HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1873-09-05, Page 6• • fr as Large Brat; di of Oows Moe ProlltaSe tl Litsthna? There i$ a greaii of discussion m time to tineldaniong dairymen to whether )sargeor small cows ar most profitable. E That is ti S say» wliat is the relative proportion of of milk to be obtained feem ea cer- ta1 xi weight of foocl when given to the two classes Of anituids ? If we haive ten tons of hay, for instance, w ich is tots turned to the best ac. co int in milk, what cows should be se ected for the purpose, the large or all breeds? . f any exact experiments have •n made among the dairymen of. United States to determine this' tter we do 110i, remember to have u therecord. Almost every ryman of experience has hie Do-. 11 ia regard to the question, but the opinion is .mostly based ..ou mess workand not from Any ac- tu 1 test. And although the sub- jeat is one of interest to dairymen, th y Can herdly be blamed for not re ;king the necessary investigation, be ause it must require much time ,arri trouble and a degree of care an exactness which is not to th taste of the ordinary farmer. Su h investigations belong really to ou agriculturikl colleges, and should belconducted by men of science, so 4ttb sn be th se da ti ha the result, whengiven to the id, May be accepted as anthoriti.' nvestigations of this. character prodigious change, in their e received considerable attention life. Formerly .the maro in ermany, and according to the slight 0. overing of tepa, alone Pr. ctical Farmer the results of some them from the suns and rain. of hem are as follows : In regard to bodies beeittu7; haird by e the size of cows Odspaii made eight - experiments in feeding milch s, with the view' of ascertaining many pounds of hay, or. its ivalent, it required .to make 100 mie-of milk. Re found that in russia 100 pounds of tliay.fed to land cows made 25 quarts of • and the same in the Allganers le 30 68.100 quests of milk. leven dairies in Saxony the val- f 100 pounds ot hay produced nburgers 25.40,quarts. 'waders `)6 10 quarts. tiers. 30.00 quarts. priees and in th wh* can be money rather 1 with the Nevi Y ricultural labor° east as west. ' A the east can earn month and btrd or $2 SO a day vest time. As warkingmen, t seem to have th Wet..2--.Y. Y. S What is Kith. wich I • = • ' - - - - • : , • amount of Ctz refmt obtained for the yesthe advantage rk mechanic, J Ag - s are AA WO_ paid 'useful laborer in :his $2€ or $30 a in winter, and $2 ith • board' in 'har- m. the wages of Middle States advantage , of the tn. 1 , g off the nd- landers. I A people so. ircurnstaneekl, velL taught in sehoo s, freeholders to large extent, liv.lig, in a iniA and salubrious ohne e, and. with -cheap • and propea foo , .ought net, one would say, to de rease. The e are; of course, severe reasons for• heir very rapid 'decrease, and all r, hem come from -ontact with She v ites. These brought ar,ong them ds ases, which have corrupted their b ood, and made there i fertile and f poor stamina. But t this, whic the chief lean* mus be added, sus- pect,.another less geeeraily a owl - edged. The del terious h. of wearing clothes has, I do no 1 doubt, done much to kil loff the H people. If you t ink for a n you will see that o adopt habit:4. Share for hem to tiian tent, lized ce a s of the lded- heir sure. taro- atch- hori- 001'8. ings any- Lake live, let on and odgo tting 'pose rious here- ein will ee ha eqr pa in Ho mil mac At ue in Old Ho Aii Sort bs. , 23.65 quarts. illeror experiments resulted, as foll ws : eir ernploymeielts--fishin Planting, tappainialcing, bi ing, cinoeimakinei