after t le. new moon, is th, i 'eflectiOn -with what he wa.! e 8 R" STE ERS. L, a good I houj oil Chuue ' street, of anythip,g. in Captain Leckie's bo m bstic effn ii is
1, be away ahead there is ft 1, Pe trick hoaLe Withkitche" -ben bhe es, of the rincu ld- licenced venders, Theys et r ies buy L to
th(- prenji. of light fro: n the earth 'vN, Osed at -tliq fime to be, to p w(. er, cteristic of the man --verbose, devoid
the ba.uk b=L 7 - 0). ttud till other necessary outbui u O! .1
on or about Jrd; a CT001, rill's a horse for the sum it wo Ontar o, godd orcht becomes GO aSI era y pre 01 ings, ppiso ieL iinse, Iovelrin mme E o Son&
steIrs, one ali redy, ot I L.1assing near the him to the renderin or compll I -e it till I -The IL through. the- it mi, l 2 . it is than out Of the -way. of this re- sed in the h 'oarapliiiY business 6 10 -,Vov(, -eption'of afew bald 'assertions, -White cOlOrl corn .1 u -Aimico farill' near the exe 'iyi . ur, such infor, -is situated on tbe- Huron Itoad, three wiles from it can Work no lonaer, and th li it for I sn &I'crds a re- vided the celebrated For further par floction. 'This plienomeno died almost i efti, P-1 -ont , Lit aDy basis -to how oil what they ind i ve! from Clinton a into small lots nd Intend dis- witho
I(I toL tlit- recovery of the above; SenforthL And i its hide) -%vbich they sell for a (14 1 lar. markable 1'roof thirttL Of two OU&!t Pf the Toi I - process of urtil, term of the Ontario In- 11 ticiola.xs apply to propriLutor, 9bject (t.p- The fo e whole of it' I this way. A were fotinded, -",Ahout ally
1. C I T- E L" Y, arse! I rt -warded. 3 seljoin. last o) dr three po, iilg (if th
0. savie- inag itude the twighter stititioll f or th deaf and I du nb opened i reasoning to how' how the conlusion,
AML % NICHOL, SeRfOrth Sea -forth P. 0. I that tial.. -hey are litunber of these lots were sold 1)), auCtion years., E on d 2)ectrs la,? ge % i :,lit just as Well elle-ville,' o the Ath instant. -One oil jat-u rday last, and relized good' fig- His letter mig
arnaged,- ae no D. nera &y d of I lie earliest aftempts )n record and t1lirty-four pftpilS arrived urE S. The 1( ')ts sold avera(yed more than hav6 'been -headed, " Women 'a Rights"' :-EK OR STRATE FARIVEJ'O SAI 0 TO RENT. dred a once of tl- 3 Con- onable terms, I er 0 day, of! which number 37 -were Nvlj,,,It w, ; ts paid for the frial. he fi r The Pa6itic Scandal. " Alm
111 T - o a r e a s le do the work re(laired of ()Ile I the dist e sun from 11 g)ures 0 Ost big from, Lot 0 in 1 to disoove th a pav 1 -
r a fewWhRe F 0 R. -tt, consisting of them. Injudi ioa driViD at' ba' §'erving hen the D eath, was from ob Lot 8 C(uces,,iou s, Hulle the cted ere paid for the whole letter is a tirade -of ablise against
4- th I U h0raq brokea ',,io a c,"hiob, are cle eel d 1to in ev ' pulils About 50-niorc are expe arc - I
Off at 6f - , they are subj ;i At n -average price per a
&red tin& in a stace 100 acres, and the Stran moon was alved or dichoto: edl 811f)p6sitious person. I Can assure
liar *overilment, $78 average some &Rii I was well fenced. There is a dulilla i4le tel al by the G -d. The %-boye rsi combine to It f ormed ar grood cuAltivation that-, tilne t he angle at t emoo T lew d on Satur- him his allillilinitiou bil been Wasted, he t1te night Of startina heavily loaded ca lie machinery for 1 listille"Y pri ae per acre. of the lots ol goodframe- b361 -IL 60-407 an('1 uititble sheds, also ogh- no. at the wrong target or no wear them out very soon. Th drawn from the, moox to the -half 'ring
information re, - one and a by lines at Heights, Manitoba, was last has been h
Au3 -a, splandid ot half I e s Ca;T h es, they ar 1 t allolo in longer Service e tly a r -it at all.