were al ous, and pursued out of Their grass hous d with for door d and winkiosys wer; t rate, tolerably welsventilated. the man accustomed thus to and put shoes on his feet, his head, a shirt clei his b trowsers about hie legs, a him in a house with close -.hu doors and windowand yo i .e his constitution t a ver 1 s strain, especially it ;a count there is a goad dea jof ram. -., after all, but ,half civilized , probably 'sleep. in a wet shirt, or cumber his feet wi h wet s ioesi; he will most likely n 'elect to open his Quarts per 100 lbs. hay. ..... .. . . 28.92 1.7or shires. .27.45 _Dev ns........ .. ........ _19.13 Her ords 15.97 • ,Ters *2276:6313 - Alla( aners • Ti us it is claimed to be clearly de= mon. tt.atecl that the large'. breeds' of Cows miIk sural are dair3 ger, r. • claim for wt are mete profitable 'both for and feeding for beef than the breeds.. e have two breeds of cows that ow attracting the attention of. rnea The Ditch, which is ler- nd the Ayrshire, which' may bo ed as small. .Some have put rd the claim that the Ayrshire will iroduce more milk from a given ity of food than a n y other hreed tad be more interesting to have era' breeds pf cows tested in to the relative quantity of produced from a hundred - pounds of hay 6e its equivalent —X. A. I in, Rural Yew Yorker. Butter frora Fiance. • • • quan It w • our s regarmiik if ey e -o velar at th ,is and old by the.New York dealers. thid is thus because there is an -actaa I scarcity in the market of good butter pet up in attrac- tive ''Whc gets t the 3 ds brin, our dairymen need a spur, an eller, a lessdn which speaks les in three words, here Is one head of this article. Butter etedly brene,lit from- France sliape for stuall. consumers. n we know that one daii:yman 1 15. a pound for his product, .ree $1, and another 75 cents, ear round, at his dairy door, it sily seen , that it will pay to butter across the ocean from Ilt.ais ce, if it is only good and shape- ly ,e rough to suit the fastidious pure asers who 'will ire ve something :nice whatever it may cost. All this butt r is anade from choice cows, °Lai elv fed on clean, s.N.Veet food ; the milking is done in the cleanest man 'ere the milk is hendled as cale ugly as though i 'were nectar the 'ream is -chtu.nel with the ne- mos cere by clock and thermom- eter the butter is worked with filial, and is made up intoshapely f eak s whieh -do not require to be cut wben brought to the table., Com- peRst, then, this ale—hart], golden, yell ing sigl w, sweet, fragrantw, and tempt - to all the eenses--ewit,h an un- tly chunk whieh is cut out of a greem itsy keg, and ells of did age and ransidity, `and i5.3 made fremill- kept cream, flour cows filthily lodg: and carelessly milked, and is :teed anyhow, and the .difference ed chu is a y he windows,,I .at night, nd poi'on him- self and, his family with lot d to the influence ot which, b sideS, hie unaccustomed lung. 'will be pec liar- Iy lia,ble he will iee a 1 ss atttive life under his ch a get co ditiOns ; and, altogether, t e po r fellow must have, an uncm stittition to resist i with hie life. At: .ern will be relaxe resistance wili. h chances of recover isbed in the Saillq chances of failing If now you throw digease, corrupting transmitted with fi the progeny, the w people so situated h in a single genet trey are dying out 1 native population b, 60 per cent. in 40- H(Creeei,)/e. ere youth, lay ith- face buries in lijs 1iand, and as e lifted his h nds there was a look o despair such aS.I have seldom se n. Though so yOung, he was a complete wieck.. With hollow eyes, u nken chest, And. nervous twitehis giu every mu ole. spoke to him, and learned tha six Months before he h d. lost his w ole ,nittrimony by ga oling, and awe hither, to quaff 1 getfulness rom these Lethean c s; hoping, he s id, to find death a well as o liv- i n. By far the rger propel tion o the smokers we so entirely un - d r the influence of the' stupef ing ison as to wee] ocle any att rapt conversation, an4 we passed out mont brit: el- an a u eseal)e ie heshis syc- . his ower 4f les- bed, will e clege as his are increased. n soMe the blood and al, c rtainty to r der lis t ve 110t died out tion. .etty deer fi.na this .moral pe. t -house sic 4 art as we thought -of these in a ed victims of sel [indulgenoe t eir starving fan -at h T is baneful habit, ace forme seldom given up, anId from thre vo years' indulgence will utterly reek the firmest constitution, the fr me becoming daily more emaoiat- e , the eyes more sunken, and the countenance more eadaverous, till tl e brain ceases- to p rform its tine- d ns, and death pl. es its seat on th Wasted Pineotes Araga- 1) tyt- and me. is e to zihe. 0) C/2 H td C in fact, est. The 0 eised ever 'A see Har per s 't--1 H . • .tr1 j Scene in an 0 1.1 m. Shop. One who has t &ver visLt,ed tin Opium shop can hay conception of tile fatal fascinat en th t,holds its victims fat boun 1 mind, heart, 'soul, and conscienc 11 absolutely dead to every inapt]e but the insa- tiable, ever-iccreasi hi at for the the damning poison 1 e s tered one of these dens but but 1 can ights and torment." tei ioes, 'and, 0 but for its scenes of tprints of . arrows of emaciated es -of the 1 S .d thickly hers were.' ent where.. hem. On - the wreck e never forget the imi le sounds of that "p The apartment vie pa might have been pl as nt foul odors and still fo le unutterable woe— he fo sin trodden deep i. those haggard face apd forms. On all fi 'risk room were couche lac against the wells,n4 o scattered over the fia t ever there was roe f r each ofj theSe lay ex en1e of what was once a man. Sonic few were Were h llow-eyed, .with sunken cheeks aid cadaverous countenances ; many w ,re clothed in rags, having prolpabl y smoked , away their last dollar hile others were offering to pa a th ir only de.. dd tional dose ecrepit old e entered, en with a on his own pipe. This ith a five pium from rolling the phen, after of a lamp, 11 aperture ort whiffs ker would mouth and en replace g eyes blow his pallid c effects of irk he fell ate of silly! i,ke pitiabl9! r smoker, a I cent garment- fora! of the deadly drug.[ man raised hinisell drew a long sigh, a: half -uttered imprec • folly proceeded to he did by scrapingido inch steel needle, o the lid of a tiny 441 paste into, a pill, a id ti 111 11 nply accounted for. heating it in the Ma deposit it within the ages in the United States. of his pipe. 'Sevr s the country becomes settled followed ; then the the wages of labor both East and remove the pipefAn We t ate gradually sinking to a lie back motionle'ss common avcrage. A good mechanic the pipe, with fast-gl ew Yolle earns $3 50 to $4 a the smoke slow -tlitO ; the lead miners of Missouri -ve from $2 to $4 a day, while! aily pay Lf minces in the Ter- ies seldom exceed $5 in gold j silver ; and the lifference in 6. day rec the rito pr 01 rn hi- e 0 d SID 81111 hi ZU gh nostrils. As the iiarcot the opium began to w back on the couch in a s stupefaction: that irari and disgusting. Anot ••• • • • 'dVZIHO 311/8 110-A • 0) 0 31) 0 C") txi 2 (D CD 0) 0 uT ovum Joie •- 0 "RrTIVI\I If10 • • • sEpiv. 5, 187% L......