rewarded. bi' the ervice I have no desire .1or Do-. mileq from th vill"le. of an(l wi 0 and earth is exac R 01 ario target s er kinds of. Inoo -Th P
80 Item e still i seful for many oth the eloiigatioll (f ihe week shippe(T 1)y the Dawson I Council of the Wester wd-uld not have adopt -
a mile of Rgo ar -11 orej f S., theref Ole
o. i Y f ninciLofAtchell-has TeLuper,,tucetii(lProliil)itoryLeac:,hienietI t ty, if I had I
BOWIF,- sw fall Plowed; illAetluate poss siou w 11 br the cc i tntr Or The village C( Work, md are sold to n oi- the angle b :the earth Lin& of 1,18 e. My ambition
t6pply to the l)170prictor On from the s J Thursday evei t ed a wom de plwm
urtlier i,v rtieula. a cri-mit ot $100. toward the at London on FL Coil%tit-rice 1'. 0 farm f ormed 'b from the. 111t)O11 t in
thepromisesor old purposes. y lines dxawn -not lead' me to'expect sea
Proprietor. York is iocreasing. i ed, the. lis brass hand,intht place. ek, and elected the f4.)Jlowi g officers does
276 ll(I the Iull, ro to Show. that the Yill Pr sidelit'Rev. ClloliIiiiii The trade in. New be exactly obsery lis ment of tber traits of cha-
increases i g ago Lot !, Stan, tio of macbl ery the still from the earth Will s, 'V , A.;. First Parlia me t, all the 0 plicable to -me. art Vur`. The -distance o' Vice, wter are equally itiap
A, L rc; AA r. .-C. I i t F k, M FOR S %n d man( or treasury o cbell is in a most redu A the
all v.-hite -,po or I rather an A I d ti t emoon -in" - objeo I 1 acres,- First Con- er a' -- I be h, Treasurer, C or- am. in ed to believe the in al heVALUXI U', , FAILM, 100 7 wIton Scafort]4 on the mid U- the noblest,of m. s s v nts. V-'01itli ,lit n lex triall tile ail Condition or that the villacre Council Mr. K110 by the soliltion of it rig I ic inick J" P. 81 Ileeve of Brussels had his eye upon was i6t will 1( I free very in all on's flis- ry recklesS ill (I C> ant Sbursina th aderich -.85 acres ol illusion coljured b
; - distance ax
gr%vel road tt i radius of onr-- hundred milE s -for suil's ar vc -and demonstratio as held i t phantom, an -up y
v Test ituder' nditure of Fi iday rn and e acplowe(l, t ed of lorse, - P cosine of elollatioll. flill(Is. A more useless dxpL
ILOSS- who discove ; ta ice : -. bout ordered mind. These ar
X,o from stunll* ra the ne in] Wrille -
11 -%% 111% iney could not be 13M g-rass; WQ atlretj 1, with large f rainO of th,e Leag- e. 'his owil - does not see one that.. f or 1'. CulrI3 o y of :ni( d. o,t one --au der the a b ouse b oa rd( Il out- Who This me od is Parti selit.o Addresses the distinguishing marks, and if, they are 1!&ru,tableuitd rueathj( z:) 2 000 persons oI)" I -
L-'siorl imulcoliat0v sa his neigabbo S, Datutlly or the Rlaue band in one hull(lr d call produce All' BOUGIE le mona St atte'llipt f VI t3i(le, and , d nrohmrd; poi,so ID attention, being the fir inerit Char- I
Rio LK r,11- ularg comes to NN eM. - Y solution ()f hortant problem of IV ent i -not every one of them plom then no re- titleoad andtc c&sV*.,. For further partic orkk. 'It is; hesame way isic which would i ot be shamed by the were deli ered. by the Preo(I
11 -UP p formance of a half,doz blill-frogs (-,Tol(l- i.actel:istics of John Leckie, el Fallin- cc. Lt was nA., Rev. Mi
apply to -ICY with the man who wants to tD ' fillding tha sun's distn ud Ced upon tbostatements, Seaforth 0. ve-quipping. dth -8eaforth, P.; ; liauce can be pla eipt of it offer ell 6ets
2t' L good The trining and e sn 01 in the ree by Aristwrollils, of Samos, IQ observ ,,d
A.S. A choir of of those' -who know him best, -in -%ould not be a Stilator Vidal and ()the' STEAM SA: V MILL AN s the b4as to New ; yeal s )efore the ()if! all oreliestri% which - di - cO10 D FARM FOF. SALE. his vLews, ho send ; , at Alexa1*1xia about 280 oully under the irec y, egotism, sL cit, desire of yor- aud tr ts to In Orithi result.-!' la era. dsitive nuisance to the conimunitywolild a] out 100 y sistenc
)NDON, '11-104 . . colrimell0ment of the Christ' P inif hhustIf prom-
11114in" tht. 1.1 -A, Con. sang training notoriety, keepi
I Gontaird t. apprqpri- Lo el,
and StIlbIVR, LV e an atilomit of time. labor, talent, ti
adel ion- In the public,
LWAY, froila with good b arks with ta P