•••••••mmommismemominimmilmaiumans,i. JEWELRY LUMBER? LU1VD34 t pest Assoiltment Outside VICTORIA STEAM SAW MILL he Cities. • ' TT s just received, large additions to s previously la e stook of 'Wretches, Clocks and Jewelry, 1 -"- hioh only want to be seen to be appreci .ted and admire 1. irchme or not. COTT S 'AFOUTII Call azul see, tether you, P It. COUNTER'S WATCHES RE REN() \WEB FOR TIME KEEPING. TER IS—Strietly CaSh. M. R. COUNTER. iRDNER S EA ---r- BEST JUDGES THE WING MACHINE Is a Strung, Y RUNNING MACHINE, '1V4EL ADAPTBD FOR FAMILY SEWING, D LigIat Manufacturing Work. At the r lirg held thronglunit the Dominion, this Maehine was put to some very severe teats by the °UNTO/ COULD PRODUCE, AND BY 13 Prizes in 1871 EM AWARDED Its simplicity of construction, strength and d irability recommend tt to all.clitsses. set of attachnien N, and does all kinds Of work. and 23 Prizes in 1872. It has a complete INSTRUCTIONS IN ALL THE AlTAQHMENTS GIVEN FREE OF CHARGE. cliquey Sewing Machine Gov pa7w, Hamilton; Ont. PETL R GRASSIE, SEAFORTH, Agent for the County_ of Huron. If you wish tip replenish 1 e4 would advise _yau to c g.om Ing1and are that Cr nearly-ouble priqe. W ears' importation0 on hai. nearly -the old- prices, taki 1 the ad6nce. Tea Sets ti DIES, • our cupboards, the undersign - o so now, as the latest adyices ckery knd China have gone up having a large stock of last d, will for a: short time sell at 1g only a very Khali portion of at are .now worth $4 we are selling'from $2 to $3 25. 8-)50. China Tea Sets worth. Joseph Rbdgers prices,: they having raise 1 'on' -- ' Toilet Sets at $1 90, worth $2 kss than they are now Son' Cutlery at exactly old 25 per cent. . A fine ea trays, &c., &c. cie) Stock 'Of iilated-Spbons, Firks, g 2 g. (i) rn ‘2') (r:i r E. CD w 0 . 0 c• 0 • co 5.7' E.HICK DERIC 0 11 __Lr • Fri X ilmoi Beg to inforSTEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, • FLOITR, ;GRIST, AND SAW MILLS : m the public th t they are prepor nred to contract f SAWING IACIIINES, &c. Z' Cid...4.- On hand—IRON AND WOOD 'N. PLOWS, with steel boerds ; J sn.t )(ANC,- PLOWS, 'ULTIVATORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, &c. , • U+AR - AND OTAII KET LES, GRATE BARS, WAGGON )3OXES, &c. > Z ZI I; Ccicil;.14 , PARL R AND BOX S tAOLLE,S,' bf various kinds. I' I SALT PANS ADE TO ORDER.. En 1A ND !'ND BRASS CASTIN 4S, A D BLACKSMITH WORK. BOILERS AND SALT PANS REPATI ED ON SHORT NOTICE. TWENTY TO THIRTY -HORSE POWER TUBULA 1 BOILERS generally on hand for sale. 11._.-; All orders 14ressed to the Compan. or Secrete 7 will receive prompt attention.. -. . A. 113DGE, San ecretary d Treasur r. HHORTON, President . I , R. .RUNCIMA \i', Gene al Manager. ••• I\T ON 13c CO.; Seaforth. FbUNDRY. ..limmirwiLprri...„._4., 141 'l. 1111111111111111MINNUI, inie=a, 1 The Goderich Found y & ikanufacturing Co. 4CD FORTH CARRI1A HE SEASON WILLIAM Hos old all his Sleighs an busy makin GGIS AN A SST utters -sArA d is ndw ONgx A ew Buggies and :Wag Ili left ova. from last yetu•,' which will be sold chea ). An • peon wanting a s tbStantial Wagon or laud •ome Buggy should cal at once ani make ar- rang. cuts, as a large n bet of orders aro now iu., a. id those who wait too long vill prbbably not be al le to get their orders ' led: ' Ile, maring and horse shoeng prompt* attended to as- usual. 1 - 117ILLIA;1 GRA.S$IE, kodealxstrect, Cc:Vol-Me EAFORTH PL NiNG tILL. S 11,DOOR AND LIND F CTORY subscriber begs leave to thank hi istomers for the libera patrol go iinee conunencing bur, iuess ii Se sts that he maY be favor d wit , a c lie same. . • lities intending to builc wonhl do w a en]], as lie will coat' stock of all kinds of DRY PINE SA SI ()ORS, BLINDS, SHINGLES, • 11 1:f feels confident of giN w1may faour. hhn with t but 'rst-class workmen ar Particular attention JOHN H ue to eep UM ER E Md ILDJNGS, AT ET REMOVED. REMOVE M. ROBERTSON, HAS • Cabinet-nmker utl Undetaker, REMOVED his ware -rooms to JOHNSON'S in-stre OLD STAND, t, Senforth, Where he has on hand n superior' stock of Fu . lure of eery description.. CA LL ANI.L9EB I T. . • UNDERTAKING. . , Fla vitt; porehinted 3I14 .Thomas Bell's HEAR E I ani prepared to attend fitic•rals on :theshor' eel notice, either in town o'ountry. Coffins, AII Sizes,. Kept constantly on hail SHROUD61 SHROUDS! M. ROBERTSON, , x tended to ' " Main street, Seaforth, lins now on hand a numerous asso tment of Sla :os -- forth, and il; ntirmane i Geste-Es 3IAliER JOlinson.' AN]) UNDERTAKE OldStand, 11 to giv n hand • g saifacki n to thos eir pat onag , as non (maple) tl. aid tb BR Which he can furnish cheaper than they get iilsewhere. School of Telegrap HAMILtON, ONT. Under the Ipatronage of the CREAT YiESTEiN RAILWAY C THE Fa . •••••••-•••••-• PUMPS: ander:4010d haying eroded a new Ptunp tory abOut 40 rods north Of FF?ANCISTOWN, •••••••••••••[••••• GOVENLOCK 4.,kL GRAHAk Have now got their new Steam Saw Mill, On th. fNoorrnitl:erinutuaGinragvuetl Rhuod,ix ueb14Sst, miiesnorthandareo4.r. at0 furnish Lumber of All Rinds, AND BUILDING MATERIAL 01 every description, embracing a quantity of 11 APB WOO.n; Such as Mapl, Rock Ehn, Birch, Basswood Oak and Elm. A stock of FENCING AND DRAIN LUMBER kept eonstantly on hand, Terms as easy as can be had elsewhere. Lumber delivered in Seaforth, if required. Lumber of any description can be saldAfed from 10 to 28 feet in legth. C-OYENLOCK & GRAHAM THE LATEST EXCITEMENT On the London Road, is now prepared to mantifnc- tute Pumps, whieh for lightnees of operation and durability cannot be surpassed in ()Mario. Noth- ing but the best ,material used, Arst-clasa Work- men employed. ALL WORK WARDANT.ED. A call is respectfully solicited heft): pink:chasing elseWhere. GEORGE -BOLTON, 284-6m • Francistown. NEW HARNESS SHOP: Five per eent. off for cash at BELFRY & MAY'S, SADDLERS, SEAPORTH. Sho-) opposite the Mansion liote. 'We have now on band an assortment of good Harness, Saddle, Trunks and Valises,- Brushes Curry Combs, and all description of Whips kept ood must: ntly on hand: Rep I iri ig done at moderate rates. • Frei k .1iller s Prepared Harness Oil kept con" stantl onband at 7.• J. LECKIE BRUSSELS, Has just received and opened out OVER $10,000 WORTII OF SPRING AND SUMMER G-OODS, ca be ELFRY & MAY'S, Saddlers, SPECIAL INDtJEMENTS TO OFFE ustorn Planingr SEND FO 0IR0UL ADFOOT. 1 13-291. WM. GIVIN, Box • 28 Main -Street, Sea forth. S. L. KENNEDY, TT 0 USE, SIGN and ORNAMENTAL PAINTER ILL and Grainer. Paperhanging also attended to Work done as chenp as by any other good work/ man ir the business. All orders left with Mr, Kenn dy, or for him at the Ex.tosion Officeil w Y. . be promptly stttended. to. '279-6 J. P. BRINE, T IC 'NSED AUCTIONEER for the County of iron- Sales attenddin all parts o1 the Count y. All orders left at THE EXPOSITOR Office 8. will b • promptly attendedto. i 198 CO NS IST.IXO OF DRY GOOPS, gamy and Staple,) MILLINERY, READYMADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOESO HARDWARE, GROCERIES, &C. The stock is the Inigest and cheapest ever of- fered to the public, having been purchased on the very closest terms, in. the Very best niarkets, and eornprsiing over :820,000 of Goods. SPecial BARGAINS in Prints and Dross Goods. elling at usuel -wholesale cost price. MILLINERY in great prousion. Goods made