-BL So few rE thirst for Par -
ft I have made'the ections -at intervals. T ently before
two od ore I., (is t'%VO never -fail e
in full beariug; ai A money altogether attainble in a at e Sol
0 e-dea liug. (le- i reference to the moon with A iew that A Clieese Diff1c inall town. If the MLitcl w-31 fthers in
S UI -;y st ration ' the evelling was also a graii(l liamentary jply the iuill. lot 81 honors, doubl. a go tish. Te I)rOPL f bentifl -pherio ery avail- ception, fault-fillc menon, the I iing without a cause
48 tlere ; of 11 od del f tI w, t Music and must Ila e it,.Iet them success. At an early hour ev a. 9, conto Lui ith a good A matter ow, in ' be more so arid itnister motives,;
Is situated I 11iles fr(;.M- Seaforth, ifowi, which we hav e n 141Y )le Space was filled arid crdwds of, Peo% untruthfulness, ba ie -ershas Coa all 'Ssud 44 equip t a e most of, those his name is a i
of the I -ravel roftcl tle, oto- For further pi,ruculars al)ply to he village boys -%-, i It tin trumpets, at ese m e'asily ul: derstood. The. full investicti le T H bet31-Ge neal C, oi- bily a Second-hand hand -organ. They ple were unble to gain aAmission. Tl &c Fo th
On the b -V post, to.-AY011 11 two factories tie sident of the Lea ue,'An the ho' throughout the, County,' the motions of 260 tion ho*ever, of eicure a qua] d usebold -word
So,.\-, Consta ace P. O., luiburn, Out- lenheim. N r. D. X I -vv ould thus s ty of music Vice -Pre him from ever'l
0- t the township.of B I as Ismith liev and will, I
U t a 1111 A moon is ne of the - most -intr icoAt aAd" -er 11 ,A of years their brass. band S pea s were Rev. T. Golic fear, prevent I i.1 - f his anibifiort-a
R SALE ilf X- ALOP- till's factory was buil ith finding the I uLle at qfite equal to what NV. Rock, Hon. A. Vi reaching the summit O
c k on his far] 0; hich run gotille i w loy 1e in S in N ill f urnish and at a much smaller cost. R . Keefer, Mr
a ere I I-nost useful )ad Farm., cortipaSed 0 oone 187 S - A armers grange on the pattern f North d al, Mr. G. W. Ross, F FOR 10t 14, Con- ilito Sinith's Creek Last; 13re X.. another sea, f tl e f 1. P1 and others. seat in Parliament. 16,inucil Of u( the weA half at ipymW
half of lo u 50 cleared and Pe?rs on tile Astrono&y. Apolocgizill,g for ocel: of the 41-iotltural t&,,iiiu_(r 100 it -ores factory wa 12, ymacillro g built by el full moon nearest ;he autumnal ot, those in the Western States, was At a late meeting
balance wc,ll DoUt half i At th'. sociatiou of Qntirio, a re- your spacel I am, yours truly, well II ill goud eilltivati( ion of Blenheirt f West Gara- a rid Arts As BEEcuNUT. I
'how 4th Concess obs(rved to rise f6rmed in the. township 0 timbered ha.rdwood-. a good iyame qe r the S eqliinox, Jthe moon is the effect that the f Texitier can. ile dista;nt,'on a b alich!l qi object of s alution was moved to tember 9, 1873. 0 nrchard,' two ill 1 8&riy a,, sunset for sever.1 nights to- fraa, on. the ist inst. The ftifflis and F01 Im-ru- good'beario-ff eeL e removed ill 1A011(loo miles and;X &ff frai'll a good gravei road; 10 miles creek, Ild y the Creek, a,] -ni thr ' ;a. uses in the association is set forth as "to protect ntario Vieterinaly College b tiq 3eaforth. there RX -8 two stvalif Ini :,- 4n then- Th ether I This moon, 'for I from Toronto to Guelph, in order that tL AND 10 something superior in 0111 OW from the 4B .p of,. fourths of a against railroad, village anc C_ L 8
es, the day at a me when a themselves 'Jawmills -wit hin 3.; convellieut to rhurt:h f gth conducted, in Tea, and 10 lbs very bright sugar for $1P at Hzax-
a e,
accept the loxvel of Mr. Peers bein ! l ove on this
irt; not bound tO factoy 01 en e n li lit is mosl - e. We believe the im- the Institution might b
pnrtioularg 1wvIv to t)le oontinu & il f I girable to other monopolies." school,; d -t(res or w ey not GO Ile rn a ', ha brewses, or, if -by 1 .tter, to strem, a large quantity Of I an in securing the wdiate cause of this action of the Gara- (onnection with the Agricilttiral CAD ge so D g nd Crockery StOr0-
proprie aeoist e 3 t d by pi ma-kmg (;-UlultGnER, Winthrop P slime .Igs. found i. I wl y into thp JAMES McDONALD. husbanC
299 A-ugant 26, IK73- t