up and trinuned to order on the shortest notice. Goods of all kinds will be sold at prices thativill defy competition. alalledcai'ntidstethee°11ngtsfo°ordesaASniTd. Cprices before pur- chasing elsewhere. JOHN LECKIE1 BruNsela WHO WANTS MONY? A STRONG, SEAFORTT1, Will Ilan Mono- at a LOW RATE OF INTER- EST, either on l'arm or Village Property. Parties requiring money should apply to him: INSURE YOUR PROPERTY AND YOUR LIVES. Strong, Seaforth. IS ALSO AGENT FOR The Scottish Provipeial Insurance CoMpany- 3:Ire and Life. The Western Insurance Compay; of Tnronto— Fire and Lift. The Isolated Risk Insuranee Company, et Canada. Terms as reasonable as offered by any other agent doing hnsiness for reliable Companes. OFFICE—over Strong et Fairley's G-rnemy Store, MAW, Street. Seafrth. 252 SEAFORTH NOVELTY*WORKS. THE Itzs-DERSIGNED, in returning his sincere thanks to the public for their liberal support during the past, takes this opportunity Of stating that he has seenred the services of M. ADAM GRAY, Draughtsman and. Meehenic, as foreman in the Novelty Works Planing, Sash 'and Door Factory. CARPENTERS AND FARMERS WM find it to their advantage to call, aS they can get any thing in the Wood Line done °lithe short- est notice. DOORS, SASHES, FRA3IES, MOOING% On hand and got up to order. Alimit number of DOUBLII AND SINGLE TURNIP AND CARROT DRILLS AND LAND ROLLERS, Wagon Racks andGates on hand. TO CHEESE MANUFACTOIERS: As 1 have commenced the manufacture! of Cheese BOX.ES ad SETTERS, Parties can be supplied on the shortest notice and oil reasonable terms. Boxes guaranteed to give satisfaction. Awaiting, orders feir different • sizes. -JOHN M. MARTIN, 285 Novelty Works, Seaforth. NOTICE TO TIV PUBLIC. • THE FLORENCE tEWINC MACHINE A S I have been appointed Sole Agent in the P..r" 4-17- vinee of Ontario, for the Florence l$ewhig ,°32L - chine, none have a right to sell the said machina except those appointed by 4.. In the County of Huron the following are the only autherized Agents for the Florence Machine : Theis. CODUOISi tr. P. 'Whiffet, and Lawrence Mnrphy, Seaforth; Williani McGaw, Clint on ; L. S. Willson, Goderich. Any pdrson or persons other than the above repre- senting that they have a right to sell, or can fur- nish the Florence Machine in the County of Eli• ran, 111 impoters, and the public are hereby warned to beware of them. 0. C. WILLON, General Agent for Onta40, 290 : Sealorth. CENTRAL EXHIBITION, 187C3_. $8,000 OFFERED IN PRE11111ThIS WILL BE HELD LY (IT HE TO if _11' OF 0 MPH, TEE 16th, 17: ;k , INV!) hnia 1 11111 ,Septeltbert 01'1'3' TO ALL. Prize Lists and Entry Papers can be had at the Seeretarys °Dice, and also front the Secretaries of Go.thmetrllSoTcoie:i,es throughout the Province. thPotrtihoe: Guelph, July 26, 1873. 11-Nsvii:tierrfteenteaderiy\t'hi.11eginthaPtitrirellstrLrteleth;n15sporiniocreto • JOHN HOBS O, President. 42964 vnio A.E,E THE HAPPY? pismino:hethwei.tchhoilodife:holisielediiinhs a a Withsilver and with gS.S.— oTcthblleiIN:Vei:e0 : Og2); grief fadUi st 1(18aret 8% breast With winter's piercng, cold. . :9101)N8t 9133:13easilv'e 111;er urge-nllir asbnisoltn)11 ii°:1510drit:ilgrl:se -i ---ght efolgtell'eorwfehlot,f1::tetillitthris: iv'te4:gel:b or falls, Wbo never has the orphan blest, NM' Wiped. the tears that flow. „A!dwlteillecinleis s n°fLicffnedriiiirgbo hai:dl-Tee calls, At a prowl distance stem's. q;whotolisee :huorslabbaosrse et:id::: emply, Ris brother's worthy ame Elie neighbors to defaule. These are not happy.. Tiey alone WroqhlievrSe't*sorbrloeswssinanialikSieiltite—ii. on; Tree happiness will find. THE I{DVHLISYS AT WI ORX. After all, authors are a queer rao of being Their "tricke and their iiianners," as Mr. Dieltees says, are endless. Ft om the small MRS- - tachioed Frenchman in his garret, frowning fiercely as he runs his fpgers throughhis dishevelled locks, and scratches off his- fenilleton, aided by absinth, to the ponderous • German ccntmentator, arid the "dig- tyfiedthe"fathistiro orilan. or ibpbhoinlo,oitthesoliet— itasndMi.alr-che,,_tleCyaeariltetbolinpec"uArifaide ra,ele: centric, each one swt gen,e2-i, and going his own gait in his own way, quite eareless • of the ways of the evOrard-deasYt owferall(11 airtuadietteerwriter, thinking over or composing his works. Caprice and whimsicality there reach their last dvelopment. they wander about, haunted and looking ha.god," like Dickens, or ramble away in a fit ef musing like Tha.ckea.y, or galloP furiously along the sea -shore like Acott, at do any one of a hundred things all equally queer. When at; last they, grasp the pen, it is to COMpOSe as they "got up their inepiration in a manner peculiar to themselves. A few jottings down Oa this fruitful subject may amuse some readers, I have allsded to Walter Scott He can not be called pees - liar or eecentric—on the contrary, his was a large, liberal healthy, somewhat commonplace nature but he too had his " ways" He rushed furiously up and down th.e, beach of the ocean on 'horseback, composing anefeleclaiminglthe 8t41.11. 28.3 0 " ISTarmion," and wrote the Waverley novels after hie own fee shion. In the morning he lay in, bed, the story ," simmering," be says,inhis mind. -.While shaving lie arranged. his "projet de *pare" He then, kindled his own fire if it was in winter, and his pen began to race over the paper. During thi perfer nance the dew or the fres still covered the grounds aroun Abbotsford, and the- luxurious guese were comfortably dozing in thei beds. When they made their ap peaaance at breakfast Scott's day' work was done, and he ems read for an exctusion to Melrose, a har hunt, or any other idling. Th; great man was not m the least od and not at all irritable. He lik to have his favorite der-honn resting his head upon his kn while he wrote, and welcomed noisy irruption by his childrn, ta ing them in his arms, teling the sstunain oriesg--hispen quitediwffheerenntu,efyrornain ti " staty " he was writin—and ir He wrote in a little bare room, -joining his fine gallerylibrary, wi snly a few books piled up arou hplanlin—:11nisd bculiainhe* ssa-lrlikcie. table liar This habit of composing befo breakfast was peculiar with Sco No other author with whose hab I am acquainted, except Milton, h adopted it—certainly ne one d t present generation,. evii1i may described as a generation of hours and late rising. , The m Popular and prolific of the mod English and French novelits cc pose between breakfaet and dime OC late at night. As ie rule, have not exceeded three hours {11DilnsTmne , \Bvasaltheer,linantfixed :-.itse health. having driven them t hadyooptthr— ionofatiwiaitsesyrsetegIa:d. fwore Dickens' own aeonnt of his ha As an author. He desCribes hiu asuntwilatilideery himgadeabhoitiint invall:uatn-odf4, places, in London or elsewh' potbendeerizgdindgreafziliiige,s toerfserfa, gard two -eine- at him and posse5. 1nm enco.unteileedr,ena oPed1:17117, ee;o7ehet z' I selves into the tissaeiof Inc nt ition and, having finished thie ladralnr do 'sat-1,to" ingglewith Iet hiisa;11111 xkes Thie was a business -lie proce Ile went at abont 11 In the fore it° his desk, placed Inc watch bi ni)anditPopdweritheis spleonwliyn atInied ink dela .uxelYtaa If he t1 hibt nyh s :i fastnt •